The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 24, 1885, Image 6

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Anv TkAwaAM ... . A. -
lariy from tho OBonicc, whothor4irecteito
-.. ......... ui niiuuiLT r.o iHBBuuicnueroruoi,
responsible' for tho nay.
The court have .lecideu tlmt refunlnjr t
tako ticwApRpum f mm tho pont-offJco. or re
fcovlntr and loavlnif tlirin uncalleil lor. U
Iirunu faciu ovlicuce of nut cm.
'With coniM"iit orthography.)
Mnrv h:nl a liitl" beau
V ho wan nil a-.vllll bore,
j.ii'l never Icuc ctiouuh to ccau
Till ma knocked on the I km;.
At Biipwr once with ilary folks
J I is dam tv was "rent.
A Jil. while; i he-y w-di tlur UstiM JolkS,
lie only iixm-A Ins pleat.
.Ami at Iiih htnyljj Into they lautfhcl.
Ai.l ho t Itnil a pk-.t
I.eiiwrkiil. while h!i:i they traily chaiiBhed.
i ki-ep no watch 0:1 men."
1 Oo hai! my papa known it,
'r ed MarvV h.Mi.t small.
T:itie inaiiiiiia hiy- she teeps on yoo
A iltDul W.IICII wneil iu can.
. ('. Itrl'jc. tit li'Jnttl I'rrt .
Ho Pays a Visit to Buakor Hill
i:-inIiiMc-iicrst of AVi-lwter anil Wan!
DiMilly lilt'cel oT a I!iiiiiritH Onslaught
How llohton Mi-els Invailem A
drat Ktrolm of CutorpriHe.
Last week for the lirst time I visited
the granite obelisk known all over the
world as Hunker Hill Monument. Sixty
ve-tro ago. if my memory serve me
tor: eel ly. General La F.nyetlc, dnce do-cca-rd.
laid the coincr-nlonc. and Dan
iel Webilcr made a few desultory te
rn irk.1-- winch I can not now recall.
Kightcen year.-, later it wa- formally
dedicated, and Daniel spoke a good
pvec. composed mo.-dly oi things that
he had thought up himself. There has
never been a feature of the early
hi-story mid unccu-ing struggle for
American freedom which has so roused
1 13' admiration as this cti-loni. .pule
jrcvah-nt among C'ongre.-smcn in tho.-e
lays, of writing their own speeches
Many of Webster's mo-t. powerful
speeches were written bj- himself or at
his suggestion. He was .1 plain, una--suming
man, and did not feel ahovo
writing his speeches. I have always had
the greatest respect and admiration for
.Mr. Webster as a, as a scholar
and as mi extemporaneous speaker, and
had he not allowed his portrait to ap
pear last year in I no Century, wearing
an air of intense gloom and a plug hat
entirely out of style, my respect and
admiration would have continued in
definitely. Hunker Hill Monument is a great
success as a monument anil (he view
J:om its summit is said to be well worth
the price of admission I did not as
cend the obelisk because the inner stair
case was clo.-cd to visitors on I he day
of my visit and the lightning ro 1 on tho
out.-idc looked to me as though it had
been iccoutry oiled.
On the following day. however. I en
gaged :i man to ascend the monument
and tell me. his sensations. He assured
me that they wen; lir.-d-rate. At the
feet of the spectator I'o-ton and its en
vironments are spread out in the glad
..-uu-hiiic. Kvcry day Boston spreads
out her environments ju.-l that way.
Bunker Hill Monument is two hun
dred and twcnlv-ono feet in height, and
ha- been entirely paid for. The spec
tator may look at the nioiiuint nl with
perfect impunity without b-ingsolic ted
to buv some of its lirst mortgage bonds.
This adds much to the geuuine of
lcasiiru while ga.fng at if.
Tin: nxTitAM'i: iiir. asci:nt looks
There is a Bunker Hill in Macoupin
County, 111., also in Ingham County.
Mich., and in ltusscll County. Kan.,
but General Warren was not killed at
either of these points.
One hundred and ten years
of America's most noted battles with
the British was fought near where
Bunker Hill monument now stands.
Jn that battle the British lo-t lOJO in
hilled and wounded, while the Ameri
can loss numbered but ir0. While the
people of this country aro showing
such an interest in our war history 1
:im surprised that something has not
been said alKmt Bunker Hill. The
Federal forces from Itoxbury to Cam
bridge were under command of Gen
eral Artemas Want. tho great American
humorist. When the American humor
ist really puts on his war paint aud
sounds the tocsin, he can orgaufco a
great deal of mourning.
General Ward was assisted by Put
hani. Starke, Prescott, lriillc- and
Pomerov. Colonel William Prescott
. was sent over from Cambridge to
CharleMown for the purpose of fortify
inir Bunker Hill. At a council of
-war it was decided to fortify Ureeds
Hill not so high but nearer to Boston
than Bunker Hill. -So a redoubt was
thrown uo during the night on the
ground where the monument now
lTJBrilisli landed a large lorcc ua-
Ic Generals Howe and Pigot. ant! t
two p. in. the Americans were rein
forced by Generals Warren and
Ponieroy. " General Warren was of a
literary "turn of mind and during the.
battle look his hat oil and recited a lit
tle poem beginning:
Stand, the (rrounr your own, my brave I
Will ye t'.vc It up to h!avti?"
v I ,
A man who could deliver an im
promptu and evteinnoraneous address
like that in public, and wh.le there was
such a bitter feeling of hostility on the
oart of the audience, must have been a
good scholar. In our great fratricidal '
strife twenty years ago the inferiority j
of our ("etjeral-. in this tespeet was.
pa'nfully noticeable. We did not have
a commander who could address h"n
trootii in rh me to save his neck. Sv- 1
end of them were orett' good in blank
verse, but it was .-o blank that it was
not just the thing to fork over to pos
terity' and .-peak in scuool afterward.
Colonel I'xescott's slatue now Mauds
where he is .lUjjpo-ed to have stood
when he told his men to reserve th-ir
tire till th-y saw the whites of the
eui'iny's eye. Those who have exam
ined the cat-iron tlint-Iock weapon
u.-ed in thos.? days will admit that thi-
order was wise. Thoo guns wete in
jurious to health, of course, when ued
to i'xccnn but not necessarily or imme
diately fatal.
aha! nn: ci:i:at vii:w is v.'iumii tiik
At the time of the I bird attack bv the t
Uritish the Americans were out of am
munition, but they met the enemy with
clubbed musket.-, and it was found thaf
one end of the reb-1 Hint-lock was about
as fatal as the other, if not more so.
IJo-jtou still meet- the invader with
its club. The Alavor say- to the citizen.-
of Iio-ton: "Wait till you see the
whiles of the visitor's eye-, and then go
for h:ni with your club.-." Then the
visitor surrenders.
I hope that many years may pa-s be- ,
r. :. ...:n ...,..:.. i.".. . t .. i
OI- IL Will il.Ull III- I1VLO ill t UK US Ol
soak this f.tir laud in Hnli-h blood.
The boundaries :" our Ian 1 are now
more extended, and .-o it would take
more blood to soak it.
I'oston has ju-t rca-on to be proud ol
Ihinker Hdl, ami it was certainly a
great stroke of enterprise to have the
battle located there. Ihiuki r Hill is
dear to every American heart, and
there aro none of us who would not
have cheerfully gone into thi battle
then if w had known about it iu time.
Hill A'vr, in Lost on O'obe.
His Fortune Made.
"My dear." said a father to his
.laughter. " how long ago was it that
f.'eorge Jackson went West to seek hi.s
fortune? "
"Just a year," the girl rcpliod, with
a blush.
"Was there anything between yon
and (leorge? I sometimes thought that
he was fond of you."
"He was. papa." and tho girl hid,
her face on the old man's shoul
der. "I promised (Jeorge when hit
went away that I would watt for him
for years if necessary."
" I have, a letter from him."
" Oh. papa ! " she exclaimed. " Pocs
he cr has he oil, tell me. what does
he sav?"
" Ho wants $20 to get homo with."
A. . Herald.
The Salvation Army.
General Booth stated at the annual
meeting of the Salvation Army that in
tho United Slates as many as 800 Sal
vationists were in prison "for preaching
Christ in the squares and market
places." In 187S. he said, the Army
hail but 127 officers: to-day it has 2,to0.
In 1S78 it had one newspaper and one
magazine: to-day it has '22 publications
devoted to its cause- Among tho
schemes now in hand is a mission to
China, with a native leader; also the es
tablishment of a Salvation Navy to
cany on the work ot the Army at sea
and in sea port-. Toward th;s scheme
a friend, who-e name was to remain a
secret unt-.l the resurrection, the Gen
eral" sa'd. had donated a yacht capable
of holding S0J people. London limes
People with very large noses m.iy
be intereste I to learn, that an Kng
doetor claims to have discovered a
method of reducing that organ. The
process. which he calls "multiple pune
tiform scarilication." consists in rapid
ly pricking the no.-e with a number ot
minute double-edged steel blades fixed
in a handle. From live hundred to
three thousand punctures are made at a
sitting, and the operation is performed
every week or two for some months:
meanwhile the organ is kept well
anointed. At lirst sight the operation
does not seem attractive, but Uie doctot
says it "is not paiufuL" . 1. Suit.
-4. A.
il .a" -lT
Thrpc llul; tile- In the room, on a pane
Three llttlu ilk' Just outside, in the rain.
S11M the throe little flies n they huinin"d on
the pane
To the thri-o little tlle who wen; out In the
" Don 1 you wj-h tnat you were on thl Mile
of the pane.
Insteo J of out there in the coM ami :he rain!
And then we must tell you then dinner
Thouirh nraljy and truly we haven't Sreu
loo kin ;,'.''
5ald the thn?e I'ttle tile outiide in the rain
To the three little .Ho inMiln on the pane.
" lie think it" much nicer out tit-re in the rain
Than -hut up where ou ar'. mH on tle
And then there's more fun than the Iroy have
at ball
la dodfc'in the rain-Iro$rt a-s fataa they fail."
And now I am Mire that my ieon I plain:
Whenever oii fii-1 there i.catie tocomulain,
lemeaitr the thixe little lllir on the jiane.
.:id the three litt.e Jiio Just J:i tho
D. V. Isrkx&H'l, in SI. ."V ichM.
iin,r, , .,,-. ia..i, ..... ...!. ...........
A.liIre-IIow t. I'.r rr. I
-.- ' .. .!! I .... L1.!:.!..
I shall not pretend to tell how many
figures there were across the slate. If
von have ever puz.Ied over long ex-
amide, as Hervev vas doing over one
.;,.,. . r... .
which had kept him busy, without re-
suit, for an hour, you may, perhaps,
sympaunze wiui mm.
Hervev now frownel at the liirures.
over at the goldli-h in the globe and up J
. ., f 1 .. .. .. 1 1 ,
at the freicoed ceiling over his head.
. , , , I
He gave a wearv sigh, drew a long.
idle, di-eontented breath. Then he
started up and Lent over the Iate. and
multiplied, and divided, and did all that
ine i U..1IU!: u.aiiiioii icwuiii-ii iiiiiu ine
, 1 . " ' . , ...
I i: I . : i .:i .i...
... .u "'"'' "" """ ao- ""-
whistle and a pleasant fac
Aunt luhth roused up from her bit of
a nap, and looked to see what the boy
wa- dong. Likely she w:l- thinking. '
and Mghfng. saving to her.-eli: -Whist- .
ling as usual." in-tead of working," 1
hut she only closed her eyes again, and ;
liervvy came and stood be-ide her. fohl-' good Chri-toph.'i' Dock repured the
ing his amis n a resolute fashion and j lather of hi- pup I to give hi- -on a
looking well, not exactly like the , pennv. and ai-o aked"hi- mother to
usual Ilervey. ', cook two egg- for him a- a treat i't
Auntie," he sad. glancing rather at honor of hi- d.Jigenee. To poor children
the Hour than at Aunt Kdith's face, in a new country the-e were reward,
which now lighted up with a half-' At ariou-other points in hi- progrei
waking. loving -.miie. which belonged ! an imbi-trinii-, child in one of Dock'-.
to Aunt Kdith her-eli and to nobodv
quired Aunt Kdith again.
"An mtemier t. -omeiiouy wno means .
to do thing-, but doe.-not do them."
"What kind of thugs?"
All kind- of right things."
Poor Hervev. How -ony Aunt Kdith
was over him every day. He intended
to be. early at breakfast: he intended to
ay his verse before eating, puuetuallv
lum promptly: lie mtenileit to he ! Ii-
gent at school, patient with his school-
mate--, observant of rules: he intended
to be studious at study hour, obedi-nt
eIse--.;or uho had a smile like Aunt father and . wo egg, eooked ,y his I hlll,,l toil. K:u-h must d uething. uX I f ?""LlT w." :.n,.iv K...U.. .V. ltdf I ais-
Kdit 1 - sweet -mil. "Auntie, it s mother. A thi- tim- he wa- i: t , . ., . , , - : latt-t c.uert i- nr of the -nnt. ' riJTi.t..-.. -i j.,il wt
mean and miserable to bean intender." counted a member of ,he school. Lit ' ,;lrt "'V""1 n :l" l,u; lhtl' "' '1 "'":: - h " ' "" Lt " S 2 S oolt w- j"u
-A what, dear?' inquired Aunt onlv a- on probation. T..eda on whi-h i'' ''Cerent t!,mg- that they do are to uuir and tt.o-e uho ,vpr-eut Him for BV ,,; ( ; "TiiUiV I .irra r. HVW-.i
Kdith. not under-landing. a bov or girl began to read" wa- tho work tog.ther.-o a.-top.ouiote theinter- , ""- And ea.-h inn-i be ndliag t.. do ,.'., i.-1.-l.1--kI-J-- .-,
"An int-nder.-' Ureal day. If the pupil had l.,v, . c-ts oi all. In- ouo w.k and doit .p.etu . jKi v j.T 11
"And what i- an intender. dear?" in- ' ,1 ii-eiit in -nellimr. the i ..,-ter. on the . tk ........,- i....:. ... : .i... 'M'- .ha-iibU. grau-f.ilh nj..iir ' '!"" .. " ,. !l. ... ?" " '
.u an times. one ever luant iter- mi-take slopped reailmg am! came :ukI m fa-t and -o tar a- men have returutd
vey refuse to promi-e to do right, but - -at at the vvr.ting-talih t write. Ih . to it have thev advanced in wealth, m
Aun'ie could not help knowing that poor fellow who remained la-t on the culture, in -oeial inh-r. in lie dom and
Hervev hmi-elf was an intender. , i.ench was called a I.ay .Scholar. i in all the elements of rivihaton. lu
"To do is better than to intend to do. The fuunie-t of Dock's reward- was , iH ri.-he-t. -tnnge-t ami lree.-t nation
dear." replied Aunt Kdith, a little sad! v. that which he gave to tho-e who m:idi ot to dav there are ew id!, r-. Ti.e ri h
"Vou do not say an intender is mean no m. -take in their le. on-. Hematked work lo incie.i-e the.r riehe- and the
and aorrid, because you know I am a large with chalk on the hand of the ' poor work lor their dat'lv bread. The
one."' , perfect scholar. Fancy what a time ; pie-'tlent work- in the lute Hon-e at
"ion are young, dear; you do
em likely to be an intender.' but I
ave faith in you to believe you will be ,
a doer.
What makes you think so. Aunt
Kdith? I di.-appoini you every day."'
"I think so becati-e vou are not
happv as an intender. and becau-e vou
can not honorably serve our dear Father
ami te ei-e titan a doer.
"Hut. Aunt Kditii. it is so hard to ,
i I- ? i . t
Keen uomg. aim i uou t Keen on. liei
.!:. Il.-1.
vey h'df -tamped his foot with the last
word-: he wa- -o in earnest.
"No. you do not keep on."
"Then what makes .u think I ever
It is tmposs'ble to love our Father
and not do His will."
Pint may be 1 do not love Him."
Horvey'.s eyes were bent to the lloor
and his lip- juiered as he added :
" How you believe in me." straighten
ing up again and folding his arms
tighter over his breast.
"Jh. yes: I am very sure of it."
"Yes, 1 believe in you, .-aid Aunt imuer. oui in .-. tn i oniv. n.o-. wn. Ju.V .Mil .y.,,., jOI, xu human !-h .r meiuorv a u. all iirikiudne. nn I it. u, , ,n,-i( ,.; dom-
Kdith: "you will not continue to be au . I"1" "ol ::.'J:, a perlect yclu-io'i o. j.luC((lM ,l(,rmighlv .sur.m. ' 1 tn and jd U ymr
intender." !L!!!!!rh hi-isd ", mm'-m,, nlmme'in' 1,u' ",,,u-lr.v "f l"' I,,'?'!'' ;t",, ,,,llk, il I h'-- rl of m-!mi 111.- h.w and ' cha.Ong-eU.vihnr.. HhkUIU
"I have made you a great manv n , v,mti ..; v. the cujiiuoo weal It i- ,wk. Iw.r Umd Mn.,,.r thf. ,.,,e,.: ,,. , . ..V.. .. .,. eri.-L a f,r IkkU
promises: it 1 could think of then, halt h .on . .in. n . "ibiv fn,ton.u? nn.l th,wt"m V" Pow"r11"f1:"' -ngle h,,..f woM U- ,tarvl ,f U al- , th., lo.oon.un potf-d mn,u,cn-
the tune 1 would keep them. Do vou , '.i, '"Vt ' it n"VrL thn rrk,,,ir l in,,,-h, w wr ?H, l r"V' -nv, M,arl aloft am! .ngau.t the ,,,. deavo-n, move tin-trrun. '.lu-t h
think I will ever get to remomber them W"V' ."? uU. , . " 'V V : " !.,ir .' Il den-e. to br-ng about on- of th-end- tl,. w.e,t fnut -r.m, near the to the -.hew .-,.. .j rt.. ."
Do vou know. Aunt, I can not . I,M ""-"" If. then. Labor ami -fw.per:itive IaUr
tec how vm can be sure of anvthing ..,.,)n;! tWo ,or .ct tu,N ;irc vorn, , U Cod's law lor our rac- if lb- h
about me except that I am a miserable , J"e hx- slylti ,s ' tlw mo;t "noui. iu.n to,.Verv man hi.- work all hou
intender." 1 he most elegant mannr i Jo content ;.., work N iIOrai,l,.. We have no
Aunt Kdith was looking on the lloor. ' one :uIf f h one stud, which ,-hou d ri ,lt t iav ,uat one tJe.,:ir:in,.nt
she did not rai-e her eyes, she seemed ! J,,! :l, J,';Vt'1 of ,r,ce- representing thn, nollIl.r or -nion. nM.Ut than another
to he deep in thought. I head of an owl. a cat or a dog. It ( w ,ave l)f r1,,t to d.u f jaj,,,,.,.,.,
"How do vou think I will get out of , nuisl not ,' lnT''r thr, a hfty-centtnie . vrot.u:i:iU nml II.Il:al, R ma.t,.ri
it all.'" inquired Hervev. still standing i !lBW; :lho,,t th, ii,z,; of mir farthing. ; :U)J M.rV!UNi ,-,lri j,,. ..VA'ho-i-with
his arms crossed and a resolution j -"-nghshraen will Ih; interested t . learn ; eVl.r will Lt (.,,-u.f :,morr, VOii b-t him U:
showing in the whole bov. which Aunt! that our rretieh neighbors fasten their , voup ( Ut. U!rr;.if Xui,
Kdith had prayed for every dav. but j wh:t ,us down at either side of the . J.anient.T at Naan-th. and Paul. H
had never seen before. ""'. bv means of jewelfrl pin-, repre- ; nu;. ,.mo..tlt xr. was a tvnt.mak.-r
"Out of what, dear?" she ituiuired. ' ntin;r thes. crescents horseshoes or , ,u ror,,lUl (X:,.n .j. f,.:v ui an armr
with one of her loving smiles which otm.'r fancy des gn. 1 he white tie -, j4..K.mi., more upon the 'tidelitv of I
told, without words, how dear he was
to her i
der' business."
"Out of all the 'intern
"You will start by remembering one
promise better, and after you have
practiced upon that awhile you will re
member another."
"What else?"
"Vou will overcome one troublesome
habit, and then vou will overcome an
other, aud so on until you get to be a
and leave nothing about your room
which you should put away.
"But. Aunt Kdith. that i- such a funny
place to begin; tell me sonc greater
thing to do."
We will come to greater things after
awhile. Starting the day correctly has
a great iutiuence upon our ways all day
,i ' i v; uiit-uuu. ". ... ... w,.-j.i .. ..... !.. -. .!-. k-s s, tiirrrtA 'fi-ri -w -tl ir i f nvrr . .
m. a t i n i rt iaiiari r w
-1 would like to be one all at once." Nowhere is ceremonial more insisted hU .,. And h nevvr ran v-ll how miow. ar! enable, thi mi"ii party rrri?r W.M ." 1 l 7-
A tr.t? never grew to be a tree in j "P,n tha" at, :i republican court, and j f:,r.rend,;Bl: 3a,i. tj -a-tro.i- mv l- the, to wamb-r at ,-e-t w.JI over tjT and T..-'wh har not ?LY?
one nght: an intender' never grew to Perhaps tin- fact may account, for the . n.MlU f , thlln h uorK. i'h- man d-adlvdrfTs iinmol-.ted br a. .- lim.,,,i. ,ui n"
beadorino.ieday." excess of detal into which the friend- n .,K. ma(.hlit. who 4n,r a ,!aw 5n IUIf... Thr win hi.r pre .w-.t.U, buV imuATT
-But 1 can trv." MX Hacchaumont enters upon the inb- ,hc livlt bu. lhn.wfi. tn ,;v lhje r,..: .i, bin Uum rr a tt-. ,nhiji ";' whJL "? r
Itv all means trv to do right cverv ' Jetct of evening dress. lew white ,,i n9t In.,n to a raordrer. lint UicW ,n the .now. nur9rtV-r-tU y Mfi. ? u h,. ' iT 7 v . TZP
minute of every dav. but do not be- d:.-- ov-e- re.MJen in good society, he re ,. .aai.pint;.,f that io -e U irwi Jed u. th- li.w t-oiintrr. tin!- n wiihuuI.. i wt ' u ,Y 1U. . ,. " " ,, . T tJ,at
couraged if vou onlv get along slow lv wrlc. Th- jarl-gray I,rbv glove- to ,1.-am.-k ng of a -h t i it w.x- -wrto-r In -otarnr h.-range. . """ ",J l
for awhile." " " ; ' ;t "" f:ivo w" ? b,,ac . tnitig Ux rx-nvi a it-ad nnd id rcar- " tue oimwit aJmo.t ol tJ hi-h .. ' ?l2S ",r 'mI r:',-
"And vou think I can be a Moer3 " ! --mi'hY :,ml lwo bnton- a -? l- reg dnvra on a e -horf. 'Iho ::&. cW p U, the irptiia1 aor .. u w ' t' f'
"I nevvr said o." Aunt Kdith smile.l nm-t 1 decollettes at a dance, but to .. n, a .ofl V-H.k ia wn. , ,j,4. . i.. , on th- I ci.-n,. tuo-t . . . . .. " , JJ, a.f ,l . 7anjT
at hi-. pttz.Ied fac-. "I said von would . fe;:ive occ:l',.?": ' A.ol re shoe- ,;Wi f a CoK ( aUc ;rjl -niTWI!:tt -. Wonted 2m h-j MmI t-r In w- on lB ' u ';,Pir, ' , -rT4 3,r
uot continue to bo an intender." j mu-t U-worn. I hi enumeration of ? llrt ,,. j,, w ,-atU J-alii: tar. mMf . ?., . illv!0 an'
"Toll me how to Wgin; how to start tl'" '-ninortant point msi-teu ., eH4rik f a :J,M1M10; aMra frf. , .. ,-.un the hdU.k-.. ml. - far . 1-, t bf t . ' w ", B - to
to get out of it all." upon by the apparendy n-cygaied -ar of ,ur y ,H nct.ti : paier tiiis romrx-Iknl. h- vaa-J..T- er th-- ;onr. ia -'?.?'' V tT 1 rr-
-Are vou readv to reallv begin?" u,r l Ju;,ltr mv -"t pron- to those j;. 3Bl1 j) rijarA. antl w lo mef.. oar clca,.l r. n.uWme L-tt and th-r-. T T ,y r" k, . 7 m? U
..1 ti.tnt ; At. v.ui."' " who read that the -tudr of xaill nerr .. m.k,i ..i...- .. ;,., f.i ,- -..i uLm-v' t. $ Ltu in -1 v ft- ' . .. ' . '"' -. ti Vm'Tattt;o
"Hang your clothes iu vour closet ROt . m trance covaneJ to tfc a t u.. Thn ha-: W D faithful in velon : U-a.dd. sHtat. warv. kr-n ItaJdnT. . ,
vou retire presentlv. instead of e " in wau rx ami uiai ixr a K.w .h.-n,.? j ,ry Ultelhct. n,jcr I M and rrd. wish a wrn4lerfnl .nt .iTf, ., ,", h-i ot rxe-
ting them uton Ae tloor. and arise masemme minu acro.- tac silver wai ol,.r ni.rjv ,h ..j...- for dang-r. I-vtv. uh prea: eon : .!r. ''.'.' " -- oi o
tho morningatth. lirst call: pour the "- ,ven lo i-ate iic on tne s .t-?ci . .., ,a ( hr st r-oacted for !! ' trnipt the lort-r worM b-nnaih h.m-i j.n ' ft7 ,i V . Dr e,":"
trom -vourtjaJin after bathing. "i,JL'tJ n """ "''- -" -M" " -1 1 ciun.-ti. Ia oae of His Ja-t iUcrir-e- Dae lorget-; u tfrata-. waUrh ,-rtj-.. ... - -.-'a. 07
loor.irtt rill, at night, fccl the Item
lit of having begun in thisfttnny plaff."
But, Ann" Edith, :ell me nioru
thing.' 1
"Keep to thee thing- strictly and i
perfectly for one week, and then tell j
nit? if the very ctlort to try to do them j
hai not heljK'd you overcome something j
cNe which you may think to be moro ,
important.'' j
Then you will give me something
else to trv over?" 1
"Ve-s. if you wish, but the days them- I
selves and our own coiwience will j
soon .-how you auuieihini; ebe to trv '
over. j
"I never yei got much further than '
the promise, but. really. Aunt Klith. I ;
alwavs have meant it when I said i:."
"Ve.s. but you di I not meaa it ear-'
nestly enough. !
1 wish 1 could get ra.tde clear over :
ajrain." t
J here is nothing to hinder vour .
.:. . 1...: 1 ... i
habits beiti!; made over again
-I mean they .-hall be, A;mt Kdith.'
"Then begin with the little thing.
one at a time every da. After a little
while the right wav will be the c.5tnb-
I 1- t .1 1 .' .
nsneu naoiu ami it wilt tn no men;
trwhf, to vo ju.n U) (Jo rj ..hl ,han
is now to do wrong." " J
1 Herrey ki-sed Aunt Kdith: he gave
"'r :i "-'"" farmvit. manly look wnieh ;
s,1,e ,ar",Ml m I,er ri-m..ibr.iav many
, davs. It meant a promise unlike the
j M-,aI iromiM.s wIljJh lorVevhad -iven.
j :ind with Aunt Kdith. we uill believe in
t mm. ami Know mat lie will not con-
titiue an "iut.juder." because lov,- to
:,;d :!. nianly n-olutioii are all that
are if'iuired to make anv bov a doer.
,.-,. ,- .- , ,
I'coryt. him; :, in A. 1. observer.
Tliu runny Way 11. Hail f Keiiardin
Imltit riou 'lilar.
i i i . . i ,:e.
A hunilred and liftv ears ago. amiitin
tliei.erman settler- of 1 enn- hana.
tj,,.re w.-i, a remarkablo old -chool-
ma-ter, who-e name ua- Chri-topli:
,. . ... , ..,.. (. ,. tii, ,..,
:tt a btth- place eaib-d -kippnek. and
then for the next three dav.- he taught
at Salford. '
Witenevr one ,.f ,i- voung,-r-cl:olari
succeeded in l.-arnin-' hi-'A It C. thv
-chools ncived a pennv from hi-
morning after the lir-t reading d.i.
would iiive.i ticket careiullv written o:
' illuminated with his own hand. Thi-
'read: "Iiiduslriou--one penny." Thi-.
showed that the scholar was imw reallv
received into the -ehool.
; There were no clock- or watches; tins
j children c true t -ehool one alter au-
j other, taking their places near the ma
ter. who -at writing. I hev -pent t .i ir ,
lime reading out of the Te-tameiit until
all were there. Cut c.erv on- who!
succeeded in reading hi-verse without '
the lov- and g'ri- niu-t have hail trv- I
ing to go home without rubbing out
this (C Edward l:-jy?uu. iu ..
A hoit .
The !.!arl Tie K.mi-lieil A"nln Hie, fivii
or Three St ml- .Vlav lie Worn.
V. . . ,
Pan- ;Oi.rnal--t is good enough to,
enter into the details for t'.e hciudil of
. a '
hi-reader-upon she sub e.l of the cor- .
tvf form of evening dre-s to be worn ;
by men of bou ton. He ha- al-o illu
He ha- al-o illu-
j trated hi.- meaning by introducing the
I iiortrait of a ladvlike voting man in
kn- e brceche-. white w u.-icoat. gloe-i
and a gaudy smile. The tvraunv that
rules the mode does not exempt tho
' members of the -tern r -ev. They afe
' obliged to wear rings, hut they mif-t
; be only two in number and niu-t bo
worn on the little linger of th.; right
hand. 1 he vvateh mav be wi r:i alter
neigui oi m. p-cimu in nave uie even- ,
,nS "";l niade ot vvlute pique to match
a"f"1 r-esiaonsne.i. inc g.iueo youm ;
oi I ans made an attempt to replace it
of Paris made an attempt to replace it
tnimacnlate tint by one of naming red.
It liecam- rather popular at first, hit at
n rsTit l.all 'it flirt llvseo th nwl tie t
received a crushing blow. The gentle
. ....k .. M ...... ....JW ...... .... f
i ,1 ' , ... ' , . occupation:-, there i-. wonderful bar- vieM- a line n.p ot t. I'rnv tor a, nr: l- that ft.m abay r tt in
iiiv. i nw in i-."f-jitri4 iiiiii-i i" iiiun , . j
attired were begged by the officials to ( f ryvrx worj- ;, dvin.-Tx at
go and exhibit the cravate rouge ! J0 j, ',,, ,. n. for hint.if onfv hut
where upon which tlvi-ir clicks took n, lhv ra.,. ,. u n,cr ,,.,. ,!...
on a blush that rivaled the Hat of the .,.,t ,-. i- fii,(rT ;
collar or upon the. burning ijiK-st'sW. ot
the culo'.te coune. -.rrsus tie natton
aoir. London jieirA.
Frenchm-'ia are nothing if no: po
lite. When a highwayman n Pari
snatches a lady's pockctcoo. he tin;
k'ase her.
bADBATH IN SUMMER. siv,-(t h sumnrr nMi3.
U tfa ft' t enlrn noti trtht.
?vl in the brittle ,(ii'!
,. w. tirf- Iirl tcr Urht
ltn.-hT than leKHKlnr rattce
lif hiiH-' sijhin :tMs ul
The lfi;r-n hart b-tHjit Hljm,
.wl nut- Amiu ilHr.
WHt rt co to the wmry.
Wbji: eoiulert to tbr ad'.
rtr?vtiia? wU hi- initli
l he t hivuaa ntl . rfaH).
Ij'.-lil tni:i inun ;ss.l la HrtVM,
'i he hk. !-, )-.
I,nK-e to the beitrt ctVrn
t"j-ll this jrfevt day.
O. wbut mui t the SnMmth
In that ?ir umi'r LttMl
wlirrr Ji-u h-u-1 Hi isfl,
A tMlt. Uniy ImwI,
I5e.le tt- 111 ftKintaln.
.nl Jn the pn'ttrnw kreen.
W here nmor titl' a bn!t-vp-s
the tr.i:Muil cvr:
Ilotl .n. O TIM. thv eharW.
1 Iajt t!as jr1 HK'til- iKrwst.
1 We n li! n.i mtil the durs.m-3..
The ttl e uill titit We4.
The t-Ve! ii'ieummntloti,
1 The r-aiat'itth tfitinmt etui.
! for u: the tr tMUt.oii
Will inure thn make .fnen!.
' Rtc. I'cttr M!.rr. l 1.. m A. 1". ( Wrfir.
Sunday-School Lessons.
TIIIKI" Ul lt7i:K-
Jtily l?-Hnrtan.I AhM. I Klnr 1 3-1 '
July rr Kajah tl.eTi-hUte t M, It l-M
Alltf. 2 K.ljMh Mi-et u.-AStah 1 KlB.-- J-
Am.-. t Tliel'rtiphetoof llual I Kiu? 1
Alls. 1'" The l'ruphi't ol the
I.orl t K'twr 1
Au; 'SfitUliah nl Hetvl. I Km.-- P
A inc. :s The turf t 1 K-nv- -I
epi. tr- r.hjahTnmiai tl '1 K.u-. 2
t 1-
; Ml M iheshtiUMiii t -sn.'i K ! 4
s-epi mjt .Naamnn the
irai. rKutv- S: i-M
tept. T. IJei it-H Nri !
.'- tit N.JU.M
Temjienuu-e, r t.ther I.ev.m tieetts,l j,
I the chjt.
t The Primal i.ih ..i itixir ih.- i.i ..i
Prusrt--.- u iimif-t Work tike iiu-
..rai.i. -iin i.a i:.-.n . n-.i i,, rnri-t
ir hn
' This i-( in i- prim .1 lau f..r the hu-
....... ..,. n. . ...,, Al, .. , .,,.. - ...
, ,1-p to keej, it ad t die- it. A.iam
wn, n,.it. to .. .. ork,.r ....,1!.-
. , ,, -
,I,J? " , . W"rk-. ,!,' u':l, " ' : "u-
I .....I 1 -.,.1 .:.i ... 1 :... :.. .. . : . t
iiiw 1r11 -.00 its 10111 in nit- eeiei-e 01
hi- paternal auiliority- io work in mv
Ihi- law v..t- uot nfiiYif.ii.Ml
uheu man fell
., , , .
11 the world, a- m he j- to work, aipl iioi give
to each hi- own woik. The earth i- to
Ih -ui'diied. doiuiu.on over the bt-ats i-
to ! secuied and maintain eil. Thi- in-
i-iatmu oi thi- pr-mal law. The lir-t
ulea of the -avage i- to do a- little work
as po ible; hi- -cei-nd i- to make -oine-
' ' , -, i.t i-i- ,
work tor him; ami the thml i- to -teal.
iMiili !.. i.-lit. iK iv ..'i L . r l..s .. I... ...... If
:,-i . . i . i- ii i ..
to -ecu..- No vvon.l.-r that the tend.-,,-
ey oi iarian-m;-topoverf. - that it i
;i cond tioii ot t.ruin. -huer and
u.-r; that it de'rad.
iml brutahe.-
Thi- primal law of labor ha- U'enthe
Jaw of progre-s thewo-ld over. .Iu-t
Wa-hiiigton hard r than anv arti-ait
in New T'.nglnml o- miner in Nevatla.
l'e.t vvli.ifif all tln-e milJion-of tod-
cr- iu our free 1 md -hould trv to do the
I Mtm. tlmiL'? Ire I- hen- no -v-teiii
jame thing? Tr
I ol c::-tc: ,, :iw .onit.ell ar anv man to
I t -..--
do a patlicular kind t w.k. r lotbid-
ding h .- doing anv k.ud that i- hone-f
If . '.Il tli.. ..... .. tl... I . .... .I......... . .....I
.... ...s .... .. ii ..I. , 1... ! . i ii.i ..
to 1v ,. ,...,, , U,.v tt..
'nave a legal and nm-titutional tight lo
do -o. 'I here i- no re-i mi lor that.
however lor So! ha- enacted certain
1S w u",rn w'" ,:U1 ''' l' ' "l-
ply and 1'euian.l tnat regulate su-li
lna'ter. y, n -oim-t nie- trv to evade
the.,' laws. The le-ul: .- ihe over pr
.'.uciioii o! certain th ug-. or the over-crov.-iling
of ceitMti iudii-tre- This
causes tempoiarv cmhnrrn un-nt and
But lie mater i- om fL'tiliitel
b. a reduction m pi c - or in wag.-.
in t1 e whoJe. con-nlering the number
of vrorki r- and the great diversity ot
f(,r ,,,., u. cr,.:il, lhl. MbU.
.,:lt:n of ,.. ,.ar.),
.ul-mv thaIl a.m :hl. m-Jltar.- -kill of
Jtj ,;,.ncraL f.
ju ,;,.ncraL -,,.. arc,',teef- bjnhKag
.j cniBt,,,. aml UU if the rn-w-on vmt,
t mi-haien -tone under one
. .. .
.. ... llllMin
th worjd IlobU. in anv ami rrv
nioiloriioiiiiiia inr
I ir ".- fcli " tw "'
aiuan. a c u. iii. j.i-
t Mark i.i.;) He ;cnrc-u'- Ih
Ii,;,:,-. s , liairt. whom He ha
1 f. th.- ire ol II - hou-r v-ry onu .
I-a- onth ng to Jo. The houhold
- orga..f - on iW principle of univer--1
act;v ty ami harmon.ou- c-oper-atiou.
o one i- to v idle. No one
i-1 eltoa-c hb cvka wo:L- No oac b
I . . iii'itp. lu nl Uo L r I tv rvattA 1 m
' lvi not onlv umcr-:tl toil iiit IitT- . " ' ....i.t .aaM&. i I . i.iLk.
o w.irk ;ndepsnlently of the re . ! ;
one t t interfere, uwle-" duh author- :
:ed. with anv of hi- co-wnrker. All
xzv to rtit?iitii t hrit h the hrnd '
:h ho.:rbld. an.1 to l'i tronipth
verr :Di.iuiit tu of lit wiil m Hi-
ut mod i Hh pro.klrrr... Tfc..yn the -iuiMit' m vm "v
a fw: Iv inu wliirh w,t cWrbv aw ! Mr. Kn-Hnshri and feor nnaanr-
btrth. ao4l to wk-rh or 4uti ar.'
aered aixl h faking. V nr iiwbr
of Carl; and member- d ooe natar
We have dier Et. lot ail o lhm
arv tor Ibm odiAratiutt d the vlle.
When we tudv ilhitm'4iu of Ue
chri.h aad it- ua with Chr-t nhich
j laul prr--at -a th teHh chapter of
M- efH-tl' to lb Kttuixa m r alnio:
jtt-.tuiil ta jiymg tar.t u-iae u! t an
Wave nn lodet-nUeat r.,aec:Kn with
ottr If He the head and wr
fe the part- of thf btwh. tv attar h
haml or lt to th brat! uoithl W
uoiistru '!! hand or fnH en t
eooertel ".mh th oaly a a jnrt
of ih 1 oly nh in uu ;i w ith the
oiher n eat jt ol the bo U nh a ro-
AtwruStnar if lit. t.t .l......lut .u.
:W utlusr -r,,.. .. ...A . .....i. :M.i
MIMMi tin- hrad. It t. trwt. that u. Uatf " r lUn rrntU "f1 v
et.rh aad all of --trtaia tM.r-4.ajd d.i- bf.dal pr-at tnm Ha. W. v. i-ti,.-
to Christ. Hut ev,.t, ,o tbf e vr . n-" U ah Bu H Upm
are i:o' to firgri t'w A u1 '
!arg pnpon.:i ui our hrit.aa thittf . IVrUan th mt Mt'WMil Iitrrv
are t!nir t Chn-t thrtMih llu horrh. civ-iwitlalioit' vr swrptiltttal '
Tlwvar Int f . in the oarthl hMi. WlKfllBJt. ' rro4i4riI C ar -
nither than t tin jt-ou of the" il.uv--
htihh-r in llc.tio. Here wn ihe rrn"
I f Men wrnt ot ol tho
j hoti-f into tie- and eav u mmu-a
with itl and to Iwoaw hclv l')w
i '"h'd lHau- thf."d thi- primal
i law of th ra-e and .' tb rhun-h.
I.t it then tn diotinrtir umUr-
j -to nl that in (,- hiai-i tht r
j re no gue-t to be naUiM oa All are
-er ant- All ha.i duttV.- to ttW rhimh
i atitt to the it eat I ot tar rhiirrh, aad
the-.-tpitie-re Iarglv ia thtc rburrh.
; I he l!i.u-eh.dd.r ha- n-.irafd thrm
j Hi-..un to e .h. a-conl:g to HUfil
pha-ure The .lute- that in-ero to u.
the b.lh-t mit u.t - ia HI- .-ti-
, !nR!l""' 'I he ,eloa who lail-fe. veati
! i' lh"r'"h ran i" -
. .-r erf ih-abhM M-rmtm. .No jttan ra
, ,M J"--l ! lir. b the tr.nh
I .. 1..1 . t ... .. . ... ...11 .
. "not- -nn. iii 111 n it'on liiii x ein"ni
' iitl. The at the .h.r mn iinrt
.':-,i" -w eourt.iu-tv u- o prnjinre
I l.t... ... I...... .1... ...!u: .... I I... .. L
unit v in .ii iuf iih-'.-i riaiii. r jtf
... . . . : .
iai - annti nun in want 01 lan t
tin'.: htm to li-ten with inJit.
I Then tin- Inn of ( hnt t.r th h .
j He ha- left on earth and to which He
i u,w r-tnrn to reckon hU nr.nni'
if I... l . .11 nl ... t iv'i.srrl.i fi. ..f-. .. .. Mn..
ter so go d
,.l ,i .. ..
" ' .'..--
v ..... i ' .. :.i i . .1
..iii -' i; i i.'-si- i,s hh
tr e vvorki t w id lie
I on of hi
f.. I.... ...v.l . - .... . .... ...... .
Iheni AMI., in 1. u.l! b. ,
. . ., ., i i '
it1:'" inpi-'iiiiTU'mwuii ii eMi an. nn.i
.inbui.- t-Mar-U the
..,,,1,1,.. ....t..,,..!... ..t
,, ,.... .,... .,!v.m., ... ,,... "u
and the gl.rv ot I mil. VtVu ; . r.r.
.... ..... .... .... .4W- ., ... .. -. ...
Educate the Heart.
- -
To f-ilin-atc men mlollc tuallv and j
morally i- .uiiv to put m" imir
hands jMivierftd weapon- for the cnn
mi-siou of clime-; in'efd. it i now I
reeogiiieil that education vvit!. out cor-'
re-pml ng upliftmg in moral- - fd a '
e.iu-e lor tnoiootiug erime,
dviiauii:. eliein-tr. tt:e
the j;.imMtri'" la'he thi-.$iiile n!l tit 1-
i.-il ui tii n.!iiin--.on ol ei '. ait .
fa 9 A ) A tit. tik tl. l.lfllkl, llld if
know ,-lge, leaeh ot thS :......r.ll I
Mai toonimoteenme. N.word-Ho
........ I I .... .1... ., f ..,.-.-.
,-,.i,,.,t .... i..,t .. '. .i.T-iT.... l.i... "
.v -, ' l,i 1 ! ' " 1 I
,, .4 ,m..d.. moral upliM i,g w a '
iKiiViii,!.- m-l an .tliv-tire K-lifaM !
.. .'..-. ' . i
i, ;ii-;o-l i ',B'' a IIIB41 neiii luai etj in i
. ' J J ' "f7 ' T., S. - J!i
dnv.-tin- i.i.dtii.lii-atMiu labhi .nto h.j.
. . - -
IhkmI that
t...,t r iu,t.uit
- - '
, i
lb- hri-tuvo t- like the rtpeuiuj:
ora. thenar he gri.u, the mWeWvv.
h h,.U-ad-bi, M-'Ar... J
iiewnre ot holiHg men jmI thlr .
mi.:i-. or of adootmg t mr .lorlrin-
b--mie you hive and v.-nratu thHr
t'u'tiat frJnnvtiee till vowr hinrl
groUTl'l O. . I.'ltHI'tr
Now here can a man go that temp,
tat ion can i tinl bin. Temptation
- ',- a frn pnt on all the rail- i
ro..d. a frre bt-rth on all the lKit. a
fr-v rtit-anci.-to .choil-r.eim;. and ImmI-ne-
trfliit , afll jilav ground and
cv.-n Ui t!e Hiiu'elie. - '. Twin.
-After all. the lliole niunt ! iti own
arguux-ai aud i!Hrrif. I h- power ol
it can nevf b-prmed un- -t felt, tmporarie If anv on- i ,otrj
Tne auth. tniy of it inn never be ip- plating g"tag w-ro the wroo!Mn
p-rt-I utile- it i manife-t. Tli" light iVTirimh. ttang.n thetuevr. ft-ilin;;
of i' can srT.-r l t-rnon-trate.I unlei nth a inalt-. 7rnz a bn.--lsH tun
it ;ki'.-- Or. If. J. I an thjlc , pir. kill ng bj or b-r rnothnr tn-Uw.
mmt i .-ating rxbrv-rat. monger og vJt,
Thi- ,.ih- rabbi: ; a curio.i. lit-
TlSe 5now-Sho Rabb't.
tV- Wluvr; the !we ,kin of th fe.t t .
srtdarg-! o a to (-.xpand on pr".ur
aal I'unav can kiui along deep wft
iqiiv wbvr no 1 ringan-rual can I tiUrm
hm. The maintain go3; h a iawlar
pn4M-lion gtri-n it bv nature. th-theVc
-w Lii . i t. iir Jj kifa
,i, .. . -.'-- '
ic- n.- v"- w..r-. ina
hog a nerd of lU-e few b'
I alarmetl. Iuck. iouidera. chara.
chJln area, h-rr. ground Uith-m nuui '::,,,," Uie UM" "r P"40
Ivbopmng.kippngaBd jHtaring. d , a "riuWx toL ar the
vrar. fra!tr. anr ar. on th go Z,' 'I V. a,",n,nr lft" 3'' biy.
liktr a ilrfung cou.l and ic a rooa-at. u I K,.I"rl J to ob-y Ji of tho
alxa:. hart raatbL -nfaau Uft ..A? V n rci'x!Je2 w dt-
1 Vriaj pro:ais3t. O'eWci ?uf.
It i ahl tharHornhinlt- t'o am
bitiou 3rt to sr fat and wnt .otl
- Ta? vratiu of tJic lata HS cnn-
. rvl daughter ill"'
thrtr futurr h - H'tMMijf.' "-'
Aalt.i Arm-itir. who mntlr nw'
a uvcfujl dbu( ? oi at rnrU
MU Anii Ipp neott. a slj.wxhr f
Crae" (irrvnrt-xl." of l"WlttItjlfla.
Itt4tad:ktt Pr
-I: i.afrt-l ta: tV oaiiurrp
Ift br Victor Hwvw wWI W ltt
mluatsf. lhrr of ;k-in Hll Ihf pd'
, lrA tbeithr4 wMwk awl kur
.' . , i
BIllWH NHIIn "' "
The mu "rmnHlmaisr" In a at
tempt at a trn'atkJ oi tt I4 an
name OptttVhap-iy. litrralU.
Jist who ? at p4 jaihrrlo am-ami-
mtopoumL" t'htrif .
.h Jutk darin. lritT
, of the !at- tt-nrml .stctavm-nll .
xerU. tha4 it hm bUr fca lh ftr.
in a nuage o t.aai tai rii in
Uonif. into "It i lst4r U b th
h.! ui : Ut :n the Uil f a IW "
-.I.d Chantlirr Horrw t'mh
-nM-.') n or m.Iet nni tl.flWrn'
Wtwm ho 'i' in Nw V
'vk, a fr
tM4Mths a.i a
d'ermia! to
ana'- r f jiMtrsal t
.-! him n haacMtsff
Wttrn hr hranl H h waordw! tt
a trua httnti an I t'rfrfrfcil ba'h t
hi. htf.r.ii.-v Th thtur t t niaiviu'
an af:r diaarr prch w ntore than
ht-tuil -Iimh!. tari4txi 1 1
r..itrnr to th grarrai brij-f
I'rjiim- ."Mat Krt 4ai : writ th
tar jansr!l Haanfr wad vm
iint a- a pr.ottT on a hji;lih mm-'-id-war
" He wnte it m h. own boat,
to whirh ho vta- nt whale li. tru
iMnlinen: hr. tn iriiv. iUtii.i
a inHer Uit rther a gr vi lh
Hntth Atltiural. haig vUi;t th t--'-U
rcre Ihr reU-a-ol a rrlatir '
t-iv iirr't'L
The toll in", ar th g d ih.'
well Known Hoiust-n aaaard 4r
AUui fi Mart Aatlrn. i: Sarah
Itemh.trdl. It .Mr- lt-nt. .: It.v
ltonh-nr. tit; ilii llrakit. t-.- .Mi-
.. j, ... .. lit 'i- . M,
I .inn nii'i-iii, . r.iiin iuv, at, sir
... . , .. .. .
ii i'hiimi, i.-; ,wr. iiearv in
i. iv-
1. .ni'd.
- A frmrr v . (k. .,?. ra..
. - r.MMam. -. a .Inic Hfh b
emi... he U iiliar mat tt in th
lattlliV i"mhVN .!
- -Mh lt in rc-U. n..n.trful to
J how well the a.n kr 4wp " Jfe
i 'Mini., thtvi i utxthjE' Vhrn I n
,H4,i,,.r I w, u Ve-p t.j. DKitw ta.m
art tn runt put w gtiir fiHf,i;t.'i
A Ni-w VorW ltl rariM'Mtrr d n lull --t d tsrvth U,t ttlulter.
whiJn v.ti w.ut Fhwrif nr jdnyr ot
nl wtVr vot mit .avi a full mM. of
tee h IMwrte (r Mth whit lOU
wait. uuV th tatthlkr; t ohftiiwwt
t'tci' N
Kihl -What Jtnr It .1 V. I'.
lWHUl '4 U" lh" . I"
C U -; . UBal M jw
""" -nj. ...imnm .rn,n a-
lJ'. . " m-aa. rrtthmmt
" tw Ut ?" ' thHW y
kmrW lhnX " ,o thtt "
.A Bt..! . Lx.Vlnfr ajtn k.s-.k .. Itl.
- -- '- v ..-
Uh1-I M..e. M.a mm! riuull fc.
! IT.' "Mr. ' ai4 .-
mini num. haughtd. "lhn
UarvliMf hHi' " -Hi-' tdhl Ih-
Ml-hn.hif iraii'ver. -t vth utl tJh
': tJnt pi.-., wuert. llWy m0 rmh. '
And th Uii-t mvm kim aw a v- X. T.
..KmJ b ,
Wtwh M1M,W, ' , t Aria 1.. m
.,1Mel. I. , . aL...ih iL....r u ni.
,. 4,,M, tin. ..ti,,u-t u t,M.Lint. ...
,t it ,1 t w,,,, ,l4 Uh Mi Wh
lJitI..M. It attain!.. a fatly t bmuiNM
hohl-i iu nml nn I brtk'T lt tfce
"What biul habiur" rrrile. tli vrim.
witii a tiar in Iw 5i "Why. darling,
what, ih you ini'iin kH4iiii!
wertlv -Nollomg mm-h. n L -t
cejil diat thn- eTir)n. tud oal :'
but iiiok"." Sm g.t otT nl ;hr t-t
tatioa. mmL rutiirneil u her purtmial
hornr Mrrnfmnt Irnrttrr
Thi tb- the Ktan iOLi
Jottrtmt aA rmrtiri;' t eMiti it vo-
! a ouenw. or doing other rut n
Tw. U, Jt"7 " '" htnX
n ' "',rr V rrulxx. a. j. 2u t.
v-t e.-W dt-vL. p2e.e y;i tun- a hint
pr.!.rly a:urlaJr mornin;
h. t
I M. ,
If wrmr w&.,n Tol, hUlntt,m
eaMlr fnrot.-.l than coniU-
m ,rv. w t-miirn I. .11
iTilali-it 1 "
CjIiC ? iot,"!n d
!!t,m Tl? j1 . L-r a l:Urs