The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 24, 1885, Image 5

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"t&spfz "rs 3?r5'arrits .
he Red Cloud Chief
FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1885.
(lanaral ninf .:.-i mi
mornmsr at eignt o'clock. "Wo go
to.presa too early to give full par
ticulars. CITY NEWS.
f us Pkoskovec has returned home.
(Jko Manger had been on the nick
Red Cr.ouu will boom with a new
Mits. G.J. Warren is visiting in
W. D. Fokriister has added a rail,
im; to the porch on his residence.
M. Birnev has come out with a new
uck-board from Sleeper' carriage
Mi: Sai.adf.n- and wife, of Guide
Rock, were the guests of A. 0. Herg
and wife Sunday.
County politics are beginning to be
talked up, mid in a few more days the
kltk will be boiling.
En IIosfoku has returned from
4 Iowa. He report crops finer in Ne
braska than in Iowa.
A m:w time card is out for the Ii. t
M. The cannon ball arrives from the
caet now :it 8:"i0 a. m.
Mr..Gko.I)i:ck-kr bought a fine bull
from Mr. Win Irons the other day.
The animal was a Durham-IIolsteiu.
Mr William Lktson, who has been
on the coast for some months will re
turn home in a few days, wo under-
Hon. James Lairi and Dr Gerth wil
b in the county soon to invivtigaln
the disease peculiar to the swine in
this vicinity.
I). Bartholomew has just received
iKters patent for a threshold that U
one ol the best schemes of the kind we
have ever seen.
The contract fur furnishing lumber
for the fair ground fence has been let
to the Nebraska Lumber Company at
a cost of SLITS.
Mr. Kensev wears a disfmured eye
from coming in contact with a nail
which Hew up and narrowly missed
putting out bis oy.
Orit friend F P Keed has hern ap
points! county surveyor by th com
missioner. The board could notjhavc
made a better appointment.
Usvr.r. Geo. Winton ami Dr. It. R.
Sherer took a prairie Fchooner for the
north-west this week for land specula
lion. We wish them a pleasant trip.
Mr Phelps fell from one of the
planks while carting a load of brick to
the workmen on Morhart Sl Fulton and
Mixer's building, ami hurt hir..tielf
fc shiihtly.
Tin: Chief received a letter from
Will Parke? who is sojourning in
Utah Territory. Will reports having a
fine time, and his wife's health much
People who are in the habit of lari
ating cattle in close proximity to the
streets should be careful or they may
have to pay a fine, as it is against the
city ordinance.
Some mi-u'hief maker cut a harness
to pieces atCowlcs the other nirht that
belonged to Henry Cook, of this city,
and which wsis being used by George
Gates, the liveryman.
The brainless egotist who runs the
democratic "tling" seems to imagine
that his oirorts at Billingsgate are
highly appreciated. It may have
been the case elsewhere, but the peo
ple of Red Cloud and Webster county
are not of that stripe, ''King Moses."
With a new railroad to open up tho
great resources of the south-west coun
try with a terminus in ttiis city. Red
Cloud would boom as it never has be
fore. If the business men can com
bine and make Red Cloud a railroad
center, the future of the city would be
Now that we are a city let us have
utrcet lamns, a telephone exchange
an ordinance muzzling dogs, with a
tax attachment, numerous sidewalks,
new buildings, an increase of popula
tion, new railroads, and numerous oth
er enterprises that will build Red Cloud
up a large Jcity. Let every business
man work for Red Cloud and its pros
The N B B Utorary society will give
an entertainment about the fust of
August. Tho members of the society
are composed of the rising generation
of young ladies, and have quite a tasto
for Thespian pastimes. Thev will ren
der dialogues and farces., sing songs,
'etc. It will ccrtai.dy be an excellent
entertainment. It will be very
novel and interesting.
The Red Cloud Homestead,
Loan and Building Association
is progressing finely, and the
first loan was made to Philip Barklcy
and was sold at 20 per cent. The in
stitution is a success. There are a few
more shares and those desiring a good
place to save their money and at the
same time make money should avai'
themselves of the opportunity kto pro
cure shares.
The Chief has been used to manly
contemporaries, but the importation
from Ohio is either lost to decency or
lacks the ability to write a respectable
article. The Chief does not desire to
deal in epithets and low slings, hence
we shalljwash our hands of the'excres
cenee lhat we have been drawn into by
reason of having stooped to reply to
his so called "brilliancy." As to our
job department, we still insist that we
have as fine an office as there is in the
state, notwithstanding the importation's
Harvesting i.s in full blast.
I1' Lunch counter at Delmonico.
Tut weather has been verv hot for a
few daws.
J O UHAAinERLIV Will fifnrt n rhit
factory iilloldrege in the fall.
There is a new barber shop in the
city. Andy, the barber," is proprie
tor. It' will take almost .00,000 feet of
lumber for the fair ground fence and
,Tiie Seventh day adventials will hold
a camp meeting here in a few weeks
we understand.
Rev J G Gallagher occupied the M
E Church pulpit last Sunday. Mr
Gallagher is one of the best pulpit ora
tors in the conference.
G M Plumb fe Bro. is tho name of
the new firm that runs the creamery
Mr G M Plumb's brother having pur
chased Mr Riley's inttrest.
John Fulton, the enterprising real
estate and collection agent, of River
ton, was on our street Sunday, ile
was a pleasant caller at this office.
W W W Jones, state superintend
ent, will address the institute Thursday
evening, July 30. Lectures free to all,
and a cordial invitation given to all to
Mrs S W Seelcy has been on the sick
list for nearly two weeks and is yet un
able to be out. Will the ladies please
call at her residence and see her nice
assortment of neckwear and laces?
1r. L. D. Dennev, who left this
country for China about a year ago, is
on his road home, and will be in Red
Cloud this week. Tho Doctor conclud
ed that the Mikado's country was too
mixed for him.
Mr Hols worth has been experi
menting with tame grass of late years,
and has so far succeeded, that he rais
ed this year a very extensive crop,
many of the blades growing to the
length of three or four feet.
There is to be a change at the tele
graph office in this city, whereby an
other operator will he added on the
day force, thus giving Mr Welch a lit
tle more time. The day man, we un
derstand, will also be baggage master.
On hist Kridav evening the members
of the Congregational Cli'trsh very
quietly walked in on their ,xiew pastor;
Rev J G Aikmau, and ga'. iim a grand
surprise. Mr Aikirnxn--' nenew min
ister, and i gentleman? r ''very pleasant
mien. N
Notwithstanding tj 'excessively hot
weather, our popuhimp still contirues
to increase, the latoM- i-gistercd arrival
being a bouncing tr'Oouud daughter
at the home of G
oung. We con-
rrlf II llf I k it
On the lath MM1"! lith Fennigcr, an
intimale friend o,i I Smith and fam-
ily, of Red Clomjuij, .s married to Mr.
J L Rohcrsnu, a'!j.)mincut lawyer ol
Orleans. Mr Srnv','and wife attended
the wedding at; , 0.ins, and returned
home Saturday ..
Deimttv ufrl.U State. Marshal
Showalter, of vfrt-'iuont, has jit re
turned to this city from Red Cloud.
What's tho matter? Has someone
been trafficking in the "ardent" con
trary to law, in Red Cloud?
Mr B F Boynton, a "O," conductor,
from Iowa, was in Red Cloud during
tho past week, visiting friends and
looking after his lauded interests in
Webster county. He owns a good
farm in Sec 5. The good brother paid
The Chief a friendly call. Come again.
If "'she" King Moses had a little more
"garden sass," say for instance a cab
bage on his shoulders where nature
intended to pla:e a receptacle for
brains, he would probably have more
sense. Tho cabbage would at least be
aii improvement on the cavity he now
"Charitt begins at home." Bro.
King, keep all you have- You will
probably need it in your future walks.
If you can't keep the wolves from bark
ing at you, stay at home, for it is only
the nature of the brute to bark at a
bone. Some wolves are a little partic
ular what they eat. Maybe the won't
hurt you.
0:;r thin friend, of the democrat
ic sheet, weaves and worries along over
a half column of slush, giving The
Chief fits, but hy paper wads fall
harmlessly by the wayside. In fact
they are not appreciated by anyone
save the master miiu! (?)from whose fer
tile brain thev eminate.
The ladies of the Baptist church and
society announce a lawn sociable at
the residence of Rev Geo 11 Brown on
Thursday evening. July 30th. Re
freshments will be served and enter
tainment given in vocal and instru
mental music Miss Willie Cather,
the child elocutionist, will give recita
tions. You and your friends are very
cordially invited.
Mn Henry Fulton, father of our
fellow townsman, R B Fulton, and of
John Fulton of Riverton, arrived in
Red Cloud from Oil City, Pa., during
the hist pari of last week. His aged
wife has been in Red Cloud for several
months visiting her children. The
aged couple have purchased the
Preacher Todd property and will re
main here permanently.
At a meeting of the Episcopal con
gregation, held last Monday evening, a
guild was organized for systemizing the
work of the church. The following are
the officers: Rev C L Fuiforth. Presi
dent; Vice-President, C B Hosford,
Mr Barker, secretary; Treasurer, Miss
M J Ferris. The guild was subdivided
into chapters as follows, with the per
sons named as leaders: Sanctuary,
Mrs A J Kenney; Sunday-school, Mr
Thompson: visiting, Mrs Koby: sewing,
Mrs Barker; entertainment, Mrs S.
Garber. All members of the church
or congregation are invited to associate
themselves wiMi the guild and become
active worker.
"Gramma" has plenty of pay for
breakfast now.
Ed Ferris, the barrister, writes city
clerk after his name.
Miss EdnaSayles, of Salem. Kansas,
sister of Mrs C E Seely, is in town.
Prof A E Clarendon, of Fremont, will
address the Institute Wednesday
evening, July 29.
The Chief will not be behind on low
prices on first-class job work. See us
before placing your orders.
Attention is called to the stock sale
of D H Kaley advertised in another
column. It will pay to attsnd.
All desirous of joining the Episcopal
Sunday-school will please meet at the
church next Sunday morning at 10
o'clock .
A new precinct has been organized
out of portions of Guide Rock and
Stillwater. It will be known as Beaver
Creek precinct.
The base bail fiends are hereby no
tified that they musn't slide down our
cellar door any more since they hit
us on the field. Kino Moses.
Vf an Horn has secured the services
of a first-class tonsorial artist named
Chris Ehlenback, and is also remodel
ing his bath room.
"Andy" and his pard have opened a
barber shop over Gate's mea. market.
They are good barbers and we wiah
them their share of success-
S W Coon is laying sidewalk in front
of his lots. Only a few rods more of
sidewalk are now necessary to form
the connecting link from city to rail.
Wheat of the crop of '85 was bought
at the elevators on Saturday last. It
was rather green and somewhat smutty
5"J cents per bushel was the price paid.
There will be preaching in the Bap
tist church by the pastor next Sunday
morning and evening. Evening topic:
"Dandy in meditation." Sunday-school
at noon.
W C Benson, father of Van Benson
of this city, formerly of the firm of
Fcatherly fc Benson, died at Colum
bus, Neb., on July 4th, after a twenty
four hours' sickness.
Mrs F J Evans started on Wednes
day evening for an extended trip
through Colorado and Montana for the
benefit of her health, m accordance
with the advice of her physician.
"No one would strike you baby."
No, and no one will strike a fool,
either, so you're safe. There was no
need of your running till you were out
of wind. Murphy wouldn't have struck
you nohow.
On Sunday evening our citizens were
again treated to another ol those gor
geously phenomenal sunset scenes,
awful in grandeur, inimitable in beau
ty, and absolutely indescribable in
every respect.
The vivid flashes of the lurid light
ning during Monday night's storm
fooled every rooster in Red Cloud, they
mistaking each consecutive flash as a
beacon ray of early dawn, kept up an
incessant crowing all night.
Mrs W.JosSELYN returned home on
Saturday from an extended tour
through the Canadai and the eastern
states. Mrs J. reports seeing more
snow in Canada in a few days in April
than she saw in Nebraska during the
entire winter.
The gentle patter of the soft rain on
the roof on Monday night and Tues
day was a melody of naturo peculiarly
pleasing to our agricultural friends,
who have almost felt the blasting
breath of the dreaded hot winds for
the past week or so.
We most heartily appreciate thc
kindly feeling of the many friends who
so deliberately came upon us last Fri
day evening, and after an hour's pleas
ant social intercourse left us richer in
more ways than one. Accept our
thanks, friends, and may blessings at
tend everyone. J. G. Aikman and
New side and cross walks are to be
laid from Seward street west on 4th
Avenue to Dr Damerell's residence,
north on Walnut, passing the Presby
terian Church west to J L Miller's,
north to G R Chaney's. west to the al
ley near R D Jones' residence. This
will be a great convenience for all pe
destrians. There will be a lawn and ice cream
social, given by Grace Church Guild,
at the residence of Mr A J Kenney, on
Friday evening, June 24th. The house
and grounds will be illuminated, and
ice cream, cake, sandwiches and 1cm
onaue will be served. Good music by
local talent will be one of the features
of the evening. All are cordially in
vited. On last Tuesday Mrs. K. Skeen re
ceived the startling intelligence of her
mother's death and burial at Junction
City, Kansas. While enroutc from
Nemaha City, to visit her son in the
west, she was taken suddenly ill at
Junction Ci'y, resulting as above stat
ed. Mrs Skeen started on Wednesdav
for Nemaha City, Neb. The former
home of her mother. The case is a
peculiarly sad one.
The long, lean, hungry looking indi
vidual, ''the mummy," who presides
over the great moral and highly intel
tellectual democratic organ, whose
massive head has worn cut several
bodies, is too awfully shocked at our
item about married men. It's too bad.
We shouldu't thought that he would
have read it he's so nice. He ought
to be wrapped in tin-foil and laid away
in some remote place to dry, where his
acute sensibilities would not come in
contact with the depraved world, or his
beautiful form will be subject to rust
and premature decay. Really such a
beautiful specimen of humanity should
be packed in ice, to keep it fresh. "O,
thou shadow of consistency, thou art a
rrmusdr interest.
Linex pant very chemp at the Gold
en Eagle.
Wm Harhiso of Edgar was in town
on Monday.
Major R R Edwards visited 84 Joe,
Mo. this week.
Mrs G W Cline is visiting in Clay
county, Kansas.
Go to Delmoniro Restaurant for
your ice cream.
M R Bentley baa returned from his
eastern pilgrimage.
J H Ferman has the contract for
fencing the new fair grounds.
D F Coombs (q. is engaged in mak
ing a plot of the city of Red Cloud.
G F Bowers of AtchUon wilt succeed
F A Durrie as freight agent at this sta
tion. J L Kalev and wife left Wednesday
evening for a few weeks' sojourn in
Bai.laed sells all kinds of staple and
fancy groceries as cheap as any one in
the city.
Rev Father Cleet will hold servi
ces in the Catholic church next Sab
bath July, 2fith.
A iurthday party was held at the
house of Wm Buckbee on Tuesday, it8
a girl, cigars.
Misses Freddie Richardson and Car
rie Miner started on Thursday for a
week's visit in Denver.
One of pap Barkley's teams run
away on Wednesday, shaking things
up in a lively manner.
To kill cabbigc worms sprinkle the
planLs copiously with ice wter in the
heat of the day: Try it.
Tiie ME Sunday s:hool picnicked
in Garber's grove on Wednesday aud
had a very enjoyable time.
The W C T C will hold a temperance
meeting at the depot chapel Sunday
afternoon at 5 o'clock. All invited.
Loan Mketinc.. The next meeting
of the Red Cloud Homestead Building
and Loan Association will le held on
the 6th ot August.
F W Ware, financial agent for the
York College, was here Sunday and
Monday aud collected $20 for the ben
efit cf that institution.
It shows a lack of skill in a base ball
pitcher when he misses the whole state
of Nebraska and hits such a thin thing
as the democratic editor.
F E Gobls has presented Mrs Gobln
with an elegant $175, basket phaeton'
manufactured at the Red Cloud car
riage works Its a dandy.
R D Jones has returned from hi
trip to the northwest, where he has
been looking after the interests of the
Nebraska lumber company.
MrG.WFairbrother. editor of the
Nemaha (Neb.) Titiw$, a brother-in-law
of T C Hacker, was in the city Thurs
day, on his way to McCook.
C W.Fijller has lecn in the city
for a few days past cndcavoring,to or
ganize a People's Lumtier Company
similar to the one at Cowles.
Ji;ir.iNOfrom some of the vile exha
lations in the last "Ohio idee," it
crank, called editor, must keep a pole
cat in close proximity to its ink bottle.
A little son of Adam Morhart was
kicked in the region of the stomach
by a colt on Tuesday. At the latest
accounts the little fellow was lying in
a precarious condition,
Mr. Bohanan while slaughtering a
beef Wednesday of last week, unfortu
nately cut himself in the knee with a
butcher knife, inflicting a painful
wound and partially disabling nim.
7Vi6un, McCook.
Thk members of the NB B society
will give their initial festival in the M
E church next Tuesday evening. The
N B B is composed of the most talent
ed and vivacious young Misses of this
city. A cordial invitation is extended
to the citizens f Red Cloud and vicin
ity to attcnd.their festival.
W E Jackson returnd on Wednes
frorn his 10 days trip in Kansas. Mr.
J travelled up the Solomon valley some
150 miles visited Oberlin and vicinity
and returned home via. the Republican
valley. He says the crops of the Re
publican valley are far ahead of those
of any other section visited.
Our position on the bridge question
seems to have worried the sapling
that runs the democratic exponent.
With all your billious attempts you
will fall short of convincing the people
that you have mere brains than the
law allows you, and as .to our position
the people are fully satisfied.
We have often heard it remarked
that fools were exempt from bciHg hit,
but that assertion has been proven
false, as the editor of the democratic
organ was struck by a base ball the
other evening, "and the simpleton
got mad and showed bis ugly disposi
tion by throwing the bat at the pitcher
Business in the county superintend
ent's office is nearly blocked, just at a
time when the institute is at hand, and
the tpportionment should have been
made a week ago. Directors of several
school districts have so neglected their
duty that it becomes necessary to wait
tor them, or go ahead without their re
ports. While Mr John Thornburg was tak
ing a rest on a cot in A. L. Funk's im
plement warehouse, Monday afternoon
a sneak thief entered the office and
stole his fine silver watch that was in
his vest pocket which ha had left hang
ing on the wall. A suspicoius looking
character who bad been around town
for several days was spotted and
proved to be the thief- Ha was caugat
displaying the watch aad was imme
diately taken by our marshal. Mr
Thornburg satisfied at getting hk watch
back, had the officers let hiaa gy, pro
vided ha would leave the tow, imme
diately, which ha did Blue Hill
Our Premiums.
Don't forget that The Chief will give
awav to it subscribers who pay ap ar
reagers and a year in adranea, a
chance lo draw a fine silver wtch, a
silver caster, and a net of silver forks,
either one oLwhich will be worth snora
than the prieWbf subscription. Draw
ing to take place January 1, IS95.
A. J. Kenney 's assessment stood 00",
the tommiraioners raised it to $00.
We said Mr Kenney had hi
assessment raised from nothing to $6u0
A matter of news and the smXA
Mr Kenney was shown to have been
raised from a respectable amount.
You did Mr Kenney the injustice to
spread the impression over the county
that he evaded the assessors.
You gave us that impreasion. HeimA.
As a tecimen of asinine crawfish
ing and superlative prevarication, the
above ebulitions of the 'Skilouette"
(silly wit) editor (?) do lake the cake.
First she make a misstatement, next
reiterates and swears it is the truth.
Then taken it all back, and ?to cap the
climax says The Chief did it.
Buried Wednoaday, and Marrlad
"Such is life in the Far West." Iur
ing last week a farmer by the name of
Poulson, we believe, died after having
been a sufferer from disease for some
weeks. The wife and family mourned
for the departed husband and father,
who had thus been called to the last
account. On Wednesday last the fun
eral obsequies took place and the re
mains were followed to their last rest
ing place by a sorrowing household,
and were consigned to Mother Earth
with proper respect. Finally the
mourners and friends took tbeir de
parture from the "Silent City of the
Dead" and returned to their homes
with sad hearts, no doubt. Bui
seemingly within the next few hours
thc wife had forgotten the grief that
had visited her, for on the day follow
ing (Friday) she was again repeating
the mystic marriage rite which made
her the lawful wife of a man by the
name of Hansen. A widow aud a
bride in forty-eight hours.
i n
PKOMOTKD.-Our estimable friend and
citizen, Mr Fred Durrie, for a number
of years station agent for the H A M It
Ry, in this city, and a trusted em
ployee of the ;road for thirteen yean
past, received orders to report at Oma
ha a few days ago, where he was ten
dered the position of assistant to the
Western Passenger agent of the BAM
with headquarters at San Franr.isco.
Fred will leave this week for his new
home and his family will follow as soon
as convenient. The Chief has known
Fred for several months, and has al
ways found him to be a gentleman,
and an efficient and polite agent, and
therefore wish him success and pros
perity in his far away home in 'Frisco.
.Tyfe Lice. For years gone by the
"detil" in a printing office has leen
known as a trickster, and one of his
favorite pastimes is to play tricks on
the unwary. The other evening His
Satanic Majesty was visited by a bevr
of tne fairer sex, ami having nothing
else to do for a few minutes His Majes
ty conceived the idea that it would be
fun to give the girls a taste of genuine
experience as it comes along in every
day life in a print hop. Carefully he
separates a column of type and fills the
cavity with murky wa'.er and invites
the girls to gaze. Being carious to see
type lice they all took a look, and a
second later the column suddenly
closed, and the water came in contact
with their eyes. The "devir was to
pay, but the editor having had a re
cent bank failure administered a gen-
tlejrproach, while the girls left with a
determination to get even with the
"The City or Red Cloud." For the
last two years the press of Red Cloud
and the people generally have been
agitating the question of otganizing
the village of Red Cloud into a city of
the second claas. It would have been
done long ago, bat for the fact that
the law was lame in regard to the
proper mode to pursue in regard to
the matter. But finally the diSculty
was overcome, and by ,advice of City
Attorney Rickards the organization
was completed on last Thursday night.
July 16, at the regular meeting of the
council. Under thejold rtgim the powers
of the city officers for making internal
improvements waa abridged, and con
sequently could not proceed to the ex
tent that our growing city demanded
henca the new organization. The
Chief is pleased to see that our board
of trustees have the advancement of
the city at heart, and with the aid of
the citizens there it no reason why
there should not ae an unprecedented
era of prosperity in the future. Let
push and enterprise be the watchword.
New railroads, new bridges, new stores,
manufactories, etc are what are need
ed, and having the beat location in the
valley there is no reason why we
should not be a great city in the future
Let the business men and citizens
unite for the advancement aud growth
of our city and business interast. The
city officers under thc new reign are:
Mtn-tr R L Tinker.
Aldcrna, 1st Ward 8. W. Coon and
J. L. Miner.
Aldrrwvn, 2nd W-A. T. Orsasby
aad T. J. Masher.
Clerk Ed. Ferris.
Drw-J. X. Rickards.
XanhnUand Str"t QrmmiMioner.-H.
A. Watsan.
A grand teat social aad lawaflrta
will be given undtrtlha asicca of
Garfield Post So. M. O A X, on Mon
day evening nett, July 27th, at the
court hottse park, in which tae L R C
and 8 of Y's will join. The occasion
will be enlivewed by refreshments, song
and story, and will be a vivid resaiader
to the boys of the days gone by when
they were "tenting on the old cam
Mrs r.
Efforts are now being made to or
ganize i fire department in this city,
and the probabilities are lhat in a short
time f hor efforts will be attended with
success. It is estimated that A600 will
start the department in good shape
Die boys are intereetedpn the'scheme,
snd are organizing a company. Trot
out the engine! A fire company af
fords lots of amusement for its mem
bers and protection for their homes as
well. Our rititens should enconraae
and aid the enterp-ise insvery possible
At a meeting held in the store ot
Wright A Wallace Wednesday evening
the following officers were elected:
Al. Galusha, Chief of Department.
L H Wallace, Aitanl Chief.
James Miner, Foreman Hook and
W 5 King, Assistant Foreman.
A C Hoamer, Manager of Depart
ment. James Miner, Secretary snd Tr
AoaicrirraAL Mektinu. On Satur
day afternoon the agricultural society
held a meeting for the transaction of
buines. On motion the resignation
of J Dodd was accepted and John
Kellogg was elected secretary In his
stexd. J 8 Gilham. L H Rtut and J H
Kellogg was elected a committee to re
vile the constitution and by-laws. The
society is puahing matters rapidly, and
it is to be hoped that the farmers and
town people will make an effort to
have some article on exhibition. Thc
racing will be a principal feature.
Ts Myrtle! XI.
The following war furnished by J W
Meyers, one of the old vot'n nlm
served under Grant in the Sutb.t,
and ha probably never before ap
peared in print: General Grunt grad
uated at W&t!oiut in the class of 39,
his class numler being 21. He com
manded the 21st Illinois regiment. His
first battle after assuming command at
Cairo was fought on the 21st day of Oc
tober. He was elected President of the
United States from the 21st Stele in
thc Union, and was the 21st regularly
elected President of the United States,
l'liii No. 21 figures conspicuously in
- -
five of the principal events of the old
hero's life.
8naotal Hotloa.
The Chief has prepared a letter bos
on the door entering the office, where
people going away, or wbo have friends
visiting them, will please deposit no
tice of the same. We shall be pleased
to receive any news items that the
people may wish to leave with us fer
publication. Don't forget to leave any
item of news that you may have. It
will lie thankfully received.
Wboas Fault la It ?
The connty superintendent informs
us that from eight to a dozen school
districts are liable to lose their state
apportionment on account of neclrct
of school officers to make a proper
report of last year's school work.
SS ' -
Bcraen Doom.
We are not dead, nor driven out of
the city, but we have Iota of screen
doors forsal at cost. Don't forget it
and come and see our stock. Doers
almost at your own price.
For Bate.
One second-hand McCormick Iron
Mower, one Sulky Hay Rake, one
Farm Wagon, cheap. Inquire at J L
Miller's harness shop. 51 -tf
The Red Good mills are doing their
best this sumtner.aTheir flour is giving
good satisfaction and wa hear the far
mers say they are getting a good turn
out on grist work. The probability is
the mill folks are thinking whan the
new mill is completed and run
ning with a capacity of grinding 450
bushels every 24 hour, they will want
every farmer's wheat to keep the ma
chinery employed. No doubt the
millers are selfish in all this, but the
consumers of their products get the
benefit of tbeir selfishness all the same.
Oaarrs Booe. Personal Mcraoiro i
now being introduced to the public
Already over 300,000 copies sold,
Willis G Brown, Red Cloud will take
orders for the great work in Red Cloud
Pleasant Hill and Guide Rock pre
cincts, Webster connty.
Lost. Somewhere on the road in
School District 5o 13 Elm Creek pre
cinct, a copy of Brand's Physiology
The finder will b suitably rewarded
by leaving it at the office of County
Superintendent in the court bouse at
lad Cloud.
MacHira oils in any quantities at
the popular City Drag Store, Fergasoa
A Co.
The weather has boan'aakry far saaaa
The early corn haahagusi to at Ik and
late corn begun to tassla.
There was quite a frv fiaaia f saasJI
grain sowed after all. .
Two or terse farmers sowed waaat,
and those who have Wan amoouraged
by doing to in other years think that it
will yet par to raise waaat here.
The rye harvest nnmassslLsl abowt a
Let all who love grand arnery look
over the at af Wabater cownty at the
corn ass) small grarej.
McDonald ceases f rally rn thrasawtn;
Mr Anltmaa preached l a crowilfvl
bowse at Plain view sjsinday. Hia aeit
apaoiatmevtt is U ftrst tan Jay hi
Augat at II o'clock.
J and F Burse were lafista) est
fetarday by the arrival of a bfotWr
from Ireland.
Mr Alexander had a barsa heart by
at wire fence.
W B Creamer says the favorite Kay
rake is nice when new.
L 11 Rnet's new boggy shows w very
Charley lost raise the boas timav
tVr hay."
O C Cae. cf Red Ooud, ww amona;
m the free part of the wek n busi
ness. Ran.
Mrs Lockhsrt is traaaiam; her store to
new roat of paint.
Charley Fish rets 2 per dav for set
ting all the barhry lhat the Est)
binder binds.
Mine. Pudge went oat west last
8 Alexandre had a dance hi the G A
R hall Saturday.
W I! Hoffman has three tbusjsawil
bushles of corn for sale. He is now
shelling k.
Light in the darkness. L I) hold the
baby till I strike a match.
J I) Storey's cellar was broken ink
last Saturday mfhlhy a gang uflhlavee
snd several dollars worth of goiais
Isaac Cowley and C P Gathers were
in town Monday.
William Richardson is busy cagtinaj
his winter wheal.
OCCaseandMr Ball wara U
II Parks A P. rsonette have thl
ad 2.3UO bushels of barley and M i
turning out about JO bushels to Otm
Several teacher in this vicinity are
Ulkingof giing to Red Cloud Die 37th
to attend the toacher institute.
Albert Wilson was mil riding in hie
new buggy, she was along.
Cowles in steadily improvinr.
Charlie Fuller's new house is nearly
Mr. A H.irton is building n new
:vid'iic fur himself in the iHth part
f town.
Mr Iovely lost a valuaMe cow by
Kt'ttuu: langlrd in the rum?.
Turfman U building a new burn. Ha
,y- he thinks he will hwve soiueplaoe
t krrji hu horse firsh.
X t 'raw ford says lie has tbe boss bay
in town.
Our carpenters are all kept busy at
It would surprise many to see the
amount of lumber hauled from our
home yards.
A grnl near Guide Rock is hauling
lumlr from Cowlea for a two story
The B k M bridge carpenter have
been here for over two week repwirirfc;
the bridges between here six) Bloa
I have heard of a thing in Red Clonal
called the ttdmrt, ami after looking- Its
column orer I failed to find an? newe.
I thought that Ohio could get up men
ot sense, but the one alluded If? it an
S tears that they forgot to put any sasr
lust inside his skull, or togivs aim m
hickory bump. Bam Wood Bear.
A very fine shower todsy and har
vesting stopped until the grain dried
off. We ntHsmd W II Ilarcus had threw
machines rsmssing oss hi farm Jfonday
one twine Mmtar, one elfr.tke and a
mower. To-day the siig of the ma
chine the rattle of their wheels, and
the crack of the whips stopped whilti
the gentle rain ponred down to damp
en this lovely earth of mr.
Are we not blessed people, in Web
ster county. ?Ca oridge bonds ebinti
bugs, no grass hopper, no cockle bur,
and in fact in the garden of Use wests,
let us have rail roads.
The rares at Guide Rock Saturday
last was well attended and rlossiv cots
tested by quite a number of fuad hor
se. Pleasant If ill spoke Isst weak of esilr
half a crop of small grain, iww apaalc
this week of a fine crop; hoys yj Uv
on thc wrong side of Willow creek
mote over.
We are sorry to note the death ef Mr
Martin's little boy who departed this
life on last Friday, a bright little boy
he was to both father and mother and
thev Ihave many sympathising friends.
Thsv are also sorrv to team Uts
ot Dell Wells's little baby. 2Ws . U
it departed on Sunday last. Mr Wefis)
certainly has about all the grief ami
sorrow that a man could stand, lnetns;
aU wife aad child so near together.
Farmers are through enltivatinr and!
a general good feeling b abrotd in the
land over the prospect for a crop.
Harrrt baa commenced and thram
who put in small grain fee! amply re
paid for their iron We.
James Bvoornfcld has the iasxt laid
of oats to be seaw any whwra. The r am
a new kind.
Philo Eddy has twenty acres of rtnn
which will defy competition. Ho is
the boss lrmtr.
Chas Hunter want to Kansas
Cttv last week with two carload of hoes
one from this place and one from Riv
erton. Miss Linna Jones jost finished one of
the most successful terms of school
eer taaght in district Ko 6.
A L Gray is on the sick list, swiae
thing is the matter with his interna!
A Am woo went to Guide Rock last
week and shipped up the pile driver to
tiajj alsee
J O Caamberiin is still on the road.
He expected to be back this week.
The insurance editor of the Ary-us,
wfcaia now regular visitor of InataJe,
had an amaaing tame in the nver a
short time sine. Uts so seldom he
has anything t do with water he m at
lorn greatly when snrroonded by it.
The crossing s4 this place is splsidid,
the river at this point is splendid, th
river is aow two feet higher than when
he crossed k aad it is only wa to the
bwbb. 2f ow doat try to run dawn our
fond Mr W. or yoo will get in trouble
with Gad.
Having purchased the stork of Km
aval saarcfaandisa formerly owned b; J
O Chamberlin. we will sll saase at rest
an! vdd. t Inavsle. which will be a
disaostat af from SS to 35 per cent ma
etothing. Xow is the time ts bay yosr
winter clothing. A. J. Worrrrttare.
R- R- Prrsey,