The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 24, 1885, Image 2

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. C. HOSMER, Publisher.
The IJriti.-h Government professed
Ignorance of the reported oiler of Kl
Malifli, through M. Killing, to release
General Gordon for jloO.000.
Kev. Gkokoe W. Hhva.vt, I). P..
colored pa-tor of the African Methodist
Episcopal Church at Nashville, Trim.,
who w:us tendered the Libcrian mission,
has declined the honor.
The Empress Augusta oilers a prize
of one thousand dollars for the be-t
portable hospital tent for war epidemic
use. Competitor.-; are to exhibit the
tents at the Antwerp Exhibition.
The Presidential party returned to
Wa-hington on the 13th from their
fishing trip to WoodinonL The party
were in excellent spirits and all agreed
with Postmaster Genenil Vilas, who
i-aid they had had a magnificent time.
The President caught a line string of
black bass.
A iufpatcii has Irf-ett received at
Merlin from Wady Haifa, on the Nile,
announcing the safety of the explorer.-,
Junker and C'asati, who have been ex-nlorin"-
the Congo Iiiver. and about
whom no intelligence hail for many
months been received, and who were
mpposcd to be dead.
The Koliert A. Packer Hospital, at
Sayre, Pa., was formally dedicated
and opened on the R5th. The hospital
was named after the late millionaire
and President of the Lehigh Valley
Railroad, Kobert A. Packer. The
building was formerly the palatial
r a
residence of the railw.-ry prince.
United States District Attokxev
Hii.kok.v lias brought suit at San Fran
cisco in behalf of the. United States
tgainst Mrs. Louisa Steiger, on a
rliarge of having obtained over two
thousand dollars petition money by
iraudulently representing herself as the
widow of a deceased private soldier
Samuel McNaugJiton whereas at the
lime of the hitter's death she was the
wife of Harrv Somers.
Tin: annual report of the Collector
of Internal I'evenue for the fiscal year
ended .Fune :0, ISS.1, shows that there
are three hundred and twenty-seven
distilleries in the United States, as
airaitist three hundred and eighty-two
lat year, but the three hundred anI
twenty-seven turn out in round num
Inms out; million six hundred and forty
thousand gallons of distilled spirits per
iliein, against one million live hundred
and six thousand gallons which the
three hundred and eighty-two produced
per diem last year.
The Postmaster General has i?-ued a
circular letter to inspectors, postmast
ers ami other postal official-, stating
that, there is reason to suppose that the
penalty envelopes prepared and issued
to the executive departments for the
free transmission of official matter in
the mails are frequent. y inisu-ed. At
tention is called to the provision of the
law bearing on the subject and post
idliee officials are directed to report
promptly t the department on all
caes coming to their know
wherein it is violated.
Tni: Itauk for Saving's, of the 'it -of
Xew York, and Hubert (loelct. bidd
ers of city bonds, have obtained a jire
liniiuarv iniuuetion restraining: the
Sinking Fund Commissioners from i
ming bonds. The city's present debt
is one hundred and twenty-si million
dollars, or about fourteen million dol
lars in excess of the constitutional lim
itation of ten per cent, of the assessa
ble valuation of city property, unless
I he city shall be allowed to deduct
about thirty-four million dollars city
bonds held bv the sinking: fund. The
court in this suit is called upon to de
tide the latter point.
Ix a recent communication to the
London I.mid't, Dr. Lawrence argues in
favor of the theory that typhoid fever is
capable of bein"; set tip rfe novo by
liovine evacuations. In support of it
he. cites a number of cases that came
under his observation while practicing
medicine, in South Africa, in which,
although the sparse population of the
i-ouiitrv was favorable to the tracing
of infection, no connection with a pre
viously existing ease of typhoid could
lie detected, while there was always
evidence of the access of cattle manure
to the drinking water. In no ease was
he able to ascribe the disease to horse
manure or sheep manure, even where
the latter lay in great quantities close
to dwellings.
It was said at Washington rocently
that Colonel John Y. Foster, who rep
resented theCtovernment in Spain, hav-
iiigiaueu to negonaie a reconl ot com-
.... ..... lino winiTii 111:11 cuuuirv 1
and the United States of America, was I
expected to return home. Colonel j
Poster was sent to Spam about two I
months siso with instructions to n,.J t,.i.i- l.y......... .1... ,... .......
- - I
tiate a new treaty in place of the 0110
which he had previously negotiated
and which was considered bv tho I
senate. The itroposed new treaty as
agreed to by the new Administration
lid not differ greatly from the tirst
one. The Spanish officials have not
looked favorably upon a second treaty.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs espec
ially was indisposed to negotiate. He
thought and so intimated that the first
treaty should have had linal considera
tion bv the Senate: that it should have
either been ratified or rejected. Spain !
had agreed to one reciprocity treaty
and the United States had not acted
upon it. Umler such circumstances
Spain could not continue the nego-jjations.
A. Summary of tho Daily News.
1t-... .i..,.i.i ..r u..i.:nfAn ti,t the
a -.- sa aaav itfiiiiiiivit ..
President had issued an order to heads of
department that dismissals and appoint-
meutM to nil places not vacant must stop.
The Hepulilican State Convention met in
Kichmoud, Va., on the 1.1th. Colonel Wil
liam K. Lamb was elected permanent
Chairman, I. II. 3IcCall, of Pulaski, See
retarv. and one Vice-I'resideiit from each
T..a-t- Tt-.,.-. : . ,. a
ernor of Virginia by the Republican Con-
-asvfj.a j. ww tF ; llVSIaalaJil IVI W1 VV
vention at Richmond on the Kith. The
.., . .. .t ...... -..- .i
oiuer nominations were: n. bunion wiu,
of Scott County, for Ieiitenant-flovernor,
and Captain Frank S. Blair, of Wythe, for
Jvur.K Thacheii, of the commission ap
pointed by the United States Government
to visit South America with a view to the
promotion of commerce with the Unit!
States, and ilr. Curtis, Secretary of the
Commission, who were saved from the
wreck of the British steamer Guadiana, on"
the Abrolhos Kasin, June l', while en route
to New York, arrived at London on the 10th.
The Rev. Dr. Samuel Irenaeus Prime,
editor of the ,w i ork )h(,rr-j: was
stnVken with paralysis recently, and his
recov.-ry was despaired of by his family.
Ex-Senator Francis Kehnan, of New
York, has declined to accept the position
of Government director of tho Uuion Pa
cific Railway.
On the morning of the Itth the Plate
Mill at Cleveland, U started up. A num
ber of strikers were on hand, but no vio
lence was offered to those who went to
A ranchman named 3Ialone brought in
news at Eagle Pass, Tex., recentl3 of an
Indian raid in which fifteen Mexicans were
killed, about fortv miles above Eagle Pass,
on the Rio Grande. It was lelieved by
many, however, that the 3Iexicans killed
were slain by other 3Iexicans from across
the Rio Grande and not by Indians.
Within four dnys eleven Chicago loy.s
died of lockjaw from wounds received on
tho hands while exploding caps on toy
pistols on he Fourth of .July.
A severe shock of earthquake was felt
at Calcutta, India, on the morning of the
The long-continued drouth in the south
ern provinces of Russia was reported to
have completely ruined tho crops in that
Tiikrq was a collision between the police
and .strikers at Newburg, near Cleveland,
O., on the 1.1th. The strikers attempted to
close the mill when they were clubbed by
the police, thirty-five being wounaed, of
whom two would die. Six or seven police
men were injured I13' the rioters.
The semi-annual report of the Direct
Cable Company shows that the receipts
for tho first six months of the present year
have been ."2,4lW less than they were
during tho corresponding period in lKi-4.
The falling o.F was owing to a reduction in
the tariir.
The Sheriff of Ness County recently in
formed the State Veterinarian of Kansas
that. he thought trouble was imminent in
Lane County between tho State authorities,
and tho Texas cattle drivers, who were at
tempting to pass tho quarantine contrary
to law.
A. II. Rose, an extensive farmer of Cal
ifornia, filed a petition of insolvency on
tho ltth. His liabilities were aliout $N)0,
000, his assets nominal. His principal cred
itor was the Merchants' Exchange Rank of
San Francisco, which was
.T0i 1,000.
caught for
An American railroad foreman named
Ryan and another American whose nniiie
was unknown were recently arrested at
Sabine, 3Iexico, for an alleged insult to the
Alcndo's wife. It was believed that the
charges were merely subterfuges on the
part of .Mexican otlicial.s to harass the
Thk San Francisco Produce Exchange j
recently issued 11 statement showing the
amount of Hour and grain in California
July 1, this year. Flour. TO.Sini barrels;
wheat. '.,(NjO,(XHl bushels; barrey, l,:i1U,0o0
A terrific hail-storm passed over the
country from Niagara to Reynolds. Dak.,
the other night, utterly destroying all the
grain in one of the best wheat-growing re
gions of tho Northwest. The grounds cover
10,000 acres, involving gOO,000 bushels of
The Santos case has occasioned great
excitement in Ecuador. The Government
has caused the publication of an immense
number of documents, fly sheets, etc., in
citing tho people against the United States.
There were 1,. 1.1.1 new cases of cholera
reported in Spain on tho 14th and l-l.
A cocrieu recentlv reported finding the
bodies of two cowlioys on the Y. L. range,
on the Cherokee Strip, who had been inur-
ilered arid their bodies staked to the ground (
by the Indians.
The criminal libel suit against John C. ,
Shea, at Kansas City, in which the Rector ,
of St. Mary s Church was accused of gross
liniuoralitv, ended on the Kth in a verdict
of acquittal. Some very damaging te.-ti- '
.- . , . .
liiouv vas introduced 021 the trial namt
.. 1.1
iue revereiiii geuiiemau.
The Russians have permanently occu
pied three positions on Peisiau territory,
lying between Saniks and Pulkiltou.
Anxiety over the Afghan situation con-
tinned at l.erlm on the Kith. Russian se- 1 ,
...,,.,. . etirred.
cunties declined three points. 1 , .!.,-.
iwt..., .. ....,. .. . 1 1 1 r A maiiman wa--recentlv arrested at San
General Sheruian telegratdieil from',. ,- . .; , ,,-,
,. . ,, .i,..i.,.. , 1 Dona, near v en ice. on the charge of kid-
rort Keno on the that no serious In- ,, , . , f .... ... ..... . . .
mu troubles need be apprehended. I
The coasting steamer Perkimen, of Phil
adelphia, was sunk in seven fathoms of
1 water the other night by the collision off
j Polocfc Rip with the schooner Abbie C.
Stubbs-, which was also badly damaged.
A iusi'atch from Cairo of the KSth s;iys:
The Arabs of the upper classes declare El
3lahdi is dead. Lupton. with his garrison,
has arrived at Seiiaar. The famine of
Kardofan has liecouie terrible and has ex
tended to Khartoum.
Joseph Taylor, who on May ."I. 1SS4.
brutally murdered Keeper .Michael F
uoiaii ni. me r.asieru 1 euuenuary, I'nii-
aileluuia. by beating out his brains with a
woo, Lol and bar of irou, wa hanged
" !' , - , 1
, r:"K.br0ke Ut.:" L' !'u,n'n-a
l ... . t. . rs.. . . 1, .-....? ...
tt usuiuion leeenny. i ne ouiiuillg ami
contents were destroyed. Loss about
sM.Vi.000: insurance fair.
T,lE Chicago olice arrested a bov re
cently. as a test case, chargiug him with
A t.ErfBLiCAN conspiracy was recently .
discovered by the Spanish authorities at
Saragossa. A numler of persons were ar-
resteu ami ine leauer, a uoionei Alagaiion.
wasseutenctMl to tieshot.
Another white girl baby has been found
in possession of Chinese foster parents in a
loathsome den m Chinatown, l-an Iran-
cisco ng unt; raiure. the lKy laf.,v woull, w ,, ,,y :hy ae.
as ...ub .r v...aK" j. riMine conuim- TIE reCellt earthquake shocks in
tug the juu m.w (oicc exposures. . wuUlNi iu ., prions loss of life.
A young woman was abducted near recently. Assets estimated at A: Ha
Wheeling, W. Va.. recently, by six men. bilities'OAVXi.
who sprang from the bushes and knocked , a destri-ctive tire occnrre-J at the New
down her escort. The iiolice made an en- i York and New England Railroad car shops
ergetic search, but no trace of her could jn Norwcxxl near Boston, on the lith. Lois,
U' -ound. ' i2Citc: insured. -
The grand jury at Philadelphia found
three Mils against Joseph F. Cottringer,
ex -Treasurer of the Central Transportation
Company, one charging him with the em-Ix-zzlement
of ;H7,.V0, and the other with
j forging the slock of the company and ut-
tering the same.
Another dynamite outrage occurred on
the ruilroad track at Denver on the lUh.
, - ' injure.., .,,., . .r
s- 1.M1..1 ri I 1 ... t. ..
wuicu ejcpiotieu mew vnuiiw.u us rcuKu,
together with two others.
Admiral G..LihER and 31. De Lesseps !
have submitted to the French 3itnister of
Public Works a scheme for a canal from
Hnrrn Tnr..eiIle Jitiliyim- The river-,
(Seine, Saone ami Rhone. The canal, it
uiH iir-JiJwru, auaiu ic uuviuuit: u iu.
- - -
In? ironclads
I Tl.... ....... at.. :i
: iMMiS.aurM .ww vwwi -mj
1C number: I"nite.l Ktats. '3T.K Cfinada.
.. . -i . jl. i m ,.-
. ' ''
, w'
Ii:- tfitnl. '!.- tlm ifii!:!i:irwl witli i.i tli
total, .2.1,04 compared with .i-o tt.
eek previous.
The Alert, which left Halifax for the re
lief of the Hudson Ray Station, ha- len
compelled to put into St. John's for re
pairs, having been sri -iisly damaged by
heavy ire north of Cape Rest.
It was .timated in St. Louis that 2.75
wiue ami beer.-filoo.s had b-en closed since
July 1, under the operation of the h!ph
lio-n.-e law, and that nome 4W more, or
aljoiit o:ie-piarter of all th saloons in the
city, wrtild shut up in n few days.
The Rritish House of Commons nega-
tVt--(1 without division Mr. Parnell's mo-
tion to inquire into the conduct of Earl
Spencer in Irehtud.
JosEl-H J. Cottrinoer. recently on trial
in Philadelphia for forging .! IT,.7rJ of Block
certificates, received a sentence of four
years solitary couiinemeiit.
Executions, were i.-sued at Sharon, Pa.,
against the Wheeler Iron Comjcmy.
amounting to over jT'S'iOO. Dullness of
trade was supposed to have causal the
The decree divorcing the Marquis I)e
Caux from .Mine. Patti, the great pnmn
donna, has b-en pronounced in Paris.
It was staled recently in Madrid that '
every one of the forty-eveu nuns who
were inoculated by Dr. Ferran had died of
The French Chamber of Deputies has
mlopted it bill imposing retaliatory duties
on Roumanian im torts.
A l'ARTV of Caeerists were defeated at
I'lsen. Pern. .Inlv i.'i lint tlmi .it m. .,,.
- ....., . . .., ... - .-., ...... ....- (J. ......J
with the custom house cash.
The grocery house of Thurlier, Whyland
& Co., Thomas street. New York, was
burned out the other night. Loss, -IOO100.
Six children were burned to death in a
two-story log house occupied by Joseph
Evans, near Grahamton. Clearfield County,
Pa. The father made desperate efforts to
rescue his children, but without avail.
Inspector 31etcai.k telegraphed re
cently from Rarnesville, 31 inn., that he
had brought from 3Innitoba, under arr- st, ,
Lars Gtinderson,, late postmaster at Cum- !
iteriauu, is. aiit'iii inree montus ago
Gtinderson absconded, leaving a deficit of
.j.l.OoO in his motiev order account.
The Rritish steamer Willingale, Captain j ,:u"' OI,t '' the Lincoln Land Couqiany on
Davis, which sailed from .Madras .May : j t,1, ew' railroad southwest of Alma about
for Boston, was badly wrecked June 21 off tvn niiles.
Cape Gardifui. Tho Captain and part of ; A Con Mites elevator, weighing thirty
thecrew were drowned. , three tons, was moved a quarter of a mile'
The ham sewing employees at Armour's j m slt vnrA the other day. The building is
packing houses at Chicago, struck for an forty-two feet in height,
increase in wages recently. .Men were put to ' A .monster steam trip hammer, for mod
work in the strikers places at the old prices. ' ''ling locomotive frames, has been added t
When the new men were returning from ' l"" iuipiuentin the Hurlington A: Missouri
work they were attacked and three of them shops at Plattsmouth.
badly beaten. l'"K Plattsmoutii .mirmil is responsible
The Uav View Fish-plat- .Mills at .Mil-
wnukee, Wi-., employing one
men, started up the other morning.
THE people of Winnipeg celebrated the
return of the Canadian troops by a grand
torchlight procession and di-play ot tire-
works on the 17th. .Many thousands, in-
eluding the military, took part in the pro-
cession. The streets were thronged with
.Mary ICi.eeman, jii trial recent I v in Chi
cago tor attempting to poison her sister's
family with arsenic, was found guilty and
sentenced to one year's imprisonment. ,
The French Governor of Cochin China !
telegraphed recentlv that the militarv sit- '
tuition in Cambodia was really never dan- ,
gerous and that the French losses since
January amounted to but seventeen killed
and three wounded. j
The naval oiiireix who liavn been on the .
rejected boat Dolphin have been detached
from that vessel and placed 0:1 waiting or
ders. II." F. Gaines, a United States Custom
House o'licinl, stated recently in 3lontrenl
that a large quantity of whisky was being
smuggled into Canada from the United
States between Rouse's Point and Detroit.
The clearing-house returns for week
ended July Is showed an average increase
of IT. 7, compare 1 with the corresponding
week of last year. The increase in New
York was :.
The cnstlxiuud Santa Fe passenger train
was wrecked near Wallace. Tex., recently
by striking a culvert which had leen
wnislieil out li- ri ?", .tiirm l-t.-iii...f-
Wiiso,K ,wo ,.;,., an(,au vxlViX' tm:m '
.... ,
Kxt..TEVcrou.lls surrounded St. Mare's
CImrd .,t Kan -. ,,;
hwthi ml .,.,. . lh(. ,.t,v T j ,
,. , : . , - .... ..
" ' VI . ' ... ",c,a"n- a I,"c-
iA4 -Vr44I Ml."' 'OHV Hit: It'VriVII'i ifll"
, W! t 4l , .
Miitnnil .1 If 'I tlfmk. tl... .i.l. Ii.nn.i. .
UVIIIlllH . ..V-.. .. ....... IUU MtVU UV.4kilV I
j very threatening.
SmaLl-tox was reported spreading in
epidemic form at Scotland, Dak., among
the Russians. Twenty-live cases were re
.... ....! ;.. n u.. ..........i .1 ....1.. 1 1
, . , , , ., ,
and eaten a number of children because he
J was starving.
Eight hundred men lft Eati Claire.
Wis., recently to work 0:1 the Rocky 3Iomi
taiu division of the Northern Pacific Rail
way. Five fatnili. comiirising eighteen per-oi-s.
who read.-6! New York recently on
the steamer 31am from Rrernen. were sent
back because they were pauper.
The Coroner's Juy in the 3lary Baldwin
murder case, at Atchison, Kan., after a
long investigation, returned a verdict.
charging William Rahlwin, the dead girl's
i,rother, w i:h the crini".
"considerable surprise wns occasioned
,,v tbl. nllIlouIlwaioat of tJ,e a.-signment of
John Roach, the well-kuown ship builder
of Philadelphia, which occurred on the
!?th. The nllegt-I cause of the failure
was the refusal of the Government to nr
cept the dispatch U'at Dolphin, which
jeopardize! other ves-els under contract.
It was stated that the Habditis, though
Bengal 1
Fiftv '
deaths were reported. There was also J
mUch damage to property. !
Two hundred teroas were TXionei bv .
iCe cream at Riposto, Sicily, during a re-
'cent holidav. A crowd severelv punished I
the vender, w ho narrowly escaped with his
Ti-s private banking house of J. J. How
ard it Son. of Carter.-ville. Ga.. sasueaded
Population of thr Staff.
The census of the State is alout com
pleted, and the return indicate the impu
tation by counties, compared with that o
Ifr-O, to be as follows:
I r
) Antelope
. lr I ."-
.1 7.611
. . ViI3 U..1U
. ti'.; ts.:m
. s.wr: law:
. Pj.tKtuu.ei-.
. . II.iH:i
I Hurt
:' .
I I I..
.. ... a . .
I -'"
', fnifMr
' Cu,,M,,k."
..: UJtV CITil
... U.' G.TI0
. 4.177 ..' I
. :c.m.i r..c
:r. 4:1 1
.. 10 -JM IS.IA2
.. i.l1 ,s
. I. Ml I f'..47
.. l.UU-XI'.'
lCt 3.sJC
. -..i7u n.i:u
. --r; i-ov,
. J.ofc 7.Ci
.. i.tiiu u.:
. a.u;7avRii
.' ,i' n.-iM
.. 4,7t 7JST '
Iau -on.
I tu ml v ,
Franklin ...
Furna-.. ..
iurileld. ...
Hall ."
Hamilton ..
I.iucjln .. ..
.Mudi-nit ...
Merrick . .
Pawnee . ...
Uel Willow.
au mler.-
Sew 11 rd
Wn jje
. U.i.).ll.:i7
i ."V .1,1 'L
. . i7'
.'i..V '.'.! C
IttiT.lT i:ilT(
5.tO l'.NC
'.4l7 il.'CI
!.' :t,:5iy
K.'.tl l.:
'.-- .'.- k".
l.'t.tcu Is".-.-:ut
Cl'.r: iH..n.
4 4-1 U.'tV.
g.iu 4.'i;
' l.-Il n.4i'.i
, .-. II.nVi
sat a.. .-4
I :u i.:5ii
; 1 1.17M I.l.u-g
I ... . 4.V.
t . ... g.'f
t .. .. g7'.
Mieridan... .
j i he enumeration of the following eiti--
j is -',,,l'it and the figures given are about
' correct:
la-t nir-
. .r..U'lt
. .1.7'.-;
. l.Ull
. :i.rnji
1 riatt-tnoiith
Griuiil l-litnil
A soldier belonging to the battalion en
campiiieut near Kearney was arrested a
few days ago for a burglary six miles
north of that town.
Western Nebraska, the center of the
ancient American Sahara, experienced
fifteen days of rain during June.
Grant City is the name of a new town
. mr the story that a dog b..IoiiKmg to C. 31.
,iolniis, which that gentleman carried to
I Kirney and turned loose therein tho hope
ot gating rid of him. tramped homeward,
Jt distance of I'M miles.
! David Keys, of Weeping Water, fell
among strangers at Avoca on the Fourth
' !U" uas 1'adly pounded that his injuries
! resulted fatally.
! . .... ...
1 . "
' old died at the Saiitee Indian Agency p-
.v woman sain to ne one iiurnireii vears
ccntly. At the time the Americans ;ui-l
Rritish fought in the war of Isjg she was a
woman grown and had children who were
' nearly grown. She lived to see her
great-great grandchildren five genera-
tions at one time.
Gkih:k Dclany, a Mlair storekeeper, is
under bond- for arson, his store having
'"m u'ed on the night of the lib.
THE eight-year-old Son of J. F. Furge-
son, a farmer living nm Syracuse, had
his foot cut oil" by a mower the other day.
! Work on the new flouring mill at Creigh
ton is being pushed. The btiil ling is to b-
, -lux 10, four stories high, with twenty-two
! sets of rollers, and a capacity of eighty
1 barrels per lay.
j Lydia Rrieri.y reciiflv took an over
i dose of laudanum at Columbus and her
I body was found in hebed next dav.
Nothing was found to show whether it
was accidental or premeditated.
J The other morning a s 'edv-looking
tramp, apparently of the age of alxuit
forty years, stepped into the Germnnia
H 111-e nt Omaha and asked for breakfast.
Hi- dilapidated ajijiearance xeit"d pity
and he was told to sit down and help him
self to a good square meal. After eating
' hu asked for a pen and commenced writing
in a nervous manner, but before complet
' ing his writing he suddenly drew a pi-tol
' and shot himself dead. It was learned
irom wiiat lie nan written that hi- name
wi:s Frank Lawrence, and that he had
served during the war in tho Secon.l Km.-
sns regiment.
Nelson Patterson, of 3Iissouri. was
' recently sun-struck nt Omaha while look
ing for work. He was tak"ii to the bos
. pital in a dangerous condition.
; Retorts from fiftv-four counties in th
j State present a flattering outlook for a
lvountiful harvest in Nebraska. The r
jorts invariably show increase in acreage.
j especially of corn, ranging from tn to
i forty per cent. There are n few com-
; ulaints of late planting and replanting,
but the prospect, on the whole, is rejKirted
I considerably in advance of the corresf on d -
ing time last yar.
1 There are !J,03 acres of land under cul-
tivation in Fillmore County,
Dakota City i assosaed at f 10,o").
! Two men recently put in th"ir appear
ance at Omaha who proved to be liberal
' patron- of her merchant., but it soon trans
pired that the money they gave s not ns
current as the goods delivered inexchiinze.
One of the men got aw.iv.lKit the other,
who gave the name of Crawford. ws ar
Their aUxle was s-arche-! and a
lot of spurious coin am! materials for coun
terfeiting foun I.
iNvflRY nt Weeping Water fat!d to dis
cover the family of Charles B. Fitchner.
1 the man who was drowned in Chicago on
the 4lh. The note found 0:1 his body stated
his wife Jived there.
' The residents of West Point, l..s ia
aumlier. are guanleil by one policeman. J
The Ogallala Ijnd and Cattle Compsnv. 1
headquarters at Omaha, ha parcha.-eI j
3.1.U.W head of cattle from Deaai, Sheedy.
of Kansas City, whose ranch joins that of ,
the company in W'tstcrn NVora-fca. The
price paid was ?.J,t.rJ. The-e two ranches ;
together will make one of
The coal prosect hole at St. Heivaa hsa
a depth of 00 feet with plenty of yellow
cJay in slsht-
Orro SnArrrn. a Schuylsr Loy. recently
cll between the cars aatl was cnhed tc
ranches iu this country, with a total of ; Intendtnt, was at the titse trylar to stop K j, rf, a-j aofco-it eiil:I rxJ! ,. tkf !. ' T
over t,tO cattle. , a leak in the p!r.. an,l was ternWy ia- . wA u M ,. to tb,. -w ta I(tt.j itJ
The contract for the iM aclwol lnd-J J bJ PMoa. He win prM- jMrha-r.. Krery Ate ?ea lo k' u J JlSl !'
ing at Central City has been let. Ui-V d5 , ", ffc ,aad icli 2 -r U4e Um kn X FMT X7 PbJt e TMM: W 1-a. l,ZZ".' 'JL
Trie1 rvnt!lrt of lnlrrrt. It(npn ths Tri
a Cattle Mm anil Ttirlr llrcttirtt I'nrtlier
North Tli- Attempt of tlm letter to
Keejithr 1'iil.Ilc Trail loseil Koultlng
In eriiu !. to the Tr t tn.
T !... f.. t.,1- IT Tk. ,ll...n..
. , .. . , , , , '
between the holders of Unl In fie ncu-
. ,,,.,..,.... . ..;rip district of Indl.iu rrrntorv and
.. ., .... ... "
the cattlemen of .Sortlwrn Trxa over
' the right of way through the n?
Atrip has a limed a new phase, atid, un-
' le-s the neutral -trip men withdraw taeir
opposition to tho u-e of the trail adopted
br the IXiila- convention h!d lu Tea-
several montn- ago, :he Te-cau- ttireala
to make a pergonal matter ol the light.
.Mr. A. L. Nlener. editor of the .Mr:A
tr..fra JJrr t'k J"Hrmil, at (bcreuite,
Wyoming, who pi-ed through the city
1 en rou;e for Wa-'iington, ieaking on
the ubJect at the M. Jaine- Hotel, said:
'the i'K lY
through the Cherokee .-trio S no: the
queition at pre-eul. The trail through
It lead- dirtct.y iuto Kau-ss, ttsrough
which State Te.i- ca'tle can not pa.-s,
owing to the law.- pa--el Ur the lat
Kni-ts Ligi-latur. and the trad I- prac
tically worth. e--. Wim; the IVxi- men
want 1- the trail through tae neutral
htrip, vthich I- public d utui.ti That
leads Into Colorado t 'i.-e in that State
thev can get north or ea-t, s- they de
sire. The Secretary of State, Utornry
' General and Coin:ni--loner of Agrlcul
lure have been ftinn-h! the laci" Pi
the matter, am! are thoroughly conver
sant with all of the detail- "
!'i. f r !!-., i r .. t ..!.... . ... .en.: &...,. 'm.ii
Tevas to Commt-sioiier Colinan at Wuih-
Iiig'.on. ve-tenlay:
The trail- -oulit to be traveled by the
Tevui tIrot-r are et e-tiiMt-he tv u-e
Hud eomisiott eott-rnt. rtttr.til ureed ut
on ty the Julla- tneetltt is the oiilv
praetienhl o:ie to '"oiontlo i.reat In
jn-tlre an 1 l!ijiir lli- le-ji t.n- thehw
stock inter st of our -tit'e !v the -ttMnj(t
o( the "3tte. Thre 1- no .lO'jfit ot the fm-l-n-,-tntel
tv i.overtior Irenitt-i aiel I'on
gre mni .ier- -erretarv Lanetr'- ronr-e
is liltflux commended l all. u- an act of
simple jutiee.
"Itftieil .lulls N. -iiiimin,
"Pre-ldent Tea- Livestock A oeiat.on "
On the llth iust Me--r- W. A. Towers
nnd iThomas A. I.oe. -lgntiig theiii-elve-as
representatives of I olorado. Kansas,
North in Texan, Mi. ourl and Indian
Territory Cattle Growers and Livestock
Association, telegraphed their ver-iou ol
the dilliculty to Seeietary Lamar to the
effect that the right of trail through the
neutral strip be denied the 'lex-ins.
Subsequent investigation develops that
Towers and Lee are interested Pi the cat
tle busine-- in the strip' terri
tory, ami, while they may represent the
Kansas and Indian Territory a--octa-tiotis,
since the stand they take in their
telegram is Identical with the Interests
of iho-c States, thev do not represent
nor voice the sentiments of Colorado,
Texas and .Missouri a--ociatlom. 'fill-
discovery is the new phase referred to
above and will doubtless be urged agiln-t
them by the Tcxaiis as ground lor disre.
garding their statene'itt-. It is claimed
that the "Northern Texas Live Stock As
sociation" doe-notest, and th it should
the men belong to the
thev were not aut!ior:.ed by them tc
make anv statement to the Secretary a
coiiiin from them. At a meeting of tin.
Coloiado Association at Denver a n'so
Iuiiou was utiauiinoiisly ailopled exjires.
sive of the sense of thit Association, that
owners of liealthv cattle had the to
tlrlve them over public domain. Thl
resolution Is in direct opposition to th
position taken by Toweis and Lee m ob
htructitig the drive through the neutral
strip. Allot the 'I exas c title a-socia-
tious had representatives at the I)alla-
meettiig and concurred lu the adoption o!
what l- known as the Dallas trail, which
traverses the neutral -trip and lea-Is Int
Coloiado, and it is safe to a-iiime that
Towers ami Lee have been selected
by them to rescind their act lor
in the matter, and undo all of theli
work at that meeting. Mi'r. Hunter
mi! Eva lis and .1 l.-ir i. miioniv ( trie
j ---- --- -.
cattlemen of this .Slate arc 111 sympathy
with the action of the Dallas Convention
; ami 110 one ha- been autiiort. d by the in
to icpresent to trie eonttar,. The law
! piohibitin the pi-- i;i' of Tc.t- ctttb
with c-ruuii tc-lrlctioiis, through K 111
sas, It is a'leged. was passed through tin
influence ol K ui-.-i-and Cherokee and
neutral strip cattlemen for the ptirpom
of injuring the cattle Inl-irst-i of Text
and benefiting their own. The repn
seiitattoits cont iim-il in trie Tower Lei
telegram, that the 'lei- cattle are In-
1 fected, are denied In a letter to ("otninis
sioner Colin in Irom Hon. Jo-ejih M
i Wf.son, Treasurer ot the olorado Cattb
Grower-' A-soclition and Director o
the German National Rank of Denver.
1 who :ijs that low 1-and Lee are seek-
nig in s'op caiue irom v.rouKeii, j-.i.
; wards, Nolan and 31 itcacll Counties lu
Texts, vvMich are perfectly healthy. Join
. Lyttle, a inembcr of the I-.ecuttv
Commtitee of the .National Cattle an.
Horse (irowers' Association, has tele
graphed saying tin cattle are healthy,
and a-klng that an inspector be .-nt it
Texas to csta'dish Ihe fact. Dr. Geo.-ji
J. Faville, veteriti irian of the Colortdc
State Sanitary Hoard examined the cattle
ami issued bills ot health for them.
'lowers and Lee -tate that tln-re is nr.
objection lo Tevis cittle being driven
over the old trad which lead- into Kan
sis. Kansas being imp issabio, however,
the old trail is therelore useless to tin
'Iex-ms. Their expressed desire to Iravr
the question of the right of passage over
the 11e11tn.1l strip to the courts lor rleci
-"oil is objected tu by th- Texntis for ttn
reason the time which won d be oc
etipied lu it- adjudication would Inter-
fere seriously with their business, and
prevent the driving of their Cittbr until
toi late to reach N irthvrn ranges th.s
season. 'Ihe Texan claim to have
suffered a loss already by depreciation !h
values of their slock to the extent of
S o.ooO, 000, and a s,eedy .solution of the
dii'icniir Is asked for. The land occu
pied by the Ntutral Strip Association I
pubhc domain and they iy that no one
has a right to o')-ttuct its pis-ngr.
'file above tact- have been pa.ed be-
fote Couiini-sioiier Colin in and Secre
I tary aid It is thought they will
. ai l materially in br-utMi:; aoout a seitJe
1 menl an-1 have CMisidcrabli weight In
lavor f the Texui-.
A .Mothf-rs' Ilonxs Iturneil.
CivrtwiTt, O., July IT. -The St,
Toeph 31others Home, a iuigal3ccnt
Uructure iocatetlat Delhi. -Ix h.iI- frotr
the city, wa entirely de-troye-l by Ureal
an early hour la-t uitrni. Due ot the Si.-
u"r "av- "be slann, and aU manage! ta
r.-cajw from the burning building vvita
out iwjary, aud took rt-Jcc in a farm-hou-c
near by. There were jf.y-lc ls.
ter- tu differeut parts c! the hm when
the ti.-c was di-covercti. Te coctat
v.a a foar-jtory -tone bc.Uiii, j1
origirsaby c-t i!Z.i"Q The !o-s will be
lui.y &livv,0O'; itt-iired for -J-r.OW).
a a
A TVrrlole Arrllrnu
Rowling Green. 0.. Julv IT. A ter
rlble accident occurred here jcstcnJor
vb - n the co-is:: head of on of the aai-
ural -a weds Letr a" endcr i rreare
of nearly two hundred pound lo
I3aaieu. iizs tiiue sob, usuia;
wia also hart Tfcc cxcltenwat over the
ailair is intense. TUc Gas CoaarnftJ and
jtist lln.saed laying nratns, sad wer
ready to tnm that raa oa for gcam! Ss
.zoo? COStRSHra.
the larreit ; square Inch. I) . baeozer, the opr- arw xt acit of Uie lad w tnrre Pata4r- t-i . ... . "- skicc. t .
W l'ollf of ('Iri.lanil Knmiintrr
Htrlr Tfc- Kult.
CLwri n. O.. July 1Q. Thr ntW
pntetl colli-ion t-ctwern the triVr and
(Mlic,4 oortirreti jeterday afternoon at
four o'c'ock. A tnrtuic of the ttiklnc
Iron workers ir.i hrhl at N'cwIhtc t5t
-v.-, '-......v.. j...v.j ....,....
four c!kk. A tncotin- of the ttiklnc
, . . ,. . v. . ,
Iron workers ir.i hrhl a: Ncwwrc t5t
, . ,. , , . . ,
oav nirrrnoon and eprjl rrtt:,r m
, , ., . . ,.
cun7t-i ete '.iiiri ttiu-i n tutw .
the locctioc 700 men. ntlv Po'c and
Rohcmlan foratI latn Ite anl Mtarrheil
Jo the Plate Mull. vhkrh w In oj-extiott.
The men in the Hate mill rv iHt ACee!!
by the reduction mut were ippo! to
:ori4nc work In the 8tt plov Thev
were forced ot by the forvlt)cr and tc
rnaimM idle until jr'.caUv. The mt In
crease,! m !mmi"T at ft procrrs-Ml. am!
vUen it ,itnM at ttM ml!! It ajrvrrsrated at
lxt l.CKW torn. The sinker- ttrre armed
with rinix -tuddot with smIK piive- tf
Iron aitl l.trxe sUne. The hfty
rndkeinen on dutv were -npdinl with ownisl ht p S:tn numtlrr m1 . i
mat-- Itvt'MvtMti tttchf lg. .dwith t 51VOW. THef wr In tl Nil 4wt -If-nc:inc
revolver. The? wete otAtiotvn! tae plate t.f Mr SlUMi Hob-hta
at the AJUix -Ueet rtilrm- U the mill
yard-. A pietet frWf flftei fr't hh -cii-e-
t!.e crttuml-. fbe unle o,.
atxl near It were the oice- ! tret
at thi- joint l ivty t-l wmI-. .im! i
jmveil with c;! atvl -la? !rwn tle nrteh
tutrlng fumare-. Thirty-our atttiittuttat
Mibceiueti xiir -nvtSerctl in ttn mii. AI
M.4.1 the rwvtrolttien were nlernl Immiw t
re-t. jTeji-ii.iloi) U clnr lov t nicr-J.
Thev started tlown .l!tna -treet and wet
the -lrik rs. Thev tnnosl anl itutM
qt:icked It to the Willi. I'bey wr
hooted ainl -totol bv ttie -tnkrtv
Deputy Stter!itten!etit 3! Manon ttx
order to fall Uk. ami a line it friir! atotit
thirt U-i'l Irotn the mill gate. The ami
apptoarlail. anti 3IeMalMn ki"l what v
ttHlitisl. 1 tie of the leader Jrptted tlmt
thev v-re delettuml to cio ti mill. The
poiu-e olhrers arcuitl them. lt to ni.
putpo . 'flic men in the rer rtiMts hxi
to tiiiovv stoti.-. Tliei,. ii' csiWaNi
hard L.'k. a pudt forward and then it tusli.
The police ndvanreil atwl the two fotce
met. The strikers ihn-w -gs R,t
cinder-, ami lloutishcd their c!ntv fhe
policemen n-iil their m.n-'- ar.d drove tke
strikers tmck Inch bv Siteh. The ttsker
fell bv the score and tceled vtith
IiIikkI streaming down their face-. The)
ouied a terrific shower ot stone, (miaiit.
into the jhI ice. but could not use thnr club
to anv advantage, fiuallv thev fli back
verv raindh. and the jo!ire -eeinc their op
portnmtv. chatcid on a run. velllnc a fhej
vent. The whack of their nine could tv
beard for long di-tMiccs. Fallen striker
lltiisl .l'.tua street and the r wive, and
sweethearts Imre them awuv as fa-t a-xis-ib'e.
Tin mob broke and ran, but the
jMilice kept up nu untiring whack until
evrty striker wa- driven out of sht of the
mill. The re-lilt of the battle was ;ts fol
lows; Patrolman Manzeliiian, two d epciit
on the head. Patrolman Caldwell, badlv
cut on the head; Pattoinmii White, hit 011
the head with a club; Patiolm.m Keefu;,
struck on the wn-t and Uaillv Inpiriil;
I'attoliiian Eckart. cut over the eve: P.ittol
mull lies, cut 011 the head with pusj-i of Iron.
'I hirtv live stnkeis werelv tugon thcrouiHi
when the skinni-h was biou.t to an end.
hut only seven of them were aitc-ted. The
reiiiaiuder were caitied oft the field b thelt
friend-. The names of those aric-ted
were- Thonins :tudcts. ( baric- lioolittle,
.lame- 3lu!ke-ka, John eiskofsk.i Joseph
Pollock, .Mike KoUfk h'hI John l.ois
.Mulkeska and Weiskof-k.i will t.ti4ifU
die. while Kolieek l-b.ollv injiii.d. I h.
light la-ted but live minute-. Gor-itch, tin
CouiiuiiiilsL who whs to re led MoihIuv, va.
released on 5'I.OuO bail, and it i raid that
he instigated the aff.-tcl.
Ilownnl Itelletr !- nrliiiini
Vtitr ll'l l.lve t roMlile.
Omaha, Nt.ii.. July 1V Gene ml How
aid. commanding the i!emrtiiiciil of ttu
Platte, has returned to 1111111111 fiowi Salt
Lnke ity, iu which iln-e he spent th
Fourth of .Inlv. IIesvs thete i-great n
prehension there ovei the fee'mg cxMIii:
betw 1 the Gentiles ami the .Mwrnun
which has ix-cu gteatlv iuttilhed by Ui
Itisillt Ollejeil bv the .Mormon- to the llnv
The end is iHd et aiwl senne trouble ma) thU. I be (iiim hI'I -Mm r wbett 1
occur any hour. 011 the llghtet piej.-i Mitt ht Uu ountiy vsifl W mMh t innp
The Gentil-.s and the United St ilm -..mi.-r lalirr as -be4p u ia.- mn. mm! tmt 11..
ate verj tihitgnau!. f he blt!ifin s of feet
big In much gutter than tin pnblW- Is aw axe
of. us tie halt Im not t-cn told lu the
pub! -lied nrciMiut. Thore l antici
pation of mi outbreak ttttg pn
1 ipiMtisI anv dav. "Iht War Deiwit-
uo-ut lia made rireimrntion for it. Hr
order of G.-mra! Howard, tin tmotr. Uwit
w.-re to leave hurl DoogW mid Fnl Iini
tllle for Kulis.ix. U -iqpts the rbejeiuns,
ha.e Ih-cii retitxtl nt tin- jiosfi. A roi-ll-loli
bejwi'ell the .Mormon mwl Glltll- i
h-'ked f'.r m tie--.uh of thw month, winch
! a dav with tin .Moraium. It 1m
the anrnver-ary of the settlement of Utah.
TheV roilic III .. tliotisiidds oti that dll) tit
Salt Iike Irom all pirSsof the letritoiy U
unite iu the ceMinitloii Showhl tlo-v r.t
tempt to reit any sich jerfornu''e n
thev rarrli-d out on the fiHirUi of Jul.
there vvlll prohaldy be Wool"bil. '1 he
Mutii. mis in I ill. r.. nil ftruirwt (In
the fourth of Julv they k ve.n iilete-.-. of a "did ii it ph) rtan for tlm 4irMr4 U
this by freolv flourishirig revolter In the an' ts-nnpno. imI Mt nvt kwari t:.--f;u-e
of the ami def ring and insult- rgmiutlon of Uim lrmuUmt -fr-mir M.a 1
inc them. Rackeil by tlo- nwnv thonand anr other j-rm. oiMaiiOif fr at r
who will l; at Salt I.ake on thr Biilrer -veral thousand tktttotx. He , t.f ,
h.tty tUj. they no doubt, w tit tr iitrllae-l U Jail In this rlt)to4wt: t um M tr
lur more ileltant ainl insultht? than Uifore, grand )ury ol Uo nxmiy, bttm awt 1
mid will invite aim! challenge a cottaicl. , Min "ornpl.uMt of lhK RhxoMittH H:.,,
- . -
timl -ml Ittln. ;
Lr.n" St mmit. 3f'.. Jwly 16. - llfotl bv storm of ultwl ami rain which 1
1 V AH II H,'.!'""! !' " 1 V" 1 -s-
swept over the roontry to the eaat anl
nottheast of thl lice Tm-d.y at fire
o"rlo-t. A jnrtMi of the farm reMlr,re
f)f Johii HuW-Hiu wa Mown hiti. ? ,
Urn of J. R. Tot.g a,.!...,.. I h ane-
ciitne,! baiWmg iK-r Ilium Potot Ckarrb Wi the eruoud. 1'ntrr. were t'i-ia
III every itirerHon. fruit aih! Ua4e tre-
dripf-d of th- r bninrh and la- War-resl.sjf
wlo-at ami growing rr.j-, flrrl -rly
'Ihe -tori wa frota tb aatl. a-iaia
!i.l br a iM-aty tail o; ra. amananien,
had ik appearari'e of rjrUttn um! H
track b Jimii-l in widtii. it -J tm
h--e tvori very s.-reic injury t j"?
Na r .Urk i re;-irtrsl.
I'nrllorr IitrMriln.
JlWnrtilMiIv. Ii.l. Jelly !. The ar
tlon of Savbo-cik. it a- the K'? of
tJi v.abTpvt of It 'ITirdUy. v yes
terday villel by Uir cteM-t heitl tim
-'" " J '" "" T
atottt ftfte-H iNtNtia. coreMiig the gramod
ttU bail ih's o aniMoil ahv-, mxny ni
wlnrh lay on Uf zrirl aw lmr aftr? lU"
torm baI abal-L Osorjl Lira sn
wa lorn (ton b. T. rr. -itherr JJ-f kt 1
r-raf---l tfcc dctrcre of Jralj . rre Ut m-
cM.'iilMrtt. rrtii-H aaj bm&M& har-rrl. '
hOt lMMdre.s itt 3rrs KWe tl-sNacd frsv
L-rtkiLa. fa TaT- BW 1 Ma tliaflM tkn'ltttlMl
rase ria- ,m tfc -i lb U
tt;on wlaKfe Uie siam Ur: were Wwlrn.
Kill Vrnn' lvitnl. YttKK. J IX lUrUtte WUtUra
Petwt went hick to JvsrglaJni Ue lvt tlatehe
dmlI U Sally 3I-WT Kaillr. -at- l It
Tboina - K K-r of ''ats l e-L t hwuinrd
x4arrta.s Jac. Nbt-y afir-rci Uu-. .
nauj j-rBB n. tnKT -m i mimij
years l. lua l-m JaiUrg trp ike cwitrr. i
xmi if) ajThat!a(l Uml 'Jk PttwUz Umtir
rv aStlla1 t )m&vl and atrtj cxs
of ItiWjirti. j
Vtllann flt'tiina - If r r )l r V t,St
If ! and Vr ttri3r"l,
W vxiitTov. Jtjljr IT. Nt St
VfKSs lt rTei!n; . Sr brii mj" 't
- .,..,............ - .. - ... - ...,.. - .. T-. . ,,
l !- IhJt -V T.(i Jlitk AT lav k.Vs. W
Tenth aiwl P t?rt. imI wt h" i ,--
, . , , , , .
ituric- -a'tv wntfl in mar-. riw ;
. , . .. . ,. .
In; wa fripirt h' the t h mctoo
. ......., .., . ,.
i i '. ,n- mii i.'-i, mbv 11
iMctt 'rtfr, Uj" Uiy (ktr
I nitvit M.jr Kirrttte l(ht Cmmfs
vt'terl ottvr iiwntn. The .J.r.
j-Htc ami pre t of Uc Umvt ;
are rmfl-44 f rnlM4 Mt thv 6mii
6ce lkle.1 with :-. Tao . .
Z. -tthich i otoiH Iht ZtUlvm H
It-. Mik tatued a: -9,M0 4 t. ,
le tvvere! l) wtranrn. l-atti U I .
lirpubiUttn tteA fee um tut. ' .,
J3.l0. iHsrri for MV P
pre valued t I.v. !
r.-Msl u have t- t.uivL r. t!
Htrtit oj Ikn Hrjtbttftn i&lr . ; -
. fHW.M I nr Mumw 1 nHm. x
ItiCtott, Pa-vl a. Pret" TN j
were vrr VAliwNr ! re t'f.
it.i-4e- U.e pUte ti pim of Ux
wrlv w rte h;Mr4. Ibo On fc "i
In Thilus N Mofw. whaMt !.
!. l"b utl will mrt :
oh Hit tw-U.inl- f tlj:-h fc rfr
rtiicn. While th ttfts1" r,:r
int known st Usiwvi-d I fa -..
out tM ih en? 1. ttM.m fC Ute Wb'
rampro. the !t tlkt-s -iMt
In the " t.i.Uttnf. alMt mm aftf I! -NnKi-ouifoai
'iivtne Hcht m A '
Wi ni UJrnt ext.ncolsli'Mk. IwvriM; . .-.
iuartirs of th ctt in txn)Mrallc .v
A SPANISH CO.NSPIHACY. of an r t; I Imli l liu.r O
Jret ! ! Ilrsoiti S,lb
MvOKtli July 11 A v irstrra
splrrv la wloh - n -.rctitt t-rut. r
tetlet fnua Hailii.:oi Aure lw!fv
iW MWrarU ,j,c ,wtu Fl. ran.
ih eMTT(t inrooKrwtu; tut Mn.-il-
prov Inees tf Amca ant CMwImoI 1
llisttf?;ent- e4ah4tthel hm4itactr-s h-
the Cttv of Mt.r, from bttH- mi.
feto- of ji rrolHtlMa;T chtifurlnf wete
-mil. nnd throtitch n?ri tr- TarU.i ami low 11- iMYaiilf.i tAIU of - -ihcu
fottiiitl nitl nath lu oeWinv
tlHIttltli h mkI to Hid In Uk ftti
tepnblli. 'I he poilre haviis tttlt inf.f i.
that .1 tm-etliir of MHni of llv lwu--.
had lei-n stnincr! to lltke p4 o yrln :4
Ilia lioW-v ItMUtmt hi the riljr hi tM
The poll-e innde a ib,eV tm te t
o rolllelel -iff'tlM! ttW elir.-t-
that theV MH vi islel III -ntiirtllC " e- r.
rniit. The tM.i-ti itl r.rnre4 faiit ,
died M:le; jje mJ init.e. t.ain
,Uctiititv of iiiHitii.itl.m t oionel Mas
lendei of thebmt. ws smnmuiily Ur. .
cmitt martial mol enirttrmt t. bo lmL I!.
ft eel ni klitiW lisljo! tlutt A CAfNr)M' e
isfs to overthrow te Government. aei r .
pnssed ho t viet fol the aft ! had Um .
Ill the tlioVeOieHt. VtKittief hniwf n( ill. ?
itetits was diiitwixi bv tho milliard !
I11C lu the uut,tt of tin eiiy itt 54 ti,
Fnlfv oiiolmifof taeir nnmhor ' ,,,
llltisl 'the others ir-f-Hxs) Mnklafi r
and .o.-oulreiio 1 t Im-IuimI theui
JikIc Hi,. II l,iiia l.rlt.'Mli 111. m ,
VV'.i.IiIiiIi.u T.lli.i. I t.lMi. imI Ni,mI
4tf-let l..
W -iiim.i.. Jafjr ;t. In wmrl yr'- '
ln J mice Snell d Hfrm ul f iur rm fc-. a
Im; wt of the threiMa hmmIi br Um to,., t
talloi- .igiilM'S the noa-tmmw a,Httd '
"llils u a Urwl of frottNi, atwl turW. t
'nine bote to ' .MITtmi lfH.1..
They nt a higher jrirf Ur tir Mmt ti t
the mi-r dH Ulnu a tile Mr wimt.-t
of other ciMiMiries ftiw. Vm nttmm !
Ikmii ltl. Germitiiy. AimUU mud
other romitrv. ami m t .
(u join n !abr nuloM mI pt ! iMfmn'
the pnri ot tali lo litis rtHtrv . T :-
tlo ,f tilt Htnliv e mtl Kfttut Urn ml
in Morttoii to their worh. itMH.I Uo-
terleteiice of Ulr wiiium. It hi fg;
that the grettlrst aUiSMM t tlEVtt lit '
-nuLr) me IIhi niferMAvl imtn, aI
o.ier vve get it of ttirai M. twli.
f'lii"ie ho-ii n mwmIk tout M try J. an-..
niwl go to tHt-uthHt m-H tMMiwr IW yt:-
nt ?' trteiMJlj jirc Thuy n r
ns meMfiiif jt ttte simc n iy Um
sll-CIM liotie.
Cat tit-ring 'I li-Oi I,
Rr.Mvu.M,lu j,.u. jMil IT.-Ckwf
Pofteo Juiiikm biuiut arriyiMl thla hmu .
from IVKhtcah. Ky , w.A Ilirary A. Vl
llan. one of tle nrfr nt Uw iltr?..
III., hivoraive wi4ln. U'liti-nw 1,
TAiUt protniiM-ul trmhiml ni fn4tf
b-Oig the owner .,f two Uiru nwl a gmt
couatry store. Ilr i, a r-hUo;,' th .
-J iii4iaii-f 1 owpnMy.
'wteiii njatl
. Of Uhw
iNHON. July i n,i, iHrnfar? . ,
Triryriij itoatp h-ada thn fiW-o'
' At lhi imitimit t"- i-h iltUe jwa- '
ouinrwx u h tMid-raUiilag wifla i'.-
i-,rf. f,., . ni. -rv T . .
fJ" " "" """' u ' w'
-" h !-. m t
'? W. t4 tef It im liVtiMK-l
y wi iUm ut the tUCiro.t) e by H ,
,,a - r,msnnm: u, rarry eart tae 'rlltmi
-jr. njw.ri Ir? Mr .lmdi.- t0fi
fumlAtvl IU :: tOUf ot KMa4i. f-.
miXmHm IkA. lao,- lt-4l t
we Mfrntnf rW ntim tswtr
'' sttnwid lt t-e mtnttms '
1-AtM at ay XMMCirttt tiiat le At&tom o
I'.tiMiaarr toon- Ut ton ."
tx ..
T.-ivr.K. IOL. Jly IT. , a
lH(km -rcMrr! i tHe rxtotut rark. k
.- .-... irf awew, 'aiTWMl
"""-. iim car -mhw r?4i-.
it. dymnatN- ,, a.. -.-niJ,n ,
ttir l-mx retarfce.j g , tmm.r
a dor- m--. "Jj,, ....j tJ .
- in tie triai n-r brM frnm lv
track iwl fcuil.y htauge,l Jt ,, ,
"W'Xf rtJ -. of a cutjtj -mat Tl
"tiTx. trawt rtrf-r tfw jjwt nt'tm -karfti-
l Jfcie hI lrn purrt . thvr rr '
I, ... .1 . .
ttmm Si. JUU Calhrtirsi s,.i TL
e$d ka.a
rM54 aitrr th-i Uze.
"rctog t-r O.iw
. ntJNCIj:Li. Ili J-l t- r
-- --i7 -- la iegr
r te crvp r .,. -j. Jtrtj.
of U uur lUi Azttmiim Ul ,
. -, -..p. riiwii ih Uaa jalute
tM;J.Xio Iaurt3f tl mnmBk tho
'""I rs mo grata taa.s faapfant., tjWt,
i aU4n i:m xmv4 . hlmte tm al-
awre Xhn Uk? stqeare itat. 'rL --
HOai fct JflCr.. & Ar Tarffcl
sma& US jrtw: ce aTwG-,T