The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 17, 1885, Image 6

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wirnoMm rer the par
The ooyrta have dosMoi
Cake aewMum free, the
8tim us tearta Meat uacai-M rer, sj
rau facto evHeeea at urrarTtoa-X ntssm
Tell you what I like the beat:
'ton about knee deep la Jane,
Bout tbe tiwu) strawberries atelts
On tbe Tines aome afteraaoa
Xlke to Jca gvt out and reat
And sot work at nothla' elsa. jl
'Orchard's where I'd rutber be
.Needn't fence It la for mo -s-
JcV the whole ky overhead.
And the whole world underneath
Sorto' ao'a a man kia breathe
Like be ort and kiada' ka
JElbowroom to keerlcaalr
Sprawl out len'thwayft on tbe Sjaaa
Where tbe ahadder thick aad aoft
An the kirven oa tbe bed
Mother ea fa the loft
Alius wheathc's company!
Jen a sort o lazdn' there
H'lzy 'at you peek and peer
Tfaroufth Uie wavln' leaves above
Like a foliar 'iU In love
And don't know it ner don't keerl
K vcrytbJ ng you bear and ee ,
ot come sort o Interest: .'
My tie find a bluebird miest
Tucked up there conveniently
For the boyn 'an apt to lm
Up mime other apple-tree!
"Winch the wallers Hkootiu' pMt
MIout an peert a you could ant: ,
Kr the llohwhitc raise and whiz
Where aome other's whittle I.
Ketch a shudder down below,
-And look up to And a crow;
Kr a hawk away up there,
J'enrantly froze in thoalr!
Jlcurtho old hen squawk, and squat
Over every chick she's (tot
uddnnt tike! And She knows where
That air hawk is, well as you ,
You Jet' bet your life she do
Kres a Klltterifi'Ilke gins,
Waitln till he makes a pass!
Tec-woes' sinirin, to express
My opinion a second -dafta.
Yil you'll henr 'em. more or less;
ftipsuckH lt tin' down to biz.
"Wcciln'out the loncHoracricsa:
Mr. Illuiijay, full o' hum,
In them huso-ball clothes o' bla,
Hportln round tho orchiird Jos"
J.lko he owned the premises.
Hun out in the fields kin nlzz.
Hut tlttt on your liiiek, I s?ucs.
Jn the shade's where ttlnry Is!
Thut'a jes' what I'd like to do
Htlddy for a ear or two.
T'liikMie! ef they alnt sompln In
"Work 'at kindo kooh agin
My conviction! Ionic about
Herein JiinocMpeeiulIyl
Under wme old upple tree,
Jes' a rcHtiu through and through,
J could Rit along without
No hi n' cImj at all to do
Only Jen' n wlshln' you
AVh n sittJii' therollko me,
And June wu, eternity 1
Lay out there and try to poo
Jen' how la.y j-ou Icln Ikj!
Tiiuiblo round and hoiio your head
Jn the clover-bloom, or pull
Vourfltruw liat acrottyour cos,
And peek HiroiiKh It ut the skies,
Thlnkln' of old chum 'atMilead
May Ikj mii.Hii hack at juu
Jn IftwUt the lieautirul
Cloud o' k11. and whllo and blue!
Mouth a man can ra lly lover
June, joti know, I'm talkln' of!
March ain't never nolhln new!
April nltOKeiher too
Jiranh for mo! and May I Jca'
'Itomluato its promise
Little hints o Htuirhlno and
Green around the t.uiter land
A few IiIok.oiiis, and a few
Chip bird, and a sprout er two
)mp axleep. and it turns in
'Koro duyliKht and snows ugin!
ttnf when June conic- clear my throat
With wild honor! Keueh my hair
In tlio dew! ami hold my coat!
Wlioopout loud! and throw my bat!
.In no wants me, and I'm to spare!
Spread them shadders anywhere,
I II get down and waller there.
And obleced to you at that!
fitmc Millnnnb Hilt'j, in nilanapoKs Jmir
mil. X
tho Blow PeU "Ifa
I Than Another."
Old Nurso Edwards sat on tho tiny
orch of tho .irdener's lodge, tranquil
ly knitting, with her spectacles, as usu
al, )ti-hud high under her cap. She
liad been told that it was a rest to ro
lnove them from her eyes oecasiona'ly,
though whether tho relief were to the
eyvs or to the glasses she could not cx
:etly rememler: in either case, howev
er, .she felt it hor manifest duty to spare
them all she could.
It was a glorious summer afternoon,
smd from her wiekcr chair she looked
out over a wide expanse of velvet lawn,
luxuriously shaded hero and there with
clumps of venerable trees, in whoso
branches the birds were holding high
carnival. Hut Nurse Edwards did not
bear the birds, for tliero was a cricket
just under the loilge of the veranda,
-who had ipiite as much to say as thev.
stud who had no one but her to say it
to; nor did she need to look over the
lawn for her sunlight. when a beam had
come purjocly to seek her out, and
was lying across her lap, like a long
needle, tremulously waiting to bo taken
tip and fitted to somo wonderful golden
Avork. It is only discontented people
who must search afar for their pleas
ures. Nurse Edwards found all that
ehe required closo to her feel.
Presently sho put down her knitting,
and sat stiffly upright, with a look of
recognition on her placid face, that took
tho place of a smile, and seemed to ex
press almost more of pleasure. She
Lad caught the sound of coming foot
stepslight, dancing, happy steps, that
could only belong to a child, or to one
-who had not yet unlearned childish
gladness; and, truly enough, the slender
figure of a girl, still in her teens, soon
appeared around the corner, and in a
moment more had bounded breathless
ly to her side.
Eh, Miss Anna, dear' aaid the old
-woman, fondly, taking the young girl's
hand and patting it affectionately,
'what brings ye here in such haste the
"Oh! I couldn't come slowly," Annie
replied, with that little, inconsequent
laugh, that indicates happiness rather
than mirth. "I don't think I could
walk to-day, if it were to save my life.
My feet wouldn't let me if I asked it of
iicm. Nursie " she suddenly stopped
and kissed the faded check "Fred is
coming to-day, and Pre run down to
meet him. He'll be at the gate in half
an hour. The train is due at five
The old woman took the prett face
lietween her hands caressingly.
I can't think how ye've so soon
crown up to have a sweetheart, my
Bonnie dearie, ye that Pvc nursed on
my knees and crooned to sleep this
many a time gone, till I looked for ye
never to outreach the cradle. Needs
was some on ye should be grown women
in the end; and 1 didn't say nothing
against it when 'twas only MUs Meg
and Miss Caroline; but I did hope to
Jteep the last born for rav ain. Eh! eh!
Tis the natural way of children. Here's
any Jem turned a man of a sudden, with
a home to keep me in; him as Fd held
a lad till it was no that easy to put faith
in his beard even with my two eyes upon
it He'll be getting hisa a sweetheart
aext, I tell him; but he says nay, he
wants no sweetheart but his mother.
3fj'Jes's a good lad. God bless kirn!
And so ye are looking for Mr. Fred, are
je. Miss Annie? And it's for him that
Te're so fray in all yor brave ribbons
H com it's ior to," retnnM
Annie, joyotasly. "And am I quite fine
aough, say, Nursie, dear? Will he say
he never saw me look as nice before?
"Ay, to be sure; that will he!" re
plied the old woman, ferventlv.
"Though it'll no be the ribbons he'll
mark. He'll say as my Jem says when
I put on my smart gown of a Sunday:
'it's the face I mind, mother, and
naught besides,' he says. Ye look as
weltin the oldest gown ye wears, moth
er,' he says."
"I am afraid Jem is an arrant flat
terer," laughed Annie. "You've pos
itively grown conceited since you came
to live with him. You had much better
have stayed on with us at the house."
"Nay, there's nothing as could keep
me from my Jem, now. Miss Annie,
dear," answered the old woman,
soberly. "He's the only one left me
of all 1 had, and xuy heart is set on him.
It's little 1 can do for him now I'm old.
and mv sight is ailing, and I'm no that
quick 1 was on my feet; but it's all in
the wav of Nature, he saj's. Them as
sows In the .spring shall reap in the
fall, and I'm to reap now, whilst he's
to work at the sowing. A deal of trouble
j Tve had in my day, but no finger's
toucn win no w.i anear niu in my oiu
age he says. Eh, but he's a Ood lad
May Heaven grant ye a son like him.
Miss Annie, when ye've stepped down
out of the spring-time yerself."
"Yes, Jem's very good," assented
Annie, carelessly, "rather says there
is not a place anywhere around ho well
kept as lie keeps ours. Oh! hark! Isn't
that the train?"
She sprang to her feet, throwing
back her head and listening eagerly,
with bated breath, raising ati'imperious
little hand to silence all other hounds.
It seemed as if, -at this spoiled darling's
bidding, tho very birds stopped .-inging.
and the leaves forbore their rust ling, all
was suddenly so still. Nurse Edwards
listened, too. but less intently, aud the
chirping of the cricKet beneath the
piazza ledge was the only sound she
"Hey, what a noise he makes?" sho
said, admiringly, as Annie turned back
with a gesture of disappointment. "If
it's them as is happiest sings loudest,
yon fellow has the best of us all."
"OJi! will it never be live o'clock?"
cried Annie, mindful only of her im
patience. "Tin's day has been a hun
dred days long already."
"Now don't ye i in haste with
Time, my dear," said the old woman,
reprovingly. "Yu'll not burn it.
though ye fret it never so. We" must
just bide the time, my Jem says, and
all thingn'Il come in turn iir.-t life,
then growth, then death. Things is
best taken natural as thej come. The
rose that c foree'll only be sooner done
"Hut I can't wait," the "irl com-
plained, childishly. "I always want
things immediately, and I want five
o'clock this minute. What time can it
be, Nursie? Oh! do say its live
"It'll bo nigh upon it, sure, by tho
slant of the shadows," tho old woman
answered, peering out across the lawn.
"Ye can look at tho sun-dial vender, if
ye will."
"Nonsense!" rejoined Annie, con
temptuously. "As if a stupid bit of
wood and a rusty shadow kept any
count of tho time the train goes by.
I'll look at the clock inside."
"Then ye may spare yerself the
trouble, my dearie; for the hands
stopped at live minutes to seven this
morning, exactly as my Jem started out
for the city: and live minutes to seven
it'll bo till ray Jem gets home, which
may Ikj tho n&ht or the morrow. And
I've been n-thicking all tho day as I sat
here how it's with me and with every
thing about me just as it is with the
old clock inside- It's him that keeps
us gong; and we're all run down aud
stopped together when he's gone, biding
the timo till ho comes back to right us.
"Then I wish ho could come back
now and make it live o'clock." siirhed
Annie. "Surely it mut be live o'clock,
and the train has come in without my
hearing the whistle. I'll run down to
the gate and wait there. Fred can't be
long now. (lood-bve, Nursie. In live
minutes more 1 shall be tho very hap
piest girl in all the world!"
And before she had finished speaking
sho was off. disdaining the road and
making herself a pathless way across
the lawn; laughing, dancing, bounding
along with many a light spring and
airy leap and merry twist.liko a mount
ain brook too impetuous to run smooth
ly. The old nurse smiled indulgently,
and. settling herself back in her chafr,
went contentedly on with her knitting.
wiule the cricket again became the up-
ermost sound in ber world, like a
lomely accompaniment to the single
music of her thoughts
Many more minutes than five went by
uncounted, when, suddenly, from the
direction of the gateway, Annie again
camo running, but not as she had run
licfore. Very direct and straight sin
camo. Her arms were outstretched as
one who runs blindly; her face, that had
been so rosy, was white as death and
strangely set. and she flung herself
into the old woman's arms with a
great, sharp cry.
"O, Nurse! O. Nursa! The train is
not in. There has been an accident A
man going by told me. And there has
been ono killed. Jst a light accident!
But there was om killed. Only one
killed, the man said. U Nurse! it is
Fred. I know it is Fred! As certaralv
as that I am alive now, I know that it
is my darling who is dead!"
And the girl burst into a passion of
stormy weeping, and would neither be
comforted, nor listen lo anything that
hor old friend said.
"I tell you I know it is he!" she
cried, with an agony of conviction in
her voice that almost carried certainty
with it "It was like a knife through
my heart the moment the man spoke.
At the word accident i felt that Tred
was dead, even before he said anything
more. I tell you I knew that it is he.
as surely as if 1 saw him Wing here be
fore mv'eves!"
" Nay, nay. my pet my darling, mv
heart's dearie!" cried the old nurse.
clasping the girl to her breast and rock
mg back and forth with her as if she
were a babe, so quickly does grief make
children of us alL "How can ye know?
Why borrow so sore a trouble as this?
Wait till the good Lord brings it to ve
Himself, and eases the weight of it or
lending His own blessed hand to the
burden. What should start ye before
hand to fear it?"
Oh! don't you ace?" Annie moaned.
"Don't you see? It is because I am so
happy that I dread it I aa too hap
py. 1 have never had a sorrow in all
my life. Not one. I have everything
I want I haven't a wish left to 'wish.
My life is as bright as tbe yer is long.
And tbe happiness has gr-t to stop
sometime. Aren't we always being
told we must expect sorro'v? That
every one has to suffer? It isn't natural
to be so happy as I am. Sorrow has
got to cosae to me, too; and 1 know it
is comuig how im ibis way uu most
lemote way ot alt I ant to
lose my
very dearest I ant to los Fredfor-
Aad we wers a hafpy together
so happv! I loved him o
Jfnrse. Nurse! I cant bear it!"
"WhMt, whist, my bairnie! Don't
ye go to think the Lord begrudge ye
your happiness in tbe blsAsfngs Him
self has gi?e ye to enjoy. Don t ye go
to misjudge Kim so."
Oh! if lie bat taken Fred from me
if He has I shall bate Him. I shall
hate Him!" cried Annie, wildly, clench
ing ber slender hands. "Oh! if God is
so cruel, so pitiless 'as that i will never
love Him. never pray to Him again,
never, while I b've!"
"Annie, Annie! God help
;,m .c
don t know what ye are sayine: ex
claimed the poor old woman, with tears
dronninz over her withered cheeks.
"How dare ye call Him cruel. If He
bids ye let go your heart's dearest
what right have ye even so to set yonr
will against Him as made ye, aud as
works all things together for your
good? My Jem says there's a reason
in all the Lord's doings; it's only our
eyes as Is weak and don't always see
plain. It's wicketl of ye to talk so,
Annie, and I couldn't a-bear it, only
Jem says he is sure the Lord don t
listen when we speak that we don't
mean: and ye don't mean what ye are
saying now. Why, ye've just said
there no blesMnjr in the world a has
been denied ye your life long, and yet
now ye couian i taice one sorrow irom
mm even u tie sem u ve;
WW WT & T '!
"()nl' not this one? '
her face hidden in the
dress. "Onlv not this!
sobbed Annie,
Old WOmail S
I COIlUl Dear.
anything else: but ouly not this!"
"O, Anoic! it's no for us to
what .'hall be of the Lord's sending.
V hat lie sends, gooa or oau, tnai must
we take; and it's no for us to choose
the what or the when. If one poor soul
lies dead vonder. then there's sorrow
I'nimt intn t tit i'nrli inTHwli('r.' tiv r;i- I
son of it It's so that some one mut
liear the grief ye say ye can not, nor
urMl nut Iufir I nthirs .trnii'-rr tlian
.. ... ..., U.... -w . -. ,
ve. tlien. tliat vc siiomu oe spared, anu
lixcs it upon.
The old woman bowed her bead rev
erently as she spoke, and Annie looked
up at" her. half awed, though with
cheeks still wet with rebellious tears.
And just there, some one stooped over
them and lifted the young girl to her
feet, softly saying her name. Ah ! what
voice of all living could so say it save
one? It was as it her lover had been
given back to her from the very regions
of the dead, and. after an almost fright -
encd glanee at him. Annie threw her-elf
upon his breast, with an inarticulate cry
of relief and rapture. J erhaps when
souls lirst meet in Heaven they fel
- ... . .. .
.somewhat as sue leu in mat moment.
....k ... J..W..O ".. is"-'J "-"M."'"
Icitr fflm T-tttr nii nrrTl iitili twnl
her clinging arms, and. holding her
hands iu one of his, went nearer tho old
nurse, and stood looking down ut tier
without speaking.
"Oh, Mr. Fred!" tho old woman
cried, catching his hand, while a look
of such unsellish delight irradiated her
wrinkled face as absolutely transfigured
it "The Lord be thanked that it is not
ye who have been taken!"
"No, not I," Fred said slowly, while
she. in the reliof that seemed to set all
her senses free again, heard the cricket
chirp, and saw how the golden needle
of light had slipped away from her lap,
and felt it where it lay bright and warm
across her foot "Not I, ho said, "but
another." And there he paused again.
finding speech difficult, and laid his
hand on her shoulder as if to steady
her; and then, in despair at his own
cowardice in breaking the news to her,
he turned abruptly to Annie. "Help
her if you can, Annie," he said. "Tell
her. Jem was ou the train, too. It is
her Jem who was killed."
The old nurse spoko never a
Did she understand? She felt a
bling: but she did not weep or moan or
move by a hair's breadth; only sat with
her hands dropped helplessly iu her lap.
looking unsccingly up at him who had
brought the news. It seemed as if the
silence could be felt Annie had Hung
herself on her knees by the old wom
an's side again, and was covering the
poor old baud with vain kisses and
vainer tears. Her heart was full of an
intolerable pity, that took almost the
shape of self-reproach. What words of
comfort could sue dare to speak to one
who was old. and weak, and poor, aud
helpless, and who had lost not one gift
out of many, but tho one only blessuig
she had?
For a few moments the stricken
woman sat there speechless, aging visi
bly before their eyes in the first awful
shock of tho bereavement She was as
if she had gone deaf and dumb and
blind in an instant or rather, as if
with faculties all overstrained and
tense, sho had been suddenly plunged
into a sphere with which theirs bad no
communication. But after a time she
roused herself with an effort drawing
a long breath, aad moistening her dry
"Don't fret for me. children." she
said, brokenly, with a wan smile, mov
ing hor hand, tremblingly, to Annie's
hair. "Some one had to be taken, ye
see. and some one has to suffer, and it's
better I than another; for I've not so
long as some to wait. It's near the
closing of the day with me; the night
will be upon me soon; and I don't need
the strength to bear it as them as has
but begun the day. Donl ye fret
Annie; don't ye fret dear. The Lord
has laid His burden upon me; but His
hand will be under when my old feet
She got up unsteadily, still smiling
that faint wan smile, and stood a mo
ment looking uncertainly about her, as
if tiying to find herself in this strange
world she was lost in. and, suddenly,
the chirp of the cricket smote her ear.
like a familiar sound from the friendly
old world of the pa-t linking the then
and the now together. The conscious
ness came slowly back into her eyes as
her look wauc?red out over the lawn
and the trees beyond, and then seemed
to pass on to some point further still.
perhaps beyond earth altogether, be
yond death, b?yond space and beyond
time. She seemed quite to have forgot
ten the presence of the others.
"Ay. ay!" she mdmured. softlr. "I've
not so long to wait as some. The Lord
is full of love aud mercy. It's better I
than another. And better Jem than
one. may be. less ready."
And with that she turned and went
into her little, desolate home, and closed
the door; and the two left outside
looked at each other silenty, and then
went mutely away together, saddened
through all the happiness of their re
union. By what inscnstable justice had
this sorrow oavssed thent by to fall on
her? Waal Is the mystic sign that ss
often tnnas aside the angel of woe frosa
the abode of the happy, to sheathe hk
swotn. afresb in hearts tnat nave already
your pain put on uieiur ai. ng. i cxUts in rh.Judelplua. with tbe purpose j.ood effect to withm a few inches of the I P'1 ,',r"n1k. otnehow I m ea-y - ' M another trial at
."n,!:iC S"" fS.,.: EEi of Poting silk-culturc as profitable f of U,e skirt trimming, yulio an- I .,- , W t-te j M' J I1" t V and Is
mm ijim: uu u.iu iu me mnm . huuuh,. , Knri. nr ,,,. i in, u-w iin'.-iin(i ...i..,. n-.w. :., .,:...... . ....i t..i ! ji me uouor u an uav wmi mn. Aiw ... ' . .
The yervtrees has storms sen hem wU!l ..pure,y philanthropic" purpo LTV le S?aih liuXw , eh N Wj-rhoW wW onlv let mo oflfon hT VSSZ u X
and stands ;u(. ngninst . tlicm wh Is they hy ladies, headed in .Mrs ; adl!cd u th, Lnirafront that opens -unded untune I'. eouMder St a 'Xrwhet ,V XiSv ladl" are In v
can So them that (,od semis this sor-1 .),, LllcaSt in A,,ril. 10, it has per- , ju,t ,iovv .,M. Iifth bulllin on lht. Lv a wmplimeni. ndepl I would, and J "7hiWmtaS
row to the .lay, whoever they chance to Iuacnt offices at 1.12S Chctnut ,trce ,f lhc polonaie. the blou-e made of Pra Wtlifnlly. yer honor. I th.Tr Ti-hborl wh" are weTC (Si
wTJ"?nX U,r "S""". -ljvormegg- . embroid'ered ,. the polonaise of - r 1 won; , drmk .-ate for a twulvc , ZiT th.uuThey am
and. .is m,. .lem "" J-aj. n,l VL .mulberry trees and band-reels sold, aud , Jk ranv:Ls dotted with eheuille the e- ,n,,"J Mir . f , ! rMondblo to Mime extent -KiUrt U
gracious Ixird lighten it to the heart He . buok of iIwlriietioii. i vhich it publishes. ; ,r .i,,,,!,, nf ,i1(, t.Mtnsl..r n n,. "bat do you say to that Mr Hax-, T. "n ",0'1. V ".. . ,f" ,.
Is it because the j wfco hattt wd
fered most are stronger to endure again,
being the quickest to discern the hidden
blewing in tbe sting, and the surest of
making it their own?
Who can tell? Life is full of prob
lems more unanswerable than this.
Orarc Dtnlo Litchfield in .V. 1". Independent,
IIow tba Ia4try Frapra
la TbU
The silk industry, wkich has become
so iarffe an interest in this country, is
i purely a manufacture
In"- one, gcttm' its
thcr from abroad,
riW material altogether
,1....-w.. Tk. n..,f ..,- .i -.
exnect much result from silk-rsisirn-
in America, chieflv because thev think
r'.lk can not be well
trv at any satisfactory
stated that girls iu the
earn onlv from one to one
francs (twejktv
to thirty cents) a dav,
and in thoe of Italy seventv-hve
i centimes t a franc (tiftemi u twenty
cents) for fourteen hours work, while
J equally skilled labor here should return
nearly a dollar. Moreover, silk valued
at four to five dollar jer jniund can be
broii'rht to New Yort from J:irnn at
froa. tiim. lo c.v,j,t cent, per jvound
, freight The promLfing held for Am-
I .. "
erican siiK-growing m America .teems
! therclore, to
lie restric lei! chii'ilv
, flint of i ithIilinrv imliiitrv Inru'ninpn
nmJ fhili!ri. wlm u'ntilii not nthirw;a
be at work, ami then uuder the dis-
j advantage of "hou-e reeling." Whether
the production of cocoons, not for reeJ-
n na for airect uc bv
i industry of .-.nun-silk
the growing
iuighl prove prohtabie. is very
tionable in view of the low price (
teventv-five ceuU per pound) paid for
Nevertheless, a "Women's Silk-Culture
Association," one of the indirect
results of the Centennial h..M-n:on.
supplied. iwo silk exhibit ins nave!
been held, and the association ioasts
twelve auxiliaries iu as many Mate-.,
and has had. it states, over thirty thou
sand correspondent. It is hoped ulti-
t match to open a filature. Its prospec
tus, in presenting the claims of "Amer
ica's new industry," savs: "It can be
prosecuted by the feebler members of
fthe family, women aud children.
:iieil ncrsuns. to whom the suvenr
, ,.,-,. l f,. u hnrdeii. :m! tbe eom-
,Hjnsation is" sure: for if our country is
pensation is sure;
etiilinr Mimiirillv to fnru'um l-uul-
- - ----. - - --..--
eij,Mt,.t.n mMlx dollars for raw silk,
' there is no rea-on why this amount ol
. ,iomy can i,0t lo dhided
am uig
. own .American cuiiurists. im
. t. t
,,ro(jct nol ,K.rishable. like much of
crop or
j jj,c f:inn
product, and the trees, once
planted aim grown, vieni a perpeiuai
supply of food for the silk-worms, care
hcni'.r taken onlv in tlin annual tiiPkm"
ot the leaves.
The production of sixty thousand
pounds of cocoons was reported by cor
respondents of the association in" 1 88 i,
largely from southern New Jersey and
from the South. Harper's Magazine.
m m
rs ----. - , n
Downing- .) float from Ilosarllle An
AtonUhrd Magnrnte.
There is a saloou out on Grand Rivf-r
avenue which h:is long been the head
quarters of the I loss from iiossvillc.
Whatever ho asserted iu politics, relig
ion, social science or linance hail to be
accepted as gospul, or he would mash
the dissenter. Ho was a lighter and a
hard hitter, and most of his victims
came to their senses to softly inquire if
tho cyclone had left anybody else alive.
A pair of events happened to aston
ish the Hoss and his cohorts. He was
laying down the law on evolution, and
just aching for some one to dispute him.
when a stranger with veneraule gray
locks and venerable white whi-ker
came iu for a glass of beer. He Ib
tened to the Moss for a moment, aud
then, to tho horror of the select circle
present, he boldly challenged the cor
rectness of eich and all the assertions.
"Stranger." said the Ho--, as he i-om;
up with an electric b.ght of four hun
dred candle-power in each eye. ,ld'yu
mean to dispute me?"
"Actually dispute?'
"I won't jam vou through the floor.
I woc't!" said the Hovs.' in a voic
which wobbled with emotion, "nor I
won't snd you home in the ambulance.
but -"
"Thank you!" interrupted the old
"Hut I'll head you for out-doors and
give yon a short ride on the toe of roy
boot to teach you manners."
With that he grabbed at the venera
ble whiskers with his right hand, and
clutched the venerable gray locks with
the other. Both pulled awav, and as
he stood holding them in his hands a
thunderbolt dodged in os his nose. As
he went down he had a dim conscious
ness that the house was falling in, and
that the town of Bossville hud been
swept away by a tidal warn. The
stranger worked away at him until
tired out nnd then drank his lager.
picked up his disguise, aad left the
place with the remark:
"Some of you better tell him that he
took an overdose of laughing-gas. It
will sort o' let him lewn easy.
When tbe Bos finally opened his
eyes to ask what had happened thay
tried the laughing-gas dodge on him.
but it was no go. He gathered hi
punched head and bruised body int a
bundle and went out and sat down eo
the commons and slowly figured it all
out by himself. The Boss had been
downed. Bossiesa was played out
Detroit Free Press.
A statement is credited & Svft
Brown, of tb Zooloirical arden 51
I'hila Jelnhia. that a man came to him
dl the wsr irom Nebraska to nurpha; I
a buffalo, "the gardens containing; a. fine
and a half
nextx. iac wouiu-oe purcnassr. wnotu"'HU,r,,w ..-m...t.
Tirorod unss)cccvsf ul in bis. mission a:d I
L ... j-.-.T
11 was a svr.t- ui-.ici, a-iu; --4
must get some kind of a buffalo lo take
sV -1 Jf
oacs: to .iconv- -i.n aac, ior :re is
a whale tribe of Indians waiting to celeb-ale
their national ntedicin dance
aro4snd hisa. There ain't a buffalo to
be got In the West and 1 have come
east : especially to get o&-" lilade
pMa Ttaacx.
Plant plenty of sesxl in the gardon.
Do not be content with a small patcb of
vegetables aad an iaswfficieai snffly.
as the garden oan be so Manages! as tc
aVs kittus for m lv- (il.
br tb Jf4a Ae-
rpf4 by WH-PrMni Wwtmu.
The Marguerite gauntlet sleeve Is
very stylish, and is la mode when ad
ded to an art i tic costume wboe gen
eral effect w antique. The top to one
ef these sleeves, noted upon a Parisian
dre made for a lady artist in this city,
was formed of fawn-colored Lyons tatin,
and a Ion? close cuff joined it at the
elbow, which reached to the wrist This
! cxl W:t made of ruby velret and lacvd
' closely up the back with tiny opal but-
i tnr anil trrs.v title fnnft ITio Atm
portion of the dress itclf ra superbly
decorated a massive UjaUworK or
. . a a.. .
panels on the .-krt lined with the velvet
wn lik(.wi. adorn-.I.
Anion" the hst of roiizh-and-ivadv
j straw hst. ami bonnet.'.
which are vcr'
hats, or
sometimes called, are d'-cor.ited in ea-y
gnice. with wreaths of full-blown ne
with stems, thorns and sweet briar
foliage en evidence, or sprays of sweet
clover, pink and white, buttercup blos-
soul. tielu unifies anu mirtlock ourr
are cut with the bodice glove-tittiug.
except directly in front, where a few
folds of the material are shirred into the
neck an.l allowed to fall loo-ely a little
below the waist llore tney are held by
ribbons which tie and fail with
Bower fichus are among the lloral
novelties to in noted in eenug or
... i .i ...". :
bridesmaid's toilets On u limited -cale
they have been us-d for some tine,
edging or bordering, for instance, the
inner sale of a lace lichu. or forming a
heading to its fall of I .ice. Tney now
attain greater dimensions, almost cov-
i ering the shoulders and coming down
over the chest m a gentle curve, often
falling below the w.ust iu gracful trail
ing sprays which narrow to a single
loaf or half-open bud. A lace hchu un
derneath a floral one has frequently an
imposing effect, especially when the
shoulders haeseeii better day.
Cardinal red velvet is in great life
lirst in
line combination with the gray. I
.--r .. - -. - .,-...-
lawn, neige and other neutral lints, now
7 . it .
so prevalent, and bows of it are hvii
iii. i i i it . n . t.
upon black ami dark blue toilets when -
1 ., , , .,
fawn, heme and other iieulr:il tints, now
i ....... t. ...... :.- .. ......... tt.... ,.t ....i ...i... I
it iii i
I n-lu-r fi tn I t"i rilni-i I r'il iiira.nN nrn
;iiri iiiuiu is .1 sniiiii --mjwii ui ji-ti iiie-i-
f ., . ... .. . . ' ,, , . ,
the invariable adjuncts to all such toi
lets. On black lace hats it is fashion
able to arrange a knot of red rihlon
velvet in place of a feather aigrette.
Bed hoso worn with black sat n sandals
or pale gray mulct, have a new of
life; and red silk gloves are fashion
able, but are execrable upon the hands
of any one this .side of "Old Virginny"
or the land of the Dakota.
In choosing tan-colored kid gloves,
it is well to note what particular shado
of this hand-covering is chosen :ts thero
are tans aud tans; aud some of these
tints do not tone so well with black,
for instance, as others. Cheap gloves
of any description are the worst econo
my possible- When purchasing Suede
gloves it is always adv.sable to Ik sun
of their lining, as they varvin size con
siderably. even when supposed to be of
the proper number It is a good plan
to take a well-titling qan' ou.
which you havo tested, when you 'wish
to buy new gloes; you compare length
of thumbs and lingers and wi 1th aeros
the hand. Il is aho a good plan at the
time to settle upon a certain brand of
glove, whose exact number is reliable.
so mat on ititure occasions vou innv
know exactly what to atk for. as it
very disappointing to pay a high price
for glove-, bought at random, and lind
the supposed proper number to be cither
too large or too small.
South Kensington cuibroiderie--.
wrought in moyen-nge co'ors upon can
vas, or etamine di esses of pale almond
color, are stylish and handsome for for afternoon war at the sea
shore. Arra-ene is alo worked
single colors upon white grenadine with
lovclv effect A charming dre made
of this fabric was embroidered in pink
arrasene, delicately shaded. This em
broidery formed a heading to gathered
ruffles of the pink Spamh lac? which
trimmed the entire drc. The ve-t-fnmt
was a mas. of the embroidery,
with lace arranged downcaeh.-ide of it
Kn suit was a "piazza kerchief' for the
shoulders made of cream-vrhite Tcpc dr.
chin:, embroidered at ooe comer and
bordered with a ruffle of 4nk lace. The
costumes work e J with the South Ken
sington embroideries have an addition
al trimming of satin ribboes upon the
f sk.rt these tied tocflher among the
draperies, and reproducing' the moven-
j; age colors brought eut is theembroid-
IT. A. 1. Post.
He Ftft Sleesf.
"John," said she old man. as he laid
down his paper and wiped hi glasses,
"we're got one-ansa wmth fhc hundred
dollars of any nann's umskv."
"Yes. father."
"We've got another who is half blind.
and can't quite aim bit keep."
"And a third whaTd eat a comrnen
man poor sssidc ef a year, and no good
except to gift up a neighborhood quar
rel." "That's -o. father"
"Well. now. what would br the re-
t if vr hitchal
them hos.--. up to-
Wouldn't it spile the good
e. iraiead of making live handrwd
hw rcct father.
tamal railroad fi"-
Iiut these 'ere
geriist tb o-Jier way. A line which
kia possibly pay cvpen.- an' make two
cents far'scocknolders saas go an
hitch up with three or four lame an
biind consara that can't pay for axl
grexe. aa tbe result is damaiioa adl
aroued. JoLn."
"Yes. father.
"Snaff out tout caadle and go to bed'
When I sec men crack their own skulls
fur tbe sake of showia' the world the
sawdust iaside it makes oe sleepy.
Wall Street
Heory M. Stanley, tW czplorec. is
i.i : .ut. .... I mlir TTHthv m! nml Vtoii in f-
iixicu iu iut9 nuu ...--. -.--.... .. r. -,..-.. . -r .
price. It is ; ,7""- 1 ne aquaru ojcning ox llie , -"., v " uHj; nKv:r. w .
n w e a i TV rm J v r1. t I . a. m -. . B. . s
.. .. ATrnmt iw.iv.. . kavsI.twI w,tu w; (-inr ir liic cauurtn. n r n waji
..MM ...-.., tdii IximLnnin mrnilnr.i ni fl,.. ntin ' 1 time tO Otn the COUrt aOU
l-r.niiWi tilttrf - " " " ' - -wfv..i. .... j ......
stjlbh and tastefully tnmmed this sea- j - " n Z w uown thai tu. ! , bc wM ,a nn h am, ,HJ A
ton. are the "nL.hes olu" Tnoe pliantr j w' w make a complaint against him n.t.mUcr oJ c,oi; church, toes put hU
n.l rm- li.ri,t ninN-niL n twui ' '- a iirt :Kx-na. AllCK . . , ... .... ... . i .i .wtv.
li . j... ii i .... i .t t rlHinn rinu , r . . wv-t.t m, ... ....
anu oiu inui uuu anu preuy snape. ui j """",,";, ., V ' v' """! . ,he' tlotn him a kindu' I Mi ye.
re-u!t Wing a head-covering at once : " V 't J -ure. bill , . ftlJ AUoj... ,not ..
most comfortable and mo.t c,i.-. nIC-e he w ;' wr)' that lUhlwaml imh,Mv xtr. vrwm. wa never
basket hat.. a thev arc I " "pc "" a irong cc;cn ae-
;ni..p.;..iim a lrw...M...f !. ,r.. ti,., latn' saiti the Justice. t ou
hit" MirwWKrc f?r tb nn-ttv .'iris i LKHn drunk tune without number.
t t, rrn n.rrfiwviiKF In thU iinin.r OUr " b.V bomo CUOUgb frrtlll
" . .!' V" ' .-..,. ..!.,, , ..... . "
Wbat Mr. Fbiitaa H 4
U-"Yr SlMiar. It 1
f tmr Him-
All Alkk't
"They arc alon together np-ta!i.
acd perhaps they'll rix it up," aJ Ju
tlce S --. & I stopped, intending to
go up into hl olljcv- ThU remark
was addrecd to Marshal M . a
I hT German, in a blue suit w.:h a
j r oa n brra
" hat up?"
str on hi brrat
' aM I. "O." said the
"''wvt. h wc qw wmt im riv
I 0 a Drou-ht a complaint agaiat
aIVrkaak., V &. tf t ... . ll.t .1 k -- k
, " "' "" "'J muu. H
i uon t ularue bT fetiJL if loev caa
J bow lh.r oue out'
I n' ai:itl a few minute, discm
4.. .1. l..r 1 1 .. 4 -,..
I " r ine Ppii Miuatam. out tntavm-
.-ii ur n.)o oi im- 4i;iui.(ta un-siairv
..! . i. 1 M X S. -
Mr- ir,- u. i . ... hi
uone no dwretht to ome of tbe hum-
women of the Waierlev noveL.
"What shall wo di with vou. Mr.
t braely for the ake of the. children.
To line ou would le to take tbe bnad
they need. What can 1 do but send
rou up for ninety dH?"
"Uell. ver honor. vatd Allek. "it'
pretty rouh. I know. I didn't mean
i-uld il do an "rood to trv him
I r.. . i .. . F..
i lr:u f ur. n" .vw. m ,wuvr. 'i
iimi- said me .iiistict. "ims.-od I
can." aiil she. "ami 1 enn't let bun off
hiiv more.
1 looked at this honest woman' face
a- she said this, and I knew she would '
let him off I knew she wittM try him ;
rn':i.n fur hor I w.i ttr, tli li.i t.. Ii..r
in-;... oreaK ner nearu nut ln lias I
vord. That Is the old trv of a worn- ' Tonijieniiice? wru. "What oan the
au's love Abek knew it. too. He knew ChrMinn tweher do for Teutnle?
that she won d give him one more trial. , The few are In oatumt of wtda fntltt
o, Ineause her heart spoke In protest j ,,nct, their wonl will be wrlghtr; t.Ney
against her better judgment. was on ,Io Jnm,h 0 m,m,lU, an- t rk,
I.t iiti ..ttvviatt if krit..ii.. fll. . ' "
very forcible charge that his next ap
pearance Itefore tue court would send
him to th li'Uiso of correction.
Foreeral weeks after that I heard
nothing more about the Flax ton.
i ,. .. ," , . .. t. ..:. . i .
1 though 1 drop In unite often to sy what
.'',,' , ., ,. . , .
is oi In the .IiistJce i court
' F i i '. i ... .. ,i . i
i I had inmost lorgolt-n the whole
I luaiiii. iu-ii uui- u;iv t uniMK-'ui'o n
I .. .- r I I .
i ... ... .. i. .. .... J.. I i ... i .
, meet .Mrs hate, and he lewikeil
.urs txaie. anu ne iookcu so
bright and cheerful that I could not
j keep from aking her if suspended en
j tence had proved a since. S'ewa
I iu high spirits and ad "he ha kept
' his word so far and I lgiii to think be
docs leal I v mean to slick to it if I
ream mean 10 mjck 10 iv. 11 i
only keen him away from tempta
Alick will do well enough."
Mrs. Haxton couM turn her hand to
almost an thing. Sometime h took
in washing and ironing Sometime
she did housc-clcntrug, fir he was a
resolute worker Mie n'o know how
to cook admirably, and wjjentwer them
wan a fair or festival, or nnv public oc
casion, at which refreshments were
served, she wax itnaluahle, for he wa
quite pleasing in her manner anil could
wait on crowded table nicely, aud then
sho was a hot in the nrt of putting
thiugs to right after the guests were
There's to lw a party to-night," aul
she. "at Mr. Newman's, and I'm going
there to help her. Abek will come
round and walk home with ice after it
i all over, mile ome ragalxuid gi't j
hold of himnnl prevail ou him ti Utko
a diink. I wh he i-ouhl Ih at Mr
v,..,n'a, n,., s.i.i
then 1 hotibl
. -- --.....,.. -.-... -- -....
feel perfectly safe about him I hall !
earn a nue jxnny to-nght. for .Mr.
Newman ha-n't a stingy hair in vier i
head." )
"It's a long road that net er turn," j
said I. and I'm glad that Abek ha got'
Into the right track. I hoi; "' won't I
get off the track." j
Tim dav bnt one aft-r thl eamial ,
me.ttng i wa iu the Jutice" court ,
again, anil then, a wire a you llvo,
was Aliek. In the custody oi an onicer. tiie miw 44 iif. hur dWnesJori or 'ui
This time he was jnt 4jt enough to ' bn theftt can W m jo.M ruiMo.
It? able to talk Jntelbg.b'y. and to give TemjH-rance I a part of tbn (ioi-L It
4 clear account of hmtclf. But th I taught In fod worl It bould b?
tracr ol a recent debauch were unnn taught in tbe hundar-.rbooi. It U
takable. Mr Kato wa not alone Uh taugiit wlier? tb- Srritture ar faith
bint this true. Mr. New man wa with fully ?udt?d and applb-L It U Uuybl
brr. fniumtlr than ones a quarter.
Wbst do ymi know abmt the rxf, "The teaching (r- not depnnd o th
Mr. Newman'" aid hit honor. recnrrtJr-- of th word 'Temperaacw
"WeJl said Mr. Newman. "I know k in tb? hnutnfxt. Few port:"
aore about il than I wlb I diL It's ' Scriptnre are rrc4e which do not bal.
too bad, Mr. Haxtto was half dipod J !irectlr r ladirectir. with th nadrr
to keep away from hen and let Allek 1 lyiag priacip! of tbl aad rttry tUt
keep on ablng h-r. jmt a be ha gmai moral reform. Thrr- b s laek
dan for yeara. Bat tar fact i. nhm d opMjrtunlty for Tempcrane lastnxv
ha been working for me lately and i
Uo gooil a woman to be treated in that
way. and I Insisted on her bringing
thr cossnlsint"
"I)o you know andrr what clrcwa
stanc) he came to do thi thing afur
kifviti'i ob-r o Josg a.d thsr
("ourt' "No. I doo't kaow," saawim!
Mrs. Newman. and wtu i more 1
don't care- He ha. you say. krul
Mbcr a goo-1 while, aad could hT
doo o still longer, had be cbo& U
do a 1 bnent a nartlcl- of charity
for a nun w&o will be a good a g'!
can b for awhile, aad then up asd
tau-vke a l-t of htmelf. Mr. HaitoM
helped nn at my party the other sigh:
and wn-n A! ck carne round to go
home with ber. I crTeil biro a-rH
with all tb refreshment b? cotildTcai,
and you oaght to have ?a bint eat
Then wh-n ne v x full of refr"--ments
a be "vcr wa of whiky I ktil
cI np a rood- -iztl raark-J l.ket with
eake and saadwx-he aai booM turkey
for nim to take home. Th raorsf&r 1
j thought I would .op In moment aad
( how tbe cbiWrea baI rajoved what
- Dt- fftr ' if a ,i ,1 ? !n.'4
In iHCin- .rtiHr wa -J ""
tra. ra a Sing a prnert Iril ipoa
earth of at boae. Now for mj
part I think it h aUt tr- for
tbaS fut-!rad-d rstesc you haag
np over bin. to drop dows oa him."
"Wbal haTe vosi to ay for votreIf,
Alick?' ald hf hoaor- "Wdl." aid
T """" f"- wr,si
lri . .4 ..
ii- amna, v 11 J" .
out yer aoaor. now cas a cuaaso
drsakard ke-p ob-r whea all hi eae
aaka otmi. aad iaeef him ph
k:m down a fa.2 an he ge .
aad erea kia best friend hart hisa when
I , a raa I --
uaXa.wr-i to. jwm leu ynri
honor the ,qn smth. upon my worst
I will, and yer honor wilt that Cni
aot altogether in th fault I wnt
round to Mr. Ncwrnan" tl tar
night jnt as he bad tcld y. aad I
wouMa't go back on Jr for tan world,
but If it badn't Uxn for her Pd aav
lcr sotcr mxa Uxlay 5bo gT m, k
a big pile of Jo cream and spirtro of
caka a biga ber own foot God bl
her. Hut 'then h put a ladbifNl of
jcllv right abHgl of bf fccrarB.
naf. yrr honor. It mm-Kllv, tron
nough to bear up a ia)l boy; and th
moment it got into t mouta t
down it went a If it bait feet to go down
with, vcr bonor know how it i yer;elf,
and wben Mr. Newman crae round
again she ad to me. won't you ha
another dtb of kerream. Alick' And
I sad U ber. Indeed I w d. if t? plea.
.1 I
1 ma'am, and when I tartrl for homo
' eTcry drop of bloo! In me rolling
for whifc. and I llltei awav from th
.t M L. .-. -. .-.
' home-, and I don't know how il all am
alut vcr boaor. but I wa drunk N-
1 1 - . a.
t . . '-u . uk-. Mr
S.JM1. . . . MWV.. ,r.
T - - - .- -- ww- -. -
? fore bn?ai;ixt. bat caa a 4. man
' .1.. ta-tw.r r. w nm i n thit IrvttLt lllt fui"
j , .i .. ... i
..... ., ... . " r, ..,.. ....w-. . . -. -w . - .
..-.-.. tiirtiPluHl in hj-T lifa
! tban when he btanl AltcSc aeetmnt cf
. . , .f of lha, chufvh
had brought together their veH-trto.t
j rreitve for all mauner of choce things
to eat and to drmk. anl had published
them in the form of a hamlomo refrH
book bv tlm lalie of Dubonton church.
Mr. Newman bawl uel tbe bHii In
making prvaAtns for br prty.
Hum. wme, hcrri. whiVy. brand v
these word wer alarmingly frepiont
; on the fair patjes of tM wonderful
neitHi UkjV, tbe ab of irb!ch had
bcljK'tl to lift a erj truubieomn mort-
What ll umUjrlii.l Trltr l!n !.
ttr TflMMTiHf,
Key. J. C, W Com-, In a IhimRklfnl
artlclo hi the SfSi'iiy-AAof Ttmuu.
aklug. "What can the teuhar ilo for
but the many are In oleure JocaHtU.
in humble life. In mall rhoi, a ma
jority of them without totet or vote Iu
public affair what can tljoo do Iu
promote tin great refoim' t
"l-"lrt to l.e named among tlm meona
Intluetii-lng other 1 tbe vitally Imsi
portaut one of a corn-el eiample.l
reaching l not all. nor chief! v. by
ord Life I mom than !gte. Char
acter! more weighty than a cntecliMlii.
Conduct. Matthew Arnold alllrms I
thren-fotirtb M life It bear a larger
' proportion to moral teaching Truth
will have little vitality apart irom tb
' personality cd tho tmclwrr u rnit
bo. In order to do anil ten olu Knowl
edge and character are IkiIIi cMcntla! in
a .spiritual guide A eomdlrtit examplw
I the mewl ciminclug of argument.
'Como inspire conviction, 'go awak
' en doubt The l(ih art not likely t
Inlllience of hern to aertlioe. A lti
dnuker can not ! mbed on to relik
a whlky sot llome-prewnl ale 1 ti
more virltiott than oiumereial XXX.
'I ho New Year ideUiatd may not l
n judgment on thj all the ear bur.
Any chertbed habit of eif.indo!gnuo
, weaken one moral JuHuenee. Xot a
few are handicapped in their advoeary
'in temperance or ine iui r ei
a tin
ho can bring a clean thing out
clean? 'IImui, therefor".
. . . i
of nn
unclean r lliou, Uicrefor. hiioo
te.iehest another, teacbet tltou not tby
Kelf?" "Tin teacher S mre than eiatnplrt.
A guide-tKl 1 tfixxl. but a guide I
l'tter. 1'rwept U iireary In moral
training; there mut Im 'line iiimmi Uu
f jRiitlve instruction Tli teaobtng
bur fiiruibe pneee opjrtunlty.
Then (Jml word l to eak l tin l
teib-ct and heart and cno1enef. All
other voice hotild eb the dltin?
mt'agtj. If ther veak nsl aeeonllng
to tbl word, it i leraii- theri U )u
light in thni.' Tpou all qtioalUm ol
duty iher I no laek of Intrutlri In
the Chrt nn tej.t-took In prlnelpe.
If tint. Iu oltive preectit. U t'ov-r all
Urn. No Tk!enej will bj doa to rtk-f
b-tter or
spirit of th word. If wch
U fostad la nearly -scry !-
TlIR Vermont Ig.alatnr laal wfaUrt
pB--I a bill r-quiriug th fumjAUlkm
and priatiag afod diHriWiUag of th
law reUtlsg to Ihm illegal i aad UK
of istoilratleg llrjnor.
Tuk T-mpraaci lfisatloti law ol
Maine went into opcraUoa July 4. All
chUdrra ar- rjiml to .t IftWaeted
a Ut U -vflVt of a'coholie lriak.
tlrr.uUat ad aarcitb ttpon th
hawaa tYtm. aad o c-rtJSrt U
tbjyratM to xj JeacJr Im baa
ot p- a atUfajttory ctaa,
as to ucb -3c-t-
Thk N-w York Kzft m-4 2fi,l
plead for a p-ssal rate of lif? iar
acre iar pero who ar tKaj
rr. 01 eoor repub tumhUr r-fu-
p-roa of xrolf Jai-jtijrat-habit.
Uti i1m psip-rr r-f-rtr! to cbta
taal toiaJ aiijirr 4oold oLfcia I.
snranca oa thlr live for at leaut tea
psr cent le thaa oJ?r p-?oj?bj ?-"
"btx Moth ihti of IUIV t the
caption o! s co!am srtkhs la th Li
Vega (N. it) L$df Vj4t tut wjbeh
K- A. K?tl-r. tW oiitor of the paper,
received l Th? ssoorr w y&
by a wealthy ttximn aa'aud J. W.
1-yach a a wag-r that the litar c'd
aot or nonUl not. abtJ catlrely froia
th aw of fatoi!ctbBgJlp0foc ix
month. Th mo. Iatr-alag ui 4
tk trsaact I tfce iU c -Jrkaowl-edgmat
ia a idgr-JmrTr--rr.
aaee talk, wrkum m the ir4 ktWs
aad arikt eat. tttttm ilue tkauldsi
y--Slfc- '
.flifRJ. f. V ,.,mj', I., ft Ul ..
um cemcrrii (A--) Tiu.
1 a devoted Baptist
C s .--. ,
-3 r . v
t- ' - 1
, '2.. - 5.
&?T T- J.F -vit- - .
,?.-..-irt t. r . - ' -
i. j.Sf'i'-siG