"ftWwrrT1, p,i?2rt"' rsj S3 S-LH ..'-..3j:L.iir5"? j' . c"x!f ,j i'?.,-i:4j3t .,-z:-,i -''Jifei- "3 "A. - 'i.SK - ,- - T. .MtJ ggy-tfe &F5 -vc" J--" - f-L'tfl -5k l-Tt " w I s, - X - -. ij1 r m -v .--r3 .V7I r.. . '....aaaaMa , t 'fl i r K',4 S-: - -" 3 he Red Cloud A.C.HQBJtCH, - - Propitaer FRIDAY. JULY 17, I885I 1 crignEws. Ballard hag pat p anew sign. Will Brown's scfcW has closed. Mrs Calmes is visiting in McCook. John Paejces is moving on his farm. 1. A. Ludlow has returned from the mountains. SO Baker was bitten by a dog on "iVednesday. The Red Cloud meat market has a new wagon. Mks A C Hosmer and children art visiting in Illinois. Lauteubach bonght $102.75 worth of milk last month. Sakah Fiiuit, of DeWitt county, Il linois, is in the city. a, A. Mouhart's little boy was bit by a doi on last Saturday. J H Smith and wife were visiting in Orleans this week. G M Young sold about 170 glasses o lemonade on Wednesday. M W DiCKERSos and wife were vis iting in Riverlon Wednesday. A petition is out asking the govern w or of Kansas to pardon Pat Barry. Frank Parker, ofAuburn, was in the city the latter part of last week. The street commissioner is grading up north Webster street in line style. A new sidewalk has been laid on 4th Avenue in front of Sherwood's proper ty. Miss May.Hakcer has returned home from a visit to the east part of state. Mrs. A. Calmes will receive the jf thanks of our reporter for a handsome boquet. Pay Day of the Building Association on the 20th. Don't forget it and be prompt. The teachers of the county will come to Red Cloud on the 27th to attend the institute. There ought to be a meeting of the old stags whose wives are now away visiting in the east. Rememrer, we will not be underbid in prices for job work. Finest stock and presses in the Valley. A N Patmor received notice this week from Hon James Laird that he had received an increase in his pen - sion. Ijat Kansas roan came over on Wednesday and got away with Roth rock's bald faced pony in a running race. Mr Geo M Plumb has purchased Mr Bi ley's interest in the Red Cloud creamery, we understand, aud will henceforth be sole owner. Quite a number of our citizens in dulged in tripping the light fantastic p toe at the rink on Thursday evening, and report an enjo3'able time. Mrs. M. Birsey and daut-hter May, who haye-been visiting in the east for several Weeks have returned, aud Birney is again wearing his accustom ed smile. On next Tuesday there will bo a match game of base ball in Red C'oud between the home nine and the Burr Oak team. We understand the stakes will be $100. The cojnty commissioners will prob ably rebuild the Red Cloud bridge. A good ice break would do mum towards protecting the present structure from the ravages of icejgorges. If the farmers will request it, the Hon James Laird will secure a visit to Red Cloud of Dr Julius Gerth, a gov ernment doctor, who will examine in to the diseases that affect the swine of these parts. At the last session of court Mr. Ed Pom's tca5 Admitted 'to the bar, and hereafter will practice in the state and federal courts of Webster county. Ed is a good boy and will make a number one lawyer. A littlk more "Fait and pepper' judiciously used might have a good ef fect if applied on our democratic con temporary. The epithets and insinua tions cast forth certainly were effus ions of a diseased brain and unworthy of an honorable contemporary. The pious (?) democratic editor states that The Chief is trying to dis courage people from taking bis paper. For the satisfaction of the distressed disciple of the "great tmterrified" we will casually remark that we don't care a fig how many subscribe for his paper. As Adolph Hidy was walking along side of the circus tent on Thursday, one of the roustabouts belonging to that outfit, struck him a severe blow on the heid with a tent pin, inflictine an ugly wound, but doing no serious damage. As Adolph is an inoffensive N individual the attack was dastardly and entirely uncalled for. Conductor Dkkktsok, one or tne oldest railway conductcr on the B AM is one of the most pleasant, and ac commodating ameers on thtTfne. The good brother has watched the growth and development nf the ceuntry for aeYeral years and points wil. pride to the many improvements Aat hare been made since his adven into the great 8tate of Nebraska. Tine committee appointed at the last school meeting for district Ko 2, have eurveyed two acres of land in Outh waite a pasture on Walaat street and irill proceed to purchase the same for the uewecbool building for the south and. This will fee a decided lmprove stent for the south pert of towm. The fcyiag will he tire stories high, sad win he hetH jett west eT Got. Garter's 5 c mmmm ---., - jyJUNTS OF THIS WBDL .T- VTfcV SfcD Cloud (shooming pretty 'lively. VPy, , 8. T. Tar Horn has been on the sick list this week. Our new brick buildings are fast neanng completion. The Burr Oakers failed to material ize at'the ball match. John Miller, of Indiana, is in the city looking after land. McMillax'h store was robbed the other night of a ghot gun. A. W. CnpELAXD and son will go gouth to hunt land this week. Judge Tilford a brother of Mrs. S. Garber was in the city this week. Will Mc Dasiels has gone to Lin coln to work in the B. &, M yards. Ed WrESER. nephew of the Golden Eagle clothing man is in the city. Watermelons made their fiwt ap pearance in our market on Wednesday Harvesting has already commenced barley being the first crop ready for the sickle. D M Platt and wife have gone to the great north east country on a pleas ure trip. We understand that "Sid" got hold of some of that sugarless pie and has been sick since. HrxGERFORu & Miller are the builders of Ballard's awning. It is a neat piece of work. Ladies' walking shoes sold at the Golden Eagle at 20 per cent, discount from former prices. Mr&JMrs Mahard, of McCook, are visiting hereabouts the g'lests of Mr and Mrs L A Haskins. The counti' commissioners have al lowed the agricultural society $2SG, the amount due them by .law. C. Wiener is bound to have, if possi ble a new ntock for his "new store there fore has cut the life out of clothing. Lawyer McNeny now times himself by an elegant gold ticker, presented to him by his partner in business, Mr O C Case. We received a fine specimen of corn from Fred Barber that measured G atao some fine oats and wheat that are hard to beat. J. H. Remsiserg has a curiosity in the shape of one stock of corn that branches out and has thirteen stocks attached to the parent stock. Father Mahard and his elderly wife have been visiting m Red Cloud for several days. The old gentleman is an ardent republican and a very pleasant gentleman. The Chief will confine itself to legit imate news and will not aim to "raise a breeze" by traducing a few of the citi zens of Red Cloud whose opinions run in a different channel from ours. Whv don't the Bugle Horn of IAbcrty give some one else a deal besides Ken ney and Bentley ? There were others whose assessments were raised several thousand dollars. Why bo unfair ? Rev G. W. Hummell's team broke loose from the railing to which they were tried on Weenesday evening nearly resultingln a runaway. Fortu nately they were secured before doing much damage. J L Miller and J S Gilham were in Lincoln this week looking after the in terests of county equalization. Cer tainly a proper move on the part of the county, A reduction of taxation would not be amiss. The Guide Rock base ballists came here on Tuesday expecting to play a game with Burr Oak. but as the latter failed to come our boys raked together a nine and played them 2 innings, the score standing 2 to 3 in favor of Red Cloud. Services in the baptist church Sun day morning and evening. Evening topicOur dandy away from home'. Sunday school at 12 m. Temperance school 4 p m. Strangers in the city in vited. Fourth Quarterly collection will be taken after evening services. One day last week H B Simons drove his team on the ground where the old scales used to be located near the Rod Cloud National bank block the ground being unusually and soft, oue of the horses mired and it was with difficulty that the animal was rescued. The place is dangerous and should be fixed by the street commissioner. We learn just as we go to press that our worthy aud estimable friend, F. A. Durrie, for a number of years connect ed with the B & M depot in a promi nent official capacity in this city, has resigned the office of freight agent, and will accept a more lucrative posi tion at the hands of the company in Omaha. The Chief will be sorry to lose Fred and his family from our city, yet in taking their departure from among us, we take pleasure in wishing them success and prosperity. Omt e. d. c. says that the commis sioners' proceedings are published in two republican nawspapers instead of being printed in paprs of opposite politics. Strange, that republicans should favor republicans, when there is so much democratic phosphorus in the county. It is also passing strange that the advent of the exponent of democracy had not been foreseen when the contract was awarded some seven months ago. The board will learn now kotc to do those things. Thk agricultural society held a meeting on last Saturday, President Warner in the chair and John Kellogg secretary pro tern. On motion the secretary was requested to resign. The fence around the grounds was discnss- -edand a committee to draw plane appointed. The committee 00 race track reported that the saias had bssa laid oat ungraded at a cost of $14. n motion theecreiary was Toted a per until tahtrreffiU per year, xae aocieiy sail seat t wttatB, aUBit mtiaa, aaa;aawiaa.wa .! n - zr ?. iBawsaar. - -;. - yyga s ' " VS--' - " r- BBtGkBd. aBJOT.-ui-oxvw. , ..... .x r. . - . - .. .- - - . " "' - ' ! T" Z S&& ?r& J!.,jsSV?-.tSeSSst:J5i . '.C.rVJ.iVaT, --V J'- ...-.. vJ-L -: -? a -affiarta2S5'!flfe.?SaJ?aV., iS-Z-'V-V- ---.- .?:TjaBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BEPORTOBULL POLKTEES. J H Trimble has changed bis place of residence. Miss Lixka Hassa, of Iowa, is the guest of T. B. Hanna. We shall endeavor to please our pa trons, Ferguson L Co. It is a noticeable fact that Guide Rock girls wear their hair cut short. Quiie a number of the Guide Rock fair sex perambulated oar streets on Tuesday. James D Hubble, of the grain buy ing outfit, has our thanks for courte sies rendered. G R Chaket's residence is rapidly assuming proportions, and will soon be completed. ? Mkk'i low shoes at reduced prices at the Golden Eagle. It will pay you to look at them. The Chief does the finest job work tn the west, but does not allow that de partment to interfere with its local news. Sew buildings are springing up all over town as if by magic, clearly dem onstrating that we are enjoying an era of prosperity. Visscher's mob are really doing some excellent work on the court house and arc making that building quite presentable. Mr BLLis, proprietor of the Red Cloud broom laciory, has our thanks for a new broom, a good specimen of his workmanship. Red Cloud is noted for orators and literary men, but Gilliam's oration at Cowles on the Fourth is said to have out Gilhamed Gilham. See the large advertisement of the Golden Eagle aud astonurk yourselves at the reduction on clothing. This is done to save moving. The Red Cloud orchestra will soon be prepared to furnish a concourse of sweet sounds for the benefit of our music loving citizens. J. H. Fermam and wife returned from Wilbur, Saline county, last Fri day. They weie accompanied by their neice, Miss Edith Van Duyne. Axdv, the tousorialist of Vau Horn's Emporium, has "flitted." A genial young man from the "Sucker" State is now doing the lather act in Andy's siead. We hear vague rumors of a circus having been in our midst. As a gen eral rule a circus that hasn't the stam ina to advertise decently can be put down as a snide, Some impecunious kids took the stove pipe off the county bastile on Monday evening, and treated it with a bath in the lucid waters of Crooked Creek. Our answers to correspondents are necessarily crowded out this week for lack of space, but send in your queries as usuaf, and thereby contribute to the agitation of thougnt The editors family are temporarily absent, but anything in the line of early "garden sass" will be gladly re ceived at these headquarters and their several merits duly commented on. Base ball, grand game. Score: Guide Rock 0; Burr Oak, ditto. The Guide Rock nine looked like nice men The Burr Oak nine haven't been in spected as yet by Red Cloud admirers. Musical concert at M E Church Monday, July 20, given by Miss Stev enson and others. The lady comes highly recommended by competent judges. Let all be present who wish to enjoy a treat of this kind. Proceeds to go to York college. The Chief doesn't boast of its su perb bank account as some of our fresh importations are wunt to do, nevertheless we usually manage to pay our legitimate bills, without the aid of Ahniai and Sapphira. The Chief is only $1.50 per year in advance. To all the good, honest farmers that drop into this office inquiring about doubtful democratic papers, The Chief has but little to say. We endeavor to to tell tiie truth, even though it shames the devil. If people wish to invest in questionable enterprises they have our permission. Next Sunday the fourth quarterly meeting of the M E Church at Red Cloud will be held. Rev F W Ware. of York college, will preach at 11 a m; Presiding Elder at 8 p. m. Love feast one hour before evening services. Communion after preiching. Quar terly meeting Monday at 8 a m. Full attendance of official board requested. The first nines of Blue Hill and Red Cloud played a match game of ball on the grounds of the latter, last Thursday week. Score 7 to 8 in favor of Red Cloud. It was one of the best games of the season, both sides doing some fine playing. The national game whose de mise has been so often predicted still retains a lively interest among the boys. Retort of school in district 75, for the month ending July 10, 1885. Those not absent, ' aggie Brown, James Brown, Maude Reynolds. Charley Rey nolds, Maude JfcCune, Eddie Brown. Those not tardy, Jessie IfcKeighan, Pearlie McKeighan. Who have not whispered, Lillie McCune, Benjamia McCune, Eddie Brown, Rosa Saltzmaa John Saltxman, Jacob Saltanian. Clara M Wilson, Teacher. Bepobt of second aionth of ecnool taught in district 90, Booth cotnsMac ing June 8, and losing July 3. The following are the naaaes of those waase deportment is 95 aad wpwari ia a scale of 100: (Blanche Gibson, Xinnie Miller, Maude Gissso. Gertie Mfflsr, Martha and Jessie Hobcross, less Miller, die Doyle, GmtIcs aad IV Dangles, . : Tkoa wka aar BMiav eteaiactT aevajarat aaaaaaM laaarar . - . zmim . at ----- ."'- -.. lBwaaaaalaaawaWJMaVBw,B1- '.. a-rass ia. -aaw wss bsts aeaacr T7 " . .- aaaasa waasaaaaaawaa sa aaa was amssat aBBae W. ,, ...,.. . n. - - -- ;weea.!rr- rlyy-zmiLmm r a etea iaiay or aasas esne wc womb '... ' r . . I JbibUbbbbbbwbb BBBBBrBBa-aw 'ai-jLid- .- . . . -m . mm-. -1 - " - mMmmmmimmml iBV -B .ai. H 'mm.mmm .-z . . tr "ii.. 1L The Cnioago, Kebraak. Isim LswroOMOQUSsnonvMuw' Bootbwewtecm. The following letters were received from prominent gentlemen connected with the Chicago, Nebraska, Kansas k. Southwestern R. R., and explain -themselves: Kirwis, Kas.. July 14, 15. M. B. XcXtit. Dear Sir. Hon. J. C. Gilham. Vice-President of the C. X. K iSWRR, and Hon A L Stone, both of Eureka, Kan., were here to-day on their way to your city, and on accoust of the heavv rain storm and bad roads were forced to return to Hayes City. They hold a meeting to-morrow night at Plain vi We. in Rooks county, and at Stockton the next day. They will hold their meeting here on the 20th; next meeting will be at omith Center, and then Red Cloud. The engiueers are now at work establishing tie lii.e of road from Dodge City to Hayes, and I am instructed to say to you that the work of surveying will be pushed vig orously until stakes are driven to your city. The enterprising men of Kirwin frel very enthusiastic, and will m pleaded to work in harmony with Red Cloud and smith Center. Very re spectfully, J. P. Barnard, For the proposed Railway Company. Haves City, Kan., 7-9 -'85 A. C. liosmer. Red Cloud, Neb., Dear Sir: Yours of the 2nd inst to J O Hill at Ft. Scott, together with copy of his reply to you. reached me at this point on my arrival from Dodge City yesterday P M. I find here such a ma?.- of correspondence which requires immediate attention that I am com pelled to be quite brief in reply to your request for points. The corporation is formed under Kansas laws and com posed of Kansas men, some of whom (notably so J O Hill ) are thorough bus nesa men and practical railroad men of great experience in the construction f Kansas railroads. The purpose of the corporation is to connect by a short and direct line the railway sys tem of Nebraska with that of Texas by a line of road from somewhere about your point in Nebraska in a south westerly direction through Kansas, crossing the Arkansas river at Dodge City, thence in a general southerly course to south state Hue west ot the lUOth meridian, across tne 35 mile strip of the Indian Territory, and into and through the Texas Pan Handle to connections with the Texas roads that are already pointing northward with their extensions. For the last week I have, together with our chief engineer, been investigating the coun try lyingjbetweeu here and Dodge City and find an entirely practicable route, and the sentiment of the people entirely in its favor, and tne character of the country all that could te desired only that it is undeveloped by a rail road. I have had papers giving no tice of our actions so far sent to your mayor and postmaster. I will be here till sometime next week, probably about the middle, aud then will go north through Rooks and Smith coun ties, Kansas, and to your town. I sent the engineer back to Dodge City yester eaj to join his corps, and he will com mence to lay in the Ifne from Dodge north, probably about next Monday. I would like very much to know what, interest your people feel :n this enter prise and what assistance I might reasonably expect from them in aiding them in the preliminary work. Would be glad to hear from you or any of your citizens, or I would 'much prefer to meet some of you personally I am here. Letters'and telegraph will reach me till further notice, addressed Hayes City, Kansas, care of John Schuyler. John M. Galloway, Attorney and Solicitor. Give It to Us Easy. Mr. Editor: The great protoplasm has spoken.The pop gun has .gone off. It went off on the Fourth. As I walk ed down 4th Avenue on that day I saw two men iu front of one of our princi pal hotels. One of them was a long, lean, lank individual who had evident ly imbibed to much enthusiasm. He was cutting a pigeon wing in the street. Said I too my fiiend, "Who, and where is the great deliver Moses you told me of." Said he: "Do you see that sober, dignified individual, with a brow that tells of intelligence?" "Yes." "Well that isn't Moses." But seriously, Mr. Editor, I think I'll drop the show busi ness. It is a delusion and a snare. The alligator I poked up proved to be only a small sized snapping turtle, with a faculty for calling names. The long-eared thunderer whose voice I hoped to hear, proved only to be a half brother, without pride of aucestry or hope of posterity. In short he ia a she and her name is Sapphira For the last time, yours disappointedly, DraiNG the fore part of the week The Chief took the "cannon ball" for Atchison, Kansas, aad Everest, Kan sas, on a visiting tour. All along the B. k M R R the crops are simply im mense, and the farmers are prospering At Everest, a prosperous and growing town about three years old, we found the people busy in the pursuit of buai ness and happiness. This Utile village k surrounded by as fiae an agricultur al district as we have ever sees, which we were permitted to view through the kindness of the editors of the Rtflettar. an enterprising paper published ky Pibh ii Son. Thetawn isxeafeaeat- ed by all clsseaia of business, aad aas a fine roller louring mills with a ca pacity of W barrels per day. The vil lage ia prosparoaa aad will aaaae a town of soaae aoU ia the fai&re. Tax, Chut, however, will say that the com crop is a little backward froaa the ef fects of too xaachraia, bat yet eoea ing oat lagwiineatlv. Upoa the whole it is an thrifty laraat casmtrr tad itlfi Titr vJI-a-rvu r.' T.T Z-m -T - .- aaaijewBaaaa;aa -- -sis,ai twninij,- in ii mmm 'afgosoB M: vJO a. VBawvM)4peaelBaar Bat rjsaa jr - - r aAfa "Aaf aaaaaav PP krasers. T jww aaaaa earr aaaa sa lhafiaid Mess. " - 0 mmmmmmtmrnmrn e"-, ja I - mmmm swb mX ar av auaaasaawaaaaaaBHtaB aaaMaa sasv-av lwJv,' XTLtroa are tinting - 1f0floxfciaa5S ' " '.,? rr- aeea-e alMehi wJg- M. Editor: For the first time in my Hie 1 ddres a communication to a new paper. It is an open secret that tke bridge bonds, if voted, wouW have been illegal. 1 did n: propose tn say anything but it is gettinr to be gener ally known. The supreme court in the cane of the Franklin Co. R R tonL held that bridge bond wer not inter nal improvement bonds. The theory of the statute being that roads and bridges shall be built by direct taxation Then letV drop this unseemly back biting. Numberless public interet demand attention. Before they can be advanced it must happen that the sensible men of the town can approach each other in a spirit of kindn. Then let us all. both wealthy and oth erw se, ignore the saying and doiug of those whoe only ue in thit world U to sow bitterness and distention, and forgetting the hard things wild m the bent of the f.gbt. work together for the common good. Yours, John R. Wilcox. Abstract of ass'sment in Wflnter county, Nebraska, for the year 13S5- v a tare Horses, 93G2 I ? I fV S13.49S 27,299 4.702 52.154 GS5 1,360 POO 2S.39f. 4.499 7.CS4 2,45S 4.5S 67.3S7 1,317 44.391 ISO 4 10.532 2.070 J7.7I9 46,997 215 95 48.421 750 29,052 21.638 44.105 249.165 Mules and asses, 569 1 tjuvulf fOv 4 Steam engines and boiler 6... Billinrd tablet IT Virri gs and wagons. 1917 Wa'ches and clocks, 16T4 Sewing and knittiug ma- -i luniKj & Mehxleons and organs 220... Merchandise Manufactured article Manufactured tools Gold and silverware Diamonds and jewelry Money of banks Credits of bank ... Other moneys utner creutts. ...... .... .. Bonds, warrants, etc Capital stocks Property of companies Srtloou and eating house... Household furniture... Investment in real estate... Other property Railroad property Total ...$1,143,38 Clrar Cat of Xrctmltr. Young man with bowed head one hand raised to shade his eyes, wnich seemed to be in search of some lost treasure, walking towards town is ac costed by a chum going the other way: "Hello, Jim; what the dickens are you meditating on now?" "Oh the necessity of repairs on the old bridge in this Republican county." "Repairs on the old bridge?" "Ye, the bridge of my nose, don't you see?" (raising his hand) "Wlicre've you been?" " Been foolin' around the circus tent". 'Ah I see." Kill the Dogs. During this week we have heard of several ugly dogs that have attempted to bite people and have bitten children. Now the city should see that these canines am dis patched to the happy hunting grounds or properly muzzled. Thev are a de cided nuisance and should be placed under proper restrictions. It ia cer tainly very dangerous and uncalled for to have vicjons dogs in any communi ty Lt something be done at once. A tax of oue or two dollars a head would have,i gulutary effect on the race. John Gaihier h:u just received an elegant stork of musical instiumeut of nearly every conceivable style from a.Tewsharpto a pinno; little fiddles picked beforo they were ripe, and an endless varietv of fiddl of a birirer growth; mouth orirans, parlor and calf met organ, aeeordions, etc., which the public are invited to call and examine at the Fourth Avenue jewelry and music house. Attention I iSona of Veterans! There will be a special meeting of H. S. Kaley Camp Xo 25, S V, at their hall on next Monday evening, July 20. An attendance of all members in good standing is earnestly desired, as there will be work in themuster in degree. It is requested that all will be present at half part men o'clock nharp. V. B. Fultos, C. O. P. a Phares. O. S. List of letter remaing uncalled for in the post office at Bed Cloud for the week ending July 13, 1885. A B Datnarce, Miss Mary Banks. H Gihton, Joseph Banikeeian. Mrs Ida Willis, Rev T Cullen, Un Louise Cailes These letters will be sent to the dead letter office August 10, if not delivered before. Ttsr Resolved, that the ladies ef the Bap tist church and members of the Home Mission 3tciety extend a vote of thanks for the aid rendered them by Mrs Nel lie Hibbard. Mrs Hibbard won many personal friends here by her pleasing ways and kindly address. She won her bearers by her superior elocution ary powera. "Her comic, and pathetic recitations will not soon be forgotten. Red Cloud would greet her with anoth er and still larger andieace should she read here a third time. Besolved that this expreasiioo of thaaka be polished in The Chut and Argm. Stkaw haai at lessihaa coat at the GoldeaEaghv -- CaxX aadTget acquainted kh as, Fncrjeo k Co, City Drag Store. XYLgvaTHovm For fartaer partic ulars call at the haaar of awsic, Gar hex's new jewelry store G asclcce coottaatfj on haad at Fer guson A Cos City Drug Store. Vt atake a specialty of gaaoHae aad aad asachiae oils, Fergaaoa 4 Go, Hacarjcs otis a aar qasatmai at the pap akr CHy Drag Store, F JtCo. iatha asarkatai Oo'i Tai iiaat asrrasaas ai faa saariraff at - ----- - -- - . - -JL aj MBMtMK- r tm If TTiTi TT -. Ti - .- ') irMTirWTMi r Ml 1WM TT i m mm i Mil i i Ml P , !! " JHH Red Clocd, Xou, July f IMS. Board met in regular nasi on, J L Miller. John McCallum,! B Hamataa, commuaioners. J P Bayha. clerk. Board met to make the semi-annual settlement with the county treasurer, and now commenced their exa&i&a tion of his books, vouchers, etc aad continued throughout the day at this to Tuesday, July 7, 18M- JIBCOXD DAT. Red Cloud, Xeb., July 7. Board met pursuant to adjournment Board continued their examination of the county treasurer's books, state ment, vouchers, etc., until noon, and having now completed their settlement with th county treasurer, having fully and thoroughly t examined his book, ."tatement, vouchers, etc, to their en tire Mijsfaclion, find all correct as per his statement of funds collected and disbursed from Jan 1, 1S5, to July 1. 1S65, as hereinafter ct forth, and ap proved the same. Board na motion suspended the rules and now took up county business in general to trausanact. to-wit; The following petitiou presented. To the Board of County Commw s.ontr: The Red Cloud UomtU?ad, limlding aud Loan Aoctatiun deaire to rent the court-house lml 1 to .hold it meetings in, which will be oue night in each mouth. Will you rent it, if o for what amount per month? M McXrrr, Gqm. After due consideraton it was or dered by the board that the lUd Cloud Homestead Building and Loan Asso tociatiou can have the use of tiie court house hall for the imrnotc and a above applied for for at 4f3 per night. It is hereby ordered by the board of county commissioner that an appro priation of twenty dollars or o much thereof as may abe necessary is hereby made to build culverts on the main line of the road from Red Cloud to Blue Hill in roud district No 37. to be paid when the work ia completed. It is hereby ordered by the county commiionerfl that an appropriation vf fifteen dollar?, or so much thereof as may be iiecefti'ary, Li hereby made to build two bridge and three since way on roads in road district No 3S, to be paid when completed. It is hereby ordered by the county commissioners that an appropriation of .twenty-five dollars, or so much thereof, is hereby made for road dis trict No i!4, aud twenty -five dollar, or as much thereof as may be necessary fur road district No 40, to build bridges and culverts in said districts to be paid tor when the same are completed. It in hereby ordered by the county commisHioners that an appropriation of twenty-five dollars, or so much thereol as may be necessary ia hereby made for road district No 18, to build a bridge across the Little Blue river on nection line between sections 15 and 22 tp4, R12, to be paid when bridge is completed. It ia hereby 'ordered by the county commissioners that the sum of one hundred and one and 61-100 dollars be and is hereby transferred from the county bridge judgment fund to the county bridge fund, and county treas urer is hereby instructed to make the said transfer. Ordered by the county commission ers that two thousand dollars (12000) le and is hereby transferred from 2he couty sinking fund to the county bridge fund, and the county treasurer is hereby instructed to make said transfer. Official bonds approved as follow: Edward Keliogg, 0 H R D No 3. T B Cole, O H R D No 22. W B Householder, O H R D, No 33. R Tibbetts, O H R D $0 18. Road overseers' settlement approved as follows, Jerome Vance, OHIO No 13, $15. Petition for appointment of W H Siddons Justice of the Peace for Pots dam precinct granted, the office having been declared vacant by the board of county commissioners, on the reawval of W C Lathrop, J P, from said pre cinct. Resignation of H B Stnone, JF Line precinct on account of removal from said precinct was accepted. The fallowing 'claims were aadttee1 and allowed and warrants to be drawa on the county geoaral foad te pay the e, to-wit: J r Berk, ee e. fwlea w esprsss.. A M m - cfcraeissrkt tmmrUUm f " " ssrvisse bb c swsanswacr laaaaj. aws......... . aaa IWTary.mi1wtfafHlsaafciam - - m 1 u a as not. g k HeKscwr. M D ssrrawa aaysisisa Oh aiy the fsawth ieavwaad wealM' l 8 Fn.MrriMsawr taaVatw vp with drew w afr iaa - In. a tawft ft flas - ? ftatU ZtfaTWaT arfaBai aWaSafV ABaWBaHaV tt e av A .. . Aveni 4lwew awa awaaawiw waaavwawawaai ar Jr-J,a kA Cmbvm kaaaAaiMa? . Jt - a-wj Jl Jb WUIWJ wmm jmmprv WmmTWmmf ri 1 1 i 11 11 . 1 irTT r - n r --a- nie hie mm piece ef rye. cwKH.li.iniiiiiailri aae s Chas McJkiaJay hat law tmm piece mm mm mm . ammI 4 m w "" tfnaMtaiisalaa. m m m m SSTVlMS M rWafW Jsswwssa,etsf4rs issa. .-.- esse aVaa hit ptaea. m SaSS mWmKmmWmmmmmm mTJ mmmtmmmm , , . Si mmmmmmi mmm ft mmmm)mmi mmmmmW S m D JKcwasaw. isassanss8S... - a aaHta mbw bw m p f a3 aaaa. araajs aiassraa .. . a ummm sawavessawa...' ' saaMai JaJBaavasHBMBpvwv 9 . m tpereajais aeiMBB Bieg v mmmmmmmw sSfsas wssstlsa..o. a Bataaaahaaaapat a -mw SWMafe m ate iaf p Otata ' a m 0 HaW VI W KMmm& apXBr W Pflp Wr IJatt m ate W ae awawiawa . W aw vaBwar m " WrefcSftWWB W WW wcu - - .,..,. it a oaajMr - afti aar aw tacrwiPr a) aj a C ISjmbf MMAdtttf a4 MSUsMvy . 0 ...,, ... jr? Vk v . rwm aaa pwmtum aa are UMMrMt.r;, &- ........, Ma X w airs rrtim cMMteM., ,.. p E B !&& MTYlMi lit fMtl MM J C Wrr " m HXMrOm " - " - ... . 7m fetaarvaa - - - 9m Jas.Urt - - - ,w, iay GMrrf - - im CJtCtalrlidUMIWI.hrtUMrJ' MS OKA jvftoas mas taaa. crfe w - WC erkra.B.......,.....,, .j t r-r .ft.H,HH;H,liH. l r TrtttUcy 1 31 TajW J C Wuvt C It J"xr CW Fuller ."wr. ', -it ..l,Wfc Li rmc. , r' ' akMCnM7....... Hcerr MfCuae .. . A Wfeaa ,t,. ATOrm.jr .1 UvoJWama 'tWH. M PTIT Jk'kOUajtnuiN.WK. ' Mill -- E McTaiUrf . HCboat . ... rt Huprrt JO lHli JubuCruwctt.. . IHH, w K Uokm,... n. r-j - - .-- , . - tll. S V.. .4.... XAtuym ' .,. .. WiaSrld ra!wr. "WM.,,l.lttwM, J L Hum tirarjr WaKerr, MiUnwr. W K Kaw. miw -f -JV,. Ctuu lMtM. . . i ltHGrar Autttn ktry.. JKLAlra H'J Sorr... WJ Hrrto.... t ; anigut... J itaiiUi. ... ! rrkrr ,. Lit Jfut...... '... .. .. Hruryl HriiUjr. 'iikm r. . aaruaa tiaaat Taaa. ASkvMlarfca .N li Mark. ,. ass s ss 1 at sa m 2 m sa s s t as cjiiuM 'aMaa...,....,.....,..,,,,,.. w4M- AlilMI v4JvlU..B ..... .. Jatur Mmm. .- . . Laura irnofirr.....,.....,.... ..... mm immmm-mmmmmm-m lrh lumt Jutut KJtUat., Lula 'lUrtM-r TtitmuM HatSel4. Atiabcl Km14.. CWIte. ..... ...,..... ,. a sw wisaawi aaa kTAia or aaaaaxa s woaa toaunwiv, aiic narat ........... ........... ...,... is i i wwii,.,,,,,,,,,. ....,...... S SS mnln IKATMS..., ....,. ............ S eS aaaa Bifwn..,.. , .....,........,. 10 JatHCT hi9THi ..........,...., s as Lur Hufw .....,... ....,, a (ToWcaasd) . BLUSXILX. Our town ia booaitng. The new bank will aea soon. It A Simpson and wile havei froas an extended visit through east last Monday. Miss Celta Garber ie vieitaaf fneatfe ia this town. Auguat Zerwehh has pwohased tha lumber yard fortuerty awned by tW Nebraska Luatber coeapaiy. Quite a number of our pleasure lov ing young folhs went picniciag an the Blue, the other day. The ,eoncert for the PresbyterSan church was well attend! aad all e ioyed it iameneeiy. Hie B A M carpentera bare rspairad the depot at tb'w place in great Hjm OuroamasiUts erraaged thiaas fer the enjoyasent of those who atteoaeii oar celebration, hut tba ram asade ( coaaiderable coafuskm Oar frtewda Wiliiaas aad WaHer Davis were welcosae gaeale of thair stater is LM SoUe oa the Foacth ( Jir- .C Walter KAW says he wiliaot let any oaa ate his yoaegsst aaleat they pay fee. The Hrtrs rU wwimlt ethinir it of 4ie regular aaiare 4cura hat if aeytbiag worth telttiif expeetittohe; v ws savaasaa aasae vHase &-41 T 5 a. If 11 sS terf- rc. r-T3..---1 -&T--J & '? fc-yf