u, .. m.Jegm. -Ja M v --.&. Uf 1 i THE RED QTfllTD CHIEF A C. HDSKfS, hWsta. ;ED CLOUD. - lBRASKJL ICnp'jrtghL Secured. AU tlightx IltacreaL -DiiYcnliom Sea to Sea; Or, JBST Jl CAMPUT. ,btc. c. pobt. r?UBUKTr:iry Pr.nxif-sio.-r or J. E. Dow-fir CO.. TUUI.ISHKIIK, Cmcxoo. CHAITER XlIL-CovrixrEi). "Talk aboutfaith movin' mountains," said the man who handled the pipe, as lie watched the dirt crumble and dis solve, while great tree-s and rocks hlow Jy sank into the aby.s. -Talk about 'faith movin' mountains, and I'm a 1-c-e-t-l-o bit ftkeptical. 1 am; but say. "faith and a stream of water from one of the- here pipe-:, an' I'll gamble on it even time.'" .John Parsons turned from the sight, faint and cck at hearL He had een -enough. They would wash the earth of tho-e hills from their rocky foun dations a tlic dust is washed from the paved .streets of a city by a. July .shower, -and the valley must become its rest ing place. Farms, and orchards, and vim-yards would be covered, at the first jrrcat Hood, with the worthies earth of thc-niountain tops which was 7iow pouring through the sluice into the gulch b-low. .Fertile lields would be -amide barren, thoir owners impover ished, their homes made desolate; all, all that a"few men already rich mijrht grow richer by possessing themselves -of the few penny a worth of "old that .lav hidden in each cubic foot r- of the .mountain's top. --'Ow do you do, -vou well?" sir; 1 'ope I see .John Parsons turned squarely around ' xmd stood face to face with Mr. .Jobber-., who extended his hand with a rather pompous though cordial air. 0 . "'Ovvis.Mri. J 'arsons and the young Indies; well, I 'ope? Mr. Hannclscy was t ll'iig me before e left as 'mv 'e "ad hoften called on 3011 during Ms fish inr and 'untinir excursion--. Come lain -to my quarters and 'avo a glass of "wme." It is not to be supposed that Mr. .Jobbers' invitation was eau?ed by his having noticed the look of exhaustion and hopelessness which had .settled upon the face of .John Parsons. He was 1 not in the habit of noticing the look of people' .s faces, unless he suspected them of having designs upon his pur.se. He was not a bad man at heart; he was even capable of being generous at times and in a way or at least he be lieved he was. Jf a beggar appealed to him in a par ticularly touching manner he gave him fc a shilling, and had even been known to give a half-crown wtien feeling espe--cially amiable: but it never oc curred to him that a beggar laid an feelings except of cold or hunger, and thoc he supposed onry in it modified degree, and not kecn 'i as people in aflluent circum- .stances would do if by accident they were to miss a meal, or be caught out Jn a storm without sufficient clothing. 1 besides, it was intended that some should be rich and some poor; of this lie had no doubt whatever; and it was the duty of every one to lie contented in the condition in which God had placed him. He was contented with Ms lot, and he felt that he thereby per formed pretty nearly his whole duty to .society, and he had no sympathy with aho.se who made complaint agaiust their condition in life; but occasionally would give the price of a meal of vit iials just to prove to him-elf and the world that he could be generous as well as strictly just. Such freaks were not common with him: at least not enough so to excite .any fears of his bankrupting himself on the part of his friends; andVheu it did occur it was invariably after having eaten a hearty dinner. Then, too. he recognized the claims of hospitality; and having eaten and .slept beneath the roof of the- man now Mantling before him. he wished to prove that he could be hospitable in his turn. .John Parsons was not a lover of "wine, and seldom drank it. although wine of his own making was always In diis house, and often on his table; but -now lie felt that a glass of it would .-stiffen him up and may be clear his ;ideas. which some way seemed terribly mixed. Then, too, he suddenly re .Tuembered that he wanted to talk with Air. Jobbers. He laid utterly forgotten about Mr. JVnnelsey, and would have given him no (thought had not Mr. Jobbers mentioned Jam. and now he did not think to in quire why or where the young man bad jgone. It was sufficient that he was jgone, and so could be of no use in in fluencing the company to cease the Twork of -destroying homes. But Mr. Jobbers was one of the company: he represented that half of the stock which rwas held in London, and if he could only be made to see how much damage was certain to be done, how many homes ruined if the work went on. he anight, voting for those whom he rep resented, stop the whole thing at once, by stopping work upon his own mine said refusing to sell water to the other companies. It was a foolish thought, for when "have men ever refused to get rich from fear of ruining others? yet John Par sons said to himself that he would try. -and if that failed he would threaten them with the law. No, not the law. :for he felt that that was always on the side of the rich. Only the higher law: -the right of every human being to all the products of his own toil, and to de fend that right regardless of conse quences to those who attempted to vio late that law, was worthy ot being ap pealed to. he thought; and he called to anind the inf tances in which men who -.ere being robbed under guise of legal -enactments there on the. co?st had appealed to this higher law and admin istered justice with a bold hand. But now he would go with Mr. Job jbers and would see what could be done to save his own home and those of his -aieighbors from destruction. CHAPTER XTV-heei-ening sh.ukiws. A) that he pathered the red ore and precious stones. What has man ever cared lor hcam that bled? "What has he rocked of altars overthrown; Of brave men dead: of hearthstones Ovenrrown with weeds? Ieeds Xoudcr Fpcak than words, and deeds Of man iu all the pa.t proclaim Be only cared for .-old rold and a name; IFor thet his ameiuljrht live. Jle oft has carved it deep in ilvimj. Ouivcrinir human ilesk: Just as he Jiiar'd the heautjr of the hills. .And bar'd the streams from .out their places. iAnd scard the face of nature "With deep teams cut in aer face in his mad search lor ald. : A crj foolish thought it wac that of John Parson that a rich company which had expended more than one hundred thousand dollars in erecting water flumes and sluices for washing down the bills and gathering gold, would cease operations just because a few thousand acres of vineyard and grain lands would be destroyed, and the homes of a hundred poor men made desolate. And yet John Parsons saw nothing foolish "in the thought. On the contrary he felt momentarily certain that when be hhould .show Mr. Jobbers how the stones and earth washed down would be carried through the sluice into the gorge, and from there into the creek, tilling up its bed and causing it to seek new channels; that with the first great Hood the sand and gravel would be carried over the whole valley, and set tling as the water receded, render abso lutely valueless thousands and thou sands of acres of fine agricultural lands worth more to future generations than all the gold in the mountains; land now covered with vineyards .and orchards and the cottages of honest people, who had made even- dollar they posseted by hard work surelv. he thought. oy naru worK sureiy. ne inougni. when they know this." these men will not reiuse to cease their work ot destruction and leave the settlers in peace. Surely, these men who are al- ready rich anil can provide their fatni- lies with even' luxurj. will not deprive others of their homes in order to pile up heaps of gold that can add nothing to their own comfort. ' " No. no," he said to himself, "it is not possible that they can !e so heart less as that. They have not considered . selves, half asleep and jogging along the damage it will" do to the ranchmen under a loose rein and with ears and their families or the would never , dropped forward, took fright and jumped have gone on with tnc work," and he ' quickly sideways, overturning the began to blame himself that he had buckboard and throwing its occupants not sooner called their attention to the out with considerable force fact, and so have saved these generous Clinging to the lines, as he inst:nct- men who were to stiller the lov? of so rj much wealth rather thau wrong others. and to devise means for raisin?- at least a iKjrtion of it among his neighliors. -.. who would thus have escaped the threatened destruction. It could be arranged, he thought. and no one very greatly. He would give Jive hundred or even a thousand dollars himself. It was only iust that he should, since he had al- lowed the company to go to such heavy evpenuiiures wiinoui caning iiuar al ien tiou to the damage that would bo done, and doubtless many others would do a imi"li. Yes. it could all be ar ranged easily, and his home would be saved after all. All this passed through John Par sons' brain in a moment as he turned to follow Mr. Jobbers He did not reason it out. It came as all inspiration. In an instant the whole situation, the degree of responsi bility of each interested party, and the reiiiii eiiieiits ot jii-i.ii;u. .iiuuu uuu ;is pli'Mi-lv ns the elonds. when illumined by the lightnings, stand oat against the blackness of earth and sky at mid - u-,,lt Y..t wlmn Tin fnimil himself in thn in office of the companv, and had been intrndiieeil to the renr.-sentativn of the New York stockholders, he did not feel quite s.i certain that they would seo it in the same 1 ght in which he saw it; or that the inspiration which had come to him had reached their minds al-o. Somehow that look of self-snfliciency and air of a-sared prosperity brought back the clcuds and made all dark again. And so, slowly and brokenly at first, and then rapidly, and with a native elo quence that las ungrammatical words could not hide, he poured out the storv of his hopes and fears, mingled with a bit of his past history; the wrongs he had suffered, he and his. and of his willingness to give largely to help re imburse the company for their expendi tures, if they would stop the supply of water and so remove the danger which threatened his home. When he began speaking. Mr. Job bers turned towards him with a look of I surprise upon his red face that speedily turned to one of incredulitv. and both t gave place to contempt, and when Johu ' J'arsons ceased speaking me r,ngnsn- nian turned to las partner. 1 " ell. lii never, he said, speaking 1 each word separately and with empha- sis. -Hif e isn't a-haskin of as to j jelf after having thrown its occupants give up our henterprise and let the gold jouL He laid his bardeu carefully on remain in the 'ills, where it is no ase to I the ground, untied the strap and se hanybody, just b-cause the earth that J cared it in its place, again lifted his composes 'em may be washed down i child in his arms, got upon the back upou 'is blarsted bit of a ranch." j board and drove with as much speed as Mr. Jobbers' partner smiled. At ) he safely could down the hill, and then least the muscles of his face drew back ' turned off to the left into a by-road from the mouth slightly, pitied the ignorance of He evidently a man who could mako such a reiiuest. and who now sat with his arm thrown about his boy, Johnny having crept to his side while he had been speaking. "You evidently fail to corapreliend the situation. Mr. Parsons." he said. "What would your ranch be'worth if yon could not sell its products? "Gold." he continued, "is the world's medium of exchange, and gold mas, be had in order to carry on business. All trade and commerce would cease if the supply of gold did not k.-ep pace with the increased jiower of the production of the people. "You yourself could not exchange your grapes and other fruits for wearing apparel the comforts and necessities of life if it were not for the gold which is coined into money. "We do not know," be went on. "why the gold was placed in snch tine particles as to require that the hills be washed down in order to obtain it, but undoubtedly it was for some wise pur pose; and in bringing it forth we are doing a great thing for civilization, and for the common people as well as the rich: so you see you are acting very selfishly as well as foolishly in suggest ing such a thing as stopping work on the mines." And to all tills John Parsons could answer not a word. He felt that his opponent's reasoning wa iaiuuuu ctuu uiii- intuiwiw. .iii.il --..:..- ......... i.l.. -l...,.-. Tt.,.,1 depicted in cverv lineament of hi face uu tuum in... -- .uwuw -. more terriblo than that of his child's, necessary, that the very means of exist- 5 and when another moan came and the ence. the soil, which is the origin of all , Cyes of his boy were turned to him as if wealth, should be rendered barren and J pleading for help, he buried his face in valueless in order to obtain that ith the bedclothes and groaned as if his very which to exchange wealth; and that , soul was bein-- wran from him there was no justice in robbing him and .tyou had ""bet:ur0 for a doctor at his that others might possess more of , onco, j Mr Jm f of :h that of which they ulready had enough , xvoman-s uamc. ..&,..-,. none nearer for all their needs. ( tnau the 14 tea milQS away and But he was not accustomed to argu- the sooner he can be -tt here the bet ment. He had just made the longest ter. Mv husband wiHhc here in a few speech of his life, and these men judged moments, and we will take the best it foolish and him inaue. He could say . care of the child we know how until no more, and he -irosc without a word tou gn back: and af:cr all he mar not further, and carrying his boy in his j "be 5t badly hurt as he appears to be: if arms, passed out of the building and j it is only a broken arm K doesn't reallv turned towards the place where he had j amountto anything very serious exeep't left his horses. J the pain; and thesooaer it is set the He had but one thought now to get jless that will be." back home. . John Parsons was on His feet and out His wife, he dimly lelt, would sym pathize with hira and" comfort him: that is. such comfort as she could give. which was all the comfort that he. would ever know. He should never he anybody again; never hold up his head again among men. Powerless to protect those he loved, there was hut one com- lort left him to hide in the bosom of his family, the members of whom would pity him although they might not be able to have much reaped for one who was a man. yet could not protect them from poverty and suffering and hunger. In his over-wrought state of mind it seemed to him that his home was al ready gone, and he would not have been surprised, could he have been sud denly transported to his cottage, to have found it a mass of ruins, with the rose vine dead above the porch, and his vine yard, and orchard, and fields covered with a mass of debris from the mines. He paid his bill at the boarding house without seeing the parry to whom he paid it, watered his horses and hitched them to the buckboard mechanically, and turned their heads homeward with a look of such absolute hopelessness that even Johnny was silent, his young; spirts overborne "by the weight of his father's woe. Several times during the first half of the homeward journey the boy tried to arouse his father by pointing to some bird, or flower, by "the roadside, but if he heard at all John Parsons replied to the lad only in monosj'llables. or at j ranuom, aziu aaiu ruuipM-u iuiu ! silence which was so depressing to tho random, and again relaped into the child. ' "When a little more than half way home, as they were winding around a hill upon the edge of a deep gorge, two ' deer which had been sleeping in a ' bunch of tall grass by the roadside sud- denlv sprang tin and bounded across. almost under the nose-? of the horses. So une.ected were their presence and their movement that the horses them- j rj ivelv did, prevented John Pardons from going over the. blutr. and after being drafted a few rods he brought the w - -j - . horses to a stop and arose to his ieec unharmed, excepting a few scratches Mid bruises about the face and limbs. But Johnnv, having nothing to cling to except the back of the seat, which was wrencheu trom his grasp m the iaa, J Wits thrown violently over the bluff, ' and rolled half-way down its steep j sjde, being caught at last by a huge i bowlder which had itself fallen down from above at some previous period. " Mr. Parsons' first thought when he ! arose was of Johnnv. and le looked around, hoping to s"e lam unhurt and scrambling up the bank. But, no; lie was nowh-re in sight. His father called once; then again then he hastily tied the now perfectly ! !" animals to a .stamen manzenaa "' -)V t,,f' roadside and ran uacK to look for the boy. Not seeing him from the point on the . ' turned, he rushed over the bluff, nearly road where the buckboard was over pitching headlong in his haste, and , -scrambled down its side, coming ujku the body of the boy where it lay, witu ' eves clo'sed and one arm bent under in " way in whieh it could only he it from broken, and With blood issuing nose and ears. For a moment John Parsons stood with a look of awful horror on his face, and then his strength left him, and he staggered and leaned upon the rock against which the body lay. The next instant his strength re turned, and with great beads of per spiration standing out upon his face, ho knelt down and placed his hand over the lad's heart. There was a faint fluttering there, and raising the body in his anas he , worked his" way up to the road, coming oat of the gorge several rods in advance of where the horses stood hitched to the manzenita bush. Still holding the liodyin his arms he attempted to unsnap the halter strap with which the were tied, intending to leave it hanging to the bush; but the horses were frightened at sight of the limp body and the scent of blood, and drew back. He might have untied the strap from the tree without difficulty, but if this were done it mast be allowed to urag the on the ground and might cause , horses to stumble aud again throw lam j fron- the backboard, which had righted i which he knew led to a tettler's shanty j uot more than a quarter of a mile away. Uy the time he reached it. Johnuy was showing signs of returning life, and a hope that he might not be so badly injured as at first appeared was beginning to find lodgment in his father s breast. As it chanced, the only occupant ol the shanty at the moment was a woman, her husband being in the field, and the children at a neighbor's on an errand. Through the open door she saw a stranger approaching with the limp body of a child in his arm, and under stood at once that an accident had hap pened. Catching the dinner-horn from the nail where it hung, she ran to the back door and blew several loud and sharp blasts, then rushed back, and without stopping to ask any questions. or even for him to reach the door, called to Mr. Parsons to "come right in." at the same time arranging the bed to re ceive the body. John Parsons looked his thanks and laid his burden down upon the place prepared for it, the woman assistin" him. and placing the poor broken arm in as natural a position as possible. As j she did so. the sufferer's eyes opened 1 and closed, then opened again. Then j his lis parted and a low moan escaped mem. John Parsons saak down by the bed- of the door almost before .Mrs. Joaes had ceased speaking. ainppmg the gears Irons one ot few 1 horses without even, unhitching the tugs ircm the singletree, he jumped upon the anunat s usee, dashed down the lane, out upos the main road aad across th liUle valley, fro se cornxtnootj FARMERS FRIENDS. Wfctefc AM te thm liUartoM 1 Every farmer hhould make it his busi ness to ascertain what, in animated nature, are his friends and what his eae mies; by so doing he will be able to avoid killing those animals which aid very much in the destruction ot insecu injurious to vegetation is both his gar den and field. If a skunk should venture into the corn-field or garden to root out a few bugs or worms that are destroying val uable plants, he is voted a nuisance, and trap are at oace resorted to to ex terminate what is considered an in truder, and as the skunk is an animal easily caught he will lie very likely to get into the trap the first night; this the farmer destroys one of hi-, best friends. Close observers understand that th skunk lives almost entirely on bugs and worms; he is particularly fond of cut worms and the large white worms with red heads. The latter is ofi-.-n found in such numbers as to destroy all vege table substance, unless dug "out in the spring. To do this by human labor would be almost an impossibnity. but when the skunks and crows find them they will iu a very short time dig the ground all over and pick out even worm. The skunk is condemned be cause he will occasionally eat a few chickens and because of his odor; bat it i not a hundredth part ns much work to protect the chickens as it would be to dig out the worms he would destroy; and as to the odor, it is only when the skunk is disturbed and his life is in dan ger, that he uses this very disagreeable weapon. Let the skunk alone and he Is no more disagreeable than the do mestic cat. The toad lives on insects and is so perfectly harmless that fanners ought to take some measure to protect him. A few toads iu the garden will do more to clean out the cut worms than several men. bince the introduction of Paris green the toad has had a very hard time of iu for it is very difficult for him to decide which bugs have been poi soned and which have not; if he eats a bug full of Paris green he is very likely to b made sick if he docs not die. The improved harrows and cultivators have made the life of a toad much more un comfortable, if not more uncertain, than when only the V harrow was sold to pulverize the soil. Tills danger seems to be unavoidable, and the future prospect of the toad is very dark in deed. With the loss of the toad the farmer loses one of his best garden friends. Anion" the birds that ma be classed as the friend of the farmer the much despised crow stands at the head, yet he is persecuted and treated as an out law; he is hated because he occasion ally palls up a little corn when- it gets a few inches high, unlc-s some means are taken to prevent him; as he is a timid bird this is easily done; a white line ran 'around the tield, with a few pieces of bright tin hung on it, is a sure protection to the corn on an ordinary sized tield, on a very large tield a few cross lines may be put up. If the lines be put up before the crows begin to pull the corn the will be very sure to keep the crows away. The amouut of worms and grubs which a crow wid consume in a year is enormous; any one who doubts this, if he will take a good field glass and watch a tlock of crows when they are on the ground, will soon be convinced that they live pr.ncipally on bugs and worms. " The swallow is another bird thaflives on insects, many of which come from worms that are destructive to both plants and fruits, rarmcrs would do well to encourage these birds to build their nests in sheds about the barn. When a colony of swallows once get established they will be iery sure to come back to the same place every sea son. The bluebird is also an insect eating bird: his voice is a welcome one, and it is always heard in the early spring-time: he seeks building places near the dwelling, especially when en couraged to do so by providing good building places for him. ITnfortunate ly the introduction of the English spar row bids fair to drive the bluebird from our homes. The bluebird be.ng uaturallv timid, and the sparrow bold aud detiant, he often yields to the spar row even after having built a nest. If the farmer would devote the time to killing the English sparrow which he now devotes to" the killing of skunks and crows it would be spent to more profit. Farmers should spend more time studying the habits of the animals that live on the farm: if they would, the mis take which they now make in killing their liest friends would not occur, for then they would be able to distinguish their friends from their enemies, and coutinc themselves to the killing of only their enemies. Massachusetts Plough man. m m ANIMALS. The recullarltlc mad Uk aarf Dialike of Oar BtecJc Why should we ignore the likes and dislikes of our stock? E.en if no care for their own happiness prompts us to iaquire what would most gratify their natural appetites, the desire to see our cattle thrive ought to stimulate us to study their likes and dislikes, and thus learn what Nature and animal hygie require. Have you ever watched a cow browsing where unwholesome weeds formed the largest feature of the pasture? You could not fail to have observed, had you taken the trouble, that the weeds "and mischievous vegeta tion were studiously avoided by the aa mal. It is a safe assertion thai Nature instinctively leads animals free to fol low the bent of their ow desires, to forage on only what will be for their good; the closer we can get to these Vilent intimations by the dumb animals, the nearer we are to the philosophy of I good breeding and rearing of stock. Stock fed continuously upon the same food, as is so often the case, must be come extremely tired of their diet, as would lie true in a greater degree in the human family: and food eaten without relish can hardly be of the same effi ciency as that whch is takn up with avidity. A good -appetite bespeak health and a capacity to do something with th" food devoured- No one will fail to keep the apjetite vigorous who appreciates the value of keeping his stock vigorous and thrifty. A world of wisdom, which only the careful ob server is accessible to. is locked up in the natural desires of animals, and the results of good work in hacdlinr stock will run parallel with the aawust of this knowledge we have been able to cull from our experiences. 1: wSl be well before adoptiag innovations in the character of food stuffs, such as are constaatly being thrust licfore the stock-grower, to test theaa fay Mature laws of fitaeft, and of the like or dis likes of aa unpampered appetite ia the cattle. JTefietiaf Xitc Stnk JntnutL HOME, FARM AND GAftDCN. Ber-t seed has a faiat tiage of pale green if new. but is a dull browaif old, aad its vitalitv is verv doubtful if old. Tcdo Blade A little saltpeter or carboaateof soda mixed with the water in which flowers are placed will keep them fresh for two weeks. develmnd Leader. Glass aiay be cut with aay hard tool, like a chisel, for instance, if kept constantly wet with camphor dissolved in spirits of turpentine. Jfe-ttt Farmer. For a good breakfast dish peel eight tomatoes and cook then in but ter, seasoning welL Have eight pieces of fried bread larger than the tomatoes and put the fried tomatoes on them; then place a hard-boiled egg 00 each tomatoc and serve very hot. Hosio Globe Fanners who grow only a few to matoes in rich gardens do not geaeral ly know that this vegetable i more suc cessfully grown in lields with moderate fertility. There is les exuberance of vine, but earlier and higher flavored fruit, with leas tendency to rot- 3T. Y. Herald. Stcamtd Brown llread. Two cups of vellow corn meal and one pint of boiling water, pour the water over the meal and let it stand until cool. &dd one cup of rye llour. one cup of flour, one cup of sour uiilfc. two-thirds cup of New Orleans molasses and one tea epoonful of soda; steatu two and one half hours. The Caterer. To dig up a fruit tree, by cutting a circle with a spadu half a foot iu d sm eter, cuts off more than nine-tenths of the roots; and to spade a little circle about a young tree not one cuarter a far as the roots extend and call it culti vation is like FalstafT's men claiuung spurs and shirt-collars for a coinplett suit. J'ruire Fanner. Ilolls: Two quarts of flour, one pint of cold bo led milk, one-half cup of yeast, one-half cup of sugar, one table spoonful of uielt'-d butter. Make a well in the middle of the flour, pour in all the aliove and let rise over night; knead aud let rise until the middle of the afternoon; roll out, cut them abont the edges, lap over, let rise' again and bake .u r. hot oven twenty minutes. Tlic Household. Cow's Milk for Infants: One ounce of pearl barley is to be well washed in cold water. Put it iu a vessel -vita half a pint of water and let it heat gently and simmer for a few minutes over the fire; pour off this water, replace it by a pint and a half of water aud boil it dowu to a pint. With this water dilute the cow's milk for infants, thereby ren dering it more nutritious than if dilated with clear water. Exchange. Grape-vine mildew, bays the Gar. deners Month y. can be prevented by soaking stakes on which the vines twine in a solution of blue vitriol. A recent experiment, where sach stakes were mixed with others not soaked, throughoat the vineyard, showed that in every case where not soaked all the leaves were entirely rained, while those in, the soaked stakes were healthy. A weaker solution of the vitriol was not so effective The effect of the soaking gradually dies out, tour to six years. but will last from ABOUT DRESSES. Practical HloU Concerning Attlr aad Adorn tnrnt. Vests arc now made so narrow tlr.it ribbon three inches wide will serve for a stylish vest. This begin1 at it- natural width at the neck of thc dres. and slopes to a point at the waist line, where it may stop, or eNc widen acain below to its greatest width. This vest is- in laid, and the dress waist may be bat toned down each side, with tiny but tons aud holes, or else it may be made more dressy by passing under a revers on each side of velvet, which is three inches at its greatest width, and there fore may be made of velvet ribbon. Imagine, for instance, a dress of dark blue" wool with a narrow vest of thc striped canvas ribbon, ecm or blue in the center, and the side stripes of gilded and scarlet heraldic figures. Or if the dress is of black wool, the vet may be of moire ribbon, or of mohair with white galloon for both vet aud revers, wh.le for black surah, silk or grenadine beaded galloon with large beads will be used for thc revers, and the vest ma lie of tho dress material if it is too cost ly to have a beaded vest. Another less costly way is to hare two or three rows of galloon alternating with bands of the material, forming a plastron thatbegius at the neck and stops at the top of the first dart; this has thc effect of making the waist look fuller and shorter, while the narrow vest appears to lengthen it. The V-shaped piece for front and back i made of velvet, beaded grenadine, lace, etc The simplest muslin dresse-- have a tucked V in back and front, while those more elaborate have the point set in of embroidery. The skirt is roaad in the house-maid fashion, and its only or naments should be tucks two inches wide. For elderly women useful dresses can be made of the mottled mohairs sold at twenty-five cents a yard; these are s n gle width, and sixteen or eighteen yards are required. They should have rows of two-inch tucks across the front ex tending just above the knee, and above these a wrinkled aproa bemated and stitched in rows: this is sewed to tae belt of the foundation skirt, aad the plaits oa the side are thea made fast. The back is plaited to the back of the belt in a very small space, aad is plaited agaia lower down to ferm a puffed tour nure, from whence it falls to the foot ia plaits that meet in the middle; there are about five or six oa each side. For young girls this mohair in fawn-color, or ia chaareable nary blue and brown. can be well made up in roaad tucked skirts and belted waists, er else worn with a jersey; trimmed with white braid they will nval the more costly bine, whiie or striped flaanels for boating and mountain dresses. Harper's & zar. Watering Horses. Horses working in the field require watering more than three times a day. When a horse plunges its head deep into the trough to dr.ak, it i injurious ly thirsty, and has been suffering. While thc owner visits the water u kept ia the shade about once ererr hour, he scarcely ever th sks ol his team, labor iaz in the dust and satTenng from tnirst Itls a good plaa to carry a supply of water to thc Held for the horses on a light drag which is as easily takea as to drive the horses or lead them to the field in harness alone, aad it would be a graceful change to carry a bancs of fedder along, to give them a mouthful when they rest at times. Keguhurityia watering horses is a point which ought to be earefally ebterved hecae they will worry, whea Uursty. tnacll relieved. Soft water for driaking paapaias k IA preferable to aan vatar.- AfriculiuruL THE OFFICIAL GUILLOTINE, Mr. mre I Um -rat mt Oh There Is a curious iaapresuon that the acw Democratic President has beca and w disposed to be very conservative in regard to the redistribution of the patronage The mugwumps who are usually Civil-Service reformers. profcM to be satisfied for the moil part with the restraint he is exercising over the rpousawn. though thev crit-cie some of his appointments. The Democrats politicians, or at least thoc of them who hare not yet received the rrwards they expected, are eom plaining that he ts "going too slow." Even laaay Ro pubacans think that Mr. Cleveland I acting w.th great moderation and are commending him for it. This Impression Is evidentlv a de lusion, judging from the long list of re movals aad appoinfrrati chronicled ia the newpaper from day to dy. It t to be accounted for in two wys. In the erst place it wa generally expected that the "clean sweep" would bo made immedistelv that all l'epubllcan. would l-e duanuised -! - -- " by a sort of general OJV1Ctt u mal n-j M B ltdic :s installed in their Uon thc AJm.traUoa wihe to order aad lemocra: plicos. The lleoublicans think that Mr. Cleveland is very conservative be cause this course has not ten taken, and the Democrats are otnp!alntng be cause the general order was not hsued And the reaon why it is assumed that Mr. Cleveland is exercising great re straint is because he held back as long as the Senate remained in esioa. The public is very npt to take an impresdon of a new Admin stratum from the first few weeks, aud it was rashly concluded that the early course adopted by Cleve land wa a fair sample of his entire career The fact is that the Administration is proceeding as rapiuiy a praoiicauie !..-. II. . I, t v vmi-v i iuuiiun iiuiii ".; w I epu put Democrat in their plaee-w No re sjiect is paid to Civil-Service principles, "isusjiended" or "resigned" is attached to the name of nearly ever- otlicer whose place is g ven to some otic else The terms are synonymous. 'Hie rt5g nation are reijue.ted in all case.-, and they aro handed in merely to avoid sus pension. "Suspension" means removal, and so does "resignation." In ery case "otlensive partisanship will bo alleged, but this term has been given such a broad construction that tho bare fact of having voted the Kcpuhlican ticket, or having faded to vote tho Democratic tieket. makes the office holder an oflttuiivu partisan and war rants his removal. The removal- are going on at the rate of a hundred or more a day, and um rapidly as the Presi dent and h.s assistants can dec.de le tweon the claims of the rival applicants for the various offices. The hroadaxo of the Administration is now in tirst-cla. working order. The heads, are falling in the basket at a fear ful rate. There are seven sets of execu tioners, ono tor each Cabinet officer. Tue operators of the ma'-hine aro cov ered with goru. The victim include diplomats, consuls, head of depart ments, department clerk, postmasters, collectors, appraiser. Mirveyorx. njg-i ters, attoruevn. marshals, and all clacs of officials down to janitors. None is too high and none too low to deserve the guillotine. There is no man in the cnijaoy of the Government who does not realize that his time is short There has been just one re-ap'tointmcnt that 1 OI me iew lorK pokinaier -wuicui w as made at the demand of the mug wump. Tiiere is no indication that there will bo any more. There Is no bign that the working of the ate will lie suspended until the laHt Itaptiulican in office shall have had his head chopped off". Those who think Mr. Cleveland in going to be a "non-partisan President" are manifestly deceiving them-ehcs. He could not be if he wanted to be, and he evidently docs not want to b The Kepublicans must go aud they are going new at a rapid rate. It is loilv lor anv bodv to attempt to conceal "the fart I There Will ! ven few. if anv. of the ' old Hepublican officeholder? left by the time Congress meets. tu 'ago Tribune. A Mr. WHOLESALE INDICTMENT. Clrvrlam! C'harrl with JmrntfUfarj nod flaae Incratltutle. The presumption of a Democratic President in requesting the resignation of Meade, the Copiah County aain. Is strongly resented by thc Democrats of MbsiMipoi. The Jaekon Clarion, thc accepted orjnin of thc Democratic party in Mississippi, asserts that Presi dent Cleveland's demand of Meade's resignation "amount to an indictment of a whole jH-opIc-' Thn VelrHnrtr Pml rnnrtir in tM view. It argue with great force that the aaaination ol innl tatthcwj in l&tf had a decided effect upon the Presidential election in Mississippi in 18s4. for the reason that few -teople in Copiah County dared vote against Cleveland. "Mr. Meade and hi com patriot, it says, "contributed greatly to Cleveland's succe ia Copiah Coun ty . and. if the electoral vote of the State had hinged upon the vote of one coun ty, no doubt Mr. Cleveland's psrtisaas in Copiah would have beea found equal to the caterj-f cy." It continues that it regards Mr. Cleveland's course ia re gard to Meade very inconsistent, aad equivaleat ta aa iad'ictmeat of the very psa-ahi whose votes were accessary la Clevelaad's success. We like thk fraakaess. There is something hoaest in the straightforward claim that a I'resident elected through assasinatioa is bouad in honor aad de cency to reward the aseasains. We aae a little able as the Democrats of Mis sissippi to see how Cleveland with con- !!!?.!?JJra.3lJ??e: ,wk JtJca after that in a herdic. aad a .TrZu"?Z. -.. ,r7 , pcw tw tc wuificr ew-ttJittcvi wv xaac aad men like hii I. .ti . J . . IOT MJC ICTTOr- I Inn " C.T:. ' . . , "rT?: V s...- V. !. -..-. ..-..! STT. 7m r'-TT hcans white and black, there would be aoor-d.-thaad-wDeasocra-icPrasI-' dent to-dar. ,. Tr'. . . , Jt u jute usual for men who owe thea-succes to mtrrder and crime to I V .V - C - '. Zl 7 . . T ... -"- - - . .a v--ha -- a a " ia ut4 za.a inr rn vi- a ii tt i i r ihji Tf u-f s,v -f --at--' ' wiefcedae-'i. but Mr. Hevelaad U aK gorng to be allowed to do so witaout drawing ig upoa himelf the charge jneoR.-scv and bae ingrati- Tn De'Beril rtf Mls'mtsf gros tnde. "J I ""-- u- -tjj. jfcJWii jj a. jm... ii filitt a. rv -?..-. ..M...... . & ..i...m.1 J - areacy, sua thr vebemeatlT reeat assKiasare not lit sea to hohi oSca ander a Deaosijie adBtl.eraik.-. ITulvielpkUi iVeM. It is well to have a Bible revisioa everv sow aad thea. for some aeopJe . 1 . are induced to read part r to rtasd parts of it ia the aewsaapers who never read a ward af it ia the book JtMJLFkifinlttpkim MhU Uiin. freaa Lake Oataria kail to he mnnafarrarad iata saaoked halfaat to ms rreat am extaat na the j-;r.i "IMPOMD UPON." It will be rrasemhered that a few weeks ao the Predcat ppo$t--4 Meade, ow of tlw ial3frSe of th Copra Coeaty. Miss., oatrafc. to be potaatcr at tlaselhurst. Mhw. It wa thra discovered that the Preaiieat had beea iaipcoed upon." aad a letter wae written to Meade x-Usg that he rastjT. This prompt actioa oa the prt mi Mr. Cleveland was recctTed with feaeral apprur-d by the best awa of all poKttaal parties, who did aot beliere that a Kur derer i-hould be re-rarded for hi cria. For a few days nolhlag was heard of th matter Mr CJeveUad wa credlte-l with ariag that he "drew the Use at murder. aad it wa supposed that Meade would be promptly reaaoTed- Tbe fact U. however, that MewleStlH hold hu office :n df aaace of the Presi dent rtx-uet. It i perhap uaj t severelv cnUcue the PreJdeat a yet. la view of hi proraptne ia calUs for Meade' -v-igaation.. but if the MkL unm rtll.,v t tw.l-Mlif'l tit Urt!JWI rncogntze ht bloody .ervier tn th Democratic party, or that it taad ta fear of the spirit "that dictated the brutal outrage that hate made Copiah CVuaty a Mrnonrm tor everything outrageous and dugr&cefal. As might be expected, the Democrat ic pre or am!ppt u up in an iiitn.t (lid rrt.ittr til tK IVinnlml fi4f 1 ... Meade's retgnattoa The IV-tnocratia 8tate organ, th Jack.oa (Varw-i. an nounce that the request ladlet tncal of the whole people" Perhaps U is and j-eriiaps- it is not. it U an In dictment only upon thoe who that cKiwt.n tt ilm th, !?. tfnt tkttnltftn til wV. .w ...- . - -w .......... -,.. .... ... rMpon,a.lhty Ke-pecuble Democrat .-.-l.. . everywhere approved the lnfddest"i request for the irugnatioa of Meada. Unit thoe who were iu r-ympathy with hi foul dcod coald wih to ee htm ap jioiutcd to office. Let It l called aa indictment of that clxs If they chooe to so regard It Again, the Vicksburg J say: Mr MfAdrtftiM uu eotapatrVol witrUmUl irrUr in Ortrland Mupiwn tt3 0ftlh ut ty. nd. If Ut e)s-Urt riH- uf Usw Mtt.t hlnx-d Un tin rot of unveoUBtf. t,Jiutt Mr. ir t-imu! srtJn to (onab outl bmre ira found rjuU to the rnvrgvne; Here 1 the milk In tha cocoanuL The J'psi is very truthful and candid in deed. There is no doubt of the truth of li statement Hut what n shameful suU tni.;on to make' The UUtlon 1 prac ticalU thi The Ik-uuKTRtic pre? of Mhi-itppt admits that Copiah County wan carried for the iH-mooraU by methods which would dgrae thn age of barbarism "Mr Meado and hi coaipairiots" are git. en the credit am! eten well-informed man. woman ami child In the country know that th- re sult wit attained through murder and intimidation. Knowing thi-. tho MUU sippi Democracy boldly demand that !deadn le retained in "office upon the ground that he ha rendered valuable service to Mr Cle eland Will the President aceept thi construction? Will he recognize service that are ! stained with the blood of a man whuw onlv crime win that he wa a I'epuli licr.n Will he set up a standard for men to follow In Uie hope of ralniur ! political reward, the policy of hull doz ing, luiimuiauun, irauu mm t-Trn mur dtr? If Mr. Cleveland retatn Meade in office this I just what the aetlou will mean. It will H the utn of the Administration upon n plane o low that It e.c-ry ren-H-ctabl- nupjKirter must bluh for -bamc It U not reviving sectionalism to call for thc prompt removal of Meade. It j not "waving thr blood shirt" It i simplv aking that justice may be done, that thc fair fame of the Nation hall not !i sullied by thc apjKjlntment of red handed murderer to office a a re ward for -mistical -.ex-vice in which thr murder 01 an Imwent hubaiid aud t 1ntrr r?i tim r'lli-f ft-liir- ft ti if, it hotted that there are few Democrat- and Democratic nepnper that will accept and Indome the jKiHcy uob which the Miilppi patter ak fo Meade's continuance in office. If the do. but one construction can b- plared tijKin the motives of the Administrathic and the Democratic pr-rty. a eontruc tion that call loudly for retribution. The lreJdent may well -'draw the ii at murder. but it 1 Important that h draw it uton the right -ade j he cam tt on tlat call for JtnmediaUi actioa llurlitiglon JIawkeyc. LAMAR'S "ECONOMY." Aa latrirat r rnlilrm Nnltl, afur h Kt One of the first official acts of &o rctarv Lamar wa to sell the bor ad carriages belonging to the Iateflof Department There wa some objection to thi on the part of ttn chief of bureau, as it compelled there to traatact their busiaes on foot The S-cretarv w obdurate, however, aad the nUble? were sold out The net result in caB Mi a trifle over tn.SOQ, aad it was ia this manner that Mr. Lamar's depart meat began the work of retrenckawnt The becreUvry was always aa eathss siaatic pedestrian, aad for a week thr Secretary wa observed ta be stalkksi with rapid strides thronrh the street. Thea. one day. he left the deperttcteat ia a ciaa4estne manner aad got Into a street ear. He took oat a ifty-cesH piece aad dropped it into tfee hex. After that he was aftea aeea oa the street aar and herdic I nes, aad om day rede ire tiases. expending a cptarW tor the aaase. When the Cabiaet met a few week ago he atonihaI the oUckls at the White Hoase by appeariaj- hi a herdic. The Cabinet m-etmg Utel two h-m. carriage- Of late, howler, the t. Secretarv ha a JlwHJgihfttJ .J,s..-t I V L- ...--.. -U- ... - il" - "." - - "" - .. !. - I nazes of hi coatreres. Thea he looked iahkjoarnal U acrtaia !hoc M .. .- i ,--. - m- . Tta?i hvm eSSLJaX co1- T gtiaa whoe fnead was in the aext rttum , WRtra t Jacsj !&, y fijrar?2, bearialeraalevsdeaeeaf appraa- iait accaracy; To xr-set'r. berate rati a4 tartiae" ixT" in nwTTtex ' a ZZS;; ,Z. Z& T ma-r j-n m hmx. r aieaJu. tat - To nr-tBaa Jr MUu.UaewmJt mU t TirJMf Tnttm rikll Vrrbtiri. turn, br i-a- I ' jrxjj at si TefM2 L T 9 rmel have a carnage of a wwa, w he appeared at tier iSa-Me Ttsftidav he was seateif ia a acw fcag- er aad drawn iff horse ef the ntt t Z - ' I preae-eaews -eu-ewi "-, T r &ir aad ae-aaX aaws af aad at aaeertalc a-pc I tk lakit! are aa. Miniwhmnt a ha Jiecratarr too a ride m jmnI Isiniiits aMeawMCas. t-i W T-' r". '5 V ZUJ?--1. . -&sa -pt '--K - l j .JSh & - -7 v y.-; ..v - i-i-. - - ----'-- . mz' :s- .&S. ' a z-S - SLrWSili