tPzTbe Red : Cloud Chief, "i ''"' - '. "" "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.30 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. , " V -. ffl i -' L -- Z . '-s)i RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY.-NEB. FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1885 VOL XII 'iiO ?i - t. i kh; -f 1 ?-. i't A r BV T i!i i .i-ia t i . it r i I, ? W - ' BUY YOUR GOODS! ReliableFurniture and Undertaking House 'Opposite Postofflce. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, is the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the - the RepuDLcan Valley and my prices can RED CLOUD CHIEF VBY FIUDAY BY A. C. HOSMER. ST3 )P scBscztipnox: orr.aa7M . fl 53 laa vtpy, fix ot hi. "J- 3a eoay. fear ate its. - - "A50 Katarei at taa NUfln la Bad Goad aita f tia Metad cla. B & AC Time Table. jto Arrive. Icavc. Rod Clot to Crete, Mil... C:i.'.am Cttleago tuall ; TKKiun 0 Oxford and HatiBa exp... lutu 9:am 0 CinuoD Iim11"iU Uraver... :0Taiii ifSJ.'.am V Uastiog to Oxford ex.... 0:l5jm G:Xm 7 Croteio Bui Cloud mail.... :im WCaanou ball" to Kaunas C. 10:(6m 10:15im 4 Cklcaso niall , P:9 Tbe Oxford and Hasting express anil Crete luallmake couriectloiw at HastiiiKs audLrelu VYltii Driivwr, Chlmpo throUKh train. liatlUKsaiid Oxford tram briiiK pwrniiKcrj Iron Cliicasoto Uuvcr express. mm vua A j Wbm:h T,ckt,t AKent . COUNTY OFFICFItS. Jobn P. Bayha, County Clerk. :rh8. Buschow, County Treasurer. 5eo. 0. Yeiaer, County Judge. J. W. Warren, SherilT. Chafl. W. fiprinRer, Superintendent ol Public Instruction. C. P. Rinker, County Surveyor. R. R. Sherer, County Coroner, lacob L. Miller, ) Jn.McCallum. County Com. I. B. Hampton, S -'' -" - aUa - Business Directory. iNO.aSTA- SER, a: ctioneer. HICKS - - NEBRASKA tlENRY ANDERSON, v ' 6URVEY0R, ", -. Grdera'left at the Atract office will redie prompt attention. RED CLOUD - - NEBRASKA j W.TDLLEYS, M.D., HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Examining Surccon. OFFti Opposite First ., Nutional Bank Red Cloud. 5 -r' " JJR. L, H. BECK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA Office Over Henry Cook's drug store. Professional cal!sattcnded day or night. .qE..:McKEEBY,M. D., i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Orricx. t First doc t of Ook' drug store. Jfflce hours from to 12 a.m.. l lo4. aud" to R K jn. lti!dBoe 3 blocks wcat of court ote. SKD CLOUD. .-- NEBRASKA. p DAMERELL, M. D.f PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Bed Cloud, Nebraska. WiCir-Orar taaww poice. QILHAM A BTCKARDS, ATTORNEYS. Ked Cloud, Nebraska. Orricx In Smith Brc. lairoflSca. J W. Kalw. XT Kalbv. Kaley Bros. Ml TTOJf IYS AT LAW. . b ED CLOUD, NEB. Agcftta for the B. & M. B. K. Lands . O.CCASB. JaS. MCNKTT. Case Jc MNeny, A TTORSEVS AND C0UXSEL0KSAT IAW A Witt anwtke la all courts of thi state. YoHertlMui aa well an llttcateU buslMws careful ly -ttelestly atteadel to. Absmas (nr&isb- Cawc-Over Fkat Natkaal Bask. Ked J)B. CftHENCK. THTBCIAN AND SUBEON, Oowlet. NebraskaC ' Professional calk promptly attended. Orricx: At residence CowW. 8-51 '-V - if -x J.I2Mler,Vrnt. First National Bank RED CLOUD. NEB! Opitml. - 75,00. sra.TJsr- tsp- J jaHae4liPrletBe..,va4aaU , f -a. ,aawiiea aaTeaeeea. JRirfcr 5i- - .awavaeeBBB,-'. yaem JBara . 24ICra.Wl---aUAafc:-1 .- . - f4aaBalt -w. 4ajawisacf'5i -'BMBaaTaBaW' ?Sfa4aKaa:, H---" 3 m.jb..s ?:-v-r:j'.-rii-.-r-T eaa-aaav so t " ' : lf . rfCT-ri.'ClSeaBtiBM: .? a- - m-i-" -w? - r . ii tiJaaawT1? j PW li , ' VJiv-1 - AwaaaaaaSslsS ig&oK - BKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaflP aweVHKL?'' SataaaaaaaaaaPT -V . -.- 5lSaaaaaaa4 iaaaaaaaaaaaV s' r t ' -4 v - aaaaaaaaaaaflPQSaaaa flalaaaaaaaallllTytf "- " " -Hlffff R.L. Nebraska Lumber Co, -DE 4LRS I'M- t LUMBER, LATH, SHINCLFS s RED CLOUD DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY, SOID AT THE MOSHEBS MEAT MARKET WILL tn t s . ii:i? e, Bclcgai, Salt Moat Fresh Fish, 7 Oysters, Pork, Mutton, hickons, &c, &b. OLD STAND, RED CLOUD, NEB. Afittfl am C -7 tM . kl AMfev, iff -&- 41 W S "M House and Sign Painter, Grainer and Glazier All kinds oi Fancy and Plain wall Decora- tions Promptly and Neatly Done. Get my terms before you have your work done. Work guaranteed. WALKER & BRAKEFIELD, DEALERS IN Pumps, Wind Mills., Well Tubing Ajid Everything In our lino. When wanting anything in tho Pump or Windmill lino it will pay you to soeus. Our Prices aro tho Lowest and Work Guaranteed. T OFFICE On Third Avenue. ODDOsito Minor Brosstoro Red Cloud Nebraska. Don't fail to see us beforo buying. WILLIAM GATES, rnoruiETOR OF OTJD MEAT MAR! Irst Door South ol Sher cr'MDruc Store. FBESH AND SAL MEATS, FISH 3POTJLTRY, , Oysters, Sausage, Bolongra, Always on hand. Ceoi kuu ef them wneneveryc a want the best and the sweetest meats. Dealer In fe"a g aWCeyiij AE6IIV .1 'V B ' -, -. .. ff -. .- . .daaaaaaaaaaaaaa&EvxaaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw QaaaaaaaaaaLBaaC aaaaaaaVBT 'fataaliaw flaaaaaaaaeavV ceiaCr -. v aaMaaH .j- avejaaaaLejiEKB aaaaMBaaawar-'ywaaf-"n j "lrr UBal99iSi9aTlllfalV arassggaSB3sr i BaailSw,r; . - . ..- ;;-.: . v-- ? ." : . .. r.c-jji.,' BaaaaaaBBaaaBaaaaaaasa&-3ss-5aEssasafi '. . ..ji,.v - ' J-t- . :. s.-.. . ., ... i ., -v . 2 ,.-?. i2&.i .- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBi ll I II ll I I ! Iltllll II II II , -,, '-wrajaMar-T-"--'' r"-" -J'' "T" '"""Jr ---"- -y- - --- v - y, - . cvt, -.:?ja-ii- jI-rl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Jito"-------" "T--- - .., not fail, to please. TINKER SASH, DOOIiS. BLINDS ttC. - NEBRASKA THE BEST IN IE ARuKET AND LOWEST xRI S. HER, Prop. THi: I5E?T OF M 1 VsSfta . . , tt . ., iSK4 W!S; AliWAXi U.i ni.u. sasjij '& 4a W. DANV'S Repair Shop gsajra raVel Acme Pulverizer, Harrow, Clod rrraber and Levelcr. sabjects the soil tft the actioa of a Stftel Crjsaer sad Ler elcr. aad th catUcc llttlsur. turmss process of doable jaocs of itrf coul ters, the pecsaar 5Jiase sad ar- a Immense CutUng Power ! Tbe tar! ofrnocs f crasamc2-"w?s,krn!ic tbc gittsdaad KrwKiefc!y palrertel: tae s3 areperfaraM!ai thesxwUMr. Taeentirea- . mn rf irllrri nr riiaim rr i TTi innliln mini i Pd hard day, wfeere eer tearreirs aOeriy tag. -,V Jll"KflWtK.i ir.iilifi 1 1 iTf !M(rhu.tUii irur rt.t ri' i rT m ' jn ciKVJWiriv.aa lawoiawPvs-y a " ... m. CSLraLawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPaaaaaaftr A. . waaaaaaaawaaaLaaaaaaaaaaaPaT tf &3m aaV7BraVBaKaaaaaaD9SpSaa 4rVwaaaaVaaaa1aaaaaMC TO ANY WANTING JAMES m ms &T Having had ft t$A fr2i2ijfe4ttiBaaal Apiily.ln person or by letter to ( Canficld Parlies, Blue Hill. Web., Hardware and windmill wiercnams. ll i il. M r u m fa HT "K JL AT FORRESTER'S Furniture and Fancy Notion Bazar, Parties wishing Furniture will savo money by examining- my goods beforo purchasing elaowhoro. MEW 0D Arriving evory day. In connection with my fumituro I havo a largo supply cf all kinds of notions with Prices to Suit the Buyer ! Such as Tinware, Soaps, Glassware, Towels, Handkorohlofs Src, and will be soldcneaper than at any piaco in Rod Cloud CHAS. BUSOBO"W, Prosldont, E. F. HIGHLAND, Vlco-Prosidont, Robt V SHIP.EY, Troaauror. NEBRASKA & KANSAS I, CAPimL,$o0.0O0. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS: R D .Tories O.G.Ca?c. R. V.Shirev, Ciw. Rnschonr, It. B.FnlUm ' E F Ilitr'jland; Geo. B. Hollaml, D. :. I'latt. Geo. J. Wnrron. MONEY LOANED " on imprhved iarms iti Xebr.mka and IC:inas. Money furnished as soon r-s the securitv id approved Principlo mid intcost ;iyalle in Red Cloud. OFFICE IN RKI CLOUD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. The- Ce letrated Stallion ! COLONEL (HI1 make tho season of 1SS5, at our Farm at Anibo'. FEDIGKEE. Colonel is a dark bay, 17 J hand hiirh, weighs 1750 pound-, and is five years old. Jiis sire was an ini vertex Porcheron-rsorman, and his dam was thofouh-bred .Morgan, which makt Colonel one of the 'ssi Horses for Breeding Purposes ! Tn WaKaf rrit JLll ViUfct Ay Aiia vw via www j TERjiS ?I0 to insure; Money due when mare i known to be with foai Verson;. parting with mare before foaling will be held for the insurance money Care will be taken to prevent accidents but we will not be responsible for any that may occur. RASSER BEOS. SDancgl Dealers iraH 8EWINC MACHINES, ETC. ' 3aV KED gMUD, Pltarfc a4?MMBBVaaaaaaaaV?afl. SaaaaaaaaaaaPBBaaBlPfi'i' VlXBBaVMjJaaaaaaaaV SbJiKS M MXaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaC? kaaiBSvVBBaaBBaBBBBaBaVBBBfeaBBBBaaw In Endless "Variety at MRS. NEWHOUSE'S Who is dally recairirig' a Tina aad EeBaat Lisa of Ladies Dress Goods, of all varieties Elegant Line of White Large Lisa '' P W -7 u hd.MiaBflMftivVhArrpv ifMflra Mwim' mmmmr f ' tmw bw pbswiv voti piww- MiavaB4HiHi 2 .K. K A ..a ..H KM.M. . . .fl B. .1 MV 1. . . . . . " tggg , T;7" ." vifiF p -jt .- "' ' vo" j : " " " aijtala., PARTIES WELLS. DILLINGHAM, 7ii tiiiiras! vrars ntiieriiceheHIiiiakea fir:-rl5. wtU " liuluiltr.erveruitu:: couH"' h iuhiit lit kind mi! is lo lie jUf ira;?ti. iuictaiu uihs w u.uwr .- f- . TrpM -,- , cfi lcli-reread: fxt A rtswoaaMe deduction wlH be madf to tlHe who lav as i t4t well to cowtucticr wi'Ji. lrrmenrd'vr tUtre i n t AuANTEi. titcn lor n GOOD WELL or .NO PAY. OT AMB KOTIOKI M io r Trtfarnll PntTntinc & Son In all kinds - i :, mm, mm DEB,, A c 0i L baaaaaaaaaaV rrnnm aiJ.J H'mMiurrrmmrmmaKf .aaaaaaaaaaaaaw in. imwi in "ui ii v frnTrMniri r .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaam. K-witlvT ""'-Zes&z&lM&M I aaaPaaaaaaaaaV E tSSesJfOrt i xH M TaaaaaaaaaaaaV P "-frT&fc&bikltt&&& I Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat Erf " -f 1 1 W H iTsK S S S I til aHHHHBallHak sS s 1 1 ! t i IzM S 1 1 1 13 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH ' SafeferNfev" haBf i aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaWBl ' fVJ'tr-" B N2PC9l? LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW D Z.'M 9 EtXTt. ?7WJSf -BaaalHBIPVBaaaf ' 11 P 5 I 1 i A -4iOT3 ' aaat aaaaV aaal ?4? Vn.1 M S 1 R H SfftX7ai It wavSSaa1iaaaaVi-'. 'aaaaaal aW . v J Vi3WS wl ?WvI3 f-Bm:MiW IWr rV'fiT Tl 'fT ri TrlTal vIKaaaaaaW5SaaaaKaaaEaaaaa arK n - irr f.r.2J-imaaaati tyja'Waaaaaala'-Tr.aaaaaaaaaaaaaTJawO S3 7i& i NtV-BLH Dr- J . S EMIGH DENTIST, RED CLOUD HEIR4SXA. Fine Office Workatipecialby. Lanrfhlas saa alsrar w hand. Office orer jj1 rOoauJ atloaal HaaV. v Spring. Dry Goods, in all varieties, Goods, Trimmings, &c., Trarrfcraa'T irai enrl d KavMna ,wm ' of Iadia KacJcvt 4fy ?RIG t $ CREAM $AK POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE XTt&rvSiv x pc7ieua wti, rcd! , to H:il mi ""''' fr.if Hm 1 Si. i , ! ft a .SsO'-iW si- r -tM j m - .. o m laccNC in rMner j vxvv a Cattertnj: Grap for MaVini Cresn of T4rtsr DKPRICC'SCSEAMOAKtNC POWDi. PRICE'S SPECIAL TORWR b iXll A i . jo K. txracrr ! I Pi TOt CI ILSS b A S iwu I u,'1"" ir.s- ll"'var"- 'r11 3WK,", HOST PERFECT MADE lunt f.rnl stronst Natural Truit lTaror. i . . .. .1 -i . . i aniua. inj'ni, tnmK. amujiw, tunc. cc, Ilaror as iMlratuly and ja.turaiy a tae fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CUICACO. . VT.liVZM. Drugs ! Drugs ! nmm cook. r&iar Drugs, Paints, Oils Notions, Wall Paper, A,c Red Clou d, -Kebrasica Denver to Chicago, Donver to Kansas City, Denver to Cmaha, Omaha to Chicago, Kansas City to Chicago, Omaha to St. Louis. BEST L!C FROM WEST TO EAST! 8UJIE COWNECTfOIIS LOW RATES BACCACE CHECXCD THROUGH. Throusn ticket over th Burling ton Route are for aote by the Union Pacific Denver A Rio Crande and mil n'hrr nrinclnal railwavSL. and by ail agent of the Burlington Routs. For further Information, apply to any ajant, or to P. S. EU3T13, CcaTTitAjft. t aoBTfccxruRiftX Nursery Stock! Asl fcsTr fei4 95 dprrl 5 t X?w I3 Home Grown Nurseries! JUHt w aak a ear9 4 tis t rUe &tliitf! ITOTaJroPlO?TmMAv 11 Must k KTVnOB BT M I IUMWIKBtlMaHI Thb Rrd CLouDfCmEP a7c. HOMtlir3Zj! KKT&AYULYTTTli?. t ... -. .-jssr Ffcrai for SaJ. A riUuabtc drai of 20 acre. knott a.1 Maple Grove Parm," ttxen mil 50thwt of Rsl Cloud. 110 crs io ahirh lUtcofcuUivtioa. 125 & of tia.turo wt!h UtrtH. tdrc fence. Uocxi hog J ami caltlo an4 iihjwp corral $uul orchard feiicHi. Mfoam of nTer T .?, a l.- f,,f !r fnlir ia.r?o nrtlJC - "--w., " "-!-- " nws ihroegh tho tan. llcnty of tiailer for fut and buiidttt purpc of nniUin", all nun. to!Mistiur of frarau bouse, ixsn, U rjr. eoptvPR wn . & a ' roum atul collar HjO. A gool wen ptjccp or .cattle abed 10x60. Thb U one of the best and richest :ock furm,, ifx southern Xobraakx Trice Hi hju -acre; part CA-ib, part in two ywAr atKi part in fouryeaxjj at ten pr eML !n tcreat. Will pay $100 cash to anyone furnishing me buyer tQQi. Abo a farm of NX) acrM in Smithy county, Kansxw, ten milca othwcl tf ttwi Clotivl. Eighty acres In cultiva tion, including 14 acra artlfleUl Urn-tn-r 9 yuani old, contains nearly y.OOO irt'w. sotno ot whioh nre six tncht jtMHiRh and 25 feat hih. Tut to a ; iy (UietrnbU) farm ami will b(t told M j i-U iO per acre; part cash, part in two riu nd balance in throe ycra. W!U 'y $50 m casblo anyone furnishing ' a ltier. i 1 havp also a fino lot of half blood j 1 Mr.nn !htHit fnr maIo at a Ltnrain on 1 time. F'or narUoulur call on or tn- r rT "Urthe wye say? t.oo a iiroauport editor of the Tdngrnoxio (Kan) Mirror "you can fay that a lottle of Cham berlin'a colic, cholera and DUrthoM Remedy left'me by your agent two yoara ago, Iw 'he bct rem ody I havii avor uel. 1 Me no dcbt hut it ernved my oldest ton' life." Tlie above fhows conclusively Uiat there h nothing like having a great Ufa prv nencr nt Imnd at tho right tfrai-. It w put in '2Itc &c and l byttlw, 6aA by dniggi-w -IS't mn i i n'W An Entorpriuknr Rollnblo Hotwi. HenryCook can alway ba rellotl upon not only to carry in atoek the host of everything but to curo ttch j articles as have well known merit, and J aro popular with the people, ihepeby ' tuta!ning the rcnuution of btlng at- j way entcrprhing and very reJUb I ITarmt nonirpd thft api?ev far the ! celebrated Ur King's Xw DUccvcry for consumption will noil it On -.$kxi live gnaran tec. It will rarely cur anjr and every affection of tho Jtliroul and June, and to alio' our confident iv j invite you to call and get a iml fre 0 cnarge. i - hi ! aw - An AiMnrer Wavntod. Can any one bring m a owe of kd-4 ny or hyer complaint that EltMJtrio Hitlers will not cure. Il'e nay they caopot, aji thousand of ccaai already, peraianently curcdanl who are dally rcccommrindlng Electric Jfiiitm wilt prove. Bright' dbtM, lfi, weak back or ay nrinary compUint jutckly cused. Tney purify Uie frooi ami regulate tne bovmU aad Act direet- ly upoti the dkced pxtw Kvcry bot tle gtt ran led. For ak tX ijOo botSe1 at Henry CookV. Xarkla a Arateajnatvr TbeiKTtAhein tlte world for cuU brujet orc. uleern, wdt rinum fervor m n. taller. eltArl luutda chilbUut, ccna and all i kin ernptloft and poitirely car pite, or o pay - - a " reqntro. It v guranteed to jpv r ect satiifaction, Of agency zrfuaJe4r Price 2Scta jer box. Xo Udy m f in atterojr.Hg to o: any r4ier wUer Aio and 4a iji l-f Laod'a. AJi over thl bnI UttA Otris dame a jraoaym with excaaac. .. i ii ii. tv Tjti'r tarn coeSe3sr aa Kt- ck oe l.rHsJ aat KftM" SeC aciO-t ? rrz .UtogcUxTf tikrau k atsiarkl och: to kxv kw jttiTifcHp, t int tkatitMbyaoaMawiUe eatf af tiiags tiat o S 4er t, cucu8)tc4t t-sa Gisaai JJ-ritaia hi ksd IB felkr aeW f at Hrdki cuestaw lwfo Ur fee ftfea V ti xt&rs. Swair l&rwf aanra? aaa&t-Ma bast era. lat H4l3pia a few &&fel a4 4ter jka, waiefoelaTNr3 wdiMf and. aaa at a 4inAtTaiLim " iei 9f4tft-af U ndi a4. fwcrtaJ cy k-i aaiaJ ai e laSdiar r a k feati.' A j-s 4n4 a a Va 4 . .,. ,aaf lxMta KAJfenh'Wfv faneaaWJ DfMMivrH utm wn iiuw Jf- t iC'fn rii'W ai . ,- ifcinirlPKI IBk -- ' ' i itti in I i h awl ell yJaaaW VtlgM- ,. WaJliirl . . aT i v" 'ji!1 - ii- .JT'-J " .. ''VUSr '"j-.fei.'" t .-. - . Y-.sFiF , j. ; .s? H J. !- TSfc--s- " -"ra v&ar' .i-3B -1.- .-i. "T jSfF2i "U.- ' - ;v, ,J ai "-S"Sl S" a-PB?" i iiatfcniiwrrrTr M satea$Mav--ane . .-- n hi . i mj 441 JUrs , s. ' s.bml. tat t -if . "JSf ft r; 51-' - F..