HOSS v -s ta " --: ""t-v?. &i i-v. S " '-! Ii-i 4 f '" i-j v "IMS ' y - ..i! sfi?t& "V-.''" ' ". &J?& iff - s M Zjr-K. P-r. " .- . t. ' im mifr --iii TmiiiM 33 .i. . -J-"5, - r-. I a - - -.a?- The Red Cloud Chief A. C. HOSMER, - - Propiletor FRIDAY JULY 10. 1885 . CITY NEWS. DuJSEmigh JB.Jauilding a new barn. A. Thomson has built a new barn on his lot. A good assortment of hammocks at Henry Cook's. ' Mrs P ConOveu went to Lincoln Friday on a visit Mua S F Si'okesfiekd goes to He bron to-morrow on a short visit. O E CoMiAD, of Batin, made our Chii:f a pleasant call this week. John Young, of the Chicago Store, Kiverton, was doing lied Cloud last Saturday. Thk McCook 7'rumpfi came out in patriotic colors last week. .Bed, while and blue. En Hosford says he will never let go another $1.50. Be careful next time, Ed. IitA Si.kki'F.r is going to improve his his residence by the addition of a line porch to it. Fred Hummkll had a severe attack of cramp colic the other day. Too much Fourth. 1) S Hei.vkrk received a crate of ap ples this week oil' of his Arkansas fiirm They were fine. W P Watson is in town this week visiting his family. He has been do ing insurance business in Kinvin, Kans:is. Fucli Dmrrie'h dog took a little run the other day lo Amboy after a passen ger train, keeping up within a few feet of it all the wiy. The Fourth was mixed up with firecrackers, rain, plain drunks, love making, and a general good time all over the country. These headquarters were presented with a beautiful boquet from the Miss es Myrtle and Bertha Coleman, for which we tip our hat. Our, friend J A Lopeman brought this office an excellent box of red raspberries, which he raised this year sit his nursery. Thanks. Freu Hummkll, M W Dickcrson and Roy Hutchison and families celebrat ed the glorious Fourth in a joint feast at Fred Hummell's residence. By a special election held on the train Going to Blue Hill last Fridiy night Fred Durrie was elected captain of the Bed Cloud base ball club. Will Smith, of Minden, will soon go to Omaha where ho will go into the yards of the Nebraska Lumber Com pany. We wish Will success where ever ho may locate. Pit Elliott, knowing the wants of the inner man attachment to a hun gry editor, presented this office with tiomc tine potatoes and a nice bunch of pie plant. We return thanks, Doc tor. Emigii Bros, recently added eighty six two and three year old steers to their stock on the ranch north-west of Bed Cloud. The boys arc prospering, and The Chief wishes them success and prosperity. Farmers and others should make it a point to lock their residences and barns before retiring, and hereafter ail not, or some bold bad man will walk oir with your valuables, wealth or property, as thieves are in the land. W. W. W. Jones, state superintend ent of public instruction, will give a lecture before the teachers' institute on the 30th of July. Mr Jones is an able speaker and his lecture will be a great benefit to tne members of the institute. A woi.v, wtiilc prowling around after B T Keed's chickens the other day met with an untimely death. Mrs Keed, armed with a "woman's wea pon" gavo chase and soon dispatched his woifship to the happy hunting grounds. J H Bemsberq informs us that his hogs have been troubled with a new dise:isel It seems that the disease first shows itself by the eyes becoming sore mattering ami swelling up, and after being sick a few hours the animal dies. H has lost ten by the disease. We received a complimentary ticket to the Suite fair this week, presented ly Robt. W Furuas. The State Fair is bouud to be a success, notwithstand ingthe efforts to "own it", recently made. It will occur on the eleventh and continue till the ISth of Septem ber. Mr Johnson, a wealthy farmer, of Amboy, 111., ant! family, have located among us, and henceforth will breathe the pure air of Nebraska. He lias bought .a farm near the Red Cloud mills, which he proposes to stock. They are living in J Q Potter's farm residence. We understand he is well pleased Kith Nebraska. W notice Jroin our dally contem poraries that the cholera scourge has secured a firm hold on the people of Spain, and thousands are dying from it. In view of the advance of this dreaded disease would it not be well to have our city put in a good sanitary condition, not that there -is imminent danger, but with a view of bein j pre pared should the dreaded disease reach our shores during the summer months. The Red Cloud base ball clubs took in the suburban towns ou the Fourth-, and both were scooped. The first nine went to Blue Hill and played five in nings, game standing four to eight, in iavor of Blue Hill. The second nine want to Guide Rock, and in three in nings the R C's ware victims by a score of 10 to . 'AkV fame of our borne ir want to Guide Bock, aud in tbrae in- E j peterson savs MMina work all mDe. ? , ua sWiy Mytnar ! BaAtar I :??"' t"w"- mmm v"w bm. nianTiii Tfcli i ibi aauTsanl i t ,' -V.r-- - ' - :-:--'-- : - .Wai.ll" ! . I j '.!.5. - J-.-.l. - -m. X - -. . XMBBS1SUH WSSBSRMST V B BM1J, . - - -- m- --?--:-- m. - -. , IMPORTANT POINTS . G. W. Dow has a ne-w sign for his blacksmith shop. The Odd-fellow installed their of ficers last Tuesday night. K. Skeen ii'building an addition to his rcMdence near the mill. Mrs Conover, of Lincoln, is visiting her parents in this city this week. P S McGcire and family, of Guide Rock, were on our streets Monday. Don't forget the teachers' institute, which will commence on the 14th. A. 0. Beug wears a Job's comforter near his left ear. Andy says it'3 no fun. Now that the streets, have been graded up the crossings should be raised. Miss Sarah Tullkys has returned to the city after a few days visit at Cowlci. Is there going to be any cflort to or ganize lied Cloud into a city of the second class? Mrs. A C Hosmer leaves next Sun day evening for a f w weeks visiting in Missouri and Illinois. The fair grounds are being put in good condition. The buildings and fence will be constructed soon. The south end' of Red Cloud is grow ing fast, and many new improvements are being made to that part of the city A new lodge of Knights of Pythias was instituted at McCook last week. The order is rapidly increasing in Ne braska. During a recent trip to Lincoln our reporter noticed that the crops were fine, but yet do not come up to those of Webster county, ire are hard to beat in the Valley. Rev J E Aikman, the new paster ot of the Congregational church of this city, has arrived and taken charge of his pastoral duties. The Chief wel comes him to our city. A "isloody furriner" from the Green Isle struck Red Cloud last Mon day, all the way from County Claire. He was on his way west, but had for gotten where he was going. We are prepared to print all kinds of of brief work, book work, pamphlets, letter heads, note heads, etc., and have the finest job outfit in the -Valley Give us a call. Prices reasonable. The Red Cloud Creamery made 14,070 popnds of butter for the month of June. This is a good showing, and The Chief hopes the Plumb butter will always be in demand, and the cream never get lliley. Will Gilijert and Miss Minnie Pound were united in marriage on July 4. Will was bound to be patriot ic and therefore joined the great and surging throng of Benedicts. Success to the happy couple. One day this week several little boys, so the story goes, got into a rumpus with Herman Birkner and beat him shamefully. Such doings should be promptly dealt with by the parents of of the boys to blame. Red Cloud would do well to have a good chain gang, and when tramps and other imposters ate in the land, give them an introduction to tho stone pile, and we presume that in a little while tramps would be few. The churchts sf Red Cloud are all prospering nicely ,jmd the congrega" tions are constantly increasing in numbers. Bed Cloud has seven churches, we believe the most of any town of its size in the state. Mrs. F. A. Durrie left on the 3d for a visit in Ashland where she will at tend the silver wedding of a friend. In the meantime our worthy friend Fred will join the common herd and keep bach during Mrs D's absence. Our lovers of horse flesh are getting their racing steeds in order to exhibit at the coming fair, at which time we may expect to see some good racing. Some blooded stock will be put on the turf in this city for the first time. Preaching in the Baptist church by the pastor, Sunday morning at 11 and evening at S. Topics, morning, "A sleepy set," evening "A dandy's de mand." Sunday school at nooingTem peranceschool at 3 p in. Strangers in vited to attend. Give us some street lamps. During the dark nights of the hist few weeks good street lamps would have been a God send to the weary and belated pedestrian, who had to swim or sink while wending his way homeward to any part of the city. "Let there be more light." The people of Red Cloud, or a good many of them, celebrated at Blue Hill, Guide Rock, Cowles, Wells, Hastings, Lincoln, Jackson's grove and the rink. -4t all of the above places there were large crowds and lots of fun. The rain, however, dampened the patriotic sentiment of "those whe went fer to celebrate." The survey of the Chicago, Nebras ka, Kansas and Southwestern railway. the proposed route from Red Cloud, via Dodge City, Kansas, to the Pan handle country in Texas, began last Monday, and we may soon expect to see the surveying outfit. The Chief hopes to see this road built in the near future. It will be the biggest boom Red Cloud has received lately. Vm B Cramer sav I believe the Buckeye the best binder in use, I have used one three years." Wst Fcllkr saya "The Buckeye binder can't be beaten." Johu C Wilson says "I would not exchange for any other make." Clarance Wilson says MH gets there" Wm Barret says it jdoee the best of work and never gives out. E J Peterson says "Minejworks all rirht in every place Cbas PeitiftOQ ' says "Mice works n EVENTS OF THE WEEK. E'l Jlosffwd has a sore liand. W B Iloby lia ben ou the Ick list. Trs Mary Moora ts vuiting. Tfeoi Ileal. The coiirniKiloacw adjournal M July 27. MNs 3lyra Brewer w in Hastings attendlnz Eu Hosford went to Iowa on Thursday to visit friends. ur friend MCIrney lias a HUle dojbe call "Pansy." K A Stowtll, ot Guide Kock, was in town Wednesday. OK Conrad of Batin has jpmcto the frontier to hunt land. ltev Riley Is In the oity looking at the scenes o fonner years Mrs Gardner and Mrs Felght were in Hastings on the Fourth. Go i'.lair and wife entertained their friends last Friday night. Geo Ducker has pone east. He will return aH)ut September 1. Mrs S M Cnpp Roes to Belolt. Kansas, on a two week's vMt. Saturday Yestenlay the Blue Hill and RcdClocd BBC's crossed bats In this city. A II Brown has been on the sick list for a few days, but Is convalescing. If there is nny one thing weueed in Webster county It Is well graded roads. , Aaron Conover and Will Mitchell took in the sight- of Lincoln on the Fourth W M Vbwcher paints the court house and coal shed for Si f. glulvg each two coats of paint. A K Lnckhnrt U olWelatiiig as clerk in the freight department of the B & M in this city. II B Matthews and .lames Mcl'artland made thec headquarter a pleasant call this week. Tommy Edwards has been rustling baggage between Hastings and Bed Cloud for a'few days h II Wallace, the Jeweler has rcturn.'d from his trip east, looking much better after hahiK seen his best girl in Ohio. Warren Kent is extremely happy, ?nd all on account of Its being a girl of the usual weight The bov will take the cigars. .Mr E C McKay, the yard master at McCook, will oeratcthc Bed Cloud yards with his usual ability during the absence or our friend Meems' Potter, back yonder. The number or children or school age in WqIh htor county Is X70. Amount apjortlo:ied to the same by the state In round figures S33S7 83 A little over one dollar ier head. Our agricultural dealers take advantage of onr columns to-day to tell the teoplu how cheap mowing machines, reapers, and twiue binders are veiling. Read tor yourself. .lames Potter, our efficient B & 31 yard master has gone to Illinois. .Mm lias put in four long years, and during that time has never lost but one day It Is time be was taking a rent. He will return with his wife in a few weeks. The first brick were laid on Morhart R Ful ton and Mizer's buildings on Tuesday. Only a few days more and the walls and roof will be done. This reminds that we now have five bricks in our ash pile, for that brown stone printing office. The Fourth of July was dulv celebrated in this city and adjacent towns and cities in very much the same style as of yore, 'midst the booming of the cannon and the. fizzing of the festive fire, cracker. It was run ror the small boy. but rough on the old folks. Why go to Omaha to get lumber when Heed & Hawley are spelling the same quality for less J money. Notice the following: Boards per one thousand feet Sl " Fencing No '2 18 (' .Standard shingles 2 SO RanqiitXo2nf the Red Cloud Cooking Club was held last Tuesday evening at the residence or Mrs A C Hosmer. on Seward street. This was one of the most pleasant gatherings that the club Ii:t3 held, and one and all seemed to nijoy the occasion. About thirty were present. The banquet on this occasion was superb and highly appreciated by the "huhbys" of the It C C C. Hosford & Young, who have been doing busi ness In Red Cloud for the past year, have dls-. solved partnership. Mr Hosford carrying on the poultry business and Mr Young taking the fruit and vegetable department. Both gentlemen have the best wishes 0CT1 1 CniKFfor success and prosperity. They are both men of sterling business qualities, and will meet with success in any undertaking In which they may embark. District Deputy Imler, of Nelson, installed the officers elector lied Cloud Lodge No !, IOO F, hist Tuesday night as follows: PG-GNMetanlcls, N G-M W Dlckerson, V G-lt PHutcnlson. Secretary W It Boby, Conductor John Parkes. I (5 P Jeffers, R S X G-A C Hosmer, L S X G A O Berg, R S V-G-Ed Young, LSV-G-Will Mother. Xew Firm. DrShercr has sold his entire stock of drugs etc, to 3Iessrs Outhwaite, Kt-llogg it Ferguson. Thwe gentlemen arc now engaged invoicing the stock and will take charge of the business as soon as the Invoice Is completed. The new firm will be known as Ferguson & O. Mr Ferguson was formerly a resldcut of Tiffin. Ohio, having moved to Red Cloud a few months ago. The other members ofthe tlrm are weli known toot.r readers, and need no introduction from us All arc genial business gentlemen, and Thk Ciiikf wishes them their full measure of success. I)r Shcrer is one or the oldest business men hi Red Cloud, having been engaged In "active business here tor a number or years pjist. We wish him success In whatever avocation he may see fit to engage in in t'je future. Knights Templar. On Monday evening a goodly num ber of Sir Kniehts Irom abroad assist ed in instituting a Conitnanderv of I Knights Templar in this city. The fol lowing list ot olticers; were duly install ed jr A. Tulleys E. C K. D. Jones, Generalissimo. D. M. riatt, Captain General. R. B. Fulton, Prelate. J. L. Miller, S. II'. H. L. Tinker, J. W. V. N. Richardson, Treasurer. J. P. Bay ha. Recorder. W. D. Forrester, Standard Bearer. S. W: Fulton Sword Bearer. R. V. Shi-cy, Warder. James Potter, Captain ofthe Guard. VU-mXC-'siR KNIGHT CE Wood, Erie. Pa; W R Bowen. Omaha; C F Eodinson. F J Sfritx, R X Oliver, C B Fr-ch J D Hawthorne. R E French. H W Scott, B D Smith, S M Xevins, of Kearney; FS White, R R Livingston. D E Cumuiingt, of Platte mouth; D M McElhinnev, J J Wemple. F J Benedict, J Fisher, J B Welister, J C Kay, Hastings. The occasion will be remembered by all the participants as one of the pleas antes episodes of their lives. A sump tuous banquet was served in the dining hall adjoining the asylum At the. bauquet'mimerous toasts were offered and responded to by the Sii Knights and many interesting reminiscences related. During the evening Mr D M Tomblin, of Arapahoe, receivtid the de grees of Knighthood. The Command ery will be known in the future as Cyrene CommanderyXo 14, and m composed of some of the best men in thk or any other state, and are a credit to the valiant and magnaminoua order which they represent. A cut load of Mawillton threshers received this day by A A Pope? -AsoTftut Vicrowr. Mr Hii?after examining the work of, the JMsrly aad Piano in UmcM c ta Xed Cloud fra WedasaaJiy aad fmrchsaed a I a. . " I -4 ir..u. - - --- -- aaaaiv MWaaaasa, nYaPawsaajavjK VjaBBVjWjaw.r.wawawav-aBBBBBBBBww SI I BW.A .-a. SBSBBBL vSBS M VlTl BSaSBBSa SBPBPSBBBBBBSBBl4 ,LK V VSBBIB KB SmSBBSL BBk . . Si 4SF VSBSBr . . - - VT to t- - - - " W Trmmr WV,' Brw BBBBBSBBBK. .BSBSSST SL Connubial Bus-.- On last Thurs day evening Mr. P. Jotter, one of the well known employes of the B &. M yards in this city, was tinited in mar riage, by the Rev. Geo. O. Yeiscr, to Miss Anna M Sleeper, daughter of Mr Ira Sleeper, one of the proprietors of the Red Cloud carriage works. TiiK Chikk takes pleasure in congratulating the happy couple, and with their many friends wishes them a prosperous and delightful voyage over the sea of mat- rimonv O.v last Monday morning our Jfriend K. Skeen, proprietor of the Red Cloud flouring mills, commenced to excavate for his new mill just north of the old mill, which will be 30x43, three stories and a basement, and will cost $30,000. Mr. Skeen proposes to equip the mill all through with the latest designs in tne roller system, from top to bottom, and when finished the mill will have a capacity of 100 barrels per day, and will be the heist mill on the Republi can Valley. Tup Chief wishes the proprietor success, which his enter prise so richly deserves, and we feel sure that he will be well repaid for his investment. The nterprise will cer tainly be of great importance to our city. Sad News. On lat Monday morn ing Mr. and 31 rs. M W Dickcrson re ceived the sad intelligence of the death of Mrs Dickenson's beloved mother, while visiting in Riilgeville, Illinois. The news wus all the more distressing to Mrs Dickcrson from the fact that she was not even cognizant of her mother's illness until she received news on Monday which apprised her of her demise. This is the second time that the death messenger has called a loved one from earth to the abode above, from among her relatives within a few weeks, her father having departed this life recently. Certainly her cup of sorrow is overflowing and in her sad bereavement 3Irs Dicker son has the sympathy and consolation ofthe entire communitv of Red Cloud. A ev Dkv Gc;ols HorsE. Thk. C'iief has the pleasure of nnnouncini' this week to its thousands of readers that Mr. Geo. A. Ducker, a prominent dry goods dealer of Joliet, 111., and a nephew of our friend Wm. Ducker, has decided to cast his lot vith those of our people, and open up a largo and complete dry goods store in the mom now occupied by C. Wiener. Mr. Ducker informed us that he would have the stock ready for customers about September 1, or as soon there after as Mr Wiener gets into his new building. Thk Chief wishes Mr Ducker success and prosperity, both of whish ho will certainly receive from our people. Ve take-pleasure in wel coming him to our city as a gentleman in every way worthy, and competent to run a first cliss store, and gives us an enterprise that will be appreciated A New Railroad. By reference to an extract from the Dodge City (Kan.) Zirc Slock Journal, it will be observed that the people of that vicinity, and the promoters of the proposed Chica go, Nebraska, Kansas & Southwestern railway arc in dead earnest in relation to building the road. The stretch of country between Red Cloud, its north ern terminus, to Texas, 550 miles, is very rich and productive, and would therefore guarantee the investment, Once built the road would to our no tion, be of incalcuable benefit to Kcd Cloud, giving it a direct out lot to the immense cattle ranges in Kansas, and to the great south-west. It is certainly a feasible plan and a road that would be easily built, and would be a decisive boom for Red Cloud. The people of Red Cloud should take this matter in hand at once and assist in procuring its construction. With that road, the B & M, and the proposed U P routes. Red Cloud will receive a boom that will make her a great city. Let some effort be made at once to get the mat ter in tangible shape, and see what is behind the project- Do not let this enterprise slip between our fingers for want of action on our part. The concert in the Baptist church last Sunday evening was a very enjoy able atTair to the large crowd in atten dance. The following items in pro gramme desevrc especial attention Recitations by the Misses Newhouse Reigle, Gates, Pearl Skeen. Alice Remsberg and master Eddie Emigh, were exceedingly well rendered. Fred die Brown sung a song in his usual interesting way. Aruilla 3Iarsh and Hattie Becker did splendid. Minnie Lauterbach spoke unuasually well for one so young. Rose Emigh and Addie Reigle sung a duet which every one must exclaim, as many did, beautiful, A class of young ladies drilled by Mr Mitchell would certainly have done credit to older heads, time and voices harmoniously sweet. Concert exercises of Mis Ferguson's class Mrs Marsh's little girls Mrs Kaley's little girls, Alice Roby and Hatlie Becker was delight ful, and the missionary exercises by Mrs Mitchell's class of 16 girls Irom 10 to 13 years of age could not well be surpassed' Miss Carrie aBrakefield captured the audience with her fine reading of Brother Browns dream. The choire gave their usual fine music and altogether it was one of the .finest con certs ever given in Bed Good. The Baptist church aad school certainly spare no pais to entertain the people aad their cfletta appreciated, t to be .?7nr???L MrW.WGHWrt MinsMiaaJa JTLSW'wMffrTiKfBSl - - ma arnna vav vawarwawsaaBw. - . - - --- - t ... tt - - a srBss' asrmap -sa sbbbbb BBSiaBBBtiBBMBBi vth asssi sr SBBrasrsBSSB' . u -. skvsi sbpsbbbbbbbbb bbb x sbbbf bbbbbbbbb wsssr .. ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbk sbbbbbbbbbk THE RAILROAD BOOH. Oltizons Mooting to Consider New Railroad iinos for Dods City. During the past wek onr people were moro or le-- enthused over a new railroad enterprise which wa present ed to them by the officers ofthe Chica go. Nebraska, Kansas 6c Southwestern railroad company, who were here on the giound and who came to get on cxpresiou from our people on the line proposed. Among the distinguished parly were Judge John M. Galloway, attorney and solicitor; G. B. Finney, chief engineer, both of Fort Scott, Kansas; J. C. Gilham vice-president, and A. L. Stone, director, of Kureka, Kansas. Tneee gentlemen were in the city the greater portion of last week, and having made their luiue. known a public meeting was called for Satur day evening at Cary's opera house, where quite a number of our most enterprising business men assembled and organized the meeting by calling Col 4 S. S. I'routy to the elixir, anil naming I). M. Frost as Secretary. The chair briefly stated the object of the meeting, and as there was m gentleman present who could more fully explain, Judge Galloway was culled for. and in a speech of over an hour very fully set forth and explained tho object ami purpose ofthe new rairoad enterprise. The substance of Mr. Galloway's re marks were: First. 1 hat the main object of tho new undertaking was to cuuuect by a ttirotign and pulepeutleut line of road tho great railway fc stems of Nebraska with those systems of railway in Tex as which are already pointing their lines a:d extending them m a noilh and north-westerly direction towards the Panhandle. 'Ibis company proposes to construct a line of railroad irom a point m Ne braska ou the Republican river, at Bed Cloud, in Webster county, in a gener ally south-westerly direction through Western Kansas, crosiing the Arkan sas river at Dodge City and thence in a southerly direction to the south line ofthe state to a point west ofthe 100th meridian; thence across the Neutral Strip, a distance of about 35 time.-; thence into and through too Texas Panhandle, makinc its southern con nection with the already established Texas railway systems. The estimat ed length of this line is approximately 5U0 to 550 miles. Once ttiat this line is constructed it will afford in con nection with the Nebraska and Iowa roads an independent and valuable competing line of road for all western Kansas, western and southern Texas, cesium New Jexico and western In dian Territory, directly to tho Chicago markets. Such a lino would command the great cattle tradeof Texas, which seeks the northern grazing grounds and at the same time traverse in western Kansas as fine an agricultural couutrv as lies west oi tne .Mississippi river. Mr. Galloway said that he be'ieved that all that was necessary to induce capitalists to invest their money in this enterprise, so as to insure its constrcu tion, was to show them tho cer tain and3woudcrful resources of the country to be traversed by this line! the advantages of its northern and southern connections; tho entire prac ticability of building atieh a lino, with easy grade and at moderate cost for construction, and such a degree of con fidence upon tne pari of the people Wtio live upon the lino that it would succeed, as would be manifested by a willingness to take upr.n thcim-clves some part of the risk and cost of the preliminary work. .Mr. Galloway said that railroad building now was not a matter of sent iment, that he was nat here on a mis sion of philanthropy, but as a repre sentative of capable railroad business men ot Kansas to present a clean, cold cut business proposition to the busi ness men of this city, invitim: them to its fair consideration upon its merits, and if tiiey thought well of it to join hands win the gentlemen of this or ganization and aid m accomplishing through united eflorts final success, from whi It if achieved, all would reap substantial material benefit.-. Dodge City in made the headquarters and principal place of business of the company, and when the road is com pleted, with its general offices here. Dodge City will occupy the same favor able position to thi? road "that Tcpeka does to the Santa Fc. . After the Judge had completnd hia remarks others were called upon to address the meeting, and the first to respond to the call was Hon. G. M. Hoover, who said the only speech he had to make was to announce that he would subscribe $100 towards aiding the enterprise. Hon. R. y Wngnt followed with fifty dollars more, which was continued until nearly fiye hun dred dollar were suUcnbed. On mo tion, G. 31. Hoover, R. M. Wright and T.S.Jones were appointed a commit tee of three to canvass our citizens for other subscription. Meeting then ad journed. Live Slock Journal, Dodge City, Kansas. They Want Wheat. The Red Cloud mills are paying 5 to 10 cents per bu more for wheat than the shippers. People will have "Sea roam" and "White Lily" flour, and it takes wheat to make iu NOTICE We have been informed that certain parties canvassing for the Esterly binders have represented that they were canvasin? for us. This is to trive notice that we do our own can-1 vassinc. nnder our own name, and all I such parties are simply unscrupulous and unprincipled frauds. Sfaxogle & Sox. The ISth Buckeye mower sold to John O Riley of Oak Creek, July 7 '85. The 19th Buckeve mower sold to Geo Do Witt, July 8. The&Kh Buckeye mower sold to Lopcmau &IIagan, Nurserymen. Bed Cloud. The 21st Buckeve mower sold to Jesse Brooks. Still they go, Next! Next!! Notice. Havimj sold my drag s tore, people who are indebted io me will please call and settle at once. The business must be closed np. 4?4w B, R. Shexxe. Married, on the 4lh of July, Ug$, im Bed Cloud, Nebraska, by tbe er. Geo O. Yeken Mr Frank A Cowlsoo. of cennty. efDow.W MrWmWGiibsct XwnwsMf'M wVtBsnwKsvC QsWHWy WNm r 1 Now tfco.Brtt QoiCr St- tleav 31k EDtTor. Rciurnuie homd after an absence of a few days I acctted on of our citizens about the happtninx since I had been gone aad. how about the bridge ? Oh that's all settled. That's cood I How did it happen ? Oh an inieliec:uaiMue wau import ed who successfully led our people out of the wilderness, in the promfae land. "Moso was he from Egypt !" " So, he was from Ohio." 'What did ho do?" "He struck straight from the shoul der. He invited all who did not agree with him to leave town, and boldly told them their room was wanted worae than their company," "Wasn't that checkv for a new cora- er?" "Well res. but ho took jt bank on the next nage and privately informed each individual that ho dd not bcau him He also called them dead beats antl paupers, and took it back In the same way" "Did that have tho desied eflect?" "Not entirely but he has since that followed thoc blows up with his in vincible logic untii it is supposed the enemy has been defeated and is rout ed." "What was the logic?" 'Oh he said Kenney and Benttey dd not make a fair return of property to the aessOrs." "Convincing wasn't it?" "Very." "Wa.4 Hentlcy against bond, and did Im make an unfair return ? '"I don't know ho was not at homtv and has had no chance to defend him sell " "What olo did he ay? ' "He asserted that a two vrar 10 pr cent loifd would not sell for ovr 06 per cent That a twenty year 7 pr cent bond would sell for moro than par" "Fine financial theory." "Yes. he said that tho money obtain od Irom the n!o of a short time lond would not te on hand to s4vanri to the contractor as he did thr work." "Did he show how the moncv from a long bond would be on hand coo nor tlinn from a xhort one ? "No ho cunningly kept that to him self." "Dili any one suggest to him that some of tho bond men who w'ern mot interested in and mo-it benefitted bo the bridge had only returned alnut 0 per cent of their valuation ami that some of them wen: driving more trade awn from town than lack of bridges hail ever done ?' "Yes, but ho consistently replied that these facts', though tr j were no argument against bridges." "How did Kenney come to cxpoo himself to the blows of this terrible man?" "Oh that was tho cutest trick of all. King Moes in his paper invited the o called anti bond men to dtscunt ihe matter with him. Kenney accept ed ami wa logically overwhelmed by pergonal abuse." "Manly, verv manly, but you say the bridge is built?" "No, only that the question is settl ed." "How?" "Why, Moses imoto the watem and the children passed over on tho old bridge." THE VERDICT. Tho fo'lowing persons have rendered their verdict in favor of the Esterly hinder by giving their order for one this year to A L Funk. SAI.t.M, KANSAS. G T Hall, Austin Marsh, Thoa. D Williams. Kd Dunton. L W Hale, .Geo Lovell. T B Porter. August Blifnick, Jas KiveU, Geo F Kivett. WF.LH, JCEtt. S S Wells. S W Fulton, E W Little, W Householder. Wm Black. J Gom, Wm Bronkey. IV Miller. ' Jas Mote. G Lockhart. G Brunkey. C Bray, B F Mav, Wm Smith, I) Miller John May. G Madison, E Lockhart. H UpholL 0 Cook. These do not include! the twen ty or more names at Blue II ill. Nev er has a binder been sold in this coun ty that pleases everybody (except Pope as do cs tho Esterly. Salem, Ka.. July 8. 1$85 Having run a Buckeye elevator binder last year and becoming so com pletely disgusted with it by the weight on the hordes neck and heavy tide draft. 1 concluded to buy the standard Kttcrlv, which Ism running this day with two light mules to my utmost satisfaction and reccornmenit them to all farmers. Yours Truly. Tom Wiuxsmi. No sore necked horses when you use the Esterly binder. You will not have any sway 'necked and knock down hem to doctor if yoa use the Estfrly binder. The agent ofthe Esterly binder shl the Marsh Down binder last year, this year he has furnished fcteveral parties that bought the Marsh Down binder last year with the grandest biader of the world, The ter!y. Tbe agent of the Buckeye tells the farmers in tbe northern part of tfew county that the Marsh and ZMmtr, company's have conolidad into company but nevertheless tbe Samara know when his horses are sale, al ready fifty of tbe Eiterlys have feeee sold. As Esterly amt, after soling all tbe binders ha could, bought a Deeriag tor bWownase. This is the way tbe ICs terly takes the cake Geaxt's Boac There is only Grant, and be writes only eW Wok, "Personal Memoirs of U. 8. Gnat? This will be published in two large val nsaes, cositaiaaac a briaf nesiew rf bis ancestry, tbe early Hie, aad rimerksUe career of this wandsslnl avast la Kit's close. Tha work is writtea by ksaaMnt in bis owa aacaftsr. dear, testa aWla. No aacas arc as voted to caajsMxaraa, "wans angnr aawa aafavr 9P9 saBwar saaaansaaTBlaBa awsBWjnw--4BsNIB waBr A a ."SLw..'St tda Ommii . BMIIIBIIIH . MBSSB-JBnWSSSSr : W"1 .m.m Lsat.. - -" " -a- - - -""-- Wr? Vet and J Ts rmm purcha! a Jfctefcey mW H I for after tHalm , Mtt4tiC 4cw lighter than the Ksfteirly.aiid 44 ; factory work. TfceE4riy aft &J lowed the Brkeye maakine two tiWv around the 6Ad and Wt wUb4rt pat ling th mchts in tb wXwlr. Bfelh parties paid for the Bttektysv Cempare the Buckeye ire aadstetT drive whre' with tb Iverly wheel. Compare the Piano stsflteml spoW iththe. Esterly. The Buckeye bindet use aoly tm chain, the Esterly has four. THa Buckeye reel tes no Dpockett whk. axle gear, ot chains. The Kstariy reel has two gear wheels, 5 spockeU wbet' two chains, and several bosr WfeicJi will require the most ralr? The ftferl? agent advertise Irisf with the Buckeye, hy not say that the trial wa in another state, ad with an 4 rebuilt, low down, and not with a Stand ml Buckeye? .Measure tbe distance the binder movei on the machine. Tho Eaterly agents claim to have tb bet machine In the market. IKd they not make tho tame claim for tbV Marsh-Whitney, tha Climax and Clip per ? How about repairs now ! There are fortythrce machines that have died, and tho purchasers ca Mot find repair in tho market. These all made few machine, but all claimed to make them well. See the Esterly lv cai in tho. Helmet. All agent- claim to keep repairs in tock. Try to buy fow piece at df iee. The Buckeye and Piano carry a full line of repair with every agent. Partiea were in town yeaterdsy aftr repairs for tho Empire mower, but could not find them, and could not commence cutting until they am ex preyed here. All Buckeye machines are suM the fame. Many orders were taken at old tLd prices, but when Ut was changed, ou nrdtM tint taken as well as lata" onei. Did you pay & and freigU for other machines, and your neighbor 'ty for $I7ST How Is this? Popo has one hundred and slxtmC mower at thi place and Kivrton,mi a full ear of Stoddard rakes. Sii 1 1 other dealer adverti the Urgent Mock of mnwer and rakes lu tho Republican -Valley. U this not a fair sample of ( their claims. , Pope has delivered seventee waw- en, and trade just commenced. .Vowrtr for 55, mowers (of M, motors for 145, mowers for $70, mM cm for $75 at 1'opa'a, Fannrrt: My canvsMrs tlo not come to your houses loaded with whU ky and clears. I am no tsmperatica fanatic, but take the position that it f can not get trade without whisky an! Sunday canvaming, to loe It. A. A. Por. Tho Enterly binder seems to b ailf ring up the ire of the agents for tbtf Buckeye. It U true the Estsrlv beat the Buckeye In a field trial at 8 dam last week but wo considered that i small msttcr, and did not intend it uW it a an argumenst againt the agent ot4 this place. Wo are selling the rUterly machine, not by throwing mud at oth er agents, but upon the merit of tbe machine alone. We have had men who purchased other machines tell us' they are sorry that they did not get air E-terly, but in every case we have tr$el to cnco'irage them Sm keep the me chine ordered. As to repair 1 will sa that I have a full lias) of repairs far the Esterly, the Marsh, Low dftff and htyh up, the Standard and tbttpUsi mowers, as well as all other maehtftwf old. A. i YvK. Austin Marsh says he was very glad that he was not pswnaJsd to bay any other machine but tbe Kstarl although be could have dona so (h lcs money. Hss Estarl? went Iron the wor4 co without any trouble, aad never mhaed a hurdle. A fat: T Burjiicc i runnlnjr UU Esterly binder almost day and aight; Savs it beau U Backaye or Oatriag 11 to smash. Qtiixr-If a J cbala a tha atakertl doing all the work of tke asaablaa Isju? a long time, hoar Itmg will kmf chains on the Esterly, dartribating aba work between tbtai last. Aar Jnw (our times as long. Austin Marshisawn ta taara aa Hit day with tha exaraaf purpasa t bar-" a Buckle binaar bat aaoa fbibt m the Em r.y ha waa aoaviaaed Mat was a U;ter ssacbiae than ia MassV eye and altar tba saamiee waa itarHsl" he said ba wsa vary gJad ba taak tba Esterly. TaeEstariy ball waati aawulactarad lor About tiava tba ssjasaaay out wbatber H m AcnoMeaaak Wbaaaa JCstarr bis afacbiaa rwa, baa a UiaW aLjii swsrsr bis owa aas k. aajnj aba F-taiis b f 2 " . - " , Wm Dcaajaa' 4 Ofc, af ; OaiaaaaV. iala;-aava a aaastal af tUIMM. f' l 2 a . a Afc a. L MlM$ JL saaWaai ei M titm&SmTrmf ' ' m4k ajiHiSMBa MS MnBSHBBSa aBMBlBP :A Mmm 4SSBBBFBjr SBJBJSBpSSBPk,SSBBSPp PBBSr wj aimm' imi- 'mL aist -hBHstsasaassMn' asss) r 1 BBrWWSSSWMSJS SBBSB 4SSjSPS Rrf-PBT jf I Mgibsaft im wSa i saaVHaalwsW-'awfn .wa.l snwaasn.wBa asa sbjpssbb pssBijBsBFr ta aawsw i. m.i.. : ' . it-sas . m.-' ' . AaKk.aa ULnai iNaWaanjamlMyBBn tSSmWmmKKmSmWi r- . r -v.A v, . ,- ; -1 kj. r-s. M J 321 ''. m fl i i m 1 91 i -.-H V? ' : !;?! ii ':i Pa , T f ' ; tUauU,aas?12t didkrTQa.B .1 B Haaiatoo aayi "1 m saUOad MS Mamm baa a rao !kmm lmijiTmlSm JHJ - m JnmmmmmWmmmm BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB !sarateij