The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 03, 1885, Image 6

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The Red Cloud Chief
A.C. HOSMEIt - Proprietor
FRirAY. JULY 3, 1885.
w Mk. F R Gump entertained a few of
Vet lady friends last Friday. '
J. L. Miker is surrounding his resi
dence property with a new fence.
Mr. Hamrr, of Judson, Kansas, call
ed on Saturday, and reports fine crops
in that vicinity.
ft Bomb action should be taken towards
a bridge, What is to be done? Don't
all speak at once,
j The Gardner House has been thor
oughly repaired and renovated within
the last few weeks.
L C Olmstiad says he had the pleas
ure of naming one baby in Inavale
precinct, while taking the census.
Kesler dr. Brdbakeb are building a
fine two story residence for Lawyer
Chaney in the west end of of the city.
Harvesting will be here within the
next ten or fifteen days in reality, and
the hum of the twine binder will be
heard in the distance.
AL Funic has been repairing and
painting his residence property on
Cedar street and 8econd Avenue. The
property is much improved. ,
Wm Gaiks has the hearty thanks of
this entire outfit for the generous daily
supply of congealed aqua pura, with
A which these headquarters are furnish-
f ed.
Mr A Calmes was in town a few
days this week. Country life in Mc
Cook was too tedious for our good
brother, hence a visit to the metropo
lis of the Valley.
At Thomas Ryan's sale in Judson
4Y last Thursday cattle sold high. 118
head brought $2600, taking into con
sideration that many of them were
yearlings, the prices were good.
There will be preaching at Congre
gational Church every Sabbath until
further notice, by Rev J G Aikraan, at
11 o'clock m. and 8 o'clock p. m.
All are cordially invited to attend paid
The soldiers have folded up their
tents and gone to Kansas, the lost
equid baying gone last Friday morn
ing. It was certainly a great novelty
to many of our people who never saw
The Indianola Times Is to be the
name of a new paper at that burg,
published by Saunders, Watkins fc
Lathrop. Mr. Geo Watkins belongs
to Webster county and we feel certain
that the -paper will b a success as
George is a vigorous pusher of the gray
goose quill Success to you, George.
A prominekt young man of one of
our country precincts, who had a caso
in mart, thinkinr that the climate
would be more? congenial elsewhere,
suddenly left for parts unknown last
Friday. He was in a hurry to go, and
did not have time to say good bye.
His sweetheart mourns his sudden de
parture. Ik mailing Tire Chief last week
some of the the packages were wrong
ly addressed through mistake, hence
if any of our subscribers failed to re
ceive their papers, they will know the
featou. We regret to disappoint any
of our patrons, but mistakes will oc-
er sometimes, even in a great news
paper office.
Oil last Tuesday there was a rousing
btg Sunday-school picnic just south of
town, across the river, composed of
Walnut creek, Penny creek, Pleasant
Grove. Ash creek. Red Cloud and other
Sunday-schools of the immediate vi
cinity. It was very pleasant and
hugely enjoyed by both the children
and the older people.
The new dwelling of T D Hanna,
situated on Seward street, is among
the handsomest dwelling m Red Cloud
Hie house is built after the most mod
ern styles of architecture, and is ele
gantly painted and furnished with
the most exquisite taste. W. M. Vw
scher is the painter and the work was
done after his best styles.
Iravalr precinct will have about
600 population; Line and Garfield
about 300 each, and Red Cloud 2,250-
If the county holds out as well all over
there will be something like 11,000
population. Pretty good for a county
settled only fourteen years ago. It goes
to show that there is something be
sides experiment for people to look
after in Webraka
The funding bonds of Webster coun
ty, which came due Julyl, 1885, and
amounted to Ifao.63, wim princi
pal and interest, were promptly paid
by Treasurer Bnschow on that date,
the money having been placed wim
Xounte Bros., of New York city, for
that purpose on the 16th. Webster
countv is in good condition financially
and there is no apparent reason why
ooaaty wariaats should not be at par
instead of a discount. With a bonded
debt f onlylMT.OOO and' a floating
dee4o?SjQML'ae ought to be in a
first rises fltr";''1 condition, and well
es4e to bail good
of the
- Flour !
Another cold wave Wednesday.
F E Goble has returned from Chi-
Ed Smith of Bloomington, u in Red
J. H. Fiiumax and wife went to Crete
this week.
Geo Blair and wife entertained their
friends last evening.
Mr. J. A. Allen and wife were vis
iting in Lincoln this week.
C W Kaley and wife entertained
their friends Friday nif lit.
Miss Lizzie Shirey of York is visit
ing her relatives in this city.
The Masonic Fraternity installed
their officers last Friday night.
Mr M Duffikld of Amiugton, 111., is
visiting M W Dickereon this week.
The census of Webster county has
been completed and returns sent in
Ir you want to cut your harvest
without trouble buy the Deering bind
er. Peter Emigii of Guide Rock made
these headquarters a pleasant call on
Tom Poyner came near getting
pawed by a ferocious horse one day
this week.
Will Smith and wife of Mindcn,
were in Red Cloud this week visiting
their parents.
Under the management of Frank
Watkins the Blue Hill Timet, is being
much improved.
District Deputy Imler, of Superior
will install tae officers of Red Cloud
Lodge No 64 July 7,
Ed Hoaford will shoot with a $50
Baker gun in a few days, he having
ordered one from St Louis.
Miss r-REDDiE lucHARDsoN is enjoy
ing a fow weeks vacation in the city,
visiting her father and friends.
The round house boy will have lots
of fun this season shooting glons bulls
they have ordered 500 for their use.
Our democratic contemporary has
fell into line and Jnow Itns his bull
dozing machinery running in full blast.
L G Parker a legal light of Oherhn
Kansas, rtn old friend of M. W. and V
M Dickereon, was in Red Cloud Satjr-
C. W. Francis and wife of Cowles,
leave this week for a trip in the east
ern states. They go to Durham, New
The crossings (would ho built as fast
as possible on the Webster street side
walk to the depot, so as to make it
Our readers should not fail to read
A A Pope's new advertisment in
another column of today's paper, and
then go and sec his machinery.
Will Parkes will not have to hurry
back from Mormondom now, in order
to get into business at Salem, as a
shoemaker has already settled there.
Messrs Tiios Stewart and T D Han
na were made acquainted with the
mysteries of Odd-fellowship Saturday
night. Both rode the goat splendidly.
A T Stille has gone to Oshkosh,
Wisconsin. The Chief is sorry to
lose Mr Stille from among our business
circles but wishes him success! wher
ever he may locate in the future.
Henry Tornbauoh, the lad who
placed obstructions on the railroad
track about three mile9 cast of River
ton, was sent to tho Kearney reform
school on Thursday by Judge Yeiser.
All members in good standing are
requdsted to be "present at tho next
regular convention of Cilan
tho Lodge, Knights of Pythias, next
Tuesday night. Work in the 'second
GeoConrade and S Chambers have
returned from McCook fully decided
that thero is not any country as nice
as Webster county, and henceforth
they will reside peacefully in Webster
A fellow from Kansas came in one
day last week and while flourishing a
gun promiscuously he was invited to
take quarters in the city bastile and
on Wednesday he held audience with
one of our J P's.
Eld T J Newcomb will preach at
the German Lutheran church (old
school hou?oj in Red Cloud July 12ih.
Morning at 11: Subject, "Who believes
the Bible." At 8 in the evening, sub
ject, "Answer me." 2w
Faith Rebecca Lodge Xo IS I O 0 F
elected the following officers last Tues-
Mrs M W Dickereon, X. G,
Mrs R P Hutchinson. V G
Mrs G N McDaniels, "R 8.
Read C Wiener's new advertisement
in another column of today's paper.
It will benefit every readea ot The
Chief to cill on him as he carries tho
only exclusive stock ofgenta' clothing
and furnishing goods, &c, in Webster
county, and therefore can give, you
bargains that can not be procured out
side of larger cities.
Beware of thieves and pickpockets
on circus day, July 9. The Seward
Bimdr says there is a large gang travel
ing with the show. People will do well
to be careful and hold on to their mon
ey: If you tee a fellow that is pretend
ing to give away money do not have'
Mac to do with hiss for each fellows
are frauds of the worst type.
D F Scott is in Iowa on business.
The County commissioners meet
next Monday July C.
The Eiterly bin der takes ihe rag of
all other hinders.
Wilus G. Brown has secured the
agency for Gen. Grant's book.
Several of our correspondences are
left.out this week on account of lack of
Andy Berg and family have moved
into A S Marah's property on Seward
John Parkes, "the little giant" shoe
maker will not move on his farm this
Go and buy $5.00 worth of goods and
get a circus t.cket free at the Golden
Eagle Clothing store.
Sunday-school concert at the B.ip-ti.-t
church next Sunday evening. No
preaching in the morning.
Go and buy five dollars worth of
goods and get a circus ticket free at the
Golden Eagle Clothing store.
W m Letsos, we are glad to learn, is
improving in health. His trip to the
coast his proven beneficial to him.
Go and buy five dollars worth of
goods and get a ticket to the circus free
at the Golden Eagle Clothing store.
The Red Cloud Homestead Building
and Loan association, will loan their
first money on July 9. Don't forget the
day and date,
Married, at Red Cloud, Xeb., June
30, 1885, by the Rev. Geo. 0. Yeiser,
Mr Geo W Boyd and Mis Josephine
Spry, both of Webster county, Xeb.
Mr Tiios Brakefield has moved in
to his elegant new house in the north
part ot the city. It is a handsome
property and very pleasantly situated.
Arrangements have been made
whereby parties going to Guide Rock
on the 4th can return on the freight
we&t leaving that place about 11 o'clock
p m.
Belva Lockwood, the renowned
Washington lawyer, held forth at the
rink Wednesday night to a full house.
Belva is indeed a "silvery tongued or-
After the most tender care andjeare
ful nursing for many weary months
past, the Red Cloud Xational Bank
hoys have at last induced their olean
der to blossom.
In the sweet subsequently, when
Tin: Chief shall have died, will our
democratic contemporary pleasu sit 01:
our grave that we may have bomcthing
greun above us.
Henry Cook has a fine lot of fire
works for the 4th, consisting of mam
mouth torpedoes cannon?, fire crack
ers, rockets, roman caudles, Hags, lan
terns, balloons. fcc.
JIosfori & Young were quite excited
on Tuoday over the loss of one of
their hordes, but on examination found
the nag quietly cooling oil' in the ice
house where he had fallen in.
Mauriei), at Red Cloud, by Rev. Geo
H. Brown, Mr. Calvin Zicglcr, of Mc
Cook, and Miss Laura M. Blue, of
Guide Rock. The young couple will
make McCook their future home.
"Tin: Chief will take time to die
sometime," says our democratic con
temporary. How sad that tho news
should not have reached us before.
Death is certain, Bro- King, as "all
men arc born to die." "Giic 11.1 some
thing fresli."
L Ii Wallace of the firm of Wright
& Wallace now absent on a business
and pleasure trip through the east,
writes from Stubcnville, Ohio, that
thus far it has been one of the most en
joyable trips ofhisjlife. Wonderif there
are orange blossoms llyiug through the
Ohio air.
A little cherub now calls J H
Smith erandna. It was born to Fred
Canuey and wife on last Wednesday
morning. It's a girl and weighs ten
pounds. J H was so well pleased over
the new grandchild, that in his hurry
to inform the neighbors he measured
his full length in a mud puddle, and
when he aroe he was heard to ex
claim: "Tee hee! a good joke on
Ox next Monday evening Cyrene
Commander Xo 14JKnighls Templar
Till be duly installed under charter
Sir Knights from the Grand com
mandry, Mt Moriah, Lincoln, Mt Xcbo
of Hastings and from Kearney will as
sist in doing the work. During the
evening the orders will he conferred on
several applicants. A grand banquet
will be given on the occassion, and a
general good time indulged in. All Sir
Knights in good standing are invited
to be present.
The school meeting met again on
Tuesday pursuant to adjournment the
site committee reported having selec
ted a site on Walnut street a short
distance south of the Episcopal church
The committee were instructed to pro
ceed at once and have the land con
demned for school purposes. They
were also empowered to purchase tho
rite without condemnation provided
this can be done at a reasonable pne,
Tho meeting then adiourned until
Monday July 13 at 3 o'clock p m.
It is a shame that the people of Red
Cloud should be compelled to have to
put up with the villanious hog Dens
that adorn the various parts of the city
a m re are some uiat it 13 cerlamiv an
outrage to be permitted to exist, and if
they nate not already been the means
of breeding dboae they certainly will
if not abated soon. It seems as if peo
ple would attend to such matters with
out being compelled to do so by law.
The health of the community should
be paramount to self interest The
city fathers should not le backward
about abating all .kinds of nuisance
of what ever nature bx who ever u the
The nar We Jrate.
Xext Saturday will be the Fourth of
July, a day dear to the hearts of the
American people. One hundred and
nine years ngo the little band of liber
ty lovinc eouls, whose autographs ap
pear in connection with every well
regulated Declaration of Indepeudance
little dreamed of the mighty eicnta
that were to follow ns a result of their
act on that sultry July morning; Lit
tle they knew of Red Cloud and its en
virons and had never even heard of
Blue Hill, Guide Rock, Cowles, Wells,
Jackson's grove, or Walnut Creek, yet
after the lapse of over a century
fraught with the grandest achieve
ments in the history of the world; the
people of these thriving places will as
semble at their respective places to
again reiterate the sentiment of that
noble patriotic band and render due
homage to their memory in true
spread eagle style. Red Cloud will not
celebrate on an extensive scale, pre
fering to leave the field open to it
neighl-oring towns. Still & many of
our citizens cannot conveniently leave
town and are desirous ot having a little
fun at home, arrangements have been
made lor their accommodation. A
meeting will be held at Jackson's grove
in the south ward. A programme has
been arranged for the occasion con
sisting of glass ball hhooting, dancing,
rope walking, basket picnic and vari
oub otner snorts such as climbing the
greased pole, catching the greased pig,
sham battle, sack racing, etc. A num
ber of interesting features are on the
tapis up town. Xumerons banquets
will be spread and toasts drank and re
sponded to. The citizens remaining
at home are requested to be on the
streets clothed in their Sunday gar
ments and "whoopcr up" all day.
Those decirous of tripping the light
fantastic toe will have an excellent op
portunity to d so at the commodious
rink. A good orchestra has been se
cured, and genteel lloor managers will
be in attendance. The rink will be
open for dancing both afternoon and
evening. Wallace Ball has been in
vited to read the declaration of inde
pendence at!early candle liiht on the
corner of Scipio and Chestnut streets.
Prof. John Foster will act as marshal
of the day. The procession will start
as soon as John is ready. A grand
display of fire works may take place in
the evening. The public buildings and
business houses will he appropriately
decorated. Let all who cannot join in
the festivities at other places come to
lied Cloud and have some fun with the
A Happy SiirjirNc
On Tuesday evening the lady friends
of Mrs S It McBride entortained her
Iadybhip with a surprise birthday tea
party, it being the anniversary of her
birthday. The ladies assembled at the
house about four o'clock taking with
them a goodly supply of edible iind
tea. during the temporary absence of
Mrs McBride. Upon her return she
was completely surprised to find her
home in the full possession ,of her
many Mends, and was entirely unable
to comprehend the situation. Explan
ations followed and everything was
lovelv. Ladies alwavs do have a lovely
time, especially when they get out to a
tea party all by themselves. Grandma
Micks engineered the affiir ami prov
ed conclusively that ladies can keep a
secret when they set out for it. M rs
McBiido was presented with a purse
containing $13.75, and requeued by
tho donors to use it in purchasing
some appropriate souvenir, "to be re
tained by her as a memento that they
had been there.
Go and liny five dollars worth
goods and get a circus ticket free
ihe Golden Eagle Clothing store.
It seem? "to a fellow up a tree," as
the saying goes, that Red Cloud should
be protected against fire in some man
ner. Several propositions have been
advanced at dificn nt.timcs, but at no
time in the past has .there been any
decisive action taken. The lest plan
now mentioned is td drill for an artes
ian well. This seems to be a sensible
idea, and one that could be utilised at
a small expense comparatively. A
larce reservoir could be built, and with
sufficient water mains and convenient
ly located hydrants, it would be an
easy matter to stDp a tire on short no
tice. This plan would be it all the fire
engines that could be used in Red
Cloud. Tun Chief hopes that a peti
tion will be circulated at once, by
some one of our business men for sign
ers asking the trustees to make some
effort to protect the interests of Red
Cloud against tire. This is a too im
portant mauer to be idly passed by,
and receive no attention.
Ax Experiment. Our friend, E.
Anderson, one of Webster county'
industrious farmers, has been experi
menting on the difference between
wild and tame grasd when fed to cows.
He had kept a cow on wild grass one
week and milked her very carefully.
and as
a consequence received 36 Bs
of milk. The next week he fed her on
tame grass and again milked her,
weighing the milk as before, and a a
result at the end of the second week ne
had received 42 pounds, a gain of six
pounds in favor of the tame grass.
Thus it will be seen that It will pay to
give more attention to the raising of
tame gras. Any of the interesting
points to the farmers will be gladly
published in Ttis Chief when furnish
ed. We shall be glad to throw light
upon any experiment that will benefit
the farmers.
Butter! Butter!
You can buy the best creamery
ter for 121c per pound.
If vour grocer
dont sell it call aohe Red doudL'-ream
eryandgetiu Caationf It may ruin
rr -nntit,p for MHnmnn hiitisr. .Aft fl
Goandbuv. fivt dolkr Morth
coodaandectacucaa ticket iVwc as
Ue GoTdea XadeClotliiBx store.-
Wm - - "" ---- - - -. jyrrjgarsrrzEzaatasMM ja
9 av r "1 m - - 1 i mT. gaaaaaaBSSBBassWBMBSssssMBSssl
tW .mmm - . r- ,-. , r i. & -yr-
Interesting Repone to Carious
Jacob Dc Pew, Portland, Me., asks if
a prairie schooner is a fore and after.
Xow, Jacob, if you will bc'cconomical,
save up your money through the bark
peclm season, and then take a trip to
Xebrajska, you can find out all about
Willie Fresh, Xilcs, O. The quc.
ti -ns 1 o 1 ak clearly indicate the ye
low back literature on which your
bright and inquisitive mind has been
fed. Whenever yon ask u- anything
that will be af interest to the general
public, we shall take great pleasure in
Ami Monop., Sterling, Xeb. The
apparent reason why so many repub
lican officials are being dichargcd is
that the 'Treacher" is stopping at the
democratic boy's house, and they have
got to have meat.
John Frey, Tippecanoe, Ind 1. Yes
sunilnwer seeds are good fowl for hens
2. The stalks make excellent kindliug
wood. 3. Ye, ornamental but not
fragrant. 4. Can't give the average
yield per acre.
Simeon, Fon Du Lac, Wis. Please
inform me what county building there
are in Webster county. All right
Simeon we.have a splendid courthouse
surrounded by a magnificent park,
regularly laid out with gravel walk
and drives, shade tree shrubbery .blue
grass, and an Armstrong fountain. Tho
treasury building, county clerks olice
building, county superintendent office
building, jail jay Simeon, its 95 in
the shade and that's too gol dum hoi,
for us to fool around any more county
Euthanasia, Red Coud It may not
he strictly proper for our young men
to induce in oscillatory demonstra
tions with their sweethearts on tie
strrett, during their perigrinations
homcwaid from church, on bright
moonshinv niirhts. But how else can
they do, when the front gate is a barb
wire fence.
"The agitation of thought is tho be
ginning of wisdom." This department
is devoted to inquiries and answers on
all subject of general interest. It will
not be necessary for correspondents to
writ on both sides of the paper in or
der to receive recognition. All reject
ed manuscript will be promptly re
turned to the waste b.mket, or rolled
into cigar lighters. Items will not be
censured for their brevity, nor extolled
for their extreme length. Address all
communications designed for this
department to Tin: Chief, box 41, Red
Cloud, Xeb.
A Now Kail mat! Kntcrprlv.
Judge John M. Galloway and O. B.
Finnev, of Ft. Scott, and A. L. Stone,
of Eureka, officers of the Chicago, Xc
braaka, Kansas it Southwestern rail
way company, are in Dodge City,
working up an interest in the enter
r.riso This company was chartered
April 21, 1SS5. This" road is dengue d
to connect the railroad system in Tex
as pointing to ttie Panhandle, with the
railroad ays torn in Xebraska, ami thu
contemplated points in tho lino are
Moheetie. Dodge City. Jctmore, Xc"
City or La Cro?se, Hayes City, and
other points northward in tho direc
tion of Red Cloud, Xcbraka. The di
rector of the compuiv are as follows:
I. X Morririon. J. D. J I ill. Ft. Scott; A
C Stone. S A Martin, J CGilham. Alex
Sears, Eureka. The officers are as fol
lows J I) Hill, president; J C Gilham,
vice-pnMdent; S A Martin, secretary
and; John M Galloway, at
torney and solicitor; G B Finney, chief
engineer. The chief offices are to be
at'Dodge City.
Mr Hill, the president, was the gen
tlnman who built the Ft Scott fc
Wichita railroad, and U an ac
complished railroad man. The engin
eer corp for the new road U organized
and ready to take the field at the sig
nal from" the chirf. Mr. Finney, the
chief engineer, will make a prelimin
ary survey at once Thi- will be a
very important road for Dodge City,
and tho enterprise mut receive that
consideration from our people that its
merits demand.-Kansas Cbirooy, Dodge
City, Kansas.
The above has a ring of the right
metal, and is one of the most feasible
schemes for a southern outlet to our
city and county that we have noticed
for some time, crosing as It would the
proposed Central Branch extension,
the Missouri Pacific, and Kansas Pa
cific railways, and forming a junction
with thejgrcat Santa Fc Route, to the
east west and south. We shall en
deavor to keep our readers posted on
the matter. Such a road would be of
paramount iuifiortance to this vicinity,
and the project should receive every
encouragement pwriblc.
"Gone fuom Our Gaze." -Spearman.
the ''fire bug," of Guide Reck, who wan
arrested some days ago charged with net
ting fire to Dr Patten's 'barn and bound
over to the district court to answer to
the charge, was brought up fbrtrial at
the special June term last Thursday,
and plead rnilty to, charges against
him and was sentenced to two years of
hard labor in the penitentiary. He
was remanded to the tpani and xfy
cit pri-on, (the county not having
one.) JO await transportation over the
road. Spearman concluded that it
was not good for bin health to be con-
fined in the citv bastile. owing to it
close proximity to the banks of the
mnrkv Crooked Creek, and during tie
absenc of the guard he stole awsy
"neath the cover of darkness, into the
peaceful realms of Kansas, to prey up
on some other community. It L a
shame that Webster county baa not a
proper place to keep criminal. In
the Ut two year several criminals
nave escaped for the want of a proper
pi ice to keep them confintd. The
county hxa spent enough money in
keeping prisoner at Lincoln to bnild
ajatl or two. Webster coanty could
have a jail stnl a poor boae. Let
some move be taken in that direction,
Since the above was not in tvte
Spearman was capture-.! at Cheater aad
reamed to ihk tstr. He a no on
cf th&miv w tLe in. where ne v?J
sfe.-rc mthU iwoyearsaad liO iaubtl
J learn soate vmm trade.-
are baring fine weather
Corn is doing well in thi pari of the
comity it promise a vtry large crop.
Mr J B McKmley ha been on the
sick !i.t for a couple of weeka but ii
some belter.
Mr Lee t rick with asthma.
Some person for lack of employment
put a railroad Ho aCfOM tho track
about three miles east of Riverton al
though it caused no accident owing to
the watchful eye of the engineer. W
learn that a boy who wm working in
this ceighlnirhood was arrested for the
charge. If he proves to be the guilty
party we hope he may learn from thi
not to be o reckless in the future.
Remember tho Fourth of July next
Saturdav U No.
Great preparations are lcing made
for the 4 th of July here. It will pay all
to come.
A M Talbot ha. ju?t indulged in the
purchase of a pan of wild ponic.
School closed on Friday last, with a
treat to its scholars, ot candy, nuta, etc
in the afternoon.
Saturday wm a busy day for our
merchants, the town being literally
crowded with team all day.
One of the attraction last week ww
an encampment of colored noldtere
near town. They were 011 their w.iy
to Wyoming Territory, from Ft Riley,
X B Downey has bcn on tho road
the past two weeks celling cheese.
Rev Hampton, of Franklin Academy
preached the morning sermon at tho
Baptist church last Saturday.
Till x IK.
111 health has caused no item.
thi1 neighborhood lately.
June lavishes more gifts upon
this summer than ever.
Ciopsare extra nice, though the
farmers arc fighting the weeds that
have succeeded tolerably well in got
ting theuppcr hand of them during
the nuns.
Our German neighbors are breaking
a largo field on their new farm.
At lnstl The bridge wet of the
stone school house is being replaced
rejoicing tho heart of many f the
people on the west side 01 Walnut
On June 20th somo of tho young
peoplo celebrated the 1 1th birthday of
Miss Mattie Kennedy. Tho dinner
was very nice and the iudgci wore un
able to decide which lady made the
iiiccftt cake.
Our aid society have made a now
decision concerning the celebration
grounds. Thev have now decided to
eelebratc the Fourth in Willis Fulton's
grove. A grand timo is anticipated.
Mr Rvan sold M head of young cat
tle, which brought $2600 dollara.
Farmers aro bu-y going through
their e rn tho lat time-
Winter wheat i turning fast. It will
be ready for the sickle in a week or
0 Steiren undertook to draw the
tubing out of hi well, but it parted.
There wo about thirty feet he could
not get out o he had to bore an
other one.
A. Blifnick has bought a new binder.
Wm Hooper think tho twin boyn.
Moody and Sankey, will oon bo able
to mn his farm.
3C Johnson has the boM winter
wheat this year.
There is a large acreage of corn this
Celebration on tho 4th at Willis Ful
ton's grove.
Mr Ledcrbrand has hired thirty
acre to brake thin month.
Our P. M. is ttll btwy hoeing hi
Spring wheat and oat arc very short
thn year. Wo hall Ihj obliged to get
cloe to the ground to get it.
C. Fisk baa been out to Thomas
county, this state, to break on his Um
ber claim. lie said the land Was all
taken out there. Sick.
Fine "bower.
Good growing woathor.
The late dry spell cut the tmal!
grain a little in some field.
Corn is growing finely. Moat of tho
farmers are prcUy well up with the
Mr Severn's corn crop look extra
clean. Give us ono more Ohio jirra
Albert Horn returned last Saturday
from Orccon.
F M ftbular went cant to Chariton,
la-, to join bis wife on a vi-it to hi
many fnndi there. He will return in
a short lime.
Mr Horn brought back tome fine
specimen of wheat and red rlover, the
stalk of wheat being about fix feet
and lix inches high.
The Red Cloud Helmet teeaM to
think that we are aorry over the way
we voted on the bridfe bond question.
We would nay to the Helmet that we
have not yet repented, though we fce
lieve if the question had been gotten
up so as to relieve 09 af oar townihip
bond, and then shared fairly witn Had
Cloud, one bridge at each town, we, a
a people, would undoubtedly have
thought more of it
Well, now we feel better. Fried
chicken and new potatoes for dinner.
MrGreenhalchaayshe will tall a
school meeting every twenty day nn-
til the bond carry for a pew acbool
hooe- Stick to em boyiu
since G lit RJgc left tnese parts pat
ent churns have gone out of date, and
cake losk better.
Some good larmer in Webster coan
ty wilt p!eae gife as hie experience in
timothy, and clover-
Albert Horn blue tma U doing
APtTagaaand Wra Guy are etill
hauling off fitt ko& 3lr. Ctey say
hogs par, evea at 3cU.
Mr Rce aokt hU liukf farm.
R. White 9okl i6(Facreto a gtwt'e
man from tbe'eaat.
Father Xorrif s haviac cowidenWe
1 com sanv hereof Lita. We believe the
I so called company ii a trvHar atttf l
I frm D Moine, Iowa, We mWr
1 usii ifcrr tlmk of tGesSimr in
C2oad. Of iSitsrs iiere -wilt helrwidf? K $ 6m
'featfe- k. ir.Tist
- -
M kTlMM Orekini wt Wtet
trwt. and cot iter A for vt Ml
It t hoped idie will not $ Un-t Tvd r
however we cannot !re lr ftoal'
The 5tore !um again opened ifiKirr
the ofiicicnt manigtmfent f Mr ft IT
J ,) Ch.tmKtlm wilt Urt on ihanuti
aenin tbw weefc olHug chw f""
now firm.
AtCuurance acenl front K1 Gtom!
has Urgent Intone- up Um way unc
neuly twice week and on Jum!v-
Armon fc Co our new gfocei r
laving in quite atock of groceries and
oilier farm pro lueo.
Mr John tJroa'maVld wetJt out u r
drum it week but returned Saturday
night he think. Inavale i tbo bo
place to live.
Tho boy who went to the city fron
Uit' place ono night bm week, repot t
t. high time.
Mr A J Worthington arrive! Ut
Saturdav night from hU eastern trip
he'had fiui tot trotter shipped u Red
Cloud. Th hore can out trot ny
thing in tho Republican valley for
money marbles or chalk and don't yod
forget it. BvQati.
.Vr (iix. Cnunul, S'morf tfChamJ-Vrn,
and 8 J Chamber w hero on carch
of laud. Mr Conrad neented to hkv
the place very well but could not tlnd
any land that anted htm jut yt. Suu
eo.'i Chamber did not vc Urge field
of gram like thcjc near Imic HjUojlf?
returned home di.-vutinfiod JS Cuamj-
hern located on a very nice quarter of
land.wmch he intend to w?ttu 'down
on oon We think c have got for
more nice land here than there U in
other part of U'e courtly,
Thoc no got thelreorn an potato?
in early have. ntc looking crop and
the uoil 1 a good a a man ak for.
Tho only failing of Hichcock mmy
it rock to go torough, ami there lou
of well men but they don 1 underUn)
their litiMiiwi. Somo good, well man
is wanted and men that uudvrtamia
their bufline-v, A man that bring lnV
tool here can get all ho can do lor a
long tune.
We have had on an average two
rain a week for thu !at two month.
1 mn pleaded with tho country lair I .
have not Mtccooded in getting 'a 'well
There ii dome ono coming Inljsvury
dav looking for land.
Stratum is a.vcry ilourUhinjf J Hula
town which one year ao there &
only a poat oHije and a dcXt and a
fectiou house. They claim 300 Inhab
itant now and I think Strntton clU
more lumber than Ret! Cloud in pro
portion. K Houak.
At present date everything t tnov.
mg along -moothiy in the south rut
ticn aro ,-eldom Bpokon about, the north
ami couth live, nearlv together ami on
the bc?t of term. The war question U
often dUcued, but in a friendly way,
no fault finding on either ride, they
arc very anxiou lor the northerner to
come ami 'ttle among them aturMitnr
their new idea of farming and it i
certainly comical to the northern man
to fee their machinery and eo them'
farm. Tho ground In thu lp:lV
stirred with one horse or mule thoy
iifn an eight inch plow to niir vrith.
They don't farm very largely In tho
winters they get out tie ami timber
for tho rail road, thero i- an rthund
anro and it in growing foxier than it hf
worked up. Crop aro looking fiuo
fruit will be heavy, crop early, wdai'
e, andnpplr havocommencn! gcUliV
ripe. W o eo by Tin: Citrr.rihatr thwr
correnpondfnt from Inavale i verV
much mistaken concerning the cutom
of the aonth an for smoking thrre in't
over 20 per cent of the tnfti that ue4
tobacco m any way itnd it U a try
uncommon thing to hear them ue an
oath of tiuy kind, and In tho fix
month o havo lived here I have nev
er ?een lut 0110 man that bad been
drinking. Atmt ono fourth of tho
ladies 111 tho tooth brush and tooth
powder, but a a da generally havo
hp enough,! for an emergency. thy
ilou't make any extra trouble in that
Hoc. L A A.
Br the bye" says Geo A Ilroalbere
editor of the Tongftioiic (Kan) Mirror
"you can say that a bottle of Cham
berlin'a collr, cholera and Xirrha
Rcmcfly left me by your acent lwtf
yesrs ago, proved to be the best rem
edy I have ever ned. I hive no doubt
but it saved my okleH son'i life." 1U
aliove shows conclusively that there U
nothing like having a great life pre
server at hand at the right tint. Ilk
put in 2$c 60c and $l boUle. okl by
druggbts. 4V-t
Limf aH? please not cd im kU
lowing article:
iirfft 2Wtl
st .0f put qim oj JtkifittKl
-ai Ofj v " .wii-sA If 1'IMM al
ijto a 1 ititvLlTM ia sir mi tnrj no.4 'it
ptJi i' iMop pda jedq otf: turn or
Xiisowij.t t3nouVtgu oa jim jtp j
oqt auux; a y ' nirtjjw OJtf
m !
Farm far Sal.
A valuable farm of 210 acre, known
as Maple Grove Farm," eti wilasf
southwest of Re4 Cloud. 1 10 acTfc ia,
a high Hate of cultivatiotf, 12S acre of
pasture with three wire Peaces. Good
hog lot and caUks atwi sheep corral.
Small orchard fenced, iitream of er
failing water, fed by four large ipriar.,
ron thrmizh the Jansiu Kcnty A
timber for fuel and buikltn ptsoo ot
Wuikllnjw all new, cowtotiog of lTntu
hooe, t)yi, I) mory, conZXio km
room aod cellar UxvO. A rood weM
Of water 30 feet deep nesir the floor
F rate a" barn -10x49. 12 feet V cnif
and ztziryf well 3) fast de nr by
Chicken house 14x24, box shed Id.
sbrep or cattle shed 16x50 Th: ir
one of the best and richerf tCoefc fra
in sonthern yebrawka. Prk f 17 pet
acre; part ch, prt la two years aad
Irt in four raart at ten jmm ceat. lie
tereM. Will pay 100 cii W aavoa
fumiahinjc too a boyer soon,
Aio a farsa til I i cr in SptiiH .
coouty, Kaa. tea satlea oHhwet of
' v
.. -k i&
RedClooJ. frbtvaeraa io caifcT- 1
tion. incWdin: 14 atersa tftiSchX tiaa.
ber 9 years o:i ctmixxx aeiwiy uw
trees. soa of wbkk ara jeir
through a! 25 kL hJru T3w sr
xt-rr tWrabk fiarat an4 wUl h Ja afc
t!V7 nr aerer nut CMsfe. ftartia iMHi!
yaar and imbm. Ikrrye-t WSI j
fay f9f m ttmm aayastv ssr.a
a&ayer. - -
1 kiveaiaa m
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