tsaEe-5f5g--Tai-5t ,. 5 -y "- II lull ! II I 5e&3 SS:1VS' BBJaHP f r )-fc -grif aaaaWfaaRRaaY1aaaaa'ft11 i n s v f- N 2S1 ---( 5? fjp V-?-uvMtf: v' t ft. . .-T e1 & -: E Jfc -,.? !j v , r- --, " - " T? A. A. ' SELLS fHE ci-mgBr:3a aeW - &j&e'.J&: -2& W saf 5!5KiISIffiS?S- ,l?er4R2f.3? MrnriMMrriTiffln-iffiniiifli rna-n-rih f "'V'.jrv-..:.-. w -v . r - - rT r n .iJ.t- T. V 1 WfW -3? EB) -V -TCViBHB1B'S..jA -v.v-MF- J" Mfr ' It"' A- "' - -iH1 npm mVHt VRmHMHMiVnHnBMkHBfe&BL A .-u. -T . . - - liK3B8e?sKdei-g rr?; -agBHrrWMHBW1 Jiw 35, :t- vwuiPft.. mn" -? . V?" 'gKlS'- ' s-a- i . 3- i, ' - .... . , , , . 1 .. , , . ., - . e POPE i L t p I ' i v :. V' , 4 & a. ?3,J -si ji. r i rf-J-i liTSfr'wV. -iz 3 ,aj "3iJ,'"i",' tfeSSsft!' 5-W -i SP- m rxs-z2- size- r ai -THC lESTTOIHC ? Mob Xraa with pan Olcklf ana eonpieuij i ZrfBm itMdr fcr DImsms of tb It " ?rTlobl fcr DImmm pecpltar to VMmw M4 who lc MdeoUry Urci. It4oMBatlK)aittetMth,ciwbMdftCbe)r jroduec eomtlpatiOB Ocr Jrem medicina do. MtwrtdMSSBd porUw tke iblood, tonlaU the ametlU. akls tbc MriaiUUoa of Jbod, ty "oM5S5ffryTamfl, Tartrot f Th cBiM hM boratrtdexDark and croMedrafllnM on wrapper. Takenoothet w raraint, ea, ntvttwmM, am Bucheye Down, Binder, Buckeye Elevator Binder, Buckeye Table Rake Reaper, aucneye uignv Jtioiver, Piano Harvester and Binder ', J. I. Case Threshing Machine, Osborne Mower, Tiger Rakes, Hollinoworth Rakes Favorite Rakes. See him and Save Money. a " BCD CLOUD MARKET Corn..,... OfttH Barley Kve. ! Mr :.:K- mcr Iftfffiiiiff v w ChRmbcrlin'a colic cb rho jemedy never fails htnd safe It U put in ndona dollar bottles. drugiU. 60 City Bakery and Restaurant V A. LAUTERBACH, Prop. RED CLOUD, - - - NEBRASKA. VTemrxm. nrmt.nTit.1w cm hand Fresh Bxaad. Cakes, Cigars, Tobac U"T - '" k 1- im i 1 Maay ii mm i jerf" " '-? .-Mfway,jm , iM i HilRiD CtoyD Chief titoESr: - LM--MBBBaiBBMBBaVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBaM - k.o.MOiwur. FRIDAY. JULY 1885. 1 ont - i ! 8t Patbick's Fills cleans and regulate the system a They art, the most pleaganj an'd most reliable physic ia are sugar coated. Sold at I box. or five boxes for druggist. m -. "Wool "Wanted The highest market prf paid for wool by Ds i Wanted ' We have a good assort n "bilggies and spring wagoni We think ive can please yo SrANoc Bed Cloud. ., J It. 1W5. Preat. J. L. Milfer. J McCal. law aad Iaaiak B. Haaaptoa. Board ooatiaaad tkir bMSaaM ot eqaaliaation and baariaf coaplaiaU, Afidavit of Jos. 8aa lelatlva to asasasmoat for 1885 prcMBtad aad tiled. All nart'Me heraiofori aaaed po i...m uhIm wraa had bv MMBMI U MaKMb 1IImi brV-v MtWaska LamWrCa A. T. Onaiby FtottFraaCa " V, O. CMIM t"861 496 - 4U o P o 52 a tta S ly -S CD 2 1 v w - H wjif SS I i 9 o kg"" -'ifltw. f-, t?: .. w w Maar vbk w Bk ir. ".'. 2 L W. Coury radaead frosa 3713 to 13 R H. ('jn . lao vw - ' A H . 1 937 2711 799 2780 490 jlka ftarharrarfBced froai 1185 L. H. CraWU 2545 " J. L. Milter - - J522 u if. Piatt 8231 W M. atichardaon " 7371 A.J.Keaaey ralasd Mary A. Garter atisatatairMna 580. nli 871 1499 8780 1890 893 2078 1229 2931 311 800 Xodmiaa A W Jaslhtftay .8. Dawbar GaoDairal O. A. KJgwrtoa R.B. Eatoa K.B. Eaua K.B.Katoa Taoa. Frailer 8. L. Fraxter A. Garbw Waa. Holts J. W. Elujcaea 8. Uoakias bk-AW iaaaa f -t 4 aPpWtefor.tb.bocUat ) t942. liarVGarbar. aan-aed. (8599 take. Taos uaaphray rmaa Jao. liaroer aaa auueu w u :"i.mmrmrrm YtkU. Hyatt J V' . . ! ... - -. . m. AhHa ipabh ic aaanaaiaaiaBrmi bt bv .kbbvb a aiw nBHri Mav k&a v aaaBBBvk r a - war a. .aauBLaaivaBi atiaaa" v dhwmbi " x !'. WahaUF MUlllV. "DTUKB. " -T TT . .'. r. . fl V. ...... Ill Kl BUH rUHBMA WW - w a j.at..9.1 ii wmifinta nr duri-Vt pret aeaaioa. to aaswer Clf relative to tbeir aaieasnieata. appeared " JJ dd creditT other ian before said board aad dfnmmt ex- igS0S Sotber praparty 840. cent M. B. BeaUey andB. U..Oma who baak 000 ad f JJPJ; dWaot appear or maaaaa.w.r.. - --- f ' - . .-.! I.a rVUBt nlark OHMWa OW" l The beard alter bearing the evideaaa ia all cases that eaaao before it relative to For the Ladies and O I have received Roclu Ladies' shoes, also the W "Which are the best manuiai in the Untod States. I v every pair perfect or no I them. A.) 860,000 to Los The Nebraska and Ks Loan company havo plent to loan on real estate. For the Men and JE I have the Walker boot and will give you on wery pair you buy. X A S Wore it reiawva u "':;;--..wwM.r. i. tka Had asseasraeau fbr tha year 1885, aad br- rrrSlTi.r.i n-.k .d PiratNatioaal inrdalycoMidafaaldevwaacewHB --rm-lil nload mt S3 par hare. B. Peters - . ji ....ii. .m aaa aataaw ajmiubv vf v . v s John KoHtao CbM. Kaley Was. Kent Jaa. Mulford " Fred Moody Joka Marsh Henry McCornal K. 1). Orate raiaed frosa G. Ohmsted redaoad Croat Hxias tha aaseasabla value ot the sharea . IL ? a viaar to a last disDosiUoB. of all asat tMr tMrtaialac to said aaseasmaata. ,"SJ"2r!7lli r .iir-. J. L. Pattaa raised froaa TbarMpoa His hereby ordered by tW, fimB,jd7w and .Mowed for Fraak Perry reduced froai board tbat tae ioiiowid; -k - -., dBdMlkliMI for n9 taU aataes- aaaU that should be made as wan as atter taat saoaw oa ovn 1 If you examine the B binder you will use no otB A L Funk, Red Cloud. Now is the time to cet vl on the 5 and 10c counters lars. buttons, handkerchi and towels at Forrester's. Now is the time to buy and rakes. Our stock is en 6PAN0A Itch and scratches of j cured in 30 minuter by Sanitary Lotion. Usp no never fails. Sold by KB gist, Rsd Cloud. THE'Deerine Twine Bind ial as tnousands of farmer! A Good Biuger sawing n ale. Inquire at The C Will be old cheap. Almof new. A Services at the Methodist church are as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. ni.; preaching at 11 a. m; also at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. A cordial welcome to all. Car load of Thomas rakes at Funk's New arrival of fresh teas and coffee at Marsh's. QuEsltox. Why does A. 8. Marsh veil more dry goods than all the mer chants in Red Cloud. O. H. Mabyatt makes a specialty of ine watch repairing and warrants al work. New invoice of parasols and sun mbrellas at Marsh's. DoRurathe month of May every thing in the line of silverware we will aeJJ at 35 per cent discount. Wriox't & Wallace. Violin trimmimn at Wright A Wal- laae'a. PftocLAMATiox to the people of Red Cloud and vicinity. All persons pur chasing goods of Wright A Wallace will aava money. ' At borne and ready for business in or new location, west of Miner Bros', brick block. Bfaxogli & Sou. Wx have just received a general atock of buggies and spring wagons. 8PA90GLE A Son. New goods daily at Forrester's cheap furniture store. IXa't fail to examine before purchasing. For cheap glassware and tinware go toJForrester'a 5 and 10c counters, two doors south of McFarland'a. Balbriqaii hose for ladies in endless jnaatities at Mrs Newhouse's. 44tf Violtw, banjo and guitar strings at Wright A Wallace's. - Large lineof gloves at Mrs New house's. Call add see them. 44U TREMEXDoug stock of lawns at Mrs Newhouse's. Don!t fail to see them. Cauoht in the act. A man passing hastily down Webster st. yesterday attracted vhe attention of everybody, bet his haite was eodm explained, as be waa ob hi way to purchase bar v gaiM at Wright A Wallace's. NEwaquare shawls just arrived at s made oa aaseesmento ia the several preeiacts ia said couaty oa raal aad peraoaal property, aad the oouaty clerk is hereby ordered to make said chaagea oa asaastaieBt books of the several 1 pre elncta as shall be be ralaafter set forth as follows, to wit: RED CLOUD FRECIMCT. Beal Estate Codnaa Whltaey. n. e. i n. e. seo 8, tows 1. range 10, raised from 278 to $500; CodaiaB Whitney, b. w. i a. e. see 8. towal, range 10, redBced froai $275 to $900; Wra: Crabill w a. w. seo 8. towa 9, range 11, redaced from $400 to $380. RED CLOUD. Town Lots First NaUoaal Baak.' lot 7 block 98, froas $800 to $800; Was. n..iL..u. bit a Kkwdc 9. 1700 to $800: FnW.SleeDer.lotl7.Bkiok97.8fliUh Thoa. kWoa and Moore's add from $850 to $900; fi. J. i. Brooks B.Smith,k)t4.bkk8.8wilUiMoore;a add. $150 to $100; K. B. Smita.UK 8, block 8, Saiith Moore's add $160 to $100; David Luta, lota 5 to 19. fctoek Lati's add $5.00 4o $9.50 eaoa. J PxRtOMALTT-M. B. Beattajr 'raised frosa M nkr nmi ww w -- - sidered ia stiaiaUB; tae vaiaa m aam shares aad have endeavored to aesese said shares at J of their valae that be ing the rate at which other property in the coHBty appears to have aeea assessed. oriDE ROCK. BxAL-rr. W. A M. R. R. Co.. all of section 91-1-9 from $1570 to 1280 Heirs ef Barbara Kittdaoaar h e i sec. 23-2-9 from 580 to 480 Towa lots R. 8. ProadMt, lot 98, block reduced from $80 to $8. David Baas redaced from $418 to $388 O. H. Bear B.Barfeaiaa 6. R. Brock Co.. froai A.Crarv reduced from M. Cooper Chas. Colambla ' .- V. MJ Ainww H. F. Coo G. D.Coll per las 784 to 814 514 WS89 494 to 458 1012 to 812 1127 to 9897 3279 to 3044 221 to 171 472 to 429 978 to 173 403 to 398 75 to 87 Sarah Peters Proadlit Bradford Lwis aUtalt leaae Rues W. H. Rohinsoa J. W. Robinson Chaa.Rieh JehaSfHiltoa Horae8awyer Hagh Sawyer Perry Sawyer Jobx Strattoa J. H. Shagart John Scliulta Wm.Sabia A. M. Telbet P. ft A. M.Talbot from Geo.YaaWoarf Mrs. C.B.Vaaee Iroaa Heary WaU JaawsWUbwrt Mr. l ft. Wrisrht from ImJ Writ 423 to 848 J. Westlake raiaed fnna 288 to 888 KJtAtAMT MILL FRRCUICT. PERSOMAL. J. 1). Peat redaced from $1587 to 1487 Raster Brae ft Starke 2321 te 9021 Traaksy ftSeottredaeed 1738 to 1488 ELM caJWK.-BKai.TX. 2108 518 to 448 295 to239 258 to 195. S087to2587 110 to 55 100 to 50 923 tO 7, 10 to HV) to 50 3363 to 2688 1189tol044 567 to 417 222 to 172 872 to 497 1213 to 1148 51 1 to 481 299 to 249 298 to 223 COO to 300 75 to 37 442 to 342 417 2224 2238 1010 to 2010 1112 to 912 958 to953 545 to 370 1107 to 1307 851 to 551 255 to 180 2000 to 1500 90ft to 581 251 to 178 300 to 150 564 to 350 251 to 901 178 to 128 290 te240 313 to 261 675 to 845 520 to 615 100 to 60 775 to 807 731 to 131 111 to 58 287 to 136 940 to 135 ft ft. 1 aaa 12-3-10 990 to TOP S. W tJW 33-8-10 $40 to naapsfAL T. n 1SAm aaMaaail AJbert Woefcer,reacea 7uavi te aav C smtoi prrcikct. rraltt. X.iaelsee 4-8-11 TedM 980 to 240 rEBSONALTY Jaa. Aadersoa redaced from 889 to 899 Thee Aadersoa 825 to 480 wnvtrr rim.-PKBSORALTT Jeaes ft Geble raised from 2459 to 429 1 1MATALE. RaoIAL. A. U. Bwcker redaeed freai $775 te 700 C. F. Cataer raised from 2293 te2793 Chas Haater reduced from 2748 to 2348 POTSDAM. REALTT. Uat tbe ," . ..-1 - - mm iwr w ww -t-.. j Matw im asMBT made t raw potted by the seaeel -.rn,rf Ue several seheel diitrieU ef said Webster eoeatr as tattewa, to wit: Ne. 1. 22 mlUa; No. . 10 milk; , Ke. 8. 14 mills; No. 4. 19 mWe; Ne. ft. U mills; Ne, 6. 4 mUki; We. 8. 6 mlMs; Ne, 9. 16 mills; No. 10.96 : Me. 11. 16 mllU; Ne. 12. 10 mills; He. 18,3 mills; No, 14. 6 mills; Ne. 16, 7 rnilWi; No. 18. 15 milU; Ne. 17. If mUJs; Ne. 18, 7 mills; No. 90. 96 mlNs; Ne. 21. 9 mills; He 91. 6 mills; Nev Ji , 1 sW; No. 25. ao tax veted; Ne 98, $ wills; wA rr ik tlU. . SL laaUla'Na. 99. N. W. see 24-4-10 raised $400 to 540 mnu; Ne. 30. $ :; s It iaiereby ordered by the iHrdjjf - JLU; eqaalixatioB ihat the follow iag addi- 33, 10 milla; "".JJ1' "jf T; Uoas aad deducUoas be made ia the 6 milfc; No. 38. f mlHs, Ma, 3J Sveral precis Webster cH,.ty. SM 15 -V'mTSi: to 34 Nebraska, ot a par ""V1' i a -iiu. v ki M Uta-Nau 46. 10 to 317 qaalixe the real aad peraoaal W.aerty 4i A l5No. 43. -UU , Ne, 4610 to 1688 rhrougaoatthecottatvaafollows.towit: "-;No. 48.12 rnWs ,N o.4 jW-gJ. to2076 n mEALTr-LAMDs. frj.gi SibS ff Iff? miU; He. 63. 8 mills; He, 64, 10 miUa; Ne. 66. 17 mUls; Ne 66. 8 mUlsr Na. 58. 6 mUla; He, 68. 19 milk; NeU . JJ mills; Be, 61, 10 mUls; Be. 82. 18, mills; No. 63. 16 mills; Be. 84. 7 miUs: to bjultt-lamos. No. 66. 10 milla; Ne. Hi aiAjia; taviaj WalaatCreek taddMaerceat. mills; Nj 89. 16 "1 Llae " "39 No, 71. 3MfeiB; 7A mius; ne. . i ". ?,w miUs; Ne. 77. 18 mitts; Me. 73, 6 mills; 79.96mUls;80,S6 m4Ue. Scboel dharlet bead tax " Ne. 16. 1 mill; Me. 17. ft mJJs; Ma. 33, 2 milla; No. 86. 4 milk; Me. ft9. 1 mills; Nik 66. 64 mUls; Me. 62. 3ftUls Ne. 66. 2 mills; Me, 77, 7 mills; Me. 78, 4milU. It Ularth ordered by the beard ef MBallealleB that the leviea ," taxee fertae villagreki WeeaMtr ty are hereey matie aa rwawaw mT i&fk Red Ckmd preciact dedeet20aereeat. PleasaatHUl Elm Creek " ' 19 " Guide Reca " 15 Gkawood 5 Llae Bella Harmoey Oak Creek Inavale Garaekl lotatlam SUUwater . . 84 13 11 " 10 .. g 1 1 .- Wj C:. t tartr. Vlrt Vtm . .- jBBa H!.t V Hlnrnv 1'i.hlr T 9 i.a v - . . j. .j . . ,i j no. n, nuitT. j-miit v imiw ii 5! "in 'I fonto SRnnr BvurAV,u yv?vr J Special Attemlew) Clva weiiemiens i)iKr.crofuea .Mils orti a t ltt Mn)rp. W K Sturey. Uuy andfoell Rtehm Mtiko ro'lr'flum ami dc (icncrnl HittiktnK IIiiNint. Inti'rrst l)owl m fmo deposit m i DINCS. raoM rERMRAivrr. Elm Creek areeiact dedect 10 per ceat TO rXKSOMLTT. (SarfteM areeiact add 9 perceat. Oak Creek 5 rrZ.lTll teudof 0m U!W dU -.. WIU mw wm n..w. .- tl. 345 to 146 equaliaatioa tbst the ronowwg wra .-"'. r .. tmmd 1 aailU 741 to 690 Sr the several ftade for Uxea ftr the MCW, for aeral faad. 5 mllU, 648 to 423 CoeatyofWebaUr.wearasaa. wrw. "J.jaarawsea.Waillls: 884 to 234 year 1886, be aad are hereby made as Biee w"'KrTT' P 0 P 990 i n RACE $TL$$ 9 ? T9 0 I iT.affiii!liawi.ia uio. a , fcai-nvwirtwaaiiun followa to wh: For eoaatv ceneral faad 6 mills. -I . . .. a til siaateg " . road 2 mills. bridge " lBBtll. U knail faad 2 milts. Gakle Rock preciact bead faad naaJissHea bavieg thaer labars. aa an . k Tk board el now eeecladed qealiaatloa luniaiit InM Mmlssioaere to traaseei ether i la areeeral. j P. Batma. J. L. Mill Coaaty clerk. Ch DAY yiMtfMMI h & T- 55 S-aUtV. -i 9F9a f'll?lnO' J aaSBjayg-ygBj5rgapij Cg fAsTmamamamaMlaaBmScf'l wmsi'" j. t ) i ?2L Violins. Guitars, Accordions, Etc. Wright A Wallace. $50 REWARD $50 8mmmamamW I Mil I IM'S k nil a IJOlwdllMRI I Dosfr elaim the largest atock in the aaaaa,aw aave piewy ,o uresn new geoes. The latest aeaigaa ia everything keptia afkctclasaiewelnr eaUbiash jseaA OH Mary att. HikMoricai aad all email maaioa gosjda at Wright ft Wallace's. CearpAREmy prices with these of taksr ftnir I will save yea from ten 4ft'taMt Rwa.nar rant, am anrikiaw in IWfcK; . ,H.Martatt.. UlaARTATTM iae reuaaieaaa jMpjtelsjr at jtea tJioauar fe-ivrTfsasw::.' . laaSBis!.J-""- Baaaa3aH9Sj3bsEsa5S: - -. BlBlBlBlBKBKJBvF,v9C1eEV533,Ifc-'? rMIC TOBACCO, k nhn Cb' SRMMUftOI tM a fiflOD irlmr. Hn DtAkblMA IfKteA'n.1 Rlner Bros. Red Cloud. Nebraska; A 8 Moron T i S "'"". I?" uwrsjiiini oy tvaymona itrossco. i.incoin, Nebraska; llatvsraTbs Bro., Liiicalti Nebraska. rutan M Gallagher. Omaha. Nebraska ;XcCord Braby & Co. Omaha Nebraska. WATCHES WATCHES, Of the oeat makes at Wright A Wallace Final Proof Notice. Laad Office, Bloefulngtott. Neb., June 22, 1SS5. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE.N THAT THE following tinned icttler has kd notice ol Ms intention, to moke trnal nrnof in sapiort ot his claim, and that said proof ti 111 be made Ihs feee the judge, oris his .absenrv rbe clerk db trict court, Webster county, at Red Ckwid. Neb , oa Saturday, Apit,l$Tz: WINFIEL1) rALMER, ea Hd entry atanberssw, for the aw qr if-a-il west. He name the following witness. to prove his continuous residence udoh and cultivation a( said land Tiz: Andrew J. Means. Charles S. Palmer. Edwla MetcUf, Edwin H. Palaarr. all of pfMJ fjoMjd ct) Gcorse Abbey, who Sled pce-rwptloa DSXe SB oa saate hud Is hereby aoled te aroear at saiac ttoe aaa piac aad show czumt war proof ihoaM aot ha aUewed. 7-w S. W. SWrrZER. Register. CLOCKS, CLOCKS Wright & Wallace's. Young Clyde Will make the season ot IS.-, at the Home Farm'- in Bed Bloud. Young Clyde Is a dark bay, neighs about lno pountti, is icvi hands high and is five years old. He Is a hnncof finestvle and action. He wa Mredbynn imported Clydesdale. His dam was a Cleveland Bay. TEKMS -To suit ihe times. Monev due when mare is known to be with foal. lVrions parting with mares before foaling will be held fnrthe In surance money. I will not bv responsible for accidents that may occur. Chaa ft aTeeee FffiE WiTCH aEPiianra A specialty! WBIGHT de WALLACE. UK IsabrizbtbaystalllonS years old. weighs pounds. He I strongly built and at the iteo at the same shoulders and r a good sttle horse with broad bonv ltgt. well mitcil . 1'EUIGKEE Yowic Dexter' sire was a fail Mood English Draft norse, usnortcd. His oaas wasaCtydesilale mare. Will make the season of 15 at Ked Clend. and will be foun at the nollaad Houe iirery stable now owued by o B Gates. ThKMS To tnsure-: monerdawBCB iKare proves to be with foaL Carewiilbrtakrntopre Aent accidents bat I will cot be responsible for any tlutt may occur. ATI persons disiKwln of mares before faalmg will te held for the asoof tlte &on. All aurcs Bust te returned rrgularir to the hory. Geo. DEOKKB Rings, Brooches, EarBint78,ftnthebeethitbe city at JKTright A wVtllao Wriukt etWasmcea. Cheap Lumbi FROM OMAHA. Joiet, eoantling' and'emeil timber 8 10 OO No. 1 fenclngr 4 and 6 inchea . 22 OO No. 2 fencing- 4 and 0 inches 10 OO No 1-lst common boarda rough or dreaeod - 20 OO " 2-2nd common boaxda rough or dreeeed 18 50 3-3rd common boarda rough or dreaeod. 10 OO 12 inch No 1 boarda dreeeed 21 OO 12 inch " 2 boardaldrceeed' . lO OO No 1 ehiplap plain or O O , 22 OO 2 ehiplap plain or O G . . . 20 OO M 1 flooring' 4 and 0 inohee clear 3 OO M 2 - O ircree . 32 OO " 3 M O inchea . 22 OO M 1 eidlng clear . . . 23 60 "2 " 2nd clear 21 CO - 3 aiding 3rd clear 17 OO Wide clear flnichihff dreeeed two eidee 48 OO 8 and lO inch 2nd clear dreeeed two aidea . 40 OO 8 and lO inch 3rd clear dreaeod two aidea 35 OO xAx extra ehinglea warranted 3 20 xAxatandard shingiee . 3 OO Lath 1st quality . . . 3 25 2-6x6-6 1 clear door . 25 2-6x6-8 1 J clear doors . . 1 SO 10x14 8 light check, rail windows . 100 12x22 4 light check rail windows . . 1 50 If yea wish tc build a boose or barn send a list of what lumber yog wjfl ni to twa or ti of the dealers at Omaha and you will &et all tbe Infoniurflfia you waau Aboat j wort! MAiMtnnn Inmra tntV rsm L-k4 fltealdrrssof vxtteof thehunber dealer? at Omaha U i lote: T. W. Gratr, ixixw. lurcago uBmoer. anu Loots eraJiord. ?o ia tokt bu aaa tx ;wn tATr Kjf.U et ust what the Ituaber will co tt laid dowa. Cbrresposdcacc wiu recelTe jtwbj.; aJlcaUoo. .aiaaW f ' Obtains oeo'e LOW - fmices asskue: At the well known Dry Goods Mart oi iiurji f aH" Rr W'ebster ABSTRACT OFFICE Chas. F. Gather, Proprietor. Compete and only set of Abstract books in the county. The leading merchant of Bed Cloud Republican Valley. A full line of choice and carefully selec Bry Ctootls Dress Goods, Novelties, Summer Sha rarasols, Fans, White Goods, Lace Laws, Embroideries, etc. These goods will be sold almost at vour prices. Am bound to sell you goods. FullLineCrocerii w Abetractaof Title toSafl Jamda of SBCST jfarsicm tale it HOUGHTON MerchantTai; BED CLOUD, Beal Estate bought and sold. Insurance in solid companies, m Mmml EmiUm mmA VhmtUA AfaaaMMP AbtoCi ClTeaai L83atejr 1m Heimrlty. X Bate i Cloths, Cassimeree, Meltons. Custom work neatly done and after the auuiuvuuittzuuona rninifi.ai a- a specialty, toearreaecnabie. w - . .. . 43BSflB4KSSWS?F' i'&eA5r.'V aaTlB3fiSaSfeSi && -:2jCte'. . .. , " iV. -..V v. . srK?Cr4Sfeb 2Le" ' -- -f. miiMS-iiHiiJ laaai infjii any - i,iinUij aaaaaRaaajiiTfeyslJRj jmmWtJK&&r'-J-&iSB!gu'i s v x'tf ; "Tfr 'WJSf? tCjJAlt-aglc .- S, . y?yj' Yr t t jr BBBRaaaaaaBBaHaafBjaafBfBfBfBa &--'