saElkknil BBffWWWP'ff1 . Jilt mHiifi ii Mm i f ' r , .r., , --, -Tmnik, t - ' i -'iiV i. iifiini ; I,-. '- -'-v;'-:-,v, ...." ::y.--riSS imiMfHy&fiv".e,f?.,&? ?' s- x?aSK' -?3'.?,k.i.- - -iir ; "' - '..-tj - , sawawra:.v -- -v?r-- --- - -- .- - r-vt-- -r-2-T -.,.- -war, rsr .am -r H.-Ujf r'j-3.-- - .-) ?? . ', a . M "dfe? A. A j- SELLS THE Buckeye Down Binder, CO v;f..i ,1 jt .T" tmciteye & levator Hinder, Buckeye Table Rake Reaper, Duvneye jmgnv juower, Piano Harvester and Binder, J. I. Case Threshing Machine, O Osborne Mower, THC o Tiger Rakes, Eollin$worth Rakes Favorite Rakes. IE5IT0WC ? '-'i., ..iMniiig twwi rith tmra H'SEl' arBVTJVJBHHHl,yB -. .Irt-" v?Vi --' -fc . jT"- v v'Sfc-JW-.'. " ir rz f--f--J. . mp-j.'' - l-WrlT fT. B fe T V WB -T- - . w- - - -n- ..-." . - , f l-vSRy-? w d , 4J1 j - ? V-.F 3 .- fl0 fgimssHp SHrasiS: 1 V f i 3 I -J if " .is .-!. 'it. iTi thS &:3?-i s?rw! iSAaXi-iS5vjai;i Kijesl5L?V m' '- -Yiws.wfc.. - . &Mfe? ; riHaft - - UUu mnfcllJMKiar WWIIIMWIM iWIiitSLw fcr IMmmm fetil!r to ITMM, and all wbo lead wdentary lire. K4oDntliUotlMl,culiidheir Mttdtioe coMtlMtKm aOer ran McdirfHa do. Urtc5MMid imrtfw tke blood, MimolatM Xerifertbarn and Bekktaf , asd rtnifUk- o?liSSSlrlMlMdtIiekof ZociftT.AettaMBoaqaal V" 1MIMVM aaa aoora bjw ! I rea iidm on wrapper. sac uu. erontc ili fflr mmwr nitairAi. ca. aim . m ii "" i ii i ' him ftCD CLOUD MARKKT WheAi ...... Corn Oau .. Barley Bye.. Cattle 3.103.15 Hogs 2.75CQ&3.00 60 25 . 25 2535 CHamberlin's colic cholera and dior rhoMemedy never foils, and is pleas ant and mfe It is put in 25c 50 cent and oat dollar bottles. Bold by all droggista. - 48-5t. Bt Patkick'8 Fills cleanse the system and fftffulatethe system and bowles. They art, the most pleasant, searching, and most reliable physic in use. They. are sugar coated. Sold at fifty cents a box. or five boxes for one dollar by druggist. 484t Wool Wanted. The highest market price paid for wool by Wanted We have a good assortment of fine 'buggies and spring wagons in stock. We think we can please you. 6PANOGLE & Son. City Bakery and Restaurant v A T.AUTT?RTAr!TT Prvm BED CLOUD, - - - NEBRASKA. Keeps constantly on hand Fresh Broad. Cakes. Cigars. Tobac cos. CannedUFruits, Confectionery, Ac Bread delivernd to any part of the city. Warm and cold meals served at all hours. Ice Cream and Oysters in season. REED & HAWLEY, rKOI'EIETORS or W fSrjng bo 3 M 0 o a FARMERS' YARD in cash D. M. Platt REDJJLOUD, NEBRASKA. Etving purchased tha lumljer Yard lately owasd bj A. T. Stille, we art GOING TO SELL LUMBER WAR OR NO WAR. DON'T FORGET. ALWAYS SEE US BEFORE BUYNC For the Ladles and Children. I have received Rochester made Ladies' shoes, also the Walker shoes Which are the best manufactured goods in the United States. I will warrant every pair perfect or no sale. Try them. A. S. Mausii. . $60,000 to Loan. The Nebraska and Kansas Farm Loan company havo plenty of money to loan on real estate. ' For the If en and Boys. I have the Walker boots and shoes and will give you warranty pn rvery pair you buy. Try them. A. S. Marsh. THE HAYWARD HAND - GRENADE - Extinguisher i FIRE i-i- - -r Ir you examine the Esterly twino binder you will use no other. Sold by A L Funk, Red Cloud. 44tf Now iB the time to get your bargains on the 5 and 10c counters in hose, col lars, buttons, handkerchiefs, napkins and towels at Forrester's. Now is the time to buy your mowers and rakes. Our stoek is complete. 6panoai.e & Son. Itch and scratches of .every kind cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This never foils. Sold by R K Sherer, drug gist. Bad Cloud. 22-ly THc;Deering Twine Binder needa no ial as tnousands of farmers testify, tf A good Biuger sewing machine for sale. Inauire at The Chief office. Will be old cheap. Almost as good as new. tf Services at the Methodist church are as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m; also at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. A cordial welcome to all. Car load of Thomas rakes at Funk's New arrival of fresh teas and coffee at Marsh's. QuEsnoM. Why does A. 6. Marsh sell more dry goods than all the mer chants in Red Cloud. O. H. Maryatt makes a specialty of ftne watch repairing and warrants all work. New invoice of parasols and sun Umbrellas at Marsh's. Dcrikg the month of May every- wing in tne un oi silverware we win a at 35 per cent discount. Wrioit & Wallace. Viouh trimming at Wright & Wal late'a. Proclamation to the people of Red Cloud aocLvicinity. All persons pur chasing goods of Wright Wallace will savs money. ' At home and ready for business in or new location, west of Miner Bros', brick block. Bfaxoglk & So. Wb have just received a general lock of buggies and spring wagons. 8fa$ogls & Son. New goods daily at Forrester's cheap furniture store. Doa't fail to examine before purchasing. For cheap glassware and tinware go loJForrester'a 5 and 10c counters, two doors south of XcFarland'a. Balrrioaii hose for ladies in endless sjuaatitiea at Mrs Newhouse's. 44tf Viouw, banjo and guitar strings at Wright 4 Wallace's. Larsx linaof gloves at Mrs New romm's. Call add ae them. 44U Tremexdocs stock of lawns at Mrs Xawhooee's. Don't fail to see them. Gavomt in the act, A man passing kastily down Webster at. yesterday attracted the attention of everybody Mat his haste was aooa explained, at kc was on bis way to purchase bar- v yjaJM at Wrifht Wallace's. New square ahawlsjuat arrived at CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, BEST. Will not Burst! Will Not Freeze! Always Ready! Always Reliable! Endorsed and in use by Fire Departmonts, Inaunincn Companies, Factories, Mills. Hotels, Theaters, Business Houses, and l'rivate lU'.sid.-nces and the United State, Manufactured by the Hayward Hand-Grenade Company. Main Omj 407 and 109 Broadway. New York. Sold in lted Cloud, Morhart Fulton, EaadwareJ)ealers. Geo. BECK, C AKcnteneialfor Kchrrska. Kivertou. Nth. J. A. LOI'EMAN, Bed Cloud. GKO. W. HAGAN.Cuide Rock LOPEMAX HAGAN. Piwprietors of red mm wmW Situated 1-2 mile north of Red Cloud and 3-4 miles east of OuldoRock We have in stock, growing a full and complrte line of nursery stock consisting of Apples, crabs, plums, cherries, grapes, rasp berries, black berries catalpa, ailanthus Russian mullbery, cultivated dogwood, Maple and a fine variety of ovorgroons, rosea, snowballs, poonloa. ota, All of which vc most respectfully invitft your attention. We desire your patronage we therefor askyou to retain your orders and buy acclimated stock, all fresh and not dried is .shipping i i X 7.' I J t - M - - '-pMSMm . H (2aEe-- T -mm4 I Mi f ifjja o t5 1 o- O- 3. D 0Q n o p p rr p CO a o 2 w O o n c V) 3 O pi 3 p cs o c o S CO o p Co tr M. S. Ballard. DEALEK IN Groceries, provisions, teas, coffees, candies nuts, sugar, cigars, tobacco, flour, etc. .WAY DOWN PRICES ! I will make it an advantage to you to call and see me in the north end brick store. O W H SO a-- O ST c a, p 3 a- o o CO o cr o - 5L o V M c c o o S c 3 p rt P zr a. V 3 P O- P a o a- 5. co p n o Tr C CO a -. jt- p - i? 1-3 O 3 V3 Violins. Guitars, Accordions, Etc. & Wallace $50 REWARD $50 jj2S5ywnb " LWILUM'S 'lOWSHAM cw Z&&1 wm Dtokl. SO a IS WikMhAT. Kiner Bros. Ked Cloud. Nebraska; X S Mann Ked Cloud. Nebraska; A I! Kaley. Wholesaled by Raymond Bros & Co. Lincoln, Nebraska; HaresravBs Bros., Lincaln Nebraska. raxtmi M GalbKher, Omaha. Nebraska ;NcCord Braby & Co. Omaha Nebraska. WATCHES WATCHES, Of the Dest makes at Wright & Wallace r sf- "W .V I dot slanm tse Urgact stock in the --' - stats, st have pkatr of fresh new fsoss. lbs latsat dsaigM in sTery thing Esai a Bsrtelaaa jewelry sauWaah- u H Xakyatt. ib4 all saull aasica at Wrrht wauaoe's, OsHTaBsaiy prices with those of I win aavsTSttrrom tan per cent, oa ajtrUtisg ja . J?Sf4 5--; :- ; FlnsiProof Notioe. Laad vmct. BIolnKton. Ncb June 22, lfs5. NOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN THAT THE following uiBJfd icttler hzs Hied notice ot Ms intestKm to nuke final oroof in snpport of kts claim, and that said proof u ill be made Iks fere the judge, or la his .awenc tne clerk dis trict coart, Webster county, x: Red Cloud. Neb , oa Saturday. Apgast s, l&w, zz WINFIELD PAL1IER. ea ffaentry Buiaberssa?, for the nv qr IP-a-lX west. He name the following witness. t prore his coatlBUons reaidetice upon aad cultivatkm eCaaMtonTiz: Andrew J. Means. Charles S. Palmer. Edwia Mete Of, Edwla H. Fahwr. aU of ae4Clowl.Neb. Ueonee fnaoey. ate pre-ewpnoa d s n b saaw iu a aereey nosaea te appear at tkae astt tUc aa4 show cause why proof asomMaethwauewed. 47-tw 8. W. SWTTZER, Kesisttr. Young Clyde Will make the season ot lftss, at the " Uotae Fann'Mn lted Bloud. Youngaydeis:idarktay, weighs about 1400 pounds, is igh hands hijrh and is Ave years old. He is a horscof fine style and action. He was sired by an imported Clydesdale. His dam was a Cleveland Bay. TEKMH -To suit iie times. Money due when mare is known to be with foal. Persons parting with mares before foaling will be held for the in surance money. I will not be responsible for accidents that mar occur. Chasl CO o O r- O P- o ft) ns i.-' rt CT3 P Oi8 3- P P 3 -OQ CO 7 3 -i 3 0Q p 3 O co 3- 3 O IT) So 3 3 CO CO CO cs T L - i- r- 3 O 0Q ar p 3- CO i4 - o 3 3 P ft 3 CO c (D CQ O CD m sstfl i3 T-s'SiaiBMSaZMUH h3bf : as Si'lHIi SrT al AsBBBBBBBBSniBnJBBaSwSBBBSBBVS IbBBBbT BBSM WSl S1 fllIssssssrSBssfCMQMBssBWPsmJ fjWP M BBTaiBlsW Y T ' ygfa frFsfr Iswa bssbTWK aWpiV i ssSSsu VkBB bbkLi 9ki 'Sai3ssNBsfBSSa ln."i iHini( , -, - ,. c rM 4; l Htit, V MnrVrjvhlrr. ' J no. K. Miloyr AAttit Cml 1 Capital $0,0t Special Attsntlssj Olvn ' ceiisctisns mKKcruiu HMm Oartir. K "h Letl Mcir, W K pritrey. K, v. Milrry. Uuv aud 9tl Hxehrti Mako ro'lirrttona wHl do i UtMicrnl liattkmc Himinena. Itttorrst ttlloweil Into de;oiu v- CLAD TIDINGS. i $ (J ij J 9 0 0 $ 0 0 0 0 0 5 $ $ Ti $ G-f FlWiTCaiEPiim A specialty!! WiUQHT k WALLACE. UKG MB CLOCKS, CLOCKS at BEXTEM, Is a bright bay stallion 8 years old. weighs ileo pounds. He is strongir unfit and at the same Is aRoodstle horse with broad shoulders a&4 bonv less, well muclel . I'tDHtKEE Young Dexter' sire was a fall Mood English Draft Horse, iaiported. HisUaas was a Clydesdale mare. Will nuke the season of 15 at Ked CkNtd. and will be fount at the nolland ilouae liTery stable now owned by Geo B Gates. ThK3lS To insure -: money dae when mare pro-es u be w lib. foaL Care will br taken to pre- Aeni acciueuis uai i wm sot oe responsiDte ior auy that may occur. All persons disposing of mares before fealtsg win ik. utin ior me use ox iac nerse. AU nust be returscu regKlariy to the horse. Geo. DBOKXB Rings, Brooches, Xar Binfrs, c, the bast in tha city t Wright A Wallmo . ChafaaaHaok' !! mt ' Cheap Lumber FROM OMAHA. Joist, scantling andTsmsil timber . $ 10 00 No. 1 fencing 4 and 6 inches 22 OO No. 2 fencing 4 and 6 inches 19 OO No 1-lst common boards rough or dressed - 20 OO " 2-2nd common boards rough or dressed 18 60 M 3-3rd common boards rough or dressed, 10 OO 12 inch No 1 boards dressed . 21 OO 12 inch " 2 boardaldresseoV . 19 SO No 1 ebiplap plain or O G , . 22 OO M 2 shiplap plain or O O . . . ZOW " i flooring 4 and a inches clear . 3 OO MH 6 ircres . 32 OO "3 - O inches . 22 OO M 1 siding clear . . . 23 60 2 M 2nd clear 21 60 3 siding 3rd clear 17 OO Wide clearflnlchihg dressed two sides 48 OO 8 and 10 inch 2nd clear dreasad two sides . 40 OO 8 and lO inch 3rd clear dressed two sides 35 OO xAx extra shingles warranted 3 20 xAxst&ndard shingles . . 3 OO Lath 1st quality . . . . 3 25 2-6x6-6 1 i clear doors . , . 1 25 2-6x6-8 J cleardoora . . 1 50 10x14 8 light check rail windows . .100 12x32 4 light check rail windows . . 1 50 If yaa wish tc build a botwe or barn send a list of what lumber yos wiHBe4 to two or tar- of the dealers at Omaha and you will je: aU the iaforu&Iioa jou asU About t3 n&rth or common lunber makes a car load. . . rhe address of oie of the htraber dealery at Omaha I a folJews: T, W, Orsr. CN. Deitr.ChleBroLwnber. and Louis Bradford. gewl in yew bin and rt zw aWw let what the lumber will cot laid down. Correspoe4csoewili receive pfscapt atteaUwu. GRA17D HACj: EVERY DAY .f 3Tf lift Large Premiums Obtain LOW PMI43ES ASSHlfE At the well known-Dry Goods Mart oi ix - ifP KfE Webster Count v ABSTRACT OFFICE Chas. F. Cather, Proprietor. Compete and only set of Abstract books in the county. The leading merchant of Bed Cloud Republican Valley. A full line of ohoice and carefully selec py Good Dress Goods, Novelties, Summer Sha Parasols, Fans, White Goods, Laces, Laws, Embroideries, etc. These goods will be sold almost at your prices. Am bound to sell you goods. FuULineGrocerii W. HOUGHTON, Merchant-Tail Abstracts of Title to n laads of this SHOBT XOTICsl at Real Estate bought and sold. Insurance in solid companies, JtrnVG-WrlT Ww JBSJSaBm SJBS flaPSSw SHPISn SBBSSS SSSSSjwS9a BtewUjr. TsaXcupssMIWr RED CLOUD, Cloths, Cassinieree, Meltons, Custom work neatly done and after the approveq ttoh ions. Cutting and fltt -StXll&ritrk the- rsUshlesBd puia iwotretsKmabia Wright & Wallace's, y,i w : '&& ,,- -! A- Tl.fA Tr,T- JTT-V. yi-HA.&fff rti '--? n 3agv ar ..J&3wis e - - ta?"Mi -'rv-r'd9-i!Si t c fJ-j- c ,-t. i.iT r; :j3We&J-gi- ? w5 ' s3aaiasiattB1iaw ,?-;l r4; ;-' - V ;Jt.,i, "' ,, ..H." I lit ', I , WrJhtWaJiacra. IwJLlV12l5 awslsMJSfrsJsy, sf KM Uoaa. v1- 3? ,a ?wan-t '-. ie- - yifi-k'' . , .. h. r .. -' . -'... . . " . ' - itmr.lVrfe-rSfeV sCV : aTV ViSaj:$aF -jl j- .t, V. ,- .' v , EiBEu:? -r.' !- -.'-crir 4-i.t . '-t-t tsiKer zxiaz? - -r-.?Zis . . i WiiTiti5?SSieSS'?B,s' XVr. ..&ssS - ! ?-?T -&.f:$? '3f,ifi. r: BBMBJ&-,?tt ?." iT-TS.' W.r t"nay aiy- m- f -v i j-vr-T-ttc'jx-; bt . w-.-r.t "-- tyr.-;:.:-?.y.yjy tft '- -rSo!jr. llft- " " - --.i? "jt'Cityr.'js sw'7 jI?'-Si .':-reL . - iir!' . J , j;'-!i.'',wii': " !' i l l M Mlili II iHiJ 1 Wl . . - s-v . 'rmmrw i i j- - ,f 'BnmSBBmSBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmH "-'-WaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaS!?. . "' " - ''V "'- ? 'BBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSl a -- -.- -.- -r .-J- -tijj -n- B - - . ; . . . - . , I mi