The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 03, 1885, Image 2

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The Russian Government lias issued
a decree increasing the tariff on im
ports ten to twenty per cent
The South American Steamship
Company's steamer Cachagral reports
that the Italian steamer Italia has been
totally -wrecked. Sixty-five lives were
A Commissioner was reported to
Jiave left Honolulu for Washington,
empowered to open negotiations for
the annexation of the Sandwich Islands
to the United States.
TifE first edition of General Gor
don' diary, comprising one hundred
and fifty thousand copies, has been
sold. General Gordon's private Chin
ese diary is announced for August.
The man reported to have committed
suicide after losing his money at Monte
Carlo recently was an American, not
an Armenian, as at first stated. His
name has been learned to be Henry
The fire in the North Ashland (Pa.)
Colliery was reported still burning,
and the mine will have to be Hooded.
Preparations are now being made to
turn the course of a stream down the
slope. This will cause a suspension of
work for six months or perhaps a year.
M. Waddington, the French Ambas
sador, has notified the Marquis of Sal
isbury that t ranee, without waiting for
the ratification of the treaty of peace
with China, which was signed June 9,
has issued orders to all French com
manders to raise the blockade of Chinese
In Paris the average longevity of
newspapers is about the same as that
of men. The Frets, founded by Eraile
de Girardin in 1836, has just died in
what is considered a green old age.
The I'atrie was established in 1841.
The Debate and Conslitutionncl are still
uidcr; but the oldest or all is the
Gazette dc France, which first saw light
in the reign of Louis XIV.
The New South Wales contingent,
which took part in the Soudan cam
paign, arrived home on the 23rd. They
were given a tremendous ovation. The
day was made a public holiday. Dele
gates .came from all the colonies in
Australia, and all the available troops
were drawn up to welcome the return
ing soldiers. The splendid spectacle
was slightly marred by unfavorable
weather. The Governor delivered an
address to the contingent, thanking'
them in the name of the Queen and the
colonies for the great service they had
Minister Osbokn, acting in accord
ance with instructions received from
the State Department at Washington,
lias concluded a contract securing to
the Central and South American Tele
graph Company a concession to estab
lish cables between Buenos Ayres and
Rft de Janerio, and land lines between
Duenos Ayres and the Pacific side, thus
securing to an American company con
tinuous and independent telegraphic
communication between the United
States and Brazil. The necessary de
cree has been sijjned bv the President
of the Argentine Republic
The investigation of the accounts of
the Bureau of Equipment of the Navy
Department at Washington, now being
carried on by the special committee
detailed for the purpose by the Secre
tary of the Navy, promises to develop
ronie revelations of an interesting na
ture. Already several irregularities
liave been discovered in the books, but
they will not be published until the
whole investigation is concluded, which
Will not be for another month. Several
of the other bureaus have been looked
-into in a casual manner, but their fur
sthcr investigation has been postponed
until the examination of the Equipment
Xureau isbnished.
Gkeat excitement has prevailed in
the financial and railway circles of Mex
ico owing to the sudden official an
nouncement by the Government of new
laws regarding the payment of taxes,
the cutting down of official salaries,
and the suspension of railway subsi
dies. All taxes now in force must be
paid in cash or notes of the National
Sank of Mexico. Custom House cer
tificates arc no longer receivable. Sal
aries of over $900 per annum are to be
subjected to discounts: of $500 to
41.000 of ten per cent; from $1,000 to
2,000 of fifteen ner cent; from $2,000
o $6,000 of twenty percent.; from
6,000 to $15,000 of twenty-five per
cent; over $15,000, fifty per cent.
Sack official whose salary is reduced
receives from the Treasury a certificate
of isdebtedness covering the percent
age take o
ffthe deeingdays of the last seseioa
Coagress authorized the President, in
is digcretioa, to appoint a commission
negotiate lor tne cession to toe
flaked State of the so-called Okla
' ceatiy. The commission has
Jjwa appelated, and it is under
stood so aj will be taken in regard
to Us autholWt appointment until
after the Aga election shall have
beet held by tae Ive eirinaed Nations
af the Indian Territory. Meanwhile it
Ja learned that tne President a4u the
jaembers of the Cabinet are in accord,
-aMuatainiag that no white settlement
ahall be permitted on the Oklahoma
glands 'nader any circamstaaces, with
Y aat the consent of the Indians under
- Ike terms oT the .treaty of 1866, and
;kat the whole force of the Government
an all be employed if necessary to carry
fc- - - that incfrnnoafr
Summary of tha Daily N
The President has appointed Edward H.
Strobe, of New York, Secretary of Lega
tion to Spain.
Joseph Taylor, father of Bayard Tay
lor, died recently, aged eighty -nine. A
wife and four children survive him.
Ho. Richard T. Mcbrick, who has
been lying dangerously ill for some days,
died in Washington on the 23d.
George W., brother-in-law of
General Grant, received a letter from
President Cleveland notifying him of his
suspension from the office of Appraiser of
the Custom House in San Francisco.
Thomas Beck, recently appointed, becomes
his successor.
Lord Garmoyle has settled down at his
late father's residence and has resumed
correspondence with Miss Fortescue, the
actress. It is expected that they will be
married within a year.
Johx McCullough, the actor, was in
New York recently, and threatened to kill
the clerk of the Sturtevant House. It was
thought that McCullough should be put
under restraint, as bis insanity was ap
proaching a violent form.
Jasier L. Syaxto.t, General Agent of the
Department of Justice, Washington, has
tendered bis resignation.
C. W. Buck, recently appointed Minister
to Peru, arrived in Lima on in time
to take charge of the remains of the late
Minister Phelps.
Ex-United States Minister Phelps
died from fever contracted while on a
p easure trip to Oroya, Peru.
Henri Rochefout has received confirm
ation of the report that Olivier Pain died of
fever while in the camp of El Mabdi, where
be was said to have been held a prisoner.
General Frank Armstrong, of New
Orleans, has been appointed by the Secre
tary of the Interior as Indian Inspector, to
succeed Inspector Newell, suspended.
The late Prince Frederick Charles, of
Germany, left no will.
The diaries of General Gordon have been
published. They are a strange mix-up of
complaints, denunciations and expecta
tions, characteristic of his peculiar life and
position at Khartoum.
The order for the removal of the tele
graph wires from the roof of the Treasury
Department building at Washington not
having been complied with, the telegraph
company has been notified that they will
be cut down. The wires on the roof of the
White Housowill also be summarily re
moved. Reports from all the wheat growing
counties in Colorado place the crop at
2,010,009 bushels, which, estimating the
home consumption and seeding for next
at 1,210,000 bushels, leaves a surplus of
1,430,000 bushels, a gain of 20 per cent over
last year.
Private advices from Berlin of the 24th
state that the Emperor William is worse.
He can not talk or listen to the reading of
reports nor do the least work without a fit
of somnolency, which are most frequent
during the day, while at night be is rest
loss. The National Bank of Mexico is slightly
embarrassed by the recent executivo order,
and doubts are expressed as to whether it
can survive the shock.
Mr. Burchard, Director of tho Mint, was
reported to have decided to test the power
of tho President to remove him from bis
A collision occurred between a freight
and accommodation train on tho Wabash
Railroad at Woodstock, eight or ten miles
from St Louis, recently. Engineer Stew
art, of thoTreight, and Conductor Manh, of
tho accommodation, were killed. Threo
passengers were wouuded, but not seri
ously. The jury in the Hillman insurance case
at Leavenworth, Kan., failed to agree and
were discharged. Six wero for the plain
tiff holding that the body was that of Hill
man, and six for tho defense that it was
not Hillman., This was the third trial of
tho case.
A dispatch recently received in London
says that an American who recently
passed through Baton m, a town of Asiatic
Russia, on tho Black Sea coast, states that
there are many gun factories in full opera
tion thero, and that they aro boing worked
secretly and under such disguising names
as hospitals and asylums.
The Prohibition State Convention held
at Grafton, W. Va., split on the third par
ty question, and about a third of the dele
gates favoring non-partisan action with
drew. The remainder resolved that a third
party was expedient in West Virgina.
The scaled verdict in the Riddle-Reiber
conspiracy case was opened at Pittsburgh
on the 24th. It found Riddle and Reiber
not guilty, and ordered the prosecution to
pay the costs.
A special from Rome to the Freeman's
Journal, of Dublin, states that the Rev.
Dr. Walsh, President of Maynooth Col
lege, has been appointed by the Pope as
Archbishop of Dublin, to succeed the late
Cardinal Archbishop McCabe,
During the performance of a circus at
Lapeer, Mich., the other day, Sampson, a
large elephant, became infuriated and
turned upon the eight thousand persons
assembled under the canvas. The enraged 2
elephant, alter clearing out tue canvas
made a break for the woods near by aad
..i . w .. :
Amid the panic a number of limbs were
broken and property lost and damaged.
No fatalities occurred.
A recent dispatch from Lucca, Italy,.
aays that a powder mill at that place ex
ploded, badly shaking up the buildings for
miles around. Twelve powder hands were
instantly killed.
A tubclar boiler of MoaBtaia Ss Son's
grist mill at Mobile, Ala., exploded re
cently, demolishing the boiler house and
parts of adjacent buildings. Henry Scott,
Joe Richardsoa and L. Matthews, colored
employes, were killed, aad Sally Matthews
fatally injured.
Accounts received from Toaquia show
that the ravages of disease auosg the
French troops there are simply appalling.
Three thousand invalid soldiers have been
sent hone, aad three handred ssore are
down with disease aad await transporta
tios. The deaths aaoag troops are front
fifteen to twenty dally.
Ix the race at 'New London, Coaa., be
tween the Columbia and Harvard Fresh
sen crews, the latter won.
Tax ritizeas posse frost Texas aad In
dian Territory, oa the Texas side of the
RedStver, ia the aeighborhood of Dela
ware Bead, caaght eight horse thieves
aear Washita receatly aad hanged them te
enetrse. They thea went a few aailes far
ther and caatnred f bar others, whom they
also lynched.
Jgt a fight Ui LiM Dm Roberta aad May
field, at XiddleboBrat, W. Va., receatly.
Dr. Mayfield's shall was cracked aad Dr.
Roberta had three ribs detached treat his
were pcossiaeat citi-
Xavaeld baaae rreaiaeat of the
j Coaaty CrtT
Sxyxbai. aHg-t ahesfcs at earthaasas
were felt av tfcafiMfc s laves i si -shire,
J Scotland.
L It was reported la WasU fta far
: taer iaterf ereace weald In isstij kt
V "
Tn Mexican editors were la Kai
City oa the 2Tth, and put ia the day visit
is the various point of Interest. They
were gives a banquet in the evening.
William Adams was killed and several
other persons were prostrated by lightning
which struck the Cohen residence al
Weatherford, Tex., recently.
The National Plumbers' conventioa iu
session at St. Louis, were given a banquet
at the Sooth era Hotel on the 25tb.
The Secretary of the Treasury has been
informed that the recent investigation ol
the condition of the sub-treasury at New
Orleans shows that the total defalcation o!
the runaway clerk, Auf de Morte, amounV
to a little over $.',000.
The German Bundesrath has rejected
Prince Bismarck's proposal to tax the bar
rels in which American petroleum is im
ported as articles of coopers' wora. inc
proposed tax would largely increase the
cost of petroleum.
The Union Passenger Railway and Trans
fer Company, to continue for 1,000 years,
was incorporated at Albany, N. Y., with a
capital of .1 1 ,000,000. The object is to con
struct surface roads in every part of New
York City.
Tnw fihfrif treatv with Canada has
been extended another year, temporarily.
The whole question is to come before Con
gress in December.
The ItepubliCfOt Madrid, recently, allud
ing to the revolution, says that a few days
ago it was prolmble, to-day it is certain.
Prince Bismarck has ordered the prep
aration of plans for a canal to connect the
Rhino and Ems Rivers.
The boiler at the distillery of Mattingly
& Mooro at Bardstown, Ky., exploded
tho other morning. Threo of the work
hands were killed instantly ami another so
badly burned and bruised that it was
thought be woofd die.
It is denied in Vienna that Austria has
declined to receive Mr. Kedey as American
Minister. President Cleveland has not
asked whether Mr. Keiley would be ac
ceptable to the Austrian Government, but
it is believed the President has reconsid
ered the nomination uiqrompted.
The British Admiralty has ordered a
quantity of torpedoes kuown as the "Eric
son destroyers."
The remains of Frederick Weisman, who
died in Baltimore, were cremated in Lan
caster, Pa., recently.
The Plumbers' Convention at St. Louis
ended its session on the 20th, after adopt
ing a resolution requesting manufacturers
not to sell material to strikers who might
start co-operative establishments and re
duce prices.
Captain E. L. Johnson, formerly of In
diana, arraigned for killing Major Edwin
Henry, in Green County, Tenn., September
23, 1884, was acquitted on the 20th. Henry
led Johnson's wife astray a year before.
Mrs. Johnson committed suicide in Indian
opolis. A wholesale prison delivery was ex
pected in Michigan, consequent upon pris
oners being convicted and sentenced with
out indictment by tho grand jury.
James D. Fish, the defaulting New York
banker, was denied a new trial.
J. W. Jones & Co., ono of the heaviest
lumber firms in Racine, Wis., made an as
signment to R. R. Howell for tho benefit of
their creditors. Their liabilities were esti
mated at i."i,000, their assets at from $1T,
000 to $10,000.
The Harvards defeated the Yales in tho
boat race at New London, Conn., on tho
The business failures for tho week ended
Juno 2Tt were: Iu the United States, ISO;
in Canada, 10; a total of 20T, as compared
with 220 the week previous.
A violent earthquako was felt in tho
Department du Nord, France, on the 2Cth.
Tho damage was slight.
General Hazen, Chief Signal Officer,
bns issued an order extending to a day and
a half in advance tho weather predictions
which now only cover a day.
Luther K. Brcce, a leading druggist,
shot and killed J. C. Lcntz, a prominent
merchant ami Justice of tho Peace at
Douglass, 111., recently. The affair grew
out of an attempt to suppress the liquor
traffic, Lcntz being a strong temperance
mau and Bruce an active supporter of tho
whisky cause.
James Ahcine and William Parchmeal,
full blood Cherokee Indians, were hanged
at Fort Smith Ark., for the murder of Henry
Feigel, an old Swede, thirteen years ngo
in the Indian Territory. Parchmeal ad
mitted his guilt.
Olaf Olsen, of Arenia, Norway, a
cabin boy from tho bark Nat, from Cien
fuges for Philadelphia, died at the hospital
at Lewes, Del., recently from well defined
yellow fever.
apihtiojjal msp.vrcinw.
TifE President recently made the follow
ing apiKHntnients: Edward L. Hedden.
Collector of Customs for the district of
New York; H. S. Beattie. Surveyor of Cus
toms for the District of New York; S. W.
Burt, Naval Officer of Customs for the Dis
trict of New York.
James D. Fish, late President of the
Marino National Bank, wus sentenced to
ten years' imprisonment in Auburn prisoa
by Judge Benedict in the United States
Court at New York on the 27th.
At Toledo, O., riots again broke out ia
the Polish Catholic Church on Sunday, the
28th, consequent upon trouble with the
priest, who was considered obuoxious. A
few days before an attempt was made to
blow up the church with dynamite, and on
Sunday the congregation let themselves
,0,se' f,Uln- two
I wounding several oti
their members and
log several others. Two or inree
dwelling houses were demolished. Twelve
or fifteen rioters were arrested. A year
ago a man was killed in the same church.
The clearing houso returns for week
ended June 2T showed an average decrease
of 10.S compared with the corresponding
week of last year. In New York the de
crease was 20.2. In Kansas Ci y the In
crease was (&3 and in Memphis 6J.G.
Governor Hoadly said recently that
he would not be the Democratic candidate
for Governor of Ohio at the coming elec
tion. He predicted Democratic success in
.hat State, and said the Democratic party
there was perfectly solid.
Theodori: Paulsen and Lizzie Mat
roady. both employed ui Cracks .Renovat
ing Works, Pueblo. CL. were drowned re
cently while boat riding oa a snail lake
i near that city.
Captain Crawford struck the aoetues
in the moancains noatheoss of Opalo, Mex
ico, killing one buci. and capturias lifteea
women and children.
General Acgcr recently telegraphed
Major E. V. Sumner, Fifth cavalry, com
manding troops at aad n?ar Fort Rsno,
Indiau Territory, to scad the Cheyeaae In
dian Roman Nce with a suitable gaard to
Fort Lsarsa worth and stake a rsperS of
his case. Romaa Nose has givea a great
deal of trenble, aad it was likely that he
woald be severely dealt with.
Tan Rer. C E. LaaxhUa, passer af
Presbvteriaa Charch of Leaox, lows.
kls sister, Hsgiaa Laaghlia, were bo
drowsed ia the Platte River oa the Stn
while oa their way to Platte Charch.
Jonx McCciJJOcen, the deateated actor,
has been, takea ta aha Blooadagdale Asy
hw. New York.
All the. clerks ia the astnloyeC th Ticks
bars 4: Meridiaaaad VIcksbarg, Shreye
rtFdac SsOrsads Aav twta asked
Crescent Bead, ia New
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The oldest person discovered by the enu
merators in Sarpy County was Mrs. Kmlly
Hoffer, aged ninety-eight.
It is stated that the largest building ever
erected in Sarpy County is bow being built
at the Sarpy County cattle yard. The
structure is 700x275. Ihe walls will be
forty feet high, the first eight of which is
brick, the balance made substantially of
wood, covered with sheeting and siding
outside. The building is made substan
tially, with a raised floor for the purpose
of feeding cattle, and will be completed by
Jaly 15. It is understood that another like
it will be put up before fall.
Firth has a strange case of skin color
ing, that of Mrs. J. V. Bowliu changing
from black to whit. "Ten years ago,"
says the Ttmfs, "she was ebony black. At
that time the fore finger of the right
band began to change to a white color.
Gradually this transformation has takm
place until she is now two-thirds white.
Both her hands are as fair as any Caucas
ian, and her face the last to yield to the
mysterious changr is now turning white.
Mrs. Bowliu is uow twenty-eight years
old, is the mother of four children, aud iu
splendid health."
Tue story ia told of a Niobrara couple
who recently took their sick babe to a doc
tor for treatment. The man of wiso looks
and medical lore was found enjoying the
charms of a waltz in a dance house. The
sick babe was forgotten while its parents
whirled round and round the hall, ami on
returning to their senses the spirit of tho
little one had tied beyond the reach of
While excavating upon a brick yard nt
Omaha recently, workmen found iu the
clay, forty feet from tho Surface, the well
developed outlines of a mammoth skeleton,
which had turned to a blackh-gray sub
btance, and which fell into powder when
touched. A part of the jawbone and two
teeth, well preserved, were saved. The out
lino showed tho animal to havo been about
thirty fet long and fifteen feet high. Near
the skeleton were a numler of charred
sticks, giving rise to the opinion that a
party of aborigines had killed and roasted
the mammoth.
BouTROrr, the brakeman who sued the
Sioux City & Paciffic Railroad Company
for $10,000 damage for tho loss of two lin
gers, was awarded $421 by a jury at Fre
mont. Matthias Bete, a man who had boon
trying to make life successful for forty
five years, aud finally became weary of
further attempts, recently sought a shady
nook in Omaha where he sat down and de
liberately killed himself with a pistol.
Senator Manderko.v has gone on a tour
of inspection through tho Territories. He
goes first to Now Mexico, thence to Ari
zona, from thenco to San Francisco, and
will then continue his trip up into Wash
ington Territory. The Senator makes this
tour as a member of tho United States
Senate Committee on Territories.
Lioiitnino killed a dog lying in a door
way at Niobrara. A woman standing
close by escaped, but was badly shocked.
The G. A. R. boys of Grand Island are
giving.every attention to Mrs. Draper, tho
invalid wife of a comrade, who has been in
almost destitute circumstances during a
long sickness with cancer. Recently they
went to her home, took along lumtar, put
a new roof on her cottage, and made other
needed improvements about tho premises.
Charles Seklv, of "VVahoo, was re
cently stung by a honey bee ujon the
left eyelid. So ioisonons was tho sting
that it almost instantly narcotized the
brain to such an extent that he became in
sensible and lay for some time in an un
conscious condition like a person under the
influence of chloroform, and when sensa
tion returned ho was delirious for several
Ax incendiary recently fired the barn of
Israel Art?, near Dorchester. Tho barn
contained four horses, two hundred bush
els of corn and several sets of harness,
from which nothing was saved, as tho
building was almost ready to fall iu when
the fire was discovered. Tho loss on barn
aud horses is estimated at ono thousand
dollars, with no insurance.
It is stated that Fort Niobrara, which
now accommodates four companies of cav
alry, will le increased to the size necessary
for tho accommodation of tho entire regi
ment. Thirty thousand dollars will bo ex
pended during the comlug fiscal year upon
the post. Fort Robinson will receive itn
share of the appropriation for the repair
of military posts.
At tho late meeting at Omaha of General
Passenger Agents of roads In the Trans
continental pool, motions making the first
class east-bound rate from Pacific coast
points to the Missouri River $7T Instead of
W, to take effert July 1 were adopt!.
The second-class east-lwund rate was re
duced fram .7."i to JtW. and the emigrant
east-bound rate was alwlished.
At the meeting of the Grand Lodge A.
F. anil A. M., at Omaha, the following offi
cers were chosen: Judge M. R. Reese, of
Omaha, R. W. G. M.; C. K. Coutant, of
Omaha, R. W. D. G. M.; W. J. Hull, of
Edgar, R- W. S. W.: George B. France, of
York, R. W. G. J. W.; Charles Hartman,
of Omaha, R. W. G. It.: "W. R. Bowen, of
Omaha, R- W. G. 8. Omaha was selecte-i
as the place to hold the nexi annual meet
ing. William Hates, a boy sixteen years
old, was recently found hanging from it
tree near Neola,with his hands and feet
tied. He had left home on horseback sev
eral days proious, to attend confirmation,
sad it is supposed he was murdered by fonr
escaped prisoners from the Harrison Coun
ty jail. Two of thee men had before
broken jail, and had been recaptured
through the efforts of the Sheriffs son.
who followed tnem and reported their
whereabouts. Young Hayes bore a strik
ing resemblance to Sheriff Garrison's soc,
and it is thought that the jsil birds sup
posed it was the SherifFs son again track
ing them and that they would hang him to
put him oat of the way.
Six newspapers ia Kaox Coanty.
The returns of the assessors of Hal!
County show there are 19,157 acres of im
proved land, aad 10O,GB7 uslmproved. The
total vslu&iioa of real ettate isclading
ton lot is 1JM517. There are &,&S
horses valued at$I10,; 197 cat tie val
aed at $!232t: WI males at 17,797; 13,427
sbeep whose value is placed at &.741: 22,
1X38 hot? valued at 2G.13L There are 114
piaaos in the coanty with a valsatioa of
JM.917. The railroad property is placed at
?4JC45. The total valsatioa of real estate
.tadperonal property is SpHML. The
eoenty has a popalatioa of about Sfteea
Tsxar are !,GH school children ia Cedar
Oxx of the 1-twrt swindling devices prac
ticed apoa farmers by aOk-aated dades
fo gather statistical iafonsatioa coacera
ig the far- aad hare the saw verified by
the farafter7 sigaatare. As b too coauaon
la saca cases a aete agalasg the victist feJ-
Aancxxs ef tscorporatiom hare
ftled with the Osaaty Clerk of Hall Coaaty
fisr the Grrad lJaaI t Harysxiii Batt
raad. with a ca?iul uxrk o $Vjmip
ThisisTirtaally the rwx-gaaiastioej of tae
3t Joe is Waalara aader tae acw
aal? a lost 4f $iyr
?T . V.
' JS '
'V.'Lt li1-.". .i "WJ -
fri-ti$fi&fr7&xi '?5i.:
ttsptr4 AsaitaaiM Uon. Oeorc
A. OnnalactaM. Ertltor nt th irna
(W. Va.) fatlI- Tk Kemall of I'olt
tlral Aulai-altlr Th- Calprlt at Lara.
Grafton, W. Va., June -25. This place
has been greatly excited over tho shoot
ing with intent to kill, of the Hon. Geo.
A. Duanlngton, editor of the Sentinel,
md oue ot the best knowa men in the
State. The cause of the dastardly crime
Is supposed to be set forth In the follow
ing anonymous letter received by Mr.
Dunnington a few days ago, but which
he at the tttne kept fee ret:
'GnKTON, June 1J.
Df.vsiNT.To.v: We don't want any
damued traitor iu our party. If you
have made a bargain with McGraw, come
out and say so, so we will know which
tide you are on. We don't want to take
i paper which pretend to bo Republican
and Is published In the Interests of Dem
ocrats. McConnlck Is riaht, and you aic
a renegade Democrat. 1 believe you bad
better leave town, or you might wake up
some mornlni: and uml yourself In hell.
I sec by the Kayle that you talk private
to McGraw. You had better sell out to
him and be done with !t. A man who
will kick a Republican out of office ain't
a tood Republican, and ouuht to b run
out of towu. Daiuu you, go, or we will
make you! U:iaiu ici.v.
The .McGraw referred to In till epMlc
is the recently appointed Democratic
Collector of Internal Revenue for thU
State, vice McConnlck, Republican,
ousted bv the exertions of Dunnlngtou
and the Wheeling Intellvjtnter Dunning
ton saw fit to treat the letter with con
tempt. I-at night he atteuded the Tern
perancc State Convention as reporter for
the Wheeling Intrllvjrncrr. After the
Hilionrninent he remained in the tele
graph office until after midnight. On
returning to his hotel a man sprang out
of an alley way and leveled a revolver at
his head. Dnnnin-tou struck down the
pistol jmt an the trigger was pulled, and
the ball pa.ssed through Ida leg. The
would-be assassin rtsd, and despite the
closest search, has not been fouud.
A Weak Lee In the Cabinet Sll to 1k- Cu
Ine Anxiety In tlir Mlml r the ITrsMcnt
Hint That Huynr.l Mar Itrtlre.
New Yoke, June '25. The .Siirt's Wash
ington special from an occasional cor
respondent says: "All Is uot harmony in
the Cabinet, and tho President Is
troubled. He is not at one with the
Secretary of Stale, and the differences
that have arisen will not be mitigated by
time or obliterated In the progress of the
administration. Uayard's course In re
gard to appointments and the gcueral
spirit in which he has conducted the de
partment, have been a great disappoint
ment to the fresbleut, aud to some other
members of the Cabinet. Hayard, they
sav, has proved capricious and uncer
tain; his course has not been guided
by any Used olicy or logical purpose,
and he Is declared to be the one dissen
tient and permanently Inharmoulous cle
ment in the adminisi ration. The objec
tions to Rayard are cumulative, and no
degree of patience, leniency or Ingenious
explanation can conceal either the pres
ent drift or ultimate result. That result
Is that IJavard wld presently leave the
Cabiuet. The Tresldeut Is kindly dls-po-ed
and by nature a very tolerant man,
but In respect to what he regards a un
itistiilablc obstacles he knows no aincti-
! ities whatever."
Washington-, D. C. June 1o. In re
ply to an Inquiry to-day respecting his
probable retirement from the Cabinet,
Secretary Rayard said: "It Is Mr. Cleve
land's Cabinet. You had belter go and
see him aoout It. I have nothing to say
I In regard to the matter "
A V.shltBtn Wr.litmir 1'rpvriitril lly th
ljith of the llriilr-to-lti.
Washington-, 1). C. June 2C
Dr. Kmll Rosels, the vei!-kuown Arctic
traveler, and Madame Ravenna, thr
singer, were engaged to be married. Last
Saturday was the ditc fixed for the wed
ding. Rut the doctor wan suddenly taktc
111 on . Saturday, so the wedding wa
postponed until la-t Monday. On Mon
day, ili "i the bridal pnrtr reached t'c
residence of the mlul.-ter they met with
another disappointment the minister,
ths Rev. Mr. Schneider, having unex
pectedly cne to Raltimore. Subse
quently all arrangements were made
lor the wedding to take place ot
Wednesday. Yesterday the expectant
bridegroom drove to the house of hit
bride to take her to the minister's, but
was shocked to learn that the had been
taken suddenly and seriously 111. The
progress of the diseise was so rapid that
by night Madame Ravenna was dcaa.
She was to have been married at twelve
o'clock, and this termination of
was looked upon as a happy affair is in
expressively sad. Madame Ravenna ha
had quite a varied career. Since bet
arrival In thl country she has bcea s
concert singer.
Discovery of Mlver at )f!nerville. Fa.
Great Kieitemra.
Pittsburgh, Pa., June 23. Much ex
citement prevails over what Is claimed tc
be the discovery of a rich mine of silver
ore at Mincravlllc. John Uackett, a rnla
ing engineer, who cam: here from Cali
fornia, while examining the zroaodfoaad
surface Indications of ? liver. He worked
quietly at the place for Several days as
convinced himself Viiat there was a for
lune there f r him. He leased th
ground, and bis made sa'isfactory ar
rangements with the owners to begfe
digging. Kxpert exandscd specixaea
of the roc'-c. and My it Is quite rich 1c
w'tat 1 known fn Colorado, a whit
iron, uhtctt b foau-1 where gold and sli
ver abeam!. Prospectors are already ar
livluz. People-are more cathasUtic
thin when the great oil wells were
A Catlaat Caton! Oaagfcter.
!fiRSnAV.nTT. IL I.. Jaa SC Lies
t-uan; E-lwin S. Joia GreWe, Scosd
Artillery, of I J tUe KocSr, Art, wa -r-Tied
:oM!m Gertrade 1'oland, dae-htet
of lotoftc! J- S. lolaad, TJ. 8. A.t her
Wolachy, by Bcr. Dr, W. Bahcock, ot
Sv Fcter Charch. Ta irriaf e cja
mrjay was co ad acted ia a asartpe erect
ed ea the Iswa at the FUt Rack Cottage.
After ihe cereaosy a reccpUoa was held
at the cottage. The aewlyaaarrinlcoaplc
left oa a special trata for Sostoo, aa3
wUl sail froa there oa Jaly 3d lor a a
. Inn.
9t a Very Cawnl assy. KMber.
DaLUus Tex-, Taae 25. -The citUaa'
froai the Texas aad Iadiaa Terri-
terr side ef the Bed Kirer, la tas aeigh
horhood cf Delaware &:ai, wha hare far
acTcral weeks past heea cbssiac the gaax
at oatlaws who hare heea stealiax
aad stock, yesterday orrrtaek the gaaj
aad csptarad elzat of thea aear ITashlla
aad haagert thea to eae tree. They thea
wat a fea mttea farther aad caa4ard
fear ethers, wheaa they also lynched.
Jtaeat two weeaa ace tarae
ly ached, makes m tmtZ af ffjftoea. Fay
twesHy aaeaters of tae pi
slsia the fHst. aafiac, aad half, a
tanaers aad crtieea aaa Mai
Tae TraWe wt Ua Cai-a . A
a-a Cia.
WAsm.xoTo.t. June 27. Senster Ingalhi
ha received a trlecraat fioa the Goveraar
of Kansas sy!ng an incursion 3y the Chy
ennes lmllr to thatot 15T1 Is aaUrfpsted,
and grsat aneaslne prevails. Thswrsta
part of Kan.-as has been rapidly ettled a?
tills 9caca. and the aewcomers) are la a
Very dcfenrl cwndltloa. Governor Mar
tin therefore cprrsX. earnest dwlre
that the Sorrvury ot War jdioaid static
troops oa the Kuthwcstcr border of the
State to guard against any atUck by th In
d.aa. Secretary Endlcott U out ef the
city. Sraator Ingatb called upn
the PitiMient with tte telegram
and tsas assured the matter ha
been tne tubject of earnest consideration by
the ftrsulrhl and hi Cabinet, and aettve
inrasurr hve been taken by both the In
terior and War Department to preterit. If
puMUbie, any outbreak of the Indians and
u repress- Jt promptly sliould one uvtir.
ttencral Augur has repotted to the War
PrparUKrtit tiiat he has 4teea companies
ten of cat Airy and six of Infantry at Fort
Rem. 1. T. The last romp-any nmxrd at
the fort to-J), I ! Cenerat apptvhrnds
no immediate ontbicAk of tho Cneyruno
Indians. They hae been infonm-d or thu
proposed appointment of a commission to
inve.stu;ate their troubles and exproa a
Willi ugtieas to await tesultv
Whiuta, Kan.. June -:. - The iXilfy
Ewjte Lsin reeetpt of a pecul from the
Chrjciinif Indian agency late Ut eenin;.
of which a sAliopsi Ls transmitted the A
MH'tated Press. The sittut.on :U Ihe agency
ltok- critics, and the onVers employ and
traders ate liable to be attacked by ihe in
furiated Cheyenne at any moment. The
Indians are drilling dally in recuUr war
like form. The arrival of the troops under
Stunner unly aeeuis to have t!ut-d tho
Indians, who put out extra spies In
U direction. Without prompt and
etllcient action on the part of thu Gov
ctnmeut a bloody raid and tuasarte wll
be the result The peclal, which Is fiom s
reliable man at the ajreiicy. jva that the
Indians are in siiitica-iit fotee to butcher all
the whites Including the troops now ata
tloneu there. The Indians keep their
lion! picketed nigltt and day, and they are
well mined aud have plenty of ammunition.
The people at the agency date not attempt
trutg to reach the Kansas border. Five
companies of the Fifth Cavalry, under
Majoi CarH!iitrr. iwssetl through this city
by special train to-day, and will be within
one day's march of Reno by to-motiuw
KOK Tlir. MRItHA M.MUtr.s.
Tecs in. A. T., June gT. lieueral Crook
haa been busily eugattrd th wst few Ua)
In rriittlng and repairing for an Indian
campaign In the Slerta Madre and Is about
nady to start for that lo-ality. Ho unoffi
cially stated that Um campaign would lo
conducted ts follows: (ieneial Crok with
scouts and Infantry will enter the Sierra
Madre mountains Mid endeavor to capture
or kill Ceroulmo and Ida followeis. Should
they escape him and attempt to return te
the"re$enatiuu i Arirona or New Mexico
they will lw lufeicepled by cavalry, which
will be stationed alone the line. The
troops will camp at dilfereiit water holes
along the line between Foil Huai-hara and
Silver Creek, so the entire line will be
Tiir. fti:s.
Dr.xvr.n, Cot-, June gs. -The AVtrn Du
rango MKt'lnl tay it Is curiently reported
that the citizens f IbN county will dem d
ihe delivery to the law of th- Indians con
cerns! iu the minder of ,etilher, when
trouhlu Is almost sure to follow. Nothing
is heatd here as yet of Agent Stollstiun-iV
Investigation. I'licoiith in d tejsirts are n!hii
that other Imbans have In-rn killed. The
excitement Is. subsiding bctc. .Mr. Ccnlhci's
condition Is legardcd as hnjstlrss.
Crop lla.l in FrKiikl.n CN'tinty 1'onf u4
fihrMnKrn llraila.
Sr. Lot'is, .lime gi. John Wahl A Co.
yestenlay receives! the following letbrt
from Henry C. Thtas, of Washington,
Franklin County, one of the largest grain
.shippers In tho State: "All jartles arc
holding off. The majority of the milters
and speculators are expecting liberal re
ceipts of new wheat in a short time; er
Imps they are right, but around here, so fir
as I can Irani, the farmeis will all stack
their wheat. 1 have not heard of any
v. ho will thresh out of the shock.
I have noticed that tlie rej-ott of
the growing crops arc better, and that in
.some localities they have commenced rnt
ting. As far as the latter Is concerned. 1
can say the auie from fcrr. but the 1m
provenietit In the crow inc wheat I cti not
Nt Admitting that moti? wheat heads
are V be seen than time apt, what
will tlKrs- wheat he-ids bring? Nothing
but )or and shrunken berries, ni account
of not rleninjr at U same time as the
earlier heads." lU-oiVi were alv received
from Gasconade County, a-ljo.nlng Frank
lin, that a careful insjiection shows tlat
that county wilt have twoth,rdt of aa
average crop.
m m
A Xewraaka Haj fwuna Haaftaa; t aTre
Mar 'e-law
Una ha. Iieh June 27. Yessn!aj
morning William Hayes lxten-yer-fU
snp of a widow living tjear Neola. left hk
home ridiag httbacU to attend the cam
firwatlos exercises of tlw? Catholic Chsrch
snd was gon stuch beyead Uh
time. finally hit houat ,e
turned hease ridr!e aad with the
bridle badly broken. Neighbor started
oat to bant the lad snd earchrd till Umg
afier dark without fiwdiftg bim. To-aay
the acareh was reaewrit by large parties of
men. T&e body ot tlie mlslt bey u
found sboat nuoa by hU UotLer,aari le
theliaihofa trrr, miae wiles ttert of Ne
ola, aud a taag dUtanr from his hew a. It
wug tesi er twefve feet ahwre growad.
Hi ha&ds were tied Uhiad hi sack
and bis leg JW U-tether, ituwimf thai he
had been baage4 by Sottedy. it to mi
posesl U-iat a one of prwowtr mhm racaawti
from Jail a: Neoia the alaht aefeee rneataii
tesi the cxia. ss yoaag Hayes reaeaaofr-H a
soa of the 5nnC at NeeU. The
atktoscr hate ail beva raraatatea,
Ottawa. CaS- Jaaa 27. la the
cf Coats rvera! sat as ears fmk la f
gard la the fcsherisw arrmt takrsd tecs
between the UHed Stairs aad fira
llritala ht watch Ux-y imfc Mm frsawal laat
Use Unl'd StmU had am tke aeat
of H bueaaae hU la tkmf -mm
free, Catudisa tsfeeraaea wasaU
he flfeSfea! ie pay a daty oa iaa astd ia
United &U3es wris ChefcsVy jraetlcaMs; a
rivdlsig tXvem alt fcr Jaia rsk nbaj tarsa.
Sir Joha MacDaa!d i4 he hrtieved th
freacai Caked Starrs Gwmrxeat w faar
side to coenrtstf trade rataUuiMi wkh Csaa
aa, hat the lU-pfeka party wrrs still La
Umt aujsxhy la tae Sraas.
m a m
U3COCJT, ABat, J Saw J. Xaw) ieiff'
feaCiecaHlaaaaaaa a paad sfareet taaa
trainee yesaerdey. The fismme was
asaaW aw aat as ai e r '
wawaaSwaaB--" eaWawaa iwraasaar V aTP Sana Saaaa e awaMK-ap anas-a
aersas I a . tr , j .- -... .
The Irk leafaHai Jeaaed hanKrial
I Falrieir Caw, mi t --- f.. angiaaii't a tae aas
SaSlllili ll till ill ill Tli trteU aaJI u- H
laaiia siniasr j ifca fft nf is a -- m aaaaa4tetv
u . , .. .. t-. - .TT - aaaaSMS (awwwae aaatitu-MUbl
-- - Baaanv mnaHiw aa .nnai jaaum ar .. . " . -- - v
van rim via - j z r- - mw im - - - 1. i
WW IJUiM TLa huaub amm mm m m : " e mmr mmmtmi
i- ,i: r ji .j - : ,. -T7- BBM - - -
aaaaJasl aaWt aaVa. - - aWaSaJwawaaaSaeaaaV awawawar aaaaaaaWB BVaaaaaaaaaa
tmmrwml - , .K'9MLaMHHa-
..? -,r,. -r'-w. .i ' atH&aJ-- '
yum t IMnt Ta-tr C"ts-,
PornSK RW Juae 2X All day 5e-C
the a-asareI traaip frt Utrwwtfc ta
atrerU & strains of. martial atlo a post
after po arctest fromdepo !.camphae
marked the iaajKarsUe of th Nineteenth
Annual Natloaal Ktcam potent of th C A.
R. The arrival delegatiw from vs.ri
ut parta of the Vnian Uv formed a
teaoy and alaimt UHlnterruptt! prtrA!on
fttm morning until uJrhU From ooe et4
f CaiirrM tnt the ether Urra h
&em an uabroken Ure ot pedestrian tn aad
from the great eocatapaoL Nrw EnjUa.:
has tamed out nearly Iter fuM mmplemem
ot sos s aid thousand of nnni-ii ri xena
haxa coiue. .Many Wes'ent lirtmeot
which annouactsl to- the Kvemtttve (.okv
adUre that they would bring a certain hsm
r of men have brtwit'nt. Ia me nvn,
ueariy twice as many vr cxpeetM A
treat many f them wlegraphctl Testerdsv
(tr a!dltllal areotamodathms in v.u
Wr for frua too b 500 men. fhe law
aad Older lesgae haT IsMir-t cireUr
itating that ail Ihjnor cOTiinrl it menjbers
f the t.rand Army of the RepaVte :! W
nuptly selicsL A pnpiUoi ile
flie fame cumutre Hiatal! csmsigniaeM U
eii!wrsof thednxml Arm) should tses.!
tad Uken t lce hcAiiuaVr aad
f afler Inspection bv CumHder t
..hlef Kountie they houM b foul to re,
aln an liquor the) would iwOlWrn ward's!
jo the csiiisicnee, ml wiUi Instant !-?
Uou and caused something of a M-e
iplrit to arise. The Ulior prn.s i :ar
Uielr intrntlou to resist any soch srltr.rv
tctitm ahtMitd It lo attempted. Pra.i-'T-t
nb'en of the organuat.Oit deeiar' thai ih y
nt'id U take ami Weep pf.sest,n vf their
Mlioignmentv l-s: uuht the Asla:t-t
Press was (it rev-elpt Of tne fo'kwr. tee
irant, chlch sctms to ave been liupired
jy the circular Issue! by the UMupe.awco
Nkwi-ost. Tv, June rr-Two thooan4
Mmrail'tof the O. A It hre rs-al (In 1
paUshesrejantlna-theai.p Mtnet T ml
iMilice to ere tortbe hxe orupenr of
Hit. people of Portland. V. vail lur tn
Uoo that in tunes fat e e the p. e of
the Nallou. Md twenty jer tis nt JUnio
!she1 our reieet for U aiet e-eder '
mkid unarmed ami on a peact ' m k
lour Jet, ana rrieetrtUl V the pee
niiiii to enter jour city uiMoi?ied tr
pH;lal lnvrtaltttir cimte.
fleparttnenia of Ohio, Teenessee. ierfla.
lllinou. Wcsnafn. Knas. loa, or
alo. Mlnfeota. Orecon !, Wlurl.
Nehraaaa an4 Mictiao.
The peculiar wording (4 the circular
went out by tlie advocate of temraie-e
eema to lave hat! tin eifect of creating no
mall degteeof resentmetrt on th lvait of
-Ultor from other Ute and mam of them
rlaini that to lue such rlrculsr to a 11
of men old In years In eriee ami
liistiiiguUhe! hnors as thai of the ( A IL
1 scarcely lesathaii an lnult. Th grind e
reidioHof the wim maud et-vln-ch let wurs
UiU evening. The weleone fc t'tsinmsndrt
KotinU will be dellvere! by Onetal J. A
Hall, depattiaent commander of Mame,,
foilowfsl by in ad4rrs of witeoiue hv
Governor RotlOfl belntif of the Stale, aud
aslnnlai a.tdrs by M)or Ie rlu? on l
half of the city. Commander kounU wjf
reipond to the ;. A. IL and tbete will be
brief addre . by General lignu. Hie Hon
HanulUai Hamlin, Governor Alger ..d
other disthiKuUhest rlsiurs. General Losat
and a delegation of tho U. A. IL from
Washington at ri veil lst evening.
PartJnaa af Kansas l(aeltea a aba,
inr tt-
l.EAVi'.jtwemru, Kxf., Jnae 3
toniido accompanied by atmt, rain, hau
snd electricity, js-e, over this !alty
Saturday nlcliL Although In Hits tat) ll.e
damage was light. In the ootiiitr
it waa ijtilfn acVcie, The l. k
farm Udonglng Ut Csptala Tough
four tnilHi south was badly wrcqked a
large bant blown to atoms and unit hre
BUrltx! Ill tin debris. Three wete k Test
outright, and all th- others eerei ti
jureit. Tl:c mtoihI story was blown Umi
the home of George UrhuWu but
although tlie family w It th h'Hte no
ono ww itijnied. The reidejee ot Joseph
HucVers, about twelve miles ffptn ther ly
was blown to atoms. T!e family. rmut
lug of U lrwiis were aeatterrd alyt the
yard In all directions by Ue galo, but tone
were killed, although all were injured Urstr
or leas. The Umbers of the house- were
blown more than a mile.
JsTarroHi, KX June S3. A ryrjom
struck Seward Township, twen!y-iri.
miles southwest of thia place. Sunday n-g.t
rutining In a southeastern tjiefipjn o:
mile wide and twelve miles luug, destroy
ing every thing in ib path. Nine
honara were denmilabeil, faUHy In
juring a can nam's) Mwkwcli ai-i
slightly Injuring a number of other fk
A large number of stock ot very des
eriptlon were ktlie!. (,tie spas or hor
wera blown eighty rods burying then half
in tlie ground, killing them inaunfiy. ;
rw was carried WjO rods aad daljei
agalast Uie ground aol lUnUy k, ifl.
Tlie spoke of a wagmt wheel wer? bi wt
oat and the Hre twutel all U piece. lh
clond was funnel shaped anl atrwk tlf
rarth wlUt terribfe force. Tfe multH ot
mi. K. Co!, Uyers i'shren. Hurts, hotAh
Stockwel! and others unknown wet twvt
away la the storm.
TrssMww Cayen.
WaaMt!iJToj, June 33. -Tb War De
partatewt ha receive! rj-ts fr Fot
Kmmo, Indian TerHtry, Janw &. In Uu ef
feet that great escitetneat ;rrvail la t&af
pi see orer the threatened outbreak try Uw
Cheyennea. Tb Indians, known as tkW
&eabern Chejeanes are making jKtr-
tloaw to f o ea tk war ftK. Tnoa &ave
been f ispatched to raell Um 4l.ortMara,
A few day ilnrs? tnp mt to Jet
a hatal dltartaee aoog U ae Indiana j
The War Depejtjsrai tt&rbkk ar$ not 1
foned aa to the cause of Mas threairo:
eaUftjas. New was reoehed at lh Wa
IeprtHeM late? yestrflay tuttua to tn
rffect that taetfiAcsitV wlUi t.s Cle)ntne
inilan wefe awjcwaalng very arrf-'sis.
eral Aagar sa 5frdrJ feir ctnxm
ato or we nzia ravairy to Uwr .. ul iu
attKhstre in m44ittm to ttwr emjf ;-
reesiy tent to lw. Thia mtAkra. tot
ananawle at firm. TTtfee nMitioml tm
aeale are held h rpsilbusi to p at a
arat artier.
WaX to Mu ta Tast.
ItJcrzuAfi. O Jmm 23. On tt-sTd
aaght SasC Wmmm &. a traaip wx
rested at GiearUK sdaeeat u ih city, lei
ltw&ecfnf mmem trnpeeUtfo udU iVt
ewatalauac hWeceMft preaosab. IU
tried sad aratenred to
fee &e wetJt I.. StjT nssht a:
ar mt sinn tmt tlwrfr w utU
Im&up aaere ltoss rs sad kl tr
sacra edad to grttkic hha ea&wK wUo
Xsrahal with a swe ef dkpstie wJ sH
arrttea mw the se-s sj iocs tal
traa. H asyst the ne had a rsr
e a; to hac h4as AaeciwraUiaeH
to eiaiiaea. wHl ae a4e to.aigi
GmmMmMmf Mt C.
CmcAaa, Jae at ft wxt raruored !
-eraay taal tato nmkien had obtsi
I Hayer lUrrW' a!- u twdsd hi
ecder efeals-r aM iraskhilar pU-
a-KMMwrf ec m raansr tepo?l
toaaaleaswH Jmt Wea ttuUiK'L
akht the Mair said that the ;
9ccis tatci
layaraTaT toto aad nrwwiite: ot
Thar asateiary f th p
M9aaMaawrXS aT
tt ta
tataw esaatfarr. aWy fUly
- - "- '? ' -- - -. j ..-.- -- ' - ' r a; : '-ZT -XJLZl .-!.T. Tj:
s e'.' fiVf'3 S3L
w-- i.
- -1 -- i .
i . aflrii'p.4.'T
" ,.?'' ' u r Ik .- i . -