The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 26, 1885, Image 5

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These are Exchanged for Gold
Medals at New Orleans.
western Triumphs Over
i Manfaoturers Its Signifi
cance to tho Trade.
New Orleans. June 4.Svccial
Chicauo Times. Pandemonium rcizus.
and everybody is now anxious to get
away with their goods first. Many will
go away heavy ol heart, light of purse,
and without a medal as a means of
comfort. There has been a sreat strug
gle for the front rank, and the task of
making the awards has been an ardu
ous and trying duty for the jndges. All
could not receive a medal of first-class,
'however mentorions their handiwork
might be; there must be some superior
to others, and the ones who have come
from the strnggle second best must ac
cept the situation with the best grace
possible. Competition was open to the
world, and they who have been pro
claimed as victors are justly entitled to
the honors and benefits to be derived
In looking over the official list of
awards I have noticed that Chicago
merchants and manufacturers have
been very successful. A most notable
instance is that of
manufacturers of boots and shoes.
Those who have visited the expofition
and have carefully examined their re
markable exhibit made, could not but
be deeply impressed with the idea of
the wonderful strides of skill and im
provement made in a few years in this
commodity; and that all this should be
credited to the west and a western
firm seems still more remarkable from
the fact that to the east alone this
country has, for so many years, looked
for every thing in improvement and
excellence of manufacture of boots and
ehoes. Probably in no class Jof exhib
its 'entered in competition has there
been such spirited rivalry as in this
class, or one tnat carried greater im
portance in the result. Thefrepresent
ative interests of America, and of For
eign manufacture were side by side in
the race. Sclz, Schwab & Co., as will
be remembered, placed a most magnif
icent glass case with elaborate frame
'containg tneir make of goods, which,
by the way, were not gotten up merely
for the occasion, "premium" boots and
aboes, etc., but goods taken right from
their stock and cases as sold and ship
ped every day to jobbers and dealers.
This done tne case was left for the in
spection of all. There was no attendant
no need for one. At tne proper umo
expert judges pronounced their v erdict
which is a
for them; a medal of first-class cold
medal for collective display. The
same for best material and make, in
fact "the whole business" it was a com
plete triumph.
I have dwelt at lengh upon this
exfiit and the award, because of the
veilgnificant fact connected there
with, that the west is rapidly superced
ing tho manufacturers of the east
There is no better illustration of this
than wasjillustrated at this world's fair
bv the boot and shoo interest. I can,
however, readily account for it. The
facilities for munufacture are as great
in the west, why not? As a tannery
market Chicago leads the world. The
benefits to be derived from this fad
are great. The country tributary to
Chicago ib enormous in its expanse,
and the wants of its people something
beyond calculation. All bouor to
whom honor is due; or, as some of my
political friends have put it "to the
victors belong the spoils." These cele
brated boots and shoes are for sale at
, the square dealing Golden Eagle cloth
ing store, Red Cloud.
From "Wells.
A large number of our citizens were
out to see the trial of the Esterly Bind
er last Saturday. It was the uuani
imoas verdict of all, that for lightness
of draught, ease of management and
perfect work the Esterly was ahead.
To prove that there was no side draft
the driver removed the neck yoke
from the tongue and drove four rounds
in that manner turning at the corners
by means of the stay chain device,
peculiar ttf the Esterly. It teems that
this machine is bound to win from its
own merits. L D Mouser is at proud
as a hen with her first brood, over the
success of his machine.
Notice to Breakers.
I have 200 acres of traootn land
which I will break within the next 30
days. Will let contract to juiy party
or in small lots to several p srtiee. Land
two miles north of town.
- D. M. Plait
XajotswiH please not read the fol
wing article:
tyspedt jrranj
si Xiaef pus senai. ouusutired
-ai'osiv eeoIlA!L WAV
-UK) Xq smvSjwqjo ems eq ut nol jt
puai oi uMop episda ladvd eqi mtrj w
Xiibouio u3nouawuiAa ou soipei
eq? MOU3i as By :u9UiJuaSI ox
A Uataa Sutoy-Kwl Meals.
Of the following shcools: Ash Cfceek,
TVmnr creek. Hummell and Prairie
View, will be held in the grove south
of Bed Cloud, near the bridge, on
Tuesday, the 30th day of June, 1885.
A cordial invitation is extended to all,
By order committee. 46w2
Hoxest goods at henest prices at the
Golden Eagle.
Wool Wanted.
Tim highest market price
Sommse coats at tae
clothing store.
tit will pay yea to price goods at the
GoMes JCagie uoters parcoawng
Atjlaw nais aJ C.
'Basta.- . v ,- -- . m mmm, jm. y t SBBXassBjsmmtmjBBma I'ssaamasjBswmBmEmV' "-"- ihi 'r; ':-. - 'Sv . BmwaBamasssmmmm!aMBmBB
.,-- - taaajssasal tsmaaEi xiussBmamEssamaE mssBjEmaBaEBj. jt - - . -m . . LU & &-S . - -f"mmi wBaaBml
-... " .' " - - "l - - v vJi- 4. tfc $&ttZJFiF&& r -v'.-MJaiBamamammi
Aeothee cold wave this week.
The building boom still continues.
Bejj Cloud is booming with gigantic
Mobs rain, larger crops, and more
of them.
F. . Goble it building a handsome
new barn.
Petbeb of Guide Bock was in town
A P Brown of the Gazette Jovrnal was
in the city Wednesday.
Tflos Brakefield and .'family have
moved into their new house.
J O Ciiamberlik will open his store
at Inavale and close out nil stock.
M. Bienet will soon be out with a
enw buck-boaid for his lately acquired
S. L. Downs has been on the sick
lilt for tome time past, but it rapidly
Basses VasHoek has purchased
lots and will soon commence to build,
we understand.
Capt. Mukskll informs a Chief re
porter that he will give $100 towards
building a bridge.
The average youth of Bed Cloud it
now studiously pushing the piscatorial
art for all that it it worth.
J D Allbaugh sneared a Merino
buck the other day that the fleece
weighed twenty-four pounds.
Last Saturday BedJCloud had a reg
ular boom in trade. The town was
full of people, and business lively.
Uncle Levi Mooee, President of the
Bed Cloud National Bank, has return
ed lrom his trip to the mountains.
The home of Frank Huffer was glad
dened on Monday morning by the ar
rival of a girl. Bufus forgot how much
it weighed.
Ther3 will be preaching in the Bap
tist church at 11 a. m. and": 30 p. m.
Sunday-school 12 M. Temperance
school at 4 o'clock.
Oub friend Downey, of the Guide
Rock cheese factory has our thanks
for some of his elegant new cheese. It
is first-class in every particular.
Mot Samuel Wilson and Miss Ella
Vcrmlyea, of Iowa, were the guests of
our friend, D C Myers and wife last
week. They were enroute for Denver.
Gus Lauterbach informed a Chief
reporter the other day that during ten
days in June he used two tons of flour
in making bread for his bakery. Not
so slow, we should say.
Treasurer Buschow hat arrived
i nome The business of the railway
commission is picking up, and it will
only be a short time until all hands
will be kept busy adjusting claims.
The new brick blocks which are now
under process of construction will
take in the neighborhood of 350,000
brick, which will be furnished by Lud
low k Co, our enterprising brick mak
ers. Wic Fisk has his Hull Creek
cheese factory fully under way and it
now receiving 4000 pounds of milk per
day. Thelactoryis a neat building
and is equipped with first-class ma
Red Cloud will not celebrate in all
probability. Her citizens will hear the
eacle scream at some other points in
the county. Guide Rock, W ells, Blue
Hill, Cowles and Walnut Creek will
all celebrate on the 4th.
A little row in the north end the
other day drew quite an audience. It
was feminine in every particular. We
did not, however, hear who came out
first best, as our reporter bad to leave
before the battle was over.
We noticed in the report of the
Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons
of Nebraska, that the profile of our
fellow townsman J A Tulleys, Past
Grand High Priest occupied one of the
nrst pages wiin a nauasome we use
steel engraving.
Geo. A. Ducxee of Joliet, Illinois, a
nephew of our respected friend, Wm
Ducker, who lately move to our enter
prising and prosperous city, is sojourn
ing in Bed Cloud. He is very favorab
ly impressed with the Gate City of the
Valley, and may locate here in the "u
ture." We hope he will.
Hats off! New horse, brand hew
harness and phsston. Our friend Mor
hart concludes to ride in his own rig
from this on, bat he will speak to com
mon folks just as pleasantly and sell
hardware just as cheap as though he
did not own as fine a looking torn out
as you will see in Bed Cloud.
Orm young friend, Willis Brown, son
of Rev Geo H Brown, speaks very
school house where he is teaching.
Will is making his mark as one of
Webster county5 efficient instructors.
This is his second term in his present
district, and be says "Tsars the dandy
school of Webster'
If a person will take the pains to go
over Webster county, it will be evi
dent to his or her sued that craps are
looking fiac and are iespleadid con
dition. While in the country this
week The Chief noticed that com was
boominr as well as au
nrodncts. The iai stars nave
reason to be delighted ever their pros
pects. TALnxodoes mot build a
Lt thm nmatUrn vet down SO
and fix up their little aiffcrsacea, and
cm to mbm understanding in the
matter. Bullyr acgiag doesnothar-
snosue renioaa. tiot mass ciues ww x
vilUMs. Thasssaral
and enterprise whet it taxes to 4a
either, and sd dead ksaade up of
that class of people wae
Bad Oood will haveJOgssawlaj agate
ef 4tf ia less than aas year, withjaa
arsfMc awsnrvEsA ssfta ss 1MB) flsa
Qottdat its ! last
wffl to a efcy f M r
m - - & hunia bib . -r iimtmmLrm m ?. tt. t a. a- wmwMmTmmm ---- - tm - " m m ' r."- tt j. : amm-m ;: -
esae-1 i- i -- i . im inMraaMBmamB msana aawan ism j . . - sb mm. a7. .-- r v.i BBBBBBBmaaamenmBFBBBPTj a- .
m bub Bvaiiaa K m&mm mw ,. d.2- ... m v wirm kh. mm ia bv ik m i --mmsm h h m & m - -- - -. nv f.
Beesiasr-saa m, a wimm "-- - -- ----- nawarssam. smBfswmmBmsjar.asamv z i asswaaapaaaaan, , $i v.,v - - .-i-- .- -& ?y.
iaa emtstnrisaag spirit sswaatw mat .'.' " " " T J" 9mmmmwe' - assaJalal f3aml mVlw Iaa;-FajBn sam sJsaam ammmmi r Wat assBmajamam aamt "EaaEam mf y yvJg ? -' 3i m
Wiaaacs vosaasi I tsrth wan asaka. am? .BnamaBmsm assjsm !-. - ?j!j. -tmrmmm'Mmm'mm EBBaVBrEaamassBSaaj a4 4ms sjsaaa ammllwasBlsBmBBaEE;aWBW.BmajB ZBwaaamrmtasmmmmmmsr f -M& m
Fetes Cqoyss'i
Boet Hicks has oar thssVs far soaae
fine Chicago saarket potatoes.
LDMeosxaaad brother, of Wells,
paid a business visit to Bad Cloud on
C H. Teachwosth, of Guide Bock,
pulled our senctam latch string oa
Me. Will Ovebxax, brother of Mrs.
DrDamerell, was viaitiag in the city
this week.
Miss Aaoie iticKEBsov has oar
thanks for a beautiful bouquet, of
choice flowers.
These is eull room we should judge
for hundreds ot settlers yet in our
prosperous country.
Wide cracks in a sidewalk may be a
good thing for slush and ice, but this is
not a slushy country.
Faemxes will find it greatly to their
profit baying theDearing twine binder
front opaaogle & Son.
Jobs Tomltjieos has one of the finest
two-year old tolts that we have ob
served in Webster county. It is a beau
ty, The foundation walk of Morhart k
Fulton and Misers', block are up and
in a few days brick will begin to fly
D C Mtees, sculptor at Broan's
marble works, has moved into the
house formerly occupied by Thomas
I B Hampxob, one of our county
commissioners is about building him
a new residence. Mr H has one of the
finest farms in Webster county.
CoMTEACTOBg Crawford k Palmer
bare just finished the building of anew
barn 22 by 36 for Dr G X McKeeby,
at bis residence in the west end.
The stock holders of the Bed Cloud
Homestead, Building and Loan, Asso
ciation can get their pass books and
shares at the.secratary's office by
Speabmah, who has been reclining
in the pen for the alleged burning of
Dr Patten's barn in Guide Bock re
cently, was brought here for trial
During the parade of the U S regu
lars through our streets Wedncsdav.
one could see the old soldiers pick up
and imagine that they were going
through the scenes of 61-5.
Miss Gebtie Shekee has returned
from Crete, where she has been attend
ing college. With the ending of the
spring term MissSherer concluded her
collegiate course and graduated with
The following figures of improved
and unimproved lands in Webster
county were taken from the county
Total acres improved.. 99,153
Total acres unimproved 200,896
Total acres taxable 300,029
One day this week The Chief took
a drive out into the Wenke school dis
trict south of Guide Bock. The crops
are very fine in that neighborhood,
farmers are prospering and have an
abundance and plenty to spare. The
Chief feels a great pride in the success
of Webster county farmers.
At the school meeting held in the
school house on June 19, a committee
consisting of A J Kenney, B B Sherer,
W B Boby, were appointed to select a
site for a new school house and report
at an adjourned meeting to be held
June 30 at 3 p. m, when the school
house project will again be discussed.
Esquire John Polkicet one of
Webster county's prosperous farmers,
and one of the early settlers made The
Chief a pleasant call Wednesday and
subscribed his name to our roster. Re
cently Mr Polnicky was so unfortu
nate as to have a $300 team stolen.
which he has never recovered nor ever
heard from. It was a severe loss to
Hon C W Kaley received this week
from B B Kennedy, fish commis
sioner for Nebraska, 100,000 wall-eyed
pike for distribution in the various
streams in Webster county. Mr Kaley
will see that the fish are judiciously
distriooted. and in a few years the pee-
Ele of the county, if all1 goes well, will
ave plenty of nsh ef their own with
out importing.
Do mot forget that Belva Lockwood,
the famous Washington female lawyer
and the hue suffrage candidate for
president of these great United States,
will positively be here on July 1. 1885,
at the rink. Belva Lockwood has a
national reputation, and it will be
worth twice the admission money to
hear this famous woman. Secure your
tickets early and prepare to see the
largest crowd eud the best speaker that
has ever been fat Bed Cloud. The press
speaK vesy mguiy or her lectures.
Make it a point to come.
O last Saturday the members of the
Webster county agricultural society
met at Sheriff Warren's office. The
meeting was called to order by Presi
dent Warner, and John Kellogg acted
scribe. The committee on laying out
grounds were given a longer time to
report. The committee on making a
race course ware ordered to proceed
fcad cossaleu the track. J L Miller
was appointed as comsaittee of one to
take sealed bids for fencing the fair
grounds, fence to be seven feet high.
100 life membership tickets were then
presented to tne committee previously
appointed to sell them. The society
wen aajourneu to meet July 11.
The entertainment at the Baptist
church on Thursday evening, June 18,
was both pleasing and instructive. The
staia features of the evening were the
recitations of Mrs Nellie Hftaard, ren
dered ia s facinaUng manner, aad
eliciting frequent and enthusiastic ap
plause. The ohotr sang some toaati
tal salactMMM frost the Oratorio of Cre
dere Becker and Grace
sonsanr Mt antitWI -irk
Me No Gaud v Chanlet" rarv nuwlv.
ThepalosarMts JJodd. Miss Brake
field and George MPlussbwere ex
cellent aji well received. Mis Wood
Etesiaedatthesiano. The
ment was repeated en Friday evening
ay request of the aadience.
Te dwelling of OHMaryatt had a
l dsefc
asrr? in the seoram m
sickness, shortly after to left the
names were discovered
tee amine roes
Biased as a
inofttoBnkaaknown, MrsMarv-
to asoaee shroaam the
U- a
ay any ether war. The total loss wul
other una I Ferruaon aanr a dnet nHtlH -Wmkl mi"m''mmr-f .. -i.- .' J' wT? . . " wr:wm m" anwwu ,..-., -
m mm m - . a w r r w - - - m mmm- wz. r b mm ' mm. WMm.r 1 JMr .--m
, p--wmamku piano. t satartnm i i -, t m -! tn mm-mt tmn Eun. ZZZxZZZJ : - T-T r - m i- r xJU? a. ZTZ "I
narrow mnees from destracsion on Eiaaissf maaaa aar Bassisg inn grnwin waaaaiaiiiaB rase. - 4- t fsansaaaaw 4
western nines: I Asmrsoay morninr. MrMmMMk of Ban Woe tnat ass yet aaaa pre- naeKrsee. ., . . . -, -
est BBanagsd to eaoape lh.nsm the smas. OaM am s saefaaary tar amy - a - sisYi aTT smd wfaa wnaBBwy. 'Jsav maai jgrnm
-- " ansBBtaaHai eW - m. aj w -a -m es X1LM aammn aammEmBSBmaBsamam amm asrwmBsrBT smssaml. mat n . M . - -m - --. - bbsesbw WamBBBBEammra f&. w -- - .- -- "" -t , , -. -
m. iib i mmMmmm mmm , , m m - - - ' bih ibb al h m. . -w - . .. - ABb j- -. t ,t f
L H Wallace is in Chicago.
The days are getting shorter,
Mas A FaosEovac
is visiting il LUr
MW IhcxEBsos was in Biverton
this week.
Cocet set yesterday, Judge Gashh
Miss Maittx FEisanc has returned
from York.
Gcs. Lacteebech now owns the
pott office block
Ckaelet MAettb moved his family
to Oxford this week.
d Smith has one of the finest fields
of corn in Webster county.
The town of Inavale numbers
souls according to the census.
These will be a special meeting
Faith Rebecca Lodge to-night.
De Olives will hold services
Grace Church on next Sunday.
The bridge north of Bed Uoud is to
be rebuilt soon by the cosamissianers.
C B HosroBD carries bis big toe in
a sling. Cause Too maeh heavy
Mas M. Bienet and Mrs 8 Perkins
have gone east on a visit for a lew
Herman Sfbusq, of Iowa, a friend
oS W Seeley, is in Bed Cloud, look
ing for land.
J A Bowles, wife and babies, of Be-
Eublican city, were guests of O H
taryatt this week.
JimmieKidd has cooie out in a
brand new regulation Western Union
messenger boy's suit.
A W Spehceb, of Smith county, was
in Bed Cloud this week. He reports
crops fine in Kansas.
I Thb cooking club meets at Mrs A L
Funk's on next Tuesday. All members
are requested to be present.
J A Tollevs was in Omaha this week
attending the grana lodge of Ancient
Free and Accepted Masons.
J. B. Wilcox. Master, of Charitv
Lodge, AFiAM was in Omaha this
week, attending the grand lodge.
Akdt Bebo and family have moved
from Guide Bock to Bed Cloud. The
Chief welcomes them back again.
The inhabitants of Inavale precinct
will be happy to learn that the brigde
at that place is to be repaired soon
A good Singer sawing machine for
sale. Inquire at The Chief office.
Will be sold cheap. Almost as good as
new. tf
Hok. James 8 Gilham makes the
Fourth of July celebration oration at
Cowles, and Rev Geo- O. Yeiser makes
the opening prayer.
As wstgo to press the barber shop of
Gilbert k Davis is on wheels. Mr Mc
Farland will erect a store house on the
lot made vacant by the same.
As booh as Miser's old store building
is taken off of the street the council
propose to have the street graded up
and proper water courses made to
drain Webster street. This is a needed
improvement and a good one.
C L Cottinq, the druggist " absent
this week, on a business trip to Ell
wood, Gosper county, Neb., where he
is opening a first-class drug store. Mr
Chas Brown, of Streator, 111., will take
charge of the business at 11 wood as
Mr Cotting's agent
The bridge over Elm Creek has!
been temporarily repaired. It should
be rebuilt, and the commissioners
ought to appropriate the money there
for. The bridge is in great demand,
and especially by people who come to
Red Cloud to trade.
Conoveb's dray team took it into
their heads on Monday to have a little
fun with the boys, and consequently
ran away, taking with them Bro Scott's
barb wire fence, which he had erected
to keep the boys out of his next sum
mer's watermelon patch.
A J Keskey has purchased the
Baum building and lot occupied by C.
L. Cotting, consideration $2,500. Two
years ago the same property could
have been bought for $1500. Thus it
will be seen that Bed Cloud is not ret
rograding to any appreciable extent.
It seems as if Bed Cloud could er
ought to sport water works. We be
lieve that water could be forced from
the river or Crooked Creek by a pow
erful hydraulic ram for a comperative
lv small expense, which would be an
invaluable means to work with in case
of fire.
Bed Cloud has put on a military
air during this week, there having been
parts of two regimeals of the U 8 reg
ulars in this vicinity or the march for
different quarters. The sight of sol
diers alwavs creates a patriotic feeling.
During their stay here hundred of our
citizens visited their camp aad took in
the sights of a soldier's life.
Hehet Maueee, one of the etnrdy
pioneers of this county, who has fully
"grown np with the constry" ia every
sense that words iatnry,- w about to
make an artificial lake of aboat one
acre and slock it with wall-eyed pike
which he received from C W. Kaley a
few days ago. Hank will bare a nice
little lake and plenty of fish in a short
. What is the reason that the old
soldiers of Bed Cloud and Webster
county, joined by those of Smith and
Jewell counties, Kansas, coald sot gat
up a grand reunion of soldiers aad
sailors at Bed Claud this fait. It coald
be easily done and would to a grand
thing for the brave boys. Let the soys
consider tae matter. Don't say aa. for
tt can be gotten ap easily.
TwElaevak cheese factory
ronaing aaser the
of the
patrons. The feaewlsg are
Humpiirev Smith.
Treasurer. BB Pitney.
O Jarrfth the Bed Ckmd
stead BaaMiaa: ana
will sell whatssoaey taey
IBaUlflBsBaBBtawU'slI aaswsmaasVSBTAsWsae ? , -- WsaaaWaw bswseTIww swswCksv enasasss WsBaMKaaBasm sTewssWaWBV ssVaff Cttss m9 wF VBaawfr aaEBatsav aWsaam fswslsBWflssVaEaw m
InllaiJI vtaiBMuv tnnv BMvrn sm Imilii mw . , - - - -- - - -1
b ssroanann wa ansmi wm mmmmm-m-M-- w - w mw mmmm swsaa sws s-BasmsLi bbbbbbbbbbi bbbbbbbbbbese- sBBBBBBBaaaaBBBBEi mmBBBBmmmi ssea srmtam ssssEasaEF mssBSBmsr mBBBBBsmmi BBBBrmmsBBL bbbb bbsss ' m
Every kan'masa man aad uitiasn, to to Egg race, Cawka asa faawsatad ta essse an fress hiBsahii assltosfaar smsaaarTfrr 1
- . a mm -a asaaF earas ajmBrmsaasaaami wmw masamspaa asms a sBmaramBesEaaBmr mrasm smBBBf sajsraaaBa anaaBmnaapw w. ... . . -v
nchoraaor.atoaMmkaadtaataca of Herse rasa at three pm. II a m la slsaa sf majaiaa fasti risim Dssbssti sas taasa wa wasw -11
thmiasSatesastatoaaa7tto Faeirace. sanmwessssm naaraaas; ia-..ii lu"JElZjrZmlZmimm til
, immmmwmmmmimmmmKi smammvam asaaa sanasEBBBan ansa smnasv mmmYWrn mm mmwmmm M
- m - iaiBaiaKnnaammsl aaBasa saansn sa. aBssar VbaEtaaLaBa --t--- a "sW BBaTLta 1 v bbsbf - mm -- . -aaw . . . j
immt of nosea or oraaaaaas. Anara are a nv xiaBssant af taw aay. n. SMMaanaa. - . mmmmmi&mm- aansaa ?!
hoaan aharas iattoirat sariesiaat saw not Msrsbsl ef the amy, J D imssik tmmmm9mmm " ll " -r -- , , .i,- , ,f j-
m z. smasrEBsaaasBAB: sbsb emjamm smVaasami ssaBVBrnsBBBBal bsbTUbw sIbbEssbsI aaaBEam bbbbbSBsk em. aaBmaBmss Vaaamw aWamwEgrw SaafBssBBWJmvaa aBjsran BmBBmBBBEaBmsaa aBsaBaama T Tn . m A ffw &
ta sansmes as ,aaa aapsam aancm as sisHsmssy. TrZ27wSiZZ ZT. aBaanBhaBBasaato am saw jaBawea.
. .' . alulirliiiiim ?Z?PmmwTmwm mm-m Imy"''r-TTsaaav - v h
Lmat-mr --w-M - - - - -W m mmm -- assastaa saaaBBaBBammmf1 aBTVammw mm- esW. &jr X T,
A rrrjrB8B CsuaoE. A TStiDahss
sold his lambar yard to Bead k Haw
ley, of this city, wto have saterid aa
poa aad taken possession of the same,
aad are ready for baaiaesa. Bcv.GW
Hswlev.the junior memtor of the
first is well known to the older ali
ens ofttocoaatyeseaeof ttofona
ar preachers of the Methodist chares
in this city, and having a knowl
edge of the; immeaee resomrees
of Bed Cloud aad its future to
formed a co-partaersnip wita our
friend B.T. Bead, one of the. stanch
btiness men of Bad CToea. and
Webster caunty and together they have
embarked in the1' lumber basis set as
above stated, and henceforth Use yard
will be known as the "Feraeen' Lum
ber Yard." They have come to stay
and propose to sell lumber at all hax
sarda, war or no war. Call and see
them before you buy. Bead their new
advertisement in to-day's paper.
Milxtaet Opeeatiojis. Nebraska of
late seems to be ths field of military
operatkns, although everythnig is qui
et on the Bepubtican. For several
dafspast troops have been passing
and repaviag through our city. The
tth cavalry going northward aad ftth
southward. Yesterday orders were re
ceived for four companies of the 5th to
take transpprUtioo via the railroad at
Red Cloud instead of continuing the
march overland. Six coaches and
twenty four freight caff were loaded
and forwarded from Mils point on
account of the probable Cheyenne out
break in Indian Territory. The ba
lance of the fifth consisting of five
companies of cavalry are encamped
just north of town and are expecting
to go southward today. Tortious of tin
9th regiment (colored) are continual!
Earning northward there destination
eing Ft McKinny.
Ella Juke Meade, the popular end
versatile elocutionist of Cedar Rap. us.
Ia.. held forth in the Methodist church
last Tuesday evening, before a full
and appreciative house, which she con
stantly kept in an uproarious state of
laughter during the rendition of many
comic and sentimental pieces which
shs personated. "The Herdsman's
Horn Welcoming Day," "The Capture
of Joan of Ars," "The Monnan Wife,"
'Violin sketches," etc.. were rendered
in a delightful manner and with great
credit to herself. During the evening
the choir, composed of our best musi
cal talent, gave some excellent music,
and Mrs Dodd sang -'Kethaleen Ma
vourneen" after her best manner. Both
choir and Mrs. Dodd were loudly ap
plauded. It was certainly a very pleas
ant entertainment and highly appreci
ated bv all present. She will return to
Red Cloud at no late data.
Ox last Friday night our friend G N
McDaniels, one of our village black
smiths, arrived at the ripe old age of
51 years, although yet in the'vicor of
life. To commemorate! the 'event
fittingly his good wife extended an in
vitation to his many friends to meet
with them at that time at their resi
dence in South Red Cloud. At an
early hour a large number of guests
came in and enjoyed the hospitalities
extended. After music and general
rejoicing for several hours a magnifi
cent supper was served and dispatched
with a vigor that plainly marked its
excellence. It was certainly one of the
most pleasant events that our reporter
has had the pleasure of being in at
tendance upon. The good brother
was the reapient of many handsome
presents, the Chief extends its con
gratulations and wishes him many re
turns of the happy occasion.
The Chief has not the time nor dis
position to bandy words with our emi
nent democratic contemporary on the
present status ef the bridge bond ques
tion. That iNSue is one of the by
gones. What The Chief wants is a
bridge or bridges of a substantial na
ture, not only in Red Cloud, but else
where in the county, and the moment
ous question at present i "what is the
best means of procuring them ?" Bab
bling over the "lost cause" docs not
build bridges. It takes good sense,
money and unison of action. Lt our
e. d. c cease giving us the ''Ohio idee"
and present some tangible plan of ac
tion if it has any. The prattle ss to
the non-action of The Chief is evi
dently a md for notoriety oa the
part of the aside, d.c. The people of
this county were thoroughly posted on
the bridge question long before the
only "norgan" in the vally was born.
Arrangements have been completed
for a grand celebration of the glorious
Fourth in Walnut Precinct in the Will
is Fulton grove. It is anticipated that
the celebration will be one of the best
in this section. The grounds selected
are certainly amonr the best aad moat
commodious in southern Nebraska,
affording an abundance of beautiful
shade for people and their teams. The
Walnut creek Aid Society will furnish
meals to those who desire them, acd
will also sell ice cream, lease sads, tea
aad eoflee. Good musical talent, bath
vocal and instrumental, have been
secured for this occaauoa. In the way
ofamnsements will to s bowery dance
base toll playing, races of various
descriptions, ate.
At 10 o'clock bbi the neighboring
Snaday schools will farm ialproeaaiioa
and headed by the osscers of the day
march with music to the groaade
where the extremes will to conducted
ia accordance with the following
Prayer by Bev Mr HammelL
Beadiag of Declaration of
TeeatbyHea J Stoddard.
Toast by Boa. Jean Mifshsll.
the oaa- mrz aspsaaa, mmr. W P Phge. BMStlsadtstaEaastatosaaa. ta saw ta
. amectaneaehasaarftsJaaibyssryaad satla tews af Mayas Cislir, Thar
Vaagha H all wbowj pnrtirisBli. ' ' slaaaiBiimptiiid? P haaaas. sat
Mamc 'i ii i nil i I aa iTTsiM-ff EtesisZAm3r OaaMMWae af
BrsTooad Hcene- M HMmaV9Um tmllm!Mf: g5PI A syod sisal ef aajammasaag laani any -
. , i aasBBBsv wssBn BsaBB sssnBBBs aEsB) sambsmaEssEmEv BEaaEJaESEBE fsmBassaf FsPm bbjbjbbsebbsbs saEEsrMaa; Baaww EaBsESBEf sbt j w 7"
TEAcaosr navrnvTE. atTss-saawY si isu -;xi
ai riMi - - t-mmtt Stems. Jafy - - -- "
naa vaM. mmmr mj, 1 rssawaaaser.
tit Aegeai 14, MBa.
Coawactor, Charles W.tSpriefSr. Ia
atrueten: Prof W Smith. Eteraksro sad
scisnee; Walter BowUmf, asaSbeasat
isa; Prof D B Werlty, manic.
The fbwrtfc. aaaaal iaafitata will
open Monday, July 27, ISM, at S T- m
in the high school room at Bed Caasd,
Instruction will to given by camps
teat instructors ia all branches re
quired for the different grades of certif
icate in the county. Teach ars sboeUd
bring such text books es they have
and paper and coma prdpated te work.
A new feature wiu be introduced
that of vocal music by one ef the best
musicians in the west. He will also
give private lessons in voice culture,
harmony, musical contpositiea and in
strumental music at reasonable rates
Expenses will be for board only, ex
cept those wno are not teaches, who
will be charged oaa dollar to assist ia
defrayiag the assesses of the iastHsjta
Price of board anil depend upon ac
commodations, from 9240 per weak
Lectures will to interspersed by tal
ented speakers at bosas aad from
Finally; everybody is wasted to come
to the institute and make it the best
held. Teachers, yen have paid your
fee, come and get the benefit ot it. If
you expect to keep pace with the suc
cessful ones you will not stay away.
For further particulars address the
county superintendent, Charles W.
to Ouriooe
Auntie. Boston, Mass., Xo f there
are no "Mock Rabbits" in Nebraska
but cottontails and jacks are abundant
However if you are stuck on, "Mock
rabbits" the following reciepe will be
useful to you. Lean beef 1 pound
lean pork 1 1; chop fine together, add
two teaspoonfuls pepper. 1 tablespoon
ful salt. 1 little onion, a few leaves of
parsely finely minced, a little thyme,
one i nutmeg grated, then mix feur
raw eggs, and f pint fine bread crumbs,
mouldiuto a loaf and bake. "Yum 1
Sarah, Antelope Creek Skippery
cheese may go all right in some mar
kets, but it is a trifle loo lively for this
George" Glenwood, la. 5a The
Shamrock, the Blarney Stone, and
Talking Rock ar not synonomoua.
Consult some good geological work.
"Bertha." Ottawa, Ont-The srnsitive
rose is a beautiful plant growing in
abundance on the prairies west of the
Missouri river.
J. P. D.. Wheatland, Neb. Common
salt is said to be an excellent remedy
for the destruction of cabbage worms.
"Rafael," Winchester, V Blue
grass, timothy, and in fact all kinds ot
grass grow luxuriantly in Nebraska.
"A. G. W" Brady's Bend, Ta-Tbere
is no better place anywhere for a can
ning factory than is offered at Bed
B. L. Dawson, of Seneca Falls, N Y.
asks if te soil of Nebraska is adapted
to raising baled hay. Yea, admirably
so. But u always better to pay for the
hay before you raise it.
XoolealaaUcai Council at Oowlesj
Pursuant tD letters missive issued
by Cowles congregatioaal church.
A council assembled in the school
bouse on Monday June 15th for the
purpose of ordaining Bev W D Page to
the work of the gospel ministry as
pastor of the Congregation il church;
1 he churches of the Republican valley
Association were represented by their
pasters and delegates. There were alee
present Revs. J D Stewart of Hastings.
Lewis Gregary of Lincoln, W S Hamp
ton of Franklin Academy, G L Peltoa
of Omaha.
The council was called to order U
3:30 p m and Bev J D Stewart wan
elected moderator, and Bey W S
Hampton scribe. The afternoon ses
sion was occupied in the examination
of the candidate. The council having
declared the examination satisfactory
took a recess till 8 p. m. A large
goagregatioa bad gathered at the ap
pointed time the moderator stated the
resalt of the examination and the or
dination exercises ware carried oat as
E alas BeHaras as ftaysr ay lsv 4
QrStastt i'bi-iui . Ttst "tears r utT
SafcjNCCislatSMfteaBsr ? ft
OrSbwUM rratar sr Bev J D
Elaaiaaa4afrsBasajls HlwOL
ClMrre tal
raevc x
w a
The following is the programme
the celebration at Cowles July 4th.
national salute, 3D gi
At tan o'clock share.
to sissinc Rational Air.
rrayar ay tae mm Geo. O. T
.. m. - . .
Msaic by chair.
t by Cewlea Glee ctsh.
. JS. Gilham of Bad CUad
tar of day.
One hoar for r
Address by Haw W,A
Toast by Cant Jean
tasar. at
j .
Weasa that Grandma tmwm tod
WwffjTs Wf W'av'JffcaW eaWnsa aaj ssmsasBsBBasjE( bbsbb.
atkStiew to k. .
We see that iehsj Mtmltaf Jswal
cainstjr, sf nanasg in am puiseis.
We had tto heaviest rata tae ether
airtoatot we have ImeUa fivajraaia.
Xow coasai to Hslssst;
The youag atfan who ss ttnorftd 1st
have bee stlfering srifh shell fa ia
fantum. hacAUe his girl sroahl net go
to the celebration, and wheae avsraga
weight is. 900 poaads. stiU lfvaa
Wm Brktoa aad Jaaoh Car have
returned from sTswaas. Ttov laak
land aad are wen ateeaad. ,
AXWilsoa has becems aiagaattff
with agsnts, but if yon have a tote ta
trade call oa hise.
McOalhMl'e fa Jfc
airht frees
Friday asrlt
lafw wire
Taos Mather he 9 yasjew js if.
bits, which he will
sEhiak at We eat
oa the 4th.
Lvdia Lackhart.
her many
Our young atbtlete blsahed whea to
failed to get on the gray, aad the M
man rot oa with
Some keep the read,
while others'
will ride into yon
Fine growing weather.
Little cool last Monday morning.
O O Roberta has returned from hi
trip weai and in Kan. We under
stand he has taken land out there and
will in ths future move out.
Mr McLean, of Ohio, is vstting what
L 1 Mouaer.
Go ta L D Mauser's for a eesera
meal. He keeps the boa ton boardiag
C Spooner ia employed in replasiftsf
the butUinst that Were blown duwaeT
the cyclone.
Mr Editor: 1 would ear I am sorry
you did not secure "Ariel who writes
for the Argus, as a correspondent from
thia place for your paper, as he cease
to know everything that traesptnm.
SH WelU, Chas Stoae, and Jokrr
Wat ten went to Bloomingtoa this wteh
We have a horse race at WelU fry
It is a settled fact that there will to a
cel bration at Wheatland on July 4;
and one at Wells also.
Sneak out plainly Ariel that wtfistay
k no w who you are. Kever be weary in?
i -
Plenty of rain.
Ths panrr cellar WirUffrEtnchly:
Albert Wool net shipped the remain's
der of his cattle to Chicago last weak.
B L Foe will start in a few days far'
Denver, for the benefit of bis liealth.
which has beea declining for several
Bert Wells has scceptad s Baltics as
clerk in Ed. Gilford's store
J C Waller has the finest lot of hog
in this precinct. He ariads and cooks
the feed for them.
G W Hager, the blacksmith, is still
crowded with work ia his shop, whiohr
is saving a good deal, for it takes a
good deal to crowd htm.
Fred Beach is raising a large crop of
corn and a magnificent mt
The akating rink has
to double its ioraser siat, aad
open for akating aad dancing
Bev C B Lenfeat made a few pastoral
calls in Cowls oa Tuesday last. He
will preach here oa Snaday, Jans 9
at 2 o'clock p m.
There will be a celebration ef sasr
"Fourth of July" in Cowles as will hst
seen by reference to snath sr cahtsMi
in this week's tone ef The Chiew.
Little Hatcmrv
Aotaatadtothat spirH whieh
VbwbMtV UavV WamSJawsw wWaWafTs amasjHlWl
ofUklac land away from Uaala
ve corressoeMBest ia
saatlsasaa of sasailar sarit, started far
the wild west. At Orleans, ato awgast
city between Bed Qead sad MsCaat
we met sa eta artean aast Rrsaar shs'
sea of Iaavale ia the ftasua at Mr
Henry Havssasa. Henry has a larger
lamtor vard there, as well as twe
branch yards totweaa Benahai
Otorlm. Ha ta assng a laaa
asainam,sadai feat fUJasg am
with gold.
feaaa aftar lea viae Orleans ww
rived at MeCwok. ttoOOasta af
watt. Thistewaietralrel sm
growth. It is the only teem in WeaV
sra Bebraska that ass as ana a ays-
tern ef water works. Mwalaaai
sra Sodom, baring five sslsans
s4entirsi'ottorlMsUdtssBiaf Has
t, mm umjvMM Aedai
anrn. sserv sothbs bsoth
aenaty lri?itds, asaaag wham was Mr
C P Biaker. aar esaetr sarverar. Mr
Biakar ia k the ii
sad is dsaacasdaaamay. ass
This wa taonght preaty good
tod travelad aear aha sw
That is ems, Mr
BsmaBaswBjssV Ww9 Wsww HaWa I
m baton am fetane.
we) ameatan as si
af taw
taM easts to see, ta
Ana fcraters saw aaj sany bsbsbv
Cksmamana ssaVi aVflaasF'sT aaUMaaPBaaWW
ftaato, iafaias. mv m
t a
i r-
'-T :
! l
BBS . 'r 'Jf.f7LAJJ?5?
ffiV 'Y-L & .3: - - V --"-" - -t - - x ' ;. 4 -5.T&rT . -VW A .r- vtit - " v' - W "1 . , . tt- 3 XJi - - --- . --..ftBmsBnmmmmmmmmmt
BSl . g AjTOSg&i
aftAsi jr.
BfajasmTf -SL"
m H ?tMm - -U4 v m$SW'S:- 'Wfafr 'iSammlmmmmmmmmmmmmmBal
BBS-' , w? SSBBSf t. r.
I I III I M I'll 1 I IWiiW. I IW II I Ml ''vrjISki I .. 3t.',rT33.dLiiiSU3VnfvtI..VUUHEaBEBHA1BBlfiaVMBIBBVaBHBVaVHBBHBHVavavavavavavavavavavavavava
hi m i i mi ii i in Mii i m iii i i ii ir Ki Mififfiir - in r .-: sa ssv9ttswmmMiam&mMuwtmmm