The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 26, 1885, Image 2

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The French Government htt de
cided to send a battalion of infantry to
Madagascar to reinforce the troops
ow there.
of tfcs DftOy ir.
The Tagblatt, of Berlin, announces
that Goethe's complete autograph diary
from 1777 to 1832 has been discovered
ong his grandson's papers.
The Treasury Department has de
cided that leakages of spirits through
worm holes or spring staves are not
entitled to the benefits allowed in cases
of casualty.
The Central Pacific is cutting down
operating expenses by consolidating
divisions, reducing clerical force, and
putting in practice rigid economy in
all branches of its service.
In the New Hampshire House re
cently a resolution, which was con
curred in by the Senate, thanking Con
gress for forfeiting the Texas Pacific
Railroad grant was adopted.
rauowAi. akd roctncAC
Qceew Victoria offered Mr. Gladstone
a earldom, which be declined.
Fikld Marshal Baron Voir Mairrcur
VEL, Governor of tbe provinces of Alsace
aad Iorraiae, died quit suddealy oa the
Hekrt W. Blair was elected Senator la
the New Hampshire Assembly oa the 17tb.
Ex-Sevator Jam as ". Xehmtth died at
Deery, Polk County, Ore., on tbe 17tb.
It was believed in Washington that Gen
eral Alfred Pleasantoa would be appointed
Governor of tbe Soldiers' Home at Hamp
ton, Vs., to succeed the present incumbent.
The resignation of John O. TufU, Indian
Agent at Union Agency, in the Indian
Territory, has been accepted.
Tbe health of ex-Senator Koscoe Conk-
ling was reported in a precarious condition.
His physicians have prescribed absolute
rest and a trip to Europe.
The case of Mr. Santon, a natural
ized citizen under arrest in Ecuador,
was considered in a recent Cabinet
Council at Washington. The conclu
sion reached was that Mr. Santon
thould be recognized as an American
citizen, and as such, was entitled to
the full protection of this Government
It was understood that a demand would
be made for bis release.
Iselin, Neesek A Co., brought an
action some time ago to have set aside
the assignment of O. M. Bogart & Co.,
bankers and brokers, of New York,
who failed for nearly two million dol
lars. The plaintiffs claimed that the
assignment was fraudulent and void,
alleging that the members of the firm
drew large sums to pay their individual
debts, regardless of the firm's creditors.
Judge Donahue has decided to set the
assignment aside and directed that a
receiver should be appointed.
Judge Bond, of the United States
Circuit Court at Richmond, Va., has
entered a decree in five suits brought
by taxpayers who have tendered
coupons in payment of State taxes,
perpetually enjoining the Treasurer
from levying upon, selling, or return
ing as delinquent the property of com
plainants, or taking any other steps to
collect taxes. The practical effect is
that the taxpayer has only to tender
tax receivable coupons to a proper of
ficer, and any proceedings thereafter
to collect the tax in money will be per
petually enjoined.
A gentleman recently from Knott
County, Ky., reports that the Hall and
Jones factions were under arms, and
an engagement between them was im
minent at any moment. The Hall
party numbered thirty-one and the
Jones gang eighteen, and all were
armed with Winchester rifles. A few
days ago, on Boever Creek, Terry Sher
wood and Bill Hawk Sizcmore, the
latter one of the most noted and
bloodthirsty desperadoes in the mount
ains, were waylaid, shot and killed by
ambushed enemies. They both be
longed to the Hall faction.
Three hardcharacters who robbed
a store at Black Earth, Wis., a few
sights ago were tracked by armed citi
zens to the railroad cut near Cross
Plains, suddenly pounced upon and or
dered to hold up their hands. The
robbers obeyed promptly, but while
they were being disarmed and relieved
of their booty two of their companions
suddenly appeared on the scene and
ordered up the hands of the captors.
The citizens were forced to comply
nrith the order and after paying tribute
to the extent of whatever valuables and
arms they had about their persons
they were allowed to depart
It is said that there is a United States
flag at the War Department the history
of which the authorities know nothing
except that it was found in the Confed
erate War Department and is marked
with the name of the "Fifty-third Illk
amis Volunteer Infantry." The flag
shows evident signs of hard fighting in
its neighborhood, for it is pierced in
Many places with bullet holes, and
through the tarry field in places in the
ilk stripes are gaping holes where
pieces of shell have torn their way.
There is mo iagstaff attached, and the
folds are deeply stained with broad
tripes of blond, hinting that some gal
lant color sergeant had torn it from the
etaff and folded it away in his oti
breast to save H tram capture and had
poured out hie own life's blood oa She
mag he had sworn to defend.
A kegbo aad his family living oa the
Decatur division of tbe Louisville e
Nashville Railroad recently attempted
one of 'the aaoet eensatienal swindles of
the day. There were steu children ia
the family, and the husband and wife
found it hard work lfeed so many
mouths. At a faau2r -oaancil it was
Anally decided that ne of Une children
should sit dowaou the railroad track
and be run over by a nasseaser train.
The parents would Uvea ue lhc com
fmay for damages, with which lhc rc
jaainiag youngsters .could be fed.
ctothed and educated. One of the bovs
was so snack struck with the prefect
that be volunteered to sacrifice himself
Jar the good of the others. Shortly be
fare the train was due he took: hisseat
aw .the track aud waited. The train
suae, thundering along. The little
darkey held the fort until the engine
got within about ten feet of bins, when
Jat.gave ma unearthly yell, and with a 1
matind into'mMt-air made tracks.
investigated the matter aad
Fraxk BcTTERFiELD was instantly killed
and John Albright was terribly injured
while unloading iron castings at tbe Lake
Shore & Michigan Southern Railway
freight house at Cleveland, O., recently.
The existence of pleuro-pneumonia
among the cattle in Harrison County, Ky.,
has attracted the attention of the State
Board of Health, and orders have been
issued establishing quarantine regulations
and making tbo farm of Frisby & Lake,
near Cynthiana, quarantine grounds.
Letters received in Washington from
Monrovia announced tho election of Hon.
Hilary W. Johnson as President of Liberia,
at the biennial election on the fob of May.
Mr. Johnson is the first native Liberian
elevated to the Presidency of tbe Republic.
It is reproted that 2,281 persons perished
from tbe recent earthquakes in the district
of Jluzufferabad, Cashmere.
All the public gaming houses aad pokwr
rooms in Memphis, Tenn., have been closed
by the city authorities, at the request of
the Grand Jury of the Criminal Court.
The suit of David Sinton, of Cincinnati,
against Carter County, Ky., was decided
by Judge Barr at Louisville, Ky., in favor
of Sinton. The amount involved is about
$(10,000 held ia bonds issued by the county
in building tbe Big Sandy Railroad.
Mahomet, a Chicago policeman, fatally
shot Louis Johnson, a boy of sixteen, the
other morning. The officer thought the
boy acted suspiciously.
John Roach's new dispatch boat, the
"Dolphin," was rejected by tbe examining
officers as not being up totbe contract.
The storm which recently swept through
Plymouth and Cherokee Counties, Iowa,
proved very destructive to life and prop
erty. In Cherokee County sixteen persons
were reported killed and many seriously
injured. Tbe damage in Cherokee amounted
to $20,000; in Woodbury, $100,000; Ply
mouth County, $100,000; Moraca County,
$50,000, and Ida County, $T0,000.
The French steamer "Isere," with the
Bartholdi statue on board, arrived at New
York on the l?tb.
A foolish fellow named "Weaver re
cently shot with a Winchester rifle at a
mark on the door of a powder magazine
near Pueblo, Col. The magazine blew up
and Weaver was instantly killed. His
companion, Charles Nelson, was fatally
California reports a failure in the
wheat crop. The fruit crop generally is in
good condition.
The President has amended rulo nine
teen of the Civil Service Commission to in
clude Deputy Naval Officers and Deputy
Surveyors of Customs in tbe class of offi
cers exempt from examination.
The London rail Mall Gazette states that
tho French Cabinet has decided to replace
M. Patenotre, who negotiated the present
treaty of peace between France and China,
by M. Roustan, the present ambassador at
The New York Central Railroad Direc
tors recently elected Chauncoy M. Depew
President, and Horace G. Hayden Second
Vice President, tho position formerly oc
cupied by Mr. Depew.
It was understood in Washington that
ex-Congressman George H. Jenks, of Penn
sylvania, who was tendered the Assistant
Secretaryship of the Interior Department,
had decided to accept.
The composition of the new British
Cabinet was partially settled on the 17th
as follows: The Marquis of Salisbury,
Prime Minister and Secretary of State for
the Foreign Department; Sir Michael E.
Hicks-Beach, Chancellor of the Exchequer;
Lord Randolph Churchill, Secretary of
State for India; Sir Richard Assheton
Cross, Secretary of State for the Home
Department; Right Hon. Edward Gibson,
Lord Chancellor of Ireland; Right Hon.
William Henry Smith will probably be
Secretary of War; Colonel Frederick
Stanley, Secretary of the Colonies; Vis
count Cranbrook, probably, Lord Lieu
tenant of Ireland; Sir Stafford Nortkcote,
Lord President of the Council.
Reports from the Indian Territory state
that Bill Williamson, Pete Mooa and
George Morgan, members of a gang of
desperadoes and horse and cattle thieves,
were overtaken by a vigilance committee
near Healton and hanged to a tree.
Bex Mace, the well knowa driver af
trotting horses aud brother of the late Daa
Mace, died at Stamford, Conn., recently.
A large party of Mexican journalist
left the City of Mexico on the ISth e a
toar throagh the United States.
Taa steamer Guyaadotte, of the Old
Dosnmioa Steamship Line, which was
lying at her pier in the North River, New
York, was soak the other morning by the
carelessness of two firemen, who palled a
iweive-iaca- ping irom the bottom of the
vie damage amoanted to$40,9tt.
or. L. Frank at Son,
ia rags aad hides, Zanesville, O.,
I was damaged by fire recently. Loss,
$12000; iasurance, $10,000.
Six haadred aad thirty-two new cases
of cholera aad one hundred and fifty-oae
deaths were reported in the cities of Mar
cia, Valencia aad Castellea ie Plora ia on
day recently.
Three of the Spanish commissioners, ap
pointed to investigate the subject, report
that inoculation with cholera virus is
so harmless that they advise it bo per
mitted, on the ground that it will tend to
prevent a panic
It was reported that 140 persons were
killed by the explosion in tbe Pendlebury
colliery near Manchester, Eng., recently.
THE French Chamber of Deputies, by a
vote of 29C to 120, refused to exempt priests
from serving in tbe army reserves.
A serious strike of stonemasons oc
curred in Berlin recently. The efforts of
the strikers to prevent other masons from
working on buildings in process of erection
led to riots and many arrests were made.
The directors of tbe Exeter (N. H.)
Manufacturing Company have decided to
shut down their mills until September.
This action wa ? due to the mills being
overstocked with goods Several hundred
hands were thrown out of employment.
Lieutenant Stevens, of the Ninth
cavalry, has returned to Fort Reno from
Oklahoma after having thorough' scoured
the country. No colonists were found in
that section.
The will of Robert Treat Paine, of Bos
ton, Mass., bequeaths rj.7),0OJ to Harvard
College for the maintenance of a professor
ship of astronomy in the university.
An aeronaut named Patterson fell from
a hot-air balloon which collapsed recently
at Charleston, W. Va. Patterson was
crushed to a shapeless mass. He left a
wife and family.
The wives of thrive navnl officers having
joined their husbands in Japan, the latter
have been detached from duty for violat
ing an order forbidding navnl officers hav
ing their wives with them on foreign sta
tions. The Pope has rebuked Archbishop
Guibert, of Paris, for criticizing one of the
Max J. Weiser, mailing clerk of the
post-office at San Antonio, Tex., has been
arrested charged with purloining regis
tered packages.
The Austrian Government has objected
to Carl Jonas as American Consul at
Prague on account of bis "offensive liber
alism" in Austria in former years.
The formal reception of Bartholdi's
statue took place at New York on tho l'.Uh.
At the City Hall tho guests were given a
banquet and afterwards speeches were
made by Mayor Grace, President Sanger
and Frederick R. Condort.
Business failures for week ended Juno
18 number for tbo United Slates 1!U; for
Canada Hi; a total of 22C agaiust 207 the
week previous.
Nearly tho entire force employed at tho
Para Rubber Shoo Company's works at
South Farmingham, Mass., went out on a
strike tho other morning in support of the
striking bootmakers.
George A. Rogers, convicted nt Balti
more of wife beating, received fifteen
lashes at the hands of Sheriff Airy re
cently. He was the first whito man
whipped in Maryland for that offense.
The broken roof stone of the Washing
ton monument was placed in position with
out difficulty.
James P. Austin, an insurance agent of
Boston, Mass., lias failed for &r,000. His
assets aggregate $S,0(W.
Turkish troops have captured eighty
Bulgarian brigands, including the leader,
a former Russian major, and several Rus
sians. Fifteen were killed.
Fire at Portland, Me., destroyed the
building owned by S. M. Layman and
damaged tbe two udjoiniug buildings.
Loss, $T0,000; insurance, .2.,000.
Perry and William Miller, father and
son, were hanged in the jail inciosuro at
t .
Caor reports frosa points ia Jfortaeart
Nebraska showed that a to th Oh
there had beta ne raia; the fields, except
ing low bottoase, had dried off, and the
Cnaers were ia the eorafields from day
light to dark. The cora was considerably
ia the weeds but was rapidly bctagcU-an.
On rwry low bottom the corn is hopelessly
drowned out, but this low bottom consti
tutes bat a small per cent, of the total
acreage. The corn crop may be rated as
a little above tbe average ia condition and
an average as to stand.
A blind tramp named Winters was
struck and killed by a locomotive oa the
Missouri Pacific, near Weeping Water, re
cently. The inau was being led by a boy
acrosa a high trestling. when he was
thrown to the bottom of the ravine sixty
feet below.
A special election will be held in Olar
County on the 80th to decide whether or
not the teopie wish to repeal the herd law
pusod at the lart session of the Legisla
ture. Durinv a late heavy storm at Celia
lightning struck the house of H. JutL-on.
doing no injury to any of tho family with
the exception of the five-year-old daugh
ter, who was made deaf by tho shock.
Lightning struck the city hall iu St.
Helena the other ni;ht, demolishing the
chimney and ripping off considerable sid
ing. Niobrara has a band called tho Dudes,
who gave their first freeojwn airentrtuin-
meni a lew niguis ago, anil are now ecu- !
tioned by tho authorities not to let it oc
cur again. '
Fred Reeves, sixteen years oM, at
tempted to jump from a gravel train at
T tk fttaMt ctty r Bytaey
With Detail af til Arreat m tfca Xic
err mt'c. A. Prvlteeatsu Lol-Tte
EvMeae Hie GU la Hie Trmak.
Sax Francisco, Cal., Jaae 15. The
f rst full report ot the voyage sad arrest
of T. C D'Ausier, alias Walter U. Lea
box Mix well, the murderer o! C Arthar
Preller, at St. Louis, was broajht by the J
StcamsalB Citv of Svdnrr. which arrived f
j v '- - - -
from the Australian colonies early yes
terday morning. Maxwell sailed In tbe
City of Svdoej for New Zealand, and was
arrested on board of her before she ar
rived at Auckland. The officers of the
ship give tbe following account of Max
well's conduct while on board aad of bis
sudden arrest at the end of the vorase:
Among the steerage passenger on tae
City of Sjdney, when she left the San
Francisco dock on the 12th of April for
la the steerace. however, he
ed to weekly vtetta his Una, alwayt
la the areata of eflccrs at taa ahla of
other passeajcers, so that It was hatswt
ble for hi ai to ressora evidence at hie
thc tromrwr
Qatea a
ItaftaM; I !
LcMamk, Iowa Jvav T, A mKle
crime wltboat excltlac saaplcioa. As the frem the atrtlviac dkMriet emm in It br-
lai-IAf tmll rm 7al.i1la na klk ' . ...... ...
officers Tracy aad Badger will arrive at
Aucklaad, takes fire days to reach Sydney
remslas at Sjdney foartcea days, aad it
agaia eoa.ame Ire dsvs oa the
trip from Sjdaey to Aacklaad, this civee
the defectives tweatj-foar days la whkA
to j:et extradition paper approved
by the local courts. The coadact
of Jnnticc Smith In oTerrulInt the ob
jection of MatwclPs counsel sNows
that he will not allow the tads of
juUce to be defeated by any lcsal tec
aicahty, and It ma be counted as mots j
ally certain jhat the murderer will be .
brought back oa the Zclandl. which Is
due In thU city about September lt.
The New ZeaUni lltmltl .UJ. editori
ally, on the day after the arrest of .
Maxwell: uThe murder at St. Louis,
Australia, was a mau sllshtly.bullt, with Mo., for which Waiter II. Inuox Max
fair hair, closelr cut. aud a ll"ht mm- i wel, r Theodore Cecil DUusicr. was
tacbe aud imperial. He was apparently
lflflc mall steamer ZeUadla. oa which J fo,,,, tUm the ten hkh t
Burnett the other day, slipped and was run to the ocean, the stcera passenger who
over by seven cars, being literally cut to
Crkiohton is passing around the hat for
funds to build a$l(VXX) grist mill.
Thk assessed vuluution of North Platte is
Tiik Blair end of the railroad bridge is
assessed at $100,000.
Burglars, recently raided H. J.
Streight's store at North Bend aud car
ried away $1,000 worth of goods.
C. T. Hokanson and Andrew Sevauson,
living about three miles above Oakland,
were drowned in the Logan River reoeutly.
Tho former was a wealthy farmer fifty
seven years of age.
At Hartington eight buildings were de
stroyed by a late storm. George Hoff
niau'a new store buildiug, tbe finest in the
place, was badly wrecked. Tho largest
livery stable in the town was blown down
and the horses buried in the wreck. The
people saved themselves by fleeing to the
cellars. Paragon mills and the resident
adjoining, two and one-half miles from
Hartington, lost their roofs and were oth
erwise badly damaged. It was supposed
the crops wero seriously damaged, as hail
fell iu great cmantities for three-quarters
of an hour.
In noticing Nebraska's exhibit at the
World's Fair, the New Orleans Tinie-
Democrat recently said
about thlrty-tlve years old. Amid the
bustle and confusion of getting under
way he attracted a good deal of atten
tion. 3MXWKI l's Nr.itvot ..:..
As the fhlp steamed through the chan
nel he n.iccd nervously up and doa
thc forward deck, stopping
then at the tail to glance at tho
lng city. He appeared excited till the
pilot put off in his boat and the lat
link with America was broken. In his
anxious pacing to and fro, he constant
ly rolled and smoked cigarette.. When
the ship had cleared the heads ou cither
side of the Golden Gate and set face
arrcted on board the mall steamer
t ity of Sydney, seemi to be 'fie bee
hau ca.v:' ol the fulled State liovern
mctit, a. 1,500 were paid for cable
grams In comictlon with hl apprehen
sion D'Augler, an thc accu-c-t terms
hlniftdf, U atd to have bcu educited la
Kcut, and claims to le a Brevet Lieuten
ant Colonel lu tbe French army, and to
HOW and j .rr(..i on l,,n! Sth. sml it U lntiUr
r.lT.lrc1" coincidence that on the followln: day
he commenced to keep a d.vy. th-j
first entry of which ditcd St- I.oul,
Mo., showing his subsequent movements.'
had already excited comment went below.
j He had hhipped under the name of T. C.
J 1)' Augier, and It w:ih poon stated that
he was a Colonel In the French army, lu
the hteerase with him were a half dozen
youtm Englishmen, who soon struck up
a spcakiug acquaintance with their fellow-passenger,
who struggled with the
Ktigllf.Ii language in an awkward French
fashion. Before nightfall he wa seated
with three others at a table playing whist,
rolling cigarettes, drinking stout and
talking broken English.
He hid behind the French disguise per
fectly. He at no time forgot his mask,
and met no one who was willing to carry
on a conversation in French, lie main
tained his disguise among his com
panions, and excited their admiration by
bis quickness to resent a "glsh" at an In
different piny of a card or a reflection
upou his knowledge of the game. The
gossip of the ship soon said that tho
French Colonel repelled the slightest In
sinuations against him with genuine mili
tary spirit. Before reaching Honolulu
the singular passenger had overcome all
outward signs of anxiety, and joined
lightly in all the sports of the ship. He
maintained his early acquired reputation
for eccentricity by appearing oue morii-
' lng in a full suit of knickerbockers with
I a cartridge belt about his waist and a
revolver in his hand, which he began to
Flymoath a4 Cherekea Coaati . t-tc-Mtoa
with great af Ufa Ti? Vi!l
aw far as known, are; Mrs.' Wll'.um C-
aa4 chtK Nlek MeWi: W. Oarfehwr Sit
teea are rspertsd kU!i In CHrrofce
Caeaty. 1a fatally lajnrmt ar Um
!, Haia, NWrk Geafc-nt, Mr, iM Mr. l:
4dph Lane. Mr. !!,. Mr. .Mrk.
Mary Mack. Un UrX AtUar
GrehWer. Thw eriaiwy wmjrJ r ;
Joim Swalsw ! Crsawr ,MKs D Myea.
Joha GoJclielW, hU wif aodtworlilMr-n;
Jot a Beanfair aad Mrs, M; Forir The
fttrram hay risew rpjr tv; phyxj.
cfa rfar nM vWt thlr pt!ant. Ttvrr
a til )nfeatly be Jr drih and m;tirV
reported a tha eW k-, Tlw
mntft reab- S!ct Oity at 14 IV l
MmssI 10:43 aad at! stt th r'.v mirv
ulr. It we not aciwkl by rain and
hU antll l'. t x nt.. whm it rmM. A
other UhuaH fnm the nvtxh -! wrf,ii
0T lrMars mom tfcsUuftste thu
the first. ltirx aa hour nd a it.
This eame frtn SlHrm l'V.-u
fr ..! a YitnKton, U Jum-tvou Stn;
In ChrKee lVunty4 where the ;arr-t
ataount of dazMiVit w rftiv Tb
(iuralin of tho Monti t !.! r
w nu hour ami a hlf. Th ilamnj uv
tierokr ill ameuiit toPM,ti ; ti t
bury, sioo.oivi. Iltiuuuth utit. $lxcti;
.Mrsaa Count). $iQ,0x, aad. ld cuaty.
attempt ! .rrif. UnKortitlly of
rala?tlt i th Vrli trt.
WAittmoy. Jtme IS. T3i STetary
of tha Treasury h wntwn to th sncrl
apprirn at New York. lUton. I'hiU'lrl
phU aud Battiinnre Inttruetlnc thru with
lw or vnrin- uutfuratltr of ADuralM-
aid: "Nebraska, now I ..., Mm.,.;, ,', ,...,, .?.. ...
that her grand work is .lone at the Expo- hs'box. U wa; observed by one on' the
siuon, is preparing anotiier exhibit, in 6,,jp tllut lt was 8i,,j.uar for a Colonel in
which every "southern State should feel nn j the French army to be traveling iu thc
interest. Governor Furnas Is making nn I steerage, and that it was still more
cxtensivo collection of Southern products, I ulngular that a man so young should have
to bo shown at tho State Fair of Nebraska ! reached so high a rank in an army where
promotions are slow, but not a suspicion
crossed any mind on chipboard that T.
! C. D'Augier, the French Colonel In the
Genera! (rant In ll AllMn!rk Mo
Manila tliw .loiirnry ltmarkl'lr Well. I
and la Oulrtly lut)lrl t M.rut Ct-
e." . j
SkitAToHA. N. Y.. June 17. , the 1
train started for Mount MacGregor Gcu- t menti and cIaitkstUn of tmpoitrt mer
eral Graut waved hh haudkcrchicf from J ehandie, t lequlre apprairtT-u daily fur
the car. On the trip up he aat In a cane- ' waid to them aamplm of all tUl s:ul
other foi of which uwpjm can be
taken. aid whicti lav not been rv
lnel aud fMwrri by U.rm. blt.iIt
fn tle HI f July, earh with UNrf at
tached shnwiKa the pl nf minuf.vturc
and of rt.Um. Uta tame if tlm uua
farturer. If OiJiair, tha li I ;.. tb ln
jorter, th TfcnJ. te and aumkr of In
voice, tha Invoice value, Ue 9iilerel rnht
the nhed vUm, dlrmniu rhwrr.
group at thc mountain llstcuetl auxloiily , rlaMlncation, wldtit of pU l r4W of
fnr the vhlirl( if thr- It-tin Thi, ivim. dutv. With tieh tHUrr tttirt.i
.V. .-. -- .w ... --. ....... .... ... f rf. -- -
seated arm-chair and devoted his time
principally to viewing thc beautiful
scenery slong tbe route. At Moust Mac
Gregor everybody wa on the alert when
lt was learned that a menage had been
received that General Graut has jutt Inlt
Saratoga and was on the way up the
mountain. Tha nn)sblcgtoiiche-.had been
glveu to the "Grant Cottage," and the
come sound was oon heard, and at 1!.SU
p. m. the train pulled up at the ruttc
station, and lu a few raoincuts the entire
party alighted.
A cot has been provided with mtt-
trcsse and pillows on which to carry the
in September. This is one of tho larges
expositions iu the Northwest, and thc pro
ducts of cotton, cane, rice, etc., will Ikj ol
great interest to thousands of Northern
people. Nebraska goes to-day to her 'Old
Mammy,' Louisiana, and says: 'I am just
eighteen years old, and somo call me
4 "young nnd sassy,' " but before I go bock
to my glorious prairie home I want a 'set
ting out.' I may better my condition, for
my visit in the Sunny South has warmed
my heart."
Tiik Stato papers almost unanimously
commend the Omaha stock ynrds and
slaughter houses. Tho importance to the
oUht rnt. nt- v
deeatc! acfnl In reUlKM thi tihec
i nm a ftuineirm tiMtiwr ml mn l
cellected. It Is mut nH'li that thrr. M.alt
be a tneetinc of tia Ikiani of (enrul .
pialsars with tici afTkvn u t tr;itAtn
for tS pur of compatinx valuta ami
General to the cottnge. but It wm not I claMjncaUnns at the several p.rtj mtul cor
used. General Grant stepped from the reeling any lrrtilritlra that may be
car, nsHisted by Colonel Grant, and '"""
started to walk with a comparatively Arm
step, leaning on the arm of Officer
John M. Fryer and James Menlck. lie
walked up the Inclined walk and luto
the arbor, where he rented in a
chair. After a brief rct, the oificent
picked up the chair, and carried tin In
valid to the fool of thc slept of the cot
tage. Here thc Gonetal motioned to be
Act down nnd with IiIn cane in hi hand
he raifed himself on of the chair nnd
as'onlMjcd hit
John ft XW't rtal KJe-t
by tW KiMtu.r,
WASiiiNo-ntN, June IT. -The Nnl.
which examlied tle "Dolphin" for Nvn-Ury
Whitney, handeil him lu njort )ejtnlsy
moniiog. Captain llelki4j.. Cotntu-iKia
Lvana and Mr. 1I;iii.iii Wmtrr d t d-
'frlendt bv the eie with i ,re ""other trUl trip to natl-f) tlmm that
which he n-ccmlcd the sren to the nlat- ! ,Ria 'lp ii ld. Not one of Uim trlivi
za. where he wa. handed a chair.
The cottage has been fitted up rlcblr,
but plainly. It nee thc cat, is of uod.
steerage, was anything else lhau he pre- and two stories iu height. Tnc General's
tended, or that he was being dally boruu j room !. a large and a!ry'.inent, and
j connected with .Mrs. Grant s room, hx
j celleut cngravin: of Grant aud Lincoln
t decorate the w.ills.
Pitched a short distances way 1 an army
forward to a disgraceful cud.
tiik pckskk. sronr.
Purser Comfort, of thc City of Sydney,
Farmersville, La., recently for the murder ! ,wef I'ack!nK interests of tho State at large
of John W. Cherry, an old farmer, nt his
home in the northern part of Uuiou Parish,
April 15.1&I4.
James T. Fanning, familiarly known all
over the country as nn impersonator of
"Uncle Tom," but now a broken down
man, was, at his own request, sent to tho
House of Industry, at Boston, recently, ou
a charge of vagrancy.
The Wheeling "Chamber of Commerce
recently sent a representative to investi
gate aud report on the alleged destitute
condition of the people in certain counties
of West Virginia. He returued and stated
there was no truth in the reports, and that
the people were in first rate circumstances.
Thk clearing house returns for week
ended June 20 showed an average decrease
of 12.4 compared with the corresjoudiug
week of last year. Iu New York tho de
crease was 17.4. In Kansas City the in
crease was 45.2.
Four thieving Bannock Indians were
killed the other day at Kossfork Agency,
Idaho, br the Indian police.
James Russell Lowell arrived at Bos
ton on the J0th from England.
As a result of the recent earthquakes in
Cashmere, 3,081 persons lost their lives,
70,000 houses were laid in ruins, and 33,000
animals perished.
Serious riots occurred in Madrid re
cently, consequent upon the enforcement
of sanitary regulations. Two workmen
were reported killed nnd several wounded.
At Newport, N. H., recently, the Nettle
ton block was destroyed by fire. Loss,
$100,000; insurance, $11,000.
A strong sentiment was reported exist
ing in Central Dakota against the Sioux
Falls constitutional convention, called for
September, and against the division of the
46th parallel. Both parties were pledging
delegates to vote against the division oa
aay basis.
Germans residing in Paris wore eerr ! DI8A8TROCS "rm ravaged Western
aaach. irritated at the expressioaa af iZ JJlouri on " St of the 20th, being
ased byaaaae of the journals ia speakiag
of the death of the distinguished Oeraaaa
UeaeraJe, Priace Frederick Charles aad
Immense .numbers of icebergs were atet
by the Oerataa bark Margnerite oa a re
ceac voyage frean Scotland to Quebec.
Taa boiler ia the saw mill of J. T. Deal,
stearWakefeldStatioa,Ya.f oa the Nor
folk J Western Railroad, exploded re
cently, killing John Tucker and injariag
three other men, oae of them fatally.
CL A. Baddeaskk. whose row of teae
meat houses eaSixtjr-secoad street. New
York, feu some tisaeago, killiag oae of his i
employes, was fouad guilty of maa-
slaaghteriaihe secoad degree, by a jury.
Tha swaaky i from oae to Mfteea years la
for a aew trial
. JM aaovaiacU all cam out
jr. J..S.
ySK 'sr.
lS.. . .M
Jil1'? - '
F-1 i---v -
a 'jj;.t 'x - -si , j- -'' - v
, ' -- JrrrS,'?.- w" - r&U-
Li-'- tt?sss . Sfirz.
the peraitentiary.
was catered.
Two of the Brana (A
died frosa their areaads.
ware leaving the town.
A9 expiation ia the Pe
aeerXaaehester, Eag.,oa ta-t Jth, caaaed
a aanaber af miners to ha ampriaoaed.
Tweatr-twe aead aadies were faeovered,
aad aaaar ef the aaiaer were aaasrnaatrd
far. EaTorts were teUg asade 'far thear
Taa Freacb 3tiaJter aC Jfariaa has osa
cial dispatcJMaxaafaiaiac the aewe f aha
I l. u.. n .. n - .
The - 'raascta sauaac nsaara. Tae
I anura itHMevw ta a minus cyciaas
waica recently s.veattae 6alC
' varroae oa Ward, JJ7
saost severe in Saline and Howard Counties.
At Glasgow J. E. Wilson, a drummer, was
killed in the falling hotel. Most of the
other buildings in the place were destroyed
or damaged. Reports from other places
showed considerable damage, but no loss
of life.
The Eer. W. F. Morrison, ex-Grand
Counsellor of the Indiana Order of Chosen
Friends, who, on June 12, was convicted
of grand larceny, was sentenced to tea
years in the State prison at San Francisco,
CaL, receatly.
The village of Portville, five miles from
Oleaa, N. Y., was nearly destroyed by fire
taeeuer nlgkt. Th loss was TTsVft); the
Denis JCearnet has announced his ia
teatioa to raa for 6overnor of Califoraia
ZT immr " arorkiagmaa's ticket.
I The chief nlutr i. kt...i.r , .
i ! aaaaiciBalitiM k. . w-w i-.
orkiagmeaB hoars of labor. .
At Elkhart. Texi, foar aegro men aad
oaa woman ware lyached receatly by a
sob for ontrasm aad as-arderiag a Mrs.
aU. The crime of whhm they vera
flty was of Ue aaoat aorribk aatare aad
. ff4"1 b becaaa- of Mrs.
""" vjmmg to their asbag water from
Jaatm WCiU .
8ato Saanr, of Btfllwater. Miaaw.
reported aerieaaly aiek of ftliaima
saiac taaaawels.
Tanfadiaof73,aia aW raarafaae
"-" -' .;?..
---..- -SHy -.. - r. x.4awfr-jt r . ,;;...v- 1 --. . - -
- . ;t
-f x .
. A-.l?
is fully appreciated. It means a home
market for Nebraska stock, saving tli
farmers nnd ranchmen large sums in
freight rates.
The other day a Missouri Pacific freight
train was wrecked on the trestle bridge
near Weeping Water. Georg
head brakeman, jumped from
cars to the ground below, and was severely
shaken. Several barrels of whisky were
tapped in tho wreck.
A late fire at Lincoln gave tho people
chance to test the new water works. The
result was eminently satisfactory.
Reports from O'Neill stated that a man
named Welch borrowed $!0, mort
gaging property belonging to hi?
father-in-law. The case was given
to the Sheriff, who went to Welch'
home to fix the matter np. Welch
asked to be excused a moment and goiuc
to his ttcd-rootn blew his brains out.
What was a few years ago one of thc
vilest dens in the city of Omaha, where
nightly gathered the lowest claxset of th
city, was recently dedicated to new and
better purose.s under the auspice of thr
Woman's Temperance Christian Union.
This old Varieties Theater had in past
years been the scene of murder and de
bauchery, but a transformation has taken
place which converts it into a resort ol
Christian influences.
The Governor has appointed Hon.
Church Howe a member of the Educational
Board of tbe Normal School at Pern.
The Fremout, Eikhorn & Missouri Valley
Railroad has filed amended articles of in
corporation with the Secretary of State.
Svlus W. Coxdron, who was recently
caaght appropriating goods at Omaha be
longing to other parties, was evidently
preparing to go into the wholesale hasiness.
An officer visited his room and found there
a large trunk filled with stolen good.
They were taken to the Inspector's office
and laid out. The pile contained silk dres
patterns, gloves, shoes, slippers, trousers,
vests and an immense variety of yarns.
collars, fancy articles, etc
The army worm I prowling around.
Parts of the State saffered severely by
recent storms. At Coolmdge, on the loth,
sixteen buildings were destroyed and twe
children killed. Three persons were seri
ously Injured in the country near tht
town. The North Platte depot was blown
to pieces. A brakeman named Sullivan
was killed by lightning nar Coluaibst and
immense damage was dose in the coontry
to windmills, sheds aad bams by the
The cheese factory recently established
at Braia&rd, Saunders County, is provi&g
a great success. Four thousand pounds of
milk are coasumsd daily.
The aggregate assessment of Dakota
Caaaty this year is X,0X.
A acxaWAT team at Graad Island
jaaapediato thawagoaof Henry Aaercs,
who endeavored to get oat of their way.
When Sir. Aheraa was extricated from the
wreck he was aacoaecioas, thoack of his
afcallwaacraaaeaaadhe died soon after.
Tha aafertaaate saaa was a farmer and
leaves a wife aad two children.
The State Aaditor has rtf ssed lo regisfer
the beads voted by the Fallertoa school
district, oa the groand that it vw oalaw
fal to aae tha levy of i5 as a basis of vot
ha beads, aatfl the Board of Earailiaatios
emBaaaBaajBsl JaBmVswft ansa aaWvBa7taBTVar v JkBJatK
Ajuunr ay the svuae of Foe rscesxlr
wish the wires U
who came most iu contact with Maxwell,
told the following story of thc action of
the murderer, lie said: "When D'Au
gier came aboard I noticed him because
of his dress, and his villainous French
accent, lie was in thc stccrazc, and
brought oue large trunk, two handbags
and oue hat-box. Of course in the ccr
age room is st a premium, aud pnsicti-
i j gers ore allowed to visit baggage only
e " once a week or so. For a few days D'Au
gier left with me 3130 In sovereigns,
and they were put lu thivifc. If he had
any more money he didurt show It, as he
was quite economical iu his habits, only
ii,.,rf..L. buj lug a bottle or two of ginger ale every
l ' . ' day. He talked a good ileal with two
on. or TolinK Englishmen, who were fellow-pas-
tent occupied by K (.'. ( haptaln Wlllett
of Post Lew ttcncdict No. 5, of Albany.
lie will sec that qulel ! niaitiLiiiietl, and
that the General' presence I not in
truded ujKJii. The General pas-ted most
of the tune this afternoon renting on a
revolving chnlr on the piazza. Twice on
the trip lrom Nw York Dr. Dou-ila at
tended to his throat, and once after his
arrival here.
General Grant appeared on the piazza
her lo he waaorthy. l.vrn on her nnt
trial lu tht smooth wnUrt of Iaiuz I.tUnd
N'Ulid. she driiioii-drotod her U'H'tiirtt
weakiies. It turn out that she dm nut
make the requ!nd t1fUvu ktU urn in a
alleged muvtWul thud trUl trip on the
sound. ne lrlu Of Ut ship, cimrUd
erl as a dlip.ntrh t-at, Ji ahmtnt.
She can't nak i fm-rM and cannot defend
liertelf. The only us for a icttti in tKh
hlj U for ttw foi, and aft fttr, ainl et
hrr Kin-inch (tin can nlnmt lu neither f
tliej din-cttou. She paii not nre at tnr
veSM-l which he taay lr purxilu nor at
one from which h may i fiyltijc in r
ler to io cither h would be ?ft;tHl ir
send her ball tiironxh the aiuali hamlt of
hotiies that ha been built on br fek.
One of thee hout U called MJiH llall,
aud UiU sufncietiUy IndicaU- th mm to
which itwat hiteulsl U) be tuiL TJr.a
sengers In thc steerage, and he seemed
very gentlemanly iu his appearance and
manner. About the time we entered tho
tropics he p'it on a knlckeibocker suit,
with knee brer.ohos and stockings, such
ns bicyclers affc-Jt lu this country. Notb
Ivg occurred after this to call my atten
tion to tbe man except as he drew his
money the day before we landed. He
wasn't demonstrative, and he made
no complaints about the food or accom
modations. A few hours before we got
into Auckland I was much surprised to
see the pilot aud two police officers
board tbe vessel. They came to my ro ia
and said thty had a warrant for the ar
rest of one D'Augier for a foul murder
committed in St. Louis. Their descrip
tion of the man tallied with the steerage
passenger in knickerbockers. I told the
officers to stand in the small passageway
by thc door.of my room, so that thc ac
cused man could not see them. I sent
the steward's clerk to call D'Augier. He
came along iu a minute with a jaunty air
with his bands in bis pockets. The two
special officers bad warned me he wss a
deserale chsracter and they evidently
expected be would open lire on them with
a six-shooter, so I didn't tbiak they were
sorry to stand outside the door, well,
when I paw the fellow with his bands la
his pockets, I thought be might be going
to shoot, but he only smiled good-aatur-edlv
and said, iu his horrible French-En-gll-h:
"Was ic de matter?" I said t
Your name Is D'Augier. isn't It?" He
said: "Yes; datecs my name." Then I
said over his head to the officers: "This
Is yonr roan." Thca turning to D'Augier
I said: "You are wanted for murder:" at
tbe same time thc officers dapped ha ad
cuffs on him.
On May Stn he was brought Into the
police coart, and the charges against alia
read. The Crown Solicitor appeared far
the prosecalloa, aad Messrs. Mapier sad
Burton for tbe defene. The la'ter
claimed that tbe court had ao jurisdic
tion, and after some argument tho case
wss remsaded to ths 7tb, after which it
was remanded to tne 11th.
Oa that last named day tbe cse was
broaght vp. Consat Gamble was the
irst witness called. He tctiaeJ on be
half of the prosecution as to Lie various
articles fouad la Max well' traak. wJiIom,
arann-f other things, coatainrd two hand
kerchiefs marked CL A. IV a shirt with
two Large spots of Wood oa it, sixtcca
paibs of cuffs marked with the Hiilafs,
C. A. P." and a scit of Knderrar
that had bcea ripped from a body.
In reply to questions as lo bow vtt
articles not bearing the iailLsl of his
same had come into hi pos.-sion. Max
well said they had bera givea to him ia
Saa Fraaciseo by a rsaa aamed Kobiasoa.
wmkxx hid me srrso aw
The iafertaee whica is draws here from
the fact that Maxwell had oaly IS0 whea
arrested aad spcat so little 09 the ship U,
that be raa against a faro bask either
here or oa the ship asd cot cleaned oat.
The fact that he tack steerage paag
waald arzae that he had liulc mosey be
fore he started. Had be roe m the
aaala ha coald have had ais traak ia hla
tale-room, aad tbea waea ala r&om-mate
was oat he coald have destroyed all com
arwx-lsia: evidence, sach as the thirty-
taae eaSs ssarkad C A. I, aad taa cat I
wl cu.l drawers. The a esvaU i da:es
JaaalJjaara aarasra iacacaxd at sfefct. '
In thf rv-n(n?. and remained there until
half pat ccven o'clock, when he rrtlred. I ord recomriMHdrd JlsdemoilUon.
At a late hour Dr. Douglas reported!
hlin as doing as well as could be exwct
cd, tud that he seemed to have gained
some strength. At 10:5 p. m cVfry
oody in the cottage had retired to rest.
T MMMr tUai-a 1M Up n r, ,
Wasiiiaunta, Jtina If -People are be-
f limine to move out of Wai!mtm. Krw
new nnUI Uw fitat af July tha eutaah
1 trains fnmi here wlU be crowded. Oea
erally at this nm of Ui year taa oraelsla
in the mtUm ileajartments are plAnnim
aumiaer trifra at ta Goteraiaant's atrtt-a.
Nwthlaa: af Miat asrt Ims as yat hre da
1 veioped aa far aa aW apatMHu m (.
. cetaM. The Dlaaakm. which has been stw
lred far a nutaaar f sumars as a roysl
yarht fr tlat aslaaee aae of U 1'rm4l
14 1 U eeraUry of aV Navy, wlU ha
aed for artvato m prtmmml Mrtawi aaala.
meva baa haett aaaaa fesik md ui
m amd mJIIb ik ri,-
. - . ... -.. . inw
in.THTi ia lfarv. ! k. a
hr etaaslsma, aad ha fc ef ta eti tfcat
arta eaa aa aeed ta an adysamaw at aaa of
A Kll I'uiitr.
Orrwa, Can., June H. The Crown's
counsel who are here receiving Instruc
tions In regard to Kiel's trial arc much
puzzled to know what line of action to
adopt. Tbe defence will first endeavor
to prove Kiel's American citizenship.
This fact established, he can only !e tried
for waging war agaiust a foreign country
and the trial will hve to be by court
martial, but as martial law was not pro
claimed In thc Dominion tbe trial could
not be conducted In this way. If tried
as a Canadian it would have to be on a out f emnm
charge 01 high treanon, snu ss inrec l
the six jurors are to be half-breeds the
result will undoubtedly be a disagree-
iBCBiuriuiwjMHwi. iim rwaaa aainiiss --- - m oa.
BsTTLrroRD, Max., Jaae K.Ia th j drawartti mm ataka her vaJaaaia la gain f
Investigatid'a which has been jrolsg oa f,1 Mtry whava
wlta reference U the nsarder of Bernsrd f " " ' U
rrcmoni, a owissjarnicr aiucu eany ia -
the outbreak, two ladiass have been
sworn. They were acting nader Klel'a
JntructloBS whea the murder occurred.
that be rrcei
one of which he left la his teat aear tkm
teserre. A party af police were seat for
It, and returned last esltg. hastas
found the letter where Pooodmaker said
he left It. It will be an important doca
meat st Kiel's trial. It Is dated jrba
Creek, the dsy after MHdletoa's f fct
there, aad states that Kiel had killed 3"3
police, sad .hen orim Poaadatsker, If
Batt!ford bad aot already Wracania rel,
tocsptare it st oaceraad kill all Ue
white people there. The letter goes on
to ear whea that has beea doae Kir I will
attack sad destroy the trewpe aad j4a
Ponndmaker at Bsttieford. The JetUr la
f sl-sed by Kiel himself.
8ajr AmuuM, Tax, Jssm 17, Lei teat
sLviif tt m ... 1 . . -
T m.t UafnrHav I'iBnirnskr Srtcnoartrdf s m otimt acciaeas
j -. - r -j
red foar letters from Kiel, f
MJar Mhsatas Ca
WAsnijforror, D. C, Jwm 17. Taa
sixteenth saaasl Cosveatlea of Amerkaa
Railway Master Mechsalcs epe9el st
WUIsrd's Hsll yesterday, Tbe object of
tbe Coaveatioa is V discaaa matters rs
iatiag to railway mrcsantes with a vie
of exteadiag imprrnremeatv, aad a aam
ber et tsrers oa sfjret oeaaected wju
rstlwsr developmeai witi te read. Yfm
VJre-l'r-sl'at J. !. Barrett, of pan
Hope Oa'-, In ? abetoe of Presides
J. H. Flaa. of ALtaa, Gs wb dlsd
dcrias the past year, clfd the Coaves
tlon t order sad delivered Lac aaaaai
m Maoday to tW stasm eaerJs
raaaifyaaaAhiisamtoSaaAasMto. Wbata
' aa aa hW atbar shts f
Uto Calira.ii Mew. mm harma
fiichataad amt ran eaT, uimMiaa tha
i. J. Cersey, af M. Ihim; J. F. Walters, et
vaaaah Ha.: aad faar eaner faasaa is
w sadly Mjeeaa. aad have ham earrieal
to Mssmsss Cmy bt kaassaaaL Ow lady
bad aa arm aad laa are. Mr. Carksy
raa net mi W. A, WHgftt. af 9$
Ansa, was Mas aaty sasamsswr et tmUUt
aatajaraa. Taa etafa was
aawerfaf harsea, wbo t-s-
aadraa several mUm.
aas aa a rarhy read ess
fne 1 Ja4 Dwav
ba Tfsaawv. has
a tma sastoa ya Aa4to Chew.
m raraalaa a aaaa mrtoia aeaaato f
t-rtati amt Camtafaiiiitai Am
Haaaa sfasii
I'm to nasjeasje ym TTi- -
aaia men eass4d kavo r
'fifia aad 4KtUm&
la isa - ....
"r tha faftraraaarv. aa aa & jum 1--
, . " . - "" . . " . Ml l.m W
yiiasiiMMsr. far
Wssanorox. I. CL, J mm 17. Celfea.
tor Kobertooa, af New Tark, has saVmlt
ted Ms revert ta the Treaaary lefart
meat la respewae to a tirealsr aaJiiax
recoaiss-nseatiaaaM to metfaadsaf radao
i the exraase, or lacreaamc tha -
cieacy of his oiiae. fie reports thai rtx. ,.
term, the eetaries wt wHIca aaragato
W,0, are Mmittod tascmala vaaaac
aad that a fanner redacts 4 feeaa ta f
deassd lseaaswiaet. Jr.
oeema K aaasssamry ta
aitaia Urn m
!a that
la AM mm, ta 1 m
U M -J i m.'l.
- t mi'wm.
eTMsamHs Kavfasslml amsTTMMaa
rrnxuAmum. iasm lSLTto fasaw
ana sWafmarm See. sssrt&aaat mtti
'aea asm mamma sssaaas. sasa iS 1 t
mr aa aai. -"- - -
T sswama asesasasx. Tha naaaea wsjra
to 9XA. Taa --'-
y-aW-weac aaa ha ian,a
hajSJaV u'fwfT "54d-
?!!L,"'.M Mains to y
vaamac ta amaiaai af ta sdlrh.hsr
im-. t tte m ;rrT
-J aso mi at ssMsJhlsr
'VA -' '
a"v (V-
tafainif wifc,
sarBB,eTal wmmasyH
asm haa hajsa
c;. - ;'-2ifif3;r.i
2E' "-'?-.'
. ,
' '- .vs.
rX jLnii5i . tv. - . .-Sc
, S. Ai
s - r
r iU-"..V
.S i i -r&
'jskZ-tm' ' -hY r?.
4 y
, - ,
? -L,.
a x-.i
-1 - - -' " ' -i r,t-- iri - 4 -: ' -:..: . -
-VX . aZ2t 2 -rxr- r - r . ---. . - . .