vteASte: ftSSSffiiBL3SE& RT i-S' ! ."VST:?'?-'., firar . &?- : 5 V,, fce 7-" --& :k. .asf". : yj-. ras?j-'- ' V j - ! TV " J. V 3f -t v .& v fiw; 'Tj -fc V-v: IW 1-Tv ?" RJ. s-irT'?- - 4 a T pari. : jfT- JB" t? V St" vgf .r-w- ,w e K. ,K- i -y 3ca- -SST'. -o ...- 't Br 4 ofa.'" -r V .-&- V ie tw 'i i PP0 to--en1rA1&y& s& 's 5svAr .'?" V.t"-- v - J - ', vi :-' iir - k? l.- ' IV r 1. v - if. 1 - ' t - ' & ... - -. i 1.i - -' JWSSS? r"asrr lefe . ir - tr TLJ' tJ AsiiS! r-- -a r" . z 3.u?nWbtns5:S.-u.-r y ?- iTT iJASl,)afl Aviic-;.' s -- . " &smmmmm&iK m ''The Red Cloud Chiep FRIDAY. JUNE 19, 1885. Ladies will pleaae no read the fol- et iCiMr pOT 3qi utj Xuuivd vd iCq W!8jwi jo ejne q wwo nd.t ii pwaj oj OMop apisdw jaded aqi tun; oi Xiisouna qSnoaaaouiAO ioa ()im wipi t"; iou5i a sy -uauianuo3 ox O. H. Mabt att is the reliable and adin jeweler of Bed Cloud. Notice to Boiiaors. Noah Perry ia fully prepared to d nil kinds of firat class plastering, and calciming etc. Contracts made on I.-irRe jobs at hard pan figures. Work guaranteed. Repairing a ppecialty. Office over Maryatt'a jewelry store Call and see nc: 44-1 m Balbrxgan hose for ladies in endless quantities at Mrs Newhouse's. 44tf Cane seeds at Punk's, them. Call and Eee If you examine the Esterly twine binder you will use no other. Sold by A L Funk, Red Cloud. 44tf Caii load of Thomas rakes at Funk's For the Ladiee and Children. I have received Rochester made Ladies' shoes, also the Walker shoes Which are the best manufactured goods in the United States. I will warrant every pair perfect or no sale. Try them. A. S. Marsh. ' i' IN order to close out, for the next sixty days, wo will sell woodbcam cul tivators and feed grinders at cost. A. A. ?opc. The Lupton cultivator knifo for working listed corn. Something new and useful, for sale by Spjinoglo & Son. Wi: are closing out our stock of cul tivators. Now is the time to buy. BrAKOGLE & Sox. Now ifl the time to get your bargnins on the 5 and 10c counters in hose, coU lars, buttons, handkerchiefs, napkins and towels at Forrester's. New goods daily at Forrester's cheap furniture store. Doa't fail to examine before purchasing. For cheap glassware and tinware go to Forrester's 5 and 10c counters, two doors south of McFarland's. Violin, banjo and guitar strings at Wright & Wallace's. Itch and scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Usp no other. This never fails. Bold by 11 R Sherer, drug gist, R3d Cloud. 22-ly For the Men and Boys. f have the Walker boots and shoes and will giye you warranty on Tvory oair you buy. Try them. A. S. Maesh. Large lincof gloves at Mrs New house's. Call add see them. 44 tt Tremendous stock of lawns at Mrs Newhouse's. Dou't fail to seo them. $50,000 to Loan. The Nebraska and Kansas Farm Loan company have plenty of money to loan on real estate. A. H. Kalet is closing out a lot of men's and boy's summer coats for less (ban cost. Don't miss the bargains 44. A. H Kvley has job lot of boots and shoes that he is closing out at cost. 44 If you want any clothing call on A H Kb ley as he is closing out all his clothing at cost for cash. 44-2w Caught in the act. A man passing hastily down Webster st, yesterday attracted the attention of everybody, but his haste was soon explained, as he was on his way. to purchase bar gains at Wright & Wallace's. New square shawls just arrived at Marsh's. I don't claim the largest stock in the state, but have plenty of fresh new foods. The latest designs in everything eptin at fiart class jewelry establssh menu O H Maiiyatt. Harmonicas and all email musica goods at Wright & Wallace's. Compare my prices with those of other firms. I will save you from ten to twenty five per cent, on anything in my line. O. H. Masyatt. New arrival of fresh teas and coffee at Marsh's. QtTEsTiox. Why does A. 8. Marsh uell more dry goods than all the ;mor - chants in Red Cloud. O. H. Maeyatt makes a specialty of fine watch repairing and warranto all work. A good farm of 160 well improved, ' house, barn, wells Ac, 120 acres culti vated, nine miles of Red ClouJ. Inquire at farm or address me at Red Cloud. 36-tf Rodt. Rownds. Services at the Methodist church Te as follows: Sunday school 'at 10 a. ni.; preaching at 11 a. m; also at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. A cordial welcome to all. i New invoice of parasols and sun vmbrcllas at Marsh's. During the month of May every thing in the line of silverware we will sell at 35 per cent, discount. Wrigit & Wallace. Viouk trimmings at Wright & Wal . laee'a. Waxted Sto to pasture. Good waver, ansae a4 pasture. H.8.AA.F.H0LC0MB.- Mouth of Walnut Creek. rORSALE. ' Four HoletehTand two Durham yearling bklU.large enough for services Apply to Wm Irons. 4fr3 Inavale, Neb. Wanted We have a good assortment of fine buggies and spring wagons in stock. We think we can please you. Sfaxogls & Soar. nocLAXATfoir to the peonle of Red Cloud and rkiaity. Al r-,r ail persona pa Wright k. Wallat ILners r f Wrii ace will save mossy dothtng'for men, youths and boys tor holiday and every day wear at pn- VDKfcucty cuuucuuuu uia one Golden Eagle. m t? m& ' P0 ay1 ior Dusmses :U- - S - m-' - - sar new lnssiian.west rf Miner Bros'. iB-& Blc wmkmmmw 0mwm maa sock btoa: axoguSov. ' : WJaT jssi lsssntda gtatral -'-lnrtWlmuiA mnA ajanmir'-vrnvnaa '" '' ?-- "T ,r TL "T" "" Z ZZT 8aOCJI' A . 9tinmtot oal, 1 v: .-irr THE HAYWARD HAND. - GRENADE Extinguisher CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, BEST. Will not Burst! Will Jfot Freeze! Always Heady! Always Reliable J Endorsed and In use by Fire Departments. Insurance Companies. Fartoriei. Mills. UoteLi, Theaters, Business IIoues. and I'rtvate liridp nces and tbe United StaUm, Manufactured L the Hayward Hand-Grenade Company. Main Office 407 and Broadway. New York. Sold in Kod Cloud. Morluirb $ Fulton, Haadware Dealers, Geo. BECK, General Agent for Xebrrska. lllverton. ,eb. 1V1 . S. Ballard. 1 DEALEB IN G-roeeries, provisions, teas, coffees, candies nuts; sugar, cigars, tobacco, flour, etc. WAY DOWN PRICES ! I will make it an advantage to you to call and see me in the north end brick store. AN. ORDINANCE To declare certain acts to be a nuis ance, and to provide suitable penalties for its violation. lie il ordained, By the chairman and hoard of trustees of the village of Red Cloud, Sec. 1 .That it 19 hereby declared to bo unlawful for any person or persons to keep and hogs, cattle, or other stock in any pen or pens within the corpo rate village of Red Cloud, in such a 'manner as to create noxious smells or exhalations, or suffer any oflal or pu trid matter to accumulate about their premises or in the alleys to the an noyance of any person or persons whomsoever. Sec. 2. It is hereby made the duty of the chairman of the board of trustees, upon complaint being made to himjthat any person or persons are violating the provisions of section one of this ordinance to view the premises complained of, and if in his judgment the inattor complained of is a nuisance he shall notify m writing the person or persons so complained of to abate said nuisance. Sec. 3. Any person or persons who shall fail to remove or abate the hogs, cattle or other stock, pen or pens, pu tridjmatter or oflal, so declared to bo a nuisance, within three days after re ceiving the notice provided for in sec tion 2 of this ordinance shall be deem ed guilty of committing a nuisance and upon conviction therefor shall pay .1 line of not less than one or more than $20 dollars and costs, and stand com mitted II the fine and costs are paid. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after it adoption and publication as provided by law. R. If. Tinker, Chairman. Attest: J. N. Richards; clerk. Estray Notlco. To whom it may concern: This is to certify that the undersigned took up, on Tuesday.May 19, 1885, one fray horso four years old, stiff in front feet, swainied ih one shoulder, knot left hind leg, and shod in front. Said ani mal was taken up one mile south of Red Cloud. If the horse is not 're deemed in six months from date here of he will be disposed of as the law di rect. 44 5w John Bark ley. . RED CLOUD MARKET Wheat $ 50 Corn 25 Oata 20 Barley 2535 Rye Cattle 3.003.25 Hogs 3.00 Stock Sale. I will sell at public sale at my farm about 12 miles southeast of Riverton and about 12 miles south-west of Red Cloud, 1 mile north tof Judson post-office, on - head of -Buffalo creek, on Thursday, June 25, '85, the following stock: About one hundred head of cattle, consisting of cows and heifers. Young stock in gene ral, most of them good grades.tOno short-horn pedigreed bull, one bull highly graded. Terms Twelve months time given without interest, with atmroved note. If not f paid when due, ten per cent- lnicrcsurQinnAieox said. 45w4 "-"" "TffdAAirRYAX. $50 REWARD 50 nroo ynro th equal or LWILUH'S Rlncr Bros. Re Clood. Xebnska? A s limit Kc4 Ctod:Xebnaka; A H Katoy. Wboteulcd by-Bayuond Bros Co. LIbcoIb. tbreataHairrTBs Pre., Llnetta Xetwuka. hitWllGiiliWr, Omaha, Xafcraska; XcCord Bnby & Co. Omaha Nebraska.- Chaine, Neck-a laces, Specta cle, Chains, Ac. IiSuneeat assortment at Wrl ht JbWaUaos's. -. , KingB, Brooche ' -A- s WrishtaWaIlo4 -" ' - .'I.. r. -c -Jr-J- " 1 v-"V5.J r- . ' te " . ' c.i r. 1 iwnsnMfr. . 4 " -3 J?.? . .-ift"Si - FIRE f CLOCKS, CLOCKS ThoIOhoaDOSt at Wright & Wallace's. Violins. Guitars, Accordions, Etc. Wright & Wallace. WATCHES WATCHES, Of tho Dest makae at Wright & Wallace Young Clyde Vi III maSetfio season or ipw. nt the "Ilome r.ann" in Redmond. onngCIyde!sadr.rkhay. wciphs about 1400 pounds, is 16H bands h!ph and is fio years old. lie ia a hone of fine style and action. He was slrodbvanimiHrtedCfdesdalc His dam was aCleveland Ikiy. TEKMS-To suit the times. Money due tlicn mare is known to be with foal. Persons parting with mares before foaling will be held for the in surance money. I will not be responsible for accidents that may occur. Chas R Basts A epoclaltyll -WRIGHT &WALIACR UK DEXTER feiafaod style hontHk fenaa aaMudars aai piwSkE?! sin rmMaeirttafMLOMMl lilawlalilaTltKi aatt a ''XC.eM'MEJt.dtaMitJBCCf ! tteir -fMlntr .'a aiJhtMiAeMrK. A2.4Hat.i nnpr; oc Kanea xaeaaaiF w we JtarM. FINE WATCH BEPA1BIHII 9o p 2 ei cr 3 OQ m c o n n R 14- SL ?f n 3 u. t r zt 1 c CO P 3 .r? S o c O o O "? 3 en c o c o o a p p 3 Q- a-- O tn C-4 o w Q td o CO t CA 2 o p " z- 3 CO p o o "1 o B3,pt co CO era p S Irt O 3 in . cr n -SF4 C 3 -. 0 p r- - 3-g-r 3 Cheap Lumber FROM OMAHA. Jolpt, scantling' andremall timbor . $ 19 OO No. 1 fencing1 4 and 0 inchos . . 23 OO No. 2 fencing 4 and 0 inchos . . 10 OO No 1-lat common boards rough, or drosaod - 20 OO " 2-2nd common boards rough or dressed IB SO " 3-3rd common bonrda.rough or drosscd, 10 OO 12 inch No 1 boards dressed . . . 21 OO 12 Inch " 2 boardaldrossed' . . . 10 SO No 1 chiplap plain orOG . , . 22 OO ' 2 fihiplap plain or O G . . . 20 OO " 1 flooring 4 and 6 inchos cloar . . . 30 OO "2 - 6 Inches . . . 32 OO "3 " 6 inchos . . . 22 00 " 1 BidingZcloar . . . . 23 60 2 " 2nd clear . . . 21 SO " 3 siding 3rd clear . . . 17 OO Wide clear flniohihg droseod two eidos . 48 00 8 and 10 inch 2nd clear drossod two sidos . 40 00 8 and 10 inch 3rd cloar drossod two sidos 35 00 xAx oxtra shinglea warrantod . . 3 20 xAx standard shingles . . 3 OO Lath 1st quality . . . . 3 25 2-616-6 1 i clear door . 1 26 2-6x6-8 1 clcairdoors . . 1 .r0 10x14 8 light check rnil windows . 1 00 12x32 4 light check rail windows . . 1 60 If you wisli te build a liou"e or bani mmhI a list of nliat lumber you will need to two or thro of the dealers at Ouiahu mid you will get all the irifonnaliou jou want. About $X0 north of common lumber makes ;i ear load. The address of .some of the lumber dealer? at Omaha in a follow I. W. Cray, (leo. Host; land. ('. X. lJelt,Thle.iKO LuiiiIht. and I,ouJs lir.ulfunl. hend in jour hllN and grt nsure5 nho Just nhat the lumber nil! cott laid dov.u. Corrcspomleacu will rtcche promnt attention. No Heason TO COMPLAIN ABOUT HIGH PRICES I Cloth in, Boots and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valis es Now sold at the Golden Eagle 0 One price Clothing Store LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED BEFORE. Will be pleasedto show you stock and prices and convince you that you save money by buying of us. C. WIENEB,Proprietor. airi! : r S w us n - 5 c r n 1 j n 3 3 O 0Q 3 O 3 z c n 7T C3 a o o CO P o 51 3 I! S CO 3- era OCR 3 o J r- u ft 3 o CO CO o El i o 3 - 3 P 3 r-r CO 3 o n o w O (D 3- " P CO P 3 n ?z ?z ? I - l i?fc .'fv V'r l' (0 SW J.A. LOl'EMA.V.fcelcioet!. LQPEM4X$ ITAGAjY. RED 6Ij0u5 Ipojrietr3i of Situated ono 1-2 north ofF.od Cloud o navo in stock, growing p full conmatuitc 01 Apples, crabs, phxins, cherries, srrapes, rasp v.w, jxa.vyxk. uoiixc Ltttaiua. tlllilllLUU Russian mullbeiy, cultivated dog woocL iapio an3 a nno varioty of overgroons, roses, anowbaa poonloa o .v.i oi tv men in- mmt rvMxvtfiUly InvHc wr j.. . .nam jororurr.aaa ouy a cunuseti ux-x ail irrft ai.ti not sttti t ,vlp;-in GLAD TIDINGS. fi: -k v GRAND EVERY Large Premiums Qbtaine LOW FMIDS ASSUME At the well known S3o "iYIiTRf .Ari The leading merchant of Bed Cloud Republican Valley. aT A full line of choice Bbpy Dress Goods, Novelties, Summer Shaw Parasols, Fans, White Goods, Laces, Laws, Embroideries, etc. These goods will be sold almost at your o prices. Am bound FullLine W. HOUGHTON. -Merchant--Tailo: RED CLOUD, Haa on hanrt Cloths, Cassimeres, Meltons, Ha1 Custom work neatly approved fashions, cutting and fitting a specialty, prices reasonable. Old 8 fcuid East Sido Webster 8trt. t - 'f-u2 J! ytSrS yy avr y -,m ma m ' ST ' ' '' t 1 mam 1 n pi 1 $ M.Unml Bank A Webster BBm&9m2mWmWmlMm ABSTRACT OFFIC Chas. F. Cather, Proprietor. Complete and only set of Al books in the county. of TtttetoaJI Oftak Beal Estate bought and sold, Insurance m a aW rltjr. TutfMM I Xfer " 4r " oc:ixgt fj BaaVaaaaY KUA ar Saal faTaa faaaam. S4 A. i " ' V i." - - - - ' C .- e. - --- " OKU. W. HA0JL.X. Uwt Sk. nURSERIES and 3-1 miioi oant of OnW,Tu, Rati eomptrto lino of nursery tockl Ur. V drro ytmr rairwia, tfe-rr-far 1 RACE DAY Dry Goods Mart of ai and carefully select Good to sell you goods. Crocerie - NEBRASKA. tho flu cat line Of done and after the m Capital $60,( vxaxcioB MM frtiVf. H 11 n. r. rum- Ear a&d H KxcK Mkt cIKlion at 0utnl Bakicjj ifem iMlertal aliova4 tlff Ueaeail Countv solid DDID Ar 331 9 . -2-&ti' " -i ; ..?. "e--- HI&JlkVC, v--..f: - . ;.., , -' ;jWattr t "t, SS"w. wmmk: :Vr ' ,? - 4-;. ,?.