The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 12, 1885, Image 7

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Where the Mosey That Fareliaaea Them
Came From A Father Knolre.
A drunken man came staggering
-along a village street. As be reached a
corner be saw a group of boys watch
ing something across tlie way. He had
not entirely lost his senses, so be won
dered wbat they found so interesting.
' Wha-a-ar-3'er-yer lookin1 a-at?"
Well, old fellow," answered Billy
Door, " we're looking for a beauty to
come out o' that store over there."
A beau-tie?"
'Yes, a beauty; but go on, there's
no use o' your lingerin' to tee Fink
Uoots; your old, red eyes can't see half
across the street." .
Hut the rude boy was mistaken: the
' red fyes" were not quite so blood
shot as usual, and they were looking
with as much iutrest as the younger
cs at Fink Boots, who just then
opened the door of the store opposite
them and came out. Fink Foots was a
beautiful girl of ten years, and her
bands full of flowers roses, lilies and
carnations. She walked a half-dozen
or more steps down the walk, and was
just stepping into a handsome carriage
when another little girl came in sight.
3or a brief moment the two children
stood in strong contrast Florence
lJurr, with glowing, happy face, and
Celia Hunt, 'with her pale, distressed
one. Florence was diessed in an
elaborately -embroidered pink cash
mere and her feet were incased in
beautiful pink kid buttoned boots; for
Florence was going to a tea par3. She
wore also a broad-brimmed hat with
nodding pink plumes. As for Celia,
she wore an old faded dress, so shabby
that, it revealed her bruited ankles.
which were bare like her feet. An old
veil t.ed about her pinched face did
duty as head-protector, but no wrap
covered her thin shoulders, although
one w:is much needed this chilly day.
'J 'he carriage drove away with Hor
ence, and Celia stood ga.iug after it
Of course the drunken man saw the
poor child, so did the boys. The latter
laughed, and Filly Dorr said: -'I tell
you it pavs better" to sell liijuor than it
does to drink it. What s vour opinion,
Daddy Hunt?"
"Daddy Hunt" did not answer; he
stood stupidly gazing at his barefooted,
weary-faced child.
-1 sav, old fellow, did you buy
Olio's fall outfit at the same htore that
Tiuk Fools'1 father bought hers?"
Shut up, now, will you? If you
don't I'll knock the breath out of you."
The drunkard spoke savagely and
raiucd bis hand to execute his threat,
when Middenly a little arm touched his.
and a voice said coaxinglv: "Come,
The man suffered himself to be led
iw'iv from the. heartless irrout); cruel
the poor little boys, Celia, my dear lit
tle girL Tell them their father, and not
a brute, has come home, and brought
snch a supper that they'll shout for
joy." Toledo Blade
CharJa A. PalaaerV ltm Wrfcked A Pe
1 ice-Co art Sceae.
A gray-haired man, whose muscles i
in even- part of his body twitched and
started convulsively, and whose face
and manners indicated excessive dissi
pation, appeared before Justice Foot
j-esterday morning on the charge' of
being a troublesome drunkard. He
gave his name as Charles A- Palmer,
and the complainant was Mrs. E. Pal
mer. "I was divorced from him three
years ago," she said, "because of his
drunkenness. Every time he is intoxi
cated he comes to my hoiiie and raises
a disturbance. When he's drunk he's
crazy. 1 don t object io ms coming
around when he's sober, but when drunk
something must be done with him."
"When I found him," said Officer
llahone', "he was in Mrs. Palmer's
house Tying on a bed, kicking aud
screaming and threatening to kill ev
erybody who came near him with a re
volver wbicji he had found in a bureau
drawer." 'Judge, I guess something must be
done with me; liquor has made me what
I am; but I can't help it- I guess I'm a
wreck; but suppose we let this matter
rest for a few days; it'll come all right.
All's well that ends well, you know."
He was lined fifty dollars and costs
and sent to the Washiugtonian Home.
Chicago Tribune
Fillv h.nirinir after them: "O fatner.
dear father, eomc home."
It was a long walk to the drunkard's
home. Before he reached it he was
sober. "Colin." l.e said, "wouldn't you
like vomi' pink boots?"
"Xo, father. 1 would not want them!"
"Why not?"
"Tliev wouldn't correspond with my
rags." the child said, bitterly; "and I
wouldn't wear Florence Burr's p'nk
Loots if J had silk dresses to wear with
them," she added, savagely.
A-ain her father questioned: "Why
"Becanse they vero bought with
money that ought to have bought bread
and meat for poor starving children
and their ering mothers."
"Who told you so?"
"Nobody told me, I found out for
'You're a strange child, Celia."
" Yes, perhaps I am, but 1 love you,
And Cel'a put her cold hand within
her father's.
"1 don't see how you can," he said,
"J 'Ties it's because you're my fa
ther." was the innocent answer.
As father and daughter entered the
hou-se. the mother arose, put the .sleep
ing babe in its wretched cradle, and
eaul: " Come to supper."
Such a Mipjier for a family of six!
Onlv a part of a stale loaf of broad and
some weak te:u The patient, weary
-wife would not have been surprised at
her busbaud bad lie thrown the bread
across the room at the wall and hurled
the teapot after it, cursing her at the
Mime time, as he had done often before;
but .-he was surprised when he rose
from the table just after seating him
self and said, huskily: "Eat this mis
erable stuff if vou can, .poor things! I
must be gone. '
He started for the door, weak and
faint, but determined. His wife fol
lowed him, beseechiug: "Oh! don't
so out npiu to-night. Fred, don't; the
Eabv is sick, aud "
Snc said no more, for, with the words:
The little fellow is sick, is he?" the
father went back to the cradle, stooped
and kissed his infant child for the first
time, ami arose with tears glistening
upon his eyelashes.
"Ini not going out to drink, Mary.
Don't be worried; I'll be back by nine
o'clock, and if the child should get
worse Celia will find me at Sergeant
b "What do vou.supposeitall means,
mother?" asked Celia. as soon as her
lather was gone.
I don't know, child; but perhaps
it means there is a blessing coming on
us all Prav to God that it may be so."
49 "Mother." said Celia. "father asked
xne this afternoon if I wanted pink
Loots. What do you think of that?"
Itwas a strange question, child,
Td be thankful if he'd save enough
money to buy yon some black ones.
"V.. . . 1,1?. rfl. AA "
iuui itxi aic uiuc niiu vuiu-
Against the still widely prevalent no
tion that fermented liquors are com
paratively harmless, and are useful in
driving out whisky and other of the
stronger liquors, Temperance workers
arc sternly setting their ices. The
"Devil's kindling-wood," as the milder
alcoholic beverages have been well
called, awe found to be poor material
with which to put out the fires of in
temperance. Says Judge Pitman, of
the Massachusetts Supreme Court, in a
l recently published letter: An. experi
ence of over twenty years in the admin
istration of the criminal law shows to
me also that " beer is as
potent an incitement to crime as the
more overwhelming stimulants." The
last known act of a recent Philadelphia
murderer and suicide before the double
crime was committed, was to send out
for Leer (that "harmless" beverage!),
by which he seem ed enough frenzied
strength to drive two sinful fouls into
eternity. A dissipated foreigner, of
New York City. who. a short time since,
after pawning' ever' household article
he pos.esed, tried fo sell his daughter
for a thousand dollars, was onU' a
"beer-drinker." Thoc are wi.e words
of an Kpi.-copal rector and Temperance
worker of New York, spoken in opposi
tion to the movement for cheap licenses
for beer-shops, which has of late shown
such unfortunate power in that State:
"I would make bee--saloons the most
expensive of all. for it is there men
start to drink. It would be better for
poor men and women if they could find
no liquor-shop cheap enough for them."
IS. S. Times.
KaMab rbyatetaa a te tha
Do not walk on tiptoe, lor this, in
addition to its nnnsual elaboration of
the gait, invariably causes a certain
amount of creaking.
Speak in low tones, but don't whis
per; a whisper will often awaken a
sleeper who would not be disturbed by
ordinary conversation; and never say
"Hush!" Let your clothes and foot
covering be of as noiseless and unob
trusive a character as possible, and in
stead of gliding and tottering about
like a rickety ghot, do not hesitate to
walk. If you have occasion to say
any thing in the room, say it so that the
patieut can hear it if he wishes, and do
not let him be aware of your conspir
ing privately with others, especially at
the door.
The door has much to answer for.
If it be visible from the bed. people
open it cautiously, put their heads in
and slowlv withdraw again. If, as is
more frequently the case, it is screened
by the bed curtains, mysterious open
ings and shuttings are heard,
unattended with any ingress or
egress, and feotto voce colloquies go on
outside. When vou enter, do so hon
est! vand at once: do not spend live
minutes in turning the handle, like a
house breaker, thereby producing a
series of irritatiug little clicks, finally
terminating in a big snap, with which
the door flies open. If the latch be at
all rustv. a handle that i slowly wound
i.,w.l- tn'tiiii w:iv will often stick, and
either require to be rattled back into
position, or, if left as it is. may start
back suddenly after a time of its own
accord, with a report like a pistol shot.
It is alwavs well to recollect that it
by no means" follows that a siek per
son is asleep because his eyes are shut;
he mav be acutely conscious of all that
is passing in the room, though unable
or unwilling to make any sign; and
nothing can be more maddening, un
der such circumstances, than to have
people hush-sh-ing and whispering
around, and creaking about on the tips
of their tow. We have all sympathized
in our hearts with poor Sir Leicester
Dedloek when his tongue was smitten
with paralvsis, with his sister con
tantly bending over him with clasped
hands and murmuring. "He is asleep!
till, "oaded to desperation, he makes
signs for his slate and writes: "1 am
not" , . . ,
Vovnr t;ttid at the foot of the hed
", , l . .i : vi,;i
ami IOOK. Ufc uh: pani.u- " " w.""i- it i Mtter to hit bv the side of
"A San Traaciaco seeietrronnff
mas is making a collection of ladies
gloves." Cp to tfce hour of ffoing to
press the ladies have given him more
"mittens than gloves. Sorrut&cn
Paor. Caua. P. Wuxlum, Fa. D of
PbJkvdeJpbia, states tbat there hi aeiiar
Borphia, opium aor xaUMrals ia Red Star
Motto for craxy qoflt maaafactarer:
MBI1 are the "piece- maker. " .V. 1"
A ciax, sets iato a narrow glore tj
slight of aaad. PiUfbvrgh Teltgraph.
TS . B
Tn Voltaic Belt Co.. t V arfcn,1fleku,
ffer to eaad their celefcMUd KLacrao-YoL-taic
BaiTaad oxkr Eixcraic Arrt-utiicas
OB trial for SO dars. to jbs (jouaf or old
.dieted with serVoae debility, taae of Tital
itr and all kiadred trouWm. AJto for rhea
matiu,euralgia.narayii aad mmnr oth
er dutaerr Complete restoration to healta,
vigor, aad naaaood guaranteed. So risk ia
earrtd, as 30 days' trial is allowed. Write
tk&m at oaoefof illustrated pasupulet, free.
Pajctalooits are worn lonrer ia July
tbaa in Jane. Columbia Spectnior.
Caxted : Cement to mend the boy who
burst into tears.
As x Ccre roa Soar Throat asd
Cocohs, -Broica' Bronchial Trodics1
have been thoroughly tesU-d. and maintain
their good reputation. Sold unlf in boxes.
Womkk are not inventive a a rule. They
have no ej;eruess for new wrinkle. Chi
cago Tribune.
Horns of idleness Sparking days.
JlercJiant Traveler.
Pike's TooTnAcnsBRorecurelnlmlnutfcZic,
Glenn' Suljtiur Soap heals mid bcautitlcs. Sic.
G ekuax Coas BxMOVEii kills Com a Iluidons.
A BEJrra50S of forgiveness ia fire let
ters 1 xqq u. Golden Days.
CRAJtBEnniES will cure dyspepsia.
That's sour opinion. St. Jaul Herald.
Ir afflicted with Pore Eres. ue Dr. Isaac
rhompeon's Eje Water. Drug-gist sell it.
Tax blacksmith strikes when the iron is
A Book Free: on the Liver. It Disease and
Cure. Dr. Bauford. 0. Broadway, New York.
Lydia E.
More Thaa Thanks.
Fort Madison. Iowa. Mrs.
Pinkham: " 1 am clad to inform Vou that
I have tried one bottle of your Vegetable
Compound and have"fouud rt relief.
I more than thank you for vour kind advice.
! 1 have never fek so well as I do bow since
While talking i I had tbeae troubles." Yours lieap'y, Mrs.
W. C. A . me aoovo is a sampje oi
th niaav letters received by Mrs. Pink
more good than all the doctors ever did.
for which I uiana you wim su my nearv."
Your friend, Anna B .
At nine o'clock a face peeoed through
the little curtainless window of the
kitchen. The eyes saw a desolate pict
ure. Itwas this: a bare, cold looking
room; a haggard woman bending over
a sick babe; a little sad-faced girl fall
en asleep on the hard floor while brave
-ly "waiting for father," and two pale
faced boys asleep on a low bed against
the wallT Upon the boys' faces were
fJ traces of tears, for they were only little
' fellows of four and six, and had cried
themselves to sleep because they were
moved front the window.
I sjbI ke aaaa to whom it belonged
opened the 6or and walked in.
"Wife," he said, beading down to
loss" his wife's worn face for the first
time in years, 'Tvebeenan idiot and
a brute, and I'll not ask voa to forgive
jse to-night, ril wait until you thank
God that I am! Ah! "Celia, you're
waking, child. Florence Bmr will
never otnr any more pink boots with
the moncv that belongs to my little
ones. Xvn Jieen over to Sergeant
Wright's -ararkiag hard at blacking
' jKoTes f or fourliours, and while I black
cfted the stoves he whitened mx heart a
little. God bless -hint! He paid me.
too. s reod nnce and to-n4crrowrm to
Orr of nine huudred and fifty-five
samples of French wines recently
analyzed, but ninety-five were found
to "he genuine, the remainder be
ing more or less adulterated with un
wholesome drugs.
A tkmpkkance guild was organized
in a barber-shop among youuir men
waiting to be shaved, in Troy, N. Y..
by l'ev. father Dolan. He induced
twenty-two to sign the pledge, and the
organization was formed immediately.
The liAK-ltooM as a Bank. You
deposit your money and lose it. Your
time aiid lose it. Your character
and lose it Your manly independence
and lose it. Your self-control and
lose it. Your home comfort and lose
it. Your children's happiness and
lose it. Your soul and lose it.
A London Temperance manifasto to
workmen contains the following: In
manufacturing one hundred dollars1
worth of Honor two dollars goes to
labor. In manufacturing one hundred
dollars' worth of boots and shoes,
twenty-two dollars goes to labor. The
money turned over by one distillery em
ploying one hundred and fifty men
woiildr if employed in more useful
waj's give work to'fif teen thousand men.
Intoxication seems to be a specially
expensive luxury in Madagascar. An
English newspajcr states that the
Madagascar Government imposes on
any person found drunk in the district
oflnlerina a fine of seven oxen and
Miven dollars; and the introduction of
any quantity of rum iuto the district is
punishable witli a line of five oxen and
five dollars sums, of course, made
much larger relatively through the
poverty of the people.
1t is an apparent mistake to suppose
that the liquor business ever pays for
itself, so far as society at large is con
cerned, lloston, for instance, receives
annually half a million dollars in li
cense fees from liquor-dealers; but it
pays out for police, criminal court,
almshouse and hospital expenditures,
$-,8f4,866 which last sum is, of course,
in large, very large part, expended for
the restraintof criminal- and support of
pauers, rendered such by the liquor
liab.t. In cveryjcity wherclicenses are
issued, the proportion i similar. & &
In connect'on with the International
Exhibition to be held in Antwerp. Bel
gium, this year, arrangements arc being
made for the holding of an Internation
al Temperance Convention there. The
XattoHol Temperance Advocate of Jcw
York expresses the hope that as many
American travelers abroad as can will
attend this Temperance gathering,
which will assemble some time in Se
tenibcr the exact date being not yet
fixed. The Advocate adds: Temper
ance counsel and testimony from Amer
icans is most welcome and helpful to
the struggling friends of Temperance on
the Continent."
1 hate tlie rum traffio. It bnrned
my father to death after squandering
his property as a rumsellcr. Trouble
then came through sickness and pover
ty, and we children were- thrust inte
tlie poor-house, and father and mother
into the asylum. -Who ever knew the
Rum Devifto stap atQ4t had finishes!
a man and landed him in hell, unless
f he came in contact with sonaeoTGods
agents andvwas saved? My father was
buraed with bis last boale. the' caadh
Jailing agahwt his clothing while full
of this accursed poison; and he was
burned until the flesh dropped from the
bones while he was yet alive; anal
mother was full of the same rum at th
time. Ah, what a scene then wa&'.ia
the morning. The only hep
1 now nave of nav another is "to
her to abrotheria Kansas, when
the bed, and as near the pillow as pos- ham nfasdnR cratitnde for the bencH
Mble, so that vou may u;iu, derived from ner vegwaute uompot
while vour face and bodv are turned in Another letter, from KaufiBaa, ie
the same direction as' his. By this "' JtoXiJ"
means vou can make all ucccssary ob
servation of his features without en
forcing the arrest of his eyes to your
own, which is so embarrassing and dis
agreeable to one lying in bed, and is
almost unavoidable when facing him.
"veep him in as comfortable a position
possible, by all means, but don't be
o demonstrative in smoothing the
.dllows and little offices of that sort.
Fidgety attentions will worry him and
do more harm than downright neglect.
London Pajtcr.
A ratCE of lemon loand upon a com
will cure it." Sort of lemon-aid, as it were.
Dttrvit Pott.
KANSAS C1TV, June 8.
CATTLE Fhlpplntr Btecr.
native cow
Hutcher' tteen...
HOGS Good to choice heavy
Llfrht .. ............
WHEAT No. 2 red
No. l rcu..
No.- ttoft
V J XI "' '
t.P i c"0,
III Kr- IS(I .
FIALH Fancy, per sack
HAY Large baled
HITTEIt Choice crcnmvrv..
rilKESE Full cream
K(J(tS ('hoict........ ...
1'OltK Hniu
WOOI Missouri unwashed.
POTATOES Neshanocks
CATTLE Shipping Steers....
llutchers' Steers...
HOGS Packing
SHEEP Fair to choice
FLOrK Choice
WHEAT No. .' red
v" lXO, .
jiAlilir a
HlTTEft Creamery
J villi,
CATTLE Good to choice. ..
HOGS Packing and shipping
SHEEP Fair to choice
FLOCH Winter wheat
WHEAT No. 2 red
No.- spring
COItN Xo.2...
CATTLE Exports
HOGS Good to choice
SHEEP Poor to prime ...
FLOUK Good to choice
WHEATTNo.2red -
COtvNNo, .. ..
OATS Western mixed.
FortH Tcsm I mffprrt! wltbolcerf
tatlua wu ugt;cted an the only means of pretert In
I urn an old nun. ForvHTC
on my right let; the rcultof typhoIU lever.
do nulliliiir for nic ml
Vnr three years I never hd
life The docion coulil
tlioueht I mnut die.
hoc on. Swl(t' Sped flc ha made a permanent cure
aiid added ten year, lo my ltJe
Wji. K. Keki. Gainearlllc. Hall Co Gft.
I hare taken Swlft' Specific for Mood polion eon
trsc:edat aiuedlral coUikc at a diiwectlun. while I
was a medical student. 1 am grateful to tay that It
gave me a opeedy and thorough cure after my parents
had Jk:u; hunilreilx of dol ars for treatment.
Autil'BTCa WtXMU X. D.. Newark. N.J.
Swlft'a Specific I entirely vegetable. Tretle ea
Itlood and hkto DUcatet mailed free.
The Su irr Srectric Co.. Irawer X. Atlanta, Ga or
mw.iuau.s. v.
f 4 7r, (ft 5 (6 -
4 at T'. 'a sMM,,waTtratnr II M
3 to dc a S3 B bh a. Asfl W
at 3 bbbH VIII nvi anVsnl I
m fc uvt BannL W I II Ll nnnnTVB
tb at, bnnnLI I I II H ssnannl
M Q. w4 B BVVBr III lgnvvvvv
404 l LHnnnv
iu ".li -H-al nnnnnnPvnl III
arnVh annnnr I I I
ii no cc is ui nnnnnl nm anl
4 75
4 M
4 :)
1 tt.'4Tc
66 (ft
50 ft
10 -f.
4 85
4 05
4 00
4 40
1 034
U 10 S74
U 10?i
4 r.
3 90
3 25
4 .
31 ft
4 10
4 00
4 IS
4 10
4 75
5 25
& 65
Ktiiitatldt.riw that the niortallrr imons children
! far greater In the nuromer months than at any oth
reaon. Health and perfect action of tbeliowel
ire amured hy the uc of KIdee's Food. It la neutral
in ita action. f readily taken by the little one, occa
sion no tax npuu the digestive orgna.aoa la aaalml
lated waui the tamsch rejects sll else.
A warrsated cure for sll diseases
csasrd by ssaterlal poisoning of
the biood. such as Chills and Fever.
Fever sod Ague. Sen Pain. Dumb
Chill. IntermlUent Kmltteau
Billons sad ail otker Fevers caused
bysialarts. It Is also tke saitit
aad best care for ealarfrd Spleca
(Fercr Cake). Oeaeral DcWUty
sadPertedicNeaTslcl. lTorSlebyallDrBSSlu.
CHAS. F. KCKLKK, Proftv, Ctilca0, IIU
X est e
n ever
eat offer osT nC
ever Bade. Or4'
taJaa. 1.1MC. nl
tad d
n. t. i
lass use ureav
ieaes( Radta Macter
LfurKEaiS from
'ark. JCaw. Saw T
ft 15
4 60
5 15
TJiiln?ss and
RSort-iana School, isliuiriitf vnrlv. ioanttCtit Huok
krcpinc Siwtt.ltaiHt. m ussi. aad SMMtrd wJua
U 25 11 W
foraceata. Read
losue an tenna.
Treated ad care wrUwat rae talfe.
Jtonc iti rtratment teat free- Addre
FJ-POND.1I.D. Aarera. EsacCtUU,
txgmwo&iMtislM vop. Wake npjii&ot oiroa.JAc Vsict.
If You Telephone
For the doctor, and find he is
out of town, just ask your
exugffirt to send yon a bottle of
Ayef's Strsunrini.
It will
xafiars au tbosa tma
fanlrnj-sT wri !- """
Mas. X. X. Lswxa.
Potre7, LokkU, Jlass.
A Btrtet. near
I suffered from
Bcadacac. ladigrnisf, aad DcWIKt, aad
w kardhr able to drag sarsetf aboat tae
nonse. Ajer's Samiparina aw worked a
manrekss "criiwre ist wr case. I nare
taken lewtaan two bottles, aad now feel
strong aad well a erer.
31ns. S. ExnosT, 11 Setcta Ttaee,
Holycl-e, JfoJ.. For nsewr than twa
Tears I kaxe saffcred eewstaathr from
Beadaeae aad Iadedoa. A auie erer
a JBotstk ago a iriead crged aw ta try a
bottle et Arer Sarsaparllla. I end try ft,
aad before I aad fauatd tae secoad
battle, r bradadse driKJtd. my sf
petite Rtnvaed. aty feed ested proper-rr,anlsnrswaatnwasceaHseryrecarrl.
, S. Fmkx. Ckfim, Jfeaf-r I nara
tfMAltd vkk seTcre Hesihrne. Is
rears, bat ssnoe taldac Aysrt i
Ayer?s Sarsaparilla,
P HB aaHs't snna nnnvnnnnBnnnnl annnV
1Jsnnwsninnnr nranBssMsajslsnnV-dnnaaBnlsnnn i JtJ
nnnnnnsK nsr nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaannnnnnnWsnnnnnnnnnnl H H H B
snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBnn awssMsnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Ko. 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, N. V.
!! Hospital, tout m
t RcMcdial IInar, iaminTfl Willi
Aad exclKalYc.7 derofed tfce lrrntnient mf all Clm.c nHaranca.
1 ftmwrtrer Establlsaacat m deaiirned andcrectl to acrowmodate the larwe Wof InraHda lJJ?l
taTtu: w well aTfromaar furcn land, that tfcww llt T2TVkalKlTKta
I of skilled racialists la medlciae aad surawr ti eoule " iacultj ot Uum wWz-oekflxateU teaUtuuoa.
tiid eiamine fnr sjomts. our leatitutlofks. arrlianflra. rtrmntarra and In "
Htmonl nr mmam f nf lTP who BPTCT WSe all Ol'MMTUUKr Ui BSllUiiwni. me- .- -..
arery Mate
the Staff
"We eamertlr Inrlte you to come, sre
Ainrii riiMnuw-s. itave a niiua ui juur
fcrnmv nnthliuf of us. our sTstesa of
to prejuolee
we have ml
. ai Aff V
lotembod aad caudld puuple wliai we are dolus; Tor suSerUw
Br oororiirlnaltyatesHof dJajm. we can treat laanrcfcroalc
alst'aaes Just as aueucsvlully without as with a personal con
sultation. While we are slwarn triad to re our paiietita. and
become acquainted with tacta. show them our Institutions, and
familiarize them with our rvstcm of trvutment, yet wa liare not
mxa one person in five huadn-d whom we have cured. The per
fect accuracy with which fjCK-ntisU are enabled to deduce the
moet minute particiikirs ia their seneral department, sppeara
almost miraculou. If we it-w it In the lUjht of tae early srr.
Take, for example, the Jectro-majrnctlc uleirrapa, the areatnt
invention of the ape. Is it not a marvelous decree of sxxniracy
which enable an oierator ti exactly locate a fracture in a sub
marine cable nrarlr three thouund tnila long-r. Our venerable
"clerk of the weather" has becomo so thoroughly familiar with
the mixt wayward element of nature thnt be can arcuratcly
oredict their movemcuts. He can Kit in Wa.hlnctoa and foretell
what the weather will be in Florida tr 2iw sora a well a if
srvcral hundred mile did not Intervene la-tweeo him and the
Dlace l1"""- Ana 0 in nil oqwinuiw ui nww.-iu p-nn
J what 1 rerjulrvd is the knowlcdr of ocrtaia
M mtian. JTom uicw; seieniaas neuuccswuisw coii-
SlCIt RF I elusions rvjranllca of distance, to, aisn. in mcJI-
wi . !,,. UixaAa hsrn cvrfaln unmistakable)
siirns. r symptotna, aad by nation of this fact, we
have ticcn enabled to oriirlnato and prrtrct a srs-
tcra of dotcrmlnintr. wun me a-rcaum aocuracv.
the nature of chronic diseases, without aceins; and personally
eraraJato; oar naflinu. Ia tsisa; dl waaowt
peraunal eaaml ftfjsi of the paU- J. J-TV?
miracuiooa puwesa. Wu obtain our anowktltfe of Use mlrVw
imvmme by the prartlil apidlustioa. to the prartkw of -ctuc
of wWl-blBbta principle HMlra ctk. AM
is to tar accuracy with which ttii sysU-ta Ka eitdowrO Ml twa
we owe our alnut world-wide rvmiUUim of sklllf uUy tmOlM
JLnsTcrinsT uc chronic affrvtlon. Thi a vm of prartk. aad
HBZsaBasBaBBaai the msnrkiui aucows which Km b"n atito-a
IITaaaes throutfa lU dcaioustnite li Iet vasu ojuraassj
nUsTluJiwI dtaplay certain nlKtKiBirn. which. Uriac suK
f unaraa I jcctul tn acimtlnc analK funisdi abudMt
U6CCM1. I and unmtntkabta data. U srutde lb Judrwt
asaaaBBBBaaasBaal ,,r th aXlUful irnctRiooer arltf lit In tiHrrram&W
the nature of dirard conditAn. Th moat ample rvniunre
for trvaUnr dnccrln' or chronic dismwsu atal the arfatf
are thus piacr-d wlthla tlie ay rrach of errry htralW. loweTr
duitant bo or sb my traitie from the jphyslcian nwalBf Ote trra
ment of u h affections a spTialty. rull partloiitars of ur wfW
nnL scicntlllc ytcmof fxamliiuur and trmtinir ptttlnsaan
tanw are contained In Tiic PeepU's tssjaisa Kraiass
virlal Asvlser." lly 1C V. IVrcr. M. t. iu issm aaJ
ov er 3 colnrtd and other i Bust ration. rVot, nat'd. for f ua.
Or riu and dVscrlbe your ejuiptouw. iuclovnif Urn c-nU Ms
stamps, and a complete trraUac, on your particular twr. wtil.
be sasat JQSsWna our teno fur Ucatasest aud all parucukia.
that the
lninic lirtlrr
phraiciaa who (VtH'W
to any ols of lsrva.
branch of acsenv, art, or
- . ... . . .. At
.if t... r mv mu ttimt annmu in up lunrmnii tit rrr;?
-. ,ff . .,!.- .2 '::-rt(,...j(i inn nf . mum tiimm of disrsusm. must
f." rrfiJi iS, who .rm to treai tvTry ill ti which aVak is. heir. wKhout irlvtnf nUjU-pm
ai-r. in all mrr-m of the world, who have become famou. hare devoted
liU'' tU5h nrwanbmtinn. and euMlvMlnr th prartlce of medldne and minper in this Institution, errry invalid ta tiM
Hy thornuirh "T1,,-1 ahT u7idl"ded atientli to the irtlcular claaa of dtrat to. whlrli tl iw U-hie. Th
w1SSm iiShsrmlSo-UaZmchicym the highest dcrw: of succe- Hi the treatment of crcrj, malady lncidcaA W auaiaUty.
KcrxKntzliirtlse fact that no irreat lmrtitu-1 home phyaJdans) b tbf Nrt of a full CouadU eowifKwvi pf
tlon dedicaU-d exclusively to the treatment skilled sjirciuisats. uur inarvBrtit r.j ' i -
?hiawouiIl mrtthenewbior Invalid7 Hotel :xl Sumical InaUtute are o arraaavd a to !
?LS?o w! wSut tSTmmt TTfTPrlratsw and frv from smryem comtaw ta otUr
the afalcted of our laua, wttaout inc mow ., 7Mn kiA tn c-rnts in immitum stamtat for or Urx9
Complete Treatise on lssnw f wootua, Ujuatd wah nutae-
roua wood-cut and colored ittaua.
piles, nan la
Lnc Diseases.
vjrrf oct comnlete and extensive prortaton for
the mot improved trcaaaentof aUeeaae
of tbe alr-paaajea and lumrs. such a
:siranle Naaal ftarrli. Larraur
Ilia, BreaehHla, Aatkaaa, and Ceasl., wehave
xaado thi branch or our institution one of the Icadina; Irpart
Tnt v hirixwrv kind of tucful instrument forcxamuilna'
the onran Involved, such a rhlnoacopc. aon'ocoja, atrthrw
acopca, Bnirometcra, ctc etc, as well a all of the mort anprmed
atoraL-ations, pulvetisatJon. Inhalation, and all other f
kinds of
; ' . . .. i
nprovca moaKuuf appucauoo.
Wc publish three acparato oo)a on ftaaal. Throat and Ltma;
tnseases, viz.: A Treatiae oa CoasumpUon. Larymrlu and Iirun
chitiH; price, postpaid, ten cents: A treatise on Asthma, or
Phthisic. Rivlna; nevr and uccc6iul treatment; price, postpaid,
ten cents; A treatiae on Chronic Jiaaal Catarrh, ptleu. postpaid,
twoceatfc anraveneln. Llfer Ce-alalsrt." -
iTTZ-TZTTTl atlnate ConatlpatiwB CJairwsjic ' r
nttCUrt fi: I risen. Tape-wraaa, and kindred affection
- I arc amoajr those clironlc dicats ta the khv
IwnTaM ,ioeBafultrcataBCHtof wluca oisrapecUt kayo
IsnnTltWsss atuuned unparalleled success. Many of tbe dhu
BBBBaBBBaaaBBsaasI mara affectlajr toe liver and other oraana eon-
tributlna; in their functions to tho proces of dixeatioa, are Trry
eacuru, and are not tofreqently mistakt-ji by both laymen and
Bayaiciana for other maladies, and treatment is employed directed
to the rcsaoval of a (baeaae which doc not exist. Our Complete
Treatise on ilHaaw of the Dhrcative Onran wfll beaeat toaay
address 00 receipt of tea cents la posae stamps.
BtlCnTS aVlREAax, aMAansTTES, and
kindml mahubea. have bem very UrsxiT troatrd.
and curcafAectcd la thousand of cc which had
been proaounced tieyoaQ aope. xie away ana
arectice of cartaicsi anajyais and microscopical
cxamiaatJoa of the ariao m our eonstecrauon
at emar. with Tv4tTtmc& to eoTT'-ct dlasTwnsig. ia
waJHt our InsUtutloa loajr r became Xamoaa. ha aaturaUylrd
Co a very exteaiTre aractiee at dsscaaos oftae urtaary onran.
tar seecialssi hare acquired, througii a vast aad raned expert-
aace, ft eat expertaeas ia aetermmmjr,t ezan awiure 01 caca
aasa. aaa. aenos. aare aeea maaxwum in
atica f or the cure of each fasdiridual
Tat trmmrmrA nf diaraara of the UriaaVT
tated a promiaeat branch, or assrckOty. of our aractiee at tae
IsrrsJsda Hotel aad Sunrical lasaaaate. and. being n t aslsit re
aelaCcaT awsaerooa hwuirfca for a coaapseae bat eoaelae work oa
laaaatawwaiideufaMbtraf these asaJadtea, we have
am lllnfisrul trcaUaa oa tlscae diai asna. whick will kenaa to
l iwoetpt or lea eenia w
aaascsju Kravrk Eaaaairfaai r
lauaU Keaentlam f liriaaa.
mm ii ii aav s
aVar?aaea ia that core of w hick owrai
illustrated aaaaraek on rrkMaTT
It laclVa auaaeume wwrimonlaal rrow anH-aaowa
1 1 ansll tin Ii a nana aj alaawn Bead for Rat
va-a.ix.iMaa.Maai ClllaaXn AJC VWUIAWT
I afiaffnaaffE. of aaiaslsnmnaaTOf .tkraigrtatly
a aSectinr the tvH of tho Urrr Uitsri, an
lArsrly trcab-d, and with marvrlou mifws. hr
irclalkt, who jfie their whole tiaw totkosiody
and treatment of thi cla of aOrctJon. We wvrr
fall to cure pile tumors. Luw-cr Jerrv. Whra tbs
patient cas oumc hcrw fur UratKM-at, we will
v.rtit'u.ulr far puffrrina htimaaitr. a acthrl of trrafaw mi taa
been periccf-d and thortMthly lKi ia our laatltuthjoa. by whkk
in from six to Mlrm dy mdicul and ix-rf ect cun tit tl worsf,
forma of pUr are effected without cautnr any arvrr uffrrnv
rVnd ten cent in t&m;i for our kuvn liUtatrsuil TrssUsxoa 11 a.
a.MHMsaa.Baai MerHtn (llrrach). or llMsfarft tft mulirt id
bow lone standlnx, or wlwt mar, or what U wr
I BsnsTana? I of the patient tswgr . fu not ttfxbr fottr yrar HI
InwIlsaVJsiMsBtlily anal radically eared la every
laaaaaaasaaaaal raa) astaertalirM bjr Mr aarctallMS
wltnaat nsa naira, witnsaa acasratssei
wllfcai aalaa
Taaaae laraa There hi o Umgrr any rd of wrarwir riuwrnr.
llwVW MAT awkward, chatuur. old trtnara. wfelrb. a Wt. u
Taartra omir aartul relief, wuica x-vw cr. tan arwu fnsict
IIAmSU. CTnet Iniury and toduon ktaaxnassiaa aad atrarngva.
Oob, frosi watah tajitaafiias anaiudly die.
There is a aafety Ie aVpeadina tpm ear klad of tir.a
Nil though, ao doubt. rry naa who baa sui-n8 abe mpx-m
l-r of straaa-uhUed hrrnia. and aaad. thouabt Mawa-lf mle.
wwTt both the rupture aad tho truaa brp tip a srsUI strasn and
aadaee aerrmai dcbOXy and varkKja iisaanln waaainaars at th
kidoeys, bladder, and aaarii Hie onraaa.
crtratani VfJAatAfrrcrav ! wverr ewae aaertaaveaw
Caa aay suffctir aak for arcaser tedtKeisnau thaa tanarr
XotwitaatawaiasT the areat aaatbrr of rupture trvwaaf as tim
three Team Met. assay of taeat of kawatwssj aad ef
daaraetcr that aa other a4aa of anwunrtct
suensidtd, every ease to wblck tbsj wrfedH
ha beca tbnrouUypidied. baa Vera pert
few days rmliiai ne at the lavaaai M
syatraiflf awajanag
rrf-tJy rwrd. Only a
aad WyfaaaC teaututeia
waffl caior tae cure or eara aamviauai caaw 11 it r s is 1 iissi r n n ! isa a in
oraaaa baTira? enaaa- u fiaJ a u. mAim & a - aia
WH mmm mmi m mm mf mmmw mmmmm mm -W mm . - .
... -m mmmmmmww
lwOeearSa. -- -i- bhhm i Siiar mmmmmmtumm
' aHBBBBBSBBBBBaBBB BIIW mTmWmmmmmmm mwm v umm . " f w r. - -
Mm aVrtais saf sa saaassHr ansrrva. Invuiwatarr rXa
aaVaJaraoaicpiotieaacBwia iiaaiaiaaipa TIaslsT 11 a mi liaini iff ill 1 1 an M T 1
r vnfaC "- ,..r, ,, n 4
a BWAabwCau crarvet. EaOarfedl Prwa- aatCwtCw Ta tbaa m isjle.l I vab ear laasbHI as m If
aUaaO faa ! aaeaatiaai f I?riaH aad WM'1 saanPy ai nauij taasy taaathelavaallflaad
a-. laaanaNaWnanl 4nna0CUOVJ annnljr BV awKfaaOtl wnnVOwaf Xansfjafe nafafawnnnaBnnnnnnnnnsaaW SlffWln)! JlNaasXaMlB Vltwl lanat BnrnnBnBnnW eSNnnannnnnnBWBWnnnV
sapaara. am tbe care of whkA owraaaaMtlaaiBeeaiaMsasJ baaabnt at 9m. Jtr Oafard anrust. laaira, aaaawad. hasa. ..
eaiCletl. inebaai eBco-sa. Tb-ae are -fully traed tit tor away yamaeyal tbe itMaaHlraj ef aaaaglCsaeailaiii
aaaaaaaaaaaal k- osM-iUuatrated aawalet oa Crtaary Pwaa aatrtaaasai aad artaaJr wbaawsvd JwatWiatloaa as Qar sww bar tbe
DTK Serai wsaaaaasaaaar aassaw saaBBSasaa ssaarr ssbe mrmmmwmmrmt, a hub i
aMeiaaud we SSsHsSSUSsrai iimwsa sas awwai m wrna. 5 mw
Dawaani nsnnnnnnBBfwnna nna'saanVT awnmOaCCa waaal OUNBaT waawnlftwWannMWltanV NaasantsnW nnnaw ANLaaaaaMani bTw) affawnnw nnwa affawnannnnTV aMnf waarVCaxLaaaaf naff aaaNMnV swfl"nnw-
aaaaasaa BBaaaaBBaaajwaaa aaBBaaaBt aasaawaaMa wa x 9mwmmm9mrrwmmm9 awaaBwapaas- aBBaaaar naBaaaaasaaa wwaaj aBBBBaaar bbbbb BBBBaaaaaBSB.jr araaax waar-w aaaaaa aaa aarwansar aaaw a-
eoaaaA i nv iwkW aad aura. Tbet ao ease of taaseaaaal K Ntttl awl b taw aasbaasa eaaai eTaisi. i. brbrvtasr
aaa ityaaw lwiJwairajaa' r aa. raHiim bjjgored by carw re- BnTswaalawaT aaanasbwaaT laaaway
naaBrnanani aasa aBBaarf BWBBBVwsasWnT afWa3 asWa anaaaaw nannaaanaawMaa "aw aa aaaWaWa Ww bbbbbbi naaBraBBBLaaBBBfaj w aaaj njBxHHHHHHHaT HHBwa NPNBaV Niraa'PaBsnn' w4 Wnan? PaWaaaaaar BBarBaasr
nawr wh arMa, Ta aatruat thai caws of cawa to saya laaa at? Jantoa aawwabwa lataaa naaay wbaaawar free taawterrnde
unn m a mmmmm-mm.m.mMmlMmmm mt nmmtmZmm m Ka , WasaaB"BBB BBBvr mm mmmwmmmmt mm-tr BPnaa- n a1 ,- m w -
aaaai atwawn wnaaavaaawiaai aaaaaaaa'Ka4raaat wBBBaBr9xaBBBVxr Knaanaaaa eaaaaaa aitxWBann aaaar anbaaaanv w i taar'Laalaias' mmmm. aBsaaaBtaaal gaaaaaaaBr n) ab taaawaa1 aaw
.annwaab anaaaat naaanar anaasanan nam waaWaaWanwb antanannnnan ataa an annanwaaa. aaaBBBaBByanaaBi wananaa Wk -T W "y TTZ a afaae afaaaawaaaaan Waaab
wannaT BaWaaa ""aa fawfananw afaTJ MbInnKBnWaj' B"NNar eWaw w BanaNJwab; ensnnnnnnnBxanBnaTB NNaaaw' Bsaanwaa aannnnnw ananannanaVN naaanr wTNNNJw wanaannp wal "aW? eananWanaaaaaa ww
mmmmmmimmm mmmf. lggifgtm T ' ' ''m ! m -a a. - -M " fc J ' I aaaWl fat
naaBBB1 WaanaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBaajw aBBBBBkaBBnaaaaaBBBBBBs nannnnnnBnBt nanBBanaalNBBBBBBBaB a naWSWal VNNp waVal waaa aWaWa wanwaWB eaWaaWaWnaa; af awasasBaa aavaraaaaMF
Iib"waaWJW"annF 9M -. anaaanaai abxaaa frBBWaaaBBaaaaaaal naaanaBaaaara nnKanaBMBBaananaaan WaaaaaaaW 4a aa aaaaaawanaaawt 'waab awaaw aajaananaaannnnnl nnnnwat nnnaat abnnaaBnTNraa aannV nwNHnnT
anaNnsVawnsffaWawanv H tSkmmwWf wannanawnw Naawal GWQbT-T rnHsaCBY t( aaWa'nrVwal annVaBaW nnnnnnnwa 4aamf HNansaVVawNNnaWaanv avMNnsnnBNnt?wna naWwnsNNaw wnw? anwWPaVafn nw wWawaw
NaCwawal lat aVQwaannl'nt aWaaaannnsnaas wTaawnw R!OWMaWa aNNa waaVwal aal annswasWaataWannnnnnn aaannnnt annnnnnlnnw anwwl wawanw wnal wBwWaWawnaWaaf taVwrt aWaflW
INwsTlttl NT l""BaSaua&a'"Bjf mm mm MJJU CwnnaaWWp BnwF AsbWI A ijmlttAX
Pliri'Uywwaacaaaaii r f ' '' '- "1 1 .rJLSttrtt,
wnwBL- M-t?wey aasfjiiiilaljaa. Um h, jaiaitr-"--' and fwnriea! 2aaaaa.yet W4
asaBByBas a anaaaaa aa tbe araaXaacat af tbeaa aaaa. nm wmmmmmr.T- aaraf ssaaaaaaL aaast aaaaasaaH fear z&&
aBBBBBBBaBsaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaal bj m mmtmmmmm bb v.BBwBaaBi s4( aaaa; . aBannBBBBBBBaaBBBBa BBaBBVwaBaBVnBa aWa wnbnea WanwBWnBsn"fb anaWa awaBBBafxaBBBawaa' -tmw
a fc jWynpCMannl wwnwtjyNawt wt awanwa nNafanBfwwnBnV NaBanTwafflnai wFBwantwnnfwnt wnf n?t"fy Jwaflnf W wnVHwwfT wawnwaffNrC nwtaBT'
aawartr Mttfc wa ' . -1- aaawaaaaalasaaJ aaaBaaaaaaaa
aaaT. m m V . . ml m.m. JT m ana natL nWNaPNnnNBa aTTJaT arTaaV "?? "nBfnnwannna WW naw a avvaaaa AwarBBaBBa
aaaa. awnnnnV nVNal aaaaVVar faVaTs aaalnnnwal nVNNal aaaaana BBaCPanwar nBsT""far asMnbaaw annnnnnnnnanV- Wna aWnwaWaww Wa aaaansnaaaaa, 0
waaa, aaaaBaaaa ananaas. aaaaxry bbrbm aaaaaBBBaj bbtwbb. anWJWl bw snaaaBaa. aa H, i VaaBnaw nWaWnsWnBV - aakBBaBtBanwaaabmnaW) aaaaxbanaBaaaanaT AaaBBnaaBBBaW aaxnaanaBl
aar oar srf rim aa. arbeabar by banar ernj auaiii. bj gttan tba UattrQawWaO
j?j a-??!!JT.i aagwjl lanBtWaTaawannt WaWwS faffawafanwa" -fbfn aBawaanwa anntnwaanwT. anaaVVnTlwVTtaC X "
iysJJg-TTj- IWWHtkjmcSilSG AUl BBBWT9ClaVnTwB fwwaw vTNJ
nsTCnr' n 41 113 .? .-. n-1 . . liftrVM I
awrjaBsfaiiTiiaMiv i-asas ; a.a a asia as wswirfs aawvr cm rmrr ti-Z-1
rjmMmrpnmm.1 Ijrmym, (J tl&jPZ
T.a ar i.m w
------- LorfBaKI
mWkwm naBBBBi bj. mm
Xmrs CatHfimtm.mmt '
Obstz afar
I , , C 'jr -t .
K tn. aaaaaiart
anVanV IbVnNnV '
tanaijoi sm mt riarr
nwaw. jim cay aaiay
aBBBaaasaaaaaaaBawaa imwp4&
' J aaa u rmm, - 27
f lint. r?t. aaa ? jrJTt
lVA.Yiaa.atai. c
vyBaanaaBaaaan aBBWat awat JfTanfal aWaWal xbnbTnnTnBKvBWaWaWaWa nBBWaaaawT TAW BbaVaixaaWaiaP fT-a afkaaaaawWaaaZl da xwBBVWa?aFanBBBB
wnnnfwaima annaaM nanl aaJTwaaw f "NnsbafAw'' WmCmm Km,mWmmtmmU 1 .....--
Sana BBBBBBBWBf VaVarT V AX BBWBBBBBBBl aalaaaa aaMaBBBB aVnaannnBnBtfBBBBaB faWMaBBl nnaBBBBa u. Wb' a mmwmmmmmmMmmmmrmmmWmmmwmmmtmmmmw wmtmfmmammmrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmm-
NjNJfNsfpBNfw?BaTaan aaCaaw , , m j ti f
BWataBaBBBBBaWaW M WtLlW'm aBBaaaaawf'TL WW 1" nantfjBsfawNC mWf&fB jCjWwJwya yBe Ww
A-X. at.-.
is -gm i
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aaaanT jaba w-wbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb;
WawaWaWa t . $&?
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S-i'Imm' ? " . w