JgH9"fT"T?,iSP? 3& Wr 1 ' yfW'L " " .'5 w- . -"-wr wj f- j. - .fcmK'-j SSASSfTSBB ESSi EEjLW fef - amae. . -r , V ' Z 1 . ' . -i. v- 4 ' ' '- ' !. - ' J - , rt J-?- i-t.i :.-" "-rrf-tr SsSs. ejp- " i.F - . flE : ? w i - t j- . - Sl - -h - i -Z. rm a j. : - r -v -. -, - j w i mi -t nr- r- - rfMWlffiBWBBi'TiMit,'tn'i'iiv-iiirirtrn,-Jffit SSf "" t' - i ' ' 3 -r..-?aB:SSLBWt& Xwl'yy4JSMnBHn&sm2!wSi JBSafflfi'r5.wp--t 1- y-r . j . - "y rfme'' . f-.'' . .T Mfc. J - r. - "!i' i - - . v -a- " fj?a - ' ' &? " "V jjVS - TL "W 3aia -?HS9K a x,'-m iy.' -"yf .feafc-yr3r. jc-sar w"7 in- - " - . ; Jtr . . -o-VKr-aw-r - "wrs- tsv , v -- " " ---.- -..-- ii.Jas-ri!ai5'i-"rKBKiaEr- - -?--?, jjpir i " - "7 ' -Ji?" ' - v - , : ' -. - . sr r eS 3r t - . JS&. v x m m VfI k: ,a&51 .? -Tye - Co fflACKEM. Marysville- 8?5 THE The Red Cloud Chief A.C. HOSMER, Proprietor FKIDAY. MAY 22, lfeo. IMPORTANT POINTS. Mi. J U Graves and eon went to Chicago Saturday. John Storft the Wells druggist was in town Wednesday. F. II. Gcmp in building a new fence around his residence. J. 31. Itn.Msr.Kucj of this city started ycbtcrday for Topeka, Kuubos. Ax organization known as Knighte of I-ahor a'jis instituted in tlfls city this week. May Crawford 1ms been on the Kick list for awhile past but is recov ering. We call attention this week to Win. Vihrtcher'd advertisement in another column. James IU'sbell has Liken a position in the freight oitice at the depot in place of Fied Main. Jno D Fui.to.v, of 3tiverion, visited this city last week, and enjoyed tiie listher entertainment. Hesrv Poor has purchased lot ad joining M S JIallard's property, and lias a residence nearly completed. J. McLatrv, editor of The. Tribune, Chehter, Neb., culled at theae head quarter on Monday on his way west ward. Ex-Ses-atou 0. C. Case haB returned from New York state, wliGre he was recently called to the bedsido of his father. Joii.n and Wm. Iarkes were called to McCok Saturday, by telegram, to the bedside of their mother, who is very bick. G. IT. Lockwood, editor of the Vo- plc'v Friend, a newspaper venture nt Salem, made The Chief a pleasant call on Monday. 0 31 Mary att the jeweler has added a pair of young coyotes to his zoolog ical collection. They were captured by some- small boys, just north of town. On last Saturday evening the friends of Mr and Mrs S. Perkins, to the num ber of about forty, surprised them. It was the occasiou of their birthday an niversary. Preparations are now on the tapis for rousing Fourth of July celebration in 3tcd Cloud. Ictthe grand old holi day be observed in the good old orth odox manner. C. A. 0 wens, the painter, went to Lincoln Monday, where li laid in a lurirc supp ly of paints and wall paper, lie proposes to deal in these articles from this date on. Webster street is being raised up to the established grades, between second and 4th Avenues with the dirt from the excasvation for the foundation of Wiener's new building. Hosford & Young have established their headquarters in Gates' meat market, where they intend handling early fruits and vegetables in addition to their poultry and egg business. F. X. IIohinson and Miss Mattio Mahard were united in marriage on Sunday by the I?ev C B Lenfest. The happy couple received numerous presents. They have our best, wishes. Services in the Baptist Church Sun day as follows: Preaching at 1 1 a m, and S p m; Sunday school at 12 M: temperance school 3:30 p m. Strang ers in the city arc cordially invited to attend. F Klett formerly of Red Cloud but now a resident ot Bloomington was in town Wednesday. Mr IClctt expects to go to Colorado as ho is very much dissatisfied with his business out look in Bloomington. Reports have been circulated, that the bridge over tae Republican at Red Cloud has been condemned and was imtnfo Snoh is not the case, the bridge is perfectly safe the present time. Gen. John A Lon.vN United States senator nn Inst Ttiftsdav. which for- travel at was re-elected from Illinois is nbout the only really commendable act me 'Sucker" state legislature hare done, during a session of bitterness "Long drawn out," The Deluge and its Traditions will bo the theme of Rev Mr McMeekm's second and closing lecture "on that sub " -- - -- " . ject, next Sabbath evening at tlie Prcsbvterian church. His lecture last Sabba'th evening was replete wiih el oquence and historical lore . We take pleasure in calhngattention of our numerous readers to the new advertisement ot Uhas F Cithers which appears in another column. Mr Gath ers is a reliable thorough going busi ness man. Under his efficient man agement the business of the abstract office will be conducted with accuracy and dispatch. Mr Yee Lung a celestial gentleman has shaken the dust of Lincoln and Hastings from his feet and proposes to start a laundry in Red Cloud oo the '2fo checkee no washee" plan. Thus nnn Kir nntx th rate citv of the valley isjassuming metropolitan airs. ow for a street railway, the electric light, ci;y water works and a telephone ex change. H A Watson, city marshal, will commence excavating for the founda tions of the new opera house block on Monday next. The dirt will be nsed to raise Webster street to tne establish ed grade, commencing near 5th Are., running south. Mr Waieon is busily engaged making many needed lm- nmmpnt nn the streets and walks of the city. Alex Stewart the popular engineer who was badlv injured in the cannon hall wreck neav Hubbell about a year ago wai in the citv Monday visiting Ink numerous friends. Alexis looking well but is still lame from the effects of the injuries received In the wreck. Conductor Pat Lyman another victim of the illfatea cannon ball disaster, has recovered from his injuriet so as to bt ablfttogoodutagai aad bow raaninf a p mgw Uai Lis- cin to CdhuiDf. 3 . ---. v ft Se&$& s. as ajT1- ?iiii i r-j- BaBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBTSC -tismfy rvC ff--rVT.- '.- i -, Flour ! GROCER, STRAY SHOT& What has become of "Sid", of Jud- poit, Kansas? 1 he spring ulster still linger? in the lap of wintt-r. Mr.-. E. 0. Cannet has returned from Minden. E G Cook was in Denver the for part of the week. Mia Frank Enhlow, of Lucas, la., i- visiting friends in this city. There is to be a new jewelry store in Red Cloud we understand. J. L. Brown? of Kansas, made these headquarters a call this week. Wm Owens, of Clinton, Illinois, is vif-iting at C A Owi n's residence Lou Kenney entertained a number of his young friend Wednesday night. We are creditably informed that Mr. Kinney's horse was worth f 100 instead of4. The council propose to push the laying down cf sidewalks in the vari ous parts of the city. John Toster is going to set out a number of cabbage plants Ihis spring. Join is fond of sauer kraut. We have received the first lorn is sue of the Randall Reghtcr. Where in Gehenna is Randall, anyhow? The family ofS. Rees has arrived from the east and are now comfortably located on Uncle Zucharia Rosecrans' farm. A new time card took effect on the B &. M Ry, on Wednesday last. No change was made in the time of trains at this station. Sami'el Hayes, of Hasting, intends going into the laundrv business in Red Cloud. He has rented Mrs Fowler's building in the south end. From the Buffalo, N. 1'., Express, we learn that a heavy snow storm pre vailed in that citv on the 10th of this month. How different in Nebraska. Mr. Dorni.AB. of Nemaha count, Neb., and several other citizens of eastern Nebraska, were in the city within a few days past, hunting up lo cations. G. R. Chaney has bought a number of lots in the north end and will com mence the erection of a two storyi dwelling, 24x30, with. an addition, at no late date. It will be well for the citizens to clean up the alleys and rubbish, as City Marshal Watson will go the rounds in a few days compelling the same to be done if it iH not done before he comes. There will be union memorial ser vices in the Baptist Church next Sun day morning at 1 1 o'clock. Rev. H. McMcekin will deliver the address, and other ministers will participate in the services. During the severe storm last Friday evening, about six o'clock, Fred Rick-er-on's barn was struck by lightning and one of his horses killed. Fred seems to be in hard luck, this being the second horse he has lost within the past few months. Our friend, J- C. Warner, sold the finest b'uich of fat cattle that have been brought to Red Cloud for a good while. W.N. Richardson purchased them, paying therefor about $1100. There were l'J head, and their average weights were 1175 pounds. AiJi members of the Welster county agricultural society aro requested to meet at Kaley Bros' office on Saturday. Jiiy 23. Business of importance to attend to. At this time the old fair grounds will be offered for sale to the highest bidder. This will bo a rare of fer to some one. We have. examined the plans and specifications of C Wiener's new build ing. If finished in accordance with the present design, that gentleman's Golden Eagle will perch over as fine a front as can be found in this or any other town in the 6tatc, or we are no judge of architectural beauty. The Chief building now supports a bran new lightning rod, placed there on by J. H. Smith, of Red Cloud, who is busily engaged putting up rods in various places throughout the country We believe a building properly rodded to be an important safeguard against the teriffic lightning storms which oc cur so frequently during the summer months. Our city fathers propose during the year to come to give Red Cloud some substantial improvements in keeping with its rapid growth, and have there fore levied five mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of the taxabe property in the corporation for the purpose of extending such improve ments as are necessary. Three mills will he placed in the general fund and two mills in the street and bridge fund. An exchange says it is worth reraem beringthatno newspaper is printed especially for one person any more than a hotel is built to please one guest. People who become displeased with something they find in a newspa per should remember that the very thing that displeases them is exactly the thing that will please somebody that has just as much interest in the paper as they have. The commission firm of Onnsby dt Dickerson. one of th3 oldest enterpris es of Red Cloud, have dissolved part nership this week, MrOrmsby retiring from the firm, and M W Dickerson continuing the business. The Chief wishes Mr. Dickerson success and prosperity in every instance. Dick certainly deserves it. We have not learned as to what Mr Ormsby's future intentions are, but whatever business he may engage in The Chief wishes him an abundance of prosperity. You are cordially invited to a dime social at the residence of Mr. Thonae Emich, Webster street, 7th door north of school house, next Thursday night, Msv2S. The ladies of the Baptist ciety are snaring no pains to this social an entertainine on ev way. The following program will be carried out: Refresksaeats win be served at 9:90; piano sscOooa, Prof. Schindlemeisser; "The Lost Cbord" soJo by Mrs Dodd, accssapsnisd by not acnmsJiemsMssr p jl isnnr. Snft.male quartet, A&ritaBttcfcy - - ". .'--. ii . . CITY MEWS. Frank: Scott is ill with inflamatory rheumatism. Vak Bensok has been on the sick list for a few weeks. Mrs. A. L. Funk's mother arrived in Bed Cloud, Wednesday. Mrs J. H. Smith will receive anoth er invoice of plants to-day. Reed fc Hawley have their flour, feed and lumber office uenrlv under cover. A Chinaman and a Mexican "greas er" walked our streets this week. It wan fun for Young America. The little daughter of S T Van Horn baa been dangerously sick with the measles, but is slowly recovering. Peter Conover has bought Curt Evans' draying outfit and embarked in that business in connection with his 3our and feed store. T J Ward, of Cowles, was in Red Cloud Monday on his way to Hitch cock county. The Judge goes wet to look after his landed interests. Grandma Tipton want the Bloom ington land office. He ought to have it, we presume, but Red Cloud has good democratic gentlemen whom we should prefer to Grandma T. The city Dads moved by the prayers of a long suffering community have de cided to extend the sidewalk on Web ster street from its present terminus to the railroad depot. A good act. J A Lopeman, our Red Cloud nursery man has about 3000 evergreen trees at bis grounds. The citizens of this count' should patronize home indus try, and give Mr. Lopeman's enter prise a good patronage. A. U. Becker is buildiot; a new house on his farm in section 33. The building is to be 20x30. Mr. Becker owns 1700 acres in Inavale precinct, and has his land under good cultiva tion, and well improved. We are indebted to H B Lutz & Co., for a can of excellent coffee which he lias for sale. It is equal to, if not the best in the market, and' being packed in a tin can naturally will keep its strength much longer than coffee? in paper sacks. Died, at Cloverton. Neb., Sunday, May 17, 1885, little Eva, infant daugh ter of William S. aud Emma Milner, from a protracted brain disease, result ing in spinal meningitis. The afflicted parents have the sympathy of all who mourn the loss of loved ones. The work is now going on towards moving B F Mizer's present store building, and before the "Great and Good" reaches its many readers the building will have been set aside and excavations for the new brick block begun. We have added another brick to our ash pile. We are glad to learn that Smith Bros, formerly of Red Cioud, have found it necessary to increase the cap ital stock of their banking house, The First National Bank ot Beatrice, to $100,000 in order to accommodate their increasing patronage. Their many friends here will rejoice oyer their suc cess. The Missouri Pacific railway com pany would like to have Red Cloud, we learn from parties cognizant with the facts, make proposals to have them extend their Burr Oak road to Red Cloud. There is no doubt that te manngers of the road will extend it north west in a'short time in order to secure a good out let. Ministerial Association of Hastings district will meet May 25, 26, an 27. Sermon Monday evening by J S Orr. at 8 o'clock. Tuesday and Wednesday will be given to essays and discussions. Tuesday evening temperance aiass meeting. Wednesdey evening mission ary mass meeting. To all sermons of the association the public are cordially invited. Numerous complaints are bing made against using the court house park for grazing purposes, it seem a pity that the beauty of the park sheuld be marred; the grass stunted tnd trampled dowu, when there is such an abundance of pasturage elsewhere. A petition has been presented to the county commissioners to take action in the matter and remedy the same Don't forget that the 30th day of tils month is Memorial day. Exery per son in the county should make an Kf fort to come to Red Cloud and join m the ceremonies to the honored dead The Grand Army boys are making ex tensive arrangements to ooeerve tfc the day properly. We can all afford to giye this day in honor of the urate boys who have gone to then lonr homes. Last Sunday Steve Brows, dazzlinjr ly arrayed in his beet store clothes, wended his way to the river, nm'. panied by a bevy of the fair sex. Art riving at the river's brink Steve sprang arithmetic, through fractions, denom lightly into a skiff and shoved off At-' inate numbers, percentage and its ap- k Un,,iR iCH jUW oe uq m tne stern of the boat and had just assumed a strikingly Apollo-like attitude wnen "somcthmc dranned." It Stephen, turning a double back-action somersault, and taking an impromptu bath for the edification of the ladies "Nuf ced." "? v1?' ! Association met in John Kellocg's office on Tuesday even ing and completed its organization bv electing M B .VcNitt, President; A H Kaley, Treasurer, and tA C Hosmer Secretary. It was decided to make the first pay day on Jnne 30, and the 20th day of each month thereafter. The wmM Biock. xasi, ocing taten, and bv the first pay-day the first series of one hundred thousand dollars will have been subscribed and work fullv com- mencea. lnis institution will be a boon to many a poor man wno is striv ing to get a home. Stock rn k- .., scribed by calling on anyone of the iouomS persons: JL Birney. L. H. f1UiSVom,ter- D B Span ogle. M B McNitt, A L Funk, W Josse lyn John Kellogr , W Teagarden and A C Hosmer. and all inquiries answered to all who may wish to understand ihe workings of the association more fully. Tire Red Cloud Chief often a cbro mo to the first person outside of fed uouawnowui pve the correct an swer to the followm problem: itahen and lays an egg and maiay and It m evidently a problem that in- w ---raw wMut we vraiaanr rules jummtmm u im am instance a. " -v ""t-S iae w " - wmi mm ham sasae Raa 1 woaMnotlayaaajg an4 , Jbrtfi 1 fFflVaPViBl M1U k. fcl?to0llwosrkaratS w raaa a WVWiOTMWginTU ai V-A 9 MSmmmmmfm m. mimM MeHHHR.MV tT . . - --. -m- . ' '-m ' p . - -mmmmmMmmtmLr . -v l ? mrtm mm,mm sssarae wa asss at vBVKa sswv laef aeaaaaa aAkAif ?afe aw mA mmBt - - - "..-. ". s .v -.. faraaawaaV'- 'r-A Tat -?asBBBj m-- -- y- --' aast 'wat., -""? Z afBBsaaaaaa wst aaa aana sasa wa waawaiaa)Vaw aaV aaaja -asavaaasi saaraaaaaak aaenaaav AaamiaasssBwaaa. , k-'W -aaaaa nMvm,mmjmtt .iiHu Minimi ?, IWIW UJ. Jjgffjr Til" llilllir7! Il imliil ul " I ' lmmmmi jJb 'J gaW mmViSMmmm"' Baa ...O a ... :.a JJbiLfi4?-' ' v f iW: . tSCPm, M t t. .. - -' .-&&&Z'i" -! jM ; .: .V-:'--o l"LJ!l-llisRffflBagawas r ' in t -?'"'' " -l"a-TiJawaL- ' "- " A "-" ,aaaaaaasaaawaaaaaaatrr;Mar p- v U:' waSBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBa - v".''-,.-- ,; , -m.mmmwmmmmrtrss ' -r ?.;-:-': j -j-jaKi.ni??- -,t Kr?aawasBBjaaasnBaaaasBBSBBBBBsrvi Dr SnERER has bought a sleek pair of bronchos for the boys. AN addition has been built to the Red Cloud carriage works. There will be preaching at the Con gregational church next Sabbath in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and in the even ing at 8 o'clock. Rev J. G. Aikman, from Budu, HI., will officiate. Since the advent of the broncho herd many of the boys while away the time between sermons on Sunday with daring, and sometimes ludicrous exhi bitions of equestrianship. Wm Gates has purchased a yAarlinj calf from L. S. Myers, Judson, Kaunas. It is part Durham and was born blind. It cant te II one note from another but has a sweet, fog-horn voice, and can eing like u little daisy. To eveev one who took part in the entertainment Thursday evening at the Baptist church or in any way as sisted to make tne affair a aiicce- we extend thanks. Mrs Thos Kmioh. Mrs. Geo. H Brown. Attention, Knight. A special meeting of Calanthe Lodge Knight. of Pythias will be held on Tuesday even ing. May 20th. A full attendance is requested. By order J. L. Miller, C. C. A. C. Hosmer, K. R. S. List of letters. Mrs Berlinda Bond, Mi-s Mary Barton, enrv F Clem, Warren Davis. Vrs L M Dickens. Wil lebin Gates, Somes Hudging. Henay Jacobs,, Frank Kizer, Geo La vert v, B C Meyer. Mrs M F Russell. Wm H Stevenson. Irvin Walker, Miss Anna Snider, Albest Weisbrod. Charley F Welch. Thefe letters will be sent to the dead letter office June 15 1885 if not delivered before. There should be no question in the minds of the voters of Welwter county as to voting the bonds providing for the building of bridges across tho Re publican and other rivers and streams in the county. It is a well authentic ated fact that for the last eicht years at least $45,000 have been spent in repairing bridges, culverts, etc. In the various precincts, which as fast as built have been washed away and the peo ple's money with them, all for the simple reason that there have not been substantial structures erected. The chance is now open to stop this enormous yearly expenditure by vot ing bonds to build bridges over the various streams that wilt stand for all time to come. This matter should not be looked upon as a precinct affair but a well matured pian of the county commissioners to stoo wasting county funds on worthless bridges. The ques tion of saving the county finance is a matter that should interest everv voter in Webster county and should not be looked at from a parsimonious stand point as only benefitting the ew. when on the other hand the saving of county funds benefits the entire peo ple of the county more or less. The idea of spending money on bridges that fall down and are taken away with every flood is too preposterous flrfr any man to advocate who has the wellfare of the county at heart. Good substantial bridge should be built over the streams of the county, and we believe that it will be for the benefit of all to vote for the bonds. Birth ea the Rail. While Conductor Wm. Coy's train was side tracked on the siding at Hyde, Colorado, on the B. & M. Rv, one dav last week, a Swede woman gave birth to a lK)uncing baby of full regulation ize and weight. Coy is a married man and a father, consequently did not get flus trated, nor faint. Had Weed or Mc Kinney been officiating, the oar would have been painted red with their blushes. Coy cared for his Swedish friends in the most tender manner, and landed them safely at their place of destination. Of laterMt to Red Cload aad the Be- piblicaa Valley. From letters and catalogues received from Hon. J. L. Kaley, we learn that the State University of Nebraska have decided to hold an examination in, in Red Cloud, June 20, for the purpose of giving those who desire a chance to take a course of studies in the Latin school or co'leges. Applicants must attain a grade of fixty on a scale of 100 on each of the studies, and no con ditions will be allowed. In the prepar ation for the various undergraduate courses of the university i afforded to students denied the opportunity in the schools of their own neighborhood. The course for the present extend; through two years. Applicant for ad mission must be prepared for examination in the fallow ing studies: English gram- mar ooin eiymui"K uu ., plications, anaivsis, ana propun.iu, rcrrnhv and historr of the United StatS. iniS win uuer r wv wJkm Mt iW- . a AtnnAlU tunity to all who are mtcresiea in se curing a college education. a Oar ew RailraaaL A gentleman living between here and DeWitt. reports that a lot of con tractors' tools had been unloaded at lVWitt. If the report proves true Here can be but one object for it, and Hut is the construction of the road to lae Hill A line of railroad following tks proposed route has ot to be a ne ctwitv and if the B. M. does not bfcld'it, the U P or some other road wtl This road traverses as rich and ferile a country as can be found anv wk nrf is bound to be a paying lo- vefcajent. From present indications Bk:Hill is bound to boom as she nea.r boomed before. Capital is con- ceatrating at this point, as the capiiai is ict slow in recogninnR the advant agsj of the town and surrounding coatirv. Bine Hill has always steadi ly ivanced, having had none or that phsmenal growth so often noticed m -iistern towme, followed by a oa ofdkwasion. and with another rau- 1 . " - 1 .. 1 !! new banr, wica,iwtj ---the large number of residen ce eedT under comracx, wa wm- envjy expect oer w" - - befoataefrsCdayofJanuarr IS. tWKMTiM. Noa;. i, .mmm in w toot baTTaios I Spnager x resihai Use aeaeral sersaoa joaai aeeeasarv, Saelif eCJsaiQaaw, Jfoa. TWnaae 4WM !H it the uasewges your f". , m j Thi tlrisisaT raw hi baaaa awa aWsna -- - - ' rTT- -w aaiav -mm on thfes -r, ina coanfters tn hose, eol- at the ressoenceea aooaay. ,?? " ai fasarsw la lapjet aaw ar """; li . - I (M J " " mamrn. mw v wt " w , mmmw vp v WW mmmmmJWm - "TTT i mtSE of ta awm- C.A--i-aL sakiae Dr Lames: aaa sfoae eease aae oeet- js waaw sot sae osaesaf - nise aH pjnaliiliii sWtw- jmm ataer NirwAovatxV)rresearseaeap Germ Locahart. of IThfaHsad.si vav sry aow ai ysnnai a jtw aaaai wm - - - -. -- ,-Z,.r. laW a t aTWs? tfs mwMm mJaaws rwB ssaw w - aWaskiiK alaV w, vaarv aaasSawMLw Vaafsaaasaam'' "av AvalaBw gtm BaaTrka-"" amaaaam TT1- k-ft chsaspssaiwaO, pat aawa ay Mesam 9tfUlmUtmm4m tfawa. AaiaaleaCltsSer aa '"' faal Kaaelesawareaad bawarego wrr A PaseWef ffiitfi mmwmm. MmWmwMrTTmm ,! m mWWV. 9- . A mmx tfMK - -W m B mWWWWWmmMmWWWWWm mWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWm. mmWWWWWWWWWWWWWm.. mmmmmmmmmmmmm9 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWm .mmWmWmmmWWTm. k. . &. "Z-IIIIIB MUSICAL FXTC Home Tmlent; Sixty Trained Voice Make the Welkin Bins. Tho Oriental Queen on the Occi dental Throne. The Queen Esther troupe, confuting of sixty Red Cloud singers have betn busily "engaged for Kme time past re hearsing the cantata of Esther the Beautiful Queen, and on Thursday evening. May I i, presented the result.) ot their labors to the citizen of Red Cloud, in the 31. E- Church. Tne houc was literally packed, hundred of people being unable to gam admis sion. The management decided to re produce the ciinuta on Fridaj even ing, but owing to the severe rain torm were obhged to postpone it until Saturday evening when it was again rendered to a lare and appreciative audience. In order to obtain a com prehensive idea of Esther it is neces sary to read certain portions of Orient al history and read your etttcchum carefully. The performers apjHMted in full and elegaut co-tumes, procured from the customer for the "labor Grand Opera Houe, ot Denver, bv the gener ous iutercedaion of Mr C Funk, of that city. Mrs. J. 0. -lllen ap peared in the title role of Esther, the beautiful Queen, and Prof. A. L Funk as King Their impersonation oi Ori ental royalty was dignified aud plead ing. Miss Anna Kaley and Mrs. J. V. Buyha, a maid-i of honor, acquitted themselves in a vcrv creditable man ner. Mrs. McDaniels and Mrs. Trim ble, the former as Haman's wife and the latter as the weird Prophete. with their interesting attendants Mttwes Montie Tullcys and Evi Bay ha did some splendid acting Haman", Jlforde cai. Hegai. and Harbonah, by J A Crawford, C L Colling, Geo M Plumb, and C L Ebaugh, respectively, were rendered par excellence. IV V For rester made a splendid antique pencil pusher while J A Tullevs did the high priest act in a bencficfal patriarchal manner. Me$rs Mitchell, Poyner, Dow and Kbaugti. as Herald and guards, acted well their parts, as did also the various pages. Goo Able' twin boyg piuved tho ruby wine very cleverly. The charming little mies, Blanche Feight and Vashti Gardner were enthusiastically encored for their fairv-like dance in the royal presence. Miss Garner presided gracefully at the piano, and to her untiring efforts is the success of the cantata greatly due. The entertainment throughout was creditable to the management and performers, and a genuine pleas ure to the audience. Cordial invita tions have been received fur v& repro duction in some of the valley towns. List of voting places in Webster county Nebraska for a special election to be held June 9th 1885. For Guide Hock precinct, E O Pa ker's office, Guide llobk. For Stillwater product Mearn'a house S. D 5G. For Oak Creek precinct, Kanney's school house, B D 18. For Garfield precinct, Stone school house S D 76. For Pleasant Hill precinct, school house S D 15. For Elm Creek precinct, Bchool house S D 13. For rotadam precinct McCallum hall Blue Hill. For Line precinct, Kueh'n school house S D 34. For lied Cloud precinct, court house Red Cloud. For Batiu product, school houso, 3 D. 62. For Glen wood precinct, prairie glen school houe S 1) 68. ForJWaln ut creek precinct Kennedy's school house 3 D 3. For Inavulo precinct, Harreys scooh houie SI) 11. For Harmony precinct, school house S D 12. J. P Bayiu. Clerk. Thk friend and patrons of the school are respectfully invited to join with the teachers and pupils in "a basket picnic to be held in Jackson's grove, Friday May 29. The pupils to meet at tho school house ut 9 a. in. March to giove at 10 a m. Basket dinner at 12 M. Khetoncal exercises at 1:30. PROiiKAMMK OT KXF.KCMKS. Two little welcomers, lt Primary. Song, 2nd Intermediate. Recitation. Our Baby, 2nd Primary. Recitaiiou, The Dictionary. Second Primary. Recitation. Good Resolves, Second Primary. Dialogue, First Intermediate. Song, first rnrnary. Recitation. Playing Rail Road, Sec- ond Primary. Redtation, The Pioneer, Second In- termediate. Song, First Primary. Recitation, The Dying Alchemist, High school. Dialogue First Intermediate Redtation,Second Intermediate. Duet, High school. Recitation, First Intermediate. Song, Second Primary. Recitation. High School. Song. High school. Recitation, Little Kitty, Second Pri mary. Song, Second Intermediate. Dialogue, High school. Song, Second Primary. Recitation, Second Intermediate. Song, High school. Closing address. First Primary. Eva J Ki5G, Principal. CATHJERTOX. Pat O'Born lost a valuable horse last Mr Burnett, of Eed Cloud is fnish ing James Lockhart's sew residence. He is a good worcaoan. Nell BartleU's team becasae iiaao agtble while going, to chared last Sunday and raa away, throwiag hie lit tle girl from the buggy Tne ME Church at New Tirgiaia hst secured an able asi John Orndorit the Wells tomstrial artist was at Gethertoa, Peadsy. (! as too.) Die! Mar 17. Eva, iaeani dmrnkitr aad jus wsa Jtuaer. Jtev u w KOBTH XJL8T SUTTH TH I..' frost hurt the trait here. . . The fanners have been rusnmg their planting. The recent rains make the crops look fine Mr Slaby i still improving his new farm by fencing a fine pasture. He ha got his house nearly finished. WSSTXXAVALS It has been some tune sine I pat a ward in your columns but after visit ing yonr'f ourwhmg town a few days ago "I thought i would try and express the plr-urc I took in the trip. The farmers were all buy, ererything driv ing but upon vutiung the city ul more enterpming prcenied itself Building Building ' ! tearing down and building greater seems to le the pas on Dal w?w till more surpris-ed on vvuiing O H Maryatt add wa inrttrd into the gaiden" to fine such delicious fine ripe trawl.rne. Fine fruit that if it was false we hope we will have some more of the same kind. This country is in the advance in spite of t;rAM hontcr, drowth and rain it will final lv lead in thr tan. I Kxow. GUIDE ROCK. J Redden has pot poued his depart ure to Oregon, on account of his sick family. Scarletina is prevailing to quite ac extent in this place. The dance at TalboU hall Thursday evening went ofT quite pleasantly .there leinc a good number present. Lawyer Chatfin has received an or der for three tons of mineral from the Guide Rock across the river to be manufactured into paint. I V Cran is improving hi reai idence. A M. Talbot sold three town lots one dav Inst week. fl Kaley has gone to Arapahoe, and will be absent itouie time. J Hayes has an injured hand the result of ball playing. Mr J Hayes and Miss Kda Garber were viaittug friends in Kn-aa last week. Mr Hagan's youngest cht A it sick. Titixie. WHEATLAND. Some time has elapsed since wo hint appeared in your columns. In the meantime many marked improve ments have been made in this part of the county. During the spring manv new buildings have been erected and the area of tillable land has be.-n largely increased, which proves the prograwsive character of the people, notwithstanding the low prices that have ruled the past winter. Spring work is far advanced; small grain generally looks well; lomo have finished planting, while others have not vet commenced. m Patterson ban enclosed his fine residence with a fence. He has a fine young orchard. Geo Rolerta has built a now house on his claim. The new school house is now finish ed. School will commence soon, Miss Lottir. Gibson, teacher. M Randall has sold his school land lease to Flovd Burt. B C Burt das repainted all his build ings and fenced up a large pasture. A Scott bad a narrow escape from a vicious bull. His clothes were badly rent but he received no serious injury. WEST INAVALE. As it has been some time since you heard from me I will try and let you know that we arc all alive and busy all the time. A majority of our farmers are plant ing corn. Some are listing and others are plowing and planting. N K and Grant Worley were seen last Wednesday, planting with their overcoats and mittens on. Prairie fires arc still on the war path, All of West Ioavale's militia were called out last Tueday to subdue tho fury of the elements. No damage heard of as yet, except some blaek faces. Mr Groves has his pasture finished. He now has three hundred and thirty acres under fence, and has just erected a fine residence. He says he is going to do ome ditching, as his land is too Jlow. The last month has proved the bottom land anything but dry. A few days ago we heard a eoise at Mrs Welter's house, and went over there in a hurry to see what the mat ter was, and she wee calsalj weaving carpets. Tne assessor has been eaiongoa, fig uring up the interest on our debts, and found more debts than interest, get disgusted and left, but net until he had chalked down several little articles There was a social bop in Mr Groves' new nuwe iat rnasy sucni. All jojed tncmseives. A lew of our corn vet. A J Hortoo gets around lively with a new team and buggy, Guilford k Busick have sipee-i car Joau ox nogs to Ikaneee this E H keener is having a coed eee- atantial rasidesee buist oa a aear Cowles. Mr amSyckle with a force of and asiei pile driver is driviaf pihag uader several rail road bridges near here. Cowles reeeently had a Miracle with oatany thiag rnvraeuloea ermjBterioae. W A Miracle a secUoa haai of tae RRCo. here for sosae tiase. aoachi a new suit of clothes oa tisae frosaeaeef oar aercaeote a few fore pay day, proaaieiaf ts pew at thai uase. sseorew&ai aay and silesstly daparted bet ing heiuadatsaaiswoJa eleeaee far ffyfl - . . . 1TDH1I m aHaL s l-fk fiMinr 1 ster ssr x'aaa voaneBeissjaas ssaase wawaraas sasa sawaasw ji wawwaa 1 s? " W m' arsarsBBssiaTaF ,r - aj .aa teTofCoaTlayasaawMiaaiylsjsata Ifi ghe 1 taaewascripuoaa fartaaaaiuae af aai wal W faaarvad ssa ta 12 M. asf f - ?mCmfim. Ha aaa aVaafh af May, lata, for Jatairt as fc w a w7ai OTMOTBawsaasajs aaa eaenai aaa naasasjw aaavsarT aiK .- k-. -W - ' 2. iS -- m Mm V . - T -- JL mii ODD AMD BKaw3 3;XT of all ocriptiom. h $- ar in balertgaa. gaua, esusmer saerifto Ac Hosiery ia cottoa. lyete thrsaral ilk at the Golden Eagle" aeal ing ckrfahsg bowse. Scal Wosiks; Urge stack ef fhesaw.sr note, very cheap; aad new wtwleer shades thas week, atIIenry Ceok't. YVoon beejB culm at or (or oaly $if at Pope's. I x order to close owl, for the "aexr sixtv dav.. we will sell wood! oal ti vators and feed gnnderf at east. A. A. Tope. G to C. A. Owen V buy year wall paper and natata. Large ane eegM" supply and way down prices. Go To C A Owes to buy painis Wm4 wall paper. Til a Luplon cultivator knife far working litad cora. Something aesr and ueful, for sale by 9panogle m 9oa.a Wk are closing eut our stock of cwl tfvafors. Now is the time to buv. Sraaecut Ac fks. Tkk one price Golden EagW kerps the br-st otock of ahocn for raca.woaien and childrea, and of the celebratad! mU make. At home and ready for busier fit our new location, writ of Mmr Bros. brick block. SrxMoata A So. Wk have just received a general stock of bugpee and pnng wagons. Sravooui A Hox. We have a good assortment oJ fine' buggim and spring wagons la stock We think we cu plec you. Srxsernjrk gbjr. Proclamstiox to the tcople of Kedf Cloud and vicinity. Alt perora pur chasing goods of Wnght A Wallace will save raoney Hats and capiin emfre.r varseliat the Golden Eagle. Clothing for men, youths and boys lor holiday and every day wear at pri ces that defy cooipctiiion at the oue price Golden Eagle. O. II. MaavATT is the reliable a nd eadiug jeweler of Rd Cloud. Viouji, banjo and guitar strings at Wright A Wallace's. Itch and scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by WooJford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. Thie never fails. Sold by R K Shercr, drug gist, R! Ooud. -Tl-ly Fust) Hcmmcll wants to sell lihr town property on Scwnl stresU If vou wunl.a bnnun see him. 2Alf A good farm of 160 well trnprovsnl, hntne, barn, wells Ac. 115) acres culti vated, nine miles of Kwd Clou 1. Intjuiro ut farm or address me at Red Cloud. 36 tf Rout, stowxn. HckVtcas at the Methodtut church are a follow: Sunday chool at 10 a. m ; jrf aching at 1 1 a. in, aUo at 7,20 p. nt. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7.30. A cordial welcome to all. New invoice of paraaol and suit ambrellas at Marsh's. Cumit.KO at tost at Inavale, I have, concluded to close out my stock of clothing at cost. J. O. Ciiawmckuk. Dctuxo the month of May every thing in the line of silverware we' wilf sell at 35 per aent. discount. Wkkiit A Wauack. Vtpuw trimmings at Wright A Wal lace's. I dox't claim the largest stock in tho state, but have plenty of fresh new good. The latest deaign in everything kept in a fiart class jewelry eMabUwh rnent. Of! Maktatt. HtRMoxrcAf and all small muslca goods at Wright A Wallaou's. Com r ark mv prices with thoae of other firms. 1 will save yoti from tenf to twenty five per cent, on anything Its my line. O. II. Maktatt. Nkw arrival of fresh teas and cotiW at Marsh's. Qnamojc. Why does A- 8. Marsh sell more dry goods than all the mer chants in Red Cloud. La mca will do well to leok through the stock at the Golden Eagle before buying their shoes. - '- Plow shoes at all prices id suit all at the Golden Eagle. i m i O. H. Mastatt makes a specialty of fine watch repairing and warraats a!( work. Cacokt in the act. A man pasting hastily down Webstar st. yeateriUy attracted the attention of everybody, but bis haste was aeon explained, as' be was on his way to purchase bar gaias at Wright k Waliacea. ww assBBB) esawasj Dwelnsig bowse with not lees the (bar rooeae. Inquire at Use Gold Eagle clotaiag stare. i .. LAwaswill pkase at reed the Jbl lowiag artiele: life usds ivxi e AJaf paw ssspisa esiJLrtai 2 ost y -iiPML -9 nrJa ! -fpw AsanULrsajasasi wwj aeXj peat oi stsupaDfaaajeas4sast&Mstaf Xiteouao uJaawe soatae yw yta afpt sri ssosnr mm ey :aeeaefsaaf x Titty head ef cattle to I af Iaaeale. ACaULC I smew the Walker eeoes aai via giye jost ceivvssaasryeabwy. Try tae Walker laataasai awaaV iataeUaiesl m I have i-eeeivsa steal ster asaAa l& seataaiaeaaeaafaiawssar im Bkeees. I wtt warraat IX t tame srsarry pasraarjaes ar aa aase. try m Mr saaaa. A.LMAastt fa aawpar - -m. m m m mt ,aaWr . ,,i 4tW fl 1 I IL II "S. I u 1 4 4 I - - - Vr I -" ,, T HSjlft ' IT II T Hf - ' " mmVSSmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm SmWtt-'-f-'ffir, .gjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa