V ' . JlJJBVt--.. .,Stj'JJ'-r ;.C--3A'! V"?V,',i55 , -T-. .. J- rv- - j?5' .v.. --, &x; jf-vv ' -ar : -?r ; .?:.- sm&i - s',-- 5 acr y n -i Wi-r i - . M .y TTT' -BBK3S . flriJB .1 .-- f TJV , - " JJ-' ivT -?3-Y " rfTJy- T" A". . avTa mlv -i wwBnHnBHBBM 5 JriSfr-K-t? i .w- SSfiP?? -4K FStasnBw! 1D7 l 3JFiT ' VdHAVJ iZ-. "I J "1 -'X-.iT.-J-.!' 3te?rs "' . - 'jr u .f;S"Jv -f. .,t Lts??-r i i rjk? I? . ls?zs7i' a"i5 55? - - $&: ..- s: rtf t ; r - '- ?i is - I1" ' i -a .' Li"- "1 -S5 a- , -fin - 'T; -W:yi v V ;t "" 'A n. J -. - T-- - ? 3SC X L?y-c , -- S.-A . nn"T ffw mm t vvpncTffr 'SHUB i " IBBBI TSSBBBftST BBBSaiBBI BBBHBSBBBBi a BH 4i MHH Mfe V 4.Mn. -7 inHKsi vbjbbbbbv salwBn x j i I l y r i I IS i s a xiu i F' If' Br 14 c M sTZI IT! -! aa ffVf .jr Sf -THE BEST TONIC ? Thk madlcla. cofflblnlnar Irr with var VcffcUhl tonlct. Quickly and comnletely remedy for Ptoect of tb Cares DvnpttnA, iMUcrattoB Wim jMBMro BIm4, 3ImlmrW,C'htli aad Vrr a4 Nearalata Ituanonmilinri lIMacn ! Unr. It it Invaluable for IMieawf pccnUar to Wonra, afld all who lead aedentary Uvea. Itdoea not Injure the teeth, catuc headache, 'produce constipation cOtfr Iron medieinnlo. Itcnrlcheaand purifiea the blood, atlmulatea the appetite, aids the assimilation or food, re Jierea Heartburn and Belching, and ftrenfth ess the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevera, T aarittirtc, Lack of Znergy, &c, it has no equal. The eennlne has abore trade nark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take bo other. su Mir W aaows cMKaicaL co, bauombj; hs DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereb eiven that the firm of Ormsby t Dickerson is this dav di fiolvcd by mutual consent. M W Pickerscn will continue the business at the old stand. A. T. Ormsby, M. W. DlCKEREO. Eed Cloud, Neb, May 20, 1885. AN ORDINANCE Levying Taxes for 1885. tit it ordained, By the chairman and and board of trustees of the village of Bed Cloud- Sec. 1 That there is hereby' levied and there shall be collected upon all real and personal property of the vil lage of Red Cloud, assessable the sum of three mills on each dollar of the assessed valuation thereof for general revenue purposes and shall be desig nated as the "General Fund." Sec. 2 That there is hereby levied and there shall be collected upon all property withiu the village of Red Cloud, Nebraska, that is assessable the sum of two mills upon each dollar of the assessed valuation fur the purpose of openinc, widening and grading all Btrccts andavenues and for building and repairing bridges, culverts, sewer and for foot walks and cross walks across streets and shall be designated as "Street and Bridge Fund." Sec. 3 Thin ordinance shall be in full force and take effect from and after its passage and due publica tion. RL Tinker, Chairman. J N Rickards, Clerk. NOTICE! Tho taxpayers of the Village of Red Cloud are requested to pay no heed to the warning orders of M. S. .Ballard pretended road overseer of pretended road district No. 3. All the work done in said village by the resident will be done under the orders of trustees of the Village of Red Cloud. By order of the board. R L Tinker, Chairman. J N Rickards, Clerk. 39w4 Young Clyde County OFFICE Chas. F. Gather, Proprietor. Complete and only set of Abstract books in the county. ty oarofoUy prepared at ADie Abstracts of Title to ail lands of this ootm SHOBT NOTICE at Beasonal Batss. Real Estate bought and sold. Insurance in solid companies. Honey to Itoaa Real ntte and Chattel fiecurity. Taxeit paid for non-rel4touts. erenceAny of the badness men of Red Cloud. Office, North Webster Street. West side. HOME AGAirn 'W. M. VXSSCHER, House, Sign and Decorative Painter lias returned from Kansas and Is prepared to do all klnns of Painting & Decorating, INESIGIf H FOB DECORATING. Halls Churches and Private Residences, made and executed In the Most Artistic Manner In Oil Distemper or Paper. All materials furnished if desired and all work warranted to give aalUffccUon' Work solicited from all parts uf tne cute. Call on address W. M. VI8SCHER. Red Cloud. Will make the season or 1PW. at tho "Home .Farm" in KeiUUoud. Young Clyde is ailark lav. wHjih about 1400 rHiumt.H, U 10(4 liar.tis hlh and is live years old. He is a horror fliiestvlo and act 'on. He was Hired Ityan imintrtcd Clydesdale. Ills dam was aClcvclaml Hay. TKUMS To Milt the times. Money due when mare h kuomi to Iv with foal. Persons parting with mares lfore foalinR will bo held forthe in surance money. I will not Ih resi)onsIble for accidents that may occur. Chas R Bests UK dBBBBBBBBBBsSB&JmlY VbsbbbbbTsIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) BE .XTiUR , IsahrlghtbaysUllionS years old. weighs 1400 pounds. He i stronply built and at the same Isagoodsftle horse with broad shoulders and bony letrs. well muscled PEmuiEE Youne ruater's sire was a fuU blood EnKlish Draft Horse, imported. His dam was a Civdesdale mare. Will make the season of 1SS3 at Red Cloud, aad will be foun-t al the nolland House Livery stable now ownctjfcy Geo B Gates. ThKMS To insure -8: money dae when mare proves to be wiUi foal. Care will br taken to pre Aeiit acridents but I will not be responsible for any that may occur. All person disposing of mares before foaling willlte held for iheuseof thenorse. All marcs ast be returned regularlv to the horse. Go DEOER Real Estate 10000 Acres B.&M. RailwayLands ! Wsbster Count? at from S to $10 per acre; wemtmms 'jMprflTaa and Unimprored Farm 4-. WsQ Watered Stock Banrthes at oargalns. 0 RCANS In beautiful cases and perfected reeds, An instrument suitedfto each of your needs; And fine planoa tho King of Harps, With symphonies sweet, in flats and sharps, Please notice the card underneath this ditty, The musical headquarters in the city. Mrs. S. R. McBride, Dealer in Pianos and Organs, &c. BED CLOVJ), - - NEBBjISKA. VEWELRY I Joins in a Jubilee otst Jewels and'grems, Fine watches of gold, with winding stems, Chains and lockets and most lovoly rings, Cups and vases andjmost beautiful things, And prettiest articles for gifts to the bride, Of gold and silver and platedwaro beside. And skillfully.repair all artlolc3 you know, And regulate your watch if too fast or slow. WRIGHT A WALLACE, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Spectacles, Etc, Bed Cloudy Nebraska. i m - -- ---------------------------------------"-"---"""""""""'"b"'" nnnsa SIBBlBBBBBBBBSSaaalBBBIBBvSBBBBBBBBBBBBBi C. B. H03FORD. G. M. YOUNG Hosford & Young DEALERS IN Poultry and Produce RED CLOUD. Highest Market Prices Paid I Also eggs, in season, from High Class Ply mouth Rock Fowls. NEW DEM0INES LAUNDRY Standard in the city ! We expect to DO first-class Work SA1IF. HAYES, Proprietor. Would like to have the citizens of Bed Cloud to1 call and see our work and give us a trial. - LAUNDRY First door north of Funk's agricultural office on Web star street, Bed Cloud. M N RED CLOUD BOOMS ! fJEW BUILDINGS! fsJEW ENTERPRISES But notwithstanding these important Improvements ORHART & FULTO THE POPULAR Merchants OF BED CLOUD, Have the LARGEST and Most Complete stock of late, Stoves, tee, Cutlery, h lie, Nails, Rope, Window screens, fcc. In the Republican Valley. We keep only the BEST goodsjand sad as cheap as those firms that carry an inferior stock. Get our prices before you buy and you will save money. Hardware DAVE, The Thorough-bred Holstein Bull Will be found at tke rendence of Thsa, Brakeield, ear Seward ttreet, Bed Cloud, where fcriaen aad others who desire food stock and icood sulk cows " Dolmonico Restaurant. Minis at ill Sou! At We r &&- &" No Reason TO COMPLAIN ABOUT HIGH PRICES I Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises Now sold at the Golden Eagle, . One price'Clothing Store LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED BEFORE. Will be pleasedto show you stock and prices and convince you that you save money by buying of us. C. WIENER, Proprietor. ,r 4- H B. LUTZ & CO, UP TOWN - BRICK STORE. First Door South of Rink, Red Cloud. GENERALrFreshfamlly foods,and few fancy fixings found, by seUInff asSfro3d as any,as cheap as any, andlas mucb aa many, we hope to receive, and merit MEMORY, MUCH MORS, Mere meagre, miserly patronage, we'll scorn as only mete and meant for many much more mean, miserable men and maidens, be ing born bounteously brave, brace bravely up, and strive and trust and trust and strive, and If we break break bravely, standing by our empty oup. L IMBEM, Lumber for building a sidewalk or fence, Lath and shingles at smallest ezpeuse. Siding and flooring, sash, doors and blindf , Joists and scantling, all the various kinds, Mouldings and picks, battens and and posts, Of these and more, tbej always hare hosts Nebraska Lumber BED CLOUD, NEB. Co, c OTTING. Mixes your doses, and f-eta them pure. Follow directions, of course, be sure. This house has all the rnedicinss of repute, The purest oils, and extracts from barks and fruits, Elixir and cordials and water from the springs, And all Materia Medica's ennumersble things. And combs and brushes, perfumery and notions, And hundreds of novelties from over the ocean. C. L. COTTING, Dealea in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Stationery, WALL PAPER. GLASS, Ac., RED CLOUD. M ILLINERY- Verily in'no city surrounding, Will you see more beauty abouading. Than at Mrs. MoBnds's millinery store, uata in new styles by many a a no Feathers and: We can not ezsreea admiration in words, Every nation and city of note on the globe. Is represented In articles to adora you robs. Mrs. S. B. McBBIDE, The Leading MUiner of Bed Cloud, Nebraska, it aad latest novelties to be otty. Opposite OaloagoTrfrmswr Tard, Bad Cloud. sitae BBBBBBBB BBIIBIBBBI OUCHTON Who daftly fits divine, measures your tori WsKorssatasalsiswaaetMBsd. Aad Ma Orowmg basaasaa is the aalsmal sjart art saw; arwaya amtt joa asgoqda aasl ajss aaakaa aaMa tos wsdsCngsv bTsaeeaaaswl ssmb W. HOUGHTON, WM. LETSON sE"a sbbV. assswJV sW"""Tb BTMNss?as fsssV'ai w '" To Quit Business ! Wash-board Soap 6 bars for 25c Best Soda 1 lb pkgs, 4 for 25c Best Si- gar Syrup 50c per gal. worth 715c Best Vinegar 3Cc worth 40c 13 lbs Granulated Sugar $1. Dry Ooods at the loweet prices ever kcowi In Red Cloud. CLOTHING Tou nevor knew of such prices. We hnvo an tramnrn stock of Goods to diapoeo of. AND THEB OOODS MUST BE SOLD. Paints and Oils Thoeo who are going to paint or paper should not fall to ceil on G. L. COTTING, Before purchasing material. He keeps only flmt-claiwi GoodSk uk wtirrants thorn as repreeented. A full lino of I Drugs and Medicines, And the most complete stock of Stationei in the city. Call and see. Fee4 Flour-- and- STORE. PETER CONOVER, Proprietor, Will keep constantly on hand a complot line of the Best U of Fk ail feel of all Kinds I Prices, the Very Lowest See me.before yoi make your purchases. iiobirs uia stana. nooscer ar.. jxea t,ioua. .v' - j ----- - - r T i ii j. i. m m i m ii ... i. ii - m " ' fc I I s T a i ssa r?' i mi f matonal mmtk kbb n ssaeSka Jtn. M. Hhlrn. AmIiUaI CJUf. i Capital $50,0( Ipeelsl Attentlen Clven Ceileetlens mur-cruiwc Buy am! ?il Kxcharij Mak co'lectiou and !', Uennral lUnkiitg 11uucm. Intrrewt allowed n time drpoatU NEW STORE, NEW GOODS NEW PRICES. Below we quote a few prices of oar goods 'aad reepeetfaUy reqses the public to call aad beooavlnoed of these facte. Steel Spectacles - 10c Brooches, rolled plate, 20c Brooches, rolled plate, - 4 Brooches, rolled plate, 30 toG0 Cuff pins, rolled plate, - 18o Cuff pins, rolled plate, 20 to 45c Clocks, nickel, - Clocks, alarm - - $13; Violins, - $2.25 to $6 Silver spoons, plated set 60c Batter Dishes, tfc, 5pkiu Rinsi, 30c, Wlc Chelae, He, Aeesrdieas, II, Clocks, ttrikisg, $ZU. Elgin Watches, - - $5 Nickel Watches, - 4 These are km a few of the WOXDOFUL PKICKS ef out tA. It MUST be remembered afco that we KULLY WA&ftA.VT sad 0UASA5TS ihl jods as good as the hett. Doa t forget th piece, kr doers aorth ef poi esnee WEIGHT ft WALLACE, Jewelers. Bed Cloud. Red Cloud Music House. Sterling, Packard ft WesternCottage Organs Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines, Stein way, Weber to Paris Pianos. Instate Sa MiSnraa tks mlM nt wm. -. - tns . -. msssi w ! mm mm sKpOTr w w wBMsw sMssi asuosBsssTi sosjsjslss) aaas Avessae, soiHi Tteal as wt 3 41 in smismiu) The Merchant Tailo r9 RedKloud. ' 4P1 BsdOtoud Nsb "ih -L :& & Ssl - tt - && 4- i(vv ,- r?se arrck?ii-" f' ."- ,- i -' -& :-. -i J . r"v - t SA A ? , - "U -sv ; f t TssLrr-iii :jra 5 V. -" P i? &&5 r 5- . -. B II SMT- ,-i.i?- ,.. r-i -4 . -f - .,"r:- MPM0IN MWMMMSMM iu?- ' -e-'".v,?fM?x.' ' ? s. . .fc . tT .j'r-i-i?frrr..-L . -Ti t . - . is, .r fies zsv&t j. ----j. &s ."rf.Stt?-1ia6re.. "cssi i. srisrwsir,'i'iJi AJ i L-t - iV. .1'. TSH2i3Srt?'SiM .0t 'i-: a-.t4S'i-- i n -x:.. a " :-j' s "" v 'TU " "Jfi ni JtmfmwmmmmmnmWKTWi HU- jv- ii) hi n , -. m. -. K-,iA-' ,. .. s-k utrtna if nTir '(' "" -sXT- ?. -r .r; - t&s-id C s ? t 3?k. js t. jss-jvj !,-.. W!ij' .i 'J. -WH'M -JtIitit. , --tJS-'vt- SJ-S- '; c ' , - --.?. rkt.'-V " .-- t -0 O.W-.-KAIiBT. Ajrsnt. can bate a aernoai for at. J.H.TRDCBLE4C0. SHOLL . - r m M ( i j.tT V - j-J 1 .-t.-v.'i .. 'T' JC - rf j- --. v i-: . t-.- fc-rsfc 'i. .-.-. ." - . ctrTrw -,- --t - '