The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 22, 1885, Image 10

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BT Aaj aevsoa who take the paper vera
larlr from taa Bost-oflc whether directed to
Ale Basse or whether he Is a subscriber or not.
M reepoaMble for the per.
The oourts hare decided that refusta to
fake aewapapers froaa the post-olBce, or ro
eaorlBf and tearing- then uacalled for, is
tarima facie videace of iimnmoi ax ithacd.
When the task of the dajr aro ended.
And work Is folded away.
I sit by tho window and study
A picture over the way.
In a room with undrawn curtains w .
A mother comes every night.
And nltfl with a dimpled baby.
In the soft' flickering light. S
The little one's chubby fingers
Wander over her face,
And It smiles and coos and dances
With a sweet, unconscious grace.
I know the mother is saying
Something tender and good.
By the way In which she caresses
This atom of babyhood.
Then, as tho twilight deepens.
Tho golden head sinks to rest.
And a bonutif ul face bends over
The sleeping child on her breast:
And my own sad heart is throbbing
Yearning with sudden pain.
For a touch of the dalntv fingers
I never shall clasp again.
Hut I know the time is coming.
At the end of life's eventide.
When hushed will be every longing.
And mother-love satisned.
8o now I Kit by tho window,
- And take what comfort I may.
Watching the dear little stranger
In tho Urolight over tho way.
ChrUtlan Union.
.A Runaway Couplo from
Rev. Dr. Melton was just beginning
to feci at home in his now parsonage
when he was surprised one evening to
receive a call from Jib classmate Harry
'Leigh. In coHega days they had been
friends, and for awhile after their grad
uation they had exchanged letters and
visits; but tho letters and visits had
come to an end long ago, and it was
many years ainca they had met As
they sat in the book-lined study, each
C3cd the other curiously. Years sat
Jightly upon Mr. Leigh, and he was
dressed fashionablj', almost j'outhfully.
In his dark-red neck-scarf was thrust a
gold dog's head with ruby eyes, and to
tho parson the scarf and the dog's head
suggested a sporting character. He
knew that Mr. Jxugh was not a sporting
-character, and wondered mildly that a
highly respectable, prosperous, middle
aged lawyer should thus adorn his p t
fion. Moreover. Mr. Leigh hud brought
into the study a tall silk lint and a dap-
er little walking stick, and these he
mlil sis though they were far too
preciou to he laid on an unsympathetic
chair. He clung to them until the par
. Hon was filled with an unchristian de
sire to throw them out of tho window;
but instead, he broke oil' in the middle
of a sentence, took hat and frtick from
bis guest, and carried them to the new
Fo-ealled Queen Anne rack in the hall.
There ho left them, together with tho
engraved card that had announced Mr.
Leigh's presence in tho house.
Mr. Leigh, in the minute that he was
alone, smiled, and the smile had in it
touch of pitying ooudescension, and
-when the parson re-entered tho study
Ins guest scanned him leisurely. He
saw a tall, loose-limbed, awkward man,
-clad in black broadcloth of country cut,
with a low jgest that displayed a liberal
expanse of spotless linen. Dr. Melton's
.slippers were a little the worse for wear,
but ho knew that h's daughter would
surprise him at Christmas with a new
:p:iir, and meanwhile the old onos were
comfort able. His collar
and cravat I
were noat, albeit not fashionable, and !
they were well hidden by a flowing
rriv liiil tli it. lnil iiinro wliiti lut-rj
.i ...
p. ..j ..... ....... . .... ....., ......
in it than there were in his mustache.
From under his broad forehead a pair
of contemplative blue eyes looked at
the world with mingled shrewdness and
kiuduess, and they rested on his gue-t
with a s-ort .of comical surprise. He
thought Mr. Li'igh rather foppish in his
lre:s, and MOeigh hope.l that tho
country parson woidd .-oon bo intro
duce i "to a New York tailor, aud taught
town ways by some of the deacons in
the church to which he had been called
upon to minister.
"Well," he said, "and how do you
fauey tho idea of becoming a metropol
itan preacher, and seeing your sermon
garbled in .Monday morning's pajcr?"
The papers didn't garble my sermon
this week, the doctor said. "On tho
roatrar. tho reporters p'eked out tha
.best and overlooked the worst in tiio
ikindest and most flattering fashion."
Mr. Leigh laughed. "You won't be
-so amiable to renorters when you know
them better. This is quito'a change
from your old life, and an agreeable
change, no doubt. Or do you" believe
.that God made the country and man
-inado the town?"
"I believo Gcd made them both, and
man tries his best to spoil both," tho
parson answered.
"Ah. that's neat very neat Bv-the-way.
1 ought to call you doctor, l read
;your book on tho Atonement with a
good deal of p'easnro." The parson
-winced, bnt Mr. Leigh did not observe
that. "I don't wonder the college
'doctored you for it. though your ideas
must seem rather liberal o the musty
old fogies who peddle out Latin and
CJreek awl theology."
"I came near being ono of the musty
old fogies mysdf," said Dr. Melton.
They wanted me to bo a professor,
.but 1 prefer to be a parson."
A city parsoa," said his guest.
"X am aot so sure about the citv
-part," Dr. Meltoa said, slowly. "It
-was pleasant up there in the country; 1
-was Attached to, my people; I liked to
potter ahpat in my garden. I was
astonished whs Lreceived a call from
ew York I doa' t kaow that Twould
ihave accepted it if oae of my deicoas
badnotbad aproaushig son ready to
:fill my place, aad I think that my coa-rcgatieB-
rather liked the idea of a
young dominie. I .aad about come to
the conclusion that I should live and
die a country parson; but here I am."
"With six thousand dollars a year
and a comfortable house," added Mr.
The parse frowned. "A laaa with
1 our children .has no right to flight a
chance of bettering his iortuae; but It
was not t&e money that brought me to
Hew York. There k work here" He
'tank off NO'dealy, perhaps because his
daer 'the shadow of a sneer oa Mr.
LefcVsBps. "Aad you are still lhnag j
m. Pauadeipsuar ' ae astta.
Yey iadeed; I weuM not live eay-
Kew lorkers may tan a
aa can itAaiTiHsae.
b a. . .
QflaialpWi sails pntp Trhnhsinar'ai
jgrtftQjsarthWssSgy, 4L,
?3& 1-Zrii3lwim&w$mm'm
fe- - -- " " ------.---Mr...-. ,-. wM
2. j&t r-iSvtiSKSetafaaasjBjBa sbsMHbWI1jbvot!
j- im. ii- ".rr- k-t r -r-. j -..-.-, w .rv--i .- r m
"I am yet," amid Mr. Leigh; but my
ancestors were Quakers rt of cous
ins of old Penn, you know."
You have a son, I believe to perpet
uate the4 name?" the parson remarked,
"One son an only child. Morton is
twenty-four, and reading law in rny
office. A bright fellow, too; never gives
me a moment's uneasiness; always at
work; steady-going; no boyish nonsense
about him."
Twenty-four," the parson repeated,
"and no boyish nonsense about him?
There is a good deal of nonsense about
my boy?. I am hap sorry to say. Still
I hope they won't disgrace me. Their
mother thinks they are all right, and I
am learning every day of my life that
my wisdom, as compared with hers, is
beneath contempt I can hardly be
lieve you have a son twenty-four.
Whv, you are a spruce voung man your
self "Thanks to a life free from excesses
of any kind." said Mr. Leigh. And I
married early I advocate anearly mar
riage if a man has money enough to
support a family. This waiting to
scrape together a paltry income is terri
bly hard on a young man. Yes, I mar
ried early, and I have every reason to
believe that my son will follow my ex
ample." "So!" the parson exclaimed, raising
his eye-brows very high. "I am glad
to hear that I marned early myself,
but it wai on one of the paltry incomes
a thousand dollars, to be accurate."
"A thousand dollars!" cried Mr.
Leigh, in horror.
"Yes; and we were happy." Dr.
Melton rose as ho spoko, hi eyes stray
ing toward a photograph of his wife
that stood on the mantel-shelf. He took
his pire aud filled it. smiling absoutlv
the while. 'l can't ofler you a cigar,''
he said, "but if a nine ""
Thank you. I liavo a cigar with
me." said Mr. Leigh.
The two gentlemen smoked Jfor a
minute in pensive silence.
"And when is your boy to marry?"
asked the doctor.
"Oh, it is not quite arranged yet."
"So you arrange marriages in Phila
delphia? And this particular marriage
is not quite arranged? Humph! I don't
understand that sort of thing. Up in the
country it is, 'Mary, I love yo'u,' and
'Jack, i love you in return,' and then
my services aro called for. How does
one arrango a marriago in Philadel
phia?" The touch of sarcasm was quite lost
on Mr. Leigh, who had crossed his legs
and sat absorbed in thought, frowning
at the patent-leather tin on his neat
.sho:?. His host watched him until he
uncrossed his legs and looked up.
"Have you any daughters, doctor?"
he akcd.
"Two of them."
"Grown up?"
"I hope so; otherwise thev will tower
over my head."
"And do you understand them?"
asked Mr. Leigh, with a gravity tlirtt
made the parson's blue eyes twinkle
and the corners of his mouth twitch.
"Oh no, I don't understand them; I
don't understand any crea'ure in pcrti
coats; but my daughters are good girls
and their mother assures me that they
aro remarkably gifted. Wlyit do I want
to understand them for?"
"It might b an advantage under
some circumstances," Mr. Leigh re
marked. "Curse it!" he exclaimed, with
sudden energy. "Oh, I beg your par
don," ho a'lded.
"1 don't mind; there are times when
a man is refreshed by the trill of a
curse," said the paiv-ou, who read Jean
Paul. "What is the matter, though?
What girl do you think it might bo an
advantage to understand?"
"My ward," answered Mr. Leigh
"bho :s an orphan, a far-away cousin
of my wife, and she has lived with us
for tho oast five vears. She h:is a nice
little fortune; she is pretty; she is well-
. . .. '
bretl "
"That goes without saying," muttered
the narson, stroking his long beard.
"lJut she hasn't a grain of common
sense." Mr. Leigh rose, took up a
position on the rug, slipped his left hand
under tho short tails of his cut-away
coat, and gesticulated with his right as
lie warme.t to his storv. ".Last sum
mer," he began
"she wsis twenty-one.
and iust out of school. She w6nt to
Cape Mav with the PhippanK people
in whom I placed the utmost conlideucc.
I thought she was safe with them; but
lo and" behold! sho mnst makes the ac
quaintance of a young gentleman who
held the responsible position of book
keeper in one of our large hardware
shops, a retail concern, and he has sold
many ajpaper of tacks over the couuter.
I was in Europe; so this, interesting
tack-seller ran down to Cape My every
Sunday, and staid until Monday." Then
ho had a clerk's two weeks' vacation,
and he spont that at Cape May. I came
back in October, and before I had been
home twenty-four hours who should
call at the house but tins young man?
Ho wanted to see me, and I saw him.
and was informed by him tjiat ho had
wooed and won niy ward. I asked if
he proposed to take her to live over tho
Mr. Leigh's thin lips curled down
ward: he glanced at the parson for
sympathy, but he encountered a steady,
somewhat critical look. Dr. Melton
took the pipe out of his mouth and blew
a cloud of ssaoke upward through his
mustache. . ,
"Why shouldn't they live over the
shop?" ho said.
Oh, you don't understand," Mr.
Leigh exclaimed, fretfully. "She has
been brought up in luxury, and she
onght to have some idea of what is
proper and fitting. There has been a
terrible time. Why, I assure you I
have had the sympathy of all Phfla Iel
phia. This hardware miia hal the
effrontery to say that he had money
enough to take care of a wife, just as
though he had never thoHght of mv
ward's little fortune. Be begged me to
go aad see his employers people I
never heard of and I told him I did
not want their recommeadatioBs; I did
not propose to hire a book-keeper. He
was insolent and I ordered him out..
Then sfic blazed away at me. the weak,
infatuated girt I tried to reason with
her; my wife talked to ber; my son
Well, you see, ray son wanted to marry
her, too, and he would have made, just
the husband for her, but she told hiss if
he spoke to her she would ask her hard
ware man te protect her. Taiak of it!
As though Morton would insalt aer
tee Dcst-maaaered man that ever lived.
Mr. Leigh had grown excited. His
cigar had gone out, aad he rebgktod it,
drawing at it fiercely aatfl the cad
burned bn'ght like a bit of eoei
"And Mortoais very foad ef her." he
continued "so load of her. in fact.
that he is waitiag like a hero for this t I
blow over. I thmkjhe farce b nearly 1
eaaeo, jot te hardware man became
partner the other dajhtanaa factorr
or sosnethiag ef that sect, and a week
ago he tailed focXatuua. Hewaihave
te stay a year, travels far his
Leigh broke effte
"I don't exactly understand vour ob
jections to him," said Dr. Melto'n, slow
ly. Docs he drink, or keep low com
pany?" "No,!' answered Mr. Leigh; "but"
" I beg your pardon," said the doc
tor, interrupting him, "but I want lo
speak in his behalf. He mnst be indus
trious, and no fool, and prospering, or
he would not have jumped into this
new position. I confess I don't think
you have made out a clear case. Of
course you want to sec your son happy;
but if she doc not love 'onr son. that
ends the matter. And if she does love
this other man. and he is honest and
upright, why abould he not have her"
"He is not her equal." said Mr.
Leiirh. " You know in Philadelphia"
Tho parson rose up with a stilled ex
clamation that, coming from a lay
man's lips, might have sounded pro
fane, s
"It is warm in here," he said. "I
want a little fresh air; I am not used to
a furnace-heated house. Poor girl!
The city has not yet claimed me for its
own, and 1 miss the lire-place in my
old study. Poor fellow!"
He threw up the window, and looked
out on a wild expanse of tiny high
fenced back yards; but overhead was
the clear so of sky, where the moon
rode at anchor amid the fleet of stars.
He stood there, drawing in the crisp
December air, until a tap sounded on
the door. " Come in," he cried, aud
one of his daughters entered a tall,
slim girl with her father's blue eyes.
" Papa," she said, pressing close to
him, and smiling mystcriouslv, "there
are some people in the parlor.'"
"Drawing-room, my dear." said the
doctor. "Wc are in Philadelphia."
"We arc not, but no matter,' she
returned. "I tell you there arc some
people in the parlor, and I think it is
our first town wedding. She is very
pretty, and she has on tho loveliest lit
tle bonnet you oversaw. Go marry 'era
quick, and let mc be a witness, only
thev have two witnesses with them."
He passed his arm about her and
kissed her, she did not know why; then
led her to his guest.
"Mollio. this is a classmate of mine.
My daughter. Mr. Leigh Mr. Harvey
Leigh, of Philadelphia. You must ex
cuse mo for a few minutes."
He went into the adjoining parlor.
Yes, it wjis a wedd ng party, no douSt,
but the would-be brid- aud groom did
not, look like the brides and groom?
that seek out a parson in such a fashion.
Tho man was a gentleman, with a line
fa'jo and dignified bearing. The girl
was pretty, but more than that, she had
an air of courage, of self-reliance: sho
was not a weak piece of pink and white
ilesh. An older couplo w:is with them.
a somewhat frightened middle-aged
man and a vary nervous middle-aged
woman, evidently his wife, for she clung
to his ami helplessly.
"I am William Dunbar," said tho
young man. Tho pardon shook hands
with him. "And this." he added, turn
ing to the young lady, "is Miss Kate
Perry. Wc arc both of age in fact I
am thirty-three and I hope ou will be
good enough to marry us."
Mr. Dunbar was very much in earn
cs but he smiled a little. "Our mar
riage is sudden," sho added, "because
1 must sail for Europe to-morrow, and
I want to take my wife with me."
The parson looked at him, then at tho
e parson l
Her eve,
es met his steadilv. though
a faint Hush stole into her cheeks.
" Where is your home?'' he asked.
"I have none," she answered. "I
have nc'ther father nor mother. I have
been living in Philadelphia with mv
- -
lhu words wero
her eyes flashed.
"I am
free to do as I please." she went oa.
" My guardian h is no right to dictate
any longer."
"Hum!" said Dr. Melton, passing his
handover his bc:rd. "And you aro
frdhi Philadelphia too?" he added, turn
ing to Mr. Dtinb .
" I am," was j curt response.
" Your name -o mds familiar," said
the parson. " Could I have seen it the
other day in a list of passengers for
Ho scanned the faces before him. The
man's jaws clicked; the girl's Hush
deepened into crimson.
" We are free to marry." said Mr.
Dunbar. "There U no reason why we
should not, be man and wife. I yo:i
won't perform theceremonv, I shall iind
some one who is willing. We have with
us mv uncle and aunt: there is no use i
. - .
in wasting words. Will
you marry us
"Yes,"' said tho parson. Then he
nkcd a few formal questions, and mar
ried them according to the ritual of the
Dutch Church. He begged them to be
seated for a minute, while he tilled out
the certificate. This made it necessary
for him to return to the studw
A runaway country couple?" said
Mr. I
xuu i nttdu iu tut: tuuiiiit li i,
the parson answered, as lie drew a cer
tificate out of his desk.
" 1 wonder you arc willing to perform
the ceremony." Mr, Leigh remarked.
" i should think it was a great risk to
marry runaway couples."
"'lhe risk is greater without it."
said the parson. " If I don't tie the
knot, somebody will, and it is gener
ally a satisfaction to one to know that
the knot is tied. In this cas, how
ever. I am quite sure I am do ng right.
Do you believe in physiognomy?"
"To a certain extent yes.""
" Wvll, so do L and I 'am confident
that I have just married a sweet girl to
a man who is worthy of her."
He went back to the parlor with the
certificate, taking pen and ink, sj taat
the witnesses might s'gn their names.
Mr. Dunbar shook him by the hand,
leaving a note in his palm. The bride
smiled shvly upon him. and the elderly
woman bowed; bnt the lderly man,
who so far had not spoken a word,
said, suddenlr: "I will tell you. sir.
that you will never regret" having
helped this marriage."
"I don't believe I could have helped
it," said the parson, with a droll glanca
at xh-i new-made husband. " I mght
have been the means of deferring it,
but Mr. Dunbar intends to take bis wife
to Europe in spite of a dozen tyran
nical guardians and a dozen more re
luctant clergymen. God bless you and
make you happy!" he added, takiag
the youag wife s hand.
Her eves filled with tears, hut her
husbaa J drew her hand through his
arm and led her away.
Two carriages were waiting outside.
One went, to the north, the other to the
south; but this parsoa watched th op
that went to the south, form tha: sat a
man aad woanas whom he believed he
1. 1 '. .. ... .i .. ...
had made happy for life, so far as
wedded buss bnags happiness.
He returned to the .stndy, gave the
wedding fee to his daagater, whs bore
k off in triumph to her aether, and
then he refilled his pipe.
"Does this sect of thiac fcaapan
aid Mr. Leigh.
ef thsar
yon woaid oaa taa eosasnen eiaes. sr-
liot. pran Ir tan aort
IWbrfate aad groom were
y "??-? T aaiaaa;
i 52?r- wm allia"fB
his cbalr.
And the
"Kate Perrv Katherine. rather."
Mr. Leigh stared at him vacantly.
"Mv ward!" hi cried, in sudden anger.
"And after all I told you! Why didn't
you call me in there? '
"How was I to know that?" sa'd Dr.
Melton. "You never mentioned the
name of your ward or her lover. You
simply called him the hardware man."
Mr." Iigh walked out of the library,
took his hat and stick, struggled into
his overcoat, and left the house without
vouchsafing another word to his host.
The parioa showed him out. and
looked at him walking swifily down
the moonlit street. When he went to
his study agaiu he had by no means tho
craven air of a man who had done a
dastardly deed. On the contrary, ho
laughed "outright as hu t-at down at his
desk, whereon lay the notes of his .ser
mon. Hut hu did'not tini-h the ermon.
He went to his daughter and begged
her to lend him a good novel, aud ht
read a love story that evening instead,
of theology. Charles Dunning, in liar
pcr's W'ztKly.
A Valuable aad
Chrap Article of Xutrl-
turn I.
Tbe many species that men consume
them a variety of tlavor
and many degrees of nourishment. In
some parts of the earth fish form the
chief sustenance of the jxoplc Iu the
frigid zone, fish arc dried, ground to
powder, and converted int-j a substitute
for bread. Even putr.d fish forms the
ordinary food of whole tribes of men.
From tho earliest period of mankind,
fish has been their common nourish
ment. The llesh of fish is IcvS nutritious than
meat, aud differs iu the amount of
Idastic and fatty matter they contain,
hit generally we may fay that they
contain seventv-tive per cent, of water.
fifteen per cent, of nitrogenous
materials. The white fish, however,
contains only three pr cent of fat and
eighteen of plastic matter. Some are
not easily digested in the human
stomach. Others dissolve readilv, and.
enter and mingle easily in the circula
tion of the blood. It may bo well fur
the mother to know that some fish ate
poisonous at certain sea ioiis of the year,
and under the iulluence of certain kinds
of food, especially in hot and unhealthy
climates. They should not forget that
various articles of ordinary diet vary in
their in line, nee ujhmi the health aud
comfort of different children. Some
can not safely eat veal, or mutton, milk
nor strawberries. Shell fish (as lobitwr)
may induce cholera: in other? a pecial
form of nettle rah may appear; and in
still others, nervous maladies may
seominglv be caused bv eating certain
kinds of fish. Such cases are very rare,
aud have been ascribed to the food on
which some fi.-hes live, and to the
idiosyncrasy of persons so affected.
If iisli do not :eld as much nourish
ment as meat, still tho?e who live
chieily on this diet usual! v maintain a
healthy state of body, and discharge well
the iiMial itu ties of active life. Fish
eating children ultimately make healthy
and active men aud women.
Wo may find it convenient to form
two grades of fishes, namely, those that
have white llesh and those that have
red. The former have a looser texture
than the latter, and so are more easily
digested. Among the white-fleshed fish
are the perch, haddock, sole, cod, etc.
Their bodies usually contain but a
small amount of fat. Mich as usually
accumulates in the codfish and its rela
tives, whoso livers are ordinarily dis
tended with oil. White-colored fish, on
an average, contain nearly eighteen per
c-'nt. of plastic matter, .-eventy-eight
per cent, of water and four per cent, or
Jess, of fat
The red-fleshed fishes, as tne mack
erel, herring, eels, salmon, etc., are
di-tinguished by having fat mingled
with the lle-h, especially in t'ie part be
low the beily. So the members of this
second class are richer, more nutritious,
but lossonsy of d ;ction. The tnlmoh.
that prince of fishoi. approaches meat
in color, and yields more nourishment
than anv othr member of the tinny
tribe. The fat is mingled with the
libers of tho muscles, and also exists in
layers diree'ly beneath the skin. In
most fishes, the fat abounds in the bel.y
part more than in the back, so that tho
former are not so suitable for children
and weak stomachs.
The red llt-shed fishes arc more nu
tritious, but harder of digest oa tlian
the lean and white-meat-d one-. This J
latter class, cooked w thout much fat. f
are easily digested and assimilated in.
the weakest -toma'-h and :ini particiH
lariy suiuiou: a? wtt iui viiiiiiiun.
The tlavor of fish depends in part
ton the species to whi"h they Iwlongj
and partly upon the fooi they" eat nJ
-i .... :.i.i. . ..,. i l.:t.l...
tho ulace in which thev live. Tuo-
that live in deep or quickly movinf
waters with gnivelly bottoms art
sweeter and mon; delicate than tho
that spend their days in shallow. aIowIt
moving wafers on muddy boitoms. TM-j
latter are not only I-ss nutritious I:
tougher, harder to digest and have tn
earthv tlavor. We ought to reeat that
the fatty class of fishes require more
digestive force than the lean, and o
are not proper for young children, lit
they may be made" more digestible by
adding "to them when cooking a little
vinegar. All fish should be beheaded
and cleaned as soon as caught. C. II.
Allen, in Western Rural.
Why Hair Oil i Out of Fashion.
Ladies can anticipate many disa
greeable possibilities with firmness but
to wait calmly to grow bald-heaoVd is
too much for their endurance. So they
froppcd hah oiL Hair oil is now tu-d
by dudes and f ashy niea in order t in
sure a good comix The city i tilled
with prexnaturly bald-beaded Voting
nica. But tbe women think too much
of a head of hair to sacrifice it to oiL
The great desire now is to get a fluid
that is entirely free trom grease to use
on thu hair. "Several prcpa'atloa have
fceea invented. They use this to damp
en and make the hair pnTy. Th Ling
try bang is going out of style acd the
air is combed upon the lead. orae
dampness re mired to nuke h dress
easily. Oil was once the only thing
aseL bnt now harmlesa fin di btre sup
pieacen:r Jt entirely. Tbe Jaral far
akhes eaough nutriment to eaca a&and
of fca'r. and la some even, too xauck.
Fatting rreaae oa tho hair not
sake K aealthy, nor impart vaiitr te
itsfreartn. Oa tbe contrary, k cIog
no tbe scalp, and frequently cae te
bnair to tall oar. The day of hair a
Mr ladies bava. passed. A. J. Ma!.
m m
The wmciTkiaBaBge.rFraak-
Psl. prerMw tai - mj 4
Mr. Leigh started from
"Dunbar!" he repeated.
asMttttoi vam teuwo nananai
aaaalaia ta fatan fa bis aaBamanai tae
anjaaaaf alala tnaaT aisav fctlps.
saawaaiigaa'fcraaannW'- .
ark Twain says he set type in the
Philadelphia ledger otlice mom than
thirty yiers ago.
Henrv Here's three sons are all in
terested in the philanthropic projects of woa itt i-;:,n,s-their
fathor. Si V. Sun. 1r,f r"1 "
An Englbh newspaper sav- that . '- i t tntrS!i i- r
Parnell is soon to marrv an American , T&ZlZil'i
girl, a friend of hi mother. u mt tur unvr -st.
Mrs. Eliza . M- Morgan, widow of , ,.nrTa, bT jM.. waMc Bl
ex-Governor Morgan, of .New i ork. bv Toimc n-wrtvk tr hu
her will leaves Sltt.OCO for charitahlo , :f TrCr TraU
and church purposes A. J. Tnlunc.
Governor Llovd. of Marvland. is nJrLh.1"yr..,rulccml4liat
the tlnrd member of his f.tmilv to hold I i.mtjh hatr- t ibu cuateci
that office, the firs: having attained it
in 1709 and the second in
1509. iiatii-
more Sun.
Twenty-two daughters at pn-scnt
live with their father. George lliddle.
in Carroll County. Ma Abo cij;ht
widows of tho nine deceased sons of
1 lt. C itit'iin f! vlr l?rt
; , T.i vw -
loru. Lonn., uu survive.
4tcv. Dr. Cuyler. of Brooklyn, has
been a busy man. In the last "twenty
five years he has written three thou
sand articles for the newspapers, tie
sides writing a cord of nermons, pub
lishing ten volumes, and doing a great
deal of other work. Brooklyn Ktiylc J
Mrs. Theodore Tilton is living '
quietly with her mother in HrookJvn. '
Bess it Turner is in.irno 1 to a Mr. '
Schoonmaker. Since her marriage e
has lived very quietly, and is now a
middle-aged, fairly gool-lonking wom
an, passed in the street without recog
nition as a notable. S. Y. Sun.
There are but few left of the olTi
rers most closely as-ociated with Gnuit
during the war. All but three of tho
.m officers composing General Grant'
.Mirs'usippi Vallev staft" are dead. The
.survivors are ( olonel John Kiggiu. of
Sl Louia. Colonel Webster and Gen
eral Ihrie, of ban Franc.sco. Chicago
Marguerite Cleveland' death re
moved from the Greeley circle its in out
gifted feminine member. Possessing
rare musical talent, her society was
everywhere welcome for this and" other
entertaining qualities. She was a niece
of the famous editor, and is buried near
him. iu Greenwood Cemetery. -V. J'.
Elias Howe, the sewing-machine
millionaire, was a private soldier dur
ing the war. It is said that once when
his regiment was suffering on account
of a delay in paving them he gave his
personal check to the Quartermaster
, and they wero immediately paid. The
Government subsequently paid him
back. liorton Journal.
In ItiG'J. at the Theater do 1'Odean.
; iu Paris, Adelina Patti appeared at a
concert Jorllie oeneulol ayoungactrns
who had lo-.t all her possessions by a
fire. At the close of the concert tho
actress, wearing a black woolen dre-is
without the slightest ornament, went
timidly to the diva, and. giving her a
bouquet worth two sous, kissed her
hand. The actress was Sara Bernhardt.
Chicmjo Inter Ocean.
An ordinary woman's
thirty inches around An ordinary
man's arm is about thirty Inches long.
How admirable aro thy works, U,
nature! S. O. Star.
My dear," asked Mrs. Wig? of
Mrs. D gg, "can you tell me why" they
call theiii tournures?" "Ye.s," was tho
reply, "it is because you have to
tournure head around to see how it
hangs." "O!" Oil City Derrick,
That was a clever boy who. when
he was given five shillings to dig p his
aant's garden, hid a two-ohilling piecu
io it and told all the boys in the neigh
borhood. Thu next morning the ground
was pulverised two feet deep. S. 1'.
Tlirongh the telephone "Is that
vau. doctor?" "Vcs, who is it?" "Mrs.
y.erony. Oh, doctor! what shall I do
for baby? He has swallowed a dimo "
Well. "you surely don't Want to spvud
tvo ilollars to get a dim., do you"
V. J', llcrahl.
A nurseryman says that tho best
i.ind of dogwood l thu i ftMlowcring.
Our experience is that a clothes-jolo Is
the because it is light enough to
La:dle and long enough to 'n
ablc von to hit the tlog at almost any
t'range. Hick.
An exchange contain- an articl cn
ritled "How to Breathe.' Wc didn't
suppose there was so mi'ch ignorance
m the world When a man doesn't
know how to breathe thj best health
report for him is a lot in a cemeterv.
Ho would spoil if kept many days aUjve
ground. Sorrhtcnnn Herat!.
lxwk-agent went i:(o a barber'i
pnon and asked the proprietor if ho
,. , , '.-, ..if. .
could sell him an cncvelop.Klia. What
is it like?" asked the barber. "It Is a
book thai contain exhaustive informa
tion upon every mibject in the world."
"Xo." said the barbrr. with an injured
air, "I don't need it." K . Times.
He Loves! Her Still
Hr rotco u hrh nd in! Jw1 alt 4r.
Tin th man u crair. a on zny,f.
Krotn morn till nJght It ciJa. chin. catn.
And people who cotjMa't brlp teartmr thr 1I
Kno well that tht- nan had a rrotto bvar.
And hectiM In taedevthof h!awMd(air:
-I've lovrd, I've tovr hT tkraagt. roo4 and
And with all her fault I lev hrtrtJM."
V0t4m CevVr.
Tlils anHent but itill jerfect specl
aaen of a "bull' has recefitly been led
out: As I w froin' over the bridg.
said a native of Erie, "I net Pat Hcw
ins. Hewras. avs L Kow are von?'
Prettv well, thank yoo. Deanery,1 y
be bonnellrr says L tht aot nay
name-' 'Faitk. then, no more mine
Hevrin.' So with that W looked st
aich other again, an' sofc enougb H
wa naytber of aa." X J. PoU.
Of "what did Cfcarie Padley War
ner? On what did Hearr Cabot Lodjre?
Why did France Hodgr Bsratt?
Whv aaI what dow 3farr 3fape
Dod'ge? What did Harriet Martiacaa?
What did Buchaaaa Read? War was
Edgar Allaa Poe? What did "Leigh
Hunt? Whv did Hearr Gtrr Carltoa?
What did Ralph Waldo Emersoa? Why
did Jame Whitcomb Rifcv? Wfco
cares if Wjlliam Carcw Hariitt? Why
was Laurcaca Sterne? X. 1. fey
kuL He Was To JnteKqgont.
Judsos X. Colt Is ans of tbe mot
Tozce Vid men :a Texaa, Not locg since
tlte sifter. wbUe takiag a ride out in tha
suburbs caaaeacroM "Jad? Cob; a be
s familiarly called, kag Wkiad a Uw.
Waal are yoa doiag oaf. tbexe?' be
-I am afraid tbe SWrisT wiU pat mm
oa the jarr ia taat big laar eaae.
"Bat yoa ara exasapt Weaaae yaa art
"I know taat I am kfaBy
bnt rm atratdl Uej a lalw am any
IaaardoMaf tbekwyan ia tho
mv be was roiag to aava aa ia
it tank tba last man m
r imam J-
Fcnttre !! lr rro W- Aaelrk.
itc ;ortu hMd ww im otf
Sorl. uy iT
nijr 2Kro.
The I'rrarhrr lnt Hint nn lh YTHmmm
Stao.t ! Trl Htm hy Jury.
In the Triu'ty Ilaptt Church. Cam
i .
1 urn.
last evening, Kov. T. IX Witt
Talmage. of Urosiklyn. lecturt'd on
-IuiiersoUism." under the au.mcc of
t ... t ... . f.i i
me loung .Men s aimun Attueiawun.
Thv church wa cruwdnl to Iu uuuoU
and laughter and applau were frr-
uuent. Dr. Talma rv had left hi homo
on the four o clock tram and armed
ju,st in time to stejr ujhjii tho platform
and begin hU mddrcv
"During the pat four or five years,
r i
j began the speaker, "a dktlngimhcd
gentleman has bcn hctunng through
the couutty oti what be hx U-va ple.vetl
to rail "Talmaglan Philosophy.' It U
kind of him to thu
talk of me to thoo
who prouablv
never nw ir nearu oi
a i
me, and o. when thi talent! gentle
mau slmll uavt become cnaugiti in m
conict-on. I shall Invite htu to prraeh
his tirt sermon lu my pulpit. Thl
shows that 1 have no jhtmui.iI fowling
against htm. for he will chang. I hop.
oltain. who wrote miuk two hundred
and forty vo!umr. all of which wen
more or li- attack on ('hrltlrtnty.
asked to havo the Micrament admin
itered to hint when he ra dying, and
re pie.nted that ho should to buried In
coitsi-erated ground.
From what wo have heard of late. It
eein that the ChriMinn jeligioti is a
hu'e blunder, that the lttble. from lid to
lid. i t titled with l-eii and shnui). that
...1.1 .-1. .. -..., n.... ...... w.w-..
Flood and Noah's .rk are gret absitr- !
dities, that those wh have dbl for its J
tlntrit itivir n ti niirnvn rtrii! Ihttt Die )
truths have been dupe, that we should
blush for such men a William 11.
S'ward. and Thomut Jetrerou, and
Wiilium 1C (iladstone. and Daniel Wel
ster bi'cauo they ldiuved stu-h iradr.
that vour father w.n. a fool tit lean on
the Uible to hu grave, vour mother wa
but cajoled by lie ami superstition;
that the IiKk which ha deluded
many of the great intellects of the pt
iuu-l not i'O allowed to delude our o
much greater one.. o, then, out with
it trom the Church, the court and lhu
Dr. Talmage then proposed to give
the Uible a fair trial before condemning
it. and he impaneled tne nudienee n thu
jury before whom to try the cn,e. Then
he called Kolxjrt . lugerllto Uur wit
nes stand, anil wm otibed to swear
hiiu by the spoLi on the nun, the cav
erns in the iiimjii. the belt about hat
urn, the Milky Way and the Aurora Ito
reali " Laughter. He next stated a
principle, of law that if hu could prove
that too witness had mlirr presented one
set of facta, hu could not totiutted in
another fale in one. fal.e In ulL
"In Mr, Ingersoll'i lecture." contin
ued the reverend gentlemen, "he Hte
that the Ihblo favor pohgamy. and ho
ask if hi audience lclievc in tich a
procedure. No. not one. "Then you
are better than your Hiblu,' coneludeil
Mr Ingersoll in triumph. Now let me
ank you how many wives did (.tod maku
for Adam, and I presume, that lie
started the institution a He wanted it
to continue. How m.iny wive did lie
tell Noah and hi pon to take InW the
Ark. at the second launching of tint
human racj? One each." TliU to,nt
was elaborated at om length, aud
then Dr. Talmagu replied lu regular '
oriicr Uj tho following claim' ot inger
soll: That tin Ihblo is an impure book;
that It I a cruel book that It 1
woman tyrant and degradation; that
the fcton' "of thu crcaUon of woman
is mot ridiculuu. On thi he said
"My friend pronoumcj. the rib story
a abnurd. That ioor old rib of Adam.
fLaughtr. It l run through all my
frlenil" lecture, so that when copo
come In Jnt- thev ask. Jia he como
to the rib story vet'
I like a trrevhoiind of
to devote hfme!f to gnawing an o'd.drv ' thu hltrlc a.oehtloo of thr church
Iwrie. when there km an abundance of "And yet." d th fr rnd.tlll ga ng
itchmI food at haniL One day I Jot mv i
temtHjr and wm about to throw the
b)n! ov-r the fence, when that do
seem'-d to look at mo a
wanted to ay: 'If you only knew how
much I deeuil on this boneI'm an
InfideL " Uughter.
Hy a liberal rpiotalloB of Ultdir Dr,
Talmagu answermi the next claim, that
Christianity U falling back sad tbe Hihl
becoming extiact. aud declarcl that to
day the moil fwpular name oa earth U
Jeus. and tho nuit popular book the
Itiblc Hu tb-n. In a humorous,
fllHtratir way. conMred th ubtl
tntr which iafidel onered for religioa.
and recited their ciwL which begaa:
"1 believe in nothlfijr. the maker lAikm
heaven aud the earth; bora of sotb
ing. etc.." In tbe form of the AposlW
Cr-L Uc stated that "rrry bifid!
had dfed cither ia stolid ladiacrecc-1
horror, aad thev alwavs arilL" Wkb
aa earnest conda oa Or. Talmage re
tired froaa the platform amid hearty
appia&se. FhiLuUlpJtfm trcu.
USas Apart trssa U4 s JVswSl
lo& Is tba anprtme meed of ertrv
AaarrsTHt witbout Him woald
be as the earth Utss Wrrfx. wkbat
hope." Tbeorvtical atheism says:
There b so God;" practical athewm
lr to live without Him. Men who
rKMrat tsias; called afhrkta. IItu bjh
IkJak aad act athesstleolly. "There hi
eae Mriag and true God. msJctr oi ail
thlag. rakrof Ib-arn- aad earth,0' U
aot aa ccomfoTth4W creed to thsw
worMImgr o loag a they caa asaaay
to fel that God has Ht w aeparata
sphere of activity which sk aot I
terfrre with thrirs. The tho f
takiag God lata thek- lives, their lasal
aes aad then haarts rarajy comas to
them: aad whea H dssw they revak
from k aa imfntHcaii aad fssssfrsX
Thi hahitaal frelmc ef arawmi tls
isssmtsmm Urn isllimti af Kb
ataraky jaaa Imiiiiil aa
aa a
ftsjimf that "la taWrasils af
Gs4Uwithms"ismtma is a
la af
sU warn Is iff huls, - hat iSy imf sa
mMssssmsW ssskssTaW 'BMassssSa sssssssssW --
WWsay ? ssstswmV SsVsmWsssI smm vJmsVsV' mtsHVmmVslHm
IWYSa-aw.ra-mSaalJtsl slsjrajmt
i sot nigh them In their hru SxiC
men ng " I nil Tb evrr hour.
but i almost all houf fcl not their
nrd of GoL Suajr a Iird. thir
practical rrred U "I rfd Thi ,.
n?ol Thy reTs-ral upmlon. bnt S
hvr no abulia j congou ar of Thy
It U time trt rvlw or tblnilag n
this ubrci of human want, thir hbt
of limiting our crvd of (tnl top'ri al
concern and ?& trmrral cr1
ro5t U !1 the non important tht wo
hould antrrclat car tJr5Hn!,ivev in
apntrcniiv inui maT. .iuim;
pptrcntlv trill matter.
.f-.. .. - . . .
reatlv trivial tft: in an x
the wclfrv of a man. What 4-rtn t
b tnfi' ar often ladn with tr
nal ronriuracr!. A ron path t
cuntautly lrri with prit and J?
nifiraat crie lu which only ioI cn
hen? l no human phlloophy mort
id than th tAtetnent" t HiS A
t Willi
I C,xl U ruler in general ocr thu woriiU
j that general uprrvUlun irrow out of
. HI otiintmt .peclnc urrvWon ovr
Individual ron fh:t If i;.l nA
, lfltril. .. rtr. . ,, rtUllrnl, ,t ,JI ,fcrf
lJmv Thi, j,s,i0,0phy b nor n
j i,0 meoci- that GikJ onUio m or
I that lie i imwrrleM and tndlTr U
and therefore U orrmilrd bin o,l
evil arolHit tho ontlnarr n-ulu f I
loyalty. brulUh obUna"cy. dlwiUl 'Oo
and fvUdlhui galnt tiini j.'rnal
law. In one wuc Ho vrnit evi, in
that H doo not ummarily trAa
down the rvbtd or alio- reholl.oti to dc
stroy the traitor Instantly. JH '
promt n mvitation giv a
I ground for
fxith that
i will gi a
tmt. and
bum an
out that
I "
... ., k.;.j .,, wr Ti. tnn
i " -?l. -- - " !-.-
or woman who surrender to a jeronl
father in Hfafn. anil CvintAntlv ton
seemte bunelf to oSh!iiiI erH.
surely will mount a human rignh from
which he can ( J ud' land In tht I f"
tbtr neet! of (o! 1 atwfacorv pn-f
that we need ti(t It without IU con
soioti presence nd sujn'Uotv A
world made bv (..iwt U a woeful faduro
If theCrwilorde not abide among th
men whom Ho hi innouite Ilia
i ttoblrt creation When the vor!d was
youug. anel walked with, and ul.ol
to. some sailit. l.ater. Chnl a
t!eh. and tarried on earth thirty tlireo
year. Now In the. latter day the
f third jeron in the Trinity "abide ' a
the comforter, gutdo and saer oi nil
who Invite th" iUvltu (5uet to larrv
until tho end. .V. H". Chrittntn .lJ-tvcu.V.
A Ur-.l ami iVtirli.VIlo ,f:lall..r
uiiiwi it orisiM o iti rnu tH.i
'ulllifalit f m Vhuh .4M,'",ll?.
A little more than forty year i
there came to .oitdou a young apprtn
tlc. He wa jKHr tiii! frndlei J.
had but a single, endownent l'hnt n-
faith. He tok Icnjglng In iL I'aul'
'hurchvanL Hi iHbrinun over
looked the vat wllden of homei.
with the dome of Ht. l'tiul'i hang i fj
bke a erovu of faith nJte it lio
came to hi room unknown, and th iv
Hindu a simple prayer of conetration
alone. He fell the ol!ltlth 01 the i t,
Nome eighty ung mon were ui;i.
(loyeil in lhu futiilii e4UoIlJmenl rf
" I reolved.' jahl a jp"at reformer.
to havo no friend by chance, but by
choice, rfnd to chooii only 4 tic ft as,
would help ii hi my spiritual Hfo awl
The young npprrntfr had a Ilk ptip
jk4. He found a fewr ''inx men
ntuong hi fellow.workmen wh'e tire
had a moral aim and purjxe Nm
of lhee he intil'M to hold rlfou
(ex-vice wth him lu hi room Th
Invjtml other to meet with them for
th satne purjie. l hu meeting grw
In muiilter. Tliy multiplied. Young
men's meeting for young men beaiiu
a movement among the iondon trale.
ami in HH they Jed to th forming of
the tlrt
Yutiiijr Men' (liritlnn A-
The oIetr sprail. It fnfiii'ur
ww Ml iliMttsh'Mit Kngiamt: Am rh
look tit th- workt the iiandof the !'-
ctJie: part of Al. NVarly thre ihoo
and ocbiUn were repruwnted or
rej-orted at lhu Tenth Annual Con
ference hdd a Iterliu. Nw th move
ment I found to meet th nl of tol
h'Zvr, nnd moru than two hundred i
scIation bai been formed in coib-g-
and school.
rne month ago. a gentleman walk
ing along thcThatm embankment aw
Laughter Ii'tlM grand (lorn of h?, i'aul llhiminoil
mine who uI by lh twilight, and frcalb'd to n friend
"P'n Ix-itdon crow. "i!m? Intiuptirit
oz taat cnurca uttnng U? prr.-nt
century ha. I think, t-n outwelshl
by the wrk of a iagl JndivMuaL
"A rner? boy." He sddad. "I wn
th apprentice wlw lrgan ia hU ImpU
room in Hi. I'auT Churchyard the work
of Young MciA (,hristlaa Ac:a::i
la the world."
Wc caa not welrh latSomcrs. ml m
abnr remark Is fnpiriag in iu hofs
to tbo who seek to bv helpful to
oh-r. but whoc only rrsoorevs l
Faith. IWVj CvmpAMen.
We shall be jo4gl h?rMitVr. aot
by what w have fl bat Wy wfea ws
have doae.-.L fo1
This U a tsobW tdra f rnrata
riveii by PhHHps Brook: C0 mxH haa
torn lo irt jrreatars -srho has aot
felt ia om 4xr- that hi Ills tox
to his race, aad that what God jrftsa
hka He irivea him for atMMikiadL"
Kraaa ia a maa U aot always n
be takra as a alga of eaacty. U it U
gaerally observed oc la tho- who
sr slh aad ovrrrrachlajr. aad his
hew-ss-femrrally eads la that klsvl of
prHrado Jaw otkr a-t's nun.
Cs whJi wiJI seast to ieaet his oa.
Tlss wraith of Maauaoa U !oek
f ja bmIar.prwif alu; th wraith
of God k ,! h the hearts of .
The lock combbrntloa u th first
fa aalr kaowa to him who mu k. bat
the eomfcisatioa that of the Uitt U
fcaowa w every ChnsciW'eW?.
The way to argao slows a rkw U
a4 to tli He about k-to mt that it
has m attrastasv he rrrlxiy
km that k hs-.tsat ntW toJci ft
amheoist k , Wt ftcenaialv
willlatha ssomratef tear&atiea. aas.
the m it wkh the waft. ht.
alaWsl by the Otrbw smory.-ifem.
" ee Mvath ia - - .
Ihsasm ml fear a awkLUae a
StOft tSSMJSl,
taa i oaafaag,
amma i
. -A-b( ,- Mwy r. "" m t .-i - -t' . .jrrv r j.-xiKiiufc w . - -w k mmak taA mm m aHr
S. '
tCZ-&m T te
"i w--?r-'":'??fci'tiaas. . jj- j
'." ssl' a11 Mas
mKX-rtixz -. fcj' -i t ! -' .- "rri,1- t',-j-r7vu.vLc4. .ii. w jAr. - t. . " -