ifti'-r--" 'j-rM a E- - ' t -T .- Jt-- V 7V '. -tr-? W - A -C K53r-iv" W LmL, a, 4JlJ!flR.JL J...!... &&'.-" . ?,' TiS"i " '" '- ' -""-K-w-'--;irI--J,""5-S j . . i Tij-fc.T c -... - r . - . "-0!KKSk.i '' - ."AV?br.rtj.Ciiv.r i' v mr -t. ijrjfE ih , :.- t z - -- ' .r . - ;. -w-a-- ,--v- ?" - --x-Y-. - - x4.-r-j?& fsi-a i'Sg:.?- s j. a vt 5wCv -v' .-& v -v WJ -njar -'?--t -. t-aXiS : - - ' 3w. "V A 45. -7 ' wc?? 4- The - . I 14 -m 43 V "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $l.SO A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. VOL XII. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB. FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1885- NO 42 Ml - - 'lll.l.ll ifr 'In Mill i i.l' "' i,iiiii t- Chief Red Cloud 1 i j r i J! F: ; W ps. - - Reliable Furnito Opposite Postofflce. the LARgEST and the RepuDLcan RED CLOUD CHIEF EVEUY FRIDAY BY A. C. HOSMER. KTES F 6UU3CUIITION: oopy. one xoi . - - II SO fae copy. rx moo hi. 75. Pno copy, four mi th. - M. Entered at the 1 ostoffice ia Red Goud as mat croftha second claas. J' .'. i . ' B &M. Time Table. No Arrive Leave. cited Cloud to Crete, mall... ti:iratn ri(3il:uj:o until 7KT,am BOOxlord and liiitins exp... !t:0O:un 95ain sv'Caiinim taU"'tu Di-tivcr... l.-fl.:iiii sriram 79Hsihtlnp.H lu Oxford cxt C:II.iir:i GH.'jun M.'ifte to lit d ('loud uutil b:(x)jini 0MCimon ball" to Kansas C. 10:05jiu 10:IDjn 4 CliiciiKO mall 10;.-.o The Oxford and HaAtln express and Crct tuall makr connections at Ilaun.i und Crete With Ih'iivcr. Clilrauo tlirotiIi tntln. Ilutinpund Oxford t nun hriiu:.- im;:inKerd from Chicago to lever exprevs. A..J Ui:ix:ii, Ticket Aceut. t-.r:i. . ., - - , COUNTY OFFICIOS. loim P. Bnj'ha, County Clerk. 'Jkuxs. Buscluiw, County Treasurer. 3eo. 0. YeiMer, County Judge. -1. W. Warren, Sherill'. Chan. W. Springer, Superintendent ol Public Instruction. C. P. Kinkcr, County Surveyor. It. It. Sherer, County Coroner. Jacob L. Miller, i Inn. McCalluni. County Com. I. B. Hampton, l Business Directory. i NO. B. STANSER, AUCTIONEER, - - - NEBRASKA HICKS TJENRY ANDERSON, SURVEYOR, Orders left at the Abstract office will receive prompt attention. RED CLOUD - - NEBRASKA i i i m ! i -i. JW.TULLEtS,'M.D., HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Examining Surgeon. Office Opposite First National Bank lied Cloud. D R. L. H. BECK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA Offici: Over Henry Cook's drug store. Professional calls attended- dnv or night. Q E. McKEEBY, M. D.t PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office. -Flrw doowpt ot Cook's dru? store, jmce hours from y to 12 luin.. : to 4. and 7 to l', in. Utsideace 3 blocks west ol court ouse. EDC.LODD. - XEIJRASKA. D DAMERELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Red Cloud, Nebraska, jrrictr Over the ttvw poetofioa. QILHAM & RICKARDS, ATTORNEY'S. Red Cloud. Nebraska. Office In Smith Bros, law office.. . i i i C W. Kalet. J. L. KAley. Kaley Bros. A TTORXETS AT LAW. RED CLOUD, NEB. Agents for the B. & M. R. R. Lands m i i.i i - O. C Case. Jas. ilcXEXr. Case & McNeny, ATTORXEVS AXD CODXSELORS AT LAW Will practice tu all courts of this state. Colkxt ions as well as litigated busiucss careful ly aau eaiueutly attended to. Abstracts furnish- i etl on applicatioB. 1 urricic over irsi jiauousu iint, ed Cloud. Keb. JJR. C.SCHENCC, rHYSCIAN AND SURGEON, Cowles, Nebraska. Profeauonal calls promptly attended. Office: At residence Cowlea. 8-51 , Pwtt J. U Xuter.V.Fmt. Jeta Maore, QaaUar First National Bank RED CLOUD. NEB CmpltA - 7S.000. aM Cwaaor xrarraau. Ala Cmmjt. FvaW f JCBBCnftSc BUY YOUR GOODS .T THE O t9C H My stock of Furniture X.D UCI MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the Vallev and my prices can not fail to please, R.L. TINKER. Nebraska BE 4L.EES IjY LUMBER, LATH, SI1IXGLF3 RED CLOUD DRY LUMBER A. SPECIALTY, KOZA AT TJaUS IfSSfSEE'S iEfil WILL MOSHER, Prop. mimm, Salt Meat, Fresh Fish, Oysters, Pork, Mutton, hickens, OLD STAND, RED CLOUD, NEB. &k MMBMm i r. .wssxssr-Ja w w wm . tfc . VA IfcY f3 -- 'St l-tfl K T JrJ Mt frV iVWaSSarJ P B iF'C'l CR m m:r,: r j j g m su lis m lm 2 i. sua rnrcn House and Sign Painter, Grainer and Glazier All kinds, of Fancy and Plain wall Decora tions Promptly and Neatly Done. Getrny terms before you liaye your work done. Work guaranteed. WALKER & BRAKEFIELD, DEALERS IN T FUHIDS. Wllld ffllliS. W 611 TtimTlir aa. mmwmmt i m m -"' And Everything: in our line. WhGn Windmill lino at wall pay you to soe us. Our Prices aro the lowest and Work Guaranteed. rOFFICE On Third Avenue. Opposite Minor Bros., store Rod Cloud Neb letka. Lczi't tail to ego us Leioro buying. WILLIAM GATES, rituririETou of RED CLOUD MEAT MARKET, ?r:it Door .South ot Hher erV lirua Stnro. FRESH AND SAL MEATS. . FISH POULTRY, Oysters, Sausage, Bolonga, &c &c. Always or hand. Ctox buu son thorn whenoveryc a eant the best and the sweetest meats. Dealer in 5us.Estq1ts?s, iaas5iliM,Sii Mm ic.&c iteKurhisaSilany. Al Idatls e.Sewbc ilachiaelteiair. Red, Cloud. - JfebrasJia. atjgjaajwyyggAJS.i wWii t aaJHulSlDBaavvv JOHS BOESCE, Agent, T HOOlIaillisgeiQyo and Mortuary Goods, is Lumber Co, SASH, DOORS. BLINDS &.C. NEBRASKA ()- THE BEST IN IE ARmXET;A7sD LOWEST ISICJES. 111 ET - Titn nErrr of Freih M. tuis;?it mzv 4 ,fW,U'c n-r 14rT.:n Iw3; M Ha t7 J-rrr't &TSil - -SrrszSztJP.V s SSgsSfi yr?J E?r1 XT?, EM B&afil3KH S' tiiJ iiU4aiyaa MBat M 7 o wanting- anything in the Pump or W.DI iY'S 35Ks s-t? feasri tS? 4wmmimt--Mi Mf'lA&-'f-P A JSJmZ- 1. irr Buo&Reoair Shon s Acme Pulverizer, HarrewTrjodrraradleretfT fci- -raagteii wkki jive iTOTtiense Cutting Power ! irss??1! -r-r t "'i "'" Tti KCka iniH hb S9HAa. I 5?3figaiai VIB SJSyNte Jfto4 TO AMY aai a Eki "ft" n im G ViEX9 a 1 im fcif i Vim ,rlrr:s, Aiti!j t.i icr.-u j. lj letter to Can field Parlies. Blue II ill. Neb., Hardware and Windmill .Merchants M o MI AT FORRBSTBR'S Furniture and Fan Parties "wiEhinff Fumituro will savo monoy by eramhiing my before purchasing- olsowhere. WEf DS Arriving every day. In connection with my furniture I have a largo supply cf all kinds of notions with Prices to Suit the Buyer ! Such as Tinware, Soaps, Glassware, Towols, H.indkorchiofs. &c, will bo sold cheaper than at any place in Had Cloud CHAS. EUSCHOW, Prosident, E. F. HIGHLAND, VIco-Prosidont, Robt V SHIRE Y, Troasuror. NEBRASKA & KANSAS ? i lira A ,i TFT IT j E iB. ia JKLi Ik CAPITAL, $r0.()00. CLOUD, NEBRASKA. RED DIRErTOR-: R. D.lJones. 0. C. Case. R- V. Shirov . Cha-. Btmchow. K. F. Uitrliland, Ueo. B. Holland, MONEY on imprhved farms in Nebraska and ICwa. Money furniehed a? on a.-j Ue fcoeurily is approved. rrinciile and inttvitt jwiyalde in Hih Cloud. OFFICE IN RED CLOUD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. The Celebrated Stallion ! il r H h Q lr mti.1 kt JatallbLi JFil! make the season of IhSii, at Farm at Atnboy. our PEDIGREE. Colonel is a durk bay. 17 bands hish, weighs 1750 pounds, and i n years old His t?ire wa? an Imported Fercberon-Norman. and bis? dam wai t thorpuh-bred .Morgan, whieh makes Colonel 'bne of the lest Horses for Breeding Purposes ! In Webster, Smith or Jpvpll Cottnttr-s. TCR?:S $10 to insure; Money due when mare is known io be with foal Person? partiti" with marcs before t'uilinz will he hld for the inoiranre monov Care will ie taken to prevent accidents that mav occur. RA.SSJQR BROS. Soancsle & Son Dealers MUM! IPLIIIi, IMI1S, 10S SEWING MACHINES. ETC. lomclf mm Laeshtas III Endless 1 Waoia MRS Ladies' Dress Goods, of all varieties V Spring Dry Goods, in all varieties. Elegant tine of Wliite Goods, Trimmings &c., PASTIES sa? c23 u L 15 ty-gg put isiilFHk wmi rfr;i!av'.nr adf year tsTTiMc. hrv.ir.jiJ; Sr-t-rU in-!; fvl O ST PERFECT MADE. al-h agattt, i II H ttuwe fr tfs Ut .rj.B - i,..- , u-. w-c --. c--. .w iifnmti. A Jtmr waj to 5trt Ust A n.'!iW WwlH'ti v.ul tf uaiH- to ti i- b Kar u :! wrli ;rti Icr a l.(H.l V. UU. or .NO i'AY. ;cy Notion i ;azar j 4KB KOTIOKS: and C TAT f Ul-A iJ- e9 R. U. F'llton D. m. Piatt. Geo. J. Warren. I CANED but we will not b? responsible for any i in all kinds ji 3E D M 17 yjm BB trl Dr- J", s. KMi&a: DENTIST, ED CLOUD MEMSKA. Fine Office Worh a iSpecialty. sa aJwajn as feacd. OfU ef cr m4 Cm4 aXlooaJ IiiJik- "Variety at NEWHOUSE'S foaaTipg Rm sad Savant Uxm of 'FWC CREAM V v- 3l : .. Ml VWi 'XfSi .i?i a lt7 L v J ? 2 1 H?Crt frJV? J ' . . -i.."?5,l-.- ". - ia.. s Gv Ctherlnz Crspl for N4V.nCrcsn r' T"trur Cr DS.PRtCC'S CRCAM CAX1NQ PowOi. - ?.- v:l !PH &ARi A Jif 7 mizm r. . . .. tcaw ; MOT Pn??Trt? Man? V walla, Ubii. Ora., A -jid. Iuv. ctc Zavyr as d-S.vaU-i jr;aJ ia; ar :y tL rruU. PRICE BAKING PG'ATEH CO.. CL'ICICO. RT. LOCI. Drugs ! Drugs T KEMBY Rfl, fffu li 1MB U r W U urugs, rants, uus Koticns, Walt Paper, Ac. Red Cloud, - Nebraska 0.-1 'arness Shop J. L. BliLLER. ! DFALFJt IV HARNnsS ( ILL AH.-, SADDLES, HOUE-BLANKETS. win P.-. COxllS. BRUSHES. IIAKN1SSUIL And evrrythiu usnally kept ! t Ttntf Twoduir nrth ofletNaL Bank RED CLOUD. N KB. Trunks & 2.Isss. THE ! nn R. R. Sharer, Prop. Mmim for Falii; OILS AMD D3UC3. Pro rlctarvMedlctnss a Specialty J-S55L S88XII3XXEL xt P22TBE 3juH3Efragt aoH.TKVEITVJtIHT axo inAtxR rx Nurssry Slock! A I 'fcsTr fet we; gftfrigacg i tr TTssrrm aao$.!tLs3KlcufaraMyMto w( Home Groimi Nurseries! tSO. o.Yksisx. tiXO5Xj3UXI. D. TC2zt: kO.yrS, tits JaB CLOlD, 3TIX . 4l am - WBit nW Jaw , P k CBWHH ?. aPCTV a4Av iatfllBi Liaaai j kab'' f MMMat, mm jMavL ponJNa . JK.'JBB xm j i& ri f hylri.'crfi vl'.i..'? " ,j0yl)-crtjr imtuoattc bint p?f)i fcWi ' t!cBl!iti.?t boauinl. It w ft 58fK.-57 1 V rsv-A i vry 'irRtf ulH r5 iarir 7 tufmxn sj-'WAi xatrx a X? i . Ja'A.t J ; V&.T.T7 m. . t t t rzi i h i r x -! i . t i rjF 1 i , 74f 1 ; - ": ."" II . " tMxmLtS i SPECIAL -UlMa. W a. J Sa)TJCR: ' CT BflPYC llBlaJ CITY Store Real Eslatd Age r The Red Cloud Chief A. C. HOSMR Prir FiaUAVMAY S!. !$S. TKOM tJIin.'A. ua to the Chjntwc f orrJce hdttl in our Uav, Ut; Ur j4 i hlovsin Uuagr- uooi kc 1 jout4. o h may ttHol 1 j the Uuhuet bt hJowty, x it ia very -it Itaftl j.onUtio 10 etiHJv tt. Mr. upot ttoe Hhr. Ii s4W oYoral oih or but UmI nut qvt a hot at ihsvi. Ha dtrtntMtUl the duck around th wli nun j w had om. Ue koh all n- - ' -- ' --- lbt tni&fiau ntoaetitcu Mr. and Mm. II A a tofcoit oi lhnr rospet and muu. a handivtnn earvfi hrn etm, It waj a line piww of wurVmanship. They aUo prwtMJtcnl thorn .villi a ttauiJftil. strtni: of curved ivorr lHad u-ith i1vtr ani i.ut tmatd m the furm of a eok iiiiv, J iiuej aro worn Uy Ua Maudar m hlitii tWy j;o mm tl uroanoo vt in' h:tiK?rur. Lyniau purchnaoti uo iv .u ua anio ume ami prtzo it a ra itfour bmifurhWUtA. i mtut tclt n AlhHil mj" vtstt to tho iotitbni i:?y whert we plirrlmao thc Uun. J tjt if ii wont, auiutt tn cart and - no on ft, N Uok th rwad out ii of tho city around lb waits. Wit i..i..ut UirtHth Uiw nearest Kl Itxituu'. W !iwl nmny atrttiK; of lcnmt.lad.tttUioaJmtiafct4. It ; nl uiUi tKa oily in iht Utantittf. Wo notictHi ditltirtntt uum inasel tn spinning ftik on fnnit nvr ib wall wiitra tmry havi tuple nnitn fr tbctr wurk. Tb wall of IVkitig hki vrf imumvc with it larRM liiUreic pn jcttn at pbort tntrva! Irwm it. Wa ititrvl tba Chin Mun, catw of Urn 5Mthm ity amtdiit ipty orowd atul tixl ovr a i-tutie bridge knoit i tin lMxgar bndj:, bepauo o naay biTKar- rtnj;rej;at lwru. It prytifc a in liar aptMsaranco to the rrt of LVktntf. It t- tan nldt part, and aouiw of the BtryuU aM tpntrj wdo anl tho utorc wry exd, but the dirty. filthy amtaranuft ik all tlc rvL Vc wjt uito vral Hortai or curio hot. Tb Unman du mma wry lino carrjns: in horu.ftQne, iacfjuer, wiod, and many other thing. Alt aro rcry ntco and pratty, but they want exorbitant nrhre for no one vcr tbinka of Dvmg Chinaman bi price for nnylhtujOnV third is ypncttLUf a fair pro to jvo. Talk abuit tUmj; linns rhcav in China. Mu,t oirerythint: a m?iKUr trPt Up pay a pwd rouml utti lor JU VnlrTilOi-i tho fair UnUl ntear templf, in a lanp? U4f7 pLit, Tier wero ftome surtiu tiling to in toy and imU artick. Th Ciiinino u'n to t!eiij;hi m ftnall tnnkt. aucli a smiif bjxe, smvinz tottltv nnpt that arc vorn on tbn tnuHib. They rxhihit lilllc jainUj! nnd li.c of men, women, art td hors rp rcaentinj; ercry circtrmtanj of liff oome of tbem are rcry cuts. ! hr one. aChincwj teacher wUl Wi 5ft uunwl to one side, ptftacl? ot drr ed in a long blue prmcnt. with a abort red -araistoaL Wo cojU1 lnJly pit rid of the lesu;r Uwt ft4lowU r I waa carrytns fii old sray bfrtt! Mollt ! er aroufid oa lit lds arti ab f cryinj: ItirMpiUmI tiht. "A$kd back to tb jcte aad down to the moat, sehieh r all araim! Pe king, -hrf c ot on tan if Ufdcm ilr&vn hv men. utstil w WT ?5iKti I the other gate rear !cittc. Ak&tJHfr Wo had x rcry ood U. I W Jt j;o to the Terapl of ifftTc I hI you. 1 thought I wkbt jf Urtf, but a party Of w xeest to o rthr isUtf- enins: tfUse- Tb Sto litHrary, o' calfe beca the dwii of CoaHi- kus the crt Chmc pfeilosojfe?rf afw enstraten oalSW Moe ae4 j;raj uU Jk frota 10 to i$ ft 3zH- TiMJ ar' I plc?d In a Yery k, fusoatfnw- iar halt; uswt wiaawi j of Ure W8tfel tr. In fr ofth'w enckr i a wry as feic jrTGroVi y a raot,rod W t ix wxrbk hod, ltJi trad?. Th tjpi w whr E- ecqrmot cowsoact ) lfci to itn so a kctf oa jtGkt&al ai- my, fey o f the !enml a- Tan door were all -jt-.Iii-w cSml apoa the oat4e and 1 & ako4els tfcc piHS' iwswf oolv orae dirty dify Siw w, dirty beach xd a aair, Xwx K k raes beaatifI area arj and blae porcai-. Wc tkea d a TiaU lo 0h crttia- p? of Coofeoo, taa re)Kia! tac fcod jbat T Cta yal(P- Tl cckure catala aa rrf btiiWiaj. He 41 a tte tarr. Tfe pU wttkki 5& jtraoair if apdsa aftaa & ia Hyaiiy- ld e ia-&4 1 Coafbm xacnwwi w ww a caart afgarraupi i aaaait ' are krjre ta44 rtcai ia.HkNlaJ akeaaHU' Xt laat 4oaa laaiaw m tk ncU triaaatal ia la tba 'Mfl . aa-A at aaaa - War aAC SOMV jaaWfi.. , - 5 1 i 1 re- ss . C -r- -1 fT- wftjiiau.nniir wu u i S -4-- &scs?Tr: JUiaOIvUEK. uj araa HT wik Oe ACX a toaL & a.si Sold in -jr .zM-Jsm&ii .IfaAH: . - m.ctai