The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 15, 1885, Image 6

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fi5S-'yT "ill 'liMsssssssssssBM
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HfiiHflHiHiiBflHaeaiBHiBfliiiBBi s&un
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'I1 C fflACKE
NlBrySVlllG" Straight
Xh$ .Red Gloud Chief
FR1DA.Y. MAY 15, 1885.
II A Wat&ox lias a new dray.
p - Ked Cloud still on the boom. .
ilits J) F Scott has been on the sick
Dit Baibd .vas in Ked Cloud this
week. .
S W Coon was in Republican City
this week.
M W DicKEttsoN was in Hastings
last Friday.
A S Marsh and family were in
Lincoln Friday.
C. W. Kalek is doing quite a flour
ishing land business.
C. Wjj:xi:it has commenced excaval
'"An&Tbttfm, tn:wjdore.
Ed Smith, of.Mindcn, was visiting
his parents tins week.
Base bajl Is now ngitating the young
American in Ked Cloud.
"Srn'ixG chickens are selling for 50
cents a piece ii Red Cloud.
J S Noll has about decided to go
into the real estate business.
p t The Nebraska and Kansas Farm
Loan Company have a new sign.
Unit Irieiui, rl. .ucuune, na3 lost
r """"several heiid o7 cattle this spring.
There were two picnic parties hist
;. - Saturday,-midc up of young folks.
'.VtssEvA MoxoELL will teach the
McCall school for the spring term.
Fr.W towns-or cities can boast of
more nice baggies than can Red Cloud.
c" " V N Richardson shipped twenty-
. " rfive cars of stock to Chicago Saturday.
A tax on dogs would have the effect
of decreasing the canine race m Red
The Chief subscription list is rapid
ly increasing in all parts of Webster
There is rumor of another brick
store in Red Cloud. Let the good work
go forward.
The rink will bo open three times a
week now, viz: Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday nights.
Mia M W Dickhrson has returned
"" from her visit to Iowa, She arrived
home on lu&tXriday.
John 0. Yeiser, theflegal luminary of
J Riverton, was in Red Cloud, last Sat-
utday. John is getting a good prac
tice. There was a little fun on Sunday
over the caging of a turbulent gentle
man with too much tanglefoot on
l.wri Watson and Miss Emma
Stcflcjn of Judso'n, Kan., were married
one day hist week by the Rev Geo W
C F Barxhard, of Omaha, State
agent for the Continental insurance
company called at these headquarters
on Saturday.
A. Schikdlemeisseu, a piano tuncrl
-will locate in Red Cloud, where he wil
follow his profession and give iustruc different languages.
OiiMsnv & Dickerson shipped anoth
er car load of eggs to Boston this week.
This makes three car loads this spring
that they have shipped to Boston.
The B & M Ry change time Sunday -TiO
4 arrives at 10:30 p m; No 5, at S p
in; No 79 at 6:15 pin; So 80 at 9 p m;
Numbers 30 and 40 same as old sched
ule. Pr seems1 almost impossible to get
our mail to Wheatland. We are now
iaveptigatingtthe .causes of delay, and
einoct to have the matter rigutea
S -Tames Laird and family returned
home from Illinois this week after a
sojourn of eeveral weeks iu the Sucker
state on a visiting tour among old
Fred Mux is assisting Station Agent
Durrie in the freight office- There are
now four men kept constantly busy in
that department of the B & M Ry, in
this city.
Ox last Saturday night Rev C 3 Len-
j fest joined in matrimony Mr James
8nodgrass and Miss Ada B Chance, all
of .Cowles. The happy couple have
-our best wishes.
The Chief received a fine roll of
butter from Mr Howard's farm this
, week. Webstor county has more good
butler makers to the square mile than
k any other county iu the state
Iv.anothar column will be found Dr
L H Beck's -professional card. The
Doctor has elevated bis shingle to the
... . breeze, and we hope he will receive a
good patronage from the people.
Hosford & Youxg have beon ship
ping eggs from their famous Plymouth
Rock fowls to different parts of tho U.
8. They are having many applica-
tions from various parts of the country
Red Cloud rejoices in the fact
that her markets are being supplied
. with delicious strawberries, peas,
string beans, and the highly flavored
onion, for all of which we are very
Burr Oak is stirred np over a rail-
, road mirage that is said to be coniin?
in.that direction. The same road is
"' -- erpectedto come to Red Cloud. Smith
Center is Also living in anticipation of
i v ene same event.
: , i? 5 wt5tMP harness maker who had
V VT kaen kindly taken care of by Jake Mil
ler, returned the compliment by ap
..,, , .4ropriating something like $15 worth
- -" of tools and then skipped out for other
parts. It was ever thus."
Our reporter noticed the following
citizens of the enterprising town of
Oowles on onr streets Saturday night:
J L Puller, SW Foe and wife, A A
Peak, A J Horton, H Burton, H Bun
ion, Miss Ward, E 'Chance, James
Snodgrase and Ada B Chance.
The stock trains are running pretty
heavy, .west at present. Manager Hos
XcambavinghM. hand, full feeding
atnek." On Saturday last b led' teu
cars of korses from San Aetoaio, Tex.
weissi were bound west, andesi Tees-
. r :Tj ri w a - -
Imewev sersaean to stee. it
jaHhBiBaHaaB(Md v
-Flour !
Clara Ball will go to Denver Mon
day. J J Dccker has returned from Chi
cago. Mrs B FMizer goes cast in a few
days on a visit.
Croquet, hammocks, baie balls and
bate, at Cottings.
M. Birkev has purchased a horse
team at the stock yard corral.
James Laird and familv have re
turned from their trip to Illinois.
J. Stewart has our thanks for some
recent copies of New Jersey papers.
Mrs. C E. Seely is visiting in Kan
sas. Charley is an old bach these days.
C W KALEYhas invested in a Texas
Broncho. It can run faster than any
body's horse.
Express Aoexi Kinsey rescentlv
invested S4 in horse flesh. Don't ask
him about it.
Do not forget the Gospel temperance
meetings at the Congregational church
next Monday evening.
'Bro Reed of the Argus, of Salem,
Jewel county Kansas madeTHECniEF
a fraternal call on Monday.
Arrangements are being made to
put a telephone from up town to the
depot. This should be done at once.
Ret. Geo 0 Yeiser started for the
New Orleans Exposition and a trip
through the Sunny south on Tuesday.
L. H Wall ice has bought six lots of
Ed Rmith in the north end of town
and will build a nice residence upon
them soon.
Corn planting is nearly completed
hereabouts, and the tillers of the soil
are enjoyi ng a brief respite before the
weeds come up.
Our friend Mr Wm. Ducker and
family of Iroquois county, 111., is now
located comfortably located in the
Mai com property.
The monthly Sunday school concert
at the Baptist church last Sunday
pveningwa an enjoyable occasion to
to the participants.
Hevry Cook and Dr. R. R. Shprer,
started for Omaha on Tuesday evening
to attend the meeting of,the state Phar
maceutical association.
The r.each crop of this county was
not sufficiently advanced to be ma
terially injured by the cold snap and
sevnrc frost of last week.
The Ministerial Aassociation of the
Hastings destrict of the M E confer
ence moots in Rod Cloud, May 25, 26
nn 1 27 at the M'E church.
A severe nni! storm passed through
portions of Smith county, Kansas last,
week, doing considerable damage and
knocking'things gala-west generallv.
Many of our farmers .are wioly tak
ing time by the forelock and having
their crop injured lo or damage by
hail, in the old reliable Continental
Insurance companv. 3. E. Wood agent
office in Chief building Red Cloud.
Wm Letson has not converted his
store into a skating rink, although he
has been doing business on rollers for
the past few days, but is now securely
anchored on the lot north of Parke
Bros., whiro it intends closing out
his stock.
Rev Mr McMeekin delivered n. very
able, interesting and instructive lec
ture at the Presbyterian church last
Sabbath evening, subject "Mysteries of
our future state." The subject for
next Sabbath evening will be'The De
luge and its traditions.
We take pleasure in calling atten
tion to the condition of the Red Cloud
Notional Bank, which appears in to
days paper. The statement shows the
bank to bo in a healthy condition. The
deposit accountsare nearly $75,000. A
splendid showing indeed,
A. S. Marsh, of Red cloud was a
business visitor yesterday, and made
quito an extensive investment in fur
niture at Jansen & Co's. The whole
sale purchaso included parlor and
chamber sets of new and elegant de
signsjbeautifully rinishod.-Zincon Kck
Rev H. McMeekix. will preach
both morning and evening at the Pres
byterian Church next Sabbath. The
subject of lecture in the evening will
be "The Deluge and .its Traditions."
The public and strangers visiting in
the city are cordially invited to be
The contracts for the construction
of an extention of the Burlington road
have been let. The new line is to
run from Republican, Nebraska, south
west to Oberly, Kansas, a distance of 7S
miles. Work is to be begun at once
and the line completed by October 1
This will be a new feeder to ihe com
pany's Denver line from a point partic
ularly without railway communication
at present.
Headquarters Garfield Post No. SO.
GAR. At a regular meeting of Gar
field Post resolutions were passed, in
viting all ex-union soldiers and sailors
of Webster and adjoining counties to
join with this Post in memorial servic
es on May 30; also that all lodpes and
public schools be invited and earnestly
requested to attend and join with us
on this the nation's Memorial Day, in
honor of a nation's dead.
Samuel West. Adjutant.
H B Lirrz & Co's. up town store is
one of the new ventures iu business
that should receive encouragement,
especially by up-town people. Mr Lutz
manifested "much, pluck as well as
faith in the final success of up town
trade when he built a business noose a
full block awav from any other,
we can see no good reason wny succ
should not crown his venture, baranv
all ud town neonle ought to delire
such a result from purely self in
motives it no other.
In this Issue of The Chief we
mence a new serial frosa the
one of Chicago's ablest journali
Post, entitled "Driven from
or Just a Caaspin. " It a a
story, vividly portraying ia
mg manner tne cesme
tramp, tramp" of the sen
the recollecuocM of winch
delibly stamped on Um
oct. in ike -nearts ol"
"eealfear." Do not Jail 1
yon will xahs rare-lilera
i . -t
ea oT
to Sea,
ft ao m-
whe aare
read koc
JarretCox looses His Life on the
Railway Croesinjr near Amboy.
Last Saturday morning word reach
ed this city that a man had been killed
by the cars near Amboy. Dr. R. R.
Snerer, coroner being notified started
at once for the f-cene of the accident.
Through the doctor's courtesy a rep
resentative of The Chief accompanied
him. The accident occurred at the
cros-ing '1 miles north of Amboy in
front of the residence of C. C. Cox. A
jury was empanneled and the follow
ing particulars elicited. Jarret Cox,
the unfortunate victim, came to Web
ster county from Illinois something
over a year ago with his wife, a por
tion of" the time the aged couple have
lived with their son near Wells, but
since New Years have made their
honio in the family of their nephew,
Mr C C Cox, intending to move to
Wells again a soon as the house their
son was building for them was com
pleted. On the morning of the accident
Mr Cox arose from the breakfast table
and started to go to the house of Mr.
Post where his wife hud been visiting
for a few davs. but in attempting to
cross the railroad track he was struck
by the south bound passenger trai n
and instantly killed. Both legs and
both arms were broken and tiie body
carried over four rail lengths from the
crohsing on which it was struck. The
train So 3, in charge of Conductor
Granger Jand Engineer Wilson, was
stopped soon as possible and backed
to the enwfeing. The train men car
ried the body of tue unfortunate man
into the house of his nephew who was
the only eye witness to the terrible
catastrophe except the train men. The
jury rendered a verdict of accidental
death. We are indebted to Rev C W.
Springer, who preached Mr. Cox's
funeral sermon, for the following
particulars: Mr Cox was born near
Zaneriville, Ohio, August 21, 1S17, and
was G7 years. 8 months and 18 days
old at the time ol his death. He was
prepared for the change, liaving lived
a consistent Christian life for over
twenty years, being a faithful follower
of his'Divina Master, trusting in Christ
as his surety for a home beyond the
dark river. He had been a member
of the United Brethren church for
many years. His remains were taken
taken ;o Cloverton near the home of
his son Almon, last Sunday, followed
by a large number of his friends from
between Amboy and Cowles. Here a
much larger company awaited their
coming, and at two o'clock Sunday a
ternoon a brief funeral service was
held, after which he was borne to the
cemetery followed by a long line of
relatives and friend His aged com
panion and two sons will
miss him, but their loss is his gain.
"Pre3ious in the sight of the Lord is
the death of his saints."
Joseph Mei.ker stenographer ' and
private secratary in the counting roo n
of Gregg & Hubbell for a long time
past, has gone to Boston. Massachuseta
the land llowing out brown bread and
baked beans. It is rumored that the
gentleman has been given to matrimo
nial visions of late; and on his return
to Nebraska expects to be accompanied
by a life "pardner."
The general opinion is that the mus
ical entertainment at the Baptist
church Thursday evening was the best
in its order ever given to the public in
Red Cloud. Little Lillie Smith played
an orgau medley very nicely and re
ceived applause.. The quartet singing
was excellent; solo sunf by Miss Gertie
Drakefield was well received: Mr
Schindlemeisser, at the piano, showed
himself master of the situation and
called forth loud applause, as also did
Mrs Wood. Piano solos by Misses
Hawkins, Skcen. and Brown were
good. All credit is due the performers
These entertainments are elevating in
their influence. May they continue.
Ox last Wednesday evening the in
corporators of the Red Cloud Home
stead, Building and Loan Association
met in John Kellogg's office, and pro
ceeded to adopt the by-laws that will
govern the future actions of the asso
ciation. The books were opened and
250 shares of the capital stock were
subscribed. After which the following
board of directors were elected: W D
Forrester, M Birney, A H Kaley, L H
Wallace, A C Hosmer, D B Spanogle,
and M li McXitt. The following com
mittee was appointed to solicit shares
to capital stock: A C Hosmer, W D
Forrester, L H Wallace. The associa
tion's now fully organized and its fu
ture success is fully assured. Fvery
man in Red Cloud should take shares
in this institution. See prospectus in
another column.
Gone from Earth On last Monday
afternoon at two o'clock, Miss Alice
Hutchinson, daughter qf Mr. and Mrs.
D F Trunkey. departed this life after
an illness of several months duration,
aged eighteen years. The funeral ser
vices occurred at her late residence
near Amboy, where she bac resided
for over a year past, on
Tuesday afternoon, May 12, 18S5, at
two o'clock, and was lirgely attended
by the many friends and relatives of
the deceased, RevC B Lenfest conduct
ing the services. The subject of this
sketch came to Red Cloud in the fall
of 1883, for the purpose of restoring
her failing health if possible, but relief
was only "temporary, and after a severe
but patient suffering, during which
she exhibited the power of faith in
Christ to sustain and keep her. 6he
pas-etl from earth to heaven triumph
ant. The friends and parents of the
deceased have tne deepest sympathy
and condolence of the community in
tills their great calamity.
Bgiuckd to Death. Sadness ruled
the hour at Ciovertoa l.t Sunday.
siKin after Mr Cox was borne to his
last resting place, another funeral pro
cession drove'to the school house near
thf Goyerton cemetery. It was in
s"mnthv with the narmits nf Xnr;
'Cline and fallowing all that remained
on eartn of ber once happy form. Last
Saturday u she was in the field assis
ting in burning corn stalks.her clotnes
caught fire. Before help could reach
her she was homed so badly that in
spite of all that cauld be done in her
behalf, she died in about two hnnr.
jot as daylight fcded, Saturday niat.
She was eleven years old, danghtei of
r. mvi an rswr uite unnr a few
miles southwest oT Well. A laxre eon.
oorse of people Mewed her to the
crave iot beioresaaset Sunday evea-
ing. toe was a lovely child toad of
berSabbattechoolofwlMaher 8up
enateadefttsyaini highly, Farewell to
Aaama. ia a eaanot of fire she
toodbya. Xha af-
. tf-
V -5... , i " ,
Of the Bed Cloud Bomeataad Bon
ding and. Loan Association.
The uniform success of cc-operati?e
building association elsewnere, has
suggested the desirability of such an
organization in Red Cloud, and the Red
Cloud Building Homestead and Loan
Association has been incorporated for
the purpose of enabling persons of
small incomes to accumulate and in
vest their money upon easy terras to
build or pnrchase homes.
In organizing this association, the
projectors have adopted the most gen
eral plan of such societies. The stock
is divided into shares of one hundred
dollars, to be paid in monthly install
ments of fifty cents per share, and the
money so received is loaned to mem
bere as fast as the amount on hand
equals the sum of one hundred dollars
or more, to be used in building, pur
chasing or removing incumbrances
upon homes. No memler can borrow
to exceed the amount of his share
and rauat give security upon his real
estate and his shares in the Association.
Loans are awarded to the highest
bidder i. e , the member who will
pay the highest premium is awarded
priority in maKirig his loan. Borrow
ing members continue to pav their in
stallments on their stock and pay in
terest on their loans at the rate of ten
per cent per annum, monthly.
The money received as interest and
premiums is loaned out in the same
manner, and when Tall the members
in a series have received loans equal
to the amount of their stock, and when
the money iu the treasure equals the
amount of unpledged stock, the sto:k
becomes worth par. nays the loans, all
payments cease, and "the mortgages
are cancelled.
If the only receipts of the organiza
tion were the installments on the stock
this condition would only be reached
when the share holder had paid the full
sum of one hundred dollars, but the
receipt of interest and premiums very
materially shortens tne period, and it
is reached in other socities in. from sev
en to nine years. It is believed in this
city, where both rent'and interest rule
high, thatwe may safely figure on the
shorter period.
Let us suppose the case of a man
living in a house costing $750 to build
for which he is paying $12 per month.
Suppose he takes ten .shares iu the
Building Association and is compelled
to bid 25 per cent, premium in order
to obtain a loan, he would receive $750
with which he builds a house.. He
would then have "to pay on his ten
shares $5 per month, interest on loan
$S 33 per month; total $13.33 which
would give him his home at the end of
seven yenrs. If the premium is high
er, the increased profits shortens the
period of payment, and the person
who does not pay above the average
premium in his series, does not, iu fact
pay any premium, he only pays the
interest upon it. This will be readily
understood when it is considered that
each member pays the premium to
himself and all the other members,
and when all the members hae paid
it is the same as if none had paid. To
show that the party payin g the prem
ium of even 25 percent, is not paying
an excessive rate of interest, letussup
pose that the person named in the il
lustration had borrowed $750 on seven
years' time at 10 per cent, interest.
At the end of .seven years !he would have
pHHl III ! v -"J
Principal then due "
X OVUi vi
As a nif iiiInt of the aiHociutlon under the
r.r?t lllustrutiou. he would mv. ati:i.X!
per month luiK:r )car. amounting In
leM'U years to 1,120
Difference favor of Association plan.., f ISO
Again if rates of premium are, in
the opinion ol any member, too high,
it is then for his interest not to borrow
but to use the association as a savings
bank, to invest his small savings, in
which case he gets the benefit of the
high interest, in other words, he can
either be a borrower or lender as his
interest indicates.
But the greatest advantage is the
opportunity which the association
gives for and the incedtive to small
savings and economy. Whether it
ought to be so or not, it is a fact that
with most men, the possession of
ready money for the purpose of obtain
ing a homej And this is the only plan
that offers them a chance without a
greater or less accumulation of cash
Am Eabrye Towa Tkat Han Cmm late tk
VaUe j to 9toj.
Last Friday, in company with J S
Xoll, the music man, one of Tiik Chief
Chumps paid a flying risit to Inavale its environs. Arriving at the well
kept farm of Mr. A C Hale about the
meridian hour, we were invited to par
take of a most excellent dinner, to
which it is needles to add we did am
ple justice. Mr Hale's residence is
situated in a beautiful nook on the
wMtfthore of school creek, and is a
delightful place of abode. Mr Becker,
of Ked Uiouu. is Duiiaing ucue "'nforsncwbirn.
his farm about one mile from Inavale.
Mr Irons, on the next farm south from
Mr. Becker's, is improving bis place
and devoting considerable attention to
breeding blooded stock. W J Vance
was laboring aider the impression that
Friday was Arbor day, and was busily
engaged planting trees on his ranch.
Kothrock's sheep rancn on we skepu
lican flats presented quite a woolly ap
pearance. There are apparently three
kinds of Inavale, East. West, and cen
tral, the central being the nuektu
around which the future reatcity will
probably be bulk, it is situated on a
beautiful plai gentlr tlopinr, toward
the Republican, end already bmtlea
with business vim and eaterpria. 4
O Chamberlia is encfd in cooxertone;
the lacteal id frOMFthe rurroundnsg
coantrv, into deleetshls cheese. A
-nrl varietr store is also rum in
connection with the cheese factory,
where we noticed. X D Yeiser, a genial
gentleman from Ked Clovd, coveting
eggs and meatwrinr silk. MiM Iida
Hale, formally pf Ked Ckmd, has ooea
ed a dreatsaakinc eeuMisfesaes aad
millinery "J Store? -A mammock one
story 9x11 block is en pied as a har
ness factery, boot d akoe emporium,
toawrial parior, aai mayor's omce, all
doing a thrivirjgtoaiaem. The hari
ware store and hisaWr yari of A C
Hale k. Brel camalsim tke
r.M bonam. witb tne sMteeoa ol a
Ucksmitkakep aad tke rail
pot. We andemiaa aagBlsirissi; axe
ia ucogrem sor um erecss
em Imeeea, wkMsi wm
sooa make tke
and other boaiaem fcaaim wfciea wxU - y 1". -TTZ "-2iisamamaVsmssBSBt-.aV'
sattaamfpotaiiIsaaee 7Z Mmssweisiaaaaasf aiaA aat ssseW, aadteBrPnai I slmJmatssf ;pM
mi. lam eaiesa ksr tmme srka wia baild ,,. , ..,,; . mttsmpssmmmasmmsa asmv aaa f e " " i , gmA"mmmtmmmT- -3s"tI
k siv m www w w "'"" IBBmamajKlamsmasaawa .j r . ..-- m aawseeeaia vassm lmamsjma sswam" - jjai
mpoatkam. Wkka iiriirili latamaa jJ ""Lr 7 a aade2mtaBaaCiliir, ''rTZfw-h-ie,, JHj
l7saaiememlswaeeimraf tae keat TWa astsrsigasi kea Isseaa aead af BsssT CaaK mm 4m Aeaaae arWAT aamv IlssisslteassmmmmmTesaaa gm
smmsasv eBWsssTeaHeaamBJBSsswsB' mww ssmmmsmp warn ssmwm aswasssss . g, fk aMsvesBSP"sssm wasswsaas wsswe swa eaiwssw -mm-m - eaeaBrT; W"z BmsBBamBBBBBBBrBmsBBBBBBBP sBBBsaVBaBmsmT . BBBBBssBm
mamaaajBBBsmswwvww' wvw m i m w" w i - wm mm eaa m" -"r - - . m - h BkHMmweaHrsaBmeasaaamBeBmaamsaF eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeBmto, r r - fc jsmtswasj
tasBBBBBBBBBT sBBss iBBmBBBBBBBBBsm sflmsmi Bsssf Bss?B mmWfmJ sBB " eseeBBsWXesSssVE AtfRBBmssfMBB- flsam bbbssbbbbbbMb) sbbbV sBBBBBsMr BBmWsBmm . - - "7 i - ssaBBsSaaasBBBBftSBBsm
,FWswssewm msar vppsseaawmws? asjssswsr pss w . ,a wawssaaaawes- epsw waswss'TPB' wv wmmwmwmw hhvwm - tZ----- aHmWsVHHmWmWmasHHmabdBPsuHumWmWmWel
Tseerssm asa eamry. - . .-w vamsma aammam ammv - av - ;, , IB9JBmBBBBBBBBBBBm
a . T III i i .-., -. - . "k V - k. .- r. -v-' ,-" - , , ., ..MkjadWWMBaaHHHHHHHHa
Fanners are slow about
Corn will be the main crop thr year.
Pientv of ram and a few Bakes o:
snow on or about the seventh; a num
ber of frosts lately cool days.
Our young people intend to prepare
all the songs, speeches vfcc-. that they
can for our ice cream festival.
Your correspondent received a se
vere fall last Sunday. While getting
out of a wagon the skull was the first Ui
be landed. With the aid of water, cam
phor and mustard a cure is expected.
Mrs Hannah Green has teen enjoy
ing a visit from her neice.
Mr S B Kizer and family ride in a
new buggy. Beta.
Cool weather lately.
Com planting is procrefsing finely
Mr Uraves has fenced his 'arm. it
makes a fine stock farm. He is al.o
building a new house. It was dedicat
ed Friday evening with a dance.
One of our boys while crowing the
bridge whivh rpans the Krpublican
river west of Riverton the other night
lost his hat in the gentle breezes that
were blowing from the north. He
thought it might 11 to shore, but ala
the frail bark sank to rise no more,
(and he came home wiih a shawl on
his head )
Miss Carrie Cochrane is teaching
ing our nchool tills summer.
Mr Robert Cochrane was visiting
his parents Sunday.
We saw our friend J R Wilcox and
another gentleman wandering over
our country the other day working in
behalf of the Beatrice Mutual Aid As
Items are scarco and work plenty.
Tlie fine showers gives the farmer
greater hopes of a bountiful and plen
tiful harvest.
C PCather la inclosing a fine pas
ture. Miss Sarah Brown is teaching the
Plainview school sho has a well estab
lished reputation as a teacher having
frequently taught in this part of Web
ster county.
The men Irom Catherton say the
Wells boys know how to conduct a
ball and make everything pleasant,
Lydia Lockhart formerly of this
place has bought Jotm G Potter's store
at Wells and will follow the merchant
dise business.
Lyde Crable was visiting at C H
Rust's Sunday and complimenting him
on the arrival of his 'ittie boy.
Ihe United Brethren have secured
theservices of an able minister at the
Catherton school house.
Rochfort Edwards is having a well
Eut down by Phelps and Norris of
Mr Pane came Saturday to this of
fice to recievc theJC S.mail forth for the
office to locate G miles south west of
Catherton. Pkehto.
Splendid weather.
Corn planting nearly done.
Mr A Ajl'eak is visiting this
with friends in Franklin county.
C W Fuller started last week on a
business tour throih Eastern Neb
raska and western Iowa.
Dr John Schcnck and family of Riv
erton Nebraska visited their relatives
and friends in Cowles and vicinity this
Mr A Woolner ha about two hun
dred fat cattle ready for shipment,
Mooi e it Gardner shipped a lot of
fat h"gs to Chicago.
Our paint:i W. S Curtis and James
Ward havi been painting the town .in
ftuicy color.- with tin-red I .ft out.
Mr Jame- Stiodgra-i and Mi- Ida
B Chance were married in hVd Cloud
Saturday by the Rev C B Leuf.t. The
happy couple haw the iet niluji of
Littie Hatchet and the people of
All persons knowing themslCH in
debti'd to mean rrpvctfulty requested
to cill at my office in Cowles and settle
by csish or note. Dr C Schk.voc.
"Two Cowles ladies rescently under
took to fast fur an indefinite lime.
They began at noon by eating a
hearty dinner to quit on. With the
exception of some nuts and candies,
and a few apples they did not eat a
bite till supper at six thirty in the
evening. They have continued their
fisting at the same rate ever since,
and strange to say are looking as well
as usual and think they can stand it
as long as Dr Tanner did.
Littl Hatchet
Weather is fine.
Corn planting has begun.
Sam Aultz has sold his mail route to
S Alexander.
The GAR camp fire was a success
A game of ball during the day, and a
niPA d&n r in the even in .
VCH Mouser is digging the foundation
v Vm Snnnppr. of Wutconaln. is
ing with ber sister, Mrs Thorp.
G W Bovd is the successor mi
Hoffman Co., in the mercantile
Dr Kehler and wife were ia Bed
Cloud last week.
BCBurt and Wm McDonald are
fencing new pasture.
Ella Ceatk ia teaching in Glenwood
James Burden is clerking in Mrs
Lockhart a store.
Sunday scnool every Sanday at the
hall, at 10 a. m.
W H Hoffman will start to Kansas
Citv about June 1. aad from there be
will go to Kinim to spend a part of
Evert Harrison has a new mwtare.
Mrs Lockhart will more ker .boose
on ker own lot, aad Dr KeUer will
occupy it.
A nice dance at Hoflnaars Tmeaday
Sans Groakong is diggmg a treack to
drain taat freer poad.
Eisner Mooser ss tae stappy mtkar of
a aewry earc aoa.
Tke little girl of Peiar Kline, aboat
& vearsefaee. wabrae:te death ia
prairc fire last Smtarday.
Hank Younc's little am
being drowaea by falliag ia a poad of
water, eat fonanalety
BTfcMsaetaeria time
I m. sratarr eraee. sTessn sriiaiaaaik smm. s j m assm aaammm sa- ::.,-, -
S -. .- fe -W - r- - i. . -WWSseBmBBSBHaHBBaBmBBBBBBBBBmBB
-'V K-?vy.iy '' "-,-- vC- '"" I ' WIWMB1 ill ii " I 11 RWllBBBsBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
rZrz i ji i ."-i " '--.T'k-'M, tj-x . -r 'z!mmv&B3sBa3Bmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
their corn ifc! fate amir frisss fee killed -?Jrw- J " Ifcakr-'-SSissssM
who a
but kno
were to cha:
The lumber
ly, several carl
Jr AC Hale the
for the place withou
Cheese making t in
even dav under the efli
Mesw Fsrry Jk Painter.
The new deputv I M L a
i after all the young ladic to
their P O addres now to thi
Mr Sheldon of Jackson. Mich. r
ative of It U Ulmstead has txen vit
there for a few days rat. He is run
tier for the Jackson Wagon Co- and is
one of the best boy on thd road.
Mr Smith a gentleman from lllinoU.
accompanied bv his familv hare moved
on die Becker farm where he ia buiid
inc a tine house.
it is reportetl that double doors are
to be put into Jie shoe shop soon Tins
is probablv due to the rumor that
Helen of the Argus will soon get her
thoc mended and will need a largrr
a part n re for its entrance in to the
And they do say w are to have a
saloon. A gentleman from Riverton
will put it in. There is no better
place in the valley for a man to starve
to death. Gad.
School RKroirr Report of school
taughttn District No Z6 for the month
commencing April 7 and closing May
1st. Number of pupiU enrolled ten.
The following are the names of those
neither ateni or tardy dunng the
month: Eltua Ramey, Lillian Ramey,
Carrie Cither, Blanche Cather, Jbbie
Larrick, Artie Larnck,
AiiDit 51 Tlttle. Teacher.
Hat and capiu cn4les3 variolic at
the Coldeii r!aglc.
Clothing for men, youths and boys
lor holiday and every day wear at pn
ces that defy competition at the one
price Golden Eagle.
Ladies will do well to look through
the stock at tho Golden Eagle before
buying their shoes.
Prow shoes at all prices to suit all
at tho Golden Eagle.
A mlvutii-tl line of papicrtrie re
ceived at Cottings.
Ski: vicim in the Baptist Church Sun
day a follow: Preaching at 11 a in,
and 8 p m; Sunday school at 12 M,
temperance school 3.30 p m. Strang
ers in the c;ty are cordially invited to
Proclamation to tho people of Red
Cloud and vicinity. All persons pur
chaMiig goods of Wright A. Wallace
will save money.
Shirts of all descriptions, underwear
iu balbrli;ans, gauze, summer merino
itc Hosiery in cotton, lysle thread and
silk at the Golden Eagle square deal
ing clothing house.
Strayed. From the farm of Mrs.
3ood one mile west of Cowlts, one bay
colt two years old, white spot in fore
head mane on left aide A liberal re
ward will bo given for the return of the
colt or any information heading to the
The one price Golden Eagle keeps
the best stock of shoes for men, women
and children, and. of the celebrated
selz make.
L Baitm is again in Red Cloud and
has opened a notit n and clothing store
and i. ready to sell you notions and
clothing cheap, and will be glad to see
his old friends and customers. One
door north of Abe Kaley's.
Mrs Newhousk has received a very
fine line of new goods. Be sure and
call and see them. The finest line in
R?d Cloud. Just what you want. Don't
forget it ladies.
Beacti rch flowering plant for salt
tt Cotting's.
Go to B F Mirer for groceries and
Zucetisware. Prices o suit the times
argc and complete stock of goods to
select from. 39if
Tiik Queen of the Wheatfield. the
Decring twine binders with steel cut
ter bar, sold by Spanogle A Soa.
The Decring, the Warrior, aad the
Thompfon chain mowers, for sale by
Spanogle k Son. 39
Dcrixc the month of May every
thing in the line of silverware we will
sell at 35 per cent, discount.
Wsiatrr A Wallace.
- Violix trimmings at Wright A Wal
lace'. We will be pleased to meet all onr
old customers at our new stand, Third
Avenue, one door west of Miner Bros'.
brick block. SftsooLTc A Sox.
I don't claim th largest stock in the
slate, but have plenty of fresh new
goods. The latest designs in everything
kept in a fiirt class jewelry establish
ment. O H MaaYATT.
Call and see Storey for your groce
ries and flour. He sells floor Irom 91.SQ
to 120 per hundred weight. 32t
Bakxu check rowers for sale by
Spanogle & Son.
Hiemoxicas and all small muaice
goods at Wright A Wallace's.
CoKraKJcmy prices witk tkan of
other firms. I will save yen from tea
to twenty five per cent, on anytkiag ia
my line. O. H. Mastatx.
Choicest line of canned goods la tke
market and at the lowest pricea at
Bur the Brows corn plaater.
A. L. Fcya; has the bast fiae ef culti
vators in town.
New arrival of fres teas aad cease
at Maria's.
Qczsnor. Why doee A. a Mars
tell more dry goods tkaa all tke mer
chant in Ked Ckmd.
Xrwsqaere tltawkratt arrived at
GRycwsmaesdaeeikat Ceeaaej's.
O. H. MaXTatT makmamirisky af
faewatckrapairmcpjml warramw at
Ge to B. F. Mmsr for
qaeesawara. Trkas to mat tke
Lsrre aad comedata aaefc afsmaai t
elect from.
win aad it to tkeir
to call at tke Tkird A
shbjk nM nwpl tne t tlmmm JeeW MsMfssa saseaTVk 'wftlH
mb. oJe emea fee TamwTTSmm f w m
0aaeUsre. if sew ThlBiii ---' --- - $
ssWWraeJMerT week. -FZZ?!rT-?9!Ftlf l
lswtrgaf MM COMMM eVMmC f a . Z-m Af .Laeafctame ea sm ,:
sasaLaT epOsBmsB BBBBB5 aWBBsBm a a amsseBmea sam essssasF
aarse aataraay .. M j. .. - rf Beeaaa amsaassa lamamaeismv maaem
.k BAfO L m . m ..b.C-et Jt
came aear to call at tke Tkird A veaaa laMlesaaai tk mmsbswajeaeeaaaasel taam,
koase, kesbra psackaHag 5j,"
was reacsai m awissmi sssma. aMtmvassasi .
laaaeaasmsram Go ra B F Misar Jse siaaarim ami Isramsejesma samwammv --
eaaAsv SMflKflAsitMMeKH B IsvP aBBieWBWB psHsssejB HbbVbBBI m
. asV ewr bbbbbA laa sBBn9sBBsek mmAm
IV sPBHaWsWf eV evW sMI Wm
mm mm ; z amj -- - - - a -
pa- pa mwmmm wmmmm mwm mmmn Wmmmm SHH
JMF sakvetkWert1rMiM mmm tsse Mil.
yftkedQeftfrt t ON) mm wlMNtf
tier conn
On mouo
ton it ts order
be held in and
stcr. slate of Stbn
of Juor, 1SS5, at th
holding election in th
emeu tnercoi, tor uie p
ing on the proposition
r t4.
other column.
In caje the proposition for
bonds be adopUnl and bonds
thereunon. thu votes on the tt
bonds in Red Cloud, Garfirld and liW
precincts shall not be cottsirutd to con
fer upon the county commiwonrs
power to iwuo the bonds of s)d prr
ctncl m addition to the county bonds
No bond which mar be authorised
and issued hereby shall be sold for let
than iu par value.
It w further ordered that notice of
the time and place of holding said.
election together with a statement of
the above propositions be published in
the weekly newspapers published and
circulating in said county and pre-;
cincta. for four weeks from and after
the 7th day or May, 1835.
Adopted this 6th day of May, 185.
Board adjourned nVu dsV.
J. L. Muxes, Caairman.
J P Bath A, clcrc.
important porxm
A x:w stock of C Bit Q mUetl paints
at Cotting's.
Jmr rtccivol, a fresh stock of
grtKciie, confectionery, cannexl goudf
and provisions at Storey's.
Blv Uc Brown corn planter.
luwn. Cultivators, Harrow, and7
Hay lUkes for sale by G. W Dow..
ii. H. Makvatt is Um reliable aadf
ending jeweler of Red Cloud.
Paints and oils at Cotting's.
Just received a splendid sortiaeit
of hammocks and swing at Henry
Cook's drug tore.
Violin, banjo and guitar strings at
Wright Wallace's.
Itch and scratches of eery kind
cured in 30 minutes by WoolfordVr
Sanitary Lotion. Us no other. TbJa'
never fails. Sold by R K Shercr, drug
gist, Rd Cloud. My
Fke Huxmkll want to stall hi,
town property on Seward street. If
you want a bargain ice bfrn. Mif
Sk the new Estcrly steel frame
twine hinder at A. L. Funks.
A good farm of 160 well implored,
house, barn, wells AcM 130 acre culti
vated, nine miles of Red Clou J. Inquire'
at farm or address me at Red Cloud.
34 tf steer, Rowwra.
Services at the McthodUt church
are as follows: Sunday school at 10 a.
m.; preaching at 1 1 a. m; also at 7:30 p.
ni. Prayer meeting Thursday eveahig
at 7.30. A cordial welcome' to air.
Xew inyoice of parasols and tan'
atnbreilae at Marsh's.
ICloth 190 at tost at Inavale, I kave.
concluded to close out ray stock af
clothing at cost. J.O. CffAMacau.
Cauomt in the act. A man peeslag
hastily down Webster C yesterday
attracted the attention of everybody,
but hi haste was soon ex plained, m
hcw on his way to purchase kerf
gains at Wright 4c Wallace's.
'i i'
Ldi will please nU read tke Jbk
lowing article:
Aippds ipwr
Xijeaaf puv se?ra (ufiw(i)w
-w otV .aoair'.U mHM.l
(3 Aq soncXreq jo m ssi mtj vmi 'if
peei m ujsop eprsda jades ewi tuai at
Xitwouno tsaoueA9 yns ta safpa
qfi Aosn aa sy :aesaiaeS ox
To the people af Red Cload aad tr
cinity: I am destrons of reducing my
stock in the next 20 days, as 1 aa
compelled to tn.rtt my buildiag ia r
der to erect a new brick store reomS
it. r. Mtzaa.
The Xorth Kad Groeer.
Tae Old
FalrOroaaaa evt
Mar sa.
The Webster County Agricaltural
Society have determinad to sell tke oM
fair grounds lying east of tke city, em
bracing some 40 acres, at paWic atse
tionooMy23. Tnia aiU sertie4y kef
a bonanza ler some maa to get a geesS
piece of land oa easy tanas Doa't
fo-get the date. May 23. 3m4
FiKy aead ( eUtle ta pasiere 1
miles aotik tan af Inarala.
AC Maul.
I have tke Walker beofcf aad
aaa win give yoa
oa Tvaryosir yoakay. Try
aastare for 1j0 par
ijm mt
K. Berne wiX take aews W
meaek at sW
1 aava meeieed Bsakasiar maW
LMssm'saeas, alee tke Warner ekaea
wktah are Ike ksat assmasaseared gsaskf
intkeUaetWftatsa. I awl arraat
every pakfaafsat m mm ele. Try
ftessmBBBBBL. esV MmM2mmmmm
a,wr.-j-j5fi-T.-H . icz
1 . si . -A,"3-S&t&
'Jtti33A Hy-v.
a., t infrF,
mrnmwtis', t : r-. -sv . 4 .3