V-gft? -.l--r BSBSC7. i--i XILL' .Vil-SBBj PT?5? ,t-.feifc B : tj-.""- 2? -nr v RED CLOUD, WEBSTER C(lJJy jjf . NB- FPID.AY, MAY 15, 4885- VOL XII. NO, 41 MHBmvjk. u I .ws v "jKUi jmimu .my , jsjsu.,a 'ajw . a-v l'lvbk 'jpjiau-Ss. v vr ,- '-'- lasi iiwiiw i i i i nCKKlMBrrV''Vs- - i V -- - 'tfi'iv V.i7 . . - re.:i.Y.1 j --adHft .1C -JL" SMMrt'Urr" sw -"!." riWiSML31 jti 1 T. . . 'Z-HT Ti-Ti.V . aWTT - i-V2 TC- ', r -1?....2; - -. '..- ji.XH - ;e The- Red Aotjd Chier 1 f- "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF ClMERTTftV AND $1S0 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. . --3 - i " It'' . i - 1 'rTv& v i h3 k I' T, IS-- t-1 l&S.- P & &V, J-w" ,I ! Si1 SS- iV.- ,v" SR -. 1 fc M 3f5? . .$ s .-" fl fs e Cv S'l a f" -"?. .-.-. ..'Z1 Si- rsr- !.- r--c x . f 's?.. '-'. 5, 9 : 4h rrfc?jir Tt -- -j- : k - -. fripl-dC Tir i-i s.V:Si,T PJSBJVS " l"?r-)rfgf I i-t ,-T -vti- . ' afi:vsrsr: a- . t .r. . . .' S. -"i't.r f3 .- rfv 4 ,W t rit - :-:?T itf utdk.rclfcBt --afftiPi!. " ReliableFurniture and Undertaking House Opposite Postofflce. My stock of Furniture afid Mortuary s Goods, is the LARoEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the the RepuoLcan Vallev and mv prices can not fail to please .R.L. TINKER. - RED CLOUD CH1EB THtTFSIDAT BY A.-C -HOSMER. vr .'.' P OT.lMracitfcf. .. 10. laivtd at the lettoflM is Ri Olomi m mi- M. Tlm Tbl. Arrlre. -. Ieave. MU , muM. eam CNllMC9 MU. zfvri ftiid UiuUmcs xp. 7:05am S.-OOattU B.-OSam :Wnm 7:.0iuu C bu bull" to Denver. MaattMa to Uifard cxp.... 7:J0jia Ort to JU4 Cleud nail.... 7:40pu OftaBBbU"toJaaMuC. 10tni 10:15pm YlHordaud Hastimc express and 1 Crete aaallatake ooiiaectlans at HjuUIiiks and Crete Wttk IXjaver, Cbicaco UiroiiKU train. "MartlBau4 Oxford train brtmes mwKtn fm Ckkajfo to Itaver expreHS. A. J Waxen. Ticket AKeu t . COUNTY OFFICFKS. lotm F. Bvha, County Clerk. Am. Buecaow, County Treasurer. Sao. O. Yeieer, County Judge. J. W. Warren, Sheriff. Att. W. Springer, Superintendent of Public Instruction. C. P. Rinker, County Surveyor. J.1I. M otcna, County Coroner. 7ttb L. Miller, ) Jno. MoCUuai . County Com. L B. Haaapton, 1 Business Directory. "'i . M0.B.8TANSER, I AUCTIONEER. - - - NEBRASKA 8C0CI "i?-- HKKE Y ANDERSON, SURVEYOR, Orders left at the Abstract offico will racaive pranipi attention. BED CLOUD - - NEBRASKA J W.TULLEYS, M.D., HOMffiOPATBIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Examining Surgeon. Office Opposite First National Bank Red Cloud. Q E. McKEEBY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND STJRGEON, OrncK. First doo- wer of dnik's drug store, Jilebottr!ifromitol2a.m.,i to 4, and 7 to JCaa. liniddeaeeSbkxkB.weatot court otte. AID CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. D DAMERELL, U.J)., PHYSICIAN AND 8URGE0N, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Jtraw. Orar tatatw vettaalM. gaHAM 4RICKARD3, ATTORNEYa Red Cloud. Nebraska. In Smith Bros, law omce. 0 W. Kalw, J-1 Kalet. Kaley Bros. A TIOEKIY8 AT LAW. RED CLOUD, NEB. Agents for the B. & M. R. R. Lands O.CCJUS. jAs.McSxr. Casb & McNbny, TTORNRVHA D COCX8KU)RS .AT LAW A wumcltee l aU cot of this state. ijilLErSiii .. mixed baJaM careful- lMlBTffeleatlytteiiaeau. Atostracte.Iurntsfe- lonsaawellasllti 4 ea applkatlaa. OrncK. 0er First atloaal Baak, Re Cle4. Keb. JJR. C. SCHENCC, PHY8CIAN AND SURGEON, v Oowles, Nebraska. Frofecmonal calls promptly attended. Omoi : At residence Cowles. 8-51 'K B. B- Jfcsta, Piart J. t Mhwr.V Parat. Jeta Meere. Gastiar First National Bank . '"red cloud, neb: 's- CMitml. - 75,000 paroUawsR? aalaka SkSkSl aSaSSaSkSkS aWSSKnSBL aSSaSBSBBV .Baiamw stSBSft BBBSH ttnim, Jaaajra. ."- W,f?VjL-l-. .w W&? '" "" ij v " a- ji -.A.tT-?-5;ri amSBkt rSaaTSaaalBi' awTBavalSSaaSBiaT SBSBB1V -WBTalSlal BSSBBSISnHSBBS!. -7 .., . k ah'.BM. am aaa am ssaSBm Sal .aaw aakh aaai aB iihi KmnisV (i-.---bbibbi - - vsr atav arssraiaf ' n aasiuatoflnia. z SatgM3i laT iTJ?fBymwSRl JLm ft ' V-' BUY' YOUR GOODS'! A THE OLD Nebraska -V i) LU1TBEK, LATH, SHIKGLF3 BASH, DOORS. BLINDS 0. RED CLOUD DRY LUMBER A. SPECIALTY, SOIiD AT TI1ELOIVEST u ajB3jjOWfcJaM awSBBB99iFBaijiaHV BBflfl 4TapjaaHBf.fla' i PAPER HA House and Sign Painter Grainer and Glazier All kinds of Fancy and Plain wall Decora tions Promptly and Neatly Done. Get my terms before you have your work - done. Work guaranteed. . . WALKER & BR AKEFIELD, . DE A LERS IN Pumps, Wind. Mills, Well Tubing AndlEverything in ourline. Wh6n wanting anything in the Pump Windmill line it will pay you to see us. Our Prices are the I'Owestand Work Guaranteed. OFFICE On Third Avenue, O ed Cloud Nebraska. Don' t fail so see us boforo buy ins. WALL PAPER "WallPapsr I take pleasure in calling the attention of the citizens of Red Cloud and vicinity to the large and complete stock of Wall Paper, Window Shades, &c, That I am Just opening. These goods are all of the BEST and LATEST PATTERNS . At Reasonable Prices ! Call and look at samples. No trouble to show goods. . C. L. COTTING, Druggist andBookseller, Red Cloud WILLIAM GATES, PHOPR1KTOR OF RED CLOUD MEAT MARKET. Girst Door Soutk ol Sker cr's Drus Stnr. FRESH AND SAL MEATS, FISH POULTRY, Oysters, Sausars, Boiomja, 4tc, Ac Always up hand. OW auta sect thsm whsneveryr a want ths best and ths WSStSSt meats. JaSaSaSBaSaSaSawV aSanBBBBBBsaVSSB SaaBaSBBBBSBSBBSBSnaSBSawEsSK UBBBBaaBBawBEHBBaBBHaBBu JOEV BOBCH, Agent, i A1IbVT,3bsbV & jr ?r iV-k- " - Lumber Co, , iXiB55 JJV NEBRASKA THE BEST IN IE ARmKET.AND J JES. ET WALL PAPER Acme Pulverizer, Hamw. rkj TmL. 1 ...1 terw.rwcra, aaStaUHiacttaai Ltrltr.inyttm tm .I !HHI1lil I mm. w final, nwitat. vc mmwmnmwammm.mM acra. we pecasar aaaac aa - TMfnMal af Mfcri hili ImnOTse Cuttiiur Power I JfclSIHlPI ilL iff WW JIJM an patfanaMt at tto aaaaa taawWSMS? aaaVaff S!..-? l - F gsf j j m Ttti1SSLiL t?3k. -"- fO tMY WANTING WELLS. Ml ym -iv5TrrJ --;Ulf 1 scs to coMiiiciiCf ghcu 1 . K? " A "ilw,j" a AppJy In pcr.o or by letter to Canfiel I c5 Parlies, Blue Hill, Neb., Hard were s Hi 3t M e ii XI ciS AT FORRESTER'S Furniture and Fsncy NciiGn Parties wishixicr Furnituro will save monoy by examining my goods boforo purchasing olaowhero. NEW BS AN3 M&TOMS Arrivinff ovory day. In connection with my furnituro I Lave a largo supply ct all kinds of notions with Prices to Suit the Buyer I Such as Tinware, Soaps, Glaaswaro, Towols, Hnndkorohiofr. &c, and will bo sold cheaper than at any placo in Rid OlQ d CHAS. BUSCHOW, Proaident, B. F. HIGHLAND, Vico-Proaldont, Robt V SHIREY, Troasuror. NEBRASKA & KANSAS MM ILdf CAPlTAL,$o0,000. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. PIREfTOU R. P.Uoncs, O.C.Casc. R V.Siiircy, Clia. Btuchnw. K.B.FmUoii E. F, Hicblnnd, (mh. B. Holland, I), m. Plutt. 0uo. .1. Warren. MONEY LOANED on imprhved farms iu Nebra-kn jind K iHa3. Moue- furnished iu ?oin a tl security is approval, rrinctpli' :uni iutctcH payable in Kd Cloud. OFFICE IN RED CL0lfD :.ATI0XAL BANK BWMUXG. The Celebrated Stallion ! eeuiEL IHll make the reason t ItSo, at Farm at A in hey. our PEDIGKEK Colonel i? a dark bay, 17 ha iiili. weiuhs 1 75' poumls?. ami i.- years old" His sir a tin Impn Verc ien.ii Norman. :tnd !is ?:un w thorouh-hred Morgan, winch ma Colonel one of the Best Horses for Breading Purposes ! In Wchster, Smit'i or Jcvell Connties. TERmS 10 to insure; Money due when marc i known to he with foal Person parting with mures before foaling will he hold for the insurance money Care will he taken to prevent accidents but we will not he responsible for any that may occur. "RASSER BRO'. Soancgle & Son Osslsrs HIM KB, IK m 8CWINC MACHINES, ETC. Keel WJ.UU.tl. iUsC Las&laz In Endless MRS , NEWHOUSE'S Wsois slaAy rsesirissT aFInsaad Magsstt ias of Ladies Djrcss Goods, "of all varieties. Spring Dry Goods, in all varieties, Elegant Line of, White Goods, Trimmings, c c. PAJH-ISSS? JAMES DiLUAM, OF BL.UJB IIIXils un y. tA.e .u I'll luMTO3! pgllaiuc hail 1e jeara rtrmrr t - will inaki a firt ntll lu.-IU(iiuKtvtT tiling foiiij;-I' n niaiKT whrit VUkI 4 )J1 U to l- w i.ttrattd. ymck m.i1 dot: nt htiuJcr Trice fcr a T7e!!r Pcnr acs al!. Cr I-clUr rr A fxt A rr$4fliat)lf ti-htctioii n'l 1- niatlt to tlM4 vUm lav tn oM well with. l.ViiwiiiNr tti-ri? it a .t AU.VNTllK for a GOOD WKLl.or.NO 1aY. and Windmill Merchants BAY Bazar ( n In all kinds Neft 9 ROD V a i V y aSBBaHaSaSBaSawV'W BSaSSaSaVHaSaSBaSSBhwsT'SafY iiBamv'VBSaSaw''lSBBaSaSaSBKSBBar O ". S EMIGH DENTIST, CO CLOUD RCBV4SKA. Fin, Office Worli a Specialty. 54 a!rar as tend. MBce rer x4 Cloud atlcsal BsX. Variety at T cream J; i gjv gm am BBBBMv IPIIWDER MOST PERFECT MADE lmTtr'lb7fT&U'''-5t?2lrtw4. BftW-SSSN: ,.vi'rfS fS.iO . -s ps y-- m E m myL'Kt . - - OatMring Orp( for Maklnf Crt m of Trur f oa.Fiuc'S caiAM sAxiNS rowoia. J'fflGB SPECIAL ?0 EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Inrt awl HruHit KattmJ FruH Fl.ion. Vanilla. Jsmikhi, Oniiicr. Alfiiund. lit-, etc, &ivor a. ildlcUcly mn naturnll)' a tho Irult. PRICE DAKINQ POWDER CO., CHICAGO. T. LOUta. Drugs ! Drugs HE t- ? f &1A limZJ' "-T 1JX Drugs, Painis, Oils Nations, Wall Papsr, Ae u Shoo, .ftAft fcn nftM - a iar aw ar -nv- :.- III..XlCSTsv H 1 IWw CUitAVs UK US If i liAKSCcrtOli. r: . t l f.K TKE CITY Drug Store ! R. R. Sharer, Prop. Mmim for fiiats, OILS AMI oaucs. Pro rlotarv Medics, n S.icalfi'r , ::s'S. UL.TIJRIHT AJT BUUHI XV GEX2SAL Nursery Stock! Home Grown Nurseries! Aa4 9I4 sk x Wfejfe at rfc trUa ao. J. YKfilCX. CaoacarJKAU. h. 0. tor S Co., Real Eslat j Agents KED CL0W, XKsl .S-KI "sSaaV'aaa-'-kn'4aS sssV 'y w i "- t?r k L"T-M - " TTO . v.LWkm'rm$ f:iiri!-i5.i. .V" -ij"Mi '-"ai e u ,i jys.w;T isr5-:V Trs ?Vl .Vf?"vri:v wgaBft&ssgsB vj jslwx 'a;? . k. j ju? fcruwtwiKCl i V!V l unset 9 - l f 7mS ROOK. IV I The Red tQU Gmir A.C.MOSMIft, np9t ?rtH I iMi FK11 MAY ISJA. AXAN'KCIHTK OT GRAXT. CkHH H flaw Wwt( Tho aacrtio tsat Gs. Oras! sss onrer beva a profaa man, as asasr of j our croeran wen a rrcrajuy be rrfrlu.Hl from warlajr. Sa4r tmrr tnlng circntnutnacwi. I mxt fcanl the grcrl wwr, aar a nrtr in ls Wah!ngim Oitntat, eut Icefialalr aaw him mail enough to make tatsfa W If he Nad broken out, fn the prtn- of 171 a tWratUs came lurr f rm a latpaycf coavtHoSj m South Oaroltna !oMpktullafiH the lutoh?rahl xtraraae folir, as4 fratnl ol thrlr tato guTraHieat. Trask Mo$, "the youiiff Htir jornMK, a h hat! be"n IuW.h,! hy tJo was thought cArjwt-b.ifnc the mm of att evil, who had shown them that th Ha gT of Mo5' wu hea Irr thaa Ike tola of S.ott, wa aerin the c!o of aU term. To preparr for a !rjrat ef fort to retlcrtu tht Mate, a uoa-prtls Uii3)r conivntkin wa calleJ, aa4 the result aj Ma appeal In Car." A delegation of twenty of lh most itiatinguUhet! men of the afate earn hrv; (Sen. JautHi Chrstaut, who dhi recentlv, w.n at Its head. I weal wit th'in, W apH)utm?ut. Ui the wkifas Imuw to pn-.cai the Mil ol ne? aacvs. As we vere pa-log up the stairway U the pvidfOtS reeeptloa room aator Johu J I'stteixm. the erpetb rf nf ntativc of th 1'aliuftlo tat, paaaM down. He lint! a gris oa hw aoMtawast nloaio fcw. which waa iadlcallva sf ilfhtcr to thoe he griB4 at (-n. M. C Hutlrr. sow aeaator. cr t.iin'y euntrutnl it a a daajfvr slfpial. for h" sai! to mc: "Kow, I woaler r hat PattTon ha !! p tof Ths hlrllon w nnt long la Mmllug ant Whn thrj HIihI into tho rrctptloa-roosa (Irant was aUtuling to receive laeaa, one cllccbfd haud rrxtlajf oa tha tab), an nugr Iluh upon lib fac, aad as expn"!ion of the eye fitter for the has-tlrt-tirhl than for"th recpthuirooa, 1Ij went through the crrrmoay of Intro duction coldly, and thea aid: "Waal can I do for you?" V i. Porter. Charlfiiton'a mott famous lawyer, pra cntd the resolutions of the coates tlon and the protest of the t&ipayers af South Caruliaa against the coBliaikt cxixtcne of the state pivernmeat. Mr. LHthcrs unrolled three loag proof -shwia of au individual protest, which ha wohMI have proceed to read had aot Grant. with au Impatient frestur. lsterruptett him. "Gentlemen," said he, nhat aU you have to nv eoacertiiajr the preeeal pjvernmrnt of Suth Carollaa ia traa do uotadruii ordeay. Tha sdaahskt ra tion of affain. in that atata la kt tss hand of thote who wera hsew4 sy m Iare majority of the peopM is rfira sctit tlictn; you must fiad your really i at the halioUhox; hut mtb If 1 had k Ml ; my Kwer U) prevent th eriU tjt whlsB vi you eotuplain I do not thiak IaMhovs4 I."' to do M. Why should I help those whs ' v- RiiatnefuIIy ahtte iner The coatrsUati which vut you here even dragged tss same of my wife into Its uebaiea Kiade her the suhjeet of falsa a4 S dalous aecusatioua." The drJeatioa was dawbfosaseal, The umutrr h'id sot eatet4 as very wann sympathy, hoi this tsntfaf of The Ublrn was too odJr $9 Hg4 them prepared. Those who fca4 saChMai tlte exit of "lIot J oh a i'atterao" wift, howcrrr. not m Mack sairariaaat at Gram's familiarity with the prwaysl" lug of the couTfatloa, The sly sssV tlciaa had priml Graat for tha -.rtaajp. tlott, and oa the tahle clee to Grasvs hands was a newspaper clipla tss rqKjrt of Gca. Mart Gary's smnss fsj the conreatloti. Gvn. Gary, a chains as of ike siittee on federal relatksa aa appeal V Graat. lie demweisee! klaaj ah a dmnkru tyraat, sot s wak SFMsr uiaa o lainiwrvijcwj ia iyw var oUna. "While Motea aal Us fetJsv- X thu-Tes, sahl he, "are rohfcisjr tka aS- ?! of South Carollaa, fast as4 hat -ifllowthleTes are rohbiatj tss wkssf;. people of the Uaited ikalaav WksW uetnro harlot are peddliag liiiislisa. py certineates ia the Hrswtt of CJsss 14s.tkwifaof GrasibatUSsirtss sW crrU of :be treaasry to tss asaaslsaBSji; ?aiiint," T So the taxpayer 4 W rati as away aorrowfuL If Grsst saal caifiB mourn v lisses (s woviu aate leaned taac f aao reoort aa-1 atsyeck ka4 rabakwd br Use cosvrmiloaL lerrad the report haek to ssi aa4 aioftea ss slitranstsaji yarUaas as4 coaierrasiva Is as Tha lollowlar crhrts of the teraa "ea the rrriral of Maaosry. Is 1 MS MMhtSSMSt WU Ssas wko lfeKJSse! at tss aoaSc aaeetia ts orssr Is cretc lie waa saasariis' OBptacea aaocr Use aosse waiie It waa wassr ras is sssar tss as4ostat his a. i waa iaf Jctod as Use asssV 1 kaa aoausaw A stwrr atsss i a S 2& saiyat Saff Msarssi wlU. itia Is ss tie "W ! - Arf &.: ! 1 4i 1 -.T-S- 'Sfc J&i ' Bf AM rZl . -FA ! ':! M , " -T