The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 08, 1885, Image 5

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The Red Cloud Cfttftf
A.C.HOStigH, - Proprietor
FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1885.
Bed CloCd booms.
New buildings every day
Plum trees are now in bloom.
Cokh planting baa commenced.
Mas. M. Bikney was in Hastings last
County Treasures Buschow was in
Lincoln tbe other day.
J. H. Remsbeko 19 improving 'his
new residence property.
Rasser Bros shipped two car loads
of stock to Chicago Saturday.
What has become of the U. P. rail
way ? Deponeth answereth not.
Bcott & Trvskey shipped two car
loads of cattle to Chicago Saturday.
Prairie fires can be seen every
sight from all points of the compass.
Wm. Gates was in Kansas City with
cattle this week. He took two sar
We are sorry to learn that Mrs, J. L
Miller is quite ill with rheumatic
It is rumored that a lodgo of the
Eastern Star will soon be organized in
Red Cloud.
A Turkish minister walked upon
our streets one day this week. He
created quite a sensation.
The tourists season opened last Fri
day May 1st. Tourist rates can now
had to Denver, Colorado Springs and
C. A. Owen has moved his paint
thop into the old meat market of Wm.
Gates, one door south of Mrs. New
house's store.
Mr. Ducker from Iroquois county,
Illinois, and family, have moved to
Red Cloud, which they will make
their future home.
Stewart Albright and Mrs. J. J.
Garbcr, who have been in the Key
stone state for some time past, returned
last Thursday night.
Frismk & Seekn are contemplating
putting in a new and substantial dam
at the mill, one that will.not be washed
out by every freshet that comes along.
Raskey McNitt has gone inio the
how business. He captured two screech
owls one day this week, which attract
ed considerable attention from curiosi
ty seekers.
H. 6. Kalet Camp, No. 25, S. V.,
have rented the Masonic Hall for their
headquarters. The boys are getting
along nicely, and a largo number of
applications are coming in.
This week the Red' Cloud carriage
works have finished a fine double car
riage, which for fine workmanship can
not be discounted west of New York.
This firm is justly deserving of a good
The spring delivery of fruit, 6hade
and ornamental trees and shrubs now
being made is unprecedently large.
Nebraska is bound to jbe one of the
principal fruit growing states of the
Union at no distant day.
Dkcoratiox Day will soon be here
and we hope the day will be properly
observed by tbe people of the entire
county Garfield Poet, H. fi. Kaley
Camp, and the Ladies' Relief Corps
will properly observe the day in this
Garfield Post No. 80 G. A. R. de
sires the differront churches to hold
Memorial services on Sunday previous
to Memorial day, and would prefer a
union service if arrangements can be
made at which the Pott will attend in
a body.
Is our report of the Odd-fellows'
celebration last week we failed to men
tion the fact that the choir entertained
the audience with several beautiful
selections, all of which were duly ap
preciated by the brethren and specta
tors present.
While at the village of Wells our
reporter met Dr. L. N.Wells, of Wheat
land, who located there about one
year ago. The doctor is doing a fine
business at Wheatland in the line of
his profession. He has built a fine
house since his arrival there and im
proved the property ia splendid style.
The Chief wishes the doctor success
and prosperity.
Mr Peter Cokoter, lately from New
Jersey, has settled down as one of our
solid citizens, as will be seen by our
advertising columns this week. He
has opened up a first-class flour and
feed store in Roby's old stand, and pro
poses by fair dealing and low 'prices to
to merit the patronage of the people
The Chief can fully recommend iMr.
Conover to its many-readers.
Ox last Friday, if a person had been
carefully watching, they might have
observed a party of three -men very
quietly leaving the city for the river
on a fishing excursion. The mill was
reached in due time and after some
four hours angling after the festive cat
with the usual luck, qnietly retraced
their steps to the city, vowing that
fifteen cents worth of beefsteak
was good enough for them.
Our young attorney, John O." Y
went to a temperance lecture the
evening and the room being
warm that limb of the law
carried off into a troubled si
we inferred it was from tbe v,
gymnical operations during the sons
oleat interval) and as tbe coatri
nation box was passed around he Ua
acinedhehad taken a sleeper, ant
that the conductor was calliaf
tickets, he therefore placed in the
the recular fare from Riverton to
Cloud and quieqy sank beck to
requesting at the base to be
attbaaext sUtioavJUerii River-
n" ?"
C. Wiexex was in Hastings last
J N Rickards was in Crete and Oma
ha this week.
The board of county commissioners
met Wednesday.
A A Pope has built on nn addition
to his residence.
Mr Howe, of Cowles was in Bed
Cloud this week.
C W Springer is building an addi
tion to his house.
W M Wallace, of Iowa, is the guest
of J. Saum this week.
D H Fermak, of Crete, brother of J
H Ferman. is in the city.
Mr Wm Wrioiit made this office a
pleasant call on Monday.
C L Cottisq is renovating his store
and treating it to a coat of paint
H B Simon's has returned from the
east, glad to get back to Nebraska.
F M Dickersos has been making
some impiovements on his residence.
J H Ferman has been selected as
census taken for Red Cloud precinct.
Rev. McMeekijc was in Minden dur
ing the last part of last week attending
the Presbyter.
Rev Geo H Brown will preach in
Guide Bock next Sunday, both morn
ing and evening.
J C Birnet, of Crete, father of M.
Birney, cf this city, was in Red Cloud
the first of the week.
Farmers are doing an immense
amount of fencing just now, as will be
seen by the large sales of barb wire.
HdSFoRD A Young bought two fine
thoroughbred Plymouth Rock chickens
from an Illinois firm the other day.
C H Rust, of Catherton, is the hap
py father of a bouncing baby boy. It
is C Hfs first and he is therefore hap-
Mr Grim, .of Cathorton, has pur
chased the lots north of the M. E.
Church, and will build a dwelling in a
few days.
We would respectfully call the atten
tion of stock rainers to the advertise
ment of of Mr Decker in another col
umn of to day's paper.
Geo B Gates, the new livery stable
man, is now running in full blast. The
Chief hopes he will be successful and
receive a good patronage.
TBHanna has the frame to his
dwelling up, and a few days more will
have it under cover. It will be a hand
some residence when completed.
Fishing is all tlie go just now, and
any time that one may go down to the
river he can find the small boy, the
large boy, and even the old man and
the girls, all fishing.
A few days since John Parkes is
ceived a handsome quilt from his aged
mother at McCook. The quilt was a
birthday present, John having passed
the first half century of his life.
Judge Dell Stuart, of the 7th Ju
dicial (Iowa) District, and T M Stuart,
a distinguished attorney of Iowa, were
in the city last Saturday, calling on
our frieud L H Wallace, the jeweler.
MAiRiEDby the Rev. Geo. Yeiser at
Red Cloud Nebraska, on the third day
of May 1885. Mr Anson Cburie. of Jew
el County, Kansas, and Miss Annie
Underwood of Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Ur Crone'h new houso just east of
Dr Daraerell's residenco is fast ap
proaching completion and will add
greatly to the appearance of Fourth
Avenue. There are many new houses
going up at present in Red Cloud.
R. V. Siiirey, cashier of the Red
Cloud National Bank has gone east m
the interest of the Nebraska and Kan-
f sas 'Farm Loan Company. During
his absence J A Tulleys will superin
tend the affairs of the Farm Loan
The other day Arthur Saum sold his
fine yearling thorough-bred colt
"Colonel" to Ex-Gov. Garber for $150
This is probably one of the finest colts
in the county. It will make a fine
horse, and has a splendid record. It
was bred by J Saum, of Red Cloud.
Me. C. W. Marvin- left this city on
Tuesday evening to to take charge of
the B, & M Railway station at Oxford
as agent. Mr Marvin is an affable
thorough business gentleman, and his
hosts of friends along the line heartily
wish him success in his new position.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at the post office in Red Cloud for
the week ending May 4, -1SS5: Miss
Anna Andrews, Wm BarUtt, Mrs L M
Foster, Aaron Howater. G N Hunter,
Charles J Hopp, Wm Laverty, Mrs O
McCowan, J 0 Martin, Davis L Noble,
Charles F Welch, Samuel Worst, Mr
andMrsJFWheelock. These letters
will be sent to the dead letter office
June 1. 1885. if not called for before.
A tramp was in town one day last
week and filled up considerably on
tangle foot, at least he became so tired
that he found it. necessary to camp
somewhere, and finally struck AS.
Marsh's barn, where he was kindly
permitted to sleep over nifht. During
the eveainc Mr Marsh weni w uc
barn to attend to the chores and threw
oft his coat and forgot it. When ne
went to the barn in the nomine &
and tramp had both suddenly left
fellow was arrested and later on
was recovered.
GaLrjBMAi who has been clerking
in Swanl for several Tears past, left
Monday for Red Clovd, where he goes
to work for C. Wiener. Mr. 3aluaha
has been one ef the ssost popular
reliaMesalsaisskisi Sewai,W the
Reddood irsa is ftflsli ia secur
ing his services. The people of Bed
dee and Webster oowaty will find
hisatoeeesM of the sqaaresi ssea
ther ever had eVaJsnea with. We are
sorry to see hiss leave Seward,
join hie saaav friends ;
wsf.J. -
asyr ' 4-t
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t ABFjejBAfi
MHiBB 1 '
Mrs William Parkes ia on the sick
James Harvey is now running the
Cannon ball.
Chas Leonard is running freight
out of Wymore.
Hats and caps in endless varieties at
tbe Golden Eagle.
Go to Mrs McBride's for ladiei and
children; gloves and mitts.
A lioht shower of hail fell last week
on Thursday evening doing no dam
age. Queen Esther will belrenderedjon the
14th at the rink. This will be one of
the best entertainments in Red Cloud.
Pat Ltmah who was one of the vic
tims of the Hubbel wreck is running
on the Columbus branch of the B fc
The subject of lecture next Sunday
evening at the Presbyterian church
will be "The Mysteries of our Future
Clothtng for men, youths and boys
lor holiday and every day wear at pri
ces that defy competition at the otic
price Golden Eale.
Mrs McKinnon and son who have
bave been visiting at Mr H ESanford's
have returned home in Cedar Rapids,
Iowa much pleased with the country.
Go to Mrs McBride's for.'paterns.
The Prerbyterian Church, of Red
Cloud, has been made the recipient of
a valuable pulpit Bible, and two nice
collecting baskets, the gifts of Mrs. Dr.
Ladies will do well to look", through
the stock at the Golden Eagle before
buying their shoes.
A A Pope has eleven carloads of all
kinds of farm machinery on the road
to Red Cloud, including 116 mowers
and a carload of rakes. The freight on
these, things cost him 2,200. A small
Plow shoes at all prices to suit all
at the Golden Eagle.
Breathes not a man with soul so
dead who never to himself has said:
"I'll go and paint the city Rd?" And
when the inky night was fled, rose from
his hard and painful bed, and said:
" Oh heavens what a head."
Hair goods at Mrs McBride's.
Where do you buy your clothing,
boots and shoes? Of course at the
Uoiuen isagie, tne lowest prices largest
atnok and vou can alwavs lareeatstock
and vnn can lwav relv on -what .tfilf
., ... ,, - ,
amation to tne people o;
Cloud and vicinity. All persons" pur
chasing goods of Wright & Wallace
will save money.
This week P. Conover flings his ban
ner from the outer walls over a new
flour and feed store in Roby's old
stand. The Chief extends a cordial
welcome and trusts the gentleman's
success in his new enterprise may be
all that could be desired.
New goods at Mrs Mc Bride's.
The recent copious rainfalls and
generous sunshine has decked the
prairies with fragrant blossoms and
bright green grass. Crops are growing
with astonishing rapidity and every
thing seems to indicate a prosperous
season for the farmers of Nebraska.
Shirts of all descriptions, underwear
in balbrigans, gauze, summer merino
&c. Hosiery in cotton, lysle thread and
silk at the Golden Eagle square deal
ing clothing house.
Rev. H. MoMeekix will deliver a
lecture in the Presbyterian church
next Sabbath evening at 8 o'clock.
Subject, "The Mysteries of our Future
State." The Reverend gentlemen
is an eloquent orator, and his lectures
are highly interesting and instructive.
Go to Mrs McBride's or ribbons.
Messrs. D. C. Hungerford and D. W
Miller, with their families, from Utica,
N. Y., arrived in Red Cloud last week
and are so well pleased with our beau
tiful city that they have decided to
make it their future home. They have
already purchased louuand will com
mence building at onom
Tee one price GoldeB Eagle keeps
the best stock of shoesiom men, women
and children, and oib celebrated
selzmake. p
It is evident that the Baptist church
propose to let the light shine. The
latest is a fine street lamp at the front
door. Dark nights when you see it
shining you may be reminded to go to
meeting. The lamp was a present to
the church by our enterprising halrK
ware nrm, Mornari r uiion.
Dr. Bosakk's pile remedy. New sup
ply of the most effectual remedy for
that malady known at Henry Cook's.
Concert at the Baptist church next
Sunday evening. The usual program
will be carried out, with some new
features added'. Recitations and songs
by the little ones will be especially t
traHive. A collection will be taken
for the benefit of school. Ko preach
ing in the morning; Sunday school at
12 M; temperance school 3:30.
Go to Mrs Mrs McBride's for laces.
Osns day this week our reporter had
the pleasure ef going tkrergh the new
residence of J. H Remsberg's lately
built in the north-west part of the city
of Bed Cloud Mr & will have one of
the most convenient residence proper
ty's iath city. He kas arranged it
very haady oaths interior, and has!
large ana ooseioeaous reoess upstairs
down. Xverythiee; is arranged
He is improving., the
sow moved into it. Such"
areVeJeditlpRedOoud. -''
I (vAAne a a mAneBBeBBeBBeBBeBBBeBBBraeBBBeaaMSBBBeVifl
raocLAMATioNto the people of RedT
i Oai
ww mm jacgfwfrs sac neccwata. - mus ,.r...-; --
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L Baum of Chicago is in the city.
Mrs Will McDanieU i on the rick
J H Bemsbeeo sold his fat hogs to W
N Richardson.
Mis3 Maiiard, of McCook, is visiting
at L A Haskin's.
Spanoglk & Sox have' moved their
office to 3rd Avenue.
C B Cuoxk is assisting our friend
Cather, in the attract office.
G X JcDasiels has moved his shop
two lots west of the old location.
Artist's studies for hand painting
received at Henry Cook's this week.
L A Haskiss has a fine colt, a few
days old that measiireslibree feet and
two inches in height.;
Nice cool soda opened at Henry
Cook's tbis-week. All walk in and
take a drink at Tom's expense.
C Wieser has about settled on the
design of his new brick building and
will commenco work in a few days.
The bar docket, for May term of
the district court will have 85 cases
then-oii for the disposal of the court.
The ivi'uihcr clerk was clear off on
Thursday morning, the weather was
cold enough for February. It was a Da
kota wave.
Hale Bros., hardware dealers of
Inavalc, have decided to add a stock
of lumber 'to their business. The
Chief wishes them prosperity.
A J HrELCUthc gentlemanly ticket
acent and manager of telegraph has
bought the Mahard residence near F R
Gump's paying therefore R50.
Arrasoemckes are being made to
move Letson s and Jfizer's store rooms
to prepare for excavating, preparatory
to building the opera House and store
A real live pugilist was in the citv
the other day but got knocked out of
time by our amateur boxers, on short
notice. Wo don't let any imported
stosk get away with us.
It has been decided by tho commis
sioners to hold a special election the
9th of June for the purpose of voting
bonds to build briJges across the
atreannofthe county: This should
carry bv all means and have the expen
se of building and rebuilding wooden
t 1
bridges stopped,
Kpjni.v a full line of School
for the surrounding destfTwtr were re
..,...... A
ui "JC rJNA .
desfiiLat-He'nfy Cobk's this week.
CF CATHER, tncnew aimraci man
f .. , ... !.. A
tuorougiuy ovcrnaunug vno uusiraci
books and records and putting them
upon a first class basis. He means
business and will soon have the office
in good shape. C F is one of the stanch
citizens of Webster county and The
hiek wishes him success.
Headquarters for all kinds of sty
lish hats and bonnets at Mrs McBride'
the leading milliner.
Taken In-During last Saturday
Sheriff Warren and Deputy Ball were
ou the lookout for a mover" going west
ward who was wanted by a Gage county
man for towing off a fine colt from
that county. The fellow it appears had
been trying to sell the colt, and even
offerred it to one of our livery stable
men jut previous to being stopped by
the sheriff. When asked how he came
to have the colt he remarked, by right
of posseision, but finally settled with
the Gage county man and turned 'aver
the colt and a good horse to settle the
matter and keep from being sent ov'er
the road, the Gage county man agree
ing not to get out a .varrant foj his ar
rest. It would be well for such fellows
to look a "leedle oude" in runiyng off
horses belonging to other parties,
Dramatic. On hist Thursday even
ing the Red Cloud Histrionic Assori i
tion of this city made the:r first ap-
nearance on the stace at tbe rink
k in
the well known drama, ent
"Among the Breaker, The play is a
splendid theatrical production and the
participants done well taking int:
consideration the brief spac of
time in which they practised. Mr Qeo
M Young, as David Murray did his
part well. Tom Ferris, did the Irish
part of Larry Divine in a manner that
plainly showed that he was familiar
with the brogue of the Ould Country.
The Hon Bruce Hunter in tbe person
of Frank R Gump placed the
Judge in the front ranks of foot
lights, while C B Hosford as
Clarence Hunter, "did his part
well. Jim Htibbell did the
heavy work as reporter and was 'oud
ly. vociferously and contiuually ap
plauded by the audience. Anson Hig
by made an excellent Scud. The part
of Miss Minnie Daze xas taken by Miss
M J Ferris, while Miss Sadie Becker
Wilaved tbe rob of Bess SUrbright. Miss
- ftJlara Becker was a veritable Mother
Carey and May Higby a Biddy Sean
to perfection. Tbe entertainment
netted neat sum to the church the
gross proceeds being about $55.
Marilla Crosty. wife of Marvin J.
Crosbv. died at er home near Cowles,
Sabbath evening at 8 o'clock, April 19.
Mrs Crosbra ihe mother of Charley
and Ella Fumam. Ssbe was in ner wu
r t. nrl Krtwnmni hall vears had
:.. -9 m a jsra
-3 w "-- -
nrtpivd from a severe din
which time she cared fr the
of her son. Mrs. Crosby was a native
of Browne county, 2ew ork, and
came to-Red Cloud in May IftSU, soon
after removing to Cowles, where she
raided till the iiaie of her 'death. A
husband, four daughters, aad one son
are left to saoura taetowofaderoted
wie and a loving samber.
. 4-
.Oats ......
Barley .......'
Cattle iij.n
Gna iid Ptk Jrri, T T
list ot irmd and petit jurors for the
May term, 1SS5, district court in an
frt Webster county, Nebraska, to co
vene at Red Cloud, Mar 26, 1S85.
M C Fulton.
J II Hohart,
W C HichardAOn,
SV J.milow,
Kenvon Skecn,
I) F Trunkcy,
George A Martin,
I N Taylor,
CW Fuller.
Judson Bailey,
E B Smith,
J L Frame,
Ferdinand Pcisiger.
Alex 11 (Vary,
Henrv McCune,
A "Wilson. -
E McFarland, Winneld Palmer,
Wm Sabin,
T J Wright.
Chas E Putnam,
K E Rowland,
H C Scott,
Frd Huppcrt,
J G Dodd.
David Kaley,
John Crow ell,
W U Buker.
Chas A '1 eel,
A A Pope,
Jnine L Miner,
Henry Wagoner,
Melville Birnej.
W R Ryker.
Chas Duss,
B H Gray,
A T Stille.
Austin Riley,
J R Laird.
W J Harrii.
The following is the report" of the
Red Cloud schools .for the month of
i. S..Z. " .Z. - w
Teacacrs. j j?f JJ r lll
Mrs. Ev:ui ...'lrxt.' :.'- 43 K'..TT' ." t:
Klla l'littiam . -l-t l'rv.- TO'. r.H T .. V, e
Mnt Brewer., '.'il Yt. :0 IT 3: c. .. c
ronlh? Int. 75 r.l $fi - 8
Era Walki-r ...:'-m Iut.. r.J .ei z
Ml Wuolley.. til. S. ; . 4i 40 -.Wl I.
roll ok honor.
Dpot School John Patmer, Maud
Rudu, James Durrie.
First Primary Charlie Dickerson,
Iottie Sterner. Davy Craven, Mary
Proskovec, Edward Dentloy, Harry
lit'tson, Earl Rickards, Willie Way,
Eddie Gates.
Second Primary Edgar Cottin$r.
Arthur Downs, Ernest Brown, Lclnud
Hedge, Edward Cook, Fred Brown.
Dora Rickerson, Auna Proskovec. H;r
tha Brown, Alice Remabcrg, Edith
Bayha, Myrtle Kaley.
1st Int. Chancy Tmgley, Charlie
Graves, Herman llirkncr.
2nd. Int. Alex Bentlcy, Minnie Mc
Avoy, Blanche Reed.
High School GeorgeJMorhart, iTugh
Miner, Willie Tulleys, Eva Bayha,
Barbara Newhouse, John Tulleys.
Eva J. King, Principal.
Tin Wedding. On laa Monday eve
ning Mr J II Ferman and wife were
inarried.tcn years, anL in order to
proDerwfVommenioratc thevsVtT
kfiertaitrcNheirJhiany friends at heir
residence in the north part of tho city
on the above date. A lanrc number
were present and thelevening was most
pleasantly spent by all. At a proper
season the happ couple were again
married by, and with the assistance of
three ministers, andgr the bride
had been invested wifcelegant ring
with a beautiful dhtmc-SRTet as it were,
encased in tin, supper was announced,
and the guests turned their attention
in that direction with good results, af
ter which the many beautiful pre exits
were brought out and presented to the
host and hostess. It was certainly one
of the pleasant events of the season,
and The Chief wishes Mr. and Mr?.
Ferman many returns of the joyous
occasion. Iho following were the
presents received:
Silver tea pot. Prrsentcd by A.
Lauterbach, and wife, Ira Sleeper and
wife, R L Tinker und wife, 6 West and
wife.' Mr F.migh and wife, Rev Geo. H.
Brown and wife. 1-. W. Dow nntlj wile,
O. 11. Marvatt and wife. J II Itemsnen;
und wife, K Skeen, Wm Gates J '
Rickards. ,
Nickle coffee pot. I1 h Gobe and
wife, Wm Letaon and wife and Mrs.
Bellows. ...
Tea canister. Sam Temple and wite
Coffee Cauister. B t Myers
Silver and glass berry
Jones and McKeeby I
Dish pan. Mrs Cather.
Dish and toaster; W.
dish. Mrs.
D. Forrester
and wife. .
Dish pan. C L Cotting and wife.
Sugar can Mr. and Mrs Kaley.
c noo hares. Mrs Ferris.
Nut meg grater Dr 'Damerell and
Cake pan Mrs J'ope.
One piece bed room set J L
and wife.
One piece bed room set
,RB Fulton
and wife. . . . .
Bread toaster and sieve I Fnsbie
and wife. '
Flour sieve C W icncr and wife.
Flour sieve. A H Brown and wife.
' Ftour seive Mr Brakefield and wife
Ffour stevc Geo Abel.
One server and crumb pan and
brush-rEHa Renisberc, Jese arren,
ChartEy Dow and Lee Tinker.
OnTserver A T Ormsby and wife.
Grumb pan brabod soup ladcl A
J Crawford And wife.
One server by Mr and Mrs npoKes-
field; , ...
tv.. nt f! Seelv and wife .
Stew pan-Dr Tulleys and wife.
Two silver table spoorfs V G Kmgnt
and wife. v.-. ,r t
One Cuspidor. Rev Hawley.
r'One Cupiuor. .
rfZckL ml iin. water pitcher
,;nrf) k Vsunan. of Crete.
t1 rw.i arfl vtvir.T3aii--Mr. acdMrf
" -
Ara w " --v sr. -v
VaaCuvn of Wilbur. -. s.
Six tfr4aa5Xewboase.
Set gem tins- '"v-V m.
Looking gl n bookof poeaA
C Horner and wife.
VrfUI wwnuMui. .jh
vr '
BidaJrilUae. received for haulinf
. rTL-J'fci4 Krk trrm.
brickjIsrH f4?"
and opera borne up w tooh 5li -VVoi apUni
addei R B Fultoo saenVeniUnW.Uii lauwgrasaj this secgoa is
.- -.
orbart ruitejtrj
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. - 'a.
rtlUU IJV--;.
" Jaafcej
ed. aca (mmbh om ac
brboadsuslJs-W so insure
Ktty head ef. ctUe
miles north isseW laaval
The auiststgnad has ifteeaaead of
geod ssitch cows for sale lac ease) or est.
Aa4ytar 9.
ar ' K
m wssws -asr
TTBi sW . &r.
' manur a
m BEST fc.
1 ' " iTh
Iidio. children ?, and men'n dry
cocxl- and notions, shot! and furuUii
ingi..HHln, hatj, caps rtd ptmw gooli
aro cneapcrjthan ever beforo known.
Carpels are eheitp. I am .llm: thorn
ai smaller profits, than ovur. I want
your trade, ami will try to make it to
your interest to come and Ke me and
get prices. Have a complete toek of
groccrio and woodrn w-ire at luwor
prices than over. I want your rgg
it ml butter.
Corn planting is the order.
Oats and Spring wheat are
fine. . , . , . . .
Marv Mcintosh is teaching school
at District 17. The patrons did well
to ecure her service.
Gray wolves arc reported quite nu
merous on second Heaver creek.
R B Eaton is putting out timber on
hisclaim .. ,
Don't vouJLhuik that tho Red Cloud
jeweler ougBt -to vwt OuuJc kocw
once a monm 10 repair our ciuv..
a Mike.
A number of our ladies went to Su
perior last Thursday to organize a W
CTU inthalplarc.
RovFulkcnnnofthe-M K church
beinrf called away by sicknfj over
Sundav, his place was ably filled by
A L Blackwell.
James and Lovitt have just complet
ed a barn 24 by 30 feet.
Tlierc will Ihj a grand ball at Talbot
hall, the evening of May 8 to which
all are invitid.
Decoration day w to be observed
nerc. thi i as it should be all honor
to the memory of tho "Bravo boys in
l S. McQn ire is building a house
west of tlie M E church.
Messrs Haican A Lfpeman of the
Guide Rock and Red Cloud nuweric
have a splendid stock of iroit and fr
wt trees, shrub, raall fruity and ev
ery thing that san be found in a first
class nursrv. They thoroughly un
derstand the busine and it will be
well for people to patronize home in
dustries where they can be sure of get
ting wbal tney want. Tsixic
e i -'
The asewor hai put in an appear
ance to inquire after our wealth, o
when wc come to pay our rent nt
spring the county treasurer will know!
just what we oe.
D 3 Ui-lvern has returned from Ar
(kensa, sice with Arkanaw" fever
Not seriously in, but so much so that
he offers to sell Maple Grove fana at a
Ridge Leggett has 20 acres of grouadi
listed and planted.
A ereat deal of core will be
next week. Mot ot the cava wi
I put'in with Yrt. Sprinf wheat t
t-tt?.are4king wefl. fall wheat
Spritif wheat aad
nac'akelr. anditeea oasc i
s- . - . e? vaaSBw
saeBaurnve. P
'sTaaes A Gobht aatexiesasl tfarr iaa
fiU Langer was suddeoly cali
a Tpt a cick rf;ner.
'Meters. Kucha k Hon have ,5wci
up the divide road which was arte hud
oat aad traveled by c3r ohl pixnier. A
JtReaaecker, soeae IS years arfo.
have eat left asy road by waka the
traveliae; puhJic caa get thranfh. Thar
should eeem. a road some faefla
couki fjeswroti((A w ute nver
Ties Wallis thrvafrh ateaiak $m
wmseM ie)aeiMkiarsw? "-
! 3m 'fakf
es a..-,
. ,
ai vfr
aaaaar mawsr saaaa am. sausaaawaeaai
ausas aesaaasv , . waasaswesfc
--l .17 . i-EifeSf "J, J .:-
. ,. dTifj-tP -
5f :??i?j&&-s-J
1 4J1 .
- V I
.Vir AT- . " - 'iS.'-: 'jsf'-' - -
Jtdratlfc'Sr- ' JVSyV -..-' ? '.. .L.3L
svr. ...
Fine weather wc are having;.
Tho click of tho rom planter can be j
heard In our midst.
Tho ground i in fine shape and tha
piju-pecu for all Kind of crops are
good, Um rripg hn hern late.
Scott A Trunkcy chipped thefr Ut
cattlo to Chicago, al-o KiiMer Bros.
Mr Hnrd :s buildinj? a lwirn.
C C Cox is giving hU Urn a ceataf
paint. '-'
Mr l'ot Iim returned from Arkanie1
'and i well pleas! with country, lie
bought a farm and cxpscl to Sov
tlrcrc In tho full.
'Jfato Shnlar ii goina; to .otwn
KM?, lprag tojregam for health'
wnVh "i v;ry joo7at present.
Ahro Hutchinon U very low.
ThW Guide Roik chelae factory steer
are gathering milk, in tlictf pru. , ,
Well. ai thii U my firt attempt, aad
if it ccajns tlie was le bkt, I wa -come
ag aln. DAaXtfO
. .-i -m
Lots of wire fence this spring
While J W June wai i.trUhif the
wire for hi new pasture hie horse be
CJme choked, and white trying to re
lieve him it fell upon him and fnjarsd
him scverrly. He h recovering uttdar
the care of Dr Staplcford.
Tle Walnut Creek aid oeietf will
hold an ice cream festival at the ttoae
school houi, on the 2th InH.
Little Jonn Hntchlaon, okSestaon of
K D rtl O 0 if,:itchf . departed tl
life Jfav 1. Ifctf. Service were hd
Jfy 3, Rev linmmetl oiicitiiif The
word of the t at were "Je iid
io her, I aw the hurreJiie a4 h
life; he that beiieveth' in , shsi
he were dead, yet she! he Mre. Tha
bereaverlparefljs-hsvetswr syaipatliy
OtfT tlw w'SC rtir. S fim " rw. ,
JJ wMte l 1m armS 9 Mm we
iMfcwj fcMV nwkitnti aV mm
- Walk . wf S4 ia J-4'
, hmdvii n rtrihr
S&2e fats inIr . a sad at as
GrMlm& Mitchell has beea Meki
Frank Kaaimaa hasrsaUdMrPF
Butcbinofi's Urrn
Mm Natxie Cayou is slewljisasaet '
lacaiMuUi. ,.
The roiinc hbdleS afSeaUTarf
ioraentd kk woed iktor, They
Uetr diijript'Btef!C
see)- C 'ifi "'sJ& 2$mm si23
vOCER,: ! '1
-L ' -If- M
K 'M- "jr
Speckik 1 !
THIS .f.l
thataoualrylsiPefgety -
itt ifiiiiiM mi taaaww'
m tfc: etwiac t a?te4;
ax lUiliiiesuiai tuser.
wmm texmMA- mm m
WshittH ereek A eeesttr.
CW Uui fmk Mra C
tba; s4re cf a &tb g&k.
v CWWasfeWaTBTa' ujs l
Wi hoe faaf -f,
Hit sw
hmo(ihUmAJtoc- -
eroW' rtr nrtinsaslid
mJM IfcsiSKS
! MrthaY aatf ins ausaai s - r.
"Liii.r.3 !.-?.
' m -. a. . 'Sr1 t V -,-"- ,-
' MTmT;mJ!Z-.& ir:J
eeajiariif-asfer aaa ugsya js ESat-P -.
"! T . T-, - . -. . m
MttOl I Wmamrnmu mmumtmmm, WPMrF.-Tr ."it ' -r. -
'sawiiay ?ff1 X. . -' a -- -' :.
t--k MWSt' -JfasjawsjseSBwe?saB"aaBa,. -sm-t-.r-'r!
,..yIL"Tk Y-iilm. ggJai e
SsattaHngjJK sjBjeajsunB JeVa uavslsV. w5ssV JSibbb;
MK -ST 2ujBLljt ?" '-'. rt.-aSSBB?'irikaLjHPa
ae.vv sssai seusBJBTsaeBS'----"vt "x'-,"'w, 'tfAsaa
5' ?..-' f-.. .trBia
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im-&; jl.i r-4m- w. , s.-- Jtr.fz. -jr t rmr"' r'az.-z. . . vrjwi irr
iK'rBt .t ?s-r -t r. tH. . 1MB ni- i i .m mtziman'jir 'jmrtr" -i&r !t
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EssslBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasBMsBSHMF anam ? -r - r- ,TrT