The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 08, 1885, Image 2

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A. C. HOSUER, Ptsbiiskcr.
A life of General Gordon, published
in Dutch, i.s having an unprecedented
sale in Holland..
The revisers of the Old Testament
liavc presented a copy of the revision
to the Centcrburv convocation.
TiiE Belgian Chambers have unani
mously agreed to authorize King Leo
pold to act as sovereign of the Congo
Tite American climate is treating
kindly the obelisk in Central Park. ad
Terse reports to the contrary notwithstanding.
Summary of the Daily Now.
It is estimated that not less than a
thousand men will make a regular
business of playing baseball profession
ally this summer.
The British Government intends to
purchase for Prince Victor, the eldest
uon of the Prince of Wales, the Ard
braccan Palace in the County Meath,
Ireland, near the confluence of the
rivers Bovne and Blackwatcr.
A special treasury ajjent from Chi
cago seized a stock of jewelry at Itock
ford. 111,, which had been smuggled
through the New York Custom House
concealed in bed-clothing. The goods
were valued at $1,500. Henry Hobbs,
the owner, suffered the seizure of
smother lot ii Montreal last October.
Ex-Govebxor Cosrad Haker, of Indi
ana, died in Indianapolis recently of con
gestion of the lungs after an illnus of sov
oral months.
The Prince and Princess of Wnles re
turned to London from Ireland on the 28th.
General Hheridax expects to leavo
Washington soon on a tour of inspection of
the Western military posts.
Ex-Governor McLane, of Maryland,
the newly -appointed Minister to France,
sailed from New York on the :)th for Havro.
General Grant has recommenced writ
ing his "History of the War" of the Rebel
lion." t, Secretary Whitney hat commended
Admiral Joaett for bis conduct at Panama.
Colonel Switzler, of the Columbia
(Mo.) Statesman, has been appointed Sec
retary of the Bureau of Statistics.
Commodore C. K. Garrison, once owner
of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, died at
New York on the 1st from paralysis.
Lenekal Manager Van Hoilve
statcXthat the Lake Superior section of
the Canadian Pacific has been com
pleted and that by the 1.0th of May
British troops can be transported from
Halifax to Vancouver, British Colum
bia, by the Canadian Pacific in eleven
days. Thence by Pacific Ocean steamer
they can reach Calcutta.
The Coroner's Jury -in the inquest
on the remains of Mrs. Ella Shay, who
died recently in a dentist's chair at
Chicago, in its verdict recommended
that Dr. N. S. P.i the dentist treating
the deceased at the time of her death,
be held to the Criminal Court on the
ground of criminal carelessness in ad
ministering chloroform.
A rEi'i'EU famine is said to be immi
nent. The average consumption of the
world is twenty-two thousand and
three hundred tons, most of which
comes from Malabar, Lampang, tho
Straits and other points of the East.
During the coining year the available
Mipply will not exceed twenty thousand
nnd live hundred tons, and may be
still further reduced to fifteen or six
teen thousand tons by the Dutch block
ade of the Achcen coast.
A coKKKsroNDENT of the New York
Journal of Commerce says the idea that
fortunes are to be made in Florida
without sweat of the brow is tho fiction
of land speculators. An orange grove
in Florida is not worth a cent more
than an apple orchard in New Eng
land until its owner has put into it
years of hard work, much money and
impatient waiting. He thinks it could
be demonstrated that a good apple or
chard pays a larger interest than the
best orange grove in Florida.
The members of the New York Cot
ton Exchange formally bade farewell
to their old building on the last day of
April. They gathered in a body there
.(all business for the day being sus
pended) and heard the valedictory ad
dress made by Mr. James F. Wenman,
an old member. Gilmorc's Band
played "Auld Lang Syne," and the re
frain was caught up by the members.
A procession was then formed and
they marched through Pearl, Wall and
"William streets and entered the new
Jay Cooke is now a familiar figure
along the country roads northeast of
Philadelphia, but he is not often found
mingling in the push and uncertainty
of "the street." An observer writes
that he had seen him dressed more in
the garb of a countryman than that of
a financier. His clothes wore plain,
jind his white slouched hat, with its
broad brim, gave him the appearance
of a well-to-do farmer. His hair and
beard were snow white, and he was
lriving along with an easy gait, as if
perfectly contented with life.
Emi Assistant Postmastek Gen-
r.KAi. Hazen has made a report of the
effect during the first year of the reduc
tion of letter postage from three to two
cents. He says that the actual revenue
for the year ended September SO. 1SS4
(the first year duringwhich the reduced
rate prevailed), was 42,184,509, or
i$7,476,S99 less than the estimated rev
enue upon a three cent rate. The loss
by the reduction of the rate to two
cents was 523.100 less than the esti
mated Joss. The immediate falling oft
Secretary Bayard told a reporter re
cently that A. M. Keiley had declined the
Italian mission. Mr. Bayard would not,
however, say whether or not Keiley had
asked to go to Russia ia place of Qfeneral
Law ton.
The other day a box containing $00,000
in unsigned bank notes of the Bunco Jlexi
cano, stored at Paso del Norte, Mei., was
broken open and robbed of all but a $V)U
In tho Rouse of Commons on the 20th
Lord Edmund Fitzmaurico, Under Secre
tary for Foreign Affairs, read a telegram
from Lumsden, at Tirpul, April 23, which
mentions that the Governor of Herat had
received a report that the Russian troops
had advanced upon Maruchek.
TnE man-of-war Howe was launched at
Pembroke, Wales, recently. This new ad
dition to the British navy carries tn guns
and has a crow of 44.') mn. Tho Howe is a
twin screw, steel armor-plntod barliette
shipof 8,700 tons burden and has 7,500
horse power.
Governor Harmaddke, of Missouri,
was rejwrtod as displeased with the action
of Governor Oglesby, of Illinois, in indis
criminately quarantining against Missouri
cattle. It was thought that Oglesby had
exceeded his prerogatives and that the
Federal courts would be applied to for re
lief. Thh Ohio Legislature has passed a law
fixing a heavy fine and imprisonment for
offering or recoiving money at primary or
general olections.
Jcdqe ErtDicoTT, Secretary of War, em
phatically denied that any conflict existed
between himself and Lieutenant-Gcneral
It was reported in London that the co
ercion act existing over certain counties in
Ireland would not be renewed tho present
SiXTV-EIcnT indictments were found by
the Uaited States Grand Jury at Topeka
on the 28th against tho prominent Okla
homa colonists. Tho leaders were indicted
on separate charges, the others on the com
mon charge of plotting insurrection.
Governor Sherman, of Iowa, has issued
a proclamation establishing quarantine
boundarins against cattle not accompanied
by certificates of health from the States of
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey,
Ponns3'lvania, Maryland, Virginia, West
Virginia, Delaware, Ohio, Kentucky, Ten
nessee, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and the
District of Columbia.
The Belgian Chamber of Deputies has
increased tho custom duties on foreign
sugar fivo per cent.
The new two million dollar Board of
Trade building at Chicago was dedicated
on the 2Mb.
A dispatch from General Briere de Lisle
states that tho Chinese generals refuse to
ovacuato Tonquiu or to retire from the po
sitions which they have captured.
The working force of the Navy Yard at
Washington was reduced by the discharge
of more than one hundred men because of
want of money to pay them.
The Colombian revolutionist, Aizpura,
and his followers, ngreed to surrender on
condition of receiving full pardons from
the Government. The pardons, however,
were not to extend to those who were con
cerned in tho burning of Colon.
The Czar's ultimatum to Great Britain
was that tho latter power accept the de
limitation of the Afghan frontier as laid
down by Russia. If refused, an order
would be issued to march on Herat.
The Hey of Tunis recently caused the ar
rest of his brother just as ho was about to
go to Franco without leave.
TheoM Board of Directors of the Chicago,
Burlington & Quincy Railway was re
elected in Chicago.
A Readino (Pa.) dispatch of the 2flth
says: A fire which started to-day on tho
Blue Mountains between Burks ami Schuyl
kill Counties is to-night raging furiously.
Several thousand acres of timtter have
been devastated. Tho fanners find it use
less to fight the fire, as the wind scatters
the sparks in all direction.
The Louisville express on the Louisville,
tho -'Jeannctte." The Cormnb""oner hld
that Do Long was in active srvlc at the
time of bis death, he having bwn detailed
by the Government for special duty.
Tils Pritiih steamer Norseman, which
left Liver;ool April 'S tor Boston, returned
to port. She experienced stormy weather,
the third officer being drowned. Th cap
tain had Lis rib injured. She also lost her
main and mizzon niast and had her deck
The strike insgurated at the South Chi
cago rolling mills by seventy furnace men,
pitmen and Jadle liners caused Loth tho
stool and rail mills to shut down in conse
quence, nfl some 1,2C) men were thrown
out of employment.
The Postmaster General has forbidden
tho delivery of registered letters and
moay ordoes to F. Ridd & Co., of Dubuque,
Iowa, on evidence that Jthey were con
ducting a fraudulent business through the
The entire force in the construction de-
M,iiitASKA M'ATiJ .Nh.i
The Buffalo Connty Agricultural Society
will hold their fifth annual fair at tho j
grounds of the society at Kearney, oa the
7th, Sth, 0th and 10th of September. j
Ax Omaha stecial stated that recently
near Trenton, in HitchciKrk County, in the
western part of tin State, a fatal light oc
TJi Olrhratcd i'n;IMi Artrar simr
Wry Klixilr Tlihic In KSAr! In tUr I
l'ritr on TIU Ul at the :-r !:
to Ailmlrr ami Inr .rorrlc4."
Lomho. April SO. t the banquet
tendered to Henry Irving lal niht a;
the Criterion, the Karl of WarncllH. pre-
currrd between somo cowboys and rulers, idJed. Among Lie .c ire of notable
resulting in the death of four settlers, tare , uc,t, present were the llUsre of lieaa
of whom were named Joe Clyne. L. I), fort, Admiral S.r Henry Keppel. IC C. B ,
Traxell and Mr. Dunbar. There had been , and Mr. John Lawrence. lUle, the coair-
f i f 1 If l. . ! .!... II.
conswerauie ui-ieeiing wmn
liys anil settlers for som
owing to the fact that
V ;
TTi- cw CnmmUinr f4ntlic t tll- '
J-l 1:-Ht!fnt of t'nrJr n' !luntT ,
rarmrntt M.l In !! f-o nit K- !
murrtoil lMn t Iw tp;3' V Norn.
hnil tikcn iiti hnruesTeftil. on
rancbe. Onthe day of thetragedv adifll- loc America while rcmainlning a thor- : "Aptrttc rntW be men of pergonal
cultv aroae between a.settler r.nd a "cowLov, ' "sBrUof3 ' wa UPU l" ""j11 ' hoaor ami laW-rUr. Tier mu,t b mn
which resulted u the former dichar;-in' i h''K. ''! , . ,.rI,V',?f. .. i T'.' oi lfj !rfeUn! abtiitv and cxperl-
hii rifle at the latter, but without effect.
tint he delighted to dwe.l
Arrt t to icl: Tra'n rTir n
rnl UfBriU--!-- KttI. nrSf
tTaumll. 5t. I.t"ts Aprtl 3. A pxUl trJn
Wrf ln-m Tii.t will vo.MHy-1 rttatU'lnc of bscsw "3r. Iottwn I '., prtli9 In rplT tlerr-r al two Itr"Vr tar, bmwtni
to an iaqairv fr nl Senator C.-ctrvll, p.ut- tf Tva r4o4.f ,tj Mtrt lrtftc
Commii'loncr vl lVnioa BUcV jcrr. rlrvl Ocal on a ut mi afrt,
day a.Mrcvol thai ;ctUeun a Writer on over tac iatmrt rva4. ni;ui w tttt Ut Mon
th -nhject : th appoUtment of rum- trvna Sj ras tTimm1ntMm bmt tn
inlni: Kur.c(mH for the varluu pnln tfiU brkw Itrr Tt&rrtia;' trmn.
r; prUf S! !
a lMfp rmrve wtrr -
rlier fcaot l"W-iu n
IctHoV :! rtai:H rrtr4 th ta-
mothf, Uit HHtteec irxUt mam InpxrrS
pHrl in air sraiw, :-.t Urre w no u
? . m. - mma ' .-.. .. I aB4.l V 1
iuv ' 111.111 .111. iiiiu" . nLir.'kc:i iiivii vdv . ... . a. - .
-v "- i -v t. .ft... ....4. . -a f a mii irifiM V4 m rwnta
. m matu3. i.i ii ijzz nor iHiiiik uuk 4Jtir c" - i-- "- iw
timj thusiam. lu ropoautn to tnc tout oj
.,!..... hi hraith. the dilu-u-shctl nctor re- ! qulrrint Oremc-1 c-tlal In tie n ornc lo5:Jer
I .n..1-...l .1.., if ..-j - t . .itmlr. a ,..l ' lltlA-l of Utimllliai. lir"o.H tla . T . hl'Ii CHn 0(1 m&
-ntrl iUJiklu ua. u i -' " ""- i -- ...... -u.n. v-.. -. ... .j -. -
occiion their fU-. ncc, at Irat tire rear of Active profr- f . ,f 1 - .ZT , . .
occasion, invir tia.- to vitr thrmtWr aimJ ,! ta4 tJr U
were dNplaved side br ulc. No KngU.-h
man who had learned to kuow the A inert
discharged recently because of the lack of
At Panama, recently, Thomas Brennan,
a fireman on the Alliance was drunk and
violent, and assaulted Private Murray of
the Second American battalion with a knife.
Murray seized a rifle and shot him so that
he died. On the same nisht Private David
Irvine of Captain Cochran's company
was shot by Sentinel dames McCaulcy
whilo trying to run the lines.
A stuike of workmen on the Grand
Trunk Railroad took place recently at
Montreal. A
Ax agreement has been concluded be
tween the English and Turkish Govern
ments by which the latter will allow ves
sels of the former to pass tho Dardanelles
in tho event of a war with Russia.
A lauge number of moulders stopped
work at Rochester, N Y., on nccount. of a
12 ' per cent, reduction. Four foundries
were idle.
A bill has been passed by the Illinois
House to regulato tho charges of the Chi
cago stock yards for yardage, freignt,
grain, hay and other articles furnished,
and to prevent extortion and unjust dis
crimination. Failures for the week endod April .TO
numbered for the United States, IK); Can
ada, 1JI; total, tiOS; compared with a total
of IV) the- week previous. Tftoro was a
decrease in every section of the country
except in-the South and Now York City.
SecfiETAKY Man.vlvg has ordered the re
moval of Special Agent S. E. Chamberlain.
One of the reasons ulleged for his removal
is that ho was horn in Vermont, wns np
Iointod from Virginia and voted in Slary
land. A I'ahseicoer train on the Denver & Rio
Grande was wrecked near Marshall Pss,
Col., the other night. Three emigrants
wero injured and two brakomen badly
A r-AKSEMJEii train on tho Reading &
Columbia Railway was thrown from tho
track recently near Columbia, Pa., by a
defective frog, and John Houck, fireman,
was crushed to death. Another employe
was fatally injured.
Sixtt barrels of liquor wero seized in
Muscatine, lou-a, recently under the search
and seizure clause of thw prohibitory law.
It was reported in Washington thot tho
re.Mgnation of Judge Axtell of the Supreme
Court of New Mexico had been requested
by the Attorney General with tho under
standing that if should ho not resign ho
would bo removed.
The Ohio Legislature has passed a bill
prohibiting the dealing in ninrgins out.ido
of Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce.
The debt statement for April showed tho
decrease of the public debt during tho
month to be :jw'i,H;i,.V.Xi..TS; tho decrease of
tho debt since June.'K), 11, .V9.07.V,2!.,.S.
The lody of u man was found in a trunk
at the depot in Pittsburgh, Pa., recently,
with r hempen cord around tho neck. On
the Iwdy was an international money order
payable to Felippo, at Chicago.
Nothing further was known regarding tho
Italian financial centers were grently
agitated in consequence of the commi.i.sion
of the many serious frauds which hail been
brought to light. Tho authors of the
fniuds absconded.
The Secretary of the Treasury has re
ceived from a Western bank two 1,0)0
notes of le"li", which were believed by the
department to bo counterfeits.
A mspatch was received on the 1st at
tho Navy Department from Commander
McColla Ht Panama, stating that every
thing continued quiet nnd Jhe people gen
erally were well satisfjed. Tho health of
tin forces remained good. practice being con ldervd cM.u:taJ ;
and thev mu-.t bv mn of dUljrnce, men
! who wotiM be unwilling to mtle Hp-
axl examination la aiv . or ub-
. scribe to the wror of othrrv"
The cowboy then, with some companion,
returned and shot to death four farnvr
The Omaha base-ball club will have to J cnns , he Ind could ever view that em
partment of tho Brooklyn Navy Yard was i brace up. 1 blvinitic kindred without a thrill of
i u . K. JONES, who Keen a notej at me t niea-ure at me loKea oi a union in son-
South Omaha stock yards, while recently tlMicnt which, he trusted, would never
drunk, shot hi.s cook. Aleck Wishart, inho , be broken by any of the shock of dc
left groin, inflicting a dangerous wou ud. ' tiny. He did not feel that lie had been
.!.. .iit...,.nr...l. abroad. He had crossed the sea. It Is true,
The lodges of Lincoln nnd towns near "'" "l? lo, An 1 another huglaud on , mUlUrT t)f lR0 rnil j,ie.
celehratetl the sixtv-eighth anniversary of i l-' u""-'r s-c '"; '"" uttJ MM ",k
,.,,, . to our cousins, who have a hle in tnc
j historical "lories of ur pa-t, and sym- Ifd," he .-ald, will cotiW-:, In vcrr i rVllntf on the nuda t Uv t"
Odd Fellowship in America.
int. aieimue ihiium.i.iv lei-., .j ,,,,...,.. h,..rt. fMr ,. in ,1I1P rroii... If
be doing the largest business in the btate. , t.rt.r lhal ttear hotK.: oW Kcntlcman. John
Entries are increasing every day. j Hut 8Uoud llnil h'nioclf l a tlsht place.
The school census of DoIge County jlc believed Uncle S.itu would bj found
mm went Into tlc iwt wita Unar t
irlacv WliUwt Mrf tnfimer .f
the apt-fiat, toeivnl a nmrtmWm ,' Uk
plnr aImI "1" Inlvnulir ia.'artsi lt
J Orrnian. Unit ( hr-.t, hml UM lsr n
i ' CRi. Hs imr- rri-r ia mn wxi liiMi.
I here the above requisite anr com- , John Mf(.un., ciiwr mt ihr .M!-
blued, the (.omiiil-sbiBer prefer the ap- : train, u unhurt ai.i ai Xtmrm jwt !
I-oiatmcnt f turn who hte tnn In tho i t lupin ihii.p rta.l. jm, of
Uoiiera! Mter of U le Jctr 1.
and connrclwl w na Ur lvmme 4rjn
mrnl of the !-;: It jiM HuUnwl
"BtKtrds U be orinU-l atni reorgu-
shows a total of .i,.!J children, a gam o:
S.VJ over last j-ear. North. Bend shows a
gain of 77 and Schuyler 70.
The Cream City Mutual Cattle Company
is a Milwaukee association which put IVO
very close to the of hl grand old re
lative Mr. Irving wont on to express hl
thnnks for this evening's welcome. He
saw around him evidence that the sLige
hn.l nf nntl I., nn n nvv rnm-h near SidllfV. haS a .Strong hold UpOtl the Culture .tlld
to which will be added S vouug heifer ' intelligence of our time, and that It iu-.
th5 ,mer. Tb novel f'e.tnro of this ! needle for the lUlMnbcM of hi, profe.
. ., , ', ... tr I sion to add sackclotti -ml a?hos
..I i- 1 1 ii it .: theatrical wanlroV. In
came inuivmuujiy, paying his iiujpuuiuu . return
case where the !hvo ivqttiites can be
' combined, of two l'cmocrtts and one Rj
publican, It being on vl tfie nluii of the
Cm:nisb jer to -trip this br3ch of the
publ c erlce of all jKirtlsan bias, aa lo
I lender boards whit they h-uM Ij,
j cafegtmds to the public TriMry, as
iurllasjust witnesses to th tights of
i lawful ct.ihn:ml.s against the Govvru-
incut "
fritfhttull) maled w nix httm
and lts chest rru-hr.J in. H 4.t .
stantly. The other nwtnbrt f ttle (ut r
wen 111 the rear it' ..f tt rur. fcl !
nust sertoui ln:urt wm t 4kiwft!. t
Brown. Geiieml ?s,l-.t .f thr Mi
1'acltk. wIki had me lMM.ter ik5-Att
and was tKtdl) bruised. an unfwl WlMrr sHchtH Injure! knmt tile hraH.
Medical aid was umwuhmI sp-tsjttt)1 til
ble and all brtntctit to lots etti ItiMCtneer
hteeti was t.tVrtt 1 ihe ratitwaM IwpUJ
of the expenses for the number of head he
The other morning Frederick Schrot, n
young man living about six miles north of
Omaha, shot himself in the left hand and
forearm, completely tearing them to pieces.
He had been out hunting, and desiring to
remove a charge from his shotgun, had
turned the ramrod in the barrel when the
gun was discharged. It became necessary
to amputate the hand.
A German named Gimmo and his wife
recently arrived in Omaha direct from the
old country, and on awakening the other
morning the wife found her husband dead
by her side, having died of heart disease
during the night. Being quite poor tho
woman was left among strangers in a
lit ran go country quito destitute.
The Cnsaino roller rink at Lincoln was
t their In conversation with CoiumNsloner and Goeimr ltw mm! rl Wtmtxt
i-irdro'je. In conclii-dmi. he Black ve-tenlav afternoon, a reorrsenta- s are at the Southern liwtrl Tfc b4i .f
edackno-vled-'menLson behalf : the if the I'nileJ l'ns, was Informed i M"- TuUm! a. H ef 1 i
- .- .- .... I k ..! . ..1 .. . 4 . .
of hH u.ssociHles for the welcome home ! that he has lsued onlers dlreciln-: the
which they had received, and especially suspca-Ion ,t pirtnent from the PhtU
in respect to hi- brilliant coadjutor, MM J tlelphia IVnsUm Agency of lin? jensioiis,
Ellen Terry, who returned erovui'd with ' tl orlgital rrcipletiLn of whu-uh-ivc been
laurels. Had .she been less true to her dead. In .some Instances stm-v I -71, nut
compatriots, he said, she might have t the namos have been cirrlel on the rolls
been tempted to cast her future am. mi; and jhmisioii regularly drawn by other
the admiring lelttlves whom ulie found i persons since the de?tu of the original
in New York, Massachusetts, Pciinsylva- recipient.s. The Commissioner his alio
uia aud Illinois. j directed the suspension of jwy-
- ' ment from the Philadelphia
PENDLETON DINED. Agency of m penslmii which
were granted to widows. These
dertaker, iid thl wf 4 rtt.(. le ttomKMi.
was left t CiitMHlHeX. TW t.renl a.l
the right of w a) ImiI m ,i.u hi mkMwi-r-jttalidtut:
of the tram djU-lif. Ue Mafile
luitio train was not itrderrst In null maul tne
ikpreinl bad psssol An tMtt tii
ImmIv of Tidatid was held Uti i-reiUlM( and
Burns, dispatcher, was lcs lausl -istpwifc.lMo
for hl dcth.
The Work f Dlllnc I .'rili !'! omr-
V I' Itnlr.
Wamumiu'V. April The turJi
MVMUrts afa
rutlori at lUv ksHdN ut
Tlie Author of the civil Sertlce Itefurni i pensioners It has ben leanusJ, liotwith
3leamirn Illneil by 111 I'rleutU mi the nlxtnliii" thi'lr rnii,rrlti hnp rintlini,l
Kvr or IIU lieparture rur ill- Mlulrni lu jiu draw pennlon- for M-vcral rears pasL ,' or "oil piWeirtial
Kurope Tiiry All I.Ike the New Drat. Commissioner Black ha laid these mat- J now reeehiitf eonslderntlo
New York, April L". Geo. Win, Cur- j ter.s before the Attorney (iciicral, nnd re
tls presided over the dinner given to Mln- j 'lwted him to take Meps u recover from
iMcr Pendleton at Dcluionlco's last even- ' lbv I"-ton agent and bu bu.ids,e:i, Uio
. ,, .. sums i so U'llnwfu 1 disbursed.
In;. Among those present were Hon. b. . i,-,.,,... ,.. i... i,;...i , ,i t ,
Postmster Gemtwl lli. awl in m
t pointments ie trui tiKide mpMll)
.1.. J .- I l... .. TU.i l,, !,. --- r i
m 1, . uu .-... "-j, Kiklns Wayne McVcagh, Collector dee on Mar 1st It U mM nil! hm thit
huildintr and chairs with which it was .,... c. ...,,. m,,i, .- .cu.iay im,ihmi.i win mhm wi.ii
. . ... . ,, . I iv'ucu.tuu, ocii.uni ii a
seated was alout il,J00. In nrldltion to this
there wero about.' pairs of skates burned,
kvorth perhajis iUA, besiiles alout J'X)
pairs of skates belonging to individuals,
worth from four to .s7..ri'J per pair. The fire
was thought to be the work of an incen-
mei .wuici, i-jrui t me work of the bureau durluir the nast
W. Field, Win. M. Evarts, Perry Belmont, month will beconslderabiv greater than
j(. i . i lower .iiiii v. n.
dinner, Mr. Curtis gav
Pi csident Cleveland. I
' tho baud played the Star Spangled Ban-1
I Her. , , AilrrrtNnl I'lTl'irntoti
Letters of regret from Secretary May-, .it .irriuhe.
..-,...., ......v...., . iinMiLii i iii nr ctinsiiii-raoiy gieaier mail
II. Potter. After thtt of anv previous month lu lt hislorv.
ive the health of I 1 ..-.
It was drunk while! ASCENSION DAY.
r TtiMt ll.l '.
I'reprnllon of the Miller.
lira fori miil Aseniahin.
Corinw, Mk, April '.".. During the
winter months the town of Corlnni, New
port and Orringlou have exporleuci-d a
atio Sevmour were lead, ."secretary Bo
ard wrote: "The full results of the act I
Introduced by Mr. Petidk-tou lntt Con-
itcss cm nut be stiddeillv .leenitiftllshed.
..... ... . . , . ..........
but the principle once e.sUiblished, as I j revival of the .Mllli-rtte excitement, a
trust now it has been, the outgrowth Mill j piophet iitmcd Joim Nickennm lining
be gradual and sure. A comparison of what Mfthor,.,, extensively ami secured many
has ommi witnessed since March 4lh, with I . .... " , ., , , ,
lint of unv change in adminl.stration for 1 c"v-r - Uv' "'" l-- '"" r'',--tweiitv
veara past must compel the ail- lo l" " VLMitli chipter of DanM the
mission that reform has made real aud
gratifying progress."
Ihu printed copy of PoMmiHcr Gen
eral Vila.s' letter reads: ""I he President
basi.s of their faith, and oer tint all
things which Daniel .taw hnve conic to
pass, nve one the coming of thw Son of
The Methodists of McCook are preparing ' r.l, Postmaster-CJctieral Vila.-, anil Hor
to buld a church and parsonage.
The farmers of Knox County are sowing
an unusual amount of tlax and tame grass
this spring.
R., of Orleans, recently left an
old musket in his barn nnd his seven-yenr-old
loy got hold of it nnd shot an arm off.
Fine luscious rolls of lard, with a thin
coating of genuine butter, wero recently
palmed off on ri Weeping Water firm.
It is said that a Columbus linn is Jawing
for a bill of .rl.7."i. Three trials have been
hnd anil neither is satislied, though the
costs now foot up 1.V).
it........ t ..r. ...... ...- nn.l t,.l.n.;i.
it .U...A .ii Ar.r..i.. ....... ...... .fc , rclI1:l,w U) lllt Ulcm h, effect, nml the
toil character known by the naine of W il.l , mtWt u.Iu, . lo ,K. rt.I1,,,.r'(.ll to ,,.
Uill, was rcctntly arretted at central tiiy
upon the chorgo of attempting to wreck
. ..1 ,.. .. m. . TV.l
irnin uurine mo lauer pan oi renrunrv. - Afi..r Htuii.'iii-r ni lhnj.. t
-r, . . ..... .-.. M ... . .. ... v-. ,..,'.... .... . ,. . ., ,
While attempting to deadhead hi.s way hcullmeiitul theorists and harmless luua- . 'mI'- wan, wuere an couiu --e
from Clark's to Central City, he and two tics, Mr. Curtis Introduced Mr. IVndle-' t, us a large chart, on which the alle
other bovs were put oh the train. When ! ton, who .said: l have full faith in Story of Dntilel was ilutrUcl and ex
thev reached the switch McCaiTertv took ' Pr.-rhictit Cleveland as a Democrat and , plnmed with re.te pictur-i. '1 he
tie mid placed it across the track. "He wan' rue friend of civil .service icform. All l.trm-rs who hae been drawn Into th
held for trial , here will agree that the administration craze did not get out any wood last win-
Two h.imlr'ed idle monevless men were ! ",s far h:ii" 2,v,, lhl l-l-araiicc that he , Iit. nnd h ixe done no plowing this spring,
iwo hundred -. wonei Ium " Vr Wl COI1,ull Ulc ,, ,noP pr9t.rHy ftmj ' 1 he fn.ule membrr. have .rn bus
recently sent hast -from ialent.,ie by the llsiriIlolir of Ulc whfjll. J,,,,. jt,lt e ' making -ce5iou robes. They did
radw-ay company free of charge. c.n't concesl from oitiselves 'that this . ; not ,leep last night. but
Charlks Nltt, foreman of the U ilbur , lhl. clllIc;lI Umc. oJ l!la administration, i I'a-sed th- hours In fasting and
mills, who was caught and injured by the jj,. ,,,Mst f orni t) I: to pol?v-Ies. Mei will coiifinplatlon at their hoin Tills
machinery, died suddenly some day since. ! differ in judgment. lie must s-.'lcct morning it four o'clock tljey ns.enibled
A committee representing ono hundred orllce-hfdders; many must necessarily at l'ielr Liberijac'i, put mi their white
families in Vermont were reeentiv looking) he dIapHiinted. It Is ihe diitV j robes and nsb.-., uml In unbroken llei,c
np a location for their colony in "the Elk " nil men who .supported him to iit the ih-jm .. Jutt- Th -I ivorlte
l,.,, V.ll,,,- .ln tl, r..ilrn,,l lin.. CPllCIZC Willi lliril"", WtlCH CrltlClZe Hioue .M -e,,...,-v.ri- "1 . u r- ... M.rr.l-s
""" ! " w ' ...I ... ..!. ...... ..... ...
Thf. biirnine of tho rink at Lincoln is the "': "-". "" w siie iimi in- Jim as
sixth in number of these pit-satire rportJ
that have been burned in the last few .
. M.. .. II.. !..... .,.)......(. .......I -I. .1....
I.. . . . .t I ..III... .IV. ...' J v-.. .... , .r...r.VVI II .IIIV
. .. die and aiitnoritallve expression , ' J ' '
ol the urK)ses of his government. It ! lVM'-iy.
A reporter aitendeu one ol Uieir inert,
lugs Monday night. It was a wvlrdrCcne
' , caueo of reform will in that far j were abaiu one hundied .tplo hi
moie trying task." 1 1 all rcm lighted bv nv., keroseno
r- After speaking of those present as . , ,,
MJiancc of lhat earne-t, liearlv sup
CTns Comptroller of the Currency hns ap
pointed Kent Hayden, Omaha, to by Na
tional Bank Examiner. He will lie assigned
to the district of Kansas and Nebraska.
The President has appointed J. Ernest
Meiere, of Colorado, to bo Consul of the
United States at Nugasaki, Japan.
Affairs wvre very threatening at Joliet,
111., on th 2d. Thirteen hundred of tho
State militia were on hand to suppress dis
orders. The striking qunrrymen, to tho
number '2J00, wrre arming to attack the
militia and trouble was feared.
Francisco Caruso identified the bodv
i has been to ci'iwl through the streets on
their knee In the mud ami luh. and
they hac Indulged In iiuur other trange
Now Albany & Chicago Railroad was "uurt recently in Pittsburgh, Pa., as that
, Ind., tho other I or n,s brother Philip, who was a peddler of
stopped near Harrodsburg,
night by a band of masked robbers. Tho
American Express messenger, refusing to
unlock ths safe, was fatally shot. The baggage-master
was also shot and seriously
wouuded. Tho robbers onlv got about
The President has appointed Anthonv
Keiley, of Richmond, Va., to le Envov
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten
tiary 10 Austria-Hungary. Keiley had
declined the Italian mission.
The royal mail steamship "Humbert,"
which left New York April l.'i.has notheeu
heard from and is believed to be lost.
I.v the Hous of Commons the bill relat
ing to industrial schools in Ireland passed
its third reading.
Ax Irwin, Pa., special says the Pennsyl
vania Gas Coal Company's miners resumed
work in No. 4 mine at the reduction, after
a strike of nine week. Fifteeu hundred
miners also resumed work at the Scott
Haven mines.
Frederick Roth, formerly a burgo
master hi Lbcrbeld, Prussia, shot and
iumi.uw,.a..Minv.. ,r. .. . ....'.
in the issue of postal cards was 18.6 rT.."" ...,r.c,anau tao oUier
tmaster j mayoralty. His followers were armed and
In the issue of postal cards was 1S.6 i . f , -'--"" " ".
. , rt,. i- because of inability to procure work,
per cent., amounting to 83,034.284 Duriso the month of AprU, Postr
The locomotive engineers on the
several divisions of the Delaware &
Hudson Canal Company's Railroad,
sK-crc determined to resist the enforce
ment of the rule providing for a gen
eral examination for defective vision,
color blindness and imperfect hearing,
4fhd a strike seemed to be impending.
The men objected that the tests offered
were too strict, that only an expert in
color could distinguish the shades sub
mitted to them. Seven of the oldest
engineers in the service were dismissed
for refusing to submit to the tests.
Tlierc were threats of a strike among
ihe remainder. The officials claimed
that their -tests were not oppressive,
and their action was for the safety of
.4be public
lemons, and on the morning of his disap
pearance .sU-rted out with y.VJ in his pos
session. It was thought robbery was the
cause of his murder.
Famisjk prevailed in Kordufan. The re
volt against EI Mahdi was spreading.
The report of the routing of El Mahdi, with
a loss of fifty men, at Messalamia was con
firmed. Waimucht's brewery, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
recently caved in w ith a heavy crash. Ten
thousand barrels of beer were stored in the
building nnd a lot of new and valuable
machinery. Torrents of tho malt fluid ran
down the street and completely flooded
the cellar. The loss was estimated at over
Thrze grown persons and several chil
dren were killed by a boiler bursting at the
Tremout Hotel. Galveston, Tex., recently.
Five or six others were injured. The
boiler house was shattered ami the north
west wing of the hotel wrecked. The
Innly of Carr, the fireman, was blown com
pletely over one of the wings of the hotel.
Atki.vs, of Galveston. Tex., who was re
cently counted out. refused to give up the
port in tin: right, widen the cho.sei.
ril..r if i fr.. tt...biit.. ! ..titlff...! f. ,-..
weeks in the State, and nearly all of them ' . , ff beer's 1
seem to be the work of incendiaries. f Vntor'Evarts proclaimed himself a
Moses Mocntai.v, a prominent farmer t civil service reformer without regard
and stock-raiser living near Rellvue, In to partisan consideration, and Wnvnc , T-"" i-,n,,-H immiki ti.ihh i.r r.f. m,.i
Sarpv Countv, dropped dead while en- M.icWagh, and bhennan Rodger a' j w..irr-1-j.til- " '"
gaged in plowing in his field ti few dav .spoke. """" Altir.
af-0 " - I Sr. Lot-i-. M., April '."J Jtist rtt,.
Patents recently issued to Nebraska in- KnsUml'- i.jt inn.irrrr. I (ccn Tpar, lhv orzinx i.huiu ntel.
vontors: Corn shelter. Q. E. Rohannon, ' uOM'f April z: ai a omncr oi xnc j a ma-site .irnrdi u tint was the pride
Lincoln: planter, check ro'
Allen, Tecum.seh; wind engi
loch., uannurj. a . speech: "V e bare iii"t at a time over-- nrcesor. th trf-nt Lindr'L
The Supreme Court recently decide.! Miadowcd nlth . ipPre.cii-liis of a grave nh)Ca fMlrUke. of triumphs of
that real estate, appraisal and advertised ci:tlict, wh ch England ha neither ... .
under an order of sale lwfore the day ol sought nor de,lred,ndwh.h, if It should !,:" pri'lcccT, id a vicum to
the writ, mav be sold after the return day: occur, would be a misfortune to civlllza- fl'- l jtcr aa' " 01
and that a sale of real estate under an order --' Therefore, it i.s tn- highest obliga- J sated from destruction br the i-ncrgr of
of ..I, where the motion is not nubllsheil Uon of a patriotic government to exhaust . imc tire dpirlment, lil br Wie "old
. , , . . -
V I I i.i-
fm run consider the i.s. M.titt !
tpolntinents nrrn lnb sntsrty. anl
i nbutit slt lo Hay I lit I.lHtilrr Ctii.
eral lu Issiinl i eireMlar orilei l
1 masters eplntir of tho elnes
iitAile bv Htigrrn at the Hst ornn
lu Ihe rates of postwar. The Msunlt
are iiifotiitn! Hut no nnd aftrr July I, tfin
j rale on all duitiestii lits Lis WKtte(. in-
. cllidlllg drop letters at Mtei eurrlei uttHf,
I will be two rents r uunre r truetloo
I thereof, lltslrd id two rent JhT bwlf MHir
! This rhunjir will wpp'r to luall diins4Ht U
, CjiioI. but not tu other foreign MalL f
t provide fur w-Hlx thai may arlwi frM lhn
, cliaiii" lu the rt. mi srsj.nd-ekifts natr r
newspAiers iiMlbd b poblllii'fs lntu i.i
cents to ti eeut jH-r (nnind. Ih. iti-sjaf Unnt
h.ts di'elilrd o ltie a new tMfHif himI i-ni- fttiiji of tie d'iiotii4iiltfHi t no
rrrit, tlii di sign ,ud il.r of whkrfc IU b
Ihe name as ttinse of lU rtt .
They will be ed) for loste mm Jnr 1.
The PitiiM-iir loiimd has Ht t (ml
llmu to niitlliiii a pljli for Jfl.4. eUrt to
tb l'on-fti.s oimI itMeltn.iil ft k4tpg tt
the tis of i'(l! dHlet" Umhh t
I SjK-tilkil jsistol'.lem.
Tll ltrril tiff I'Hrlr lliul il.r lr-i l if
lli.j Vr lluriril.
j DKNVrn. ou, A pill -i -lhe u-an
I j-artj whleh Jelt Iinhllle i-fy j -?. !y
' mornliic for Ihu jettn of ttn teriiWe
. ctUmlty :it the Hoim-stakc n.U.f. re4tflim
) their destination at elafct o'riek. iiotorat
I'Xcavjtions tti-f uiaitr- lwf..f., Hit mlt.
, could ! I.iil.'. The u4 fMNid sin-
Uliieil ).fOVsltMs ItHt tn booW-s. Till! b.Mk
hmi-e was nt leaehnl. Ttiff eivrfi
IhmIIi'a uere found. One boilr UnA m
witl Ifait Ibro-Aii forwr!. as If liatin..
sltln IndleaMuc uppffhiMUm. Nar
byl4yoinof th ii;n u his bant, fure
; iU nw aid. with hb inM fw-r.j mu
, tlr his head. Moveral ls 'ay nm !
, loly. Tlttv Ulir- were (oid In an
j tipjH-r btiuk rJa.p.d ,n ,-uHi thri arn,
I and o trngl : require ttta eOtKts of
lx turn o vpainS.- tdnm. 'tJ imti
, found lie-'de lu bunk lu t;. uitHfe wi
j praer. In m.toT pwrt of Uit eubm mm
. two l-rlls rntshrd l-twni lalirn lumh-ri.
I The nlhfir Ik-H--s were fHMW l)tK nt-:
, thr eablit us If thrown fiooi tlie tsih by
the Ihk k. No bmt dnnlh wt tH4 hj
j frM4o!i in nr-jirlt i-tisry cm-. A cfc-fc
t ad a wteb Wrt. foiuid whW-a had trtff-il
pr-1'elt nt-t 3U. From Mlers anl pojts
fiiOlid. U 1 Wittfsil liwtt tit .lUi imrrn.1
a-t Kebriurv 10. 'I ho jrwt twi ,-
of He men Md le-o ' a UiuxUl &
Tlie hlUi
ow. corn. H. A. Eighty Club laM night, Mr. Chamberlain, ) 3f triumph ol the city, wetit down In P"'"'1 withwtl foojylatUin.
giue, T. D. Pol- ! President of the ISoird of 'Prude, said in ! jerv Srandeur. It ycu-rdar iIutihnib "''' Ukl'" " ',T-
t -t (HI I !... .. .... " "' -v- I !
rtrh-i.t Atii-...i,r it.inio
A rot r x. ; v. Aurtl -.. Mav.ria 4uy
w ob-rW iH-r' by a parai4 of Jm ittf-
leront .Hij-y o.vntutijfi. AH
ar, leasi luiriv huts iiure in saie, m o -, , , .. .. i vo'c. "--...- ...nv- .....v ... ,,.....i i . , .. , .
,, .. i . i, .. i iKisslble to spt-ak uion th Mihtcct . , . . .. . , , ' ur-rHlfJ, arei te Lb tlWoeatol
set aside on motion: but i thesaeiscon- anJ o'cls when .rno.e was obs.fvc, a- , , flJM CWI Zl
firmeil without objection In the alienee o lr,mllu2 ln lhe b,,, An unguarded .ng in thlcw. gr.y clouds from tJr. AwUHof ltl,i
fraud, the purchaser will aojuiro a gool wur, ,. ,)rrH, ot , m,nt ol Mie hfr. ' If ulTC,9,
t,tlc .much rabchlef. If. however, J The ti ortglnatcl In the insorant, I In trUtrnn- to 'envV Grartl" ilh
Tub jwlice recently made a raid on the tne Government found themsdvt- ! and -iKn -rnwc wo -.-n Snng lnnn eotcJwI. as f .. lJjZZ
opium dens of Omaha and lodgnl in jail , confronted with a determined policy ol , ajl ih window- on U- sih strt and lug him now tlwr '- ..- !T-T
- -,, - -r w mwv
nt at Ap-
General Vilas appoiute! 0 Postmast-rs ! had possession or the citv hall, and vio
at fourth-class otficos. The majority of the ' lence was threatened to any one attempt
appoiatments were made to till vacancies, j lag the removal of Atkins.
Secretary Manning has directed the a -r.nT K.-Wr.,-,,, rit.,-. ,.,,
.A. ,
suspension of Merritt Wickham, William
H. Gregg and Ward H. Fowler. Assistant
Customs Appraisers at New York.
The commission of C N. Jordan, ai
United States Treasurer, was signed on the
30th and his bond of $1.7,000 approved.
The Figaro saya the French Government
will expel the Orleans and Bonapartist
Prince from France.
Charles F. Fiskrack-. a Leadrille at
torney, was arrested recently at Denver oa
five charges of forgery.
Sixty convicts in the Chicago Bridewell
struck work recently for more and better
food. They were sent to their cells.
The Commissioner of Pensions has ren
dered a decision, subject to the approval of
the Secretary of the Interior, on the pea-
sion application of Mr. Emma De Loaf,
wiuow oi tae iate corasuuMMr if im$ i
property in the coantrv adjacent to Peters-
l burg, Va.. recently, falling to the depth of
over a fo Jt.
Eight or nine persons were killed by the
burning of a double brick tenement house.
672 First avenue, New York, early on the
morning of the 3d. Fourteen others were
injured. The fire broke out in Humphrey's
restaurant, and the police though it was
due to the carelessness of Humphrey, who
went home, leaving a very hot fire in his
Is an attempt to arrest cattle thieves at
Delaware Bend, near Gainesville, Tex.,
recently, four of the posse were shot dead
by the thieves concealed in a house. The
rest of the posse returned without effecting
ay arrest. None of the thieves were hurt.
Tmt striking Miners at Collhssville. HL. I t M Scotia,
were dispersed by the Sheriff oa the 3d. 1 M br?tt? to
twenty Chinamen, six or seven white men aggression, their summons would be an-1 Wasioitrtoa itmur !q. who at th rv,r ti.o-morabt?
and four white women, patrons of the den. Mtcred as In past ti;n-, and the English 1 a- prtoclpsl damage wms dote b ' inmtu Ui mtr lmtntttnl ami t 'jL
All the opium smoking outfits were cap- Democracy wonld ,how Jielf patient, j ,?n5.; and water, aud ! etlutd at ! ht of ih Armj of rttrN S'te&mkx ,,
tured. Upium smolcmg, wmch has greatly resoiuie aim cnoiirin.. ''"Mmm; ia' ;50,--"J. "- wi oi .vrif. !Nt6. r9hnt.i WkrmS jottl
increasetl in that city of late, has recently courage and tenacity shit formerly di-1 1 a- tAfrc In 'h rotnn 1 wcr- a total j ir?nt --urr-Mj At r
been made a misdemeanor, and this is the twnl-bcd the An:lo-.-saxon race It Ir rrti. i the rtoo iorwtur Uifoc-lMiUt j - 7 r of VmtimC
first enforcement of tb law ' c "atter ol regret that .cch o,o.stloo ih udig ww rne.l. drwd and mbrfful of thf tweimv whfA
It is stated that Valentine continues uld i-e dir. d. Vcne-l ijtlca! re- llutf Xb UnWl wre fnal I "rrr t lUi mkm dr-f
-,....,, . . .- . lonns, bntaic lortuoaV-thai we have no! ! trkce3, and -ee-rl iiarrow rscap-j bi u' Irj--r;at. rstrtfuilr Um4T tmfiaif.
flooded with land seekers, business pros- ! w. arrjycJ at 3 rt.qtllrjM:: , ;0 J no -erUs CA.-.alUes rcrred. The lo.s ! .r-.i;.f ? ISw aliTa,..
pectors and cowboys. laban.ton all hopes ol a icelul settle t fulJr ovrrM by iwurauce. J ''"a1 ymynhy In tsU, tfce Hrmm &t k
Rrown County will have a fair next fall, incut." 1 - j tfl:efil extremity.-
Hear this: Gordon's cowboys are a - I - - - .. . -. ..
sportive set. When real dry they march r-at t. Iln.l Trith Joceir. Wx.-,rrf H . April rjTJthirtf
single file into the nearest dispensary and W.tMKNGTO.v. P. C. April W. ?cre- Xnnt?ort ru w!rka . wfw,;.
?'?" tL lTer VCt UP th CW VoA,lU frora Huraid; to VUutuAm bare
.1 i.vcii n.p c.w.3 4117 prijiuai.c.
The matinee
tel shots.
It is stated
from Fremont
"Lf JJ tim.ali..j
n- vureu..t t."t.. .u--u.. . .... - iiuiw.i .- w j,fj, 1JU IVUSi i.V" I
m.- . .... . , ... ... ...l..l . ,H. ,v..o Iff f i
- " IIV llHll l' V.I.W.1 . ... ... .
(tfllfii-ii,1(t H( U. (lBfl, ,
Loaf. April 3-1 , um
in-4;s, yextcniay. Mr. Kdwrd T
ii-.'av. ii.. r?a: everti coars ia v- . . , , .. nrziv itotif-ry i- i-,-ij .
cioes wuaaserenaileo. pis- ,B b, OB fflll, pnrsldcai. and 5eC?H , ..-. . i,,i .tM, . ..
. .. I muwi usi tt: si-awef JvniiWi, , . . . .v,. rT- ...iifiMtjrl
tnr rt Cu tl- 1,-iA nn foft3r : .... . I irrmU j . . .... i
that a clergvmaa on his way v" "" , . f K,,:- Pf-fs for Ji.J..1tvB. Is arr-uod. -"-" s:.w u uave u- .Kf:., wH
to St. Paul dropped a roll of '"u",w"ua COBCCn,,as MC .--- -- .-j toUl JofCc )a Jic Xanhnv 'rt''tr'rJi?rteim'TKimthv;1t
ltween Missouri VaUey ' 1-,ra,B a "i '-ce:- ?-"-- "- Territcrr J orr 25,s-i)( aj 3uat r. I Mu " 3v?,r -rf
end Sioux Citv. He carried his wealth in
his hip pocket", and in a friendlv scueeiB 'h'th Adrslril Jouctt exercid hl di-
bctweea train acquaintances
LheL He is now in the sam
condition of most other clergv:
Keasxet's liquor license
Aix. deels to lots given by the Blair Road ,
in towns tn tae fcikfcorn aliev coataia a
fTftSjrasH- U.A i
iiutr. Koau ret-jrt liO n-brl - u,"v'1' !"? iiKi; rf lt
f .4 m. . . t. . rrrmUilt!r t. m,.im.l. .. . ..
noij't" w..csr HMJC9 o-.rui in a lariac . " ... wc smmk- mf
... . . ... i a .. .1
ms rou van- crion. a tciczrsm rcccivcu ,ro .m i .imiixr to lir., . Vl . .- iaui, of thcnv tfc t..
a t-ecanJarr rnlral Jouctt to-!iv mnocaces M re ( . . . ... . . ... i ar.d i tiu jw ... ...
i " . .1 hi n oing weir, esccy; leo.-s- . . . - ' crj tamtSi rs?
me. mm to 1'jm-!- fm fWon. aad avs hs I ...... . . . .. ' I isirnt tJt thai U.t ... ,....'. T . I
, . . .' . . . J sa; rwKJioru, o rsa.totc Tc rebels I - . -...wisi. jt
- , swrstof the troahlt. ! ... . i "!?. V .n- sfiilSc
- .. , . . - -- .wniTO aiif-brj. ,!
inai lor bh xwunat. ... s
Mattpos, !o, April n. Ai Chsr!e- rntsu.lrM w- I
JcnisT tic WItsllerjttck nlc: ST.Joh. N. l April is,-Tl.? fer!.4
cald at ac-os before Jadr-e !5' amverf h. f , i, k..
clause that in' case liquors are sold oa the
premises for other than medical par poses
the grantors, their heirs or assigns, saay
re-enter said premis and hold the sains
as of their former estate.
A yocng married woman shot her sister
ht a coantrv dance
A YOCJta eyd-we picked up Mrs. Daw-
her to the
OW Fixars- Tt.
Vr-rtrrpi:ii I Anr5! Vt t 1res
... .-v ....... .-., .., .- . ".tea yes
I-u. ... ..:.... ,.-j. , was
:' rsn'ir.r .t .trr:f i o: to th. syr of i.
- "- "'-rr" " --:Z posuat itses. acd the aWcce
. iciixer lor a rcvtw i viic. u. , ,. , .. . , . . "
I nHolml f .blrS U thlt Mitral tM. fct u ""-? , po-. j -J . .- Th...f l'-i'
,....j.. .. ...- . ri-l catil Cftt TV ..V s -. , ... ... ' ' nf
rfT w.m , ,
fasiss- i tJptaht Br a sI two of tU ti
T. I !L?r. i. Covered -rt,ji
. kk-fhx-. Taj-d tmirbl
s enpw,! Jo tte FMSU A an! J
m . a . l -- .mmwm - mvi-w A 4-3 iausw vis t rTrwii . Tk .-- .
given near Takaaiah ', ""T1! . "!?. 'I!: "rdercase x lb caiied. ad Wtl"!??
y. Jealousy is charged as the oo-i., . t-u ,. , . . woj of tle sUeraooa cosseted la . Wheat rJek B .t , i....'i;: nI
whneaeddent is claimed by the fair , t' 2LT fC . eorfosfaT ,. ih.W Cook b a f hjLl 1,T1
The Injuries sustained by the - j. thi c. of prnrfoci ifoa here Is 50,or.811c: T wUi- T'-i 5 h U Their tesZ-l t
woraaa were not aeceasarny dan-? 79 r-r ?& !e tVa la ta r Th f f:r 8i w. ' ."f . clli Jss . . h-sfcnisiwi ha th t
!CzurciopetalIpreTioaslTsc?uithe- i!5;. J!ZJ thro,3 J tSr taiaijcc of the cL
"-" -"- f.-.- - -wr. ... .-h..frf. wJ! a . .. . fcal . . :: -..
ori of the cost of proiactloa. Tke toJrZJXZZXZT iSTir JT.Te -fa - . !
wofksaea will : their azh; o&oa ti U ' ' r "" ZTL ' "4"? s vrs-seL u
BLSBSsn.rL. srxaeiBi k'fm bsl.k a. a a.
ta tM s coay tZxiL
&. .
S'.SV- V
ii.wj "
-- t jxJj- 'rif
-L 'v
vSgjrfg&g Jtea&8i& 1