t7T w Si WsSfr $$ SJ -2-CA.w-?. X3&&&' -& a. c' .- r ?4 7i.'TjrSPf&05i vSfllKar ? is : . fjfv . --: -" "ssssr 5 i XX3' . i- -r -.. a. svi ' i "s -i- -. , .-v-"t--r?':' --, 2?i: c&ai f it -"-tfl f Cloud Chief. - A s&yS' - - v ' Sc . O 4" -c JV. 1 & S'J -' . -'-?rJ& .5-.;!: SS "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY' AND $1.50 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE.CHIEF. 0 0 -v4y .;i S. -J i. ,Tv J t1 VOL XII. NO -.40 RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY. NEB. FRIDAY, .MAY 8, "1885- ,-' t-'BjRL rRHRF "tl - -s? ..5&T -; -., -v-- va - sw rsr-sao. -a5r-.B5 awaaaaaasaajBavBSSjBSjSflsasaBjfessjHSiaiie -v-..r'.i The Red , -,r l hi M wis i5 V:f Dfl!;r' mm X)ppoite Posiofflce. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, is the LARgEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the the RepuoLcan ValJev and my prices can not fail to please. 'R.L. TINKER. RED CLOUD CHIEF :VJiY FKIIHY KY A. C. HOSMER. btes iv KUscmirrioN: PT. ono yea . - - - 51 50 HcMpj-. ix mot Lb, 75. 3no copy, four m iliia. ... j. EatdroJ at tho 1 uxtoflko in KcJ Cloud as inat- r of tb (bcond class. B & I. Tirao Tcblo. K Arr'vc. Lvavc. U4 aud toC'rcte. inal!... i;:L":tni diloa' timll 7:a":iin Oxford ami l:islinm'cx... !;'idaiii 9:V.:i!ii 'Cnuiiun ball" In Denver... ::V;un i:i".:nti Ua.iiJi;i to (Jxioni fxp... 7),nu 7:.ri0jini Crests Ued Cloml mail... 7:4iiim Cumi it ball" to Kaunas G. 10:.in 0:l.riia 4 CMrsizu mail 11;H0 Tlic Oxlord ;.ikI Haslin oxpri'.ss and Ci:l IB all make comiwtious at llaMiiiis andCrotu Yi'Uk Denver, Cliiczuu tlironli I rain. lla:iiii;s and Oxloid train IjiIiis iKtaii;urs Iroui Ci)Jca4ito Ittsvor oxpn-ss. A. J Wkkom. Tickftt AKuiit. COUNTY OFFICERS. John P. Buj'ha, County Clerk. 2ha. Busehow, County Treasurer. 3eo. O. Yeiser, County Judge. T. W. Warren, .SheniT. Obfta. W. Siriner, Sujierintcndenl oi Public Instruelion. C. P. llinkur, County Surveyor. J.M. Mo.sena, Count' Coroner. Jaoil L. Miller, 3no. McCiilluin. County Com. . U. liumpton, S Business Directory. ) NO. B. STANSEK, AlTf!TimCEKU. Chicks - - - xkbraska ENUY ANDEIISOX, SURVEYOR, Orders left at the Abstract offico will ceive prompt attention. El) CLOUD - - NEBRASKA . .., .- -- . I, . I. -I, - - W.TULLEYS, M. D., HOMffiOPATIUC PHYSICIAX, U. S. hxaminin? mii-'iidii. ffick Opposite First National B uk. Bed Cloud. E. McKEEBY, M. D., HYSICIAX AND SUJIGEOX, rriOK. Mrst lt!0-wi.t oi Cook s un1.' store. JCl- liours from y to 1'2 :. in.. : lot. :m: 7 to s K i K.sidfncc S LIix-Un wvst of oint ouo. tKIOLOUD. - - - XHl'.KASKA. DA3IERELL, M. D., fHYSICIAX AND SURGEON, Kod Cloud, Nebraska. cb: Over tho new postoiHco. .HAM BICKARDS, ATTOIIXEYS. Bed Cloud. Nebraska. ice lu Smith Bros, law office. IKai-ky. J. L. Kaley. Kaley Bros. IRKKYS AT LAW. BEDCL0UD, NEB. Aclts for the B. & M 15. It. Lands O. Cksc Jas. AIcXexv. ASE & McNENY, 4 TTtXES AX1 COCN'SKIjOUSATLAW i v practi't! u ciii-t 01 tills :uc. ly aixl ic::tlv aJleiulcil 10. Abstracts furmsh 1 on nitration. tn-KitV-Over First Natioual liank, Ked VIOUd, J)R. SOHENCK, ritSCIAN AND SURGEON. Gowlcs, Nebniska. Proilional calls promptly attended. OffiA At residence Conies. S-51 R. E. Jtfte. Prcs't J. U Miner.V Perst. Jolrn Moore, Cashier Firs National Bank CLOUD, NEBJ Cii 1, - 75,000. flraBKac neral barciar business, bay and Ety -warranls. Alo County. Pre- siact and odl uutrict boBds, J&uj aad aell fere ten ance. DI HECTORS: R. loon. Jean Voora. .M 'K.COateJt If. N RichardsoB. DOYe'JKNOW LOEilLAHFS, CLIMAX JLUS TO 3 A CO WHb Ite4lTaf;; ItoseLciX ane cat caching; NawCIipi; iu,'., black, bwu, xal yt-Jlow SdujIs are west and ckeopest. quality co ' fed. 1 -K. sixcvmstorpostaKvua rMtv it ico?uyimx ot geeas wiitca tin all. of mx ta mere money right tfcaaan muu worm, ramwes swvt iU'ijr. At. once uiarfc Tt-a VHf worki BUY YOUR GOODS ! AT THE OLD iroiture and Undertaking House Nebraska -DE IL.ERS IJV LUMBER, LATH, SMISOLFS RED CLOUD DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY, SOIl AT THE s J House and Sign Painter Grainer and Glazier All kinds of Fancy and Plain to all Decora-f tions Promptly and Neatly Done. Get my terms before you have your work done. Work guaranteed. WALKER & BRAKEFIELD, DEALERS IN Pumps, Wind Mills, Well Tubing And.Everythinjrinourllne. Wh6n wanting anything In the Pomp Windmill lino it will pay you to see us. Our Prices are the Lowest and Work .Guaranteed. OFFICE On Third Avenue. Oppoolto Miner Bros., Store, led Cloud Nebraska. Don'- fail to see as before buying. WALL PAPER Wall I tako pleasure in calling the attention of the citltons of Red Cloud and vicinity to the largo and complete stock of Wall Paper, Window Shades, &c, That I am just opening. These goods are all of the BEST and LATEST PATTERNS At Reasonable Prices I Call and look at samples. No trouble to show goods, C. L. COTTING, Druggist andBookseller, Red Cloud WILLIAM GATES, PKOPKIFTOR OF RED CLOUD MEAT MARKET 4 Ulrst Ioor Sonlb ot Sker er's !rUR Stor. FRESH AND SAL MEATS, flSH POULTRY, Oysters, Sausage, Bolonga, Always on hand. Ctui mm them whenever yc a want the best and the sweetest meats. JOHN BOESCH, Agent, Lumber Co, SASH, DOORS. BLINDS 4C. NEBRASKA () THE BEST IN IE MARKET AND IiOWJBST K I ft A tVWBHEgm PAPER HANGER! Paper WALL PAPER UKSI Acme Pulverizer, ters,taiteca)fair .sfeare a4 ar ieil9i ak jIt IiMTiftnse Cutting Power ! ft. 1aeAtiiaav mm ftiy ,fc-arr iMWTTil.rlr fn SaUaSyMflMH TKiftaK UlaAaSsSir3 Mmc tancwnaiMH 0. mtaMl tkeerKtQ4aa4 morawJihr3S ac perSarae at te aMmte pure a; iiii i ar mil i TO WANTING WELLS' OF PUT SOWS EEr.Ha!n liad flv Apply iu pcr.-on or by letU-r to Cnnfield $ Parlies. Blue Hill, Neb., Hardware and Windmill Merchants. o r- JL Ic, . AT FOREESTER'S Furniture and Fancy faction Parties wiahlziff furniture will savo mor.oy by oramJslcs ray goodo before purchasing olaowhoro. Arrivicff every day. In connection supply cr all kinds of notions vitu Prices to Suit the Buyer ! Such as Tinware, Soapn, Glassware, Towols, Hondkorohlofa. &c, will be sold cheaper than at any piixco in Rod Cloud CHAS. 3USOHOW, President, B. F. HIGHLAND, Vico-Presldont, Robt V SHIREY, Treasurer. NEBRASKA & KANSAS FAM CAPlTAL,$50fl0Q. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Dl RECTORS: R.D.Jones, O.C.Case. R.V.Shirey, Cha. lltischow, R.B.Fulton E. F, lliirbhind, Geo. B. Holland, D. M. Phut. (ioo. J. Warren. MONEY LOANED on imprhved farms iu Nebraska and Kansas. Money furn'uhed as soon as the 6ecurity is approved. Principle and inteicst payable in Red Cloud. OFFICE IN RED CLOUD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. The Celebrated Stallion ! COLONEL Will make the season of JSS5, at Farm at Am boy. our TEDIGREE. CJolonel i a dark bay, 17 hands high, weighs 1 750 pounds, ami is live years old. His sire was an Imported I'ercheron-Nornian. and his dam was a thorough-bred Morgan, which makes Colonel one of the Best Horses for-Breeding Purposes ! In Webster, Smith or Jewell Counties. TERMS 10 to insure; Money duo when mare is known to be with foal Person parting with mares before foaling will be held for the insurance money Care will be Uteu to prevent accidents but we will not be responsible for any that may occur. T?.ASSTlR BROS. Soancgle & Son Dealers In rLTMIMPI w 8EWINC MACHINES, ETC. Bed Cloud 1 itcaltr In Endless SoSBsBBB&ii' MRS , NEWHOUSE'S Who la daily raostrin a Fins aad Basaat Lias of Ladies9 Dress Goods, of all varieties, Spring Dry Goods, in all varieties, Elegant Line of White Goods, Trimmings, &c, PARTIES JAMES DELUNGKAM, B1.U MIli Is cct prejsrei ta T2S ! wars fSi n nj lieWill mkf n gvr.il ikv. mm l'j'.-ludliii;trv('r1hitu:ionid'teiio iiiatirr wl.at kh Pri:e ftr ft Well. Fuap isi all. Osa Scil&r re A rcnMiiiat'l tb-dmtmn will U- ?t.ndf to ihco "who havr an old well to commence with. JtrnwiiilHT llitrr I a l'AIiArTiK lculor aGOO'J WELL or .NO FAY. i gs ;azar, with my furniture have p. largo and .a alt kinds I I ES1 A VH aaSKaflsKVaiaSSBaUW ISVaiaKlliaKKaBfr4 m mm EM Jst5 Dr- J. S EMIGH DENTIST, RCO CLOUD NEBRASKA. Fine Office Work a Specialty. S alvar on band. OOce ver Cloud Nallooal Bank. fcrJ "Variety at "Zh a r3 URLAM MOST PERFECT MADE IrrrrJ I j jvhyaklan wlm r-iJ rt4 , to beal:. "5a Aaintl. Ll. xj: Alutc j k - m. ."5 Gi'.hennj Crapci for MaV nKCrri c- TarUr r OR.PUlCfii CREAM UAKI.(3 FQYJOtH. siPHIGr SPECIAL SUftTS rmifio MOST PERFSC? MADE lunt ftiwl strongest Natunil Fruit FUtor. Vaiilll.0. I'tnon. OrnKt, Alntond, lto?, etc, Catur as doltcoitly wid naturally an tho fruit. PRICE BAKING FOWDEfl CO., cuxcaqo. rrr. loui. Drugs ! Drugs ! mum mm. Drugs, Points, Oils Notion, Wall Paper, Ac Red Cloud. - Nebraska Harness Slip, J. L. TELLER, nr.M.r.v. i.v HARNESS COLLARS, SADDLES, UORSK-DLANKET. wIIIl'S. COM 1 8. HRUaII3, HARNKSSOIL And everything usually kept in 1 first chu-s jho;. Twodonr? north of 1st Nat. lUnk RKD CLOUD. Ni:il. Trunks & Valises. i TOKfi W VIUIU R. R. Sherer, Prop. Headquarter: fur F1L2L:, OILS AND DRUCS. Pro rietsnr Medicines a Specialty ju jd 3a?UM aOBTXC U1VC UBUT a vzauoi xx Nursery Stock! A. I fcaTe hzd vs prtror ta th- yirTT KksIscm, I tLisk I can Iaralii ymi Hock to jut cess cllitale tnim Eovie Grown Nurseries! JLsi wzclZ uk i, hare of l&s t nu!e so. O. Yjcuzx. Gtoxamfixu. D. Yjcaxx Oeo. 0. ?dsr Si h, Real Estate Agents BED CLOTiD, XEB. ya.5.-4rre4 saaVs tram fc4Uod. H it Kwces, acre ?sicr caxrrauoav xeerst. r, ww - . LMVftUHa. ... acrrtMi lacuna M4.Ckmi.m itr '-nliliai au2Ey-Ha ania- 5 mmmjt caWrsOiv, yrfe 5r nt0 rj a KV ' 'A'rtT AiJk,.-- . trr-il .' v vt r , . rsi t A Zr feftaftjr a, U afCUL li mm ft- cmMcr g POT eai HE CITY Hi wi III iiu . lajaua n mit j,aat i min j '. - --s-',--: 't 1 - -"- !- a jot.? r '-r-. 'asaLiaai M4 The Red Cloud CwieV A.C. HOSMEU, - - rmprr FKIDAY. MAY ?, RS5. F1COG FAIW!ZG. The rroQt aal Lora Atka01ii Ik Ml. Vi.at do I think of tho ctsbtbV rneut oi frog farm lu thn Unitwl State to aupnlr the dcrosad lu Kuro)? It U a fine idsa in thetirr only remarks! a rtatc ibfh comm tionr to rvprtsjeata live nl the Ji mui Krprtss. "Why do you .w In theory only?' "Ikvntuiolt ha.4 'alreadv fea tried. ExjKrrin)fjt. iu fro Knninj; hara proved futile and thetuau whottt!ttint ii yis otuj exjrlencrt and no rvai itfuts for his tronble? injveral frr lariKs have K-en tarUsi, alwayt wits tho ati result. The na-Jon they dt not siteeced h ihis: it b ery difliciilt to jirorlde rpvr and UiUcUnt finnt tut thim during thi'lr l:inutilo Kriod. Tfca v'tnln eat tho tr4tljH)k3 raid Lh adult frolive upn lusectx. leavJnr Unrfr wauir, uatnny habitation aad aklr nMshtn;; around" on thd land far tsna. In a farm thuy can not well foraa tot mwt, there aru ,v manv wsjJlne! to a hmUed anna. It is utterfy ImiHble to cateh en.nih .a-ecls to rathfy aad gor tnaadic U 'arm. ITiay prey uposj t?ach tbcr. The baby frvjf U naedlly dovour-d :y the laro bnll-froj:, wt iloau ah n-n In a snnr.aVHol MitU ' rj:oit! opeaf snnpjiujj thwkta up l aridity It la a urvlvr.l of lh 'I , Tlio ftttet it Ui.srsitj Are col t i tu pay for ihosj that pcrihel. . . ciubryojeHyth.it itoata alonfj ro- i witbrueu ooo (nom wecdi, f nm wlu pore a tnilhon tri2 may prtutaaio iu tho war of the hungry aaifntrong over th, woak dotw noi iv,iii, A farm iittirted sorend tra-mus jjo near Cals dotda. iu Livingston eot nt, tbl ataUi, proved an eregiou faduit'. aad d4 i'xjH-n'ie for tho na-iotts I -have mnn tiutnnl. If it could bo dona sccifuiljf thero would be nidHotfi In U. It a lft.jirsn drraiii. thefultilhueutof whleh, I think, will bo many yean frulu lbs present." "Are many frojfj ccosunad dall? la N,-wVork?,f "Vos. During the summer months from onu thousand to two thotuaMa pouudi ere aaton laily. They r ahipMl frth tj thli ma'rket from Can ada principally, hi larpi half barrrbj. Thn love for fru meal won tho !neras. Kjilcure.i and ina of cxtrema wralta p'M exorbitant prices for thenu Tls lare rwn bullfrog U tbo chief kisdi sold In this market. In Chicago thr are cnlhil water chickens. brcaut thehV Hejh white at that of a chicken whoa drerftcd projHTly." The imjMjrt Rud e.tjort partner ot a large wholtttalo grocery 4tabllhatst c.nld that uo canned frog were xporU)4 to Kurtie. ''lljn fact w. tlicro ar as eannetl frog for aale worth rcPBtloalnf. In tho eastern part of the Itrlthh prov iuccfi and C.tnada a few were put up la can. It did not pay and ttny sloppL Then a little hll go the ladustry was tartel on rriaco Rlwanl's bland but the facility fur fclupphi lite frog kilhxi It, nml to-ilay ctian'1! f-ogs are a rarity. Thotxanda utmn thouaad of frog ara idilnped to Kuropo each utimmer asdt fall, allrc. lliey are placed in !arys bnkct, btwm layers ot damp moas and loaves. When they arrivf at tblr detuiatlou tlw-T aru healthy and ma4 and free from n-rer. lhe stock of frs in KurojKT U limiied. 1 Hvetl In Prases iwmty-ueven yeam, and never taat4 one during Uiat jwriod. Although ths Krencit are called a nation of frogHtst era. yet they do not contumo eateatk k many rj the people of Uie Ualt4 State. Thi frog Uierr aro few ad a very infnor iw. U larertt sot bs ing two and t. half means Jon jr. Tbf aru tnntei in growth, and do sot mm ut multiply a fast a here It baa fosjr, Uwn the dream of ccrtaia Fresch cater ers of renown to introduce ths Amn , can green bullfrog into h'rnnr for ths pur:o?of propagation. Tfc ebi atosJc td dwarf ju Uiey argne, would aoos Isll. victims to tho vigoroti Americas btm4m and disappear. They bav tr farm in francc. rrca of theaa dwarf4 specimen. I do not ftuppo to-day at an oifcr of f 100 w&a maie is Tarbfoca can of frog tiiat om could ks foa4 ' there. About lifty caa ot frsaib ass importci! to America 7Mrir frost j. France. Terrapin, too. b rarajjr rr canned. If fror fa rum cm U , Ilhwl am ftin.,t, -n.l. . J i canneI boine, v lrapre4o 1 would preaJ. aal )n th cosr at year from sow fro farm womfct W quite nnmeroo. There are kirtk was "; eaperjmcsi Seat tw nperimest sext ristsitr t4- frop for tho educates pahisa f 1 - aMandyewTorWa. InSJ- 1 no rai of lariiaoa 5UCC. r. wiP yy ,l 5 "; urc jfaww AJfTSMtl , I fr Latent rroa tS CcypsUa War. Considerable lit b jt sow throws vpoa Kgyptias dirkasat lintAsnia 4oi sot rai Ism the Fab Prooset's ia. 'Hie Kaglbb "hi of the sot chuMd wkh th aavr. Tho arsty b gctiisjr well the hot climate, if Rot by tba tu iss gr;4 wao mas svaasa ss dkn aero th dsuct W ssllsi ssssrt- Betwec ts Tbs sbrsas sa4 s ihilbta at sosaa Joss yll Js asSag all t trouble s ess stles4 tax Ta valfona sf is MifaSsW w& E3sts b iJw avc wiaafartaab Is a .. . . . . wans cliaaata. aa k tsraJy dicr. Tks ErHs war dst b pyraJMfclaite w XewZsJssd. wits s osir sss? s wR&m, Mssorla lSf MMm. tssrtr M wabs ' w Is Aaskisas. s 3ss of mW ;filfla tka&arsf taiiCSM At WsaUsctos issst sst .MS.' wrts ssr ia.a;i sft atO.taA ss4 -riy i.ysgu PR " Tj3i sssasssssai.waaiaa, - - wi ' aaft BaSBBBlRa - SaaSRSBBl . V?-r(V ,- a . i -m . bk -:-. jr -- isaiaaaaKaaaaHr-' aw aaaaawBBBi -aaawOTP - '- T4aa !! . T l T Saasasa aTSBaflBsflBV- JbHbbBPBPS BwsWSBBBBamr:f'' "fS iPKa. V 11 A I Ife 53 ;& ?i ii i. W , ., SoldinTledClouaiiyA. A.P0PB. ca. SsjBsvsAsjaa. paj-A aBBttftsaBBBSSB BssaBat Issss 1 wfrPR "BSsst sawsaWgRsasss1SssR sBsW .. jPRsswRRs -Sssfy:: j, trZ&fl V J0fe? k" w- - aSSAsslaV'SBhR SBBBaaV' . ; ?W ii ii sfc ' Safl IMSflvslt. laffJSBWTw - -". ' .L. TtAMBSBafalBai- - ' 1 A9&j lowest sad detf ccaiastiMoav .-.-w. -- va t r; S. '".Vii'o?! -i. - sn 'iy-45?iy" . -:- ,v l?vG: S'ftVf-"- .g STV? ,a; .rCi 1 4.- ,. i: ? .-, "A s;- sar...? j isgfe m?-- 1- 'S - :- , ,-." -Jfi -. .c f ifvr:i ? ju- - .r-.-'v u, iMife4. ? - T' rj? W '-"--''--'.-' l. a . ., w c "ar-f'.,aaBaaBBBBBBBBraai .t. - it