PpPH v -lt,i ,4&&p:x?r. :r- ?r--ds- --w r "-'' ''' - .. "i - .-.ce- - . jji.-cs vc ; j ,SffJ JSPSffiT te?--- - " V)c 'V -if tf R -X i-3 4 4fc 'i vt :&'--- - ?ss i - .- . . ? a1 . Wll .- - &- - ' r? H- in JH 0 ..,- --V "V- - IBgJff!ry rT5csrc53C5ors3rr,J5rrsnrcaKs XX273TJRli. I 'k"t C . ..J. -r-r'':--''--'1-J'J'-'uj letjajuBwaara'. j.w j. ma&LiizK.MituJ-Jl'-m-L'i-ml'---':-t -i-ucw ?' m- &r - I lit II -t i ?-. k ?. h'- 'V Fhe Red Cloud Chief AC.MOSMER, F PY)AY. Proprfnnr -MAY 1, l.srf. Tiic Toy-ltjtnlr J.Iaker. The well-known ingenious Jny tiick banks :ire all :n:u1i from models mad ly :i gcntlcwnn wKo works all day lon in :i lovv-"-.!l:;:wd room in tii' top story of No. 7.2 Chtniii s-tr.--t at hU wax models an! l)ronzc ciit.fxii!. The room prasev'-s a .h.".-I!(! of jncUirc-vuru disor der. The wall is huntr vit'i planter crisis. j)aj)cr designs, and bronze model-?. The toy-bank inventor Mis Tokinr in-e4--n;iily. with no company but a black eat. "The 'freed moor bank was the first I made.n aid the bnnkmakr on Satur rlay. "That was followed by the kick ing nude, the bt:Il-do, anl other.-. 1 am now at wor!-' uun a more comidi fauod Joy Lank, a monke-. The 4ri bronze caKt'ni has just come in. Ve are now chasing it am! Jiiiu clown all the ronjh edjfs. and making all the joints work .tasily. T firt of all make a j solid mod"! of the figure in specially jirepared wax. Irom tais 1 take a plas-ter-of-naris mold, in two halve. Then make two hollow model .5 of the liure toy is complex will act in conjunction with a f'pnivr 011 the iiHide. I hcio parts bem removed. I have to make n fresh model in whx of everv part, with an end or joint attached to them. They are then Edit to the brass foundry to bo east in brass or bronze. Tin? whole fi- ; un has to be made complete and work ing in wax before it jjo;-r to the foundry. Vhrn they come back .some of tho pieces are very rouh. and need a jrreat deal of filiuj; and cJkimii to make them Jit and move easily. You see, the model in bronze that I make is the foundation from which ail the banks are eventually to be made, uml unlchi my model works perfectly there will le no cud of com plaints when it oes eventually to the ( iron foundry, where the marketable ! toys are turned out. There are twenty j pieces in this hank. A coin is placed j between the thumb and lingers of a j monkey's nVht hand. The thumb, you I Rati, is kept iu place by a f-priu slroiij; enough to hold a coin the weight of half a dollar. Whim the t.iil is depress- j etl the left ham! raises tho upper ludf of the cocoanut, the lower jaw falls down. ' the cycsjjo up, the rihl thumb is drawn ; baek'aud releases the coin, ihieh falls . throajrh a siit in the cocoanut into the j mouth of the monkey and the bank." 1 'It iladcljih iu 'J im a. Joaquiu r!illfr' Mol'icr. On a farm amonir r -:itlv undulating hills four miles from Iv'ene, Oicgon. on the caJt side of the Yv'illamettr'lliver, resides Mrs. Allison-Miller, mother of .foni'uiu Miller, the "Poet of the Sier- , ras." Over a year ago. despite the pro- : tests of her sons, nhe married .Joe Alii- j Hon. a farm hanji, ome nineteen years of age. As Mrs. Miller was upward of j si.tv-live. tin ty-l.ve. tliiMiiarnagepnived anything t a happy one J he boy "'rt;" ' r. ami urtii; the recent dreadfully but her, cold weatner she lived all alone, stru- . glmg through the snow two or three tunes a day to teed her hor-cs and "t- tie. IMS on this M.me nirni that the- ; poettrrcw toward mans estate, save ...1 '1.,. .- i:..:,... ;.. ,.. ..-a 1 ,1-.. ,,!.- 111 ij 1117 .4.1 living i.i mi- iiii ii-i-i with the Diirer Indians. crijoingeamp life anil the mirsuits of the eluuse. Tiie Mouse is plain ami unpretentious. J ne ; . fti 1 teuccs.are m poor repair, although the owner U repuied rich amonir Iier neigh- , bors. having many hundred acres. j "So this is the place where the com- I pamon of T.ret Harle spent many of hid . davs?" Mrs. Miller was asked j hut, bless j niyselt as "Ve-s. this is the idace; bu vou, I'm :ls much of a poet ww .. .. . . .1 .Joautun, siie.saiii. proiiuei:ij:iroin itio I irottt Lie I depths of an aged trunk a roll of manu- script which made me mst.uetively feci , - , ,m . uneas'. Here jj.an epic, and here's ' another m sixteen canton that i wrote , mvself. Uh, ves, wo all Uahblc a iiltlu in poetry. How long ago did vour son begin to write?' "Oh. he was alwaj'.s at it. He was a little bit of a boy when he. first began scribbling verses, and lie's kept it up with- tolerable rcgularitv ever since. ,1 used to trv to make him unit it. think ini- no good coiiid come of it. but I ' couldn't sueenei' ll.s'.s off now at Xew i Orleans writing uji the reposition for tho Kasloni press. Heru are hovoral : hitters lately received from him," said clw T"iwli5mr frwwinl n irnv.nTfir i sholf. "I'm glad, on the whole, tl at 'f 111 1.-..1- i-A.lll flic lltril(!'I I tll T1PYL r ....... 1 . . I " - ---i .'n-A , thin-isto.v.paratefrom the complete lVo :in. li,rt,ii ;:o thl. ,,ol A J Jt' t3 XflO models the part, which are intended to VJ.,. th.-v eo,,. o,a the eelhdoid h:.s ' PMifc&oiU t5 al45LlldM by movable In-fore me I have the left ,)wjU .,Uo jh(. (( h. Ww)d W -, d. fo.arm and hand of a monkey hold- M , hlh ff :iJ jneh nm ,ae mad. a , ! - r.,, n ffj M Trsj p SB pi iHg up a piece of eoajanut hell. tl,u Xiri:Wi. lljal ;s .i,.,., -,..,. 'j'iy W Jj ?g l j Jl thumb of the n;rhl ham! L the lower jaw, ,jJoek . Jlen .llt , -,. WlM, t ,)V . fa'&Lyj " .' i V ?,1,M fl the eves ami the lad. which, wlien Ihu ..,,,.,,,.:,,..,.,. .vmij ...... .,,.,,..:,.,. (t -!---' . H Joa-r.iin didn't take my advice. and that of days ap he was on Washington ho continued to do a he pleased and ' street." and his attention was attracted write poetry. The first poem ho wroto ' by a littio gray pacer that came whirl that attracted attention was one on the iiig down. !! had never scon his gray f Wanting of the class tree at the old ; mo Countv Academy, where the St.ito Univer.sity now stands. It was copied in all the papers. He ran a weekly in Eugene during the war. Jt was a red- . hot abolition sheet, and tho 7dis.ouri roughs from Long Tom Creek over hero swooped down and demolished the of- flee. Then he practiced law awhile at i leaker City, and afterward he wroto his i Songs of the ShSrras," which brought i him into prominence. Mrs. Miller is tall and somewhat an gular, llcrhairis well silvered over with gray, ami her eyes, unco dark, aro iiow dimmed. True to tho habits of tho pioneer, she braves her difficulties, reso lutely dries her tearc over recent matri- monial infelicity, feeds her toek. and j rougns u uncompiaimugly in i:er wort on tiiu lonesomo larm. I Good News For nypepJies. The dyspeptics anv those who adhere j to diotan rules sound digostam ie- vends on gormandizing. m;.i. .:..k. i luual or lough substances are coucu-, It is not oa civo to comfort of stomach inv own authority that 1 am writing this. Austin Hint says so. burprlsed t see him eatiii-r a Welsh rare bit as I the clock struck 12 l M.. I asked if he incanHo pwdueo nightmare for the ixtfo 01 m ymg un.- pueuuu:cmu Piillci ?in. fnets fii tin w-nrlo " hn id. hi norfoct seriousness: -I)vV i peiitics are chiefly )orsoas who eat rog- 1 ularlv. ivstnct;:noiruiei 10 impie 100a iu small amounts, and constantly have their stomachs on their laiudsT Tho old-fashioned ideas on this su.bjc.ct are all wronsr. r.nd 1 have said so of late re peatedly in lecturing to medical stud eats. 1 now tell iuy p:ititrat.s to eat j r tlicy aro hiiugri. uo matter if ? whenever it is directly before going to bet!, never .. . .-.' .tT trvtioisiv ;! nnssi gout among the gourmands, and other j undesirable diseases, but never dyspep- j IO qim-uiu uiuit- u .w .rr.riw " .t u a tn s, saulfied; appease yon thirst in the same - -""- -; " v.M -- way according: tomsttner, ana ionve: : 01 in- 5uiituHia .ui, i'iio mvm j rwi y cumntiimislv f nn.ible. You mav find ! n riistr.l nt to sii annrotMrt'ivs' rmb'if. i ' :cv Uo f CeHuioM. As a down-town printer, who hail just completed the printing of a lot of I jjiusirairu cimiinr:-. v.;i- v.asiMnjr inc tqe and cuts w::h benzine, a N'mmraan noticed that the cuts were while instead of the ordiuar." copper color of electro types. " "New kind of metal for electrotypes?" asked the young: man. "No. These are eeiluln'd htwolypos. Tt is a new i: for celluloid. The plates are easily made. The eujinmng: or the form of tyje to bo stereotyped is tirt uM to make a line paper matrix, just as if a common metal stereotype was to be made. Then this matrix is placed . in a form, and over it i laid a .-licet of , celluloid. The two are put in a hydraul- ic press, the temperature is rai-ed to :,00 decrees Fahrenheit, the celluloid is. pressed into the matrix at a pressure of 400 pound-, to the souare inch, and then the tiling is done. When taken out and cooled the celluloid plate is an ex act counterpart of the original form. and when cemented ; a .suitable wood backing it is potA for four tinier as many impressions as a copper tcreo l ku -iiuaide tliat, it is not easily dam , a;red. i "Another uue made of celluloid 13 in facing wood type. Tins i- Uuw by Iav- 1 thm -i!eel of eelluluiii over tne m.iv l(. Wji,i lo Wof' ..ujpuvi'K, who i;uI it eSual to bo.w.-ood."--cw Ty.-A: v,M2 Senator Lamar; Aliicnt-Miinledness. I A jrood stoiy about Senator Lamar has leaked out lately. A- is well known, I the Senator 3-. in a Any dream half hi-i time. He is the mot courteous of men. 1 but when he is wonl-jratherhi;: he walks rdonjr, Halulinir hi-besl friends wi:! a Mony stare, and answering que.stious at random. One day. .-ome time ap, as Mr. Kllis. of Louisiana, was si! in;; in his committee reom at the (ailtol, -Mr. Lamar walkcti in. lie apir!hed Mr. Ellis and, .-eating himself. aid in his grave and gentle way: "Kili.-. I don't believe von like me." "No," j-aid Mr. Ellis "I don't." "Whv not?" aid Mr. Lamar. -Weil," said Mr. Ellis, "when I first came here you led me to b'-!ieve you were my friend. You -eemcd to take an intere-t in me as a new member, and 1 f.lt honored by ueir regard. Lately you have hardly spoken to me. 1 pass Von and you don't look at me. and such conduct has ollcudcd me. 1 dislike you very much." "Hut. Ellis," said the Senator, "you know it's my way." "I don't ("are," said Mr. Ellis. "It's u bad way." "My dear fellow," said Mr. Lamar, throwing Ids anu.: around Mr. Ellis' neck, "the next time ou M-e me in that bad way just come up and punch mi in the ribs. Xow promise me and let's be friends." Mr. Elli.i promised him. and they arc friends, TeaeliiM-c rtiililren. A irlance backward at the so-called " j,0m I old time." will soon convince ,ilt, Veri.-st i.esimist that in the matter , ,,. ..,, .,,,.,,1 r ,.i,;i!r..n : m..v1,I s .lllv.lIlt.,.(i rapidlv of late. There was atime in the hitorv of European c.ivilizaliiii vlun tins father had the ,..,...- f i;f(. .r,i ,0..,ih m-4.r bis cl.il- 1 . . ... . . I drcu. and there are still parts 01 the J himhu 1.. it cutis i. ftorj ami i!u.irhi.:. n-.'-. u'nrld where this idea is not extinct ,'!all' llu' sliui.arti unit l-ncN. i.n -.-,!;. I u.h.- l I. .... aitaif li-hik mill if lint iti I v 1 . .. - - .. . j((, :l.r0-sc.uvelv aeenturv incii- h ii.1 ii nun-, .inn 11 ii.ia mil. n-i ; when the oniv 5(h.:l of n ,(,hnoi v,..s :l ,,l:.Ce where ., scho0iM,:i;.r, armed with rod or whip, forml mnviiinir youngsters to devour Ujp l.OIll,.IlSs nf j,o0ks' with their eves .i ri..r,.r.rit.in. t!u!ii from ih.-ir mriiiMi in v:nn repetition ot words. I he idea is not dead yet, because the old style of tt.:lt.j(ir is'uot, dead vet: but it is living. ' --.--"-- - v ::. : : v ..-,.... --- - -- -. .... .i;,,. !w. .i.,,.!.,.,. .f ni.riif i.r.r .... ,;,,.. i,,. tlnrkness of nidit. be fori I.l..i(V - ' '-t r ..... rava th(. tlau.u uf ,u. i(!l.a tiat l'wu.i.s tia Hiiidren must be taught to think, am t 1 tIj.,t tiuir wt;aj weakness gives no man or them. uo,n:l the right to ill-treat rhilaiLljihiu Jiccurtt. IJorscs' T'leiiiovles. A couple of years ago a gcntiOman in Proviiieaeu owiuhI a little gray horso that was useil in the faniilv by himself, his wife, ami ehihlrrn. ft was mailo quitt; a et of. I'uuiiug that it eouhl y. sueed ouite shari. he entered it m a number ot eounlrv races, m tho eml gotting a record of ; for it. Then he sold it". Lator on. the children missed it so much that ho endeavored to get t??iit nf it '11111 s.Til. t n number of place, but failed to find it. A couple i pace, but he was sure this was his old pet. and when opportunity ottered lie drove alongside and called it by name, The pony knew him at ontv. and gave unmistakable evidence of recognition. Auother iiiataueo sliowiug tho inem-nn- of the horse is that M tho pacer purchased bv !r. Llovd last year of a Winsted gentleman A few weeks ago the former owner was in town and went up to see Ginger. Tho horse's present Httcndant was in the box stall petting him when his eld master stepped in and called him by name. The horso 'no sooner heard his voice than he forsook his companion and showed his delight at meeting his fwmer owner iu various wavs. among other tricks going into his coat pockets for the delicacies that ho useti to tm.t there. the gentleman asked him to "roll over" for him. and no -eni uown upon uio straw aim over : m :i inomeuu ..4r. iioyu acauu pro- ; tIo tough trotting " Turki u Tri vents his showing Ginger much this ; umph" will stand together e.t lied wiater. but it is generally conceded that the handsome littio horso would make it quite interesting for tho best of tho trotters. Hartford CouranU ffi.llftnz I11.1.. CmYva . , , , , , Th" best salve in tho wrld for cuts J bruise' sores, ulcers, salt rlieum pur-jfover sores., tctier, chapped hands chilblains, corns and all skin criptions ' ,v," i nntl Pitively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guranteed to give er- feet satisfaction, or money relunded. Price 25 cents pcrbox. Oun largest and most cxtensKe manufsicturers in tho land, constantly invent nrw ways of improving their ! 5. DoLnm! s saloratus and soda I ? was thought to be perfect h fincst h and purest, , ,n oxw . nwn salera j '--- . i VMN !ltTl ? tus and soda ever known. M v. ."i-iyr,-r ii?ja?j.iwLj &&A i.f':ivr.t:-5 i . ' " -V r , - .. mT. " ' -f. -C ; fteJg:&2&&CrZ. S 3 A I &M12M i -SsiQ r?8eSgJg$&&iL 7T f-"l J-'Ajj-f, 10I" frifrints nnd Children Wj.it c.ire Uiar !Tt;r, :uaj tii 1 ! ry; Whrn Iiw r-t. nrl cr h- tarns. What oun their co!:e, Lilt; Hi-tr worm. C.'tninrli. Sour Si:aJ , . vJi, lu-i.t tfi : C;i1rt.l. prtr- "' tV-ri tn '''.nrohia' Prrujxi, CaAtor Oil taJ i'ftrfor.c. ur Hattrntrrl. "Caitorift. ti "fU adapted to Children ;SatI rtrfb!tsoul it aj ?arcrir to any rrsK sine Ln-a t- mo." II. A. Aeci;a2. H.D.. Ill So. oaf&ril St.. Erooklju. 5. Y. SP . I - J Vi hi An ahsolnto cure for'Xic-a-F! -? zaAtiLtri. braiiirf. Paa vsj tho 'A Sack, Darns, Galls, &c. Ama- L j . . r 51 ktantanoouti Pair.- rclioror. fi i ?. tf'if '"hr'-i- Tfci 1 j ZZZZ A Wonderful Discovery. Ciuisuinptives and all who stiller from any affection of the throat and liineji can find n certain cure in j)r. Kings new Discovery for con.-u nipt ion1 Tboti.-ands of permanent cure.- verify the truth of this statement. Tn'o medi clne can .liow Mich a record of won derail cures. Thouands of once hopclc-s Ktifi'erers now gratefully pro claim they owe their lives to this New Discovery. It will co.-t von niulnng to rive it .1 tri-.l. Kree trial bottles at Henry Cook's drug efore. Large size !fM0 Very Remarkable Recovery. Mr. (100. 15. WilliiiL'. of 'Manchester, Michigan, writ' : "My wife has been almost helpless for live years, mi iielp iefs that she could not turn over in bed alone. She i?tn two bottle- of Electric ISitteis and is yo. much im proved now thai the is now able to do her own work." Electric Hitlers wijl do all that :s claimed f..r tl.cm. Hun drills of tettimoi.ia! atttvt their great curative powers. Only fifty cents, per bottle at Jienrv Cook's. Advico to r.lothcro. A re j mi (hsPirhei! at nijjlit :nl tir.kn of ynur rest by a sty-k child MiflVrh.i; ;im! crjaij: v.itli laia oiciittluj; teclli? Jf - cml :it un. :uul ivt a i-i-Uie 01 Ails. Wh, v;(is viiihis; tiii fer cli.M.t 11 it t Iliijr. Ji ;ilm w iM-aii-ula 'lc I?l'Hl!( lllMIl It lllli!lllr. lllITi' t Till ltllt:iL. i iiivltr. 5 soiniliim .svril ) llr ('III iiUfli I.Stlillii; Js J'li"saia tu the ta!i . ami is tSa- ihi'md; t on in cue in iih'oiucm ruin nest lenciic iinrMVieni Iit:'i:uis in the lelicit Slati -.. !iml'n fejale l ait i' niai."t tluoiiltout lite world. J'rii ' ..flll.S T liottll'. swit & Vi m KB fvf jK7 i 1 r- .y ta Lk .','. 1 anrih fef NEW ST0REIfc Cloud!, Eorhart & FuStcn, ha vi. rT.i;i.i?!in:i a HardwaFvE Stche, AT WELLS. I'ort)ii:i"iiiiiiii'.nI'itiiiatt th iM'iipIr of tlint Ici.'y. lln'y ..,, ,ii"..' pr.'.irt'il toelvt? Uic lK.'0Ii!c of Vf!ls :-mt l.-;;I.Xs jiist what they waia m tl-elliieof Hardware, . . Tinware, Stoves, Iron. Nails, j Ami in forr pwrytbitu: can 1p foiiml a:, ur store iuu; ;s liMi-in kci iu a nri -;;. lun.se. WV iii It ; itii i l lue.e j i: li- c ill o ulien f arlof ti.'n'n-arv. lie- i-i ui. ;:l-a lir n ;i"oi.7 ; m' li. : ivj :nstUi th 'i'I'i.t. -f :iu- nates. Veven rpi-"ctI oT!?j mr trwJe liitr.r tliat St will iTie bi'iirfiri?! to luiifc. ilURHART ft KITLTOK. . fmr7T , Tho Jolly Jcliet, Josiah John Jr- I cobs " Jumpicc Jack" an i.ool Gsorg-e, Lutz's tned and tr c taira- Cloud, thi3 year. 1. LUTZ, Cwnor. i uaujiisiffii txit BROAD CLAIM aufeia: 7SSY BEST CPSBATaTG-, GUICS22T SSLUN3 A2TD fl MBffiMl Kflftfffffl WMf!H sufiiAmi.buyuiirAiy Ever offered to tke pblic M."frUi.- SF Tip 1 V McAvcy & Farrell, Props., Aro zio-7.' fuller prepared to fill orders for Livery rigs,&e on short notice AL?o, vill food and stable horsos by day or veeck at roftsonablo rates. Oar foodhiir fac iiltics aro first-class. You patron agrc respectfully solicit kL ' fetS & Uf ft7 52 rJ r' U S i3 P o Y'MJDILW- Where will lie found evervthinir :n the rocflrv line, such as Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Sirups, FruitsjjBacon, Ham, Dried Beef, Cheese ami Crackers, Tobaews, Cmars, cr . an ij Croikerv. -c Hoping by fair dealing to :iu rita IN FEATIIILEY'S BUILDING, Ojoisite be Chicago Lumber Yard. S. V. LUDLOW. tea ii :j" WJLL fnOSHER, P 6 ih" Vi'Sv.-; Salt Mont, Fresh Fish, Oystr-i'S, Pork, Mu'on, hickens, L C, Cub. OLD STAND, RED CLOUD, NB3. U ' W i ' as - I W ISMi?.jtrfvS 'X1 Sw rJ. .'. . V I&vZ.3&Z3ZS&n -Soancele & Son 'Dealers In GEWSFC MACHINES, ETC. 1 r -MZi'A SHORT-HORN ThoroughbrotI Short-Horn Cattlo, at Hastings, Neb., on Thursday, April 80th; 1885. 1 35 Head of BullS, Covs, and Heifers, of Superior Quality Good Pedigree. This stock is in prood brocdinfr condition, and not an animal but what if a reguir.rirc der All tuo cows cud Hcifere that are old onoutjh aro brci nuti'ifbuu ber son du to calf. Cattlo will be at Hastings, a wock bf x-i thO'srlo Salo to ccntn.onco at 1 o'clock Tr. i:5S rTcn inor.ths tiino, purchasor givinp noto with approved so -ntj ; Intrct t at 20 per cent. Fcr c p.ta'ic uvc or information, inqniro of Henry Shodd, Hasting, Kb or it J II TAUGHEAD, H DRAPER, V7ashingon, Iowa "Wo alro make a sale a Beatrice. Nob, ilay 5 CcvieSt Zebras ;a. DEALERS IX Drags. , .s - ' OilS:i- .. 3:. Sodks; . Stationery. ' Eta.Etc. iitCi Irrritti4)tfc' ireilly conipUtieL - 1 t i!l hHri- j BSHCUTOB'S 2JOTIC3 r5' : TTTATy xJ? J .IKK?: T UBOIVy. DECE.ii?EI X"J T.. nxfrypi' kvic Ui v?3tnft I o. :.- r si t K lA Ht'r J JSta:r rf N Vx-s-y. l-c-.-a ;. s-r - gtr-.fjUrtl-attrf?! H-j-jsrs factor- i.j-j.i3 irrf Wrttr ciMJr a ;-!? r ; . j' '. - 5er. t If'-''! !, ti Jcu:. -! . . .- iioi,y t4 .teJci. . j" -J j t . -il trr--v.E lii Wjl ifv iii -I .;. r- .- b Ki-1 juml cjrti tt .nuiStafKk j v tLCt uif JorfTrrf tw.ri. All fer5aeic ..iylHteaxiit - jar inJ :o laolij las- uatr taipt : aiftier- rn S J? . --- V -w.3 VJ Tho Boautiful Norman Stallion TJnoqur.lcd for frnnoral purposes may bo found at thi3 barn Commercial 3am, Red Cloud Flour, Fetd,0hss and Qucenswarc -hare of the public patronage. r.i r nr TAt fm iiJaaii ALWAYS ON HAND mM M"T- -- ! u.yr,,ny" rfv'-Hi&rr."-rfw c!OTSiS2ji- " Hjr-r all Kinds n, mm -A S raw p5fiip??p ill hilUdt MARKET B r mi KeTrj X)r J. S EM.IGH DENTIST, RED CLOUD NEDR43ICA. Fine Office, Work a tipcchtliy. sun atnays 011 Jiaml. ()ico or Clotiil .Natloeat Itetik. itI SALE. "li. . f. S ' jf. rWi? :,';'??? -rvesi ..- i Mt . ii SwfSL' tTK I. T" if. '! e ' "": T-.- r - mKS3trwZ, .. & S. &A rjoxi- V. - -t- 3 U3- - JT "uvii Mm k'f r- -Biiasr a. :-Tf li ? 'Yi r ! ' 'r 1 Jistt i tJt.-' st ;!ifithr. Vekf. AttSEfeu OfcVAiviO XtftKi- bn ' T 14 :isit I w.vtt rri&i& H J Hosier )Lntitr as wyu&a'ki Ite iiidt en I Mb.!'. k ' M w am u . w ww ml r hi " - SV --S!V.Z? I $ ffi&Ywv$73iy m w i .r .a. crihi'Sb 9 7 v3?w e r 3 BIS Bii a 53?si5Ps;h ctp yjML &.yio n ji fi ? k SvfVwi i or" . Red Clcud, Nebraska. A II. BKtm.v. rroprir:r. MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS Good stock and fine work is our mott) and trices to suit the times. If in need o . j anything in orr ine do not fail to call and examine our specimens. OFFICR AND YARD. Corner Elm St, nad Fourth Av. Lockbox 5 22, BED CLOUD. NEB wrrj 2 iPS l l Rook Uiuu imh COLUMBIA & CO., Proprietors. Guide Rock, Webster County, Nebraska A.3 JJIi'U.'j; MA NUFAOUINO TUB FINSBT QRADES OF Family and Patent Flour, Meal, FEED, ETC., , From tho vary beatrntitorluUt, which thoy iro wholoiitvl'.tigrto tho tmtto . nt hard pan priaoo. Thoy tfmmvutoo tholr Hour. Corroapondenco aolksitod from'derUorH la NobnuJku ami Kfinnnn Ihlo oolobratol llotr iu for wr.to by C. M Storoy. vrocorj Itod Cnu.t. -IIP Pi JZteVC.K' v- d H .. jwf.--... m i.rrr tL . s&soiz-vm -. r a n t&& ri'KV , uoaior in SllS!,Wj?iia31lli!iSj2,lwS3zMMI!K J""'Jo . .Vr. 1 i.i Red Chiul. ('. ff.isfeti. V SA&eZy-i, ze-:i2: s" -i r :r T - Highest Market ii'.. ir. It i.ir;u.- a vij' '1- Al Kiii4 nfiw.ic t "t" Also eggs, in season, from High Class 'Ply Rock Fowls. :&mi mm mhm VRI9 SS UKACqI'tHTCP ytTM T!S czz sr vcAMin:tfO ti Falla -.-. '"fr-JT "S. P- ' JmmmU Chscaco, Rock lSL&mr& Pacific R'y. crapMcal pfe.in, tH- 3ir at 1 i- mm htwm, tl Xml JtfanAj , outtt-njrt. s-4 :b Wr. KertJiwcK 4. artiwwrt. -- .i of rood hel- te Arwstis suwj tit 7acSS .riaiss b& i Uy lv ti& l--e as4 Ixt-mlj- is rac Oikukr', w Irian -J-s. ai!j e, ottrt. cscr ui tojaiaiAis i5; oSs5.tSSj CS? "GREAT ROOK ISLAND ROUTE," As it is fariGUrly e3e. offr to trxrr nX tM -f-fiiliiM jl ,- -ti -.rca ra.i. cjtscs r 'ejr;2r jfcZ &.-n wm! 5 tit tow rxl r a av ufUii Ai fcBERT LEA ROUTE. TKrWWiXJirec IiM. vJ iVfertJs-r n4U??i. &s4 iatxsdii6i . to nzuit &- Tir3 fcr .21 Th-rh i'o?-: at?re fc . A r - - . iaJtacmagar M "AT-rca as ' ftt 13 ydyal XtolMt OAeaa 1 U UaM,Uto ay C Jta,crcf R, R. Ci tu 1 lfiee DEALERS IJf SCaSI tkM I VI) D. C, MYUa. rKtaaA WN'S Fiouring Mills! W. BfliV'S, fi? mimmr V4 B .k fl Jfebraxhu igi H.V0HKOKD. Kosford & Young, IKALKK3 IN" joulrry and Produce RED CLOUD, NEB. Prices Paid I CZOCeAfHt 07 tHlCGUHTWf, WOi A th's ma?, tiut tm COirxoi3iarr' ?r ? i.-s -rf Kr3r-rv--i-St T " i3td Cleisati4L re.' ?. JticJ3fc.i. Ciu , rVifrn m, .- iSsirrjrtrrrcrz-r . IfWti. i-X3fo5pCii ii- Z' -.i;.tr mm FT ?mtout 4 JUr. vlMtLiy-U cV:a 2 E. tT. JOHfc, lTVtl3ar,r:i &? V?? 'CjJi rnxmiRm gyg t ai "' Kcic Haven Fetes. jrv a. - '.v-- CfMCAQO. Sri w &L Acr v JW ft & H;- k'iff 2.: -c-! 5s. . t,.tt- & Vr Mt," . r --- & M iiASGwaKSii- g2 "3V -T '.iS-' . sJLgaJUkriiBm agSgia y8yrTf , ii '-yffTTWf:llM -w."' ',T,i,a Mir.ii1-,:iMi ..m1.i r"M rlrflfi Tfiitj i C-