The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 01, 1885, Image 7

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Talth and unfulth cuTicr 1 coral powers.
YC" r.'"1'1 1,niM,! CXult our tt'riMJeM
IiJiwcmmV,!.1:; V,1,al fn"'' "r rrji-rrant Slower!
ur t.u Celtics-, Knur:, or power.'
All1 rid,xt W,H MOt ,u,,tw,'cro Prayers
1 l0M!rp,wU (i0,,,'S "I'--""!. t 'n ltfcrt
t Hc:ii-n h ,jK, hiirv.,-,1 hop..,:
SII,Cii!v!"nI- '" ,,",ll,l,,t " "till dcen. It
"ri,ilinn.liM',r l,n,WS " ,,,any u ho,y
Ati.1 M.III. in .i:,rk.s of u ina.liJi.iinK scorn.
The worhl .lH..nJaiit rlii-pi with ciitcii-won!
f '"'"rallll, wIiomj tr.;h.TiHH cho.-s
niickwHiii to .,!,. t v.ii-,-ful Intervals
J lie rush I51sij.!ji;iii.-r heart!
Krnir an.l J'ri.le K l.lim.lfrinir lian.l in him.!.
"' v,x "llr c"l" with umi.-iii- iirohieuis
N'!.r'": V! ''V''' w" "' ' iin.lerstun.l.
J hi- . Jclc 1 h." .IurKmciil Day :
On .littcl.s nij-terlesand -.i-im rut.-s
llu-v -fHiifl the h:ir.lnit-M of Ineverent
hi.itth -Ami
Inm uoiiM pluck, with zeul that y'-
All veils trom life or death!
Ah! l.-t in. pa-s lrrjin tunno 1 to pure .-aim,
l icamii liy pa-sion and iimiuell.ii hy
1Vh.-.. .Vatur.. lays hT eool magnetic palm
in lever. 1 piil-e and brain -
Whore Law and ancient Conoid rnl nlone
A reniiii iiimiariefl by man M NMiipotuous
vi. I
When-truths v- know forohndow the I'n
kii.iwii And .Ileum lis ruradise:
Heboid: the u.loriiiir planet- wheel in space.
Tin- nndcciicrat.. -ci-onn eoiiK- und .
While I in ia ilnuns ;- t;xl b radiant
And. uh.-ii nlht winds aie low.
Ilear His
till voice bl.-inl with the luto-likc
The ni-t'.iii heath
nun. iii lea.
..-.le, and wav.-inur-
To wlii-per-iranuely pn-t the reveient hllN,
And d.e acio--. tin- -e,i:
l'itil lltiinlll'iii Haunt.
International Sunday-School Lessons.
(iMi OI'AlllKH.
AlirilW ai,i at Kome Acts S: K4I
.May :i -Ol edlence Kph. B: 1-1:5
May M-('hti-t mr !.ample. . I'hll. : T,V
Mar i; 'hiistn loutentmeut Uhl!. 4-1.5
Mav V4-Tiie Faiihl ul. '-"living IT'i.l: 1
May :;i I'mil -I haritctoTim thy.J Tin. :t: 1-s
.lime 7 Cod .m Mesa-why Hit Son. IMi I: 1-4
.tune 14 The I'ne-thoud or Chrl-,1 lleh. '.; 1-1-'
lime 11 ''iirstiau I'r.uri -.-. I'et : 1-11
.lut-e L Itevlew; erviee of Soinr, Mis-lonar.,
Temperance or other l.e..sun- .eloctoU by
The IHn.T.ii.cH In tin Cispel Itcrords
ICvid.llccs ot the Wl Iters' Till t llllllllcss
Mutt llii r.iiir Accounts Wonderfully
Support ICu.'li Oilier.
It is an argument familiar to all law
ers. that al seuce of formal haritMiiiv
between witnesses is n strong"!' proof of
their triilhfuliic . than eaet and minute
Iianilonv. Indeeii, where the latter
jiei'iiliarilv is strongly mauife.-l.eii there
i often room to Misp.vt collusion.
If any characteristic is prominent in
tile three synoptical eane!ists Mat
thew, Mark ami Luke it is luistudie.l
frankness. They relate -oinetinjc-. rom
liioa fact-, ometiiU'.s imlepcudenl ones.
In neither eac is there the lea-t aj
pearance of exaggeration. (lood and
bad dee.s are lelt to .speak for lliem
n'lvcs, and the er-onality of tin his
torian is very .seldom obtruded; hi-!-pec..;l
ideas are predilect ous in-ver.
The author of the fourth (lospel, ril
ing at Jijast a Uiird of a century later,
describe.s' Ids Master from :i diD'eivut
po.ntof iew. ami p irtravs His primal
life a none but l!ie beloved .li.sciple
.. .ii 11 il.t I ImiI smut. Si'Cim! ceiitufv
writer attempted the task, as skeptic's!
piet Mid. he would have overloaded bi-'i
narrative with rhctor.eal generalities.
all the writers of that century di.
Yet he is as simple in his own way as
Ills prede.essor.s.
Moreover, .lohn is in apparent disa
greement the .synoptics a.s to the
rime of the lal supper, and in one or
two minor points. The.-e lin'erenc.-s
are as readily harmonized as re
garding the thieves crucified with
'lirit. The seeming contradictions
arc. however, strong proofs of the hv
t gr:tv of its writer. Had he been :un
impos'tor. r even one of those punish
fraudulent atithois. who sought to gain ..
an apostolic authority Tor his own com-,
position, he would carefully have
avoided all discordance with tlie already J
accepted Co-pels. The supposed dis
iMvtiaiicv becomes a manifestation of
thorough hoiioty the moment we dis-'j
cover as we aivsdre to do alter can-'l
did comparison- that the fourth (lospel i
forms a needed sequel to. and in general j
thoroughlv agrees with, the synoptics.
The honest v of the four evangelists is
munifc-d from their internal character
istics. Neither .shows any anxiety t
sustain or get support from the other.
Kxternallv" the evidence is equally
.stroir-. 'Matthew, the t.ospel about
whiclu next to .lohn. there has been the
most cavil, was obviously intended for
Jewish readers. Its aim was to con
vince them that JeMiswas the promised
Messiah. Whv. then, if it were a for
Hervoi fraud. was it ascribed not to
Voter, chief of the apostles, to 1 hilip or
to Andrew, but to Matthew, the pub
Jiean. olliee was so odious to tho
Jews? A , ,.
No fair minded reader can study the
evangelists without being impressed
witirlheir integrity. After comparing
their records with the writings of .lews,
(.'recks. Homaus and uninspired C hns-
. . .....I -111 1-K'iMlt
terns of I heir ovu .. ....j.......
centuries, he inat leel mat wi...uu..k
. . . i:.... ....... ..nit iir.i or to ex-
. .. . ...i i.
inr no ciainis io mci.n. v....
thev are m
suirfc, tone and temper immeasurabU
superior to all Ubeir contemporaries.
Each has drawn portrait which i
JewxJii or heathen imagination could
suggi-t, and the unity of the four like-ne-es
is unmirtafciblc Yet ditlerence
. ... . i. .1.,1-f. .liiMiunts ol tne
same events. The discordance is not
exists ueiwcui. ...v.
ri e ....wif-imr mole lull:
Ciesinms o i"..-"".' , t- .,,, ..! Iiir
mountains, and too hastily acce ted I b
theologian ot a school now fart pa- g
.... : Mtnn nf tne rcriui-
awav. ine iu-.p."" -.
:.y. rc.'rnf
jiroveti, iii I'""-'.- - ., Vv-.-rvthin.'
v.,t- f nver- willing oL Mcntnin
"' :;i due order, however,
must come in its am; uiu ,
and the honesty and capacity of tin.
writer is first to be shown.
ivn;.Wnres. :ls ve nn. . .
n-i , ..-. nnni so iar
as we kuow.
...- ti, four accounts ot me rts-
j-oiuuou. -. as. contradictory,
urrection. nt irst gtenc
are wonderful m "e that each nar
wnen once e l--1-" . -niu-annces
rates onlv a part of Ui apptarancts
rdu.s oniy y f tho tomb on the
after the openiag rt w
first day of the cej. AlucricaD
.renerallr important, unless wup-"..
pose that inspiration i nvohc me
ihanical copying from di vine die turn
n,-c l,..c been assumed bv intidei
. .....'.
f. properly detiueu. ca,
LiblisheU. Whether iiarniou.. .
,.v 1i,iva nroveu, auu ...- - ,-
God unto tne sai-
ablest of lawyers, wrote a volume
kIiow that on strict legal principles ths
evangelists had proved their case. -co
of other variations. It is only by stu
stupidly supposing that the high
priest h'Ml one or two in-t'-ad of a score
of servants, to arraign 1'eter, Unit con
tradictiou can be imagined between the
accounts of h's following the captive.
The four slightly vary'ng ver-ion- of
the inscription on the Cro-s - thougn all
bear testiniouy to the same f.vt have
been adduced to throw discredit on the
event recorded. Whether the four
! evanireli.-ts s"'ee:ed, one the Hebrew,
the .second the dn-ek. ami l he other tue
Latin word-, which mav have
pre-cited j-onie idiomatic
eiicc-., or whether they a niel onl
to jrive tlie.subs'ance. matters little. We
know, howeiur, that they and t!i: Ajios
tle I'atil often cite the Old Te-tament
sub-tjmtia'ly, and not verbally, caring
more for the doctrine than the words.
A eurioiH modern parallel to the vary
ing inscriptions was accorded several
ears ago in New York. Captain Kred
erich Lahrbush, who claimed to b" one
hundred and eleven vears of :ig. died
on :M of April, IM77. His funeral w:n
attenilt-d bv reporters t,f four dillcrent
papers. Curiositv led us to compare
their accounts of "the inscription on the
..,.!! .,( ,-,n,.,rlv ,, ,-,!, ii.miri.
all attested the same fact, no
("two lead
o". retire-
nreci-eiv auke. l lie item a . rej
sentativ.; .iiote.l it as I'rederick Lahr
bush, died April .'J, Itf77. aged one hun
dred and eleven ears.' J'he Trilmnc
man wrote it: " I'redciiek Lahrbush,
iKirn March 1?. 17G'i, died April :. 177."
The Tiim.f had it: Frederick Lahr
bush, born Mh of March, 17(JG: died JJrd
of April, 1S77." The World ubli.shed
it as: Frederick Lahrbush, born Mh
of March. 17o"d;dicd '.'A of April, 1877."
It will be perceived that three of the-o
ver-ions diller onlvin the position of
certain p.irticlcs and in the introduc
tion or omission of a prejio-ition of
two. The Herald man alone ecuii
to have defended on his mem
ory. No one would conclude that
Captain Larbtish never was buried, or
that the reporters were not in attend
ance on his obsequies. Why then quib
ble over the m unite differences of tho
Mr. Haley, in life explanation of al
leged It.blieal contradictions, has drawn
tin string from main a cavil and given
genuine comfort to perplexed believers.
It i.s better, however, to study the out
works from the citadel. What will you
do with .lestis Christ i.s the that
presents itself to every undecided man.
His words are such as ncwrinan spoke,
whether He omitted or employed a par
ticle or two of no influence in modify
in"; His general utterance. His claims
ae the same whether Hi Me.siah-lup
His Sottship or His mi-.sion as the Sa
viour of ail men is especially empha
sized. Kven liossvau was compelled to
admit in his "Minile" that .Jesus Christ
died like a Coil, while the still more
skeptical Mill declared Him "an unique
ligure. not more unlike all His prectir-.sor-
than all His followers." none of
whom "was capable of inventing the
savings user bed t .Jons, or of imag
ining the 1 fe and char.cter revealed in J
the Cospel! In His light all difficulties
vanish and doubts :t:e impossible. In
'Obedience arlb Love.
The sum of law is love, but tlrs love
is not freedom from duty. On the con
trarv. it is an incentive to it. "If ve
love Me, ke'.p My coiiiiiiandne'Uts. " It
its also under additional obliga-
on: the u'cl.l of duty wnletis. The
believer is constrained not only to obey
,). conimandments. but to tak
i .-vcrv burden, to discharge cverv dutv.
, ... .'........... ...... ..... ... ...i.. .11'
J nml t,, ,,. rv cverv word of the Master.
l.ove lightens the burden, but it 1k;s
not release him from bearing it. ('. rist
has cho-eu His people, that the should
go and bring birth fruiL That they
delight in the work do-s not make it
any le-s a duty. Neither does their
hesitation nor coldness of heart ever
atrxohv them from it. (iljedienee is
often the stepping-stone to love, and so
to better obedience, while love without is uncertain and transient
"If yc keep My eommaudmeuts. yc
-shall abide in Mv love.'' llcntld and
lle.but faithful, that is all. Arthur
Enqh CloiKji.
"Ve are taught, and we teach by
somctiiing about us, that never roes
into language at al!.
Hi&'iup lluntiny-
Ht is impossible to govern the
world without Cod. lie inn-d le worse
than an itiMdel that lacks faith, and
more .than wicked that has not giati
ttide enough to acknowledge theobli
gation.', lironjc W'uj-hitujton.
In all times of trouble good men
hare i-et-cirted to prayer and Wen com
forted. Perplexed. disc, uraued. an
noyeiL nr.even despised, oh. Christian,
resort t-w prayer ami you w.ll find a
present help in Him whose grace was
never sougln -in vain.
-sy gr :ct 1-! my venenttion for the
lViblc that the earlier my children begin
to read it. tlie more contident will Im
my Hopes tltat they will prove Useful I
c.tizens to the r country, and respectable
.1... .vf : - f? . .. ' i
meinberj of
-uunn rutiirtf
Alsalm. rho was a fool, wi-hed S
h'mself a dudg-: Solomon, who was a
wiM man. trembled at the undertaking
anil stispecte i Ins own tuners for it
The more iinowing and eoiisidejnite men
are. ihe lietter they are acquainted with
their own weaknesses, and nioev iealous
of themselves. iictiri.
And when it h till over and our feet
will run no more, and our hands are
helpless and we have scarcely strenirih
to murmur a hist praver. then we shaK
see that insteatl of neeiling a larsrer held. ;
... Ili l..ff m..t-.. i ,
our simrle acre, and that none of it is tit
for ourMaster's eve. were it not fcr the
,. i t . . r ., ... '
soiienuig snauow oi ine cross. tuiicarti
. . -1 .1 . ,
ii is im inai t.everai yeaas ago
(rtneral Gnint uttered these earneM'
words about the Hible: "Hold fast to
the Hible as the sheet-aneiior of your
liberties; write its precepts cu your
hearts, and practice them in your lives.
To the influence of this book we are in
debted for the progress made in true
civiliz-ation. and to this we look as our
cuidc in the future, v
Dr. MncLareufays of grace: "Tho
word neaas. tir.-t.Vjve in esercise to
those who are bflofr the lover, or who
deserve soinethiug ei-.-e. stooping love
thaf condescend and patient love that
for-nves; then, 1 means tlie gifts which
rjuch love bestors; and, then, it means
tho cfTect-5 of these gifts, the beauties of
character and coudii developed in th
recchers." mS
thrcotit. iuplationoflliscrfectmn;aII; " 'Cu." ', ,,!!;,,,. I ' '"' f "rroundings which cnarac- n.-st ;o...i, are i.,t in Smallest i-arct,.
the peculiarities, nay. the verv person- I r'r ,(j H- "; " .' " , , , ' ,7,;, ' ,. ' -Little Dave.' t The old proverb is c-rtainlv trie, in the
alitv. of the evange!i.sLs .1 sappear, as ll " l ' " " V". ' ' ' ". ' " . ( 'lie l:iv Walker and (lunter et out ! ease of Dr. Piece's Pleasant I'urativo
thev most assuredlv wi-hed and ex- chairs to iiieiui and iMv ill ani -.ets t, e ,,,,.,;.,.- political cimteii-n ' lkts," which aro little, suar-wrapped
necteil Ciitano lilt'iuiec warraut I 11 let you know. His m i in IV. ,i- i i i r, i ' . ! ti . larruls. scarcolv larger than mu.sturd
j.. (i..u. tfujo.uuatUL. . .... , , Walker had left horn.-ra: her hurriedly ' ' .(m,.,:nh,n. ,",, vi.,lfir,w. ,1M,l.,.r
A. Woman IVIio Wouldn't St el Any Xon-
rn.r from Her Ilaucliti" l.orr.
"You ce." .she was exydaining to a
lawyer, after beating hisj coun-el fee
iloun to three dollars, i have adaugh
;er Maria."
Maria ha a Ijcci.''
Exactly. M
lias been waitin' on her for t-
"I see.'
'And I've lccn waitin' on him for
the s-une length of time waitin' for
i him to marry her.
.lust so. ma'am.'
"How long .should a couple spark?"
"Well, that depend-. It takes some
folks a long time to make up their
"I-n't three yeari long enough?"
"I should th'.nk -o."
"And 1 gave him .-ix. I've been get
ting madder and madder for the last
, three months, and huaily last night 1
. ..i i . . . t. .. i . i. i
. !OUMl ' Ul UUI " ' !"V ""K- "'"l
"I1" ,,th I';l,lor, .:inI V',er(!. h" W:'S;
. ir'gsliugami winking and lovm-aro md
: as. hve years ag ,. I here w..s
Maria. .Simpering and cackling and act-
i i"g h the same fool she alius was.
I ,,nt ,:l'": lo ,M:- :l' (':iM bring a
oeaii :o time oi two ve rs u :ie .-
trot any marry in her. You didn't fooi
avvav six years?"
",NVm "
"Nor I. either. Well. I stood it as
long as I could, and when I went iuto
the room .say.s I to William, says L:
" Wil ium. you've sot and sot. and
it's m du'y as a mother to know if you
intend to marry M:i-:i.'
"Maria .sic- g.. a screech, and Will-
a,nfu lw:i't', "" "'" '"l l- .,
Ml .U f1. If II I HUH I. . II lll.fc' I
If ou are han,-.g around here to pas
jiwav time xot, better skip!"
"Well, William coughed and gasped
and stuttered around, ami a:d he
wanted to write to his ma. in Iowa."
"Your ma in Iowa!" says I. feeling
my dander climbing up. "Mebbe you
ain't weaned Vet!"
"Then he says he couldn't he bull
dozed, and that one objection to marry
ing Maria w:ls having me for a mother-in-law.
Then the cyclone broke loose.
Al-o, the whirlwind Also, two or three
earthquakes. Inside j.ti four minutes
Maria hid fainted, VDiaj was a wreck,
and we had tip-ot tM5 sto. :in(i broke
three chairs. He -citUtL. lmi pped
out wnilc I was hoHingVphor to
Man.i'.s nose, and I've hearTnjkiy that
he 's after a warraut for me toWissanlt
with intent toJ:Jl. Can he get one?"
"Can he do anything?"
"Well, you want a ury."
"SarJin - sartin. I'll go b 'fore a jury
and tell 'em how lie and Maria have sot
and ot for seventeen hundred nights
how I've h:id .to be soft on lr.m how
I've poked up Maria to bring him to
time how I stood it and stood it until
suuthin' had to break -how it co-t me,
l0 for fuel and ol how. but that'.s all.
If the are men tht.y can't, l.nd no ver
dict agin mi." '
No ml"
"Well, HI go home and wait. Maria
l.ody's ma in Dctnit is alive ami kick
ing and ail us on deck!"'' -Detroit Free
l.f Itorli'm Micci'-t.'il iy :.n Apple IIonf-M
of ;i 'I'miii-Hor.
J bought the appY of th" train-boy.
Not because I wauled it, oh no. I did
it to save human life; my own human
life, I did it to apnea.1 the , train-boy,
who had turned h.mseif loo-e on me at
Council Hlufls. and was going to make
me buv tioniethiug before we got to St
Jo-eph (pronounced Sinjo, accent
heavv on the do), or lick inc. He
wanted aiif to buy all of Prof. Mat
thews .books .except the gospel, and
nine of K. P. Hue's novels, and Tav
lor's -World on Whe -Is"' and Ite
twecn lot (lates," and .seven or eight
of Pinkejlon's fearful and wonderful
detective -stories, and a whole library of
Kre.ic i novels with very Hashing titles
and disappointingly tame'.ug. and
some California pears and Siuerian
oranges, and some Alaska tigs and
'cnegambian grapes, some candy pack
ages rdh a beautiful prize and" a ten
dollar bill in. every package except the
one he xdd me. and some ivorv orna
ments made of ivory tnat grow on
tree--, and some -fresh roasted peanuts
which lie assured me were (ieorge
Washington's favorite fruit, that would
purify tUe blood, imaki; the hair curl,
whiten the Keth. make tiie complexion
clear and priiiuwie longevity, and .some
Knglish walnut incuts, vintage of lr'l.
a radway guide of Jat duly, and omc
I ie fleeted. I did 'not think I ought
to buy all the tilings, I have
a ff.tnily to .sujyont. and I am not so
wealthy a 1 am said to lie by tho
ol c ting conmiittees of poverty
stricken churehci :uid tottering college,-".
Hut 1 felt, a perhaps- you have
felt a thousand times, dear hearer, th-t
I had to buv something of that bov, or
lie down on the. floor vf tne car and
So I bought apple. 1 select d at-
. - .. ' ' i .... . '.
pies uecause nicy art pasaiaoie. nutri-
tious and t heap. J asketi h.m how he
dd his aiiples. With exceeding scorn'
he said: "Twoforra nt" (which by in-
tjf-atkt .-i - tir; f.r lOld T tlatta"1-
v--- .-, t. .-si.iiy. a aitii.rv
he ai.l two for a cent- I knew 1 ha I
just miss .(i a lecture engagement bv
railroading into a suow drift the night
before, and eoiwc-iuenllv hatl mst
eno:ie;h nionev le.t to buv one. in a job
I l-.'t it wih great difficulty and little
joy. iing hey. the leathe y fungus that
it was. 1 handed it back to the bov
and told him to keep it; he minht want
.... II . t -., - . ....
l" K,u osr u some nay. ine
, ?- , w,th l ,e .nativ':. ,1U- U;Pen,le',cc 0
hli f1' a ' t,,:l l t!llin kno":l f1
aimti Wl en I fj? oni He niimiil m.
,' , , . v 7 - V ,
iJeeit, :ad verv opinelv. too, :n a loud
tone Oi expression, for the benefit of the
whol car. that when 1 hail any orchard
fruit at home I lega'.ed mvself. like a
prince, on dried apples.
1 did not smite tlie boy nor upbraid
him with Knru and stinging words.
More, indeed, in sorrow than in anger I
teld him I did know what a good anple
as. and I knew where they ued to
grow. and. moreover, if he wouM bring
me one now. tur entire bank account,
with all the hereditaments, protests and
overdrafts thereunto appcrtainm0-,
should be his. The only gooil apples
in the vorld. lineal descendants of the
golden siock of Hesperide-. used to
grow, twenty-live or thirty years ao,
on an old farm, three or four miles out
of Peoria, Jll.. on the Sionnt Holly
Koad, I told the boy they were not al
ways a fair apple to look" upon in their
. arlv vouth. when I loved them Ik-u
I nev w, re nam on one sme ami gr.-ca
on the other, i hey were gnarly ail the
'1 hev w. re hanl tin one side and green
i.'.. .-r. I .in.l ...itrall lii.i u'.tr llmillifli !
nM llMlllfl illlil -iflll . nil. t i... i
There was more heartache and sorrow
and .le .p eat. d, gnawing remor-e anil '
heartfelt sormw iitnl liones! tH'tiitenc
in one of thoe apples, after oti had
eaten a neck of t:i.iu in the same after-
uoou. than there !. now in a whole
".recii watermelon.
Neverthele-s. I nseil to go into thai
orchard at eight a. in., cat apples till
11::I0 and then feel hungry tor a big
dinner. "
And I told the Imiv if he would bring
in- one of thoe appb now, with the
sam old taste and flavor llmt it had a
qiiancr of a century gone by. with the (
same old smell of tli" clover and apple '
blossom lingering about it; the Mime
old idle bree.e- tint ki-ed mv bvih
clucks in the long, del ghtful. truatit ,
-ummer :tXicnioons; with the whi-tleof
a uoo-wnite over in tlie rtuhhle iielil lx;
yond the cow pa-ture; with tho intir-
niur ol the brook that went singing
over the white pebbles at the foot of tin'
orchard hill; with the music of the bees
hummmg and about in the
sweet red clover top-; bring them to
me even with V'.c old w.ll-remembere.l
Mil p"ctiharly juingeut of the
buggy whip which frequently seasoned
those apples beat:se iio Imv could al-
ways g t over the fence in tune 1 told
Ium I would gladly, gladly, gladly give
him ti ft v dollars for just one apple.
lint the boy looked a me with a
nainelcs fear, anil backed oil' down the
aisle of the car. and touched the eon-
line tor ou the ell ow and .-aid:
"IJilP Say, Hill! Who has charge
of the lunatic on tile wood-box?"
"Ah. dearlv beloved, t!iere is no
lunacv about iL We kuow now. and
.-onie day the boy will know, that :ip
ples are not .so good Ly-day as they were
tvvvntv-tive vears ago. N'otning is so
good to u-, iu facL The apples are j
tough and llavorles-; the grass is wirv j
and thin where it u-ed to lie living vel
vet under our teet; the days are not so
long: tiie nights have grown colder:
the star.s slune less brightly and there
are not so m.iuv of them, I counted
them the other night and there are half
adoen missing; the cows don't come j " What furniture can give
home o early; the dogs are ero-scr: . n room, us u tetulor womau'i
( hnstmas doe-n t come so c osc apart
as it Used to. Kvervthing changes ex
ccpt Hi" circus-. So runs the world
away. Hut it doesn't run away with a
coacUmau, thank tlie gods. Which
only goes to prove that th" world bi
much prouder and better than the peo
ple who live in it. Holtrt .. Jiurdcilt;
in JJruofclin Emjlt,
The I'ruetieal .lokrs I'layeil ly One
.I.itc on Another.
Kx-Senator Dave Walker an f'on (Junt.'r have atlorded much
. . .1 l c V .1 .
amusement to the jvople of Northwest
..L-.... ..- U'..l-.. ; .. ,.t..,-f..l ., ..,t
Alk.tlis.iw. vt.tiKcr is a pl.uiui gentle-
joker. He has been known to laugh.
but he does iioteiiterintnieinonstr.itive
mirth with that haw haw and forgetfu!-
man, a gentleman of tine humorous , U nd nil kindrwl Wouhl,. AIm, for rheu- ".
fonceiitioii -md it i. sniil th-it h.. u-inili! matism.u-iiral',Miv.tnraly-isaiid many oth- , return. an.l tUr tior.c U. ; nr m. ,rk j
louiipuoii. .Ulil. 11 Is .said II. would vr l!lSlWUW(. Compfetu restoration to health, , fanurt.rMnrr Jf I. Ilskim.. Ant..a.
swim a river during a freeze, to play a j viK.r .and miuihood Kiiarauteil. No risk ,- , :.; rj. 'f.n1 n,'V-Mi.i uin Iw,..-. n.. i frre
joke on a friend. Cuilter IS lint a "' rr. h .J davs tri alw. :illowe, 1 Untv i Ti. k su-.rr S-E. .ru c-. , .At..e-a..,oi
J th.Mii at onew for l'lu.sLrated tinmohlet. Irou. VJj V',. jvi t;.. N. .
and had not jmt on a clean shirt. Some s is doiifupin the, niustreptilsivu
of his friends sav that he would not looking pill, ridiko tho bit: pills, however.
law put in a clean shirt
even tIioil'rii
t cverv circumstance had been favorabl.
(uuter wore a new
lirt, covered with
i a gloss that vva- da..ling to the mortal
Walker was not long in devising
;i j r i.i. ii if i (in nir- sunt im u.s Millie.
When the two men reached a stream.
Walker s.ud:
(.ii a ter. suppose we go in bathing.
This is a IreautifuJ place."
(unt'T agreed and strij'jiingcdr they
went down into Ihe water. WalkeV
.. ..! .1. .1... .i.:. .. :... i.:
' was the lir-t to come out. Taking up
(itinter s shin, he had begun to put it
on. when Cuntcr, moving toward him.
"Hold ou. Dave, yo'.i've got my shirt."
Walker, flopping backward, .stumbled
accidentally, oi course and fell into
tlie .stream. Wiiec he came out.
t.unU'r's .shirt looked 1 ke a harvest
lield handkerchicL (Junter raved. He
cursed Walker. He swore that he would
not travel with him.
"Hang it. Gunter, didn't you see it
was an accident?"
Ctmter wouldn't speak to him. Dur-
ing two days travel they rode to-
gether in silence, lut Walker ellected
a reconciliation.
(lunter's fondness for onions is well-
known. II-. would r:ltl..T .it -in nninn
than to eat:
Walker secured
' ,,f- altftiH .LHIUM
a large oiimju. lie -Deal up a White
-I - --t .
.stone until it resembled salL lhen lie'
was prepared:
-Look here Gunterf' he said, .as they
role a'otig. "what's the ue of this fool
ishness? Yon know I didn't intend to
ruin your ahiii. You know I am the
best friend yem ever had. When we
were at that yonder. I thought of
you and, aeeber, I got you a line
..i .. ,. i i j. .. !
.immibi as reaiiy Mini oi you.
taking the onion. "Of coiir.-- I have
no ill feeling toward you. Wish I had
some salt.
(itinter. wkfn niv friends are eon
cerned. I never forget an vthing. Here
some saiu i
"itv (eorg-. Iavc. vou are a capital I
11 . . . n i
ieiiovv-. i
nig like an In-tian. ;
After a.v hi..- ihey made friends again.
Dave declared that the pulverised .stone
had lieeti given him. and that be thoti"ht
it was ?a;u
(Junter wore a pair of verv fit- though
gaudv boots, 'l'he lcs were covered
with vellow stars an J half-moons, dm.
ter was proud of his boots and ore his ,
trousers m the tops, so that tla. onia
menu would .show. One niht the
tncntis -.topped at a hfatel. Next morn
ing a negro entered tlie rt,oai and
wan'e I to know of Walker, who was
awake, if he wanted his Jboots blark-il.
"I 1 eKev; not. -av, liave vou "o: I
. CT n
. . - -"
any tallow?"
Yes. :ih "
Well. I want you to grease tav
bots." pointing to CJuntt-r's tawdrv
leatiier. "Put on jilenty of greasul
Grease the bottoms, and be Mire to
grease the legs. That old fellow's
boots."' pointing to his own. "must b
nicely blacked. He b very proud and I
want you to make a good'jobof it."
When the negro returned. Gunter's
boots were a sight to soc.' Walker
crept down stairs, hurriedly ate break
fast and rode awav. For dav and
nights i Itinter followed him. He had
armed himself with a gun. and. from
his hat. a small black tlag floated
Walker escaped and went to the United
States Senate- Gunter went to Con
gress. Hence the recent trouble oe
tween the two booses. draniw
He peeled the onion, dipped it intc H'';so.m1 to choice . . . mf) t 4 70
the pulveriftcil tcne. and bit oil" a iHEJ;i I'oor to gbitn. "oi H, r, to
IM.Illtllflll Dnr.i u-liiim.. I .s. I.J l,..-. . FI"ll'lt ItOO.1 to CBOICf . .. 4 .'l ". 6 IO
i.iotunitii. liave vviuppe.t uy his hors. wheat No.: ml .. w--t. vr,
lor live mib-s tisnu-r cha?etl him, veil- ttutN No.r . . . .Y.'.-t :a
i Thr ,.crtint,..,i .cr w.o Woui.l Sor
I llir rnlt,.,i tat for ir.ninc m
An old negro applied to a lawyer.
What can I do for ou. old tnnn?"
' -'lt,J lm" attorney.
"I wanL- ter fetch uit agin de Xew-
' nited tate. ah."
j "Well, sta'j xr case."
' "My on, Andy, fell inter de ribber
an' wux drownded. sah."
! "The Covernmeni has nothing to do
I with that"
! "Uc dieken it ain't
Doan de Cub-
, critic nt own de nbber?"
, That make no ditfercnce.
"Wall. doan I j;it er petion?"
"Doan git er niekle?"
"Not a cent."
"Ilov dun drownded, too?"
"I'll. huh. Want tr know whut I !
thinks .' tli countrv"
"Not purtleolrtr "
"Nor. -all. I reckon not HI conn
j jrv ,.rin,kd. -ah. dut whut it i. nn
; mori, (lti. ,j , ,, j,.. ,nt lt j,ttJ, tu
t ,,iWM yhi-'l In di cHe," and h" '
. u.,.Ilt ,MI"t j. ,j,,., -Mmii iti't ji" "
j ,,ow , ,, (w eountn. I'nt iriife
j , ,(,k, 4 wm ,,, ,IMM l, (,r Um
' .IrJtvin.on' Trutrlir
i ,
' Tur, Hu lul iM ) I'wt.lthp-iUh ny,
that Mr. IMiomIh. llir-, js Mll'm t".-,
. a nUtor of llou II i,'ly HtU,u, t hi( Ht
t IxjiiU Flru liupurt., h-o l-.r -nT-rr
trom liillutiuuutory rlitminHoo fi,r -tn
i yoara; thw intmclva of hr h-.iil - llr..l
I A'.recoutru.-iil iui-1 nho uw .-rut' I. H
( n tdnglv iippHculion of Hi. J nt,i, (til .
wus betifllted liutfiiitiiu.mly, nimI fliialir
completely curl.
Yot' may MtippiM thnt trni'J rr
inc. wInu wvryloJy Ia ma.l a hp -(,'hici'jo
No iiKi'itES.sivo'tH from 11.1 '
Coiih Cure; no naasca; no r.iiwjtloii; no;
. ,
(.oat's milk outrlit to imi? i;ckx1 laittr.
.V. Aim: Ilrral-l.
Wmii:Mi' Knrn
such finish to
a fue.," usk-
t.eor;;e Elliott. Not any, uo aro linppy to
anaw;r, pruviuml the K'ovr health tem
pers tho tender expression. The pale.
uuxiouh, oioo.iic:3 liiee ui mo cuiiniiinpiiti,
or the evident autreriiiKS of the dyspeptic,
iuduee feuIiuKi of sorrow und Kr"f on ol,r
part nod couipell us to U'll them of Ijr.
rierceS ' Cioldeu Medical Diseoverv," thu
Koverein remoily for consumption and
other diseases of the respiratory avstem in
well as dv.spepshi ami other dijjestivo
troubles. Sold uvervwhere.
Acrostic A rafter. Iion't jjiv it away.
Hvtnm'tllr .uitrti'il.
Tnut ,Mn, Krari Thin.
The Voltaic Hki.tC'o., of Mnrshnll, Mich.,
o!:ertoiid their culourateu hi.KCTito- ol.-
tiii'1!l'LTiiiii1 ntliiir Pi i'r imi Aumi i ivriw
TA, t.j.uTun.1 otur ti.M .i.ic Ai i i.ia.ncks
' " fial f.vr .) daya, to mou (vouiik or old)
uniietfd v ith ut.rvousilrliilitv.lussof vital-
i A lide U the most sinillrntit
, i movement u: real .ntate. A. U. riiynn.
I L:iey lire mini nuu jueasniiL in iiieir opera-
lion no noi. jiroiuice ripiu pains, nor
reader the hov.'eli cotive alter Usttiir.
. the Ku.snwn.
i rtstr.KR rroiesi is a hltious inini: wu
. . . f.i
Delicato dinoases of either sex.
I -
however iniluce.1, radicniiv cured. Address, simply say that your Vegetable Cnnijouinl
W'orlfl's ilispeiisury Medical Association, is all you recoiiiuieiid it to It hat done.
ButTalo, N. . , mr World of ,j0od." Another lady writ, a
Coughs. For Coughs. CoIds.Sore Thront, from f '"'- nK follow..: I have'just to
etc., itiiovv.N's UiioNCHiAL. TitocilES. day liuiiht the sv.-enth Ifuttle of vour
.yod only in boxes. Price, Si cciita. j Vef;etnble Couijnjund, have use 1 lvu Ujin
Ma?T"T i of Pills anil gevernl p:icl;n".- of vourHarn-
KANSAS 1'ITV. Ai.rll -.T.
CA1TI.K Sli'pj.inir steer- . ?4 .V. i. 4 '.
Native cow :j 4. 0(
Miitchers'-t.-er- .. 4 ii r
4 (
4 4.1
4 'M
4 (ir.
1 SO
IlOt.. (iooil to choice heavy 4 10 frf.
:i in (&
7S fir.
47 t
No, - rel
No. .'I red
If. all. ....
mu.V So. -2 ...... ..'...."..
j "Al-Nt"..
j FLorit-kanev. per se'k::.'."
H.W Larire tiale.l
lKTrlv?AiJ!?!Mnwy m
ii ria" ra-r ii ii c re Htii ........
. M,,",,,!'rr' ;;"
:ts ci,
."V4 (T-.
1 &. Ut.
S .VI (if,
.'4 Uj.
V r.t.
7 il
i: fit.
WtfOL M.-MHirl llliwn-he.1
II rr ATOKS-Neshnno.
p t m
f -.-----S..B
' CATTLK-Shlpplnif st.erH
4 7.'. Ct,
4 V, c
4 ID Ct
:i r it,
4 a, &.
1 Wfi(,
:u st,
s &
:, so
4 Kt
4 :ir.
4 .VI
4 4.
1 01
Matchers' Steers.
lUM'.s I'aeklnjf
SUEKI Fair to choice ... .
mm.v-Nii. -
KVP V.i -
Itrrn'K-f renmery
i.irrrt.N Midilllnir
r. h r7
11 S-l 6l 12 IM
IU dz. ltfa
4 40 ft :. m
H XtS-l'aeklnun.l -hipping 4 40 ffj 4 7
"i n.r.-doiMi to eiioiee
i-HKKI Fa.r to choice . 3 7. ft
FIit'K Winter wheat . . . 4 Tn Iz.
WHEAT- N..2rr. .... 'XI Si.
No. n . ....... -;
No. - S7 (t
onnv-No.j 4;',u
--S-.-sc 34
11 'i H, ii 7.'.
,Af""l"u'rn .
PCTliii.KL-M-l-nltol "
12 '. a uui
7s ft, i
.T -as.?
.aa aHanajTTarajaHw
naj ISaVaaaiaCpVm
TmX nUtUa a. V-mmTLtM Cauaa41aa..larTl
&reefmm Omimtc. Kmveti m- iw
awe Car Cajaa. Cl-UmZTZiTZ rS
w -. -
rn -cwwrt a IiTTL. JIT I
r a i i f tr --.,.- , . gr- .
1 falV -JHa- B
tasTaV iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV Jaaaaaaaaaffaa-aata V
-s f aaaaataaaaaaaaaKaOP
Red Star
thaoc W7 MARIC.
I'iKn'5 Tootua cut Pitnr cu rein I mlatiUJSc
f.knn" Suit Auriibpnlan4t U-auiiCr. c
CutllAsC,m : ICtsiovck WH rorn a HuiJom.
TVuerk time i moaey at a watch tao
tory. llvtt-jH l.t
A !Uk Vtv on tbe Uvt. It I)ionc5 :
Curo. Dr. SanfortJ. 11 Una.lwr, New York.
Ir nfflictct with 5orv Krt-. uo Dr. Iwt
rbonipsoa'i I'rc Water. Dru'irtt acll It. -o.
V o
fS J
it, f "VAKjrr.R k CO IVs.UtUr, 5.T.
J..OO A. JJOTTI-.33.
H. H. Wmi?, fj. CO.. 8a:.i;rt . 1.
t .
r 4
atX.OO A. nOTTIiB.
H. H. WARNER L CO., R:-cU:tr( I. i.
ox 1 r, t. ijr ;, .
v-turt1. Trn-r 'r T h
,u":Ul':a!. - " " .ii-
I had n :ua M-li roilrn
il:lm;ln !' -hI ;m 'fin: A''rrt
i ir- r"cl.i. re-
niltlni; In li -h1 ;. 'foi: A'vrttfn, ! of J r r
lD rli all llli- rrli.fsj'ra ! Ir f. OMl la t 'rw lVA,
, Jo;M,rri.ricur.. ii!.ri.ui.'.n.!iw. a.i.fjr
a ,,! iu.1 on lt our f.f.r rBBt?
r-. At lrt lihoucl.t or siff. srw-ts. l .i
ln I' It ail ih- rm.i-d'r. l tr f. omI la , .rw t.k.
A rt.irrantcd cure (nr all dlhawt
rnuwit liy malarial HtwalHi ut
tti- !; h a CtillU att.1 Frrrr.
Krirr ami Au. .Sun l'aln. !latn Intrrnln. nt. t:. ibIudi.
Ili.U'ii. cn! a!,. ittHT r"Mr r-('auissj
liy u.Urla. It la aim I he fafnt
iJlSlAtLt t11' t '- cuf tot .niarenl Splrra
.Kcr Cajo). O.nrral I Miltr
ami Periodic Ncura.irta. tT"l- r Sajr Ijt sll lrui-ilta
i rio. r. ivttLtH, crop.i nic:mo m.
W.irl.l of l.oii.l.
IVobably no otlier woman in the World
receives o many " letter-, of thanks'' an
, by ilia K. I-inkham, of Lynn, Mass. Mrs.
' , ' Lnfield, N. IL, hny.s "I will
I live U'ush, nnd think it but riht to tell
vouhow ,uchCou.l Idenv..! from your
miiclnea. Ih,y arc arcjular,
"" "- mm ncues nave almost aniap-
la-arwl, my ntomnch U much Mtroiier, too,
auu i im myson unproved every way."
Lorilhrd'c Climax Plug
bf-annc a ml tin tun, that IiOriitanl'i
Navy ClipaluKa. and that 1nrUUnl'R hsiKt,-'!
litrn beat mail slie-t.t, ijualllj c;ntilrrvl
I ar-ltlafninjf.rihaboT..fl.7t7lui
VMta.aD. of ca...( o.. ... ,Bd aJf IV,;.
ataainncha.aln-M.d l.i..i v-.ri.nTt. i
In III. !SrmtJ, that loll Mit.lTU llfirTLI S i Iir V.I ( Alt KTKK.TI "x "K.'i.
UK. T. A. BLOtL'a, m r.arlia., Tock.
itaar l.enl nn.icui. Uiat irlllaTl i
a I.Vf(a .f ..II.. f-T a7
ar ri.. .i4..l'rilrol f.Im m4
,. ) ... J --t - ....". r .i .rj
.K.4nrill. iiiafu.ui.ii.. ui....ii ..ii
av saa mmmiii. i . . . .. ... .
"- Waahlneton St.. lUatiia. Maaa.
AfV aatrd torn '.t.maa
I'M lair., t.. u. .nljr-., t m.
I.,-... K . , .7 -..-... W, lt
LfALtlltl I I .....-... I .
- ."-."i w if a i auiM-i;,!., tf. AilH'tii.
HUKI1M1X , lU. atla.V0rr.iI,ilM.
BCS,??,,,,.,:?I-,',:WIS' J3'-'.'-''' of IVa-na-e
Adrra lr a J!cllrxry.lj;-rr2c-.r;anai.
r-IKn A StOTIf. Ar-nta Waatr '-at
taZuU Tv ;'-' r-'r--TOfWi ia . ,
I -
a-s i
k.Jrr..JAV nitoVMi.V. UttKu.
It It a known fact that m,..t ,r .--.
naan2 a.'IrrfraTfl.r L u u.
Itrjr l aonhleti: Uiat &rvLn . . .
Um VfmtT Ii nt.tfAi.Mr Dur and t-
loaw. .Sothlar ob Karth will
laaak hrni lar llk l..ii-..
I nnl"m wJT. lif M t...rrtl
... m aaaBaa'
lt.00: tfjr &a. ti SK Urmlara
DiAW'JCI1TPT ...r- cere
LILU' H IC.U lot .s in i iiwc. A IT.
OlTTVT - .? ,.wrf. Iwotrbea. IUh.
fW 1 PM ."-K?' Ji' J.? -Ufa. ttial-
SaVSAftaSaT - -" tfj-' CT tJ- atairflBr.
-x iiy -nail.-. .- !.
SiTl4M- Itt.a, t(
. kuwiar f TuffjiM.
rmpi'ijmrt.t arI r I .aiarr
;.-5-'-n ttr klrt-l
"Lr-JlT- "aV I - Awiiuuy att;
"la- Ss.j-rfedef Oo t .Umtj.X.O.
-., mw-rw. AiHifu i ipr Stat J
8Jrfedef Oot.ftcausail.0.
5 Z'ttf ','''! n-G"
Many a Lady
h beautiful, all but her skin
and nobody has ever told
ner now easy it is to put
beauty on the skin. Beauty
on the skin is Magnolia
S. rVM -s-fCS.
-'wjj'v jf
ir la RO
A Dangerous Case.
RooinsTFi, June t. I5C ""Trn
Year nt I - nttACke-i with the mot
Intent and deulhty pains iu my back and
- Exteiulint; to the end of y toc and
to ray brain !
Which made rao delirious !
Kroxi: aconv.
It took thrvv men to hold mc on ray Uxl
,. ,i.
i ' The doctor trlc-l la vain to relieve nu
tmt to no per-.-.,
i Morphine and ofArr jyUtlf!
"Alter vax moiit-v I .vas given uptodlo!
" hen my w tf e
hrani a tehHvr tell what Hop Hitter had
done for her, -he al onoo ot and ?"
MMtie. '1 he nrt ilov- eased my brain and
, xviiiod io ko huMtlnc tttroujfh my system
for the pain.
Tb- .-x'rft !..' esl me tnoch tbat I
slept l. ir. oiiifMliof 1 hal iHt deny for
to month Ik fore 1 had usl One l'ti' 1
wa nl and al work aant a an man
coi.d for ovrr thn-. r-Sia. Init I orWt trs
hanl tor !tiv .tviurth. nt.t taxloc a hanl ctit.
I uu-. utra with the iat neuteand tM-lnful
rieumat m ail thr-u:h wy -t ia that nrr
a Iihiwq
1 cai'.st te doctor, acriiti and af lT r-ri
wn', they Ictt tnr n rrtj . ! rmuti for
Silr. at lUcy xld I iwt a trtr.vt mh) Ud hlni
in ta.. iin.1 he vUI Hop Hitter haitourt !
and --ul.l iiir.' me I po. 4msJ at hea. t-m h
a- earnest I wa mtu.ssl t-u U.- apulO
I st than four rka I Ihrx w . my
crutchr- and nt to w..rV htfhtit and kpt mi
unw- the Utter for npis' ui It l-u
oiMMin) Kiati living. Hint Uav Nn o
l..r.x rar Mues
li has al. ctife.1 tuy wife, who had torti
siik for eai-. and has kept her and my
ihd.irxtu well ami health with from two U
l!.r.. Kules p.r year There U no nietl to
b.- mc at all if these- Ntters aiu used.
,J J. Ill UK, Kv-Nuji.rlsvr.
"Ttiat ;-r invalid vilfe
Mother I
"(ir duMichter I
' tan U made U picture of health !
wuh a lew Utth-of Hop 1 'literal, '
" tflM yo 1 tiicm auifcrr"
lT" N-Cfcr,nutnrH'ithtt a hiinoh f irrra
('- mm tiff hlte tittfl. Stool all lie. HAl'('
fmnm-mZ -Mti "ttMt"orll.. im their natua.
u. inuu.- .
Human Endurance.
It U an -u Vnow Iodf.-.l fart Uiat man
2'vtss Uh- j.ivr.'f of etiduratu-i U a
Z:fi'Z dearer- than any of Ue lower
tiaii. rroftvtiotiiti i-shrtrtaiin liar.?
lmti ttwvrn to -A:k an average of one
lm:A:'i mil.-s -nr ilay fr "U
tltr day-, which would U- a wonderful
-u-r-umpitshtuent fur a horre, an.1 mu.
iu.vs all tho known o nois of Uiat ue
fel animal. 'If cow.: a tuan vii-nwtnz
Uie "ioww of rndutaur.- to tl- fullest
extent mast tv In j-rf-t hitalta. Oa.
who is troubled with wuak HtltKixy and
dbliv- orjjuii-i, vvlMe puM k irrrj
lar, wh.Se honrt pdplt:it.-s, an.l who
feels a setave of lerde.oin. fatiaTltc
aft.;r the Ico. exert-trti, would t- very
unwise to com.-t; lu . -dcetrUti
content. h-hirdd m MitT;r from a
want of cMd'irun.v, nui tr-an ro
bust health and strength I utilise OIL
PAltlLLA. The. retnuti) htt-mivnl Umhi
sand of wen, uervoita, ddtlihitsl,
rkkety head-H'-hijt ttKtab P. 1itm of
ttMifulrMi and tb full .joyinMit rtf
ln:rfert heidtit. It r.-ino-.- ail tab ah I
iiHpurit.Rii, fWh.. imata. .rea. piwipli-,
vU. and aw-ts tiat u' : i-otilrohm;
and supjsirtin a hrtieniiHM t.titluo
Of Nldy fitiwt.oiis o eaHiitlal to
every one.'" p!i,,.i,a vilf.ue
-jOfIC If Qiinipi a t,..fti H.fH .f
r.'rrrr.f 1 all h,.'l'lJ r 5 ir . iH,UrfS.rf r
Mirllr i-r ti'nrnt h ... lr -! I Vv .frf. Tfw
M). 1m0m KCUnttX , w. r. mntMW
,.ric, Bct, rRtMwlr.
'rt Line Jft :J.jonf f . r,,ralurm i(j nu aMiua.I.
Singing M thi Wiy. iu'Tr IZ'"
I A tri'T .,ihy an-l gnr0 f r fin4f t
Vruyt V . Mna' -ittt IT. Iljinu.ail rubr U- Ul.
t l'rtc. 21et .Hftlpwf rtnlfB.
, Caavak ClAawa-va A H"-! Il' Iir tl. .r.y
iPlrl rivWViS Ci...(urMiin.:ax ft-4..
Onninar rrrhlOK t"'"f firwtlntf lhf9I4r
' ?r.tjr iilfnnflr,rft)l,'ftli.of lmr(nii...'
ilTMKt asi.Tt an, n- f.tjfh. Im? ..
acj atniple Nlcrl; prtnlnl ao-I !. n. I M0 (U '!..
( Mr r.n rirr.
Othr Torr tuccrnfti fia-Klar K1VI ffmg ivr ar
f.lKl anal l.lfr. iT.r , It -4 UrlnlM.
Hrmrtt LlaSI. 1 ct Tnfi-r ivl IP fjmaa.
Haaa.r af Vlclajr. .Ar. , AM"; Me(tu
WHIf atohr.. iftru AM'r ! Mte-f.
ttoa4.rrwi,(-clltM Mntt,
Xmr loa Mallaxt tnr Kalall VtrUm.
I.TUI A HCtl.r. alfa.
OI.IVr.K IT1 At C0.. ttm-lmm.
tr mr Tim il'a am .
Bra. JDMtlKi's Jrtes
till aaita n M,I.U.
lUtl'i anX
-t. ,aKM-at
I T99 f J aa49( mm, llawfM -
9Dthe worlds wondehs.
"rtc'ofisj j-anu-ei.. iii.t r Oi at U-.ala.
lml-4 awl rtir j !!h.I ft. tm't-IV.;Tf-
a'lT'fl at i f- aM
I -Jf JD J4 It A?vfa.Cab ia
..m t.n! d bl It -! iU unmtil ast ir
HCS-ra. feu .rf.W
tf ara4 t" m) tnr '
nreu bi i
ait Tkrr.
" I -a.-l W" V f.- 9
JStnaJ- XT T-I a
f .t- V1 Io la rg m
lrilr'.-r .' mttU tfc'ta.""
ra rta-x a mv.iit
wo. t't rlMY zSrCtt
m 's. ;t f
- a,
r last
r. mnr ryrM a"?f..a. ax cy
97 roaa-ar, Mar Von.
W W W aM Wf
V f. I - s... Mlrif mf tmm-m T-,
EsmllV..'M.i1.fn, I nn. nt..w
I v- - ' rrr. KriUtrty .r rtil-i
inrtl Cia--C ff .VTMt..mMWn.i
iiwiti.iK., (mlitMOW a If. r. a-
r aWTla m -mf l?alfiaa f4f 4i j.;mhM rM
SZa-W H r- fcC " ' r"9T-
atxrr itraiav.j
So. to?
aay aaa a4ka Att
Men Think
they know all about Mustang LUt
tmcnL Few do. Not to know ia
sot to have. . i
ra-nTtiiia-i a.itKEUS re, 1