f-" -, "V"4J wsX ? "ST' b- -.ipc'-VJIWSWte.-f -Xt - AaiOf T "LT T-X. j- T..-: 7 " "" -"' . -fc "Va. . Vy ,5- , TftT'-' r 5?-T' V r "afed..5S-.a! Tfc. J - TL- w &r v V v-c s - t -T--s - P V.t v The Red Cloud Chief A.C. HOSMEft Pi' ?kor FRIDAY. MAY 3, 1855. Our ores-; i,crfiert iritf orar n TmncJ ftf atf sukcriplion are 01 ofai Ox coyir ation of the fau paid far. If ukotdd is JHetMeato Uae aU renew cl once. NOTICE ! The taxpayers of the Village ol Red Cloud are requeued to pay no herd to tne warning ordors of M. S. Ballard pretended road overseer of pretended road district No. 3. All the work done in faid village by the residents will he done under the orderh of trustees of the lllage of Hod Cloud. By order of the boHrd. , x. T K L Ti.VKEH,tChairman. J .N IilCKAiiDe, Clerk. 394 Attention Comrade. The next regular meeting of Garfield Post. .No 80, will be May 11, 8 p. m. AU comrades aie requested to be pres ent. There will ! mustering cere monies, and the necessary arrange ments for Memorial Dav to be made. t. T W. B". Rouy, P. 0. fcAM West, Adj't. Farmers will find it to their interest to call at the Third Avenue implement house, before purchaHing. 39 Spanoqle &. Box. Go to B F Mizer for groceries and queensware. Prices to suit the time. Jv.uge and complete stock of choice voods;to select from. 29tf onr news. Gov. Gakkek is fencing his pasture. The commissioners meet Saturday. Mrs. A. It Fc.nk hae received her new phreton. W. II. Smith of Minde n was in the J city Monday. A great many town lota ar chang ing hands now. Mifb IIawkinV r reception Friday night was a success. W. W. Fekqusok, of Ohio is the guest of John Kellogg. Mi:. Bcun.TZ living across the river is tlie father of a baby girl. I Harry Feioht is putting a fence around his lots and otherwise improv ing them. M. R. Bentlkv is going east in a few days on a business trip. He will be gone several months. The board of pension examiners is doing a good business. There are lrom 20 to 30 applications weekly. Hiram Hioks returned from his visit lo Indiana on Sunday. He says thr Hoosier state hath no charms for him. Married in this citj on the 25th nit., by the Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser, Frank H. Farrer and Miss Etta L.McCornbcr. Fkkd Hcmmkli. was the recipient of a find gold Pythian and Odd-fellows pin the other day as a birthday present Married, in Red Cloud, April, 2 to I S&. by the Rev-C. W. Springer Mr. Wilson II. Rice, and Miss Anna 0 Milhgan. The Red Cloud Homestead, "Building and Loan Association will be ready for subscriptions to the capital stock in a few days. Ed. Young wears a plaster on his head from the ellectof a chunk of coal that come in contact with the top part of his cranium. W. E. OTelt and Mr. Dunn of Brownville were in the city this week calling on their old friends T C. Hacker and L. II. Fort. L. E. Martin of the Orleans Sentin el, J T Croavcr of. the Press, and Editor Kerr of the Blue'Hill Times were in Red Cloud Monday. Mr. S. T. Vanhorn has been over hauling and renovating his Tonsorial aviporium and adding new furniture, pictures etc. to his outfit. Oi'R friend A. J. Armstrong ha be come tired of railroading and has re tired from active life as a gay express messenger. He will locate at McCook. Married, in Red Cloud, Wednesday evening, April 29. 1SS5, Geo M Plumb and Mina D. McMillan, Rev. Geo. H, Brown officiating. Red Cloud will be their home. The Chief wishes them a life of prosperity. Some of the young dudes who make the night hideous by throwing com at houses aud putting tick-tacks on the windows should beware, as some of the victims of their jokesjhave decided to make it warm for them if caught. W. B. Bobt is starting a new nur sery. He has a great many different varieties ot fruit and ornamental trees grafted, besides he intends making a specialty of grapes, rose hushes, climb ing vines, &c. The Chief .wisheg him success. L. H. Rust the Red Cloud horticul turist, has been surprising the natives of Blue Hill, Biverton and Bed Cloud I during the past tendaya with an un expectedly fine Spring delivery of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs the finest ever brought to this county. The Cantata ol Qeen Esther is being rehearsed in this city by our leading singers, and in a few days will be giv en to the public The rendition of of the cantata requires both akill and c;.m.i ahilitv. and the leaders have selected the best singers in the city for the purpose. It is indeed an elegant tiling and people should not ful to hear it. There seems to be a difference of opinion as to whom the mantle of "Overseer of highways" for the Bed Cloud district shall (all upon. Mr. M. S. Ballard holds the fort on one side and the city dads have appointed H. A. Watson, to hold the office in the new district. Mandamus proceedings have been instituted by the trustees to restrain the county treasurer from paying over any fuuda f the district that may come into nis hands to Mr. Ballard. STRAY SHOTS. Ucuts are in town. J. iT. EicJCAEDSwas in Beatrice this week. Ex-Sh erip Tait of Brownville was in the city this week. Jas. McSirrr and R. D. Jones were in Lincoln, this week. All effort is being made to start a creamery at Riverton. The Good Templars' orange social last Tuesday wag a success. Frank Scott has taken a position as clerk in Dr. Sherer's drug store. Geo. Green of Salem was robbed on Monday night of $1S in this city. M. C. Jackson presented The Chief with a handsome roll of pie plant. The creamery and cheee factory in dustry is booming in Webster county. A. L. Fcnk and 'J . C. HucKer are each building an addition to their resi dence. Rev. Geo. Hummeix wa presented by his pariehoners with a fine quilt the other day. Another lot of alabastine, all colors New paints, all colors, and wall paper at Henry Cook's. The Golden Eagle clothing store will sell cheaper than erer to raise money to build the new store. The firm ot Spanogle &. Funk have moved their office to the rear of Miner Bros., store on 3d Avenue. The cards are out for the 10th Anni versary of the marriage of Asacssor Ferman and wife, on Ma 4. Mrs J W Sherwood and Walter re turned Tuesday from Minden, where they have been visiting for a week. Hon 0 C Case started for New York on Tuesday night, in answer to a tele gram announcing the death of his fath er. John Barney and William Shell hammer have each purchased a fine organ from J S Jfoll, the popular mu sic dealer. Proclamation to the people of Red Cloud and vicinity. All persons pur chasing goods of Wright & Wallace will save money. 6. O.Baker steps around Red Cloud lively. Cause, an heir to enjoy the blessing of the U. P. House. Usual number of pounds. Mr. Cokover, will commence, in a few days, the erection of a two story dwelling, just north of Geo. Abie's residence in the south end. The premium list of the Webster county Agricultural Society is being enlarged and otherwise put upon a first clas6 basis for the coming fair. J G Potter, formerly of this city, has sold his store at Wells, to Mrs Lydia Lockhart, and will turn his at tention to farming. He is now a bloat ed land owner. County Treasurer Bukchow has received a splendid $ 05 sewing ma chine, it being one of the prizes drawn by Mr Buschow in the Omaha Bee pre mium distribution. Services in the Baptist Church Sun-da- as follows: Preaching at 1 1 a m, and 8 p m; Sunday school at 12 M; temperance school 3:30 p m. Strang ers in the city are cordially invited to attend. Caught in the act, A man passing hastily down Webster st. yesterday attracted the attention of everybody, but his haste was soon explained, as he was on his way to purchase bar gnins at Wright it Wallace's. The county bastile weighed anchor on Tuesday, sailing in a southeasterly direction, in charge of Captain Baker and crew. The old hulk is now safely moored near the shores of Crooked Creek and prepared for the reception of its belligerent guests as usual. The Omaha capitalists have become spunky over the fact that Lincoln is to have the state fair and now propose to break up that institution if possible The people of the state should take notice of their doings and give them a wide berth. It may be enterprising but it is not the kind that is usually found in Nebraska. List of letters for the week ending April 27th 18S5 C T Begen, Miss Flora Bear, Mips Estella May Beck, Cora B. Cline, Thomas Dodge, Levi DeHedt, C. E Eaton, Rev. A. J. Eapen. Edward Garrell. Fay Gorhem, . P. Gould, Nute Montgumerv, J B Miller, T Kvan Robert Walker, S B Walters. These letters will be sent to the dead letter office May 25 1SS5 if not . called for before Me. E. Stewart of New York city is in Webster county, and will probably buy a stock farm near Red Cloud, and go into that business. He is very much pleased with Nebraska as com pared with the cold climate of New Vorkjstate, where farming has not yet commenced while farmers in the Re publican valley have been plowing and doing other farm work for a mouth and a half. A Bully Time. On last Sunday F N Richardson and the Rasser Bros had considerable fun in trying to lariat a ferocious bull which they wanted to take out of the corral, and had it not been for the close proximity of the fence the case would have been a seri ous one for Friz. Friz was making a bee line for the fence to get out of the way of the beast, but the infuriated an imal could run faster than Friz, and overtook him, but by presence of mind Mr Richardson dropped down and thereby threw the bull, and before it could gain its equilibrium Friz was safely housed on t'other side of the fence. teea Entker. May 14. The singes of Red Cloud are now busy in their preparations for Queen Esther. Already ever sixty singeis are enlisted. This will undoubtedly be the grandest musical treat Red Cloud has enjoyed for years. It k requested that everyone read the book of Esther to appreciate this cantata fully. The King and Queen, Hainan, Scribe. High Priest, Jews and Persians in full Ori ental costume, will be personated in solos, duets, quartets and choruses. Look1 out for the program next week. EatcrpriMsc MrrrkaBU The fact that the enterprising nrm of Mohart & Fulton, hardware dealers, C. Weiner Clothing merchant, and B. F. Mizer grocer and nueensware dealer have decided to build new brick store rooms 100 feet deep and 25 feet wide, makes The Chief feel jubilant from the lact that such evidences of pros perity leads us to believe that ina few fthort months the west side of the busi ness portion of Webster street, from 3rd Avenue to 5th Avenue will be of solid brick buildings. The above gentleman are paving the way, and it is onlv a nuestion of time when oth- ...,r.i...t ,..t tr.i-A t,. v, ot .a . I' lliril.llillll UlLrTt. Ull Ltll. II'IL.1 UIIU build suitable store room- to keep nace with the irrowin" metropolis of the Republican valley. Messrs. Mor hart &. Fulton and B F Mizer will build a two Eton block each, the store room as designated in last weeks Chief and in addition will make the upstairs into an opera house which is really needed iu Red Cloud. Mr. Wiener's building will be two stories high the first and second stories adapted exclusively to the de mands of his trade. The north block will be built after the design of the Red Cloud National bank block when ever built. This will have the effect of making a handsome number of store rooms. Now who willj le the next one to put up a brick building. Verily, Red Cloud is booming, there having been something like twenty dwellings built so far since January 1st 18S5, and contracts for several more have been let. Keep up the good work and make the city of our adoption grow and expand like the green bay tree. Tba Bridge U.uetioa. Another meeting of our business men was held in Judge Yeiser's office on Saturday nifht, to again discuss the bridge question, lrom a logical business standpoint, a civil engineer who has been making surveys and es timates, ct the different points along the Republican needing bridges, pre sented some very interesting facts and figures relative to the modus operandi cu-l etc. of bridge building. It is a la mentable tact that Welnter county if continually losing a large amount of trade that rightfully belongs to it, by reason of defective bridges and almost impassable roads, these serious draw backs to the malerial prosperity ol the countv are not confined to the vallev ml alone but is rclt severely at the various trade centers throughout the entire county It is estimated that about forty or forty five thousand dollars will prop erly bridge the Republican with reli ible and permanent bridges and some ten or hfteen thousand to bridge the streams and draws, elsewhere in the county and to improve the public roads so that the farmers may be able to leach the market with a full load of products at any and all times, the may so desire. The board of county commissioners meetSaturday and will consider the advisibihty of calling a special election of the people, to vote for or against the issu ing of county bonds, to the amount of $55,000 to be used in improving the highways and bridges of Webster county as above stated. We believe the project a just one and trust that no motives of parsimonious economy may be allowed to retard these much needed and lasting im provements. A mi'sical soiree, will be given at the Baptist church next Thursday, May 7th, by some of the best tallent in the city. TROGIUMME. Overture, Miss Becker, Messrs. Becker and Welch. Organ Selection Miss Lillie Smith. Solo, Mr. Welch. Quartette, Misses Ferguson, Haw kins, Becker and Newhouse. Piano Solo Miss .Sarah Brown. A Glee, Baptist choir. Duet. Piano and violin. Sadie Becker, E(. Becker. Quartett, Mcsrs Plumb, Albright Beachy and Welch. Piano-Polo, Mi? Hattie Skecn. Solo, Miss Gertie Brakefield. Selections. Piano, Violin and Trombone, Miss Becker, Messrs Bee' -er and Houghton. Solo, Mrs Dodd. Piano Duett. Misses Becker and Hawkins. Chorus. Bantist choir. Piano Solo. Mrs. Wood. Trio. Misses Clara Becker, .Hawkins and Ferguson. Admission, 25 cts. Reserved seats 10 cents extra. Tickets at the post office. On Monday evening Charlie Kaley, Sam Garbcr and Will Brakefield "a noble trio of Red Cloud's energetic young men severed the social ties that bound them to this latter day Eden, bade farewell to home and "mother and with the regulation artillery in a leather girdle about their loinsstirted for the land ot the Montezutnas, .Their present destination is Raton, New Mexico where they expect to carve Red skin andjsboot the wild cactus overjthe plains, as all truly courageous cowboys have done, who have eniored that land before them. The Chief drops the silent tear of regret over their depart ure, trusts that "Old Prob." who tem pers the wind to suit the convenience of the weather bureau, will also care for the little Teudcr-footsM and fondly hopes to see them return from their weary pilgrimage in due season, to the city of their first love and again re sume their places in our midst as solid influential citizans. A New Lumber Yaru. W lnm 'Tthis week that Rev Mr Hawlev former- erly of Red Cloud and our old friend B. T. Reed have associated themselves together and will start a lumber yard and feed store on the lots jut between the Commercial house and A. S Marsh's residence and in front of W. D. Forrester's residence. These gen tlemen are well known to the citizens of Red Cloud and Webster and adja cent counties, and we have no doubt but what they will be well re paid for the money they propose to invest in the lumber enterprise in our city. The Chief welcomes these men into the active business circles and wishes them prosperity and success in every particular. Tni will make Red Cloud quite a lumber headquarters, there being now with Reed fc Hawlev four establishments. The new firm will put up a store room 20 by 26 for the flourmnd feed department. Died. At the residence of W. J. Wilson, on April 23, his mother Betsey Wileon, at the age of 85 years, two months and eight dav. She firmly believed the seventh day fs the Sabbath, and died having a living faith that God would raise ner up to be in His everlasting kingdom. Eld. Hoopes speke from the test ot her own choice, Jo. 14: 1-2. e6TH AKKTVEBSABY f Of American Odd-FeHowahlp Bed Cloud. at One of the most interesting events that has transpired for a number of vears in the wav of celebrations took I iiiPt' ii , r;.iv- Anr,1 place m Red Cloud last Monday , April 27, and was the occasion ot tne tmn Annivcrsarv of American Odd-reiiow ship. Red Cloud Lodgo LO. 0. F. of this city, had No. W, been fur perfecting the large j several weeks engaged in i arrangemei ts to entertain number that were expected to Lxt pres ent from the Valley and adjacent ter ritory, and succeeded admirably. Tiiir order is one of Uiejinost flourishing of the many benevolent institutions modern times, and from one lod"p O started in Baltimore oG years ago tney are now numbered bv the thousands, - and its membership by the hundreds of thousands, not only in our own land but its tenets of Friendship, Love and Truth are taught in all ciiilued nations of the earth, and the great work of alleviating the suffering of mankind, caring for the widows and orphans of deceased members, helping the poor and elevating the human race to a higher plane of uselulnes, is being constantly pressed onward, and main- a weary heart has found solace. in uns ortier wnen the world Had seemed to be a vast wilderness, and all hope had lied. Jt l a rougn road to Jerico, bu t sooner or later it must be traveled by all, and at such times when aflliction and trouble comes 'tis well to have a friend, to succor you, for "A friend in need is a frifeiid" in deed," and especially is this true m re iard to Odd-fellowship. They who ;now can speak. It is not surprising then that the organization flourishes, and that all over the broad land the brethren come together to celebrate and renew their vows of friendship. On Monday morning the various lodges from over the Valley came in on the early trams and were met by a delegation of Red Cloud lodge and marched up town, headed by the Red Cloud cornet band. The lirt lodgo to make it appearance was from Blue Hill which was accompanied by their cornet band, and numbered thirty-nine or forty members. I he next ueiegauous cam 2 111 irom me west headed by the Franklin cornet band, and later on in the day halem Lodge to tae number of fifteen or.twen ty came over in wagons and the festiv ities were then commenced, and wer' occasionally enlivened by the "sweet strains of music" floating upon the air from the various cornet bands that were in the city. In fact it was 1 grand holiday, not only for Odd Fel lows but was joined in by mot of our citizens and quite a number from the outlying precinct At 12:30 p. m in accordance with the program the Red Cloud Lodge met at their hall to the number of about fifty and at one o'clock marched to the rink, headed by the Red Cloud band, where they were joined by the visiting brethren and the grand march commenced. At 1:30 p. m. the order was given by Grand Marshal Bayha for the column to move, which they did in the follow ing marner: From the rink the col umn marched north to 7th Avenue thence west to Cedar ct., again north to 9th Avenue and west to Seward St., and south to 2nd Avenue and east on 2nd Avenue to Webster st, and thence north to the rink. at the rink. The following program was fully car ried out by the lodges, and was of a very interesting nature. About two o'clock A. J. Means, acting Noble Grand, called the meeting to order, and prayer .vas offered by the Rev. Geo. W. Hummell, after which the singing 01 the opening one iy ah Odd-fellows took place. A J Kenney was then introduced and on lehalf Of the Red Cloud Lodge delivered an able and appreciative address of welcome to the visiting brethren ladles, which was heaitilv and their ' applauded ' from time to time as the speaker pro gressed. After singing. E. A. Fletcher, of Franklin, in a very few well cho-eu remarks 1 es ponded on behalf of the visiting members. Mr. Fletcher is an enthusiastic brother and his address was most highly appreciated by the brethren and attentively listened to. after which the choir, composed of J F ' Bayha, Prof. Ebangh, Thomas Poyner, ! and Miss Fva Bavha. with Mrs J I Bayha as organist, gave the audience "Annie Laura-" After which the an niversary exercises commenced. The proclamations from the Grand Sire having been read by the secretary of Blue Hill lodge, the Noble Grand and Vice Grand recited the principal ob object of, and the causes which lead to the foundation of the order. After prayer and singing the Rev. E. A Cor net? grand chaplain of the grand lodge of Nebraska, was introduced, and for the space of thirty minutes kept the audience in a pleasant humor by one of the most able addresses that it has been our pleasure to listen to for some time. The good brother is a thorough Odd-fellow, and was loudly applauded all thiough his discourse. We should liked to have given his speech in full, J but have not the space to spire, .itcr closing the anniversary uddre5 a vote of thanks was tendered to Bros. Cornet, Kenney and Fletcher, for the parts which they took in the exercises and also to the bands which had vol unteered the music, and to the choir. Mr Cleaver, of the Orleans Pnxs mov- ed a vote of thanks to Red Cloud for the kind treatment that the visiting have been erected thi Macon, and members had received. Rev E. A. several others are be;ng completed. Cornet moved that the next meeting The Grand Army Pot have ei fated a of the association be held at Orleans. . nice hall for tbemselve. The town On the question being put to the lodge j ha two phv-icians Dr Monroe and it was carried unanimously. Bro J Kehier. and both gentlemen have a Ward, of Frauklin. on invitation, sang j large practice- The village is crtain a comic song entitled "My Thomas ( iy in a most prosperous condition, and Cat" which was ery amusing and ere- The Chief wishes its citizen success. ated a creat deal of merriment. At the next meeting in Orleans the ques tion of making a permanent Valley Association will be diseased. After prayer the exercises closec for the af ternoon, and in the evening a grand ball was given at the rink which was largely attended, and participated in until the small hours appeared, when the "uinxy waltzing" ceased and the merry makers returned to their vari ous hoirfs vowing that it was one of the nuf .njoyable events in the his tory of Odd-fellowship in the Valley. Too much praise can not be bestowed upon the committee on arrangements for their untiring efforts to make the exercises pleasant and profitable to all. Everything was systematized and con sequently passed off harmoniously. It wa& certainly a most pleasant event and enjeyed br all wbV took part In I the days' exfdcez. TK FOOLS NOT ALL DEAD. x Vdcb? Mam rrr.ni Illioi tin: Victim Cuafcdcace .lira. On la! Satuidav a vounr lrom Ill- :; rfviair his name as L. rielter. j landed in Red Cloud and registered at I the Gardner Houe. He wapeeming- i a voung man who was looking np a ,- - r Le T5cwjnK :he great west j 0IJ a pCJMIure trip, tbi. nh statements our reporter did not make inquiry, as neither one was of much moment to the event which occurred further on in the day. by which the ounc man was inveigled into a shrewd confidence game, oper ated bv two alleged sharpers, wearing the names ol f XI V Pnrrl tnri K F Fr. jrleson ciCM John-am, who are not unknown to our police, having oper- . . xT lb utetl their schemes m mis env uunng of I la-it fall, when a number of people wcrC "t'Cceu OUI Ol scvera; nuuurcu I .J. .11 1 ......:.. 11,. ,r,A r.f nn y r 1 I 1 I ,i I .i .. r. .. i... ....V,. ,.-t,c iK VB1AI1 ISVIIII. a Mil 7A 1 . A. A. A r ft.k AJ fe won.hv lo- of something like $300 for few minutes experience and a treat deal of glorious anticipation, and for this and other rauses these said traveling sharks one morning bid a fond adieu to our peaceful village- and "flitted" fur a more congenial field of lalor and more perfect olvcurity from the piy jiig eyes of detectives, who were m search of them, to th story goes. The ! young man m question had some $9U in his possession, and the confidence operators discovering the fact, very po litely invited him into their room to spend the evening, letting on to the . llhnow, youth that thev were in search of !nmj, and a few minutes later thev . - . -- . were quietly seated in the aid apart ments. A little later one of the sharp ers very carelessly drew from his pok et a bunch of envelope containing cards with numbers on them. Thf operator of the acheme then produces a etiart with numbers on it correspond ing with those in the enveloies. The figures on the chart specify the amount of money to be drawn by the numlers, rmt of which draw worthless prizes. j While the operator is shullling the en j velope- he pun'-ely exposes a num- her in one of the envelopes. The vic tim in deceived in the number, and thinking to draw a prize falls readily into the scheme. The victim pavs his money and the operator Rives him his onvpl'itjiv rrmlmn5rir t)i nntKnr hlH u.,on opf.mn tiem i,e finds thev . contnin 0thmg but northle-s prizes, , Thf. Si,cker Bov" dropped a little nmller 0f 9t before realizing that he wjis being swindled. The capper then wrote out a check and otlered it to his companion, which h refused, and both soon afterwards hurried from the room to catch the outgoing east hound train. In the meartnne ihwir victim had notified Deputy Sheritl" Ball, who with his usual promptness arrested the guilty parties at the depot just as the , train wiw pulling ouL It is strange J after the oft repeated warnings of the pres. that any person possessing com mon hor-e sense can be so easily vic timized. Hardly a day pas-es that the people are not warned, and indeed The Chiki- has called the attention of the people to these swindlers more than once within the lat eighteen months. The people should beware all such schemes of designing men, whoe only purpose 1 to rob the un suspecting and thereby gain a living without work. On Monday the par tics 'arrested were before a legal tri bunal, and after the evidence had been produced in the case, they were fined fifty dollars and co-ts AT WELLS. LlttJf Villa lhlff. The Itcaniifnl Viitrl by Thr On lnt Tuesday, in company with our friend F. E Gnhle, of the Nebraska Lumber Company, The Cuiei took a trij) overland to the village of Wells, situated in the north part of Webster, eTine twenty miles distant from the metropolis of the state of Webster The drive to Neils from Red Cloud take." a person through some of the grandest rolling prairie to be found or imagined. All along the way, and as far a- the eve could see, there could be observed well improved farm, good frame hou-e, barn-, fine grove., and in lact one would think tiiat ehtcr county had been settled nearer fifty years than fifteen. Tne farmers are thrifty and enterprising. From the McQuilkin farm north the land grow more level a you leave the river and advance to the wetand north, and the traveler see- helore him one 'vaRt, stretch of fine farming country d thickly with farm hou-, bams, dotted etc. The farmers on the divide apparently turn their attention more to direct farming than stock raUin, as nearly every farm is planted to small cereals. About two o'clock we arrived in Wells, and after dining at the Hotel dc Aultz, our menu itouic ana ihe l-hief ram bled around the village for the purpose of taking in the sights. Tne totx or wells is situated in a little valley, and is skirted on the north, west and eat by quite a growth of timber that crows along the banks of theiittle Blue. The location of the village could not have been better selected if the originators had med the county over. The busi ness of the village is represented by the following firms, all of whom are doing a splendid business. W G Aultz hotel anu blacksmith shop; Alexander & Dovle, general merchandise; Mrs Lockhart, groceries; Jno D Storev, ?nicr. Morhart & Pulton, hardware, John Ramsell, blacksmith; S Alexan der, livery sLible; 0 G Roterte. harne? and saddlery hardware; Mr Simpson, billiard liall; Mr Hoffman, general merchant, and A L Funk, agricultural implement. Several new dwellings prosperity and riches. To the people af Red Cloud and vi cinity: I am desirous of reducing my stock in the next 20 days, a I am compelled to move my building in or der to erect a new brick store room! B. F. Mizer. The Tortb End Grocer. Go to B F Miser for iroceries and aueensware. Prices to suit the tiarf Large and complete stock of goods to select from. Z9if It will pay ladle- wantinr shoes for the themselves or children to examine large variety at the Golden Eagle. Go to B. F. Miser for groceries and qneensware. Prices to suit the times. Irge and complete stock of goods to select torn. . 29tf o of i Marysville- THE V No Reason TO COMPLAIN ABOUT HIGH PRICES I Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. Now sold at the Golden Eagle, One price Clothing Store LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED JEFOHE. Will be pleasedto show you stock and prices and convince yon that yon save money by buying of us. C, WIENER, Proprietor. KEW STORE, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES. a olow we quo to a few prices of our troodn and rcspoctf ul)y roqucnt tho public to cull iiad bo convinced ofthouo ttusUn. Steel Spectacles - 10c Brooches, rolled plate, 20c Brooches, rolled plate, - 25c Brooches, rolled plate, 30 to 60c Cuff pins, rolled plate, - 18c Cuff pins, rolled plate, 20 to 45c Clocks, nickel, - Clocks, alarm Violins, Silver spoons, Batter Dishes, foe. Xapkm Ring. 30c Watch Chains', 25c, Accordion, kl. Clocks, striking, 2.45. Elgin Watches, Nickel Watches, Thoc are bnt a few of the WOSDKRFt'L PRICES of gut good- It M II.-T be remembered al-o that we FTLLY WARRANT and GUARANTEE thc good' as good as the best. Ion't forget the place, four door norm of p ofiice, WRIGHT & WALLACE, Jewelers. Red Cloud. Red Cloud Music House. Sterling, Packard & WesternC ottage Organs Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines. Steinway, Weber & Paris Pianos. I wiah to inform lb ptople ot Wetwter and mdjoir.i-r.g oocsAXstbt I hT opned a music store oc Wc&ster Avense, oppocfeo Flat: 4s Tim' Lembcr yard whar will be foaada aoppty o? Organe. Fiiteoe aad Sowing raacblaee, which will ba aoid as cbaap aa eaa bo bocht of the "B1 Maddy," althar tor "10?" A Ki'fUr fljiL S -Floor ! GROCER, -wt p" 90c $1 35 $2.25 to $6 plated set 60c 35 00 4 00 caaa or tor aaay parses!. J. S.KOLL -"e u f le r .A L ssr is &.'