J . I n;ri HjfcSS 3"" 7tV5 PbSf-J-rtSI BWTS- " I -lrf B" i' ' r z" -! V rar iiry'C P;.3 r-i V vM-n IV i,. V51- f 4 jsT" 7 -.'! J" J i. ... 3- irStT . J W r i ' r -ArJk. ta i R B I .-1 . i 3 .-'i'SL 'SS '1JL The Rb:el(5loud Chief A.C.WOSMEW, - - PrtpflU FKJDAY. MAY J, 1885. COWLES. Farmers are planting corn. (ieiitle Annie and the twliool girl are gathering prairie flower. Our carpenter and painters are hav ing plenty of work. Mr C W Fuller and her daughter (irace, are visiting with relative und frauds in Iowa. l;r Bciienck wag on the sick lift lflt week, hut we are glad to ki.ow that he i a well ait ever again. tj T Clark haa been bick a few days, but we hope to lee him around again auoii. While unloading ties one day but week, T A Waggoner did not remove hi hand quite oorfenough, and as a omheqiience Dr Schenek had to dress two maehed fingers for him. Little Hatchet. :k- CATHEBTON. Health good. rarniere look for a large crop ot wheat and corn. Catherton can now boast of a notary public, in pewon G P Cather. He is well qualified to fill the office. Jacob Cure is devoting his time to raicing an ash grove. Ry Burt sold the largest steer in this part of the county. Ago, three years; weight 1700. Look at Nell Bartlftt's new buggy. Eddio Britten received a nainlul X'ound in his arm accidently from a knife. Wm Britten and Mr McDonald are drawing their hogs to Red Cloud to market. 'J he Danes have engaged a minister from Hastings, of the Lutheran Church He preaches every first and fourth Subbsith at Cathers school house. The directors of the Plainview cem etery have purchased the fencing for the grounds We now have an en closure lor the dead. I want a wife, Wild Jake. GUIDE BOOK. Mr. and Mrs A Garberhave returned fiom Hot Springs, Ark. A good many strangers are visiting theirdiflerent friend in this place. J M Marsh has retired from the firm of Marsh Bros'. M Phillips has gono to north-west Kansas to live. A M Talbot will commence making brick this week. John Mirsh is remodeling his house which makes it look much better. The base ball nine organized last week will soon be in readiness for iheii summer's campaign. Our new B t M agent is liked yery much. Some very fine fish are being taken from the river at this place. The nurseryman from Red Cloud was here one day last week. Mr Kelsey. who lives south of town, had three cows killed by lightning last Monday night. Editor Newmeyer'g little been quite sick, also a baby girl boy has has arrived at the same place. Jim Hubble's smiling faco was seen on our streets Monday momi.ig. TttlXIE. INAVALE. The April breezes are genty sighing around our heads, and the April mud around our feet. The cheerful sons; of the locust will soon be heard, and also the mournful chirp of the lark. All combined with the buzz of The Chief correspondent tends to make life mis erable. Quite an exodus from here on lat Monday. S J Melton and family. X D Biooks and family, and II S Bailey and family started for Hayes county, Seb, there to make their future home. They take with them a drove of 1.50 cattle and a large bunch of lino horses and colts. Mr Ferry, a cheese maker froni Pennsylvania, has arrived and will take charge of the cheese making in the factory this summer. A. brother of A J Worthington arriv ed from California last Saturday. He will visit here a short time. Another dance last week, at which everybody was in attendance. Ono Eentlenian of mature years was seen oppmg around like a vouth, and was heard to say afterwards ''first dance I've been to in eighteen years." The proceeds of the dance went to the poor orphans. G W Knight is fencing a fine pas ture. N E Harvey has returned from his trip to the west. Whether he liked it we have not learned. Anthonv Schaeffer, the gardener, is way ahead with his garden fruit. He has onions as large as hen eggs, and other stuff in proportion. His water melons will soon be ripe (it is fondly hoped). A L Gray has moved into the new building owned by Mr. Vance. He will soon commence the erection of a large and commodious house. Frank Holcomb, brother of Harmon and an old resident of this vicinity, has arrived with his family and a car load of goods, among which are two Yery fine horses. Frank will try farm ing this summer- The Rev McMeekin, of Red Cloud, waa up visiting parishoners last Satur day. PS McGuire and lady, of Guide Bock, were visiting friends in this place last Sunday. Mrs Anthony Arnison is quite sick. Dr Hall, of Red Cloud, is attending her with good success. A birthday party a short time since was the finest event of Aristocracy Hill. Several leading characters from abroad were present, among whom were two young ladies from Red Cloud sod some parties from Biverton. All the gentlemen were future senators representatives and presidents. Leg islators, postmasters and other minor government officers were not there. Gad. The Old Fair Ground at Auction, Kay 23. The Webster County Agricultural Society have determined to sell the old fair grounds lying east of the city, em brtcing 6ome 40 acres, at public auc tion on May 23. This will certainly be a bonanza for some man to get a good piece of land on easy terms. Don't io.get the date. May 23. 3St4 For the lien and Boys. I have the Walker boots and shoes and will give you wanauiv on vvery oair you buy. Try them. jl. a. auEsiH. STILLWATER. As yeu have an "occasional" corres pondent from here I i bought you would not object to me filling up the space left by him. The past week we had an abundance of rain. Our soil here i such that if we have sufficient rainfall we ar sure of a good crop if only planted in prop er shape. The Presbyterians are making an effort to build a church nere, and so far have been successful in getting subscriptions. Mr. Hugh Mclutyre has been circulating a subscription paper on which he had between four and five hundred dollars several days ago. Hope he may be successful in getting all that is needed. Rev Fulton is pastor of the K P Churth, and is an excellent preacher, and preaches ev ery other Sabbath. In laft week's paper "Occasional" asks what is to be thought of a justice of the peace who will allow profanity in a public meeting. It has been gen erally understood that it is the duty of of the moderator to keep order in school meetings. If there Was pro fanity it must have been in a very nild tone of voice. Did "Oecasiona"' do his duty by keeping silence, and not calling the attention of the moder ator to It at the time. Probably in his next article he will tell us what the profanity was. Citizen. The Chicago Btoro, Hi verton. The Chicago 8tore, Riverton, Ne braska, has just received their new spring stock, which is the largest in Franklin county. They are making greater inducements this year than ever "to get your trade. 38-2w The Queen of the Wheat-field, the Peering twine binders with steel cut ter bar, sold by Spanogle fc Son. Suits suitable for all vocations from a $4 working suit to a good wedding suit, at the Golden Eagle, at prices that will defy competition. Good Paettxrajr Cha. R. Bwse will take cows to pasture for $1.00 per month at the "Home Farm." See him. m " Dukixc. the month of May every thing in the line of silverware we will fceil at 35 per cent, discount. WKKK'T & ALLACE. Violin trimmings at Wright & Wal lace's. We will be pleased to meet all our old customers at our new stand, Third Avenue, one door west of Miner Bros, brick block. Spanojjle & Son. All Hail! The farming public will be gratified to know that the Continental Insur ance Company of Now York, has em barked in the Insurance of growing crops against loss or damage from hail, f he Continental does the largest farm Insurance business in America. Its popularity is the reHult of years of honorable treatment of its patrons. Its past record is the best evidence of its future course. With nearly Five Mill ion dollars of gross assets the indem nity offered is unquestionable. The loss to fanners in the west Inst year by hail was enormous, the danger this year from the same cause is imminent A word to the wise is sufficient. Delays are dangerous. Insure at once against Hail in this old and reliable Company. For particulars call at Tub Chief office. C. E. Wood, Agent. Notice. To whom it may concern: I hereby forbid anj person digging or drawing sand from my land south of the river !U B McNitt. Lawks will please not read tho fol lowing article: 'Alp? pods Jiaui SI AiaM0r pUV SdtprBM OdU 3ttJtW(I -31 osv "8aawiIw.V y T1SHA 1 "! -jo ai smuftiRq jo Oina oq uvo noA 'jj ptoi (n u.u'op opisdn jadtid atp uani oj Aiieouna tnotia'oDuiAa iou ii. caip8( ail) Avouif om ey :uauia)ua3 oj, ALL SORTS Buy the Brown coruplanter. A. L. Funk has the best line of culti vators in town. Children's shirt waists from 40cts apiece, upward at tho Golden Engle. New arrival of fresh teas and coflee at Marsh's. Hats of all descriptions at the Gold en Eagle. Question. Why does A. S. Marsh sell more dry goods than all the mer chants in Red Cloud. New square shawls just arrived at Marsh's. New invoice of parasols and sun umbrellas at Marsh's. Kerosexe only 20 cents per gallon at Storey's. Get your machine oils at Cotting's. O. H. MaryAtt makes a specialty of fine watch repairing and warrauts all work. Mixed paints in ono half pint, pint and quart cans at Cotting's. Henry Cook the 4th Avenue drug gist has" an elegant line of druggist sundries. No trouble to show goods, Call and examine them. A sew stock of C B & Q mixed paints at Cotting's. Flour of all grades and at all prices atStoiey's. Just received, a fresh tock of fiu groceries, confectionery, canned good and provisions at Storey's. Buy the Brown corn planter. BEAUTiFUL'.flowering plants for salt at Cotting's. Doll carriages in endless varitie at Cook's drug store. Iron, Tlow steel, Mngle-trees, Neckf vokes, and Hade chains for sale bv G W. Dow. 32tf Itch and scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This never fails. Sold by B B Sherer, drug gist, K3d Cloud. 22-ly Compare mv prices with those of other firms. 1 will save you from ten to twenty five per cent, on anything in my line. U. . aiaryatt. Choicest line of canned goods in the market ani at the lowest prices at Storey's. I don't claim the largest stock in the state, but have plenty of fresh new goods. The latest designs in everything kept in a fiart class jewelry establish ment. O H Maizyatt. Call and see Storey for your groce ries and flour. He sells flour from $1.80 to 2.50 per hundred weight. 32t Barnes check rowers for sale by Spanogle & Son. For early planttnr call for the "Chi cago Market" potatoes, at Miner Bros. 35-4t. Harmoxtcas rind all ?th! musica goods at Wright A Wailace's. Plows, Cultivators, Harrows, and Ha' Rakes for sale by G. W Dow. O. H. Maryatt is the reliable andt eading jeweler of Red Cloud. Pai.vts and oils at Cotting's. Just received a splendid assortment of hammocks and swing at Henry Cook's drug store. Violin, banjo and guitar strings at Wright fc Wallace's. Headquarter for all kinds of men's shoes at the Golden Eagle. Exclusive sale of Selz celebrated make. 'i he Deering, the Warrior, and the Thompson chain mowers, for sale by Spanogle k Son. 39 For the Ladies and Children. I have received Rochester made Ladies' shoes, also the Walker shot which are the best manufactured goods in the United States. I will warrant every pair perfect or no sale. Try them. A. S. Marsh. BRrTfiffil Iki -THE S BE5T TONIC ? ThU medicine, combining Iron with van Vegetable tonics, qulckljr tnd eompletaly Cares Urocpftla, IaAlett. WmkaM Iajare BIM4, M alarU,CBUla a Pevcn 1t li anunSJlllnf remedy fcr Diseases of the ZMaeys aa4 Liter. It U Intalueble tor Plwa I?,1 Women, and all who lead sedentary Jives. Itdoc no: injure tbe teeth.cause headacbe.nr jroduce constipation cthrr Iron mtdtamt do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids tbe awimllatlon of ood. ry .lece Heartburn and Belchior. and strenfUv ens the miwcies and oerres. For Intermittent FeTera. Lassitude, Lack of Energy. c., it has no equal. J Tbe cenuine has abore trade m ark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. eteaslyky MOWS CllSllfit CBk. RiLTIIOU,aa for Eraatioi. Bidn will be received up to 12 M of Mav 15, 1SS5, for the excavation and removing the dirt from loth 10 and 9, blocJ5, in Red Cloud, 'cb. said ex cavation will be fifty feet front by one hundred feet back, seven feet deep, more or less. Each bid must be ac companied by sufficient bond to insure good faith. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Bids addressed to R B Fulion, Superintendent, at Mor hart & Fulton's. 39 2w FOR SALE A Good Farm. riMIF UNBERSIfSliKD wishes to sell tils farm I of 160 iicres lie miles northwest of lna vale, an! 7 miles from itivertou. t;ood lann dwelling, staolc, some fruit trees Good Living Water, Well and Spring:. 70 acres cultivated, This farm will be sold at an Immense bargain If imrclmsed noon. For further particulars call at the farm or address meat Inavule, Webster to., Nebraska. . ..., , 4t N. B. HARVEY. Delmonico Restaurant. Is fully prepared to Serve Msah at ill Hour: I At 25c. We do our beM to please our customers. J. H. TRIMBLE & CO. Real Estate 10COO Acres B. &M. RailwayLands ! Webster Counts at from $5 to $10 per acre. Improved and Unimproved Forma on easy terxnb. Several Well "Watered Stock Ranches at bargains. C. W. KAJ.EY, Agent, Red Cloud Neb Young Clyde Will make Uk season ot lcv. at Ue "Home Farm" In RJ Blond. VoanpriTileHadarklMiY. weJtto about 1 pnaiKts. ts :6V, hands hixh and b Are yean Id He (4 a horseol fine U'e and action. He as s!pm! bv an imported Cljdesdale. Ills dam was aClcreiand B"y. TESMS To ult the tiroes. Mooer dae nhea xnare N known to be with foal. Persons rutrttBC with mares t-ofore foaling win be held fr the iu- I suraAcc money. I will not be responsible for ChasR FINAL PROOF NOTICE LandOOee, BIooiBinxton. 5etx, Aprtl 99. tMS. NOTICE IS HEKKBY GIVEN THAT THE following naBMrf settr ess tied soUce C hla intectloo to auke inal proof In sappott C his claim, and that said proof win be taade fee lire elrrk of court. WcVter eoBnty. at Ba Ckmd. Neb., on Monday, June 1. 1W, tU: JAMES D. CBOSBT. On homestead number Mil far tkeaw !4 MM- west. He names tbe foUowiar wtooats to prore bta coaUaaou rasickre apoas and enlti vatioa of said Uad. viz: Byron C. Burt. Milium Bacdall. of A"BaUaad. Xet.: WiUlara i). Hall. MiMr Doyle. ar ells. Xeb. Bartoa W. Baab. wbo filed pre-cHipsioo D. S. No Utt. aad Mcbslaa Yensen. wbo fled pre-epUaa I. S. u Hm S7M on aarae tnd of Uad, are krreby noUled toaiwearat tbe sasw ttsaa aad ataee and sbow I caase why NUd preid kwad not be allowed. 9 .-v n. onti,r.bT aruicr 1111 I i 11 a plii Notice TO ANY PARTIE8 WANTING WELLS. I km Apply iu person ur oy letter to Can field $ Partes, Blue Hill, Neb., Hardware and Windmill Merchants. lOiEIM BAT AT FORRESTER'S Furniture and Fancy Notion Parties wishing Furniture will save money by oxamininff my (roods before purchasing elsewhere. new mm &nb notiws Arrivinir over day. In connection with mv furnitur T hnvn h. in.nn Arriving every day. In connection with my furniture I havo a largo supply cf all kinds of notions with Prices to Suit the Buyer I Such as Tinware, Soaps, Glasswaro, Towols, Handlcerchiofs. kc, will bo sold cheaper than at any piaco in Rod Cloud CHAS. BUSCHOW, President, Robt V SHIREY, Tronsurer. NEBRASKA & KANSAS FAKM MAI CAPiTAL,50,00O. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS: R.J).Pono?. O.C.Cjvc. R.V.Shirev, Chan. Hu.-chow. R. R. F'tlton E. F. lliirbland, CJeo. B. Holland, D. M. J'lalt. Cieo. J. Wurrcu. MONEY LOANED on iruprhved farms iu Nebraska ami Kansas. Money furninhed soon m the security is approved. Principle and inte-iest payable in Red Cloud. OFFICE IN RED CLOUD NATIONAL RANK I'UILDINO. Get Tour Specks Lautes', cluiuren'a, and men's lry goods and notions, fthoe and furninb ing Roods, hat, caps, and Ptraw gotnls are cheapcr'than evor before known. Carpet are cheap. I am selling them at, smaller profits ;than ever. I want your trade, and will try to make it to your interest to come and nee me and get price. Have a complete "took of groceries ami wooden wnre at lower prices than ever. I want your e,'Bs and butter. 'BWBWaWaSaSaSBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBW READ THIS X&KmMiiti saK aaesMs sqqdb A rJGW Killincrv In Endless MRS Wbo is daily reotlvlotf a Tin mad Begant Line of Ladies' Dress Goods, of all varieties, Spring Dry Goods, in all varieties, Elegant Line of White Goods, Trimmings, Scc. 8ooh as Hambtmra, Xratlaatiaa. Hodttry, Notlooa, Ac. Larva Lis Prico as uauaL tho VXBY JAMES DILLINGHAM, OF BL.UJE HILL, Issrv prtparti t: pot sowi m mm ras ! rHalriir had fiie yars exprneocr lew 11! make a f.rt-clx m-U iucludiusirrtlii:ctiuiplrlrMina:trrnhat V!d ololl U to trutra:rd. uutckvard dexs not binder. fries &r a 7tl!, Pnnp izi aX Css loUirjtr esci jbci A rraouaMe deduction wllIU- madr to tlue bo bar an old well to cumtiirjiet: U!u K-bicmlr ther? Is a l aRA.NTEK Khca tor a UOOl A ULLor .NO l'AY. i:i Bazar, and B. F. HIGHLAND, Vico-Prosldont, ri "Variety at c k a', r 4, f.Tr nrrw iT'a t t-m-tz. t.' t i aj r r frL. -T' j mm . NEWHOUSE'S Torchon Lace and New line of Ladias NcJrroar, dec. lowast aad dofy oolspatxtioa. "Horn 3J ITea in General is the LOKI3f Ol T TO iYVX nr.SL5XJ. Goto Lt t son's for Low Prids. GOODS MUST BS SOLD. The Celebrated Stallion ! COLONEL Hill m.'ifce tl.o i-.n : ! Ftirni at AmUv. At our l-KDIGKKK. Colonel t a iliirk lwy, IT 1mm! lj;h. wt'thi ITSu pounds, anij tHi jcrolil li? Mir .- An Iff'jMTrtt! IVrdicnui-Nonnnn. Atul 1i- '! w , , tlmrotji;h.lrol Morgan, wliii'i iiiko I Cul)tU'J one of tho Best Horses for .Breeding Purpose . J I'l uJrr n.: i r Jv l r t . TKKMr fl to .ntnn M--f,f iluo wh-n m irr L a i lVron pirtjiic with itmri tvl.ro !mhnj,j wj'i ln I r .1 : t . .tc . C,to wil. It? tn'Kcn to jrcvu.t ait t!ouL l-ul p m!. i : l t-i that mav occur. TfASSPU?. BUO. We Do slQt Follow SHOES HAND AND MACHINE SEWED. Manufactured for Fln Retail Trad, by the R00LT0ED BOOT 4 SHOE Mro. 00. ROCKFORD, ILL: Ai"o have ,i rim jd t and t Ii.'aiit lir.' -J !.ad' A lull line of JLMoiv Old Stand, Red Cloud. A, I Zrdir A HOUSES FOR SAL ytore Building and Lot corner Webster ;: and Fourth Avenue Storo Building and Lor on Fourth Avonuo. Houho iuhI thr lotH. HouDo mid hIx Iota on Fourth Avouuo. IIouho ftiitl two Iot on Wobator istrout. Houho and two lot on Codur trnot. Throo Houboa and four lotw on Sntrd StrL AIho, Farm of 239 ncron u'Ood irnprovrment. Apply to i MkV wB 'if 3. I at -iu f -- MvmcSmBmCBwKSBSSsHWf4BSf i Bfl BSv K IStTtl tSK t Mrs. S. F. SPOKESFIELD, Havictf recently purchajjed tho MlUinory SsUtbUahrooiit ot : ler, la now ready to exhibit tho Latest Styles in .Bonnets, &c. . Sha also keep a variety of Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Corsets. Neelrv AncJ every thing in the millinery line, Wiii also furniah th& Indlom with Fancy Work ax&teriete tcr A- CheuIUsa. Qannoc rods etc Call and sa iwr Best Policy LETS on . u r.i: i.v && 3 B ni"t i h i.r- ft-tin if . - ai!! wVnrki5?tr ?iho s ffte s !M T.W.SHERWOO' - s 11 5miiK JWk li. SM!7. Capital $ JJ peclat AtfjntJon C Cctlc 'jrn Cuy arwj . i Jakj teli - ,- Inter' ' tnu4? dtou Millinery, E W 1 C erase f 1 YOp QalCl !!P M W , Bui Lear ?2 7 A- T tsf RM k f w - - - w -m -5 r- r5 n n - o f j n CO M i&tk tTt lUly --X k r V U-igi Wt5&3$S$Mi? &&.&&&- &miiJG3'!&''l &&&, t -