The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 01, 1885, Image 2

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i C. HQSME!., Publisher.
Vienna has granted Johann Strauss
the freedom of the city and lifo-long
exemption from income tax.
Fuedekick J. Faugus, better known
in literature as "Hugh Conway," was
reported very ill at Monte Carlo.
William Bayles, of Kings
ton, X. Y., died recently in his eighty
third year- He ran the stage coaches
on the famous old New York and Phil
adelphia mail and stage route between
New Brunswick and Newton nearly
half a century ago.
A. Shultze, tho anarchist, who was
expelled from Switzerland in 1881, and
who headed the recent anarchist agita
tion in Italy, has been invited to at
tend the International Conference
which it to assemble in ("eneva for the
purpose of arrangingicicntific methods
of preventing the siread of cholera.
' The Empre-s of Austria would cut
no mean figure in a go-as-ou-plcase
walking-match. One day recently she
left the Santa Cecilia, Lord Alfred I'a
get's .steam yacht, at Deal, and walked
thence to Dover. On arriving at Dover,
she went by train to Folkestone, walked
back, and then rejoined the yacht, bav
in r walked no less than eighteen mtles
during the day.
Wam. STitr.KT is losing its old lead
ers. Air. (Jould and Mr. Sago aro no
l)iig:r active; Mr. Vanderbilt is re
)i:iring to leave it altogether; Mr.
Woerishoefler goes to Europe, and Mr.
Keeno and I). (). Mills are out of the
market. (.'aiimiaek, Osborne, and
Travers are no longer energetic. The
new coiners are Deacon Whito and
Messrs. Shiyback, Lewis Hell and
Charlev ,Iohn.
(JiiAiti.ns, the obnoxious negro editor
who recently headed a delegation to
interview the President respecting the
recognition K be accorded the colored
people and then was unexpectedly con
fronted with a copy of his paper con
taining an incendiary editorial justify
ing ns-nt-tmation by the Southern ne
groes in the event of Mr. Cleveland's
installation, was bounced from his com
fortable fourteen hundred dollar clerk
ship in the War Department.
Tin: (overnmentof the United States
is about to have a new great seal.
Strange as it may seem, it has been
di-eovcivd that the seal in use since the
foundation of the Coverumcnt is not
designed in accordance with the law
which directed its construction. It is
faulty in several respects, notably in
the number rf arrows in the claw of
the eagle, also in the shield and in
other respects. The new seal is to
correspond in every particular with
the statute.
LiKfTKXAXT SriiKt'TZi: will take with
him a jrold medal to pre.-ent to Vasilli
Uobrowskev, alias Vasilli Xoolmoort
(One-Karcd Rill), when he leaves to
distribute rewards to the natives in the
vicinity of the Lena Uiver, who aided in
discovering DeLoiio;s party. "Rill'' was
jiven his alias because he had but one
ear. The medal is about the sie of a
silver dollar, and contains on one side
the words: Presented by the Presi
dent of the United States." On the
other side tho name of the recipient
will he inscribed.
A Mr.XACKttiK was recently burned
at Roubaix. Department of Xord,
Fniuce, and many of the wild animals
were roasted to death. There was
great danger at one time of the beasts
escaping anil the citizens became
furious over the neglect of the police
to prevent or extinguish the lire. A
mob seized the police on duty aud com
H'Ucd them to eat portions of the
burned animals. The officers soon
after became terribly ill with symptoms
somewhat resembling those of cholera.
The mysterious disease quickly spread
to other victims, and has now become
At a meeting of rich and influential
land owners in London recently, which
was attended by the Duke of Argvle,
the Karl of Carnarvon and the Marquis
of Ripon, it was resolved to take steps
for the immediate formation of a large
corporation, to be called the "National
Land Company," for the puqtosc of
securing a gradual breaking up of the
large parcel" system of land owner
ship, now injuriously prevalent in (Jreat
l.ritain. The present plan of the new
organization is to bin- up land at
wholesale and sell it out in lots not to
exceed fort acres under conditions
likely to cause further subdivision and
prevent the aggregation of titles. The
company will in all likelihood buy for
cash, and sell on deferred payments
covering at least ten vears.
J.Mts D. Fish, the ex-President of
the Marine Bank, in a recent eross-ex-amination
throws some lirht on the
way in which the funds of the bauk
were illegally used. He said he knew
that he had no right to loan, more than
ten per cent, of the bank's money to
any linn. He made these loans to licti
tious persons for the purpose of evad
ing the law. The witness considered
the standing of the firm of (irant &
Ward very high. He understood that
they could pay thirty-six per cent, upon
Government contracts. He drew half
a million of prolitsfrom Grant & Ward
is two years. A greater portion of it
-was paid back. He put in more than
'he took out. Witness believed th&t
Grant & Ward had the assignment of
contracts to supply the Government
with grain, hat, beef and other articles.
"Ward completely imposed upon him
and struck the bank for about $700,000.
2 ''.- . .- - - - ii - m immth i Tn-HTrf-Mi i a n urn
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J 1L W .T . " T TC - " 1 ' - - t ---.. - - .TuiS.Ji. . .- . - a MHk .1 Ml - -. ' - I KIJI ' W - "l- l .
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A Summary of tho Daily News.
Anthony W. Keii.t, of Virginia, re
cently nominated and commissioned
United States Minister to Italy, will de
cline the position, not wishing to embar
rass the administration by reason of the
objections that might be offered by the
Italian Government against him.
Mn. Takt, tho American Minister to Rus- ,
ia, who had bocn ill for some time, was
rejorted convalescent.
Ho.v. A. M. Wyman, Treasurer of tho
United States, has tendered hid resigna
tion, to take effect May 1.
Assistant Seckktakt or State Pokteii
was recently challenged to fight n duel by
ex-Kepre.sentatiro Whitthorue, of Tennes
see. The note of challenge was returnel
without answer.
Lieutenant Chaules H. Jciid, who was
nt Aspinwall when that place was burned
some day ago and who was condemned bv
a medical survey and sent to New York bv
rmntnnnilnr IT..ti Ims .-. ,.1nr.MI in nn
" " '-v.. .U..'., . ..VW. ,..V-.. ... ..
insane uylum.
OhI-ando W. Powebs, of Kalamazoo,
Mich., bus been appointed Associate Jus
tice of the Supreme Court of Utah.
Anothek account of the- death of Unrrios
says Unit he was killed by a sharpshooter
from a tree.
It was rumored that Mr. Keiley, who de
clined the Italian mission for certain
reasons, would bo apoiuted to the Rus
sian mission.
A TEitninc explosion of gas occurred In
the I'lurnix Colliery at I'ittstoii, I'a., the
other morning. About ono hundred men
were in the ruiuo at tho time, and many of
them wero severely burned, though none
vvero fatally hurt.
Thf grand jury at London returned true
bills againft Cunningham nml Burton, the
dynamiters, for trenoii-felony, and also
commended tho police for their manage
ment of the affair.
The Oklahoma Isomers under Captain
Couch, it was believed, would temporarily
disperse to their homes.
It was reported at I'ongolathat tho rival
Mahdis had met in battle ami that the
original Mahdi was defeated, losing two
Governcrs. El Obeid, it was also reported,
had been plundered and burned.
A cyclone struck Iienison, Tex., the
other evening. Many houses were wrecked,
but no lives wero reported lost.
The credit demanded by Mr. Gladstone
in tho British Parliament on the 21st
amounted to .j.V,uoo,0)0. Some of it was
for tho purpose of railroad building in
Kgypt, but tho Premier was very signifi
cant in stating that it was neces.-nry for
the Government to hold tho resources of the
Empire for instant uso in other directions
if required.
Winans, the American millionaire and
Scotch landowner, has been sued for di
vorce by a woman named Soalfield, with
whom he had been living since 1S71. The
features of tho case wore .similar to those
of the Hill-Sharon divorce .suit.
Kl'itTHEK volcanic eruptions have oc
curred on tho eastern! of tho island of Java.
One hundred persons vvero reported killed.
A kike nt Vicksburg, Miss., recently de
stroyed .fiV),000 of property.
Two trains camo into collision on the
Reading Railroad recently and a third ran
into the wreck.
It was reported recently that Ilig Bear
would join Kiel with twelve hundred
l'AUis journals were ready to declare.
war on (Jreat Britain for instigating tho
Mippre.sion of the Jlusphnrr Eyyplifn news
paper in Alexandria. Threats of lKimbard
ing Alexandria vvero made.
I'EmiYVlM.K, on the Tennessee River,
was destroyed by fire recently, the work of
att incendiary who sought revenge ou a
man by burning his resilience.
The analysis of the contents of the stom
ach of 1'reller, murdered at the Southern
Hotel, St. Louis, somo days ago by Maxwell,
indicated that he had died by inhaling
At Chicago, the other evening, Charles
It. Shultz, an electrician, lost his balance
nml grasped tho rod which supplied an
electric lamp. Ho was unable to let go,
and hung writhing to the swinging lamp
until some one stopped tho engine which
supplied the current, when ho fell to the
sidewalk dead.
Russia has asked Sweden anil Norway
to close the Baltic against British war
ships. But little hope of peace existed on
the -'.ill.
Officers succeeded in capturing twelve
persons on tho Forest branch of tho Welsh
Mountains of Pennsylvania, charged with
committing numerous burglaries aud cre
ating incendiary tires.
The Pullman car works at Philadelphia
were destroyed by lire rccoutlv. Loss,
On the morning of tho Hist a terrible
rainfall visited Barber Couuty, Kan. At
Medicine Lodge the waters swept over tho
first and second bottoms, carrying away
men, women and children, livestock, build
ings and wagons. Sixteen persons were
known to have been tlrowned. A great
many saved themselves by climbing trees,
from which they were rescued by boats.
Thousands of cattle perished in tho angry
The Lewis Cook Manufacturing Com
pany, of Cincinnati, dealers in carriages
and buggies, assigned recently. Their lia
bilities are -00,000; their assets about the
An Austin, Tex., correspondent tele
graphed on the 2-Jil that the heaviest rain
that ever fell there was then fnlliug, and
the city was complctelv flooded, manv
buildings aud stores on Congress aveuue
o-in inuiniateil, and the water three feet
deep in the streets. Tho damage was
K- iv nrrNEY nas ordered the
discharge of all the foremen of the Mare
Island Navy Yard who at any time were
kuowu to have influenced or directed the
votes of Government employes during elec-
. l' IIAKTMAV. nr nnfinviiiio M.l .nc '
----- -.- a s- itiiLi'iiiii. .nil., mis
causin-rio; otW OW fire lo b,s store
Tir fen,-.,! f ii , ,
trainer, was'heb recentlv in W Vnr'
the remain bein-Sen to niton 1
... ... ...iip, stiis, to oosioa. IVOoert
Bonner aud Frank Work attended tho s,.r-
vices. attemIe1 th09tr
liniipn-c, .. . t-
IVOHKK. -JII.HAM, Ensmeer Of theTTnnji
Clh.p.i.ui:.. . ."
, x..., .,.v wuc, wassc iousiv it not fatallv
- , -. ' -ar tailing
ri 1,1 .t.:iA u . . ......
imurea uv tn i-T-ir." ? -. ,..-
v--.- v-.. ..m..uc m oueonae boles,
Atzi-CUA. the Central America rerolu-
tiomsv, threatens the United States marines
in that country. The marine pickets have
been tared on. j
.u i i!!!! d-:"nam,te burred at
the AdmiiOB, London, oatheruorn
i .u r. ,.---"-m',? ws connncd
to too unMfciuK 01 wmaows. uno of the
nlatb flk eiltHAtti-It Kb 1 . . .
r k ., t V .. 1 1 witeved
to bo tho work of tho old ganS of dyna- '
i- i - i .
It was reported at lenaa on the T.d
., . . tiii
that Russia would declare war airiit
Great Britain ms soon as the ice cleared out '
, .i Ul:
of the oIga.
i-ui.n.iuu. -.. a rcOTverea oi .
the persons killed by the recent floods at
Medicine Lodge, Kan.
The Fort Pitt garrison, reported masaa-
. cred, arrived safely at Battleford. They
confirmed the news of the massacre at
Frog Lake.
' ""r- . ""- .i-i-.- . -,
jypy V f'rV 0 rf-u - a mmwrmmm-- w
TwKNTT-roCR persons have been killed
, , ' " ", . , , i r i i
lancheat Sevdersford, Iceland.
bv an aval
, . ... . III
I-ivk persons were killed and several m-
jured bv a tornado which struck the
.-i-t- .. :-i.,i.wi ..i. ,?u.
i V. - ""'-"l'"v" ; ,
south of Mexia. Tex., on the afternoon of
the 2Jd. 1
Gknkrai. Hatch stated recently that the
Government was preparing warrant for
of riltheilronrineiit Oklahoma
The camp had broken up an,j
the arrest
ioomern. ine camp nan uroKen up ami j
the settler dispersed.
Six dead loIie.f were found on the 2H1
in th ruins of the building.- destroy! hy
tho fire in Vicksburg, Mis-. It wm thought
twenty pr.-ons had jeriihel.
A I'aiiis di-patch states that it wi ru
mored that a powerful Ku.-ian squaIron
had been orderel to cruise off tho cocst of
Italy for the purpose of overawing the
' Italian Government in iu i.uspecte.1 work
OI ecreny preparing 10 c-,ui nugiami m
thu '-vrI,t r nn Anglo-Itu-.-ian war.
T"K ""h01 Kusslan prts was clamoring
I IOr IH5 Jei7.Ure OI Xierttl
Captai.v John O'Uhie.v, of the fiteamer
City of Mexico, was arrested by a Uaited
States Deputy Marshal at New York on the
:!.'5d, on a charge of violating section .".--
of the statutes, by supplying tt'im ami
munitions of war to the in.-urgents of a
country at peace with the Government.
The vefcdel was ol-o seued. The arms were
taken to Colombia invoiced as lunler.
The Uoard of Commissioner.- of Ashbury
I'ark, N. .1., hare passed resolutions con
demning as a miiwuico the meetings of the
Salvation Army and instructing tho Chief
of I'olice to prohibit the gathering of
crowds at the doors othe barracks.
Nkw.s has been received from Camlodia,
by way of Saigon, to the effect that the in
surgents hail surprise.! a French jo.-tf cap
tured several guns and massacred many
I'hksident Cleveland has refused to
exercise the power of executive clemency
in regard to the sentence of (5. I). Swaim,
Judg Advocate General of the Army.
The Secretary of the Treasury has given j
nr1i.r fur t!w immrliM r.nnir4 if thit
revenue steamer Manhattan, now at Haiti-
more, with a view to utilizing it as a quar-
antine ves-el at the Cape Charles station.
Swkden was reported busy with military i
preparations. The Gothland militia was
being mobilized. King Oscar had arrived
at Stockholm, and had held a cabinet coun
cil. KitANCE has broken off diplomatic rela
tions with Egypt, mid, it was reported,
would join Russia in a war against Great
The United States Commissioners to
South America, accompanied bv Mr,
stamp, ami consciueiiiy ins salary, a
practice which the President did not re
gard as good policy
n f!f.ft. mm ,..f.t. M,!ie,
-,.--- v....- ...... ....w v.... ..
faced each other ill the ot!ico of the Com-
mitiMoiierof Indian Affairs at Washington '
recently. The old chief had prepared a '
number of charges against tho Agent, rela
ting to the misappropriation of money,
mal-admiui.-tratiou of agency affairs, ami
attempt to crush him (Red Cloud) ami de-
stroy his influence. At the request of tho i
CommiMontr they were reduced to writ
ing. McUillicuddy denied the charges.
Inkoiimatio.v has boen received at St. i
Louis that Attorney-t Jeneral (tarlaml. on a
more careful examination of the law, has
reversed the decision given a few days ago
empowering the Commissioner of Agricul
ture to purchase and slaughter all cattle .
nlllicted with pleuro-pneuinouia or other I
contagious diseases. !
IU'S'nkss failures in tho United States
for week ended April .'.'. were :.-.; Canada, I
'."i; total, 'J40; as against 22J the previous i
wec.j- i
Tiie Suakitn-Iterbcr Railroad has been I
extended three miles beyond Handoub.
.. u, . i .r .i
L.kitki) States marines drove off tho in-
. ... .. ,. 1
surgents who attempted to capture Tana- '
. ... ... ,
T It4 V t tv VH.lll.1 tllf . tf.k'lj i y (Ail4 j
lll2 MinivflVI-V 11f r?l t II Fiil VLalltl tlllkf !- i
rived. Alzpura faint,,! several time..; ; and '
fell in the .street and acted hysterically
when taken to the Consulate. He was held
a prisoner at Shutter's Hotel. Tho troopg I
were in good health.
Eiohtken buildings were destmyetl by
a fire which visited Buudolph, N. Y., re
cently. General Grant, on the 'Jtith. was re
ported better than he bail betin for weeks.
It was reported in London, on the 'Ji'tu,
that Kussut would withdraw her ambas
sador if England was not prepared to ac
cept the line of delimitation of the Afghan
istan frontier as laid down by Ku.-sia.
Typhoid fever was reported playing
terrible havoc in the village of Plvmouth, j
Pa. The epidemic wa thoucht to arise
from the filthy condition of tho place.
General Middleton lost twelve killed
ana lorty-seveu wounueti, in 111s atiacK on
l.r- , . . 1. .. I
the half-breeds cntrciicuetl in a ravine '
near L,lark s Crossing, ilie hali-tireeus'
burg. Miss., proved to be quite appalling,
'Thirty - seven dead Indies had been receov- ,
cred from the ruins up to the Jt'th, aud
pven then it was feared that others
"yet in the debris.
; Secketaiiy BaYako's corre?jomlence
with the Colombian Government with
.refereuce to the blockade of certain Col-
1 ombian ports has been published. It lays
i .1... - .!..:. l.. -, i.: r
l a i. TiiiiaT TTiaw iiihi i iiiii i iiiiiT'nniiTi iiii
jerment mml,-'? lo force the blockade
"au''-r"- !-" ". -"" ."
- V- r bIcrSa,,e, ,aB5t Utf COQ
r .
t-.r.ww nnn inri tmri.1 in n nnu- sIi.Ia
.V .."it. VTt Vi I ,,,, ,i.
!, thh "J1" "omestake Mme, on the
- 1 --.
r.vitr..r. - l 1,r. ?t tv-rml.l t.V.- Vmii timn ft.r
.,.- -
the rescuing part v to get at the others.
. -,..., . ...
a recent uispatcn iroai oonora staxeu
that a battle had occurred recentlv between
the Ja.mi Indians and Mexicansin which
the latter were defeated with the lo. of
ainetv killed and woouiled.
The clearillg.UOU5e returns for wfk
ended April i showed an average decreast,
f arw witQ the 4
period of last vear. The decrease in
York w TS it
a repoht was current in Odessa that the
Ameer had alreadv cedetl Penjdeh and was
negotiating with Russia for toe cession of
n..,.. - .1 T -.. 1 -
Herat aIo, in return for several mdlion
Tnr-,.i,p. 1 i u j
71 HE r reach Consular Panama has issued
;, .. ,. .. . .. .
. ..wen i.uic9 Bijijus. we anion 01 is
American marine in arrftrinr Ai-r.ur-
TtrKyTT-n-TE miners who had been im
.- j- ...
prisoned at Sterling collerie?. Pa., recently
dug their way oat and escaped.
.uiciinei 1 . tirace, nan a long interview on ". inwsuiun.iiMih .Mouiiay uigni, uonn- piovei -o ifetatlitl ttie.jread of -uch llifee- Wnrunr il diWiiifflil b.l metiil
a a r m iiii-i 1 nil 1 viu iiiv I'll 1 ill hfiii i(iii'iii a
fie 'Jil with Mm Minister nf Fori. "t. A f- J""" ' '"' i-ii-m.wiui...i-.h, mm .. ..- Wf-l Of I1CP'. line. e-i - IV that fur -.x tw.i,. ..r .....-., ,.....-..!.. .tu.,... Jt, t. ..,.... ... . . '.. .... .
fairs at Lima. , believed mentally deranged, which led to , hour- the rain actuallv poured, and then a v-nt-d by the of aiilmuN In th '..,,,. ...,.,., Jtul' ,hl. ..,.,, , .
Postmaster Raii.kv, of Cainbrilge, N. thl Mdeidnl motive. great water .-pout bur-t. ami a -: en n-e loealitv where -uch .I.mmm. I- reported to ..,' ;. , .,, ..;..,.,, '
J., has been suspended because he ad- I TlIK Ruffalo County Agricultural Society lu-re of ten feet occurred in le- ten ,.x-t. tl.eii .t .,i'arai.i..- -hail be .ll.vtrd. (v ,;,', ..!t.. .Ifc" I ' t
mittetl that he purchased two piano, antl wi" hM llTir fittl' jr l ' "ll,,,"lf- ,P ,e, TrTL V""" T'M T'' l!" " 1,M II" ' r-I-" UltJl "ll llZ vv 7u , .
about l.O0O worth of merchandi I and paitl B"'- "f te society at Kearney, on the ' '; I" f.f "" V,f ."r U ' -,,,,7 ,,f '- " " ?,"' .," "J rir u. V .
' -.1. 0.1. ... 1 1 ..i.i. ..r t- . . 1 . Hurt ii ot r.tin .villi-. (.. vv. I adiiiu-t. tvifi. iiini.1 t.v 1.1 ... it... ..r.m.. t.. tk.. ..-.Li ...! ..f 011 lint iiiii o oi Aiiiinricuii v . u.
for theill in po.-tagO Stamps. Tho effect "".em. -ill .i iuuiui ,,,,,1 f.,tir livme ten ...Vl .. ... r.l. ,. i i I , . llulT.t'., h'r rrA.
was to increase his sales of . Tiik State Auditor has written to Count v ''' ;'r hihlrut, liv int. ten mile-north on the fund hereinbefore namrd. R.iV.t - H"0i-o t.x, rrs.
a report had it that thev lost twenty-live The town of North Ib-nd seem to have ' " W3;,,,lla ,l"Ut Z tWt ? U""f mllr oWcet. -bot-M Uk,, ,,U,, uJLlr l! ' '
"- ' " ' got herself into a fix. She built a tlo. n.w . W -, .h;f J 'V .Ka:lr,::,?. -- ' - twnrlAl7' ' """
Puesident Ccstello, of the Coal , Jchool bona. ,nd now finds she cannot vote l& iVthT S. ?' !" . TT' ' 5 to&Zw"
Miners' Association at Pittsburgh. P., has j Utnds to pay for it. ...... ! ? I""? ,l" ' "f ' ULu fie plfof xi w ! "'V- "' "- U, o thy ? V
issued a cnnl to the striking railroad Two confidence operator, while lately column. wIh-i, ,,- w- 10 bv a -harp-h-Kiti-r AtZrtl nHi u. .. WmrAtl tut ,., , Uir .aid. ilm--lc o-h- a ilntHt r tr, I
miners, declaring the strike to b at an astonishing the innocents of .Mctoo. wr- ' from a tree. I Io- lrtil!-t :! ht r-:if tr1a, ,mli riU.,ti mrn j, tw i V brirf-li,- tmt bot of a rhoc brm.l
end and advising the men to return to captured nml bound over to the lUV.ric: -boulder, pa -d tlir-Higli , h-ar: ta fj j,, th ciw--t 011 I d-tr to .r I rmf rV Vco
work at the price ottered bv the operators. ! Court. through hi l-ft .-ide. .-ariwh.!e the tit- ,,. .1.- biirrmu i.nir hrt. ..i. t. 1 . . .
ni---t"---i ni-ic uiiKiiiinu itii rri lain. iiiLiiitiivii 1 ii- v iiirii. r-ui 1111 1 - iti iiir- iii irt i iiTf'Triri atr ii. .. ..- .
T..p,iKo.tar .r- !. it r.. t vs.-t-c. . -r, i i... -,t: . ... b had coiiuif n-.d. anc in a short Urn- .,. . ,.,.. .1..,., . ,.... ., . ,L7. . ... 'J -" . rif rriion o ..r. v j
.. ....-...-. w ... . ... - ...u. .. ..- r. i in :kin n:iu I iLLiinm. r ni nti- ii. . . . - l.t.i'P ' . ..... nr r.LimmiwMijiv '...., .......i .
A TOCNO daughter of John Wagner, of '
Cuming County, recently dieI from chow- j
4 ing a poisonous wwl that grow by th
i roadside. Another child came near dying i
V... lAw fHlttIV lilUTV,
r..-r-. i ,t . r t
, ..,.- , ,
. PrUH thti dUcovcry in that region of u wal
porti the dicorery in that region of u wall
built of square blocks of stoni, extending
built of square blocks of -torn, extending
, ...... ... .
for .-ercial miles through valleva ami over
Mcnriiv, a patient in
Jo,h's S. O"13- W re
cently by cutting hi throat.
JIa.vt trees were planted on Arlor Day.
If each person in the State would plant
one tree every day thu set apart for the
purpose, the next generation would Aud
j ttately forests where unbroken prairies
now meet the eye.
! The population of Dixon County ha in
creased seventy-live pr cent m five years.
Stkoxskekc is confident that the Na
tional Swedi.-h Daptist College will b
located there. The cost of the proposed
building U limited tol'UMJ.
Amonc the improvements under way in
Kearney are two school buildings to cost
?10,w0 each, and the lieforin School build
ing to cot
It is expected that the work of ditching
the Dakota County swamp will begin utVut
July 1. The ditch will drain an immeus4
tract of fertile lnnd.
Canos of swindling .-harp. are .-aid to b
working the farmers in different part- ot
the State with various sch-mes to enrich
the granger and muke a fortune for them
selves. A nKSTHt'CTIVK prairie fire swept throu?,h
a large strip of the Republican Valley is
I'helps f'ounty, recently, destroying u nuin
ler of outhoiiseji and haystacks.
Kkcknt prairie tires have det roved vast
amounts of property in the southwe.stern
part of the State. The.-- fires were mostly
started through carelessness.
! 1'atiuck T. Connkks, of Forest City, has
ued the Union Pacific for damages for
tHidily injuries received by being forcibly
liounced from a freight train at Valley.
. He had n first-class ticket ami a permit to
ride on the train from which he was thrown.
Slit has been entered in the United
, f,tatM Court " Lancaster County for
J i'lterest upon VWO in Iximte held by
I J-harlcn h. Lewi,, of London, r.ngland.
Itonds which the county refused to pay on
the ground that they were illegally issued.
A man named Jacobs was recently found
hanging from a bridge between Albion and
St. Edward in Rootie County. The man is
reported to have been working for a form-
or bv the name of Martin Stevens, and it
is said that he had become enamored of a
servant girl who had so far trilled with his
, uui.w,,.- na tu urn litre ... ..- ........ w.e
j .:..... ., :..i... :.. 1:. :.. l .1
Treasurers that the law providing for col
lecting a penalty of live per cent, has been
. repealed, but has no emergency clau.-f
! The only legal way for the Treo.-urer to do
I -II 1 1 1 I T
I eiu cunrgu uie penalty up io .nine
I, 1S.n"i, and after that time he will have
to refund the penalty to persons making a
demand for the .-ante, taking a receipt
therefor, which receipt may be used in set
tlement with the County Roard.
Dawks County is said to be tilling' up
with settlers faster than any other county
over before settled in the State.
A cownoY recentlv amused himself in
pistol practice at Creighton bv .shooting
thiough doors and such other festive sport,
but such little sportive tricks having be-
came obsolete in that town he was led off
to jail, when a molt arosi and came near
lynching the fellow, who begged and
shrieked for mercy. The Sheriff jundu his
appearance just in time to save him.
A i;aN! of thorse-thieves latelv caused
Krcat n,Br"- a,""S aniunu rtyrn-
A .new railroad depot is promised I'npil-
It is sn-'1 th:Tt tho ri,,h of s'1 to
Northwestern Nebraska is crowding cat-
., . ., ,, , . ..
tlemen to the wall and tiianv of them are
. .,.."-
preparing to move to vomtng.
Tiik track layers on the Sioux City &
f--iflc extension Imjl reached a point six-
F ti-t.ll llitlt: trt-ujin , if.i iiitj i.fii.
The graders are .strung along almost every
mile of the new work between Cordon ami
White Iiiver. The was excellent,
anl every indication that the track will b
be completed to White River efore Au-
gust 1.
Tiik other morning the north appr mch of
the Sanders street bridge at Omaha fell
with a crash, owing partly to some defect
in the construction nml partly to the non
completion of the approach. At the time
of the disaster there was passing over tho
bridge a bujrgy containing a lady and a lit
tle loy. The lady extricated hernelf all
right, but the lioy was thrown down upon
the under pttrtiou of tho broken bridge, and
became wetlged iu lettvren the gn and
sewer juries. He was re scueu ov twt men
who happened to be passing at the time.
A Lincoln domestic, named Louisa Hitt
. . . , . .j ,
man, imagined sne was marrieo, out lor- 1
tunately her mind became unbalanced l.e- , .
fore tbe realization, r-ne was sent to the
farmer lovs. while driving home from Pal-
mvra the other night had a ruim-ny. In
which the team ran off the bridge, in-taut
ly killing lolh hore. The boy wort,
Town lots in Sidney are selling rp!dly.
AcconiiiNO to report from varioti or
tions of the State prairie chicken r'e tie
coming n-arce in many localilir. at.d un
! vtrorts are ma ! to enfom- the aw for
thfir preservation tln-y vill soon 1 a
scarce a the larger gamr.
LaNK Keyes, one of thr thug of Valen
tine, r-centlv invitetl hi mitre dtLc
. v . . m . . . i t.
thf;r lu.0?,crv:Son thi-y will ,oon 1 a-
scarce a the larger game.
l K-cvm. one of th. thui;- of Valen-
tf,,e- rrceat,V lnV1 UU '"''-
. ...... .,n...i .w.. i .. t w t
" -.. -r r..
wh ,.,.,. she ,vas s0 tlrvl,y UBilgr th,
muuence oi otjuor tuai
...... .. nn .i
wuai uuri ttrr. turii.uru'
,u iu
Tilt ferry betwrrn Covington and Sionx '
City is jiermlttiil to charge twenty-fire '
.. Farmsrs report that thers will be
taall-r acreage of small grain thts year
than last and a larger acreage of cot n-
A r-cward of rfl'X) is otlered for Ute c,.
tare of D. O. Qainn, a sewin inachi'te ta
'jcsxler of Nebraska Citv.
- -. ,t?S. B.MiaJ
I I... .I.' !... 1... I. I l.Z... II'L.... !... ! ------ ...
E stock yanl. of Cah A bbbag-. ct M ,, b- ar.rf .. ,',.. "afnt'.L -'-it-t- - ---" Htrh.r. I . ? ' r. . t
Piatt.-, wrre mged to th amount ,.,... .r. ,-.-,. , " ' v nJlZi a,ur? " rtr- u' &"i -" I1 I --"'" - -: ul a Iwrl.h'.ho ,,. ,
of,svVrrcel,y. Is mile from the Ca .,:. and. nhjl Gor- C;. 7 Z 7,- , , " ..'co: ,ums. v.VJ- ml-.n.
-. ... . i ii, i . ..... enoT--m-n. ; Uj utturz. rh a!Ur- imh. .i.; ..
The new .chool hooe at Altxandna will crrnir. he wa- 3re.-!oin-i to wffc ;hc !- x-. . .m. .r.j, u, ,717 , -"no- It vrr otu c I
cost SLM. Utl thrw ot ?trtjr - r. . ;: ja 1 ,fui, ,-;--. ,.4 . naHr . cac If aa- f.
, centsonly for a team, wagon and tb-, mem-I --w xt,-ir -. i n- v,oroaer s Cuvr.;t . 0 A pril ZX -Ix-wU rtv I . mic lh,r Wer-lnpii leav, bat ,
"TH l UUO IJJIJ tMiu .,. . nut. J - ... --. .- . iwmii ..UHt; v, wwi'i W W.T tifi " , - -w -. KUIIl IX IR. IO IM ,i
w i . -. . . . .... .. -.t... a .. .j - . ,i . ., . . t,. r ...- . .. until I? !.. I . ..
i lamuy naa oeea eiasticaiiy cortsuueo oy u.iucu(..uu. ri5, )W cia wna u.ctt -t-iyi, v w-mj, yn ., , icacitcu ;iu T-inniJ, I xa
I ".. .w .1 J i ..t.:tiiv..t,..ti. .1..... .i !,. rf I tVY-t-jta-r IT f'rmr llirrln-i. . 1 3.1 LenHttl. (. . . ...l.. . ." . .
troilv that can climb into :he wacon. and in SKty-fCond fret sorte day am. Toe wr 'rtr Ilt.oc rjr rf. Ahtv -w than jW. jt "t,;4jv t
i tcis nroa-i coairucuon gave n5 io s -r- jarv hold l l.arles Bpdden-Irrt hi-ai-:- Zr'L,i ,. u.n tJ t-T-Ti 'i 7 .. u,,r'r"T-s.v !r,'o A' rev-
;ousunPle.,antne on the boa, ! an' nck.and BuPd.u, r Iclor, Iey fe1 S ' ?T: .IT iSaSS hii hnSir "'" l1
. dav when the cantata took excertion to ami Mscker resion-iblc for Uallr.- death: .. .. . . .. t.'. t.--.... . . . ' ". act ItSte -neicr in . mw -
what he considered an tmrKwitionA i aurf-rts that Buddea-irck dr-errr the -- i,? ..t si,tw,L an! vfr. !i,rr.'fr - " - particl nf trioi-iur- for tr e r
'mZig&nmszti!' tas-'-jw -Oi i .i. . t-ft-i
Ttir Town of SIrdlcJnr l.ilfr )rrwliplm,
Invcilviiic C'.rrat !. of lA( ami l'rnp.
Memcini: Loir. via Harpek KaX., Comptroller having dccidnl that the Coin
April 2S. !'Hrday iiKming a t-rrible rain- liu,junrr of Acriculturc can legally u thp
fall vlMtctl Harber Ccunty swelling th p:,Miro-pneunionu appropriation t ry tor
3Iedirine Kivcr and Kim Creek. treatnj 5ucn anmiaj, x. U may l neo vury to kill
that pa on two ide- of the city, far be-
yond anything ever heard In thi5 coiuitr.
Kim Creek h in the norths ot part of
t county and U fe.1 by numerous
Mreams and U,- were all HIM to thru
banks in I,, than one hourMhue. At
un pi:ir, wnere trie uuauj
ontinetl to a. -hallow channel Mty feel !!e.
it .-pread over the tir-t and ?eeond U;tirn
a distance of from half a mile to a mile
ami w.i- fifteen f-et deeji. In the U.ttom
directly rat of town were fifty lum-e-. all
"erupted. anl no Je- than a diaen of t.Vc
were entirely de-trovel and in manv eave
iitKti: orriANT- eithei: ii:tm.v:i
or were only ,sed by clinging to th i
branche- of trees. Camed in lid- Ui:otn
were ten or fifteen emlzrant wagon- filled
with famllie-. ami not half the orupa.n!i
have jet been found. North of here entire
fainilir- were drnn ued while othrrs nude
iuir.iculoB c-cae-. All of e-tenlay and
la.-t night the -treains wen -o high that nc
communication emild be had with the Ka-t,
and tilay the lu?t mad matter ami di-
patches were -ent out. The btt-ine-t
bouse-of th:- citv were cio-rd e-terday,
and erry man In the town w.i- engage,!
in the work of cot trueting and
raftrt to aid in rescuing the people who
n arc clinging to the trec, who h.-t found
Tbdgrnent on the top- of remaining hoit-es.
or who had taken refuge on the high point
of ground. Manx of thr-e were without
clothe.-and were cold and .-utt when re--died.
Their appeal- for help were heart
rending. Many parties who attempted to
re.-cue them in the frail were them
selves da-hed into the water and barely
raved. Refore tuou no h than a loin
citi7ens who had attempted to help the un
fortunate were
Till. MM I. VK- riaif. roit IlrlC
from the toj)s of tree-. Horn's could not
live in the -trong current, and -o thr ietiple
bad to wan until the Mood .-u)-idel tirire
any substantial relief could be ghen. Rv
night nearly all ot the lumg had leen
rescued from their prnlou- pi-ition-. though
a few could not 1h re-eiieil. A part w-a-
out all night endeavoring to rescue tho-o
remaining. The Melniiie River wa- eight
feet higher than ever known, but -o far a-
kiiovvn no live- were lo-t on this .-ttcam.
the vop!e not having dared at aur time tr
live or come too near it-bank". However.
hundred- of cattle weie drowned by th.
hundred- of cattle weie
Medicine River, ami great field- of crop
were ruined and fence- torn away. Much II IC fit.... In.t .... 1.!... '. t- .....! I
.-." .....-.-.. t.nn . r.rv hiki null
, , (,f ...... . , , . .
-.-- -. . w .. - ........... - -" 4rv-
which completely de-lne.ed their lioli-e.
i he bodic- of the wife and three of the
children have been lecovetrd. Tho wife
and child of Prank Minder of this tuv,:i
weie on top of their house and can not be
heaid of. Minder was carried two mile- in
the water and i-cap.-d b.irclv alive, .ler.v
Cibbs. hi- daughter. Mr-. Hams and her
I daughter were all drowned.
'nn: imi.n.s or mr nvo vvnvirv
have Iten recovered, ('itarlb i-tnith. of
Cowley Couiitv. a mover, ha- not Iktii
I found. Samuel Mnddov. of Chautaupia
County, with Ins wife and -cv u children
ted brothei -m-lavv, Robert Sni, of Cliuton
Count.. Mo., were ramped n ar Kim Crec"-
The wife and four eluldrt u were drowned
Herbodv and tbo-e of two children vvrp
! recovered. Maddo Jo-t his team but n
covered a ttmiK containing riMrIv J.O'jO
One daughter and -on re tn.rucd in the tree
; tot-eight hours. l-ur roittatrtiig
movers are iinheani of vet. ami It Is .in.-
i.i .... n ' i i .. . .
iKt-ctl thev were all tlrowned and that their
ttotlle- w'ill be found below here. No
news has been received fimn benvv lien
on Medicine lllver further than ten mles.
biU t!ie -upitodtion i- that the lost uf lilt-
J will be gieat. The citv council ha- orgat
ied a relief a delation Mint thon-amls of
dollars have alt eady been sub-ctibetl. All
tlcad hodifa recovered up to to-da.vvill t.
, buried this aftermxiii. Th" th-triel euiut
has ailjoiimeil itrittl the excitement Ii uver.
, mi t,c court room has Imtii tiimed into a
morgue Judge Miner i ot.l- -''""h-
t iii jr.ti .ii .1. .il.ll i lls ..11 i.iRi i O. S
, were not .senou-'y damat'eil. Ihoiigh In-
, undated. Kim Mills was al-ocovend with
I waU'r- m,t "" Ios "f ""'' 'ciireil.
! "
Anoifirr -t Mint Hr - Knlnl
btr n Shitriliontrr.
I San Fi:ANri-o, Cai.. April '2?,.'l'Ur
j lluHcthi publishes the following particular
of the death of the late. President Harrio
tt f Guatemala, obtained fiom I- li. P.trnett.
the (ftiatemala Consul hi this eil, who re
turned herj thl- morning on the steamer
Grent-fU from that countrv. The engai'e-
meiit ill which Barrio killed was le-
twecii a battalion of iMiat.-malian troop-
ami a mucl
larger lod of Salvad'trUn-.
t uim
a. m. o-rno- cac we
onler for attack, but at tw-lvr
no advance inoveinrrit liati
eeti made. Ute toop- vrere under
I the command of an
' not until a det-riiiiinii and -ueci ful r?. -rf
had U-eii maoe p
r,(r.. Mr! Rarrh
o recover the IkmIy if Ur
irrht and 1 -r . v -n mlb;rn
, were among t,ie i'--tigr - of the ,vij,rr
tJrenetla. lbr o. Anttn'o liarno. ar
rived vc-tcnlay Irom tin Ea.L
! Wa-iiiv-.ton. Apnl 'Ti. Tle Prcdn?:"
will take p ti- -urrniicr n--Hl'lcr at th
?oldier- llotiirrarlv iff month, ocr-ipy-lug
a ccHare h;ch ha t-n --t apart for
a .ittmKT of Mr-ar- for thr itvr of Ute Pf-si
f i a m ii r- ii fm jar v a-aLaa unH - t m -
..,... ... w. - ... . . ..
Soldier-' Home rar! it-x' in-nth. r-rr-ipr-
ing a ccnare n;ch l- r-n --t aparJ for
3 .mmKr of -.rar- for tltr itvr of Ute Pfi
de,,-. By p-dinr 1- V IHv urn U
. .
iore time to htm-K arl will L ab'c to
lakeltlf.fc.r ,. ., , . afcrr .,
Ifrtil tl'Sfrnt ibl.
veret punbbrsent that can
ceitsnre the city baildingdcj-artcKn; for re
taining incompetent men, and ur?e leci-la-lion
to put tbe Department of P.'iildin-j
orvcr the control of a lng!e repoosibl
tead appointed by the Mayor.
itftrfrii,,nr (jiii.til
" --- --- - -
-. , , . ., i.... ,. ,.i, ,i..v. f f.,, ,,.. .i,i .M. ' - - turns uiu ff.inn li-nrii iuu.un... . . .
erfrccaiHi. ... . . i. ' lnr "m April -" at t jnutlux. Blunt. ! ...i .... ibwr-- . , .
-...- ...- -- - - --- 4,4- .. s t .J.. .! I - f - . . .. U.I. -
CommlMlonr Cotmmn
rt Ktlr-
Wamiinto5. H.C, Aprils-The Hr
jn ortjt.r t ump out an lnftinn. 0mml
s,on.r fotman h.v prepare! a t of rule
u, Cocro .!,.-Jr,v,n. m ,.,u
n telr j:ranhet a copy oi xnem w wtnemor
Marmadule. of MKurl. xnklng him tn
Tl40 him by airgraph of hi avpUiiee
the j!an and mcriro.I pr-Mrt.Vtl tlirreia.
ThnmlMwHl h :ibmittetl to the recu-
the of other State- for aeerpU we. Tliey n with 7.'." -tnr in the "v
re a- follow- 'Whenrxrr the Chief of j Urtuiphen hn Utn i-iJ m I
the Itureau of Animal ImlnMry ball be . Ki'.V porMMi wcrv eS'lf"i ,r ":
fatl-fird, and UaH report to the Cmmi- f for n nr of frtewn rr
noner of A crk-ultme. that coutagkui. -Jonquin Miller gnv- a n. a
pleun-paetnnontu r dan.-erH-. infrcttuiu for a oj of a dt-iffii for -U
thr New Drlenit- Lp-UHa. a J.
....-.. ..-iir.l l th sirt-f. ttt lT. ''
i.. :.-... , t.... .,.i u iahii
Ja kl&IV".T I ni I' ItlS'ST A. 1 - L "
111 HJ 0J IV ..',
i ... .,v. ;... 'rrT-lf..r Into
IMfil4I iltvtll i ..- w . ,.."' ...-
anv otber State or Territory, the I iul
Moner ot Agneltre will donate one
more oihcer- r employes f -aid bureau.
who-e dut it hall tc to prm-eetl lwitte.ll-
ately to the locality where -ueh ltif-erti or
eomiiiuiiieable dl-ea- I- reported to ei-t
and there c-uii:-it iuraiiuiH regn a.wu-
to prevent the -pread of mm-H ilmv. r to
,-r- the value of any alma or an JiimU
whi. h it mav U; nee.--4ry to dr-try in or-
drrtoe.t.rpate.hediMaM.. ....I to employ
tH,thme.-..r,s if;nr,e...r- fr therxtlne-
t.oti tf the -.tine. It shall l' the dtttv of
5iieh oftierr or etnplov r- deUibsl for tho
puri-o-e afore-.ld to tepoit to the ('niuiut-
loner of Agricu. lure the number of tilt
HinH.opji.uinim-ii-.-H) t . "
Hie name- or tiieir owner- ami me -ei
value f -aid Cattle, and
rmi!ov -hall dehrt t
ownrr- certiticate of the number o! eatlta
kdb-l nd the a --d value thereof.
UjMin reeetving vid report the Comml
sioner of AgtKUltiue shall examine tho
.-lie and If hr approve- the prietliiu tf
-aid ofilcer or nnplove- and the a m - j
inent- made bv toem, he maj onlrrthepav-
mem of the amount -o a-e nl to the re
spective owner- of tin rattle de-trov-I and
If he -hall di-app:oc the amount -o a
s-vftl lit liiav order the ptvmeut to -Ueh
owner-of -licit animal- a- ht-mav deem a
Ju-t and rea-oiiable comli-atltU for -iirfi
i-attle. It -hail ai-o In- the dutv of -aid ofti-
ccr-or eiuploves to cau-e the iiease of
rm mi movki to iik ti-ruovM
to be biiritefl, burled, or ofherw l-e dt-po-ed
of. ami the ro-l ot -tieli di-po-Uluii f -aid
caret - -hall a!-o be ieorl"d bv them to
the Commit-Kilter of AgtlculUiie ami the
xutoitnt. If approved, will be p.tid out of
the fund appropriuteil for -iicti iurH-e-.
If lu the opinion of nal.l ofllcer- or em-
mid quarantine vvttl ! prepared Immi-ll-i
atejj. Commi mher Colmaii -ihhi after
received a dt-tiitteh Iii'in inventor Marina ''
... .... - .. . . i
iniKe -avuig .v-toivrtiior oi .Mt-HHtii. i
accept the plan- and metliod- in
your teliram of to dn. and will entne-tly
in opeiatc with vott lu the eeeutoi ff
thent. I liree vmi Io liiVe the tiift-l i.ronmt
-tes to evtitjHite thl ilt.-r;if.t now pre-
vailing In Callaw. i, thU Slate, -o - to pu--
vent It- -preadlnt:. Calm our oftle ami
restore the true value- ot -mr fettle bv re-
. u
- -
rrrtnry tVlittney lilr- Oirr.mlnnt r..rri..ii :u.rr.i o..t r !'
.M-r- I.Uml -..t 1...U.
U AMIIVf.m.N. D. ('.. Aprd J3.- Seere -
M Whitney Im- written the folb.vvlnf let-
....,... .
ot to t omiuoiire .khiu n. uttvoii, tone
. I
'--"t of tie Mare l-bttttl NaVy aol. !
relative to the coercion of tilt vt;e of that ,
jard bv tho 'ir.ti.eii at the pa.l election:'
!,.,. asctiriiliii; the dutb- of thl- ofJIce mv :
nt'rutton ha- teen called to the conduct of
the Mare Mam! Navy Yard- lu elections In
pa-t tear-. j.artieular'y in iv-i. Afb-r
reatlmg the tetnm.nv In the rb-e.
tioi, ca-e Of Itttek V-. LlHllrj. take,, , tbe
fall of ItvsH. there , .. ,(l,t
lu my mind the vote
the van! wjs pr-.rt.caUr roercrd
5U,,, r"n,f,,!l th" '"". "-"' '
or wilhout opIim. The men w. -re lIIJc--I
to take thflr ballot- in a f...l fonn fiom
a tab! pn-ided ovt-r by one or more of th
fori'ini-n. tiold t!i ballot In .:ht wh
walking to the j-H" uni' hitudrrd fret dlv.
taut txtwr-'it men -taUtim.i: for the purp
of nreveiiUui; anv cluiivrof ballot- on ihdr
" ir ,'nn.i--nii- Mi,--tin 41 twr
III 111?
var.ou- tfepariutt'tit.
I- made to me of
"fji com-
itiiU.r i.r-
p aint
reeding in otb-r ard Nit hat- irad -uftl-'
rlentof thl- v-vorii tthiotnv to
-i UiC
keidVx m.
that the men who wu.. rrtg.gcd .,, ,1,-t P.
.....u,.,, .,a ....... ai..,i... t ,
'.- ii .-- n ifiu. '---' -irF txiiiif !
,.. 0 iloUd ! elrarH out of the vard In
trio iitu-r-l of ienl gov-rnMint, and If '
-.m"r pu-----niiiii "r -.ijui.iig jr it.
or any atten.yl to fte vot of thn
i'Xf-- rrji.r-i to :o wir
1-Uttd Navy Yard.
Yard. I a-k iw rlal u .
r, i..aisr hi a, l! tJ J
j-ra. wWi m- In tfcr .urott to '
tentioM to thi
you mMl-n.--,
bniMf lite varJ to r-aler rSbrirtwv itul
rbmlnab- ibc.- tertioruW f:;e tuna
Til" Tit'ltll,t' I!! lH..
5t. PAtr- Apnl 33.-An tU by th
part ami the ImIIoI drj-ited wttbuut Uit , ?"'"'
vof.-r having had the opportunity b -r or " Hi'-r-- Ux torv of lhr-r Y m. 4
know It-content or to .-v.-rriM' anv ihoMT. abrni who oornjiand noU'i (Im-ij I
I hud that th- aui- foremen w'i con- 'I la.'n for tht- KmiM-mr f It
.1. .. .1 . 1... ....... ..M. . .. ..... .1. ..'.t. . .,..!. .l. .. ... . .
mi uio .rn .
vi ttan j- . m iju m . . - - , w -m .. - -. A- a
. . '
erUi.L Premier-:. II. K. lJ--i,ey. .So7, !
vr. ;wt.-i :rm I'Jrrr'. ItaZoU. bw: '
n,UU !: rrr,:e. tft. W-U-r, f lb Aitfcur i
rx-Uvc oW ,-. Ui trrtU..u.l I
tJi-o-.r-lm:Ut7 lrrMmt Vt
Und. aM, a,i- lis- W of . fa:w. I
r chimed: -"Yrbter. 1 k&ow pttir Ve"-
ster tbcteaon lKt aa I ttll-d UarrlaUift,
awl pat two biili lata Mr. Hairisu'
head 3R1 rrx. He wa haTt trm war
ned n Chrlma. to a MU Hal, ot Gcsn
Ee i bet in eo: y-two years oW.
.... ..... .. ....'.
m -
. v . . .... . ". - - . -- ........, . , rair . .. .. r . ..
i Thci4imvol ieneral ur m
I -nfijin U.V i!'4iTiiilive it ) r I f
j on the jdain-. ea!Jd lkt l J-
,,,,,,,. . -.-v-- ,j---
Mr. Mel.nn thf now Mh vr o
Krancsc. w.v in 1-fJ a ti"'' in
rri. whither he now t "- ' '
rial rejrenUnve of ht l,-nr"'T.
'Hie rditins of a nw4pjje r K'
- i
aiprecnatnl anl enteral npr w tn n
,. 255 ;; 7
.ln,t. ar ?v t '
ad - " f , iBr.phi,;
of )inL
One of tho grU"t a?r
work- of thf century. . ciKm",:
to h .- nnine for th onler
-"- -- -- --.-. v
that i
Mien .A rPiuru
U) r,-l.
1 1 mJ.
or : - y ."", " " d .
; jmimJta Marker. tlW bUfr ' .
UioV-lr n'tt tltr ha'i J
i nH(n ofcelt fr $1."
:je Haftt oi Npl Ch"
;T.Atu,rer-C.enenl Hrru'. r
, ,(l u, ti u 4,,m, . .
. . ' , .
banouet t.-nderl bv tho .. 1
delphm. giving a.- hi Prn..n
il- lll ilettre to MtrtCItH jr. l
he fe.vt while -o numv Hint .? hi I
gpt a meal. fttnielpJiti V
--At the eightieth fwrtinav
., ,.f Mr. nln. nt .rtKftA'n
1ul,,",,,7.rr,Ji,Ma;... rrt-rnth. hH-..vei,-.,a It .
I alil oJiieers or ! . , . , ,
to .-a.d owner or , w'v- wr T--. "- ''
lime for twentv vents trov tin n '
been able to meet. Th unite I
th lteMi r-n- ifomt w.t
hiuulred and ttlt--iv vrv
-Mr Aiieju-ia Kvnn VlMn. . t
-li-t. Int.- mn' of the )iennnt. i
in .Mobile. Ihe hoii-e t ttrr'inb l
4 ;nvo of live ak- ami th k
."juiifll a-, t'e hitter being M- U
on'- luvonte llowvi he i .
v lute caiiieUin rtt her hM-rniol - .
tattle at overv .tti-tl. And h ' t
er " -he -nt-, " een vfithM; . ' v
titv breaking of britl iiouxhw
we wiTt' m.tfritAl. iiovT ii.-. 1 i
.t'o. " - ( i I. ' 1 1 .
Ml ' hifttt Warner, ifee ii'!. r
'Hie Whb W de World ' '
Highland Ftl-, ntn-t ( Mir: N
j recently. Mis Vrwnr vi i
I.i.s. nml v.t- the lautritt r f I
1 :
i A New llitmji h'r VVtMWtn
t tlutt -he lia nt brofcrn a pi i
i for thirty viiir-. lUf ltmt-aitl n .
i rettuirkithJy well If-huv-i. I - t.u
r rW 1 rra
A Mnln fartte ny lii t
f ejin bo euro I of Jerking h
; bold of m& vhi in tm .
-0. ,, u. , irml ot . ,
Ut t.a,,.h,K M of In-r !..- .
. .' . . v e .
. the net. Uitnj i irine
-tVh.-.ldi-Tiiiftu.ib! iKtbd. F
i oe when ton vvi-i'n bftrtMi?" t - t
t, I
litibl. on her rvtorp f
chiiia. oh. Io f tb-mt. Iwit 'he
i lh;U H(k Ml . wmm U( , . ,,
i . ,.t... t., th.. ik.H. i
1 ' '
t unit, , .,. snntiMfi. ,, , f .
iitn m r-nmMitii rt- i
aK ettiie rttMrij; hi from nl.r
injj 1k';.ui,. Jih hMil lw'i stun b h-
"Maliiiim." he Mtbtio-L "l'l ,:
lieven the b.ew'd tsntk. om e ..
don't HVe to hitvo 'em it dwr.
I - ,""""-
- vv n,-o keej-ui n iifunri.
--1' h'"' fade.. in't U. W .urp.
! Y"1"' V MiiPlf .
"j"''' '-H-l' ! v .
to i not it fn-vtr, nit tt mi .-
bv a -f pt bc'ini bw bnivTMt u
'tt.t it.. n
-I ,n.,t th.- rwrrofii t ,t ,1 .r ,
J.t Sunday wa 1 ot Miittrfc-fi'lv f-r
' mid ibb f. hop.-hiiwlt ..-,. . ,.
e. -iiv r-iimrV.-l m voitn Itr ;. r
man U it Ldy ii)-uil-r of UU e nr- t
r t ou. th- otliT fvmnnj;. "l h. r. 1
- -iMt ha!bw rimijjh ffrt.f .
ah;.' it.nt'. thank vmi'
j rtm. v,n'iiii mr ,rririi vrij i 4tn
'irniiiiisn v ai.-i if t am no
noleon." ib.. (JiV.I
If.H i Sj
, . i , -.. ... , ...
that- Y--Urdav I wa "in' nit.- -r .
I K ti
va. ...
mnit.1 l"l. . .. ... .. .. I .. 4
" ' " u'i :"iU..u..Zr Z?'.! '".
that fill'" -.V r.7rinv.
A "cnt emn of UU ihi J , ,
-rnu i,v jio irrutato 1 ;.., - U
When 3 nlMimn un!!- ih-
1 , ; 'r
'7 M"'e itlK m that
M ' r at tlw law r
V. tJJ,jM
tUUH tti-l .
OflttliT i .
wJl ;,,!,
J.rl -I .J.tiM 1.. . l
"P lp ? I cc
ww ri in :
and n-k lkr mn if It, didn't ikn-
, bueomtM u In, da-xiklfr t;.
. i .. --. .
i ."MiiiT. - ItHlI rit.f I.
n.tJriri.' Tk-. w.. .... .,
Baaiv. - . -m . m
-.,... n bhim Uli.
xant ym U,r -A rx ZiVuJl
u partnifr. (J7.
- Mmn.
A Popular FaJloc.
Jstn, cf Wir han daw a
-.wi.i iTstntiM. an t,v.cld WiI
i . SUfe "er of rzin. h wdl a t r. .
a - l. t - .
3c. .ixc a "rcaw-tmt, kevjno- the rWt-a
irMtc we;. Wd warm into, thti bar-a.n.
Une moro rirti- k hx. 3 -iv.-;- w
- -- aTiCtr
; '-'4iUIDIT- II.,
1 -