- ix'fl .Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. f WTB TSiflB ?' SM Mi PJJ f-WC TT" .'1W - " x ssssaan"- c-si &z--y &m - - - ' Vl& s: -. - fS"' .-'-" Wi -."as - . ' iss: - vx 5 sx.Jfii'" fw&r ? irs -;"-- - " '" - - . , NI t ... It- AU-' '7. "ir-fc '!2S -C tA -' ' ? " E - w& 54 -.r $F K - C -. ti"' : ? irS- If he 1 !;? . li"-. Jhf I-V" . . . i v . .i? & Saartw sS A IZ-C i , B IMMilWaM -L- - - - vr;; A. OfiOflSl FUNBBAIi -y . - ., ;JiV M- -A. Otasble Dsaariotlon of a ' "J " V.Jti?"S :ansrA4l7 0 Own ' . pondent. Corres- Pskikg, Cat.VA, Feb. 12, 1SS5. The three grat events of a persons life are flaidjto be their birth, marriage ami death. I believe iti so with the Chinese. Considering these events. I prefer to speak of the latter. Tn oth r word I will speak of a Chinese fun eral. How well I shall be able to de bcribe this I am not prepared to say, for if you could, imagine one's leelincj at sicht of such performances! you would not wonder if he failgd in giving .all the minutiu). The funeral scrvujes do not t'ike place until at least from three to five days after the" demise. ' during which time preparations are being, made for the fcrand fend oft of the spirit. If the house is small it is made jongor, or perhaps higher, by bamboo poles, applied in the way of acaffultlin;;. These are covered by matting'so as to make a3 many rooms as dcsircable. When complete! it makes a very neat Appearance In one room the coflin stands surrounded by all of their curious objecU. the idispen Bible incense on all occasions. Besides other hinj;s there stands a lare cart and horse, life-size, and all the things which the spirit will need to make a j;ood appearance in- the new world, (these are ail made of paper), and then when the spirit returns the night of the third day these arc all burned in front of the house, amid all 'manner of ceremonies. The" spirit iiavinjr re ceived the send off the funeral "will fol low in a few days. In the absence of hearses tho preparations are much more imposing. Hero ihe body is carried to iu resting place in cata falque, which are oi various sizes. I have seen some which were in the following proportions, Viz: -Two crim f on polos, oach about 30 feet long and six inches in diameter, surmounted by a sort of pavilion, rich m colors and ornaments of black, red, and gilt, which gives it rather a prand appear ance. This was borne by 64 men, 10 at either corner, it neing so arranged by the addition of smalt poles that, they walk in lours, and thus ao enabled to walk' very gracefully 9 along. The mourners usually follow behind in se dan chairs, omv'heelbarrows or on loot. The entire performance is like other countries and depends-upon how well off the subject of the occasion was, or how much' is friends cared to lavish upon him for his journey to the hap pier flower garden beyond the setting sun. In many cases the friends do not accompany the deceased to his resting place, but "contract with the priests to secure for him a lucky abiding place, al!o to provide as many mourners a w.l! give resoect and solemnity to the occasion, and they act as masters of ceremonies in a way that" will drive many to tears. If a good round price ha3 been paid, the ceremonies arc .much more impressive. As they inarch through, the streets there are . two coolies with drum?, and two with Kongs, and about every ten steps they apply their stuffed clubs with such' Vi olent desperation that the living stand aghast, and.you almost think a thun derbolt has cracked your ears. Then comes a hoard of standard bearers with . banners and sycee to assist the priests in carrying out his respects in behalf of the friends of the deceased. Tho mourners are professionals and em ployed on all occasions to wail, howl, and wring their bands and handkcr chiefs (which arc said to have been previously dipped in a basin of water.) The mourners are dressed in white, whilst all the coolies are uniformed in Much a style as to make one smile at the ridicnlouslets of such proceedings'. At the crossing of each street the cool ies stop to rest, :is their burden is very heavy and they become wean. Here the priest drops upon his knees and with head upon the ground he remains bo until some paper sycee is burned around him. In many instances the priest claims that the dragon has fol- , lowed him and has possession of that man's soul, and will not release him, without some of tho genuine sycee, t which iieans money, and thus" the poor heathen is again robbed of his' 'money which he so much stands in need of, by giving it to those wicked Srrests who so wickedly deceive them, nt no sooner has the money been . placed in the nands of the ' priest than the dragon is satisfied and gone, and tho. procession moves on as evidence thifthedragon is pacified. Sycee is tho name of the com of this countrv. It is a chip or block of silver or ' gold and is cast in the shape of a . Chinese "ady'e shoe, and arc in length from one to thirty inches, and way irom 1 to 300 ounces. Thus uppn funeral occjisions the sycee that is buried is only picture money.bought for tho occasion, and after pleading with Joss for his blessing they chuck down, to him this worthless stuff, thus acUilly cheating him out of his blessiug. But to the priests must comedown the actual coin. Iinnniin my feelings at sight of my first Chinese funeral when I heard the snueakintr and squealing bujrles, thundering of those gongs, and saw the piles of burn mg paper,? mockery of monev. with the moaus and wails of women filling the air with terror. Could any one whose heart was less thau adamant look upon . suoh a scene as this without being moved tq pity and express sighs, anil even drop tears of sincerity beyond question? You stand aghast at each sound, and linger to catch the mourn- ;ful wail as it approaches you. The in animate.rem&ms of a dear father or ' mother have already passed, encased .in the usual manner complimentary uponsuch' occasions. You can not but believe that Ihe elderly woman . robed in a snow white garb, while her face is drawn in to all kinds of contor- "tions of grief is otherwise than the wife of the household, the mother of those young ladies who follow in that solemn train, on wheelbarrows, broken hearted and lonely at the death of that parent al adviser, to their last, resting place. Their atnsitive cries and grief were all in keeping witn their mother. Imag ine my surprise, if you can, when a , friend told 'me that- those mourners were not'trieeds. but that they were only .piofeseionals employed ani paid fc the occasion. And thus it is that the third and last event of man is cele brated in Um celestial kingdom, and on J after another they are. carried to their resting place outside the city, for mo ojie is Mrer buried inside the city wall. 'This wall k 60 feet high, ' 50 feet thick at its base and 30 at the top. Tbereare numerous roadways reach : A ttlan from the inside so it is a gne place to go to walk and to 'see all ver the city and country around, a totcriptioa of which might be of inter- sttHit as time 'will not admit I will reserve that for some future time. With good health and prospects i re niiDvoar friend L.D.JJESXEr. & ttaSyoariritnd L.JW)r. gygf D63t !H IflC YrQJ-.de : FeaKtvftsf Review of Preet Co- aitloaa. There is everywhere a rcviral of the spirit of national aggrandizement and "jpperial ambition. Under the now avowed head of the great German dio twtor. the nations of Europe are run- ng a race to extend their borders by unuest and annexation among1 the weak and uncivilized. Then; is to-day a fcrarablefor Africa. a3 there, was for merly a scramble -for Asia; and the scramble in Asia, pr in Polynesia, is only less urgent for the moment, in that; r therivalrv is just now the keenest in Africa. lJut in Asia, in Africa, m Poly nesia, the strong nations of Europe are strupgbug fo found empires by violence, fraud, or aggression. Three distinct wars arc being waged in the East, ami iu Africa alone our sol diers and our Government are asserting the rule of the sword in the North, on the East, in the center, on the South, and on tlic'U'est at the same time. Five 3'ears agw we were told that for England . at least there was to be some lull in this career of blood and ambition. It was only, we see, a party cry, a device to upset a government. TL're has beeu no lull, no pause in the scramble for empire. The empire swells year bv year; year by year fresh wars break out; year by year the burden of empire increases whether Disraeli or Gladstone. Libpral or Conservative, are the actual wielders of power. The agents of the aggression, the critics, have changed sides; the Jingoes of yesterday are tho grumblers of to-day, and the peaceful patriots of yesterday are the Jingoes of to-day. The empire and its appendages are even vaster in i85 than in 1880; its re sponsibilities" are greater: its "risks and perplexities deeper; its enemies stronger and more threatening. And in the midst of this crisis those who condemn this policy are fewer; come few and faint. their protests The Christian sects, can see nothing unrighteous in Mr. Gladstone; tlio Liberal caucuses stifle airy murmur of discontent, and force thoso who spoke out against Zulu, Afghan, and Transvaal wars to justify, by the tyrant's plea of necessity, the massacre of 'Egyptian fellahs anil tho extermination of Arab patriots. Thoso who mouthed most loudly about Jingo ism are now the foremost in their ap peals to national vauitv. And the iar- :isitcs of the parasites of our great Lib eral statesman can make such hubbub in his utter absence of a policy tliat they drive him by sheer clamor from one'adventure into another. For nearly four j'ears now wo have continuously protested against the policy pursued in Egypt- Year after yenr wo have told Mr. Gladstone that it was blackening his whole career au'd covering our country with shame. There is a monotony about'our protests. I'ut, when there is a monotou3' in evil doing, there must alike be monotony in remonstrance. Wo complain that the blood and treas ure of this nation should be used in or der to flay the peasantry of the Nile, in the interest of usurers and speculators. We complain that we practically annex a people whom we will not govern and cauuot benefit. .We are boldly for what in tho slang of the dav is called -."scuttling" out of Egypt." Wo think the robber and thd oppressor should" scuttlo as quickly as possible that, he is cer tain, to seuttle some day. We complain of massacring an innocent people mere ly to give our traders and mouty deal ers larger or safer markets. We com plain of all the campaigns and battles as wanton, useless, and unjust massa cres. We especially condemn tho wan in the Soudan as wanton anil unjust even in the avowal of the very Ministers who aro urging it. The defender of Khartoum was a man of heroic qualities and beautiful nature; but the cause of civilization is not served by launching among savages a sort of Pentateuch knight errant. And we serious' com plain tliat, the policy of a gren.t country in, a great issue of right and wrong should be determined bF schoolboy shouting' over the feats .of "our English Garibaldi. Frederick- Harrison, in Ute JFortniyhtly Jtcvicw. An Entorprl8hin; Roliable Houso Henr' Cook can alwasjbo re bed. upon, not onlyto cam in stock the bestof every ihhig, but to s'oeure the agency for such articles as have well known merit, and arcpopuhir with the people, there b sustaining the reputa tion ot being alwav's enterprising, and veny reliable. Having seeiired the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's .New l)iscover' for consumption, will sell it on a positive guarantee. It wtll surely cure any and ever3' affection of the throat, luugs, and cheat, and to show our confidence, we iuviue you to call and get a trial bottle-free. j . An Answer Wanted. Can any one bring us a case of kid ney cor liver complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure ? We say they cannot, 'as .thousands of cases already permanently cured and who are dailyrecommeudiug Ele2tric Bit ters will prove. BrighOs disease, dia betes, weak back, or any urinarV com plaint quiokl' cured. They purify the olood, regulate the" bowels, and act di-rcctl- on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For, sale at 50 cts. a bottle by Henry Cook. ' Always Sure. Cream tarter and soda arc the ohby necessary materials for the manufacture of baking powder, starch Hour and filling of any kind are simply dead weight for which the con sumer pays an enormous price. .De Lands Chemical baking powder con tains only craa.ni Tarter and soda, never sokf in bulk, is full weight, very economical, and makes delicious and healthful, pastry. Please try it and if not as represented, return and get your money back. .. - Backlca's Araka Salre. Th&best salve in the .world for cuts bruises sores, ulcers,4 salt rheum fever sores, tetter, chapped hands chilblains, corns and all skill eruptions and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guranteed to give per fect satisfaction, or money reran ed. rrice cents per oox. Advice to others. re yoa dkturttd at nljlit aad brakes of your rest by a sick caild suffering au J crying wiia pant ox cuttius teeth? If se scad aioaeeaad tret a bottle of 3!rs Winsluw's sootbln: iyrep for children TceUuiig. Its value is InoilculaMo, Depeud upoa-it mothers, there i uo wbtake fcbuut it. it cores dyseatory aad dUrrbaea, reg ulates the stomach aad bowels, cares Klsd coke Kives toue a&d energy to the wacie system. Mrs Widow's sootli.njt svruii foreiiUdrea teelhlHg Is pleasant to tUe uste.'aadis Ute preseriptiea Of uite of Uk oldest and best female nurses aad physicians in Uxo United States, aad Is for s.-Oe by aU .dru?slsts l&rous&wit Ue trurid. Ittce W edits ptt cotUe. Tke Htl Coifka. Tliis summer resort near the "Old Magncsian Chalybeate" and "Cplfax" minera1 spring?, at Colfax, lowu, 24 miles east of Dcs Moines and 333 west of Chicago, on the Hock If land and Pacific Ky, will be opened on May C, for the season of 1SS5. This splendid hotel can accommodate 3G0 guesU. All its appointments are first-ciasf. I:? tables nre supplied with all the sub stantiate and delicacies, and its parlors, reading and sleeping rooms4with every convenience. Croquet, billiards, bew.1-1 ing alleys and other facilities for recre ation. Thaver's orchestraencged for the season. Thp grounds include the "Old M C" and Colfax springs, which are uneoualed for their remedial vir tues. Thousands certify to tlretr effi cacy; they arc a powerful alterative ami tonic, and an infallible cure for rheumatism, dyspepsia, indigestion and other ailment--. The Hotel Colfax furnishes the water fresh from the or- iginal fountains for drikingjandlbath ing, hot and. cold. Its charge are moderate, $10 per week anil upward. Parties desiring quarter? for the .sum mer should seeure them at once. .Attention Teachers.' Xottrs wbn."y:vf tbt 1 will exsmnrtj ll purxjns why may desire i offer themselves . cftnthdatc-i f r ttvieJifT of tli? cwiiaio'n srhoo3 uf.Wl)lrcomi! at idv ofm In Jled rloml on ho thlnl BatiintaVofvachmoiitli. Ex-unlHatlnjis o wintwnrr at W a. m. loi.ot 3k for vioclal flUUSltiatilMI. C. W. Sl'KlNOKK. Cnty ifaycrin!jni!ent of public Instruction. Oook k MeBoham Cowles, Nebraska. DEALERS IX Drugs; . . " Peiints, ' . .. ' Oils. .' : Books, Stationery. Etc., Etc. Etc. Pre8cription carefully compounded at all hour. Wells lireGforv. NEW STORE Morhart & Fultcn, HAVE ESTABLISHED A Hardware Store, . . AT WELLS, Fortlic accommodation of the prople of that vlcjiiity. Thcv aro tnlly jri'pnrcd to jrlve the leoile tr Vclls mid vicinity Just what . they waut in tl'ellnuor Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Iron, Nails, And In f;ieteverytninccanle found atu urstorc that is usually kept In a first-cl;i$ Loi.c. We would hu pleased to have jH-'ople i-all o. us when in need of liardware. Our prlvcs wi." , always W r-ionallc and in koepms with the demand of the times. We very respectfully solicit your trade ho)inj: lhat it will prove heuellcial to both. MjDKHAirr & FULTOX. 0m& Tho Jolly Joliot, Josiah John. Ja cobs " Jumpiuff Jack " and Royal Georgo, Lutz's tried and trao torri blo tourh trotting: "Turkish Tri umph" -will stand tofirothor at Rod Oloud, this year. D.LTJTZ, Owner. iidUiMsmiitte BROAD CLAIM eiwutli TSEY BEST 0FB<ZN9, QUICKEST SXLLDTChAin) HOSTFEBTSCT C0ISQI6 ST07B Ever offered to tke FfcUc n(lMl. TrJV rftV I W. 99" ' i r 'jzzsiSi. SOD A IFVBBPjBsrsrpssrinsi1 5-jTI lVvwVViao for lnfant3 Catorte!j Jptd to children that I recommend It ksova to ae." cr to tay p'ncr.;ioa LA. Aacncn,il-D Ill So. O; l, tr&okfyn, X. T. B M An ahsoitiM rare, for Kheamatism, Sprmias Paiu la B T tho Hack, Items, Galls, c. An Instantaneous Palm U reliovin; oni llcalin; Hcmcdy. I NEW LIVERY STABLE McAvoir & Fanell.ProTJS.. Are now fully proparod! o fill orders AlEO, will food and table horsos Tatea. Our feodii Where will be found evec'thinx mt : L-A.s . yA Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Sirups, Fruits; Bacon, Clieese and Crackers,Tobaccos, Cijrara, t :md Crockcrv. i Hoping by fair dealing tq merit aVi.aroJof thejmblic patronage, ee me. ' IN FEATHERllE Y'S BUILDING-, . . Opposite he Cliicago Lumber Yard. S. V.LUDLOW. MSSHEB'S HAT WILL PrtOSHER, .Prop mmmi j Salt Meat, Frosh Fish,' Oysters, Pork, . tec, ib. OLD STAND, RED OLOUD, NEB. ICSfl - Dealers Soar hlwi ran, uk us SEWING MACHINE8, ETC. jm "CmIJmbPBW mmE Fine tuuflja SHORTHORN ThoroaahbroO Short-Horn Thiirsday, April 30th 1885. 35 Head of BnllS, Co'sand Heifers, of Superior Quality Good Pedigree. Thii stock is in good breeding condition, and not an soimal batwbat if a regular breeder AU the cows and HeiTers that are ottioab are bred and a number soon due to cal Gattle win be at Hastings, a wee bS?ia Sate to commence at 1 o'clock , - TBRMS Tea modtha tim niiiMr .rfnc note with approred sasi ist ilti- 44aa Arv JPor cataiocao or informs "F " wivptTcen or oc j ULU6HSAD, H we aiso xasjee a sale a trice. s and Children. Catri ecn Celie. Coalpain, Soir Stomach. DiarxlKv. KroctaUon. Kills Womu. rive ataep, and eroaiGtaa A rotfon. Wi ruhoui laisriej for Livory ricre, c, on short notlco by day or wook at raneonablo : ihcuiuos are nrai-cjass. xou patron e respectfully solicit 3d. Evftj ra ffS 3l H fS Tho Boautlful Norman Stallion TJnequalcd" Tfor tronoral purposoa may bo, found at this barn Commercial Barn, Hed Cloud Y HOUSE LOTMW- in ttie jrocftrv line, tuch as Ham, Dried Beef, Flour, FccdJGlass and Queenswnrc Come nn umi In all kintfi .- i f ET 1 i Son mpp m eu Dr- J. S EMIGH DENTIST, RCO CLOUD XEK. Office Work a, Specialty. tMxxiistgM Ir7 on hand. OfJ VltT W Cattle, at Hatlnga, Keb on v SALE inquire of Henry Sftedd, ""Hsatiags, Kb ER, WaanlBtfton, icrwa Neb, May o WlmM Ss -DEALERS LV COAL LUMBER ETC. Red Cloud. A H.BKOW.v.rroprlter. BROWN'S MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS ' Good stock and fine work is our mott3 and prices to suit the times. If in need o a nythirg in cur ine do not fail to call and examine our specimens. H OFFICE AND TARD. Corner Elm St, Red Tourtti AY. Lockbox S22, RED CLOTJD, NEB The Guide Rock Flouring Mills! COLUMBIA & CO., Proprietors. Guide Rock, Webster County, Nebraska ABB CONSTANTLY MANUFACTORINC! TIM FIKSET GRADES Or Family and Patent Flour, Meal, FEED, ETC., From ths vory bofitnmtoriaK which thoy aro wholwllntf to at hard pun pricoa, Thoy auarmnto thlr flour. CorroHpondonc BOllcltod from dmler In Nobrk and K This colobratod flour in for oio Bun Daalr In m Es,E(Tohsrs,JlEiaii&ilioB,SraligUi:, AC.&C. Itrwurlnp n 'ralry. Al klmli Mochluu i:ralr. Red Cloud. 0. U. y74.'itef ai 'aa jaipavTHk Highest Market Prices Paid I Also eggs, in season, from High Class Wy- Bock Fowls. WSm m!f'&iVQV'& m tiMAmtAfirrKO WITH TMf 9ZS ay CXAIHtKlMO P5OTS2SS3aSBSSSXBDBI lZ7. Ml?iic5rOLiae5inr.iAwi. y u-3EsssspI rwi j riie f 'lf35 Vi iiSJMhLKHmi file' " w J.Vjr, Wv W.a VM fsrVsl r MbbhTbU laky: -A e2'Wi?lfcy,5er jSMSK Chicago, Rock Island a Pacific Rt, Uvr tm Ort Central Lbw. v ---'-- - titm akrtaM &1 LttiiML mad. 1h Wt. VoCwt tA It la littrtMr aa frtcSy trs. ta ! me to4 toitwmm & AXUmtU iA Um " . V lim u U-m ttJUt TrJM-h.a M Tjm C jlttac.. 2oU wta W. Ottw,Ti aafl,e ta tUinoi: CftTe9ft, Ttutzaxia, WifcKa. Tmrrtim, w m&jvt. w juiu .y. H?Uft. p'Jit gwwr z una K-sj. ia CREAT BOOK TrmijML iTZD.TlMMV at tk XOST XAQXIW1CMXT YtTLXJCASrS I m CA&S. zsA Dnri3T CAMJaet i ti& rarxr mm -urvm jut rAUXvtetfee TMMamnSwmm TWOTmAursMei ALBERT 1.EA ROUTE. asjaveaasiayaaTesiiesjSABBMfc R.II.O ymtm4mmt Frees o Mebrask; l. c T1, ri by O. M Sioroy, tfrooi Rl W. DANY'S Repair Shop of;ftcin Nebraska. XIOSFOUD. m. u. tovvu. Hosford & Young, DKAhtm J2I Poultry and Produce RED CLOUD, NEB. erOOAAMT Of TMMI THIS MAP, THAT TMC Tvufm. mw ISLAND ROUTE,1 UBCLUTCtfa mm fteir. , s.- MygTWL a tmtiim tammmtm. j Sma. w i ii mA rsrars rri ma iB mb xv rn coowtt. m Skz kA tatm aAm ? -- " war aeMMam CSXejASjs aa tee MMSaMrstsvsK Ww"SM "J " , i BS SSl .. - . . ' - fffelfp .... . hrfTTL .... . ... ,,. immm . V - S.!'" .ttT.r-T.?-'.