;;- 'Tt l'JLLL.JJ iSTrSmi Til'' - ?? V"- -v v'xr'&ttt.JiTZ. Jrhz,afSm!?TZi :vri7'iirfiiw-4fyiT,t' 1 A I v rj 2jm - ' .- i . -v. is3vis4ib; ' '. Z . -Wii-ftfK "-. i" I y "V"? - " S N- . 5?-"' -r-TV' & .."- .T?, K- -. -Tii -ts - .L. v ' t ,- r -MA rf V i jt tr"f i IS- j ?i f .' -A - ' ir A. K -fv TTW r & ' m ll i TEMPERANCE. WHO MADE HIM A DRUNKARD? "Voiir father's a drunkard," Suiil pretty Juy Hell : Tliu scorn of lier accents No language can telL SIio wound airuld chain 'Hound her fingers s-o fair. -And shook back the long cur'ss Ol her hcautirul hair. And Bes?. the drunkard's child. - Bowed her white face. . e,lm,-dwl,1"' s deeply. Tlie Miaine and disgrace. As .hc w.jied the brialil tfcara That were falling like rain. The haughtv girl laughed ho had given her pain. . A boy, brave and bright J As a lov eouM bo. ' Was unUuigliutr hi kilo In a tali maple tree: He could hear every word. . Ho could !ee every look: Poor Bess with her f-late And her old tattered boot. An indignant HiipIi Dveu" IiIh check like a rou. As lie viewed prond Muv Bell In her beautiful clothe. Doivu from tlie w.de branch Quick as thought .-oinetliing fell: " iiomaile him adrunkurl.' AN ill j ou answer. May Bell? 3 - Or shall I tell the story? I know it all ihr..u-h- John Bell made a dnmknrd Of poor William Drew! lie -e!l. li.imlic mm That ce-troying hit ITo And fast making bexgars Orchildieimud nilel" A he led Be-M" on. Having thus axed the blame, Jla looked aflcr the two T t'ough her tears of shame. 'Oh! can it be true, then, Tii ; maw lr- told.' Woes my father make drunkauH Of men lor the.r gold.'" Taletln Jllmk. IN HIGH LIFE. The I'nlliiri-H r tin: Clfteil from Intem pernnee Had Habits Cciinrally Formed in Youth A poor, ra;rcd drunkard .it the. bar fif a police court, sad siht as it is. needs no explanation; every spectator perceives that he is a man in ruins, lie was born; lie was an inno-cnt ehilu, the pride and darling of his parents: he became a man, with the hopes and tlie ambitious of a man. Yielding to in sidious temp'.atio'i, he lost power over hiin-elf, and sank rapidly to be the wreck we see him now, the .scoff of the thoughtless, the .-hame of If s family, an object of abhorrence to himself The tragedy is all too obvious, and, alas! liow common! Tncre is another intemperance which ran not be di scribed in the police report by those horrible words, "a simple drunk."' The police do not see it, or, if they do, they call a carriage and carry it home. It does, not wear ragged clothes, nor reel along the highway. King's palaces conceal it; venerable colleges ca-t over it the austere mantle of gray antiquity; distinguished clubs give it scope and privacy, h blight- ' tlie very llower of our rae, and few ever know the worm in the bud that does the mischief We love to deeorate our vices w.th fine name.-." When a great genius deteriorates in its prime, and fails just'when naturally it should s-hine its brighte.it and do its bt'-t. we do not like to attribute the premature obscuration to a cause o commonplace as the indulgence of a morbid appetite for strong drink. We would gladly decorate it with a liner name. A scene in London was described to ire. a wh le ago bv a late valued con tribulor to this periodical. It occurred about three o clock in the morning at it dinner-party of some of the brightest .'pints of our time. The king of the fea-t was the lirst of living writers in his kind of literature, and his name is honored now, wherever the English language is read, and far heroin! its realm, lie was a man in the prime of his years, but in the wane of his jxnv-er-, for he marred his admirable talents, lie dulled his liner .-ense. ho obscured the light within ulni. by gluttony and wine-bibbing. I am curMilwith an appetite.'' ho would say. "When I leave the d. aver table, it is with a feeling that I would like to begin and do it all over again.' He sat upright at the table at three o'clock in the morning, for he had a peculiarity of eonstitut on which, as ho said, made his legs drunk long before his head was touched. lie was still talking gaily, if not brilliantly, though h could licit move from his chair. His carriage was announced. It was his owicarriage, for he was then at the summit of prosperity. His two men servants, who knew well what they hail to do. for they had had much practice in doing it," came up-stairs into the dining-room with his hat and shawl. They drew back his chair, "put on his bat," lifted his giant form in their arms, and carried him down to the carriage door. His American friend followed, dumb with astonishment- Astouuded :is he was,- he could not liclp remarking the familiar dexterity with which the two sonants performed their part There, on the idewalk, the brilliant and famous author, the pride of his country, fell upon the neck of his friend. hugeed, kissed and blubbered over him, and refused to get into his carriage. After awhile, liowever, part ly bv humoring him, partly by force, the men lifted and pushed him in. On reaching his home a similar scene oc curred, "and the day had begun to dawn before tin; two servants succeeded ; i ..i..:. . I.: m gelling nim up-Mau.- " " room. A few months after, he died suddenly of a disease caused and nour ished by such excesses. That such a man. so gifted and so .vcll-disposed to use his gifts for the public good, should pass away in h:s prime was a melancholy event indeed: but it was not the worst consequence of his bad habits They marred and low cjed all his writings, even the best, and his powers diminished as his fame in creased. We find that his works writ ten at forty-live were less vigorous, less denial and less true, than tlfose written at thir.tv-fivc and his hist produet'on shows scarcely a gleam of his fonner power. The reason of this is now well known. Several men of science have pursued courses of experiment with a view to ascertain the precise working of alco holic drinks in the human system. There was an English Dr. Percy who injected two omces aud a half of alco hol into the stomach of a dog. The animal dropped dead; wheronioB, the doctor inatantlv removed the brain, and distilled from it a very large proportion of the alcohol which he had adminis tered. The alcohol, as the doctor re marked, had rusted to the brain, and killed the dog as if by a blow upon the jead. It was a blow m tlie head. The brain of drinkers has been fre mentlvusected,.amUit has been dis covered tht the alcohol has permanent ly distended the cells of which it is com posed. It makes the brain coarse and flabby; thus diminishing its force- DuriBg the last hundred years. this ' habit r drink has marred and de stroyed more talent and more genius lldut all thcr causes put together. It brought the br lliant Sheridan to a n503t miserable and disgraceful ruin. It pre vented Charles James , Fox from exert ing the power which was the natural rifjht of his talents and his patriotism. The gout which tormented the illustri ous Chatham, and withdrew him from the direction of public affairs when his presence was most needed, was an In heritance from his wine-drinking an cestors, and he transmitted the uokon to his son William Pitt. It is hardly too much to say that if Lord Chatham had never had the gout. (Icorge the Third could not have di.-nienibered the British Empire. Why should such be written in a signed to be the things as these periodical de companion of youth? . I lives of a have looked into the great number of brilliant failure, and I find that the bad habit wh ch brought them low b -fore their time were generally formed in youth. There is something deadly in 'the effect of alcohol upon the 'young brain. It does mischief there which is full of peril to all the coining years. Youth's Companion. TWO SUPPOSABLE CASES. I'laiiily IIliMtratSnj; What th Community fiaiiift by the I.ijiior HiMinr. Let us pursue th'.s further by means of a couple of .supposed instances, such as occur even' day. John Smith has been, during the week, a capable and industrious workman, earning full wages every da Saturday night he gcU his pay anil goes to the stores, where he falls in with boon companions aud spends his week's wages at the grog-shop, standing treat and drinking himself until his money is gone. Late at night he is put out into the street drunk, the liquor-seller Inlying got hi.i money and b ing ready to close the shop. Ke-ult the first: The liquor-seller has received, say, twelve dollars, of which at least three-quarters, or nine dollars, is profit. Result the second: Smith is arrested and put into the lock up for the remainder of the night; in th morning he is brought before a magistrate and fined one dollar and to-ts, amounting to at least five dollars, and usually more, for want of which he goes to jail for ten days. Result the third: Smith's family applies to the overseers of the poor for asi-tance, and they, being unable to refuse, are likely to xpeiid five or six dollars. Total results, leaving out the moral let rioration of Smith aud his family, nine dollars profit to the liquor-seller, cost' of pro.-e'Ut:ou paid by the county. Smith and his family supported at the expense of the town and county lor ten days, and Smith's productive labor for ten days lo-t to the community. At the least, calculation, in order that the liquor-seller may make his profit, the community has lost much more than an equal amount. In this instance 1 have supposed the liquor- miyer to spend a full week's wages, but the coutiast is ,still greater if we Mippose. as is more frequently the case, that the buyer has only money sulhVetit to buy liquor enough to cause his intoxication; that he is arrested and committed to jail for non-payment of line and costs. The county then has the costs to pay, and the liquor-.-el!er"s protit is only a very small percentage of the expen.-e he has eau-ed the community. Let us attack his profit, wherever his trade is injuri ous to the public, and we shall be in a fair wav to drive him out of the busi ness altogether, or to obl'ge him to ex ercise such care in his management as to deprive it of its harm. Cnrhum J) Wiiluim, in J'opular iScicife Monthly. DRUNKENNESS AND ING. WIFE-BEAT- How t!i Suffering Victim Nearly Always Tkr the 1'urt or Tht-ir Urutal Op jtrrnson. There never wa.s a time when sym pathy, benevolence and philanthropy were so active as now, but life is still full of situations which seem incapable of alleviation. Take the case of dniuk ards" wives, and especially thewives o( those drunkards who develop a ruffian ly brutality under tlie influence of liquor. It would seem surpri.-ing, wheni me eonsiders the sutleringof thee poor women, that there are not more ca-es of husband-murder. Hut in fact the victims of wife-beaters rarely seek re-; venge. and as a rule tlvy encourage their tyrants by a submissienes which is the despa'r of magistrates and philan thropists. Not a day passes but a score of trampled wives refuse to testify agaiit their brutal husbands and .some of them will even perjure themselves rather than assist the law in punishing the crimes committed against them. A very startling instance of this tendency is the case of the poor woman who.e eyes were deliberately put out by her fiendish husband, yet who evidently would not have informed against him but for the action of neighbors. And what a Hood of light is tluown on the lives of a whole class of womn by the remark of one of these neighbors that she did not 'interfere before, because she thought McCarron "wns only giving his wife an ordinary beating." Every policeman and ju-tiec knows that wife beating is really as common in a cer tain grade of society as this remark in dicates, .anil probably neatly all these men of experience woul I ?av that it is hopelesss to try to stop it. because the victims nearly alw.ns take the part of their oppressors in the end. A". 1. Trib une, Overcomel 'Visiting: the iniuuity of the fathers upon tne children to tlie third and fourth generation of them that hate me" seems at first thought to lie a cruel law of heredity. But the Scriptures often set a curse and a promise together , . mf. that we may chooe. Ilere U the prom- i ise that we io get: And shcirinq mercy I uuto thousamls (of generations) ol t-iem that love me and keep mv com- j mandmeuts. hv shnuld a bov who inherits a taste for Huor fnm hi father or grandfather make that ex cuse for his own sinning, wh'le he for gets the faithfulness of his mother and grandmother? Is nor a ble-ing great er than a curse? Could he look back through the "generations." would not the prayers and tears, the godly liea of the mothers make the promise sure to him instead of the curse? Satan tempts aman and then says: "No use trying V Truth savs "overcome:" national IF-G 21 CC Uullcliu. Mi:. Fkedekick Sinxocar, the versa tile editor of the Church' of England Temperance Chronicle, has discovered sure cure for drunkenness. The nami is almost unpronounceable, and tlii? is probably why no one has spoken it be lore, tie says he has been keeping it for a quarter of a century, but 1 tlunk ho has told it "many times and oft.1 It is DOXTDRINKALCOHOLATALLAT ALLltotoHSignaL ' - - " 7 - HOME, FARM AND GARDEN. Little onions, or onion sets, except a few for early table use. arc a useless and an cxjensive investment, when onions weighing two pounds can be raided direct from the seed in one sea son. Exchange. "Marmalade Pudding: To a quarter of a pound of suet, chopped fine, allow one-half pouud of fine bread crumbs aud a quarter of a jound of brown sugar. Mix all together in a basin and add a pot of marmalade, reserving enough to make the sauce, unless wine saucj is to 1 e served with it. Lastly, add two eggs well beaten up. Put the m xture into a, mould and steam for a couple of hours. Serve with marmalade or wine sauce. .V. J Hcrthl. Every garden should have a small bed of sage, thyme, savory, parsley and marjoram. In fact, no garden is com plete without them. They can be grown from seed, and once obin'ned remain for a long time, leing propagated by the seeds and roots. A vacant corner serves as a goo I place for them, or along the margin of the walks. Thj great dillieulty with herbs is that they are usually neglected and allowed to die away. If they are to Iw permanent they should receive not only care but an occasional manuring. Cleveland (0.) Ltadtr. After tea has been steped in boil ing watar for three minutes, over five sixths of tho valuable contitutents ar extracted. At the end of ten niinutei. the leaves are almost entirely exhaust e I. Prolonged infusion gives no ad ditional strength to the liquid, but it does cause the loss, by volatdization. of the fiavoriug principles. Hard waters are to be preferre 1 to soft waters iu. the teapot, as t!iO hard waters d's.-olve less of the tannin, out of the leaves. 'I he bearing of these laboratory results on the art of .making a good cup of tea is obvious. Rats can be compelled to vacate premises by using a mixture of chloride of lime and water at the places fre quented by these animals. Some of the mixture ought to be poured into the htiles. Hats have a great aversion to the odor of chloride of lime, and betake themselves at once as far as possible from it. Unlike most other mixtures for abating rat inroads this niixturo of chloride of lime and water is a safe ouo to employ, aud as it does not kill the rats there are no dead bodies of victims undergoing decomposition iu inaccessible- places ami polluting the atmos phere after the riddance has been effected. Chicago Journal. THE HESSIAN FLY. Huttlt anil CharartfrUtir-i of an Agricult ural l'ett. In publishing Bulletin No. 1, descrip tive of the Hessian' fiy, l'urdue Uni versity of Lafa3elte, Ind., has done a good thing for the interests of wheat growers. This circular of ten pages was prepared by Prof. F. M. Vebter, of tho Unite I States BiireauVjf Entoimd ogy, who will hereafter be connected with Purdue University. He gives an elaborate description, illustrated by two plates, of the insect in its several states. rof. Webster says: "The Hessian fly is double brooded, the 'flaxseeds,' or pupai ia. being found on the winter wheat from late in the autumn, through the winter, until the early part or mid dle of April. The Mlax"eeds' of this brood from one to twenty in number, are situated b 'tween the stalk and sheathing base of the leaf, at the roots 1 ot the young 'grain, slight lv beneath the' surface of the ground.. The li.txseeds' I of the second generation affect fie wheat ia the iate spring and summer, but are situated higher up, an ineh or two above the surface of the ground, :it the lower joints of the straw.'1 He then quotes Prof. F.teh as fol lows: "In the ordinary course of nature thurefore our crops of winter wheat ar-t liable to two attrwks of the Hessian lly. one generation reared in its root producing another, which oc cupies the lower joints of the stalks. Thus the larv.e and pup-e are pre-ent in it almost continually from the time the tender young blades, appear ::bovo the ground in autumn until the grain ripens and is harvested the next sum mer. Our spr'ng vh-at on the other ban I can rear but one brood of these insects- they consequently resort to it but little if at all. Nor can the Hessian II v su-tain itself except in districts where winter wheat is cultivated iu wh'eh for it to nestle during the autumn and winter." It appears that there are. as a rule, two broods of the lly. the first brood1 laying their eggs late'in April and May. and the second in August. SeptemlxTr, and a few a lat" as the early part of Octolier. Prof. Cook, who 1ms studied me insect in .uieniran, says tnai "in July and August the tlies again issue foHh. and tlie eycle-of changes for t!i year is complete. Thus we see tleit the tlies are ready for work iu the fall, nuijli beore, the wheat is ready foe them, and may at ack a volunteererop tang lefore the usual crop is above groun I or even sown." A third brood sometimes appears, empty, "flaxseed " having been found on volunteer wheat ia September. Mr. 15. Hitliek. of Michigan, m an experiment; reports that he saw many of tho fiis is-ti". and had eg.s laid by tlies-; Hies on the sams wh at in October. Tne He-sian fly lays its egirs in the Ion r creas -s or furrows in the- upper surface of tic blade of the young wheat plant. The number of egijs found on a single leaf varies from one to thirty, or even m.-r . In autumn the worm lives on the shca'h at the base of tii leaves, just above the root-, near oi at the surface of ihe soil. The "flax seed" form may be detected from its large ise ami chestnut-brown toior. It :s found in separating the stalk of the voun z wheat in Octol er and No J venibor. when t:ie worm has stopped feediug and is incased in its brown sacK. ome ho As of plants will be found withered an I chansetl to a liht veiiOvci!or. lite worms h-fow assuru- ing ther "Havse-d" state, rest between tile talKS and leaves. Pr jf. WelMer sav. Ibni 1I both entomologltaf and actilturali , aree in reeomon'Isug a- a remedv f-r j ?4iv4 . iren:ivc oi tne ravag-s of thi insect that at least part of the wheal should not be sown until after the iOJ of beptendierin the Northern States. mending thl course in districts infested .......;, aau.v,uo ccBcurm recom- lawi pep. even though the wheat msy ue m danger of injury tnm the cold au.nmual or winter weathe- "We may threrore cohciude. that on the whole, says Erof. WcUter, "ate sow ing is the test general remedy: bnttill apart of the wheat should" be sow" early a? a decoy to draw off the :- and induce them to lar their e-4 in the cany sown .grain, that taeTa! owh portron ay escape their attaek. and then farmers should ploruAd nd re-spr the f eld of early S" WHAT IT Ml WUj the AdmlnUtratioi Hnnml th Memory of Jake poa. Mr. Jacob Thompson5 a conspicu ous example of the nfc01 kin(1 of traitor that ever weuk unhung. He used his office as a (ibinet Minister, while the civil war w impending and breaking, to give aid Jri comfort, both sympathetic and matfriah to the reb els. Afterward he peaked alxmt in neutral norts with tl avowed object of introducing sinall-pos l yellow fever into the North, and he organized aeon genial baud of cut-lJiroate to create a . "lire in the rear? ol the Northern troops bv starting coahgratioiis in the Ipidmf Northern eatie-s- or these acts he has received the universal execration - ,. ..... ...... j of every LVon man; d even the Con- federate soldiers wbo risked their lives in honorable warfare have blushed that such a cowardly Bint should have Iwen nllou-ed sTiilace bv their leaders. The fiction nfl S.'cretarv Lamar in closing the Interior Department in re spect for the mehiorv, of this man is an indication that, ia the eyes of the pre cnt Administration, there is no act com mitted during or before the rebellion provided it wasitone for the rebel cause that is sufficiently disgraceful to de bar its perpetrator from official honor by the ex-Lonfoderate rulers in Wash ington. Following this precedent there is nc reason whatever why. at the death ol Jell" Davis, the War 'Department shall not be closed in respect for his memory. He was Secretary of War. as Thompson was Secretary of the Interor. On the day of Jeff iJ.iv.' funeral at even army post throughout the country, hvo.der of the War Department, the National Hag will be hoeted at half-mast; the oitfecrs will apear with crape on sleeve and sword-hilt; the colors will be draped in mourninjr and the drum-beat will be mullled in fitting sorrow for this great man's death. Tne foreigner who visits Fort Wayne on that day will ask: Wiry theic mourning emblems? What American hero has passed away and brought sorrow to the length and breadth of the land?" And the Detroit Fr!c i'rtss will doubtless answer him: "The greatest leader of our party is gone. "He started the fire in the front and therefore deserves more credit than Hendricks and ourselves who started onh" the 'lire in the rear.' Circum stances prevented him from receiving the Democratic nomination for the Presi dency: but every true Confederate whether he marched under the stars and bars in the Smith or schemed under the fsaull- and -cross- banner of the Knights of the Golden Circle in Indiana and f Detroit will honor President Cleveland fcr havinir honored the mem ory fat Jefferson Davis.". lo this complexion we have come at lat If Jacob Thompson and Jeffer son Davis are to be honored in death bv tha whole Nation throuirh the ofiicial aeis of the Democrat ie President it must be becau.se the Democratic administrn- tioa hd'oves that their deeds iu life de served the respect and approval of the whole American people. If this much III' cone d d, why is Jefferson Davis not fit for citizenship and National recogni tion while living? hv should not his disabilities Ihj removed at once to ena ble, the Democratic Legislature of Mis- fisfcippi to send him Jo the United States ;Souiti nr I'ro-ilniiT. I li.V4Ii iwl ti A .., ... . ,?. V..W .4l ...t.V. , lp- jtoint him Comui ssiouer of Pensions. V here was the harm in rebellion, any how? If Jeff Davis is to bo honored, why arc not the Confederate soldiers more woithy of honor? They at least risked their lives iu open buttle, aud they arc cut t'cd to more consideration than such Fiiakcs-fri-lhc-gras.s as Thompson and Davis. 'If tjivsu two men receive the honors that are accorded to all :reat statesmen their cause can not have been di.-dionorable. If the Confederate cause was just why should not the Nation )enI Why Ion thu soldiers who fought for it? not pay for Confederate slaves and oilier rebel hisses? This is what is coming if Democratic rule continues. Let no man deceive himself by assum ing that this is impossible. Let every Union man go back in memory to the mouth of Mutch, lb(3". Let him take the Hies of the newspapers of that time and rea I the list of losses on the battle lield, aud nut himself iu the frame of mind that he was iu when Jaeub Thomp son and Jeff l)nis were striking at the life and heart of the Nation. Let him ask himself what, at that time, he would have thought of the proposition to "honor the memory" of Jacob Thomp son aud JeJV Davis. Let him trace the gradual effect of time upon his memory until he can recall the period if he has over rea'-hed it when he first could have heard such a p'eee of news with out a Hush of au;;er. Then let him com pare the dates aud sec whether he was not misled to ot; the Democratic ticket about that t'mj. Or. if he has never U'ea no misled, but has neglected to vote at all. or has thrown away his vote so as pract'cally to help the Democratic' party. let him ask himself what there is but the defeat of that party to prevent the pensioning of ex-Confederates and the payment Of rebel war-claims. It won't do to laugh or sneer at it as impossible. Twen'y years ago the Sec retary of the Interior who should have ordered the hanging of the National Hag at haJf-m..s: for Jacob Thompson would have needed a brigade to protect him from hanging at fuit-mat hiiuelf. To-day the Democratic party "hoLorsM Jacob Thompson and Jell" Davis, and our lirrcer pas-ions do not respond to condemn it with that hysical violence with which they once would haveSHiken: but these "houors" mark the steps in the steady progress of the Democratic party ruled by the Southern Confeder ates toward rebel pensions and relwl war-cla ms. It remains to hv seen wucmorme outnein Democrats can gradually educate the Northern coplc up to an indifference regarding the issues ft r which the war was foight. Let that indificrrnce spread to th" Union men and their sous iu the North, and the next generation will bo taxed to py relK'l peasion, rebel war-clais and coniccusation for the slaves- Detroit lo'ii. A man took his chMdren. who were snflering from whoopinr-cough. to a boarding-house. A number of the lward- ers lett me nous? to escape tuu con tagiou. and the children of the landlady contracted the disease. The landlady tbe.-cupon sueil for damage-, and re coycretl, the court holding that'to take the children irom place to" placa under j such circumstances was ncgligenc e- titling a sufferer from it to sue. fttls burgh lost. m Two ronng ladies have been de barred from the skating rink at Yonk crs, K. Y.. because of their beanry. Th vonn men quarreled orcr them so iuuch thit they ara denied admiMkm. X. Y. Sun. Soith American etiaaette, it v Mid, prohUrlL ladies fro gouyr shoppa oc upon t streets, erca in the exj ftua withoutrescorts. GENOA. Tk Cntem Attach! to th Hartal ef the Dead la ThU Itallaa City. It hi the custom in these countries often to place photographs of the peo ple at the graves, aud in many in stances the marble faces I saw were the same as the pictures some hand some, some plain, some ugly, but all human and real, and nothing idealized. The clothing, too. was perfect, collars, cuffs, hats, neckties and patterns of gentlemen's clothes and ladies' silk or brocade dres-es being given in uerfec tion. Thus the styles of the day are preserved, and I, careless observer, saw articles of wearing apparel the fashion of which dates far back in the past, lwo groups I saw here nse uis- . ..." . .... . , " twctlv be.'ore my mind still: . n atlvo- cate in his full court dress, life-size. standing In a commanding position ready to speak, while his wife stood by the pedestal weeping, bearing on her . head a veil just like the black Spanish veil worn here a jrreat deal instead of; a bonnet; the other, a young girl on a j bed, Christ, life-size, standing by her. and below the friends kneeling and weeping. I suppose there were at least two hundred like these. Each is elaborate and interesting in its way. Everywhere we went the air was per fumed with shrubs, which are culti vated here instead of flowers. In the open ground each grave is marked with a cross for a headstone, and all the crosses face in the same direction, giving singular uniformity in appear ance. The effect of the whole scene was most quiet and beautiful. Cor. Chicago Times. Stovepipe and Derby. What appears to be the correct thing jn stovepipe hats is one with a six-and-a-quarter-inch crown and a a two-inch brim. The majority of silk hats will be Tery little, in fact, almost impercept ibly "belled," but the one spoken of above and upon which much time in designing appears to have been spent, will be bell-crowned very little more, it is true, but enough to dictinguish it from others. The brim will also have a more marked curve than the other fashionable hat. The crush or opera hat always follows the lead of the silk hat as regards shape, but this spring the brim is a little narrower than that of the ordinary stovepipe. The tall hats as at present worn have a remark ably light appearance that is in keep ing with the season. I'hilatlcljihia XeuiM. Francis Murphy '. coat was stolen in Pittsburg a few davs ago. The thief pawned it and sold the pawn-ticket, the buyer of which attended a Murphv meeting and took the pledge. Franc's Murphy then tied a blue ribbon in ti buttonhole of his own coat ou another man. Piltsburq I'ost. THE GENERAL MARKETw. KANSAS I'lTV, April 'JO. CATTLK-Shpp!n;r steers. ...t .V. Native cows a VO i:iltcher'tteer.4... 4 11 HOGS (iooil t choice heavy ui I.tjrtit '! V) WHEAT No. 2 ml Tt No. .'J reil ' Itejecteil t" aw 4 .VI 4 2! a ni 74' 71 Kt :7' at u 1 to j to i: 10 lo r. ,0t rousSn.s :tri4& HATS No. 2 .)U'i& ItVK No. 2 Tk. t(, FI.OUK -Fancy, per Mick.... 1 tf) c HAV .tirv tinleil b M Ct, lU'TTEIt flio.ee crcMinery.. 24 & ('HEESE-Fiillcicuiii U lit KfSliS flimce I iu I'UIUV 11111.1 VJi'iJJ hliouliler s 1 S a 1 1 I " WOOL Mei-onri iinwH!lieil. 14 I'OTATvlES Ni'i'liaiioeki. . . M it; ST. i.on?. CATn.E-Shlpplmc Steer ... T. T." ft HiitehtrVSteert... A U) Cf. IIOOS Paekimc ll 5 SHEEP Fair to choice :i .V) . FI.Ot'lt-fhoie' 4 r.1 6? WHEAT No.2rel IC ft all'V S"1 i ' ti " 'I ... .. . . ....... ........... ... MATS No. 2 VAi'(, K i r" " Ht iiAiCIri ... vv UlTTEK-freiuiiery 24 (Tc POKE 12 111 r,f. COTrON-.MhMlinir 10 ki CHIfAf.O. fATTLE Good tochn.eo . 4fi) ft .)(;S Puckiiiir nnil .shipping U'. 6', MtEEP Fmr to choice :t :!." 5s FLOCK Winter wheat . Cc WHEAT-No.Jrcl JiP.ft 0.t. ' "C No.U apniiK M & COKV No. V &t )AjS Nt. . k l I r "v J IW IV 11 u V NEW YOKE. CATTLE Exports .1 V) Q IfOCS Cood toehoice 4 () (a SHEEP Poor to prime r () . FLOUK Common to Rood.... it WHEAT No. 2 red J ft COKN No.2 52V3- OATS Western mixed :w,5& PiMCrv - l- h PKTUULEL'M United & ED STAR THAOCm MARK. T. QUBE91URE f Abanlutthi Frfrot Vpiattm, .ITmcfia imI Jb(ii. PROMPT. SAFE. SURE Car for C, M mm tkrr TltrMl u4 Lx A"fllfc. TKECltiaUB 4.TOCIUK f WmKmn.mrytmm4.lJ. riMt4ji(kc. ?jCrl. IIBnclMlJr. nrfWJlT r t. 6fc)ra 0aeei.i AV ZXTA1WABLX MMn,T MJaWCf. Thom9mntfafmHmomUiyremmmmmnm amt sacesrr wax. nu voc rs axrcrnes. tk tuiit. ilianttm a mWL. 4atatm vhmfts PEia Mi mm mm fsral y sssisrlsl xtisifcg rf stperei Ti toss GERMANREMlOlf m f KhtamM)im.ntnntm, I TnmvtUTIlTWTwri rD)iSjcviira lIi);iwrffLiiiifMiiwaMtoM Mfrn.nn !. n. ItwnhH sssllfcrMkeSssnftslB afTjrSameflawiB. X4A.r.KMSLMm.PmpCmimmtm. Mr. F. A. Otom. WmAimgtm, Tk C. write: I had a rioleat'cold. Afwdo of Red Cosa Curt relbnred M. fteaaat totale. A zerxba appears to tea ao! hi which the pursuing Arab Had the EagHah. .-tX-laMa G1. Constitution. Storm S'sab. As the coming of a creat stonp i hrr akied by the display of cautionary sigual?. o is the npproach of that dread and fatal disease, Consumption or the Lunc. usuairy anuounocd in advance or pimpled, blotches, eruption, ulcers, glandular swellings, and kindred otttteard xuanifrstatioos of the in ternal blocd poison, which, if not promptly expelled from the sy steia, attacks the deli cate tissues of the lungs, causing them to ulccrnto and Lrcak down. Dr. Ilerce's Golden Medical Discovery" is the great remedy for this, as for all diseases having their oYigin ia bail blood. It Improve- the . -. -- . ,. ... i .i appetite ana o """ ca;nuuB " " ' Miss-ronrc::ES come to sora niea when thtjy cct marrjeJ, aud tay Uou't ailaJ i: a bit. . Yocxo or middle-aged men, suffering from nervous dcLilitv or kindnsl affections, should addres. with three letter stamps for largo treatise. World's DIpeaary Medical Association, buffalo, N. Y. The watch repairer'. wife lets her btn band do all the spriug cleaning. Z.oice1 Citizen. Foi: diarrhoea, cholera niorbm.dysentery and blood v-tlux, colic or cramps la stom ach, use- Dr. Pie rw' Compound Kxtrart o( Kmart-Weed. Spccitle, also, for breaking up colds. "Tltl:Iiaus,, from the creal Plains it. have almost disappeared We i. TUo railroad ex- TnnoAT Diseases commence with a CoukIi. Cold, or Sore Thnwt. " IJroicn't Bronchial Troches" ivi immediate relief. Sold only in Loms. Price, iicats. Ir you are them'iu roi-i. golnj; toraliB zZ1, plant PiKK'sTooni ciiK inioes cure In 1 mlnutr.Sc Cfnu'c titjJiur'tMipkeuSaml tieautltle. :5c. Ulma.n Coii.v Ucaovkit kills Cera Uui Jon. A I'ENStvc maid often develops iuto an expensive ife- Men Think they know all about Mustang Lin imcr.t. Few do. Not to know U not lo have ELY'S CREAM BALM vrhca tppllt d Into the no trU,tll l o!orlcd. cf fcctua'.lr clcaaMn the trail of cat4rr!itl Tirol, cauticjr h-!tJir rcro tl'm. H alUr ln!Ummv tlun. protect iho nirm brano fruiii frch rnltU. complctclr hcl lhcM)rr an.l rrtton tho tc&tca of la:r injur.cll. NUT a MOTHi or SNUFF. A fc t .! 1eb rc l!rr A tUtro.ih trtnU irunluiltcutt, Ajrrcable to up. P'tcc M, ly HAY-FEVER multorBtilMittt. Sral forclmlir. KLV UUOTUfcltri, Ura:Uti.OwfBo,?: V. elHCERIURED I tivr hsil a riufrnia mr t" to? mny yrar I hate trtcil m krrrat inaojr initrtltr liut wltlxut tc.l"f I Itnu.t irr up ljjr f r'r 1m'. nir rur"l lr, llinlmun. njr i;i, rvrornmrmitM w.ft" jwclnr. hlili I luw i a km with tcrmi rt'ult. .My facrU cot-rll. nnil It I mpcaIM( for liu" loiprrt ny itink In wuril f.r ht ttil niriilriiii- h tlnr for iur. Mm. OLira IUkumaS. !onror. Ca.. Sept. 2. lM. I list r hail a ranrrr In tnr rttflil car for XUtrf yrara I irlcJ rtrry Trtu&ty itir iiiijlrlan rartkl. t iio inii unit kw-I. Svfia Mrliie ! rtuittt on- Uet fur me. It ! llir Ih-( lk-t ptirtnT In tlt world. Jon s. Miitr.im, riiftut. Ala. Swlfl"Sirrlflr l.rnilrclf r ;' ''. "! "'mi lo ntrr i-anctj- lr forcloy out IU: lapurttli fnn ttia Tr"tU" un IllfxKl tod Skin Ilr mailed fr. Til kbwtrrSl'triricCu lira cr 2. Atlaula. (ia, or til W. 2TJ ht, S. V. Mr. A. M. Dauphla. of WTU ItldRC Arc, Philadelphia, is well known U the ladle of that city from the grrat ood she hai done by moan of Lydia I rlokbani'ii Vegetable CouiDound. Sho write Mr. Pinkham of a recent latereHtInK cao - A young married lady came to me unrin; with a Bv.re cae of 1'rolapiin. and Ulcer- atlon. She commenced taking tho Cora- !. u.w,ww- .. j-., .......v.-. in prooi oi (ai sue buud iuuuu uni m an interestin;; condition. Innnenctxl by J foolUh friends tho attempt"l to evade tho f rcsporuibilitie of maternity. After ten or j twelve days she came to mo again and the ( was indeed in a most alarmlu stato and suffer! terribly. I KTe her a tablespoon ful of the compound every boor for Hht hours until she fell asloep, sbe awoke much relieved ami evidently bcttr. She con tinued taking the Compound, and In doe season she became tbo mother of a Cne , healthy boy. Bat for the timely use of th medicine the believes her life woald h&vfj peen iu' Ttnttirtlr rmr KCK-Jf TKSACBT. EUtaM. har so rquaX- I Sad '13 b-t prmnic a Kail fov : - Im atajap. THE BESm rasrrtMiT- ae -1- Gen'l U. S. GRANT, sDE.oi.ESTofaTitY F.rMAV. -i9Ctm. W. Jew'ct fr.t. . ti . t4t SL. Ht Ysifc S4 T aa Cewidtaim t4 rwlasim. NEWTHIN8! Ot cress vt Zi aaia. tvus SA till vzr C-fSi7ir r REaC wUa eut tor aaete fa a-itia f tb r,' nr TMKX, mr OaJMIt. A: Mf P.-rs c (jTtrKrjaflipTjaw (MrM(aor nrnTrcT(Trarxai:annr rtazrr gfiSE; hew MM war. Frederic Cocexr. JUej FLOWERS k PUNTS. yrraar iwia WIM. Hat Wtmm. fW essi far tr4e Han k. s. 1 wmtx a m BXl2iSt.CaAMCat.fw Many a Lady is beautiful, all btitherskin. and nobody has ever told bcr how easy it is to put beauty on theskin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. - CATARRH JKLYritfi fe ?rm P W jF y esaV " "; MbVbbiS m aAssV.sm Tp iU a. I-S IT1 ZtiimT, raJmamTmh 1 aia MMaMtiOM FILX. A POST. F wa)C9aciar VmiTitZm e mimrr.J. Dnnim, a.n n.v..; t.r LT",riLr?7'w' TIPPECANOE THE err O P o O o a Z o u X TOXIC m t'tsh.s. :bx &ATt5TACT0J CUARANTCtD. X. 3. WAX5A ft CO. Mkmt XT. ron GENERAL DEBILITY, WITHOUT AM KQUAV SX.OO Jk. J3 0rrfX,XslB H H. WABNERiCO. Jtcktstf r, I. Y. Vm. ILC RATTKLLK. W4lrts. X T.tn' tr aar rrr tmw fttr toraa lrUr. 0yre soa ol pirn. TVriKa n-J lr&Jcr, h fCi;)frOio hcallZttr Wxarr TrrOkuE. Tt Bt. row Mal-Assimilation of Food. H. H. WllKEll & CO., Rtekcsltr. N. Y. UT J PlKKrOWKKH,0riUje.Ky,.rir4 ! ofilitrtxU aol tnJ j.ltn(IUloo ut fl. t-4f !. iuldUxiarM. lta Uncer't Tirrea. thr MU. Health and Longevity a Natural Inheritance. A sfd phase of life I tite larcc nunv bcr of rretuatiire tlrattut conUntrv oe- currinjj. Health and longevity are natural luheriuucc, but aJai I too many miuandcr tho prlcrlcv heritage fur incaa of potajre. An ohscrvcr may no tice on every h!c a deplorable vtolatluu. o? Xature's lullexlble laws. Willi many it U only the jiroent moment that -ronsiticretl, while lo-moriow and It consequences remain unhwtled. "Ho Uvctli Iouk who llvclh well," and U llo out tho allotted paco of "thm score rar iunl ten" one untut, lndxl live well, atttl walk clrctumiotly. care fully avoiillm; the ninny alluring by pathi of lite tliat too late aru fouud t be only Miort cuts to 'eath ainl destruc tion. I'ity the man, lilty the womw tliat lead butter lly live, ihotuchtfo and heeilles'i of future car nUlvhijc only for momentary enjo) ineni. unre ntndnluj: their ajitt!ts and their a rloiiS nihun jto:iunh, liver, kidney, nerves aw! brain by lmproirr foodn and excc,iIve IndiilRiiictM. To nil pitch tho writer cries Stupl iio:tH change rmir ways of llvlnir restore ntrnij;lh totlinwr luiriortiuit oi:ans of life. N-coino again jierfect in inliid and body, Ret jour elv" acaln on the rbjht road to health and longevity by umih: lint only remedy tliat never fall to rebuild a broken down constitution, known far aiHlwhtu by the name of OR. CUrSOTT'S YEU LOW DOCK AND SARSAPAMLU. Vour drtiL'&l-t will i;et It fer you. Take m jmbntltute. It rtored the writer to robust health and will pave you I MUSIC BOOKS roit- SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Sour Wtrshii a!w-rTriui' ati't V A HUD'Uf Ktht-l - a UiMtM of hinrkril ntrrli. i t.rilt. . IIMrnaUli tnul ctirmirtt atCbatitatxjaa mSotb-rl'Hllrlacruf r atrtltr prwrnlnrnl rsnnday Heh.R Wirrara. ttuif & tril-ciat cull e Ion uf ctccllcot nc U jiuna aa4 to u ale lrL.a EMKatAO 4 w. . mhkbwix. Pric. SS ct.. 5l pr tiufHlf rt SinInMtlMWay. Mr- Hrli M Jtf A imlr vnhr M rvxl txwa: fur ftaMa tvml vr' Prar'r Mrnloji. wltb 1J3 lljmb aiul Tarf tb ctractcf. Price, 36 ti- n) pr toa. . . A tang Uyt tut tttf t rrakv rll wlWftmJmt Ut.Aifjtttir BWAt. ffflS 1 VYrcteK-W TxiTtjra. am biyin. !(. mntt , lcjPfla.Ujjrn-Uij4ciuN VjUi.lSiU.,9Liipmr 4t. , 0thrtfrf94ttalna4rtuQ Re ftwft f4ht iwft, rseta iu.il Mt'rt. Mmmm MAmU UlirXm )Ttnnrf s4 HotlrtM. Wnnw Itlarjr.iSrtij AWt'T IM M ,ICf!U Abtr t M m KM. Iru.l Abtf aJ Mafir. imJ Xaita, (eu.) K. M. Mtluuh. a.l AbUrud Mi Aaijr Miia MstM fer WLmtmiX T t.rm a MCALr, . ouvkb wrnm ca. FUN In. isatiH's Mw fxr lllrtrf4 'tt. pwpM lT.l'H. -'imtrm S9BI lnliaiCWIt. AAI bIICbIC 5 rTTTl. A f'pmrtrom' TWfcII.nJ"r,!-., rm trlit nl ti aialnaia an lnnar crtrtM liet W seofeaa w t-m. Wii tnr fttmtmr ( 9 OtHK WOKLDI WONOtftS. tilt tvt t nil pMl-ur. him. r. Co-ih. laia.M. CUCEH Tr44 4 cmr tltu ffe airife K.L.roXI).M U-m.KiL.Vm. rniK)iiriiTai '-itrr Ar- EH rosetn Sil i arlael taat,St TO516 m MaVAjiA. t Mia i taiit to Vm -tcr wr TW MCW VOSTX 4JVtVAJtA OCA -WWWnmmmui, ssswir lir naaaianaiaAaBLat LCUMFII8J a S-lKr.areiaaiajia laaar.tw; Naa Ma 9-m May WXti. VCUwr VUXJk lonrfca? e. aniat atWr. lasmi mfpmr ( m.mamm, pmaii mm ai w4l.wMaa J "ES! ' 'T L t naa e4 " m rm4tu-.$ mm mm T. A4sa aV. St t CSMrT. MS fmrnH SW Ta Re Ue AWARt Tjur r WMSUMPTI8N. "1mtmmHtmnw3 tmrn$iwm SleMaeytas t rmrmd-lt lal.'twaiuaifi lUt WMUCAmiMTXMTf I .uh( lati ii a rrmm anrua j r. tniiiiiwwr .KA.I 111 insaj yniis , a4 uttxm.mm srrr.rti.- ( tt..n --- -- g -. w r. ct mMwm - " 'm . v jvuxwon ox. awrtosf . juafc. sK BlVBBBBBBk. flalkSSBBM sVSBfesI SbIBSbI YbSBBBIbVIbIBSBbK. CAMbIbIBIBBIbI aMsBBBBB- J V SsBBBBBBBBbW BBBBBbV MbBbI m9 flsBBBBB aAaBilJaBBBksBm. ? ' fa MSB T -.-s-T.: . 2 V 'S.' f v - AM i ' Ms I MM B Tr S ! "1 - I I W i V - -,.1 "j ""tTM J4i : m ' r-v, -A , L ; A u i,1:! t ? Jf . V. sJnr' -M' a- t i, r . zm IT- T i'' iJ'V. Ti- I-" ."S 4J t . V?i . J- ? j tf 1 &-L '. "V.V- .1 ,". . 1 .- & I'Vse?- ,?" ! A-W .' -. - r.- at4- K lt ..irrf- s"-i -I ' - .5. - - Tt'-v .-- ' ,. -, . ' -i-s . -i. "". ' . "jf - ,T. s T-.Lb . . , x.-'5 j- 'nfe " .-, , b - ; ,--v? .Z: 'r-. vTJ-!lA-..-r '7 -v I