The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 24, 1885, Image 5

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lit& Red Cloud Chief
A.C.HOSMER, - - Froprletr
FRIDAY. APRIL 24, 1885.
The Commercial Houee has
a new
Mrs- T. C. Hacker hat been on
sick list.
Johkky Young was doing Red' Cloud
Mrs R V Shirty goes to Wisconsin
y this week.
E C Ballew has taken a position in
Indianola. - - -
Arbor day was duly observed
There will be skating at the rink
Saturday night
Go to Mrs McBride's for niching,
laces, and neckwear.
v Miss Anka Coke will teach in Dis
' trict 37 for the spring terra.
The regular meeting of the W. R. C
will be Monday, April 27th.
"-R V, Shirey and wife were in Cam
bridge this week. They returned
The Baptist ladies held a festival at
the church on Tuesday evening. It was
well patronized.
I. X. Taylor lelt Thursday for an
extended trip in Missouri, Arkansas,
and Illinois, for his health.
Jons R Shirey and wife have re
turned from Denver. They report the
mountain scenery beautiful.
C. A Teel, F. Lawler and W. H.
Thomas of Cowles were pleasant call
ers nt The Chief sanctum Wednesday.
We received a fine bunch of pie plant
this week from Mrs H. C. Andrus.
about the first of the season, for which
we return our thanks.
Don't forget' the Odd-fellows cele
bration on next Monday in this city.
It will be an event long to be remem
bered by all who see it.
L A IIa&KINb has received his final
receipt for his homestead in Ka.isaH.
He has ali?o been fencing his farm in
Line precinct. He is evidently pros
pering. Tin: nged mother of C. E. and Mips
Ella Putnam died Monday, and was
buried Wednesday jut Cowles. Mrs
Putnam had been a surlerer for sever
al months past.
The Congregational society will have
a dime spelling school at A. B Pierce's
Friday evening, April 24th, to which
nil are cordially invited to attend.
Refreshrents will be served.
Ormsby a Dickersox shipped anoth
er carlord of 425 cases of eggs to Bos
ton on ln8t Saturday, This firm are
doing an immesne business just now
in the egg business. Thf Chief wishes
them sucrcss.
Mr. Ueo. B. Gates will have his
livery stable running about May 1. He
has made several purchases and pro
poses to make his stable first class in
every particular. He will haye about
a ioren rigs equipped with good
Charley REMsnEita, the handsome
and popular cowboy, who spent his
winter and last Summer's wages in the
quaint and curious cities of the east
and south returned home Wednesday,
he will work with the Sugarite outfit
again this season. Cornel, Raton. New
Divine service al the Presbyterian
Church, morning and evening. At the
evening service the pastor, Rev H Mc
Meckin, will deliver a lectur on a
specially interesting subject, "Science
and Religion," The public and strang
ers visiting in the city are cordially in
vited to attend these services.
W. H. Thomas, formerly of old Cass
but for the last three years a citizen of
Webster county, called on his old friend
on Saturday last and wis looking quite
well. Since leaveing here province
has favored him and now he has a good
supply of this world's goods. Success
to one of Caps best citizens.ffajrtejK,
Greenwood, Nebraska. Cathkr on lastWednes-
day, purchased the abstract books, &c ,
of McKeeby & Kellogg, and will pro
ceed to run that business hereafter in
good shape. Mr. C. has had a consid
erable experience in the abstract busi
ness and wc will bespeak for him suc
cess and prosperity. The Chief can
fully reccommend him to -the public
ThK Board of Education have finally
adopted the course of graduating stud
: suggested by Miss Eva J. King
icipalof the Red Cloud schools, and
t . same will take effect at once, so
that the first coramen cement exercises
rtha luah school will take place dor-
next March, at the close of the winter
term. Tho board is certainly to be
commended for so dome, as it opens a
new field for the school children.
Red Cloud has been set apart as a
separate road district. We may expect
hereafter to have good streets and
crossings. We would suggest to the
r-Uv f-rheis. ms, an inducement to the
citixens to put down sidewalks, that the
city furnish stringers and put all walks
down, provided the property owners
furnish and pay lor the necessary
lumber to lay the walk with. -This
would induce the people to lay more
On friend M.L. Thomas editor of
the Bepublioan, Holdrege, has atruck a
rich lead by locating in ,that town. He
is receiving a splendid patronage, and
his columns have been so pressed with
new ads tkat he hat been com
pelled to chance to a six column
quarto to meet the demand
of Us patrossw we are piewca
- i- j,
and prosperity
He is pn
m 'J-J- -,"t
swaeoleofHoidrere a
-aad the bMiBMs
DiBTRTcr oonrt sets May 26.
A. MoRHARThas just finished a new
barn -
Tins county commissioners met last
Business in the carpenter trade ie
looming up.
S G Gricf. has bought a fine organ
from J S Noll.
The Ladies Aid Society meets Fri
day afternoon at Mrs. Fermans. '
Mr Hiram Hicks has gone to Indi
ana. He A'ill be absent ten daysC
Mr. Croxe will commence the erec
tion of his dwelling in a few days.
,Ms Lot: Herrice. and little child
have been on the sick list for a few
You can save money by carefully
reading every advertisement in our
GRAnd Musical entertainment Tues
day May 5. Notice and programme
next week.
J. S. Duss has been unfortunate, he
haying lost two horses lately, valued at
about $300.
Mrs J. W- Sherwood has arrived in
Red Cloud where she will lemain the
next few months.
T B Haxka is building a new dwell
ing on Seward St. which will be an or
nament to our city.
Harry Feight has the dandy phae
ton of the city. It was manufactured
at the Red Cloud carriage works.
We respectfully call the attention of
stock raisers to the new advertisement
ol Ramer Bros, in another column.
The pay car made the hearts of the
railroad boys happy on the 16th, be
sides making their pocket books fat.
Miss Vasbti Gardner has' been
quite ill with the measles during the
past week, but is now improving nice
ly. O G Roberts has rented his house
to Sam Dyer the express driver. Sara
will move into it as soon as his wife
gets well.
Mr. McCaue, yard master at Akron,
received serious injuries the other daj
by getting squeezed between two pas
senger cars.
B F Mizer the north end grocer
comes out this week with a fine deliw
ery waon from the Red Cloud Car
riage Works.
John Parkes bought the building
next to the Red Cloud National Bank,
and will move it on his lot north of his
boot and shoe shop.
This week, Mr. Stewart, and family,
of New Jersey, arrived in Red Cloud,
where they expect to locate and be
come residents of our growing city,
There will be preaching at the Bap
tist church Sunday morning at 11
o'clock, and evening at 8 o'clock Sun
day school at 12, temperance school at
We were shown a curious freak in
the shape of an egg within an egg. Two
perfect eggs and two perfect shells.
They were from one of the hens of Mr.
A. W. Copeland
- MrsM W Dickerson left Sunday
night for Iowa, where she goes to vis it
her father who is not expected to live
long. In tho meantime 31 W will be
a forlorn widower.
It is rumored that the BAM will
soon begin to unload material in Red
Cloud for their new western branches.
Th:4 city will be distributing peint for
supplies, we understand.
B, L Tinker has one of the best ar
ranged and most convenient clothes
racks we have ever seen. It .fastens
to the wall and is done up entirely out
of the way when not in use.
Mr. &. Mrs. John R Shirey held a
reception at their new home last week
A large number of their friends attend
ed, and report a most enjovable time
notwithstandidg the inclemency of
the weather.
R E Haressape. formerly of this
city, bought a two seated carriage
from the Red Cloud carriage works
and shipped it to Wahoo the other
day. Thus it is that the fame of ReC
Cloud is spread abroad over the land.
James Swearing ex, for some months
B.fc M yard master at Akron, Col., has
resigned and n as taken a position of
the same kind at Huntington, West
Va., on the Chesapeake k. Ohio By.
The Chief will follow him to his new
The Chief would be glad to have
people who leave the city, or who have
friends visiting with them to report
the same to our office, or by dropping
the same into the post office on a pos
tal card to us. Such favors will be
thankfully received by The Chief.
Ore day this week we had the pleas
ure of meeting Mr. Jacob Severns, of
Ohio, who recently purchased F N
8hular's firm near Guide Rock. Mr.
Severns is a pleasant gentleman, and
The Chief welcomes him and family
to Weoster county, feeling assured
that they will never regret thatthey de
cided to locate among as in the garden
spot of the west.
Don't forget that "Among the
Breakers" will be played at the rink
on tb 30th. The proceeds of this en
tertaiRment will be used to seat the
Episcopal church. This is a worthy
'fun and Ibe Chief hopes the people
will patronise it liberally. It n t
hntifal drama, aad oar YObc folks
are doing their level best to produce
it in goad style.
HosFOKD Toqkg a getting to the
front with their chicken hatcher. The
boys are constantly improving their
place, and expect to have a good nam
ber of young chicks to place on thef
market in doe season, they are also
Bjakiag a specialty of fine grade Fly
Moath Rock poultry. They are also
gettiag orders for eggs from these hens
trow all parts of th country.
fsr bets.
at Mrs McBride's.
olm is building a new barn
AMPiELL, of the B. M., was
in the iitr Saturday.
Ho-d"P Newcomer called at these
headquarters this week.
See the near Eterly steel frame
twine binder at A. L. Funks.
WNRichaedsok shipped ten cars
of cattle this week to Chicago.
Arrived. Rochester made Ladie's
shoes and slippers at Marsh's
Daxy will sell all goods left at his
shop over 30 days, if not claimed. 38tf
J. B. PotteRj one of our staunch
western farmers, was upon pur streets
A. 8. Marsh is building an addition
to his residence, corner Seward street
and 4th Avenue.
Four brick buildings won't be so
bad for Red Cloud this spring. Brick
layers will porbably be in demand.
Haik goods at Mrs McBride's.
31r Geo Decker and J. J. Ducker,
of this county, went to Chicago last
Saturday with fonr car loads of cattle.
Business is rushing at the depot.
Every morning an extra coach has to
be put on at Red Cloud to .accommo-1
date west bound Uavel.
Suits suitable for all vocations from
a f4 working suit to a good wedding
suit, at the Golden Eagle, at prices that
will defy competition.
County Superintendent Springer re
ceived some genuine maple sugar from
"way down thar in Varmount" this
week. It was excellent. ,
The peregrinations of an itinerant
artist with a four wheeled charioti
drawn by a crow-bait team, attracted
some attention this week on our streets
Parties interested will take notice
that H A Howard has tiken up an
estray hog, which the owner can have
by paying necessary expenses incurred
The city council, at Iheir las meet
ing, elected II A Watson marshal and
street commissioner, to take efTect May
l. The salary of the office is $40 per
Geo. Holland has recently secured
a beautiful life size crayon portrait, of
his little son Lee (rescently decacsed).
It is univei sally admired by all who
see it. rf
The members of Red Cloud Lodge
No 144, IO GT, will give an orange
social at the residence of SherifT War
ren, Tuesday April 28, 1885. All are
Two Robins do not make a summer
in the east, nor two boys with a beauti
ful string of fish in the west, but both
seem to point in that direction in their
respective latitudes.
On with the dance, let joy be unre
strained. Red Cloud proposes to have
a flrst-clas) opera house in the near
future. The project is in the hands of
men.with the necessary vim to suc
ceed. A. H. Bhown, tle enterprising pro
prietor of the Red Cloud marble yards,
who met with a serious accident re
cently at Blue Hill by his runaway
steeds, is again able to be on the
streets. He had a narrow escape.
Red Cloud elected a licence ticket,
and has reorganized its defunct cornet
band. State Journal. ,
The license ticket is all right, but
the cornet band was reorganized over
a year ago. Give us something iresh,
At the.annual meeting of the Web
ster County Bible Society, held at Red
Red Cloud, Xcb., April 20, 18S5, the
following officers were elected for 1885:
J P Bayha, president; A L Funk, sec
retary; Henry Cook, treasurer and de
positor. Cyrene Commandry, of this city
that has been working under a dispen
sation for the past year, was granted a
charter at the recent annual conclave
of the Grand Commandry of Nebraska
Knights Templar, held in Lincoln this
week. Hereafter, Red Cloud command
ry will be known as Cyrene No. 14.
The enervation and lassitude of
springtime are indications of the slug
gish action of the blood, overloaded
ith carbonates accumulated by the
use of heating food in winter. This
condition may be remedied by taking
heroie doses of saw-wood-and-split-it
bitters. P. S. This is not a patent
medicine ad.
The following mathematical prob
lem has been puzzling the brains of
the city mathematicians for several
days past. The first person outside of
Red Cloud sending the correct answer
and solution of the same to F. Brad
brook, the 4th Avenue photographer,
will receive a beautiful chromo: If a
hen and J lays an egg and $ in a day
and J, how many hens will it take to
lay 100 eggs in 50 days ?
ScxFLowER Fassie, chief engineer
of the 4th Avenue bagnio, nas g!ne i
east. Dame Rumor has it that Bea
trice will be her future stamping
ground. Her f!itting" was stopped
enroute to the depot by a miaion of
the law, armed with a writ of attach
ment and a beer bill. A deposit .of
filthy lucre equivalent in value to the
amount of the beer bill and the costs
of attachment released the gentle Fan
nie's goods and away they went.
MjlLdivmax, oar new nursery man
k new makiag extensive preparations
for hw future work. He has some
thing like 50,000 trees, shrubs, etc, set
oat of various varieties, and will soor
have an industry han't up in ibis line
tkat will be worthy of being put down
among the worthy and successful en
terprises of Bed Cloud. . May he ever
be seoosssfml is oor wish. Tkeadoe-
try is certairy oee that shoeld bel
WgWy appreciated in ftis part of Nc-
Mirk WKMat Straw.1
Last week wc announced the pur
chase by Mr. Chas. Wiener of the lot
adjacent to the First National Bank,
on which he is about to commence the
erection of a fine brick building. This
week Messrs Morhart k Fulton, the
enterprising .hardware dealers, bare
purchased the lot adjoining the Red j
i uioua national Dana ouiiuing un wc
- .! - m -u: .. f
north, at present occupied by the store
ofWm Letson. We understand the
building occupied by Mr. Letson is to
be moved across the street on the va
cant lot north of Parkes Bros', boot
and shoe emporium, as soon as possi
ble, meanwhile Morhart k, Fulton are
burning the midnight oil over various
plans and specifications, and propose
to commence at an early date the
building of a mammoth brick edifice
on their recently acquired site. MrJB.
F. Mizer and Mr T J Mosher haye also
been seized with the brick mania, as
well as a number of others of our
prominent business men, from which
tangible (brick) results may be expect
ed soon. The Chief has planted a
little brick in the ash pile and fondly
hopes some day to see it developed in
to a full grown brick block with plate
glass trimmings.
allslag AaMcUUaa.
For some days past several of our
citizens have been at work towards
perfecting plans to incorporating the
Homestead Loan and Building Associ
ation, aad bo far have been successful
and have filed the articles of incorpor
ation with the county clerk. These
institutions4are in operation in many
of the flourishing towns in the state,
and have been a source of great bene
fit to the poor man with limited means
in aiding them to build and own their
houses for about the same amount per
month as it usually costs for rent, thus
enabling every man to get a home for
himeelfand family, as the society loans
money to the borrower on good securi
ty, allowing him to pay it back in small
amounts monthly. In order to do this
borrower must be a stockholder. The
shares will probably be 5000 in number
and of $100 denomination making the
capital stock of $500,000, divided into
two series of $250,000 each. The stock
holder will only be compelled to pay
on his shares the sum of fifty cents
each per month, making it compara
tively easy for any one to subscribe
from five to ten shares of the capital
stock until the shares of the institution
become worth $100 each, which it is
estimated will be in about from seven
to nine years. The above is about the
usual plan that these associations are
worked upon, and the Red Cloud one
will follow in the wake of others that
have been organized in different parts
of Nebraska. We can say this, that
the association will be a great benefit
tothe borrower as well as to the non
borrower, and The Chief feels san
guine that the benefits derived from
the association will be of Listing dura
tion to Red Cloud, and highly appreci
ated by the people and especially to
those directly concerned in the same.
The books will be opened for sulscrip
tion of stock within a few days, and
from indications the snares will be
readilv subscribed.
The Old Fair Grounds) et Auctioa,
-May 2a
The Webster County Agricultural
Society have determined to sell the old
fair grounds lying east of the city, em
bracing some 40 acres, at public auc
tion on May 23. This will certainly be
a bonanza lor some man to get a good
piece of land on easy terms. Don't
forget the date, May 23. 38t4
Goinff out of Bufllneae
On account of continued ill health
lam compelled to quit active business
and will begin at once to close out my
entire stock. Goods must be sold. This
will be a rare chance to buy new and
desirable goods. Wm. Letrox.
The Chicago Btore, Riverton.
The Chicago Store, Riverton, Ne
braska, has just received fheir new
spring stock, which is the largest in
Franklin county. They are making
yrtnUr inducements this year than ever
to get your trade. 38-2w
Good Paeturawe
. nh.c TL Tbwi! will take cows to
pasture for $1.00 per month at the
-Home Farm." See him.
Contractors wishing to obtain brick
for early ase this season of us wonld
do well to call soon and maka their
rranromonti ma VP AXneCt tO Com
mencc next week, and we are ready
to contract any day on as good terms
as at any other time of the season.
S7-2t, W. H: Ludlow k. So.
For Sale I
A good farm of 160 well improved,
house, barn, wells Ac, 120 acres culti
vated, nine miles of Red Cloui. Inquire
at farm or address me at Red Cloud.
36-tf Robt. Jtownw.
For the Man and Boy. .
I have the Walker boots and shoes
and will give you wananty
on vverv oairyou buy. Try toem.
A. fc. Marsh.
For the Ladies and ObOdrtav
I have received Rochester made
Ladies' shoes, also the .Walker shoes
which are the best manufactured goods
in the United States. I will warraat
every pair perfect or no sale. Try
theea. A.S.MAISM.
Tbeundersigeed has
of .Norman- brood
wmxx. uucw ww. hi bmi
on time. Kesidenee tkree miles
Aatboy road. - F. r.
I will ta&eiaa
eatthf for the seasoa, with
25cts per month. Good
and water bat ao rcepoesieiBqr
tmii BocMFoax afewAKUvCathertoar
Rsaresioreaje. niu Bwaecs.asauT
mmw raiifc ImIitj iMf
luaited aaaaher of ae.....".-
y hard: a fettle
w M t JlfH, IfT -.-mmmm
I TLRTTK. ! - I Mm mm w B bjbjb - " -' tjm
i- phi ii mw -m sisur sTbBsV . -
Blow, ye gentle winds.
' Farmers are busy plowing for corn.
One of oar wealthiest farmers has
not yet gathered his last years ere of
One of the Bine inn boys came to
Rttin nn th ifth. 'to see his iH we
suppose, and while driving homeward
met with an aeddeat. The team ran
mmrmv Lrinr the TOUnC SBSB by IM
""-' " o
The farmers feel happy over the nice
"" .....
We hear that Katie Memll had a
bad accident the other evening while
cttincr rMlv to fD to meeiine. She
fell and broke the larop,knockingthree
teeth out and inflicting a painful cut
on the chin. She did not go to meeting
The Suuday-school is prospering
finelv, as a!o are the prjver meetings,
under the leadership of w B Lewis.
S'igbt Hawk.
Farmers plowing tor corn is
the or-
der of the day.
James Lockbart sits in an elegant
shupein his new buggy.
The Rev. MrMcekin preached an
able sernion'at the Cathcrton school
Mise Adda Tuttle is teaching at Cath
crton. Will not a man loose more than he
will gain in business when he will not
rectify a mistake made upon his part
Jerry Mar pole of Gibbon collece was
visiting at G P Cathers last week.
Mr and Mrs. Isaac Law ley was visit
ing Mr Morris at Blue Hill.
John McCallum team run away
with a plow and made things look
lively for awhile.
We want a good temperance lecturer
here. Presto.
Blow ye winds !
We have had plenty "of rain.
Prairie fire recently, but no damage
to speak of.
One of Mr Monia's little boys fell
accidently ou the hot stove and was
seriously burned.
Farmers and stockmen should be
careful how they do business, and by
so doing they would save themselves
considerable trouble and no small ex
pense. John Monson has a contract for
braking 75 acres of prairie for parties
near Nelson.
The B fc M have had a number of
mer east of Guide Rock, raising track
and putting in rock ballast. The com
pany aims to get this portion of the
track above high water mark.
Mr Hagan
has his nursery about
completed. He has trimmed his grove
up neatlv and will soon have a place
which will be an ornament to our
The cheese factory of Lutz & Downey
started up ytpril 15," making three large
cbeces as a beginning.
The bridge is done and the first
crossing was made on Saturday last.
Our school opened on Monday with
a good attendance, J Bailey as princi
pal. Rev Geo H Brown called out a full
house on Sunday last to bear one of
his excellent sermons.
F M Shular's sale was well attended.
Tilings sold high.
All the prominent places of business
are being treated to a fresh coat of
A 31 Talbot is building an addition
to his store.
The firm of Berg & McGuire have
dissolved, Mr Berg retiring and Mr
Hihon taking bis place.
Considerate shipping is being done
hexe this spring. Trixie.
What about the water works?
G. Weigman lot a valuable horse,
Bundav. Fast driving was the cause.
MR'Bentley, of Red Cloud, was in
our citv Tuesday.
Our base ball boys are getting to the
front in good shape.
Several runawavs last week.
Deed Atkinson.'ef Red Cloud, was
here visiting with the boys last week.
Wm Sidden, who arrived recently
from IllinoK has started a restaurant
in the old GAR stand. We wish him
the best of sneceas.
Our lost jeweler has returned, but
how long he will remain time can only
Mr Koehler departed on Thursday
morning for her old home in LeMars,
Iowa, on a neit-
Quite an excitement was created last
vmIc hv a nrainc Ire south of town,
and only by great exertion was it kept
from burning several residences.
A man was arrested and lodged in
the cooler Tuesday for gambling. We
hope that he and all others of a like
character will meet a deserved fate.
San and a pi
t day to you Mr.
Raining today.
Grass will grow.
Hail one uifht last week.
the ground one inch.
epring wheat and oats are showing
up abore the ground .
Stock men are begiamng to look ju
bilant Tlantinc corn wu) soon be toe order
of the day.
Did you see J. H. Brown s new sign,
it a dandy.
if r Z Paul.has opened up a rettau-
Curfman's aew hooie showed up. Mr
Hnrd and Pratt are doing the wore
District 13 is to be coogratoUted on
securing the services ui Wm Xelhe
Arnold as teacher.
Rink are sineinr. .
Anril saqwers look oet for the
tiful May lowers.
Wbv cannot Cowles have a class
wamiWbcic Will some ooe errai
a class. What say you Mr Springer.
Mr Howe had the muefortaae le
lease his well aagar H feet uadtr
lgrooad. m
jk. traveuimg huh w whpim
ther day. X
WrABOr ARTT3S for all kimM of fXtllth
muUiaerratMrs McBriJe
- -
seat 'Core.... .......
,f Oats . ..
saner ........-.....
I - ' - m
No Reason
Boots and Shoes,
Furnishing Goods, .
Hats, Caps,
Now sold at the Golden Eagle,
One price Clothing Store
Will be plfeasedto show you stock and priced
and convince you that you save money
by buying of us.
0- WEENEB, Proprietors
(QeJowwe quote a few prioee of our (roods and respectfully r sew set
the public to call aad be convinced oftheae facte.
Steel Spectacles - 10c
Brooches, rolled plate, 20c
Brooches, rolled plate, - 25o
Brooches, rolled plate, 30 to60o
Cuff pins, rolled plate, - 18c
Cuff pins, rolled plate, 20 to 46C
Clocks, nickel, - 900
Clocks, alarm - - - $1 ,35
Violins, - $2.25 to $0 '
Silver spoons, plated set 60o
Batter Dishes, i5c, Kapkia Kin, Ste. Watch Cbatas, lie, Accofeloaa, If, '
Clocks, sthkiag. CU. .
Elgin Watches,
Nickel Watches,
These are but a few of the WOSDE1FCL PKICW of oorgosAu It MEfff
oe resaesnuerea aiso tnai we ruttii naaas.ii aaa vyABMvi&a.
goods at good as the beit. Doa't forget the 'place,, Joar ioera- aorta, of
Jewelers. Bed Cloud.
Red Cloud Music House.
, Packard & WesternCottageOrgans
Pianos, Organs, and
Stein way, Weber tc Paris Piano.
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Trunks and Valises
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