32 -J(A-v Hbkj -gajga, ... mz ,4Lgastti&. -.xi -'lW -bV T - .J .-i".i . iTA3M: rl-;..- : i'&i-&- ' j-rT ar."?' - 5Tf" Jp"- !-- 1 3" rJ- ? tt m.rrz ' 4 -. v- " . . P ij.4. V I s- K- V f .' r K. ": 4 . v.- Lft: . t-Tft - ".f.. s& j?f T Ss?ii& 3KES fe-a-A-V mm r,'.'4'!..:str , - . a .. . w .. -- - &$& T I HE KtT) fT.fUJn irHTRP rnwxfliu 1 H ggT-! r- ! !-.. - ni vn w : :.. . - -n ?l , . , A. C, MOSMCB i n FRIDAY, AFRIL 24, 1885. SOOTT Jehn Mitchell's hone ran away and broke it back'. We art very sorry that he hat had such had lack. Mrs Hallman has sold her wagon, tem and cow to Chaa Green. The school in district 3 closed March 27, Miss Haire teacher. We are lad te say that no other teacher cared as much for the spiritual welfare of the scholars than she. Vr Dingy has been peddling medi cine in this neighborhood. Mr Fritz Coates has rented Mr Mich ael's farm. Mr W Drew has moved to Rwerton, and is keeping a restaurant there. Mr Carver has moved on tho farm sold last fall by J llosecrans. We have new German neighbors on the Baker farm. They have a wee newcomer. Alvin fiinker's uncle has moved into this neighborhood. George Xorris has taken a trip to .Ohio. Mrs Kizer is slowly improving. Mrs Sanford has been ill. Miss Maggie Cayon is quite ill. Ira Cayon, while running, slipped and fell, breaking his leg. Corn husking is over with. Stalk cutting, and plowing for sun dry purples is the order of the day. The Walnut Creek ladies' aid society was organized April 2. The Walnut Creek Sunday-school ?&was organized on the 5th. Beta. Plenty of April showers with April flowers. . . Farmers ire busy plowing for corn. Mrs V 11 Luce and Miss C M Hoi dredge have been visiting thei uncle in Harlan county. We undersoand that Mr. Frank Hol comb intends to make his home among the people of Scott. Prairie lire hns swept through our vicinity, and althoug it seems that some one wished to dolmrni by Hettintr the second fire about midnight near Mr. Follett's house, no harm wjim done Mr J L Lancaster has loot one of .his pet oxen. Is the weather warm enough to al low me to wear my gloves yet, Auntie Corner? WEST IN A VALE Everybody is beginning to till the soil again. The Melton Bros, have returned from the went, where they took claims. They expect to return to them soon again. We understand that one of our boys got spunky at his best girl over a so c'ihI game the other evening. Goose hunting is Mill lively. We heard that the boys settled their dis pute and now one takes the gun and the other a revolver mid the spade. The young folks attended a .social hop at the residence of F M DeLong Friday evening. All enjoyed them selves well. There arc one or two lads in this neighborhood who say they can not get work. It seems as if they might get something to do, if only euouuh to pay their board. If not they might "Git." Oh the wind. Small grain is making its appearance but it needs-min. In attempting to burn a little gross on Mr Groves farm which Mr. Lee thought was safe, Inst Friday the fire jumped the creek and for a while seemed beyond control but the timely aid of N. E. and N. F. Worley and E. DeLong it was at length subdued. We hone it will prove a lesson. Mr. Melton and his brother returned from tl.e wet last Thursday having b e i out and taken homesteads,and we ait: sorry to say they will leave us ubout the first of May. N. E. Worley is the boss stock raiser. One of his cows presented him with two calves. lie is raising one and tho cow the other. All doing well. If it takes two young men one horse one mule aad a two tested buggy to get one young lady home from church how will a married woman get homo. (Ans. Walk) Shorty. STILLWATER. 8eeding is about finished in this vi ciuity. Some are plowing for corn. People should bo on the watch for prairie fires these windy days. The annual school meetings have come and gone, and things are begin ning to quiet down again. In some of of the districts there was some excite ment over the question whether the fuel furnished by the district should be used for public meetings held in the school houses. District 56 decided that those holding meetings in the school house should pay for tho fuel used. I would suggest to the county com missioners that the overseers of high .ways have the grass burned along the roadsides this fall, and thus prevent fires spreading over so much territory. nd also keep the snow from lodging in drift on the roads. If you would publish the law in re gard to stock running at large, it might benefit a large number of your rentiers What is to be thought of a justice of the peace who will allow profanity in public meeting? A gentleman traveling in the inter est of Dr. 8. F. Baker & Son, of Keo kuk, la., was in this vicinity the past week, selling medicines on trial. Occasional FROM THE SUNNY SOUTH. McEwak, Tesx., April 12. The spring is very late for this part of the country. Some have their corn ground ready, but very few have plant ed yet. The prospect for fruit is very flattering: peaches and plums are in bloom. McEwanwas located during the war, and at present is a brisk little town of about 350 inhabitants. It sup ports a steam grist mill, stave factory and planing mill, 12 dry goods and grocery stores, 2 blacksmith shops, post 'office, and two doctors. The churches are Methodist, Campbcllite, Catholic and Negro. There are very good schools here, which are in session ten months in the year. They are carried on on the plan of seminaries. There are echolars from all parts of the country who pay their tuition accord fag to the nusaber of studies. The teacher! name ia Samuel Simpson. He 'is highly educated and is well VTrada teacher. The town has adopted four t wile Uw. Anyone Mian Jntoxicitinc drink of any kind uka tfuva nr within fbar milwv. w r i-iitmi lined heavily and enl -lo jail We sell lUc oU, relinWc Weir calti foTrtiaa. - L.JLA. 1 vatort. Si-asqglk fc Sox. . f- . r .. .--,-.. -..-,-- '(". . ' " j -V " " --r-tf :s--- - -. t . -ss . . r- -.r-- , - , .- . . . -?. c . . .-. .-- ...... . . - " . 1 ' . - ' . .-,zm-,jpi' ssKJtagMFV . . . . .-"., . - . - (v t . ... . . -. .- ...i , . . ....- -.-r:. -. .-.- s.jZr .r.--sf Fanners are most all done sowing wheat and oats in this part. There is notes large an acreage as last year but farmers think there is more mon ey in hogs and corn. School was out a week ago last Fri day School meeting last Monday. F N. Richardson was elected treasurer of this'District in the place of A Saladen We will have nine months of school the coming year. V. C. Cox has delivered Raseer Bros. 400 bu. of corn for 2fi cents bushel. Therawax a social hop at the new mill one night week before hut and we had a boss time. We was alio at a hop at F. X. Richardsons one night last week and had as much or mure fun than at the mill. We cordially welcome our new neighbor Mr Hard to our midst. Mr. II. is a hard working man and is mak ing grand improvements about his place. Mr. Carpenter we understand is go ing to build a new house on his place. Mr Cockrell bought a young Jmnre from Verter Akasou last week for IC5 Mr. Pott boys went to Edgar to set out some more trees on his timber claim last week. Spoopkndvke. It will pay ladies wanting shoes themselves or children to examine large variety at the Golden E;gle. FROM THE WEST. for the Stratton, Neb., April JO, 1885. En. Chief; As you get letters from other places I thought you would like to hear from here. The soil is a black loam, no sand. The lauds on the creeks are called gulches and canyons. In the canyons is where they mow the hay.'. The creeks have lots of nice timber on them. The lands oil the creeks are called table lands, because it is so level '1 he land mostly si Jpes to the south. There is some mighty fine land here. On the table lands they have to go pretty deep for water, hut" when they do they get good water. The grazing here is buffalo grass on the table land, and on the creek and river bottoms is hluo grass. Homesteaders are as thick as bees here, and they are all at work. Some building, some are braking, and some are digging wells Work is plenty and wages" high, especially for carpenters. If you have any idle carpenters send them out here. Ezba House. ALL SORTS Buy the Brown corn planter. A. L. Funk has the best line of culti vators in town. If you want a stylish hat or bonnet go to Mrs McBride, the leading millin er. Children's shirt waists from 40ct apiece, upward at the Golden Eagle. New arrival of fresh teas and coffee at Marsh's. Hats of all descriptions at the Gold en Eagle. Question. Why does A. S. Marsh, sell more dry goods than all the mer chants in Red Cloud. Headquarters for all kinds of men's shoes at the Golden EauIc Exclusive sale of Selz celebrated make. New square shawls just arrived at Marsh's. The Golden Eagle clothing store will sell cheaper than ever to raise money to build the new store- New invoice of parasols and sun umbrellas at Marsh's. Kerosene only 20 cents per gallon at Storey's. Get your machine oils at Cotting's. O. H. Maryatt makes a specialty of fine watch repairing land warrants all work. Mixed paints in one half pint, pint and quart cans at Cotting's. The Reliance twiuobiuder for sale by Spanogle & Son. Henry Cook the 4th Avenue drug gist has an elegant line of druggists sundries- No trouble to show goods. Call and examine them. A new stock of C B &. Q mixed paints at Cotting s. Flour of all grades and at all prices at Storey's. Just received, a fresh stock of fine groceries, confectionery, canned goods and provisions at Storey's. How two Red Cloud men struck it rich by purchasing their goods of Wright & Wallace. Buy the Brown corn planter. Beautiful flowering plants for sale t Cotting's. DoLicarriages iu endless vorities at Cook's drug store. Iron, Plow steel, single-trees, Neckf vokes, and Hatie chains for sale by G W. Dow. 32tf Itch and scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Usa no other. This never fails. Sold by R R Sherer, drug gist, R3d Cloud. . 22-ly Compare my prices with those of other firms. I will save you from ten to twenty five per cent, on anything in my line. O. H. Maryatt. Choicest line of canned goods in the market and at the lowest prices at Storey's. I don't claim the largest stock in the state, but have plenty of fresh new goods. The latest designs in everything kept iu a fisrt class jewelry establish ment. O HMaryatt. Call and see Storey for your groce ries and Hour. He sells Hour from $1.80 to $2.50 per hundred weight. 32t Fkkd Hummell wants to sell his town property on Seward street. If you want a bargain see him. 36tf C. P. S. Notice w herebv given that all persons are requested to call at Wright & Wallace's for bargains.' What ! vou don't sav so ? Yes, I bought it at Wright & Wallace's, at the best jewelry store iu the .Republican Valley. Barnes check rowers for sale by Spanogle fc Son. For early planting call for the "Chi cago Market potatoes, at Miner Bros. 35-4t. The Peering twine binder for sale by Spanogle & Son. Morrison plows and cultivators for sale by Spanogle & Son. ' The Keystone, the Champion and the Challenge corn planters for sale by Spanogle & Son. Cajttox cultivators and plows for sale by Spanogle & Son. Thx larccst, cheapest and finest stock of t-utet soap ever shown in Sed uoua, at uotungs. Wtlffj ..! a.... time, but Wright -..., -ee repaired it for me and it now Keeps excellent time. Just received a splendid assortment of hammocks and swings at Henry Cook's drug store. Vebv often people thinking to com mence reading gome interesting article in a paper, throw it down in di.-gtLt . it dawns on their mind they are read ing some advertisement. But never theless they are glad to learn that Wright fc Wallace nnver Seek to ad vertise their wonderfully low prices in this manner. Plows, Cultivators, Harrows, and Hay Rakes for jn!e by'G. W Dow. O. H. Makvatt is the reliable andt esiding jeweler of Red Cloud. Paints and oila at Cottine's. Good Farm For Salo 1 m Of 160 acres, 135 acre under cultiva tion at present. A ood house, cril s, granary, stables, wells, windmill, firstr claps hog lot, cattle corral, and a fine grove of ash trees -of 3 acre, and a new orchard. Price, $1800. Will sell ma chinery with larm if purchaser desires, or will" sell each separate. Terms $1200 cash, balance in 4 years. Ap ply to me on the farm JO miles north west of Red Cioud, and 2 miles south of Cathertou, or to this office. Am constantly making improvements on the farm. A. Cuke. 34-4tp -THE GESTIONIS. ? This medicine, combining Iron with pnro VrctW8 tonics, quickly and completely Carrs lynprplit liidlcwitlun, Vt rnkurtuit Impare Blood, MaJarlaiCkllUani Fercra. and NrarnJcfm. It is an unfulline icracdy for Dteascs of tho KMnnra aa4 Uvcr. It is invaluable for PIscafct peculiar to VTotnra, and all who lead ncdeutnry lives. It does not injure the teeth. cause headachc.or produce constipation other Jrm mutictnr do. It enriches ami purifies thcblcod.rtimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re .tcvcs Heartburn and Belching, and ttreagUi ens the muscles and nerves. ..... For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack ol Energy. &c, it has no equal. J&- The tmiine has above trade mnrk and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. tbwairtr nnnwf-itpair4t- ra, baltiiork, Delmonico Restaurant. Is fully prepare! to At 5c. We do our best to please our customers. J. H. TRIMBLE & CO. Real Estate 10CCO Acres B. &M. RailwayLands ! Webstor County at from $5 to $10 per acre. TO 886K8RSI9 Improved and Unimproved Farms on easy lerrm. Several Well Watered Stock Ranches at bargains. O. W. KALEY, Agont, Bed Cloud Neb Young Clyde Will make tho season of iwr.. at the " Home Farm" In Kel UIouil. YouncClvde is a dark bay. welsbs about 1100 p-iunds. is :g: lttTids hteli and i. Ave years old. Heisn horse of fine style and action. He va slntlbvanimrorted Clydesdale. Ills dam tus a Cleveland Bay. TE::mS To suit the times. Money due wli-n mare in known to be with foal. Person imrtlnj; with mares before foaling will be held f r the Jn .surunce money. I will not be rcsKBsible for im.!ilnt that mnv occur. Chas R EXECUTORS NOTICE ESTATE OF JAMES B. BROW.v. DECEASED The underslRned bavin? been appointed executor ot the estate of Jamo B. Brown, late of the county of Webster and Stat ol ebra.ka. deceased, hereby pives notice that be will appear berore the countv court of Webster comity, at the county iutlse's office. In Rel Cloud, at the June rm. on the first Monday in Jane next, las. at which time all persons havlnj: clainw attatnst said estate are notified and requested to attend for the-purpose of having the jainc atl. justetL All claina that are not filed within six month from this date, will be forever barred. All persons indebted to said estate are rencest ed to make bsHWdlate layrBent to the tder 8jcneL J. t. Mnxra, Execator. Dated lied Cloud. April 23. 18S. FINAL PROOF NOTOGB Land OMcr, Dteowinctoti. Keb.. April 3, ISO. NOT1CB IS HEKEBY GIVTEK TttT THB fdlovrinc bic4 ettr has ftrtd aotice of kia ioteatiaa ta aake final rroofia support of kw ctUm. and that said pewrf will he aoae bej f-re clerk of conrt. Wbter connty. at, ItoJ Ctouil, Xcb.. oa Monday, Jtiac 1. ia, z: JAMES Ik -CROSBY. OBaaawaBFadBBiaBerMUfortheRW K 1M-t2 west. He Baxaes the follwlag wttaeaws ! pro hi o&atiaaea 'Mg!Z!3J2dJ?i:t SSKelWatittod. Neb:: WXHam 1. Hall. Miner Deyfc. Wefe.b. Bartcs W. JU? tle4Mptki D. S. y Hj 'eBsca. vrka Ikl pre-erioc v. ?e5 2R oa Bame tract of liat, are aereby otlSed to appear at the saae t le an ojaoe J? w !b.Mss! TO ANY WANTING aBBBBTHAaBHlBBBBBBBVVaTiBUBBBBBBW Apply In fe:on or by letter to Ccm field $ Parlies. Blue Hill, Neb., Hardware and Windmill Merchants. iWfvaV m JW MX &' 1 m nwaV!i ibbV . i Tl vT1. A AT FORRESTER'S Furniture and.Fancy Notion Bazar, Parties wishing Furniture will save money by examining my goods before purchasing elsewhere. HEW B Arriving avery day. In connection with my furniture I supply cf all kinds of notions with Prices to Suit the Buyer ! Such as Tinware, Soaps, Glassware, Towels, Handkerchiefs. Ac, and will be sold cheaper than at any place in Red Cloud CHAS. BUSCHOW, President, E. F. HIGHLAND, Vico-Preeidont, Robt V SHIREY, Treasurer. NEBRASKA & KANSAS FAM11 CAPITAL, CLOUD, RED R. D.tJoncs, O. C. Ca.e. E. F. Hiirblaml; Geo. MONEY LOANED on imprhved farms iu Nebraska and Kansas. Money furni.-hed :u ?oon ns the Hceurity is approved. Principle and inteJest payable in Red Cloud. OFFICE IN RED CLOUD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Get ITour Specks Ladies', children'", nnd men's dry goods nnd notioim, bIiocj and fuminh inj; oods, hats, ccps, and straw goods are cheaper than ever before known. Carpets are cheap. I am pellinf? them at smaller profits kthan ever. 1 want your trade, and will try to make it to yc.ur interest to come and see mo and get prices. Have a complete stock of grocerien and wooden ware at lower prices than ever. I want your egga and butter. : AIVHMI In Endless Who is daily READ w m r wBmw&amwmm MRS Ladies Dress Goods, of all varieties, Spring Dry Goods, in all varieties, Elegant .Line of White Goods, Trimmings, &c., ; ITotoiis, Liae PARTIE8 WELLS. JAMES DILLINGHAM, OF BLUE 1IIUL, 'is scv prtptrti u PUT 101! TIE 7HE.fi WSLLS ! C0II.iiiiK had fie years rxpfrrirfee he will make a firstlx well luvludiu crerythitis rotnplrtr no mxtter what kind ol oil is to be priirtrated. guicksard docs cot hinder Fricc &r a Wil!t ?sBp aadalLCst SoHarprMC& at A rrasonable dfductioii will In made to tho ho have an old well toctmmetice with. Kfiiiemtr there is a tiUARAXTEE giea for a OOD WELL or .NO PAY. Jt Bi" Wf M tv' OJ3L T MU JLf XNB bav m large 1 9 $50,000. NEBRASKA. IiOAK G PIRECTORS: R. V. Shirey , Chan. Buschow, B. Holland, I). M. Piatt. Geo. R.B.Fulton J. Warren. Variety at THIS NEWHOUSE'S t Una of of iAdiMT Nec4twer( "Honest. Tea is WM. LETSON .DEALER IX- General Merchandise, 1XOAIXG OlITTf QUIT RVMIBWI. Go to Let-son" s for Low Prices. GOODS MUST BE SOLD. The.CcletrateaiStaUion ! COLONEL inil make the fa9on of ISS5, t Farm it Aiuboy. our PEDKIKKK. n tlark twiv. Colonel i 171 liand. T 1 high, wricli. 1750 nouml. nuti in Hve yearn oU. Hi Mrc hh an Imparled r'erthfrnti-Nprmuj. ntul hin dam wa a thorongh-hrel Mornn, which makes Colonel one of the Best Horses for Breeding Purposes y In Webster, Smith or Jewell Counties. , TERMS tlO to injure; Money due whan nrnre In known to be with fol Pemon parting with mare Insfore foaling will ho held for tho insurance money C;re will bv taken to prevent accident but we will not be rapotuible for any that may occur. RASSER BROS. We Do Not Follow, But Lead. shoes HAND AND MACHINE SEWED. Manufactured for Fine Retail Trade, by the IOOIT0ED BOOT 4 SHOE MP0. 00 ROCKFORD. ILL; AUo liate a cotnttr at:l rlrrnnt llnr if fjnllr DCiuri'juu uujr nn ciii A full linn of Plow Old Stand, Red Cloud. .-o I ' jSL i BBBCiriBBBaBBB"BBBBBBBT HOUSES FOR SALE ! ytore Building and Lot corner Webster am and Fourth Avenue. Store Buildlntr nnd Ix)t- on Fourth Avenue. House nnd throo lota. House nnd hIx lota on Fourth Avonue. House and two lota on Wobetnr stroot. House and two lots on Cedar stroot. Three Housos and four lots on Howard Street. Also, Farm of 230 ocros good improvement. Apply to T. W. SHERWOOD. I j "; j. I ! I mmm fSI&ti&tral Bankf aaf'aBBK4BnBBBBwE?9VP'iA. -TliTl JteXjMMPmfBBBXTBBBV aaiaBTn. Azw ja.?jTaBBBBBBBY aBaaaBBBBft WmLjmi? jmBBBBfaf PaJ0lBBBBBBBBBBBBSSa9BBBBBBBiE?9l J?BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaBftfSBBBBBBBBl .BrEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBKV IbVbb S9BbW BbV aBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEav VaWB BIBaTF Bk' baBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBABBn BBBBBBaBv BKBTaBBataBaaSaBBBBBBBBBBBBfaBBBBrsLlBi I BhI BH A New Millinery Store! Mrs. S. F. 8POKESFIELD, HaTistf r lr. is most redy Latest Styles in - Uonnets, Handkerchiefs,' Hosiery, Andt every thing in Tm I j1 Fz&ri?t ".ia - is-a v ,.. . . -x-- . 'ht: :-' Z' "-!-?, tsirh. 93XL . f MawaavaV MaaW aOsaF " ara . the Best r PobcyV X BBBBBBBBBBBBBfBBi?akaBVtr BfBrafBI BfBT 1jBBBBBBBBHEIHBBrfteBW.BBWlW V 1KBBBiJBBBBBBBBBBra"BFaBBSBBBBBaTaaBT nBPBBaBBBaWBBBBBBBBBBaBBYaBBB1aJ -bbbbbbbbbW r- r bvJZBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb' e 3-D W- v o i o c m ft and th4rrn' hor from 'it aa4 afv. ncwRwuw runtiamiT nrriTIBf. nnd Working Hhi A mm aOOaflha T T JiM.K.AMtry. AJtUat Capital $50,000 Special Attemlefi dn ta Cefieetlen r;itncrux9s Lrrl . W K. sIumt C V BitltTJ-. Buy nnd !! Kxchanu 3fac t-o'Jectiona and d& a General Banki&x Ikmnmt. Jntret nllowtd eo ait lira? deposit to exklbtt Ms Millinery, Hats, H o ua AC. porsets. Neokwtw, -Xf eei-sa a . s? mew tne nulliag line. naBV VWte, AiaBBBBBBBBl m. 'V-c aaVaBBBBBBBBBlvaBYaV awai iI''JaBVBBBBBBBBSaTSan"i - ' NBsaBBBBBBTaa9BBS aTal K fVT-: '"aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV "BBBV ' 'AX 'T A:: BBBBBBBHVBBBBBBBTt.- -BbV 1C.,1Hbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! f. aiVil-afHBBBBBBBBBBBBl &- .bbbbbbbbbbwbbbbbbbbbbbbI , M i i JM TtKS-J ? HrJLu-y&S-S2f-i - :rr-x .: -m.a -..- Si J:Tv.-.'-VtV?--t.ir ,-v .l-t.' -'-,- ,jZ .- BBBBgfe;1vaSgari.W.ia- &J&sMte;.tt3te..&,&4rX '---rgf- - Ibbisbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb