The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 24, 1885, Image 2

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. i C. KOSHER Piblisfter.
American mowers, horse-forks, and
luy-rakes are very extensively used in
Saxony, being preferred to the home
ce because of their lightness.
A large black tiger was killed re
cently in Greenville County, Va., after
it had killed several hogs. The animal
luul escaped from a circus menagerie.
Sir Hekbt Ponsonbt, Queen Victo
ria's private secretary, has written a
letter authoritatively denying that mem
lrs of the royal, family are believers
in Spiritualism.
.Tite agents of the lake marine in
enrance companies formed a hull pool
at Buffalo, N. Y., recently, the result
of which will be higher rates than ever
before known.
The United States Commission to
South America reached Lima on the
16th. They will remain in Lima and
other points in Peru for two weeks be
fore proceeding to Chili.
The mining ventures of Ex-Governor
Spraguc, of Rhode Lsland, in Mexico,
ro said to be turning out very profit
ably. His divorced wife is living in re
tirement and educating her children.
Henry D. Green, who died a few
days ago. was one of the wealthiest
men in New England. He was the
owner of the gas works and water
-works of the City of Portland, in
Oregon. He was worth about three
million dollars.
Admiral Sir George Rose Sakto
EIU8, K. C. IJ., a Trafalgar veteran,
and who received the thanks of Presi
dent Tyler and Congress for his efforts"
to save the United States frigate Mis
souri from destruction by fire in Gib
raltar Bay in 1812, died on the 13th.
aged ninety-five.
ENGLisn authorities are discussing
the plan of having all executions of
criminals take place in Newgate, the
great London prison, instead of the
provincial shire town in which the
crime was committed, where, it is
claimed, scenes like that attending the
attempted hanging of the Babbycomc
murderer too often occur.
Governor Sheldon, of .New Mexico,
"has commuted the death sentence of
3Iaximo Apadaca to imprisonment for
life, he having turned State's evidence
at the recent trial of himself and his
confederate lluperato Lara for the
murder of George Nesbit and wife and
child near Las Cruccs in August, 1882.
Ills confederate Lara will "be hanged.
The collections of internal revenue
durinjr the first eight months of the
fiscal year which will end June flO, 188.,
is as follows: From spirits $44,.WO.
327; from tobacco, $16,(104,008; from
fermented liquors, $11,566,071; from
miscellaneous sources, $17i),2i):J;
total $72,740,191): being a de
crease of $5,297,826 as compared
with the collections for the same per
iod of the previous year. There was a
-decrease of $4,965,841 in spirits, and
$190,098 in tobacco, and an increase of
$187,675 in fermented spirits. The
aggregate receipts for February, 18S5,
were $676,494 less than during Febru
ary, 1884.
The father of Worth, tho Parisian
man-milliner, was a lawyer, and his
ons were destined to pro&ssional la
bor, when unlucky speculations to
shrunk the family fortune that the
children were driven to personal-effort.
The younger brother, the pDjsent celeb
rity, made a sudden p'lunge into the
emporium oLSwan & Edgar, in London.
Yhatjseim proved itself too limited a
ptiere, and the young man decided to
-- try Paris. Entering tho firm of Gag et
Cie, ho speedily mastered the business.
lie was- made a partner, and only left
the house to branch out more rapidly
tnndor his own auspices in the Rue de
la Paix, where he has remained ever
An experiment in deepening the
channel of a river, especially at its
mouth, is making fair progress in New
Xbrk Harbor, and promises to be suc
cessful. General Roy Stone, a distin
guished military commander during the
tvnr, .invented the plan which is being
tested, and, as is the case with other re
markable inventions, it is extremely
simple, and everybody wonders why it
aad not been thought, of before. The
machinery consists only of a steel hose
and pumping power by which a f uri
eas jet of water is exploded on the
Jjanks of sand, soil, solid sewage, and
other accretions at the bottom of the
channel, and the-currcct bears the
auoat of the matter so stirred up out in
to the sea.
The Secretary of the Treasury re
cently rendered an opinion from the
-Attorncv-General in regard to the
method of disbursing the appropria
4km of three hundred and thirty-five
.tkottsaad dollars, made at the last scs
jtioa of Congress, for final aid to the
World's Industrial and Cotton Centen
srial Exposition now being held in the
City of New Orleans.' The Attorney
Geaeral holds that under the provisions
af the act making the appropriation it
aa be used oaly in payment of claims,
-of persons and corporations living and
ataiag bmiaess outside of the State of
and in the payment of pre-
hcrctofore awarded or which
hereafter be awarded by the Ex-
on, in accordance with the awards
y published.- Under this decls-
isaadne.of the claims madebyrwi
mSeitsjot Lomriaaa, of which there are
Ijsjwtea large abater, canto liquidated
uf this appropriation. '
Tnii WUfiLD AT LAiittE.
Summary of tha Daily Nswa
Gexeral Graxt continued to improve.
Hia friends, on the 11th, were qaite hope
ful. Barxet McAuley, the actor made fa
mous by bis impersonations of Uncle Dan
iel, fn "The Messenger from Jarvis Sec
tion," was sentenced at Cleveland, O., re
cently, to thirty days in the workhonso for
Paor. Wise, in a recent' balloon excur
sion at Philadelphia, came down a couple
of hoars after, in Gloucester County, X. J.,
with such force as to break several of bis
meteorological instruments.
Edwards Pibrrepont. Secretary of the
American Legation at Rome, died on the
IGth. He wai left in charge of American
affairs in Italy by ex-Minister Astor
when ho returned to this country.
At Union City.Tenn., Budd Farris, wfclte,
and Freeman Ward, colored, were hanged
at the fair grounds by a mob of masked
men numbering almut two hundred. They
belonged to a gang of thieves who recently
committed many depredations on citizens
of that place.
A dispatch from Victoria, B. C, says:
lteports from the interior state that f,000
emnloves of the Canadian Pacific construc
tion have gone on a, strike, on account of
not receiving their wagos.
Sixteen New York roller skating rink
proprietors held a meeting recently and
organized an association for the elevation
of the tone of rinks generally.
Further particulars make it probable
that the murdered body found I n a box at
the Southern Hotel, St. Louis, was that of
a man named Preller, a wealthy English
man, and that he bad been murdered by
his companion, a Dr. Maxwell, also an
Englishman. Tho "traitor" paper fonnd in
the box was thought to be merely a blind.
Preller had been murdered probably nine
or ten days before tho discovery of tho re
mains. A cluo existed as to the where
abouts of Maxwell. It was thought that
Maxwell bad robbed Preller, the latter be
ing in the habit of carrying considerable
Bud Mathews, suspected of trying to
blow up the Payton family with dynamite
in Tanoy County, Mo., was waylaid and
murdered recently together with his little
Eight firemen were injured during a fire
at Heyser'a piano factory in Now York re
cently. They wero precipitated by the
floor giving way into the cellar. It was
thought one of the liremen would die.
At a cabinet council, held in London on
the l.'th, it was agreed to accept a frontier
delimitation in Afghanistan which ceded a
portion of the disputed territory to Russia.
Peace was thought assured, as the only
mntter to be adjusted was the attack on
Poujdch, of which conllic-t iug accounts had
been received.
The Attorney General has given nn
opinion to the President sustaining the
eligibility of Mr. Lawton, of Georgia, for
appointmont as Minister to Russia.
The Nationalist mob obtained possession
of tho streets after the reception of tho
Prince and Princess of Wales on the Vith.
Tho police were attacked nnd beaten, nnd
it was not until p.ibt midnight that order
was restored. Tho hospitals were full of
wounded rioters nnd police.
Secretary Whitney received the fol
lowing telegram from Admiral Jouett on
tho 15th: "I crossed the isthmus yester
day. Good order continues. Our men are
all sound and comfortable.''
Buddensicic, tho builder of tho eight
tenement houses that fell in New York re
cently, surrendered himself to tho 'police
the next day.
The Cigar Makers' International Union
has withdrawn its contribution for the
maintenance of tho cigar makers at Cin
cinnati who have for a long time been out
employment and this practically ends tho
strike or lockout.
Lord Dukferix, Viceroy of India, was
received in grand style by the Maharajah
of Cashmere on tlic 1.1th. His reception by
tho people was extremely cordial.
The Lincoln (111.) Coal Company's shaft
caught liro on tho IGth, imprisoning several
men. An immense amount of property
was destroyed. The lire was caused by
the explosion of a torch in the oil room.
The men escaped.
TnE Czar, on the Kith, sent a dispatch to
London expressing his earnest hopes for a
peaceful settlement of tho Afghanistan
A Varna telegram states that Russia
has formally notified Turkey that she will
consider Turkish neutrality to imply the
use of force to block the passage of the
Bosphorous and Dardanelles.
The Suakim Berber Railroad reached
Handoub on the llith.
The Rev. Thomas Spencer, a colored
.Baptist minister of Norfolk, Va., was con
victed in the Hustings Court in Petersburg,
Va., recently, for housebreaking. He
pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to five I
years' imprisonment.
Mr. Gladstone, in the House of Com
mons on the ltith, denied a number of sen
sational reports which had been published
regarding Afghan affairs. Nothiug defi
nite as to the boundary line had been ac
complished, tho matter being only in its
verbal phase.
The public debt statement will be i.ousfi
in two forms at the first of each month up
to the 1st of July next, which is tho begin
ning of the next fiscal year. The two forms
will include the one issued for the first
time, April 1, and the form which had been
previously used by tbe department since
A recent telegram from Egypt says: , as reported on the 20tb, was that satisfac
One hundred and fifty tsnts were destroyed, tory arrangements had been made by
by fire at Melig recontly and fifty persons which Afghanistan would surrender Penj-
burned to death.
Logs cut in the Daluth district this sea
son amounted to 85,000,000 feet against
200,000,000 feet last season.
A Battleford dispatch of the 16th stated
that rumors.existed of the capture of Fort
Pitt and massacre of the inhabitants. The
Indians were continuing their work of de- ,
stroying the property of settlers.
TnE Postmaster General has ordered the I
clerks in the office of the First Postmaster 1 cerned in the outrage, was also taken front
General not to puUish papers or give in- the jail at Forsythe, but his body was noS
formation to applicants for postmaster- fouad hanging with the Taylors, aadaur
ships. Mack trouble aad ill-feeling had ies oaly existed as to his fate,
been caused byrival applicants learning A wave eigut feet high came rnshin
the contents of papers filed at the depart- j own the Rio Grande reeeatly with ter
ssent by one another. ) riflc force and carried away pars of tit
Fourteen hundred employes of the Bar- i Mexican National RaUroad bridge at
boar Flax Spinning Company at Paterson, Laredo, Tex. The rise resulted from a
N. J., strack work recently for aa advaace I - "water spoat, which fell some milcj
of ten percent. r above the city.
ATtheqaarterfr meeti.gefUe nihwu ' ?'' reported that natives of
State Board of Health held at Caicog em Hera Islands ia the PaciSc Oceaa
the lk,Dr.Raack, the Secretary, spoke taa t crewa of two Gers.aa awr
of iaformatio. he received frosa private ff Tko gaabeat KjJeaa has
aoarcea that the Asiatic caeiera had x- t! P"- eaaaibals.
Uted im Paris p to January Mtt, and that! 5" kp,",erlB urred in
it had appeared ia Valeada, Spate, ." kafldiar aear Reading Fa., ia
Harck. j which foar persoas Harry Wcctz-L aged
Taa Exprru, oftc aad aerial otheri Zl
baikua8aatBaalc,5.Y.wadeF- STj LSSSL !!f
ra the other ereaiar. Tha ioaa
ted to abeat fUMM, aad a larje
at at aa-
asaawaa immmtaiiw VfTiri aad ftva " . - . ' ....... Faaiaaa ireaware rtc sally Terr twmk W
aa aWeat lacaaatr r? TTTT JTLI? 1? saaaa,aawmaaiiaUaativaiaheakaahy
I aha hiah lata aiviaisai afahawaafcyaL''3'TTh vLZuj ? l
i workmen, when it was struck by an ava
lanche of snow and boulders.
The colored people at Washington, on
the ictb, celebrated Emancipation day in
grand style, by parades and commemora
tive exercises in the Lincoln Memorial
A Blunt, Dak., special says: J. H. Bell,
who murdered F. G. Small at Haxrold last
December, has been lynched.
President Cleveland recently ap
proved tho findings in the case of Hasea,
Chief Signal Officer, charged with conduct
prejudicial to military discipline. The
Court finds Hazen guilty, and sentences
him to be reprimanded. The President in
issuing the order to reprimand comments
upon the demoralizing tendency of unau
thorized and captious criticism of superi
ors. Maddux Bros., wholesale grocers and
dealers in tobacco and cigars, Cincinnati,
have made an assignment. Assets esti
mated at. 5180,000; liabilities, $i:,000.
The New York Assembly has passed the
bill making a public park at Niagara.
The fifth annual mcetingof the Women's
Silk Culture Association was held in Phila
delphia on the ltith.
General KoMARorK recently reported
that the Afghans had reoccupied all tbe
frontier rwsts and tbe Russian outposts oc
cupied their former position. The Ameer
was willing to cede Penjdeh in furtherance
of peace, The place had no vital import
ance. Two masked highwaymen stopjcd the
stage from Vulture to Phoenix, A. T., tho
other night and obtained an express box
containing $5,400.
A large tenement house was burned at
Quebec recently, and three children per
ished in the ilames.
Business failures for the week ended
April KJ, throughout the country were as
follows: United States, 'JW; Canada, IS;
total '---', as against 12 lust week and TA
the week previous.
Two railway trains collided at the cross
ing nt Plymouth, Mich., the other day,
killing a large number of cattle and block
ing the road until noon.
Two persons named Reod and Johnson
were arrested recently, by ordfr of the
Government, charged with fraudulently
claiming $;,'&') and interest, as sufferers
from the depredations of the Confederato
cruiser Alabama.
The President has issued a proclamation
declaring that the Winnebago Reservation
in Dakota was still Indian land, and that
tho settlers who recently "boomed" there
must clear out.
The report of Sir Peter Lumsden regard
ing the affair on the Koosk River says that
Komaroff was aware of tho order not to
make any offensive movements, but that
the ofQcer in command of the Russiun de
tachment disclaimed any knowledge of its
having been issued.
Two Italians named Capron and Snntore
were hanged at Thomastown, Me., recently
for the murder and robbery of a fellow
workman on the railroad about eighteen
months ago.
At a large meeting of Americans in
Paris a committee of twelve was appointed
to make arrangements for a complimentary
bauquet to Mr. Morton, tho retiring United
States Minister.
Joseph Pulitzer, Editor of the New
York World, has transmitted to Senator
W. M. Evarts, Chairman of the liartholdi
Statue Pedestal Committee, .?i"),0W, re
ceived by the World from :J.V7." people for
that fund within the past mouth.
At a recent cabinet council it was defi
nitely decided that tiie Pnsidont could do
nothing in opening the Oklahoma lands.
The matter was entirely in tho bauds of
Ex-Mayor De Bevolse, of Long Island
City, was acquitted of the chargo of em
bezzling $i",KM) worth of city bonds.
In the United States Court at Cincinnati,
Hon. John F. McKiusuy, of Piqua, O., was
convicted of having received excessive fees
fov collecting pensions. It was proven that
he received I-0 for obtaining a pension of
Indian Aoent McGilltcuddy, of tho
Fine Ridge Agency, at his own request, has
been granted permission to go to Washing
ton to reply to the charges made against
him by Rett Cloud.
A numker of colored Methodist minis
ters visited President Cleveland tho other
It was fearod that fresh trouble would
arise between the French nnd Chineso
Government, in consequence of ex-Premier
Ferry's having tardily instructed Ad
miral Courbet not to evacuate the Island of
The steamer "Alert," which was loaned
to the Government by Great Britain for
service in the Greely relief expodilion, hai
lieea ordtTed to sail for Halifax, where
Commodore Coffin will turn her ovr to tha
British admiral commanding tho North
Atlantic fleet.
The Rev. Dr. David Stem, the Jewish
Rabbi of Wilkesbarre, Pa., took poison re
cently and died. A numUer of papers and
letters found amouc his effeeti showed
that he intended taking hi life.
Mcr. A. J. Glorieux was consecrated
Roman Catholic BUuop of Idaho, at Balti
more, on the lUlh, with the usual inqKJsiug
Advices from Old Calaliar. dated March
; in, state that a German man-of-war had
called at Baybeesh and arrested three
nature clerka in the English employ, who
were taken on board the ship, tied to the
guns and flogged. The reason for this
actios was not known, but it was supposed
that the clerks had offended the German
The latest phase of tbe Afghan trouble.
f,l A.l l,.A&mA mwTil .Wjmil rllB4M
and Akrobat.
Frank and Tubal Taylor were hnged
by a mob in Taney County, Mo., for th
attempted murder of Postmaster Dicker
son and t wife at Eglinton. in the samo
county. Frank Tavlor thrust a revolver
into Dickerson's mouth and fired. 'Dicker-
1 son was also shot in the shoulder and his A
U on the scalp. Elijah Sublrtto. con-
SwesKT-six, wer nmrmem. wm qww. imm
are had heea acrt if tally kxadled by a
'1 If .Tail mmmwmm. wks e tpviir te
A xan named Province was recently
hot and killed at Broken Bow by- one
While a party of boys from Lincoln
were recently out duck bunting on 3Iddle
Creek Arthur Connell, aged fourteen, was
instantly killed by one of the party who
fir' nt ducks but did not see the boy as he
:.. -i .i :, 1....V. r
. crcrjuug wuu5 iuo uj-uv ufc -.
the stream.
Six months ago Charles Staller. Cashier
of the First National Bank at North PlaUe,
severed bis connection with the initita'ion
and left tho town. A few weeks ago he
turned up in Omaha, and, representing
that he was about to start a bank at Goth
enberg. Neb., purcbaied $1,C worth of
fixtures on credit, shipped them toGothen
berg. sold them for cash to a bank In that
place and skipped. Meantime expert ac
countants from Omaha wtre. examining
U.- -v... : VmU Pl.H. ami frktinil A .. ..- -
shortage of ,000 to $10,000. was learned
that he was in San Jose, Cal., and upon a
titAti aa
telegram ho was arrested and will be re
turned for trial.
Kearney elected a high license Mayor
by a majority of fourteen.
A Y0U50 daughter of John Wagner, of
Cuming County, recently died from chew
ing a iwilsonous weed that grow by tho
roadside. Another child came near dying
from the same cause.
The Nebraska City distillery paid SW,000
Government taxes during March.
The Plattsmouth Canning Company has
begun operations by manufacturing a stock
of cant.
The bridge over the Ilawhide, between
Jamestown and Fremont, was burned by a
recent prairie fire.
The anniversary of Odd Fellowship oc
curs on tho i'Gth of this month, and the
lodges in all parts of the State will cele
brate the event at Lincoln.
NlomiARA celebrated tho completion
of the Government bridge across the Nio
brara Biver by a holiday turn-out and in
spection. J. W. Alger, of Wayne, is said to have
an ear of corn grown from seed picked up
on the battle field of Cbikamauga, nearly
twenty-three years ago.
Mr. Mick, of Aurora, believed himself
possessed of a devil, and to rid himself of
the evil spirit's undesirable company took
a razor and deliberately cut hii own throat.
TnE Columbus Milling Company, with a
capital of $i'),000, has been organized. It
is proposed to erect a building and furnish
it with the latest Hungarian machinery
capable of grinding li barrels of flour per
day. Work will begin immediately and it
is expected that the mill will be ready for
business in three mouths.
Concrete houses are coining into fash
ion in Creighton. No lumber is required
save what is necessary for floors, casings.
etc., and the expense of carpenters and
masons is ia a great measure dispensed
LtonTNtNO recently struck the steeple of
the Presbyterian Church at Plum Creek
and knocked off th topmost trimmings,
then descended through the roof nnd left
footprints in different portions of the in
terior. The steady growth of Norfolk is shown
in the fact that additional schools are a
necessity. Steps are being taken to build
two more school, one to cost $1."W. the
other 11 substantial nnd commodious build
inir, to cost in the neighborhood of $-l.",Oyo.
J. E. Morrison, a Plattsmouth attorney,
hns been arrested for collecting ."JuO for
Hodges & Co., of Pekin, 111., anil impropri
ating tho sniuo to his own use.
Bv tho prematura discharge of his gun
while out hunting, Frank Giles, of Cam
bridge, was instantly killed. His dead
liody was found in the high grass, near the
river, by n companion who had Iwen hunt
ing with him, lut lofore the accident hap
pened had gone further up the rivor.
IIui.immcE hns a school population of
'yi. Tho Ikvs have a majority of two.
Stami'EK Pewit, an aged gentleman
from Iiiflinnii, was recontly plucked of $1X)
by pickpockets nt I'lnttsmouth.
C. E. Stern dropped dead whil recently
painting a house in Arapahoe. Heart dis
ease. It is stated that the production of double
headed calves is becoming a thriving in
dustry in the State.
The Holt County Arricultnrnl Society Is
prospecting for a favorable site with a
view of purchnsinggrounds for the perma
nent ue of the association.
TnERB nro iJD.OOO in the school trensury
of Papillion and .52,000 will ! added to it
in the next thirty days. The treasury is
in better condition than it has been for
Two young men, shopman nt Pltt
mouth. have, it is state!, fallen heir to !0.
000 by the death of an uncle in New
Britain, Conn.
Bukink a recent storm at Galin light
ning struck the residence of Mr. Parsons,
killing one of three children sleeping in a
bed noar the stove. The other two were
A HEnn of wild horses numbering about
1.V) head, is said to be ranging In the ex
treme western part of the State.
AitswnRTH has a youth of nineteen,
named Edward Stiles, who measures ix
feet six inches ia height and weighs 3a.
There are over one hundred practicing
physicians in Omaha. And yet th Jt't
declares that the undertakers are shuffling
around with their hands in their ragged
pockets and complain of dull times.
A few days sinc, two little sons of Mr.
to the
,Uw,v .. .... . .--- . 1
reach him. and the eldest, who bravelv
tried to snatch his brother from the flames,
was so badly injured that he died in a few
hours afterward. j
Tn Dodge County jail is without a tenant, j
Tnf. Columbus Jonrnal calls upon the
people to "plant trees aad plenty of them, i
and of every kind, for shade, for lumber. I
for wind -breaks, for ornament, for fruit.!
It Is said of an English nobleman that he
.t . rarn'Ml um .mrni fn him wvlti.
" u
and when he foaad a convenient place on
his groands. he planted one. Le: every i
Nebraska aobletaan, who is redeesiing the "
laadscape of the plains from the aoaotosy
of its aataral conditioa, plant tree, aad
pleaty of them.
Omaha's base-ball dab is petting oa its
war paint aad will soon be ready to lick or
get licked.
A case of small-pox receatly taade its
appearaace at Oaaaha.
Taa school alia sqaabbte ia Ceatral Citv
kai - aaricaUy settled. For raoatfcs
tha diTicioas of the towa astade by the rail
road hare foaght each other hi aa eaTnrt to
swear the laealioa of th? aroposed sew
scaooL TaWaaa4vwaa settled by decid
iag to haBd two schools af cqasi Talae.
Jsjiks E. Moaaisox. the. JTattBooth
lawvcr receatly arrested soathscaarxe
sXeaaheaaiiacaMawy coIUeted far Hedges
ft Co., PeWa, UL, has brocakt saat stgaiaat
UjtlmfcilBta- false
c-siaa.-g that alaarrsst
, a farmer living a lew miles rrom ; t.t enter the .Sutc at I-vetiortu. J odi.roi aim seTerai -uwi' ' i"r t w-.r.-, ,.,,, ,.,. .ctJj RT9 oo
la Nance County. st fire to a ; v""' "r "r " "- .... p.-). tI rum, nw e. wm u? , cteu Ih clearing the atrtt atr e-
stack and were burned to death. . lhi" : .'" d rrc, ,. '7 ?'. ' " "" V'"'"' &. in which tar o it
boys were aged nine and four year. ec that the quarantine thus onlere.1 and e- J "' " linpriwe,! tni.irrs are -I'I.Mw were wc.ted. The clf U uoV
they set fire to the stack in obedience . u--'- j -P-- - ' - rtlL
command of their father, who was ' ,ibsCnled mr name, and can.ei to ljftj3fs . t,,,,-. . .1. fatr 4 '- i artI.
wing a quarter of a mile distant. The the ereat seal of 'the tJte ' tjei ,tr rArr. ' mr,tKKU.
. . .......... . . S of Totieka. th lUU dnv of Airl. A. J LVb i llr' '' -r rT" t .. . .....
m.a.a r.... ....a .r v.. p. . A . v p... .....1.. r ----- - . , . ... .. ; , . m .rx .. . r ,v tmw .ir. m ..a . r f i . . .
Inc. thUNK aralni.
farther rarttemlarw mt ta ft, barnl Mmr-
Scr-NtiwiU Tnnd to th tUU CmiI
HI Capture rnlb.
St. Louts Ma, April lCWaltcr IL
Lennox MaxiwU, the Southern Hotel mur
drier, purchased a through unlimited ticket
to Saa Krancicu, Monday, April 6. and
signed his name to the ticket beforo iravin
i t4fc " '(. " v. -.. . .
. II ff t.-k Mkniitiii tlk n arifk
..h,.i -t.i ... .,..1 ..., t,.
V4 1I4UUIMII, nu n .... v .w
xrain f ;wo 1-ouL-un.s uo wjscti w.m
'him and who aw him a far a Pierce City,
Mo. A special from Saa Franclxo aay:
"On receipt of a telegram jotertfay trom
Chief of Police Harruan.of St. IuL tlw
police nere commenced to earrh for Max
well the allr-zed munler of Preller. In
vestfgation developetl the fact that a man
answering Mawrll docription arrived
here on Saturday la.t and put up at the
Palace Hotel. He only remained there one
night and it was tlu.njcht at tirt that he
, , , ..f,..,, ,
, . .
on the steamer
or Autralla,
it Ls believed that the iollce are on his
trail ami an arrest may be looked for at any
time." It transpired here yesterday that
Maxwell, two or three day before the mur
der, was in great nerd of money, and that
he attempted to uwn his watch and sell
Ids tereoptlcoii apparatus and view, but
failed. On the Monday following before he
left the city he wa have money,
as he Informed the erMius to whom ha
had tried to sell these articles that be no
longer needed money, and displayed plenty
ofcaslu He alo purchased several things,
including a valuable Held class and a ualr
of spectacles. The inquest on the body of
C. Arthur Preller, which was to have
taken place this afternoon, has been In -
definitely j0".tM)iKtl by the Cormier. He Is
waitiue the following of the latent clue.-. '
and advucN from relatives of the dead maiu
The following dUpatch wa recelvetl to- ,
day from Chief of Police Crowley of Sn '
Francisco by Chief of Police Harrigan. of '
this city. The man who owns the three
piece of baggage as numbered In your dis
patch arrived here on the II thunder the
name of .1. C. lhrauquier. He claimed to
be a Frenchmau, an army oMct from
Paris. He wa tho only oflioer who left '
SL Iuis on the Cth and came throueh. Ha
pcrfectlj except the cheek nhi.tkrr. He
had a small, lictit mustaclic and a short im
perial, a brown cutaway coat; hh vest and
pants were of nearly the ame color. He
wore a broad brim drab hat dented in at the
crown. The man left for New Zealand on
tho Australian steamer in bteerarfc for
Auckland. New Zealand. He may
leave the bteamer at Honolulu.
Search 3 our hotel and railroad
tifticcs for his name, and telegraph me II
you can find it. Ii- can be arrested by tele
graph If lie goes through and don't land
at Honolulu. To this dispatch Cnief liar
ricau replied, directing Crowley to toa
l)e:uuiiit-r by all inrmis, he heina;, hi uu
ntiliiirm tin ntlur flian s,faYwrll
rritriirit kvikknck.
Sax, April lrt. During the
trip across the country the man, who U uu-
doubtedlv Maxwell, trietl to wind a laree,
,,..I,r,, M,v,r ,,-., -H., . b
kiiiii mane, aim i.iuinir. .souciii iu iMirrow a
key. When he went to the Palace Hotel he
,,.. .,.,.1.1.. 1. ,, ii,. iM.t- .i.t..,...! i,.
ti,ni .w WJ" .tn. tin. .,,,.'v.. ,,w
and sfiit for a blackinilh. sajing Hint he
had Inst his krjs. A pile of burned piper
and take a sailing vessel for China or
Japan, In which nil traces will he hot.
Governor Mrtin' lrortiiiiitluii V.ntnrr
Ine Quarantine Axaluat Certailo liifrrteil
Toi'KKA, Kax., April 10. Tlie Governor
has issued the following:
StatkokKa.ns.v.s I'xKcrnvr D:istmi:nt.
TorKKs. April W iA..
Wnr.E.s5.'Contairloiisjiieiin-pneiimonla of
cuttle ha mmlr proitrrr- ituriiic th pa-t
few month In infi-ctnnr nw iKalltiP In
c!oo proxluiltv lo IiIkIiwhj. of cilt!c trnfUc
lct'f!i this ami other tatf". thereby eri
oiisly ii(luii'erinv the lare hie ftoek Intrr
est of the Mat" of Kmixti by the probuM
Introdnrtion of the fnbl Ui?eic ntnonjr our '
herd; and
Whkiikas, Huch onlnnilty woiihl prorw
most lntttnMis to tho bt inlrrcts of 0111
Jtate by ileprvc atlnjf th vnlnr of a'l cattle i
ami th rrstriet.ons of our Intercourse with
tJio market of tin wrM. unit
WiiRitKAS. The Llv b'tt.c's Snltry Com
m)io!i of the State of Kunas ha rernm
tnciuli'd the etatillhinent of a quarantine
j-ul"t the Ininxluclion Into thl Mate of all
anlintil f the bvlne pc ts rotiunc front
the following named place, town. All of)
tho State of "onnect cut. a.i of that portion
iif.Vrw York lylnr south of the north bneof
''ennsrlrania. New Jrer. Delaware. Mary ,
hind. Iitrct of (.'oIiimMa, Virginia. We j
Viralnla.Ohlo. llllno . KeiitueVy.Tetiaete,
and all thr counties of t ahawar, !!rone. .
Audrain and Monticomerr In tbe. Otitic of !
I .Mlssotirf. unies an aucn can e are ouaran.
! ttnelatthei.i,.t.rlfaJtt-of Intr.xluctloa
j Into the Mule r'r verlod of r.inety days.
J and reta.m-d there unt 1 they .ball rrcolte a
j evrtltteate of health .irnsl by the stat Wt-1
' erir.nraii of Kantu. and ftinber. toat all I
Mis.ourf. unless all auch calt'e are ouaran
cattle coining into Knnsa from the lUn,
nainil local Les be required ' enfr tha I
State at Atchison. Learttaworth. City I
or tort reott. ;
eounwes an.i toraiiiies aue larnununi, .
unle all such cattle nrr iuarnt.nJ at th I
point or locallry of lr.tro.Iuctioa fur a rer.l
of n net j- liar, ami retainer inerr 1111141 iner
hull receive a certificate of health s'jfnea
hr the Mat; Veter-nanan of Kansas;
"" i
further, that a'l cattle comlre Into Ka
from the above named localitie. te requirt-d
ani or the m:i ix-
btatc. lttth. znduf instate theiwenrj-Cfta
Ity the Governor:
John A. Xaktix.
ti. lt.AM.i-jr.
Secretary of State.
B j? W. T. C v r.i a Crt m.
Am. statu SCfTlrT nt State.
Abrakan. IJciisa fntnU.
Srn:xonni.r, It.r-. April ia.Isiit
tlie unfavorsbte wratlter, the Twest!cth aa-
- - .. .. . ....,...
tiiversarv of the ocatti ox Auranain ijr.iH
was oWrrcd here ttvday wlL'i ! J
Crreasonic3'. The rariy train frura
ti directlona broarht large crowd
of par.lcipants. Over t5v hmidrM
rrnresontatlve of eraa Trrrnrr aad
other orgacisafH, with svera!liMls.o-i
Ine froa, Chfcara ahw. PpfraUiive
;. ,. ,t Mtta of ! West -n 1
..... . 1
iircseat. It having beta e-eJrd by nt:
ott aoeirtU.s Jo rrrxJcr a national mu La .
la the rscjaory of the aariyrcd Pro! kst 1
Tbfs SllfUaiC 1J" v"
Tocoxto, Aadl li. The Caaadlaa heir
of the LawTtrsce-Tuwa'cy eats' rwet fre f
tfva? aad traced ia tie hasd af Sc.aUK :
wit.v.. m ur.r1 tbelr dews freea
ni...-.,,-,.., -- - ---
a. Lawrcace aatx jjuj -..
. t , T-..-
was a r.ak: sis; dariac eft last fjty
ta mSm
-v ?
Tears bet U has beeo fsaiad. J.aaC4eH
aatlcIfMUed ia prev'tfsx lwic cLiIsm. It U
. . " ' . - . ......-.
mM that $4.mmJ9 aa arm awamrs sa
Vk. SIavev T. Bruwa. af lUz4l 71 W
- f ------ . .
areiauva c sac aesrs arjrv js.. "-,v
m3mMlmm -4 - ' Wi-ia . .r ltaVCM
arm la New York Tacsstay to curm
vHhaWAawKSraa In.- U i cail tsx-
Is awta flepa,aoa. 1
with AX A ri'AttEXT FRENCH ACCENT. ollice am! Informed him of It content. Mr. i . r.,rf r madu to dlcvrr IV
wnen snOKen to in t-rench always re- tilattstone thereupon rviiuestetl lr Maal to ,..,, -h roittmUtrd It. bin he Could
ed in My informant who came ; wire the hearty areepuncr by l' ,,,... k., traced In the crowd The two
the train iy.s he believes the accent Is i and colleagues of the tzar " t ini.i-Mfa the acciunt cuntlnue. "wrc
He answers jour description sago and to asMire hU Imperial ,-Mw fi, ,,, rion. cvlticnoe of
was found in his room after his depart ur. t ha, m, fo Wl.,r ,, ,,. N,uh 1'rlnce went u( constantly. Tli Prince
11 the steamer for Ilono. ilu or New ra- ,.ark t(, . ,,,. ,( wmlc Kokom. maintained a dlgutftat though cuuclh-t-
AandVuhrMaxTrllN! where they had Ih-i, eng.urtd ln? April ,of w.nng. A proces-dou of lguers
aunuMMHK .Maxarii .s ikMriniioit ami . inmil.,i,g through the miow bhkade., . ,'-, ., Pf..Llv t.hio.l tin.
ordering his arrot and a htbr will Ik. -,.,: . nlt.Hiit Mvty woikmeu. and fol,OWtil ct'' ' Uhl,,,1 UlV
Honolulu. It I- eared, however, that (riK.wllir,c cautlouslv alomra r-il thai nr' lw l1 " IWUilttad
he will disembark at the Hawaiian IslnmH ..... '..,,, 11M-, .,.... ;,... ,.,.. llf ...iitw.i hraded bv John o'tou.
. xnerTore. i.jonn a. .Mcrxui. i.orar t . t of m9 oRV'T hretes-eM crioMlv Itilnrni,
nor of Kan.n. do hereby. In accordant until a few ' minute brf.' the wire of the , Vi" .,''
with authority vested It me by tie l-s of' ,b, 4n,.,.i tw 'n m, 3t ij,t , 'U Ht9t olIJT t arr
Kansas, declare a td ctabhsh a quarantine "' na', '" ,,'!!'. .. ' -- rum the iitJer wliwltm ol
KKainx inriuinxiuriiuniil ninnin.i.uiin .... imm . . v. .-..-.,-.... ..-.-.., -, j noiiw;. WtlOS tJtVUtMnlJI sfr Jn
mieiire fix .art Lnie.1 . i.iitii.. ii.i .inn - n; imn nri - "-- -..., .". i- jiimr n
""w .
YartoM Tact aatl Nte
of Fee.
LnNTxiN. Apt 11 17. The Si. rtera&crs
.Vir IVrmyu. referring to th usxtlon
of a German paper that KnxtonU tnisht
trot Unslan privateer a pirate. th!iVit
j unlkrly. but If vV did Kavda could eaUy
rcuu, Uxn KnriWi roddent of S.
u .h .i . t .. .- i-- . i
ivicrsaurr. wiut uwtrrwtnyH'nin; ,
. , ....". ink.
ptetige snu cnarjni-c wai no jnjurj muwi
w ."J-J. J " - -"
jnlcU-i on RtxsIan crew cxccpS In Ihjoot-
taiu. mrxriAtv, A Vara trVsram Utt
' tha: i:uvU ha formally notlrietl Turkey
' that fcho will consider TurkUh neutraUty W
imply the ue of force to
bl"ck the
pave of the lUxphoru ami lar-
daurllr. General Sdrrh!ra. chief wtcinerr
120 ton run. alv tx brwh amlU macmne
gun an! alo x ojieraturr for torprdi".
If the plans are appminl the Government
will invite tenders directly. The Tlwrs
M'iwJ. " "" -
r:i .,y-.,-..wi.. .l.i fii .tUtbm
MMMPM t"IH ''ir ll UMtl ' f --
of a strong pro-Kuian prty at HcraL In
Nortliwe-sicrn Afshanistantherw may b
ime iHop!c who would we'eome mihjc
change, but Kuvoas cruulue irtemu ara
a i:eamix ron n;Acr.
Moscow. April 17. The liulnn
icr ays that KuvU cannot gitowarat
present, The !Utlcal atmospiierv uf
Europe I not faorable for a ramplcu
agamot Knglaml. Ncer should our
economical quetloii b IguotetL (Mir hra
national debt, stasnatlon In commerce ami
the uumetotts trade and tiuancUl fallnrr
' show the tune l inopportune to tvgtn war
against any one. We hop the Pnjdvh
s ncidcnt will hae no.senous rvMilL
the r tit ron ir me.
Lo.MMiy, April lrt.I)eJUal, the l:uUn
Ambassador, today rcceiMtl a dlvpatrh
from the Ct-r in which his Imperial high-
iicM lustru-t the ISaron to assure Glad-
tone ai.d the tiieiubrrs of tho Kn -
gllsh Cabinet that he tanustl hoes a
piompt and .slmp:e arramtrmriit will be
entered Into by which the present threaten-
lug aiHct of affairs wtll lv ovrrrome.
and an amicable adjustment am-hrd
on all questions In dispute. Immrsll.
Hiichnes, that Kiigland on her jMrt wou.d
put forward every effort couMMint witn tier
dignity and rights to effect itrareitil cUle-
ment of the difference between Uie tw
couiitricx .-
An ATiUnrl.D nn Ih- Nmilh 1'ra Kil
Kill and lnjr srirrl Mm.
DiLNVKit, C01-, April l7.-()ne of the
most Mmcklng accidents In the hlstor of
.,..,, . ,, , . ,
mountain railroading oecmred ,, the b gl,
hue division of the Nmth Park
yesterday mortittig at litlf-past Mvcri. (.n
f man w. InsUintly kllletl and hvr others
i . ... . .. -
i latauy injurni ine muhiwiiic i tut ni:
' Charles Claw, laborer, killed. James Mo
j.,hon r,r,;,an. Mrious external and Inter
,, ,,., . . .... jMUll i.,r, i.
J' i'.
"' --. - -
external Injuries: C. S. llakcr.
laborer, f
1 ,...i i.i.. -1....1. t i,.i i..k.-..
- - - - W
llll'ilb .1111, rlll, t.1 ll-JH ft , . I.v il, iiiinr"-,
evere ?calli Mounds. At tin hour men
liifiiced. lToii either Mde were he,vy nn
baukiucnts of snow. A tin train ei
along It Mi tick a snow bjnk, tnl
in an Ir.siaut the Mior Ini.r-j
muizleil with boiiMris and cravel mute
down like mi avalanche, knofkluc the 11 re
man out of tin cab, anil ws phiz llil,tr
ers ftotii the tljt itis. tU'jriiiii; Hum
beneath the debris. Th. en
ciliecr reaping the patll of the slide.
held 011 to the thtottle and brouyht thr
tram to a stand
of thetriHM'' of Fiobnd. h txx-n .u- or,jotk The Mlonln xn CWll
monolloIVter-hurv. inanwftrf M ffurd here uf nb,u t,rte,l
prepared at Pnrtinuth for a newtjpeof, , , ,. ...... ?.
man-of-war wiUi one tunrt snd mnlf Utirithc juagr of thlr ltya. Hh-
atclv on receipt of thr distuit
the KusslaumuiUtrr hastens! to (.ladstouu , when this lnult wa wltncte I, 1
.... I . .... ft HM VW,- ...,..- ... llm mm uit lilwm fl Murt. Ilahl Mini
( IIWI aV . U-N'IPIII'l MlVi '!''. Vl'MII - " -' - - - f -
still a little bevond. lhiu' welc4ime on IMialf ol tho city of
trni'l.' oriHii'iittsI a sI.-LiMiIiil' t
I a sb'kenhr' picture 00
t-riil with niasisM Irsi and arm, ami the " .ejujing o t autire, ik
nfw rovetetl with blood prr.nte. the ap- repressed bl. gratllud for lti exprv
p.Mianer of a MatightiT js 11. Jlen wtc eHina of loyalty to the P.ritUh CointlUi
rssji began at once to rxhuinc UiHr rfim- "' " tu tueen. He wlh'il thai
pauloti.. wlu were eattersl and burled m i every peraouof lunuencln Ire'audwntild
ail dlrr'tloii. Clan was found to have j exetl himself to avoid dleusIoo win U
been grmmd Into an uirrttjrnixabli mlp. ' would Interfere vrith tb objwet of Jilt
A large tniiinVr of tho wotkmnt rcerlvnl
Injuries, but the naiiirs niftiUoncI arc thf
imett crlou. Tin train hat-tiil to Hr.xk
enrid;e, as the now cut off the trtmu to
Ttn'y Men Canvtit In nn lllm..
JHIne f re Tl-lr f.nal il-mf.
LtV'oLX, I1.1-, April !. The Lincoln j
Coal Company haf t and landiui' caii-;ht i
fin at 1 :0 a. 111.. and i a ma of I'.amrs. t
. ... .,, ... .-. ,i,!,,-r r.. at
'"" trU to twenty mlrKTs an at tlte Io
f tn. Tha Io U over $10,000: no ln0r
Tlie latest dispatrh from there ay: Tft
... .
fire was reused by the rxphn of a forrh
In tlm m! trxmi. Caifesi were kent rm imi
cn H.j xjke .Sar-Ijre, Jack Ce ald ; w
... . ... .... .... .
Jeiry C urn fort. It I tluntgld thry will Ijt j
mI The esc-irM sJtaft Is ihff e nuartrrs of
Mil, away ami comicru with the one di
strove.1. It is by thl avrtine the men will
"k,"y " ar- Tljr ' l " n,dr f
pr;or.rsl in thr burning miie raje-,1 by
rnaulng Umi aralJerls U a siiafi three-
ijnartrrs of a mile away. o ,u w -
injured ami Ui loss was rt so heavy aa at
first rep-.rUsL
CntlUioM af
fUurAX. . 5 April IT.
The; GrTMHm .
tearaer Mala, Capfals ChrJ.'otfras. it,m
New VrVa.AKiMLf,rthap .a4
Kremen. arrived here tMfLy.
ChrfiWJcns rej-msj M IZVt jn U
JBniini Ui he ex hi rsdllt wit!,
-t... .1
In.jia hark, Kipi. itftn
&o;r. witharanro 0f kkit. Th
nxz ttroeH the Kalaja oa tl -rt 4. I
Jaaf' the rahiji. raitiar rght Ihrrg?, j t
Ur ad th eargo tSoate.1 .t of ler. OftL.
i ... 1 ... ., . .. . 1
: te wrs cirw H7irnnu lee
-,V 1JB "(- ttul f.tb iu4 a
were tase-i n K-cr. lle 4ala aad a', -fTa wMJ - drVoted tr
Urye a bcSru l hut bull ove li i
Cras Laver -.
i;r5KAJrroX, 5. Y A'd IT. Iaae
rtKiUrwlth the ri-aaaiaatfea svf thm
Trnster of lh Sa Asyfcflw tor the I trv taii tlntrt mf l1kL.f ad
.r, . ... .. u.,1 jr tiMux. i
u, ,.,..-.j,. ,. -j -w-1
eifled w pruritic test art-rntiJatHM k
. . 1
teaiiiorr j-ter. twa aiawKM isMiMda t
for rvarier .. Th
a4rpt4 " th 44i rmWHia
mat t .v'wa. keuf (u tW - - J
f -t. . " rsf- a, j
aky:as, aad ie larsaaa
m ' '
e-srg hr: earatsie aerafcia ate-
apKnrmc -uaw aaryw . ! ! raBBBBaaTTaa aav BfaahBBBjfWiaakaak -
I.. c a V - A 1 . a ' ''
mtmxmi rare egrrawa eaawoajrjtfas
Teatka-iJI WafsartarfaMttcafsaaaaWMAi
aeeacaVf-r t aW alaa c a wM -
&&!,-. , r
jiytDPWMnt!,.., f in, ftnn .r
tfc RnfI VUJt Tf N!(,.Ht thnw
Their lUlti ni St,'--l nrlnctnc
TrrlM libM-'-""! t th r.u
Lomh.v, April H - MmJrj of th
Govrrcnvnt jriefrUy esprl rW M
Uc rrjmlt of th Prlae of Vi?. T; to
Cork. Thrj conidr that tho fattur? to
srMilu an .l.i,.
- j
il tMB I r t in n
I -
;'' wsn'pi'wwr mneur t&c
real wraVnr of the .:iitl.l pftf
There l gcocrl qrprt! a w p.
Jolcta;: B?r at ia extent of th irtJi
I fcvllng in IrcUnd, a pmvi by th com-
j paratlvclT wrm r;en.ll to
the PriaCc la the tnj truasho(.t vt th-
ocse mroqga io .nei j vrt
j Aa the Prince and Prn wpp-dL
, m lhc trala.ther were met Wt a .fcrtxiu
.. ..m.i.i. .. .1 ,. . .
' ",M w .- " ..v wj, .s"i
, them with an addrr of u,l vt
attesting undjfjng loyalty to th chorea
1 18j tncmbrm of th ro.ral famMr Th
Prince aad party were then ut;cd by a
' strong force of mthUry am! jmUce t.
S carriage In witln,:, ad druen thrwug
the principal sifeei ah aiug me
route they were culftus istwil.y c K-etv-t
Many building were prutudy U.rtcI.
while acros th treli at errl
polaU wcrj strctchet trtumphiil an'hr
At one pdnt s rowdy b-gin throw lug
tone at the Prince's carrlaje, out of
mrre bravado apparently, a tut wat out
, ot striking uutance a uoiceur piomp
' Ir rrenlcl the mau. whetvupon a nn.
' au-rotiiidrd the otneer ami tricu u
rcucue the prisoner. Tie dtitUe
fouud it necessary U flrv his rewilr
1 over the brail of the cnwd. and In
this way kept thctn at bay uu U asst
1 nce arrived. The prUouer . tiketi
t, court an I remanded, but w.
' after want balled out bv the .Major of the
cy. At another jolnt an ontou wat
thiown down at the Koval carriage a U
,.ictl under the nlructure known as
I i-ril-M Hrld:e. The ttiiille tttruck th
' .w
Indignant yells hurt fron the
r-allv flu mi ia t f-rliltl
. lm.tnU, th.. ,K-curmt during the nfler-
There w a good dwtl ol ou-
, , ' , lhc fr,cniJl AtiiX ol,lono4U til
lhc j,floce MCWet ,,rcUr rtu
Jin number, but no nerlotn
oreacil OI lite peace jus ain-mjniii. ii-
rtctilng there i a large meeting of
k &.. . . . . .
PnriH'llltes In a public "quirt. lull
t live upecche were made by l.uiMng iiiem-
' bers of the party, but lu th-meotldeily
' he traced disappointment at the lll.uf
i ee of the attempt to crcite an efWlvr
j frmon.nilul ,.llHt Um ,.rtnctl ,l(iriIlg
. te 4jy , lngular feature of thermal
, w, , iir bunting of a larg numln'r f
J Imdou ticwupij'is conUiiuug a.tvr
. . ... ....x...- ..t .lM VmI...
, c-nnincii hmu ihc avumi ,.,,...,.....
, alhta durlnj; tho I'rlncc'a stay In Ire
wixiit iWEVj.s in cork
I C. April U-rte.tul.,.,.
or 01 me riiijce 01 .tains non-M gn-u
.i 1. 1 . .. . .. i u....i
j . .
aiimiraiioii among i.iu tr
tlMt lined
the t recta through which the roal car
rlagr panned. Chcen for tho Prluj and
nor, Nstiotialtst ineuilier
Parliament fur Tipper ry, nil ha
one of the most conpleuoti ieadei
Ihe opi-osiUuti to ine rrluCi a fiiwa-
abl recepiin in iriaml. AVneneVer
the loyalist aitN stirU-d up '(..Mi vo
tue Quren," thr leaguer tlotsiJy ninjs,
lod i3 Ireland." When the prucsiou
rache Ita ilcatinitlon ami the ru'iulel
ptl attthtiritb ttreiitctl nn ndlre
' ,,r ,,,c Prince ft rayed sm amotion
pr -ni toir through the yodulrr, an! U
unite lo effort, towanl Impruriugth rel
wdfjre of the Irish mc.
A A4l.SMlir HH;r.
Con, April 15.- V terrible riot U now
Bprogfc-. A mob I In possession of
the principal atrveta, ami Ins repulc)
evral charge by th tKitic?, .vurai
vodrya hare been firel Uf th pdle-. but
H U uppu4.t tht the at firing vr
the head of the crowd. I.i cbtrshu up
on the mob, however, Gl syneU
are ued, and moy lejr
Min have la.en severely wonndedu
The police, where overhe!fiml Uf
r.uiiuera, rurra la aotati aquad, ic t
lack. and defend tb"Hie!vr from He
OBalaugtt of the tnfuriatril mob Mor
Uh the rioter.
ItU ir;jr el toauow
4. ...... ... .x.. , .. "..
v tj apathy of th Mayor,
ctticea have Li-legraphed W S
Ittl Sbvh'
ii,.rin..ili.. 1I..1 .. ....... -
' ""f . ' ""7
.- .).v..v v.,v.
wrlitea lo the IVince of Wa! rtres.
Jr,2 s regrrt of xht eUreo of 1.mtk
ul u ,iVcl asiet .1 u. ti.e r.
i J,it pjev,l- ih UUr of a f urinal
welcome u jjhj ciir.
. .
CSM'IO. li. A rf ,. . ...
I ....f ', rH S
llnuTntT'ZZ tJZ?.L!m
JraW lra... . XTf a
' -,'' hoodred 4iri . r
t " mjy J MfS3le Urz,
tML . ' l -sje
4 "v ff-rIoa. raeetlag.
,. i WdUtrJy espfa
vvvsivaa . .hi . .
. - -- ". rr. io-
sri,4Has awfUJaia t . k.-.
ajtfra mi ta a- '
ftrTaj Jfucviu ". -.
jMiNttsra .Ul4e haa laaM reeled. ti
Psfe aea; to ta terata
fee 4ff aa.i .".': "
a com Silt-
-.7- "-wi, waca wj
a. tiZZZJiT. !r1 .r:
aisaan BBBBmaaaaUa.f . . a
- -- awsa--i4sv7tj T V
- - .. ja tcrasn
mmlT!?? rrtm ai MKmiar.
m9mimmm Um rcT3Ur.l at.
mmmw aBBBBHBBBBBBr BHUat M-f mmM SU . ateu J
.z aZT"" ". la aaaaK-
: sao 1 JfLt' aahstaatially trta
-fci mll . ' ". stacjtare aoc
HJ , after itiU4h ol
rSaMl alaaafca, HZ-
T-WlpHi a a aaaj !,. Tr.-nu
.aaaa a. tiikr aa it lu. .l..
qrjrrr actoar.rr.
. .., -. v1 - e 1
i-l:Hir?Ce'v- : &&&&
ss ,
, ..?
:CrxvtEgr ; .f-i
3 Ap -
aaahaas "itW:4XiEisflHI
?-. :-, i. 7- - 3.. J -5v " . , t r-- f. --" -' -:
5ftV-v ' "' -. '1. 7 f 7- fttJS- - "": ." .", - V.,".?-.:" 7 --' '.
.j "" -.j -' rr1 j. k . t-1 t: ' k- -I mm r afr r. . j- a .. I --. - a .
- ten . ijir jr t -5,r t-r- a j - 's. . wx . , m .m-
mBB2U& -3slwiS?t5 rtmm&iteiuxr
Lei -z ?s-'-.t3M
aaaaaaaaamaw:--5Je?r X-.tlAV; rv. ib&z - - -- -'
aaaaaaaaaaaafe1& .,;-,';-'' --t zs-Pi .-. . .- - - - -- - - ..