3. w&w 3ewv5 Vf-W-S ?. T " 1-J i aafegggE.iiii,,Mn f ri.jn,tuu - liri.l Jli Kg" DARJCJBAYS. Mrccir. and il'fjnrr. Ye. I rnn 5parl :nt .'Muz of the tilir, M jiith-r's eyes the next day 3:107. m! ii.ctJjatlMiil.j'paiinci s1vm her the hl-t.ry, r.i I linv.- srivcn it here, frora Ainnrr. t ."yiiioar isrtHRt. An. toejution 1. Om. ehap'er 2 vers 2 ami 3, us hhorrn L Kx. -3. .-, 1 1 WallPaer-ii'ia fc Free Co, KSZSU Ana 2nd quoth .n. tiis 2nd queMh-n. Th coiiiinn'e! . found jii hi. 20: S. 13. It T A - t- . . i wiku pionguro : cainr.jr tno attention cf t-ho citizens of Rod Croud -DEALERS AV . ff-v-TF t i .- a r: . .-v i . H - r v ,-., -, - "- t - - -BMWH jotjjwwi i ma '-A ijjm r- ,1 1 -:--T..?:. -J-fri, mmmi ,rri1 Of Ui i ! I "iiliiiTWrTtfiWMgPJpIWHWipgygf .fl"" , 7 - H "."" 'y - '- v,a,- -x:fr. rv: jj. ... . -:,;.'.. i-' -L ?.iV5j - ini'-t' riPii'-'v l i i. - ... i I ... . . -. i kt-v v . '-"'" rr --. . - - , tr - w -- . -TT . .A. vyiuuiw; hi -.i.u imw own voice fr.m :io-int : gy ,-. ; -.y. ...;: ,. - -.v , ,t , N., ii.li rj..li.; tar cni. Sit by aw one j. f , 7 fc'f7WvYWl V ti W end vicirJtj to tho Inrgo anU oosiploto stock cf u,n'loHJtbynn.:b-tth!iti-,ibyth. j on taw.;-oi -tone and wjirtuft c P-. p jr, M yj S , VV ail aP WinririTJr ShttrlpC: Xrp Mdeofa.,ol.I..r.nSnr.-.ltoii:liitVfiiir lltirill rule of hi- unirPKe. whether lAJ-AhkiC&M ! Cv-i. , . V UJ.UU V OXiUtJb, Ci.O.,j cmii:in,aiiilt.n.uehtiii"abilkyir.rkc:.oP i--ati AC. o, .. Mark 2- 27. 2'-i. -. ..j. .,f, T . TPC!t r ov-q which. !n r clerkly bawl, id written xii An. to 3rd nuotion. AJ. 2-. 10. Cnfnnt nnri O !!! i.i.u i-A i. . A. rt.Nb UN ft 0 1 as? Ifi c . "- A- i fift nam.: and a.Wr.-se. I l-ar the wrapr-er oik j aJ-0 ,9 Jr ., fe,owinj; c!eJlr. vtiU i-.-uj.-nitsx. 1 kno-A- wntit it c nta!;n' ' 3'1j11IIj knovfc. I wish to read!;f:rtali, ) l'S lt il.c tommJind? arc U bo ob but tin ajtp.-a'lut; I ju'k in hr 'y turn- m ' .-crvod, ; Inch contain the Seronlh dy from my tmrjV'V. A::-r rij. :h-r' U no:: J Ini; tn fnr. th-re can ! :!nJn' uhich ace flhouM not know. K', wl'h otircJiok r2 but tourlnn-. v.v r'iui v'J:r. M; by us, Ji-aii over my r:-!l-r. xr 1 r.-a! wita nc 'J'h ronf'slri of WHliasi rlvkus, no- Jyln In Tvvt:i!iasi J..!l umlf r i!jt"iico ol "leatlJ "On thft f.f;h of .January, thin yf'ar, 1 r tnniei! Irorn Sw '.-' wl. I v.'ork'l nij jasat;e I.m'ik. 7ha I n'achl Ioin!on 1 hal but a .'w.hlllinH hi mv j"'.?t. J bful no article of valn-s w'i lr'i J c nl 1 6 X All I owned, except my c!oth-s and L'jc lit tlo bit of inon'v. v,:-. a p'..toI wMrh a mar on bor.nl IV: khi had f.ife; nn-. It was a X.ImIoI of his o;vii invfiuloii. Jle hid M-vral with him, r.nd a.d tu wii:! :o'rt the sr.' known. Wl y he savy it l iuj id knows" but he did, ind a c ui! (. minds. "I arn-nt rnj ::i:icy a!I but a iMIIIns oi two. I tr'i'd to eel work. 'i.it none vaa : be had. 'J'a.-n 1 i't:if'KibW th.il 1 once bad a friend v.L , livnl i.-r JC-M!ix. I v--rjl there by train. I liad J zl "'jouKh m'Wf V. 7iay my fan. I fmn lUz'. Ui. mm I tnt-w bad left the idac- two yean avjo. I v. liked back to fJie town jiHunil'-ei and .''yi.er tie. "The first ll.iru I did Wi t o to list jiawnbr-'kerN nd try and c!l i!i.j pistol. Tim man wouldn't buy it r.t any pric-. Jlf (.aid bin hhop was fill of p.-toN. I wenl away, ni:d walked to the rMilv.-ty ht.ition tc try and ani a f.w p-..i bomehrw. I was In despair all lr:t -tarvln-f. AliitBCven oVlo-!: th ; trrln from Lirs don came in. A tall ryit'U man ; on t ol tlio door of the ftatio'j. I ak! liim lfh had any Juk-;-;;' 1 mu!I carry for him. Hi told my to be oS. Th'-n I ik.d h.m, foi pity's sake, to jive m- b hi illhi; to hiiy Home fMd. lie curbed mo, nnd I be-all to hat.' him. "Ho st.o 1 under t!if pa-la-np. r.nd dre7 out a jr.at cold w.itr' and l'H.k"d at the tltiK. Tlien In a 5:ed a man nr by wh.fh road he miM taki to ct t' v!l'i" named C.MTWi'll. T.ie inn lold him. J taw him walk away, and I irnew where he win ir lu. "I hall !w handed next W'3:; thre 55 no hope for me. Ibit I tell the truth when I Kay thnt, bad fellow as 1 have been, I had never committed inch a crime in the one which at that mom nt entered mv biud. That tall man had iimney, jewelry and roo1 clothing; 1 had niUiinc. 1 wan t-tarvlm. Jv I ran on, v. t before liim. went miles up the road, and sat down in thy iditer cold on a heap of stone-., v.alrin for him to come, nnd umkiiik' up mv mind to kill and Mbhim. I knew I mr.i.t kill hiin, becrj.. he wai .! mueli itioni; r and biiir tliau 1 was. My pist'd vas loud. i. "Il-caiae. 1 saw Mm In ll.o moonlight. I stood up as h" ejinie near nnd, (Id forgive me, pullod the trvuer.a'id shot hlnithr mU the litRrL He fell Jiku a atone, and 1 knew 1 was a murderer. "Oh. If 1 could I would havo nndonr the deel! 1 stood for a lone tlmi bfiro 1 dare 1 to ko to the body ami -te.il the tlilnj;; for which I had committed the crime. Tlien 1 nerved myself und went to tak" the pr!e. fur wiilrJi, utiles God im rclf.:!, I had io:d iuy bnuL "I never took a farthing. Jnt ns I was nbout to b'ln I h nrd the smiid of feeL I looked uj. and haw a wo mm or a spirit cmulnz to me. I r j p'd ih'j dloI In ter ror. I felt Mire slio , 'v me. J looked nt hei under t!m nmoiu Her face wa.s white, he.r lip v.i'ic m-ivui. her hair was all Jly l:i louL S!ic Mum drriu'.t to where the lead man lay, !hi ctopp.I and wrum; her hands. lfldnwnyi:i deadly fear. 1 ran uejois several field . 1 dated not stop. I thought tlat riplrit ur host .a folluwniir me. "I ran on nntll the .snow began. I must i:r -t d them he would have been linvo died lu that .now-.toriu if 1 had not j,'U:l'v f death. Hut there was no fouud a half-ioefed cou&hed. 1 crept Into , -.u;-e of death in liim. 20. 21 tcju-hr ttdn. and lay all the nlht ne.l putof th to lth Jou-and (ieks that let.-nt-iiextdar. I u the m it wretched behn: i jm.e inunnl c.d ov..r tt,..f i.r..i .... i..,.. Ill thy world . i "Hunger ftt last drove me onL I rot through thrt unow nile.w. reid reached n house, whete the jn ople saveil me f.om y 1g of larval ion. Uts' n..:''ti!e .u!d mnkn me co again to the pot whom I hud done the murder. Mv life siueo then Imls be-n tity of acuny. Kven now that Inm Kidn to be hanged I am happier th.ui I have felt or raontlis. May Co l furtive tny ciluie! "I pleaded guilty at thetiial U'ccase I turned round in the t!iHk. ami ,j.v the wi man 1 tl.ouht was u .-plrit b'andira; up ready Ui denounce mo to tae Ju.'jje. 1 knew that ho gaw my that night, and 1 was bound to be fo.ind puilty. "1 hava ctufe.sM'u all. Kvery word of this ts truth. As I hope fer merey. It Is all true! , "Wu mam Kv.vNS."' "1. S. I took the above e mfesdin down from tho piUontr'-i dictathiu. llshouhltM all you ant. The man occiii thorouldy enl:e::t, hut 1 do not trouble yrm with his fipresHimiH of lemorse and resnt. "1 remain, dear sir, yo:ir-. fa!:f:d!v. "STrM-UrN ChlP." Woread thelavt lines; the piper nattered enwn from our hand-: we tuiued to each other. Tears of deep thankfab.esi were in my wife's swre: eye-. Dexvn to the smnliest detail, :lu xre:c;.d nianS confession made everythlnc clesr. N dhtn xva left unex dainetl, except, perhaps, the motive xvhich Induced i'hllippa to go that nkh: ti meet lier xrould-be Iv.nix or o'ice n:.re. This we thaU never know, but her temjKr.try mad ness may amplj accomt f.ir tt. Y.'o need peek no further; the fiintt diuit as to her own pvrfet: Inn'K:n e is removetl from my v Ifc's mind. Hand m baud, hear: to hear:, lip to lip. xve can :and. and ficl that our troubles are at lust ove. Our troubles oxvr I Shall t!iee words bo the Ia: 1 xvrlte? No, one scene more the Mvno that lies before me even now. An Kticlish ht.me. (.'u'side. cieen shav.n lawn, trim paths, and ti-.e old trees, pi p'.de. th comfort and tie peac- wl c : make nn Kmcils'i home the sweetest in t:e xxor.d. For when the need xva; cone; when sunny Spain no longer was for us the one saf- land. Us charms dlmlrUhe.1, and xte plnetl to see once more l'nclami's fa.r fields and ruddy honest face?. So b..ck xve came, and luisde ourselves a home, far. far away from every sj-ot the sUh: of w lach might" wake tad thouchu. And here xve lixe, and shall live till that hour hen one of n must ki-s the ether's clay-cold broxv, ar.d know lha: death has parted those xx Ixoia naught but death could part. LtX)k out; look through thU shaded win dow. There she eits, my wife; a tall son at her side, fair daughters near tor. Years, many years have pised, but left no lines upon her brow; Iw.ch: no w hite threads to trea that raven hair. T..e rich bright beauty of the iciii Is -tdl her oxu. To rae, now as of yore, tlie xveet fairest xxo-aa tn t!ie xrorM I The children fee me as 1 gsra with thoughtful, happy ey apon that croup be neath the trees. They axil and beexon me. My wife Uxks up: her eyes mrot mine, jus: rUeit from thee sad paes. Aa! lov. sweet love, in those deai exes xvaat j it cea my fto to read? Shame, sotruxr. dread, desralr t:ii ,OVt A:l lJ-e; TC lov have vanished lorg .oc; and .v. I turn to reu these ilnes-the las:, taa: l of Sim assured, unclouded joy kee - xv.-.h tte, SSs me that from her hfe has JU Ui- yen' memory ot those dark, dari uay5; w . THE K.NS- J-'al !ath ioit:ttidpI xt rr-lion. A ns. '5th quristion. Item! John I: 5. 7; Jahn 10: 3j 15: 'f, a!eo Isaiah 8: 20; CJa!. J: ft. Ana 5th question. !inl tftlls us in J!o:n:ir,s 7 that hi.v thnt eays "Ttiou Khn!t not rovct." In '.ere 12 he tclN u-. holy, nnd m ver-e 1 1 lie says it i bpiritual; and Jainfs, 2nd chipter, Slh to 12th vuraoii, speaking of the a:ne Inw inform. us that man b to be judg ed by it. Jcl. 12, 13, 1 1 contains man'-, wliolo duty. An. Gth qw&tion. 7)et:t. 5. 22, Y.x. Zl:2; 1 Chron-llC- 15-17. Ani. 7lh question. Uen. 2- 2, 3 we i fnul how, when, where, by l-.(,!ii, arid ..f what the .Sa1i1.ii!!. V.-HS made, a:.d ii. Ex. 20- S the will of God roiu-.-r.Mi.i; it and this definite seventh day the o-i! j one conUiined in tliose ten jirete.' and therefore cannot he eonij.un-d with the SRcrificial lav: which was ad ded br-catiae of truurgicsaion. (oil 2, 'J Ann .Sth question. I'aul e.hw.t.s .n 2nd Tim. 2: 15 reliiouii t,-ai hr to lightly dividu the word of truth. In 2nd Cor. 1: IS he telL us his teachinj: h not yft an nay, an our friend- repre--nt him. I'aul cxprcenly iay3 that Jaw -.vhich convinces of ain is holy and pi-t and Kood, Kom. 7, 12. Thia hfttne law ii not made void by faith, but e.-tab!i.-htd, lium. .1. 31. This, we dei'. na:e :us law No. I, while law number 2. whi h wab our seluMjinuiler to brum us to Cl.ri.st, toil. ?,: 21, 25, which i.-aboli.-htd, Eph 2: 15, also Col. 2: 1 5, 17, is not obligatory. Ana. Dili question. Tne law of whbh James .-pcHKb through the .-pint (2: II, 12) is coi..poed of the U) ominand- menls. which know embiacea the rf.th- batii command. Invci-elO ho tells us that whosoever offends in one point is guilty of all, and the 1 lth vei.-e .--ays become.-, a tians:retsor. John 1:3, 4 i-ays j-iu is the trani'reaaiou of tqe law. I;m. f.: 23 informs Ua that the wage ol sin is ilcath. Ans to Iuth question. According: to Horn. 4: II sign and 5-eal mean the -aim. Kx. 31: KI, 17, alao K.cknl 2U: 12,20. Her arc two t( .vt.-that plain ly s-tato thu Sabbath lobe a sign or -al between (m! and those who .lie I .iai hts indeed. An., to H th que-tion. T ani fur pred that 1'aul, although an able nrmster, prcu-heil uo'h:n; that v -- P1 if'tablu to the church. In Acts 17.2 Taul, jii his milliner v.n-, reasoned W.'h tlien) OJ, t. Sab'.-ilh fPUil the senjton.-. 2Sth Chapter, 17 ver-c showing thai he diil nothing contrary to the i u-luiii ol" Jewish father., whicii a:ld not have been said had he been I. a. him; fir.-.! day observant e ritlier b preci pt or example. 1 -.th ver.si te:o Inw that he was u strict obsrer )J in' ion preiej)ts. n.-ul hf tr:ins- K-.-n x. . v tiuiv muni it in ii of tin commandments, also laith in our l.oid Jc-us Ciirit, waa nccc?ary K ralvHMon. A lis. to question 12. The dispensa tion of gr.n c began when (i. d ?aid to dnin, the .-ced of the woman shall I rui.-e the head of the serpent, (b n. 3 15. we learn that Ch:;?t is the lamb -'ain from the foui.iiatiiMi of the world. He. 13- s. Acts 1. 12. teacher the only name whereby we na be -axed- Fi.o.m a Lay .Mkiiiskiu Novor Givo'TJp. If you are suUeriug xxith low or de-pre.-ed spniit, lo.-s of appetite, general tlcbility. di-orderd blood, xveak consti tution, headache or any disease of a billions lintm e. by all means procure a bottle of Klectric Hitters. You will I. Mirpri-ed to ce the iatid improve ment li at xxili ttdlow; vou xv ill i-e m- --ured xxsth new life Ureugth and actix-- u xx in reunn: pain ami misery wil. censr and hencctorih you xx ill rejoice m the praise of I'lectiic Hitters. Sold at ifty cents a bottle by Henry Cook Advico to otiioro. A n xeu tttstml t, ftt n .; as:d broken of x-x'r r st tj ,i Mck child Mtfferliic and crmi: xnii am ot eettin: t. ctlc If s, s, tttl 4t o.-.c an.: . t .i I . f.Je t.f Mrs. X iitoH-, siMttloi. svnip l.-r einldn'ti leelhln:. It, value is n..il,-ul..l.le. lVt!ii! i.:-ii II ii.tllifr-. iton Is i nusuke Ml-oiit it. It ri:res ttysfMtirx mih! iliurtlii.-. r--it: it - the step.-M i xnU imui'ls. ein-s rtiml ei-to v--s :.., -i.i.l t ii rv-, . th wrtok- itin. Mrs x::siHssmm),it);rU. torchiidnu UtIIiihc t- pletsant to tle ins... .,! Ls U presort ; ion .ie ol the .irst ai.il U ; fv'n i nurse- ami , ls;t i. us .ii a.,- l i..iWi s;.,ie. i:,. Jn f ir-al ' ' lr i. fc.is tl.n.,:..oi.t tla: uor.d. lr!ctf5 .: ts r, r t .u.t. LV!5iViiiV;UUTyxTTlTr77Uil.rr!yH T'J! Ui childna to cut ost aatl mvo tb ensile iih v-ette i lct-rts. i ey , ,. w from i-eu to Thla otc Is enmed by Or (ctwhi ?agM ftiMHJ taiga! r?ariss ca tie !&tJ c every cssal pviTi c IUck. cT Ba Uzrs gn.-irjr TcIssam. Krrrr lfi -r Uds. ?is J' Sw&rje TcbaAM -ivix Nccc rs f.T23sl j-vil c Hie lXi. VVi: Kf. r-,r CI, "Ulrna -rfr r.Vt. Vitl c-r U-r Itten s- -i U . Up; Cn'toriu. V-Tjc-i IW r.-rt. il err ,r f. -t. v,hnt sur" fa-ir fjoc. kill ifc-c -i " trlA. pur-'-T-'! t; I" 'to-rrfj'"" firm;, lI.tIlCitar-. "Cs-storla is to well iIsp'.ed to Children tsai I 7'jC"a--eid it ti surtriar toisy stdi siac hira to mc."-II. A. Aucuts. il.D Ul So. Oxford St.. lirookljn. . Y. ry "l ' ' ' ' mm i t ill ! f- - -- -- - , - - - -- - ---if'- -- A ' h 0 R P 2 ?rJ K " 1 ! lfclX'i' '" 'j"&u f 1 I V f ' fc M f A ti n.lir.rlnl nuen fn TT,...! . , . - v .. . . . . J , T . . .- . . T I rrmtlsna. Sprains, i-'ala In tlioLJ I5nr:c. Bars?, GJn, Czo. .lam btantaccou- Puia- roiiovcr. iTri-V l -.r -.r;; ,--. - i ti . r. miifm Aittiimn .InckeL. Tlio Iirtrhlon is a jaunty Rrw En irlish jaeki.t for aufimn. to by xvorn with the jock.- cap that KnIi-lixvoinen noxv xvear xxith lh'ir short curie 1 hair. This jacket Is -.horl an 1 sin.'c-iir -astyd. xxith a nolchetl rHin;r collar, and there arc txvo 1hi. jlaitd i;e:iirid, l.enidnjj directly on the line of the xvatst, :s l below it. Tie-re are short cr-.ss ba-qtie r'eains that n'tich the short (!ap3 that form a basque xvhleh fits smoothly ov r the hip-, and the xvhole garment i bord -red xvith rows of metallic braid, jither of broii2, iher, or burrds..e(l pit. Gray, dark blue, and dark rod cloth, of ro'ih finish are uvd for thii jaket. There is a lcrh:icx toward widening tne alevo-3 of most xvraps. some of t'lem lloxxing open from l!io arm-hole like tho Oriental sleeves, v.-iiile others are slit op-a in front like unirel s.e ..-. and have an inner coat sleeve; still others tit the arm close ly a.s fir a; the elboxv, and have a large roft drooping jiilf addtl then, or ei.-.e they open abruptly belox the elboxv. am! are terminated xvith a. square eml Lha' i-j rolled upward from the end ot tne slo .. All sleeves are st high on thu shoiibier-, and ure nridv boullant. there; for dr.'ss sleexos this fulne-. is s '.:ii to eMend sill the length of the arm. and is gathered into a baud or cull" at the xvrist-n negl'tjee fashion that lis.- be'-oPiP jopn!ar in Kcg'and. but xvhich it'o-tistes say ha-, not found fax .r h.-. Tie j,,a-r J v. market coat xvii! ho xvorti aiahi, and xx i ler hex -- w:il he a ,hs n.-ui-.img; teature of tl.o ne.vest of th.se eo-ts. .Small cap.M will al-o be ai led to long coats; thJ-o ire not the roun 1 C"a-ht.ian caot . but ire hirh-"cio"lui red paletots that are called dolman capes, beeaus-j they have K.de j,:,-. es t.hat go orcr the -ihoulders 2iko il o e of dolmans, an 1 these shnul der pieces are cut slight!- full and verj Wh. li-irjicr's Uazur. n 9 msspnz rij? fiuuujSLi Go'iYlcGt Nebraska. ji:ai.ki:e? is Drugs, Paints, Oils. ookp. Stationery. Etc., Etc. Etc. Precr; lions carefully compounded at a'l ho ..-. 5 3 F I lS r fl ft 7 '" NEW STORE P;!orhart & Fu!tor.? 1IA r;i.-TAlll M!U) A Hardware Store, at "WELLS. For :li uvonittto.la' ion f :U io.le of that xU'i-tx. Thx Are ', t 'v j -. t.'-.j tocixe lb; ls.o;leo( x r. r.i I . i ' u;xhal tlifx u.iu: .n 1 e Lne vl Hardware, Tinvare, Stoves, Iron, Nails, rrts?r sf. Tw aam" o m " tr-fsXTittoa i j T?c NVl.ra.si Lmralr Owtnaj 'Ut Is trctnrtt ai I jrctnrtl nisi- at ir-.toactine b-l. Koi I iU( - urKn. T-$Tlt"f " 'i P-'H' WSI-rT- 9Arns -U Xiaas ot ro-xls mmI is-whind' pr- .vpt' R4 '"V.'U. ills brmptJi Trdaa4 aw- M mefe Lr bcarl c: 4irrxv-r'. wraaj -nny xr- irma 4r.w ct .-!-.: ": sac. xi ptr to rctta--a;1 cp''ii sSivrs: to r r ;CrJ ttASat -L - C2tyasiB,cM n,r, ! -n. -ao en Use Is -av FHntiT5. :-. ut - lintsr uj-.a le l: wir cC FvSmsj. Ii. Tiw & ..-.; UMuBt C loi'bswlrww ir tut .Mr to UK-h -a4 PorjsraUa f : a ::rr e U M w tvs-il sfcoit be tall fJ a.-eaul cf exitl saall K f-ooJiKUr-J by a lxrtl ! sor iJirrsct-rs Fbruaryl5, l-i. wj ' hH Mm hN V-. r T u Jif- -J i- r r r r Hrnfrtf j K3Uii1 o jLeabonaoie ncsi Call and look a, garrples. I. j trouble to aho'.v iroodj. C. L. COTTING, Druggist andBookseller, Red Cloud J0E1T B0SSCH,AgC2t, A"i Ml Sold in Ec-d Clcui ly A. A. POPS. m w3 w$ rfa n ra & rp m w is r Jl3. Where will be found t Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Sirups, Hrftrc? m T I T T - t aeon, J- i wlXUO, C'neese nnd Crackers, Tobaccos, Cigars, Hour, Ietl,Glasa nn! (.ueei.sxvarc and Crot kery. Hoping by fair dealing to merit a -share of the public patronage. Come an ee me. IN FSATHERLEY'S BUILDING-, Opposite 'he Chit-Hip. Lumber Yard. S. V. LUDLOW. mr: V rrt v u u T r WILL WlOSHER, Prop. j H f, 1 QaUra I? L fiO !FlA, J-"i;5 "l Km. It ' tW i'rt"h Fish, Oysters, fork. V Mutton, OLD RED CI s ril K! stand, Hikg mJm& i : i - it -OUD, NEB. " y- .'-.liv ffa ancgle & Son Dcalors mUSML Ifflli GEWEMGIMACHINES, ETC. iBeft CIoucI JOB WOEK, SL'CK AS KrncurrD to ok-ti 15 twk E.M2ST AND PROMPTEST MAN.V A5I AT I &3 Di r i: 11 O .3 fTiS. siJP ill's Vei? r4' -i 4 i fy BsstinthcWorTJ. Tl Ti n cms Pulverizer. Hpmc Huniu J r i 1 1 r . r i' It rr s s , r .i " f . -' . 'v .i 1. 1 . ' -. a i. .. t ai,. t ;..,..(,,. . i- . .! '- . .. I ? '". ,- .r .i ; o .1 at rri.-. li. t.; ..( l,:' '. ki Immense Cutting Fewer ! ; . -..,.. r i . . ' r-i i ' m; . ' . t .' ..ii ..:. r .. i. t . j.rrwiug tj.r . Z" , ii.f .. i s'i. -.i. to (-. 1 tw r:irr ., ; .k s "r i r. ' Vi a ...! j( i , T ' !', i! U (.- t,t .;. I I.. :t.frtr-' s-s a ,t . -. , -. ". r ik.trr - uttrrix fjl s . . . rs. .f t ,, ,i r . a Mh an i.t.. mmi Y bM KI f. 11 L'l y uuy& J,i 11 V. M X2H7 K1 v iin TSRT I - - rxtl.nig in the gioewrx hue. eu- !i as Hani, Dried Beef, crra ' . . . n if ii it - i'LV''AY:::;H': - : - t In all kinds KeT JOHN F. GT3ATT0N, r. t -f v r ;ilX 'JT 1- XE3. !. s f 'J B t ?. ,w .T -s. I 10 Iran I.-.tifriono. J"Jr.I MHOHETREATRIEHT ViSvvC Mttorui T-i Sirr.'aal Dv .l -T" b ' t'7 'Kr",7. -" Of '---- rrnco. -.. 4-e. v s vr..tl' P-- t - "- "'--? -rU T -" V -r-f . . .-r X -,C t-.T- i w .' rr. xt4"' Dr. T. Wir.T.TAMH. li-craui. Wu. ti n a yn p rra Cw3 ' SliA S A vi u ? y'5 &(&r?&'rL " YrtU I ft V vVJ'-"-i '- 1 AJf ' $ J? &$$& h' MsO fl fl sis lir'JJ liwMii iti'.'id &.i' C 15 . X . l , .' - V i.i tttiPrrrZ'OW im mm i . ii mammtmmmmmm it -,?.. I- it T"'- U-"t. f e. .a Un irt4. Frrtiwr- - .:.'" At Mrfr a4cix Tra in jci -' j uit2iL'!i22iBR0ADCU!llii52:i2 Ercr ofJcrcsl to tLc puillt isi 7 i Red Cloud, Nebraska. A 11. HRinv.v. l-rt.jrirtdr. DOWN'S f' ij ft i Ira If K Good st.ock and fine work is our mott3 and prices to suit the times. If in need oi anything in our line do not fail to call and examine our specimens. OFFICE ANIi YARD. Comer Eltn St. ami Fourth At. Lockbox 122 , RED CLOUD, NEB The Guide Bock Flouring Milts! COLUMBIA & CO., Proprietors. Guide Rock. Webster County, Nebraska AR2 CONSTANTLY MANUrACTUUINQ WUM FINKET GRADES OS Family and Patent Flour, Meal, FEED, ETC., From th vorj bontmutorlr.Ux, which thoy nro wholomUlxnjto hm trarA nt htini ;n.n prlcotJ. Thoy gimnuitoo thotr flour. CorroopoiHloucouolIclted from ilonlcru !n Nobrnaka ml Ktmtmm Thlis colobrutoxl flour In for iuiIo by C M Storoy, tf roox 1U Citrl. on Doalor in CuD:,?v:v:'Wcr,A-u.'ii'.;:2,2:77in? Michics:, At . t.K in itilr.n a i-s Ui.'x Al .M.utobi: l!t-al.- ju-d n md. C. tli'r! v5S Highest Market Prices Paid ! Also eggs, in season, from High Class Ply Rock Fowls. Y&A ti. jifctyk && WMO tt UMACQUAIMTKO WITH TMI CCS DT IXAMUUIHO rji v. , ly ' miHEAOLiaV- IrT? PoiJojJ , 0&9J2T ti 4 ran . - - -a:; iM$L jwJBLoBi jH' r- "'T" " A'btrt L VL V J-,! UEML2PM Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rt, UW33- 'O'fxX rrtu IJw. SL.rl t octit, v-t H.m "9,'- 2i srt-,. cf z&ul b t- AUti-. txi tiv 3 tta itu-i : .-. I -ac-,' St Tm- . J9it .ne.-. T---. OtVi-. i--:'v. O-itir. Center tsA Caixxll tw hcrt-tr? & citl, film a4 - a.. -. - - - " " - , . . ' "GREAT A it i !--Ji 7 cIrj. or in trvr mil Ci a4r wjtB I '-) i nr t tra. is trvxrra. VK J KA75'J i:SLT CPKOLSTTXTD d KLBOAJTT BAT OOArir2 Tf W rso?'.' rei3 ire ftrrS i tt la Tir2H TRArMS -T Urt - ALBERT TZt ur- -i.'-t;. -.-, -. - ls-rr S-.J P'AriS', ks r'l-T t - c - TJtmx: "Far sccr cji 'tsG jv wLi, or cf R. R. CABLE, TtnTX 4b 2ZZ TftJ", . . ...... v . r;frT PULLXA.V3 itrt dtaic.t ul '"ifiiTm FAIJtCS SUHtFUf awt U FTT CAitS. ail IIi'I.'.'O CAaS Uti &r -tn-rU fcr JT . TT k ti r::.'zsT srr tnox ajtt mo ad in tie cocS tat ZS L 1lZ r Ci-S 5sr u2 Tirr.cfe Tfcrstr pa 7i 3rTr TrmlI ctsin c-riii . u.iri jul roilrL whAi ba k. .t.A r3t.n. : ?ri5y: Tciu. ccn it wjh iiriM,,Tr7 LUMBER ETC. D C T Tmi d GRANITE WORKS W. DANY'S Repair Shop kli.dt ofy-.oMtnf Xcbruslui . HOKOKIl 6 U. YOVVU. Hosford & Young, DEALEIW 15 Poultry and Produce RED CLOUD, NEB. K. tj f m BbI v. r I -w- mj "-v & r CtOOftAPMY OT TWtt TMM MAP, THAT TMS ts-rlrm, Trr mm 3 Ma .rM4 (tenth wW. Tv-aAc r:Ji 014. Km -'n1 J !. 3. Ocr, ij. ffvt 4 ! Ji: - iA. Us Xo-wt: 0"m. Ti ra i . Cmmvkti - - . ... av A ISLAND ROUTE," usJoa Dyri jj Timrwrn .. T aim c UrTZVTT E CKICAOO L1 tW Willi' LIB! LEA ROUTE. rs, rrran h ? li-rrrits tT Tire-j C. T. wdMR. trnwi mVl X - rTTPauC- pTViuEl NfWi 1 X TS. tj J! i"3H. -tsg& i ,. 4 &imkgg4&&g&?gPT . -