t li it V (4 tt (f f M 9 (1 f Hosford & Youn Aro receiving orders for ctra from their HIGH CLASS Plymouth Rock Q:io Sotthir.6!..rOS Sott?ngH,2.50 Vrito for tpccliil on laro urnounle. The Rkd Cloud Chirp A.C. KOSWIER, - - Proprleor FLMIUY. AJ'ItlL . 1-.1 PAY UP. A grvit many of our subscribers are Mill le-hind (A'Tii w.irami we want it distinctly uinIfr-tK! that we must have what i due uh in thirty days from thi date or we shall be obliged to colled it. We dedike to be com-1 I'illci to io o, but e can tt furnish i jncr for fun. Don't forget thai and brinr, along tl bans. city news. Mr John B:niu.y made this office a pleant eall Monday. R R Sin.nsK i buildidg an addition to Iih reid-rce. M k Oii.KX s favored us with a fine bunch of curing onions thi week. Mis Cj;i:tii: Hhekkh will if graduate thi-t spring at Doane (T1!r. (Veto. Turin: h a Smtday-fi'hool cum ert I Htiic I Upt tot church last riunday eve ning. "IJ1.0W, yo winds. Wow" La hwmlhe ljurl u of our pt?ech for the last few Mas .J H rfvilTtl has hoove plant for ul. Hhc rec4!ieea new plants every we': . .nw4n fiAitncs hataT;on ajionition a liMk km-per in the Red Cloud Na tional Hank. !r ii rnutore) Unit atill another brick building 1 contemplated in liio pi3t ollice lilock. Miw Ltx.VA Own;? will teach the H-hool iu thu Wenko district, none luwle Rm-1:. Eimti: Smntntt, anr "roaaelm with the rl:etimatim for -ahum n wt-ek, is in tleck Htrnin. Mi:. R II 1'Yj.tos went over the river to IC:ina i:i Monilaj, Lou'fist, in up jriiiiig farm. L-t I'ridny morning R V MizerV delivery .t'fd ran uwny. spilling out AHh Albright and a few potnlon-". Tur Yune. Woman's ("l.rilian Tcmprr.iuff 1111011 j::tv an orange o-(.-iHble nt Mr. t! W I t'. " last exemni;. Jilt Iloci:. n'ceutly fn New Jer kv, had the misforluno ofbfingrobbwl n the train when ciniug to Red Cloud Tin: sociable given at Mm Ferri' by the Episcopal ladies !o.t Thur-day evenim; was largely attended and was 11 THo-e j.wrnt HitrA.of Dwp River. Ioa-n, : nephew of r friend tVone. hn-. ar rived in the rity. with the Intention of batr 5ere. V H V- r. i na-encaged , !. ft M.-Iia. '- A n. Mr t'. k i a X 1 b'aekroith. ha vine folloued that aoi'flj.. t..n'e thirty ear. in Illinois. lMtYl ! ha-- two gol enterpris ing land aeiuit. who lo n "phunhd butne', vir t W IColey and (eo 0 Yeier v Co. l'sh gentlemen have large htsand mauy fine farms. Read their ad. Ohm T Emuhv, a former l"urr Oak, Kann.jojrnaht. made Tun CiiiF.ru ltloteflitt a'i ui Mondav. Mr. E. was enr-.rtte th norlhwo-torn part of ! 1 : ..-.. . . 1. 1 imr JWSl "l I PWII1K Ul" i Mjf.h hi-, fortune- there Mi:. Jsh 1 mud and family expect to sta't ! eitto their former home in lib ' s'Ut the 1st of May. ami expect ' r d the reunion of the l4iri family ou the Inrtlulay of Mr. Mr. Laml's mother. The latter att o'i lat week the northern retdivre gave'ICansas a gener ous baptism of du-t from Nebraska's irgin stil, while tins week the J--hawker cyclones have returned the compliment in grand .vhaie. OlR farmers can not be to) careful in setting out prairie fires. The one of last Friday mu-t have done an im mense amount of damage, all tho way from five to ten thousand dollars, and might have been much wor-v. One of Sam Dyer's children i very sick. Mrs. Dyer is also -tillering from an acuto attack of iutlamatory rhen matim. With thee atlliction and the anlnous duties of the epre iran-fer and del:vcry. S-im finds Jordan a hard road to travel. lvouri-sr.e of the Tth we stated that Mr. C. W. Marvin had gone to Wi-i Vofc a acent lor 1110 i a- m kv vu o ..o.io for th. 15 A- M IJv "-----" Our iniormaiion w3 .rout a reuaoie r t.., reliable source, but sccnis that other arrange ments were subsequently made, and the genial Chat lie will tarry with ;ia yot awhile. A XUMBEK of the farmers of Webster county are making arrangements to orcauizean anii-norse uuei society. This society will K entirely secret, not even tho otlicers names will be divulg ovl. It is n good idea and we have an idet that it will not be safe for a horse thief to fall into their hands. The city council should have the sir. eti- and alleys cleaned up at ouce. Thev -ire jKSsitively in bad hape. In m uvy places there are circa-ses of dead animals and other foul matter 1 vin!: above ground that should be at tended to. Public health demand this action ou. the purl of the board. I I1I?ORTAi;T ?onrrs- Kr.w ., - xt Mrs MJ?rid'- 'Jhe H'-rn Hakry ha & new sign. A J Kksnj.v h in low, on business. T. E. IIaxi has returned from Chica- JS C Bauxw has ;etu.ned from ilis ouri. J L rTAStaEE has bis cheese factory nt Hicka in running order. Tin ri. h a pound party on Rev C I' L-nf-t. WVdnetday night. Mkhi' A V.'nmcLY.of Franklin, is ..-itiv br father, Mr 1) lIer. C'nuisY WiNFfctT and J W Cham lrg ar both candidate for marshal. Mts CKt., who has been esnously J i!:, w& re-jvermg rapidly ax hut ac count. The MethodM social at iha M B ehurch on last Friday evening was a grand sue cess. J A Tt ixby went to I incoln, Tues day, to ft i tend the grand contmaadry of IC night T.-mplar. Hum'. & IIumwku. contractor commenced the erection of A J Jrieaas' farm reeidenre thi week. Mb. liH.kZt.ruxv has the frame vori of hw new home up. It will be a sub stantial dwi-'Ung when ilniahcd. Is the tuit beior& Justice Wet en Hondav. Jlosher v T'al mer, the jury a warded the plaintiff $:M datna-M. j '7l'. visited th cKtaiy capital on The i-oplo of Ited (Tloud should d.. Tu !ay, and delivered an orauan be soiucthing towards retaining tome ofjfjr. the bo.ird of trade, the man v ciuiirrants that are UJ 1k. AL'JAtnaiia.ofdewsrd, a first wt. W I) FokKtxTEK hna something to ay to the rea!t-r of The CiiiiT in an-othi-r column, liva-d it and gno the g-nthuian a call Oi'R friend Andy Hrg, haa sold his intfir-st in the firm of Metiuin & ISerg at (iuide Ibx-k and, e understand, will return to Tied Cloud. W'k. desire to call the attention of stock raiteri to the advertisement of tale of thoroughbred short horn cattlo at Hastings, N !., April 30- Till. Ci(iigr'galnaal so iety will hold a dune pcll.ag cial nt A I' 1'ierc a J'riday 'i-:iiiig, April ii, to whn-h all are cordially invited. llefreahmvuts will be terved. Miw "N'twiiofrtE has just received a large invoice of spring and summer god of uiiKjie patterns and artistic di-ogii. nhi-i the public are cordially invittil to call and examine, deo the ndviTtiauient iu to daj's paper. Uto U. Hindi, who lately jitircliaaeil it ilolLtud Hou-.c livery sUtblc from from our 'friend Waterman, has re turned frem li trip em anil h now getting his leirscH and outtit re ady fur the pulli Tun Chief takes pleasure in welcoming Mr. (iAtes t our city. M -AvY St IuttF.i.L have started a new livery r table in imnecion with ibeir fei-d barn, and they propose to keep iirst e!a teams and gooil ve hicle. l!ead Uieir advertiflement iu another roluiuu. They abo have nt their barn Marshall, a very ii.ie "or m tn stnlhwn. Tun ant.ivenary meeting of the V-lwter County llible Society will be held nett Sunday evening at Iho M E Chmvh in Red Cloud. Rev. U V Waiuw right will deliver the unnu.il ad'lrrVs. All longiegatinns and pastor a aUo the gural public are cordially iuvitinl. a it a ill be a ttnio.i perxioo. V YiKNEK, the tiolden Eagle cloth ing man, has secured the lot next to the lit National lUuk, en which he will end his two storv brick store room, of which The Cuikf made nu4J-j Hon lat week. This will be another improvement to Red Cloud, and we are glad to learn that hi increasing business has compelled him to build a large store room. Is our anxiety to gain riches we should not forget that wo nl! have a common inteict in the growth of Red 1'lnn.t , c.utl 111 ti shrmUT M ilnnt' -.-.., ..-.v- ts to induce manufacturing or other like institutions to l.--tc here, certainly the atobi promising point m tlie west. taking location, wler inwer. railixuid facihtses. etc, into coasideration. A canning facUiry, jiork packing estab lishment, a foundry, plow factory, etc rdl cm; Id do well here. Os Tutsday morning shortly before the httle stirs had cease! to twinkle m the sk, John Parkcs was seen ki pindown the hack streets and tnrough the alleys :n n very eccentric manner. John is an Odd Fellow and an eathui astic memlter of that order, and it as whispered in the ears of the initiated that a braa new daughter of Rebekah of regulation weighL had come to stay with hiinM'lf ami family. At last ac counts father and daughter wore doiu -well. Tun Dusf hopes that the new vil lage trustees will keep tip the intend ed improvements tlir.t were arranged for the present 5 ear by the obi coun cil. Wo need sidewalks, ami one to 1 thi" Jfptit especially, which every citi- n Led Cloud would be perfectly i v iJnt ;o v la.v 10 nave imj. uu. . - ' ueil wo n street iami on v cosier ... . . ,.' street, Z. 4th, ami 5th Avenue, and a vat uumltcr of ither iinprovements could le made that wonUl add muteri ally to the wellfare of the city at lan: An effort is on foot to organise a lloiiie lxin and IUukiing Association in Ked Cloud, such an institution would bo of incalcuable benelit to Keti Cloud, inasmuch as it would increase she number of new dwelling house and wouki give the poor man as well as the rich a chance to get himself a home, and cease paying rent. l?y next week Tiie C:i!EF hoHS to be able to chronicle the incorporation of the as sociation. The capital stock will be limited to $ftA.U00, we understand, di vided into shares of $100 each. This will be one of the best institutions ever orenmzed in Led Clotvi. STRAY SHOTS. APKIT. 22, i- Arbor day. J. L. Kaley wi in Arapabo ihu week. Mw. WiSTae ie riailrog in Abm tht? wek. i-anoiiLS fc.er will have OteiroSlre wi-t of H nr Broc. ttore. LtCkJCDSS hve been icranted to J S HothriM-k and Hatrj Feishl (ifi.ar.fcT Juftnci 4 low waa iht guet of W. C. Wataoe this week. Iju said thai a promtnent. fuins houe in tuVa be changed hands iht week. Wate&kas a DarKt have bought the lot north of Milter's alable sad wilt pot up a large barn. iSoitii iartiea from Plattemooth wre in the city this week getting some dental work from Dr Eraigh. Tn members of Pah Eebeka Lolc 1. 0. ft. F. held a very pleasant sociable at Tred HummeU Tuesday ntuht- A FIXK April shower, the firt of the eaacn, came on Tuosday. Now for May flowers, Decoratiaa Day, and the cirrus. &J.X HxustfT. ha rttired fmta his latorinthe Golden Kagie L'lothinc j store and J will soon go to Mexico. -N"ew Uao. WATKtiJB, o the nine II ill cl-t-i taleHinan. has taken a position w th our friend C. Wiener, of the Go!- din Eagle Clothing houe. TiiEluliea of the Baptist church ttad soi-iety will give a fair and snpper at their church, next Tuesday evening, April 2!t. Supper from G t o'clock Supier 2jcents. Ice cream extra. The new council organized la?t Tuesday night, with R. L. Tinker as chairman and. J. X. Rickar is. clerk. and J. L. Miner, treasurer. License was granted to J. ii. Hutfhrock and Harry Feight to run salMns and giv ing boitd-i to comply with the law. J.v MiuuV has cimnleted J din ?hire nidenee in a very uorkinan hko manner, and is now enguged in making extensne repair-j on the resi dence of Win Way, alter which he will build an addition 1-'.2I to A A Pope's house. John seems to have Ids hands full of work. List of letters for the week ending April 13. 1P-5 fleo. Kennell, Jidin II Ferman, Mi- Annie Green, Fay Cor- ham, II CUoss, .Mrs ILittie Harri. ili-s Icie Howard. R D Mjirkliniii. .I?e Miligan, Emanuel OL-en Mrs Rose I'e.nko. John Raub, i'ay riiomp son. These letter- will be -ent to tue dead letter oflicu May 11, l.-S5. lFtM. CiiK formerly night operator at tlni place ha. been performing the duties of ticket agent jor the past lew das during theab-enceof A. J. Welch who has been rusticating among the sandVnlls of Colorado, and while there we understand, purchased a farm from t'nele ain, near the new town of Yuma on the lino of the I t M rail way. On Friday night some imp o' dark ness stole a quantity of corn cobs and coal from Mrs IlairdV coal box. We havi? heard of umnerou other depre dations by the black diamond thietcs. A little gunpowder p'aced neatly and jtH icioiwlj- inside of a few coos or lumps of coal has often proven a pow erful remedy in very aggravated cases of fiel kleptomauia in tome of the oriental districts. -Viarolnw JlatrtMirail" On W1hom1av evening the resi dence of our highly esteemed town? man Mr- I). M. Plat was the scene of a brilliant wedding, the high contract ing parties being Mr. John R. Sinrey and Mia? Mary Piatt, loth of Red i Cloud. Rev C t) Yeiser officiating. 'Hie hfide fe & vefy wtimilWo ytianft Uulv. j M, ft faotnc jn society. The t.nj u -.genial, whole a.led. , ;l. ,rolll.h busing eentleman and ern- j,. mie o( t.ur iH living hlied the responsible position of assist ant cashier in the Red Cloud National lUnk for a long time past. The Chief accords him a cordial welcome among the rank of the "Benedicts." The wedding preenta were numerous and valuable. After the ceremeav the gue?ts were invited to partake of ! sooth of the river, have been obhred j order- thm to leave. bw n-f.-spleadid collation. The newly wedded to cross in a dixay skiff in order to get wc "f Morton 1 btu fel qnit rrt m pair departed on the 9 25 train. Thtirs day morning on a lour through Color ado and the great west. We hurl the historical shoo after them and heartily wish them unbounded happiness through life. Kt MtLtR. residing sottth- est of town liad the misfortune to bo severely burned last Saturday afternoon, wh'Ie In ing to pre treat a prairie tire from ; sweeping through his premises, but in spte m an OKorL-, the tire swept Jrt ns through hi tine Iteanng orchard of ,; cuerry a.m: app.e irees. in ;rvinc to 1 - ' . .. T - prevent this, the old conileraan w scrroundeil ami in making his osca 1 his clothim: cancht tire burning hi. rtcht arm to the elbo--, his let: hand, am! also his f.ice tn a horrible manner. It was iirst though: that he could not recover from hv- injuries, but under the -k:lh"ul trertment of !r. Sptckel ni'er. we learn now that he is x :he -.end. Bhue HUl Ttrnn. ibisd iju&r.eriy meeting ct th M E church of Led Ctocd, will be beki next Saturday and Sunday, April 17 and 15. Services Saturday eveaws a: 7 o'clock. Sunday at 1 1 a. In. JVieftoh mg by the Lkier Rev. John Gsilasner. Quarterly conference Saturday even ing after services. Full attendance of oScirJ members requested, C. D. Lv-ps:rt raster. S . ,.f. . . n. nut hreJ in n.e wild, iid A.j..; can f.fw anr concetw Uott whawver of the srandea; and sb- Itaaity of pr-urn: are. nor of the tt - rri Wy disastrous result u UJe aad prop any thai fallow m its ako. A lull grown pram fire will produce a deep er aud more iaatinp; impre-.'ton upon the min 1 of the beholder than a hole rie of rerjral with a re:o camp me-ttiK ot two thrown in. when ebraaka M bnt Vear au a bowhnr wiierne of prame jrraaa and red sktm hee Srea, at certain seasons tk M- k!.i r! .n,i iiwifU(t.4 sway over the entire ta;e and a part of Kan, tot lattrriy the ajeUc py- ftArctiUirai exhibUio:tfl of one o the the tnuit ptcr:t funes in nature haTo boen great '.y abriJrd by th plowed acres and cuitivlvd neldi of our hardy pijneer, atnstcad of rushing I over thu land in an Jmoi: unbroken line like an avalanche of dime, a in the good old ante-civiused day, are noiv obliged to be content with mamn: in nn erratic crure tnrouj;h the coua- trv, un the draws and dawn the r&vme aluog the streama and orcr Uie divide, mereiv a rouiantic enit.rue of their j former greatnw. but oftenumea du4 I grea.er aamage than in former year. ".' -" -. 1 -.-. .. Such waa the ce last week in thia j ben cafrfu!:.v !f" r -'T-couuty. A rni:: fire aaa started some-1 b ad c,h,,J I"L" :;- f,?- ! r ' : where south or .owti east of Weib. no oueaeems to be ahte to toll where, or ifthevcAn the a on' t. The strong winds wafted it to and fro Jor Severn! i das, until Tridar, when a stifl norther ; sti in, uriTing me ure in a ligxar man- . -a - er jn R futneaalerlr direction, burn- iug hay stacks, hoiues, barns, shebt feucisi and in fact everthng ot an in flam.u!e nature that stood within it reach, crossing the rniiroaI. burning ties and telegraph pole-, on, on it weul jaupmg ol UIlU thv murj;y water-, of the Republican "bade it pea re be st.U." The amount of damage can not be estimated. Thousands of hcyqs were burned over. 1 1 undri-ds 01 men wo men and children fought iho lire stul iM.rnly at various point, and succeed ed iu saving large amotiutc of property :h.tt otherwise must hate been destroyed. .J D Laeh succeeded in i.tMiii; hi- house after the fire had got aithin fifteen lVt't of it; Dave ICaley'? hlable wan burm-d, DrSnerersucceetUtl in -aimf his timlier trove, oniv a few 0! the trees being ?cor-hed. Codman r. i-i . 1 t .. . -i. i j lnu etrorls,"f ir. i'oym.r nnd other- a Lreal.ir itlwS WA., Rvuide.l. Mr. C.dham niiiit- n-i -ouie miy, imi iniougn . i,, .,. i..i -1... i 1-.... t. t.,.i. . K-f Knr o lil til.it M iv X' I'firriii' ' . ' ' . .."". , ,"' .cott ,'c 1 runKev lo-i atMxit a iiuuureM ; 1 i,,i,.v ilollars worth of fein e. Mr Unght had Tremiior'Cone some sheds and farming imnlement-! Lottie (idr-on 1 .r f..t.- t -..... u..,:Rc le Hatl.aaav t 1 1- x- 1. 1 1 11 1 burned, r hiclumison lial con.-uSvr able fence btirneil, and a pre it miny others s'U-taineil liK.-es of various kinds the particulars of which have not been received. The lire pa-eii a short di- tance east of Retl Cloud. Our citizens turneil out and rendered all the ai-t- ance in their jmwer. Ttirottgh their 1 CAcruuiuu. mru niiioiuo. u. ",,,ili"v projHTty was saved. The Chii.i. again reiterates the oft repeateil warning m t .- ....I....I !.. ri-ATt to the cnminallv care!esi man- ..... " , 1 . ,..,. ,. ner in whicn tire-are wrted in various pLices. and alloiCAi to gel lieyond con- trol, tK tnticti care Ginnot be excr cised in so important a matter. To Ur.ils" Or Nt To i:Hlgr. HrliJg-it A larce number of the solid, enter- pn,ing. business men of Ked Cload met at the oflice of Judgo ei-er I uss - day evening to discuslhe bridge ques- lion in all 11s rhaes. R. P.. ruttun was called to the chair und E. F. High land chosen as secretary A lively discussion tollowed. view3 were freely and harmoniously interchanged, and a large amount of valuable informa tion gleaned relative tn the almost constantly recurring annoynncrs and hardships the people of the county and fpeolly those living in that trib utary to the valley have been subject ed to during the past decade, by reason of the antics of the treacherous V- - w Republican ireshets and ice Sorgos. From the organixatioti of the county to the present time no: a single year has elapseil hca tho nvar coil Id i. j. or.ikt in f,tv ar all timns - , teaau. ana very often people living .o market to obtain tne necteanes o ,u imov. k life or else perform a wemry jngnmace in Kansas to otvuiin the -ame. It L- t.,ti , im. iioiiVi h ln i 1 u .u v -., ... . , i -,.1 expended bv the county to bui.tl ami 1 -, . . , ma'ntain brnlstv. to say aotn.ag 0; the thousands more that have leca so gen- ! eromdv donated by our citirens, and. nti a single decent bridce tan tne rtver vcnlay from one idc of the cou ! ti the other. Tl.ere is wit one tv ou: of the dilemma, and -Ji..t is for th t countv Ui voct goo-1 scbsUntial bndres t " .. . . . .... ,hA, . not wa,hd away by ahtUe . .i ...;.. ... ,w.. nAf l. V- -. I - - .nnut; ;v&, ;iti L,m. ... .,.a1r, i knocked into smiihereorts by everv tWinMno k-M of if. IL n. Jones. J . L M.M ..l I T n-fKr .r. nnrtn. .'lllitTi, .i. -. v -.' --.,-..rr ted as a committee u jeoure :te sr- vsco: of a competent engineer to make urvev and estimate of the costs cf bridge me river at nee yarv. points " -" ?, . - with bridges that can pe rahed up.n. Our citizens are determined to have :he bndfre nui-an'e abated if a.t all posstOie, and hope to rocetre the bear- i Jv cv-ojeitior. oi the P-opie tar i ou;!the county. IK the govd oc?h- worl go on. For the Ladiea zzd Children. 1 have received Koche-ter made Indies' shc-os. also the Wa.ker shoes wnich are the best maa.:raeturel good in the Uni'ed state. I will TArraa: cverv oair Berfect er no -ale- Try th-asa " A. S. 3Lt2t. Odd j J'tliom W the Repuh.Kan ViUj ad rxw6ding c:ntr . u the - f -11 " r handrt,!. w ? Ked Ooui :, cUr: Mill Anturer.'T of AmmcAi. ( , I lowhtp. Toa led in Ha! t bee making extenctre ar?1 to e.Uertaiit tb;r brethren . ityle. and a)! wh ) come may ft; c t f. - royal r;elcome. no only by tiieir breti, ren in Red Caui, but by ail f onr Ii. otd luu. been recritaa jrom 4nM " - sCMMfy . rarae vo ine enrci u4 ioev. o lodge woult1 be preaeot, sod Un 5 witn them a band, so tat e may nav uraUr aspect several cornet bands ki vahvett ihe day, beaidea ou: home band. During lB T & " peeh tby A J Keaaey, of Ile4 Cuud. Ke Cornett,of Blue ifilJ. ad Mr Fletclner, of Franahn. aud 'ther extrcxsj that will be imcreUnj; Wthe Odd re!!otB to attendance. In the evening n rnd taall will to given at the rink, thd funds therefrom u be used in erecting a new hall for the boy; j J- lti crlebration wU be caaion long to be ramexnberc) in th T'".v ml 'JH' ':'y b fraler a.m YlA 1 ,.aa tnrtim I I S"n of th :sllmK ferr: rti ; 1 1 Itecciinn an4 eatrrtatnatact tudgr uat.S I b to J- HrHMii ltzr No ! a". '-' At .- ju tu tM'V i4mn b t- fi.v. 4 .It 1pm sitarp ! crsn4 ti . kdg. Jr--Ul t Krl Wutl rr t nurra 11 Wrtt-r trrt to tin Ain. w .i. ..r A t ' T" l rUAi 'rt-fci UTWV luiui tJ .- U ..dM- . . -!. . i tttrm wt jn -Ar4 tttt bn.r - Ji At. lf!xr iA Ul WebU-r Utl. lt.tlwr UuTUl (HI M -jir trort t nnL . I ittU4 -U- : ' kntm C ,diimi ene. a J Kcao. I i !:cjuvi'. H A I k-lcaci. Ka ? f Antirrsry eurmsvs. Itf otkUwu. I!e K Crwet II tH; li i.lm i udr. ftH IHA rcH-S " Tut Chik hopos the brethren in the vflitev Mill tarn out in lull fone, and celebrate the dy in a becoming tun :ier, suih a a ill pJioiv the world that 1:1 lfe thrH hnka there is Krii-ndhip. I Loe and Truth tnat bind- u Uigelher 111 one common effort to do good. Let every member that can, come to Rod Cloud on the 27th. WIitc t ret Tti)irr. Tench eri exjminetl dt March Vr cent. . - i 1 and April, I6i!, with grade. Name. Cirade. I Flora F Rrown 3 ' .b-nnie llaidwtn 3 W CJ Weid.. .3. ,!.V"".'." ..3 1 1 Ma fv I' I .'. t.ntnti ' .- -'- -- ttie I incolii . Anna Is'.M-iPoweli I !-- Krell M I ' Ablie I lave Lttic Scott "0 J .. . 11 -... "I eti SA 92 r m . v.. .. JM S3 ....... Ko n ... .... y t 7ft . . .... ...... . tto bona A ruillev.. ( , , , , 1 , 1 i Eva Muu-el ( Luzic Mclutoeti.. ' '..it if llAire 1 p ,. lV..ll.f.. . A j.n,,,,'."'. j i;t.rtha L Eluiugh J te Arnold. ,-.. ; .. r - I r.iui r-diioru . Addie M lu ale 2. , Marv Mt Intvre . J "Rowh. .".... , L- .1 Yarge-r... . ... F .. .w. ... ... s I Mry Huril tj- ... m ... w Enima Campbell. ..3... i.lltn 1 ..... .-.. tCnn philiii 3.. Amanda E Rroks..3 M Clara M WiLoti .......... 5511 1 LuettA liamaker. .Z -n j Mary M:hinnie 3 SA I Linua Owen 3 .-7 f Lmma J H-nold&.3 -o , ;! n,:,n,.w I,' j N- , , Louie MunseM : -- : .Net i" Aro.Ia.........3 I " I., ta m li trvi-y.. Lura 1) Alibert.. Orwjuidto Leave. We arr .'.for- . ed Irom a reliable sonrce that J i : : 1 Austin Riley and Chas. Morton, f ik Creek in Webster county, have n ordered to I ae the country in to week. Tins seem a "ny deal'' and the Messrs. RiUy we hear "sill nl heed such order. As we have received the story Mr. Morton had oro dilh- cnlty ard on a perhm;nary trial eave J bond with the wo Messrs RiVy as londstnei they being brother n !vv j it a uprising that they d. 1 j Morton lft the country, but a : J j day of trial approach-, he r'urt.- . some of th neopl apparentli m -, -o:no ot th neops appai BtlX)ru-t for thi bond mo-vr tbn j .. , - , , . v?.r u.r.rhfr..-ne. and cood adi.r u j ;h(? jopj, ,..:Abide by low and w j j bevond Rilv-' arli:irv."for thev cr- urn v nave uon notnin" to warrir 1 -uch a roor And the peorde hi 5 n i ... . . ' ,. tolrixte one bit more criminal. t J -,tfry(ir Hcr.ll. j ' Miss Kvi J Kic, Mtpenatend'n: cf the public choo o Hel Clojd. hi ! n the 27t'i tf thi rnoih the :S:;x:.Ef odds j which sboh- laid before tho i-avrd of Mncation for tneir conrurrene- 1 .1 i i...J .V J -.I--. .!. , .. ikr..- , brd 'hould adopt the sasn-. threr; ..- . t . -inn- tho nnm iomp mM'jr to z I to chooL By graduxtinz cr.-jr-A it I ctv tho chiki an f nd to war for, ind . -- .-----.w- , -------- - - 5'- -TI Vi ". .-.-....m-!. . .- ; arse- Jem on in becr3iirs: m r rff :.;,. .K-.- ...! If tr... rien: in the-.r :! ,. n ranc v- tn? reached or. t . . .. ' . i n vhe usual Urne r mttnc cbcl ori J the child can n-X I- Ciiyriod to h Tt" sata.w ,n,:J"i if r:m ' fnr aim t :tw brd of edncaun .hfHtid :o ?r0TTde wr? meaa u, ' eoltst tnc pupil :a tne canc of cduca- J aon. For tbo Men and 3oys. I have the Wxkcr 'ooots tad shoes ZM.& will civ yon wartaaty on vvrv oatr vou be v. Try th'm. A.S.MaKn. For Salo 1 A rood fxrra of 160 rell tmprc-rt'1. hoc?, bam, well Stc VJ0 acre- coiu- voted, nine mile of Ld Clixii. Inpnrc at farm or iddrcsi me at Ld Ckaui 31. Marysville- THE r. V - j No Reason TO COMPLAIN ABOUT HIGH PRICES ! Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises.- Now sold at the Golden Eagle, One price Clothing Store LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED BEFORE. Will bo ploasedto show you stock and prices? and convince you that you save money by buying of us. C. WIENER, Proprietor, i uo 1m !n,ly ro evinc a Dress CioocU, ol Ladi cs Spring l) Elegant Line ol White wss, mjmm mtms ! In KikHcss ';iri( 'I v ;i.t ! kIbw Pas0 eSSliliiBSr ' Such u Harabunra. nvu-Iaatlnar Torchon I-vron nnJ 2kl-fltzr- ?' ttsM iioaiery, rotivn, vc L.n.Tnu L.ino o: i.JiH fx k'a'ow, ftarooB, oc ?ro n uuol, tho VERY loJrvt r.rl dofy com pU lion it IONEY SAT AT FORRESTER'S Furniture and Fancy Notion Parti- 'jnhisi: Furnltnro -srlll wi?o monoy by examining my j:oodj before pcrchn-ainrf olao"-hores j ArrtvIajf c d Ia rr,rnJKJon vr-yzly cf ru! klntla Prices to Suit the Buyer ! Such as Tln-i'iu-c, Soaps. Glasararo. Tercel. HiuttUcvchJufr. !kc. nmi -jrlll tx a Ad choapr thrui at nay pitc-o in Rxi CsOud SHORT HOR Tcorouhbrcc! Short-Horn Csrtlo, rtt Hcrrtina, 2r0b, os Thursday, April 30th, 1885. 35 Esaiof3allS, Zvttz, and Heifers, cf Supsrirr Duality' Uwvl c-u-i. This fttcx-k la hi ffcxx! brooding condition, ancrt an ruibnaJ bet ur'sf. If a reiralitr brooder A the co-ara and Koifora that aro otd ocoai'a arts brod And e. number noon da V cail. Cr.tt! 'orjl bo at SaUs;;, & woJc beforo the ba!o SaIo to cotnme-cco t 1 o clock TERMS Ton rnontha time, pcrchrvar jpvtns- noio with approvotT Berarity, interost at lO por cent. For c.taiouc or ksfomatloo. hicmbro of Henry Sivedd. IZsLStlsg. Nob or of J H LAUGHEAD, H DRAPER. Waabiaittoo. lovm i wo also maio a. soin mx 3a trice 1 C BACEEB, BEST Straight Floor ! DnrrD l I. VVJUJbiV. "T-rxusr F.n1 m'1 FT-'niaii. I.lno of all varieties, rv Ci'otids. in all varieties Goods, Trimmings, 5cc, K J Bazar, akbk:tis v,lh . 2 h&ro n ja f iot' jt. vritii M Nco, May cr SAL