oo ! 1 r h' I K 5 s5 r? 4 V -' , V lb I w I THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. A. C. KOSUER, Publisher. REP n.nru. XEIiKASIiJ CURRENT COMMENT. Mir. (.kcu.gk II. rhSDi.K'rosV irraml father .v.i- Ham Iton'. -econd in tin fatal clti-l vi!i Aaron I.urr. Am. the. jntblic jrambhnr; hoii.-e- in Cincinnati wen recently do-ed under notice from the newly appointed loHce 'onini!--ioncr-. Ki.vj.nik ofliccr- recently ei.ed an illicit -till in tin: hii- of .John htuufer. ji farmer near Iiurlititon, Iowa. He was an ohl ollendcr. Mi I'.. ai:i. ilaujrhter of the Soc Tetarx, i-an accompli-In-d hor-exvomnn. anil i- said to be at her bet in the society that o,cs in for mild athletic j-port--. K.v-.Jt hoi: John K. rim:i.. the xvoll-knoxxti Ihwwt. was .-iricken with :if)jley recent h. at hi- ro-idoneo in Waterfonl. N". V. He was not expected to live. II xxas undcr-tood that the annual report of the Atchi-oti Kailroad loin i:inv uoiiM -how a -urjilits for 1 - 1 of .-'..Vi.'ioo. without taking into : fount theadxaiiec-. to the Solium road, which amounted to about .:l"u, ). S. '. Movi.k, one of the proprietor-, of the Milwaukee Siui'iut V' tnjriijM, committed -uicidc recently. Mr. Mower wa. favorabh known in the military i-in !- f Wi-con-in. No ciiii-i- xva- n rued for hi- act. Av IIiijrli-.il railway employe xi-!iiti: to leave the companx'- -erxico, tiiu-t jjive notice, but he ran be di-chared without warning: in Franee ati em p!oe ran quit when he likes, but it lie i-i ill-mi cd he i- entitled to Jifteen da;" u:ics. In the I'liiled States no notice or pa i- "ranted on cither .-idc. Tin: epirt of -hue, from the Mo '.ambitpie coast from 1M7 to 1SP. x:i 2.1.M.hih, and from I.Hl'J ! HJ7, 2.7.VS.-iiDO-oiil-. In the palmx days of the foieijrn -lave trade the I'.i-hop of the lio -. -eatcd on a marble throne, baptized and ble ! the friiii"- of .-lave-a t hex p:i.s-cd. -hackled, to the .-hot'e Im embarkation. V. M XMoN.w!ioxva--etitelicedin 1S:S by th- I'liited State- t'mirt to ten x eats' iiiipn-onuseiit in the State.- I'ri-ou at Mouml-xille. W. a.. ha- been par doned bx the Pre-. dent. Manion xxa the leader and brains of a jauir; of i .Hilltcrle.ter- XX ho illfe-ted -exeral cotiutic- of V-t Virginia. Manion had at one lime been a I'apti-t preacher, and had al-o been in the l.e;i-lature. A pi n tueecut" the -piri of law relatixeto the unauthorized fern of public land- i- noxv bcinir 'on rod bx the Interior department, plan inxolxe- a proclamation by rrc-ident callinir the attention of frontier people to thi- laxv. and ojiv tlu'tii -uital If time within which to moxe the fence-. If the fence- are removed thev x II be Ic-ll'ocd by United State- troop-. tin the the in; the Tin. enorniou- xxealth of tin Orlcan-Prince- i- chietlv derixed from I.oui-Philippe- mother, xvho. iucoii-equcnce of the death of her brother, the Prince ile l.amballc. became sole heire of her father, the Duke of IVnthiexre. the richest -uhjert of France. The Puke died in 17l'.. ll;s daughter had txvo ilaxs before hi- death been divorced from her xvorthles- hu-bauil. xxh) xxa. thus debarred trout toucIiiu; her prop- fttX. (knki:i. Sxvaim ha- a-ketl the Ad-mini-tration at Wa-hini;ton to reviexv his ca-e. ami the Secretary of War ha-promi-etl to e;ir him a hcarine;. It i-,-aid that Mr. t'levelaml i- di-po-ed to 'rt'jcvve the arnij in -otne manner of the cmha;ra--inent in which it xva placed liv the cntctici" of the Sxxaitn court martial. xliich effectively vacated the olWe of .htde Advocate (tcneral and ntaile it impo-ible for the Prc.-iilent to appoint a -uCVo-.-or for a period of txxclxc car-. v.M us- of April to the Popart ment of Agriculture, at Va-hintoii. indi cato a reduction of over ton per cent, of l:u-t xear- area in winter wheat. The atrirretrato -horta;o amounts t( throe million acre-. A decroa-o i re jMrted in every State except Oregon. The pre-ent eouditioti of xxheat. as re iMrteI. i- xvor-e than in iss:?. It i--eventy exen percent, airain-t ninetx M la-t year and eighty in 1SS;. In 1SS1. the year oi the loxxe-t recent date of yield, the condition April 1 xva- S."i. ami -eriou- lo xva- -u-tainel after wanl. (Mi the pre.-ent -howjni:. the reduction of the xield on tlie ba-i of l:it vear- protni?es to bo forty million lm-hels on account of the reduced area, ami more than ity million- from winter kilHnr ami loxv vitality. Tin: Putch are contomplatinp: -ex-oral nioditieation- of their fon-titutior.. In n'artt tv the -ucee-.-ion to tho throne it is proj"o-od that in default of male ami female de-cendant- the t'roxxn .should pas- to the Princes- of the lloiL-c of x.)nv:iet n:o-t nearly related lo the Ia-t Kine; in the direct line of descent frtun Kiu William I. The ripht of votinjr m elections xvill W r Mtvcd to persons oeenpyinjr houses at ji mktimtmi rental of fifty dollars. The .svteM tf scnttin darrond:s-cment : il one will he maintained. The tir-t tThamber will be inereai-od. by eleven ani the .second b fourteen members. auJ i?nonil elections will beheld every fourvears. Military Venice will le Kgulatod by law. and the Uovernnicnt will haw the power of endinr: the jnilitta to the colonies if the law should -leclare it necessary. THE WORLD AT LARGE, A Summary of tho Dally Nowe. TKIt-ONAI. AMI I'OI.ITirAf. Mr.s. f;Ai:rir.M denl that ho ha thought of remairyiiis. The .itnrie. in rir ctilatein to that ll'-rl hi OJtideK.tis ."vj cru-I slandfTii. Tnr. iJ'-xii'xrats -Ir-r John V.. ilcjre for Mayr of JCaioa fity on th" 7:h by nlsml four hun'r-l majorUy orr Dtiuca::, the Kfstitibhcan randtdnte. The Irinr..of W'nlm h'ti I)iidon on the 'vfiiing of tho 7th for IMnni!. Tin: Iput hcan ticket wiw -li-ctJ fn Cincinnati by aUut t.o inajorily Hesry M. Ktanlkv -xjT:n to vnit tho I'i!it-! State in n hhorl time. Ih slay xvill be brief, gjg Ukar AiiyniAK Mai'.-to.v. of the t'nit'Hl Htt".1) 'ax-, dil recently, in theniju-toth year of bin age. Tiik I'rinn: and rrinren of Wales xvere fairly r-r-ivod by th Irish jfOpUi la Dub lin. Alon th line of j.rrkJ''iii th? lhiisia..iii xsas connpiciiou-. A lxly of .va tionahnta attmi.t'-l to rais n disturUmre. but they witd Mijtpro.-.-.fd by lh: jnttice ami by-tander-'. Uiciiaiji, Chant V.'jiitk. of Vork. thj well-known jwhulnr and xvritor, tltd of Ktritis on tin -th. .Mlt. I'lKKUKi'or.T. elmre d'affaires of the Atiirican legation m Koine, was re;orted t ! lyixif; at th jmih: f di'Mth. Si:'i:ktauv JIavmmi recently decliuwd a r cejition by Nexv York Imuker.-i. Jovkisnoii Hoaiu.v. of )h;. rerelrwl a can-fiilly-arraiied infernal machinu lht other day from unknown pnrtifjj. Jkvkiixi. iiant eontitiued to Improve. Ilm lrienri-, on the 11th, were qniie buH ful. I'I'.ksiuknt (Ittir.'V save a banquet tho other evening to the Auericnn and Kiifilihli Hirertor- of th" American KxhibiiKm of Iiix-entionrf, xvtiich is to lie hthl in 1-nsJ. M. f'rexy i-greatly intere-te.J in th? project, ami MiKe.-t- that a similar exhiliiliou to ho held in 1'aiis. mi-tki.i. m:hw. Tin: new- French Cabinet insists on China eelm;; Toiiquiu as the bn-is f peace. Tin: White Star steamship 'ernmnia passed through a fearful stiriu aft-r leav ing Mneeiistown, live hundred mile-? xc-t d ra.-tnet. All the boats and the pilot house were carried away, ("real dama-e was done to the saloon.-. One .-eauian xas -wept ovcrlioard and several others of the crew were injured. r.MiKrici.M. iiiforiuatiMU wtiA received in Washington that .San Salvailor intended inviulin ('iiateiuala. It xmi.s reported that another prominent I.ondnii .solicitor xvho-e name xva- xvith held, had absconded xxith i:X,W) xvotth of securities belonm to clients. Tm:itK xvere fortv new caseb of Pllppo.ed i-lioleni at Jatixa, Spam, and twenty deaths in one week reccntlx'. Tiioxias .McCi.imock, of Chicago, was robbed on the train at Allegheny City, I'a., recently of nearlx- .l"! ia cn-h ami note-. When the train -.topped three pa. enters jostled aeamst him, and after they left the cars lie discovered his loss. Tin: Kii-Iish shipowner- at lion"; ITen declui to ship rice for tin northern jort of China. In consequence the entire trad ia 1m iii diverted to ('crimiu bottoms. Tin: Tammany Committee on Urbaniza tion adopted a resolution recently mdor.--in the prompt actimi taken by the Ailmin istratiou to protect the interests and npht.s of Amernan citiz.cus on the, Lsthmu.s of I'auauia. With the ns-i-tance of bloodhounds olli cers .-ucceeiled in captlirill"; the Mill. Ctiuntv (Tex.) neero who recent !x butch ereil his xvife. The capture xxa- onlx ef fected after nneMMtm chase through the jungle and tin xvoundiiij; of the iiuirdeivr in the che-t. Tin: Mormon bi-hop, Stewart, ami Jllder .1. C. ltol.in-on, indicted for polv-amy at I'hoMiix, A. T.. were sentenced t niiietv davs in the Territory iieiu'iitiary for uu Iaxvful cohabitation. Sen has bi'ii brought avrainst (Jencral It. F. Itutl.'r for l.o..j alle.sl to ! due from him as Trea.-urcr of the National Soldier-' Home. AnorT forty represent at i x-j's of cattle in-tere-ts had an interview rcoontlx xvith ( Governor Marimidiike and Norman .1. Col umn, Comini-sioner of Agriculture, at .! f-fer-on City, Mo., m which the mo.-t energetic measures xvcre advocated to prevent the spread of the pleuio-juieu-uiouia in Callaxvny Countv. Tin: Haltunoro police arre-ted tnany mcdiums nnd clairx'oyiuits rwvntly, and each wa- lined ?A"i. .Irtnn: Van ItntNTat New York on th the 'tilth, granted the motion made in lw half of Lucille Y.-ciilt Uudlev, who shot u'ponovan Hos-a, tor a itmuiu-sioiier to l- .-eat to Knplaiid to xamiuc certain witnesses there regarding Mr-. Dudley's sanity. Piocoediiigs xxore ordered stayed in the meantime. An anti-Chinese proces-ion, headed bx the City Coroner, went through the street -of San Frauci-co, on Sunday, the .th. umltreatiiig Chinamen as it went along. Nothing xx as thought of the matter until a few day- later, xxhen it xna- teported j twenty Chinamen had Iteen seriously hurt, . ono fatally. ! H Kim Von ItniiTorcn. a German xxriter. has published a lsok advocating tho parti tion of France on the ground of its chronic instability. Hurgundy xxould be jH-sf--sl lX" (iiTinaay and Nice ami Savoy liy Italy. The re.-t of France wouM Iv forni'-l into a:i iadepemlfnt !iinarehv. A cot.t.t-toN t.sk jdace l-txvcon the Ku--ian- and Afghan- on the :Vl;h of March. The latter xx ere lefeatel, loing fix-e han ' dreil. The Ku-..:au !.-.. xxa.- heavy. The news reached London on the .,:h, cau-ins great excitement. A xvar fever immoli ately et in, con-ol- fell three i-int- and Hu-.-ian londs ten. War xva- con-i-.iered iuiunnent and it was believed tho Ku-.-iitii Anil'a-.-ailer xx.uiid Ik handed hi- pa--jKirt.s unle- mimetiiate aad satisfactory explanation- xm-re maite. Tiik nftVct of the xk;r nexv from Ir.don xvas nierxurial on tho x heat and rxIir'. ' markvt on the '.'th. As con-ot ftll the rnnrkfts loomed, sutae verv heavx tradsa tnlllg tloue. In the Hriti-h Hou-eof Conxnioa-, on the Oth, Mr. Hiad-tone. in rejdv to a que-tmn. ' said the Ku tan attack on the Afghan- xa- unprovoked. Mr. Thornton, tho Bri:-i-h representative at St. lVter-t.urg. teie-crepht-1 that the Ctar had exprr-.o.l an earnest hopv that the unhappy iitcidzt j xvould not prevent the negotiation- for " jK'acc. Thi statement provoked drn-tx-o cheer.. Wiuli: a storm xva pa.-s-'ig over Va.-h- iupton the other atternooa, the Wa.-hiagton 1 inomuuout xva- struck thry times ly ', lightniu,; without causinj; the least dam- i ae. I A man made an attack on the carriage , contaiaiiiR tho Crown lYmce of Austrta m Itrus-els rex-rnlly. smashta,; the xvtndou i xn uh ht fists. He xa- arnr:.s.I. but xras found t l-e unarm-nl. In a terrible hurricane at Tomative. Madagascar. Keliruary tT. twolve x- foanderel ia the harlot Av Fc-nrfc taJ I six native, and the American bark Sarah ; Holvart. AT Chicago, en the tth. a striker at temptei to stop a bu carrying men to work at ilcCormick'a reaper lactorj-. a. Piaki-rton ortf-ctive hot hlin itnd. A.t nixht a nuaiUrof b-tfctiv., goins; to the works in a lu xx.th two hun-irl tnuk-t , were topppl bj a mob. and aftr veral hota had bn fir1 th- d't-tires were driven oil, the uu captured ami the Ui bcrnl. ii i.kn Victoria nt a tde;rhra to Mr. Grant recently. exprt-.;n h?r srmpftiby on aecowat of the General's .ickae. Ti: .inking juarrvjen at Joltet, III., recently wnl to iantont aal ctMsIl(?d th men there to urike. Nmt hundreJ men were dnx-en to stop xvork. Krxoits of fihtm ia HechHaaaUml xvere recently current ia Durliau, Sooth Africa. A TKi.KOiiA from Iterlln of th 11th -ahl that I'rince Htvinarrk l.n'l aur-l a banker that in pitof the incident of I'eajd-h he hopel U pre-crx'.. jac?. A m-l'ATrn xi receiv.xl at IIftUl"fortI. recently, that the Frog Ijjke Indiana had murdered eiKht peras, txxu of whom were Cnthohc prie-t. Ilr-iNK failure, for wek ediii April f nuiiilM7l m the I'mleil Suite 1-W; Can ada, .'.t; total, I'll. -iiipiirt-d xxith a tolI of IIV, Inst xv.-lc. anl 277 xvek previous, showing a steady ilwrense. Nkxxs CMitlrmatory of the rejKirt! dath of I'rekident Itarnoi h s recheI li Lih ertad, aJ.-o intelhetic" of tlie m.-taliation of a sucrt-vH- to I'nrnos and Riving the tmtiRvi of .oin of tlie Cabinet f!lcrs. The new Pre- dent is General Manuel Lizandro Ilarnilo. Kki-ort- to tho Illiml- Department of Agriculture left norm for doubting that the ftroxvin" xxhent crj hd lyen seriously da:unK"d by the protracted cold drx xveRlher in March, it xxas thought the crop would jtvirage about tlfty-f-x-o per cent. At a uieaing of ITin Solomon Jlge of Free Mtinons at Toronto. (nu, .1. Harri-oit. n member of tho Inlge, xvas accaeI of luring a j-ciilnri-t, agnostic and free thinker, and should therefore be exelbd. After a x-ery xxarin discussion, he xa- on it vof expellfl. Hoxvill ajjjwal to the Cram! I.odgo. A switKT vigilance committee xvas or gaid.'tl in Chicago for the p;irpj-e of xvatching for election framls. Tin: Ne I'erces. near I'ort Iijixvat, W. T.. xx ere threatening an outbreak, and had killed a r'ettlel'.- XX iff. Tin: Presidency of DciiKal has olierod s;: .Vi i,n ) to an! m preserving the integrity if the Itrittsh Mmpite. Tin: report is confirmed that the Hritish ('overnmeiit has invited Ital to occupy Cairo ami the Soudan. " Tin: Suakiui-I'crbcr Kailxvav has been completed as far a- Station No. 1. A iii-r.xirii tioin Paris. oi the pith, stated that France and China had finally agieed iijkmi peace. Tilt: I'spiiehi Land-Cattle Com pan v'. prop.-rtv. near F;rt Worth, Tex., embrac ing 70.OSM head of cattle and .V,k acre- of laud, xxaa-oM to an F.n;'l:-h syndicate in corporated in London. The consideration xvas not known, but the property x as x al lied at r-:,."'o,ox. Kmio'iant trat'.Ic xvas imusiinlly heavx- at Kansas City. Carloads Ixmnd for points in ICiiusa-, Nelira-ka and tie far West v.itm in riving at the I'nion Depot dailv. Anxici.s from ICa ala state, that the gum-on there hns a siitSicicut .-apply ot provision.-for a month and plenty of am nii::iilion. The r b ds attacked mi Abx---miiin caraxau xxlucli xxas en route toCalla mid killed thirteen persons. A :v. supposed to be that of S. S. Conant. the missing editor of orcr Y'kl'j. xvas disc.vereil in Conpy Island Ci eel; recently. The Iody xxas x-ery much decoiiipo-ed. A symucath of Shcnano and Mahon ing Valley bla-t furnace oxviwrs has been i formed for the purpo- of bux-ins a large block of coking coal lands in the Con nellsville i Pa. j Held. The fiiriiac men are actuated bx- a de-ire to escape from the domination of th" itik" joii. Tin: State Department at Washington has received information to theetrect that the family of the late General Harriot had left Guatemala for San Franci-e . A. .1. Sniueii. of ICan-a- Citv. the xvell- knoxxn -toekm in, otfVrod his credit to th amount of ?". o., for the purpose of st-imping out the pleiiro-pueutnoma in Ciillaxxnv County, Mo. The oirer xvas ac cepted by Governor Marmnduke and -teps x.ere at once taken to buy up ami kill exery animal that might jos.-ibIy le af f.eted. A rr.tVATi: en bio di-jiatcli received in lto.ston on the lot li from bunion sax-: "It ' i- reported that the F.ngbsh ultimatum to Kii.ia is t xx en tv-four hours in xiluch to lecall General Koniarotr or go toxar." .iMUTnixu, fnsiTr?ir.;. ' Gki:i; i. K oiauiok- -tatement ot the teceiit battle in Afghatu-tau throxvs ,ht blame on the Afghans. (Muo.lts to cesse hc.-libtie- have en -ent to the French troops in Tonquin. Txxo St. Louis bncki t shop-x ent mider during the "bull" m the xxheat market. ItlCll gold fields have leon di-rox-erod in the Santa Ho-a .Mountain-, one hundred mile xxe.-t if Santa Ito-a. Mexico. Tiik strike of the emplove- of the McCor uiick reape- work-, at Chicago. ende,l hv the management oilering to re-tore wage.. The Lou per-oas employeil returned tn xxork. Tiikkk xvere rumors on tli Ii:h in Win nipeg of n (tattle U'txxe.H tue Indian- and the Ninetieth rcgum-nt in xx nich eighty men xx ere killed. The rumors, hoxxex-er. xx-erv not continued. Txventy thuu-and imeinployeit lalirfr? met in Hyde Park, limlon. on the p.tu. Thk ulceration in General Grant's throat wa.- rrjwrtel a- having increase! on tht IT.th. lut the inJlnimatnm xxa- not pr-noiinet-!. The dav prvioa- he haI pas-el through a very distrt .jing ti.e. Frvnk Han KIN. the n-xtel -e-xle manu facturer, xxa- .-iilence! to th- Pint,u tiarx for life at Shelbw;!-. Ky. Kankia .'hot and ktlinl Martin Ceslv. a brirVlaver, in odd blood in Noveuil-'i. I-"vt. It xva hi- -et--'iHl trial, the MHtence l-ap th amt in each. Kri-REsjcxTATlVK J. Sm.xxv. rienjorni:. -l the Illtnoj- Iri.sUtur diei or th lllh. The t bok f a Senator apprel more loiele. tlian ever. nx-Pnr-tnKNT Fisji. of tle ilsri Hank. rcntl on trial in Nw Yrk. xxx Jos ad gxtdty on lven cotmt- wi the iadirtnei. A I-n -ynLcat- ba eatr--! into a contract xx uh Hrndaris ic liid aud ov-c-ate in that eoentrx- an mt . rortitaic rad-xx-ay. The cono--,sKn rraat-! tit ynIi cate by Hondura' mrlede lad cr.ial anl uuaing jmv.lrfjr. At-t-th-- mill- at Fall Utv-r. ils..i-t-rpi tho l"nen. have irnd .n arT'- ment to hat dwn foor xvo-k- N-tueon n- an I thol-:e.f Jnlv. Sorno raibs ia New Bd forxl. Ixell and Kbodc I -land will a!o j-m ta tho iDOvement- A TREATX- wa reported a having La signed ltwrrrn Salrailor and Hondsraj acainst Gcatemala. John V. OvDERtKiNK. alitor of the s dwHtVa; .!-:'rerr..--r of Nyack. N. Y.. nea publicly as-ao!ted x Hh hor-ew btp- re cently by the wives of tx-0 police con stable- for pabh-bta;: otTen:ve arttcls aioct thetr hnlssd. THESlillmaa Hotel. at Cleveland. I .. wo partly barned recatly. Lo-, -TO.UO. Tunrc day' qcarantme ha- l-n or deroi at Mar-MHe- azaioM arrival from Spain, oa accocnt of the su.pected p-sova-lence of ciolem aiSpiniih port. NKIUtASKA STATK NKWS. Amen a prrlon-;e,I effort with at tlrt an uaproiii!.n-; ootlook Omaha ha SaaiD or-can:xl a ba-b!l cmli, V". V. KEt.Li:r. xbo ww o hi way to Abd-ne. Kan., with h: familx-. Imtn In diana, xxa reeBtlr rvW-d whil gttmg on tbf traia at toabn of a dr..:t for ?!,''. -fVo in bill sad tlve railroad tu-ket. Charles Nitt lately had hi so lwil.y cmla-! ia a mill at Wiibcr ihst it had to be a:Hpettd. V m ..r. I. IH.t. .1. Wr ilnr fSr bo of Kichni' lUMnl,., an r-i farmer, wa bernd. Th rbarrel re- ..,n.nf !u.,-,,ii- .M )ih wi.v r-liv cox rr! in tbe ruin by tb mbbocs w bo I the fact-u tbf aothoritie-. The retorsi .-tn.ns -icHns of foul ptoy i-ir!Mei Intiiti:- at Lincoln tne louowinx ori xvere cbo-en for the 'ttai!i: vr: Prv.- dent. W. W. W. Junes. Lincoln: Vice- IVe-i lent. J. J. Point-. imba: Keconlwt Serrtarv, IMwanI !lely. Crete; Crre- -joiidms Secretary. Mts A nun Grav. tsce ola; Tr-s-urer. !L N. IHak. Iteatnre. A r-olut:on xva- adopted that th Nelrafc State Teachers' .W-cialioii coniiall join- in the request to the Natiual Elacti tioiml A.-iati'H to bold its iueting fox !. 111 Topeka. Kaa. Ir is e-ti:nnt.-l that l.o0 bushels of ...,.. xv-fArA.inf !m.iiiiH. Thkrk are said tolej ox-er on hiimlreil and si.ly applications already on file f'i IJie uiree set-reir sm- iw .- - xx ay Coiuims-i'ii. Tin? jiay is j2eVK icb. Tnr ncrea-,. 0f 1,0th corn and xhet ii the vi'cmitv Zt i:x me for thi seanoi. it i c-tmiat.Hl.xxdKscelthatoflNMbyfmb titty ier cent. TitE husband of Marx Shelum.of SprinR. tb-ld. thought he xv as a gambler, anil xx tth little effort left :ik of hi- hrI earnin;-. xxith George llmgo, xv ho xxas. Marv lia now brought siut af;aiiist Ktno tv rw-ovui the amount lost hv her husband. Hkai: the Columbia prM..rrn:: "Veriiv. the smell of the tlc-hpot- is -xveet. We"v got a Cntted States land notice for publica tion at hist. All jiiii hands mid circle tt the b-tt." Txxo young men mimed McMurrax and ituriis, from Appimoo-e County. bxva. xvlule recentlv on their jo-iniev through Nebraska xxith a foiir-hor-e team and xx agon, xx hen a short di-tnuce from Fre mont were asked by a trump for a tide. This wa- accorded. 11ml the man iiccom pnnied them until thev had arrived xxitblti a mile and a half of Cotumbti-. xxhen tin tramp attucked the txxo men xxith a ham nier. beating them .severely nlioiit the head. Thev l.otli fell from the xxagoti and tlo traiiip took lli'ht. ami xxas -ub.-eticntlx captured in Itiitler County. I Gate Valley. Hoxxard C.umtx , Mrs. 1-aac Davis xxn- the xictimofn sinetilai but vrioii- accident. She xva- attending her sick mother, and xvhile in the kitchen a gun in the bedroom fell and xasdt Irirce.l. A ball jms-eil through thediMir ami eiiteied thelbshx part of the tlnh of Mr-. Unvi. Her mother v:m terribly triuhten.-d and the dan 'liter ru-hed to her ln-i-tde. declar ing sh xvas not hurt, but had to le taken t 1 lied. She had been married but a fexv xvceks. Tiik MethoiUst of itelIwMnI are building n church. Titc xviiit-r jwickiiiK t.t Omaha repre inted IlL-Vs-J hor.-; the March iackii; over .'o.iioij hogs, of a to?a! x-alue of fully rJ.o'Hl.O'K). Th's IR an tncreise of aIout . i ditv per cent, over the jwckiu: of last 2ensnn. pcori.K should b very careful in stthut oit prairie tire-.. This is the season of tin year the wind is liable t. bl ox- without much xx-nrmmr. and great ilniiinge mnv Ik done, and be-ides, there i- a heavy pennltx attache.1 to stiiug out Ilrcs. Tin: tower of the Congregational Church at Fremont i-completed. The height from the ground to the top of the spire 13 IP feet. Jt !h;k ItotiKiiTS. of Atkinson. -liint tc have i tod 1 1" marriaj;e licensee and per- tonnril sixtv mnrriinje rerenioiiie- diirins tie pii-t vcar. Tiik fiakhiml ;eyeio"ea says th" N". bra-ka Central i- a sure thin:;, and that one hundred mile- have been let to l graded, xxbich xx ill tk it to atout the xxe-t hie of Midi-on Count v. An neet ot the (omtmnx- i- noxv m Pari- completing negotiation- for the ,.,le and tran-.-r ol . , , . .. 1 . 1 theW,.I.nvbm.lnK.nalr. plaeisl 011 th market, rndui? xx.H eo,. eieice ai-cii .ion- 1. .- ,.,-. ...- stvs thit n charter for th eon-tmctioii .t a bridge acri- the Mi-ouri Itix-rat Ieca tur ha- U'en -ecured. ami that a nmulKr of roai!.- a-l of the "Itig Muddx"thnt bar no connecting line- tn Nebrn.-ka will aid lit it- eon-traction. Tnv: Columbus -katinr rink rolb-i awuv in .-mke one night recently, caii-ing a .o- of alto'it ?l.o-. NopK-tt K has do school children. .r. in-cre- of Mitwn per cent, over lni year' record. An Omiln nierrhant recentlv took r.Jl hl emplove- to the theater, and tbehv secorel a half colnmn f fr ndrrti'M-. A c.cNTj.rM.xv from Ncxr York reeot!. arrivl at Lmeoln bavins in chirr e hi nme-vear-old -on. who cani' to N'rak for a chance of climate. It i tat-l tnt th" bttl" fejloxv ls-tm- lnfataatel xvlia roller -katinr. and wnknoxvn to hi jMrfii'x, xrn an alino-: c-ewtant attendant at th rink for s.ne tlve or ix xvek.. Tb ....tv .iriis mm hii vowir swi fm-ni; mtie!e. xva- " rreat titat at the l of ib-.t tir th lad h-t all eoatrol of bi uierol-f. aifl ba- ' t-en a bohd- parnlvtie. Th- father bronrbt him West upon the advice o, pwv-jcian w,., . k .! .. . .&. ... ho;-k that a ehanite o. clirna; m-gn: r- vr bim. TMC -rhooi i-x;mIOo of Sidn-y i 5. .- tb ox-erlaml tram xa stzrvx irearnv tb otbr airht a Sjui F"raaH"o na-eaer nam-l fttlib Cook jawr 1 from to train and ran north tf track r fa: m h- eocW. Th t. xt 4ar he xxa foard ta an alaao.: axvh conditio Hv -sm? faruir. ixieei wit north of Keara-T. H- wa rranr nnd th aatbori :(-, werHih'-.obtt.n i n 'orauU too fi b.nt rot!rmr bi frid or wi4i. H. H. Cvmr:v7F. rnTiet4 rmM Mi ml en foe -boouiyt l -Teeod Uw rear ia th- P'-alte't.tMrT. 9eaT-sl froro t e -xsani 1 bid 1,; t-M-a r-,tarwl at Ut aeeoBBt. The liTulre oTer tb? river at i.atd rV-4 xra. hadlr dantxrsl bv oavcoin? -. Taart .-.. -vere Ul at fHnaha th xra -old for -. th- Keot-m Tra.r- tstion Company. Tb- atmer He-or. 313 too-, xra Hihl to th- !harrt 7ra- jortatioa toepaav for ;tojt. Tb- :-amer IM'Sa. Ti :oi. x x-W " ;.( to the i!r,w Trz-tp-rrTUitttm Car-.- rk-v. Tiev arr sit insrrba. i for -w- vie? oa tb- tpfx-r Man HiTer, aaJ rer- sold a2ler rder tf tbe court. I7 i tat-I that iVyijre CciT e&OM trchr r. protrtv? to post ottipieaocdv tb- leceiwi : "--pir- tae rt: a.i -u tn- caw 1: "pir-taerw: ii ut-caMii. EcaoL.iR- coatuis- to distaxrb tft-h- her nlappcprt3.:ethersleat.leiof tte.j- J tza le-per. j bx the neighbors were eonJirml by tb JWted by t ex falbm; rff m etrti-. ami rim!if Thr f-wiit .l.tio C wfcMMI xw Yrk N invcugation of th C-nmer'- Jar?. The UWn 11-. Tto Jorwrr br f- t ,rtwl m,, y iB VL lt n tM m ...p.tr. f r i iw ..Ht.,M went to orm that M-mbe r toeii fulix two t'. siww yrterhv. 2 . V --.. 1 ShT2ith-l-a xxhileU.n U.n.t-b.xi.twrtlol ,e.U " h rent. K,.t W tot r J N to tm.wlu .x U r ,. Midhisw.ewer. ittun.iHmttn o Ttot tptaa r :r.tt Iv:. In hM. the ,r tfce toml tr TT. .rl nff I. .. are,I to destroy a,i traces the cn, fJ, f , ;....,. . r - I.. . AT u late aiet.K of th Stat Ternch. fe I-bre are tear-of a plr. .. ,,, . llM . .. . ulfcrr M ' ' J1 A ntt. I'reclpi il nJ r Thoqtht tnlt. t n- it 1I -llltoH- on !ti -ilu- lion I.omm.n. ApciH. Thr new of the en--raeeioctj: on Uve fiiii tnot-r b-r4 e'eR the Uue nl Afh.x- h nm-te-il "rrer.t e-it.'iei:t here. Tbr Bp'' "" tnn4 Rt the I.- uut dnpicit. -rteodtnx to br MiUus f-c i ace. xshilr ;h i6jri wax .aerrly for the porir f ctour timr. :liedchl on the frontier icerrmJ irweJ - the !ir-t p by Ha-ia it tbr Ifjnx-two w,' Mtptnr l A-ia. Rtid tlxt a b:ixl aw! defr- ate xvar between hr and jm1akI -iHCMt.tSe. Th feeim in 6nw 1 ud commercial csirie-. i- ptuue'e 1 thr S:vi. r;iirha2e the graxity of th taalton K rr- vol si KfKltU Imhn. Ar.l t lUron 4 Stoal. the la tJui Audus-ador at Londott, w roiUtl ihi b f . film.' .Wv rrjntrt tb tuuru- to. I !e appeoml nor M 1 Mtrrt-ei bt ;iiem-Hs : nit 1 uuiffiifc on uitf .vicnan frontier. He -ant In i-n'v tsuodrnnl it t.ad briii -otoi 4efertel. "Toe atf air ! ou-. n d the atibaaitor. " tit I fear tho xxor-t 1 not kuuwtt and that W hliiii ha-- bernon a Ur-r raie than tr di-it!ies tndKaUiI." ! SUal wm 4 t xeiiture ott an opinion, a- to the i -u He reftt"d to Utk on tJ. ubett unlit be hal received olJbial alxii- fwwa Li- U-xero- niCiit uonecrnins the affair. txtt 1 ti. 1 am: wvm. grams tie betxvet n tltf Utismaui ant Afli.ii., a hurtled i-iMi-uiUtbni l hiMtl-jii". r-of the- ;-I tok 1 1 r. The win - u ixx.-:. I. i Iini.A xxerr iu-Ui.t: . ,tea,..,t f, -I'.sjiatclH-- iH'fxxifti tiie Inu hi 1 fee aiut llw t-oVrrIMW (,rn, r, ,.f r,,., ;1. v, ie- Uj... (rf ta. j,r i,HM jro : a. .!-. .1.1- l)OU JUMj f,:;j mfofn.at.e.- I he 1. plx 1 uioineiitarilx expect d. If t.r re- i-t tete- ;i.ipheI froiii .Mi-hent is Hue. it - r r. x-i that a fonual tix-i !a:at. n of nut iil be fltude. f nrm!i k Lop. Ai-id ''. d'-ptcli frem Meslicil cHinriii- t:e r pit that in a ba'flc let xx ecu tlie I'u-s.un ,md (iti ient. the Atghrfii c.uiip at Moili i.il on the Murirh.tub Kixcr xxa tptnrtsl t. tlie IIus--ails utter a brief but siiiftuntrx la!tle. Fixe htitMlretlAfsl.au- xxne b.ileil. 1 if Kits-inn lo-. is tiftt kilbd .11 ! n'"ii!e.l The c.intp conta ihh i l:ir.; i,iaiit.t'. of tttii-. .'ituiiiumtion sod mtlitaiy -br.-. all of ixhich tco m the li.iud- of the Hnsataits. A -I'l UliOltN tlvTTMi-. LoMmiv, April t. It.st diatcle ftoiii the Afiian frontier -t t .hat the tiht at Mnichaiibxx.i- a ino-t sttdbf bat tle, it xx .is fought in n drixii.it nuii-toru which tcndeteil the arm- c-nrrbnl lv With ttieJticicUL The A fili.oi- fongiit xxith ilr-per.tion. Tbe br.txe.y jji-1 -p bx -tep the advance of the Iln Un-. I'XXO colllpaillcs Of Ntgll.lliS llt'tMHicl MHf (-itiou until thex were nHtiidctely anoi- ttilatctl bx the deadlj artilleix an opened .111 them by the ItiiH-Uiis. ltn Julian- iKreatcd in jerfeit oolcr. After inliictiuc -ex etc b-M th l;uoi xx etc exhteiit -:tntieI bv tbu -tiilrfm rc-i-tam e. Thex did md fl!v up the ad xaiitasCc. te;iig cxidciit'x coiitci.t uitli thr iptuie of tho c.imp. The Urit.-Si ofn-r: pre-ent iliirim: the fight are loud ;n prai A the vnl.tr di-pkixi-t l tto AfitJ-an ofi--i-r- and at otice tiwi,efli,I to the head lt.irtcts of ir 1'eteT l.lllieilfn. Ktirll-fi I'oiumiioiier. and m.wieafu.l reju of the 'Sht. .xroitA- tiu. (..r-Mi:i. Lfi.MMi.. April t. Ie ar. the Spfl-lfd ?nvov of tin- Car, xa coiUil npon ami xh'Kiedthe liexx-as -eiiwiH. lie regretted :hut a eontlict should eenr l thi- time. 'Matter-." -lid he " with rejtni lo tin? Af'-'t..ui tfimfier xer pro4r--lnc uirch. There xa- a fa-r pio-pe-t ot a peaceful adjii-tmeiil f ail di-mite-. Bit noxv I can on!x htjw for i-ne. The A fgtiMis inn-f tiiHlonbtcibx biive been tbeas3ressvr. I haxe the bc-t autl ont for knowiiut that the Lti-sian cotiim tider bad tJrt itlstnictloii- U keep tlie J.ejwr. U'lml i.l(iiitiiiipsm,, Lo to. Aprd 10 Mr. (.iatItoee In the -e of oiniuoii-. !rJ c u Rtf. to atisxxi r to int'rrotr.itioii-. -aid titat on Sat iitdax the Cab.net had emi4ler! Kttw.fk' replx to LngUnd's ptt;KsaI to Imot the lie of -ill x ex lo dcfwtahle )utit. l!sU reply xxa- an asrenM nt to do tbis tr xHbd the 7uie of -iiixex as inarkeil out tej Kncluid xxa- extendi l -.titlij;nL a t . me itde the P.r iui-rtt ranze of ttwmti tain-. The 1 oivcrnnitutt conMerril ttat im-r-.i nw ni n. -nr.. . n xxaid h coiiriijHiatMl xsasd sn:sflis with . ,Hrn..fwMr . ,U4.,.., - sl, lht. pr,.mi: .t,IMm. .. . .... . . .k. . 1 ..1,11I1,u,ii., iia.i I-...1. r.s-eUtsI tttm I.11 ia. and thi- appeared, m the ofin n of in' Government, to pla-- the matter to a nore boi-'tu! j..-.tio;i " The (. erntteit ind l-en ui!'.rae'l. (d.ton fortber i4. Jiat the ICiiian- hadina.lv eer rMfnr o induce tlie A Iffhan- to lt-i the 4;btm. Uus-ian troop hvl exen tire ATli vint it in l oit u.t v i.v hroujrh the .'. fgliail peket I'le- After Mie of the-e attempt- bal f4lb-l TIX)lle 111 Afghan attJNs. Optim t ate m-i a i'u- .111 chief .f -tc" aiol 'Miked to i.i n dMit the conduct of tlo- Itnein Mbi-r .fine an ex .biit viUtWm of tie Uus-.oi irit-'iMent to not advance fsrndtof Uo .nt iue of :h- nextttiauiai-. Tlo Ktt-iao rlScer tate. that be Lad kraibstr hit an arrangement exis?.-j atauast a Ku .an atlxn-e ""uotoii Vat t-i",rM o the 41W lal d.-paU-b tiJ fneii Si. Petrt jnrc on March IT xs-ann V.ttzln4 tha Kxiej wool. I w M tKr- nt to l lti .ian itlieer- at the fnnt ttirriiiic tbrm to ortit an adxan-eauf t do .! to ttonr jo .r to ifeTent imr',atMm f tb :rntts. j .iin 'IT.' i:r.ian wCxreT declared ixat Ii- Erw nointtot wnav mx .ie.i cnuiremn.f. Be-iof a4ed xhat ihexra'ne of lb.- sob ooett erao toiration xis. iti. G'a.'.-t! 4 that it i.tfiM I.- lmMM-tle at oreseot for tto - wv - -..., - . amKt u, . ,, furtbef , ..nt.- tit- fc-triMf icUtva- Mztmm Jwmtarf to -xx of . ? , "eneww jus irifrt".i. " " " Th- " i-r- rw YWK. AI ! -Tto L'-xie Onb artiax kaM 11 cbt urn-mi ff m j . fcfartarx. XmtJum ?W . :tmmrmtmx enrl dran th- lmb' Umim U the wItir of 14 wharh nunri-t-d 1 bat th club rtyrarar4 tto ! Jiat ttor (.'orcrait: on Ai.rad tmnns tot rfrl for xtfat.MHi tfce ftaaar- mt -va x hear i- on Mtblv raroarr rtot M4. M tftH omw. s? with tho f the lf-nMiewa ft ber-Uwav e rT- l !etatM ere aH. ws4 re- 4SettMS te itAnretwws :i'ross lerri rxnt. d eslrwdusir ) a.pjj to (ABi). .s IitT- f 'sf-n. . . .-. . . - t " vnttttirt. Apt-: ' ')" :: th rot xt;ea 4 x-"at.- W wr4 ii-laKtwr ofian. wtao- ;eww' ax rt'fi far4nc to- U- the t eoaam war. It nnw-r-..i fra tntxjru . iMirertaU uw f the mlr4.UMU- otae-: of tk4e JsrJ 'tttf wC"I . U. I.' Ixwtwi -. a ;ftr ftta bsf.tr oi 'a- Cota-trJ will Ih l-f: liv ,J X(, V'mls-k?' I SlB nirTklual 2 ' faorhr Mr. ltjinS xwr-w. 'Thr tmr n !) t'iwr-S are . it Ifcvi,. rSlOl 7rT vfr, , : mx ..j , i.tktljDa.n , -VnM 1st .tofnfttt M . j. j :j 4 iri-3Mir thw- by l-mo , rot. U If thi- i at Vaw th-t bob t 3 rwrj !-raisirjir x4uKm&.'s3.tzm. i U'Ikix. April U. tiliwi4i.fth.lrWwJ,77 Ut -. am-aiuioun.intf the imttovak of hti;. 'i'. TH' CROPS. -,r..w. A. ,.... 1 he XXtftrr XV t 1-,.. vwi..t.x. Apt.? l!.-ieHm cf .i b. u. tv-rtiM-i: f Arrlt''S. r.f ,.!. . tmXoclix ef ,f Wn. -r rn. f rt xr to xrf xba. T. . - ; mMati t 2Upww m-t-. V &wa i rmi to i stato .'frxtH?n. It U K p w. K,a ud irtittix. in Jliiri. to CaJ.foniik. It to A ! Ii to rr :.M ol Midori tl to Nf a4 wi lml4W, 1 Mrll Tvtk. in Jet-r. VpI Vtartet. Kito. ky Mtai Ittrftoaa. " to tie-ofr ! iM.m. t, m lVaT " ad IVtewtfv. i to rirfctcan. 3 M.lk xarit Th iaJ -tatn- ..f Ib rri dl N t-tf. r siown a MMinth hrnrr. whrfi iJm x 1 it .f tbr IK-! b oi "I Vmitrt ! jih! the rhmtM-Urt -t the frtiic 4tattiil n t.Mr trvni Im.w nglr- "? t x .t fit t U.e bt-i- of !at ! t e v ! hu-hrS wo . . t ; Ue f ds'-i arr. and ut tha "' "O fn ii,!. kiiiiu and b x. . brlt--t tie t.p x,,: fiewxrU t" '"' 'rtbN r f. ;: t,.ft f tt i.e . u". t'.e teiia! d.t o pic-. . 1 jh-; j inter ami on fllt.i't it.t alfecting the growth rf'O -' 1 stilt xat. in bad cxrMviilK . ..I ! tint- ot -erdti.tf oil tbe IM. l-a-t ' Ne x 111 . -t VilK-IM ta-lts . theMitV xxst t in M'ourt. tiitM.ft!d V-liltiav In tfe in,t S'.- it -tarselx m aBrtiOM t.ct ii. i i-e bx tor cin fly va t -4'xeie tlocU nn til llwtl ua, till ,en. 3f.-o.-Hfl od Kk he tornrtr 1 ,x. o.ei!Tcl 11. tbte.- iii'h-of ttn rrrt4 iti:.rx. 'I!,f iuk'f ( rxrha tmn l r a-et itt tUo! t . iu prtirtkfi a xlcar. N't theioiH' t.!i f th rof l4e Mbst brll r. toe Aisr btUHC I' it-hf. IWDtA" WASSACriG. rio Xrl !(. Iki)i. K-ll NttoI'C.I XX Ml Xm tiol.M ,Vet Ammm( tii Sdllitter. U,ii.. A put in ortt b ltt4 laren rrsv xrd fi,nt ltattb-foti mt thr Mi s'ir ' xhfte sett.ei- at Flf llte. mmlk-xe-t of loit lWI. Ih futtoWUkS M l nanos of lre victim : 'I I . (Juioti. tmlian crnt. Jo! 1: lodftttrx. tattti km4rtirtaf. i -. X. Ijuito a and xifr. Fatiipr Tafurd. F-thet l-marx 1 xo otiwr iwrn. the nattww mi li fe !M.t b-ar:i.-L xsrte kitbral Mrs. Iir!aw U afhmiirr. It U tu kn-ctxn what baa brMao of i aaein. tb ....... . :.iutlit to tinireloni etrtor t$ W. tjnifiii twdMi of the I ltd. art aa-Mt, xx:m -afi jtn mii- u in;i ttAtttt fotd and ( Utk' I n--litg ha- bmm I titfo die eooivit ami tbr riretnt x. ta'titMN4 fr a hott time. al!wn nr-s ag-e te.B- thloll.h It l -tafcTtl III the ajo We-eX'' In At t ttt'efotd K MiniiOKM bt llttHIMtf.! f lfMitan. ti? no attac h. txu am.i.1-- n thr- lianack.. Ind-aii irrot lira tv. ot been kl'.!l. a- xxa icntel Tbe lit soft lUy offteri ha rex fixes! Inip!l:wntr' bx ax ot ri'.u'iiioM ami ttarx that t1 Noddle 1. tke tod jiis Max.- rtoVit the t.x oite lit MttfeixMi-M at thai po.fil and Ucn . ree lo 5tii I'l rtirS 'lie Cwv eriiiiw nt ba ' rerixel h ei.:iet Dii-ssaice fnH.i Pi.it,- Vbeit. dfcl x-rrb 't. xxbirti states that tin- r.oi:ri I. twtn? -ituri fr pne .-sni aiwl lni fr no tto-s. A li-iia'ch states that tlte titiao tr unlet, evnt il.e omi ami flfly t'fre b bae Jxh4 tht rebels. Tlw l4a . ol t lake is-imtx e are all t tes. Tle nnmber aSmt .. 'IM .. 1 E . ..ft ... xiiool !r IiMtian rhUdren at Ktjs I.jo wbl. ti xa Hi a nnee.. edltlo last oiintttter. Tlwt this mvxarr b hron Ibe vr'k of Frc Ite'.t n ab.io 4m wen piittiable. a the) Itax lotberto been ixl and e!l behaved THE CATTLE PLACUF. ri.e u .H l.irSiiil. I .t... . II,e.M 01 !. I V. mltlwO XI.-...t . TH-r v.Kix, April 21 VI awelM f i?,e K !- I.t.c t-L 'tmmtmm. Ho ; itoarl o ('rttm.MMter dereb-l U tsrai MMid t the fMxrrom.-nt thai Ik Maj-a l (imii'trnt. l'nMislx..i. NVw J.rx,1 tl.l... xj... t..1 itui.t f i-it NM.hi. iiwrmmma-, vaiimn, .-.... mr !..,.,.. Viil. Wl itnl '.- Itl.n.4a. Ki ififoiia. we- x iruo. . luiwrf. a.a , ,-W, a4 Te-r. mH lb mtl. o4 riCiUmm,t Aodtixm 1 MwiHar, l V oir. Im rpianHitiofsi asaiax. 1 llorotjit4 n 'i hiriri U .! r letret to ike Maawitsuni of Va r.ruUun. a- fo4'.x. I an frri'-i bj Uo Ive .4-ek Hamiarr loenm.ssino of J Mat to tantt U n Mo toTowinf pts. at4e ami rewdatn aii-tet b tbem m. INeeiinr of t! bnrf bit bete t aritar nwmn . 1 ttmtnv m ine -twvosM t re k i.a ! oal t tax.! is f e. le wirml of tie We.lerW 'ati. aaMt lirilli tvlsarer the I r ! X, Mrn-M f llo lle of K tar--fo-r II tt r.ew. Tbt -m n. the LIS e fttMr s , Hart 'Mm4ns vf !a "m ml KaM 4 nl rf-i.'tli eii''t smt rk-e tto M n J mmm. "-rfe of Xrrieo twr. u mdtup t enfot tlw ax rxr4 ert aesmien o nuaeat w l -W " s.s tftt fte sasl tai ! qveHtis MWr on 4r'e l te ayeoiOlw ew4l a f.f feai 1 -. K . to Ata. T n r--. atef-rsa r4 a4 aaaB aar tj Qt4er t the Hse "An Ue to alt lit rail Jra7 ba tn U Cai wa issoesf. tir'etitaa: ihttt a' I ears ui n Mf!ere4 ff oat for tto trnprati f tk m rfc- ftat tf thocMCtd (irmuevst a4 l"ttfeeas4. An ontrr - "s ietwl e tto tamiU m 'A 1 oraotf f "uatar mt-eltom to Ier th farta iec"eo; brjs0t$ lt' lb Me of r rji. Ii eUr. 4b HMtftaetaMaxs to nob! tl to rtoae arafebr if U.r arrf Iforarht be M t .-iati 4 if Ta- feer lrt. atari tt. epwrt b tvlitkcs th 'nL" xIBl M XX lr..., A ''. Saw !- i rrt. AiU :. 1 t aanam tw wtwii fa? bisa i-st Ut tiks rawfttO- wwrtu fa. th vrftft feubww rttc Ctnaaan'a towa aw law Jowl attef waw ws or iha srwwl ivy a fv to- est raxiini .w "Arwftwmk. ISa'artkU rt wftn; toat o st. x of" ler h bcWrft ai CnOaiwaL tbr tiae - rjy,aaxiwi tm t..30 sitae a,-e A mti oi tl k-T1 ' '. - h;.h will atari th Utbwr faa4 tawi;a2! to tMatr sh t fte- of tb-e aU'-wte-w sast t tmt mmrt I- "sltl- I .-.-. Xn K Ajar.: it. - Cwton-f ii Cly. oi thtt ey. imA ftuxttr .. IHnVr. mi x'aifcsa. tCJi wntsaiawt tae-VjtM ;!n.i fiwai -C Iw so-toy vbttifx Uaey a ' aanaaw; of Acrrwii- jrtit.re u tie- autw of r-fiitaiw; V-ferta-mrj Sar; Trwaei.es er at tftj "xiate j a fcx: tiv jwr. eH r-aiile atw. i Biua 1 otaaza aeeotrMf' tn ttw- -t,o-sr of t&aes let xa4 BjiV. aw I.r. Irwmowier -ij !si. hi hesVjmartcr ia taas rtY axtlj pteaja-yw aaaoain i saaaf-f oar, mi e.tst ewer in x- r-iJO-. 1 It-? f-n Kte t i-owl t after -V- tSwwwoch aaaftV. Au oWeirnftai,. t to Aftdtuft. rran, 1 irrte-Udtartw i-r &t CO. i PERSONAL AND LITEHAY. , ..m. fi I ' "' ' J; j nr?v f? Mjfh " ' it i xxvll xn reronBr the ikr e of all mrtUr ,! ih li rr.l,- -" '?' Ih .. -J vttw a -m ntla i. I tmr.rm"Z.M .- S Llrrw-mw Juttev II H J I sat-Jwtr ,H I imh. tm tvil. ' t rr II i-rm o f . tb I'U rrk . tean nati'- f I t lfe . Ut t. ri J. 1. Vw laai.iahi hVx M rxt. n ' Il t. r i. ' ne u--JT ' n- ' it ' 1 i? . in I! f - ' 1 x v , J i. rc i' 1 11 il ' . I M ill 1I- 1 x M I! 1 . f b d r a mo- o .V. I i- itn- r are Mr. 1 ' Jr Tlr. t; it. in N- ivn ml. 1 'ti i 1! XX It .5. f. rk I j. fl 11 Mr. Ik- I h..tlr t rrh ' a: to K . . M I M Xll . tlHU .xr 4 , in in;; lw 1 . t r N rlr ! hI i.t t . Wav - Itowb . wto' j brr ai: lh au ' t to- i ! t ) lrf. ttrf r ' , bsii btftk ' te ilea h t ' al iiI, xrhj. ; i rlt Hi-eta: I I tt eifnrtinl X ) H Ijifnteit . .! r t .! . J.. ir.4 . ., : 11! 1 ' ' t : tr ' 1 1 -it I l M l"" Itl-. V ' jjj 'lf " ! j, . wii ' '" it:. I : " lO. I . tb. M. tX i It- in.; I . ' .ill " , t f b let. fofttOMrd . sold ir r t o I e aiHeikti "tV hrrj th' to ?' il ' he l to tto'tt: f It.: I .1 H 1 J -.i hte t (tan . !ir b.e h rfs s !xrrJ. ail I he !! title sUirt fr l in 1 1 k wL iruMOfOu A rwitftt U r t-Wm "lb Sax gfr- o ! Ibrn 11 pj mi prrt S 1. '..... Camt tfl , ra t Ury mml m ni f ,' "l r,l-' ' ''''" i 'mi-1 it in uh : li-'i t t tr rk jnt wo Wit " u xet u,L, ! tb-t ah a l.rk ."4tst Mr Wf Mr 1 1. - rs. r 1 I t lm-mh m rti l iHi owr "iit4 Ul a Arii Iisinr tn "k tr twrnwisdo 1 '"-' tr ilwe V .-" " ' iVln. e. rta:nl. m d th i.lla," JiV gm uu ri AW. i ', jtk Tire. ftaUxa llW ro)a n w-t ot IWr 1muI rttm to tliU - tu m nrl ant(ier ire. who a, m toir- iti. w am s x vo r uoot mx miin ; .1 e.lWr )mhi or it l. 'i Bit tn4t4a ! ba etoir!e . i - I I riab vm) MtriM ?- Mi a Irttk- Iariaur rth witile now. sh - 4Hr lwr aat t: "U toa W Uh kuh"t.r. ' ti. tt ftjt. mmiul -("T "tmim r. r . .. Mr "f thTM: lavl oof tfw$iijf I r ettr ib-strijri wTJT ttjeameJU s,fer--kfttm hnr mix tfaa On. M elrtrra e-alrf " .b . tAC atator l an.. iLa.,, . A WW aSftfV'ij ' " aa4: r Ii wft eitaravr "lhu - ' Ubr I ir mtt ti . llUftw" -wt'isftf tiiMMiit 4 wraewkiie wart wf a raVtwr. Koawi hi Mt -- ft. al!k la,ftaelt ftw km - -f tVr." h w.l toj Itftwft ,e4. r i - I Wetl a I 1 "Sm. m mm. t rtwa-r d Kmhm cMB ftfttt I 1 l4.a- WM tm tr. avit-MMftxH I am m m-M ftt-w atwlw U. wrw ttrilWt rr ,mA mm Wftl-fc alwrftt thw CWi". wtf rxrt Stwt. Xtwral i;ais, - - H " We?. Jit tftrelr jitw of , rbwXft tow- the 1 t fc. w Jlr.. IMon k.ni r batTSe -"a out oi" Uew t inr- w - -w.e a' I raj't U-tL wr. sa,-.e nhtft the siatlraaaa raaa M :wh rwavtW' tto-te. im,, v fat ,4 r ui ott tp of t. s ho ob are . I txr-U't Ujtbrr w.i I. I to l 11 S. kf J-mvJte a-JTter :1f: c of xstd oa ow.--irrjfs'''te a. " Jear. f- Pit'- ' .!' r f -' i kCJ V ; tU"; ,S -! '"(-