f T J ' r V t T- & HOME, FARM AND GARDEN. -'I . pear del !iu in :i I-.-. rich. r.arui Jouu. with .1 .Ja uih-,L In iavjnjr out a "raide u always avoid wst mid heavy clay .-t.J. - l'tatru Inriatr. F.r c i.-ipjHtl hands .)r face- One :unc-f riverine. ujM. ounce d r.leobol mii-d. tn"n mid .. Ul ounce of rost? water. 7'"fc "wfa Scotch c1ci. Hi.' oIks of six ".'?-. l eujHi f -uar. no' of letter. three an S ott'-half of jlour. one and i .Hf-HirofH -himi milk, two teaKHin- l Jul, 'rfr.-min of urtar. om- half nip of tdroifilieed fine and thin. reiiui the i... ..r ...i .i .. . . , . .i. ' ..... . .,.- -..i-.n iJI'J'lJIT; I"l I.J'J ' Well au.J K th.j whtfss for frt- i inj.- If'irtfil 'ot. MnJion laZiiW i rinddervl erel lent to h dten tin; handt It may If ruMxiI on xl r.y time nlien thi haud nre perfect! dry, but he U-t time i AiM'tt rct;rinj and an old pair of oft. 'K1 ! iuorotii.iy eoren-! on uie '-" W!,n tallow and -lirrnnr m uni turts melted tpthrr can t , wurM ihirmfr the nijrhf with the most bfjui.r rlt,. iw ! . Ilum IlHldiujr. -Thrro .-ih of ! .,,f,. . rt ., .. . mfled floBT. Ilire- UflMn-aten h. one eut. .J ......1...I t-...- - "Tf .r. ! rant,, a l,-,lf eup of butter, one nip .4 Mv-t ei-atn. tbr-- j..a.f.f..I- of Km.r4 .love, and the un.-. of in- , CRT i'our 1k.i1 i.s'watero.i ehlon.leoT I- j- II . laMiic iii lit.- .r...M..t..... .if .. .rail. ! to .... --" - r- n ouatt-r .t ;i i.iiii.l li..uln It. cork tt I,, , . . " . . 'Jf. ii leaipooiilul ol erejitu 1 irirr. :t Imif :i leu)ooiifiil of odn Thin n. iy !. l'aUl in three or four liner- Te cre.iTB i made .f one eu if ni;r. half .eplf Slolir. !0 eer the Hb te IlIJlI olk-. I. :ten ipar.itd. i'.d lhu"bi! 1k;U'h !o a !ill froth an6 one pint ! rudk. I t lli:-. eook utit'l .1 is thirl., let It rool. ..I then flavor uu lb aiilln. If ..it tin not j'i't a j;of I "u uriee lor -..ur butler a .oii.e .m eli 4o. yon Jii4. eoutil that thrre an nine eJiHl.ea- .tilt of ten that I he fault bet with oil and no xwlh tin- ) mclia r. temaikian ,elmni'e lleiM ehoi-e hutter is not so plcutv ".it ttat jii one iv ho in ike. a reallv lirs-el.i. butter .III) c:Mll n'il.1 II the lnfie "t iunrt.fl price. It in verv natunl f r one to think that thctr butt.-r im .nt a- ;oi.d a- llieir iHijjblmr. but if ln nT.:hlror- Ih.ii a nijjiier pn. it vn.i pnr to try ntul improve the .ju.iJitv a I.Ulo. !.- JiiiHt JuUCHtl'. POULTRY. t'.il""i. .- of 111.. (liiiii-A 'N-J;1.'M iinil ( sirel. --!!. fc-. ) i thorn- mid th Jl"- ' intlicted Tin upon " ra e pen a I . .1 1 . i ' u d.i-tiy of .. - iu poidir -kecpu. ipute as :i iii fa ji- t'ia d lb. held and pmlen. If the tvpi- .ad -thorns and thistl. s" w.ti av under- land . he dUtiu-uiilin-ui. worries. j- :i i . .. 1.. i - i4i.Mi.-s aim ex..,j.,-i , .,.,-, . o,,., ,., meet in our various lahor. ll-poultry- keejMT i"crlailv It-1 his fill' share ol ( them. And as we con-iler lie w ml -r feeding d n I'm. k of hen-. t r.-II tie well to dis.iis, the troubles which i ill sundv .!....( !k.. oimii' ir iiietT: iw.ultrv. ..... . , . aswit. PLi baldv tiie kcciMT t t m:s lir;.! irnb!e will be (hit tlM hes. iu jiursuit ..f cv.-n thine; jj, ., jj uorrv , their ovner. will take to cjJjji-: th.-r , Vr le.iev p irehasitj ith ail th aeji to them, and .niits .are looked to . Tins iiin.itiird -.tie is.v.-r . - .H.nunon. V.Z v In- ajJ! .imous- h, ItlKl the Hells 1IHV lie IllVir. HUT Hi ,re;s atvtf-.uud 111 tiien. sis. J'noy am eTitl'ti as ss Hn a-, laid. Some eld hen. , will turnxir.uiid and debl.-iat. tv biak 1 it... n.'uh :hl ,'? and d mirit. All . .., S,,- - S, ne lien iv -.ani ' SS "," ,J i. m he ll.H'k will as-ist. and villi sJHft ; earn thiwivpeii ve . Tae Lest w.iv t 1 to stop mch proceedings -il If i ivjticli .tnd." ileh the cuinrit aill omi. .-ijni her i.j.'he potpie. or the pie pot. n the act. N discipline -hort &' de--apitVnm wIJ' cui-e such a low!. oiuc v.oullrv kccjici-t :ntuenI e-jjjs stuilcd v ith cavciine i pjr as a str.uir hint that s 1. a cus,ilj t i" o!Hi'li.nabh; hut ; . with tuani u'her tricks and jet. il ia ril.es ,.f lien. the ej.uue is nut worth ll.o candle.'" Wliile 0:1 '- Ihsiic ci rud iu.M'irv are Inwui; deimmbcd. and ?.,e bis in a nei:lnct.st t! n-k may b. bir : e prevent iv. 1- never to keep lm s c.irthc sciHOii! J v me; .jMia The b!i s in their svoj.d car an the cajc vt lavers aini the t-est moUicrs. Jt t'i'f should bo tit. 'Ued 111 the fall and !isp.se.i of. and Is'ti; full nv. in ihcii prune, acs! not bavins 'iu lrac.cdllie toughness.. .; older fowl-, uv .the: fow I is -o ejioie a d di .is a hen .jh.tctt monfis old aad lat. Cbily a tiia.I Mrt.oti of th.'-c Usnl be kept, a-w-(dl-c-n d for piiftrt- ar.- the lit -t-i s to koi p. and with a two-yj ar o.d c-.ck av.II pr- liK-' t.ie l?ggi-t niimlvr of pul b't td.iv.k-. An . iVcttxe prcra w "on .i;-a:ust fowls i'iiia'rt."-'s is t. nunme lis- cc" 1 "om t t-4 Jl-- - l Ms ! -- --. -- 1 luuc-ad.iv. A iut e cj-lor 1nv cnll-tct . m tab wir. will lea tcry 1 w c-r-ir :he at'sff. :. in cracked atid.t.iteu !. .rir. i!t to 1h lr..-.t:i in die a-- and cnwk.-I. that toiu"". ht h. n to . a-- ttt'm. nL this -hoiihl b- svoidetl. An other tMv.:rti-lie is M avi.al ..verVedini uautoa an I nuttiie?. a h .If eon of m i . ..... .- r ,. . i -V will lie ;nali.r Ii ImiM li. U t .s ( Kleam ,hre.. hour-, Vm with b-mon arzam. I iir-t rl -an it aTe.nll. aa. ' ''- Uw. or t. a .Ma.ji, U thry . blly MI b . f,r thr ,,,,, ,h. are .wv.-.JVwW.. A.mn.Sk,w-itt,n, W. to , .h it :tb ban.-..-- or !a. "- p-rmanentlv r,-.. le w,ih ...... of t'H-i' 'J ' !th Vr ami V.d u. irrev! i .r . i ff-t that he will el! H. In, farm ihen Mi-p n 1 it K a wire ..r liir.-ail ia a ,,.,. ,.;. r n .. ,..,, , i, ,ir,.2f.. i lwl ur t' . .. Kh-M-im ,:wnmX -,de and -.ad.- mbWl u, ,,v whAlin. ttt. miH a. ,vi it , p)1t it near Ihe , urn n-tut.a-o It . d r;-ucr and lald air it ...it .tb lukwarm .er lor .h ,j,K.lirn,.nt ft()lll(l'I(,, , to ..inr ffrav or -rid, bnn h therVTho " wt- the U- v11B,..( .run m f .. a trom,.,. whll.,ul a .idera- I li,n :,o,n t to the mehe. ,,,, "J 'Xd ou u 1 the fourtnth e.-tr u. - hl,HiB,oa,,l,w.Hrt, Rha-pahl no monet. made no , ... b.l Tkat , a 1 -5- f-"ti H( doll m.Hioto.. ..I J J "'- "", " -- -- . .......... ...( I l.. ..irl. u..tll .... ... (1....... It . nt o l-ifrj. i-H'ir I.1 W.in . - I ' """'- " .'. ..-- Mlnwi.rrw.Wir Mwall-d "MiiHal " In ordni . i,o:u t .. little h.U u th- in-flr the J CrZlnUir ' n.e appSx white x,.,r and fvd -U. ,. ,,, , , Writ,S. Tiad w,U.-iii .t. an 1 dra. .m it .th thi. rublT I iu- . " ' ';" S C',"u'1" htroBB vd-. tr lour ,-arr. rut fro it : luMe !.... W...W..'. .a,nvnnt,on from iV term, of the ,:! wh.. h I put ., th in. Ui ..!.' a "'"ul 1 I- undent ... 1 -1.V wW i I amj,,m SVr faa1'-; ,tttl T'v. '' Ae.mip.r.itiv.K ;-,.-xpenil--eionn.- t j ,.,,,,.,-rh tI:,i . ia, ,nde , utile th-b-.x i, full of .iiiok- Jt ;'. , .",,"" .," fb.,.,a.!,.ifi.,M,.,f -ii.r. two ,,., Jnil, , .ir.(.,.lt -(,n. lilll(. ... ou. .,( 5he hnl. v.-rv -Jowh and d. ... - ';' ,' .,".,.,.' ',;"': .7 1.."? I- j w i- -! 5h !' " .ip- and three-uarif r- of anothm- -up fn. ,j. ,.viru, ,., ,,f ,l. ,..., ,.tv. .,.. ,:, , ,. ,rh,e ,:l.t,.r a- it mi .-, Fnur r'?1 , .,".".. ' , " "J- .!..., "1, , ' uh,,,' "lh" 'M"'' " ihejranimon u . : HiHir. h lf a eup in K milk, four ,,,.,, , lh,. -Ut.." im ui.t.'l A. liu- or li-wluir- uill make euoiieh .ui..k. ,,..;",,,...." ".W hV-Li .U, ." ! ,,urul ,M',,,,t,h h,m " ' -s1" u 's .',. t. l..v hi Jrtillr n, IflW IlV.i ' I. . t .... I ...If .... I !.... 1... ,.,1..,,.,.,.. .... "t l I I1IUT1,' "- .1 ill rifl. IHl iH n f , , .ond.-mil. 'I -- I "- It. .11 LIIJ1I I Ili. il ll'a.-l.i III" -. l."l Jill II. 11.111 .III IU II i . Ilir II' -I l"" . 1. .. ... ... 1 ...... I ' .--- ,,.,...,.-...,. ... , ".it ' neon uv inj 10 c iien a ua -'.n tip ami v.-nen an 1nvn.11 on 1- .-j:iii uv a .'mm j'ia-i i. e-.i-o no.-. . pelt-r. Ai old hen ot th.-hab-t i- .sly cmvevaneer. An.therwav .it clnicli- J w.l!k,Hfin,.r , ,hl. rnjtn.r :Ul(i t(.k -tr.injrcr thne.eh .1 mutual fn-nd. h ben er-add to the henna n seot... tiu cMed ne'.v v Mie Ih-u- Mr Wo.-v : a ."Win for r-a. . sur.c i ly the in iy :m. mr mtj. jjh, Jiin Jo .m. dooi h.nxw;. :i ,,..,,... of ,ntrolUct.m on a indie,,, and the . oinli.inl.a-i of the t.. P.asto.k u.:.vness. We li.ne v..u,h.tl u.-et what is called a "4hui.J j n,M ,, j,,,, ,, jlfL A-1. relit: ie d P. -tran-er. and after enl.rtaiunien'-. color- impart- to the hair a dark br.. '1 such a hen t:-..u-h a -.ui'et hoi: in a Ucid. but a contra t tor .sob is t,;rc , h pjiir fiMi f tJ( enm( m ir,,,-. r!l,.,t, p.in vl ,,.. M.. , uh,.a mir,. Jllt.. mriKHiti loi.tlnis until -he wa, cm-rht UMially einpioveit ..W . ,.. ,. , , , tj.-.niv 1Iia.i . .twe-n ' ......I m ...... .f. a xrtTiii. e i.ner :n rn fti .iMf-ii 1 1 .-i.ixoii.i.' .11 .'i -mi. -. ..-a..-. . .i .... . . ... ... t... .. . 11 . ... .".- ... i..... .. !... l... . - lirewut th. cr.ir tor t: ej;!iet. paralleled lo t.v ci.ivm "- fei.'h u.ih1--.tis to dev,n- their ! t'or-). vvh- r i- ji thIuc I bv a . .rder-d ooielitioii ln.t tVjrl" bus" witri heattlie; fo ni. -uch -J.s ccn The H-st-.. f rrei.'i criishco bone v.- vpH iallv ndvisaVje.iind s;ikh tin- ha' Kvr adopteti ve Iiae h.:d to trutihU' in th vards from tbi- 'ir. 'I' I !' with bee mv.h r.o ivi'.Iiieatv ? ,.t ;h owner iearele? and iu .JiC.Ut ,- -;r the hitt-'lth cra. !. "' ' "oce; m -:. u . .ur..u-. ami '. o:i cru-ui r.r : Mmi". It naj l-r Irht a 1 od at ha Uen air ad, mention-.. i win ' p.ruienit ro mice- wit 1 theirs. Nor t !e .f J ttle -ertire. aa'd t !o.k w.ir Tl... T .. .1. .. .l. . . .1 i ..!.. ... I .ti'-. ii nf lllnu.l Tc ii !.-... ...... I.. ... . .- .1 ... -.. ' i. t . s-j. -. ..ruaiwrt. mr7 i' i-rui ii ;s niii inc; av. i.c n. ii:r i-.t . - --. . - -- . . .. .- -, .... ,. v, .irv.i a .u .inw . .. . . . .. .. . - - ...... as.M. T.-'s is vvh.dlv i.ct..:p,::' le witi Ifi-i - baling, tl.ii feverishnes r. r. ;rr!tv pa:te-s or the re.er-e. I- 'VW7X J l " " -r'ott- " Lyi-v vJ? '" ' cZ -- it can be ato..VIll.v - Sr-e e v.oiiM pr..iWv never ai-p-ar. s a '. 1., w, that !,ok n-at hi, i, :.,-! , -- "T'J - -f WaU T ; : Jgt of heroine o 1 on aTt Uit. , u ss an htiwr never driak- for dnnkint: cate. rharae4.ria.l.-ol-idea p araoce a u- J .. Ja." era r bnmo c.r. BVr ..Mr, .r-r:Vt- ..f t.e roe-t uf frn:ilt. ::: J. a$ .te -tlii' o! hi- m.i-:e-s and att-ndaau ;a-ide, aad v ery ofje i i: ha. more N ( i -" I-"?"- -0r ---- ,-' ". Ma wo-k. bv the u-eof n d. v earth j do.-i ri- iioreoror. a hor-e with -.inei. lake ererythlai: lhat is doa - r.vrrtE-itt i t c jloor ltlural -prtiikliae; of tur .'swit . i vrater U-ore him never drxaK muca at by baatL i mty be vulj-v or ou.et j -- rlaat- ar a-t afcooi a teadr .l-Vrir !- - 4 JV ire-hair-.-!.u'l:.d time, .-ifiil -ll:.;,.. -is i one t-nuv aJ : acrer nalt: . -nr veork i eo,ir-e or eb-aai. dim-v or -uS-aa:iai j a. toarvio idaats. .ed hoohi U rCtv Tm2JfiSk S - lm .!.. -:.. . - T.. T.vl- u l.iob . y . - . ...- irit r-i: ? tor-sT ri- i l ntrt? IS Dc -air tT him virr thtf d, ,. t i . k w . wuv i-v -w. t&otirt, tn X i. iW'. FARM LAY. !itic to nuj- i I uriu CJ'liln ration -' rj. In a Ti of r.rt :! oo farm 1a the ; irt topte that aanir.il si;jj..sts itself. .11 the ie-sl po fits to In t ik-n into xc- 1 o.mL is -j'tw to I'.ny a Tmia. Kren if o:e is nbh to jy ea.-h fow in full without any re-ort to liorrow.n";, mori- a'Hnjr. e;.-.. the nurehaiJB of a firm ,.:iott Muinte a matter us om niikt uipito.". After le tins a jMrticilar. j,:rBj !arm. and n;ot aliii: iur it, ' , ..,. j,le. ou rnn-t , ..,...'. . ., .. . ... tie rrfiui ii 4i nw ia" si'inniair; ui ' 'rj:aiu. -t mere i-r.m. t.urr Mt unj ir fdl for a jiartiojlar ir has no t.wdin effect iu lau. If Mr. A. cay- to Mr. U. "S will - vrti hit Jann for prudent w,ll dAiiU- that he hae th .ffer aa.l ae-eL,nre at oae Hit in wrritiue mmI siwt!. Oth -rwiM. k-n i ; "'. . . tmUBj; WMl aign-U. i tn -twim-. e0 he poe, u, purer a,e it m the mormw, Kllh lh u,Hrt in hand. A. mav ?a: ..r)h that BanfaU Sl, f,ra, .n.: . mrf iin f,. .i-r fi.r ., f.. Wl" not iie a iliil lo-inv ir ;t nni . -. tri ' i i l'-- an ?l..oi. Uhi.e I! niry - Z"h H-n-J? heeau.e Mr. A ua, lj..t k-,U h.8 ..rd Um- la wnl - !: -II-. tlut hao H:n. hi in.wm.i.pr..B?.r. . h,w-. .nil ,. , ., ,. . , .,, ..... "'... . n-iii"! II .III. il. "IHHIIU, 111 HI'' ill' .JI- ... '.Hie. M-ll tl.e proper!.' to Willie f-ae . ., ' ' ... ,, i".c. !! 1.11 Ilie -.line I l l:e iTHi Iu mak- tn- other disposition of the jvop- .ru thai he im ! to i.eii it ! ua- liet-ii to .'nciisi' in hninr maehi:ief- b.i-11 ttiexpeiine m limine machine- aud.toek for th- fan., wh.el, he has ronehuled to bin before the ten du are past, he iii iv ind him .df un ibb-to ..... ..........i..M A i "..ni-j of I-.mil v fel ti(i'--esloll . ' olirt Ol l-.illlllS Vl.l.l, . .1. .... . .. .. ....'. zs. ..! LI!. . -vvlfc.. ..... .... - '- .--- - .s..... .. .. .. .. . .... ...-. I miht ..ilj jrniul -nine relief iuMich lar for a larjre pij a ca-e bill tlieepen-e of a re-ofO, tb. ' I5ut. j: I s.ud p pe- are 'Collie; out i-.u'ls would probably inre than oll'-et offi-hnui I u-ed t reeeive Kieii'di uii) advantage to he lined and Iri-hrlav-.. hut I haven't had one if negotiation., tor the purchase of ol tin--' lor two vea-- now. Meer llie fai iu are earn, d oti ky letter, there -chauuiinre -ti I iu demand, but arc is n periib.ir le;al fesiiure wu'thy of not v.-n popul r Urar holder are mention- It u definite oiler to buv or also taMme; Ifhttnl. ('iartie ho'der sell. for a "iv. mi auioiin;. i- made bv I are retln verv eoinmon Mo-t are letter, without anv eonmtioii- Ih.tt re- ; ,jui?c soini-tliiiie; t- l done to unph'te jj,,. b.ire;aiu. the accept line i- pe feel when the parsv to whom the ofler i- made juit- a letter eon lining his uu - coinlitii: il acceptance into the po-t- dice The letter in iv iiu-e it v. and the pat tv l. whom .1 i-.iddre-.-ed never receive It. bill the judicial decision- hold the barjraiu b.ndinir. and it wol I e en- forced on a pr .per show icj.' of c v ideii' Such are -otiio ot the uu.'.rtainties Shit b - I iiaritiiisioriijepiiiniii farm. 1 1 the word o! iierv-nian wn . , ... t '.- . us coon its ills in. mi. i'.iiii ii Liie ui:- ! , . ,. u , harirait. looked at things from tic Mime !aiid-ioiiit. all 'he prelimii.nries t theeecution of the title-deed mijrhi b- alloc id to depend .. .. .. .....1 . . ... .!. .1 ttt. .it..1 ,.'.'... -" . 1..VII 9ia)ir 11 ill TB-i.iiAVa ivt.i uuderiaiid:n of lli. tirirrit's. i n. i , - -- f,t,m.,,..l .however, tlarr. are lil.iliy lxjt. wj; (j,, ni(l .rmph t- stoop t "sharp practice." and the safer i-onrse. wlica a bnraii- i'tv hind is struck i-. for the pa tie to at once ent-r int.. a wntMi coin met for i il and nurchate or ArticK-- of .eree- meat ' This c iiiteju-t .hi.uld suthVieut- h describe the ptrtiesand the l.ind. and tu'h tdeni Iv Isith. and -a.ilc the con- . sidcmtion upon wlrch tie bsre;aiii m ill 'lie. .llll liciuue cici;. ni. iii ie:i- Inn of the airi-i-me'it Afl-r su-h on-, 1 act has b "ii signed, wifncs-ed (wit- . nessm-is ,,o- turiw m Illinois. i,-,t Il Ilia, lie iuwc ..i -j.-.n. 1 .. iiiiim.i . uMicd and delivered. llti part es havo soniethiiij; upon which they can depend, mid lrom wnnh ne ih.-r can ;frt aav i'tdlon n the "pciinv wi-c and pound . .. .. j- ....' .. . - ...... f d.sh" plan, the buyer and -el'er ma be able to draw for themselves a buid- iu an--iie:it. b.it wiicn-the amount ol moti -v involnsj is ,i all"; ru. it w .11 be the part of wisdom to call in th- s -r Al TMoKlTlKs 1 ltniil" I.V1. I llnopr . 6.V.. '. 1Iij.1v . SV: IT Wall. .1-1 a: vi . .v ?. N j . . . vi. 12 j. .hns t: is . v..s-. : Mt. M- w ,-, i:.. .1 ivi . .. 1 r.i l.i . F. ii. Jutil. in 1'nurti' J anner. HORSES. ll.a"Tll.'V SI(I, f VV it. l taa rc.irr lite llest IMilesl ll.ull. The pr.c:it svs'.em of vv.-crine ,.-s-itirciv i anable of impro..nievil Tie prevail' ii; idea ..mu 1 I- t'1.1! a horse is hke .1 bean, or.lv ti' 1 ! u-fd wh'ii ever, part Vie of nio.stur ha b-e.i: cv-tra.-t.M f mn it ro-iipar.r..vclr few f-i"vHuis. ivc Imrs - a- nia.'h w at ru. 1.... ..ill .!.!.. .ii.1.1'.- i i ir.t.tLi su "' " M '.""- " " 1" V)"ar. iH'vtt.lst UM'Y l ivau ls i-ii. :jij . . , , ... iut iHcraiie tney x i' oppc-iM 10 j i- .;i.h tt.v.imctit itv:i. tor. :oe ajr- eaatlh with the o:;ea k.e -- -- - laianar ot tht pian vl lef.ia horcs haievsMer b-f..rv t.10,1 at all tiaie-. eccpL of ci.-.i-s-. vvaix tbet come ki iior. .Vijno c,-.tj wh. to lh e- per:n nt a fair ir.n a'brcitsil lo.it ftor-es ; .. v. ... ... s- -. - - , Iraak -- in :.ic t-eurt-e in tt. e wait-csi from a 1 mi (ret. ,! drans. the dav tin 1 . . . A .- I - T OH . !- there aai lit;; :rrat-ial in tni-. vvlrlc the advnta-- of Itie sv-teia seem-. -:?-. Ient tHr horse- are led .m slid con- iIU'r!t'v tar-:v fo !. If th:s thir-t i no: sen.-he i then. leadencv to f?ter. wk:eh Lso fnr- thercil bv the srorjvir. prforiueiI by a huater; wkereupon the irrooui i .:nes to the re-etto :th hi- "tt en-.i oah ! iiH-tlinr; uiae- can never be , -i" tnt 1 -onv ::nie .fter the bucsst j cV-niser3CwI.--Jnite iVW. kar ill the rve. ao cx - " -- o , n ....-,! imt , ii ,.n.. ... . i. " -" "" ...-r w ...-. HAT-Ui- 1 ...- .. -.. ,?: k, '. ...t .-JT. . V T , o do-s.. lime nod aMnnv I ...c ta -a titTTiii -W.kl.ncr-ir.n .n 1. apprebembd? I.wh auO;.. ;l e nnest and I ..t cover 'J0? el i V rZ uJ?r vi,,.... , ....- ..... .v...su IU.KHH... i, .i .i..v; r ., , ... , . aioraia:. as a g-n- i ru.e. -are aader puhk-Hjob k - in a - AB. ri. laTals K kv - a . - - - . - liw m r at avKBBBS ML. H I saK v i - TBI , i . ii t iiT'ui'.i -..s,s,. -.s, -- --. w. -- -- Ttf wv- , vix.'ini irr -i i-3W i amr i i ai auusrar' -' . .w. ia.ara COLORING PIPES. .a y.ifti i:i?ui tut ui- oh r Uir Tr--j l-nt ! the Wfirlt. ""!iii pipe areoin; "'' of fashion.' Th- -iaV.T wa .it. n'-derly (eriAa. in who.- cofinfennnt beer and beneo- . no were equally U-ndd I"be place ki a room in nu intJde Srnetaeat hou.e that re -Wed wf la . lobaee o smoke. "Year ajro 1 had ot-trts buir e tSaa I , cuuld af.en i lo .N.,wa!ay-1 hr.xr i r-all fn.m tor : store ti mo jh f K ej, hjp aine j rrt.or siahu ,Kr',al? vM-!e-a -;-k ro-orphan w,. vsjur h.i lers i rench Ha cisn-tte j . , . r .t T. i IIO IIT" HWl lltv i;."'. w ,mnii nTP rfealiv mail rarrwl artrJrs tirh . M-arf pin. Hln-ti Initton and the hi..-. n- are male IrtUB mer- -'-haum. clav. r.or. lfne sad ceiu-. -'i.mm.na ..... .r.. .....,... , !ia,lwinie ..Co.- He.e i. a bur- j,.., fur inntanci. It lomes from V..nua. asd i-tut frw t'?rli3taw- "" lw ""' ' KiMUurwnRWMw. U te;n I jrot :t it wa. jlrtr" , ?! UW1,1 - brtuvraurK. anil me " ' r . ;- J !; , ! mc? L l",'MCU "' "f iii nnv other ninnke would lo '- w "Brr nl f ..! w ,. M-t H.lr lamk ptr are col- r.-il te the oil. Ibilth. y ar- not to the U-aL II t the .ukr that dor all lb.- ;-..rrtte ,,..k. r. . 1 are .omr-fGr '""Pl .- ... , , "Wh.-n I sret an article lo Deeoioni ... . . '., . V ....:'... ..i.. :i -IJJ.lil ll.lll- III l- " .!". - . . ...... 1 pil n Itre Mlpe lll-Ue. Wl Ii l'ie a. i.i ...''. : ... i .... niUlllUtr ini'Oill'U III' , je. I nu- : the ork ate the cheap, wet one, Nnr uiie; ami mj-eriie:ni are my m.n '. hh tnev mil a ihiek wet Mnoke which ,,., tnev m:i a thick w.-i miiom- whh-h ....lor- rapidh What . th. cbat? Au where from twenty-..-. ! up. , itecoidtn i the s:e of. ti e article. I've ieee .1 :i- 1. 1 li .i-1 a en: .-livu dul- 1 e lece.V i :U Mll'll 4'lAi'll..-;iliMHII cheap, and - I never e.-t then, i iio-c ' I do yet i. fiie rh.cuy from dude and , lolin Isd es I'hev Jiret 111 to do their iiv.u color. up;, and -o want r nice job i done fur tl.eiu." .V. 1. wii. - - - NO USE. i-,,,lT :'UI Mii rin I .u.t.-. th.- VV.-I 'W.is n- i. lb h.kcd in al the. door. .iw si or . .ht men around the -tove, ami t!i. n a;. .j.... 1m(.i. . nrRl,. ids t.ilet . . , , - ,. I t)V. II I'll! Il.H'K III Ills tuck was a I " ""- '" ' tJl I...I.. ..I.. .. "r-""",,- I lurked, and aroiiml hi moittti w:t- an , pr.---io:i to fn ee the him d. Vhe:i j, . ,.nt,.r,.d the saloon it w-.is with a . . . war-wh.Mip wiin-h -houl I have Idled . erv :u:in a toot-hiirh. inn no one moved. When he advance I -t- th- ai aiida-lcd lor a irla. of iloitble-ii'id- iwiste.1 death at fortv rods. h:s voi. mil maimer should have dnv.ei lh. bar-tender down thnmIi the ibatr. b.it he d di.i s.uk an ineli. Tin is mv d iv for or.-- Udlowcd the st,aiizer. a-" in held up the jjlna- ind siirveved the ami enc.-. V..lw..l,' ......... I t. ........ Who put Tiiier.ai k under the sod?" lie il. ill-ill I -.1 lit 'in -.Willi Voiee Nolnaiv au-wercd. Who run Hloodv Pete ou ..f iVnd- IIV I '141 i'l'"i'H l 1 M- M '' l H'- WiH,? , ,n:u!i: Attfll Smith Lk 1 ..,.. r .. , 1 ,,.., ,,.. One mm -a.d sonicthirir ahout tin vv either, but no one minded the in jti.rv .nd I'vu come down from lh. mountains to eet a do7c:i sr.ilpdo-'k-for a new ta!ii--cloih!' !iou.l d the stnine-. ! waul a doen 'lev en wouldn't do me Whoop' Whoopee!" . . ., , . . . . i At in.s iioiii! one 01 me men olio nan Iliiuno. but he mild' me tired vva ' the replv. ami the cut re affair d;sppcd . w :tllu;"aiMithfir wonl. (ohhI-Iivi: 'atamouul am. Pisdhc: 'Jack and Buck-k'n i'.ill! You've hai our day it"- no use riiiir.u up i.ni .Miriam on nnipiy l.-itchcs. -Idrnt ' Frf Viv. THE OUTSIDE OF A COOK. V.'ri rt . 1 Mnri'ii'Mliiiii" -mil I'lur-ietrt ..11 tlie iltiI Til 01 on tin- lH-l.l-. A well-boutid b h.'k w ill open caHv and will clo-efirnilv. Whi'c rcadin it w lli not b. no'e-.(Ary to press the rover- btck. an I -.-hen Ian! down Um wd ,tt j.tj, aj,ar; 2t will Ls neither -tin ..:.. t j. ..1 as cast m mi and hearv. with bee.e- , es. u.r l.M.t. ;m.ir-b fashion all ent ttHtuin- it to be" either ooe or ! ,pr . i ;. I " ---' .- -... j.xj t,; ,f the Nader's, can aad ta.-t't levant inoroc.-.. coin-- with a 'arr- jrrair. aoI if lei; -, ,, easily dam av;oit.r ttrn. It -h.-yld t.'o rof ore b , ruhed wti a "il.st,cr." lar w-..-xi w .. i.-..-:iri. jt IJM bonr.shxa tool, an i the w.'.tde par aa--.v( t:.e bn.k depz:d-o.i hr th . . I t" there-nit of acralcas than id de sir-,. or :t ttim brrasUi fx-tJiat t. e ucs.r.ll var'ety of irvxurv j- ait lst. or i; may b- uoevea. -pt-.tt. std slovenlv. The jr-dt U.dnc and letUrr- uii -boiiitt fa modem lvHks. be nea' a:J ami -ham- T!ie oraaeiiLil usdia-.! which i- done with -mall -ami-. calW( r f ;ra iiuyit. .is ,,-,..-.-M..T. .-i ...w.m mti mi . ir. - . t . . T- - t no: r.e al times t the di aru aad lookhiadior b tx i-cKjob.-A'. ". V.mtx iicmty of a ho ; ecnauilT av-ox j 1 U.i ..ia.. 1 ...1 L .. I..... 1. '.l- . "- " ."-' ' list -- '. . LEAVING CARDS.. CIJlealo-e f Xi.'.tinj I".-. irM TJ-i -lnwit.1 li- 10lr-t-.l. rh( Tae obeat of b-a-. in:: rani i- to ! afi tttat a call has bn mad. lu tivdil. h b. aad a lk ci.dity e j.r.cd is rtttrj. The rotini of rard-b-a ins mv th be bristly eiplaiasd: One lady iIU upo another, and. "ft fiodia? her -tnt at Ihkou." leaf- a ran!, aarinjr "riT I-ady doj. II tbr hvir i-allin : marneO. di-- al- k-tvriwo4 mr im.iua.! mw i i. hpro TJI. sh0 Jr.s of hi nurds . - -.., . . , Tjum .,0fc - .-.. -.--. -..-. -- ami 09 for NrJohu Jooe&. ij lj'y nr- id tht t.me. lhu in I3ii w Jono has ?ri-aj lauiitr. the fail read of a srrutint of 'fale bat.." l pfiltm ; ir-i dorn a c rner of her iij prTt-u?ed :at th rtot of tb Vvitta- nd to -ic'.utle them in Uk rH hatter." with thr ivSt thai hitrra R v lkg f m . "" aif. ' h ,;,' 0,- W;t., Wa - .."t.iIlSit-fi tr.wle t" tho r m ta.-r; bu if mar- n -1 daugh'-r wrtr tn a ts: U h.r ani wouki e jrii any other viaitr id1 j Lwl ,Jun- w;t.i waom lire IndT cr.llia? . i If a ni her ha jrr"wn-u.i danjjhtrr.. , r . .,rflUunN card. . -Mi .Smith. Mi Kthe! .swsth.' aad ' whet ner with her or not wu calba- , . . n ,. ... ,. Um 'nl i ti left with their Jian.e, v.t ..r...rw. ,j i ;n an $, thla!.r. mho take th. -m .nit. whetJi- r :: b,- ai , . . . I'Tiimi :ni-nain nSr. n wir, m. m..r J...t..t....l..nf-i. .. .' . .tt I.. hvlH n 1'al in.IepelloeuCe . .ir...n ! Ilae a arl f , , j . l.,n-r -.- oi Jier own. t.u nn.-n -tie no lon-r . M . Jo intuuuU that -he hv. ral'.-d but -he Ieae- two of her t.ii-band . ., hi; .,ui4. ,.., .... ,! r i'"nd . , . i,.. iii i-ter of the H..U- j. j.,nf t)f. ,.aril a,n',t, (j " "' . ' . " . ' . .. !... .... il... .. if. j.f I.... I. ...ii l.)i ...ti .ill w.i iia.i j. t.iA ...'..i. ..ii. band. IMie d.w- not leave more thai. two. wliclher the uia-ter of the hou..- it. ! at home or not I'eopI,. win. do not understand the ineauine; ol canl-IenuniT arr fnia'.c.t!!v anxious u tid vi-i;ins card- bv t-.-- t.the,rap.ui'.t.i:T- iu lieu o! rnilm . ,......, tl...M. M..U (he rr,...l..,l iei.r "I v " r f . an f tin HiIIC'" Ol pUMl -iMMeJV C III yeii.e -u -a an ui a. Jt c -lance . ion irrca' to keep up a e-diinj: ae.piainlan there i- no civility ia .en.bne names and addn'cs on visitui" canl bv pe.t. ., i .1 the-, .oiivev nothing and thev mean not ..in- iiuln- leit in p.iiMoii. -inl .: i- dub. t;ll to miairinr 1kw the notion ol hoiiiluie; visiting-cards by jk-i could ..titer t ie M'ad- d any (tip prutejidiiie to In,' iu -iM-.ety. l ,,-.!- of i...,.iin ,r,. ,.,l.,r .im.ili. i;.,.r i....i ... ,.l ,;,.; ,,..' 'n. .. tl - ! V - ' !-- t, ..- - ,i1(... .... ..!, ,.. t .end b t.ot. bvp wnicti vvoiiiit rmire v no anav wiwi im- i t i i .. - . t . t intetiiliMl. ll.el Iliil-t be le'l l.l.llIlttl"SS I t .. , in p-Tsici. Hb a inauer o ours-. an i i the vvomIs "To inquire after Mr-. ! lirovvn' -Iniuld ! wr.tfn mi lb topi of the card. Wh.-n a car I of n ju r. ! is left bv a In ly she d.Hs Ic.uc Jut , hiishaud'h cards on that ocra.in. a , call no hem- ia'.-iub I. but siiiiph an in ju.rv :fter h -alth. to evinc -vntpath. I and interest. The mi in applies to. jml- ot "Iteturn thank- for -.md in- j .piines." The- words arr al-o wnt-i t-nou the top of the card-, and the J . can!- arc b-it bv a iiicmb r ot the fan,,. ) , Iv. when noi bv the invalid h. r- If. . whet: t..e invalid i- the husband or m. ' e 1 t .11 ;V.. it- f.. nnn.1 -..rvrlio return, ' ' t!iauk for k:nd uiijinr.. As rcards P. P. i '. canli. the -amu rule hold- a,d: th-y o m not 1m m-i,. bv nis. ibev mu-' he left in j.ers..n In" letter P.P.1 - nilv jxiurpremlr. conjre. and are Wt on the eve of a th- par-rure for any ..m-'li of tune. Vi-:t:n card-are left when a lady b not at home. v. hen time do not d"in.: ofmikinea call. v. h.n the aispiaint- ance is ioo ieiu 10 warriui uiiKijit a cab. wh-n it is ii.it desired that the jc ipi.untatpesh p -hould develop into a callni" aciuaint-inrcship. when hs.-.1 ance I- too - p'ht to w arr tut in ikijijr a . '. . . 1 uv a luuiuai menu ioi auou asraacr. ople uiiae.jni'tifed v. ith each other I'ard- -h mid never In -eat :n when - . cial c.i.i- are made. It i- ipjile u1i cient for a l.uly to e;ivv her tinmo to the mTI .lll. V. cddinir-cards and memorial-ran! . have lne; l.'en out of d.ile. arnl " hardiv vvorth alludinir to 111 thi- piai . .-till. thy have ci:I. wh:eh i- a rea son fr refernn; to them at all. A Lidv s vi.it n-ca-d - printed in -unalk clear ctpj -piate 1 v p--. and fr tnm 3'iy k.ml of cni'N'll.shmeui It : th a ami unsni'!. the -. thre- aad a half i:.he- in w idth. am! two and a ball inch.-- m depili. Ta- name i Ina;'Hl in the center of the card aad the m!dns in the left baa I corner. A pT.ifaia's card i al-o thin and nasla!. Ue uv tlin-e incac- ia w!tb. a,i ontJ 111 sM deptb. . e uwl h..or, for lev.!:, ran!-are 10:0 t .ree to lire. a!thatteK th.-r are e exreptt.ovl ctn-tims! aaees. stjrh a? 3r:r4 vi a:.ittrr. etc. -.-.o 4 titter. Csmrar.cts- Tiv Ions NVwinar'-tei coai are raadW with !.-- troox- aaI rli-.dy t.t.-l IsHe-s-. tle hate a p.B?ed bMi umi wifi eji:ir-aie - Ik. am! are withoot irtftjnia-: Mier thaa the -ittrita on thetr cd'T'''- They an made of -rre r uf (lcv.l. .li.roa! i loth-, or th oji meal or sunn - hth With uay -y-s-k -a ed on the -nrtare. Iirre boitoa-f metal- cat :n faaeifal Ji-re- are n-d on the- loa coaL- aad .a the -barter .W X-l -. ..1 1 ei.Hi w.r... .,. iwa. .is.- a i iiiu oroa--.''iJ.rei .-s aia-nve,- ;Aai ;i piju.t, jav f m tbr ..jo rouad abooi thj aiddt or hater i i oi .usr. cj?acTfi7C i . ...... ..I. ........4 I... .1. au ..... fl...T ..1. . . FALSJFlErtS. rHth (it r . Dnnoc Jh f"wM-nth vatnrr :lier" can l Boilo'i''! :ht tbr r-fmitaatan rrr.rd a ttj eflr. u uj-notvdi , rrrr trad ami maaniartur' Tb t rvnl abound with f"t o4 !K ' rHiar nd pan tJ ;! d frmu! at th inUattf of thr fotopa&Ms f bM r ' "' "", TV .,rk .i,, .if ' tt0r l thr r rsfwrtwi with all .inn.n m tar ..RrnM-mbra" rr rr Hwnl, aJ ..r..i. . . .rf llw,.w, ,L... .- ,.. w...- . u. .,.- .-.. . k.Uci. ami fortv rrat and wbitr bats wm Mtart a falr. and rw!rid to tv burnro in IVM, hiw "cenam otbt-r bats." of tbr bn nlr of wbub tbpiv wt stime dotttt. vptv "po: . rr ftirthrr l.onMarruI, ' Ja SH -ihr jtikhI folk of tin- trad .4 : nttrr ' denoual to Um Mavor and 'vhlrrin r-r-oa.. aad .pro- iallT om- -Alria lpere." whob,d '" --. . . thpm Jv , biav "in diirrr IV. ' !..! -.? j .w .-.. ' I.v exUe theia f.r .b- MV,t , i k-," .. ..,l.w fc mW Imi,..) . - t- - .- - - - "ceui tn uei :iijt icni!-' ifiven fr- roe to their pi.r ! vent'on. rr aiiiil, one tjuui. -land m the pillori. and drm draught of hi- ow it Htulf and t 1 the p-maimier joiired 01 1 r hi h i-f f'''""-' r.i-.i .... . .- our an.wr. t i Protection ..: thi- exndbnt la. ..' i sjrh lh.it the s.dare of it-ills, nn.iu ' nil aiitdie itioil i- denied to u- .. x AMERICAN FABLES. ; Vlrn,nnt -.,.,., ,,,, iii.cl,i.HCi......ri i .,. M..rut.. A inrter hii- v. dm le was tu. k -n , (l ., , ...... ...... i, . i '" "" I""" in the m-t vijoru tnanaer. and t: --r : inaiiv . aiieu ink: -Ala.s! thai 1 -hould be th own. r .! , Mrh ft , .l .,.a,t . ,, , . "I'ul vou must I.emember rrpln.l - ' j " ",hal u" ' m!tk'r M8-1" "J the very 1'oorest Quabtv. jwrai.- ; (."heap hand turn out hesp work. - HI I. Vi -UT AM. TUT. tHHJ. A IVa-ant who wa- Awakened at i miduiirhl h the Ifarkiai; ol a ntf .. . , a i Hii.i.tc t. vi itiiiit' inrifir iin ik .nin .. . ...- ' .- -- - - ' Htld calls:l out ' ..M... .... !. Ialln..tiw'" ..-". - - - ... "Theie i- none." "Then why do jou I'.ark and Di-turb my Mnml.er'.-'" "I'or the sauie Kea.-ou that you pla the l'iddle and keep :ne Avvafee for Ndt-Aiint-emont. XoKAt.: When the Piano nct door beroru. L'nbearable buy your boy a Drwni nu; hio ;i bti.. A .hirynian who had .vala:.-d .i aehm.' u e ( omlii-ion i n ..-.-, "n--of lmn.rt.int e mnt( ompli.nteo tV the haw V iT on Ills lIotn. and he replied "Keallv, I Deserre no Praic for ! what vou .Mention, fori was K)uad ieep mirujj youi ,rkitmcni. ' m.-um. ; The le.s I.awver the wincr Ule Wr- ! lct. -fjitnjtl Fre Vr. , " - -- -flray b.anls or jrray lock are rarely ever in Teheran. Per-i 1. 1 t'vii the m.wt vcner.ihle nnn ftaiin j e'-n am- ni"-i .......n...- .v.-.. ..... dark or red hair. The reason i.bc,t .. all. from the highest to She lowest, dv. their hair Thi- i-s done firt w i 1 u... :. - - t.i.-t. . . . nenua. u-. - - i-.i-.i i .. Mr. S. T. f. Morsci.i Vnbfa-;:on. f. C. wrttrf: Had 17 ooach aad :h .-.;. irriuvtion. l rit-ir Cock a Cnrr av ixiriaanant r"bf. A Nkw HsVfsMinr jdiv.frt.s.n, h - I!-! :h- tr .Uv. .-in.J f-ri-pnau r foir! lf r h rvul i ra"li Utn - t- Pis.i.-T'rri at ;!- r2"s-'n! ra,-rl T-l,Ur-n , s,.. nr s .1--.,. a;,.- -hw'.-V -I.bhs: -: i . Rrv'i; rrtk. - it .' ' u. THE GENERAL MARKETS. K N- - 1 m r C CATn.!"sl.r ttr tir ; i". t 1 Nut.i - n 1 mi 1 ' HMtrk- -ts-r . . 1 . IKHiS ilari4 ts etMitr krrr 1 , Irbt SS 3 AVltKVT-. Si Kirvs4 iritx-x s .T n'. s Ml M s : m v IT f 3i 1 SS r w - tr. t ;i h a Si Hal il'-l -rfe iwr c I . " I. l- tie4 I i rmMMn ?-rati'T at i ivKH H' tL t-AU1 MMkeI T TAP E!V- !ae r u-ri.- J0rr, nrvr- rmr t rh Hk.tT-Xn. :h itH-'V-X. X nr- s VE-o S KHLCt BtTTKK-Oiw.ei itfitK . . . C Ti N - Xtotirfa? i HtCACU. oi J to l T. i H a : -. aB IB, 1 I IM t Ci i a. i a 4 "a C VI -1 in .T.KI- lTti mitm? WMJtT-vSji ofTtlrt ( OAT?- a li-M mm u piTreuuscx-fCarTr-i - ltr-n lei Cnrt'r t4 t ksl a: iu-', it l- fma fca er. ia rrT k r" ij T.r 4.i afMBlrl. i t ii Ip(l4 u Ir lrt- ' "tr-iJll Xmtoemi Ihtrtitwj" ' a ! rf" laa uf fit im4 -9 ap r o urn mtitu r rwU tr t u t raw m .- 1 w .-! amir IS. rMtt I It. yiMMUiW: U H j-nii mm mm. t4oCci. e!..-.4i av?. r aatworv. Mt Srw,sxva, rr fcl to " ' i -rUkta f j awl W u& 5.rt -n--Hh. wv. w r- Ham nm&r trunen tar if orllnr . .J- .. . , it..... . sik a a ' i -a m. ar a. bbbibbb imi UBUusfti ra Bucat'. tf th taMiat t4 j pwHi.fi . mr w m - ruai or t.i ao r wnrr tt. Tfccir itX rt roftrHl 4.t.li a ! 4 lraK u4 trw U a- rtot. hard o.t rtaa Uwa V w fi1 waa . u laacattioa rara. A- tiro. .... Witt a tftt?re tt T- U4a. .l I .- ! I. .r.lb. Mh Y4taatl m tjj-.n,.! ir j-n; frxBTT..U. I'V;.'.., ;-. .Idfr ..I 4-, . tf Qt aMU r a i 1 k'n ir- : mj. mH.lt -.. tiir. i tt.f j- ' -rk U.twtraw- rUi- ir -.!:.., ...- o.-.. erf eur. H'xtM'f) lHnatvM'i Vl.-A.- MwaaSiaa, ltotf.au, X. . Tar M-r !af -.. Mrat trni- ,nj : . :;. : N i .; 1 . : - . n. ..' a-t 4 it. -,'.'.. c,,' il'.ll. .( -. - . ' ' ali. I 1 N i ' - sa tp 7P 2e THA--C ... AKK, & oyis.iyRE ir....'..r v PROMPT, SAFE. SURE ( urr far ( .tlis I4- -J .'... I U -5 -- I MM.J 1. c r . . r . TIM Hit Kl I MI'lll - . tt -. M -A f!9fl"flT P tjjMlla 0 f I -tv f viS. 0C L mki .wwy 'Pla ThL CnCAt jt&1 UCKftSANHEmEyii tLIM Khj.:l s- Nc 'iv. L Af o"QJfl ''u ' " f " Fl)) s u!lrf'-,T.-;.2:,::vr.,w . 1 1 -i . . i : K ; h. .. . . v . - v ..... . Pr u . a . ! a urr f ' . . -irtarral I f w 4 j !fc-l?V. 11 . tw.rf r .. r. ! A J fc - " Mi ' rKAYriv Vf ! a ,9- . . Ul'lt s T a I - .Ml I. . . . : .. list . '. "i .ir. w. . 1a1ZTT7 .t2 r W. ... .. ... . . .. v ... . t0t 4v. . . I.OTW'l. -... 1 . I" I 1 -: '.'.. ' 'MAY-FEVER a t . U . '. . !.' . a 1 . 1 . . ..I ... . -r j Y ! t a m S tj B.I lit aT " ' a i ' . t ' ) ' a l:r,-""" ' "' ' ,".". . .!"' J Mi ,!" AlafW ... ULCERS. I 11? tiljrlrf,. u"''J Najw.-ai.-tf j rlatW tot I li '1.1 '1 a h I l . I I ' 1 (ml t.-rr Mkl 1 W it.- III 1 !fl sprrlfr md ;- "-! . a-' r M. O M i Vii.. il.a, r::,f,.:"irfr..r.7:,!J,x"w T'"" i t. . otr .ir ruvtn-v. fla. rttfrfk' z -,.-rr.V.fn) (VC? v Jfjf "- -. " Ji'-.r1crt sTVi ,- i- U -' . -"- Fun?u'" i- - - 1,. ii i.....iv v.-1. t... . f.l II. .. OAtPYMCH and rARWCaS iSs. 1 lilt C t ti "41 si H-sf !--? Isr Oa-'-; i xri " f"i l"t p v ---!. .. sa ..- .t f... 1. .. .... D ... ... . CATARRH fefiMBW?vl ERfJsr rJ METAL ..;' v '" -""" ,s.s.- r.... 4 , ....J. 1 " "" l . ... . .. . f-i urn 1 aai, f& "ARM & HAMER ERAKD"ltSj .X - V-J--T. '- " " ' - i-iifT-i "' '"" ; c ' TT-.!'- . !-- -f . , e- tt. ' ft r-t:---: " .41.-, ilf.i r - . T IT "X T - - . " r ,fi' i - .j Ki. l.lUH. A. . . o.i ' . FLOVERS & PLANTS. r' - A rtr - i e V . V.!.. Cl : VA, -a. .w . ... ,.. - " 1 tr . . . . K-- a -.. - lC 0U8WlL.DHiDIAHS.L-, J9f I - Fi 't I- -& r -4 bn t ' irairr ii t?rra a tVital .-,- tast w. MvUllJ tisfllw. !a -J . 'iaw ' ..-. A k. Ifc -.av ' t ICt. ni mcDC Tfxuk imv..'.' V UwUILHw v-. i--ri- U, ".. - " t A- M0 .lUllsX .. Many a Lady is bcauiiful.aii bu: her tvk.n and nobotiy hrs ever told her hov.- easy h fa to rut beauty on the shin. Bcaui on the skin is Magnolia Bairn. Men Think aPF CaOW ' "4F "HJH i I -.f I rw Oo. :4t t ar- c; T r,t 0 Litt. ViLKOFT'S FEVER A.MO iSUE TOHIC v w--i .- W Ai rt 1 "J ma.iri t ii 0 . i m - i -j - j fc . 4 mu -a ' 'i - .tlftl-.V .... 1 tO,,jkMjJ kij -- Mftltili , .. v , .., .. I.... . tm !'" .... .. UrTHtu-Ttl !. ., t, M.d, , . w ,V sf w .- - t Ulftajc et? t.- a f . ? j i mm r f Itaw . TMr. LtA - i. u'kA i Tai b. cwruiv u w .r.l if ,t 4 , ,tvi4 m!m.B.i Vv -..' M f'. .. ... . . tn fts - " '- "' ' ' U " ' ti t.-tanaj aiwa. b in ,iJaa44.t)a4.ar . ,. ., o,n... lf, atv Wawli Mr . . , ... . n kif f . UM. IWv,. - . th-a ttur u.r m-v. ! tw tJm ; rVa- ,- l -' 1 v , ... iaV I MLt a I 0 IU . -! b- 4V. '. I It. i.rl U t. ? IT ir--ra- ii ' r ..! tV Further Effciertcp of Merit. " " "" - 1 h td I j mi rrt4 Irvb m ih i rd r ( th b'tatdrr abd k-Ja... ci.ii 1 t tsj with k mrmK, p.f dptkvMi sad tad Mo-k I-o y. as Upat; a bwrdro to mm. 1Wc ue if i aiharth .wivtor aad diu-et.c r.mf(Mlld (M.) illohMl !.. hht titMtrar rlict. &i i fre .irtpHlilrn". fUl iUm wrJk n.b-s.1 1 il. .jfi. tu) 4 fciP at.ily b..MU util.l t the tin .M.iieMta. tun ef av .pi.-w- I U j,xn th uwj of Dr. Gurott' Yello- Doc, ami SarfcAKriHa. 1 o vp !- i t telief frott tar mim1 . m ad and h-viti' phl al 4i.rvi n (it ttoobl.n m, 1 ti.aiudh th utt ernlllv i.jf re a It Wlnwiil. aad t tii. end t n (tin moult 1 Hnimr (4t lnl-lt. r health. a-r U.t 1 4imi IumI am re a, mi i. dnuN tat 4t- taou-y d ta cwrr. "I mti-wl tmMV .. MV. nri i.- Ir- m n stale - I waamA n J i.tk. ! i-ul l-.tf ail fcn-0jr a..aa -l ll Htf hll. ! l...l . ) 1, 11 ... in 1. .lira I I j ts ... mwI v, .1- , i ka. s. , ,r Im.hIi .i-M . t .1 .1 .-sm wialtH-. x ta . I I .! I. . .li... iiHC t .-! Mil .t slrin Ulton urn a M siltsll IBM t.l tt I.I.. 1 ii. irn f t 'f ' is4H. m t I (1 .if.i i.. -'- vmjiK 1 1 '' , ' " Ji C I '! ' .'..ill . ' . I . ..! I I I a I I T . ."! ; . College Songs amcdipam phi i enc? MIULmUHIl UULLLULO. 11 1 nrvin iiivnii 1, u ti 1 u ''"'' m .1 ir r.i.i ... .. .... v.1.11 Ibsm . . t . m ' f ' . M m aa lV. , .. . t . 4 is.l m .. k 7 , .... .... . f i ' a t . . a f ... f.- 17 1 I .1 Mi .. . .. -tkMltr . a4 si a ( . .it . M M1 MODERN SIHGIHG METHODS; IStCT ' a I I. " al - - . .. "Wa .. a. m ..a ...li-t m -a. aJa.l.Ss r. a ' a I I llll Kl l a ri . liMala, alli.ni, H.... l rt-H" . s S. .. . IVI'I' VI Ss .r HI I I I I I I 1 a v. ( , . public school hykxal. ji.vrr; nMii".i r..r iw ii'u ii-. 1.110 . 111 vm.iw ' utn: miiV4 i. iimim. !5 Othl womlo a woNtJi!a. ;; l..Sfc. f.AHl.FH - - untiuiiii 1 t m . i. ... ,-. - tc. ' HOC Olir at3. -TM "Afm .. :.r, tJ I iI f-4 lil . "( mU - i iimi W l f?.. .4 c wt MOO j ..j.aM. .. . ...... 1 t i.r.1. t. at -l p a... mm Wm ' ff -- - I . . W.TB-B.T.TBB! m - -- '--. j- jf -, "v m? ' .. v j ' ' ti 4 R.s- n l Mit.-- y,f.j Ui."31 (; Uot : PURGfiriVE PLLS r . - T --" . . ; ;-rK . w tft fitllli. . f a a . f t .. . e -. c - - s-r . IJIA. . 1 ..SXi ! a. f MU4. c V . A T t S. . fl I t-C- s ttCrf icm Hiv-viu cic co. 7 J' id- ,. U Tor. BE FITS! ... . . i . ra i I W 4 4 . il ilnf 1 , - . . fc . . rai,,, r4 - . r . . - .. , ... . , --.- --.. - -. V 9- ts. - rf- r m -- -v -- f ara R. U. AWARE r ,; r'l-svr tn .. ..... . a s l -, ''i4 i'.J - lartS-ar U.li-.('" I liUMW. - c lirlz .' - -uC. CONSUMPTION. two . 4 , ig I . ' tTV-" "s . . i.T. a. s. - 4 i.w d..i raV IB t i tttr.i.. . . -t .-. - f a. ' 1 Jk r JaV JTH'f ." AX v U - Jri hid wKirt.so ro t I5rrx'ii lr .1M - At-aVtlA f' V 1 1 I r i m 1 to,i a.anr OMOkavr T . L - a pa .A.AaTr'.M r ti ril str .- f rr- N. I I. if