c 7 T - V . ftva t !Ua. r$ L i-- ''jMann,wwiU!i'ui'jiimiiwf t-3?3q -i - mi Mil limafariilii I iiraV, , V- ' l&xmz J .n..... W..T. . " ' - J - -i ' Jr - . . ' - . i ' ' . ' --r "fTmriMltKa :iTaaaT,1",-''3ar MaWSttf-W-saija, " ' V . .-. - i. .,,. . I.- - ' i m - ' i.--i T f ,t r hi ' ' SB I1 9 I ife h T?01l OU U YOUNG JiEA DEKS. ! ,--r J ,M ":id,:o M-if !hr , ; cot :t lew jrram- of corn which bad ln I overlooked Hut n-,t lindai;: anv. he DUM3LE-BEE AND BOUQUET. Uaddhl on after the re-L .a,avki"- Tjrr.- nw w:t :i humble I-- burly twS U k ,.t' '''' U,'( '' Vfj )r,. u i,M)n rlll; ;,, titu- iittrit'-! The fowl-, heoii-d bv Chanticleer. lis.'. ,.v.r,.mnH ,-.r -a-.th lowly xoW ",:,'!" ''Jr .v '".-' a Mick cop-. ntuff. . oi iia'l-in-n' out io xn open JaIr. -.mi "iIktu-h mi&-i ith tie iraii7 or hi j when tj. .iin -horn wnrinl" down, and ! IJW. ouietufj-of bJuc-trra bowed here and J.ELK.'Iors IIEAlJlMJ. A FRESH BEGINNING. Kt-'ry J I h fr--h l-f'".rilir. Kiery tut rn l tie w-.r. I muuI new Vo i arho ar -nr .? rtr a I!' J ,.nlB. 'rr; ; i l: f.i :!'; ftr ); A bo- tor an! a k.p- tor jou. A" the ja-t ib'ns are i : atxl mrr. iii-t .. re e t- j; tar - sao1:: II' h:l in.ilf in ii mm L'my oirm-r a ih-u liii'jv. wivrc lftU hi' of inow had :ut!"I i V .ttf y crnr u-t j-nmlay -'T-r Wln'fi' i tllr ! Ixtlili HI ijllli't -HMj4J rt"l I Im .ilj,n',I fiiii" rupn llmt v.-oru !unl" JinJ J.nr Anrt Jiilmwr Hutu tlilniwt o! jrciIaln- tr.iro !W away. "WJiy. it jifUini: warm alr9ih".' rri-il tli.-I-!ijj!it-I Jlo.k. -Itii.i- wv h11 Jhul th Huiiiin;r afti-r av.-hiJr." "To-b" u.-i-we will."' -aid lh-:ry Joiitlv. ! Iiav. lii'ari! from Mjiii.- of :m n'laii.. Jio hi-.c Jra.v.'iil w !. j . r t . vi ti ..: a i. i );il tr.f ni-;h'l I .Jti ii :l. - ..:. . sr- v k.n - v r-n. Wr- t u- m .'tr mat . ! thit"'x:)i! ;! twr iKr- lill. it wu!l at !.-lr khI. V. ;i.nJ ' 1 r n"s-. t. ha- s .'o"i inn!-? I h: iiiu-h. at lr-i Wi:h in-tnim'n: miit ) In uumsa ha:i!-. r-hI w.tha pati a' . ntiJir :3iiucMHt from th- fad.- a.--i!i- stntiiK-nT- r'".'iki. it h.t- reach.! the -ciw-in- lhn i ni..n itnj-r iiaif tA TK.MfKKA.VrK ODER4TE E DRINKING. 1'jil ili?-lH'imlifiil tliUifr-i fur IiLt lulil ll'mt ..ffiirkti i4fi(l HftMift klfliir til fitllnl'lv - mii-t u'-t. i ITw! tiiiiniiii: uml humiilii mnl uiIiit Ihj.a ( r jrH! !i-al. that o.llv a -hurt i!i-tar.( NiKhMmv.. im-nicrnt to ,t ih !irSt ,.ti. ! 'r"" ,:';r,: tU' " --"innior all t!:e .-.car ;t-ljry Hiiki- roiltlii . . .. ,,, , ., "That- wIhT' we nni-t ,'o," - iul Fom1 Ni tw llov'ry 'lllaS'" ll" tiw. , t , , . t . r . i .. T. Mill whiii-cl.l iMiMi.-oMJhii- mihJ tnif j( haul Ii:t. -M'Wy. -I.u. lor to ila. titmX iiKirmiiv urr. liii.' M;n!nriic I'JtiX. u- will -too whr. ui ;ii'. It -i-iMU- F.jHK,.t., ,.. that n,y claWn-a M''-warm ami .-..mfortaW.. h.'r... an.! j iim- iivi-" lo-niht v.iTau ro -t in tn fr:cs that i "row aniimd tin-ipti -:a .' I-lii jiiirv-ir. iiml uiku fni'Iv a luiirty . "Imlf. ii I'-jinir H bit- of t n irra and rf-lrnia- ooU. .ntci -rnmrU r.4 jn lhr ( hri-t!aa l -li-f lit (.-!. the ,r. I -vrV. wJUi ike- bmUne wklch nJjflit ha -J'Jtr.r . 1 1- s-in- to fr s-If I. r. ?'jsi- foumiation -tti :- ntitii fir a mti mm, hut s.r.tace La- .m-tita!h or. ijktv kvo ; -.! b wim- and bmM it full Iraj.nh on the- road of iadu.f n, . . mind i. w i'B th.lir&i tJan. in SAVING THE CHIuDtf4. j LIME. Intnttrtttnc trnk nI niovln; ".jr ' f,w Umr Hit tl ,I r-S"''l7 1'nrnl lUf Vrl I - f tlf nanif- VMrmlnc .f, J'.rit.. T- antd ft! -a ' i-m- tznirrf A" Atnonxtlv '.'i'rt'i wxr orr i mrrMaK.ft trvturo n bT nt. sl f ihinMind f thrra r in itrtninnl w .k., i.- -- -. ..Kt.! rlwt- W w , W -' - wmm -m w - - - - f TTif f..!l w n J ' tra t an from a Tf- ! r.i - n a!n?T lb aaJ Io rota. jv ja y -. th farmer ru r-nt - rm-n l- n. .!bo !!. Harrow. trmpurai na-l rtTJ.aT AJ yl pwvnt k--- j liaplW' ad. n4 th !tni IX !).. ChSi; .rt nl -ttt. ATmiMil c4",,, ell lt-n I f- II. tlilt. . 1 - Th t -trixlh-n t Prln'-in- l .i. !. ft "..-i.-tj 1 -m -.--HtlMc l"art. I VTliiy ttnw J- a jiri f fwv en hrtifvi up in s r-ar. vnwit turn ih . :irhr i fax! Sw Un IH- alarm nw is ma- lt . ., . .h-. Ih rorl tn. !. . . t . I : 1 . lit r . - . . nu- lr.nk.aj, t Ivmlidd. an I k itric aaU i and in a tui.:tittxi vi htacr boM ,j gupoari Tb rbtnk)t a, : n m- out, at tnfttai:a in xttrm Ijh. d. art rf:tya.itad bad 4a-. J .-, r-ach.l th. vn -htm- tmtit of . . " . . ' i ltratam tu. .-'.il.lr. n ad niutii : " I.mr I to ? MTttnl oi k.nnvi'r . - p i niu.ai S w:-lni U illMMn nru- f . . .. i ?5jiU t t u- ioor with th.-lr bloom aul tnp.r tiu-br. 'ITftr til!e ul unblau or Mjrro"JKl invhL I.i-t thfiH it", miic w ran o: rr-ttrc them. i Mti ixit uihi'i Rii'I -a IMt nUw. i (mmI In Hi- mort'f rrr vr tors' v- Lin-m! . ... li-OHy i- o.ir-, aiKi to-i;ay aiuot'. Ilr- an ilf VI'" xii ltiraJlf"l brirhtlr. If re i- lii- if'nf arth ill it--jtrn. Il-r- nn- th-: n-l l.ml- rrtniririv: l:Utly Tci fm u Hi uh imI -hnif Hih tli chx-ii In th- ;ir.:n il l.- mul tjjj- cxl it tluMil. Tlw lart that thr jr.l .4a. ULtl ta x bf dtpaic b vratim ta a 'ti. U mrf:iv .m t larmn. a.tv.1 ii-t ;Kt tn Ila tk ,r.tw with bnrk. a"ii l9r.. 15 it ? to c attatir a hn0t ur ,;,, Wi ..a; eirHt--. U plv a iros irrat-f arrc nar tJW which coafvt-iIy di-j n si i' I fn-t txMrtiinir thr niac cvariittt. k ...... . .v .vuv .wa.. ..., i ap - - -- i avrnaT . bh- jibs ! Bam aiaaaaaar far ai aaaaaiBap-a-'- - , -,- 'tit "W "htiwr th kiha t m mumIt. r ia n- rtUIif! V ....ti tifi.liriif ii f.-ii ttiiifr tiiittfr 1 ! Tli:mt. .,-! I:liilly-,ii7.: lll'-Ui' .:! i ,-",.'- , , . . . I , , l :i n-.My. ; Ifiiv.'- wJncli had drsJJi-d trom tin adja- A J"iiiinih a !h-- Iii ;i li-'-owi way." i cent lr"-. Th,!i h- Siii'i,..! ulonif to rk-l. Mr, dov.-r: ' "' ''!Jl"- "" ',ri:-" ' 1- ,,!;1 I-i- in; ytiiM.r -In;..: m.f. imy liony Ji'Zl to Iht brood of Ioii li'jr-.'d. half- irt pvt' ' i'imwij iuj!l-. who u.ri' alw.v. Hani- Oh. y-. all my Jiir hit Just n-aly for von. , , . i . Aim! ii liiiiotiu wiiltuiif csiii utv sijiih;. I onii" for -oiin-tJill.jr to al. -lit ti- "T-i t'-i I into tin- 'l't' ijI tin wo'mI- :iiir. anil scratrh am nir tli-' tin !.ii.- "i" mav . I'vcn !ny 1 r frt-i Itrrlnnln:. ' l.i-tii. nv -ii'tl. t. th riBVi roJnttH. , Aih!. ; f n'! -unm ni.l -l .t-r - nnuis. j .n 1 im.-i ?ifv-t 1. Mii-I j.- if f !, ' Tki iiiitrt :t.i t: !.. ru1 i--r.n utrin: ,u'in ''! j . i.i i iiiu-fi u. .i-.a. ' Vrrv lltlli rr'I arry." tin imniblo Im : llioiiirlii: ! Hut li- hii-wtiI. jKil.U'ly: " UtJz.! buz.:" H- lie OIIKllt rr?n IllM-t itnil rov art' laiiiH:i all fit ifiii-1 ilii-ii. imr In vain lid nrcill. lb- iurnil io ri fiirtliir; but, olit what b Iiil -tiiiuiif Hiat mhv wiii KHlt in irliit. j Ati Ji-!-- Ml tlii.iluy Willi J WMlW IliKl pink. Jit? sln'l In hI i)tl(i!-iflU iinlj to tiiitik. Ju.' liii." I J.Jii-w not Uml the flown ii'ulkt! tint; JJut Iiitj Hit y an cutiiiiiK to uiift int no dtiiilit : Trim! biial It I.- tiue It 1- Just what they hh. Sucv" will iiit i-llort two tJiinls oJ tli a ay. fJianci io inid Mimi- nir; bii'tu-, or : ' fi-w fat -:i:t.l.-. piThaji-."' j .So tin Iitr-I-rr-I jiullft- follow itl j thnr motiit-r int the wood,, and wnt Jo -cratclitu" iii'll-nifll anion" tin drr i SCIENTIFIC SILENCE. i:tiliitloiiItt- Ilf'friiii'if -t'ifittitli .iltj That 'I'Ikti M. I! a .ii' Tht ltir.tl sunt i Initial 1'at-i- of l lirit ..tint 'iniileti tlu I'rjof 'it TI.iii;;i Wf.iiiilj autl t I In i. It lias b'i:i au oM anl often ii'ni- atattnr. A ad a- that matter n-Ir into the iuvi-jKle jt -eem- to mitit to sirnifttt.xi!; ouii itM-lf. Aad therv z an-f i- iliiL retit in a trw ami xbs. temporal nts. I -mnt'tt ttr ai mm- alton. TW It i- now f.r ("hri-tiaait', to roti t and max ::aV, ou it !an- sutd j.i- j latter bf t j trrmi.t jVarfulJ'r prt-a- blv nt !a-f a Htim la what atv ralM .wrljr AM rl " " " ..." , . . ., . . : . . i ?h th h cbe mt-4.a! authntn- ti i. ... .- . j- . , ,- .iiu tn.-- i-j-n-- v nn n-z jj- Bunuini" i r ! realm .liTen nt from, let kindr.! to. of nit a atl w.-mea wh, mv lrtinkani 1 mat of nature. Aud :h -e nit.ra! aal Ofcn-iuual tr well-cottUraied. Monr. -pintiat fa t--. liaMiii: iti lhetnolw- r.1! are told t an ear that w.mld aofteu a th" leiiftit-of i.-nittide thtl pertain U hanN-r lHtrt than Net-. The io ! :h-t in the natural world, will lit 11 mtae ol hakccarMii tryl .- nut Hiththem and eomjilete t! at an-h f Uk -.tnia; am! .nt-i-n-e t itecnlw the , ltuman tuni;bt by Hhic'i man. aloii ' -orrcm- wh.rh dn.iik.-aae-. U r.rttffht irombnul natund'aiMl -pirittta! Jitu-.. ' ' ' 'hrt-t.an ii..m- m tli:- esty. will et ro!u;de:t and mike -tire the one . f tbe-e drunkard- l-ra!te -ueh ;t i nti tfled areh ..f the pr d of thinr- iund. Tlie d-ad:, hnbit mat have heae:dv and dhine. The mtii- f Ihe been twrtit ar in f.v.teamsr t- ft:- troclrl ia a!v a lmpnry mMt-. .t tauat vm ban1! up in fr rarth. alter tK !-l i it Uhw ih ir rrattac ibwnU prftM l out in frat a I i tne irout n it with th or.e-. tor tlier awer can I e huketi on u laeta. l.ui , Indtn. Ur 'p-. Vrtx oi Htrar OC te tleaJth "NarA-tt. -. (. TW.. hk 4.a .! rta tfc t- baBt 4 arth will r"- Mhtnt..im; -..t MfcrMulmH f Ucr KtVa l-r . burttiiariaiikr buih mi ir!iti mrtro ' ta Juraar an.f rrjfalat- ti. Jrafl art Ia' atva. rlvri 4ltb..rr arftt wlHta , plat. ! lUUt ttt ahf 'mi',t1,ni.tiiHk,.ri ivmi.t. iv.w..i tioa m ta grat.ag. u ) -if Thjrra t ta m..iiHil t-t aim -aula trs n mrt- )artf4-ii f..r hova aa4 it. utb- taa td- .i-. tt ..!.' m tf tt irmi TbT tx tMttfott at- ul a mivt.r n -r.t it ilv ., l fapi ni time ar. thr.t -cieneu and nhpoa are , r- on it- vtctitn, and al li-t nntoan- J ..!, ..! tant ta at irwttHm -ia fiimin; int u reat tMrtitfr-lun ir i ';' tv paralxin hu- will A j t laint n.. it .-, a.irr.1 4-wi' :n nt oi m.ne onee i to a ,emt-r- '." ." " . 7 . Y" , V vrvyw ..T -iairaw n. n .- fupipi wm triil the ;rreat--l work fnw.e to liaitc , tluMJht. ui i'j-t It.-nr. lea vi , -i'iera eiiar of thioIo;y aaiu-t -ci- it i " Im t ! t a lemtuT- f a.ittr it:Af fl. im. fn vti. if t9A I i ih.it veu etrv : hatt vxtr d.uly dnuk ' am more now tb.tu m taonth j ayo. A man wrt.- nie a letter Iajt ; , i..ii;it.-ii. r.Mt lnfHi tt. ; -3r. j:, wnii-h h -nfef-iI that hb TEMPTATION. iii- ril in.oOa r,4 i t! ; .titi itir hr-btj.. tahth . -f " tr.' it n t at i rl it tartlaiui ywr r? aM-hi4 taet- and :att-tu as j . nj ( uht ami U-in j-thTr t m t-r VlHiit:rity Kim iwtf 't -iiiiititiou. nee to tt early frm ts.wi f drink -Mi il.-ir iti'clnm. fn i-miiIiI iKit have UC that It VV.t- too iloLin it c. As to .-. . i .. .... i .. i ' . ., t , . ... I -t ,.......:.,. ...: r u i..n. .... . l -..-. ...s. , h.i't ..is: .VI -I!'! tl! to Hue i. tin l Milieu nn oe;.er. ziitineiefi a iiun,i i.t, n:e;ui-4 ami etjniltii:in, tnts ts ...hjhhiiii . i.m-- ini:;iiiiiwiBuiuau:;iiui ih.iu- uuu ' tum , , , , .! wh i.a.1 W hWins behind a I ofu.n tru,.. ,hlu.r:ll R,.nemliithm. l trvt,l!ee from it in one .n.-io i luj What " . ni-r 'bnih-t.:e mar v. -.M.nv a ii.Rht . , . ,. . it.- hmw i (.fi.n t.. ... , M.r ! m.; :-i.ob iheniMsve a-t thee au v rm. it-M" - a' hop. - of ettimr a plump fowl for mv I U'n'lfir ' - At thin ,H:nL. bow- Kverv ,H.r..al m hfe every eU- mm. wi a dlff..w, ,,,. r,mit. mV. .. . !"" ?: ,J t'! 'ntitb. H M -upper, but all" 111 vain. Xow I will! ever, lit oloant aad s ienti-u may cty. dutit--. a well a. plea-un-. wrs br ken fam h. a !.. h.U. 1 -ueh thttS ' ..; M ' -l--' afdet : H hate m nven -e." uell share, and jierhap- alamt e,ualiy. --i well :: re-t. t-uatain . tarn ih -m tb d m -:v- 'fl.im.i lt;-m ILn-. Keformatorv I n.. lur Ujrm at And iMr.fuIlv watrhinj,' hi-. opiorlu- v. til(. .otumon -ireture I'nertu" ', ,ai-nt of an hue ant tenituatott. j " ,ss a uhi- -n lead- :n thoit-atfU ef ' r "' ' Ililv.M-l.rio .l.ltfd out. Miel,l. !,..,..li.. ...... I. ...... , ' t ....':.:: vvh.ehit U .,n,v .,tlr fi.liv .:,-, fit I raat Io alleh Arelul UU' It hold ' ," HVJ.'Tl n'H . i"" - . . .. I a t llitll tU 1 II lil-fc !. i.'ll- lil II JL ' w " - -- -. --... - ..-'. v -... Itiuur.! Ihij;! thnnk you all." amljuiekly lie lar-t of lite lon-i-etl pullet-, alio Mfnt-il 11 . t :.. ... l. ......... .... ,.t .1 wore uer ;i a. in ii iiuiiiu. 1 A Imnleti of HWet-Is. uimI llew liouir- with thr t , . ' . I V letHi'l. j 1 ne iiiriout spiawKiu: ami oiuerii .s tut I lo uI In beve that hf known u iii s of the eapti.e jull-t and her fnirhtetied n,aitafl... wiHiileritix lion-era were Jut a j i""'' .iid -N'.-r- biou,, ,h olher U'ill-4 where the ia-e will hold it Itrm and di-tpl.ne tu ei,coiinUr and our glorv to old :emii;aio:i of all ventme. -teadv i- the ,l 1-niijiic! tluit v9 ettrrieil by avrcct lit .llllH Ttk 1)11. KMir iriiip'eil b'y tliut livus down In llie bine. h, line, e lit ii" ui.i.ileii: bow -itently ami filll She !.ini u title lie " tunny nM thiutr" took lil-nil' .Win ' .n. Oi .ir ' rftoi( i'-'f DISSATISFIED FOWLo. "I'lie.V ln-etib MUll Itllll IMurn. Thai They , re IS-i.ll- t -eil. A ir. j friim lltimeW h '1 hey "Ihji: whal a ei 1.1 day!" Little Nona ("avion jranjx i 1 1 of Iwd n die Npnke. and d:ew baek Ihe -binl. wiudow'-eiirtaiiH to peup at the We.'.lher. Snow on Ihe ground. Ih!" Jiul the -now va quite a liijht one. and Nona die.-i-ed her-elf ipuekly. put on Iter little red riding-hood eloak. with the hood over her head, and ran out to fee.d Ihe. ehieketi, "The are in a hurry for their break fast." thoiieht Nona, for a ;ieat eaek lin' and elamonnjr was heard in the S!h mmpmI f!n !oor Io let out li.o 1 1f.tl iillia"! !v In 1iriaV -V ill. ! !!. ttKtrli It n ill It. flTi.' W t ll til Tutfit all run home and eon-ider what to do " n th Marled, hu-tlin and euirv- ui through the Vt'ooda a- l:t-t as they i could. Iut. with all their .-peed, one old drake, who wa- -o Lit he eould i:ot t ttf !. 1 I wa.i.n- very ia-i. ami wa., pouneeu up- ; ,,..,., ,j,.. Vi , Tt..xuu j ,,, .,. on ami i arrieii on nv a raei-oon. wuoi va- hiddeii in a dump of hii-die- by the menial worker-. Seietititje druia.i-ni, or anv titer can. Iiow.-ver. be ton I cermil only with ;.e trami al of fa t-. ' The faets lhein-elv. i-tn not bo too mi.i li empha-izeil. It i- ijuite r jriit !or a uitn who In- a faet whether in reli-.--ion it science to be po-.tive in regard to it. iatt the most noticeable thin-; nvard- mj the I.ite-t deve'opmeni- oi m-ii-ih e In ninnil ercii that h.ib.t- whah art- i eomoarativetv af- in Kurooe are found - 1 " t j n.-t to be v;b- iti the dry. ee;t.ij. cb-et- It l- no -ia to Ih temptetl. ior .Je-n. trical air f Ameriea. Hut wh hon.l the -itile-- one. :.- t tnpteil in all ' I peak, f llu hal.tt-i of the ront.tienl of i I"" Kurof not tie a m atv tne.t-ure at fl things nke t... we are. vet with mt -in. It i- no weak a -, Io te.-l the i inplat tn "ru'toi,). tor Jeu- a-'a a .-ull'.tetl. 1 1- nr templed." (Hen. i: 7. ) Tie tnJ.i- jrreat cur-eoi l'c-ttiee l-n.i a I rend v r al t-l ii. ' 'n t i f. r :,ni f nt.. Vr a.r 't ti ! ifiitM t ..i iir Huwt !( e t litltr.t -. v.it' tltir . . t . t i lUf i - - "T. I inn t ti t,v 1 tlalit ta ! tl.ei i- lit .-r. l ;.;.n nr,- fj. . I I.-I.I-. i 1 1 aiitl I i, t la... it ? i klHi 6. .S ai!.l II t'l4-'.-.ii tetttv-i it ntvt i ta . 4 t t . i. pritpheev ff the lu-t French ,rf ' i- ' fmri !,,.. .... .1... , ... ......l.r 4.. i r na irieraT. .1 t.'tt; t.l.li irr ..Hi.- .itA i... llltr r -.! t 14 f f tl. nt..ii I viae iii.-'iim rru lMi tit rn ."I im i.f it.' mi i m.f t ia .. tb.f( at t'e ,' ! rt ef fiti tl.3 ' And th.--e. f' tneolar. -rj- i;rt cartlk bakel Bj;ainC the ; tt fl ! Heap tr! i.-at: a ht.l, ta thr . ' elinttc Wbra tb k .n t-trrarv. aa arek ' r-A' tae th fJa cratiajf. al th od- -f ' ltni (a the r , r- 1 ' Isrsj 4. nt. a! t taka tt'tir or tit ti . . to ltwn the kttn oul taaVf mo b i a ict he . - t.tOha are 0etl ' e n th bear. sal t t!i-i with fu th Mrh i" fi ' t! e a. kr ! v. t. awl " " 1 t Ta. - 1 ry. t t m i firth tan t' ! '.. ffta .i fnin at thr . -meke it ; t at irota ckta iacrrao th d nlI. T1t : ofwntn il -bin tk areh. ! not ! i -i b i IU i i. i:.- at be h ' t i ' I . 1 i . d fl! . .t ! ... i. it .ta A th- th. r'li. r sv " ' . . ,r n t - i ' t . II let . t;i' .1 d nt I'.r at least at iho-i! pi-iut- Wimv -eietiee ro:ul-nie. "ijuit! piit! tjuit!" panted an Id turkey -iien, a tlie fn;hteiieil fowl reaehe.l home ami Hew up on the very toiino-l roo-l- of the hen-hoii-e "We ar -:fe here, if we l et locked n at niht, and for my part I .-hall a lay hen r..- Ion"; a- I live." And the re-t if the lloek twittered their appio-. ,il of her rc-iiu.ioii. We may have -one tli!ti" to eom- plain of," -aid the ";rav e,o -. when -he h.td -omewhat recovered t.ont her fright, ''nut at lea-t we are well led ami protected from tlie viimnt- :hi: l.ve in the woods. And I've heard my relation- -ay : " T - In-tier to hear the ill- m leive. Than tly to tie e m Knon nut ut. Ami I a-rce with them." And a- the oo-e and her ofi-men- tiolled rehitive- were oil t IookciI mi to fowl-, and then, .-catterui"; the d tin- , -IN tl. ,,.lvV fA ti. ,..ttcr wa, . on- Ur a -died, where there wa- no snow. J N,,.n., :,s .rIM :,N -ettled. she. ; x-anipercd back to the hou-c a- fa-t "l.'car me." m"m1 Nona when she :ls pos-ible. counted le fow 1-Tthat tuirlit. a- u-ua'. after irixm"; them their -up er. one of tho-e f'it pullets and poor old daddy drake are mi iii";! W hat can have be come ot them. 1 wonder?" iSul Nona ii'-.'er knew the fate of her mi in"; pet-, nor how the fowl- had -o suddenly been cured of their di-eon-tent. Tut cut cadet!" cackled a black Spanish hen. bristling up her feather--, I've hail a ";n:iwine; m my jji.ard ever .-.inee day li;ht. Het out of tny wav. rinfeather-!" she cried, savagely peck in a youii"; roo-ter. who was trym"; to ;et a "rain id corn from under her feet. -Hobble! pdilile! jrobble'" put ill Kadladeen. the bi"; brotie turkev. Tho-e lon;-lce;eje I. feathcle-s crea tures otieiit to jet up when I 'Iriutieleer calls I hem. at three o'clock, and ";ie us our bre ikf.i.-l.-. What do you think. IM i-ss Hull 1J" he a-ked. adilre in"; t liand-ome blonde pull"!, with a duiibie comli. -J tjuite ajtve with you. Mr. l.ol- 1ht. a. cntcd the blonde beaut i:r:l A RICH DISCOVERY. mat.e voiiibil.ty, btr a mo-t iiupro-.-i.e silence. 'I hui a- to tm; fuudauteata! ipie-t on of tie I'eintr t,f (lid, t'iev:l rar athei-m of a pa-t century ha-no place at all in -i-i utilit thinkiii";. j And that for two re.t.-oti- In the i lir-t place it i.- - -i: that the a---er .on that there i- no (!od implies that he who niak - it ha- I ti every wh-re and -ecu and uml r-j stood every thin"; ."sine if he ha- not .seen and uuder-tood every thin-x the plan where he ha- not been may. for auirht he i- compeer:: to -ay. eoutaiu v alence .f a divine beiujr. The -la'e-llient. thcielole. that there js no (in I j- au un- lent tic a umption. ami a- -ucii i- now univer-ally di.scaided by -cieii-tiJie men. Another ami even -trn"vr teasou for aba tubulin:; po-itive atiiei-in i- tin -u Ucio:i rai-ed by ihe la-t re-uil- of -ei-cnci that then may beai.od. Ourev-olutiotf-t- do not all id them believe po- lively in the ei-ietice of a p'ator, but thi'Ir Ia-t iiive-ti.:::ioti- s i;niticant- lv hiir that there mav I e. and when t.l .1 la mmt, tl iihiI ..:: I .. . . - i.i- -i. ... .... . -..,---- lake i- to run nuo temjtnt.ou it our i r.vett tne rrneit im rniiint t .na tb.-e. r tuetuia-r. rj- :r9 ta t lo b ! ul ot. e. ovvti aei ord. The -t:x i- .u Ii-ten;n: to ha- become alarmed by t!ie direful m- ' Our ' v are iv far Tcarr ertl Mnw irir l--f itmi r. h a the voice of the clianuT unl 1 our crva-e of drutiketit.v Th lihl win-, tml n-atrr wuptatoi a.ad tit-wr-. ntlmrt war a ! Iu heart. ";o out after the for-. idden svvi o have piep;irtl thr wnv for lrnrer Ami the fatal kab.t An a t tlrtnli..; hr !na-tfO l-uJd. - m. ami u j- all up vv.ili u-. I lie uruiK-. ami men are i.w euic- .i me una Mie.k ne. piv.aii 1 ar are ct-:. vveaknes-i-in our trr.-U terrir at the world wher- thee -trouper lnak-are Mtely attiontr tlnm Ilty ari Uin; noi-c ol the wave- and the bl.ickne ot more luetic allv u-ed than in l'aris The o.init.intU anv-te.1 m M.rlrel ftrti.- the -ky. io jaz upon tie d.uii-. r ti!l we a-e rapi lly .-mkiii"; iul .t. and till it i-alnio-t too late to call out to Him wh lido-, upon the -to-m -Lord, .-ave u-. we peri-h." (.Matt. : '.'.) Yet II voiir eiiemcs ate hen, vour aviout is here a-well "'I In name of the Lot d French have a wav i covenn"; dntufr- iuv c.t n. enne ami other vie- from v'euer.tl . -.hIooi,- in 'lltv tn-jueit our drink irtt, i ... i i . . . I -jiii -t.i,- in i.i tc nuniiiri. i.iiiiwr : knowledm. bul (.oernuii-iit tt-jHirld one of Um e;r. atiletu. rabmtr mtt-mw tell u- tiieawtul fac's. ' ul ak im u; ottr Inn. et:aJh lit Second y. the aiituietit :";aiiisl mod- our eil e-, and ne ol" the jfree.t rv. ; crate drinkme; i-an appeal to benevol- J ettsvi t pre f eiMta erituv 'Ihef'itt. ence Is ,. Ih'coiiiih in volt a- one tins' L-a -ue ot 1 h e. . wiueii i do. i-a -troie-tower: the r."htetiu-luune'.h vvell dt-t o-e.l toward voitr fe'low-. to t:i" a "rami ork in thai itv tt r -train into it. and i- - ife " (1'iov. I- b ) If the a .mil- of the eaeuiv all but e- hau-t u-. and, like 'hri-tau with Apollyon. our -vvo.l Hie- out of our hand when we want it mo-t. and tin battle i-ab but dic.de! axin-t u-. a . the la-t moment the wav to e-eape -hall appear, that we may be al Je to ln.ir it: i lor -when theenemv -hah come in like er! tn MttHeint .pt utit . littt wtll b ft-try I tin-, antl ta rek ni.t b ttarrtr. ittne -aiil fVtiientfi virld haiulo turn-- wbu ffc .l!-r l- t mil ul rgwtr tmrm wrk .tm AfJtrutturrM. t vt al - r.amtia' Lt:l Theory. Tae tb mi m man U brof !'- eoiitiuue a habit which -treiitlit-us the ' tht- ercit evil, -tate- that when tb- - wp turattig iat a roiwiMa tHii.' drinkui'.' eu-toni-of -M-ietv aid tint- , cictv was forme! ein iiir .! then . , .... , ,.m M..a . i i- ,i i i .. .- .. i t ' - , i t i rlaiiii! .Mi intniM' vym ooirat t'- tudircctlv Ittiitl- the tetters of drunken- : w.-re .i. )mm ami trl ntanr of ..... .1. . .- .... ..a-..,!. ......, rn-.-on weaker men' U -hoitbl n t be . them t.l tender aire nho !re .Henti.! -"' "o-'t for .: ten that there t- a -luln-ity in the -tiioon-. wbab then numLe;.-d Yti forevt. Mt Jar." rp!tf Mr human -oi-n-ty. and th it -o i d cu-totus i .l.i . it tin c C. watch tit that titna iattt). "that the aim 4 Ih ! tt ' woitv downwar I. ami indeetl in ail di ' numbered only aiut :v . inhi'ni- proleet- ooC : pnnih Impri-uotoaeti'. it puuihiiul. t4 t t.nrttr. tttf tfr.ct Do von not appreciate tin the I'aoliuif teach'ii. wheh. ant lijure- Si thtiit-.'iml in the po(i e oi m court-. i hd.ln-ti tUllflT ol reet:oiis l'.iblical a Hood the .sp.ril of the Lord .shall lilt while in-i-tinir. on tlie-ne;lit ot eac i m n whom vvent iioitf there to UritlrHcil I ' . . .. . ' ... .1 ...;.i.. ..... i ..i, ..i ....i :.... . 't ii . .i . ..... i ... ...... k ii' a -latutar-l a ain-t him. ii-a ' ' " """ ' M- oo " - um i piem no n.i atoiki inmi iihti i' I!.) T! ic w dderne. :- I"' 'hn-tan principle of t-enouoriu ' Iethnr-v if the ht.ttie in every form ! ut bain-led flout our hoitie- 2 th table in tile -i.r.-a i bv the Lord'- own hand lb w'-:U may be j cnni i to you lor the w ho provided a mornm" meal bv tier sake of not iiiiurin";. a- I' oil -ay-, the -alo.iut. whet" drunkard r m-.ob lake of Hal. lee for Hi- -Tv en d 'si-.pl.-. ' brother for wl o-.. t'hr.-t il-ed ' It hits mlo whu h the yoi-n an entie I by a we uie i bv their niirht's toil, lb who been the lolly ol sum, of our Temper- thoiMaud device.,. w ntt b.'all tuip felt..elive th.ui-.iu-l on their wav to i "iticc -peaking that it ha- le ape I male- i ores. or rtjrbtlv r tra tied it Ue- the l'a over, becau-e lb pitie 1 them ! ',' "'' on tne 'noiierat- tfitik.-rs, pt. a:ul tie plMt ami t e piat'trtti. .ii.ri-lv iweub'tiiat. ta bwatr Ma ' tt" m to ply Ui nrtu-i 1 mm irttr ay aftt ti doer 'Liwtt a vh tay ar bmtl -oh. Mdtav-r Vottr Iittl tHti , hold iair. Mr Camp 1 k lb t.i" loon .link., ran atarrt! i-trm. and tea ram-! Ur btganr t atd 'Ut Io pitMiii W ht a tbat !( pttah.at'rit U ar k tb prt linn ,i . . ........ i .t .!;.... i..... i.t,- .....! i..i- .i. . i i i i..... i thev wri.e -cientilicallv th v write :s -nee. nav in-.' no -nepneni. win oe ,,i ,.----,, -r , .... ...,.- .. .... . .. "'!-'"' tw..r.. ,M j, ., W A b.- , ' luuuui.iiiv ui y wriii I. - own tenetted nl we tried -erv ml ' 'v ' e teub-t .n-tim t-of human tefotm. the !i--vt fi'iifru hW Will . , . .. Ihoifh unci ii- clou- v in the term- of i mpn u ..n i wi.neu -inaiu - JinnM tt-r w-- Vanan. tbr- - " i-" V ,H uty" rtiz" "F Mud e- a very -mall animal, the water- . ; ' ' ' J - ' r ; ,,,,. k. h . ,. ,..,,.,, """!:."., "T , 5 t.eu. He-ay-the plast.c nutter ..ut ZlDryrln d the r own latnili s. I know of a r.C, ' FOR THE CHILDREN. -All IU -i.. bi. lpr,.o.M . w ofwhic,it,-lorme.lunder;:..c-c!.a.M.- H.ur hct.-M .1. It. ioro... ,:: in lVov,.eee wH, ,nlv -o had . . !'"- - " ' l-H -like ... their s,u.- -- ! ,,,,. brou.,ht hone, to him mtoxicn "l'". "V, "'.... T uTZ'. ." " ". 'r fTf -o. -Ilia- on. cm only compare "aitarp ucaiinBs. I nn.l h, remark, d I., him. Mtvinir "I ...... ' -.. i ''""'"" It is deeply to be te.Tetled that many ; have done everithinu for it. " -Ye-.' -aid the -on. -and you taught me to irink w.ne." and Jit- sirm k hi- father Oilmen at Ion- of a s:ir .lu-t Kt-t 'ini.-il I'roni a I'nl.ir Wh.ilhi t:ie.lithu. One tnln; wa- new in tho-e pa it . and before u- whaler- had never seen white coinplexioucd men. So eairer were thev to "et woolen "ood- and ) metal implements that they hail ;iven I'ot duck' pol-luck pot-luck chat- the wh :Ier-who had pneed. d u- th ! lere.1 a -pccklcd sjit hen. If they , Verv fur clot hint: on their back-, and ' wotuii only leave the , .., ol our Imu-c U(MV ,.;,.,, , ridicuIou-lv m cloth.tt-.' jH-o, vi-i-oiiiii i;ei our own Dicauiu-ts. ' ll - ihe eariy bird that catciic- the "worm. I've heard." And the tv.-t acuted. of our in. r- souti.erl; I :tit .des Dm for an lCpiitn:it!. come luiinin'' in fellow in paiticular a tall, "aunt man 'What do thev lock u- up for any- j advance of the others ami ha I on onlv u?'1 demanded a Shanirh.ii rooster. . ., .,rmv overc.-it -m.l i te,ir of l,. .," who had b. en too btt-y lillme hi-, ,-op , vv,m(.,,;u ,h,M.tJ i,jm.lH- Lincoln, io take any part m the di-cu-.on here- -,. rnn :ufJi: uluhy :nu evidently t. It ..'.V1' . warm enough in the .-unbeani-. but in Hie others "ave it up. and .-hook . order to board u- he undertook to ineir ueati- -auiv. i I can tell you." 5oleinnlv- "Thev loc (- them to iii i-c oucratcd bv a k llful t modeler noon a fot in!e lunit of lav ." I and add- -line l- almost po-.-ved biisinc men. wno are ppfe ine ! .. .. ...... .. ... bv the notion that .-otne more subtle ( hri-tian-. are -o uithouonibie .u -onu jotheetith aid to vt-ioti than an achromatic would of their bu-iue tran-action-. A ea-e Li-len t the apHal of Dr .John -how th- hidden aili-d w th hi-pi in be- nf this kind came to our noti e n-cut- Hall -Fathers' do without it for the tore h.in. strivu," vvuh skillful ma.rpu- , A ,. .tritvWu,n ,,.-,l..r. v.l,o i- "'' ' '"U' -"' -f " " .I-r lalio-t to perfect hisvvoik.' Im other; . reason. How can v.u te!! but th.it w. rds .Mr. Hu r ,.ic- I .-,-,, ' M'f " :"1 " k!'"-v ' ;'- lheir -wift fee mav trip to that th- i ..:.. i. . i. . ? . it. , Tur tirjivi.r :iiii i i.ri-i u unrk. an i uiiiin-. wiin v i-iou Mimi" enoii'Mi. i "- i -. hecollM the I.-i.rer. He i- r-'Hlt. . -,l "'' """' '" " ollt-of-t.Wli He merely mi-t kc- Tl-e nature of t',e . deal.-r. which, when opened. w.-te vi-.on winch would briiiir tin de-i 't,er ' fomul to b badly damaired. I he buy. r He .1 ...t , 1 . ....,-.. reaioiis'iate-i w.tii nun. at in. -amc 1 Do ion know. hibiri n. tha' the mi terri'tJt'evd ii ail th atirel i !tnii). uniies' that it. e m. m it. i wiekcln- tiiaa al! th 'h r .! eoiitbiac!.' Ti tml in rtt. nt rr. ham ami ileutb. Yrt it tt-is' o-;-liir in Ibe heMtttJui. Hrkliti w.ur th ititt'teeitt. apptn'niiy harm! . snc-i cm! r Win l.a compare i t u r-nl whuitS jl ! mn Ui-tlt ihr oijb "Trvru vi c innri m -'r U- l I.illv (.... t i. ill t'lt. (!'( . . . i .O.i I 4. It INnt . l We, Too, Have Tested It. into V leW. (bn-tian pn,v-ip e .n.iii.i p-r-. lhe Sr- that vo vr auaprt .. !- To tho Public: l,.o..!oe:tr..oir.lrinktHsr forth- ,.roa h. w,r fr iU dn.aL'. m,d U poweiful aciiroinaiic but a spiriiti.il eve ' l '", retuniiiijr the barrel of ".hh!-. wilh which to look thron-h the one he- ' : ' pn.mi ! :..-m! the buy era I,.., ! Iietter article, but v lien the oiii- were ho l'.ut we cite the-e wotd-of tl n,!lt I rc-eiveil tie re wa- no improv.-m.-nt I ...... ' Wiiat-oever. " hat sbaJI 1 ilo now ' ( 'hr-tian man. to t !d u- the Morv. Hi j.cicnti-t a- illu-lrative of a "ener d coii- fe--;..n ..t" il.. ..... n.m- i.. v...i ...r ti... i saiil the i -liver, not a .. ..... -- - - l-r. . l III' rMiil.- nf -ei tie.. V ...I lb.. ...! .....I..r ! t .ie dlVllle W ho v- ' "iv"4 tiitt : struction mi tin- d" f whah vottr slower feet have beet 'ibl" to halt" .Tin1 I hri-tian pntviple hoiild su.tde vou -ak of the wc-kust an I the )oAle-t and cert tilth for the sake f the in vour own lion-, iioiu i.-i viwnj; .u-.. . -.. --i .I.....M .. iK. .'ir. men of y.u fautlH-s , a . may he, trc Umrb riir .r l--r. JMMnftor j m.re r ? inittKii r-cn; torr a t.i oo. ano oai w B lhrri, , ,, tUngy of lh.r in.mur imn.t. V """I "" ' "" " " "" e-er hrinir .trunk. nr.U A I Ul- l bat- a a s a , . ... . I - a . f - -. . k . -- .flfcw . , k i a ...... no hop.. I.l. rttt'ir. a atti aj, i (hiii l .yi. ' iW . r-ei '. d t'j remark h-w tho lid (' ; us ut so thev can catch u- easily. You know how they came one inoruiu; and took one of our fuie.-t turkeys and a hr.no of f.u ros!ers. which that -Jenee -tand- i-airno-t:c:-tn The v. orker anion"; Nature- law- 1 a- ic.'ohed th" po.nt where he .-ays two de:nite ihiii";- regard mir the rela ion- of a-ient e and r F-jion. The i-t-t i- th it A'h-isin i- an un- ient.tic blunder. "I he ...... ...I . ti.... . .... ..:. ,.r.i. .. ,. ........... - inn al o ird and t ok iuni lack to the . , . . . v . , . l ,i . i.i upward of tae'- m attire L- to -ii""e-t warm cabin and the -toward trot h:m a ' . , . . ., ,' , ... .7 . . i a-eri.uil worm all mt the mi oral and pair ot heavv troit-crs v ell. we h.ul , ' ,. -.-, . ., . , i w a-advised to -end back t.ie itmi I- ir. -ou u-eu io remarr- ..w in ,. ,1 u, b near th alb. wir a OollHir tlliill tak Vka K f hi !y latrta.f Jll IU a. a a """J. ""' ' I-.-- .fw.nr .-., -, t h- feltflir Aa t. vtein mail 'iftii an the i climb up the .-hadovv.d -ide of the vc IkimVct ' ,. .,,! o!i! how hovelled from th.- old. Willi -onto lilt e work, we eot -t it 11" how lie found amount he had sold (he had I ecn abb. to pick out a -iii.ii amo.iui wmenna- ,, . u,,,-. ,t,f. ,n f,.rt kKts t.i to sell), anddemaud Imck hk-iih.ii y . whlrU ,r-lt,a.,v fntU am jt j, and the expense ot art o. ...- . ! e -x- u.,iaini: ta -n ( hirtiaa And rli-.1(u poet to - :.,. ,y r.-cotir-e to the court.-. ' 4 nv,, U, , xeni-e b the.r exam- S.teh -harp bu-.nes. tl-al n." a- thi- ,,. a rim,UM.n,jabj,., !t'rv ami re bntiL' re'irrion into ! -.repute amoa tf -., ,-, ,. mT . .fu. nieii oi -terb.M" mivn;v. wno tnaKo nc - ,-.,, ,. . ,,nri..l.., wht-h n .! o- h . th" U-e of illt'.Xr.ttinff drink- afaT.n .... . k.nC.ll., ik.liLaa . , . . g mmmjm . "- c-w- , ... mmm-m .- --- -.. - s.iuk into outMir.ir a no (:m uuo tlrmkani- rar. p'mi xpiWljr 4airT'tta 1"- afnef. piiyau an ? M -paaattM-t tit at"! la ioaa xprr I ) th f '-H-HLh ai IkalftnbMf I C?,. anavlylttrait ota Mttt aa-i. br mntb' r.'.jn t-i t tiV Kiu Hf (' ..it t -. Vat aTal fl '...-...at.. .... ....! I. .. !.. al. ... . a . . a i - --,,--- ............... .-.-.-,v., . - a. ?i miu.ei clew im nee wiu'ii :ue iChi mi . a . .... .... . .. . na ...... -Ab. ve-' thev .til 1-..1M..MI ......,i " . .. .. v ciiiitie nos-iiu p.:v. ...... -. ..... ,......v v,,,- . .. t. ,riT f:ni:-"atc reiormts.on assented the fowl-', nodding their head- I UlV 'clvd -V'Vrhv were lch vvrh A' Su tl f th !t k' ! lhal.f. ' mM W, , , " " T7 ' mi ' v"rV" Sae.ely at r.iaaticlec,'- ob-crvat.,,,,-. " .' !' 1, J"", it " Im nevv ti - I M ' ,hal lh" ,wa?: "I" STV:':: . r. . -- -" "It s verv unrateft:! of em too" i. 1 1 i i .- 1 1 i ... i nnt to tl:e im ral -on-e. -hc.ull in tin- ."" ....-..... ...... ..--. j-.na , ; rt uire-;mirta ; in rs- tlcrian-dabi-r. b!V (Whin hot, hold,.',"- l, "' huI h V 'T r "" "! , ! .m.-.-Imv It-en .Icthron.vl bv the -.icn-i ( hr "t';in ' Ala-, that ui -taw . .i ad lBteIl,ral in o,),lu!Hi;i,rllor1,, L'-u - t :. V th,MI I n'j title sense Frof Drummoml puts k -e-the r, vcr-e ., tnie' ,,. huic .a,,,. vvarmr -l'hev take ali our c-"s in lb. """f " ! I;a!lilv thus -It i- a remarkable To-lav -.-carnal or lIral dr - M.iuniertmio.and then shc.t""us up in i f,' c. a" -1X J"?' ,-cklsl "" 1 t!iizir that, after trailai"; it- bl ck ' CHOICE EXTRACTS. ta- - a rrr 2ri; .il. While hi rarr. wmiiT Mii.l e..t..b ... t.. ..... oiaeieis i liey o mill not -pc.tK a, . . f ,...,,.. .m,.. V nrmn i ' twiJitieaJ ik.A n.ine elnba txrct '-" "-.- lX.Fa.,11,, J..fl" 1 . 1. 1 a .11 -. .--.! - S ---.- a...- --...- a. a. . . --..--- ,,. -. -Ma-:okMna-nck: - his-od -in i w" , " I"u--V 'l':', " '-M 'I '. - i :ho..i:ht. Athel-m -hould have had it-, -1'n.toan.: joy hx-t more ci -eventy :t..r W,.r:r lrf finii..Br war. . . '" l" Til'iile !h..i.ilv e. if h.itn.. !? .-im-e Mi.. ... t .1 ... . U. .,.,..., . . . - . . old "rav "oo-e. waddliii" into -i.ri,t ' , , : , , --;r r.ix.m pionoiinred bv -c.ence. A :th "" sw " - ""y"'- help pararya the ..ru t mor I.i. V S'lll ...i- -.. t. lll.l l( ! . I i ill . . aa. tM j llmtK, I aliHwl IK abjtawi lWi iitn Ml aataV I taW- aa-. a. -H dfoaft 1 rrcn-acaia lt.f Hr- They not only take my ee;e;,. 1,,-t thev jvull out inv feather-, tin. mv nice, warm feathers, that 1 want to line mv xie-l wit i w hen I t0 , ,,t And .she looked apj ealinirlv at h.r audience tor ,-y uinathv. -'Hioy never let jh- .sit at h nii-il oa' ot the e;umoa-fow 1-. -but Lake mv e-e-.s and mil 'em uud.-r -v hn.'" -They'n a cruel, unjrratefui .-et of cream IV-. anyhow." -ad an obi Dork- tnX matron, wiping her bill on a mul- trou-er-, ami. in fact, hi- whole otitli:. that he dance 1 a!out th dci :c in It ch ulee. Ho cut -uch a fancy turo that I ju-t ro.tn.Ml with laughter. I threw ba -k mv head, ot aed mv tf-uih w d .. and en oyed my -If. ud-enly th-y all. i .,u ,.i,,. ...... ..i ..!.!., ..... ...... ..J"...,.v. '.- 1 ...I urn t.i .;i.Mll III.- .1(1. v.il ll - . it-mo-t penetra! n-r irae. -eietiee has u iffion nac-ooi t piea-iut tnr now loo-.e i at the back of phennitt 11:1 it. ami pro..t alter i - KmutHjf. II -ays; -Tli Athe -I tell- a- the-e i- Tbe . wav io j-,, ,.00,1 acl, t. n -th.r.ir there. We can not ..live menurr i-1 1 refresh them wjta new I mt. We can not tell what it i-. but ,,.-. 'i''f.. I hero We au not tell w hat it i-. hot is co.ttiiilv -.oinotatn?. Airnos- oues. peetvd - Into mv month, i ,ipja lau";hui"; and thought mor. tnu-t be someth'a: ttr'ii; vviih my at p ammo. This wa- a -orous tuattei to in tho-e d.tv-. as I behevcti th?t mv trim i:c- wo mav uv; o c ut no !on:;er be Hold to trc preseat- Knri position. evry moment of hf. i- of u- Ufr . -arn- ' an V' crn!t wa in- waseerai romi deadly rata tratl'c. Iat r.ect a :in: in tin nttal m n wilt not W won itaWi l-U-r way bt. th pocni fai-laci-s ralbd rjrn.au wb-cb mt nim-ja kar fnm Triairarc tJ;vl I'rini.. wr 1. beiric ttteta- m- Uhei-.s. " wn,. -.-. -. . .0.. - -, , tupu tfiMm ih i9rjt! n.au. I- br br ro.v - ... . , , -ueakabic vaitt a-the rpr9setBtive u 1 . - .u . .. -t .i.--. .1.1 . r ati .kiaki At at If. tl.en. was true that the tirst . , .i.tiJ w ' d tnk up the r for ua --aad kart w.ib br. t-t ai. J en dc f.rm-of the dwtrine of ero ti- n , -. """" ta r rhiHr n . ad murder tJi;r wt. . n -tfc sr-a ta-toa bejfaia tion were A:hei-tc. i: i- ccriaiulv tru-i Hi lha; ha' -?fnTS to do ha- !J; . , mn an o-a to raaoo t. .' It4a- --. -vho nhi. aa4 -Y'tm have lv hat mtaut t bt. if vo h.e anything Io -at. ak aa " Tft toting man urt iao .r. aad ! "1 ba-,- i dir" I kni onfv llltl lf.:br baj bad --aoatfu! 1 lo va tuwi fla't-'O bar. and I loel ber-a. bul & 1 4i"iok- . naaHortlt- karra . and eownr bnal bim ifaile to mn , t fc, Umc- a rl jranl-a. aad I t.am . .. artft'on Mowwitfc Ifcr r.ar ! aitftn tor fcwC ' ha- Jn .L It H,. rn t!.i m I a f opuriaa, potaf-ta tfcj bo; .,!, H nvr-voa a-rr imt. awm! lr aa prompt arary, 3rtr f b aattb ar -fcai rn into - aiaMa! by pea t-al tv-aca. ' rat- " Th lonaif MM 44. I" .,.. v , a,.m. hI ie lb pirie , " S ! " .-. c. P'AWCZTT. E. D.. 1 Tr Ihlr -. Ta- ?pnnlr4t f tb ia . a- Keformatorj rrira b j -on- an;,ji aai iaatrwrtn t wat. j rjra"4 to ib 4nta; batA.af lj fcta-kltt prar hi tbat mt . Il j out mi 3i SnTmiaii I s b raai ijttr rta.a- aa ac Si WlaVa. at , K- I l..n.UU- l-.-. ;? J. J. GS03-3. il. ID.. J. D. T1SK.E, M. D . ao longer. the diK-tr.ne. Ma Hie unsolved -;o..iVms of " k w " "w,"- mm So j3ir:A. Tav ar rarbi b i-pf-aJ th- ao- rjaa rtm,3s as W.-a. k. n k t . .tta.l f laTk 9 fc . Iaka tV . a a .. a a al ll. Idas aaft ak.ML fc .. L M-i Mfc- "MM- - ". r a-W.-a . . -- V-J.n- 1 Hrf tf-aTf ttOlTII arfrrtlVJ.trtf Al UP a-. - M1 l"r"-i'- Ii. liFGkSiX SL D . CTIIAS. TT-" cb a- the Mt rial nmr.3 m d.. -!-,. tl-., lcin leal. -In Mimmer-iaue thev kvp "'"""' - - tan- of matter, the or sia of b'e. tb . "v -''" r" v .. .--. ttr; bj, . noarnw-ii or r -. m rMumv -"."?". .IT n plenty of -r:isslu.pper and other in- T1" ::,,nu . l1l ha:I V? ev.dont d.-i"n in nature, mm! tJ.. f .orer from Ut ear .-H.aarv. a ei .,.ot, . 4aT . 4trWr.t mg tf.r r. e 4rtk at firat, boi III JA2CE5 CD-iJB M I' MsLtstorustoeat. Vliev trivo u- ,,k" '9inal we. and xflor - 7 mornj . ttota th SJifi.1 tern laim tbe aMr-. Aol b-r t. M.tt.b.hAr-rJM " v-fci ia. 1 warm wether ami lots "of hi-, tail ;onuM- " y aic-uwie- 01 me , when one tbe.-v ntrn,' --- l" a? f" lh p.atar . rtKT U bba4. to tlw ...j-! eblon it t aaaa- t. 1 ., x,. w.vdsa.d thick ra- : make oar "J Htitl. as-uii. bohb,- , :iTe tU.U'. As to lb- . Satbman a: w. who Ms ao acioa ; wk, a to n.avt H. aaftta llv fk-b.k b - (J- - rr ' i- r .,";,. - nesbsm, Hu: a-,Hna-wmt-.roms ' mijinl lits r.t-:k fonvtnt to tyi a :knJ cn v (p noi no-v.i l!oe, j ar: m aar t oiy wa.-.- Spur?. 9 tu th trr., ,w ttiwttt urn mM.. " JOJx -i. CtaD-.-ilO, . I) thev . so-d ort all the .Ta-i,!i1.P.. .Je- ,,w- "''. tn''ro U i-. -tiro emvuzh. no Hreunvl to -av. ! -"Ufa- is 'be h to o til arir or iat--rlaJ hal. ai lna -arret. b-i Utr -a af tj-r A-.fV -iri.-.-r-a.... ,-trov the nice u.mhU aad "ra--.' and -V were Wkm-; rl -omedd . Ii n , .. jml. ".a'xTalcs Ue ho; e of r i lrvl" -tk-old b.n av5 o a,1 H bint tbe irt m to W Mattl d by .,,!rc.a. hr brt .at- m.-., . v-.., , .. ,r tnake the weather -o cold imr featber- " :"' " V'",1 '" . A:m1 lm- to ."T" more ixr, rtul lens "to ota-i up tbe . ntti-t be in- -it t, true. !'t:btrv wiUPM 4 - Tbr mNl. batr , p-.:H v. na tfc iyt. aa W -. -v-va -i . . vu-. toi laa. - tn aCta.m nn m an.t itaucmi: ar -and a;e as if mail. . ,... Mtl-. tK. lr . is . ., . ,. tn folk- l ve iod'veaXe- ;ii4 wah ;ba - tbt war anb af iba ap at br . ? ta- lr . - Ti:f:.i..r... .. . ..!..... 1 a .ar-.. . . ...! ..t ... t m . . . . ... lilt i i up CTWaTTa n JC-- tariw WW - tav j Bf J- -- I leirned that they tio . th--e -.old idl ins to be some new k:ad of oraaiaenu - or. ItrvJL! n Ka'j'c. .tlonH bx n to ken ;; warm enoujr;..." .Jiist.-o.' chHMii i the fowls -Airs. ( ehui I- relit." --aid Cltanti- cleer. "I think I frore my lomb la-t niilhL loo." -iippo-e wo all run away?" $ j - A New York commission merchant -ck-noc a .---i..l she black Stianish hen. who hi I eis-m- :.! .. V.-,.. ..!..- i. ! r?Iv tn.iiiinn iir.il ihe "ii vw ii" in Iter irixan!. -and sr. method of tire-ocvin them in full : lluxbv. ainl wrh aim 'he -citatific w rt- Five bv oor-olvos. wlieiv they can't -hut flavor trom M-a-on to -0.1-011. Hc-avs. ) world, l- wsutia-r tor a uob:: r!a f.,i-v-r.l it , I'ttmh I t'.K-e 1 . mv -err . life :-' i "? aa. aid ! of bemam-s. aad s:-.ad- in :evereat -' xW" ? lor rTstl'- J alr4v: j sUeaee befon the nokaow a aJtar. t death U o port mi ty Kir -er; Kaaaia 1 t h:- iH.int m th r-tat.us I ar,, ! ;be in! It t- to be fctr.d th- b. ,ap t .i iTtrl-iaaUv a - rain-aa; tk i t-ajp. loiat-n: i.- at i . era n i . i- ivea to the latter. Mr. I f - ppW's jora.y.--C.r'.jn j .t.ek a MtaJ raepaia- v4 t-r- ta-'ant. a fcsnfco:ie driak- la a ea-rto-a t ha ab- I atai aa apfKtil a Trtniifit 4 pn-s rrtrra w tarmkte MKa TtrrhniT -" " '- tbr- r . . 1 -, . . a kv T a a - .. ft a. . . aT iras. " Mn.faaafTaT Knarl 4vai rraj-u m -j . ippr- r- abei art with la. tafpikZ frrtara-4 by prat Faa aaja a aa. -Tbcre r.rt -ois io thr workl b .as up a.iv moie ami ettch u to oat.' So we vv.ll." cried tlie re-t. eare-'y. 1 however, that once frozen thev mas: I thr turn waieh to read what or wh ) b hare the .ft of aado Jv et .tj"n ar-. not le movini or stihiectis.1 to & r..i.d . behind the phenomena of nature. I atil ; aai ot JeaTini: U Nast! ti wba Ma. aaii 1 mt aajan. t r-jp ' aaar T aaaaa BO a. ." a --,' .at f aa-aa . . - taaa) ta, . aataat a -. . . 1 41 aa aaa BMaaaf an. 4 m ' - ' - ... aiai ia"lrt to j -..? a aa And t lie Shan irhai roo-ter vvas -t t. th.iw.n; pnu-es-. but aliow.! to tnd that la L- bti-ht. he and tLo bo tby Jt y th. fra Olcil licit lie Ilew up on the rail fence where they are ami eovt red up to rv -( think with him. are -:eaU but pjct- j iioc r-. Ike t- of Ii ir caii crowt-tl a-lotul a ever he loulil. etude the l:ht. autil the gradual ant. He eoafe 1 that nttnre -E5.i-t- t- an ivrtabl!f tr! aarrnai' evta:aT a no Rr Tatt b r trf mmmm. ma a. a a. t A - Ik. 1 awaaajajpaaan r -a- -tBM ta arrww- v jfia wr aa ata th.aa. aarr- aartaarat - - a- 5 aaiay--.aa'. . erintmtrat;h Ban A'n aU Utajga. pri a l - rT-Jt 2U,S,,C "L it sbonld fee :aaKi-frJ tr-l tnK la a r-a arkt i t-1 i i- f ---j" b a dirri aal urr.bir tadcey to- .Uj- Una imaUfcCtby ai , iJJltJr. - r- t.T H. - - a I frm tMief their ti bmia. -tbuJt it hanl. - Ltrtv assJ. a-A"j -, . . ' . L kJ mi " a r- -mtt mfms Tlicu thev .started, old i .lanticieer vvaraitn of i-prut"; draw- the tro-t out ol J.akinr llie load vvjth lu- tiock of then, every ihiaj:. He expects to put fragrant. n.l the tur-seVs. ";eoo. truiaea fowls and fall-ilavored Haldwin- that havo I eca ducks follow.ajr after. "" . iroea in a dish with this yer larvc?t All k-ut one canvas-back drake, who ' apples. The plan is worth a triaL ihal in the-hatiow abiveh-r a do-trraer 1 beart. It -era.- a -.em- Tc If." workia-r. and that na.ural las are -hapiai: themselves upv-rd toward the invisible and ti sptritnaL U th?i aov a -eieatific prepoaeexMos t:- (.0.!"- own r-ft baa n t,l ui-oa Ibea. Tbey jive lijkt vi;bjot aaeaaia . -bine. Tbu-c br,bl heart- have a -nca ark to dn for Cod, icfte. Te.r m-- ' aarf aaM. to SA tls aiax a tut . Aioorlr of ai atHat lavvi -ytidenme oi lb j robfri U seta. fer or aJNtaalural 1 i... tr k, mm ipt-aKta oH J ,4. -" Z " ' a , u "". -v -i iior ti i or cil.J u Mmil iaatusca 4a-4. I ixJist thuc 4 a 4t a t 5 wa.xi -., tw. ....... . I a ,itlai'M. tkaT B-rtaTataal.i . I w - Tssc are cfi-B fa-. I. crag, mi -tTara aad dwiOT al rr''aa!, a il. .ta, Ta cabHt raSa- IntaB Nrw Yuri: lo j .a;rJb asm ?JLUV tr iwcii- e-abl oecxsiMKa! dlbxt:dk. Jk Qxstr , . . .. " Vsf. tM4 -- I tp l tr - 41 f 'mm t. , 1 ti H ; 111.1 ui.i ,i uMU'iZin vi-v.. r l