-39 L-Lf l'T - -.. -fe. W VF $- 1$. &" jMBrtae&flwIHH iSWRssswaasfesMwiMi, -JW jhB s (f f r -9 I V 1 1L lift r - U t Si 1 t - i , , r 4. Red Ci.oi i. Neb., April 1. IS.-.'). Hoard myl in regular M'-non. J. L. Miller, John McCullnrn ami Isaiah I. Hampton, coimn oomniiV wnncrs. J. I. Bay ha couniv clerk. Ircceilini of pr'iiuus meeting n:i I ami apnrov;i. K!pMloi'E. O. J'arkT. J. 1'.. Guide Rock precinct, approved ami tltm? allowed ;w per n-porl. The following eiui::is were audited and alluwed and warrant to be dra.vn on county p'i:-ral lund. .1. . Dodd, n.nkinj; real eliit; dt-li'j-Uent record (j.j: N tn. S;iwv;r labor on Guide Rook ISride zV.J.'r, J. R. li-k. M. I), poor bill ?'i. r. (i. Dmiii. poor bill o.i..": I!!lnr vV Durm. poor bill '.j.Xr; Tempb-ton I'ro vV o.. poor bill 7; K. I). I'urkt-r. cniC") a ju-uce of tin; pace ."?". .J. W. rary. poor 'oil 10.8.V. .1. A. llobitwjn. poor lull .t'v Koad up'rvi-irs annual iclth-menti approved a- lollow-.: Ceo ilctilon O 11 Ml) No. ''.,. 1.' .- ..?.., u ..-,,., n it ir l) v.. ii ir. :,s John Harve,()Ii. H. I). No. .'. 11 7:. JJ. !". Cooper. Oil K I) No. f. $: "I. 'J'he following appointment- were made for overseers ot lnhwa;.-.: Geo. F. l'op K 1 N- '- .lolin'uhn. It. I). No. J1: John Dunbar. It 1 No. J: Ghas leachwortn. It I) No. L'l:.J!hn Harvey, It D No. 11, Thco. 15. Cole. No. t1. '1 he lollowinj; ofiieial londa of ov-r-seer-. hijjhwajii approved (;. V. I'.i-e, It 1:J1; lV.-d Hubb.'it, K 1) 11; -John ii. m-. It 1 : Win. It. Cramer, It 1 ''' '" JIanex. It D 11; John 'aim It 1' -1 : -John Dunbar, it I) 10, George F. Pope ' Application o! Cha-.. p.inehow to re fund Ui I"'iai: Couley .:.'. fio road ta, n-eeipt having been pre-eiiled wa i'l'.titled. "' Application of C T. Kly for a refund ofachool diitrict taxes a-.-e-ftetl to him in school district No. -J'.i in the year 1.-.M, instead ot ehool district 'i aiiKiunting to .! CO, w:i- granted ami onlered refunded. Application ol'C. T. KIv to have S I) tax-. a"-.se-cd to him lor 11 in .S D . instead of S D No Hi amounting to ?.s.h: transferred to .S 1 tJ ".here it rightlully bdong-. vva& granted and onlered transferred. Hoard eommi ioiicrs made a settle ment with 1). S. Iia-.ty, contractor for repairs on Guide Hock midge aero,-, the i' i.i;...... TMv..r -111.1 nilowed him the amount of .six hundred dollar-, tor the ame, and ordered a warrant to be di.iwn on the county biidge lui.d, Yb lew to pay rfaid claim. Petition" of W. N. Kichardson pray iii" for the vacation ol that part ot l'iist Avenue lviug cast of Wel)-.ter treet in the vdlage oi lied loud, in Webber ,.,,...vt,- V.. I. iit'.'-i'iitfil rvml lili'tl rvl - I., ....I ..I iiil i.i.liliiiii lin-i-iMlli'd :ill r. I...I ..;.! 1.. ....I ! ilulv ?i nuriiVi'i and the board alter being lullv atlv io inaL iioiici1 oi eiuiMi mi iitjuiuu " . ..!.! ..... .,1'1,'in' Ivnlilll. Ii'lil tlfi-tl Ittlll ,11 l'l(i I ll 1 H. .. .... .... W.T. .... Fished according to law. then appointed tho lollo-.ving !oard ol examiners to re port on said petition: 1. M. L'lalt, It. I.. Tinhei and K. H. Smith. Hoard adjourned to April I'd. lfs'v'i. Kr.n Cuiro. Ni:r... April i', is v.. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. Full board present. Reports of Frank K. Gump. Samuel West ami S. Van l)ran justices of the peace, presented and approvvd and claims allowed as per report. Hoard appointed W. K. linker O 11 HI) No... Oilicial bond of V. K. Huker ( II It 1) N. .', approved. The bdlowing claims wore audited and allowed, warrants to be drawn on county general lund for the .same. Alfred Hall and A. II. Hall. labor on Ucil Cloud bridge ll to SD.'J.I: W. I". Holirer same $7: W. .1. Perry same $7: F.N. Kobinon same St to "-."0: W. Donaldson same ", to ."). ;V): .John Gross .. to .?'.'.';. J. I.. Miller, for-tove furnifhed county judge $10. Chas. W. Springer, services as- county superin tendant $lii: Chas. W. Springer, po-t-ago and express l s- 1'- M. Cochrane, services as. I. P. $.'.: F. K. (lump, same Si.".: NVm. Gate, .same $J. Hubert Damcndl, medical services .rl: aNo the folbivMiig pior bills were allowed: A II K'dev. ls.7.'. Will. I.otMtn.: ?." lo: S. V. l.udl.w. :!..'.;, G. K. McKeebv. ?1.:.!: Piatt V 1 ices. j-ll.lO; V. K .Jackson .!: C. L. Cutting $;J..Vi; U. A. Watson. .J0; .lames M. TVachvvorth. 17 :o to 12: A. H. Kaloy. $fi iV; same S-'i.f'l': same $-?.'X; satin- "i'. '.'.". same ::; same :'s.i;.-.; K A Hall. -1; l L Tinker. ?A.;,0; .same S.Vi.'.Ml; saina f2, Hubert Dnmerell. $Hr to :; same i to 7; I W 'lulles $-$.!,: Wm. Gates. .?." . same .510 !"; same ?7.1'0; same -'0.:i. Miner Hros.. i:ktkri; Albert Ciiinmings. .i': toi'; Ilenrv Cook. ?l'2.. S F Spukostield. ?!.) .r0; A. Gather. Jl!'.; Hlott & HeffiuT. .?ll.I.'i;.IoIin S. Marsh t Co.. ?'.'.'.:: C G Dursin li.N'i; Irving W. Crary. $-0.-U;S. Van Doit.u. poor bill $P' -to and services as .1. P. $10; Samuel Wwt J. P.. $lu to SI. Hoard now .sclectcl the names of Mty qualitieil electors from the several piectucts of Webster county, from which number to draw the grand and petit jurors to serve at the May term 15.", district court iu ami for Webster countv. Xebraka, as follows to-vvlt: Keif Cloud. 1 1; Guide Kuck. ?. Pots dam. 7; Pleasant Hill. i'; Inavale :l; Glcnwuuil. .: Harmonv. 4; Hatin, 2: Line. 2; Stillwater S; Klin Creek. 2: Walnut Creek, J; Garfield 2; Oak Creek, 4. Hoard adjourned to April 16th. 1SS4. .1. 1.. Miu.kk. Chairman. J. P. Hayha, county clerk. NEW LiVERY STABLE McAvoy & Farrell, Props., Aro now fully prepared to All ordora for LIvory rlsfB,&o on short notice Also, will foed Hnd stable horses by day or weelc at reasonable rates. Our feeding facilitiorf aro first-class. You patron ay o respectfully solicited. MARSHALL Tho Beautiful Jri.. iW7 kAM.H ScSfeSc- Norman Stallion Unoqualed for general purposes may bo found at this bam Commercial Barn, Eed Cloud Get Your Specks Jjsulies', children's, and men's dry goods and notions, .sliois and fiinu.-h ing goods, hats, caps, and stiaw goods are cheaper than ever before known. Carpets are cheap. I am selling them sit .smaller profits jthan ever. I want your trade, and will try to make it to your interest to come and sec mo ami yet priced. Have a complete stock of groceries and wooden wire at lower prices than ever. I want your eggs and butter. TO COMPLAIN ! ABOUT HIGH PRICES ! Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. Now sold at the Golden Eagle, One price Clothing Store LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED BEFORE. Will be pleasedto show you stock and prices and convince you that yon save money by buying of us. C. WIENEB, Proprietor. "Honest Tea is the Best Policy'' WM. LETSON Hi- VI EK IN Dry Goods and Notions" CLOTHING. HATS. CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES Groceries, Queensware &c. RED CLOUD. r - - NEBRASKA Preo'dclivory to nil purun (f o We Do Not Follow. But Lead. 9 : HAND AND MACHINE SEWED. Bz o 0 p ? - M X 2 0 -1 o X! 0 Q 'is Manufacturad for Flno Rutall Trado. by tho R00KF0RD BOOT & SHOE MFU CO. READ Tins. A'rdP A - z -p. c 0 tf j . 'f ROCKFORD, ILL. CO o o I. ', , THE FLOODS 3 saixaas Ill p RDGWirs warn ffV 1 2 u -THE BEST TONIC. Thl nieJlcinc. coLlc's lzvi wtth pnns rcsvtabJe loa'.". 5UIV'y anvV OCTrctcIy rn llypriwln. Iniflc'llnn. -itii -, iMtparr HIocnI, .lalarln.(.'bilU and Vrrr, jum! mJin. It i an uau'.r.c rcncJy fcr Dirtscs of tSa VitdBC nnd l.hrr. t is inmluable for I:."v rmt!r to VTvvurn. an 1 &II who lt-ad tiarr I:cs. It rfw n'; Jnjue tle twrtlLcau' fcratUcc.or pnviiuv rouujtJon ctJiT Jtc eiKzct do. Itiriohtani Jrit5e thoNoort.tiKr.dtte thtapp.iti Is :' alr;!aUvi.'f fo"d.rv .er licrtnhurn a:d Uelchj? unt! 2vrv-i: fus the inaclc find Rtrrts. For Intonat::.: J-'cvt-rx LajiitvUlt. Locfc o! lern". c- it Illu no e;u.il. !?- Tlie cnln hMvc tt3e taxrl nzA crosoM nxl Iluta ot wmnr- TVe a Wtcr. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS NEW PRICES. S3 elow wo quote n. fow prices of our goods and respectfully roquost tho public to call and beconvincod oftheso facts. Steel Spectacles - 10c Brooches, rolled plate, 20c 8? Brooches, rolled plate, - 25c Brooches, rolled plate, 30 to 60c Cut! pins, rolled plate, - 18c Cuff pins, rolled plate, 20 to 45c Cocks, nickel, - 90c Clocks, alarm - - - $1 35 Violins, - $2.25 to $6 Silver spoons, plated set 60c Butter Dishci. G5e, Napkin Rimrs, 30c. Watch Chain?, 35c, Acconiiora, $1, Clocks, striking, $2.45. Bridges Swept Everywhere by Ice and and Floods, but A. L. FUNK, One Door North of the Argv s office, ordered his goods shipped in time and has just receivedtwo more car loads of Elgin Watches, Nickel Watches, - $5 00 4 00 These are but a few of the WOXPKRFt'L PRICE? of our coo-Is. It Mi -ST be remembered also that we FULLY WARRANT and GUARANTEE trese poods as good as the bet. Don't forget the place, four doors north of post otttce WRIGHT & WALLACE, Jewelers. Red Cloud. fjENRY ANDERSON, SURVEYOR, Orders left at the Attract oiiice "aill receive prusiipt xuenliou. LEGAL NOTICE. rro RANSOM L. TAN N KK. NoN IUv5IDKNT J lctfrnlan: Yoa are ht-rrtiy no:lSo! ttal on tbc M tlay or Ai-nJ. ivA. Hennrtta K Tanner. SW a r-t ;ton aratt "M In tfc tlJtnrt cvwrt of Wrf:rr rxun;. f"- -I -c: a t :a...r vi uhcljarc:"Atai. au fr-rr trine jvu on t!w srttB!-! of hab-'He' i'r." Vrrn. tillar? to jKW r -- -. ' I f fiT her. rtrtri irraUntHif am liiterj. arc n-Birr4 to aarr nhI jxrtuica c Ic'orr Moalaj. tie Wk iwv irf M. X -V JIKinrv K. TA.xr. IlainttS. SUrr Hy Kolry Brw-, tizr attonifi. FARM MACHINERY ! This completes his stock, the Largest and Best Assorted line of Implements ever brought to Red Cloud. Farmers come and see for yourselves. Brown Planters, Stalk Cutter, Check Rowers.; Steel Beam cultivators. STANDARD GOODS A full lln ol Plow ami WorkiBir Shoes Old Stuiul, 11 fm0m A New Mill inery Store ! Mrs. S. F. SPOKESFIELD, Flnvln roccntly purchiinud tho Mlihrmry KntatllMiitnntJt o! Mr K, lor. in now ready t rxh.) .t tho Latest Styles in Millinery. Hate, Bonnets, &c. Sho itlno knopn a vurfoty of Handkerchiefs, Hosiery. Corsets. Neckwfr, And every thing in the millinery line. Will ;unO furnlHh tho lad Ion with Fancy Work ::l"r!ia fr Arrftmim Chanlllon. Buiuior rodn An. CnH unl hr HOUSES FOR SAL ! Store Building and Lot corner "W'ob.sU: and ana t ourth Avenue. Storo Bul!d:ntr and Lot on Fourtij Avt.u- Houho ami thro lota. IIoiiho and nix Iota on Fourth Avojjuo. Hotjho and tu,o Iota on Wdmlor Htrtt. IIouho and two lota on fj;dr Htrt. Throo Houm'jh and ffjur lota on How-art Htrot AIho, Fiirin of iiClO ivsrun tootl iintrovumoAt. X W. SHERWOOD -1 ct r 'K A a r Htrtrcnml 33nitk V ' f' Capital $r,)j)(A Spoclnl AtlnnHon Cnn ?l Oollnctloo-s itkf j Of all kinds. Haworth and Standard check Rowers, Plows, Harrows, cultivators. Listers, and in fact everything from a Sewing Machine Needle to Steam Threshers. M. t i A Jlr- ""5. r-r J t v .; .;; ; JF W-3T, - V r"M ,- . - . .. akSiS MiHrl k T amsmsmmmimf WBUHBai W It I J 21 i I I Red Cloud Music H oiisei I Sterling, Packard & WesternCottage Organ Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machine. Steinwa. Weber & Paris Pianos. I wish to inform ihw ioplo Ol V.'ohftZz asd ndjotolrk? cor ""! Sewing Machines, Organs and Buggies a bAVO oxcac-i R mtic tr, o3 v;- av:SO, o -" p SiDecialtv, Schuttler, Racine and Cald- well 'Wagons. Seeds, Oats, Miliett, Japanese, and all kinds of seeds. Buy of him and be happy. FrcJJ Lcniber yard wbero wifl b foesI & eeppry o Orjfttrje'. I- ond Slnjr trjaohlar which w!K bo o!d mt cheap aus ctn t t Jjj . v. . ..Tl&w Vftt " .rtft.V.k v .HM fp. a. (ffr ?j??(l V&.1'. Oi UiU Jii. v-mi .v. nwa v. i c-w, y -.- berlaiff fcMwhore oull ntd jmhi aic. J. S.NOLL KED CLOUD - - NEBRASKA X