r1 FSXV- . --- "to 3C THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, A. C. HOSMEB. Publisher. R:i .- Af: ENGINEER'S STORY. lUt n. .i t t-n t-- ntffbt wutdai:. TV fHl -r- mm 1I. At1 f Tb i .n rilrNwl itf ii- :ti jr I Ihw'.j' toav Ti nttwtniMrM run up Hi-.- An i t.-Mti r a tir.ira:. T l-r td nrtH- 4k k"miJ. lUrwwiw-. -.i.itr t-Um-1 it aivat. Nif lK.k if Mrwl 0 w . Aim. .i irr tl curt atJ aatt, 1 4rr Mk- 4nrt.ir Uiruwyk. I ihnujrtrt I nrw tU tV"fc rani trsy tf -r-r . ti twrrw rra4 Thmi -rfMr4 tb- trarii at "wit. ru0 Tl l! -! I tt-l. Itii" h!-tl t'T itw rm turs. KUt 'ur f'1 w tt-ljr )itrrti. Jm m ir n NnmiMl Mm -rvo. Ai4 4rtr-.! throurb cut. J -MM rtlt ! Ifi04n HI" Jttt A U I T-,l a jirf .A :t-iirht trm tar l-fory s, HV A Mrii M 4t rut. ATtMi tiw tT k W If-nj'th trtUfcJ. And n a U"H r frtrnxl. Vlith- l!irii tb. irra4- wr tii?marWwv ttt flj u da- a trl . 1 Iu.k-J tin riir mi.4 wrt-4 tiw ral. But c-uitf mjt i-a a 'r4. 2 4M Tnv I . t-ut t.-war-t ttc frcisfct V. jrw-j. : a nad With to! !.;- t A tfia r atlffM .. tttrxti.'ti ii it!i a Atil 1 i. ! .il atatwl ai4 tr Alt') wn:i tti- (otniMje t-rasat A x ' i h 1 a llatif nlfijr t-a!n. ' tit ti'. ia i u i -.r w .ith' A' . i -att'i a i trivo. 'r (nj.k, ., l i. Alt ' -ic l i ! a! k it 1,'fiHi ' fi- Itf' .iJ furtl. Jt ji-fi i ii, . m' 'i r otan'a: t 'rft, . . i .- ti .' t V ' W - mis- IM .41 , - ! Tii II li'lt hit ir it ti t tftit . Ai'l n"i ! ?' i iti. you M ! ti- U.oli lllit A !' k H. M.-Xllft t t'lH1 It' W JURN4 ij . : f.ni,i' c ii lAt... lltlj- .- t Kt fi tl llli rl !' Jl ' K ! l Nl' ' II Ait!i-ir- ''-I ' l-i- . .ior I" If -t'U'iilk -ill t 3Th- i ' i'"jiTi t't .ant. tin- train 'j- t"-n- -.'. . . a 1 At '1 M niiiKh ! ti ). t I nur 2 if : it imiif m ltii t'i -( 'I a't- ilt U'". M i ' rI (uii.1 . it Ti imlt til I'd r-artHjt ar t i. r- mm y wit a , Hut ttit ji-.tiiii liwn f 4ro(, li trt1 U ftl III! hll- Tiuii I itnr.i wiii kiw ajraiit ha r tiijdt a rfw-f- A !itt, matter' llat Kitd W i-r' I i kimii iinir IImii. . You nil hi tiw .1 liiHt it rou)1 tMt 'Hi tnT- f tilljfH-ttr fJ!! '! mil tt m til tttMt tirukfaMiaii Siul: ItHOof U Ull!ls'li iim-ii -Jttilli m Tntfltt il.tfmlHt lUM'.vi) i'(K sii;hi:ia. I'riooii Vrurkf at iho Moscow Ilnil wny SutUou. JIirrnr ! Itn.l.m lrlii I niiKt Urii 'ii M.i'l Im tilt title V trlkn AcIikI r"ntini3 U H.iriiilliiii-.iii nr- i;;inl-il ltt't. In jnv la-l 1 tt r I dpicrihi':. tho ron tlilMni tt tlw jHj,il jin.sumTt in tht Xortii-- of M 1V!t am! M I'.iul I tial. mm lrrriln- from lh" fvi.L-nef' of an )- lii-v ai j;ii-ii m a Hl nuin 1ht of tin A ir'fht'itn I'n'a Vtttni. a nvi.liitionnrv journal jiriutt-ilat .tifu UJT flaiiiJi-'tiiH? i-inulnt.on in Kti-.sia. ill aiTiaJ of I'tjof of lhi unfirttmats in .jiio-tiii, at Jliwrti. un ikfir wax to t ...i w.i t . . i .i 1 w.hl if Sjlu-ra. tr.v to -itftj,! Uip , . . ' iX 1 t!.,.ir 1:. f.ir wv om- i,tlrt lt ti- tl.i.iiT id al'.xt-.vl f i..ltt"H . . . . mm. t.iat r.MiHrt.-atitl iilio.j.t4-.l- laml. , lTl.ni'U tin- .-. too Jiirw n iir.tziurlit.ti. i oro-uiri-iin. iwi. . i... r ... i... I. .......i f i. '1 - - .1 . U . I'UHt-lllll li I. I.liS , . .. .. .- . i " " - --- - I" - ! 1I tfftllT-. HUH It. TlM-1Ii. ..I fl ...... ....i- I iliiic 13 attc-ttti In the Mthe arii l.' .T H. 9 '1 . . .. al ".. l (lUICV-i aM'ta. 1 Ui iltr 4ir Ul WHS ' poller a pr oner or nn exile nuM ,,.. irav friend and -veral ectn. and to ntii. . .... of .t.!....... c (HWii I- l-onh p. r-4.m Iv l-eftin- the ar roidition, ttlink'. can rarelt 1 .. . ---- - w - - -.-- - -. -- mm- ' -- lultilWl aT rnt: sii4'.tv nuin TTtN. The tune e . arlv mominj;. Inlv 2. of the 3 nar lHvt. a tram fiom St.- .ti i.i.itnn.'hii) tt -ome m-n- jjtt bruibtl a!r.itl and eteral o! the oa- loikr- lltte e;ttne t hit he ja the hotte id sttn; one la-t e;Iimie of a fneud ' it a km-man tefure he i lo-t to I hem foivtrr Th' i!tn ia! do tne r utmost to'.r.m-er the cont.-ct- from the St Tele: -bur, tram to thr north tra n tt -thuu. attraettne; attention Hut the1 attempt fid-. :! -4-tcral of tltem are m such a state that thet w ok with dil- tittiltt. and hate to lie supported o ha pn.Ml a ear in the f..rtre- of . , . . . ... .j 1 IWVaild M" Paul, and , n.ot or,lt - .. 1 .i. . It. -.-.,-.. ,u-. . jttstaltc Hi a-pccti that ot corpse. bm hiMlt is nitatt putrul with sctirvx-. and he" wntltes in contimt'd t-tmil- ' .vions. Next ontto- Alet!ii.l..r t,..l..l...r ' Although Ih dm'- tatt suffer from ( sewrrv. tad too. and the uervou v,, prx-- ntinemen: U-atKtit begotten of s.dtlart cont liate reducisl h.m t. sn.-h a ooadion 1 -rter-omt; na- ftsi cnier.ti ta. .uoscour nu n,r .,: Im.ii nmi a,Lin t, ixe the t- , . stit.on ami tb,. hit--r i. mm, ' T ff . atKin,. w ' w Lnmitean re-iib-nt at Antananarivo .-t.ti.in. ami ta. tnj-r pa, tnmi jj,t. ,r n oni,.r tt. injuini hun that .. ' t , , . . , mouth tomtuitl. tbst it l.rmss.c.mov he (Ih.-tet 'kt ) 11 the eenrr of the um- ,hci w tal of eiadazacar. Ittan ti .t pu-ocrr to-.mdfordar.a. foraews terse, an.1 that all tlie troubbs .a th ' ir rumor of n new d eae. w h ch i- wlT - T it ,11 ' T W bt the hair of the b-a I. xyxt " 'ree w.-e to 1 en. .i-compt ., un, ;hrottu ui-.a hi- own resource j ww wie ami in-i.t mat an met" can not w iik at all !r,:eh.r. .... ...1 1,. ..... ........ .. .. 1 . . .... .... ! ;... .i.u r tii ..... 1 ... otlbute rdt.l.i itb.te. afeOtk T.aa . l.--l .. I - - ". . ' a 1 atoseat f.- imt the, urttvo-to lv . J--th. then- i- Plotuisot. lie libor- "' ". '" -- .mi w.-ttjia. , hi, hmel.ae- made him tb.ak. Tbe "!" , ." ' ." " " ai.jtscni x.r. mi inee provoirto. iarj;e I .-,. ,..,. t : ,.. ,:. dancmj in the pub te plaee- and ill J ,.,,.. . L , , ?h mid tie iaetreti with w u enter tne ears, ine m.a.ui hate to -' "7'" "fc-""-' ' V ' - " "V" b tt.-ek- thes h id in, rea- I to butt "M -;' " "' nwu ati ,.,, xo rf. lhB j, abtute!T iu. ...m. 1 . ..1... ... 1 . it asim i.r ine cnap.a 11. a ii at "ja t ... .. . u 1 ... t .. . . . , ,. . ...-. .-. u.m .- imimrriin ...., . . . ....... ... t .... ... (!rei. s 1 j iat one ctmid not iro out oj mieinimi. au . Wie jw.-on re- . sarv ti jrrai.tt the near relat. laens bukH. urst in.; them i . ; ' " ,,i, a-ateVer u " wuhout meeiiii!: bind- of thiv-c speeieil b.- -k 1! in argument. The ll-t cnke;- in which tbo-e wh. ka :tT".i. -. . " ; - . "TT V M! ,rT . .1.: U h m,..!i nMOtrr. uancer. It -preaU rapidly. a by a -ort of iibistno.:, sh.tem.ker-i -mh a btar o; tliptbena have been plo-ed n ."he n aflaa- and hMeJn ia a,'l ' that evert, hm- w ex- of mtettior. iue:t to h r nmte villa:.., OMli.tIh?.fCrbI- bwa.' us:b fT T " AJLibvU of Ui Land that U i- tbe c,;tnl pronnee of Imenna. - ' . . p.wder. ant d,m,a,-h vert -..,... . , .. that be ha- lo-t the c.s-e of hts- limb- aad ' bappy release, lmr.us' the bort lie faiat at the sl.ebtest mivruieni. I I'b-tator-hi of l.oui- Moliko2a prse.a! After him Km:n once anofii-r ia the oflieer tva- -eat u in-peel the I?xItrl arm, aw under sentence of peaal prison. Katenar the cell of rrn sr rertiXKie for lite is Drotic;ht out. lie ii-axiaaoff he put Ut tereotjed pie i utterly trocon-cioos anJ eeraiae;lT oa IUvt o an repnv-t- to doad. r.nd it i only after various rente- . make" ! hare oac. aad oa can , dies hate been xtndiod th-ti tut J t- . ! easilr eraat it" wa- the au-Wtr. ""! i towarxis eveam-. U csontaaue his jottr- -.i .... :an. -ltTltSts or KV5S-3iA' rKJti-: Aaolher. if po-bte. still aiore oa- fiKlnnate. is I'ani Vclow. a tounr inr.n hardly tw.-nty-s,tea team old. tab of tatuie and tijai1 ot w rful thvi -aa Tttvltif wauth in the fortress hire ro- ttacedhiratoa shadow of h:s bwrmer j elf. lie t tirat double, aad Mse of hx- Icjrs beia para!t.ti-d. he j- unab e ttalk. He is. lssde, t.-rr.b!v afntrtcd a:ti puat-hsn tb--w ht temaiaed f-r f-tr ca-o vf dra:h und'oi'edlv wili. sc-jrvy. and Iu j-basth fxc- !- tail ietrayin their tx.mrad. the tos- pea.;!, aad :e- oalr orrarred.' Fittcared with the blood which otuxv- ack ertar I hx.. b-: bne n them. They j as the writer i- aware, where th va fewii ! b j a rwun b rvavai-ta-r aa -. a - - -- i .. .. . . k, a . t j a k. a.... . i-. 3T,U,UaS1 Ld Shtlkf Taiaaa aurh:. rxdk-d on the -rxHiad. Uatea daac-. It wuuki m that these j?.- ' man and ri-e in the profeon. b em t t ua Jhedevaa t, . Kar. birt it fe hnrdlv po- wit: the bait emL oi masket- and ! s.,. actual y d,ed from tra:-up paoo j hi- -pare am ia todtmr nattaJoa, JL7t latd ?GJi IbLTS a wS 5ibie that cither oj them paa i rca.h that . soa-vbed fu: cxmcealexi weapons aad ; or evrittneat. ITe d.xa.na- no d.r. j Vhen he wa.-rt-adr u: Vhm b-f-a taa ' LZ 1Z. skcttaTlTL idaeealm-. I alma Lebedeta. like i Uxds. i"ha evert'.hia- wi- taken wa- far salniarr. The rna-sr .-1 ' o the tear- .rf iu- mother per-oaded Lt ,lTlZZ2 -1, t under -eatoace of harxi laUc from them book-, tabic- -tk.d- and :o re.-afctte and control t ,e wri,l - ' a to -ne np the pro, wtId alJial o-tb?- lTlv 1K- her natural life a life, bow eter . erlv ! rKr;r rotSatr 'ITwir friend- el-- ,.x .. ...-. -.u. .t ? . ti. . . v ' .v. wat at nenai j ortte. -o lrhtea - - - -.-- - - mrm r -..v. -, -i - ui.i - mm a . a .m. "-ti a j. aa; aaa' a -ir-d i- aa.a aaa. .en . n -r. k. r-Bka. ' aa- avaB- ' a - . t lm r. . - - .-...- i amaa. b-k a - atti am. -a.-. . ai j . which ta the nature at things cflM -- , la.- much Kmei-r. a Jew hour-, or. at jao-t. a tew days. he i bteraiiv eaten ' L- Itterallv eaten I up tv th s-cni. Her ruav have di-a- j peare'J ami tar of the jawbone- art1 ftrippod of ihcir :le-h. Her face i- that 5fa,iheletoa arid hur frail bodv i torn m: Onlv this ' f o .l!. i r !ri an 1 - :1I r !! a.t Mack cm -bo taat ! tet i l.tr !. '. ar :.. r cl' of confine. m. m m t i J r:r f "st. peter and ?. l'aul. a pr-o in t.e cent r . iu-.aa r 11.17. .-.on. aatt onwawi ! ' air. r. bo . . . '. . . . ..j .. . . . . . ... f M'.:4II1Z 14 M- 1 "... --. .. - .-.r r.i....- i ln - Wba. t -a. i..t:t l th iftrnir teri trat-.i in ot:..-r an4 jv- aioie pnaone far ins 3em. is 8j8 Utpi- yia of H-iiJwMe.wrjr. titoat(f m jS kIkitj of ifee Hiiam ? ad !asiy - - -1 1 f rktaai,. tBttkar tfktt4tflflvl .nui.'jii.-ti m.w 1. .. ,. pnsonr iK.vr uEFmiirr, ake tizratrh. The lot oft!- r.form-r-. who w.t M-ot-riteJ diina.' th. n .raf it.an- 1 tier II. i ia no j-i-t taore to! ra! J tliRIl tint of th-r.-.tlt'.o tv-K arc acrw in IihI IiwJfe-ttm reform- nrn ailv.tfdlti. for their nn who; nr.it ti attain tn-ir -! o pv- fa" ! ai-ans - lr wntnsr aud pkin ITiey ae.ther tok j;.irt in an. r.-t.luUontr awnrmrBi iwr n- w ir nsnet $ ...... ... r ... ....,, . ..f -.... Oie prer'-or- th par: oi actiit an I the ;err..rit. of t "ioptiiar HL I.ut the (ot.era.Vtnl. a If tb- l-ir-I u :orw nrervlolf ihi is in am r JisU!il wilb the exisih. Mtt- f Sh u to f.n t . r 'ut'.iar. rank. tr-au xi! ul.-. t I da' tlo ' itaiiH m-jsat:u l th- ml!d"t r-torriH'r u !, iklpt t-Tror. !. Mxav i tfat qb n srnTfii-. tj for ;1kija in th Ia-4 ri:i ar- m:iatti in Him prison of K Ik-lpon.. :inl th.-ir I lie U ! exited :u t.o nittuWr of t Ijarf'j4 which I !'. n.ivaiy lin4iia I. The y4trm jortil ia th s rrsoti i :r-tly r liolar. tin wlU briiir lmt tb IflmtU- of tho of s: I'tr a& v. iu! -l.rtV hnt..V r- : t- c- l and two aaJ a haJf wiI fnrnitmv a jfTU- JMUi. Itl th' tio'ii, til It hw- t -U- ffriw is d'ot.i t .! r un tr ar t!ouutJ . ji.t- iu:i t -r o tfa-ir liv.. !!.- I'lotH koff (J nk ' ral oth r. tit-rio'! at t!i- "ti'. -. marrtTBtI f r t 'u . 1,-H-, ki-w. nuv lrton:il wa- M'j't -!i!. ! ihx 'a- T l - r. t'. tii i .if ! tTT'ir oi Mi inTciijit. Mtiu.t i in I I . -i- .. Ia.faaaV U Jk lif 1 1 i J tlt tflur. tnaeb ....re 1 u,ut la.,' out and I eonijtr - I nt !! X div fr tie ) fo-n!ial f-ati- of l.i- act w, Ih- J Ntate bow tiTiible are ! -t.e-t of .'i- jaiior 'of the vict.w- on.- lonr t.tTnttt. and j.ruduiv- n tery ep tb-ru of ui-umitt- 31ttKS IN ttIN. TJB.--i. 'ITie jrrea el k of the prison b- utruek the hotr d iniintiit an J llie in ha'iitauts of Vi 1 i-t orrii!tr of tlte j lh-ljjojtji! da of -r 1 IV -on o en out- bt a Jon' . Ilioic'lit ati 1 t !orcwi 1 : i. in- ate bun d iu b t-11- . and t.tfu! dumber all -av.- ie. wim is pacing to tti'l fro in In- eell like a ttil t b-a-' an 1 , utter nt: itifohfifnt rrii-. and mutt .-red et-l.ini tti'iti A mm 1 of rhttbmi'ai -niiriiij in the corridor -diotv that the t warden on dttt;. i- a'- iiiduliriujr in ' --.lumber. One o cluck -trt .. then two 1 oVlock. and a-. t'ie re-rb'..i,.ion d atta. a tcmlie uproar i- ht'ar.l m ell 1 lhe itiiun'e i- kit km7 with all hit t-trMi;Ui at thr door and yellin,' at tin top of hi-, o.pe: "( c i opt n ! toil t ilktiiit. I am the ICmncr.tr of Un--..:.. Siberia 1m- elected n e Jnr Itujj ami I hate been lit ouel a- Nm n- Ji: Lord it nil the land. Open, to t -roun-tlrel-' tp.n. I .!' Tin iv.ir lell i ii. -,'iurni". itiiiiu-. trout hi- - o tin I i i -.--.. shmti :ir In p. Turn- otli-r wnr Jns anwvr h wt'.I. ami th f tier m-a. t-nttsr- in'' No . 'i'f tin wri'trhvil iiinmai. : ... , . tlinnv him on ihc .miiii I. rup- h arm-. nt ,,. fa,t.;i ,nm ( Ui Wf, rtl,.n 1h.(J i i l ... .. . -.. ... t 1. .... ., . ..,. .,,.... UIHi .,., ,r ha I a .ar tin. m-..,h- u.t; :.y ,;,h iw or inn nine- a e h m im- i-.i the war Jens of iie.itirod. wetrv t.t . t. -- nitiii t on. cot I. tt. It .r ttt. to- m the - r- mn'i ta- ciiiei. iran-ierr-t to iiif r.so.. ot i.ur.-oieti-k. tv.icnt aiier a . . .t 1 1 mtm.n .-....-.,-. Another i.nfort imve was koloty. i He bid a liN.il idea that he ha 1 been p.rloucd. and wa nlwa askin; to t- r. leanL U hen he went out forexer- ... I.. .. ......I fkiliti t. t-n f.ttS..r lllcstl. ci- be Would refuse to re cuter hl-feb. jjo. despite hts condition, wn-s altvats ' punished for hts t t-ohfditmce by eovcrc i. ,iw fu0.':;is IWeUkv. who 13 ahvays tt .rid .uise trom urnorance of thi im- tor:a:it fat t- Am her lniiai ctnlinei in tbe pr!s a of Nuto Ib-iorod b Ho-ol oub it. for str.kinjr wb.mi V.ra .t-sul t -h sb.t lleneral TnolI 11- Unci- tiiit 1 1 the wield i in n couspira to kill lina that th atr he brea n-. a well n the f hi I be eat, is p.tis.ia-d. When the barber comes t shate btm lie re I siMs. aud before the operation can b . . ense.,,ieat.t s. etrn to r.Mieve .m- -? r r. st ,-vl AH the-e tnea bate .nine mid from soi it art con Sine- aau'ul"1 J f ll ,mn . 1..;... lttfnl- nml lh,,l - fnaa onc t"Hbr aloa. -t KINti IR ItEATXl. ' perhap- the fate of the mad i "re to lie dentre.1 than that of th.- re t ill sane and who. Mttter : -e - Serrib'o that ihev welcitne d.-at .--.-. .... as a favor that ytt xxA namate mt eate see to imnt-am nc to aeata. I To litt a ar. bte here i- to lie by lach I e-. I entreat yu ta saorusa a suf- ferin-. and hWc me conieniavxt to ut- fiaat death."" r-Bs,i.l tiKirtN TO KEr.E-J.btS. No lor ft Sther.an pcisoc -hat ot t K ara. X". . mk .n-. :..w . . rUr'' tks. . ,iv wmt '; ." --- sr. . . pn-oa r- ocaid. a sd btr traT of hin- der n.r fut ire atvm, : of the same ort xm jr. tV; ,n ;i.eu.wn were not allowtni j to -co th-m. aad a- a further indignity I ihev were iaformoti that :hev woobi no ihev were iafors lunrror caiov im t'tntitsx T?-ifi ci'krt-itrjtJ I ...... - . . . . ... . puai-hmont. .atoar; tbe tohtical . a ct-rtain Zv;iov. a a pn-oiters was ordiaart- crhaiuttl, who tvas further ac I w i'i n consumptive c 1. :. . i. l.i . I XTCT. (TBIIIIf 1..IKA..I1I. XXIS. I 1PI I ill.. 1 1.1 11..- ' I. . .. . 1 .. 1 . ' Nlatc eeifiorMi.u. an I of iris, menint 114 iiin . 11t4u11.11 i . m,tai oc-upato-i. an! the irr.t ttm : J altnent fn.ui ta lew I . . . I .Trnc As urn -t 'itpniii.t t at-attn of the ..rf.m.....l l. Ii u t 4. thnitt:. nnd .na I lh cumin . At lir-t iwrt.e-. ot ae.it was n onefr one tie who at, on , ?Te ntt ce ot -- , --. -- -m s -,.- ----. - -. -.-.. ,-..., , - -lasTiTr Mt us lAiat uiir ii a aaa maT as. - r i wi . ati r wa-w' Taaawrs ijin . i anwaa- a i ' m -d fif hat-n;: rr-n in s-ere: r-!Ma w .:). jf.t t.e.xl ex..- t j I '.. man w a- n- ijh ai i e-re i ftiKiufi: d -nt the o-jo-j a:.d fo- !nf tn '.mr :rrHr on of m ocde-.-d to h- i l z?"l m prea-noe of :!- other pri- e - lb. wa J to ffiow - i tat- .. . . . .-. .a -. . - ft - . . . ... am. ' fatr ii tore .fort-wto. . .. , : ! p-f f L sla'-rrtj ZTj.lor rm llo-'jl a wenl t?iae aal a lJwr-1 , -. oa Uf coauoru: of jrpe. and atSr,te ai! in Kttia. cir:frl pantfiV wetit regarded oj tdurxitj ppk rs &... a- h - ( .J. -4.ta. jfa illannT ,.. , w. u.Bun.. -, 1 ?! 11 is w nm oraair ... iasi. pVh - a era uUU-b !nt Trvpoff for , Mr.kn-j iJejr !.ubor .-m- a a.- (uittri by thtr jury on te ground Uutf tlit? M ibIkuiI a hua. wto. hem boud. ba onjt. to fe(-t f 11 UUbd iwr a -hooting his ggrre,r. A -rKlJtt 1 PTAliVATlo's. Nar!v al! lh" !tas jtn politM-a! pri- n., i.g ;o ., r!. f aob1". a ti 'h -ne If perinai ilinsT aid the threat of b-.ng puh 1 -U a.ei stun afe of Kara to tnii!u Jher re- ,ftu,i i suite The . t.mmitwiani van h.j1riltyd that unit? the tkreat of pttn- .tteh a wa tbn: a cm -r? oa of the u ..,... fn ..nt. .,ir.... vlwi-iviTlmmii'ii m I 'mm. a hmumn M.,., tjtrt the .t-k w uu' .nl.t.oxli;. Withdraws tltf. o'.lM - xm moT oii Tin- "o:.ma:il i.t rrf.-i and ti sir ''' '-no. Tbe- men. thnj -)?- UtnJ hy txip c.nliieafc-;U arm in ti:li ir it noun-biiM-nt. hsi sA mngh tr n.ti o. .ll t lit- d n in their b"d and refuse to eat ior nine da tlie -".ran tint ! la!e-! a-id tht-y wen? al iiketid.o when tae i-ommanJant owned hiiuelf If !. and pron-iaet! oel'l "nit t -!it to !.re. that. If tbv t It v..iiiJi und rtike - r t n Ii-1 eor-- ra! :.nthm-nt on ih pr.Mtor:i un tie' Ja iiLir.-i- itu: the.r be.iltn. il ren l lnv' re-l !v r-n n.te it, wt nt. d u:t. .jjitt Irt th- r 1 mjr !at. lo - t it prut el fa ii. bu. tho ctMB man int k--jt h m vnr.l AS K.ASI.M rtT. Ylii I t:otth tirt iti ai't on reeortl of death b -".arv.t !n iu a lt- a:i jir.ion. Th etinnipl" wa- -et in tne j,r iu of Novo iJ.-l.tr'ei tn 17H, h-n one tf the political nonor "a terri ! 'i :r"iteil bt a brut a .ti.'-r edied ekiaileri. a;.d th er- deaitti the C w wr p-anted to the iutn:if-t in ilt-iartor- thtt 01 Wi'Ti m in the h rt.ihtp of b'.nr tijrtli-r I'li'inj -:li of jrettinsr fo i f rom out- trfd-. 01 re..!in bo ik ttermitt'td hv tnt common It uu- antl war hoir truair ment and a a n an ' e.if r injr 1 ora- p.i ine witn th-ir demand-i they r flved to n--rn from food. At trJ th li-- cto.- male liht of th- mailer. -lt thrui alone lo- a da or t ."" h ril. "and ti.-y ttill f.u fa-' t-unuzb.' Hit' it ben t.tii-e day- pa-t atitl the", -t V. fn-ti-d he betM'iie ainrtneif. d iinsMtl all the ob:ti:otis jnil- rt ami eiUP-nt d .he -Inker? to brfik ;lir r ttit Not tint I all the.: !t.a tlal.. l'iIV. rJ.Vl...t....t .' t li IflftV . Ill) , , .to-n ".!. l.'.n.r..r' a " - -- ---pn Tie-ti tin- I rector, bemilo hitu-ieif v.:h iv trim fe ,r jor tt.iat ttoiiltl K in-, a ttould Kurope -at if n hundred pri-mi-er- -.nonld die of -.'a.at on' tele rrajihed tor instruct on-, to the Intern or of Khatkotl'. Tlie dotcrnor -cnt down a 'oinuiiN-ioiH-r tt th plenart jiotter.. acctinijauie bt the chief doc ttir tif the prot nce. who tried to forc ftNnl mt. i the. pn-on-T-" mouth-, and -tiiilihl lt other mem- to defeat their de-i";ii-. but a!l w.i in tain, ami atto; a hjjiil of tea day- the atninir.tie- jjatt in to their dcui'itidt. None but member-of the .Sclav rue are capable ij -e!f--ainli f s i -up-rn ituntl ot etidu i aiiee -o her-ii . a- tt- di-p'avetl bt tne-e jiri-une-N, Men ot Lajr i-li blom wiiuld have made a comb ned attack oi the r uitlers at :.ll ha'ard-. and diet: ilj:it.n-wthcr than ihtlIi of Imngor. 7f,Mi4,IJ C'r. .,. ,.ro C-troi. . ; I it. IMANENJANA." A llmlit I.IU-. tt. i:..II.r -!tlnz tlia' s..ff I .. IVl.iil ttf tjt ti; uiyr. In lotiktnj: over .. v.ilume the othei da. that out lined aeeonnt- uf ditfe-eni , inu j,, t llJllf. ...j,.,, j f:iJ ijf .,.,. In ..j,,, ,..ir.. i ,.am.. B(.r., ,a,. Iol;olv. '. utn f ro.ler - ice;. -Audi I -nbni t totlie con-odc-ntinn , katcr- and other intero-icr partie-. wa ail had nppeired in the vsi 01 ftiuthet. Tne uanie itei to it bt tbe native- was hnotien;aaa, and Uu dane ns wen c.i'b d "r tmanlnn t." which pr bihly eoines f-om a root sie; ti ft in; to make ten-e. Tne 111:110 d 1. no1 convex ant i.lea of tt- nature, ane the actsomits pt en f it ttere -o t.i;ui a to mvstiiv intlipr than enltirhten. After a tune, however, it reached th' i spita!. an tn the mont'i of March be- insi nil 1111- net ti.-kit r. t t n.rini ,,,.- ," 7 .' I " "'..r "- rr" -; i,'" "V"" "-" . "'. -"-i ieMlu r hambt- an I. more wonderful -till, near s.Jitart cottages, the ?uad of mu-ic, . mt en! nt- rK-.r ;?. n.-r I... l . ..... - is -- - "tottw utu .ii. en mere The rtiikiJitv of th:i ?- I -a r.r ' Jaiah n.m irklWo h nxrvii with what ts r I no; to he l-r.ni rabtttsj of :he our- break of the cbibi tdlrrutaee i Erfor: w.i-h on the l.'th of Jmt. 1?J7. on tb.Hl-nnti rhlJilr-.-n Hml.!.i.1 t if tit !stiact:ve impulse w.thon iireconecr, - -.-. ..... ... ... ... .- .. r an-i unKuiwn to tae r pare.tt- Tn.- dancme wn- nrjda:d terymoeb bt t e ota. c. which wa- the qj. ke ) o ible. Tiie paueat.5 were fond o corrxme uar-cnaes about with them. T ; tW .Q lbt. T CAT re! them over tbe.r sbott.de.-.-. w.i tber dancevL Freueatiy. to. ;' ; ta cht be seen pa-ti: thiteien their .-a I pilar evolut ons with a bottle of war ; i.pm th-ir bead-, wh eh tiioy tvee4- eti wontlctiuily m haUacm? Thr drum a :b- favorite ta-irnnient nt mmmmmm. 1 .. -. ... .. mn-v. wi ksaars- wrv oiasu. aad ai w- v acep able The di-ca-e wa rarehr faial stall a ban- o far ' the r- aato protod m;uriott xhle fact ?. :ba: the : its. A mo-; remark- mere phv-a-al c- erct-e. tvooicioa- aai ka--cannKe.i ,. . at tr ... -. - .1..... - .-.... .. r .1. .. . ..- ... v... ...T .I-. .-Ti3S IVir..I.l - . . . . ...!-.... harmless, -.ad uy ka-ow of no fatal:: t coanoctcd titcrea-i-J:. V.ij.-on H- J'CiJm. In the month nf rchruarv. 1.S63. xh THE MODEL FISHING-ROD. A luly f t lrlitr I ti !-? t rlj.1.-. of l..k tt lt.n. it t !J- Th rod should ' i 'J .1. . . V... " - --- , cT-r narr.i! .: tuxt . ma.. (rwa. , Jjmc-w ..swabea.-t, '-."ha. ,ra aad i as nr rii ?r - of b-tiitr . ' . .' ' ,K-1 BJ-n-i . go jj ..x u . ttO. ; -"d : Kfi b--o aiiom-4 tnr ihe haads j of , mk Ud workman Kmt sa I jfiud i ., or , rf a jj.,, atoi-j. gmtrtily tftKS. t .Jt jjno,, ttf.urUuiab"r sttads ! f .- ml ,tt -.rl ..- ; - a "yermj riaaa- , "0 ' x-n o onrntxr la JM j fly-caB- t.mraawt.t hr!i jnr ftff f iear alt. Rsrai Tark ia X. t York tl ta-. isdaalh upp.aotef! h aVtcr kld al roi. an l" crla-aty tn t stnnrth. Ut- ne.nd tat -Jy pe n ti. n i the ' tw-njoi perte,-t on in a fhf-nl srolnini t.a dr-rr.-e une-juaied' 10 5.1 oilier kaowrn taater.rtL in--- roi arc mu; n rltun $t ! Hit of f 'aJtirtki bamboo" U-rUKfr in r.nd of tite tambi. i j-lxlon the t.-it-Hle. and is untotiehed in the man o- ffa Ien Iu KtK.raare of the op:" eai own part it oad hate rett nwt i . ii.. r t.. ,tn.tr.t.-fa-tur. ani m t!.eri-sn lie .H the ir-1 -f refrat-tiott bal to he oterc;uc more pofnilar if bat f-mttraeed u.-a irt. t'li Uiat t.w; aiater.al prv - ITif v.. ift o; kaujboo ttoed for tku purpose au. te d.tii?u.fifi bv the 1 rmmi mttrt. .n tia. x. !!..- ...(. .. witftetut tbth ::one geem to be rw- t-iru-l into tn eoantrv. IHooofftatae , l-at fa mil ar tith Zi.'.t ba'nhoo can tare tatied to nm..rk lir- lorem. al- i waa ore-ent. jet Bi-rwr alike. To the phbamb' rod-maker tlie are a tK-r- feet nuisance, fucx n tk tn to reject al- together manv n eau ot..err:e eri- li'.t Ni e.i-r) iii. tttrpr.'M-l that ' itiK -u bli r oil! b Mn.ie i :ntrtiv tar a- t apoar. ... t- i.sj-.r- tut. mu. natur.i ! a k v. !. !,; :. do ' lie . ii- are r.- j ' :i a-. ..ai-k'w-rr.e. ami -.. of our . th-r s n i lack in iu a-- II rw tt a few ample, a- jrr.e tb'-e tt: jd th-y km w ail &00 t .: 1 It wa reltjrou-- e. netaott'.. 'J llit-v are ro .-e 1 t. - a lar rr.d.roj to kill lho Jarta? of bortXijj m- Mft-t. H Jt is rm-rdy fur purp-i- of orua twui. I T.'h in.'mt !ro m .tte I toect er tt-.tii all " . . , ... . .... the rat: be pit tcated the piado must be Urttl to detrov thee rivearff. t That te cane, are rtatet over o gri-tirou tobim off the l.-a, and treept-r altrn h.tl to them. a- t o n.-.t simile ami :n d t:ou nat to et rid of them " . That it ii done -.lib a hoi iron, i-tc.i cane tie n treated nepara tlt. :nTely to ftra. .1 -n them. I hate be.i d other-, but thne are quite i.lii jri't for a I beral tt-reie ut jHT-onal p'tile ;i m. nit ottii lt njj totr..r.l a r-oinhiuation of the ri-as4;i uumhered ? and -i. l'itli-rrnt siM-c tui'H-i of eterv tar.elv nl IO'' tute ta! tart "Tcatlt in ecel- b-nee. one ..itu.ile bcin; I'u n! and an- other ut erh ttorthle-. There it the mtcntv t the r m! milker, and reir-m t r h - ivpnr.it on, are the milt -cttc-j;u.ird to th- pun-ha-er. Therefor. it I- cheaper in tie end to but from tho mak r h'tii-eh or hi- r.-coni d -ie;ent. If the hate a repulalioii thet tvd! do therle-tlo mauitaiu it. Anontmuti r tl-are like Htiontmou- lette.-. thet I,a .... .f,.... -.!.. M.I .....nil, ill. ' 14I tBl'. ' t Ifllllin th.tt are not Abote all Hua-. nmein- b r there are no lunrains iu hshmj:- ta k!e. If an article i-cheap in pr.ee. it i- almo-t int.-.riablt eh-Mip m .ptahtt .. .... .ti " t omfort in u-e. eflicieiict in ca-tiii ' Atuone; the ilutie- tba are imperii the "v. an I p over to cont d and land :ite when thi- enemy i- -upo--d to le theti-h af'.r it i- ta-tt n't. all will ad- on his ttat. and ttho-e ivntn r" t;ro- init. a-.- the de-ideruti in a ttt -rod. stre ith to tvitit-tan I the incidental strain and cla-tieity tn reooter on the rt mm a! of the delicti. m cause I there- bt b ' m all c .t- - presumed. , 1 nee !-. no expert p itu t-t t a--ure ii- that tv.tb ttt. i nni of y pial ttc.ht. ' md r-'-pcctitclt tea and twelve feet j 1 ng. the for-n. rwdl occatioii far b---tat nK 1'iau the latter, sinci while the ' -iiurter snu ! tlie leter i .-'iual in ioth a-es the louder arm, w b ch is to the v. ..rk. L jrreater than t ic latter Nat. furtner. eten thoueh the .'.. rter r tl fcec 1 m actual weight t.H it suit retain its 5TJMnonty itt this re-p.-cf. Kilbar pter. ami the ab l.tt to eon- tnd the mot. ments of the ftsa. depend not on tin length, but on the power of sti,ins.s. of tn- rni. nnd thi-. other mines Itciu e jiial must Ie j-eater in .1 len t nan 111 atwtlt.- foot rod. iinc" the levr :, s-xam-t the contniliin I ower is b -s. it. I'. b.".. ttt 'irt rj MtVjanur. LEARNED COBBLERS. s.iiiu litm il.iT. tflit. Ilcne .tl .tit Thrlr Mi.r's In tie- tVttrltt. In the oi len time the -hoeraa'ker's -nft. . A- ratlaUk-rlmT..ttnoe-aatA!a - -- . - . - - - - Wil.iam f ar.n ioine! mendin- -hoe-' in order to lnwae mLv-maari and .....1..... .. . k- It 1.1- V'll.. i. ' iA..- ...... .... ....-- i .....v... - : -nt ram;Ki irorti nh hhjmi.it -:ii ?.. ih. .silit n.-l el -i r of the iHt'trfr t .'., r lhe (e-nuill ( oh'iler 1 'ail- r.i-.. i--eame th ni'-ht B.-le of tb-I Reformat on." and tleorrtr rox loader' oi the .m ety of Knead-. ued to pouad k.. I !. .m.lr ttc tu.sailMk . .... -I m . . J. -. . . . mm- ......v- ouen'lr inind ! "the woriti" if-pie."' It t- a o- e step from pej;r3S th !-of KaLsh c od hoppers to man- a;mr oae of the larre-4 optteal aad coek WTrk5 in tireat lie tain. iot a ' -hoemaker. the -oa of a cobbler, took that :eix The f -nader of tV Bock.ar- i ham tt-eef Work. Vork. where ar 1 maaafactored tieodol:trs. compaors. turret eb-k-:. teie-ropes aad otbar atronoaueai tnstrameat-. xa Taotaas t'ooke. a rohhlcr. Itts father, a hoeaaak"r aad rarr 1 P-r. aaanara to .t tnomay tv scaool for two yoar-. Bearaa then stated on the eooid.jr' t w-L bo he l.ked the -on. the Av and the otei a r aad di-i.ke.1 sbormax:a C'tptaa CusiV- tovae- aTa htm a ha-tr-or fosr he ?a. and he wa- raeer to beetaaf a '" itaxta . tie learaea nathematsr- from i?tsdi ... . . ia old book prrha-ed at a stall for a -miliar i na no c-vrowe r.xis oa .. mm . . . .. . esowe-rt aad their coas.jats. optac-. aad mattturta! At -oveate-is rears of are he kefs the xSio-jntater's ozl aad M-ei is h n It'TTJ'T f-A. lit tempted turn t op-B a rTLxj-; J'e n fri f ! f " e If ea "' T- t t' He aVverrtuned u at . v t - ,o lie w 5 t r '. o.rria b i- ah bnr:-rU-. !. ' o a ::j 1 icahkr UK'rtta U-r rn-4wd ' !" "T nd ma-! a ta'w urist .4 f t.a '?a ami ttMMtat ' riitt tti it. ' An s.roBum. r uvr f . K..m-.! . tfc aaj , j, ..im-.! t j j y t, "t.a!W, a u, ..rJ iW jir. ; 1 . , ivtul. iar ad ataar. Urr k a em la ar --?,-.. 4 - ytf I - " 9 wJ Jof. wlucil kw ! w" trttattel for Ifcr lr of Mrai ir. . rU H . jj, iHrk fWrtf4r:, -j . .--,-, m - :.ULr n,m irorit of tho bf. Oa da, ir- ltaUraaiBI U ittnim: the t2 rw-ioci ( tt .Bt-r-tmr iee.- of "it mche dianaet. r He eat the M-euluoi. poiMbcd l in kand. asi J a hs hard labor as abrnt to h r- "artli. the t-l- joe.,, r-mkr. ii- j rmr TL sr atLng ihe iarrt pten. nmu n attn a MtrrcatMi-a-r)a-i aara triluB. tarkteh be worked into a-wd reSet-ii!r i..-. ' Annmi k tbD LumHnLb set u, mr to make n arbrtwnalse netore he o uld gitre tus ngbt rtire to th iea He f:ti.tJ the mathemt. oi ow. anl made an admirabie tei- a-x.-M ( IntfTK i-a.np in lil la, in. t-te I opee.al Utto ee nte biswora it--omtn d.-at.hej :th the nu-thod of h-biaff I n b. ban J. be mtreat- ed a ma. h' tie. operated p! h tjit.jr.a-ik ii ttr team. t 9 hiin" tn- crei-t-l ti -u- h an ent that he b4il: the work- in o-k. an i when b del. it found that he hd l-tl bi mrk on ii'-ar!v eer atronotnt al inlxu men.. JouA'i tvw;n'.'jv INFECTIOUS Sts'Sertraee -hp Tint l'erveat A rt. ji(t TtH i"ttr. lphtheut -. t. tr.f.-1-t.o.i a mtladr that we ijb nvft !.. fj.no2:ar wh tta . ci ant preteti'i.nt i'retrentuj is a tav. i j- fr tl- in e ir n H , av - rouca toward pretmi.njj tn tarioiw way. Th-e (trr-onn, un or old. no have aore throat. oflen-;te breath, .-!f MALADIES. (wa I n jan;lea and a fet.n-fi habit, -b.ul.l 1 . Iu I.-tl " "I-" - i ral r taanner of iRm n .K..r .-nwm Th for,oei. " d fie e,untnt ajTmn-t pianaff ,.-. -.. .-...-. ,-.-... .... .--.... mat n l iat. Ji;i.'fn' .a. tit tn nate , . . , . a,:n- ,,f ,h'' r - mdleattrnw ofKtw ' fatTant proiieri-elu-. on frmtUi.-r- A -o .n a tb.y are knowa to hate ibh mbttKu malady, they hou d U nromn It and thorouffhlt iisolated frm bat. diriktbr'.a. it the hate lh-4- a ho are w. II. 't-apt-ciallr tlie t.mnff. wh are alwtt- mrv mimi pti- we to inteci.oti tteio' man ure 1 n lult Tin- health officer--, even 4 j rural and .par-eh-iotlle-l dtatnett. bate dtit. to di-charjfe it restrirtinx the prendiae; of aitt tiio-nio Lhut it apt u In- -i-tfe and o.'tca fa'al. Tnet hould b- priitnpt in utif .ilT all lam il that lit n- ar h'.u-.-. inbt t-d uith -uch di-ci-. earbitinn. -mnll-Hi, or dttdtthi ria i.eter do ar.t sihmI. I nt often a !ar;r- kinuim' ul harm. N time. then, --hotthl t. b-t "lhe health ullicer- of eterv t tllr,e or tottn Imu'I con-ide-- wlia thet onht t do in i e ant di-ea-e of an infect oils character dare- to -how j;.- color- Tbe-eomcer-, -hoiild nt make ha-te -itt' to do their dutt in the tircmi-te-. but h-iu:i at once to the d.-ch rje of the r oilieial -. ... lot f. ...o u!l .III. eo.,J f W a, .a Mill, lit IIVIilMHk, Alt IttH IVtltt tHUt ene'mt t.. the health and life of tbe.r constituent-, i- -!vlv npproj hin; thnr happv home- an .'neiu that Mint, pn- ter infancv and rhiblhoui to touth nnd (..." " ltlr. that of lllte-tie;i me the fm t. tl!l- tier the miwlan- e o -tine intelligent phy-ician IU hi- a-'.t ce evi lud the -ick. keep tin iu in their borne, ami for b d the -it k. howet.r mtb! the d.acne mat Im-. to ti it other "e have eea children in fee ted with the early indiea-t'oii- ot d phthenn. - ailatiua and ih1 jmi, and tet were rolll.n lit coat let with the welL No patent of common sene ar.'jt d.-rre on would all .w anv memler of hi fatnili v ;-aiimit th- ?priiii if the -.etere malad.e. liut the truth i- int the-e d;s -a!"- are ; . thir ajprt.a h. and o mw pannts are o uns-ispie.oti- of their cmn that thet take the citadel before thet nlarta the minate-. . have eea man v cae of diphh.na well .btelopetl at our brat vis,t It 1 w -e for parent, when ta t of thi disee xit tn the ticmitt of tbe r home-, to earo:ne the throat of their chlld'en every dar. SO thai they may nip p aii at one-, and expel it from th-ir pre-ai-c- At tbe outs- diphtheria i- liai tetl to the month an ' ibr-ia. Iwt, if Meleit.ti. iu germ? ta.t ' e inhnbtj. enter tb" rp.d course- I dw. 1. , ,1 n.l itm! ?u ..v.r- wlun of th frame Not only shn!d .be health oneial infets-! plaee. but peron taalatft funeral eer- ae-e ..H a, j n. tede-I r - rnfeetinr tattaeh if -----. - .iV -k-i... "m . J . J ,k7. "v ntxi ti nviT in nnmnrrni . r.nr rtnn. eeerm- STZ h ... - ..,...... - .. - . - -..... ... -.-. .. dtinb rt n-rft-rtlv ,e room In whe h dpthertw patient- ave !-ea Vk aed .1 . t v., V. n tm. m.L1 I .-1 nf - mm -.. -.. . .- ws an ueeait- carte-. nnir. casta. ar. nud all othe ml.-na;.- thai nt'iiii tlie re'aia the WM-Onotl- eiem--nt ot tn maiaur The he kh olfirer- -hoobi b wel! ia- formed what to do w.th the i.ooti rreton from the throat mouth aad rtos.- ere -rM-rt-; wn oft- tr-mr-mArr - - ... . w n w. - -.- . mw the maladt. nd m -brmld b rer-ixe.1 ia pr per - eoataia a tr aotu- ta oi the t-i!phte nf t&t.. or. if r- cettei on rlotb-. -a told at oner be bar- nl it soar ifbtaar fxotn the boa.. thne hnadml f-et or aawra. Taw -- f'Vt oa aoolie- emaIlT well to thr arare- an from the kidaeya n4 .atet ae Kvtra the waihiajr..' the ain may well he poare into umc dttBt hoi-, from vhtrh they rmu aerer rtf . or ran ato aat well f'r whirit water f driaua; f at ror draw:t. a cra Mxr. Aniaaal' are eat't1 ie of rreai di'aee al'h-.ji. nealde tojteat a Lib- at tb twt-r. A 4i; teaeotli I warn tairleoa m.h ia A-e-ne to rt- i join a i? mater A aad a -. ! wa hod tatrrr-hoani the Hay of IU- j -K mmay-mi t.-i tlisrk-r" .B- 'CVU. - - wmm-z. . - --. . v. m.. .. -- -1 .. wm . mm mr m s -. .....iw j f .. - . -,-...1 a .iv f-wi i -- .- i-t-aawasawaaaiLaaaawrav. awaw-r awa -a a vaatawaaa avawat -' ra aawaat - r.i for mt!a aftuir the rea?eL Cfr-eooa -Ms oauhorJi' Zi cafldtaa eaH her -Graada THE CAuiNET. ti- r-xo-t l b r-r J !? tk tik pW Ilra4 la alrradv kevm fOBftiBTrl- ft tjka4 rr .' MtlliM tM t-U-rm ad Jr ."' tor, mad Ump ahr"4.ea 4a M jr o( Mr (Vwlia-d'- imawn Tb at trrsuou Hiurt wr tntvV t- a --t f a a trtoc "-tvi-mx attavni jr. tf a trtoc i-mfrXr trud ac-vo lbmc:m at n mtm Srr. fntn, Nrr ort. tav Ijuf-rv. of th VV,-: ti.umn.icd a l-tr w.-m t- taM ii- IVaartat in - - 'r r; al-ad jk1 foi)ovW bn . :&. l.actinaw nu.r lireranl o ih- rrpr-rnutjoavv rVra ail ta a", .t a iaur CahtnH. I: not ixni.r la akalitT oJ M"mmhif iiii vbe r2rj taat Uwrln caUe.i around What wtth .nw aru. I te and :aaua. It i ttaJtrrtor " i'- 1 in m i:.-t-s w.a Mn aw herman a iu taxetrr pnl. bt.t tt boid. erd.utJ rani., and ba l Mrooj? ir.tur- a -V. a it tet ptat. IS tth the om f the Tre. tmuy and p !. lvn. ml fa :u- a ihurntan and Mti.nakl I pa the rotsatry at iar reant'rH of par- tiaavshlo It niHild aattr Baa.t - a At,m ! an I S tetter impre if hod eoataite4 m men tdeati&M with aei eT'e and rrform par-. A t Ue piitir- i4 tr t aotue I r -"-!- 1 rated m New Vr. .t )4- ep-r. err- and tr-t.nsng are l. nted in w South, and it nailt re;rMw-nt th Tll Sea machine an J the outhcrtt re -..m. turn The rorrn'tn ho-aaa frvm the srtth an pM-it.HMkkJ tmttnaly t'e bij(hrt afe-.il. ! die Ket e'.ailtcler of that trc taa. Mr. Hat nrd ho taa4itn the brier line ia n4 retried -y th--1. -t tirrer a m atir ne up to h. reputa-iion but be bnnT dijrnitt . d r t n and brrrr kO"t b- fir- td u' 1 " t tne 1 tut.-nt f-ottocu. an 1 a aa a a mm 11. 1 ii' io-u,oa 01 1 ituiwi aiia -nMtt. Mr t.ar tnd . a lawter if the Ur,t raIlk j h. blrh i,r,4rJtlflal , ntl.ti. ai..r. I. r Att .r;i.--t.enrrl arr r o n.-i on t.'l ide l"b-oa-tfiad- ,.........-. .f,. .-.. , .1.- k.. 1 ..f . t...i .. ,.. , .at m the hand tf a leatlrr who waa r-onpiTKu m the iri-ihotx Mr Lamar i trlliatit rlo.uent and broad- minded, and reprenu the la-at p r.t 1 the .South, but the jfeneraJ belief bat be immmkm- no practM-al admtm- tratite caanty and ai patienc? r in elmatwm for the aiaetmg demand of irre.it branch f Uovrrnment T;e nac" vtha-h f eater in the Interior Ie phrttuent h dl a i-tcome hU amo.nUent not U-rjiu-" ihev eouat him their friend, lait becau-e thef will hope t tdot aad not abile be kvp and ib-i'ititK With the Cabinet the Trenaart b the p. vol Uth in it- polite, ami m iu aI mitrttmtive eharnchir. and for thu place ;,. l'rftdent .'Irt-Li hi mul, i dent .al friend and adt i-er Mr Man it'tt;: folIuH- without traiiunj; a b-ajf bn of trained and aide -tnte-tioen he i- kttoHit unit at. an adroit and -killiul poll I it tnn be mrnei into the t ahm-: the metbtxlt and aim of the Tilden I junta, he ha had none of the pra teal cmtni t with cut -; muentnl Htlair tthieh ' M I V M UltlCfl 111 IlUttlT U f lf . . ... j.i. . " j4 w,,,,l- ' a k'reat demnment. Hoi ' W!t bawim- (-apft.it. eo.-tl md. ' n,,,nl Jul r"",l 'IU,hI''- .n"1!1 h" u , uul a w.v ;i pwb.njr l-4h the i-ojn . al de-ijjn- and tle Miblic ut-nure of the .i nun -'.ration .Mr Vhitnet i t-ti'l Ie- knottn to the lotititrt al laree He ha.- !..,. onlt a (oqionition (sHin.el , .New 'i ork. but he ,. fortunate in -.p.x connect! .nal i bright, .juu k-aittetl and nerg t r Julce Lndx otl emeni frm the eminent rc-p t-tblitT of th Itntew street upfier nrele. nnt brinj.' blue bliKul. culture, (b'lH'ate hefi'lh and unkaieta aiiuinitrative iiant;tt to lb I oun''il I , .nf t o'onel Vila n- on Um- b'.wt rhetoric d one after d nwr -pett h and two Ie:nrrUt umtmte 1 and oa n e nernl notiou tnat be 1 run sitbrable td a maa Hi- i u experi ment, but a pn.miinr one. T-Ml.tiea! mttake of the (. 'abtnet 1 that bv taking the thre abbl mem ber it leave- the Irmoerattc td- of th-N-aate barren that it boA only ! New Vo.-k and the Sooth, aad that it regard for the ifrea: -.weep of '1,' ''- H ltar puIe m ;ake t mat it tut up no b.gn tandard. and. excit at one r jio.nti. 1 Mr 1 bv po.nt. 1 experimental- It . hftwfter, dand own a bin t aad wtth it he will eland or fait Pre. - Itubiipinu TnE SPOILS. 'A 1'rtt (i.il-n,n.l I.t It 11 j i-.. r.t. . A Demorratic toaraai cratdaia thai the K.Mmhl ena tan, leer- at the I em- ocratie oflk'-e-kers. a ihoojfh there J Hrnf '''-X 4red.ade a dL- IDk so a r ,"1" " -rrjee 01 lae it. 1 . !. .t ill . I . mm ic i mt otnnpiaiai - ut i-waru nan prorr-d from the MTvmK -urre jf. pubuVnn- beb that -eekiar to eater jh -rH e of t e KpaUic. not aaerHt 1 ... o... ..-.. .. .w 1. u... .l ' , aaa aii'j aar- am uit aiatvaa. aana rtita -ebw boa et desire and fair .uautw-ataoa Ui i . -ii i t .-.a... .- T"4 Y"r mo'i "' . 'u:rmm "' VTT. do j-ot-l .erve-. 1 aa boa'rhie aaabb m i'.-ttur at oeu"e uu 10 aou . rJt - u ,., Ai ,- ' h(mutlT awl ablr dtha rsj. h mi . r- j o t i j. ' .. uiiph i pun "w'irn igm:atira ua the nVs-hrj4r har. t--a a compared with any I va--ratir prood. nrm..rl niik .- f t.Mry-ti. Muul u. mrrrliMii!r iU lukav. mmS h:l r', t.t h.-i f i.nJw umutt. -. Mtkr (rfttrraattvii nV mirW Wu Ka .. i! erxel oa the b! tatitn no ,ww .. W. iU ..VJ. l- ... . w . ...Ni... . .. mwm r' .- . mwmm iv been" fait'-f alt aad fea--Ut eoadoet- d. fa itatuian ranti p nabi pr..n ' I'nder ItepublWaa rah la fr-' bwdy of aVr-- er haee-f the r e a aa aad Jtdr hoo. ui arfj. or at kratM tbev awe-v depea i4 ut, , i.eaia: far at. btT. a rd c'-.arav ter and tie rm. fet-. awai OTaahae . ;ko r aenebborn. ii, a" wit taait-ar theae r-jmrvaifafa-. tbrre re a few who pr ed oawortirr. the awnW of arh wa taiaJJ raatpair. I with i Toiar Lap-- a otbr aalioo.. aaa) 9mry mall uxlred compared wtth the latpa- n drr foraae; Deawatratar XA ava atrat ooa. Bet, wtv-a treat aorV of reao-erat- aadKiealv laMoaae ooV. . aatkei1. - t ... -X ... ... jwas aai tary tmoaaa a- pa. a? " iaanpa oat man.-t- a; oa. r Weaoera-e party ha- area i'tr eopnWo.niie ftvee- s--a-,x .puBx. t t ojrkcra aad v-aeao-aNeri a- a 'apoai. Tiem. "" Taey have appijed aa oaVe-b'4dt-r arh eptthfl at 'Taetet. T.rav Xififfaab.t nr," fKitaral hmrbakea." 'as&cainr aaea. -d- aod aaaar othr oyper.artiaa r-yorauua to fc.ya-anaat TWt havv aeatttayd odao" etrr aad uai.1 bobUr a damrepa table, cooaemsaahie aad riL TVey coinad nW aaeaa aaat aBafieaos aatra: -Tara the rama oat- Th?r ha; bioct- raaniW ai slistinrrd tio beratirvd IVm4 5irv U4rt f jv Xttfor - Ttw dam trjimi .a-W vi bct ii &Jt HV-in mI 4lW8W I-ktu jpc cal J avrrrwrsaMt'v auTt rriiit f tin i1k- TVt w nt t ti rpmaii . an ur4 a tb U4t . rt tffKtmm V nan W- ifcafc- Ha! Lv ,!,, ttf. arrUrtr. mI iuu. av! ite rfr W tkrir - - - r-.. rrxwM .- aaaay tai lltn i darmittM. if ai nrmni , TVr-kr. tW 1'.tmm' partr ' o rtcltt to eaaaa-lMa a! at w ft lpi at a fwifnaeat, a4 coaay Jkud u alkm tin o mnhmtmm mtm- dim- ! rrambi- U the c- t 4$- a'". n-f -u -".-.nt nnt--r.imz m r--i a?v hoi.iic d.orr.u..' i af-vaj AhI.1 I ..--, - THt f'-GRIM OE.V.OCHACY. (WHiit.,. ti,us n-ic ot,...i nn Never lN-inre ta the hteto tike j.fibic bit-e the der vni mi aW J Tli,-rtJ1.- --- 1 j ,-.. , j.. -, rtMrttuvw tmar a! I ;iM" " ' t.oerai t nodtar Pwan era- ntaa TW waof the CVraiiMf who avtchMt the tU toaniakam k 1&j not : . have coatrolltMj aatt Aaaent the - v ofeery .kim-n.trat4t adaalati h '.. iVava-ratar piT taatd tavduw I tea thai the iVtaorrMM' tai kla.- iratr uf the Nat too haa a . 'm$ t- -t Ml-ed bt th. pa"t it to- a n . ei eur-' J ' 4 l is- t arale-r a--i"tlM-.- in.r f'bd t- 1 u k Vi' aSt f etef lii.. Atlu .. . 1 no .p . ' Tle rn-- ! ! llrp.,' . - r 1 tK" pal tt- t ' ' tnr. i,--! ! U-.a It ! 1- r t j the r-l titut- .ti .- : ' rt . a lv- rrat e lT.-v.i . I S. ' f . r a .. he the i&dpr.? i MtT ! bimwli with a C ah t - i- j aatne rs.n, ant alt -i',-j ahb thera are the b - a of " ti prottd. haub't and artfrate br. which J.trnwr't eitr. ?!-.! the ik rmfie partt. tet th w-r taf opiaioa p-nrrated a npa4i thot7h ' aetioa. ba bar d t d'pOoa ol inlkt ahb-h. mteatytwr. lute, rec-ajrai'te the ma tmat na-t tdeaa of the -. of the llijfr am, Tho matintral ai tr w rTMM 1 land ba i-..a fatoraMr ktlnrwi tn la .IwptaMtcaa pr. aad the iraaWm af ta KetMihltt aa pnrtt A pa trio ritlaen their -eeaeat hmt i thrti lr-.ibat V eland w tt awl e aide t ore the e-f3irat oa of the mftt-t-e--i oi the 1 aa teratte paett In f-oil failb to eaarre th aet-aaUiin t h rb be Mtab Ut the p-roh M the ataV emn bour of hi ia.-ujruriu-a lite i Mutt -rural -erv.aiale wcw vwm-d.-retl taore itMetiMi bt Lhe rYe.iaVatf takinr k ' taiilutionaJ oath nj !. in the pr-eae of buairdi d tlawW- and of pe-pte. naUaw rr Mate and 'I i-rrttort ia the alvrt I'mon It u .rwl. tb.-M. for lb- pr-ral aad the futttre of th. te-opte thai the pfaa f the etrttatry ue et err mi. table ..ceaAi-ati to eojernt.' deepit ia the mtad ! ItM-mttne nf nil the people the -arlck of tb- I'Uirrim I )tao. rnl oa takla p. -.ta-- toa ttf the NatHaai flotemtaeat. la no HetMHi- pint. tut wtth an 1h : b-aire thai U riUaa of air eooatrt hail tM-4 be diaappnttati! W rt fadnre id the te Athoiab-iratkaa m fuJjJ w tlM. M,pnn u Am u, k -wrrlM.t,v iU aaatoa.U . . thean. 1 Thst Ue I'reableat II mm a k that the law, th ont tat awi im tutvM.lttteau re faahfailv xe-ateL. awl in dotaf mi be will K f bd by "it jot notd aoatnuMi'4 tnvlrueta of tba oa-titutoa I A for-.jra poliet la aeeoetfataw t-. lib the wefl adwi-t traditutaa of tmr eottatrv. aaxl n 'M-ntpwio-ia avMt! ae f aa drnortore therrfrtaa ' " Hint oor ttaaavr ahail he &. litdnri npoa a mmichI and ntnabe baattt a thall tuHtH the nal tt and eoaaVa of brvaeaa Ut teres t aaxl mhhm the wara of lahor tare aol ata It I I"''' nor aiatent of wveaaa aaall he o adpaie4 a to reb- the yoat!i ;nNa Marart Utitin '' , .V That (or roatoai ha!) at O a...l-J .. .1 tm. . -O. a..Au J K ffnt n m - .4 m m9 - iflap r. the aaaw tiMehatfoe tejra4 totW tav lerte d capital tart-d aad d KiorV iatrtoea eplo.l a Amerxaa ladatt- I trie (Thsa pltlre. lb AVyVftis.ti i eonaler plae PreaioVat I V.etaaa! t letfoee the roan'rt a m fiVod of pn I eetaoa 10 American taduatr. aoal aul ; m far of a tar Jt tW rr eoo-4 ooif ) . l la the afa.airat aa of Clotieffa " "W - )mw tw Mi W'ia. IuTl proiertoa d th J L. j r rtfc-f . m W V,aeat ml rlaeir - triaf a rmn .ahr th oaott . A.. A . vtmn aayt u ajoeaowaeiTo , -- ' aat polygaaay haP it rpraa.d . w l 'T"- " " "w-O. iomaaaat aau mtmtTrH Wpoo JWia tn., .... a - - - -j at 1, i tsjpa -. mm "mirn sin . rt.trvd ,.id af aaLt, tr or 'lh arra-r of La -Ml.tM-i i ' -. -' - f ' Teal th aaaUa .1 amain ahall V- nrvt-r4l fr-a jOuiraUtsaa aelaeataa atul . - - w " " ' "' ' w i I' Tat thtt lad aa 4kail eatMi. aad ei.iima a traioai. t aao taal tctr xhaJJ b toa 4 fatal f aatt haaeailf m waraV rf the ernaiati. ' ' ba Ue ahalj br njr4t a arf vf to btXahihct the laaaVaTat Ba ttf a ... T ' eoap4e le rlaaa to th in iabur -he famor -In l"', ailnrtT rf a rf,f,k" ' Ii the fatar bafl mt that taw J a4 ka vernrai htwtr a. th f 4-avl faJ tb jcrtntUa fr 'adaaa hjwe avl to !av a tar S" ad taraavH lo iwrraae t- thr oraaaat ttoa l" Aawnrtn iairaat."w pemm3 tvea hu Ameraran a-ovie .! aix acaua tr fJewv rt with XaXtoaa, pate l ea fcarrtf a-,v ar. Mrfi nfcaaat, TW eattr of the Imry (aa,) ' mrr uua Ma at at parry A aaat eatdi-at '".... f m ,, -- t -t.Ha by jnr. ( ordae. who retaa1 aalertaaa aad lo hate aaari.a ad law taV af ta hoa Tt troc Aad r4w here, -e hot a rU oa oaraeli. ha a t a lart. duatanr heiar tard hmaa a r-t !..? ttbht. uVt asr -m.tr had rz -a. aad he aw T ar?aat eoa.aaurtaer. tb edMer fuwkjrbt hfaatirif -raJ tav aaakat; a sn hr a htoaiX tar 1 uww thmg fir at th tok4" want tasramd. V e hmf ' will ko al JO :7oivlaj tnhir aeit thaw. - TW mcaanif of ta- oattic XmU at the Wt i AaturxUi by lb fart tact o iabs raac !a WyotaisJ aotsainrf a rsilficta acrct. j Ss