The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 10, 1885, Image 2

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    a pja-f -ElTC -laAaaaaaaafiHifiBiiHdflaaaaaaaMiafcaaVb3 HHPHSa?7$08baSaaa-aaaraLB- ja3aatJ(aja-aaaa' .j- r-wr .' " jj-arsaaaaaaaa
m f F
1 '
i .
A. C. H03ME5, Ptiblisfier.
An 'Xjlion of fin damp in a mine
T Marcim-Ue, France, killed eihUren ,
.. .. - . .i.. '
pcrfcoii, recently.
- - I
Jr.FFKR-ON DaVIS W.1S reported stlf- '
fcrni: from rhotirnat'm ami lrom an
onhe-.le.I Movie-m U'-ir vimiii!
unhealed J-lcan t.otlliil.
Tin: buck't-hop hill prohibiting
speculation in irrain -lock- and oth-r
future-, pan-ed lhe Texas I.'ii-l:itur
Wllll.i: Key. Co-oro- II. Mi- was .
" 1
l. :....:.. it. i 1 .... .1 .I.,.-. im.
jiir.i'iiiii in .Mii.iiic'-'- ui wi.- . .... jj..i..jij,! Kiv-r !tiiproi-m-n:" provinui-
day. a ro,,fi...,,. man jrai.-i -ntranc-, fj-Mh.- -'-;! --;:;:;;;;-:!;r;;;"';;
lo his lioii-f ami -tol- two hiindr'I !oI- r (-' o tht otir-. wln!i uv w-nt o-r
v . . , . I !) !hx-. Altr jctimo si - on, ail-
Far. Worth of proju-rtv. I Journal."
- ! Tiik Chair hii.l l-for th S.-iiat. on
lJr'N ' :rJ lo liavr Iji-iti arfit'il ) April I. M'-ml fotniiiiuix-ationi whi-h hj
hv til.- Coil-.o. of IVaiir... in -ViW of , " r.-.v..l , rn-artto !.- fuUJt.K ..-aitl.
- - r j- ! f i;-iu-nil f;rnnt. iiml tln-y w i-r.' ri'inl ! tV-
hie swi'i-tiin" hfr :. hTau- ol Ijh i ,.rr,.xnrY. rixm mniniu i Mr !n'rinnn. tnr
. . rt !....... .. .....I..... ....i ... ...... tit rl... t iiiiititif-
p.-rf.-rtion in tin 1 r-nrh J.mjju.i,, . Ior I
tin iM-rvalion of v.lnrli tli,- rolU'r.
Hih'tlv vit-.
Hk irsii.valarjrennmherof "-cahhy
hhe.-p" arrival at tin; CIii-ao -lock
van Is. i Mi flock, that hail to he shorn
h.-fonr it left the Wst.-o had was tin
(Mithtv.'ik, was under surveillance of
the 'anil.iry iiispei-tor.
1avii IL .Sis7.- has 'r.en 2f,0'
more to the rit of Cincinnati toward
the retno'.al of the old post-oflice huild
iti"; to the art mu-eiim grounds, Ids la-t
ift lieinj; forth- purpose of makinir
lhe stnicliire iire-jroof.
A .Ml.'llM' enidoed in the shops
of the Pennsyhania Kailroad Compain
has- perfected a- new brake, which, in
Menil of ehlliljiill the wheels, ojierates
on tin-track. A model of t lie inven
tion is said to work well.
Tin: stenuihoai K. It. prin:er, with
sixteen hundred tons of produce, ran
into the hank near Waterproof, Louis
iana, ami soon sunk. Ninety-seven
ii:issen"crs were taken off" .safely. The
limit was allied nt .:l.,MM).
Tut: tu "Arctic" arrived at (Irand
Haven. Mich., on the :'.d. after heine;
ice hound for twenty days. Provisions
were taken to the hont across the ice.
This was the last of the hoat.s from
(rand Haven to e;et out of the ice,
which was breaking up fast.
M.i:si,i. Hi i.iii.s, of Kielimond,
Va.. was arrested recently for defalca
tion. He declared that front arioiis
i-aiises he had a.s Marshal become in
debted to the Cuited Mates in a -un.
greater than he could immediately
pay, and would if he had not been ar
rested been able to meet the deficiency
ly loans from friends.
Si:ci:iTin 1.mi: was much dis
tressed t the death of Assistant-Secretary
Clark. "He was the noblest ounir
man 1 eer knew," s;ud the Secretary;
"and if he had been spared his useful
ness in the Interior Department would
have elicited the admiration of the
whole country. His deatii ha jhen
me tin "real est shock of mv life."
In a recent number ot .Vm Smhhmt.
the Arab newspaper printed in Paris.
"M. Sauna states that he saw the Mahdi
in lSoS. The latter was then on his
way to Mecca, and attracted universal
attention as a Mussulman devotee. In
iiners:itioii lie proved himself an ac
complished Arab scholar and theolo
gian. M. Sauna denies that the Mahdi
wa ever a slave-dealer. He is uf ,!,
ordinary Arab type, and ha not the
lint nos, of the Soudanese.
Tin: American Copyright Leanueha
issued an address to the public. e
jilaininir the injustice done to native
:itnl foreign authors by the want of an
international copyright, and calhtii;
upon the people to aid in demauditi";
favorable action on this, subject by the
.Forty-ilin th Conirress. Amonir the
nijjner.s of this address are Kishop Pot
ter. K. C Medman. Parke (Jodwin. Kd
vrard Kjrleston. Thorndyke Kice. the
llev. Kobert Colher. Charles Dudley
Varner and .lohn Himlow.
i'.vni.i: advices from A-pinvvall re
ceived by Postmaster Pearson at New
York, reported a serious loss of mail
matter in the destruction of that city
ly lire on the the :lst ult. Tho entire
mail from the South Pacific, dispatched
...-.. i
cf papers
Tin: Commissioner of tho General ',
I-lttd Office has onlcml that final I
notion in the Land Ollicc upon all en- '
, , , ,. , , . ,
tnc-s of the public lauds except private ,
cash entries and -.itch script locations
as are not apt to 1h dependent upon
acts of settlement and cultivation, be '
attspemled in the followintr localities:
. ", , . , ., .- . ' - . -,
Jll ianu vvei 01 me iiii i;uioc iiiciiu-
lan. ivansa--: a:i vvcm Ul r-m-f .seven-,
teen west in Nebraka: the whole of
Colorado. ONcept lands in the Tie res-
creation: all lands in New Mexico,
- - ... 1 v, 1., .,,,. rim- -
voinin,T and Nevaita. ami ttiat nor-
"-"" - - 1 -
tion of Minnesota north of the in-
Jetunity, limits, north of the Pacific j
Kailroad. and eal of tlte indemnity
. - . .. ..1- -. ... .
penueu upon i"i iiu-- s-...
which have not already been exatmneu,
yt i-j on casajs of desert land entries.
lrom New l tirk the "Jlst lt. by the ' nist.s. It veas reprttsl m the ljuiers
rtftiniiT Colon, was dost roved, and also j camp that Couch would be rearrested,
the rcjiistercd mail and ordinarv paper s,,EaXi:r Haivks. of the llhtn.s Legisn
mailfor Asptnwall sent bv the S:U1U. ! tre. distingmshe,l himself on the 1st bv
.... , . I dismissing all the Houo etnplove.s. much
toatucr. 1 he letter mail wa nearly to thoir wnwraa.Um.
1I dehveretl before the tire broke out. Polimi pajwrs state that s: a nvent ln
As accurately a could lv stated, the quot at Otlessa the Ku.s.siau otticors orlrel
mail for Central America and the Paei- '-, Jhi the Circassian regimenfo resmdis-l
lie Coast of South America burned con-" wilh ,nthn-Lini to the toast. "Th cou.inr
Fisted of one hundred and tiftv pack-1 wr with KnK,aa!-" . ,, .
, ., ' I A Cvn.Li.siov occurrci! wt:h the Pans
?es of ropstervd mail, ten sacks of , lx,hce at aa Auarchi,. m:L-l ll :
oniinarv letters, and fifty-three sacks Place de rotvera. Fortv arrests were
limits of the Chicajro. Milwaukee & spec-Thrs recently. He wa m collusion
Minnesota Kailroad. S Hual action in i a olograph operator, who gave him
. . .-. - 1 .-...t t. K.. s,- ' :i,e pomts Inteadrs.1 for the broker, the
the Laud Omce is ordemi to be tis- -.mntol. accon !r
..11 ;..,i.r- i.iiiiiiri onirics r . .. .. -
A Summary of tho Dally Nowa
con: UK.wio.VA r.
nr. Senate m executive e?n on tho
With confirmed ion? hst of
mo-t of them Postmaster.
1." th Senate oa th 31sl Mr. AlH.on's
re-olutiori provide for a committee t
v.,nntor- to Ml durtntr the rec... and dev.e
rnea-ur- to reduce the contingent ejpen."
of the Senate, alter di-cu on. vus adopt'-!.
Mr -mii-hurr presented tho rei"rt or the
g omaiittce on l'o: oihc. and rt road-.
-ttn.' forth that tin- committee w-i- not i
any wi-e!..e for the nuhlicatton r
tin- paper purport. -nv to t a runner ri-or
on the po-tal t- eirroph juet'oti and v h
roritaTi'-'l new-paper cni.t im o. ie .--.-rinO-d
Pre- Mr nu-hury a.-o --il'in tied
it r'-nlut on dire, mur flu- I'ijU I'miNT :
icludtlic nlle;-cd report from the printed
volume ol report- made alter the adjourn-nt-nt
of louvre-. Tin tnat:T went over.
Tie- -emite lion took up the report -iade I..,
t.... !..- (. tf ...... !.. J .-.--. Tt.n 'if fill
,r "' ' ,.......-- "
.,. ,,rol ,,.,, ,or , ,,. Aj.m.ii i. -omtjon to
Mt llirlllir the r-eess Mil'! take into eofls.ij. r
at on the coiit.liK'ent ep-nses o! the M-ria'e
The following tmJor- wire thus uiniu-i:
Allison. 1'latt. ("niiiti. .Miitir. of New VorU.
t oekf-il. Harris am! Pnvne. The r-enate then
Weill mlo fteeilttVe "I'-'lnll.
Tiik Seiintv in oxeciition es.sion on tli
Cd eontlrnieit k loiir lit of nornlniiiion.
inning litem Hi'tirv 'I. Pearson to lie hi- own
-neee-or as po-iin n-ter ol New Vork i 'itv.
All noniliiatioiis for forelirii nil-sioiis ueje
lOlltlrnied. aSii the followill? We-teril P"st
inn-NT-.: Usliiiii vhatiuon. Lawrence. Kan;
hatles ;. look. MePliei-oll. Kan.: Alhert
sli-pherd. Wiivi'rlv. la .1. Colimtii.
ol M l.otll-. was eotillruieil as Cyinin: loner
of Airr.cnltiire The Presplent not lied the
-nali' that he hail no iiior- iioiiiinaltoiis to
si-ntl III Ut pH-ent III elh:ie -i'soil
Mr Morgan oI!ersl a ii--o!iitnii that the
SciTfl.ui of the Interior lie mid IS heodo
duected to tiirn.sli tor the lntoriiiKtton if
ie sMiat- i oiees nf nil paper- mid eorie-
ondelice tlii'il ill his tilliei llice till' tollltll
dn of March 1.-.-.",. iatinir lo the appropria
tion of f.'to.OO lor the ( lierokee Nation ol
liidiims.iiiid tin' si I lived iin-npproprnt.oii of
a poriion thereof Mr Iniriul- oiijeeted to
the priweiit eoiiiideriit.on, and It went over
Mr .Saiil-lnirv's iiolntion to suppie-s ii!e
spur. oils report lrom thel ouiuiltteeon Post
olhees and Post roads was enllcd up and
ndoi-el At 4. ill o cluck the -eiuite ad
journed -Ine dm.
Tiik Filley faction of the Republican
pnrtv in St. Louis has uouiinatedCliauncey
I. Filley for .Mayor of that city.
A. Lko Knott, of Maryland, lin been
uoiuiuated Si-cond Assistant 1'o-tuia.ster
Tin: President, on the Jd, witlidrew the
nomination of Alexander IL Lawton to be
Minister to Kus.sin.
A maukkii iniproveinciit occurred in'.eu
erallJraut'.s condition on the :5d. It wa.s
believed on the uioruiiie; of tln tth that he
would live forneveral weeks.
Tiik niissine; ex-l!overnor Fletcher was
heard lrom at Laredo, Tex. It is said he
had tolegrnphed home for funds, brin de
.scrilied a.s 'Strapped" in that city.
Hon. N. .L iuabtied at U'n.shin
ton as Coiiiiiii.s.siouer of Agriculture, and
too!: formal possession of the ol'ice. lie
cjave bond in vl,''.
Tin: mother of Hon. S. S. Cox died nt
Zane.sVille, Ohio, the other duy.
Tiik whole line of the Central Pacific and
its branches north of (Joshed have been
leased for n term of ninety-nine years to
the Southern Pacific Company, the same
corporation which recently leased the line
of the "Sunset" route between San Fran
cisco and New Orleans.
Cn.Mti.Ks H. lUiiii, the Mavbee murder
er, of Lonj; Island, has been refused a new
Hiiiam II. Kimi'Tov, formerly it AVall
street broker, and worth iilmiit :L,''.',l.
wa.s recently conunittisl to the care of the
( "ommi.ssioners of ( "ha n ties and i "orrect mns
of New Yolk. He had beaied himself by
TllK Collector of Custom, the Survevor
rtml the Appraiser of the port of New York
have Wen appointed as a nniiiiiissioii
to examine into the complaint that the
present drawback allowances m sii".:ir were
Tiik force of the Hurenu of Printing and
Fnravin has been reduced t ninety-two
men. Congress hnvin failed to apjiro
priate the money needed to increase tho
pinntity of notes furnished for redemp
tion and exchange.
lr was reported on the- ."1st that smnn
Diua had evacuated Tamai ns well .-.
Oi.tvKii HuoTHKlts: : Piiil.i.irs' South
Side Mills nt Pittsburgh. Pa., have stalled
up full in all departments. Work has al-o
l.eeii rttitued at Oliver & !.olert' wire
IbTiik Kmery candle factory burned at
Cincinnati recently. Lo--s, jli.(Xii.
It was estimated that 4i.l' .s:eej had
died in Greene Count v. Pa., in the
three months. The scarcity of feed and
the unusual severity of the winter nnd
spring combined to bring alout this result.
A nisr.TCU reeeivisl on the 1st statvl
that the insurgents had burned Aspiuwall.
TllK Indians, on the 1st. vacated llattle
ford. in the Hritih Northwest, going in a
westerly direction. The settlers felt con
siderably relieved.
TllK Presidents of the ealsard trunk
lines met m Chicago recent! v and ngrevl
to tp the cut rate.
Major Dkvvk: recent Iv arTe.:.l fifteen
Oklahoma colonists. The military were
scourms the disputed! terntorv for oMo-
1 inaue aim onier w as nnauy restorts:.
j Oltsox P. ArtMiLP, a Kvlygsnii:, w.-.s
1 1 . . . - a
arretted recently at Salt Iske on aa in
,lic:"at for unlawful cohabitation, and
wa rVIo:i1 on -1 -
was alj arrostetl oa the s-R-ni
A wv who . near
was released on ;lv Ivail. A. M. Mmt
s-am,,, rfearge.
jle,i recentiv from driakinr w-kLsfcy. -, wz
of which he s ole from a fnmrs b;im.
!". the deKse.i stato Aiwiitor of
kla- bn nmi,l ieo warranto pro-
ceIia5.s to obtain ssr-in of the otllee
Com missioner Sr.vRvrs. of the Lanj
Otlice, ha made aa order that no cases
heretofore made special shall be acted u-hs
until they have Un reache,! in the r-sgitlar
svnlerof examination. This order doe? not
, , , , ,
include cases already approved for patent.
and ia sach ca?e:; .n., ,,.R tCr..
A man. giving hisname as Jon.c!eartsl
5evera! thousaad dollars oat of BusfiHo 01!
IU-; t niieu r;3:e -teanier itispat
j0u -jje riac-sbip Tenne-er ia the We
Indies, subject to order to sail fur Aspia
ch wm f
wall. About forty -11 t. xnanm-nn-i all th '
oHir-ri of tb" Martn- Guard at tb V.ajh-
laton navy trd are unlr ortlr for As- !
It -a r-rortl that H-a Davj. a Ioa- f.; of iww, and that th numlh tf Mar
iloa jtoh'-itor. had fatlJ. H halnlitifj w;j tUl-r than th month of April prc-w-T''
pl.irM at 1, .,.. 1'- wa" stJ-tl ho j rwiui u. V.'bftv !
had X3-I to Spam.
V.t rtf. i. . .... tiltntiurln. fhlr
I .. ..I- .... -3 -.- ' .... .- ..
rvic" at U'aaincton for ta- Panama
! ipditioa- Tin navy yards wrtr n gr'at
activity lit tin;; up munition of war. At a
Cah:nt Council it, a. fully r-ulvl to
Irot-t Axnrwnn int-r"t- at tii i.-thmu.
and to rwjMn the transit, which was re-Irt.-1
KvKRYTiuvr. in ccotup!: ruin nt Colon,
Centrnl Atnrira. Af:-r th ru5K w?re
d-foatol they :irl the rjty, only threo
iii9t.& ltn left .-tandm.
" KaK!. Ii n KKiv obtit.nel from tin Arr.r
fc.rrrmt Jr..fv rnii 'Tiiiti:- the rT'lltS of
aaw...--. ----- - --- -- ---P-----r ' -
Ka?lnd t Inv oit and fortify the north
wefitvrti frontier of Afshani-tan.
At Arkan.-an City, Kan., on th 'd. Cn;
tata Couch amd that in view of the fact
that Secretary Lamar was Mrk, and the
A.s-tunt S'fiet.iry had dis!. further de
lav in the nioeni-ut would s iiwv.nry.
j Waonrf, fariri machinery and scsli were
tem purli!.."l I'V the cdoiiits.
Thk Chine-e Ilnibns-y at Kerhn thoiishs
, recently the change of ministry at Pani
would itidae th- Chinese (ioviTiiuient ft
reti".v serioii- negottat.ona for pence Le-
tvtei-n Frani-e and Chine.
; Avniow CoitsTotK wa.s nt Chicago rc
i cefitly taking steps, m conjunction with tho
, I.k-u! jHinety lor the s,i,pre--ion of vice, to"ut'j veii.ler.s of obscene literature
', and pi-rs uis using lotlcrv" methods of coii
I ducting Inisine--.
j Ho.v. Nti- inu.-, P.kli.. Suiierintendent of
Foriri MaiN. aid renntlv that no
j change wouM be uinde m clerkships in
' his oliice. The nature of the work reipiir il
i every elei k to !- well nc jiiaintel with for
eign languages nnd the routine was :c;eh
i that almost a lifetime was required to be-
cume thoroughly acquainted with the week.
I Tiik failures for the week ended Apr I ''
I vvMe the .smallest chronicled in anv w ek
sines IKs.'i commenced. ill the Fn'-'i-il
(States, l'.iT; Canada, ::t a total of ,"l. as
a.aiiis "JTT laht wet k. A-signuieiit.s ere
roticeablv light in New York.
Aiiviikai. .Iocktt Milled from New (r
Ienns on the .'Jd for Panama. Coniiiiander
Kane, of the lialenn. telegrajihed that ho
had of twi of the jirincipal in
surgents who were concerned in the burn
ing of Aspiuw-nll.
TllK trustee of Pope. Cole ,t Co., of J'.al
timore, m ole a proposition to pay eighty
cents on the dollar of the t " f '.' N ' of unse
cured liabilities, of which spso-i would
be paid in cash, the rvumiudcr on tune.
This arrangement would insure the con
tinuance of the copper-works, one of the
most important industries in Baltimore.
1K Fiikvci.nkt was experiencing great
ditlictilty in forming a Cabinet. President
(Irevy insisted that he should form one and
politicians were urged to sink their defer
ences for the piod of Franc.
Tin: total number of nominations sent to
the Senate bv President Cleveland was 17".
1)1 these 1.7.1 were confirmed, two rejected
and twelve left unacted upon bv the Senate.
Tiik Secretary of State and other State
! otiicers of Kentucky investigated the
troubles in Itownti Comity, and reported a
very bad state of affair-.. It wa.s probable
that the faction trouble would never be
settled until troops were sent to quu t it.
FitiKMis of Ceneral Grant have been in
formed that he has expressed it de.ire to
be buried at Washington, and they were
consulting as to what action shuiilil be
j taken when he died. It was -aid that
j (ienernl Sheridan would have the matter
in charge.
Tiik Ktigltsh hnlf -breeds in the Itritish
Northwest rctiised to allv themselves with
Kiel, but on the contrary joined lhe whites
for the purpose of suppressing the reliel
lton. Tiio!:nto ,t l.v why's hosiery factory,
nt Leicester, Knclnitd. wa- distroyed by
lire recently. I. s. i'giJo.omi.
!!v the new fast line trains put on by the
Pan Handle and Pennsylvania li:: -. the
running time between Cincinnati ami New
Yoik is reduced tot went v-three hours and
thirty -five minutes for th" tram which
leaves Cincinnati in the morning, while the
train leaving at night overs the ground in
twenty-one hours and fifty-five minutes.
1aiiu:os was riorted to have lost l..vo
i men iiy 1. is receiti ispipiu in .-saivnuor.
' His unpopiilHritv was als4 said to ! in-
j creasing. vvas captured by Graham on tho
' morning of the .'L The resistance was
I only fe-l.Je. The lost one killed nnd
six wounded. The place was burned.
I .'.tiDiTinN i. nisp iTnir.s.
j Tnr coi.dition of General (irnut. n the
1 iuoruin of the, wh. not appreciably
cliNiigcd. Kx -Senator Chaffee thought
him somewhat stronger, but had 110 hope.-
, of Ins life.
, Tin: Chinese legation ha. forvvanvd to IM.,-:.s. li,th that in th. Kigan family, in
the Chinese agent n: pari, renewed peac- which , he livwl. .be i- the fifth that
1 pre; os!u, the bases of which are that the ! fsa ,;i,vl withnnt a far-w word Um
1Im kade of Pctcloli and Formosa shall be , 4-ken. in of the Mv w a ilrownwl. th" at once, that Tonqiuu shall be cd'd j father went t the stable oa- lay. and r.M
to Chum and that no indemnity shrdl be - returning vv-.s for. n d dwl thre. and three by France. )ther. have m lw-1 stt-M-nlr.
"M! yung lady was k:!lcl and anotser ' Mts. A. C. .Joif. ., livmc seven miW"
horribly liinr.gUsi bv the fall of a heavy uth of DWi:t. pnck-l her thumb -licht-sign
from the r.f of Murphy's look store jv with n needle one nitrht r-eenily. ninl
at Pittsburgh. !'u., recently. An old man di.s-l the next morning fron bwlcjavr.
was aJs.i injured. Tut: other dav w hi!- -lohn U'wr. who
('viJtAMiKaKANKr-ported inat:er quiet live, twelve me .atheastof Wilier. wa
nt Aspmwall on the l:h. The interwr was
i. 1 d.sorder and anarchy. Secretary Whit
ney decide.! to forwsf.I :eO more men to
It was tclcraphed to Washingt-ui on
the-tth that Hnrrtsrs. the Dictator of Ceti-
tral America, had le-i, killetl in ImUJe.
The Guatemalan emlia.ssador and others,
how..r. 1-elieve.l the t?lerratn to l false,
x the defeat of the French at Lanr ,
Son. General Herlanger threw- the artillery
and stores into the river.
1 Govkr.vor M.viw.nrKr. rh! Cmgre-
tnan Itland have telegraph.d the Hoa.
Ntvrman J. Column. (.'wi;m!Kin-r of An-
calture st Washington, calling hi att-m-
tiou : the existence of plenro-parumonia
in Callaway Count;-, iio.. aa-i asking him
for the prompt and vlgoroas nse of .!! the
jHvwer he has under act.- of Coagrei for ;
the suppression of the
- Thu C."t:e do Paris and tb Dxk 1
, Chxrtro. Orleattit prince, were incoosal
tntton receatly at Naj4 reganliai:
ia Fraaci. Th- (Arai.jts.of Paris. t-Jievw!
that the approaching .lecli'i w-o--M st-
tie ttte rejHibiic s.nd that tb pop2 ifeMrvd
a rrtfrnof :bemonarrhr.
The sarn Mx.-.ntiool foo-vb-ced re-
reaUv m the a of Aaov. Tbirtr liv.
were lo-t.
At th" Morntoa general coafereac at
Salt L.ike. oa the .-ia. a gen-ral s.t4K'
from rTes'deat-. Taylor aad Cana-.a. con
demning F-deral iaterferersc-- with Mor
mon jiecalinni w a.s read. It poie ia
severe trm of monogamy, which w as -e-cucl
of tntrolBcing all aii-tner of ociil
vie-?-, into Utah.
Thirty thousand coal miner were oc a
strike in York-hire, Kagtaati. It vra
thought th strUce vvoak! extnt to Derbr-
shire and take in twenty taocsaad more.
The trtie n caae. by an att-tnpt to re- .
duce wages tn jer pnt. ;
, . s,s . .. .u.u. t r ---". -. ; -v-,-
oat of the cottatv Jti! st Chtcag
Ex-SrcnjrraKr XKEX-IJCacrSkS:-v ,c-t n'
ported dang-roul tct oa the tth at hi
rest JcnCC j-, -cv, - t " . J.
A Nkhk'.k wMtliT pmpht prfl.-t
that April S2 vili cvrr th" Stst" t:h two
! T..r MaIIKK. x InVU Coontv farmer
I . . ... .. .
,v uaN ruefully Kill.l ty ;n scnri;p
T '- H. -'.....- ta' l....--... .-
tjv thf niurxl".
CiiAliUKs MAnooxJiriii: tlve unl from
Nurth Ilrnd, Iols CoMMty, .ataine. a
ever by lire recsUv. Hi- brn. ch
tnimn four U'nd of hr.. 5 ! buli
r-.rn. .u et of harne.-s, ami n aembr of
(m.riu implements, wa.- detr jyetl.
I'lifK stranrs rertly went bit an
miaha re.turfcnt and order?I oytrrs,
which thy eini:i'4iv enjoysl. Whe the
pr pnUr demanded hl. !
oie uf th
fallow., ilrnw h revolver anl i-ejrrI to oi.j,-,! ; ret-nler the Ki Hltrr Ocii xi
fchoot it out. Th propriety kippti out ma,nimn the tleteMe. 'I"bc ww l
the front dor nnd the rouiin knin-l ivm uSen Ureinb.rr th Kfimh tnwt
throij;h the bar!: dr.
litis rts conoTniu the jeach crup are
fajral4e from all -tarts of the SUil. an!
an almitdani yield i. The wheat
crop t.s re-Kirl1! ilnmj; oxcsiIlentlv. aal
cord.n to nil indicatioii.s the yieW will l
15. o. .Sjiitii, nsil nliout sisiy-Sv years,
-tarted from Pmica to his home in Dakota
c.uuty, recently. n foot. Nothing tvas
heard of him until the following Siiiav
uiornititt, when lit- itodv w. found Iv ins
on the prairsi simr -.even miles from hi
( j,om on Ultf juheit p.k In that eonutrr.
Itissupp st..i he .low nt rest and died,
-e i .
Ihiktkkn new doctors were net-ntlv
gnidiiutiMl from tin State lntrcrity.
Their itauie.s are: Mortimer 11. Farmer.
Willie K. Uiiek. Cbaib-s Trumbull. D. H.
Ihdl. .1. A. Van Caiii. . Mulvane. A. A.
H-tmv. H. C. Ciimmiiis. Mis.-s Mary Davt
unl Arbuekle, Mrs. H. Howard and Mr.t.
Td. K. Cas-.
J. W. KKt.t.vttand familv. of Scribner.
wrr seatterisil over the prairie bv a runa
way team recently. Two of the children
had legs broken, and all were severely
.shaken up.
Mas. Wi;st. of Weeping Water, recently
took Iier two chlblretiaud skipped out W Ith
l.on Williams, an old lover.
Tin: Nebraska State Cntversitv hasb"ii
admitted into t'.je Inter-St'ite irtitortenl
As-ociation. TheStat-sof the association
are Ohio. Indiana. Wi-con-in, Illinois
Iowa, Mimics. ta and Nebrnsku.
s- Aprd ' Mr. and Mrs. ,. N. Nal"
living near Mnplesville. I)o!ge County.
b'braf -i the lilti.-th anniversary oj
their iiiurt inge.
He. Tavm:is, the father of one of th
victims, tells that the houses r.f the Pcni-
vnlh and Ituirds. the scene of the quintupb
rnnee County murder of last Septejnb-r.
remain imoei upied and are shunned by tin
sottloi: in file iieiehltorhooil. tlliinv o
whom are lenv ing for homes of less ghastly '
.lot: Ci.viik and a chum named Lloyd,
two notorious hore thieves M ho have lieen
ojerating on the Is.rders of Nebraska and
Katisris. were sllt,t to death bv the IJevnla -
tor of the latter Stute ieeent!v. Dnrin;
th" melee the Sheriff of Washington Counlv I
was shot down bv Clark.
A i'ovim wii:iiVof Knichfs Templar "a 1
instituted at IJbur th o'lir night.
Tin: fish in iiimiiv or lU- lakes and jwirol
of the State, are report "d as dead, LilK-'
bv the clis freing of the water.
Tiik Coniriiisisoners of Dodge Count',
have decided to o.'UMl of the it"
eoiirt house and jail Luids on anb, and f
advertise for bids for the building of th
Miih. Avrnttfov. living near Oakland
partly dtsrolvd hemelf tli other dav. ra
out of the house and jtimprd into the oj.
well. When taken out she was dead. H
o!i. 11 young man. noticed his motli"r ,
strange niniui'-r and made an Miinrrvf.
Kttmt to c-'teh her a she ran toward th
Well. She WKs alwiiit tlftv marl old.
TllK Supreme Court rerentlv ileeiibs-' '
that a innrri'-d wouinu who has not joined
with her huslemd in the x.-rtition of r
i mortgage upon real estate not th- home.
?end, if made a party defendant in a
action to fnr-rl-wH the uiortcae... must as
sert her meha: rlglit ox .lower in .n
uiortgag'il premis s or she wiil !. lrr'
by the decree.
A it vtt.ROAP man hi" figured th" co: o'
theextepsioi of the Klkhorn liu" from Val -
entine to White vr. Ml mtl". and s-v
ihnt It fills b-low flo.iw iw.r mile. Th.
include evervthlnc but rlght-of-venv. a:i'
as the line was Joented over n vear aro.
wh-n I ait hub- land on th- hn was Ukn
fnmi th Governnieut. the richt-of-wav !
if course but e. trill". This estimate doe
not include the ro'ling suek.
Mks. Nki.i. CorrrY. n woman 5ntipo!
le one li'iudrnl vears old, diil aubleulv
la PIat:'i'.iith n-cen lly. It '. mntionei'
i in coiuiis-tion with li-r -udden and utwy-
breaking cornstalk h tnd to remov the
trah from llween the Vnive- n( the eorti-
ratter ai he went along. Hi leg wji
; caught ltween the knifes ami ImJIy raan-
clod and the i-ine broken.
Hw wlU !-
-npide-I for Hfe.
Mas. f. I). Hvvis. w-Jk Jived near !;-
tiIJ-. 11ai: County. wa tbrowa from
fcor" ree-ntly. rec.ivtag injartev froca
which she di-d ;w dav later.
A Tnivi, tna nam. I Franz, liviujc -r
AH.-., in Hall Countv . wn arcWfatallT
shot .in! killl tit Jwr tlar wbtt z-
tmpimc to takt? c. ga from te roar !
f a ;oa.
The bU-l la are ci-mrdd,
5Soe of the pcptA ia a ItatiaoMSill
tcbovi are sbowins q:ii- a ixv&cimrT m
0-o.irra ciiice. jwdgiag fro the t-
mvni ;jjjj; a voqrz . r"CUy
roUl of .1 twonty-aot ar oW t -mai'.H'ami.
ttsroT from N'tormra ladw-ai thai
tber- will i- .1 ?raat rh for ik Ssini
Ual.. whicb w dl b o-atal to iZU-mut.
Msv I. Tb- Iadiaw bav-. i-e .'. tk
-jsvtt. Ta- Iadiaw bav v-t-srSr--! t
rsller lasdt. b-aTtOff aioai ixty-lsbt
-e:iooji of apUad to b Uvk-a oa tfcf day
of p.tac. Coaa'-st Wad bwt- mtr
taai a koM-sad v-t:ia-Mi caa amda
any am ar mJaxga'. U Mar It. .
N jlscc cocaty t eo fcag 1 bi--r asaalHC
of fat catti to mart-!.
Mr. and MR-s. Mam, of Iijr Coeair.
were to cs-i-braia tawtr K-a r4dtoy oa
thei. A few 1t b-for raw Ta Jr.
Mat .tarti to vtut hs dicrkitf-. wb-a ;
tee ieaa ran awsr sa I tb- old lady wat
larown oet il rarahr taTar4 tfciS
lb- rlciua bad lo i P.T-3a--4.
Ox A-ii I fei - fc Ltn Uu wki. h w zrampilr r--
pjeji lA by the &rv ir-rtaai. bai a .
loy wx -, over aad falaOy iajw-L 7a '
fool who gave the xJarat did Una Apr J ;
f , j -,-j -Msoe wara uapjjccuy ,
trvivg u tied hlaa.
Et Frvvs, ef
Halt Caeasy. pcl a
loadol gae tucrdc I err-sasC act af a -naxec
and wai -hot- - -
Th- !"rnrh Hirt-t Oirr Tli-lr I-f-t
i:risntlnn nf ttif MlnUtrt Ti- Nrtti
yi t lrouhlrt-Th" I rnlrsl n.-r I ".
U r.
Tviit. Mrh '-I At :h- "jvnm,: f lh
:.m1t l'rl Mtnifc'r Yeiry xiU'!
.. . . - ... . .... . h.f .f .
sn- ntniiaiw ' ii- m. i.i
: : ii ii , imiunt of tmiliUir ota-
-..ww- .-. - - - - - .
!iile 11 ( L'Ha. H at Mw morl U Um
srtnin:nMiit o! a CvOimitlee U raltw ajnl
ri'p-f 1" i,, ami h luaatksl
tun; hi- motkMt be ivi tiw j.r.ty. riio:
u ibe voir on U iKn t p-4nt r. tij
mi on ris:Jit, Yvrry read t--:.-ila)'5
d'-jtau-brs rrnnlii: th
Ijms-oit nU.iit. He sliil Tl
rKiti ' tin Kmrh ba tfrn rf
f.-'Ussl in feTlfMl fUrf. Th VJVO fn4ld
ttl-IU""l CM)nlltnl by CbJttf !
wbioc tminber it bal !een lihj-.b1' U
!iiri'.H.'. inehrefkCh i.mrm liae rer
at Tooiju.n will nd suftV-i. It ii nore-j.ry
U avctur ti I JHCo cbreK fr Ui tn'ttut
of Kranrr M. Yctry tlitiefore ilraian4t a
credit of wou.uoil. atl Im- rf.o-rl .i
-epanite vote oti tlii". crettit in tu the u:
isteiUl ;r-'tiii. lie w IriOriOiv ia
UTrupte!. - U-tneiK-rtiu afintsj tt
cnnlit. hut nKkinrml Uiw itlry f
Ue (MrnRiit. ami demaiMl it,
ovettl.iow. Iluvol jnd ItiNrt ie
cUrrd that th himiU b1 rcat U t !!
xuy sirtifM'i- ulieii tin Miutm i vrr
'.lmwn. Thrv tepnoclM! tl Catuttrt fr
coiieUiix the truth. Th untMi Tv
,W.ti bv a vote of :ae, U lit. M. Yctrr
immi-dUt. Iv antfiiivnl tli regnat.! of
the entire Mm.otr. I'midi-ut l.rtn l
...... ...,.'i !.. 1U.I..M.IL.I.. Ta. t
oii.-e nfe.e.l the rlgitatituk. iata..
ami lie a Kosse .Irutanded the im n b-
iiient.if the Ministry and De ia Fw-we !;
tuaiidttl tirgertcv tor a uiot:in to tht effect.
Tins w.l-. liowever. i-iertil. .-A: ! ttal.
I'lllMU IIMl,
P.Mtts. Mrftrti "i!
'I h -s,sof 'o'Uejal
Ni-gtO'i- force are esliinatl Jt i.'A0 liuli.
t.eneral Negnet was vvoiuwleil in the biru-t
h a hiil. el. and one of his Aids de-coup.
Co!. Ilerge. reeveI a bwitet w..,iinl in tte
head. 'I ue 'i'IhIim as. one t...iib the
whole ellective l'lcie h to-, at Ijlnfso!i,
was lefl (Mi tiie brittle tl. id A IiUIhIK d
tlioiisaiid Chinese ttixips .f,. ndvaiinnc on
i 'hits, and ttueateti to desti.x tlie l'retieli
forces tin re. U loie the t ham e of being le-
(leiiend diovamielli
at Phu Dhoau He
m a critical po-itlou. bci.iit
and the line of ic'.c.i: rut ol!
bv PJ.OtMi hl.u-k tlags. a Cdunet Minis
tci's tall was never more iKtioiuinious tl..n
' that ot I'errv. He was Hrst,d .oid and traitor. The Ptesi
dent iiiade no attempt to -;,,., trie um- of
thee epitlitt.s. Frequent ciu-s ot "Turn
him out!' wete duei ted agam-t the Pnutr
Minister and the greatest 11010:0 pie ail. d
thloiighoiit the -ittilig. After the r -ucn.i
tlon ot the Fetiv imii.strv. Piesiilent .ievj
! usKed Heaii Hrisson. Pres.diuit of the
1 Chamber id Deputies, to foi.11 a Cabinet.
; llris-on dceliiied. The President tlwii
! aski'd De Frevemet to form a Cbme;. He
.iski d twentyfoiir boms to n-plv
The ei-it.'iiieiit caii-eil bv the French de- :
feat at Lai.g oii glows itp.oe. Ken'i at
',.,. ,.sp..iideil to the Hpu;.ir leeiin. and
s,Hi alter the oM-llllg ot the tneirse jhev
had fallen from o tunes ;l , itiiIiiihii, the
i closing pine ot Siturdav. Xu T.s IiatM-- 'Mi
. centimes.
'I lie N.irt li -l rf 11
Wi.vmi'I .. Match .to. A PaUteford ilt
isitcb ni cived s.,v. All the Indians of Kit-
disttiet gath. fsl at iNoimhiiakcr'-i p-.-tw
Saturdav and ate now about tive 'intuited
stioiig, encamped one ui.o iS of lew it.
threatenuig to take the baira ks nd all thr
sctllcls nild f.lllille's in the bar'.e k. Kveiv
.nan is eiuolled lor service. The Inutatit
threaten to burn the town, ilw-v ate e
jHt'ted to come to-dav to a pow wow w th
the agent which Hiiv be made to a ilnv
or two. "I he Iliid-ou I'nv c.tmtiariv
a dispit'h fioui the uc.nt at I'.t
tletord. saving: "IiHliatis have come m!.
town in bauds of eight) and one him
drul. most all armed. I have ju4
eoiiie in Mfter ta'kuig with them 'I iiev
' em nil-, and not al alt well dl-iM-scsl.
McDoimM. a Winiiip.-g meichant. wlm ha4
a -tore in!lefo:d, icce. veil a mpn'ti
f mm his brother S4iux: "Ail tne jenple.
itrchidiiig the ouLsnle -itler. ate in tie
banners. The Indian are rap.dlv jis.
seuibliug on the south side einl are rflntMi
in ovesioii of the build. nifs. We hope U
haveabnish with them." 'I lt h.riark-al
Itattlef. rd are well situated fr defene ant
( U J0. UM ,. aat.)L TM. )th,.,
1 bnlliUiu:. are at a cui'iderable dlitanee and
J ;i; the airrry of the iiHliatis. Further ev
citrmcut lren t"da bj there.
J j-i.rt ff'al the P.! (.; were up hi :um
, nliut Calgerrv. lull a disMtel from a Hul
o I'-tv dit-er llieic sa,.. mn; ail is 1
the i.-serve. No wutl Imh ht-n te
! civil from ibefs viciii.'.ror Pnnre AHa-rt.
il'tati.i.-s can imt 1 tiiNkrUkifi b tn-op-
unlit the fore.. from the i-Al A
'' ASU
' voluntier battalion has l-i taswdlv
roiling here.
The Vr In (Vntrl Atn-rlet. J
PvN.vviv. March 31. -The .Hferr artd ,
llwthl b11llct.11 sas the steatttr C4o
was seized at Apiitwa!l by etlutbi4. j
who demaiHbsl the ilelr, .t of a "bitHonit
of arms 011 board for the revolnuon. Th
asent rf;ed the ibdiverv. mer. Uml
Mipennb in), nt ol th Pa it"- '4a.l cnipnv.
w a ilr-t arreel. anl later. u rif-Uin ami
imrer of the steamer, wefe pUM'ti und :
riet k, n .rd. SuU-fiUcnily
Dow. general grt f the Parihf
Mail euinv, Mx. tVrbttit. Pruted
My.;. C-m-suI airl !uuteatit of th
Amenrm MiaiM.f-war Gaina, yrf trrKel
?.nd man-heii off Wi thcnuwM. Tbryej
rrlea-, a; s.-. ocjrk tm .oralitot Uwt
Uie aruts s.e.uld be deliver-! awI Ut- 4t-
b-en rw sotrrg on. 'IV- Aa-.-riran Atmi
Knglisli v,rr sbij. 4iH noUitiig U hrl-H
foreign inteff--4 b-Ria"; tfee viottiaTT
rhkf tfeclrr-l !k wmiM f-t their miT
i"fnrf by forrr. Anverlnut are brtiKisnl
st ihv ln-uit U the Ag and ti ovttue- )
-rtr -rrm. jnt rtt-rtj. . Tr-tr jjo Uvm
lure U tUturi rertntMt-4.v.
v i, bt-cr. a- o. -tff: forw. aa4
vit the ana- from the r,m,m. U prubaM
!m able to emitf! etet.t la Hit o y
and in tttfMt irtm InleT-.
i sUVttion ATTa"trb.
Uv LitiKkT w. Shaw, jtacrli
SI. Tti tnvaJjr frr- imm i l -mm 1
barn autct sitek mpm Ue arttejr mi teas
.. m -
Tli tVnirs.! mrrm VTr.
Nrw YnuK. March si. .'- Jai bea
reT-ve-t Itrte xlaj tbit th-Stafc- of Nirav
:ana, Ca Kjcs a.-i ."-6 ldm bar
eatrr! ittto a firraa! ailr-r-, f4rb
lUrmilT to ntilv r Iba war larti
spoo thf-jt bi lrw4'it t iUmoM of (.
mai. Ntraracna pif fcrrtf t etaa.
tiit-utr u the rtttnmrm oXraw- i,l inwa.
aa r-ajtataf b-i aUoie airtay of lua
ov and -a Ktrrn :. - md sim
NO. tmi& Kaia ptitir U jtn- mmtrj
Uba 1 U out-k ut a-c -m
""?' Uc: ? f lVf "" r?1
'.Zrm. " " rVrir r. tu.far
mttrgmm7 ,-j,. -j" j v.a- aasa.
s-J-r,oc I-.-U.-.
Wa-XI55, V. V.v arrb Tt--
Air's Stale esrtaxcrrs i-f-wt Ittibr rtki
cscsbtiaa of atJ44r ia ta atitare- ma-
tfac Stair. r-arf -epaiic atv bc-
- - -.. vW s., .-,
$mlU -14 tfcr r9lMni1 -
97 ar-rtala. It bv tanr t-rineiM tbt
Jw if- reat W-uaatiaa m marvdr
Ofsmir. Thi caaety ca Ur rww--d mtSt
-ee ea -Jbea xmj mi o Ja-r-rtoioee re-
t.-n-sf. Ir aawr riaabmr la ia a 1 1 1 1 1
Lad brttnr urxbrc v-D l-r aac iqaalt. It xfl
tlo af a 'Jar Araaai aad xdaa ttft-tc
far f cit-starr l
Th rnil.1 Mte N'T ! f It'"
('plurrnl ltitr II oli'lnf lrl.
U" Ap- 1 I,- 1 Scl sUl
Conui i.-: ral dm-n. al I'tlttttu, Ui
ecniel t. .sjrrrtr -f xax U m
US a f'i- Irvatatt. xhj rrbrl hMr,
fan.- xtued larlV mm'up . Im-
of UMniupaa). Ctol Wrtbl d o4b
Arariran. I crcwrf Cwmuittf Uafof lh
Afcmii. to re-ur rtUtm ami pnrtj
i! tkivr-s 1iuiiirlli -.- liiilirwl
Vpm - ( Um rt,.,, tlw nrtnrtarf
if Stat mm! the ?erM7 al Uir N'y a
a rmiluim. SrrfttM Wbimy tiin
orttrrv-t tv tetrcraph AlBiral Juwrtt.
nw : " Nw Orleans Ut fttm-wii
U Kr Wn4 (Ui the Trnwuw wl
-xUru anal a-4t farther l4rtirtue. A
ntrt ta alo -rnt U the r-Xiiaaaravr
tir Aiiiaixe. i.w at k W"s,t. intnKtlnc
him t -;Mrit at t Ainlt rlm
rrrtart ! u-ieraphet! Coimit
akei him ahi hr bail Hoi iv4r-Uit mrrt-
rn f i;ii at pnprri to U traub!
vetrrtU. ll ttiitntl him t nftiJ !
mi-4-un -A.sb4 wbtW tbr tawuMc reo-
UtlUrv It Is uiwWfMkaia lhl th aH-
Uee t now under fmt&mttm at
Ue rahnt tttai T!t SrfbHa.
Uif i hr dtwimtrb fTil bf -
rctAry Whitno in C.hmiua ! KHe
of the I'Aitrsi Stated trtuHp tairUA at
As-itOma.'! " Vou mrm rd-rr U .piiill
to ritet : AmrocMi mtrrr4- and Ump lte
aiul poiM-rt of Am-!;-a rilUe- Atl
hm m .-- mw " W
u' l '" ' e rtrl f U" T'
WMler iir rmuMwim. if
' fet e-et ttsOorr brf to her llk-rf-' if I
. ... , w ... w... i..ui
-'"" I""" -" ."..-.- r. -------
Con-id i.rtieni! AiUui-o, .makUUouai
intormation t-- Jtivr u thltRi ult.
fvv.v v vf ti v. i.
Pvnvuv. ml L- lrt jtf.atrt ImiIik-
"' l'v, vojwr aim ihbaim a
Hie in nvnv H vi0 .-ii ol m ai umn
places. Ittdettn entuia orrrnirtel
1 the CoVi-riiwetit ve4.-ila. AUtntta in paiuimn esHrUy H.rmin. Hi
tirliK k d up all it. the t"brN arfr
cntlv the t iurtf i, aa M alamt mt
1 1. ui. Pnfra i-t-gan ttt.ns n Um town, but
after a d.wen s1m4.s dri4d. At four p. m.
all titiinr anl 1'ruwma will tcmata In
the haiMts of Ai;pura.
lilt H vltmus Mow.
WvsiiiNofN. April I - A toleitnim b
Ixeu reciivetl hein saving the -t4MltAhip
Hottmttas, Is-li-ngiiig to the Panama Uail
louil '..iiipan. has bcii euevlnc tuen
and supp.ies (loin ;utiMil t ti,
but lelll--eti to ;(:. tut like s-ivhe helen
( o-tii Ibea im1 .Nu.imguo., The ltr-aitl.tit
t Nteaieuii. .11 a teie-jram ieieive.1 hne.
s.lVs he Will Hltiteh With the rotuh. lrri
fo:et-s of Ni .iiatrua nnd C,e.t Umm aU
lloliditrut His o'oret wit! he Ui Jieeo4
the ot Honduras ttia Jotmnic h
1 1 Uaitio. In ."s.I l.f. wh.-li euunir waa
Itivuihd bv tin fritter
'I lr ICet ..II i( I tie rllmr.l I.hIMii- It r..r
oil Vnr -.fiLiii Itl.'l VV ell
WlNMI'IO. pril I AdV.e trHO lt.U
tletonl show that the situation Is flieg
worse. McK.iv. afient of the ltivl-ii ltat
t'ompanv. telezruidicd lat night l!iat lb
! l-ilf trtceds ami Itutlaiek ate pllilidefiug Ibi
' rHnMin)'t 4.i-. When be with Ue lu-
' din. 1 1 :tent VeutUle-l out of the Ultra-Ik I
...tiwM.sf r:.te yxiIIi IheiiilHita Here Mlett uinMt
b UC ,IMli,ll4 -,,- ,Hj bt,,.-,!, bi lrii
tt cut thni ott mi thrli hhv hwt. rtt Uf
iinn siicixbtl iu -ettirut IMoUIh utatrr ftrt-
A ure.4i;e-l disj it. b lb Imtuu.
have kilhsl four in-fructt-t. Ittrr net i
to the .' thai all the half hire.! hat
j4iiel the mnirontetiU WmI are rltlint; all
lhe tic bmhlii'' otitsMlt of Hm t-atra .
In the Iwrnw k :Ue men hive ;irw ait .ur.-
UlUUtltoU atHl Mlpplte u
in. i i .0 r 1 Mtt. to 1 nv ri.
Haif-bteiHts re .! e-,p.-r-tl th-rir finq-
Difk ItWe 'Hm- NtMiy Indian bat
Joim-il tfie Tr-nt. anl lue kllle-l tvi-n-ral
men. The buH-lug-. on ulh !, in-
cnoiing lie uno-n nay i.iriaii- !
iHrtism. have U-.-n hume-l. a -:- th
Govefwie-iit buildiiuc The liwtian hart
e-il all the tte anton tii "ttJewfit
tear the tonv r--nfi irrei Italt f.rU.
I but hail berttttiet up to thi mrniMK. alien
tbev w.nt uj-oti the m path. 'I brtr r4nic
make, the i;natioc verv j1ttral. Coionrl
llerarhttH-r b'ft Itevlna U BaWlf4
vl.i Swift Cuneut with arventjr iamrt
!-li.- ami one eannoM. It la mnpfvm 4 tturt ,
lie can tiarh tH-t tn 4t !. If m iBt-
riiptiil. Foar are c;.ot uilMt that lb
ha.ft-r.edi fn-m I Hull !. will r
to Wiimipex antt rut .df alt -rnunlmtroti
ant iuW-rnt4 tb- mArm i
Ilerw-hnHn The liliai tm Ft ltrr r-
veive b-tte"n itattlef.ri atwt Mawwrfcitt
ate liJodj U nn iti-- at Wtltlftl. I
; - ae U1I li"-n 1-lween NtrUrf4
aiul YjAmrmUtt, lnt it 1 cd abrtb
tbrT .? eut b half l-weiU W - it la
ntMf.w hi- ottUia't. .f no half af !
. T
The .Vll-.ll.g It
(.oirriHir l,ll'l.i In
r... r. '"-I.
St ly"M. Hmtrh M Tb ntn
whirb tbe tmmih t frm rVtrbr
ba t-m Mtffrrimr for a w; nt
ttH-niiar reliTwH bv :hn n-rrif-t wf a tb
trm fttn an W frt'l mi th- tmly. A
a a - i .
J. i:.rt. - VIWI.7'nr- - . W.
haJ b-B in: .- v pi jCMppiai the
WimWK Hel m t . oL ai that
tit tef; Uir.;. . SturU tb' "P vtt.
11 f-i !. U an Krjf-at btwitti-a tlr
-vetn nrtrh. W H. L
day. tb tt n.auni. -it:i4 hUtia tb,
bt Utailv r fr-4 fcw that b -
gt.lnr jhe" A a flw tair --tt
? joI n tr itc v" t"-!-. Mr.
y iirhr an4 be Irvwt ' a aj; a.
b. mM etteje mnxtmiy, md alf a vmtwr
f frait tVt: fK -UA Xm all tba-srt
part e-f Um timntry fabtfre Ut-e - a?
h.j- tbvt thr a ("- -a auxM ba
ivf. tb- --ar-b Tonww to tike
friif. ana tbr frt of litm d'rmpf arww
ti raw - MtbiK twp-rtT. X wn mi taw ,
fart M l eaa- a. let. trpm 4,
tetanr irfa. to l-mt'ef. af4 Un
tbeeir of .nrri "awfu wa. Wbia
ttatrtt-e&t u er p--ii' aa4 pihnt a la
! ffovnaw' -. a !. tt i
-vara taan tt fart 4afta4 atnw.
is-rx- "innr
irw row, U-t. r! -T1a
trtta a-aaatl ftraaa tra-it' ba-
aa aasaial Pr. t4i.
at mJ a
far j amir if i rn " ea-a-fartaMv
iewT- J -ft '' " b atal
frra boon. At 3J9d a 4fa'al
aM. ta4 srbKaerf rimt aflrr tbw mm af :
de raftcS- aair u raalir ajaf K to-;
a lair aaaaaat af fot. Ha fc t-aaxttbaat ,"
u mmU mmi1mm-. taait alttvut. baa
wmmmij . --- - . i
Par, ;
Faar focrra, A.
i--f jaaa mmhih pib.
Ai ll a. m. it " : taa.
c A twllaa iaa taoa-oa: viaat
a4 awt aaaaaaawi aWnr x W
aUi a.
A Xt..-
Aarvi t -
liralai Mairaat aarta -ia cawbtaj iac ; J !. aa4 aS I x
Jaac aafM-i sawCj ia-i aM-aW ' m tava Ur a
rr-, to-) ;W. Hr lar. akaaaasa , ? 4. af ace.iaaaaal ta. 'JT.
-r-t raacaK te rr aifamb-d aaa 1 j iai ajaW" UkjiaaTfc J
taai TtTt4ar- H S nav w fat rtira 'aja
,; ot'Joaa WrrtrK a aav bay. t I -.j g y- ..
iw-a -.-J W',vJPk m- -- M-t !
aavTca; sar a? aar
aaif at
4 W rtrfc jat -tol
WW a- aaan aaa
blta ava-tx, lad
nrtd too tuxo toflati t aav ajfe iivff
M ) !
0 n rsvi t - r r ; - 1
lr It . t--. . .
-- jtI . I i . i-.-l
Tn Ul Mr. h!!'h-.f
( tv rf )lr. V t
' -Jn Fo:.
; in t iT''.
mat bom. ;l :
' H'f
K- ' Lrut
. iTi, linn
' wtxmg
WhlBftU. '
l&rt tntrr
. r mp st '
nt' d
f t
a i
- '
' .i
. v
s " , '
Jrr !I f
lw Kir .
min i
rb ur. "
t-nt -.f
"X .tch I
Ho :a .
Notr!i :
Ifatfen t
Ksift, '
lb. :
a tn-
hbit. h
ri a d .
tUM -i
It H
invttt t it
! awt t hat
aulhr h
m.'' "Wbrf'
and tit novrl n
!tmtt' Vbm l
r i
uqtroMi ie I' tb
( rSMhlo k I It
wh.ili baa to' mv
I U nf - triittatil '
Murfre. of m. lu
Jttntrm Kdmant v
i rirtl mI 1
A Cant a. U .an w '
t'i Sbiliil i
1 'i!h b.t !
i in Nat Hav.
kvin M.!eu 1 ..
rtv fttitu h t it
lthr b l vi n el
Ire.i dd!.tr a lie
l-if t"iC lit . t-
.1 wsk fr b. ttrt '
ti nurte in trii-k .
nnd wm mtalK m .
u all la treii Ie I tu ,h
i4 tti ntaibr t ihj,i)b r.
' .. ... I-.... k.. r..i r &.. mu.
" WW -" 9 jVF'
1-oy's. rvil Coitr ' ii0t
A dit' i th- ,tt-.
thaw a tha hw mb
thawth ''-
t ik a'ottx
tin timr." rt-HMuktl
HMB be hat mrrfu I
v.oi an trymg -.
prt-nri. -A. 1 ' '
ItVur rrtf in 1
junior e.j-w r
..!,,., tM
..nit "
j -kh,t,.tv,1 ,
llm ,,.i
ttttfot t k
" rf v ii '
CMitOi A c'llit l
l:tat ef ti.i
Mtflr by tiX a p
ete ft m tat Lke a
Ctli-h in o-tah
!.rr! fr-t th
4m t hitarmo I ht
an tw.n mi a-lotm t
jgbt t t n
tMrk t nt .-! .-rilrr
aar- "f ba I . .
,x4 " "tt tb 1 ' .
It Url-t btJ III'1
"lVia-r. i.-t Pr'
mn rhat imi
' Wlir lbt I- ai ib . -
ttanl Unr m m v ' Ho I
'Vkkwiwi I pl
V.'HI. ywu t ta i t '
tW W& ft tle gait" l '
I tit t it Ml. !.)- -
tb 1M- I Ur i-..l .7
Karri, H9i tt !
i '-. Hg "& .ti ID
" at h.f-alaar. n I -tfce
art--r rstmm u- tK.
a Iv-nkr' ar kirl I r
Ik toil -sJl
mm to r.rtt. JaSr l
mfmm4m4 tW raf-t
tb mtttn'-r
Um- rartdV w'mtm Urn'
bmjm-m t ta. -
til-ra(a.tta2 "
aaarrtt ha aa
Vr-r-rk-at if
tW '
f' '
' .
I r
1 -
wast u 0 arttte
r-aataaC. '
r-vb-at with
VTb-ibi t.t
C'anvan " - Jte
A awtr-raa a
r aar-.rf j taU . . - .
tkv broial a-aftv .
a baaMat, tta t
aawl wrbraaaiT. rm- . .v
(fat -aa-tk. I i
mmmat, h -t.
tawt af It n
tm aft IV -
araat Xrmil4il 4l
Am ifmmf efajrr3.s
mmm tsmdlmgt-r m 1
tmi H kr Immi la a
4avr- bat
Aay.ajaa-w al 7-
"5o aaora. Maaak
Jmk at Ufa IV Laio .
"I ftwEv a-t r
& Wja-r bar t rtKar .
fuaaaa m wrtt Uat
frj pwHmtm' ' rf.
laagaavj atmijr -.
Jamfta km mmt bnaa ;
Ta-." rvad-d J
aaaBis4ijr. It a
Jar a M;
VW4aiaxar. aaj aa ajaaa.
a vrot&t Vfaaa fc.
-U Tl.
.j8fe ifiS
i -i- a..'."ri Jf
Li 'C s