The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 03, 1885, Image 7

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- 1 1 U ltf:;T not in tru to on;o
teed two year old -C fnd l.radrt
- 'Hit hijrber the ground inl'ti(li for
trruj- p.aiiUug lit better. Hum. Yc
J ori r.
The J'tinn Jturnal xdvie, that wj.
keep cnlib.nt: horaea lot ia tabie ) .
ia stable,
eel off the i
without mngs.i. i?t thorn
Mk trp ywr miml thai crerj ae-r
vmt rutirvati tH- coia" season fekalJ .
I.-. ia! u, do iU vv ttft.7'j .
yYjji " I
i. . '
11 rHjnUT i
IW miC
A lirJ of rnv,' ,ATing on J"
iMirv. : ws.t4-r to dr ak w r
fffrtfd w.ih tb !iMsi- calll lKa
Urittlenr.; wba yp b-ni was upl,H
nith ha4 wa t Iik-( Wi tlita d
ajr"4. Iiui aly to rejp ar -H'ba
ifco -a li- wrr jmt lark oa the tft
wlrx :ra. Irf J ai fwell meatjoaa
U" alt- in tb 2'-w York Trhunc
l'fr tr' Mflam nfwl trsmraJai;
it-rt3y jro to beana. etn ctxias ,f! j litat 3..nii, Hl 1, rt.ll
out daad ofML tf UHTe U aav. Ta wtrcnj ullt ,rA ,f hinu lie would
! vil "ion for a jHar or har J to lnea bllVr usv frf.,i, g t tr3l a.
!: the laud :a xl aa a"tr Jr p ow ,n. orp. . susttl.a uf Tbiak of
it. W not aliow ttte tTa f tf" tmrhi? a c m-.a Uch on a tram that
wiih a two or thr.- f-t of tb- trunk- of -j pn ;lUt -t-Ai i-ar-.!
41k- tre. Kp th nrrlo riulc'M-lj Imara- n trnia ' rltz oat ai
m owatrrf. iavi or vs iManur.- . v,aJ crf R;rj. a3j- .yjjj at ,j,
tJi- land Ubvraljj onr in tlir' or lour flf .;tIV j,., with onlv ontifth of
ara. jl. Uniracy aofompiihiL 'iTj.ak of
rrwwirr tf laai 1rr ttmwrv i
s "ta a th 'Ur
p-w Work it !
w ii an I majfcp l iia, -t ota tbc ia-M5
... -a -i
-... . .. A -s tl. V. tt of Lhf
i r. . li m.!v of
Mi:-lho.j.hat and mtfimlv of potaih
- Kv "fI "
. i -
t!i mi W..rk tbo p.aato -li. k j HI (ny ?, man T.-r tn-d that, aa 1 b- h on di-.oted to Ifierary pur-uiM -U p--1m
is t al ow aav blomi4 to froit. u;a. dillar. " ay. " I-ttrateu' i fort-isa: litrrnry
itiin" - i.m iuo ao fcrjn W4-- If .n eam,ne ttef hij throujrn aa nii-aes.-iiru. -.u --Mi -..-.
A!t .i .nml. onlit-arv olar tnimro vu 1i4-otc 1 sn Reader: ht-rariaa. f.liOtt-ia the
lVo.ii-an- xaor- rfiWr tlwa it ha a rnnlW r moitled a;par- aualor- of paruanwatanan.' is aat-
may miHk.J. a Hun of en h.uh an ,-, a tbourh rnxSt-r.i froai U.iu- ural :t aV mm-.blr. i-upaoaKJUs aad
jtad r-i-- a laaM- a ta par of w. It i k markl h aad th re ftnv-n fit.
fMjualM ia a y-ar. No oa should -, l. loa? htrfAk of Tiht railed facuuu. , - In r-brR.-y. 1SH. AbraUtm l.ia-
irt thm to pav h irofit uui aulta- wtrch look like foam uWk tdow a ' cola rztvm 1 at oa- of Sh Philndel-
Iflf jHdt y loft low m'.'-b providd 11 -ataraet. 'Hi spot-, on the -ua var , hot"k. Xo a- knew liiai, aad ho
left out. ! in b'w tb osvN rnil on fioia aiuint Kirs the .-kizf of aa y. a riT-a a rather high-up rom. Hi
i3. ITus'lntU of npialK aai iltilN . uary H-hwl di-ftriet to spot !. b II wi- two ddiaiv. whu h he paid and
-r I. d tr-jwd v tiiout th kaoal- nulo, in diam'fj-. vm;Me to th nufl i departs! a hu ram. alone In u one
o of Un kwet" r l srh jRKlniht -yo The faler of the tiU i n j-ar fro n that tune he reriterHl at the
maraid'-.- Tfa- ImWks alo deto !l.tek a-a bniaeve rrti. aad i calll mi- hotel, fie lr si leutveleet of th-
tlw-old bird dur.aj; th dav. hut the th uinbr.t, o ralbnl Iwause it rtM-in- United Ntnta. wa- iea the lie-t room
-owl I tiiu oriiitoal iieinv. Jlvtlvn blrs an utabrelht. 'Hie nxt circle is in the 1ik.m. and in- coniut and ;oin;
.. .a.
Traw. nf.
'WWiti Hum l.-lri.t. iii So iii. , these sjhiIh. but to I perfectly eaiulil Ini.rJ,l,,.r, jov.::! .14 eu-d him of .-e-i.i.i'viiirn'iiiwi..
' ri.h tin- o-t e r -ader. neither Prtif. ' cretin; a lf.ttie of wine in he jmcket.
It ii. not inr pnriHMt to deMi- thl i'ro'-tor nor invs-lf can tell exactly , ti.irrolKerviiitr th t hi po-ket bulged
ly pnrj
fpjcMti ia. but to t all attention to an iin
ortant cttHaleratMn in tl ol
warm barns : ample a md-brcak.
,StH-k f aay kind, mad' cunfortablr
itt warm bxrn dnriMR the melt:, and
trf,edit mthe morning U, fare .
, . .
!o!tL iH.nbit wind, ah the t.ier-
nmmrtiT indicating tn. twiait. thirt
or Xorty d-re-. b low zero, is undoi
worse eoad tiom thaa wlien fdmlo onty
are pronll, vvitii ample grux-p jn
UtIiob. Main farai'i itae "tniili
warm barns uput. the open iiraiie vith-
wot anv hI. irrove or dav i.ntectioa.
uad tlie ioek is.'tw'ned out lor vvater ia
Uie in rinnz. aiul nli.niHi to remain
aU dav. huci a c Htr-e i biuud to
la the foutiiatHin of dieuf . to which
may ! dirfH-lvlrai- 1 htn d fTu
rheuntattsut. p mr fnttuaiug oujities,
iafenur iiulkers and low vitnlitv. It i
iiadr uch poniiitiMis that &uiue farm
ir lae 4-oodMntued baniH. We are
not dini8:ag the eeommitc fattire ui
i-omfortalde tams rt-rsun hcd. but
situph the pbvi hy wha-h the Imi 10-
imlts can le Mrctired by a severe ch-
1"hb the pn.iriis, of the northwest,
jviiy farmer fell oidd pnmde a comfort
able barn. ! it v er Hinjpb and iu
'xpi'Usive, eni(tie -heiU to br-ak lh
wind and s:--nis dutnigth- day. and
34l-uad tin uhule sliouhl lw mMvvn a
belt ttilcr, utiper iou to t5- w lads.
A ptoMe Ir.riuer of cons,.IcraM e
peraa c has his model imttM'j
wind-ttreak, t consist ol tea xxnl in
vvkftti ol dense, vvhi-e milliw. a rod
of whit pmc. ant! aniu walow three
.reds wide
Tlie -tenia! u illow protect the pine
from severe u-.u 1 ami dnfting ti-w.
the inUTHir willov ;txtnlH the irampius
of th- stiek. whdv the pine c institute
tlie inni n hi Itnitig. If soni-' oihei
farmer -aouid prafer a.d H'ccat p!ai I
should n it oii.e.-t nh to ills st thn: U
should t.irm a complete protect o:i 1
taere !e anv warm corner or suunv s.l,
for brute hie in th cold ci.m ite. out
.Utaiestic animals d -serve i:. and the
;ire sure to pay tin- mgiiesi rent it
jjspisjsil. li-ff. milk, wool and :o-k fo:
comfortable plnei. u: vvha-h to toast
tt'ieir 1h'1 and spin the.r v artis while th-
Jtlixard is bowing vv.thout.-tj. -f.
.Kmupj: itt lire iLrr s '.i; a..-
"Tlie I'iiriii
ttMj M sain lllxostll.ellt
"n'he example of farmers invcstias
aiuaey ia railways. ;oir.ui.;ies. t'hiagt
Mtraer lots, inar.tis on cniin. aad
riKHTulative schemes eextjrnily. calls uj
live fact thai in a majority of instance,
tliecv farmers have been bitu-a." ani
rwahiag has :xsu!ksji but Jo?s to :theu
ftuidtt calculatkms.
''J'Ui raid's the iaitry f . in a una
joriiy of .vsis. the money that was ia-vt-iUat"
ia sjteeHlatKm aad Jot wni4d
lmt ajul ujHitt I'm farm ic permaucnt
ituprtst etacat have lna . jnitcioii;
;mvc ftiid tadel m sabstai.Unl caa.
Itut tr terms are worked ap ;, laoix,
posso: ues. but few farms jn t ulen -t v
wfcfre ioon-v caa l-e safely raves'ed ia
iiHitroreitifHts. attd all farm- h-si wastr-
lands tttsptxHlu t:vc ia-ids t4 ..uue
extent, thai if made prnluetivt .uotild
be InM'r -tiot t.iaa a "wild;-. jniaf
ta the eait-nal-'em iiMHictauif-, IW
juices rv Wvv;fc us not ariftt W .a-
itikei hi nrud action: and tka: t.s,,,
are hard tles a; md eate thai larais
lie allowed to -. u ruiu: that the ur..t
rirosittotts ijsK f t:e fa-ta are aot ;
jw for years, anat reaiuted d ao'
f9ifttt the faraaer ti t .e lav.-i'meai af '
ki- mctty ta -jecuktire ,sclieat- that
ait-r at: are d -pcuvleat upoa tho a-ri-
t?.nral indu:rv of th- eouatrv
'Jh- farm is aot lik a :u:a- fruic
whidK all is tstfo nvd athta:r n
turntd. the mon coivjde'.e aad ex
haustive, the rrtttier the proa:, last it is
insieia! a rield xa altk-h certain thiacs
are sujfid trom whi.-h lunests rt-sutt.
atftat tK.. inn!., ilmnisofe I .'i'il ..
w ... r..-. ..---. , - .,...... w..-. .
fttid the xaore"j ai .-impie th j
iavt'stmee! th: m re profu-e thereuira that iuvestaieut. These iavest- j
tuenlvs ar.' ten le under the eye of the
lu-mer Xo robbers to plunder, ao j
cashiers to "sip." ao Wards io invest
in visioaarv
tieals. tntt under the
faRncr guiding aad molding hand.
roatrolled' by his own jtMlgmcnt. the
larm always is a safe involutes. & cap
itil detxtcml JJcrrJtL
(till Vj r, ,f!T Un ltilitiltf Olirniilnn,
y f an'l IZxplfcin Thrn.
Th.s mm nou to-ly i (.'J,H '.fry)
mile frorti th- earth, though 'Jiti- have
-n lao' tii w.nv-r hfa it.
.,.. :,. ne that it wx further than
:hjtt- A railway train going at the rate
, 4ft M.r hmir wuW 2C3 voar,
,;o;tig tl.ere. to ay nolh n: of ilopping '
. . , !
rk-U wmrt f r rj;ht irein-t- :-
.rral r-9 a it was u-riTeI that j
a M ?ht prror had lxa waJ la ! cal-
fn!tOB ' le "UB ft i5"' 'rooi tu:
xTth ii4i "asr u " !ltt l's:a.
r.t-.m. or Ktn-thia: of that kind, a mi-
tak of 3.J-. ::il! 't aiadt :n th
r IVijtie caa aot v careful
ii u'h rnattPi. Ji!po,n; thatoa t o
'artk of the isfrmattuu roat3.-.atl
,n tlo d tiuH'-tai'le a inaa thoiiM start
mr with oalt "ictviim su'Scii'iil to
tak- tii fU.'.'Ji ai.-. tad thou! J
fiv traia hv oa- after ike tbtr. dv
hjj, f hi oll th- jrt, aal t'.e
. . - -.
ra:a al ln,l imiiin .Jowrtrmto tr e
.. .,t. n..t . I,. , i,m. . t...r,l i.c.
.. .i tu -,.w. ; .!. ,. ,tinff .n.
ItfV 4- MJi - VMa
- mh .
!.. . .
1 dark, and i allI the penumbra. h-
rrtr it so cmi-K n:e:nbb-! the penutn
Taern are mnnv thori"- regarding
irh.ttthev ar; If we could 'et a little '
ilw", we Hatter ourselve-. that we
p. m!d spoak i. r" delinit.-I. My own
theorv i- thi; are eith-r. first, open a. r
cainni-s held by the colored people ol i
: t wotid, they ma be the I
''" Uu" " ttlt vmVf ,or i1""1'
the inav be'the spots KuocktHl in the i
j,..,,,!' candidate M Uie opposition. j
Irankly. however. I do not b levo J
e tln-r of :h- theories to be teaabh.
1'rof I'roetut sue.-r at tin theor - nl-m
on tlie groui.'I mat uiee sjkjis o no
aoM-ar to i-eroKe fast as the un.
-I"l... 1........,.. J .r ......or'.ul .
I Ills. ail I- !'.. I Ali l'-
uU,u nlM111 .i... tilwlPV that this iwsht
u. .t... ;.,.!, f .i..i..; i ),..
t(,H,.Ver 1 am fre
to coulee that
sp,u! iiirfHa'a-iice is filli-c! with tho in-
t imridle i
Tlie sun trvolres upon hUor Iieraxle-
te. a the ease mnv be. once in twen-
" '
i..m i, i..itx...;.rhi .f mir iiuts. in
tint a man u'oiihl have almost two
eirs to pay a thirt-dav uoU-.
shouUI so hve thai waen we come tt.
die we nmv go at once to tho sun.
UeentiHiie- lie sun's temperature.
ir John Herschel savs that it is stiffi-,
cient to nu It a shell of ice covering it
entire sunuee fi a l. pth of fortv fe't.
I do tint know whether he made this ex- ,
jH-ntnent jieivional'v or hinnl a mat: tc
do it f r btm.
The sin. if. like the uir spangled
b-mner as it i- "'till there." t'tut et
up to-iuonow inonnng before sun
jiM jtmi look away toward the east.
and kivp on lMikmr in that din-e kib.
an 1 at last you mil s-o a sight. U
vvtiat I hac been told is true. II tht
ttari-e is a jrrand as th" tm.spt it
must, inde.-d. v one of nature's tuosl ,
sublime phenomena. '
The sun . Iim jreat .source tf 'ight
and heat for our eirth. If the. .-na .
wen to go somewhere for a few week
for re'uxatinti atnl nst it would be a
cold dav lor us The moon. too. would
be useless,, tor sue js larpeiv or
1Hiidfni nit the sun Animal lile'wotud
(on cease and real estat would .
..,.,,, 4t, in nnc.'. We owe verv
,.,uci, j nnr cujovinent to tla sun. and
m,; IManv mu-s ago there w-ere a lar:t
tiumlH'r of j'tMitile who worshiped tit
sun. Whim a man -showed sjn, .i
emo:io:iiI itimtv. thev look hint ur
on the obsurt .ttorv nf tht temple aaI tnir p.cturesi Aim-nenn wit --v err
sacriheed lti:u to the ua. Thev werf:s.v .pi im-t! I he product wis of
a verv prosperous ami hapm "tn'onle. , our c'mmio ma:tufac:ur. -r n-e so ex
it the conqueror had not mine among '1 " ttaturai tnat w- are ot-bpo ! ,
them with uiviluafon and guus and to take some im'atis to preveal the iimw
Titiid juries i1mv would have Iwn qu to frtim iauag them. llttrntrd
verv happv. inilced. io' Sue ia iar-
UttjUm 'h:cK .t
(tmrriiitrnt nn tire mtxe.t Sr!rm ol
Taagtcr. with the bloom on iL cer
taiitly appear a cii.-.rmiag place U
sHad agtv-al!x two or thr.e moatas.
'I"be climate .. superb. Europesa lif aad .
jvripertv are aoso'ulelv secttre, aad a I .1 Xew Vork jihysicsan reiorts a
pleasaat cl i5ed swietv has alrradv ? ' H-paptT ja:sonia tbe per
spraag iatt cirieoot!. After a sdsfs Mos vb V ia ;il paj'w-d rum har
tim i...M-..r !-,h jr-mevr hml that-i '- vatn.c:ed "rsTarra. iharv'r.Tis.
i .Hi,s orauge eoves nad tiower sar-, W'.gra re. coa uactivhis. tanscularpaias
deai. loveiT .cearv aad artistically! d swel iug of the salivary glatids '
dress-Hl native, there area te othtu . wu. have made'ttm sick, tml th.-y
thias ixnjutrtHi te make th s iaad. sc a lucky that the wallpaper 1 da't
lavture i b aatiu. the aiaaie of a aappy " F' 'a, mgrwvrinr ua K bat Uns
aa.1 prosperous pplo. Jt is my Una ad straSHsiaws. A H.ralo'.
o:: tat a U so-called a immLstra- ; -It be ngarrrrel at i art. t" tw.f -.
iian of ji-sto.'. grrtss iajtp-tiee trhtatphs e dually cvsatpt-d o: .24Le aj z-aiic
a-a geaeral rutK. j& the inhabitAnts nten. ta-t titsptr.d qiv..tioa simanl .;
prtaa under a tv r,aay mush luttrv of sealed bt tbr op?a:a of the m.o-t .
th natur. oi aa arsrjuiiaed v-s"ni fita'S! la4a-xprr-ssi mvirf? et
uojrawlaE than f -vc:; the M-mblaat e -
,f toveramo: As aa atact uf
want pes oa in Mox ia tfi"
day . : me reiau- a tur-aitjot. wfci h has (
p st ctuae to :u kJelire. A man '
resilag at K-ronts. vof miAts, f roim
Trtat n. -a lately accused of havta t
stohir. j bullock from oa- of tHe Joai $
uative nutror t.c. wfeo acting as JHg
ai h - i-a ea-. taxv aa order that tjc
ppeti d. l:mi.. at Louid Itave his !
eri-s cut .u J e horrax seatewce wa
enrrted iut effect aad the uretcaod
victim vva then let! tato Tetaat: by oa
uths relatints in onler to have nitaLcal
advae :nt2 s. Hurotteaa doctor wbo ha
ettled ttere. A aav tv suppot-d. tht
- .
ease was tevxtu tae list is ui scence.
for ao hamaa jKwer can ever restor
-ight u those empty sokets: and tl.
lHor telkiw who sUttered this hamefu
erne tv. and who has Kea. up . titt
present time, the siurtt' i-i?jAeiM..
narauy, ts coaamaeo to nopeie-ss aarK-
at-e-s irever. I his m oaly one samtaV
of a siiritis of brutal atrocitiift tioattau
ally oocurrtag ia this co-:t:lry. Tcia-9srs-
IV. Lvnier. QWjC
-W th- srv-ntv-ft:t I'tnlcd tt- ;
N-anr, th.rtv -two ar pna-j- rs m.
r,.;:irjlfB 0 wjiorn srt--a are i're-by
Jam Trrttsn (Tarke ar- Hotfcr.
I th" oaiv IB Ut w,rld which ex-
p"ds aacJ;j".v
-mrpo- . he
allv fl2.i fur library
cooatrv msv eoattaus
cat anchor off Hunker
f trrrrnt.
Mora j.w.m,t at Tr. nr.. mw
M hw t.uiim-bU ami tht4 noc u!
n4j.laanMi itifiniaUoa. to pfrtmninr
t! aatae ot ;Jht anrps-'r h ba
( .Racial and ft-'lt o promi 4. Mr in
rana-h ca.I.ed it to Ui d.. ia day lh
- Xk .Marir A- F."U"r. who died in
lUirlmzum. 'L. rul.y. lM-u-thI
ail ijer jrprtv. anteantia to anu-!y
;SJ.t. to;n- Iar FVt-hr Hospital. '
rv a fw j"rMiti " fK:. ia-'ludia
t of il.xi Uh-r : ai thtnl sTksat,
alicbael Kfily.
- 0at: !Jj:mas drinal aai ca
Alpha-? Vtet. b- Visg a fulMi'.o iffsd
Frenchntaa. Hp a at a- t-m "oki
a t- Moaninil Abmd el
Mehdi. I ut qa rkl r in that prophet's
fa, or and b.-- tm hi oa-'a-iaw. Hr is
aiw about fifty -thr-c v-r oid.
Vb-a I aw C'rrv txnr the pr'f
ol ibv h late M. IaI
uioa i Alut. " if I -a to eatai-j.
r '' wortl- ? i ',,, mw 'fu
! naiifvfiui''d in r'ci.fa i x iiiiitt nLS4kT-
" ".r" " : . .. , .
. I aa i I I.V1 llhll
It OUt IlH'
iHI " '
mMDtiun Urn: s-ai" n.H orfc r
lit rt-aiiftjj fur b v,-ile but not Ur im
naii'rn. t.
-Iit4Tarian." a pr-
. .. :. . -.-.. &. U.I . t-m . -9 -i m.r-
wer. known by rvi-rv binly in
e eitv.
l'ki.aH j'kvi r.rt,Ti.
It is relate 1 of c;eaeraHordon that
Ht H dinner in a London club on- of the
,,. ,,,..,1,. j ,. tjnt ihe cou.d en " the
bra'id and chalienfd h:m to pro luce
the bott.e. In md jraation h- drew from
j,,H tiocket a praver-book. atul said-
"Thi.- little Iiok has 1h -n my eompan-
j,m frears. and I sincerelv trust that
3 max hnd a comforter and supjH.rter
tn ;. tnrjs ui hie th.-.t Will prove a
tree to you a this l.a lN-p to me."
'jj,f..j j,,". u-ithdrew from the company,
an j :. next day received man aHlo-
I .... I .-1
' . A nuch -''"': llAs " nrMdrt
lHin' how (,eir'e U ashia'toa sliol
l... tft.l. fh &!. 4sj1 9tt fl!l-
; "' V . "-" " '"" . ,"
" ,f th.' 'J""11- ',?."' '
cated near M. Louts. ( nwayo
M'Uf is JO-
mine " wno win not mr
when they have a chattel' Mis, it. - l.z-
si I
rrui'fit- od njht ol il nut want are
thev u flo9 Wheimne adepts an offor
sh- g-uerally Mrs. L t .o. .Won W.
Tuey were ta'kin f weighing at '
a frh-n 1 s house the other ntg'it. Turn-
ini p bn 'ht little fuii of mv host I
s.iid -Charlev. how much do you
weigh?" "I'm about e,ghty-tive MHtnds
now, but when 1 get :tind I weigh a ,
ton." A. )". .sfr.
A gi'itUeman who ttsiml.v wore
bu-hv whi-kers a'-most as white :ls
stiovv had his heard out oil. When he
e-itere 1 the jiouc his little thre.-var-old
grandehihl exclaimed: "Why.
grandpa, who-e head have you go',
on?" -fioUicH luty.
"Are , vou e;.,j:i out to tho theater
tonight? n-ked one lavvver of anoth
er. "No." was the reply. "I have a
retainer to keep me at home." "In
deed!" exclaimed oti. "Mav
I ask what the retaia-r isv" "Vou
m.y it is my wife." S. Y. Hrrtt'ii.
Little Tim--(Kd nisrh;. mamma.
Mamma Wliy. you urns, no? o t
b- d vet. Vou ha-e ut v our sup
per. Little "Jmt ( h. no. 1 m not gt
lii z to In'.i. J thoitjrht you were.
Mnnuiin t'o pl-ty. child. This Js my
new Mother Hubbard. I'htUtdcljkisi
Kuglish tourist "V.'hv is it. can
you tell tn-. taat your A:u"ricaa inn
kcpcrs alvvitvs put pink tnu-liu over
iv h"i. Egbert, dear." said
a Chw-ao bdle to ler iitiar-stgaiH
tlatitxH- Kc''ft v.-nt dv va on hs kaee
l:ke a true kabrht, but. a he had lost
hi cvt-giass. hi- vision was x little ua
cert tin. "Is this .ymir J-r, darha."
be Lnpiirisd. "You 1-H." -!. srtal.
"Aw. patron. I J thotiga. u was the
loaagc." ilgU-jt is aovv d..'tifjagi.
Jrjttt 'i;?ifoa.
pved t th six geat.ewev. and clrua-
;ae rartorr. A J-entiemia obt,-l -d o
this, as the .-umber ot t j.,s wa e jtia'.
saxinc "the-r wr hx.'f and half.
T.t." a w.ttv f ir o.e: "but
f are
A Nirrow Escape.
Taer vvrre veMia: -ome prtssy toar
ssoria.--. aad ureses tiy his uira canv.
Ve." he K-jaa. ckariar hi- throat,
"people lo-sf their lTts soai'Umc. La the
fooli-aest MKt o w-sy. I neollect aa
Ir.sjhm-ia. jttxir fellow, who some rear-,
ago sat down cm what W s'po-s.s v as
a ker; o IjJack saad to sroke h.-
dadeea. After kai-hm the fast pi;w
he so; ttp aa kaocked the Sve asfcei
lhi iau th krc-"
"ilaay kh-d lyMidas bjrar" -itkad a
breathicss listeaer.
"Maav what? '
"Kilh-d-hiowa up."
"Ob, there wawat't ao cxpkvsjoa.
autais iexaVaitvc 'Yxmi klKck saad."
frrzix' Traveler: Meednc
Ou-.iC Pursuit! o: Enrblh JuCrct.
lV:ar fre frjm all xai-iy for ao
"rraat of ti i"taie baj o M-tir a
poitoB a. a Jade. Jm ca oalv t-j
r'avTi from h: odlci- hy a jo at ad
drr of both Houvh--aKh roaj'S a
wort. 'Ui rwjslur hocrs, iad rrui-.r
bolidns. a Judrv ottat to lr to a
grtt st'- Mo of tbatdo. "v
eml amoaj: theai hav taullrtaal t '-"
miiu otar thaa ta law. xnd 't
amic t.n- i wfc t-a Uj rraufy ti m
( Ja of oor .Irtds:e i dtJ to pt
;al -ciaor. aad i ad to taow '"if
rao-t of it thaa oi law. ajKUrr a
!vk:ilful rornUT and hfs-t ba haaj
lJe lintr. Aaothr ts a cottAKlrra
firk ai Latin scholar, xad m
prtbblT edt laa:'aJ tooks -o- : -thaa
da anttb;n lr. H br Uiou't
that a .lude Mirat deroroalt do -
Another aa ardat a wt. Aaothrr
is a kwrad aad wd3y kaoa
aad a skUliul perform? ea th rto.ia
AaohT v nadertKd to ljrvlaf un
oSicially for what coromaJT ralll
onrrrratt of National uortA. aad. if
. samt have raouh t. do. St. Je-
ir. A. 0. Alforl. Jaaior Vic D-part- '
Jd lra."
Cui. I.
(,rrr nnrt Mr.-r Arn.-
tlftitn u oftiair tb- onlr rav to
lagiv takr a.uc- taa: Dr. l1,r.,S - 1't.-..-' .tan onaal Utile
(H-uve ia -a u airk aal n-vuc- aVnt-
ino h trata u;kw tn iutal. AcorM-
a-t -, iutir-titn. ra4i f
bliXxt Utti h-il, rui 'z.lretuilim. mm t k
btitiifoUi ariMtt; Ir mi otmlzurtoa tf !
1kIii .- f'jncliitr.. Tuir un ir taroua
Vft eallf. uud :h? Hi-.riiettU. 1.k f.i
ir?.y V'-Ktaii'. lh-v raii let IaSc-jj wnU
ini!Minilv UiUt l&a zaokt dtfUcaltf tiuias. -a.
All drB-uL-k.
"What is th- -jtr tbattra!r ar- mnJ
ofv" jauiiit l iii4Urni u wc la we
liMct vbrJ(..' jj.u.
wnntr t. Rr1 Th.
Tnr. Tnt.T:r Met tCo .of Marxtudl. M'-h..
oSruDd th-ir reit.'t-atl Li-KiTKn- : -:
sic iIki.7 ! "thMr Ki ki-tmjc ArrUxN -rs
ou ir.a. fr : .lav. tiu.n younc ur i
attlirtt wtit. nf x.ns il-l..utv. ! f v.Ui.
itv na.J ull'irJ trouUs A!io tor rLu
:ii.T!Nm.L.Mir.ucJ..ju-il m nixi turtnv :)
ir iii.s-i-. iiB;Mi rcuriiun to h-Httr. .
v?or. aur mrvnbo'i runrnat.""!. S'trtA. n
currd. b .1i. riav s Us) nl, ... Wril
ttijiii a. I oar tor il.ulrvl;hirt, (r-.
Is- thr,p shut:a-!owij"t:in ll it ov- t
dent ibnl t u uii.i.i do uoi mi.i.t u cii'
l.'jHIi JifliU
OJtl InTftrrat strlrtiir
of th" nrrthra. spenli.v au.l 5-rnmn'ntlv
curtil by our i:a.rov'd m..:tio,ls. I'atn-
ptuet. reJerenefs ual terms, two tareent
Mami. Wor i-h Ihsiap M-beal Afc-
Tiiiutom v.rt- toriiiTlr cnllnl "love
ay. .i." Tncv tt.ri- cirtaiulr vry io't uuJ
'uilv "iaiijat."
A (orcit. Co:.t. on Sour unoATshotild
n (j t.u..l-t.wt KunTs'l ItltllXCIII I
aH t- a-si"t-!. itKo.vs s iiKoNciii.M.
InuCHSS 6ivr prompt oim.. r. ct. a Ujx.
okjtb. ML,riW. "1 h&rr kfjitSt. JkcoOj ,. -.7m ti:ut v 1. ui. nu. s i i i u- k. - &. 4. - ; . ...r .1 ftavuwu
Od by oa. aad al- f Jial h t rlv t;I i-... - --' ; ."V--V' -V.'tT;;'.- ' XZ '' . , aL ajrfJM,
rm J, Iar2auaa.ao10.aai :. Wt..a : .... x,., s - -- - , ;- f.'; ,-T;: V;. J?' l " """',
mffmajwrnur a fvr w . wac wjtii "TJlJj''VN i'kui n 1 --: T IUTI: iik 1. t m-noi-t-i r. --"r f - .k,
aa air, rat-d t .ota. I ..,, ,,: aav , ,';; . W v": '. "-. ' n ," ?VZ ) l-W ' ,?. a aa. a I a; it. 1 was tu:nU rUr-t. i4. .i wun: 1 i.w :iti. X.iw ' -' - - - t. -nr- r--.-. - r. .- 1 aa tnaavHkal
aad bit :!; ostod Irota itzno." '- - , '. . ".-, . 7 : '. m , . - ni . - - r--. - -c 1 -!: 11 4. ,ftTr
. .. ...- . .. t m.w, s '. "aataaa - ..
4b A I n J ft4 T 0 " i t "iM 4?v.. . mv 4 7VI. .....-. - ...
li b.-ia. of eutr.c. u: r- t. -.r .". ;.: .
raia.NET w.p rrrr to w dark!al I -" ftl ml "" ,'u'r".
STMit. 1 U:s fciitui h i..ii bv lu tiieir
ta.vwr.- i'iij"i J.r'tJ.
ro:i.-TOo-H riti:XHoi' currlti 1 ralawtcj-.o.
oktn s'ki;Jbur .s.jhl aad lstuM3-s. Sc.
ti Kit van CoN Itauov-:a ktil.(.'oru A.
"Oiumii sivtx" i th iajniliriouR ncl-
vice .uspailsi Ulor; curtain ral iHics.
Whi-n er.Tvtb-nj: le fails, Dr. Halo's
Catarrh linei ureo.
Ir tarspt tu mv to tart a I usmesfl, but
it v;. s;.. u.tkout aay.
Ir nth wro r'-. u Ir. Itaac
j..ri.i .ri s Kv- Wuter. iru?aw vat it- c
rn,.n.. ,.n k kv.- Wuli-r. Ilrui-KLrt Mnl it. -C
ATTI.i: rhii!T.r t.s r- J (u.
. . .k k ..
Hut hers si.-rs I . ot
HOGS O. tod keur? i JO i i i'.
Jpbt . ift i '
WHI.AT No rreJ , )
No Jt K 4 i'
iteJectfMt - s '
mitV-Vn 5 W W ,
OATs-no s :'
HYK-Nt Z 62 4a '
Ff 'lit -Innev.jior sack .. . 1 & t 1
!,;-Ir,,,,-rr'fr.,,":',d Lt! ?
. IW.A.-I. r"i. nintu T "
III.IlS l'lin I 4a 13
lOHK ilBin- 10 4ft H
SliouUlers S' i
Hul.- 6 4i T
IKI .- s
.. . .1 !.- i".i1. s n v.. s i
5T IJC"I5.
rATTI.K sklrm'ntr -ler .. itt O S
lliitctoer siojjfs... co 4i ..
-l,??Pft:1,rrt,TT-a-ft- in a tT.
ii,.i it i 4....- cut A.
WHKAT-Nfl 2rfd sl '
KYlT-So'V .. !.!...!. ".'. 81 :
ItAKI.KV - & Ti
MK ttai tr--M
COTTON MmMuxut. .... l 5 !
rATTI.K-tv-i to ctootcr 73 '
iiM.strftjiraB4sloatatr 4 I -J
sltKKJ -ya-r U raocf IK a i"
-HI.F.r-hMf i proa-
:.j a a i)
jiit!: -i tun 'aU-i-.o4
witr. t-no :ni
' oxx -N r
nrs -Ur.irrs ai
!"ltk tsrfir1 v"
I'STKi KIM I t-jd
3 11 .1.
vt .1 3
t. r-
s- . !
U ::
aTC-s TT?
t! jsB- a v:
ftTr.- .i5-s.i3
.V - J. -ttsS-.
rc ta ix.i. i "ctsriftCT.
rrrrfrvsa Opiate, JCrvrtf attd fUftstu.
Carr Uj- C iifit. 4ii. 4 xVrr TVj-cftJ.
Ltt- itO..
T sirs-, . u vj. i.wwarttn
ITU V It- w at...- -towt. .. 4IO VA t - Karriar-r vra trad for -rt.-al rrr'lrTZriZr:?. -
nHEAT1:;.r .....: Tt S-. y-ar, for what tlf pavAAaian. rJiad L. S o- ,. 111111 V - - ' r '
,75; 2 ,-nt h,r to Itichmoad. Va.. whv. th- r-- 1: ayJ? -TJV ' '-V f ' L . . .
kvk " ::::::: .... raainf.ix-asKt'satai-rtruassat pT-.-jrrrzTaU. x. .SKIjV '' " - irr
IVIIK-.n-t M I-i -K of aa erotn-at I'avu-l&a ittoyat aay irUtMi...Hs. -.-.. sX-rvi Vs-is, ."L-irT R ,, . i -- r" Jw" 'TfeV. J DISEASES : --
frjl IV
- I -t-iv5o3'r " " ii -' " O " J
m z- as. .r -.s - - . . i- -r s r-m m
a, c KlMSsA : ' ..-- V
SLnitlAh HMuf .. -.. ".-vv-sV.- 8 HPIi? PITS!
rill r nlit -- .- - .sj. ryist & cTRflTTrt,!s
a S V I t 4 Wftrs. -' ' -" ' - ' "" --- iftai
- - 1 J Ja 'a. ta. - a at a. ft. t fti
-.ft-s ft.fts.rjH. ftwri-.. -ft-
B C.-
i-i taints A.tarLixa cb, i
K,-raWll"TJWK fl V, CT -tJir
V.--5. i2trrja ?a.ji W3a-i,V gC
tj- .': 7 -wj--' ti i. -vV aLai - i- --"i-.
fc--?. rtfcj.- ''"iV...f7W. nv.Mi! UtM
tifTir' rttVMaVi i i!r,' V i i -1 frNL iSS rrtarl
KfAei!aWM39 JTT L afL4Bfam ftf rvi t - Vm
Tnr. m m moth urwBtBui
--' - r
- r ,. J - f
k- . rr . -.. r"-" i-
Adar... r. l-i-svv-xa. CiuiiDN,
' '-'. "-JJ'- .;.. fcl".t"r . :" "
'-' -i -,- . v. -
Uf , "-v - '
thouii Me or.l? the "A-m ir.d hiTimrr ' brand
lor Oft'iq xaii Ivtu5 M..4 Pint irr a-i
Cinn. It it the lct lor i
a HeuhoIU Purjoiei.
-e-'.Cr-a T
T a -- a, l --
r.t'k i a -r fc
. . . . . ... a,r-fc
-r'abB I bh aBHPaVrVBaaaBBaaa aav PaHak
rj'"JLa. "'- - . , - a - - .a a .,
11 hi ::ti:-. -. 1.1 1.1 1. a ' l' I -Vd.-u-a
Wrr-rriKl',l''lt' -t,l lc'- rr mr - '- ' 1 r tb ".Vrr tfrh
iftrs.ttEl i.. XiklorUe Arm a h-uer" brinC tALtCDA tWsihj iU
I U m r ir n'l 'IM' tao -' t
II rc -1 ",j- wr. Z .n j ' -
- i - t u a' htcr l.n I ."
t -a l"w-c- u V wir ? pur iU "?
a'jalc. t)ilnc m l-rtli will
liiAkt tiriia 1 likr Mirilu
( omllllitii I'owtlrr. t--- km' r.
tirt-Vr, c pn rl(r ty m (1 .. (. - in
A Little MisunderstaruJirg.
A l.ulv who had uii-riel a farme- -
Inrni'.l bt r fril-' III tiiC ctv.
. .... .
".! one l.ulv was quite aax.ous ,
af,vv about farm life.
j ..j, t ,.,.. ou,oule WM ,.U'
in the cuutrv " ae akel.
Mh. no." 'm the replv: "farn.ers'
wive are nlwavs Ihiv, aad doa't lav
t;me to be lon"me.
..t, there auvbodv about the hosn
. l .
"Of course: we taiplov ointe a nnsn-
' , ,. t,...,
, ln-r of ieple. esufcind, ia harv'.
Von don't have to be very stv !...
do VOtt?"
Oh. no: all of th peodr are ji
piaiu pounlry folk.s, aai you kt. v.
farmers alwav-s tit with th.rkani'
J -Vou lou't sav xt; s that r-a..v
. trU(.
"Cerlainlv. It is."
"What do thev do that for?
!... l-ki .- a. wl fxkrt . ft ?Vii rnnri
I HI- ti, " ' rv- a s s.
trv '"
j The farmer's wife ga-ped and t-h'-Ki-l
' and sIooimhI t.i k tig .i - '. .
, '
' ' r-
. ...
rmts Cl f II iinrtrr.
Ski Ioir JtfftS r- J (.it
8i4 V'lf't Cr-m lu:ra
T ' ! rr C i. -
i- .. .. ..
rr m --" 'T" l
, tir brt) .t.- -r i r
, twtSIJ jr- ( II
M.' s .r i'?.rr !
MrbmoMiT r2"'-
cx.-rt K.j ' ii' IU -
r-nfi c r; ; - c-
a -r TiftWKA, xj'.stu
. r '"'''' "-"-
Lua. I
! CWaa, a.lm t
rr'- d - i"
ra.-ft3d,B ' -.--
fk v . m :r e
!" 'rr-. Vj t: r
I.l'.-wl S.rr,'- .''t-e. " r-.
El l.H iti.fciis. I-j.i4. trfsv S T
taC'rUr W(ininkI.
Too murh ffort can not li" mads t. br.-.z
to tho attation of nJlnas watnanh k-J
th- cr-at vain- of Ly ba K. I'lBi-aii
nci'UlJ" Conipnaad at a rrtsiy .r t.-
tiisa.- of wnatea. awl jrbam nntbiar
' those - ho Lavs b n rurr-I by It. Soch rut
oaiftth if of Go-jeml Itarriar. f
iaswn. .. . .. 'iuw' '-", "-
n-n-ral't I-itr at toi -. - L-a.- Mrv.
' J'.akhanj: IJav rJi-- m- to add tnr
,... . .v.- .,- li-? miniu!
-'-'- . . --s - --- - -
qoalst-t of yocr v o;tAW i-oraT'-aa!.
tiat- coaim-ac-ti to laticors aaa l tt-
. - i - i
k-s. io a?- h tufi !-.-
or, hr-' '.! rrf." ;i;r-J ftar-
-- . r-, -- -- t
riacr t. tto) prrjn-uir of t-t' Aat-neaftU
... .... . ... i- t.
j, - V. ft- - ' -
;s-i;' ;-:: :,'.v.:i
r i. ) k. v
jtatMarxsaa a-l
j --
Many a Lady
is beaiitiful. ail bin her skin
and nobody has ever told J
her how easy it is to put
bauryon rheskin. Beauty j
on the shin Is Magnolia
a J
m - ..... . ' A.-V.X ft
awVT -wVSS-
- f
j" - . -.-'
9tl4 'IJLr 1fe .-r. y te
f -
' ', IP "'4 " "
.- -C- . - r .-. fpi
" '- -' a" - '-.--.-
oka t.. Qc;: -
- .'.. r.s . . v . -
-. r-.v
' HOC DtSCAStS. THe "Arw Ut-.?
fi3 S(X n3 S r-atut it vtri ml srt
, -fit tor le frrm'.Cfl Cu'r st HOC
Hit ttfi ttif amiu. t lsx. i. J
U ra A . J J
c nfririi! mil ruir
H t r A 8. tic" -j: uf k "
- : ;
tr Ua s " -: J-',
--.1 Mil f I -') IS- s A I -. j
' t ' ' -M) Cftt 0
v ; M a. a
1 . ! ,r? II , i
' :
ft ts. t0 ii1 l4 s '
a- i i .- t " .- -t. '
l,-tN".M Ir .0 ! llln-U. l l
,,, -. .,..i Tw .""
n- u r :,-: i. .- t. .- n .
u, Jtt t ,,.. Alu.rf., w
i rr j r a,
T s .
Collage Songs
r t:t
m nr.Mtv i:.tMu.i.w.tirr.
,f)"''',,"',"!' r v" '' "
f . b . . j .. --
i . .ft ,i i i'rt .' m a . n
p' ' J '"' ' f -f Ion ,.
Mi.. -. ..-,rf i. " - M l
1 1 ... .l i a
l. II-W !.-l ".. I t.K4t ib
w4. "t .r- r" !
. t ' : -f (. Tvr
f a - . .. " i . f'
ir . ., lftr.. f f ' f t r ll i
It r ,. .- A ' r- W. It, t- n -
i t. c 1-. ft,. t.- ) e - ' s"
I- t i c ..
sr -' i: n:u t t an , .
'? J I burnt. AOitn. . !
n'ri.' n.t , tr - w t ij'
wuiurr Liii.M i . . t- s ". v'
t r ,
Cft ft '
Litres ,v
,TI I ftfs' k. ' '
i p
Mll-t f..f th- Kllt rrr-
1.1 OX .V II I.A t,! . Mc
uurr.K iiitmiv ..-1.. itt.t.
Tv "
' r a7 . fts
. t
Vj i.i..; -..
fe4. c -.ft
Agents Wanted
flrTPniQ "a
fiCLGIllO b
a . ., rw-. .r l. -.. J -t4yn-r,.M
4,. -, n- -1- - - "
It. t rf. . W! - f
... ...tftftt ." i- .
n aftaa J,rfMtf-wt.t
, ,... i
W r ... T T 14. -. . - . - '
j. j -
' '.
j. Tk, WttM.
Unft mr tm 1-t i t. fff
' r tt. 4 ".
t.. t.
i . - ftt
a.w. fcsMA ' l.s. ikifc m iMt t a
Ci ' j w " ' -J
c j4 i.ft. i r ' . ft .
.1 -.-s. ,-- -,
aftft rt ! ftkft,-.u e
.r,i: ix.-sirs: jzziz.--,
. . . v t k 1 1 uorr fti .
.,n. -rf W rt
Lpr -m.-t i
j - . - &
!- ftf.'. . c r .
xt j . ;" t i
-ft lint JWS.ftM . -. 'ft ft . -ft-,.
ts . - -SX ft " " Ml
". t- ... -s ..i ft. S-ft ft
xirt a w r j rrfi i. ?-.
- -fv , . w -ota aiat
-- m v. ft !. a3(. at t a
ft f ft a - ft - - si ' ftat.
X .4 t prat . M ft.
- .- j -r.i-- .Lfct 1 1 aa
i;r , ., -v-tvis.t M.caka.
J frsftl jftprftt 'ft.
: - r- -. . in ii i . u
Bn lxtem USX
t frft ft3ftftlTftft t ftt.
r:w ifTtittC(i.
T9 nFWRFBRY. tea rose.
i" "- twn W
- ' w .. w ,? r' - a. m- . a - - i
. ay 'in '
k r -
I Do-arnright Cruf!tjr.
T ?aa yaewitf sM J
vk uximi -m m
Itanrts -"T awwl a mt
TiW ttwa. nf ut
Hr ;wna &? m iMr
p al
I iJlt
I "jettum aaiiwt
" ri-' a al vtaj I
U i- Mhrowi if at
..i 1 hA a(iaMKa aatti
I . tira : ikK
.at m ta aad
vai tftakaMr!
Mr aivUr w ttM 1 vT-t
V st aw i
' tH at ui . una
i Morto vaw
At fcw IWnifli
. A kmm mat tif.tfw:
M ta
' Art4i. b.feai Mwa
t aiiahw tJni.aa Tua Aprtf ft.
Iwnf IjJttar I aa tr4
i . , -. . - . -.
! tJt-ii H. TAAJaaaat.
uijr fatlf .
1 . - N, rw1, tW ,,, , r a,
a .- t ll M-- iiaa.
B-. If w t . .Kiauia . alt.t.ta
H..v ft . iuli taltMsml b Hklvf
Mtaat knot V l.M M UWI "M
rtMMrl U. ". i ..t".4 tM )
mm! ItMt iuum V ! a"'
of UW f iSmmI t " t
luiiw KM wlnnlvi. t.V Dr. Cll'
aott't Yotlov Dock arvil Sam.v-
t pariUri. TU- ik4 waaf
iajHfwi v. tbo ifci
t.. . ' it uwr knula.i h a !
iWrnllkMi. Uw 4rt !
srttttiMt hMf knk. t
p ...
tm i;-yr. rwfcwir l.
tM aay Iri I ar
fumiKiw k tar trmmi o
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nerve ana Brain Tonic
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Men Think
thcr iozr aH aboci Mtissirrj Ufl
katcaL Ktrr- do. No: :? Isww s
zxfi to irrrc
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