n&e$K$aiitl c$'j4''M VWMSMY. "-P9ei5sB2j " "S l-ei" t '-2t i- . V : 'iCi & . JT '1 I I i, I & v; Si n The Red Cloud Chief A. C. HOSMCR Proprietor FRIDAY, APKTI. 3, 1885. FROM ALABAMA. At ft number of my friends wntol mt to write to them I il! answer all in one in your Tjihmible paper I will tell you " bat I think of tliie part af Alabama. It h been a cry rich country hut rtnce the war it has been badly run down by renting and fitrni inf with inferior tools. There i? mct all kind of Und here m a r.-tdnia of a Mv a ilea, red. ellow, and Mark land .ttid clay foundation and then i aandy land. Thre is plenty of limber of neitr ly all kind, and fruit piich slh ftppiec, paachc". ra and cherries ai.d fr riea. auch ai bliickberri:, ratpherriej, trawberrie. jtooelerne.s, ana huckle berncft. 'Ve cn raise cotton, wliMt, oata, rye. nuftr cane, and Inch pota toe and all kind of garden vt-.tAhWi that will grow any where will gro-A-here and Ui:d h '-netr ranging from five to ll fly dollat jer acre. Privileges are vitt good Tax are low here, not quite one per cent, and we are exempt one hundred end fifty doihira worth of hoti anil kitchen furniture, one yoke of oxen. Wftgou and twenty ahoala, and bread tutfc enough to last six month.. I have no desire to corno .bark to Welwter county to live and pay tight percent, tftxefl. Nowifthia don't find place in the waste b.i-Uet yoiijmay hear from Una part again. Joii.t C. Whaiiikkwax. Singular and; Significant Circum BtancoB. The fact thai Morhart .0 Fulton tull morn wire than all of tin ir competitors j.ut together, :lnd from about 10 car old !af year, not one tfol has been returned to claim the unlimited ;uar aiity accompanying every rfpool sold by them and are ni forced to the un willing admission of tin inferiority ol their goud-H by claiming that theirs "are equal to the hvtl." Have in transit two car loads, wbieh are absolutely anil uiiouealjonably the very be.-t m iitr, and to acknowledged :iul ictnli-r-ml by the jiublic. Our mammoth Uck of rangei and vapor stove are the ad miration of all who see them. 31 wl -Good Farm For Salo Uf 160 acres, 1 35 acres under cultiva tion at present. A good house, cnln, granary, table.i, wells, windmilld, tiri clnPH hog lot, cattle corral, and a line grove ol atdi trees of .' acres, and a new orchard. Price. $ Hot). Will sell ma 'chinery with larm if puichu-er dciirea, or will hull each hi-parale. Terms $1200 cash, balance in 4 years. Ap ply to mc on tin; farm 10 mile. norm went of Red Cioml, and 2 iniles fouth of Catherion, or to this oilico. Am constantly making improvement on the farm. A. Cukk. 34-4tp AN ORDINANCE. lie it oniuiHtdby the chairman and board of trustees of the village of lied Cloud. Sko. 1. That the corporate limitw of the village of Red Cloud be and the fame h hereby extended so an to in clude within the corporate limits all tho80 certain pnrcrU and tracts of bind heretofore annexed to said village 03 onlinanceH.knoun an Kadchll's addition to Ked Cloud, Cae & McNeny's addi tion to Red Cloud, Jaekson'a atidition to Red Cloud. Lutz't addition to Ruil ''loud, (JarborV second addition to Red Cloud, Railroad addition to Red Cloud, end Kalev's and Jack.-onVJaddition to Red Cloud. Skc- '2. Thi ordinanco uliall tako rtlcct -uid bp in force from and after its adoption and publication, a provided by law: R. L. TiNKKK.Chiu'n A. J. Kzssky. Clerk. AN ORDINANCE. To provide for the annrx'ition of K a ley's t Jackson 1 addition to the village of Red tlou-l K'' it on lined by the ch.-.irman an 1 board of trustees of the village of Red Cloud. tr. 1. That all that part, parcel and tract ofl ind lying adjacent to the village of Red Cloud and known and de.-enbed a.- Kaleyand T lok-on'addi timi to Red Cloud, I e nd s hereby ile clared Himexed to the said corporate limit of Red Cloud. Skc. 2. This ordinance hall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication an provided by Uw. R. L. Tinker, Chmu. A.J. Kkxnet, Clerk. Among the books just received at Henrv Cook'? are "Mvterv of the Locks" by Howe: "Allen Dare" and "Robert LcDiable" by Admiral Porter. "Appeal to Cesar" bvTourgeo!Monto Chrito" by Duiii:ir-l.ca Miserablcs" Victor Hugo, and 'Shadows of the War" from a Southern standpoint; and "Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain. Span of Brood Mares for Salo. The undersigned has a fine span of of Norman brood mare for sale. Will fell ono or Kuh. Part ca;h, balance on time. ReMdence three miles east Amboy road. I, p. Kked Wasted. ;"u0 people in Red Cloud and vicinity to call and examine our goods and compare them, to all other. Prices cheaper than the cheapest. Wright A Wallace, 4 doors north of the L'O&t-otiice. PeI.asds, of Fairport. New York, are alw ay? abre$t of the time. They quickly ie.e upon every possible wean-of improvement, and in conse quences their soda and ?aleratus 13 tu jeiior to all other. Ikon. Plow steel, singlc-treei, Neck yokes, and Hatle. chains for sale by G W. Dow. 32tf Itch and neratchen of every kind cured in M) minutes by Woolford's ganitary Lotion. IV- no" own r. This never fails. Sold by R R Sheier. drug gUt.Rsu Cloud. 22-ly CoMrARE my prices with those ol other firms 1 will ave you from ten to twenty rive per cent, on anything in niv Hii. O. H. MAKTTr. OH MaHYatt. Cam '-,' cton'y :r your crco- ne anti ir- ' " ym i.cv to 2.50 l?r hMlwirtnl fight. 3SJ yiito. Tab vis w sellinj: or.m ami ju- xno of J51 'H'5:' "rt- 5he also ..: '.- ' . ".'PJ'J'O r'f? -fit' ! A , . . lJ 4 ' -- vi " - l ixjn't o.inn tho hirj:i stock m the tjte. it haio plenty ot" fren new gtoJ. '!" laiot destsn- in overytlunj: iimi ia a ti-rt cls jewelry oubUah- mcut. NEW STORE, NEW PRICES. Bolow we quote a fow price of our foods und ronpctfuIly request tho public to cull mz'l boconvlccod oftheso facta, Steell Spectacles - 10c Brooches, rolled plate, 20c Brooches, rolled plate, - 25c Brooches, rolled plate, 30 to 60c Cuff pins, rolled plate, - 18c Cuff pins, rolled plate, 20 to 45c Clocks, nickel, - 90c Clocks, alarm - - - $1 35 Violins, - $2.25 to $6 Silver spoons, plated set 60c1 Butler Dishee, G5c, Napkin King. 30c. LIOLa, fctnkin, J-J.4i. Elgin Watches, Nickel Watches, - Theo are but a few of the WONDKRKPL PRICES of our jroodn. It MUST be remembered also that we KL'LLY WARRANT and GUARANTEE tnee pond au good as the hot. Don't forget the place, four doors north of poht o ill co WRIGHT & WALLACE, Jewelers. Red Cloud. We Do M Follow, Bui Lead. 0 shoes i , HAND AND MACHINE SEWED. gnS ? Manufactured for ff ? - 3 tk Pine Retail Trade, by the s-- v h 'fii EOOKTOBD 5 & S it 2 BOOT h BHOB . J j W S Z f!f ROCKFORD, ILL. Alio hue a cuuiplfti and lr:iiit !iii f L-'tiliis' ami ClizMrt-n' 5lr ironi ?sc n4 up. boe us tirfon-jouliu) as Mctut- iit-w iK)di (uutaiitlr arriMUj;. A fall lino of Plow and Working Mhoen. Old Stand, TL .emT Red Cloud. Am WWWSb JOHN BOESCH, Agent, A.VmiY. NKH. Sold in Red Cloui BRMS. IB -THE BESTTCHEC. ? This n:eliclnp. cosibininjc Iron "nith turn tccvuKe toi.i-3. uulcV.lv and cotPrl:ely C'rr lvpcilt. InJIrll. rn.kr 1 tnpnr 6lcd. .MaJri,l fcUU mmd Fevers It i n untailtnr t.mcly for Ditf of lh iil.tary und I.Wrr. It is ialuibl- for IHj prctnUr to VTomtB. and U hi lfd H.dcr.trr U. ltdofMK-; Itijnrf th u-:fc.cubriUchejr Jvuv cor.ipt.cm iiA-r lrv mniianrM do. th fi .ftf (Ka rn! ATtA niTTft For Irtf rsuttetit Ftr. LuBltcde, Lack ct tncrty. Ac tt bu 110 equaL 09- Tb rnuln baa atxvra trad tsark and ert.l rrd lln oti trrappcr- Take ru otbtt aa4akr nova cmiKii re, xiximM. LEGAL NOTICE. rllE NEW ESGL.VM MORTGAGK SETU rity Conspinv. va cvnorA-'on' pUIntt?. v. Ia.vH. llaramcll. Mary P. ntimineU. Roe FWirr, jutnuabtralrtv of Cirf M. r Lht r. ti-vi-mt. Ko- Klb -r. .Myrtk Klhf r. ta!int brlr of fhar.f M. Kinbrr. tl-trndaa:. Iac II Hun-mt-n and larj- C Ilcmmfll. df -f-rdattt. nil1 take nollcr tlut mj tbf Xb da of March Kv. fnt Ne1- KicUnd Mtrtcac N curjtv o..:uii aire li ifit;ia ia iuc uwiih l court" of ttVb'ur county. Nebraska. Acaitit viltl .Ifft-a.'-ints. it al. the tbint iud prajr of 1 wL:itarv Jo Jorcelor a watlFucr exrtrutol by 4 a!d tr!rul.uil. Iavr t Kiaacwllantl Jlnry i. ( HuijinrS: : tX:- i-iilnlU!. a;oa thrf-t U.f of I tbcuortn ne juafr of M-citon t"rlr l? la tott.T'diJp thrwtit. ttorth o! rxnzr rlrxca iUV. Winter county. Nrbra.a. U -Mxure the ;7 nt:nt f cue crTtain coupoo note daJfii January r;. 1 . tor 5 JW-.ujo InTtrf;. du lvratwr 1, lM. Ttia: there i ao- dufoa lt coupon note I thr uta of il7-W. h iJiterest from Deeenier 1. :-i. at li tr ceii. per . unrin. n:nu:l paj" 1, it. , 1 !- r- illil i I U " itcnr:cnciiu i't.r.-vs m-..i...i4. -.-..-.. pt-ti:e.a:di th? iLlTsUtaon ot itxxi.re- Hcrtb-im nd B. Ichlce. nd urLri . . r -! 2ie. jia.jA :ta;X NEW GOODS p Watch Chains, 2c, Accordions, $1, I $5 00 4 00 Acme Pulverizer, H.irrow, Clotl ("rii-Jier and Iwlrr. HiibJtvK thr soil to tl c notion of ;i Stt.'2 rrulii-r suiti I.c- e!t.r. :u.l tl.' iMiltli'K. l.Jtin. turning piot-sH ol tloul I .i'i;r l st "loml- tcr-. thf pfcuh.tr -Ij.ipf arid ar- nmciiifiitof ubiclilf Immense Cutting Fower ! T..f :iirff njvr.i'io i ot t-rt !:.ni; J nip.levt.li!:s tlit cnnii:ii. :unl"MonuiuS 5 ItriTd: Mi.- oli are pcrftirua il .it 1. unt'tiiiit Tlie tNiiiie :: 're ot pikf or xprl 1 tff tit .-no.!t pu!!!'- no rutdiiNii, i; s-kc1;I'j ndaptrd to !nvtriil -ort- Hiid hard ol.iv. lirrf"othfr harrow-' utterly foil. .N:iliil jourslf t sllr.s tLe ACME a trial. by A. A. POPE. The Jolly Joliot, Joalah John Ja cobs " Juinpiuw Jack " and Royal George, Lutz'e tried and true terri ble toutfh trottlnt; "Turkish Trl urnph" will stand together at Red Cloud, this year. D. LTJTZ, Owner. 1553. NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. U I-nl oace.HJoornlBiton. rpb. 5tartha. IH5 CuntrLAiM han i.m; ukkn e.vtf.kkd at ttu .rSce ty Maitbev K. :wrntlt-y aaia! ChatJ- K.tlev.Sr . fir f.UIiirr to ctimpiy ttU law .1 t Ttmt-rr-Culture eutrj- citwtwr C. CM eti April ,7. jTj. u;n tii- r: lt. ". :tfoo 5. tonhp 1. ranee tl. In ter count b. tth a view to ciclUtHa of vld ..iO, con testant allrcitu: that Charl- K.tj r. ta. fall rU for f h- U: tlin.' eor to pritrrt nd culll ale thetim tr n ..1 Uni. aad that ttw rr jutrtt numt-rr o! lrxy on hi:a in ciaVe final prHt are utt np)n vi.d Und.tnc 0d partln ar tcrrb ucimnd to appoar at Uil oilce on tfc Sth day of May. :vi. at -J clt--k. a m. l rpord and ftiniUh trtlmouv coiKxruin ld allnced faxlur James Mc.Vmy. Votar PuWU:. Is b-rr-b apj-o'.ntM to take tcti.T.uay ta thlicase at hU office in tU- Uoad. Neb. oo Ue Sib day of May. :Ai. ICA. il. . W. swrna.u. BcsiCcr. X K. W. Mo-TOOMK. Kcorlttf 3S-W I MM .1-1. Ml iM LEGAL NOTICE i STRICT tOUKT. WKIWTEK COUNT V L Ncbr'xa. al:r IL Itarr. rnilstfa. JU E Burr. lcfcadast. UTt K. TIm? ddecdant. llnx K !arr. iU take &ftior that plaUittS. Walter IL Burr. ha lht dy tkt t petition and ctaicirrd nU actloa tn tfc atjr carerd coart. ttc JH-: ad prajrr ot -a hicb i that a d.tir a ticcJo mUrtmonlt na i-docrtri !! plafL'U! aud dcfeaoiiU. IMcadant iau aaxcr or picait to ?LiEUff irtitSoa on or trfoic A;fil JXb. A D. ;sAV.r tb- a-ircIoa tf vwid ;-inKx win N? UXett a In . and a drtrrr rtrr.dcred acwrdtnzly ivfrndart ttlU alo LaVc tttior that pU!t.tt will LOk.e Use drv-viiaoti of Hrarj iiama. k rvdricA. Xclcj I'ajtv KrsJcv. Krcik Brr. CVsiaa Burr, au.t Sttjuicn FWrr. to be rrad ta rld-ar in ! cae atd dctvrsjtjort will b taaca at U oficc - - ' ':. Jn't: f tf- Prjcr-. as If u r. m j&ivNQjLfQiBJB Nev7 Spring Goods NOW IN AT THE GOLDEN EAGLE, THE Bridges Swept Everywhere by Ice and and Floods, but .. L. FUNK, One Door North of the Argr s office, ordered his goods shipped in time and has just receivedtwo more car loads of FARM MhCHIFY This completes his stock, the Largest and Best Assorted line of Implements ever brought to Red Cloud, Farmers come and see for yourselves. Brown Planters, Stalk Steel Beam cultivators. STANDARD 603DS Of all kinds. Haworth and Standard check Rowers, Plows, Harrows, cultivators. Listers, and in fact everything from a Sewing Machine Needle to Steam Threshers. Sewing Machines, Organs and Buggies a Specialty, Schuttler, Racine and Cald well Wagons. Seeds, Oats, Millett, Japanese, and all binds of seeds. B;; 'Ji rn: and bo iL&ypy. FLOODS i; Cutter, Check Rowers ' "Honest Tea is the Beat Policy" WM. LETSOW - DEALKKIN Dry Goods and Nations CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES ' Groceries, Q,ueensware &c. RED CLOUD. ... NEBRAEKA Pre delivery to all rarta of the city. A New Mill Mrs. S. F. SPOKESFIELD, Having recently puxchnncd the Millinery Entfibllohraent ot Mem. f lor, la now rotuly to exhibit tun Latest Styles in Millinery, Hati, ! Bonnets, &c. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Corsets, Neckwear, And every thing in the millinery line. Will aiBO furnleh tho ludten with Fancy Work Matorialn frr Araeaee Chunlllun. Dunnor rods &o Cnll nnd pic br. HOUSES FOR SAL E I fctore ui ldmg and Lot corner Webster and and Fourth Avenue. 9tor Bulldlnjr and Lot on Fourth Avenue. Houae and U:ro lota. Uoue aid nix lotu on Fourth Avcntit. Houno and two lota on Wrlmtor atroot. Uou and two lot on Oodar trtM-t, Throe Houucw aiitl four lotn on toward Street AIho, Farm of 230 ncrun tfood liuprovuiuouta. pply to X W. SHERWOOD. HV Vu a i a u" I -40 fT "" (ju-a- T - hMjtj . ar KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND Fresh Bread, Pics, Caks MEALS -AT I roapoctfully aollctt a portion ot n.ny llilr.u in my Una. "WALL TSTallPapep rPF I taka plooattro In calling tho attont.on of tho citizen Of fcad C1otk and vlclnltj to tho lnrwo and complota stock of iWall Paper, Window Shades. &c. That I am Juat opcnlnif. Tlioo iroodfl ara all of tea DStfT and LATEST PATTERN3 At Reasonable Prices ! Call and look at aarnplca. No trouble to ahow coodflk C. L. COTTING, Druggist and Bookseller, Red Cloud sr Red Cloud Music House. Sterling, Packard & WesternCottage Organs Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines. Stinway, Weber 6c Paris Pianos. I viMh to Inform tho people ot Wabater axal aJiotnis ocnxcliom ViM I have opccKl a . BZOT9 on WobaUr Av.stte, opPmiu . Tz&mt Lon:br yard "arhcro rtU bo fooijd a. aappiy of Orsf iza. Plaaa and 8victf nAohiac, Trhich. vrlil bo aokl aa chap a cn ba botttftc -nrerft of tho "EI- H-ddy," lzhr for baying Iehare o2! m&d j$ rue. msry Store f" Bank M.ToCVAL PROPRIETOR OT Heme Ba And Restaurant RED CLOUD. NEB ALL HOuRS. your rntronitfo whn la n I'noos I'.nnjaorjROio WALL farca caaL or for aaay uirstMt. J. S.NOLL I Mjfti,,4il T -. - yr-os. kj i usww -