The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 03, 1885, Image 3

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?&? teHTZ-"??.
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4. C. mzm. Pubfisher.
Th---" v a for mr- in !! :h- orl'l on- rrri-
- --- -mr -' - c- rr-ra J r
Acl 1j Jt- M-utiiol now u Jfirt uimJ wiiora-
J rnl- that ttlrt s.-rv n arrr'l Urnis.
I tem nty !x!tfj- th. Liter hour !v hottr.
! ratiK'r.H iar.,u,. pure to !. It talr.
Attft W.til J) tenr I vruJ.T'xl t'T- awT.
S tim t)' fitt ftn. ut rrar nvtimi
anJ --ntee. unit j-rjuiff ull tire
And them all day I Unhurt! awl I
."n'-i4-J Mj i;iKT!ll-t were my owc
Mi r. whiMii 1 ol old hnl d'tile-d ninl
'iif eo toei hnrrjr. lwt iterir wisllui
Hautt: m not. hitUn txndiv my dMu.
-"ur-Sv "ti trr4 Jive o rnn." I 4 :
" Ttx-n ! i Mi &K( .fe o - lrH. n
r- Jln- cihiiwi ho wrMite-r ro;ji thi" worn! t
lou Ute.
, . . g ll tumult Mi! ' din.
" Whi t.rn t, J fj ftrw tar Mntrr herf
W b re toy J.r4 ' Uy vnurm He not t
Witn :irfijrvr8 tc JIo vfJt lifcie
AnO BlfrtMl ky illw J fiUit aM tnt.
"J-;k ir. 4i I kr Thw wot
T v-k Tt tf fri.rn fr 4t( liUjftf.
T1m. tmtm MM Jtt ?ir Tup u Ito wy
l. rd'
Ai .. 1 1 ht 1'JIt Rtutr ctKiW 1 j'my
p It w iua teom. Fttr n ?Im oa.
A tut wkJ tit wtW X. Uwtfty ad Ut m I kr.-t t-wb my rrav. wCbta
M . !u:j4"7 ioajriftr "oul. It titl wrshIkIj!
- u Im r-1 idt IxtI ' WJior" is y rhrtet
A runt awwut, MHa3L mhrcI-tm-.
WhXta -xrTjf taatnrui ttwtl to dm
i iMtar
Tte- i Mfo dMUtUbjr Iud tlrlr Jlnstnr-ttf-tmi"
Jm rwiip IH'J rlw. wlwl 'HHiMl "He 4
nut t fr' "
.n ' il Kxaln iui1 yet oija'n It nmn:
! j it ht-rv'. Our Hols rift
K. li'' 'JlifM 1 ran iHvtr I!b my Ixir4 j
H WTI' HV 1W7 VlHi JOlll- .1H"UT. Ill('.
m- !.
i thoaTb us htt,-l ntllwl tiit numt' Mwny.
Ati'J. loxklmr In. I "' n lirhu ih Hf.
It mrtirk, ii4. h 1riri irl-rtH
TIh-m m- .-m a tbi- oh' Jwii Vntcf w-'t.
" Ilf t it Iter-. i:iit tjure. lit-is urttn!'
A1 Hit ag hi wy i- 1 hw uflco iHnro
TIm- Sn. I ho 1H-Mr luir. tin orlil's
f lurt Utfttl.
Itl'n-tlti Di!' trllHitmvfJ yw. -o Hfl to
N'MMWht IfUt Ut l4Hl'.'.nrk IoHJlll-vr hih3
JiwMxrtH. iit"r."' ixnlttiL. I nrll,
I Mt,-lv-:" And sUIJ tlif Mllviiry vn'iw
-mi .
" Itut ro tir wtw Hn M Hfltl( toH"
nt 1 wlilU- i-t hjhih tho ulr It rntii..
tti-sl mr VftJiTiiJi'r. HtHl wi'tit Imrk
Hi- jM.r ty t isl. toi-tolhe, to sJh.h lh
. MiIi.fTlfir ttlics. Ii-s llttlf iHlllKs u ItiliJ;
AlMl S4 I f itltHl HI) Inl t till t I'.Hsttr ttllj
- .Intiv 7 i,ui..)i ti, mttri I. tin-r "
An AfToctinsr .'Story of u:i Enstor
ISvon MHlluhijah.
1 1 was h dreary 1-jtst r even, but lie
Hind it all was ;hc glory of the resurrec
tion time. One knew it bv the jre-di
smell ol the ;t tuiid ns the rain fell upon
it. lr n. wsth gcntli touch, to coa
from il the irost and Jiardn.s-; of t!i
I One knew it. too. by thn t nv blade
of gilts', the tendi-r j:"'1" of whuh
jltSAMM'd in the -tin ay rorncr of !ie!t
d d"r xrds. nnd nway in the woods.
hihIih tt wann ccri of U-a.injj
leacjt, t:ie bttic hep .tica tdd anew t'.e
old torv of lealit titi h'.'
lVople MHtM I jlH'inst'ltcf from die
lc.:tmrr of winter, and the hjs oxer
di(- truth t!oy had pnexT-l. becaus
sbeir frti:tt:i seomod m far nwav and
uucorlain. earn inntf njr lnck lull of
joy and j rm se n lMurc.
It '.:;s l'..istr cvtm hi a dull atnifvv
stn-et. J:'idtX'rjtMssot" which wa made
uiorv ' ajit-t ty thr SH'kennj: hjjht ot
hnlf a do ul lautps. n'td the t)ui-r
.strimffly c?nha4al by the ontinua
jt!tT f itn sMit rhiff ria ujntn the
Mic walk and upon th low roof of
t 'h cott Ajis "Ahcti stMid Ml irr'inlar
interval upon ftiier wlc. The str.'t
tvjis a -h rt one. and at the tipjwr end
of it. Jmm ulimv it curved around a
corner into a widf and pr.u-ntiotts
avenue. -,! s chnn-h, the caw. on
whose sp re "lrt crcd in lb uinvji .in
1-ght. i h-- xx iwlmv in the choir end of
tlh bnlldme; l-asu,4 Ua lijrht. atal
thrui til pkn doorway t-ntut the
sound of .rcan hik! cko.r, noxv in
antk ins. apiu m jov ful carols, and at
lat a so.ran' voirv in " 1 know that
tux Kcti, 'cnicr lixeth." A- the last no'e
tl.eil awn.x into .lnc th or :an alone
bui; ittto tin- H'i.kdu-ah choru. and
the jrand chor.Is swclasl in jntxxer mud
the whole .dice tremldtHi with the
e-kry vi their am-cstic hanuonx. Then
all Hjs iu ct. The clioir canie o it in
twos and tkrecs. and d.-MTed m van
mts directions. One by on the hrht
w ere cvUtijriiKic!. tSere wn a sound
ni closine; doors. f kexs Indnp; lumexi.
and tin lasj Ha-icr rehearsal wa- oxer
A the outer l,Hr wa : it i fat
ctd. two mtsos ca:te doxvu th l j
of the chun-h and tumt into th dud
and narrow tmt. Tn xvcre an old
ntaa. situii'ly f.N-ble. andaxounpr
one upon xx ho. arm he leaned.
"iH-ar atatr." said the yotiar man.
yoti shtu;d not havr evert! otvl;
m grcstly x t-niphr. xtm ar not strong
and -o much depewds upott ytnt U-rjQr-roxv.
-Ah. dear lattl. thr okt auia re
;dkd. "w-bfa ih t Kk? iAe, old an i
o?bk lo-nKJr-xv HMttn fso umcii kx
than r-iax . llui v.hi oevd not fear for
m. I shall h-c strwnth stxflirteat for
to-wo4Tow. Ah. bnt that Handel wa
diTnc. and Ue ckard- uf llalWJwJKh
r ibt liaitist 1 ?rer wrote
That is so. indeed, but it rtsjuirod a
great laJ of Hr-ka strength to
make th - orj-an uuer them to-sihu
lal &a;d earacstlv.
lite old. orguatst looked at hi? ctm
pauiouiior a mneat. and :hea raid:
! xn know that for lorty v,-ars
tlhre i.a not tieen an KaUrcea wi;ea
1 have aoi p'a;td the HfdiciUah. ana
should I fail to-njhl?
"Vo." IViui attiiwered. "so yon bate
toW iw bfor and j ha e always, fmii
tjied tiu re nUt be some sjorv cotw-rted
x iUi this custom of your-. ? tlienr oae.
aoi vast jo 131 it w dar fekutd wfeo
lov on?"
Th utah xra- Del a moment,
nnd thcu fcjkl vcr; eally:
fVtf home Wish 1801. and I
xrQi tell Vv ti: st4r . ntpk l&unh
h bt er:iax it will m:eret you, be
cause yon sey . aod a- 1 beuere, you
loe km.'
The two iigtttas. the old lhtt form
riigre; isn-ah to the ami of the
tronjr and vnr(ni o:.-. pasI hlonly
owrd until lh natohfl on- of th'
::j.i:t 1imi- in th trfi. wjtirh
th-v 'uU"-f i 'Hh orjranitt hi a our.ii:
lnii -AhK-ti iJotmI tifot. t'4- sh tb
-:a I r"OK.a:iditli2htr'ral-d th-lw
u-i! huaj: wiUi jK'ittr' o; pr-at cot-1
M-rr. a tiia.!I t.r'i. n -a. and in
one rorncr at dd-tiliiored atNat't take wi aviav, .: wa hrre we me', Jf-t
fiill u.t i oor". clfn- ! with a J me o trm?m iwr.'
lr nl-r air.Ttion Ur lh netl tnuicma j "Ah. Uk- aronr of that moment, int
The oM man u;on a liMJae J I r-alt.-d :ht hat -"b' .-aid wa- tni",
which wii drawn :t-ar a :tre. and ' ad Uat lh jaruujr v.-a im!cil :
1'ft-jl. orin mr rhatr clow l-t le , huml. I t!c her in mr arwr.
m-. kxhI I will le!! . !! I ma, the laucy.n; that ?b embrace m hch ?!
tori 1 jro:r.ifed. I do nt know why I j had often retetl would ara;l ut iieey
am nnj'-li d Ui -jx-ak tins.-. khi u- Lt wth :hw. h lay ;i-t.y for
n-jrht. I have -vr Ixm a nun :o .-oie mutm-nt-,. and tften -ati in mif
whom p"f"h wj i-ay, leit of all I t Jow tn tt I l-nt tu e-iir u hT hp to
ha rarud to nfc of a jjr d whw H I caleh thm. 'L)ear Kraet, wu hate
a, frejib tj me to-niht a it wa, forty ' i-r ij happy and it i- o:jiy for a 1 ttie
rear- aro J wh !-l-iat we hall f ptrtel. D-r
Of court: you know that I am not ! heart, will you play th- Hallelujah for
of lhii onntrv. altho h I h ire hved ' me eterj1 I-at-r even until you ota U,
here .o Ion;: that I Jov it and hn j:V rae I ha!l L-t-n for t.' Witi: :;.
! w-H Yen. It U a :r':it la d. tny l:j- priil U her. I pr.m.-l her
lri nd. with cood I.-iw-. and roJ or- . wtien 1 r:i.-ed them I ka-w iijt Thufcta
(rnttienl, and aiL'jouti I am a 1 -ay
aUacJiCvi to it. et jt ii not niv (
country, itn dear Ka;hr!aad. my er
matty. Ah there the mtii can i- at
home, tln-re i-the land ot harm ny! I
:rntii vou ifjal o! late ear mo-h ha- always piared the Halhdujah on hAsVr
nt-ii done he-e jn l.:at direc:jon. but cn.a. I undrtund, ao . and all the--:t
ail ? o new. so ut4rr-tito:iH!. !n year- you hate wa.el to ;o to her?
(e many are the m-ni trie of ;;reai Ve-." a d the old iiird. ":t wn a
conio--rs. tviiove hiui: fornix we do Ion;' tini- beior 1 cared for life after
ttit MWiniHT. lilt thir work are l-ft nlf Wi me It wa- -o hard t' tniak
in. and w are ion.cois tluit they are j that -he who had fur s- lo ij; been lb"
our countryinca. 1 ti.iak of them. J oi -ct of my t-rider-.t 1 citnde h
MorarL Handel, Mdd hn but whv ' y-nd an, care-takinof into. Iwa-sure
name them, tin w.H recall them aif. hc uec i'rd m . and 1 c mid not iro to
and you know. tof. the impetus the her. Ah. that thought o bitter.
tnetnory of tnu-h men pv.- to the art of My faith x.s-u:el me of Jier
which tliev were the apoitiW'' , in Hearen, b it mr -elf refused to l
The ohfmjm pau-ed. and 1'atil. who ' comforted Mv only solace wai xn
was nurain;: wih patriotic ani'.y to o:aa. and if w.i th-n 1 learned of the
defend the miHicai honor his native d v.n- eonfort of mudc. tiie gUtr'ww
land, forelxiru to Internipt with his harm nj which (fd ha jnven tti Hi
toice the reverie into wh ch the ol I or- children None bit tho-e who have
jfa'its' 'H'f'iiiwl to ltavc fal.en, and watt- ! .sorrowed w.ll understand '.l. for otih
ii pntientH f ir h'tn to continue. In a unto them has it been re.iled A'
few mouientn he resinned:
I need no: tell oti the stor;,' of my
e.irlv Ii'. for it wou'.d b:f.e l,tdi inter
est f-ir ou. It
was uti.te uneventJul
ami hlleii w,ui har t wrJv.
' in i
III il I
was about t went;. -live xn event oc
curred, a rend'-riii"; f HandeJ's Mo-
mah wa- to Ijc jiten ii tl e town w!ep
I lixvd. and the organ xxas inini:'d to
me. The s iprauo came f:ox: a n - ijjh -
Ivi ring to .xn. and pet haji vou -v. ill be
iwrcdoloii. xvh-n I t!l xou that nexur
before nor sine haxe 1 b.ste'ied to a
xo re e-pial to hers; dear ami sweet and
po x i-rftil. and full of the sympathetic
jtihl.ty which is so seidotu an ::ttr bute
o the soprano voice. When -hi: tirt
sang I was startled, but x.heu as the
oratorio progress, d and tt came to her
nt las' to xo ce th gn-ates .-ong m ui
ever xvrote, 1 h.M my breath to Ii-ten.
"I know that mv IJedeeiner lixvlh"
).i! I knew it then; never before had
i .e blessed knowledge been so revi'iiled misgivings and half tied to his st
to me. My lingers trembled on the u.on remaining with the ol 1 man
keylHiard. and uy heart xva full of T ie wl morning when h tea bed tin
praise and thanksgiving. Later, when church the o-ganist wa not t.iere, and
the H.tllebtjah bonis ame it wa the , fearing, he k tew not what. P.tul hat
iiallebijali of my own heart to xxhih : em-d to ht home. The old man lived
mv lingers gave melody, and never was alone, and Paul I u 1 ng tha tlie oute
lb-- dear old organ more obedient to door yielded to hi- touch, entered and
the r touch, or th voic-s it susiaiuel 'op tied the rom i:i vvh ch the previou
mote in ltarmony vvitli its guidmjj j evening had been sp -nu Hi heiri
tones sank with n him :is he nw. in the mi U:
When it was nil over, tin soprano, of the sunlight which streatn-d through
Th lier name wis. came to me and j the win-low, the lamp stdl burning a
Mi.d: "How grandly the organ sound- ! when he deputed, while n ihe lounge
el in the Hallelujah; i spoke to me " ' be for. the a-hes of the biime 1 otit lire
I reuiember so well hew .she looked: her l;y the form of the ol 1 orja'iixt just a
sweel eyes shining with jd'a.siire. and he ha i left bun. H.istilv touching the
her lace glorified with the genius of cold hand and ipret heart. Paul found
son: That was the beg. lining of our h.s wor t fears eon!irmed.
itcoimiutaui't. you can imagine how it
... .
'he was votir wife?" Miid Paul,
ie." said the old man. "she. xvas
mv xv f. my darling, my angel wife."
Paul silently pressed the obi organ
ist s hand and xvntfc.l.
" es. within a year xve xx ere married,
ami Tjiekln ani: in the church where I
wiis org uiisU Ah. me. how lrippv wo
were' She was not st-nug. and after a j
f.i tnri I. ? I.i..tfli f-i I...I w. ni. jllr !
tint T could not blind mvself '.', the
aroui.'.ing tnilh sh-must leave me
She wa o'.lfe.! to -ivo up her church
sinjjinif ami it broke my heart to li-ten
to a v .ice. not her, sing ng to mv ae-
... ...i ..,.. . i
..:,,., ....-.. iui ,- . ,,. .j,,o.
lenvem.-: we both knew l.n'. lmt it was
ne in nix love, i in n r mic vvas io
wall a ?o;ug b-fore. she is to wai. for ' th- -au h'U'th of time to nptvt
nn to cfitiie to her. I to wait to go to his pr 5-uier's personal safety. The con
her. Ah! dear Paul, the love that i- fmemcut max be rijxoroiis. the treat
eternal nej;nixi no s-jmnitou: w.,en ,MoM harh bul ;h.. b!i-l?ion xvhich
the a?on of the short pan-niT is ac j Xhe eoiiqupp.r uwl rtake ar. punotiinl
, ompli-hcd the jtn- of tlic reunion is , , fuJ l!.tJ a..a!lI.t., ar,. on'rt.,o-d ot
pronw. ' m n losing their own live in defense ol
ii was some um:mi iviore site ic-
enme s x-.rv ill that xve knew her
departure could not long Im del.iyed."
"It xvas late winter and she xvn au.v
mhis to live until the Master bells ma le
muie once again. wee';." she
said, I should like to hear vou play
the Hallclu'&h once more, and if .od
xv.u !e so gomi to me. I pray u.m to
pant me strength to go to rhureh on j.,,,. With what niagnili s-jit prcser.:'
Luster dax and sing tin song I love . JJU. irwimr, f I:ilI .. ( m,.f h,. ,H,t,n
Ami weprxxed to(,oI that He xrould disi.el to tlieir honie-. Again and
rraut ns this wish. again n Mohainmian historv princely
"The spring was lal and xvhen genen..;;y tow an! an uneiny taken m
11 oh Week came the weath r was stdl battle has xvon unwlilmg clans over to
cold aal cheerless, nnd wv were afni d. I the er,...n banner and heal, ii the ,rir
Ou ti.HHl Friday the n shown xvarmlv j of h rinl tary feud. Hut these are the
and Saturday ya n lox-elv ring day. . ecpt; to the rub, lor Oriental
the -kx bine and the air bn'nix Ilicre warfare Is still savage in -Hr.;. ami
was to b a choir rehearsal at live Ka tern soMie-r. are nithle-s h.-n
o'eioek. and it cant near that hur K.dx-rt s gia burst a tae camp bv
the k becam cioady. and although I'aadahar. and Ayoob Khan turned U
the air xvns still xvarm tier seemed to tfy tnmugh the ric-fels along the
e rain in pnspect. 'Ibekla sanl to me. ' A'rghandab. his Ha t.H found time ut
Ih:ir love. Uie church i near, it is murder the r pr.oners. Wi.en
wartn t.-la. perhaps j m$v not be o ()-maa Uipna's ons aujht smr.hei k
;osxnornxv:ioHiay is otirs. nt me go t c s ttarxi at Tnmanieb tho Araos pati
with xon to the tv icarsal. If I wti t no a:tent:.a to the Egyptians' arms
nnt 1 to-morrow it may te too late." I thrwa d wn in token of nbmW-M.n.
trad to disssim le her. yrt in my bear; I bat mas .red the prt-tra;e to the las
wtsiM?d to soe ber in the old place onr man t he af er another gams ,ns have
more, and a. warmly WTapjHv!. he f.t!.ea into t c Mebd.'s hands. .id tiie
weat wtk e to the diorrh. Sb news has iomj- of dreadful and tadi
seemrd so bright cad happy that mr crui at slaughter "No pruom-rs"
iotdish heart begaa xo hn: aliorb 1 .teems u h tnc dreadful order of the
knew that bp to be a sweet debts on. f!-i. pmph t" camp. We bare bead.
"RatTbiac the cbor gallery TWkln it i t tie. of native fctesr of lh ntx
took her old place, tbe .prano wbojwbor i.r s were spared. ai ais 4
bad $ulied it iotvm k-r ti do x. ;sie naUxe pnetv tbecantives in e,
with many e Uma::on if dclthL , case U-a credid wita ta iKfeare
H'w nappy I was; tb orgaa .'hh1 -4 of tt:nd ;o He: for life m wale.- :bv.
to my will a it Lai never d e before. ' the tch: lire o th Mt a :.' mi.
aad tbe voee- su:aiaed were full f iea'ura. Knmor ai states, tbat khu ii
mekhly. 1 oUd at Tbekia wbse o: two, Miraa- r Iirln- m be
lace wa radiant. At last wke ihai Irophe. ramp, tint one aetia- as a
tnrae r-e I irkJ So prera on her no; doctor. Ut tdbr as a inieT-ee.-toinr.
bat in her t r-.iy r taxing way lVath- however, has bo ;he injatrsj;.
be uisssti. Paynp be had km-d tor j :- :at of aU but the- ftw. -rbo-a
4 o, auU 1 rot not deny her. 1 j j ,d-: rsther tkut de -a mar b
strk the first two chord uC tbe J- ; snppod to --t H Ttnttrv'Tt'.x
oJr. and ber roicr rue Hrsx- ntttl swet . qr9.
a that of an aitfei. I krow that my j
Ittxlectmar lm-tii. TV wbo listetaed j Tbe raMdtty with wh'rt iber poll
were sta-tled at ibe unearthly 'oveli- , iee o! ol uk Kenarbee Rrrer i ast.
nes of her o--s. and tbe tears wruch jhinr. Aa ca.Ue-s d.mble ebaia wiUi
.1 sleo -d m tbe.r eye were a tribute to ; rms-bars. drrrea by ream, w-fll earn
-er .wer. At lst H was over, ami ' up Ut ma sixteen" burs " a tann'.e.
Thekla aa!: back ebastei but with a ! A is one of tbe ba-s xv.tb two ratr
Story ia br face xvhich biiaded me. I j of ice on it. Kacb cake xr. ighs A to
re :rm me organ to n to her. out 1
se mo4ioed me not w ck so. Tbe re-
bear-al was- orer aad tbe sia-ers de-
arted, laaving wita Thekla many kind
wortife. When they w.. r ail gone she
aaid to uie: 'Sow, Hrnest. "tdav the
HaU.-lu'nh lor inc.' I objfil. axu! Ihr
m:Mlttr of th- melody r,v.Tt-.rtM!
ihrnih ih' church: viicn I hd aa-
!. i ira w my um nan iouno
. t t . t . ...... ii i
fti ! thai h hiul l&tntjl.
, titmJ i a moitun'.. ami sakl:
j liad itTnt'ii my i;.-t ki-
Tii o!tl orjran'-l oc broke and
hi .- :! tt:rd with teari. I'atii
ore-i-'d hit hand and ,aki ltlv. "Aad
j that a why. dea- fnend. jou ha'.
la: I came to this coiiufv and to this
to'.vn and became th- orjratimt of t.n
church lrm xvmuh xve came to-ni:ht
Kverx KnstT even -Jtjce -he ! t mi' I
have plix.-d the Halieluah. anil Tnekl:
lias iistfueil Here ! have liv.-d alotn
and waited wa ted t'i g to Tiiekln
but ah" I did not ihitik the deariou
xvoulJ keep mr from hcro long '
i The old organist's voice j;rexv faint.
' and Paul sa'il.
"near lretid. vou arc not well; lei
me -t y w th vou to-night."
"No. Paul, dear is nothiue.
mi houie and d not In- -orroxvful be
i-aus.- of xvhat I Iiavo told xoii ton irht.
I loe vou. mv dear tiunil. anil I am
gla I I ope.ied my heart to vou. liood
II "Jit. sleep weil. and hope that I'll'
Kas'cr mornitie may be bright and
With a warm hund-clasp the txvo
friend parted. Paul Mlcd with manv
Wh 1c tin robin were singing thei
Master anthem in the early pi 't ol
that p-surrec'.on morning. tie old man
had gone to Thekla. and xv th her he
joined in the sevea-fo!. cuorus of
j hnllelu ah and harping symphonies."
.l.biiny.(.. .) Aru
Til." Ilfrrrnr' III the Tr..t mriit of lrl
oner li "illled Nation ion! Il:trl.trlr
,n ""''- t " inking ol
prisoners t th- giving of a pl.d-e ot
honor. Wh-n ouarter i ofl'ered and
accepted the life spared become. -ncred.
i A nn,m r.,traet is established. The
t.:i.ltiw. promise, not to tak.
;e up arm-
-" t,1! ''lJ "? '" "i)-o:
th.-ir pnoncrs This -pirii of chivalrx
i coiuuion to all val ant ; nnd in
th Kast it has found at t m s mcst
bnllimt expression. S.tnu en Minis
he'd our crusading kn ;ht to ransom,
and tn-ateil ttent dsrioc their oapuvitv
with sii- h conskh-rat on. such
reituetneut of liiMirx. that the hostage
.... u.Vl. nfln .,r4lVtHi ..,.. ,,. K.
;-;jiBds jitce lags. j sx Htals
to me tx:. maseo serea tons ot tee
hoisted each minute aad -iowud tn the
liotse gestaK-noal!y. like the Sifiaru
oa n iiekt5r-l3ard. letoislfja (J&c)
I'rom mo t'n-tjtlrti-nt t an J lrtlrl
I'.iln: f XI. w.
V.'hat i Jove' j. a (jrnstms which ha
.sea asked a thnjad t nv. and v bieh
b prt of m (notour (irrt'Xiir Mnrrar
repeat x-ith a certain fr-h and
mpax in hi n-w bxk. radr tbe
Ioa." He treats tbe bjr.ct a
tecld djs.'h of cxnjc-m. hk ot
faabionable wrter of the pre-en: day.
Love. If- ay-. on tbe part of women k
an inclination fe!: for a man w bo ha
nnd-? himself more &r.-eabk tbaa
ftrer rna He war not b a pleaant
vlkiw .-- all. butra p.!Vi-&l or cia!
i-rntx- he r-o-e e- i lis hint tem
porarih og a ped-tal. where he lord It
t II hi-xvry xrr gaaee he'p to oom-pi-
le the fascina'.ion of the simple crea
Uire grove. at? a hi lee;. I hav na
"ris tall in l-ve with tbe vnet cub
for lack of otvr ma! nc.ely. I'on'l
.11 me there was any ikep -nt.:neat in
thes Aim uiw itx. The gir wanted
hnsbta!.-. lliat i alL Tber w.-r.-obeying
the natural law watch attrac-
?ex jo .m. nnd t'ie .-:ftl law which
b.d- a : rl get married a fast a h'rnn.
i.t he glide into old piaster hood.
. It a girt, afu-r deeid.n lo accept a
geat-l pin er. chances t nllu'e a
man who ha it in hi p wir u make
,era bcl of r e-lnre, ?-eehoxvqmc:!x
ir eyes get opeae 1 t-i in- Uaut:e of
inioin -e and luxury.
tell her that she was not ma le snerelx
for the udy of thai parstuoaons antb
tietic vvh c i eon t- in paring d wn
aker s bdls. Mie want ti wxlk in
ilk alt re. and fe-la grateful Jo the
man who, bv hi co'irthip. x.'knowl--de
her rieht t'i ilo so Wr.o can
b-itv tl-.e mag.- of Hue hn:. jewels,
-oft-cushioned brou.-h .m. champagne.
and obe.iient menial ujnn a wnmai
inind And who cm no: impute the
s! 1 gre :t r m.t.ric atlorleJ by the
p-o-peet of i-e!ipttig -ttT and shool
inend xv o htv m-irnetlpoorlv ?
Smnet uiea if a girl ha-got hopelessly
engaged to a fellow with a shrunken
purse -if she be so near her wed lti
day that t :s impossi lu to tce.ik oiTtue
matcn without makinj: a cand il
prub and vanity xvib md ice hrtoke.-p
her pledge, aud th.s will b implv
becnusi the du:Mrnl came toolnie into
lhtiebi. If the ixvo had I at the
post toge-jer. or if the pauper had had
out a half-d.stnnt s nrt. the plutocrat
would have run him down and come in
:irst with llvme colors. .M ueover. a
vvuiuau fee!- -o-e all her life at having
m s-ed th chance of a rich marnag--The
thought of it turns her sour and
her wret -bed husband hits uxor a!
peev.shnes and contempt poured upon
him b. the buck tlul.
That may If. but we have alo iti-
lances of rich men' wive who 1
piored not ha, u married their lirt
lox'e. poor t.iough they were all come of tbe contrar n-
of human i '.ure in never l-:ng a'is
lied w th the pre-i-nt lot." n-puidetl
t leniisogvni't emphaticatly. The man
who write the . a e of Povertv" -.N'liiru
xva-n I t? -indited hi remark
upon a golden t.ible. and had a eoupl
of slave to fan lh- the awn.. A
xvo'iKin who sit by her boudoir tire,
xv th her feet well warmed, a novel on
her lap, ami a li.e o'c'.o.-k tea, and
cream am! crumn t at her el'iovv. is
xerv apt t dream that sh xvas cut out
for the part of a heroine Mie g.ld
ji iverty xvjth her imaginative louche
til! it look all r y. He.- husband lor-
her, and she thinks of the other m.t i
wiio ufd to mike her laugh and whose
mu-elcs were like whip onl he a:
tr bt?'s to him talen's which he never
had. charms which he never discovered
in h m while she had the opportunity
of observing him every day. and slu.
dream of herself as lignum; life'
ba lias by hi side and xvininng.
It nexer oei ur to her ti rellect that
the ht she renounced was t utt livin
upon mutton hash, and growing up
into a tbivxd slattern, xvorne I. and
P'Thntis bit. lied, by a man rendered
cantankerous by la. lure in his n:..fe.
s on It is exsv lo U happy in fan.v
with a man wh is.- ideal perfect on one
in v depict at one's b-sttre. A xvoman
i.- often tound wh.tiipenn;; over a iiom-I
which portrays t ie li'e of a heroine
such as sh thinks he-self to be: ! ut jul
let her rich huband tlie. leaving her
penniless, ami you'd see whether she
doesn't at once s.-t her vv;d ' cap at
another rich man ooner than pirtnke
hers -If to that hk- of r g;! n which
stiflcetned mi i'i' t m; vvh n viewet!
trom a tl.s an . o ; Tribune.
I- It i:rr I'lclit O Tiki- Alanta;i f
Otir XX'r tUlir.r- ?
"ioctor- and t ut- have lou; recog
nized, m case of disease, the jKiwer of
the imagination over the body. .Muuh
of their t.eatiuent assumes that th
felings of th.- patient will ti l the.
(-ur- of ihe tlis.a-e. 'I'hc skill'ul ,
a t:i mi: them a m therefore to evcite ;
hope, uot to iac5:rat? the sxmptms. ;
and to a-sur their patients that Ibe
med cui-s they pte will produce cer-j
lain de table elk -is. In thi way tber j
reinforce tinrr ictnedie and nicrea-e
the ehaiire- of t ic r xchiorjnr; the re- ;
Suit at whk-h thev n'.m. i
It is we.l kn wa. . that in case of !
imai;.nnry or exaggerated tbe) j
only ma . a shw of givin: xuedtc.a. J
ad mints 'ering p.' W . a- tb.'v are
called, hamt.os.s coneoclkin x-x-htcw tbe
: . . .1... U ... O .. . l-. !
imaginative p;i'u. iaoi.s.s n ,n ( u c uim
t his ills. The-e l.l. b'inr nrgejj je
rette uots t ni on miatt. are curna i
when his mind is persuaded lo b. beve
that tber are bt-; altacked vmh a
It is" a nioe mece of casni-try it d.
c de )ut bow tar iOfd' imig-nati .a '
-h'Mild b u.sed to m-sl-ad litem x.n for '
the:r oa gixnL In aJld.-f. ar m.-nt, t- ,
weil a m tie aracocv of meui m. tbe j
jnesU of;e ari-. It not unir-1
pteuUr bappet-fe that the prrxm u be j
ievtJvtfd will rea; aefth -r special barm j
aor -p--e'a betseiU a berea tbe d-ce.T-r
wdl ar.d tfte (it-cepUoa sreatly btad- ;
Taauige to prartK-e -t
For iijaoe. a picture dealer otrre
bad tw ptrtore for sale tine, oa w ,,
rooi of tbe painter's reputat on and j
ht va l pa nting. wa worth 7 ,;
tbe other, a nmch neairiiaar and at-1
t aetHre picture to ibe eye. b wfcfcoot ;
t :t itriaic mrr.t or re,ritati j. il tbt (
orker. wotarl aot brinjt. .wbet It ra
kniwc. more tfeun tr3o. A ma wbi
ad aubde mmapr m rapodlr tb-at he bad ,
o bal k sure o arua,t a tBeif ansa
tbe Use arts wrftf oacuar tim ptctnre
dsdVr tohtay
1 -jt bit,
The dealer. utdeTsaalfar h
trotter's jem'iarit. knifw that two
mag- wouki detu-raaine him-kbe ai-
trar-i it-.- o iw pwru.- o s m-
enlta ol eye and the pne. 1 he ,
uked l aipi-earaBce of the ;3 pk-t-
in be wouki retract it oa aeraait ol tbe :
prior, lbd whde tbe higaer pree ot ;
tbe other would make him tlMtk it j
worth harrur. be wc-nld rej-ei it oa
Kesl of the bc: sad the sreav :
am.. The ntruh -anoeid t- list He j
xcctiM bay ttaJcr j
, r . . ... .- . v: i
So the pieturc dealer Hscteii on? ot
bi aoi dasxUn'; and gorgnou frama.
;ut tbe cheaper pictare mto tl and
akrd !. tor it Tb. nek man a:
one Uu."bt and pn.l ir A w.taou: a
wrl lied the d -abr a rirai U taV
ad.aatagr of the rcb man tgnoraat
e;i;iot:e wf b- ralue of a p -ntre by t
pnr and gratdt : .e nurn node m a
m.iey the oo'y art standard had
and beoeM himself at tbe a.n tin-'
In aanbr cae a woma wo-
kaoajejg ol lJe .pas lily of bitte vra
ao xerv Ks-n and w no w at tbe same
t: extrrmeh pur--Moa4. .nirti
ibat tbe Z7vr sbonkl a.wuy fum.h
her the rrr l t ante!. Hy
tel ' br meant a higher prce. if
tHKssibb tbaa xavbodr eie pd. is
order mat he :cih: U d :t. When
ever she bought .xav at nftr tr eTeatv-av-cent-
a pound. tin ra-e m;bt br.
-e niwxy. look all he had. with sjufckxl
intru lion. not to let aaxbodv e!
hare any of t.iat kim!
As it wa not always joi.hie lo ptx
rtire tlie grade of butler uch a prtce
should command, ami. disooverin; by
a litrJe exp.-rim -nl that she really did
am enow the t-t butler from a "ihkI
but m t.- or iiaarv article. h asH un
fre.pi -ally furn bed hr with whatever
he oa hand, but charging from
tw;ce lo thru tunc ibe price of tbe
better. Hi- wa that If h
chargeil hr the true price she would
not take it, and that tl wn- her pTHfe..
not her hkin; for tin butter, that sb
mt de:ret! hint to gratJy. Wa he
juuiii a o doing
A dKior had a patten t- a xvoman
xlll cted with a cane r eert tin to kill
her. Hut a te sutler-d little be d d
not forew-n her of tbe tult unul.
evulenllx fearing thai it via enou.
-he m-i-t.tJ ujioti knowing. "sie
wihe!. - k -ait!, to make her wil! and
prepare tor dea h. if it was inevitable,
hinliiig that t:ie tjoctor woi'd ! one t
her her. He tvade! the utije t for
some time, but on her thr.titen ng to
ask the ad. ce ot another tloetor loki
her that he wtmltl not live more tbaa
two month.
The result was a be feared Ut real
wih wa to have him allay, not co'iflrm
her f.-ar. hhe biltcrlv reproetebrtl him
lor telling her. and d.el tr.itu the shoi;
in a few da. without making aux d s.
position of her property Wh.t ouelil
he t have done? Told or withheld the
Another doctor, at the urgent demand
of a gent I'm hi. informed htm that be
hail an incurable die-.,- Hntl that hi
death wu not far ot! A he showed
no ign of ill health, hi familv refused
to believe the doctor, dismissed h m and
hire! another. Warnel by hi prede
ceor fate he made 1-ght of hi ikv
tlent's trouble Although tne geiitleitiAU
died a predicted, hi- latuily never for
gave the prophet who prophc.s nl truly
Anotli. r complicatton i-cau-cd by the
cae. of patient who. with slight
trouble wish to In- considered as great
invalid, resent the doctor,! If tilling
their complaint and dismiss him for an
other who will humo- them. In such
c.e boit.t! the do tor favor his pa
tient' elf -deception'
The delicate point in all thee jwob
leuis is that thoe who have to -eltb
them are not only the judge but the
interested partie xlo Wi h the let
dusjio-itioii in the wuri 1 to be honest
ami coiiM-ient oils, they are stead:at!v
tonfronted wit.i the tempta ion to tie
;. i
cidc son not to loe anv thing bv it
themsulvi -Ihlroit I'rcr i'res.
A ('iirlnua Trllie lnr llnlillnt I in On.
lrl Afrleit.
A more remarkable or unique ra -e
doe not eit on the continent of Africa
indeed, I mig;ht afelx say in t e two
hemispheres. In their physi pie, -man-nr.
ctisioins an ! re igiou In-befs they
are distinct alike from the true neg-oe
anil from 'he GaTi and . .mall. I her
are the most m tgniheout iiMdile!
savagi's I have seen or read of. HeauJa
ftilly proportioned, they are character
ized by the moo:h ant! o inded oull n
if 1 1 AimiIIo type, rarely sh wmg tft
knotty and brawnv tnucle of the true
athlete. Th women are er deeitly
drstii in bulb-k- hide Titer wr.
by way of ornament, f-om twenty to
lh rty pound of t.i ck iron wire iodd
round the limb, arm, ami nck, b
sides a rrext assortment of knd and
iron chain. The mn w--ar only a
snitll k.dkm gjtrment niind t e -bul
th'r and bre:tt, be-ng finewbat
more ample ducnio:i atoong th
married men. The mot rutiiArkalde
dt -tinctious t haracter xe the vamwu
eMrhs in the life h -l iry of tb Mai
'Hie Uiy ant! i:irls up to a certain atsr
bxe their parent, and feed upon
curdled milk. ntat and jrnua. At t
are of iweixe with the r-rs. mid from
twelve lo fourt-:. year wi'h the biy.
they ar sen: from the married men
kraal to one in whtch thre are o-ly
young unnarnl men and wonvn
'inhere twy live nntd tJwy are marrted
At thi- stage the mn are warr or, and
the r wb ttccupat an I cjtlle-lifunj-;
abroad and am'U.ut: thme!re-' a;
home. 'Hie young women atlrmi t-i
the raltle. binbl lb hu. ami perform
oUnr nee ary hou eaoid dittt . !Vth
-es are on tb -tri'iei.t dit- Al'
.trtely noUung but tn-at ami tdk pne
t.teir I p.- S:ir.l am! ber. Soijtw-eo.
or regetabb i'ok1 are alike esebe .
o ecul!ar iwleed are tbey ia tbe.r
notions, that lb- v wiU not even ai tb
mi ai of any win! aaimoL Morrr.-r.
the meat aad mi k aro nerer taken
tntrether. Ytr -reral day the on
st:,oir -ok d-et. to le fol'.ed br the
otbor after partxkmj-; of a powerful
wirrarie. n kfl!iar a be" 'k ihgi
dnnk the bk! raxv. wbtrb dwbtjei4
ufip.ics tbem w th lb- njeearr -nJt.
In eating m-: tbey aiway rKire to tbe
f-ret ia smti! potrLe. me oanpaaue 1 by
Htmia.'wuwia. So pka-ant dw tbe
Masai warrior fiad tm- life taa4 Ue ei
dua marrie usul he ba pa.-, tbe
pr me of 1 fe an! brina f had h
strength derlice Te srrai wr-aar
na i bearr buffalo-hide fcirid. th euord
and the kttr-dccmr. are U-n bLd
For a wmth be da- lb dswm of
amtrr4d woaaaa. and iaeu
a tajd and r-HKLb-e member tf
Kaai ack-ry. lie re no aore to
war. but de-Tote hiaa-Wf to the rears nr,
4 a brood of y oosg ararriar. H diet
emare wjtb'h- mod-- nl K-. ami be
may mdul:- m -le-sretalde &&. drink
beer or p n . and Mtaoh ar chew
tohtaceo. A. death the body h -nreplT
I rows on to the hreuas xjtd the iJ
ture. Fnm a Lectmr Ay
The I-bnade-pbai Cb-f of Polk-u
say nodbiag -o break- up a raaj o
Jiy s to 1- picked up ami exbib VL
li the dr-re- at bd-4tarte-r. A
man rho ba bfsaa mot in; oubtiy ami
uaoberrL a be hmk-. mliuai:
nrtdy for aa tMfratk-Kr, bas w-t
tbaa paae th'j ieinc buwa up. and
he gao.railv leaves town at onee. A
-eon as one -vag li brk-a tafp. ko-.v
rtrer. anotaer one U forrac!, 22d ib
fHdate -ire ken; cosatir-y i ta
!! tjy !wo 111 ! Wllk tK VU.
uhi ! t:-p-t ot ih xku r-p.
Pr-.-nt r.or btx dowr h h gh
t,.tr with lb- ! u.l nr-p. t 4
tbe w bo ixim N.wth and otlh tr
i al-ke. b rt& -
eoampaatrd be tbe 'c--re re-ret of a
x-tt k.rr fc-nlv that W uitauavtr.aai
v at to eontiaue. Tbe ca a.jritj
id tbe Kejmblieaa party would eerudah ' ae-r r. MT-irn. re tl.m(bt to
b- tad it a. noad term for him. . no mtgmt 'mbal r ia Mr Mf
uhI tan I ac-ri very c-neralh ex- a-ar' dsrt-av-at Mr Maaaw W-
prerd . petder-t(s for x eoaUauaae- ot r x mueb r-putaka r bm
of hi -uiaa aitnttM If a Wawrrtt : Mfr tar-x ia litl lrtxncb
co-aid not be c-o-n. Tbf lemerti
w-rt .titire y i ttrd with lb fir
of h -idmb!tr.l a aa oppooMii.
ur. 1 tW ma, of tbe Hepubbena ptrti
h r-Rt Klv of tt kw-1 Ibat wbik
Art -ur ba Un tb !rekleut of Ibe
w hol- eouatn a ba t-a i.- ad
tr- torthv U-eder of tbe wcutv ibi wa
:. ,m in power
! i -inap'.e truth to ar ibtxt tl bet
b-ea a !8j.' ume mcr a lrdeat b.
r-irrd c-arrttag ih b m ock jawrwi
e. rm it ba not bea une-4uatoa U
the p-ole to ertnetH a trl rrd re
itef st ittr ex pirn t ton of a
tern. Wbiie Ar.bur-- . ntr.d upon
no dx-n'ure ar eb. .: 4 anv u! thr
,H-e-otrsc te wh rh often ink th i
ngnttHtn. he ka ?ra! Ir ifrov a ia thr
ronnd DC id the retle a. . afr and
d a fid rr. m w koe haml tb
l.otor aail prnlx oi ibe ts.ut trx
w r stsmre 'I"bere h ru aa -nt fe
b-ejM e of bluster about bis ndmiiu?n
Una lb at fc exosdiaglv jrmtrful U
toerxtsjiir cxctftH a few n ,. ;oliL-
When wc me-wnrw lh to4iioo thai
Arthur ha attained in ifcr Nla
.I t'eisouatry. 'f mnt lut frre l e
dtnhaalagt anierwh-,h b eutrred
nton the Adminirtt.oti Hi im
jiartx w dUtrac'e I to the xerye ' d -.
lutHMi by int-rnnl feutU that had been
aggravated by ib mtt tad rnet au
biion; ow ,mr tot rumtaae he had
''. tne eonhdenee of hi w n partx.
ami he ra ditntk.d bv tbe country at
lart; Nti 'Me-IVetdeu: ever ue-
tv.-d.-d to the P-esiden. y under u.h
d iiculti'V.; and none o iiee.Wac exer
... ., .. i . . i . ...
cain-il the etxihdeui e nntl regar.l te
cotintrx a he ba. dom The man w ho
can thn isjuoport himlf and onl of
uik"ou win iotlkl-nee hn great qnal-
lue. A small mtntlisl-mxn would cer
tainly hate fa led where Arthur ha
sue. dcd.
The tersonul Adnnnblmtlon of hi
o!ice hit lnen a tn.del of unf.-dl ng
cmrtesv xud thgnity It ho b-a a
i-i an AduiiaLtmtim. ami n Adurnis
tmt on thxt in d--ne all it c.ul I to er
re t aceiimulatoti nbue Ihtrut; kt
hort term f e pnncipb- of n rfrnt-f
civil erv ie. have !'ta matnlaiit.i and
r-s .liitely infued into th- department.
'1 hi hn I ,n a ijntet vvrk. but not -o'.d
in importJtarf to any thing that
c!a imil the att'nlHn of the .overn-iix-tit.
When tie h stor'nn look for jrreat
ine.inre con-iuunuitisl ia thi admtn-i-lratiou.
he will have to remember two
th ng In the firl plnre Mr Arthur'
term for accoindibing auythiui; ka
I en verv ho't short in time, and
short bv reason of hi inhentnnee ..f
the unttnishcd jdi ii antl quarrel of the
jireeeditig adliunitnttkii. It ne bi! a
long; t in of latieui an I c r
cumpeclitn b fore he could beg'n U
move at all. And in the e.-ond place,
h s nduiin-tration ha li-n n of
gra lual haling. when what wa tnott
u'dii! was a tcndv. iut ( .over n meat,
under vvhich itl onal fe!ing 1h1i1
diapt'ar Ant! the student will not
ta I to ee in tr e yars of tin Admmi
ttatton a decide 1 nm! most hentlhful
gn.w'hia the ionciouue id uat'onal
itx North and outh. For th lu
ellliiency o' ( 'onfrit Mr. Arthur mt
reMniMe With a Iientoerntic Hou.-.
no lcgwlatkiti d anv prnctiral vabtr
ha In-cn jMtil.r. If the Hou had
Iwtn H'-pubbeHtl. xve houkl if doubt
have hml some wt teoljuttnerii
of land aud taxation, and the ro
stiinmnt on of leg.slntH:i of hnannal
neeesltX Mtlt Will ft Itomtiie Mud IM-
comj ernt Ihttr ant ppgreiX'e mn.-ur-
of ndui at'ntion bare l-en im-
w.dte. P.ut the adminitration ba
en fir from kile Tbe ncjrothu on of
the foreign trenlies. xv-,xUx'er tbe;r Sate
mav be. ,how an n! ghtrtd anil i m
prehetiixe apprenenkH cd the grt w Jj
tMia.r. opportunitx an! neel of tk
"nUil tatjsv The (.oxeranieat Ua
been ow-erls. w ith such a legislature:
but an Administration thai put forth
such a talmaa!ik ebrm m that
mlo.liel in the lat report of tb Ser
tarv of lh Traurv i an not be rv5d
kw in poliev or in aor-hn'din of
what .-demanded for tbe pro-penty of
t.e- ituatry ,
IVrf are few peo,d la tbe I mtrd
jtal. exept Ut. wm are out ami
Prewtdenlial oflier He i!rv well of
Uhj wbfd euntrx. and be has it. enn
hdence and r-p-et- - Hnrtfirrd wriiif.
Th- r.jl-i:rTiliI'l r.tlr-j r.f f Jtr ltT-
rIIr .X.lmltlt rtt.n.
The dkmi4-al of a nomr of TTea
nry aeent. on the ground that tb-ir
-'rxre aro no kgr n-dod. t oom
mendid by lb) pf!rr of Ae Ad-mmf-atioa
an impofVaat measure
of eiNMatr. wbieb w.JJ te tb f.o
ranout z&.f,t' a Tr Iet tt l-t ad
at lb mtt thn. otu' uprtJuoo of-k-kxJ-i
have uadobt'd!r l--o ea-ttdfrtad.
So far a the new Ad-ttfcirarm ina
reduce the jrrrk- br dp-omg wt
-atch dkT t wdl b-rie betorty
prii?4 No fane d-tr the r te-atm in
oflk-e of ay psjon wbv work t not
aedd maid tf rt b- farurid that any
hare be-a kept -a the 7 Uk partkma
nbr Jlan pubbe ra-ots. the wuer
tHey are re?ored the lKter. Nul a
whprr of opfMitara will W mode by
Kep- hiasaswL si all rwtW.
ltt watt be trmmd. wrbem :be
-nrmi bar- cote to tin Vrataad the
dtt of ibrir IVawrtm-eusX that the
iberd4"abtempbyrd wferrf eri-e-
were not rea'ly r-?dd bra bm
xrnr uararb mlVr tha many bare up
wedi It wd bf UmmrL tor aaapk-i.
tb tt Uhe adof tbe cii 49re srea
:y at difierrat uo: thai tbe -mr atre- the trW- Uam of t&t
mra dorinc porta f tb y-ixr rm&
be a-nw at other t me be a aamt!ec
aa -aber. It w 1 W found. i-o. that m
arx'rr to bar perm eoicptrut to do
dbr work J rh- ?kme wneu their aerv-k-e
arr n-edrd .: w njramry ba
tnen uadW roo4ant trakam-c and ia
aa.lMrtJ9H w.-ib ft ArU-i Thb k prtr
tartalrt.ff ir cnr in io-e brnzwnV of
the CYb m wltwh rp-r ar taeadai.
&! K the new Adtaunv-er-aajOa di
jbairgea ruBBf-iirmt enif-erw. u-ueCag
i that tt case oMm tather wrafeow: Atm-j-nhy
be tmaVrmtati af the air
reomre tm-aa. ta w rmm Uant ti bo
aad a ssjfc5 M4riorsr, If tl b
r.U'ied. sder a isl- ftfctca.-?; ci
want to If ta. wh. Ho not oe Ar-bur - fc h m i4fuotl eTar-fe,,
Admtat-i ration com- to a clo-- with f wU 3fc - bo mad f r !, ex.
grt. am! t).err are Jill wr wb w U u lhr &,,
mt confer that be ha Idled np and noS : w ptmbiltlr Ur ... or
impairiui thr d'rnity and butur of tbt ttmmtmaLtm ii-,.',-!- r.mld .i
hr-C i se
j rsaontt. to r4 rbl of !'cjaiM eaa oiTV-
irdt a B-.ViTts'l lb bU of iW
dJfiervnt ol4e. 4 fU-T-rd. b-?
IK ad f -m nvw apfs-A., to H
tb-r ifMw .Ui lVin-rs. : imi&c;
. m: Bb-rxd tV trwk pffrrtfu tL
Mr lTerrtanr Aja rUi- wwl
cwm a4bta-c br ar fab p-4e- ot
r(.trav brh W 4eirad --aS- to irr
a dr-Trwd of the bx fr-aiUa;; ap-
It tebA-jo fcratat that the
f lb rrie' btrb hA u dAl wth
friawi (.ru tk latrrawu Urteatx
kn- 1 ta- rt arf ! r .4 n4rv
Imm t to erttppt ta tore br akh
)Marb frtuad drrtk d tbu to
maXe lit eo betiue ef U.t, a bkr
ajtd br wmr ib8b--dt. it Ja ben
b.ct rvftd t rewrk tt.t d lWl in
Itaal e". U :i r im
rvvrd vrfcci lKe rea rnt are
ntwtde. tad It ill bw -- tttal tirrT
prt d tb Uix bo twn bl Uurotib
thr Ueee'rx d th d- trtrt. r.v
Pres-nJaat x bt tiad aay ! -rp1
that ta T rxtwl rsrurm be .! br
brnrtv Mipnort. Netlber thr rvmJr
ar Utr K.-oeNK-aa rtx der :.aj
ta tu- rontiB wbet a. - o
p end-r pvt Adoi.iirMo. H wttl
ftnd frrr ibaa be pct.v t wh-irr
i'trr h nal on e p? b m t -Ht tl
ot at oner im tA oibr katl t
xrfor-io w Ji h wtth
coOtrf abk feu, o kt Ot
w k U ruiorm o .nira-tsl ir.n .-.. t
to Mr Mxa&iu? aad b- w II
.nt St j
Mmtu nj
bjirn iw ! law t .ai Mr
himr!f el rrfetntaf nr" iha ,uj
( whrr hrneli of tb butrnuawt A.
)'. Tribm
' -- -
It 1r. Xtf. I tr4MC trtllloM
Knlwril. Hh Xf .Ml.w.
V rry prumiavet frtxiurw f tk
il fw da ba l- tb tntat4r
good ntxlure wwk bta-h t ebiMt-je ol
Admiaivtratt. ha- bru rverneAl lti
JirnJte matt -m wprwaai,!,,;
J , . . , ..-
f.tb haxe brr:fuUx attl ia tvtaj;
Mr (l-erelaajd a e-.-l -nd oC nnd
mnaitwtd at 1 f"mt n brixri.r di-
notUoii u kttk fr rd rult frtitu
htm. ami to withhold ail a Ii'tm . rtuV
Cim and pnjrtJU nl m in adt it nl
' b hrtlte arlta thai wotdd b io pw
ll M lo their V.en. I'rtJJ.. mt Wave
,t ttt aaltirdly beu kdr orr Miib
aa oerurrtmo' a ibe ur enron of thar
partv lo jtrxxrr. ami ba not txHtn
iar tt; la their manlfe4at of d.
liht. Hut thee i- a rdtral di tier rue hi
th r.-peJtire poktt n d b two jwr
t im, ibe l(ep.Wkan riport athu
from tk- new order of Ibme nd m-
srtptCtttlv kaVe mo dnMlf -point WinlJ Ut
.tik forward Ut. lut 1' HocrrtU tbul
tlirir retotr uk alrly alavd by a
xUibh joitnixture of iboiU aad appro
benstoft It wit j ol not tiant.
when the Pmsident f Uodr 4Mfta d
! t.tred hi maujnral In thr pr. .-im nl
an audienre bxond accu ri - com(ula
tioTt. one jkh-Uou thereof fn-'el t. drnw
forth the eu Uxl clteer tba" jcrri-l
it oik r perkd. And that poruort
lourkn nnpknantlv MpH tne wh-;i!
that be t-lot to the 1 e,rruk- henrt
jut m, the a!l-eHjrrt.f lopkr ft I
"To the victor Iwd'Htfr the jimI" !
a dor!)" ta xvbM li tttr fwV ti nbf ol
Pemoerncy. with a vr fv ex.., p .
bit aw abtdlnj; f ilk It iiinl
vrk.r ar- lnn m forr.t. and thex arw
b-re fur the j tor j of e-una !.
..ou of tkomsr thul la thrir e-s eoro
ti n'e thir Jejfltimnle apod "lltej
hn e t blbt! nnd f alsl rvot drank for
a few day, ami a n now ready to at end
to bu . Hill alt (MmIx eofiiim up Ui
dipa.rliar ck -1 of the new fntj-;led
dotnnr i.f ('.il--jrTKt reform, ami
thr ro5f jt.s bi'ilt thn Mr. (Jexelao.!
i renllt nn k-te. brleer In it applb
ritiitfu pt now. No ape ot U I .itio.
r-attr -boot r-nl Uh when tiir
l.ibSrrrK-e eU"M of the lrr.deu
imtupirii) w a read Th pt aim tuieae
that prevailed at thai aotirni ka m.-l
Iter trohen yet far a any Prmrral
i roor.i-ne.1 In tar r wmiU -n ami nil
tber rt" wait ng in kttr.l ep.etitrx
o .. if b w rey m ejrart. aad l
aftrr aJ! a r at arm id lbputl aa
ur to ."ontiuue im thtr pr irr-t t"itn
for no betw reaeoa than that tbj tt
boo, ddigemi, iaiidr and rMckH'
tioosly faithful bt tb daseHare of th'iir
obl;ata'et to tb eruiitravt.
It i plain rnoueh to&t If Mr lec
law I w t m wriH! reral ttmAsi
....... .j i.- .n ..-.-..
w 4rnn ft tu
t Hepub:teaa. aad tr 'i rae-
mfc1 il1tmmtmA no. wt
i--, mmA
c it Mr btrlandi c-rd - rf Xi
laraitott. and fo- tit" ar rati
that I b-MUM-rar-r will br th pr-vl
maintara h k-e tkat majr rbaeejr
dkorly to an atgrr v&r of pro(. ami
dtrmtmrmta-fa. .mtimtl fapwabmnt,
s.jt "f K I;.mw1 THlnr XX l.lfk Ml
roiiMw t .a-i r tr n.. r -.
ljusm TTp3p'r are pebUrdrmej
tbe toiiowmr rrl uaalir Uie uaprr.
too that it t buttv-rou
T "wrrr i'Hr. Uwtm IL T
', ?'rs r a. im.i ta tmy
lm ta xt.4Mi ti.rm.a ta
i- me rtr r .Mptys
A., t e of 4mwrtarr Mr m "ra tat
i ar. jhmI :; r m ta"f nan
ao4au. tar. i- ;-r-ae m. aan
tkaltM.l T- ,iio t- U
, tttr Hw- - atf kOTrr Sr mm ur
fUc Hi!'- f lr .- tw --4,
w tMawt ft -a c " ' I
m ttt mm sa tt wiriuaar ,iii ai- t
br -j t rarini fs eXw mi a '
Mr s ajar iwwi im
tt f UW jtoa mf
rw JtHr man ft fiat.
mttmt . l mr sd U UWr tae
ai e i aa trwdine o-a m
A nri - m m hut taV
tmmi MMpr trU k
a. j- a MBrv4 mm
. Mt" ! inMtt trf
jfrj4 -4r m rit
r.r at tar JUfczti jrO ,
aU -V - X aS ' S I WMM't
mm ttw axarir m i ftr 'v
I tm tnr w 4 m ' a. Ur w M
a m? v3
n a i C tfto i nfcawi u , In
jrt .t.v -wsotr ta mt
UWr a . sj4 r Jk &j '
ta ww M crraaX
impT "rma nr av mtjmn
TV-How. w ium ItoMaaC
iw mr
fruwr rwmnrz -t ii " naataimutr
avrax t law m c a .
Uhr wnk s. . ! ts rKs v o a
anecrtt)nrkMrt. Uy "r-
recrsJr cacrb; si !"at Ka4i.i, SU-
... .....p. ... .... , .... . - - . -- -- ,--
tktr( Ltf-fkitf aklolM Wtlfl
- ta areMfc
aw- fTmi 4mbmx
1 fWVM
mam -v-iUMMi ma
i MtMWf M
mawanaa m aaii
haT i.i