The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 27, 1885, Image 7

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v'IlirlKtn'roMv forllif.TicjrtVnmrn '
a- the ntniwTn laf rot' i -aid j v. Bmta J. rtw.l.r.
To he hellebore, and vxuv sprinkled I masy qnarter. report of fatal Ah
oxer the plant with an aioaifcer. J eaae in cat le ai circal-iiia-. n-4 ol
.seedlitr are. apt to Miocyd lt j
v Iht thev originate. ..,.,,. ifc.. :naiijr
i i tTOoimnwtiu wn.-n viiiKir are
trau-dWred lo other "tectiotti. TYwy
'J iltV.
Th American farm.- jjank-u
v.oukl be kjg. fr.-u fRWJ, lreess ar bach
es, and laid fwt m that muck erf Uiu
v,k can he done lv ltor labor. -V.
J. ferwd.
-The cherry rows brt in a neb.
vnn. paudy ioau. II mulch cf bavea.
k'.'r brush U put ar-pnd tJii
t .-. well w rery much benefit? In it.
Hu ton (JUS.
-Tut fire drojps of chloroform a a
litV ,, or waul la th bowl of a
!av piiw. th.-M bkw th? vanor throarh 1
!. etu alo aa arbiaK r aad iartaa. ;
n-hof will be aifordd. :kvago Tunc. 1
If I fir u,r-mm U dr.. uud t,P j
-.jtrar di-W-.-nW J-h- 1'hmm fci. J
-t.Urte a jar ftr ih wo df-n br.x. and ,
I.-. Urf? n-MiU. If aau JimI their way
:nidi. tie a r-kvih arrrtind th covr
not tie Jar - aad the oot-MU arr sif
-Aitl r-aa if driji away ijy appli
catMMif f jjtft lar. but it k doubtful
!-tb-r it K prlitxi4 lo rt rkl of
tl-fn ia tl.- ttfihborhoffi of ril
t :". a aula pwy ujton p'nt-l."
vli irk do uiurh tiawai-. lo ftlia,'p at a
tiiu Vti it i unIhI lor fctartiag the
jouag fruit.--i'hnjtt .Utuma'.
Will T'liUtid fat Ts?i Ti .
. -. . .
(irw ot wan- tr&r. inrrt-iouna' oi
i rntln cup of iutt r. one offio- cup of
loilk. Jir otter cap of Pmr, wtiitc
f aim- JTS. t3 tcapoonf!s of bak
v r pod-r. jfrated riad of one lemon.
'.r th bu w-r ami aar tjacr-an.
add th tniik and fk ir. sad laat the
i.t of ejp 's shipped to a atiff f rttU.
Thr lions- Mi.
The wore rrowm a atrawlicrrv
jilxnt haa. the m-re b'jTe one can ex
cL ln!l off all Ike leave nflT
fruiting ex"rt two or !. and J
-:nt' aiore rrnwu to frow. Ie-.!e
bnjjkt. lr.-b a'Ml very jpven le..e.
Hut tn-fitre oe . into -trMirry
iiitiin !m boU4l tak4 xeouat of th.
tu uiiic ! can jjet. aad ao lin-I out
uli-tlier in can jr-t pjcker irnou;b
tl'enih -a'' ojm-us It i cf Ii .
hj to ih uk .fra:nir Klrawierra for
l.rtrket w about manure Jiml piccr isi
abuadiiace. f'U-rbiHl Lculer.
Arn the !'iriuor m. (n, a-J ltrl
himI I'iiHm.
It i a rare occa4oa when arfprc-rf'nt-a!iviid
Ute uiea who labor on the farm
for w2;e uadeitnke". to preeai ia aa
ji-iealtural joura il aay v.own he may
itertjt.a on topie that tpwinll' con--'-ra
hii ela. For IhU reason we
jrive the rit of aa article, ia whk-li
- HrMl Man' talks back qutu-i','-roudy
at I lie fanners.
We do not bv an lueanii iador-e ld
iifTene.'. iK'wcYHt'. I-'vph llHBh lh
litune.. a a clx'. were proven to Ih
the clone-litwl. bard, nen
a r.tcr would nave them apHar. we rb
not juit" ee tha' the iadctiueut wounl
, . , . !!. .
i-o'.e t al lheacrae hir d man 0. ti"i
... in.,., .it..:,,-!...! f.. i,u .
it , a, ' iio.vh ' ,
the agricultural" e.v aw! tho -ta k- j
ine; iiH-mtuT" 01 ine iarmei emu too
dun dv!ar him to be. And in judt
ine; aTicuhitriti and their he,jrr
we ar ;la I t differ Inith e,. of
men ia their e-imiatei of cich nttn-r.
. ".. r ....
at th.. are to b- found an. .uS !
er, M.n.e very io.,r apecunea- :
1 irm
iii:tahood men who ar utterlv deio.d
of lMnr or principle in their trai..
are ia-a oiw 1 moraiiy aim niciuai y
ery tnii'di like tin nst of the huaina
ra. a:nl oudea.or t h-a! fairly Iy
tlo with whom they hau bu.incs r
The larnier. of eour-e has hi foddcv
So do other men. The farmer u euer
to ect tin Ixv-t po-ible price lor the
prodiutn from his farm Ni, ton. are
the merchant and uiauuf.u-tuter ulna
lipo nr o their wain-. When t -c
farmer v;ei to town hoppinc;. he d -.
no'. wih to pa more than he can t el:
for hi clothing or other needful article-.'.
Uut the fjaiue lact i- true of the, nier
Inc.. mechanic or artiau. It is hit
tuHii nature; tint i all.
As we uaderstir.Hi it. the pt d tlw
complaint ot "A Hired Man" tnav lw
brelly eprcetl thus: 'Ilie farmer's
iMi-trd is jMr: lie n x. lilt o a pi
Mlde for was; he desires to et imre
work th-m lie : cntithsl 1 t'rom hk
h'lp. am! in varani- other d.roetauis is t ob.aai s niethini' for ao;i-
Hie truth of tin mutter is that the
fa-mer hnrn that MtrCes caa
onlv Ih msr.-has 1 bv the constant
praetiw 01 e oiwiuty m every iiepart
uient 01 his iMi-an -.s. i, ircuinstna-tf
will x',ernlly compel him ti p vmy
thit ivftrO'en. th market value ot
Itbor; he wai d Ik looh-h to pay a
lusher ir"ci' fr the he p he needs. It
is m mat er that rejrnl ites itself iiiretl
lilp wdl pmerally abandon a .sifuati.u
wht-re th re is danger oi stanaUon.
lttr we 1 lieve that, a a' rule, farmers
have enoijeh lKd in their taide. aa i
an I toe pial:ty nad anety of th lar.
is alove eritioisut. l)una: the "ieaon
of mis.njr ami aarvrHin; crop. my
tiiTnor matt rs on the farm have nee-...
.. i .....i ... .. .. ;.. .1
fCtr.l- o e -iJTs . rain iu 4IM 1
morn njr or late a th ewntn;. liu
ib-ce n tho iauds of wa-e-workers i
t .,. w.t . thcr t. llow -can :,: ! .1 ! ,(m ff u..iU.r Knl -n. wUh
uaxl . there are auioujr men ea- , ? af.r hMhl M, JlH .,; !Uoi),
.Sed 111 any .thcr or pnd.- , nk (.n,(, wh .,, woH,(. .,.,,, .
mo.. lut. a, a elys. ancultun.-s dlrif.lIv jf ,here is much heat a. d
who woulI only tie too jfiad tolv assured J jrrowih of wo-d withdraw a larce ;u.;:i
that their -ervice would not be I &v f linte and jnash from the' o I.
va.'Wl for inns: the Lor which ue j walch laust b ret.irtd or the tree fa 1.
farw laborer can eali hb own. t rxv por,on ,Valie t .at the rouns -
ta tho her hand, u e farmer's na , :nenl a ;rtN acrir.! from t e -ur- ,
ur.donbtediy he to w;s-k hard aad his . jeM ri .- Mtl tfcaS th.. ,ilHt ,
ja dww not lppa ta bca b.p as tha root rve"u'-e to sujuh: the tre .n
d tlie iralrtit f ih 1'aited it. jKvsitaia th: n to sustain ismv..,i
but ta-re ar- um pleasant and ai- N diabt sone a ncral nutter (aV. a
tractive featntvs coanected ai his av- np bv the deep rout.-, but as these joots
K-atitn. and, at th- worst, he MaaV.-s juav'aU K srvered oom K civ from .h
u, privation t,r hanldii that are not tree aad the tree -t H tioarish as irai; a-'
eHrieaced. jiaps i cr.'atiT mea- j ?v?r. w ionir : the striae rt ts are !
urs, l other lannrsnva. As a el:, nfr j, fe cilar .Imi; uSe . t? J
the farmer h !tHr a.v a pretty c x ar-. reallv the maa s irHrl of the ire i
bt of eot.eti frilaws. proml of ta t as4 dr the irreater part of lis de-!
physical strencth and lwwl heati. wands Mp"n the x,'t.. These an the '
uat eom-sirx. their rCmple dr o ( teeders ot t- tree whieh requite food.
1 vin-. eacfr to d.splav ahdity to i ,,,4 l,KralitT ia resieet ot t.V sup: Jr
ftna well tha luant.oal ihiUe f :h: of t proper iv d is well repaid Top
irsIltNS:. and even to oocad.ially heh dre- i1h. orrkai w not V.
ihe women-folk at the farm hoUM w i
ome ot tne atancr eaorus. aau Oi
Jiirhted to take a keen interest ia aSair-
.ittnd the ulaee and iu the tece o
their employers. O: .our-c x ucr c r
a g respondeat adniibs. then. are t be
found farm Ial-vrs who are ion-ant,
Avicted. dtliaed arcl laay. Ihit it
wonlu he unfair lo condemn the thou-
nad oi indnstri-'as. painakinr hir.x.
" men of good character on taat account
And it is no let unfair to write doan
lb wlioie body of iarmors- beeau-i
few of tlicir nanaber are guilty of nseaa-
nttss al" dfi;hneiss ia thoif daliui
g tt-ith rm.--i'SpML rxxrm cud Fvrgc
TI" Oaal-rea. Ih Kratirkr anl Mst
which indi ate tyiaptom vblcb a
raed by iriV.le-,iae fo'jd. A jrit
eon wh eh rtockwrn mk! farmers
baTe to lenra fe that clean felinjf ,
and thk htcbid watering" a neree- '
fy to the health of their animal a U i
Is lo their own. A very I'Tliwat ax-
ample ant) a warning aru giren in Ifc j
reeeat ubrak.A of disen aiaos;: the !
p ptt!atirM 4 parts of Katrn Ka-!
lucky and Wert Virginia. where ti?
water not only in or -ujiply. but
where aaaitary condition, a- r j rd
draa-gu aod th fiUpoa of i-idjx-n-ahle
filthy matter, nr rry much a -jj-iftL
Minilar. but n"t ueh eatreiip .
vm nri oM3Urr.tu( m rural iJt'- i
whre di-?-. ar- wh'J'y uaerH -vtit ,
&nd orrai'a much Mirjiria. And jft
t cau- we apuarebt to an;, neracn !
wi nralfcBiS how easily tb m,V. i J- '
ad Um "priay himI tram are J
hbm) iinimre. rnn -n know ;rr '
wtl how prevalent th; vrifu fuisg tJ '
jiaraMti of pfanU art-; bow the jnra.-3
and folder crops are infeet-J with
fittMit, nw. Toi aad :u ld.-w, aad Ihw
Irfineatiy the tlri- fodJer ncd era) a
Lvnue moldy aad aiu:y a4l partly
dcavl from exor:jre. IJut tliy do t
not nalrae the fact that ia t'VtT iin- .
paiy of wbatcr.-r, wbether fr-mi '
aaimal cxcr'Sima or fiom i)rit-4t-c ,
l! ij.fcj rf falnf ffkffA- livrt. uMrAdi i
t .... . ...... .n ....
Rriu octiio oi lauu uisurar t tafir
ca lb?.
To Mek advice froxa the ryleriaarr
e-jron or rejief from :aedir;aes i, be- !
jrintng at the wronjj caiL Ihe evil
niu! ij reneLcd at its source. No
pur' itreata ca Jlov from a polluted :
wiUif. and the h hoi- euoe aad '
me:,od of fe-din; muT ! re- j
ftrrnMl lwrore thu lroiill' can 1m
aTeiL Tlie Jom oory yar an-j
enormou Tle indirect damage is as , at ihe din-ct ininuv lov--. by th
dath f valunfde nnirngf. 'Ihe cr-I t '
of our trade is impaired, and Um- lo of ,
a iaidiojj head by dieae. nhk-h i iri :
Idc. a very moderate ultimate of the
tn total. iajurion.h alTeet the ..tlu
oi Ih &veiity or eighty md.i in oi eat- J
tie anil siae which encape. The p.-e- j
eat etou eeni'. to forbo Ir a greater j
1 is tlian the pat one. f r t!.r rea mer f
tvh'cS diMvfM prevad- .prea-l. v r
nearly all the Stales and Te rit :ie-j
from the Atlantic to the i Seine It i
vris- that htoi-k men .-houl lle alartned 1
and watchful, but front anything whic'i
e'uir"I at the recent jjeaeral etiriven
tioa of cattb nii-n it does not m-ciij that
iho e m'wt inten-hted bok ih.MIv
en:ch into thu matter to r'al.7e t!e j
actual Mjiirco of th" troulde or the rj-ht !
tM)iat at which to attack it. A i". !
TJir- Cjimc ami l'r;r Trruliiiml ff tlir j
This couiphtiat often occurs in ani
mals whose food is impure, ami U much
mor frequent in fall and spr'n th.m
al oilier M,nons. For an internal
jvmwly. l thre-fourllH of a jMind . f
..1..1. .. .i,i .,..,. r....r.i. ..r 1 ..
ciij nun jut 10111 tit ik .1 i'i jj-j ij
, , , . ,
nulvencil ...a.tiietreaad mi th r' 1-
iy. so i lat every spoonful that i t:i .en
up will contsiiu three jiar. of sulj hur
an 1 one of .-altpetre. f.tve a t-b!.--hpOoaful
iu the feed every nijjht for a
w.-k. then even otlier trjrht fr a:-
other wiek. Wah the h'fr a '(!! with
rillrl uilh carlailu- - wK .:
if th,.t lN nol t.OI..,ncnt'v obtain.-,
um ca.tile -oaj and add two tahh
swelling .:i the lee;, take one pint of
I jjood cider vinegar, a half-tiint of
alcohol and two ounces of pimeri7cd
blue vitriol. Put them into a bottle
and let tin: itrioI dU-ohe.. hhake
thoroughly, then with a ponje wet
with the mixture spat the atlected part
of the lejr. lihtlv. Indue; careful to w. t
all the sores torourh!y morn.nj; and j This wdl hebi reduce the in- 1
ibtmmntioii an 1 cause the son's to heal.
Should t' i skin be dr and covenvl
w-tli s.-urf after the sores hae h' aled.
adil to a bottle cotrainin"; sj outices of !
Clvrcrine one ounce of carbolic a. -id in j
crystals, and when thoroughly m:ed 1
by shaking app'y a l' coat tie; onu a '
day. wahine; a o.Tecry few das with )
warm carbolic Miap-Mids or ca le I
s ap-ud-s w.h carlolie ae":d add i. a j
stje;pted. He careful not to hate the I
airmt! st.iml where a cold draught t j
air will ciue iu contact with its hcel.
alm Ik particularly careful to runiovn j
a! vnaiiu :i .soon as dropjied. One i
fourth of a tcaspoouful ot cayenne
lajHr two or three times a week. riven
ia a bm-kct of .vater tr at nijrht in feci!.
v.i.'iha.e a lKneti.-inl elfect. as it sers
t proniott
digestion.- --lmcr:c t'af-
t'rult Tree Stiotilil lie Mmirril a UVtl
(Ulirr fre.
rew owners of ot chard cor think ol .
the nwessitv for niauunn; fndt tnvs !
It is nt supposed t'lat a fr.iit tree nee Is .
any mnaure. 'I"hi is a rrcat nt. stake
The of sred akn iinn'.mi'.I in
,, xvernjce "crop of fruit is suflieient to
.!.- .w. . 1 t .-
eaaast the natural inrreiucnLs of nr-
tilitv ihich ;h nxt can extract from
s1'- en the leaves! and tho
aecWliHl now K-rorc k is too la'e. The i
f,xv!ia: .sarfaee of a tree i rerv lar,
the roots spread far and wide unies- the
supply s stitct, aear by. The ma
aur .iouM b .sjo'ail at i3a: a far a
the liraBches extend. Lime, wo-m!
aslHjs. ifr the potash and bine w hick
thev contain 1 ivta-sh salts. pfcopbate o:
Hate, (the liaely -rwend nitae.-al phos
phate knows as l5tats.,') wit t some
n.rrojroaous matters, n wool w.ste.
tanners' Hoshin;s or Jish 'crao. not the
most tolulde forms of nitrates, but u.c
-sjowly decaying oae. are idkp.MiaUo
to tho thrift of all fre!; tre-js.--: 1.
I Tiiui'i fiili .if 1 Mrtii.he -ii'iil r-vvT-il In
"jVcIJ. Aagelise. are ren poins to
chnrca ta morJajr'' naked a Vres4
era pinter of a avar College girt
"Xo. awat. I eara't atlcud." d th
rirl. Witv?" P-ran ihr floral
archit-rtr that jv"ki. tny vcph
alic rapUJ-trr ini'vtt.Ml do".dniIr
diaarraord.' iwaJMs.rfr!wBd
lb ipictr; "we wiUlal ar it Uiat
iray otrt W-" "How xcookl 'Jirr
tiprc the :deh la - mwdr W-i,'
awt? ' hy. w would a : My
boan-n out of whark." . ocwwir.
A lw dar ?iaee a wrddinr br cat
fast vfm jrrm ty a abtant.aTfriBT
t4i-.w! ith 1 daughter, the liat
lMau the brM vrhm a atnehhor. a
voting farnwr. who tri baorI M,ith
aa tav ution. ttuaktag ao Jot be
ought Jo sr rmtthiae smart aadroa
pl m'atarv upon tJV rrau adir-iog
the br d-jrrom. a:d "Wt-ll. yoa have
ot th pirk of iht- butch!" Ta roa-tna'-
of th fonr unmarrird Hurt-. &
rnav t - inj;rBtd. v cr a ktodr. - I2u-
"Vat zan ha da-. tas.r. can rio.'
?oni.! Hw rxn u man & a tiling
n-faj'-h ia loa au--djrr- k Trau
( ATTI.!: Jt'aa nx -r . H 3 Ml i
tr-cvi it 55 H. i
lit u-r fie-r In Hi,
IIOGr1 Gxi lockbM aearjr U'l U
I.a1it - l IT.
w'HIiAT No rrt4 fit
;o.8 fcHfe
iteitwturt x: it
rOUV TCe.2 3l:t
0TS-Xo. 2 (p
UVK-No. s tos5
FIrt'M-Panet. f-rwusk .... Ii I
HAV-Irirc bHl4 .. kW it t
Ht"rrr.a-ii orerrM a .
flfnKsB -KuUcmuk IS M
n;i.- tiom- w
I'OKK-IIam. lt
buMor f it
!t 6 t
U!tl) T
Wi t !' '-omC. yac4 t VI
I'Or.VTOKa-e-haaocIt. . W &
sr. ijuridL
CATn.K-Shiat steers . i & ft
HuteherV Mwn fft 8
IKXt-pHC(.ntc . .. . 4 JVj J
MIKKI htur . 2 Ti irt
FI.olK-1 toosee Sl 3
WIIKAT-No.2rw! t
OlKN-So.2 T 1
OAT-i-So. 2 SJVfe
KVK-No. 2 ,'
lt rrKR-t'roamerj
ti)KK .. .. 12 W. ft 12
forrO.V MaliHiair. .. to 4
CATTMI f.oo.l to choice . 4 TO ft J
HOIS: i'ackiia; nn4kiia flu vt 4
..HKKI'-rn.r lochoce 2W 6 4
I't.Ol'IC 'ii!-r Dkval 4 ( t 4
WHUAl-..- n-t 7r',ft
:o .1 Tl.kt
No.Sfjirlii T54J
iouvo. JRw;
u.r.-- 2 2!
km: rt-'s
llHtK-.NowMet- 12 10 5 12
rATri.K-r.xjM.r:- 5 X. ft
Ml HJS mmI Ui Choice. .. . T, H) fci T
.vi '
' i
2 i
3 i
J0 '
-, I
e .
JJIII5HI' l'or lo prune .... 4 iSl ki i!
n.uci: -( iiiihmi !! .. sin n
WHK AT No. 2r.I M t
('UN No. 2 4(4'.
liATS-We-trn anjiitl ... 37 it
I'liKK tamlanl n- . .. 13 ." UL YS
firntOLHU.M Cnittx! ) 4A
Or, Warner's SAFE Kidney and Liver Cure u'ts former title.)
SOIiD TO EESilBETTjflLnFlTSr Isit, 1883.
Xo otfccr Compound on enrth can iltow a nircilar record, and no Pliynlcktn a better one. Tho highost Medical AuhoritiOc
pronounce it tho only known Specific for Kidney, Liver and Urinary diseases ; that it has no equal as a B L.O OD PURIFIER,
and that it is the best safeguard against con;agious diseases, both acute and chronic, keeping the Kidncyo and Liver
the great organs of the body in healthy condition, diseaso then being impossible. Tor the many di'trotHing nllmcnia
of delicate I.adicn, it Itaa no cquul. "W'c can TurnUh over One Hundred Thouand voluntary Testimonial
iiullur to the roHoivin?. Road them for tho good of yourself, your fami.y and your friends. Note
how this vast number oi bottles "wa3 distributed, as evidenced by our salos-bookr.
Ir. butler's caaipaipn manager), of Wor
cester. ?dass., iu May. tSSo, was pros
trated by kidney colic, caused by the pas
s2eof cjavcl from the kidr.evs tothebiad
Jcr. He then besjan us:n's Svrn
Cure and in a short lime passed a larc
one an I a number of smal'er ones. Dec.
to:h, I--34. Mr. Plympton wrote. "I have
Aad no recurrent: of my old trouble
iiiKS Warner's S.n: Cure cured rac."
J m
C. W. FLT.T0N. i:5.. Talton. Tcxa?.
Buffered for ten Tears from stnou hlaH-
der disorders and lost from 25 to 30 pounds ; '
Safe Cure, aad recovered 'his r.aLra!
"l.i,...U.SllU, . vuuiiut. lii) JCIl WCIl
for a min of 75. December roth. i5i4.
he wrote, " I have had no symptom of
kidney disorder since ijri, and if
I did I sioidd rely upon Safe Cure."
Portland, Me.,
51 1,374. j
B. J. Y OKRfLL, of FTav. -. F a. -.a
1S79. -as prostrated u.h Hr.'bt s I.jscxse
of the tiJaers. aatl uicr the bcs trca:
canu. jrrew worse. Oa the advice of
Governor Drew's sister, 1 boein Warner's
S.VTX Cane, sixty bot;tes of wiuvh restortd
rae to f 11 ccaurr of Lealih. I have now
heca erred about four ysars. aad inv case
i regarded as rairacaices. Govtracr
Dnwof JavLsoavilc. Florida. Aprs: a.
is-., jjtrs Mr. WcrrcU s cae and crr
pve ratcoaadcaeeiaW'aracr'sS.CT:
Cure, aad I aahcsirariajly iadcrsc it"
li, - 655,250.
Mts. S. A. CLARK. East Graatr.
Ccaa.. ia i;Sr tris atttrly csed up -
consatanccal aad ferrule ccpbuats ot
the wars: kad. Becasicitenyeirs,aaJ
trsed erervthiar; I a ovcbcr," l r ii. she
vrctfe. Warocr's Sux Cere cared r
fear years to, aad has kept sc wrU."
U Ohio, (State,) - 474,869.
I Rescrt to the Remedy that Kine-tenths (9-10) of Sufferers Require, thereby I
I Saving Continuous Debility and Expensive Pisedical Attendance. y
Tsrac l a ni'W-tjiriKul aad r.rfcrt
anyvrUeaicw f djrxi- (K th kktaey;
csti o vartoa 0-rs cai br ta an
Mrrfrt ruoB o ii kfeioej-s aad Ltt.
Acariia to Robcr-. Taonpcuci. &a!.
otir rccart atawitt , lodHry -ordr
ac Trr rwatn. Ut U obrarur
of Usi p"tv .nft-aa U 3 aartI
that xutur ;mr4,'a maul oat oi ra ?
er!:v. ar" r'JJr ricUnM oJ ktte cum
likriot.. sjvI Jwry aad Xt-ic avdcuMk to
not rwkiixe t jKitaaamt c paiat. trrralar
.-vapebta. frvqaat hlacJir, (LliU aai
fTr. -.iea.' ha at drr rda. t-oar
Moawrh. it t.t'Jau ctt.- scum c
Ue U-i, arrvu. irnia: rr. ar.a4raUj
(., cusfiN Iaa.-nr. lA.AtrawtU of
idmiut. too of ttriw", r canon g
tiM pr-iriUATT -Tkt -- cf r-4taia( 1-mI-
mt and l.r raanii'iih. it ta --
iwr"!, Uin fuJww Ua taack,
rweiiia ax.J. pJ faeCMr&l(fta2 sm
Him, th uatcr nn4iaMl briar rj
b.h. twi kiaiaat, at other jurcr.
lArk-ciort and irh, aal aUntndtax
ia wxiiJtxnH. and, asdr i6- rrwj, at
ibUMm JJ tat oaliv It ta Airuttil
laiafc nr at jiruajpUr atWadl U
ta-r u iaa?T oi" iLt TrrtU hricht
Lt luUwrrja cna '! ret tararai.
v aeb t r. coaaasapt) or dctnciaa of
ta ladner the of wairk
hIet.ju tlj-jrdr k.'uu.:! aata tie
h;lie4 (xmevrn. for it fcooc fcarri oce
4ato tlr frav unlr,j,ronp'T -acsL
lHM-i-rt-d ta4a - hr;a a:itcrtaaal
Sncl hJsO of iaiajas .rT oi ti
iirer. t- iadl-&.td if otmi ha, Loti ta
ttwv , at'Ai: . ynilow ij;ti iiu, fat
iirf ey-lai, 1ixsLiU aaiai at ;rr
eticz. barain sai ULias ue. cukl t
trtatii?.. ti -t kod, 14 ctrc Ut:on of
l4oi, ui:-a&ibMh-. nausea,
i-tecUttlioiM, coat Uva, ;il, varinti
a prt : uikI f--:n js. tjaunev tJurr-l
etctuhl, Urfr-Ru b. n. n-. & ... trvr,
u&bf uia;s at ciLt, dru uux byda,
Thfs are M'Sir of th cooMoa"r rinj
to'u a laid 4rn bv i-at.r . a--i:
orU!S, and v itk thti) ia uer ou-'ULt
uiH to Unre much trUr la i.t--rtaaiJis tf
be Lt otr?ric from thsordar. of Ihee
prAai oraa.
Ta?' ulrtervntioai hnve Ih-ti ca!IJ
forth by u $ouM?-r iuman-"U'-l-,wh. r.
ia nnoihr ?lac in thf i4i;r. k -tical
of jmof thhtAt-tn'iUs Jnati thrr"
in, nud at oikr Um iv th- t-im- yter ,
bav Ihm-ii led toinakt- ahtUu tin Jv cf
tae niatfr urIv-ri. with the a'-xr-
anlt. These dtsotn- prevail a.T.-a, s
ounaal oll vveryvrht-ra. r-iuii'i- .n
trrih!e and uctUnlyd'ath.; ;h"v tnkn &:f
more jeHjIe than epidnn ; iL sn-i
rKjrt a-ath nn occurmj; frum U' u tb
(! a.t apoplexy, parnlj-hi-s " 'ani.a.Jr.,
ht-art flM'-'iis-, pnruuit::ia. fvi rs, t-Tr.f
when in rouiitv the, di-.''i aro t t"i
htco:Klarv to brij-bl's d m and w-uul 1
Mom tK-cur w ro th- kid:iv s ta hailLy
working xnd.U'n. I!aee, from nr-iral
kaowidce, or from thu trutworthy .rrc-ri-nc"
of oth-r cot:i( t at judr-s, vietxj-le-ve
there ii ao preparation ti .al to t;
rf-mtxly taat i- o prominently m :i! ne-l
eNewhwrt in this iMiue, for pr-vealiii ai 1
curing the danvroiK dinfjcler! of wh.'h
w havu written. It hav had un rrtraor
diaary snl, is o n- hr ctiinanuidej,
the record of its work vein iadi-ttiutablr.
its inauu'ncturers aro repaul to r m-n of
the hiln-st .standing. Wc hll, therefore,
that not to uo it, if needed, would t- a
crime a-ainst oneN jupreniewt lnt-rtt,
especially at th 5 lime wh-n. ihr-atenel
liv a fearful epidemic, it U of ta highit
miportanr;, actMriin; to Ir. Koch, t4.o
celflirat-! German rhob-ra ipcialMt, that
w kp the kidney, liver and d.jr;-.-.Ti e
organs in health v action, if the bcourgw
would l.u ccajol.
- --
Av Englinh crctn rlo n i rp'irted hal
and heart v at this ag" of nislity. Shtv.
"hut a light diot lil do for a man; lived
I on saudiiht for yeuri, pnjlah!. ilution
t liutU tin.
Bal. ofS.Eng., 331 ,315.
LX-GOV. R. T. JACOB. We.:port.
Ky In i'r. danaja po"-tical canvas?,
health gavc way and was prostrated with
severe ki Jncy trouble Lest 40 pounds of
flesh. I'sed Warner's SUE Care in i552,
and June 73, 1 34, wr :es . " I hare never
enjoyed better health, all owing to War
ner s Safe Cure."
New York Slate, 3,053,080.
II. F. URRAin:E, i:j., 4- Che:cr
Square, Ts;on, Mass., m 1577. was C,7ca
that the aire was
permanent aa
' PenRSViVania, - I .365.914. !
Mrs. J P. DESMOULIN. S4ti Mor
gan street. St. Louis. Mo . in iSrr. wrc:c,
I have been ia delicate health for many
years ; bu: Wamrr's s-.rr C ure mad- me
the picture of health" I-r.e zy s?j.
she wrot-. " 1VT7 health has been food
lor the last two years."
Southern States, - 2,725,513. :
JvE-i5 Jw.xI I-.L;
Vt . .a laa.ars ir77is ustn oesr3T
vi: u-.;h Br-.jhi lrAcae ct tse V.-docys.
He 5pcX bfcwd. -ss treraeadocvy bioctcd
aad seeraed ta be beyond the paTTcr cf tie
, best physictrns, f I the a teok to bocks
of Warrtsr s S OT Curv. ah-shreccrcd ha
to heaJi-:. Jaauarr ::. i5, ciht years
afterwards, he ti " I crrer esjeyed
better beaJth m v I :c than I do now. aad
I ware k aS to Yarar-'s rH Care. I cca-
oJerravse!! csred of 3rjrhts Lpuck. '
uanstsa, - i,no,ow.
ErocdJvs. " V.. pfccd for sac yrara
V-.S,-. ,-- s-ps nf !? Y'?jt ant?
sirkture. Sis physicaias, speczilist J
TjxTC bin np to die- 1 ty, be begsa .
W'aracr's StTT Csrr sad its ccatirued cse.
he says, enedrd a ccs!e crrrs. Uader '
dale jane rs, lacj, be says, Mr hcaa
cacnaccs j-ccd . iu.vr zitd so ncitCTr j
sizzx Apr2 30. rSiy."
A rrttir Tirrtr.
r iunr ttitA. kaat h oC It MM. Iw4 X
Uw of a4-nrrU. &-- iaJnt. to
tao- -rfcp ta .- a4 mctnt ar
i-c U a4cni imi t uf t ia ferrMra
rvx'iT. tbtdaat3PBtn! aa tnk'. tana
Irtm dAtk Jv-. 1 - oral Uua; 1 rm
ii iq aT pw r mrmm 'b wtrrjiwt of
fc &C&4 t-"J aia M tbrt.maary oi Okor
wkwiwrt t- aaJol by te of ata .
trecadal affwfc. -. arr Br (
oocjiaaajKt ta uU w uak C& W-.
Tax trttvofa rePUv-rwKitai't irr a
':4otk:a: a4 fcrr Lti.'.' -kKli. ta
-rr -laia, t a ara .-t. Tk
la-- ta tw .j VdMt TtW tor aottusr.
Poa Car4t i Taa.AT ctea .
a ltaowa Baoat rnuk'. 1 auras. -H ,
aerw ciaic-t citai rwrti; taanv,
eic1 1 latak bU. r o Vi wara ! traa .
ttcta fU "Ur. iirri Witri '
littchtr. taidoBijrtaUus. Avmax.
Jt l v.rr oaar .' fr tbeaao.
traurxsf tuaa. v a a savw w oa ix
hi aa fc uxt& iXLjkkmz,.Jt- -eaU
how-vnr bMtaei. afMvdiW . taorucaT an J rir. a i ,:-, aiui ,
I ....., f . r iv &M.1 I. -wV tf ..AftlMMi
Ur, W orid Diip aaanr M4wl A -tios,
i3 Main Mart, BaffaJ X T.
A oooo prtai-r to & aa of th klbt
tyi-s H- vtiek' u k ca, 4 tt
a rai ur to Lv out yt ort-- -ia.'W
I'c fLt h-i C up n t iJuvti s-ia,r
ar crn,"ltv .f 1 l ' -: ' -'a .r
-rat;i up . ouc anj.-er" -i v,rrj
G incite.
y it,-T?.yr.'y , -)y.-e. T-a t .ill frmnlr nntitNlno. - .r-
1 . WMS ' ... .f-
ir. . .WSHl
fhj'" a r" " d 1 ! 11 1 ! r Trr , . . . -v
If ; Murilruijl.t Kill tint prurnr prum tt 1 , -nl rlr iu u ul . .lt lurn rj
rrr o f li r 2 -. rrimilic--r.m flJf n4l. wl-tj.
' " Acir.. M.i rt "iMM.Ttn.
rr lr. Jrarrlra Paao DiHOfC v "
crlUratMl VJUQ DUlCI a. .. .. t j .
m V
A Vr&
S ifli
apyyMM IS su
ff iltlnlr r; SPS .ITAOA'ar a
.y c-;
iiiOOQ 1 :;5j:. -! hk t i -. . j -
tTe no r .2. I Tad trn T. k
"In r y r rt -If 1 u r 3 o"
thct'd Vt O"" tlte "A-n -sd Ha-anrr ' bntd
Isr Cleatipq ard Kpig M Puni Sfft t'd
Itjjv. Clean. It it ifce Beit Is. i.
H?vrhotU Pupoes.
rfef-0 K A Pi1- f ?V A
- nr:. -- ..ti.y it . -1
Tw-am -jltieJC-V-;el la'"-t r ' a" "' v eiM 1 -r ta Vrm llm
zuirUsi. v-i boii: .u t --a.. tfte "Arj t Hlm3!w Uttd iALSOOA (Ai.'wj SuaL
1 Chicago,
2,181,520. :
CHA- K. STLPHI Ns. tf laixTide.
Ky , N v. 15, 16:2, te-tt, " Whc-a my
dauht rr was ten year? of ac she -
jeriously attacked by cxtrrrr kidney dis
order. She rccovcrrd tcmpirar..'r, bat a
year ao was a a:n prostrated. Jhc w. lo twice her natural size, had fre
quent headaches, nausea, an I other di,
Ensrd symptoms of the disorder. All her
ouisviile physicians agreed that (he
could not recover. Her cave avJ treat
ment were trVcraphed to a New York
specialist, who said recovery was im
possible. I-a-t Aupist we beyaa to treat
her ourselves and now, who'ir tarouh the
infiunc of Sarne-'s S.r."C'ure. he ii
apparency as well as ever." frvr:brr.
1531. he savs, Mr daughter m apparcally
in perfect health.''
COC 0 I fl I
Dj0,ZIU. '
S. F. !ILv. Rochester. N V the
wr!l known to'jacco manufacturer, three
ytars ao took twcar-hve bottles of W ar
ner's Saff Cere f-r liver disorder, aad
Aujrst -2CS. tsi. he rs-.f i, ' I co--s:d-r
rnrs--f fully cured. ari :'- c--d.i it
who!7 due u V. arp- s s ei t ere '
St. Louis.
5-v. iv :is ?.ki.:N". v-tboc-ss
a--.JC , "'. e Ilassr. N. Y..vrai -rvaid
3cnooa.arAi-aKza3col'thc7rss- 1
tztc jiaad, la ee-y oojaa:c drder". Ia j
tJ: h bcza tve gse of Warner's Si';
C-rr. ard i Z'tt. t'--' v-r . " T-e ;
reJKf o'saiaed rw- year, ago p?rctd per-
I pi at, fcl
J pn-"
K5P3s! iy
tCh3-a IJ
JXXES SI. D-V.TS. ?ys vth ?ari
ss rr A-jctay . .". Y.. ipencle3Cc2i o
ji5js-IrocCo .ui!tsrrrfircc:Ttry
sn3i kidsey trcuhls ; be srobtai bet
160 pocsds . hz cud ia iJc. of War
"irr iArx Cre. aad Irccnber S'j!:, Iii.
he TTuec Tiat wzi fsdfy three, year?
aj. I hmhid r-otrsriblcxisce. aail
iecl X c-itt and -s-eagh iys pcsaciA, I
world net rsbaxk to thxr tirzacf facr
ifeirs era . i -ri-
Urittd Sr-atti.'
N.t ta iK. nrfr-
Sott t raj, ut a " UUa ts
aoUMJkS avjr ihaa a tar Utfteals. Ob
tih mhmr kaad U a i frr fcr rr ;?-
tauu ta srowta ( ! .: iHac
r W ai rprwr4J JraaMalu. A rs
ir?Mxm (lliw Uka aao -,4
vvJ taaalrf a friw a,.nrpA
kTr tvr irpttAa at aa4 eatr. tr.
SC-. Ca.-rk JUaawdv f4aot. 'k
iC Caaat Ter H. It aa rararil
tavvMuala. AS trcxtv
lma W- trt-rT a trtjil ifc Va4v
f rtamr4a a l orvlr 4 ilk )ara.vl
a4 Hi. Uwt 9v A . ('rtJ,
Hi. roof Maelw yr
tmtixM K iML KaMca ii .
Int W-- it 1 a - ' t 4 fir v eftaa.1
Stt Ik', "re :. V )..'- . 'r 4J.
rJ - : - - - KbTlyIbI
rai JTf rv :
il. - v - J
' J TMK- lr k.w
liiW ia rt v
-rr.r r: Hai "Ft VnR
- -.
,ai. ,
I !...
V." ; ':
i . t. k aij trrnKl V
All ir r-
f 5 &'. i. . & tj
1 C W IM &"4
-o - C li k I J J
i . L'VtS iiiKtt!
ATHr 7t p r . r
p l'l
i p 1 a 1 r
i - tWi
' MOC DtSCAECS. Ih "Jin n Kimrnrr"
t-sd Seta v4 Si rn!u it u ' fpt
ikccrts lor tae prrrnta anil cv ot MOQ
CHOLERA an ctKr-C -ai. jj-pVts
vtt..ut VS5&
1M17T19H WfS A Vfi J) , V-C ft
..rhifi - .t I rt.. t . l . vVAi
'? ip
344.17 1.
THi: KLV. ANDRr.W J. f.R 11AM
(P. P. 1. (.raai IsimJ. Nb . a lM a
pronounced fatally sick -wan Iirrht I.
case. 1 1 is condiuoa h r oCrcratc
1 ard he c u.;d r no relief from physicians.
j iicthrn fotlowed Waracr SAin Care
1 treatment aad Ju'y 7. 154- be wrUf,
! "All local trouble hoa disappeared.
. Havctakca no mcthoac f r-ar! a year.
iesota, -
C. W. H Ml I TON. Md'aa. Snta
Rosa o , I ijtia, Ieabrr i'-H. is4.
MT"ic that " four yrn aco my wife -aaa
ofier.c Mtxh hver eoajiat which rv
doced hrr to a skeleton. The &tUx
wat- r erf4 Vr emu ltra-?if a. I aa
caM: kd. ! iscarable. She
thea tcoV n UW cf Waracr SAfS
Cere, an i haa l-"-a ia p-7e: health CTcr
ince. Sh acrw weighs I 0 pounds here
forsKriy she . a i.kclca. V.'araer's
Satx V.sre w. I rvke a prrnvaest car!
always tf t.'- l d.rrc: -
' Bal. N. W Slates, 1,400,361
Bal. S.W. Slates, 635.082.
N &. s4,;.5"V. I-,, if B-acJi-ri.
Tfa ,;a :!Jr. . r rvTr t. k oi ..
Vt-soK. liia-T d.csjcr aad ten
a-haA srad-aTT rrcsr - ?a
beisje esahMaj to aatst lu-n I-.4 Uf rrwart
jrw TVaror SaiX "r. arJ l-ras r'a,
ls-4. he irxrje. Hj hrahs br3c tbaa
Ux t" Twn pe. xnd s crae r-rwt is.
bcta7th3aafpYfacrre years. "Wbea
2 csch ooid aad &a2 arr xs Hfttry
trob. I nraaacc tbe aeafcerac sciia aad
tfacrebcf I fepefaere perasaaeat,
SsTfraflCisGoT - 932,2(0.
b. A, jOHXSTOS. Lockfcctea. Ohio.
Sept. za, iHt. tia-ei 'fctt ior td-r ycart
be avid sc !--d tsrtarca with dyaprpsix,
be: he ri e rjtxrrir csrrd by tfce ce d
Ytar&er'sbATZ taare- rre Era. :5st4, he
tin " I tcci zn cc z je of VTaracfa
sat C-st. aad it his c-rrer failed so step
xay VC23&2CA o? tr f I -rs5r.'Aaac sf licy
appearrr: . zxr headth is cd.'
Bai. Pacific Coast, - 624,23?.
VSA t:nn 11T-
l w ;w" wr
I noac Xi uaat law ft fr ijr
: (or borate U te flo
, t)OaUsaia.
r. Lv4k B. PlaMkaao Vary Aar
UaAaa My r Ar A. Qammu awi wt-
r44 wtik 4ara4tawaaaa "fc4 naiwt
Iwf pate I1 1 a4 heaMI fn
ap all ktf f twtkaf t ei- f IW ke
TWt ta Ui4Aa lprtt rT4 aa way
fUa OMipoaaO. I u mOm
jrx aaa & &- aJ IV' rf .
iv 4r aMacdaaa Wr. a4 afle ta
af i ftra WMtW a 4acUri a '
rora. iwo b-tUf al- W -r lur Taac
a.Ur-a I kai ahtaN V a I. .
-iJ a Mi j inywr 4 pM la r I. . a
Tr'l mr mil; aol t l Xa- 1 m IA Mv.n '.. Vl w .-- o&a
nut r): r .--Jia u-l
r H atk.. a l-5 .
t .
r-"J k-r t .- --. . !.
. . . . M
.-... 4U
- v 4 aK
4r ik
..a- .-,'.
VI VrfK k -
a I k ,
St- tV. Vt.
TV kiti fc.Mt :f.f Wtprptekk
1 c KilH)l. V.)W tk'lal. -,! W
K& W I f . . tbt3 rfikt
- W.4. . i - b frU w
. !- - - .. tP
I 4 1-, II mm U Ww r'Mlil
Mcrry-lViaklnf; Melodies.
; . .fclfhmi ik H. p. t tw t
,- i I t ImX- "! '- '1 o4 fe
K. t k..)M,, U r . .- 1.l4V.
.j 1 .,., mm t,a 4t4 wa rtota.
ErAch Fln.r "T" " 4
.11 rlUrVliS A,, .).. ,rf H... -.f
-- v ..,- -'. i ji'mrf
; Coms for Littlo Slnors.
S , t. iu;-t 4WJ
I . r-i -i k.' w4 a4ra . ar
Jl I 1 i.ltll .-. . JTy . Il
r .. i . h w.fc il. !. af4iN.v i.
Ivk- JT fc.4
3CCOD CANTATA3 "" -mi-v
IItSpO Nltillll.s, l,1rp(t tMfl
! - f l(,.i.41 i ',tl-
llurn, .-i.4 -4 1 w s i fta-
..., . I ((.in, . Ml 7ll . lhl 1
l. t .-JiJ
l .. I , . i r. t
I VON .. Ill Vl.l I -.l..
OI. I I'll IUI0 .. (t.. Il.
tw rMMMArrm
n,u h
pvVSV,rV -WVt
u i nrt. s.Tro., r o. rrt-. rf-
ntt rt.- rBlllr I " A l lTITt TK
run ri t . ii nir - i t i-
M.t. Ibp- t n lt r:. 1 t "I AM lit t.
? .ift C xz ; "3 - J c j c t i-" . 4
mm;. ,p U. II. I'll V i 0. .ii.jr.flj.
'J!,tf. to &, IHm r.. 'i"' lMrka4la
I sJTts,Att-
3lif f..r XT Kl-Pl wrn lii
a . l-. w Wi t t -i M fulX JrS.-s
N.P .! Upm. Vpa, kl tm
07 liOJOoti;, Umm Vara.
-rva.4 a. rx aw at I ! "
I . n t r7 tJi4JT - rai
t ti,ti' -f J a a-c.4f
I -a -- rmmm 4.' h fa 4 fcf M" M
fc-1-wp; rC" . ' a 1 - a4
t u a ( t ; l lJ Mfi - r-"
tt b - 'll :J I X r-a
-f .. I ..I s 4 . .( f
k .
"prr i .
lt -
r. ' it
,'. .
.T.aV.UKl.,UirnIS.,v. raft.
Lcrilhrd'i Clival PIsjj
l.Pl ft H O 12 I-1 tVtaMIt
tr . I r .-.. ml iluJ IPlRC'a.
It Ul x! afc-l-. ',5-37 -rtt4 t
. ,! i' 'a 4 (.11 jr. l.u. (.(Ml
if. - 5 ' - f - fir 4Pap tv
t-P w" - i " Mf ttrr ta
. -. to 4 . - . "- AbtSiw rtpvaity
A.t ." A .!! 4t4 1 Un ( f X
"r V
'-''.', ' a-
fc- f 14H4.
K u e
--jjf i njri tni r -- -j, .
421 V tJJHs jrr, V. M.
dul !il ; .- tf t
i !-: p- I fln4 !--. 4
A i 1 tr ! f iwii w r.
Cwia'""-.---'--- --"-J tf
JrTysXz' - - pfr aTw"a,
. A . ? mmt- - s.nw. nt w m 9
. , ... ... ; iwCtata A .'.. ty.M.naw. ti
5 a Ri&.3&;.iani!2"jJitei
fc3 fi yfi V ---" ' --JI- -
. itt i
jwiiiI Jvr tat
xt-t r P'sw Sr
:tVJ- -. . . .. 5' !-
,i(,ra war -s- a - - t -- - -r
A. aAMKl,AllsttlMA.(tt.
Am a-
'l"ft' wp Va ia-r
,JU " sy . A8W -.,.
a 4. r tAvtrr.
s'J A blDA L
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A Clear Skin
:s only a part of bcaury;
but k is a pztL Every lady
may have it ; at least, rhat
looks like is. Magnolia
Bairn both freshens acd
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