z& 3u (-4 1 . t V a. v - . Cloud Chi ef. The Red '. h- "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.30 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB. FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1885- NO o4 VOL XII . VI V " . "v ' 5PtSf5?T jHR"" II if f f RED CLOUD CHIEF rvr.nvriti ijy ur A. C. HOSMER. IUTLV r s;UcnuT!o: opy. t rei aaa eot.jr. at rn'ir li. tSSiJhi'. - '" J"" I B k M. Time Tnblo. Arrive. I--ive. C . v-am C J1 Court To Oe. matt 2 Chicago inu.l T evim Uford ciid JIrttins cxp tfu'C-Knooh had ' to lvimr i-.iAiim -2li J 7 II; a.tlitvi to Mxtont ero r . :tjnu & I'ri-tn io Iti-d l--id mail Tw.h M -ranuuii Ua.i" to Kiiufti C. lot'tf-o. w.i&!'" I .Mi 4 Chlrno mall . T!:r Olfi.rl .iu.1 Iltlinv wall tuakis connection at Hastln.:. undelete ". Ith Luv-r. Chit K tlironi'.jj trum. Ha tinea and Oxford tram hrm? pan-en toum'djka'Jto Ufr rx;r'n. .V.J V. L'LCJt. litftf. t"" -i John P. Ii.iyliii. County Cl:k. Zha. Bufcrnow, Coumy Trokur;r. ifio. 0. Yims:, Cuumy Jud;;o. I. W". Wjirrun. ShoriJf. v'bfti. W. Spntigir, 6upvrii;l.'micnt o! Fubnc In iirnciton C l Rinkor, Cojniy Surveyor. J W. Movj'i. County Coroner Jcab L. MiiUi. i tuo. McCrtUuin County Com B. Hamp'o'i, N I Bu!nece Directory. o.b.stanseu. Al'dlONEKK. - - NKBRA"'KA. fJICXS j W.TULLEYS, M.D., H0ME0?ATnTC niYSlClAN. Orrtd Opposite Flrit Nmnnl B.nk RcdClou'J. Q E. McKEERY. M. D., PHYSJPIAN AND ?T:nnE0N, f HTK'K. JMrt ito- f ''olv 's ilnn "t'tr'. HTt rKuiitlA)iiJ y in K' ;.. in , Mn I, :mhi ; ? p; . Klliuce3 I!mVs weft ! rourt our. iuDCUJCD. ni:i:.ska. R. DAMERELL, M. i., PHYSICIAN AND Sri:C,EUN. Rtl CIoimL NfKr.T'ka. irrioi: 0r tho nr povtotSr. -lLUAM A RICK'ARDS. J A'lTORNKY? Ituii l''Mid. NVbmiln. Olnc:- ! Smith Bro. law oiV. W. Kaiuv. J L. ICalxv. Kaluy Bros. ATTOKNCYS Al' LAW. RED CLOUD, NEB. Axent for thu B. it 31. R. U. Land CCCais. Ja. MC.N"EN''. Case 5c McNeny, lOFNrVS AND COn.VM'.UiHH AT LAW WU1 inctlcn in :11 rourt of this la!c A Vuu CTl)ettdnk wcIJ tKliticatcil lti;nii- cari-.'ul-lr u4 fflr'eii,:y iundea lo. Abstract :uraih iiC on aupltc.itiaa. Orrxce.-Oer rtm Natiaoal Ikink. !tnl CJui, Nr. jyti. C. fOUE'CK. rHYBCIAN" AND SURGEON, Cowlct. Nclimnka. itrcm4pnalclU pj mptly attended OmCt : At mddcuco Cowlcs. &.j V U. YBtPKR. CKor'.r. Hah. R. P. Yriru Geo. 0. Ysiser I k, RealEstatdAgents RT.U C'Ol l :"KB. JCa. . 4V iv tntV f -x K 1 C otni '0 rrwtnrtf. 5A acni uti'lcr tnltivm on. i. k- 1 iraist Jiom-, pxvim. tr.mi bnn ith toi.c KM fnca. ITS .cr ; uH.rr cu!tlrntion..i 1 jvkI IBoCb laud, vrtrc .o. Km unner cuulvauoa. pn ?-. Jta !. 2 ."" at Itwis himaU fnwu Ji -. - J il and Tour .icr under cu.t:var:w. ;n;to per act. 1. E. ifoow. Fr't J. L. Mincr.V Ten:. John Moor. Chipr First National Bank RED CLOU D. NEB: Capital. . 75.000. fmct a rorl bar clac bnxinM. bar asd I m1 Coaay -r-nnt. Alo Couayr. Pr ct ai Sf&ool Ihrtrirt bead. Buy aaJ iU frta Ixcliaoc. piRHCTOItS: 1L . Moor. W.Morter. i. , R.U.Uat?ali Viardn. DO YOU KNOW LOEHIIAKirS CimAS PLUG TO 3 A CO tnaTiaTa: KLrr fine vhw.rt:: Mat'cajvTS ln,r. fcUck. bm. and yr:iw SMMfcMvtti a: ad eaAit?t. qaxut es. ; nl rvisn- sex arr xaeeeyrirtx -xt wctrvs jktclrxihf. Xi .v utlcr "lj-u JeliableFurniture &nd Undertaking Hon Opposite I'ostoffloe. Mv stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, is the LARcliSf and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the rnc Rcp'iol can ValJcv and my prices can "R.L. Nebraska .Lumber Lo, DEALERS .v LCMJJER. LATH. SIIINGLFS .iRED CLOUD (o)- DRV LUMBER .SI'KCIALTY. TDK KKST IN IE MARKET AND OJ,I AT THE LOW JET jl If I I. sSMU, JVU 4 i na&&5f - Ht- rBv!r?Mr" j House and Sign Painter Grainer and Glazier All kinds of Fancy and Plain wall Decora tions Promptly and Neatly Done. j Get my terms before done. Work guaranteed. Ml ! ..! ' I W ! .--. I II I - I- Ml " ,m WALKER & BRAKEFIELD, DEVLEltS IN Pumps, Wind Mills , Well Tubing And Every thing In our lino. When wanting anything in tho Pump Windmill lino it icill pay you to soo us. Our Prloo3 aro tho Lowost and Work Guaranteed. OFPIOB On Third Avonuo, Opp03ito Minor Bros., Storo, Rod Cloud Nobraska. Don't fall to soo us bofore buying. WILLIAM GATES, ru ritiKTon or RED CLOUD MEAT MARKET Gtrt ivr South 01 Slirr. r' PntK stnr. FRESH AND SAL MEATS, FISH. POULTRY. Oysters, Suuscro, Bolonjjo. Always oj hand. C.i mm oft them whonoveryc u want !tho bost aud tho swoetost meats. i J ' ,"v FRED BIRKNER Merchant Tailor Does a .general xucrch m: lailoriiii: lnxaincN. Keeps on huid a Lr.rcc stock of Cassimeres, Worsteds,Meltons, &c FOR FINE SUITS. He docs hi orm Tailorinc Cutting and yntinj: and guarantee h wo:V to EivQ,atis!dcUon. Tricw Re-voaabl. Call and .ee him wheavou want Good Wort and Fair Price?. Old Stand - Red Cloud Neb. 'Strictly First-Class BUY YOUR AT TJJE OLD FASH, DOORS, BLINDS AC. FJESRASKA L'WTIS ! you have your work "1flfiaaT ftwVBhV 4al5Qw 1 JBXA K 23fla3bw Jd&WMK&s& ' Tv J. S EMIGH DENTIST, RED CLOUO NEBRASKA. Fine Office Worli a Specialty. Linchtaz z-j a:Tir on h.-ml. Office orcr imi Clot :a:toeAl llaak. W in Every Department GOCDS! SO' not .an to picasc. TINKER. Drugs ! Drugs ! hiliiv 5j -J -J ruour iri. Drugs, Paints, Oils Notions, Wall Paper, JLc R ed Cloud. - Nebraska Harness Shop, J. L. iLLER. VhLLl: i:: UAH'S Ef COLLAIW, SADDLES, H01E-BLAXKEIa. wlIlTS. COMBS, BRUSHES, HAliXESoOIL And everythinij usually kept in v iiKt cl.is hoj). Two doors north of 1st N .1. Bank- KEDCUR'D. NrJt. Trucks & Valis cs . a Ij.lIMxiHi AMiI'Kka'KI.M t Nursery Stolty! Ai I li:i' h,il snii'i' -f .niirt in tl. "'jrT liUMiif-'t. I iu:ik I i- !'iruli u -sttK. to sut o.r liimito from J oiiho Grown Nurseries! Ami vouM ak a share of th t rtuli Articlod of Incorporation of tho No braska and Kansas Farm Loan Company. To a: uliom ll m.i) coin t-ri. m-.tiii:i Nurir.n.Nn. u. r. T'lton ( lu !:ifliow. Win nntmttit. W'm rather. ". K Mi Kti-iiv. K 1 .lnn-i. L- .MiMrr. U V hlri. it I. iinXcr. A l-t-itfrharJi. 0 i: j H..1: ...,' .1 in!!.--. i.iwi.J Wrn-:.M!H t.Jr tor. K V JJoctituxi.' .1 Wi tcli 'ti.T WVi'iT. .f 1 1 l!ntl. ' I. M ..t, .Inai'M ..I -Nrn. lrw I Ca-. .1 P i: :... v rifr:. . W W'rn-M. A A ' j.oo T .l l.ui. 1 lJ"n'n IimJ Vtwh.r nil 1 ' !ft '.',. -.tvfi'i ' ill' I J.itr.'. SUti -f A' itfJM. lvn ! s r.-..' ' furitiji i i rn tum ..not-r ! IrtA .i .. of the law- of U. l3t' of Nfiir.kaau'horu o the . ! asMM-l-'! )i.r.'ivca tocthtr. :mu lo Inrt'lij 3Mt-j-it' oursclvf icfitier nutlt-r :h pro Mo is of tit laus aioroa.d. In the tiunntrr follow ins ist. The corporate name of .ilo i".. oany j Tl.e Nchmaka -tart Kan:iA Farm Iaiiii u.n.T . .ud. The npncfpal place of lrattac itnjc tti huj.iicSi of said coin pan;. .h.tll ? at Hod Cloti in tilt? conr.tv of WVhsUT. Nfhrau. and lt principal oSce and place of hujinc- shall h; 'seated tlxre.il. h1. The bnstnes of uM company shall lc tJi l'uvir.5 anil ?Llti' vf ni:ui jiiti-ipi js;mJ rl oi tocJ. .-uril m:ni.; j! wvunt .s of ao KHrtl-. tn eltrCtttiK Of Kuns pon tral rotate anJ pnnrHn-t-rltip same, and the travtus. -litiw and djiltnc Kfiicrallj In all ktnd.iof juWJc and wivato ctrltlc. tt!i. Tho cap'Ul siivk of d corjorJn SI.-11 1 FlL'J nnHi.i.iiS IK:'ar-, to t pd 1c as Ui rvr tci hy Hit Sxard of dirrctor of a!d r- i- lit snhl ir;s)rj:Jon !iall cowBRr-irc on ! tht . l oav oi April. iv.s, n wu: conunnv ;a aMfi,iv ior Uk ienii of n r. 'Ji Tlir htearst .nttouut of md!yslDPst or r m wfc:Vh aiJ c porat'wi h a: any time i i , ; it I! r a oni nH xcn,t:ic tii th . ! : .J- M?al siork at wlrr pn'd Jti atU" t f u a ; "..; r iacMdness. 'l. 1ti(li.r ffc.i.d rp -Uon hxJl N - I' 'd b aboard lf B'.ie ifCi'S. $ .' nL'H .-ttali eonsiltm a qutw for tiw tjn- t uJ!uiMIS wfeM"h vlHl Urtl.'d Of dUVi"Ui ! s'.a-H rjt-l ttrju-h rauil nwJ!njc of tKt ' lnrMKolr. h ib .d uvSc!lir. n tl j inaooi-r ini.dt4 1 tb ct:i4Hoa d bw of I of tho tatcf t 'TasH. irt i;all IrVd tto- r of- , C v for on yiwr or u.iUl thmr siiMtuors ,vt . )i lifted at-d j MliAts! s:i Tlxt akr of d corporation hfl eoa- j isi I .1 IT-viKHi, rr immriik, MTm j Hi , lrvaurrr. wlKivdnth taH br prcsinbrd tj i lh; Ivnrd of d'us-'or i. aad fl aroII l eix-tctt and ch" b a d board at r'-gT.lar n':!.j: j thetvot. u.l h.a how tirr rr-fx-ewc .n--r-. on? tmr or until thrtr iccror are clrcUM acd qu.rtfrrt!. Kh. Th- pt-Mt. - prs-.dfr: and trta urer f d ronitiaMiT 'bill tc Hkhswi It th bojnl l di-Ur from awoac tiwlr own num-1 lT. but :)w .vrr-: ry way lx- fct al rtov rn froaa ainog Uie srJcnoier o ssj eoriera- ttoo. Chx lkxsc-ow. ! I Jones. KeNrt blrej. Ol" Cii. ti K iKrrbv. J IiHokMr. E r Htciatand. J L 3! tiler. K K Fteoa. Tho J MuSvr. A Mocfcart. 1) C MrtcsL'. A Lautrrtawrk. J !! Iinirz. I-rrl Mc-rr. J Xc.Vfin. r ii nesd. K I. Tkr. J ATirtsc.-. ; J Warren. A J WelcS. Ctoas vJ,8Mrr. Waa ObU:. WfSti&m Cslhrr . ritefea, I'M ruw. A A Jv J T' v rra TJsrsu:,o -rstX Wr rr-jat. . OathcsUj a U Fnaxy. is.. l--jrr iaxf Go r,r. sntart '-:. a-Jy e3Q'i ; asO ?sI fi-Mt fr- aiMt rt!bc ail -naiT. , ;v:r.-a; j, aar--? t teas lt-kr. D I Ptoii. t j A A lvf-. Jus W W iwtwi. U L J. Kor; V : i ?h.rvy J-.- M4'rfcT. Jro I HcBUrft. K L r.rirr. J A Tail- . j J u irrn. A J wVh. Cww- Wenr. W JUam Owtix-x:'. tVa faike J 1 r-.ha. ! ?.LxT. ?i!v C.vt-r. r C t jiv-. ( G i. - Kfi-v. J l HuoMr. E F Jliliftd. J I. Ti- r. t B uitA. i; Fuiw. TV j jioarr. J 11 H-mst-crs A itrtiari. D i" M-aif A Lreter- Uajfk. Jo w wxTl -a :fc tbJtf-tkjl fr- KMts w&o sija-sl aai tiro?d ;& Jortyoter to- xmTt. mhI :bT 5rrLr jiC2sktlzi Ifri J .ivs;i or the sua u Ui i-,r TJ-atary -i W tirw-s ray !sad aid e&tiriil t-esl st Etl day cl Frircjj. 1C .V!. ll V - Vuv -, J Attenticn Teachers. Noa u Iicresr SlTm tfux I rt3 iw2e 2 carwilditcs fcr rrirj;r o5 C c.v:rvw rbc of Wrt.te coctr i ayr c&ce la EJ Cjcri da the lisiri Sasssttr eicici sxnti tvs!3cc The Red Cloud Chief. A.C. HOSMER Proprietor FK!l.Y. MAR 27 !'. BASK MIS. T Ul'OR CO.Vt.T. Avi'JizrcfCnUid Iktrk.' i trim nrr rT.Tjtjrnc- I "4't terr ftrrh I.j'l promtiI ; romr f r :: oh". a jiu i; d noi . 1 iat rom , I nr :n iinrh rir;.r. I to ti firr mo. "Inr -li i MrH jut in-; ui tiis siio--:it.n; tn 1 an cii rtau L '. I hjm:'1 !.": ! r-..ds, ju.J j i fit r how '. fal I wp n h't f o t ay fi'rt. a -tl i.o 1 had, on 'Jl" itisi ; ft Ul Dl tit. hlitlrtl it awnylilM.oi. iit.c.ii ..z 1..--1 uroMc.t uay fr li :. ..1 floi cwn t. s ioa- tj raAil; h. c d iw; u r ,l2tfd b 1it wor.. I I.l run i a to .in hiir me-jir.s: h .v 1 la ! !o:; 1 r.af tod., of Sir Mtrvr. Krrai.d; ;ifi-it m u;ai oi cn.n-tA ..is i. d-cd. I ua 'ld tho drad man by U:e roads tir: howl had rush-l bomr, and found nt-r. ?.uilpp5. uaitlnc; tut inc. and hi t'o full li Irht of fi'ivr.u in- truty. I told her all this. aYul I : thai from the inoaic-t I d'onv ot ihit hT T.scn had sone a.s'rav 1 lit i -. a'tino jh he had dontj drvadfnl a dsl, as lin. 9c nt of crime an w!nn alio ait-j I, a hatn oa her mothers breas- hhf :ist.-nd to tnc Wih flf ddilnted rv She inurrrupud ni uetlicr bv void u r k' turo; but r.lien I .tal nn.sln cl .t'iiMn; fi ovwed hjr faci with her hano. and rrt tents :rcclt:d ti.rou.cb her f1 cto. ' "" !iojhj! Ni i one! ' "tio rrl-tl. "i)'i IU..i, I dartd to l.ij.c tl at soin.-thlnK t ao-hl tWI m would siioiv nit. I: tras n.t n.y Jia.kI w.'.irhdid t.ils tiling I M v. my iii love, '.tc l.avo iten so hHfpv a -i.i- I ou d ts.Tadc tiiv.-flf all this rnuir a:i ! W e ?iail Di happy no r.nri 1U i. ' A J otih k!i- still si.r k f' ih n by !:rc l drr liT t me '' -a I that p"r hfd o.t fij hould-r. I tr ': tNcMf '.' b ak silkv hslr, I ):! I t't w'vf rrh-ad. and usitl fvi-ty rndf.tr ris 'H.l dHIic a pr"3 "tl that ln siufj i tn-tit o h d r ce.. Inaln! Th-in m-:it I i.icl my ho.d tny w.f firl from to) UI 'IUtl," Mircrifl. it knew It! Vou k ifv. loo I l.rfxl of rt iifn was on my Lands! Ak'aln I !ayucli love a not holj T 'iii-arf at. m:aiti I t 1 you that m my rn Jf the tni.h vcrr k!iii, in t..c-)e of kA j hi: aic lii'ifc-nt ms a liab" Sho ihok b'r head hoo'Nilr. I avr tht noUdnc at prtwiit con.tl niov h-r. Pwkaps It wm niotii t'.an 1 bed a rlhl -o oxrwv t. S for the time I j.'jo r.p ar ilnj. 1 U''ced her for my V; to retire to t"'!. I cave lifr a .s")tiiiiicdnii5'it. I t bv lot fir hoirs, and ht-id her tiaud. nn.ti : lat Lit fVrtI.li fel , nnd. o;n ont by ru-f, :.? Vet 'i. how njcbt I hnd Ifeii In rhoculi'i: flight! Alt! imli a t-ir-s'd chance ti 'id re tealtii 'bal I f'nd'y hop"d wou'l lefo r'r li rb'ti !ti oblnioi. Iiom ri?it I h d ln'on! Had th ha:-.'!s of ,liis.lo crasprd n y s-aeft wife, aitfu'tirfi sho iitlri-t no il-b! havf bee:i forpl C'llllif's, tur trial, t'o -j sur. would havi kl.el her. Thank b-aveM, hlit wtm mU and at;ie.abfo ioy to lip' tr buiui of IpTowhsiTis iveeun ei it 1 W : n 1 bfard her tr-allimx cr.v t- so ar find kiP'w that kIic at in divp mi, 1 jre-s.d i. y l;ps cl j t lier fair ."', ai.d '"ft her. I wen: in -frt i of m moth er, a;d m uly ti U-: ta'o I c t::d thll'K of toa-eoyiit for 1M":,ik's lmUjKsUior. 1 fucni tn v!ftiw".ra sin:jin far ami to d-ten with a .h-iOW rf nier.-st to theVootil nijhotlt' r ravj me of rrrtaln dll!lcu!iir whirh had tttiriu? my nbsenro aris.-n vitn miip of the native servants. 2itt tliere hx nothim; winch con d rra.lv lnt-r-.st in when I tbttu'iitof nr i-r loe ij.rst'jrre ip.ntf. to w .i:.i!ty sricwut.d r. merv. Nwitnlr fu , a ott a I jiad siK-nt wtu my mm-r the sma.I'sr irtion o: i lips wh.cii fliU! in:y and rtiu uj- ex-art'-d. 1 fltw Ime. to I'o.'iijm's lutisidr. I watcpl be. her uij:ihca06- on til lor sjet.Jjti tlvJt vytt unvoted tiiem .vlv . I leaned or r .k! klsoi irp2xdutp ate.?. xJefveon .w!Hra. Iwainr.wM. wen sties wi yc; lr. aiyi c, lere f.rned lay carry's, Tncn czit bac): iacn or atd it ti r'. "Loive me. ' j-Lc aid: 1 am a racrucr t5:' O-.c mor I dfab-dh: one rrorf I myA her he wa irj-peent. Mv m:y fjrjn'a. thni by rntl-tia arruinn: I ndrht .n tlwie rae lu-r m: h.. h-': l...i.ifd I'moe. aru th'tica.iT. U-rrwi-.i'-nta tlp.stoia;n. Va I no; ptewims f r mvonn sae ad. as hers? If I rouMtbu; -ruade her i".e wa i:;wcoi!iitao.e Tc rv-ta: him 'Ridon, f-l.1! rCH.!l4m &f tfar llp Mrs Wl I ;l a ffW da-.s a;o I .iad proa:eu tuyiejf nnat evea row bt ioti- r.-4;J. sae wttlrwd. "I bar b-en d:c.r. z aotriNe th.itk. W.li dry try a ami li me?"' "7 sr In fa n, dariL Even if yoo t rf clty. najb law coJd r.ct rtac w.' She ?trt4, "A ad It wa for thU yoa hur ried to Spin? To ivt nu from a f.o.f To sav yon fioa -hvt. in yocr atat at the tttax'. yen coakl not bear. I say aita yoi -Tf ancct'-.l. bat I dare not riVk tie Uai.M bJ irw 5Uat for vmc niin3;t.Vnh -I aa prml. rJoa'Sr. r!ckM,'b aid: "bet I con 4 never bat au'-iui to do lit.s. lzjtmd! I mti't k&re b-m mvi! Haul, jf-a I tfl them I kucuL Tcey wtid be i-v xm and forz.ro ic." S.e Jjo)rel a: td- irayona j.y. "I cosUi tari aj." I sad "asd rtat ca Old that j&z Tere : tbc tlrse In a njist drlfiiriit. I coo Jd iJ-dsesay rctaaj rrpeution thatyi.ractk'-s ts "t! resell of mavjsea... Fwr notbls; os tl: sour, j wife." i rkboJ.7:r-a I p ath-scjlil ?bot roorh ?s-a ttrxht vVrh blacae4 nay dsec aad broal.ttb'teAd.sof pr??!r t!- V isy brw. I rnw to "zb of la-ar tr be aare tiu: a LilM5d ctoM re is cnciaii eat jts nidcsc" f'.r cr &cia-s! M-rtfe. Xv raarrit- itb P01i7T3 derciTe4 hir ci tie StueSt o! r ieisi;7 i to LeriaJtrty. 2 trcr:b.ed H'ct la? i I plcusfd cat myt ppes ia rrr of ter t-iit iti-k! for a issrder of Sir trryc rrrasU. Ti rry Ers hd bs: co her iia-L Xo oa fetl xyx s yct Lirxyfcrrrai;ii4 & lva is Lr s Xy iisiy vat ae that 1 vac toes la ! kavt te reoci. is orier ta rtcrrr my mwa esccoTxd. Azais acJ acua I tittkM hearts ix: we ware oc fori$s aaiL Th j thcttttii tr xzreanci Iay aU;a) Lit ikatroyed Ltf I I&rc m alauat man j &3 1 fts!4 bear. fccTtaTll5j?rrfI;ciafi cr i .i rjTif,Ue. wteo y T;t- )r: wvnn oiihil Ltr 4tj4 trt ai )iMtsi p: rr r-.-l.lY1-.a; M ! b.d lal. Iv afjrd her tiiMiHl tre4 tatasl vonr. I. t m bt fci t&! Uto nral a.C'i l Ifti . l)e tttnlw4?e 'fr" b-r sa not ba:tre'let by pfcyoi ok N f ct, fr i.v.r d4 toy oor r xl w IU. Try iH. Mf moU ol I wrxd ktt wtfh -ifry ea-. 4 In-anl b ol avl a jlenl f r- stittition r fSrsj lKh. and, a id-w of he; f tatr e.f. i abb to Inrt Ler Nt. Mj mrr ' dcrrcs licif u aT 4ttit-r. w"t nH I ir f vr fr eaut f hr fi.i- ir- tb'Csi. she h anK4 fi ruMlji ;c awtbar n; taken ;pt f-u of m h.i:trtti lr.r, aiiii nrst l.h.iT thai f r ib f r Btln'h; tN.i ibds t.rr vo tori 1"h'.. -i ot f i,ht. N'l.i r a. It i:if-a lw.!l i ! 4oe. I tixHtht ll aUi" to Jr.J ht ; a, a f k,-' I I 1 M h tetaj if fttk4itr. b r Mi rn Keir:.!st, In c.vasw a 'moc u rr w oritur tied. bd ay a thjuc c r!.y ir-ii : er .: n f . rsn iht ' : ftart. "li WAsti - rrn Ih- rrei-r.' lr ssMl. btltojl?. " I ton re V.Ul( t hostd Up-lrat! tn W r t c rJ 1 am ! a to lr J Y- ek w -n' b . Itj l.7jirr ..A.O":,w cer, mi I v '. n.kr 'i ?n tfi i raase of J . to wo, oa i -r n r- i Ws o'i a err tli ' J . W to I t i!? I ro-iHl if!n; to .tar. 1 iid ."rej . fsed u imi iess ; -1 r tl-t mora'!r n " ! fu:-.-, a J . o. H.r no ds -r I r lie fru :. II -r U of m -i a o;i.'-fcf - ' -.fr jf e.rT" f ! frjieni -r r reiue. b e tHd .'O?. m-r e mm alone, oot'thrislo fcnrpuji avr csi r. Ciltn n: d -o r- -ttJ- iT-i n t v er- s ,-, and I r niuied So bop tn t tii inoa: jiw e.ail, T i. n il on t bf n to mv 1' bert o oehln lllit n.itht b" eMel a-now'nl t.p d.i-. tt I kwx ! ttt-l na t yeirs a-pt -"-- f rlhK S.l. s CM tt-itrd. cr-at y ebsnees? Her lips jurnloiii iu .est; her rtXf beicot eue', nn o.'ieti she- tn wrilrs't,' iwnr She fanned fjir fld rrvsr l.; l mv lns'-.t- tf si:, j.he i .nl tae " tb a efctt i.ss Jove. Al'hoti'h at lat r bad rasr to tl tss the "t: -vr of oi r .if". I u;nsl it "n oidoui abnt f. in her m u . S'rt.eiiwes f I iay lifltle t.-1 I keaid h-r iinrti 4 itl til'Hi In Ih r trm.ed rttejmiw. tnl :iHMf, I Vnexv t,(e enu-. As my ar.n ur r-"i.l hi r. nrnl .-vs nru Ip-r f tltr trty im ee--taiitlv (f n rr it love. In my -.ekt I eur! the destl wn . l.oc evil deed ' d 1 rurot cli itlnc vc on 'he fair head pJi!d on tny !'sni. Al met Mutt 111- tmci.t hair bet-n fwr us tnv. n -v that love melted Lo twe us! U .ce It v a I'lTtly after 1 : rfa bran t or -em, a ri-r rrs id. tni.t if eftmratit jiffo he i 1 t. me, with tr dent nii'su h n lo r v. Ie-. "lU-t:. do sou see tho IyjRtl in papers.? Ninei:ni? -not aa9. I ne inuicat fnrvottou K izlabd. ' rromlio tnr you wit ai'e tfatm eery Any." wlil. If ou wlt.; but whr' Iter rie; bjik. 'Can yoo uof icp" UislI, tljfen. Ibav oo:sntI t U s .bl"l by you. lain pray lncUitt'C tli may come wh-ii I ha!l tlunk a veil tl! . Hat wbat If an inrio cut j.io'i wrte cii cd of the rriru I iiao OJtum.t''? T sell Jthcre Is but ns c.Hif. jo' cuil ure Itothlflf njaih't It. P.'0'n:e mc yi- tl j the jpr eitrj dy a 3m.i as : j-aehe here. ! bal har HO peac Ml "ss j "! il. 1 proms! f"t is r. Jut!- does-:n times mawtf m Ifcl:- bit not v c : a ie- takf as the p i ir.ftl at jj I'nl lipi N ; S't Merrvn i" trand' lui mat a mj -r never to t. stdrrd. Jvi. to "t my rrmr f at tin- in the matter. 1 ro arel ordeied that lite T.inci s otild bpsieJ to taoervry day. Clf.MTKK -Xlf. Ti.vni.ti to ntsiioon. I hat Iroktii'c bick an-i rr-remtlnf wnd? blch I liavf wr.ttrn while the Jnipn.e i ui-n m. but I fancr 1 bate vmeiere caUetl thW taJ a ro-frilon: If not. I htt:d bavf tloue io. It c alms no mon to be r'ik . e.1 as a oric r f art than s a wor of wv-r-! n&tktr.. Hojreid Itf It n";Ls only two ehara 'tr-a man am! a wot.i It r ts but of th r lor and of a fe. sioi'ioof thoir Urn. 'evtnhrlrv in trll iclt I .vave ( rr dcavuril to rt eo l rj'-'vt.r c I have t teJ to tli'rr-ie ity tf.onsbt.n top". Ta. fur. :nv jotrotis Td ny j y. as ur r-aJr were. I have. I V-J tV. ."resJe.I rrv- Inr vhlefi rr.nld .'! try .e to eondrwn j tny ac:lo:i rtorv stt-.nj.y than, ;t ra-tr b. j they now ro isjeii thc;xi. My !h ha ;. ' ti ho r m- s.!f as I wa tho--no doab ata ' now a wi-ah. f;shMtan; yrt. for t.if Jt v. wh.eh he l : a wrfj,s.i, rt' wi.tnc to r f'rtti?p. .ll. t-rri ho uf. I 1 hive UI et , In niy af-n pt to rcHrf m?lf a.i nri a on. W !ev- It ! not fiosi l;itentlo3. bttt fr'R h-er Inabt.if. IJut wbeJir I mrov f ar uceee d et i fided in my p:irp"o I know cot; bat I' know that ,:i t.-v rmptcr I rnc?, perl re, fall. "1.- .anrna.e ;ci vl j-erfu: eto3xht'Pirr.tf y needs fenyt tl-.,v. reitttsi. Tbe wr b-r who crd m any i'.'Jni sy rrprvi-re raj iajtwhl lu. yet In I t bira. . AM y't th- chapter wlH b a thort ov. It will tr. hi t V r r:d cf a few hoar: bjt urh hoars! ilor dcriar w lrr I ;xt. C".e.i axaust a frr.-rtaiin to o rs t. nt a'r r.inr, but Uwe. cd'r wot a letnpta 4 trri?Cf, 1 tSr U- 'btsV, ti.n Por bEan !;' Ha fnl b" zit ed to. Mj word md hHt t Jir. j "Ob. i.atcf. -nTBi-! Haw well I caa zt'Vtt'cr it ! Our b?r-ifv f . jat tf't. Tfl"! qat-liri Ut Ut- wltii IV hhjwt e xm tnwinc ltt rrirf-f th? de-n ' coUirs of t-e iu'C fr-t jfi llnlti fHd in Ukt a-jac Z'f'l-tl 1' I aitoe. ray iaoWr a&4 fMi?p3 brtc retired ic- iors to abel sctie ds:-e sooaiy. ; I bnrei iniy a4 at ; ra-. I r;Ji.-,l ad irjtfl a etzxKif b.aar crrjili at I j dd lor ray bsfbir.:y te pr?aai:;r ttfl j hi .s"Ka-rtd a t .tH t b-sTo-4air. TVa I !" f? as ay ;ek: ife Leaden ! 7jwe wiei fcn-1 arriT'd M i?we fat; ;t T, um -tiej.y 't) ri toi:s lar.y c. . ' I avad bo fasr s.s ! w4t iLe. pprr alxht j coi'a r It ot fr- m aewj.4p-sr rrp-irt i that I Air':rhr&riVi ?. I fcad. ho- v-r. Sti"I Wai 11. ippx. whl h aa ! rs witti r-pr"r .n sst kad. eyi-d a asx sj- aad .saiihs- 3 &Z fratni j I evftTJ-Tisi v sf s. i tirvtrh .i wfcea wa ai. I cTrr rrrxJllrd k.r ta toeh H na:U i it4 r4 -. bet nyoaly rrxj icz :h. ptuiubi. s i Jk. tsi i fxrd i-ii .s:e eias aJs.sJoc w :hs Si:;lic as4 j wa la.-fi:i.'i :scy tea zzczh.-r atfrLi - - - - -- ai -i -ici a a-scta'ass-1 ai.-aeoi v aavidna. S 1 fc-Td as4 VahM lawJc V. krwd 4 ir;, a ra waww i-e p &; il aay. j, kIs3aV4 the iftT,g arcica. 2 ZlatjaSai 4 tiaafic4i-n a4a:aJ jrai iwiriVaal l law rvpor, aa4 dira;ar4 tJsr fxvy ta atuy-axrc ttteHIruc At jat I tar I acy ittaa'i-r: !a tls ptrcrlsc-sl aisVr I sr- rarys cint sry ye.s ar4 kr; af drfafrxa xiyycih s. Vy dri: 1U ertar4 . fJfc ..-ttUA -st- to wnfda eaa Jr-. I rJ MttfsurafApia-4 atfi4tr ! ?'tr tlr j-r'ipil Uwn ijwsT Us n i R-toK tltaaled. VV i-ijaa Tov ih ? 4.era"l af t ifsi.r oi Mr Jlr. na "erai, llrt. In Jaftatrr " ttH t I,. AaVlx U.t 'i ' tiav T ea, iexi r&i4etahe iu s!. wH $ lateo ate i &T-t la It ' r- jvttd IfcM .'t "sijrh fira ! ! a t .u pftk.-r 4d Nt facttatfrT- "Ml be of a parif e.reuustsarfu! Miatft ' iir oed W awl eeuresl jisracrap3!. e. m4 ..ti- a h rr Jill.; ji-ui at) hoaC f-'V stxw? sae I t aP2e tnvL f-t wy VtoOi envVtnUtc 1 anew al i V i f.!if.ser. Ioiill' fr-rfc fit-ad Md r t jsi Awthf- aa i- a .4U JOa- '-rr Ut i.e of er . . uule' 0.-'4 uf-, ere.i t ti eiiuiar' : Tt4 vhit ? h t'" f 4U Soef of st I '.J ;! red. I t a Mteotra .a any eye fa d tivvn thJt UU. atret- T e i-d of ta Ksut.er pleasant oVs ui3 to lt.t.tr, at ut 4oWci frn c: :ait. Tay .- emmc. I d Is t v thr. I dtat ed lP tU Br-a r-r. Ifcrsst it loto mr pvk'!. H ruh4 ati :o !h nrrU As yet I H-t Vt4arJ !' It. s . . w.,; :! atelj jenevs trSa'NI n;ea ti j ni.? Jitj i-.ai J tud". In ort r u ie de what eourMi Kcra U Adstptol u laoo tl.t. U Uai. tO ! Ir-'. I l t"i lftly t'-rtttish th txtwi rata. I writ i:pije nno iret at a pies wviaai ui 4i i-i m.i 1 1 ho o me U ink aa lflL U aider d d I c t I sraierty rofe-b-r. I th'nV it tae t fe.v? twra toooa t tl e r.b iorardfiii.hu. Uilbat bouxallaaaaa i f .r.s It) , ft U6, I vi,)t Uutlncilirlf !' -4:eh of jxUt.- la. I f'uai, X know net ha er n here, rome siady dra-rtevl apoi, 1 hot; 1 1 tho ancH'-s.. f m hart m i U we)( of my saftrf-f.-a dr.i haj M-u. I t"w rar iHf an the ground, an 1 dux my sufrf aala lato th dry l. At 2rt I tbu?it I s co-fi ot a! roo mas! 'He lho-' t h "h rhel throus.i ray m.inl nere dJdtietf, r.d ati eoAor e. eo. AM larxxvut milt ts-vstJ of lUa ef-iorl To Im. irv.1 on t.'tc twcitn-Ul Th tttrotiethl and Ru-a it I tho ili'eentb! Krtrtb iVttrtra for.jHfHHin. I Tl sj! th Mtter f. :l Tits Hi Nfrd dtretlrt ki'it Ta air-st m npe hi. to bf tits' lo tml a n.to is t ii .1st be ir"r Ml of etrr tinom'ii tith the mardtrl Wl .tt Iw don Um, iay wfl juy jos darln wtfl Then. I beM-ie, I rr'.e! km a eh. Id. Il ertatnl to m thtt :i wa :ot. Theia tl Init n thin; to r .jiti o.i? eurn to Im ljtki. Mv dtir.i'ic onit i herlf up u Jnjttee, si 1 '-i h-r cM.fes!on free thiaiiica ls HLtrti U non .a t' in f cill of ata I f r is .: itsir t tbme of the Ulaf. aitd tntii to human 'uUej td tba tnercy wn.ob she hai n i lht to etpet- Oh, It a t:ifu'. ptt.fu'! Tor a tu whita no altar liai'Sfr ,tt .,'titrd it. lo mtw I1jM;i J.sUcet Wrat Is Jm tea? ftaa bow a can err It can arrtst, try. and oa. hfur.&'e UiOgjchtl pib.ar cotwtean U death an irrryrnl mar. I Hjtt thn "woal4 Jt f: with rhlxpna? Who, now iht mar ria;u ha; caiet( nr tlp, a lb"re to fton btr tnduev when tltt ,w tint aoo? t rare d at lh t oj;l.r. It xctue I io at4 thai -wu were hard atd 'At In t ,i toba. I laitfht, it J true, rs.1 W' ham. wr ?rrTant,tow1r ttt h'-r a to. tiiir wj t'.rano and wild Oftri U.flt n!y iU I wla'.t ra.1 tnr hurtrt to ptoro t.st wten trt tlT r her h waa reerjr- r.i iZ f r is in attae of re. mia- Jjat iy?d ti.ry lr c:r4ttsi? U'ouid r.d a caver law ft Kn r-i iuarr tXcUe ortlira)' iiteutbat It was noi7vr rrwliw i. whici? jrtiu ftdtho crime, h it thecriwe wM.i p -doe'tl too nvinwi " werr indaeti unhst an-l b- "io; bminetl in ttii rvcry ide; heiplaaa ii;d, it rernit-d. lioi-Iri! And I'll Jpft tn.i.t be t:i thhl f ttnn ieii iurl H-iw rtild I nerro myaaif vmaa th trnth i' t to hr?-tow, of H 39Tta, when her bra th waa all mi ttato:eJ; fcen a k;id f iad tmt juaed eejiijirepc in what f f bad wrought krtn.-il to b rrvju ady c mlrtc oir her; now. w!e-3 I waaofw more iialld'n? up hot i of happinrtfor hnr b well a for mi-! Ynx I knew h think of Uv a.r-1 Jiy mti!t brfor another ha.f yT rhiJ I p meje miri't be cirn to my .1 ant toe a rftwieh woubl fo fr toward iwe !-x away ! ufBni? of r'-ta at-, h-'ff-r w'liet hx ul lat aprasi over 'tf I.ir. I etrn tiarai 'o hia.to faal en a- . tiat as , z ? -V bby aya aa e pT'-"-! a tioy ! Ui iwr l--rf a, atr.-v n-iT. ar of th It w:ti-M otl cl?ry of i mbt retam v v Iot. Thuilt of tiris a -d pksurr m V3X oo liVa j-rou:ii tfi'l dy, wt lt datjili Irst-aifV Snv ,'r uoiei raiad! Ttt-a that la a fen foor I rrji ft in to my bc aiul te i m? w f that let had fa:jf: Thera w no a.u aat rJ s niat.rr. hiar. t'r I is a!tarrv live! Tiai.-Ml t-redti rotno wildly tftrossh my Trios, or hwrt brat fitJy. my upsrifw dry. aal aeokjfi c-aaatlsn rm orer ae. ai ft r .k firt l raa tha ! pj- yet err ain way iK c.:tt.-ic th kroi ,t -ny a l ah--J arvii asy ir4. ft . 4 wt n it at ft apprJ. tt X Irh a: a? t'njJdlty In ua Ufff tav U at once. Ter thai arrcrvad aapar to Maa, Baatt X&rth! rVtfT Up rrlci tih wtla, rorret M: pj havn re-vt G baa yocr fxarUa 5owrr-bdr-rH hacv. 3aal tb-otjejw-j Jtrr wttfs a!b j 1r fCf jT'ahar forced ttn'l bwfcr sewl Grrtfc, at) tr?. Say stt.!a of ! utttTi'-r t. iC-r yvf n vtsait b-srr -d yr Lara arrd la pif aarl heart. I ti lt. rJ t happy frnx marr ! Ift man th scin w&o Is a fcaa.jV Us i to l-s txie'J f ? vAtf cJ Waii. wlof us Th f.. iw d-!nh'Ja Urn satiet. F ' T. it i thf rijit firm frr-M:w eo boTr hv"Ml ti-t? v rwcics. liilf jtic rcu oa th wrsaaf ixaeV 3J1U4 u.j rti- tf that rstaa ilk? T.at t. ot? Tkat ! ut$ i-i,-rahla tifr. aha: are a fcs4.d It-j. wtrsi wasaf arai 121! 'ppa Mpp:e? Waal I -awv-.' V): u ?ict d w,n6t WMat rui- ;h4bVvca whtth mes aaii fcrf JVaas. 'iej a. it criar? B adraAi aa4 f rjrt. Te 3xw atlrd td do ao &wa. Y ?are rfa-. roth. fciitis. ail :mc tlL Th? fare&t oauui oa tha sarii ad-cra jc Khy Jw-wtale' tny kt a aM'a U wizt, Us vx c!J Arri t?- ar.ajier U aavUhtr . Aw & thoaaal bl xrs a.iin aTrryytar hr thj whha cf a, y artier t taanyaaaf Taa t s u: d &!r 4i trxa-'ra mk tavraaa ifkA aod thvm i4rihta SaL Um tv!U aaaa cctrrrorirr-sjcJix ss. y. fr a rb tC fcsar. aw- th ifjr tttaa a XX ataaff -i?n:iT TmattAk a ata ri aat array afJs5. Ha feiaaaeans. aMtalrtt MtfractU;ai aarett. lffMaW C i:ty. Ut hi tiU. H-rtU: saaaaaira it.s: aua w's-n hma rlsa. sT 3I htt t Ja tftaa, IthM ai)t-l B - avatalst .; thia aC Uaa aaajav Caaaa anu& may. y?a wilt alaraya aaaw yatat rlvMMam4saaN-maai jamavaa. 9ar && mil mv wj aawatt m Way . tu? USm't iaaaeMaM li t t ly aifcf.y aAaifsT JCKT 2L XmBJaS aaV Mryrtr JfOtw K44a J a4aW dawrf? -.w-v-sita'asista- J.-JMitryjciawl'- iifaa!aajp-an sapayai rawa : i e I ar tf! 5t Tf i i- i-Ct Jilted -i TBafa .-iV E J- (.-' ":r. ?-? yi $$, & , i