The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 20, 1885, Image 7

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    :, iao
w ..
n .-.- - , , .. ."77-'
- Oiic. wi. hail a l,ujn
I'M c, mmnm.tni.y
-!ic vift inn! ciiniiltiz.
rV!?H Jiu.T' n,", V"-1 '" ".
,'f I'v ant ,.,Hl-r
- - "i: iihu jiim now.
Cm..,.. ...! i" ..".'" "". -
- ""' nun, too:
vhai l.eemneof f.irn. mnmtiia?
UOtl lMlJi.ok. y,,,, ,,.ol,j,J
N-iiil iiu-iij a !ml ;
Io:i t lHtl.-V.' y,j uouM."
V'!-V"" ,!nv- u" mly.
II Hi- Truth Way.
Ciejlt Into !!' tiotl-i-j"'.
Anil a JHffcct ir ray .
;rii-.Ji.-.l a hat ilimn'w, ,. cr
Ineii hi lan hhjiy.
' A;;:1' w,-1 . -("-jam-Min,
lo a liuy f KT'-W.
KMInjr iiU vik-..4i,.
Ailit. JJ u-;ui yon"
Our I.Utlc (Kir.i.
How Harry I.f-a
anii.J ,y IVarllfa! r.,.r.
.... . Way of Tran-Br.v.,..r,
U II it. I."
"Mother, can't I
for just one day?''
"Thai dcpfcnds
day out of school
upon what for.
J lurry."
"Well, mother, now jtul listen. Lust
o nuduy .Jimmy Style, jjot a situation
. u peanut tand. nml he earned :i dol A whole dollar, mother a little
fi-II'.w liki-.Iijumy .St.-: Audi want
to jro t tin; -irrjM-roiuiil lo-mornr.v
nml -( if J could make u ilollar.
iJoilar-- were held hi jnat rcpect hi
Jin' Waym- family by ic.nou of llu-ir
M-nreitv. but Harry's mother did not
nM-in charmed with hi.s chaimin;; plan
of i-tirfii"; mi'!.
"No. ilcnr: it will be very niee for
vou t earn money Jfcvh.n tin; proper
t-iiii' com , but jiiit now your place U
:it -oh.rul "
I'.iit I woiilil only k on! oih; d.'iy,
nail that wouldn't be any harin."
"Not much, lint that it not tin rrrut--t
objection. I think :i circus-;'rouud
;i iv poor ila'- jor a litt
boy t jo
! t1 7liak IIKilK'V
or. indeed, tor any
ilns ct-te.
'.Jimmy Styles says
It S the joliiet
-.iiid oi a place.
I dan- si, but 1 Tarry Wayne can't
oi then-."
Harry Wayne knew that when mother
f.aid a thin;; .sin- meant it. so he said no
more: but he m-i out for school net
Jiioriiiii"; with :t strone fei-line that il
was ci hard on a boy not to be
.'llloWeil to eo to the eircUs-efolitnl. It
wotjil be so line to make a little money.
Money was wanted mo badly at home
that it really -e-uied almost wroii;; in
mother to Maud in his way; nml then
it was .such a jolly place.
I'ortie from a hut"; on the
tnoTliliie; breee caiiif the sound of the
band as the cireu-. wagons paraded
through the .Htreets of tin- small town.
Harry lived a hub way out of it and
bad iputo a loii; walk to M-hool. at
which he sometiiiies eoliiplaitieil. I'llt
just now he thought little of the dis
tance ns he btiiTiedU hid his dmtier
pail in some btishc- at tin- load-side,
and spi-d like the wind (of a boy) until
lie had joined th'- crowd of little loim
eyrs who were follow in;-; the eilded
ehaf'ot-am! invsterious looking cacs.
He 'n.cil open-mouthed like the rest,
beioinin -rivall", excited at the uioii
M roils M-rpeiit- visible throuli tin
bars of an ojieti caee. awelrnck at
.sound of -nort or roar of some hidden
au'iual. or listciiinr iu wonder to the.
IlldeoUs toot-toot toot of the calliope.
He had not really intended di-Mihcdi-cnce
to hi mothers commaiiil. but as
the parade ended at the ciretis-poutid
be icmeiiibeted that he would now Ik
too late for school, and a half-hour
later would not make much dilletviiec
lie found .so man things i look at
th-tt two or three half-hours pas-d
:iuav -erv ipiickh. Then he asMiieil
huusclf that. Iiiimii; lot s much time,
the lust thine; he could do would 1.- to
cin out bis line plan f j;eltiii; ..uiie
thin: to do whereby he could make a
1 !tie -nonev. lb-looked at otind antone
the bu. worker, and liiuilly went uo
to -i man who w:ls builditi'X a Miiall
-( an I help you?" he asked, a little
hu-difuUy. for lie wn.- not Used to U-inj;
:iiiiihi2 strantrers.
-Vaw." sa;d the iiuiii. "you can
hu-t hold up de-c Quicks vilus 1 uai!
lim im."
Ham dul s. ami then brought water
from a 'ion-; litstaiiee by pailfulls until a
barrel was tilled, into which the man
-.toured a .small bottle full -of some kind
of lajuid. afterwaids .stinine; jn several
iounds of uejir.
Aeh!" he aid. tsistinj;. "dot's pHl
Icjuonade. Now Veil oiy and oijl
liuv two lemons: folkt. vill ep-pect Jt j
c some lemons n Jt. but vits d
j-till TwinlIiiis as if be thoueht folks
.. . 7. ia.. i .i.i....m.' l.-ii......
;,. ,., ,..!.. ! i-ave Harrv live cent.
i..u ,.., !,.,. ,t ums nliMitv to buv "two i
.1 ?l l II.. .r.. '
WUettthev were brnrht he t-'.iced i
them into the barrel in verv thin shees. ,
Hun :u t'aev were, thoiieii. l tarry
.?,.. l.t iiU to.Mid not calculated
uellTftir there v-tt!d be tar from U-in-r
.it. .w- ..bee lor f-v I-i .- thnt
re iz Lnnvl. When all's. . r.a,v j,0 j
was slKtv.ed to .stand leliiuu U-. tab!- t
:tud .-bout, " Here vour irts-eoJii b-in
. .... ........ .-.. t- ii
o:. ele- tttliv ten eaus a -;;i - 1;
,1 with risrht :ih I wiU. proud
ii at ii.iv.ii'; j;4 into ok-tucs -o
IVaullV. 1 SM.1H lOllilti lili ii -
mplover had tie-setl well in tlie xtiat
er of the -lice- of lemon, tor he wss
Atrcfnll. iu-stnu-UHl to throw bark into
the banel the pieces which were -fl -it
the ;::.s-hs. -o that there ua- a 1st -a-
,. ti .-.. 1 ..... .1... 1.
ion to lelieve thev wo:ibi!at all day.
ut: vv:l- htt ami lie hivaioc
:tfter a while ht3i anil headachey .1-dinner-tinie
thvw netr. and he -vw
hiiuiy. jrr.'.ttlv lonpnjr for the luuch
he l-a l hidden in the lm-dic-. He kept
haul at work, tsoti-rh. to be lit
the siir which the afternoon would
brln; on. and full of the hope thai he
ini-'ht Ih? -ent into th t "nt to sell !e:n
uiurlc. which delightful thin-r really
-atne o pass, but d: 1 not prove tptiie mi
icliirhtful :u- he ha I mipct!. lhe dull
.uhe in his rrc. and :ncrea-oi
t Itevond bcarin-r m the cto-e. hot
of the lent. He v. is dixiy w th
cltiubtn-r the -eat, and foiiml little
chance of watchinjr the trick- of the '
f-i,i-...l i?fir fir ..leiih-lllts. for then. !
......... ..- ,.-.,, -. - - of t hirst v souls at nNwit "" seteciiou auu 00 amtni: l
lrmaitd he must at'tend to bu-ines-. t p-- :,u -lower .sd- s now iu oole
When the show was ncariv over he -ot I nv wiT nnd it thlhcult to se.'cct fr :r
1:1 the wav of -onie om- w'ho ive him ( th. MWmen s catalogues. The. .-.
1 rude pu sh. and. lo-injr hL balance, lie I to Iavo r--culr kx! f-oltn: luwnif
f.ot t. tJ.H .rmtintl. his -la-.-cs mahinir: cao1 ',ii-:y so that one is often b.wi
about hiai. lheir owner ncowletl
:ii tlw brcaka-xe aud jin-w anjrry when
Harry told him he could not sell any
jinxx Icuiouatlc.
You not go!! to shtay to-mghu?"
Uo askct.1.
Xo: how much arc vou goingio pay
v.. - m- - - r r" 1
"Hays youl How mooch vou bavi
me for rnein glat rot you bro!:en?"
Tin; :Jas-et were not'wortJi one-ball
what Iim work hail h-;n. but he did not
know that and walked away. to worn
out to think of aruin the "tuition.
"Mnv a minut.'." t! rnu caJIed
aftr hirn. and h; .: brir-k '
"Vou tak- a la.- of k-inonad"
holding omt out with a liberal 'mile
Harry sail! "'Iliank you." but man-ni-d
u jKiur the liorrid tutr on the
ground without l.'in w.-n. and then
lurnl Iih faci homeward, Ui
.vrtched.-,t liov. tn-rhat. who ever
ran away from school Ui j;o afwr a eir-
eu: for he now aw that wa the ulain
KiiHih of lui lnf .iiloiL H.j had
Im-i.,1 llattinn- Imn-t-lf all day that the
inori.y In. won!.! earrv to h mother
would be a jiri-Bt h.-lp in ciimd? him-
.!f. lut now what h iI h- to otfer .s-
cpt a tub of dioM-diiiic- and tni-
a Mf. r i ne -cen iu-ti hail coin'' !e
stM,! I,..f.rt. hi4 mn!fi..i- with S.nrnifiir
Ii,fil fil t rittilt ft r li-ttiil. tt'h-h
ad and tremblmi: hand- wh:eh
alarmed her.
- tiuiiMiiii. ttn-' -
She "aid little as -!te helped htm to
ix-ii. aiser neannj: ih.i .-iory. liiu narry
thou -'lit to himself a- he tows! f-vr-i.ihh
thnjti"h the ni;ht:
I h-v ,-av the wav of tra:i4"Ti-s-,jri
is hard. If litis N the b'-'i!illill of the
... . . 1 ... .. "...,.....
wa i (mutuant to eo :.nv iartn-r in
t " :.,.r ,- . ... ".. .--... k.4..
What TJi-y Have In t'.tt. nml Tlii-tr Wi -.l.-rTiil
I'mic-r. of I'nil'ir.iiK-.-.
Vou boy who have a favorite "a:vo
or Nero at home may like to
Mmethiii about the Ksipiiinaii do-
xi-kiu; what the have U cut. and
whether, like oiir own favorites, they
,'et three mcali a day und any uumlM-r
uf intermediate ltiuehe-t. Nodoiint vou
uill think that the really rhoul-l 'et
! .rr o much more on account of their
hard work in pulling the .-ledges and
in such a cold country. Vet. ban- a., it
may leem. the i:-ipumau do never
ev'.. fed ofteltcr than ever.' other day,
and -xeiienilh about ev-r third da .
while in time.- of want and starvation
in that terrible country of cold, the
length of time the-e poor t!o- will eo
Without food seem be-.oud belief.
I oik e had a team of nineteen fat
M-ipnmati iln that weut -iv or M-ven
dav- b'tween meal-, for three consecu
tive eeiline before they rcueln-it the
journey's end and eood !ood; ami al
thoiieh they all linked vcrj' thin, and
ucie no doubt very weak, none of them
died; and et thc had been travelui";
ami drajrme; a heavy .sledrc for ii'Tiut
part of the time. Otuer tru.dern
anion"; the l'.sipiimau have 'ncn equal
1 wonderful iuvuiints o! their power-i
of lastui;. The KMpiimau have many
times ofwanl aud deprivation, and then
the:r pour does must sutler very much,
l'.nt uheii the are led c cry other day
on eiiod fat ualru- meat, and do not
hae too much hard work to do. they
will evt :ls fat and suite-, ami plavful a-t
your own does with three me:ils a da;..
One ot the ver hist thaie;- . on would
imagine to be jjood for them is the Ut
food the j;et, that if. loitjrh walrus
hide, about an inch in thickm-- and a.
wiry :is sole-leather. (live otir team
ot does a jood meal of this ln-for
tliev start, lake alonj; a lijrhl Mipply of
it for them, and oii can be jjoiic a
couple of weeks mi a trip: when you
p-t buck, feed them up well, and they
v.ll be a.s fat and --Triijr as eei in a
verv few dav-. l.uuUnmil
SJiuu:lkt. in SL .Vi'imu..
llow Tlu-V Smiilil lie oi!rl tit
Thrill 'leiiili-r unit (iooil.
Miss Corson said at the Knliimorc
Coakimr SeJiool that a Baltimore ladv
had written a recipe for cook hi"; htis
Itatids st, as to make them tender and
-ood.' It is a.s fwFlows: -. ood mniiv
husbands are utterly ;pile.l by tn'is
nianaeiuent. Some women eo about
it as it their husbands were bladders.
ami blow them up.
Others keep them
1-i.iiNtantly iu hot water; others let their, by their caieb".sne.-.- and mdit'er-
enee. oine Keen m
Siiiiii kciMi tliem in a StCW tV
irritatitt"; wav- and words. Oilier
roat them. Some keep them in pickle
all their live-. It can not If- supposed
...... ,...,. . . -.
.. . ...1
that any husband will 1 e tetub r and
et.od tnanau.-d in this wv.v, but thev are
ri ally deliei uis when ptoperly mated
Iu seloeliu-i vottr Inisband vou h tiUt
be ".tt.ded by J be vilverv :tpp. :tr-
. . , . 1 ... V .
nice, a- ui Olivine; mat-Kerci. nor cv t..c
eoMen tint, as if vou wanted
, ! -ure to him
dilb-r. Ho not ro to market i
a- tlu best are alwav- br.nthtM
door. It is far better : have 0
le.s-. vou will tiatieiitlv l.-ani hove'
him. A preservitu: Kettle of th
joreelam is W. tmt it you u iv.
's wi :m i-anm-.iaiv i-. m...
do with care. ,-e th .t
' which vou wra-- $
iiicciv wiisiu'd mm nu'ii .i, wiijiumi
ii. 1 wmi'vi
ipiircd number of .' ttttoxiv aud .-rtlrrfc
nicely vxved on. T.e him in the t -
Tlu-y are apt to ih tint uf the ke t can.'
- .ieo mm crws.v o;i me ctit -s
.situ- like crab- and loh-ter-. vou liavi
u cook them while alive. .M;keath-ar
.WA lire out tit love, neatness am
eheoriu:ue-s. Set him a- this a- j
.-ccm- 10 sji-ee mm. 12 c pt-iur
iukJ lies. io not o
. little Mke iinoroves them, hut
mu-t Iv u.-eti vvitli jthi-ruiem. lo
tiek anv .-harp in-inttueat into hin-
tt tv if he i- hceoin":ir temk-r. St.t
htxn eeutly. watch Uu- wh le le-l he 1 1
Uv) ilai ami clo.-o : the kettle .ami c
iK-i-ome i:-ele-s. Yo-: can uol la'I Jt
know when h- ;- done. If -ha- t-et'd
vok will lind hint verv iHy-uWr. act e
mr nicely vvnn you ami the chit.irvn
n,i he will keep alour a- you va:.
unle-- .-ou become ctrclrs- ami i
hun :n to, cold a place. uur
....,.. .
- ice .-e-eciiou auu
dercd -i,. to which is the b.-x. H&.0:
Daniel Stowarr. of Allc-hiy Ciu.
Pa., says he is the oldest brother o
Gtuerai Stewart, the hero of Asu Jvle?
r.nd Shabacat Welli. Cwwtxye ftfc
for.-him. the ti-htini:. -.rin- and i 1M, (M.iu.e power of the ( Jov.-rnm-nt "'yl l' l-? .J U-v i
.Irinkins hud Miown him what sin J ' lt iioWn A,. wh -.v rt in 1'enu.vl- ,,r" T1"' " ..T T2
meant ivhrn ,he ,ai'l it w- no pi e . ,. JliH,an,i Vfore Ml U hor- 1 th.-roiiii- ! l7 n V'f"' k Uiw a rt f Ihiajr. and
for a boy. How bitterly shamed o it j rr wllW . nM.. fl HIl ,oW11 th,iW,uor tln' , ! 1 1 fW.!i4 "" " "'
a. ! wa: tratlb- that nuhlr-!1 trample! rte law, r:r;.i!K:.:,.WlNfti l V. ' ';J,.!!b r1,1
in- recovers! j.ih dinm-r-pail. but f(f lh. hilti Wlll,r ju f,vL All men did "'V ' . ut ww-iy ;
coub not eat a mor-o!. and at !a-t ! rmMi,.ma (Iniktnn--. I'.iit it v "..C ' MU . .
a walk, in which it -eemed a, if ne ; t .jj,,,. lhl ,.to Im. lt ,hlV. u, vlu:,. ..,? Jt, ," .J "
con i not drat? oik- foot after the other. ... .t.. :. ,: i. ,.;. u L....1! l ! tile that hate not icrin rum
r --... ( tiiii ixiai it. tin; iiiiiuiii i iin i& riii'i j r-u
IT !.lilll.s: MUlIf Tl-in.fl? llitlt'.f I- .A,n.ifc. ..:. 1
.m-tamis do this tdl they are ,,:ti to n.;t.n,i a fchoi .-,.. nci-rWrliHl of
tbcie. Aud n I tlie .sMpir nt the fonr which wa- vont .r.i j.u-d nH-V-uhi-kv
.vfwhat eo:!feci'.ner call ktf.e-. lit ,r Inx-r -hop. hicn a :n-wrntfjhUcf
no vmepir or xn-ptvr on ay accomu. vrht-K-cile or n-L-il Rir.llin.' InA:!
m 11
lirl llrmr Vtit Ui Utir Trfllr
l.trlifil ly th rfr f Unfiirroil
(jT4-rii IJiur .sUr Iveutially a
feiira! Mu.-ic Hal! witn crowds! !o.-i
cvi'itliir when Ir. iJarr ( d'!hirlan
j aililri-i on Tmjtranff. The tit!- of
his htjj t nai l'rok-n I .i v-.. Iloken
i Home-, aim J.roKen ujm. in uiiri -iy.
His t.,t ? taken from the fotiow.n;
j p.a-aj; of !--riiture:
. "H -tU in wait TrtT'.tr x &Vnn'n b..
;; " iH -': rr:
,, bTrt i-w .. x...
j lu-Urrui" l the dav x- the annivnr-
fcarv oi .jrbirthdav of Wa.iin:.on. Ur.
, i;f nri d was it d.v t.Kt mijrht
' .,. j,c t:li.d in fa!!ir to dutr
I . i. t . i -... ...
Titii i rit . im: jiiiiiiljiI ! ii tt 'fill's
i iii ftwav iw Winn niiu iinjitttinii im
I . t . ., . i i .
i ..,. lutfiuf t'fkr u'UHr rT i.
tu-r j
I jj. ..,j,.vj
lie wottd call the :irit of wine
I rom a i:nau -a - ami k.iik wie iiiiiior
.. ,,. . . .. .-
tor .
i-n, j
. . I 4 .
"'"' """ " r' "' - '" ' -- -
and it
Jill" in other 3nd-. j
i .,. . , '..i Tl. .I,..,.,,,,,!..,.. f -J...
, than lor oread, t n. u -( enoaius oi rie
More moit.-
wa. expanded for liiju
r ii.imir
a....i,..- .,.. r-t t,.t I .,.iir..t,j
i r?
iiIlI- ' -- " ' -.. t14
will, I1.p1.-r for ays and man... of them
hopisl to 1h- dn.t.K to a II : eternity,
Ameri-'.tii- wen- a :is m which alcohol
produced dnitiketi lfs-i, becau-e they
were evcitable. and mixed th" vile.i de-
! co-tiotis with their tl rinks. Tle-y were
j a very -en-itiv jiev-le. Thev wu.-td
I ' ' ' anima..y m inpior. ii
1 Secretxirv or the naim-le-.
Scnetar- of the Trea-tiry of the coinine
rreod'-tit, were to out that auioiiul in a
vei 1 and -ink it tln-y would l-e called
robber. Yc-i this aiiouu. or money
was aiinuully taken from wives and
children, when it s.'iou.d be expended
for home-., clothing, and shin-s to pro-
tect bare feet. I. lit ill-lead of till- lt
... . ,i .t
vi as handed over to tin- iiotato-bii"
! hesof.-oeietv. who v.ere not pro-
diicers of :mv thine but 'nimts, imbeciles
and druukaid-. It would he letter to
sink it in the .-ea. And what were thev
'onie-to do about it? hverythin-r a
rih-eons people ouht to do. Throw
iin-ir uiiiuence in lavor 01 total atisit
nenc and dry up the fountains of
lriulciii";. It was not prub-nt to in
dulee in mo-lcnite drmkiti" Drunk
ard would stop if they ami mod
erate drinker- could stop if they would.
There was no benevolence h em-out a;
hi"; anythiii"; that bound the chains
more tightly upon a suficriti; humanity:
to bi-picath to children th;.t were to
cotue after an appetite for -ti me; drink,
pois.m their blood, and -I'liillin'iinlimii
to pitstcrity drunkard-. It Wis palpa
bly w roti"; to encourage liianiifacturer
of maniac- and murderer- iu tie ir call-
in";, .xo ll'iiior-deai'-r Iii-U-veit 111 i
drunkards. Thev warit-d the lioderate
drinker. When the world !t-kcd at
thin";- us Christ did. they uouM not b
williii"; to let these evil- exi-t. They
would wipe out the liquid hell and dis
tilled damnation of to-day.
lt was hard for the Church, th-i-peak-er
fnid. to down intctuperaiic. when
the leei-Iative bodies eticourat!-il it.
. ......( 1 2f !'? In 1 Tl 1 alSfkr?irti
precinct, and the children all b- -.-it to
-..- . . ., .. . ci . i 1, ,.,,. 1
school, but with the thirtv-live but.-lred
saloons ply ui"; their bu.-mc-s da and
iiieht. full of corruption, ntt-im no:
fttr even the Stbbath. bre ithin" tec.
formitr; alliance- with Corruot
ur-ed on by reutor-e!.-s sc!i;.hnet. it
was hard to keep even with the run
tratlie. The law must be brought o
In'ar with a restrninm;c hand. A lav
not executed wa- worse than wotthlei..
I brought it-elf into contempt. Thet -must
be aji-encies that would see tha
the laws were enforced. Temnei-atiiv
; , people must no ti-ht each other, but
c-opernt- and luriii-h the .steam fur
any temperance loromo.ivc on the
track. Not a drop of liouor hal been
lejjallv -oid in Clrca-ro for years Tlie
Itipmr eller wa es.-entially a law
breaker, lie violated everv provision
of the restrainiti"- .statutes" The laws
I -hoitld be executed, and under tie ban-
... .r.i.. -...,- 1, , ti
" ! , ' 'V la-au'ue aiMn.111.1
I !, -U-llllll.- To III. lit I l.o ,,.,.
j ph. t J, ,.,.- ,,". ,,own to a
nntnt a It.-lial more ignorant than
anv t!ii u'urlil ivir Liiniv- -'in t-.'k
..... .... ........ ..... .... ... .... .....
.. . -
ertt-hme; out the 1hIics and -ouI-
of men. - i'hi-ifjo Tiiius.
.-toon. ,n:tr li-.l .rjntT S
errt Ktini .Vllt'..
We have before u- a iloz
or more
..I. .. ,.,J. .1 .-..!
i.'-viui-.n- o. -v .n'.? ior mn .
tains the statement that "no saloons
are permitted in tlie villarre," and thi
fact L held out as an inducement for
parents 10 m-ml thither their children
to bo educated.
Why is this? If saloons are to be
jvorniiltct! to exist, if thev are so much
of a neec-v-itv to the world that thev
mtu-t be protectitl by law the same as
other kitxl al business, whv are teach
Ws at suck p-uns to advprtis-o that thev
iniiitlJJicar the bovs
fe'rWod to tlteir care?
I. ffcrJ'w-111-.t nt lu.l-j" .-n1...T .1
tWHikiker and siiWrnakers in-not
pt-rmutAti ccar t
their in-titu:ioi? If
t.iere W Idt i i,;(T.,r,...,. U, -.... -
l,.,ker aid aWoou-kc-eper. vrhy u,L,
discriiu.uat'on -vK.t th i.j
-n,e f3ci ; theUfther advcrti'4
rtl-cs jtc
lie do
Im "kjiows tltat no
-on wk-rc h- vculd fall nmWr tot dea-j-
ly in&u-ucc of lu- own Ims-t -?-. .i
I . .. .wl. r . -. . . BJT
1 i.n.. iii-r cot-cic-ice ls si'. ..n?i - . - i
I -. 1 ., . . ' 1
, .-..-. .-, ...i., .. ,.i; .iu; j.-.J. I -U Oi
I it- own taiiuiv to come under
WfST. t "JrL?!0!-:..01 :
th. "-,7..--; 7i:7 v.V 'w.' loa- - I
Sd?0?1 ?H
, -'.t -.i-Jt.n ca-
ia:n ratiu not hn hu T.-.-;f.. - ,, 1
tite. nor --an a xnaa addictt!! tn ; -..
tiotu a pltce of tnut anvwherc
- i,,;;, t .-
the traflicasaaunnuTcd ctA. i-aascmci
---" -v.. ui-- 1
as tats wrote woric w constantly
to escapo irom it iu .-onie wav;
mucn as every itan, eren thou
tnav trill- with h himseif. wants
cnUdrca lpt from it, wluat .- thcrv
ti utai isurcnu tic whole world f:
arvfctn; axa KUim-r t out? If ,t I.
IOlI.t-ttf.ll...MllfOtf li...ri..f..ill.l...,.r-tl..
-... -..nTi- ?,. ?; . . ... .... on,,. !,-
e- u-cau-i
tlnence KvVrv' one know, Ctal tec vlxRKiSSJT IL CJLT D11IAX
whole v-orid iua..-s ,rtf,.v fr- atx. ' ?.SSSfcl "'W5 '? Ji to2 Tax C-.
can? tic pvate- emmendaua of , order nroilTCiiiu-; puoeuu limKTi IXjmu HI
conipan c do not pemt the po-on to I f, uen'!r wto3-L and o' cc ha - ff
be o,d on their prop.-r.y and f. r the , i.a r.r:.n o, CT1?rr yi lnr ,nrf Mw. f urL 1. CLAcrrr
boy, it i not .! to trtijl it wit :a the
rji'h of xnn. If it ha.- powr t di
stroy one cla it ha jower to d-rwy
anotifr. If it a tandin; menace to
bori. why prrmit it to ahi in exi4
'fiti' at all? Why tolerate an eaoaiy to
the human race?
KverrlyJy know. prc:!y what it K
ami .-v.-ril-Iy know- th. da;:-;vr it ia to
im .iimi. .urrn-io mai "mere anr
no .abu'" In tin ih-im ty of a 1mo1 ;
IM af.guar4 t. th U:. .'XU there
klT Ti Ti'"' thnl th" ,n"7iI5.u
fc.mjw oi. ut ttttr.' a ... n-. all th
?.i!ii-. The brwiT art-not o ujStl a
U trm.t an huinlnd !.t-. immov.
itiori;!!! .u our plsn- to -Ty c th !
T!mv ue thf t-nrb4-r'' nderiiemx4t a.
a trap to ia-s b lr thim to oni
iKn. That paxvnt n:ny not tke nUnu
lhy d not oweiy expo- h-r piion
'lh-r hue -ho - into bn tt -M rv
entifi'tl. but thct ttn oncf4fL TJn?
bolder Ikv are induct"! into tin? m
m -
"" r Lltfta. 1 fteff
are a da ot
t i .
! " '
ii!(i who otieti nion n.accii near
-'liooI- for the trifle of the b.y-. TJih
n-jil jHirjn-e i nl ay ixnr..ld. for
fUtl.tty.W ii-.?.l m!u ik.t ...... Ih
, ,,.,,.1. . .,... : .... J.- .
I .-" rv .. m..,,t .) HI"" ' .MM'. !
I - "-v-. t. i -: , ill"; t"i
I Mre tr.-iit.l in i nmUm.,
aod th.
ompnuvfjr vc. and tae
tiio-t pr:n
: .... -
1V" tMlK M"? !lr' ""' ' " ry
, ... ...,. .,.... ,.tt.4t, . .1... ,,..,
I -- --" -i --a4 irvj i air.
s..-ure from harm. Mrewer- and di-ttl
( ,,.,., art. ;,.rv pha ,Illfc;f.., , :in,t I
j Jt, Jaknj: (,nik JN u a imi. ,,,,,;
tlu-m. a -d biisme-".. they do
not mis. MieJi prolitable opunins a.
Miiodi with hundreds ,f ln.. nrhns-
.. in ..... .:.!. ....... mm .
""' -r l.U'T.'ll wiui money. I lie
hawk Ls aiway tiovenug over the pi-eoli.-w
Tol'do Illiulr.
. . . . :
Opinion uf TtiriM- Kuilio-nt Mrn on tin
l.Iiior rr.tlll.'.
One of the most notable temper.ince
ineidui-rs that .New i orK t tv ha- -een
i f , , , ., ,,
of late veaivva.s held the other evvtune
, , , , . . ,. , ,
r-"; lw -hurch of Mimt laid tlie
A. ...-!.. TKr f ft 1.1..-. .....I ,.w..f
itl'inl'4 4- i ii- il ! iv
eloipient members of the American
Kiii-conate were nres.-nt aud made
-on-ehe-. Kt-hou Ireland, of Minne-
j ttUu :ij, tj. bipior ti'a'lie was cultiv-
atme; the temper and habit of eorit.-iupt
for tin- law. Trv t enforce the und.iv
i .V. . .'I
do-In"; law. and the drunkard-makers
set ut a crv of "IN-r-onal liberty."
Liberty to ruin men and women," 1
said the iudieiiant prelate. "'I he ereat 1
cnemv of the people is liiiiof." .-aid ,
l'i-hop Spalding, of Illinoi.-; rtthe ereat
4 1 II- 1 I r ...
curse 01 uie lanu 1.- me suioon.
waul a public opinion atjaiu-t tin- evil:
we want to make the men who sell this
poi-on disreputable." "It is no u-.-iialiii";
th- devil." said l'i-hop Ke.-ine.
..1 ii.-iui.i. ....... u ....1. ...v .......
I'.ut 1 do hate the devil's work, and
from the bottom of my -011I I do hat..
this ( urs of drink (.od made man to
be happv. and hi- chief Iiajipine is in
... .-.,;.. i.. i ,i,...i I...... ti... .1.., ii
the familv. Chn-tian homes are t!ic
units of (Jo 1- familv. And it vou en
throttrh this va-t e:tv.
ind ask what
ha bla-ted inultitude- of hoiue-
tn-.wer will be -think.' Years a"o 1
-wore I would do all 111 mv power t
fr-e men from this cttr-e. I have been
. . 1 t .1
. . .1? 1. I .l.
1 iiif.inifiiTi i...,-.! ..x 1 ki. wtkrvr null i i
i,m,,,.r J i,:i.,c worked at it the more I
lillt . flalatl rWM t tlW'tol kf fit TlTlflirttlfffiliTl
. . ""'"" 7".' '" "' " r-
ot t lie evil, an l that lucre is no cure
for it except total abstinence.
The tiiiittra(-!!vi-iii-v lnt ;tt-t Ici'iii
litritt. nf I. ii;;ll. Ii Drinking 11. or.
Drink is the cur-e of Kii"iaiid. Kn
jlland drinks coarseh' am! to exec
Kulaud Ls ju-t one-third drunk
ino-t of the time, and about one-third ot
Ln-rland i drunk :ul the 1 me. 1 write ;
thus m cva-r-jeratlon to indicate ju-t;
hovv abandoned to drink Knland is.
just as David .said he "wept river- of t
- . . .
tear- to "ive epri-s-ion to how verv i
'kuIIv he felt. One can put up with the
iriukiux habit- of l'rance and tJermany. ;
nil diveney i mi outraged that one tan
tiTi'y look ujxiii the cu-totus of KnI.tnil . little h-s- than Iu the?
former totiiurie- there are no chu--es ,
vt.tollv jjiven over to dnnk and its ;
brttalitjes; no ela-is that .spend all tlo-v
ca.i e&rn. or be. or .steal, or drink. '
Iu; there are ju uch clas-se- in everv-1
Tf't town of lirea :ritam. Ixndon.
lav.rj.ool aud(.la.seow are the thief'
ceir-r- of this wretched life. Tlie pntt-Jic-h
m-e and jriu-palace arc the h-im
of lie working cl.t-se- of Hnrland j
Thev .vre. bv then- virv arraneiu.n'. ,
t bruta n; n their Je-vlencv and etlet t- '
T: i -I are s 111, dv rnzl-n-' pltce-. and
la !! tlii-v are tue-in I.i I . I hen
tot one breath of romauce or itoetrv.
1 . , -,,... . .
not, one M;n 01 sociauuiiy or convtvi.ii
itvts to ho found in these hidrou. place.
Yim stand up at a bacin usuallv clone,
cmniped. ilinply little rooms ail! pour
down nim. "in. brandy, whi-kr or
Ixx'r. and pay vour four to six cent for
it. Then vou can stand and drink a.
Ion; a. vou like -o !ou; a you can pav.
Xo table, no chairs, no panics, no
laH'T jest pizzle and pav. Uolcrl
Ltiird Collier, ih Minncuclui Tribttnc
Xaa.1 Prohibited" Drunkard.
Accortiins to a l?-L'i iho Bt:,to .of
New York any cr-on likely "t ,c ""
jurvd can give notice to a liquof.Mrcr
not to cll Inpior to a !tn-bani or faH0
.on or other relation who accu.tonic
to bo intoxicated, and numen-u- lutwr
.sellers have Wen mulcted for not ret
jranltnjr such nolle-. At tlie Cane ofu
joo! Hope, nndcr Hritl-It rule, fwy rt
iiatTc a ix-ucr law. iiw act Include
a clattc whicli prnt:ts the m-r-
tstratc of any district, in ca-c. vrhen-
Ijurcc previous convj.oa lorarnnken-
- 1 . ...
? ia'" -"n nctniiii auiiiH 3 twr-
sue tb rt!cr forb(ddin: all publican
l la thc :oTr n P'-t'crman who
toot tlie notice also ifK-k thr pri-oscr :
? -bom the onlrr a. r. j
that tae tHiWicans n,;-k:lr,1-r,.,m.., !
-. . . - ;
fliere i ttrdv a rnat-m-nt of cruetr
.' ii..i.V.ii.J
n m.itchiar a l.aiiv nrohib.irtl "
"" ,VAlu l" clc. rn-,n? aJta
.1 1 ... . .
111 lovrii. r
tri h'ectlf.
One of th rcTtItar:Ce of th- tn':
nilicvnt new Church of St- Taut xS
Apostle in .Nix lotkCStr is ttrvt cot
dollar of
jiquor-ellcr awrn-r ha con
into 1;
ma.v?jve walls
Ileoker anccuuccd
r tit out
start that ho Uida l w.iat acr coatrftu
' '.C n- f.i ..f-kM ..r ...... :.. I- .. .
- -- - w - mmmm -v tm-m - w
Tb N. T. Hsrr-Jruj Jsrtur .it tbt
In. F. 0. K!loc2. .J K. -ah St.. rM tr-
; tUlly twirlyj-d. ai ..j for x.a day. In
cnrrstM. i'IJTteAat'rcfrac?iaaJ
dicharstI natll rc b4 f aJI i help
or currj htr. Sh r :uU a Vr kr
I. in. -.. SlrJ. . . KiU
J u.mj; il rt o.' .alr 4tuuu. k?.
j aart j4.orv. a-r cx itv ap a
; baj-jln. Sii? wa. tmltKJ u -j- t.
' Jzcok OI! at Ui riuor. Hbc l&ii ta
! iaiJ'w'ro:a ?; :i-1 -
, was uia.1. aad by ll cUaeti er, ht
j hx aJT rvcvTpr.l-
n i -o wonaiT aa
lJrei't TrutUr' M -j t.-i-
How Wotnrn IMSVr ln.
At !o.i lbr- m-a th atrmr jerr
arc tjjl to 1 4in- tlh ih ti jot ta
boA .Ml thvy'vir eot riIxmIi f tbtr ou ;
taut tb.rr i io dir'ii-et aanw; tb
UMimu ft, to lht nrnu ul lr. l"rZt'
" Fr-rl' J'rfMnp:,-n." TUry rj aU
uttaaiuio-.. ia j-oaounciBi; it i b"t
xnii! at thw iofit lirf a J t- cbr.:.le
dis"ri, Tisat:M'.m ami MiiJlut -ruiiAr
to tbntr x. It ir&uloria. tb J- .
haggard, hinu-l .viia. n ia- tf
I4trk!iii; ttonhb. nml lb- tia,m; Ui.a
naia rM uvt" Ja lb ba;jy
It wb 'Ttt lri.ii.nrtn -ito rtirr-sl
tb-t b'T'li 'r Ki Mtv!,!. to
T"Uc Mrn, -4 TUi.
TiuVoltop ltUT (.'i.,f Mnrblt. M-h ,
oTTt.ut tbi lt4-ats! Kt.."T)vO' oU
taic Bci.r kiiU ctbieT ill vihi Arrt-tJkM r.
on tr:a.l lur .) Jiv. to mii . tiur.; or ..1
nrtt.-1.! ita aro,4 .twiiu !. of -itn-i-
lt uail all lrvv,W 1j lor ru.-u-
j tIi'ti'.mji-uriJ-i,iuri.i.i. nml rni.v otb- j
! , i.,,..,L.r. .nMi..,!!!. '
. - t fcJ"" J m - tvi -?- " 4wk-k
Igor, ail iittiiho-l cwJ''"t,l- rtfc lu.
rr-i, a M 0i triJ i alio- sit. v ritv
fiu at ouow tor liiaktraUn! iiir.'iblrt, frc
I j0j. vlh a paticul man. Ur b- vr.i
llt-il U tlAtli haaovrtnur:uurt?d. J'tll-
' burj. Lh'mvcrHt.
. . . . Tj,.. UIN. ...J,, ,..- mn-lln
ton ilivvk, nt'itro m o'u moi.Uu Hii.t.lutt
, uu '.li't.) ta:up. W r-i' lnj- aai-v
j Mistical As.-M.-katiiti, l.utfnlo, N. V.
" - -- i - . .--- .
. :. i io
CViruK xShljipm.- ft.-r ?-
lltfM -!! r
llutolmrs' -i.x.r-
H'XJtv ('until tO cUlt.H hl'UVjT
Ui.'ht .
WHI'AT-N.i :r.-l . ...
No. .1
r M
.1 -.'.
i .'.'.
i 'i
t si,
1 v.
- hi
h" 4
.. r.
4 -1
l iv,
1 Jft
;i si
i o
4 4.1
3 Ti
.... . '"-J'OHI
at K
S' -.
1 r :
; MH (
j I'-'p "s".,"
ki-o'i u-1111-1. im.V
I "av -Ijirire l.-d.-l
; :o
H;os -riiuic,
......!' I
VV(M-Mir.iir-. unwH-lii.-l
l'Or.VTOl'S .t-iiitiHM-k. . .
s-r. i.m;w.
C.vVn.r.-Slil-.iiiii,- ti-ers ..
... ,.
llUtehers" t'1r!. .
t x.
(. ki.
:i t i
il n
01 tt
.31 U
SHKI-.p-fiilr to I'lutlcs.
mine (iHiii-ir
VV Hr..T-N(i. rtsl
CdLN -No. 2
o.VIs5;'o. Z
i ----
' m rri.u-i n-utiuTi-
J toriXiN-Maiilluw. ..
rATn.K,;fM-, t.'.t-noi,!0'
I ikk: 1-ucV.iiiv mi.l -liii.tmi
1- V.
tf. K
1 :n H
1 .' tt.
I ol H
7-- tv
i "I
I to
4 ;
4 M
IL 7T.
t ".I.iI.,.-.'-r":r.t" 'r'
Kl.(r It Winter wheat
Vlli:.VIs-Ni.. :n-!
N.i. r.
Xo. - -erln ..
( IATS No. -
j l''--'"'" -
I e II" I t lltlv.
(A U
. . ....
1 H(if;--'i;,l t.iciioleo ' .'.
r. 44 fc ro
a 1-1 , 4 s.)
:i u ki. . us
tu it vi
M fi 2:i
a .(. :r.-
1.1 UI (,. J.I 7.
' '
t-tl KIM' Pour to iinme
I to i;l
((d'N-.Nii t
( '1"S- Wi..t.-rii tiili-l
1'OKK s-tmuliinl no
We Have Used it,
Vt Tin rt:lI.?l-rfn --aI ri.-w!
r-ii '. a. r:. a f-'n .. ..r!.'i ! - w- !".
ti. j : n Iv r rjw, t - E ( j uur vurio . b.
i.-s.'rjurx rttoUiai..'iJ
Scfo and Reliable
fairly mmm.
1 fit .n'-:-tt.t..Trfr.i r-. r - I r ""'.
h i? r- ;j 'y t-t - i;r r -.
r-tvn.:-. k. .ii51m-''i . -t ..-t;.--- ,
t- .- 1 f rr-. aixcl i-....v-i d.riii'. U t.j
Jjs'.xU U-TUOl A
Valuable Discovery.
rrvt l:c.ii.' CiiUma-r.tliU -It t?r'-pt'
tc t;:;lotn: xai not -rrrcr3U ircirsl fel.
nrr otf'ctiiiialtttir.
S.1L XzLlim,
Gart79T cf H.r7xaA.
cr;.TTT g. gosrrn,
Mayor e? l.PfTi
1US2I105 AS2Z07,
Tir 1 "! 1 H.
1 1 .
iakis s. Krnura.
Ci7 CwCrIIr.
X. X. CLULi&; tv-r j
liTT 1. 0LTX2!T,
CiUf Jsi Ajjttl Tx C3rt.
--.. cacr r ti rt
4 iftoiu. ire ruawi, mcrr4 m tur
- Cr. rttcJj MfcVjtcUtwf tVrlTr-4
ir4l r-Mcrr t vticr evex nUtkm ll.n-r
jo 3 Sax It wv. , wVrUUr-f f
Mlrtffi, lftttrvstl !. IiU
K.T.htitAt(. fctiraart !
u ew?x i.-l-ii it r?ii Tv7
An nchar . :.'ta-t-ata of tb
!P?v rri.-r rsli ra boMa
. r JMSa... :tb i tarJr
rv tlansc ? t4-AV or?twi
m tmfnr K!. Uurr oowtdUxs ottiium-
. rrlktc la kt-U w"!
l"iwr -i - v--v. ---.
J riv. -ik Wtfcl l-
twery" tr ii! tt. Oi Ut-stittt-
A CAnrn crt- a. tnc l lit
Kiu VSi?SJUL 4l
Hw; K.s(Oii t. TBtntj II r-
' lrv ,!.. AatiuMa. rAr, (
MtiCtr ajl Tkr' ltiwia. J Xtry art
. .
I li Th'i ttr ;Mr" ervtuj artu!n.
i 01 4 'wijA!' ---'J tr.iid l-aattV- .
If ;tc;t "H '.m -r, wv Xr. Iic
ThHit-Mt hjp u iter. i4 u. Zc
I rv frv (..ic, w.W.c .. l"
l.r f.r ..(k.. I.IJ. .J -tw Tkn.! .-4
I Vt- 11..
I ... . - . . . .. . -
TnilMltllM lllltlU ' .. Jr. . . 4 1 V
M s Cufti Khuini'.tim ".ttriu.
BrtFJfl, Ilrlwfc.. l-...i.,.
r j v .1 -.. .
TKI' I M till I- . ln.1111111 tU!u .j I..-M JV i.
('au-es 110 I'.iill.
(ffmhsss i
Uctlevei. at ( lno.
Thoroii:li 'treat
ment v ill ore.
.t a I.iiiUt nor
Snutr. pIi iito3, .
'Irrfil. " t
irl. 1 I. ,
It .. Trl
:o:i"i!. l.-
to I-
Sit .
Mr. A. l I'niij.liiii, a (.hidlur 1a Iv. ef
riillnilrlj.Utn. Im- thm n r-l ll t .
mate knot:! to J.'ulii-- thcrt thtX',,tt Tabu
of Mr. I'lnkhaiu't V.--;tblt CtM-ii-l.
ns a citrtt for tJn-ir trtuM ntal ti n.
Sh writes an follow : " A vchiujj lady ..f
tit In city -thll iMttiiinc tr ytrtaco wa
thrt'vrn vliijmt'lr t$ninl (iw hf lin awl
tli Injuria rtwlvrl r.ttltiJ Im an i.vnrlnn
tumor w Ui h jriert nml ml(it;tl nutll tfatfh
ftrmil erinin. Hrr jh yi$M UmhII) d
vtswl brr to try Mrm I'laahninSPoro-mwi I.
Kh tlitl fttvt in n kor. ttni th" tttf.v r
wet iluvilv'fxl r rioiiii U tlutj(k off, t 1
rU .te in ftrrrri MniltX. I alo Smew (
many i-e.m vbt-r lh rinllelt h t- n
of crt vaJw in jxevtijt mlcrr.c
and nll-r(:tti' tin- jMiint nml tticr f
cIitMLirth. I'tiilad'.hi.t IkoI- p0-- t i!
tin. H.rth of ti.ia imut;n and it ,r t
r?- rr.S. r3?i;fr'A.l-!' 't.t1' - -
Merve and Brain Tonic
s j.i -. 1'i.itll) ll-lll' rf. Pri.nn.
I. If'. . -. . .v n.ilwl rn.alll...
v -.. . ot .1 iiirri'.itiiiH rr'ONi
l.S kiikii'M ' .- k i
V ... . - ,- . m 4 min'wltmi f
i 1 1 1 . n 1. r.. r ' -j .
!! I. 1OM(.0(.l , ' r -
'rf.f jrM I w ,
ltoi I- r, r c
JBU'jul. tlivLii'iA MJMIfi
tuto-Tjf ir tj-iw t-c-, . "u.
Did you Sup-
pose Mustaa j Unlrscat cslr jood
for horses? Ii is for iai&cza-
ticn of all 2c&. '
$fh 3 s p m Mai E5 r?
-c-- t. n a "v7-
W & Sis - i
.m - w - r r " s. . .
i ' .SAwfViMVV
r Vi. ' ia ir?u"Ti.
ffc. i?is&&i3&$
"b vrv int. uiicAi
?4 rr na
rS:D!Icn-i5H's - ' S2K r- u- aware
U. t !rfU-'rtouy. " ' J.M lAsr. . '. . UU' V i xi--V r- !- iiti
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iniUIIWj-MAiiuMKjuu UUUUA r LyKKAmi.. a j
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awioMiiAMpiaiui. miwm NMHr mas WJHt NHf3&.
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chicken CHORA,jj?-Mrr5a&
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fmllMBat. iMBVHHHBHBHMBMBWraK ktSttr I Wttr Li.JcMi m kJIM,
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. - - r - i; M. lTrnBtT"' rTlaO .
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.. JK
A Clear Skin
is onh a par: of beauty:
but k wt a pari. IivcrN tal
j may have i: ; a: least, wht
lookr. like it. Magnolia
Balm both freshen; and
Wzz ths PficpJt Say.
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