The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 20, 1885, Image 4

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If R, "
As. A J CsdneT. SeMth Dny Ad
Vtttkt, Mi T J NfcvrotnT), Cbrlatiaa Mlnl
Wr, vft tk Sabbath QsnitloB.
Bev. 3: 14 nnd I -A, wrrc j?ivn
how thnt Chrit was the Wiunir.;;
the creation f ". We undTKtaruI
that the Heriplurw n the rend. We
would now jwk our brother how the
law can 1 done nvay and established
Hi the "ittire time? 11i esc arc -on . of
the things that hi fails to make plain.
He enrm the idea th-tt although the
law was not made void through f.ih
it mijjht have hr-en made void yt-uic
other way. But Paul carries a ddf'-r-rnt
idea;"inHtad of the law UrinuiAde
void he any it is cstr.hlishH. Which
ihttll we believe, Paul or our lfroll.f-r?
Our brother lias advanced the idea that
the ten commandment wcxn '.he first
covenant. We will mat :hw
vere the covenant 'omm-jidcd, hot!
lht first covenant that I'a'.l hn Tefcr-fin-e
to in iiiii lfter to the Ke'.r r.
wrnn nmdo with the children of I'
in Horch thr- days before tV v. was
nolaji from Ml. Sinai. Ex. lv 1. 11
'ihe condition of the covenant are. that
they obey his coennt, iz- To be in
covenant relaf.-m with (Jod. vt:i to
keep his reut-naudni'jirtf, uo in the
NewTc-ian.Miit 'Uy thw o .know that
.t aro the children ni', when wo
love God nd keep hU voiiimandments
For thin the lve of God, that wo
keep hit com mar ('; i-nd ids ai
iiiandnieutH are nut jrrievot.j." 1 J no. 5
2, ?,. And hereby w d know that -.v.
1-noT: hiniifwe "keen hi rnmmnod-
rr?.TJts. lie tl-nr saxtli l Know mm, ami
. . ..... ...
'"keeneth not his commandments i- a
.'Udi- nml tlir Irtltfl yi lint lit 111111. I .lll'l
' t . ...
3:3.4. In Gal. ?,, 19. the law here
epokenofis the ceremonial law. It
wan the schoolmaster to bring to
Chrirt, vcr. '1. And certainly then is
nothing in the ten commandment.
that fore5hn dowpd Chri.t. Man had
transgressed the law of God which
made it nccrty-arv for u to have a
Christ. And in order for people to
know the Christ i.-. it was necessary
that they have a schoolmaster which
is verv clearly seen in the ceremonial
law. As in it everythinu pointed to
Christ or hia ministry. We would ask
our brother why do away with ox
change the law of God. Inspiration
hns seen fit to pronounce it perfect,
Psalms, 10: 7. What' improve on a
pcrfe:t law? 0 . what folly to take eo
maiiv positions simnly to get rid of the
keeping of God's holy Sabbath. Rom.
7 again: It is evident from thi scrip
ture that the law what bind teeni
er husband and wife, and if the hus
band die. that wine law will have Its
equal binding force if she marry an
other man. It is the husband that
dies, not the law. Now if wefdie to in
that same law binds u? to Christ. Be
fore we were under condemnation of
the law, because our deeds were evil;
but when wo are dead to sin we ac
knowledge that the law is good, and
holv, having it written in our niind..
Rial in our hearts. It is then wc walk
after the spirit and not after the fhdi.
Horn 8. Paul writing to the Romans
holds up two of classes of individual .
and represents them by the tame and
wild ohvo trees. The new covenant
was made with the Jews. They were
represented by the tame olive free, and
if thev did not accept Christ they were
broken ofT. Now the Gentiles, repre
sented by the wild (dive tree, were
grafted in and thus came into covenant
relation with God. As the Sabbath is
apart of the ten commandments we
neeessarilv concluded that it, with the
other nine immutable precepts U writ
ten in the heart. Hence binding on
Christians at the present time.
Eld. Neweomh arose and introduced
history, but wns ruled to the quest ion,
i. e. the scrintnres teach, etc. He then
iiitrodueed Ueut. 5th "This covenant
lie made with us." Now you all know
that this is the ten commandments.
They were written in a book which
was kept by the side of the rk. It was
iUso called'the law of Moses- it was na
tional periodical, ami local. The law
in the ark could not he enforced, with
out the law by the side of the ark. The
Word had parts, he claimed it had
hands, yetit did not oxil as Christ un
til he was baptised. He (Christ,) did
not exist as Christ at the creatim of
the world. The law was just and good,
but was only made for the Jew; it is a
voke of bondage. Ftand fast in the
liberty wherewith Christ has made us
free, and he not entangled again with
tho yoke of bondage. Gal ,r: 1. We aro
freo'from the law in Christ, but if ye
bo circumcised you are debtor to do
the whole law. The old law is taken
nwav and tho law of love is given J sen
Heb 8:7 for it" the first covenant had
been faultless then no place would
have been sought for the second. I
will bo merciful to their unrighteous
ness and their sins and their iniqui--ties
will 1 remember no more. In that
"he said a new covenant ho hath made
first old. Now that which decaveth
ami wcarcth old is ready to vanish
awuy. Heb S: 12. 13. Where is your
old law now? It hns vanished away.
Tell that desire to le under the
law, do ve not hear the law ? Gal 4: 4.
II you hear the law you are oy tiagar.
tho bond woman. But we are free in
Christ and children of the promise,
Kom- 7 again. Anybody can see that
the law and husband are the same, so
when the husband dies the law dies
too. The record say for the woman
which hath an husband is bound by
the law to her husband, so lonj: ad he
liveth; but if the husband be dead slse
is loosed from the law of her husband.
Vcr. 3. 'Wherefore my brethren ye
also arc become dead to the law by the
body of Christ, that ye should be mar
ried te another, even to him who is
raised from the dead, that we should
bring forth fruit unto Gcxl, verse 4.
But now wc are delivered from the
law, that being dead wherein we were
held; that we should serve in tho new
ness of spirit and not in the oldnes of
the letter, v 6. Now it is plain that
the husband i tho law, and is dead, so
where is your Sabbath now?
This closed tho discussion of tho first
question, resolved that u;
tpach that the Sabbath of
commandment is
Chrieuaus at the present time.
Kesolved, That the Scriptures teach
Kt the first day of tho week, com-
,, , j
wia n,in-v denies;. uwna to me
limited Ppce e cannot give tha dis
cussion in full. . Uuvreyer we shall
Zfio state u tnei few of the posi
.aoos oo both ide. L!u. ewcomb
tiinn MLw w -" "- t'-" "
WfcS HJ vi- -
monlv CAllctl Sunday, u enjoined upon
mil Cnristiatv? fis a 8y of worship.
tm thin K!d Newcomb alarms and
v- aV lh MX
m THkkt time w ?9??r
- ?S l;j-;--pJTmitli?sfit-Jt; vPrJfjJe-...
Christ. ITo then etated that Christ
never met with his di-ciplci on the
Sabbath. Next he pentoxnc time in
frjint: to establish the authority of the
apathy. All the power of the KO-pel
has its center in the resurrection of
Chriit. Before this world, hi relation
to the Father was not a created one.
He gave h& power and anthoritv to
bin poetic. On the day f Pcntecct
20O) "ouls were saved. ' 1bi was the
hr-t dav of the week. Thi- beinj; his
platform Tor Holiday oteervance he
spent his time in his fir-t three peech
v. lo carry tl alove j"iuL-: and to es
tablish the idea that a new law went
out from Jerusalem from lite apostles.
Iief rene ws then matle o Acts 20. 7
Oimm"i'Ui on :t to show that the da
bear '.tmhinivrht. 1st Cor. lj- 1. ''1
,viis quotrd to show that every first day
wa required to he ol eived a.- a day
wjiahip. In hi- last two peeche he
ji;oted a few more lxi? of erriptnre.
ilrst Kev. I; 10. Whn: day have we a
r ftter riirht to call the Lord's dav. Ps.
118- 11. Ii4
Hire he averted that this
..:i- the horns iy, the reuritrftion
day. Heb. 4' S. 9 was then cointnent
cdon; he claiming that thU re-it spok
en of, wa- that other day prophcsietl of
in Psa. IIS: 24. During thy whole dis
ctipfion he held his .-tronsr position
the d'n-trine and authority of the apo-tie.-.
Wo vs ill norv notiic a few of the
points as noted by the negative. Firs!
atf.nn.itivo gave no scripture texts to
-how diihVent ways of counting time
if. introduces that because Christ
rit r --aid to keep Sunday. Ho con
vis tiioxdei that Christ did not have
autiiority before he died. In Luke f:l
wo find him giving power to the apos
tles over all dovil.s, and to cure di.-eases
I'.. ,i ... ' r . i-i .t ?.
, uoum no give i:.i u no om not nave ii
first. Again we inHt tliat ho read that '
lav v.iiich went forth from J ru-deni, i
and saved 3000 souls. He Hays Pente
cost was on Sunday. It may be, Vet it
waa ni't a weekly day, but a yearly
feast and liable to come on any day of
the week. They came there because it
was the day of Pentecost whether Sab
bath or Sunday. We would like for
bun one text where the Savior
i re-tcd on toe first day ol the week, lie
r never, mo far a.- the record shows, took
j the name on his lips. The first day of
j the week is only mentioned eight times
in all the new tcttameni, six ol tnese
refer to the resurreetion. In these in
guinop? it will be seen that it is only
culled the fir.-.t day of the week, while
the day before is called thu Sabbath,
one or the cifdit tests is found in Acts
20: 7, 12, and here no sacred title. 1-
e,ivea it. If according to our brother
the day begm at midnight, then the
breaking of brca I oceured on Monday,
but if the day b,-jan at sundown then
I'auiV company .sta-'teU out on an ar
duous journey on that day, ami ho
walked a m'stauce of 10 miles, thus
showing that he lid not icgard it very
highly as a Habbath. The last of the
eipht texts is found in 1 Cor Id: 1, 3,
and here l'anl is speaking of it as a
lay for secular labor. No intimation
of a Subbath. Our brother has failed
entirel) to bring a simple text that says
tho day is tho Sabbath. Christ
pover said so. Ho never placed a di
vine ble..iug upon it. The apo-tle
never called it a sacred dav. Thev
never enjoined it noon Christians as a
clay ol wr.rsuip. .ow as no iivip
saiit'tion is given to tho first day of the
week as a Habbath, we conclude that it
w.i not tho Sabbath, and as the Sal
bath ol the fourth commandment is
r'poken of .r9 times in tho Now Testa
ment, and always ; an already exist
inc institution, we are forced to believe
that tli seventh and not the first day
! tho Sabbath.
Articles Of Incorporation of tho Ne
braska nnd Kaunas Farni Loan
To .ill wliPtn St iiiavcoia itii.
iri:.'tttF. rMi-:!ticN"i-:i.. i:. n itlton.
Cha.v HiiM-liow. Win. OutiiMuiU. Win.
c'allier. H.M-Krt)v. K J .loia-. lvi .Mnort.
K V Stilrev, K I.TiatiiT. A 1-.iu.ii .'ah. iifu It
llol!:iiicl..t VThHovs. Cu'o.I Warn-n, SII:ls ;:ir
J.rr. i:i" IIWilnmllA J Wfidi ('lias Wiener. .1
1) l!ulibIe..M. MUi.r. .J.i:i. MeXcnv. Oliver C
(:w.t.J ! ICiylia. A Moraurt. .1 W Warren. A A
IVipe. P.M Plait. i: itSiitllli.TliAH.l .Mo-Iicranil
1 C itf:r.lf,cltizta. IUi. fiutnl .Slal'; of
Aineriea. Ivlnc cl.roa? of forniir.K a onM,r!
:ion uiiik-r tin. pnisi'inso! the laws of tlir slate
f Neini.-ka aiithnrizin,: the same, have .."-.ik i
atoil oi:r.e..ei- tortlier. anl J.i !ieivly a-olati
ojrelis! i;:fl.T teolt r '! jTvV"ji ai the
laws afon vticl. In tin jnaantr follmvai-
::. Th.'.rjMra(r ii.inie ol s.-M company
The Nrl'ra-l::. ami Kaa-an I'ann LoanOonipany
an I. Tie j.rieclpal jil.iec of transact Inc tla
lmite4 !( -alil euiii;ii;y hall lv :t Uei I lotnl
in the eotialy of Wvlt.ur. Nehnha. asot its
iirlncipal oilleei anil place ot luishies.- Ahull be
loealcd tbereat.
3t. Ihe I nnine-i of ai.l rompany shall lw the
hi'vlac ami sellinc of euiaitr. precinri ami fchiwil
loatls. ami imintcial Mrini'les of a!' kind-, the
ellrrUiu: of !.ont upon real etat ami uaaran
teeluj; iiime, anil tli lnivltn;. oelllnt: aal ilcallnj;
severally in all kirnt of public ami private se
curities.' lib. The capita! stock of sahl corrxiratlon
shall be Mt.'y'i'ioaind lMlars. to be paid in
ilireett'l by thu biwnl of directors of aid cor
Ioratioa. KU. Tb.e aiil eorjorition slinll roinincncc on
the :il day ot April. lv-. atul shall continue in
tianuf for tlo term ol ten year-.
tli. The hliihot anrmr.t ot indlx'tcdncs or
liability lowlucli .-aid corporation is at any tlim
to nb'ert itM'K l a -ur.i not cTstrctims t'.vo-thircJ-
of the capital tock actually i:iid m at the
tanc 'f iieii liability or lialeb!'dtie.
:tli. The arfair of ail corporation shall b?
eondiicted by aboard bf nine '!i-x'tos. live of
whom UiUl eon;itote a quonaa lor the trai ac
tion of buslne.--. which ;!d Itoard of directors
shall In-fleeted at each annual meeting of the
tocklio.dtrs. by the aitl .-tockholdor. In tite
manner prmtdcil bv the con-litut!on and laws of
of the -late of Nebraska, and shall hold their of
fices for one year or until their iicce.-ors are
ehvteil ami inaltfU-d.
ftb. 1 he UiUcers ot said corioni:ion shall con
11 of n pre-tilent. vict-pr"?ident. secretary" and
treaurer.who duties shall be pnenleil Ly
uie btvinl of directors, ami who siiaa be elected
and choMii by -atd txj.trd at a m:ular met-tin:
increof. and -hall hold their rtjvctlvc olttce
one ywir or tint 11 their succeors are elected and
vth. The pi slilent. vice-president and treas
urer of -aid company shall In cho-en by the
bonl of directors from atnonc their own nuui-ter.-.
bia the ccret ir may bf seltvtetl and rhs
eu trom anivui il;e -tocch(lders of !al.t eor;or
Ur.u. Chxs. ltuschovr,
K W .lonrs.
Jtolvrt V Shirsy.
.1 II Rrrabcrj:.
Levi .Moire,
MUs (Jsirber.
Geo It Holland,
li I. Tinker.
.1 A Tuliey-.
Geo J Warrea,
A J Welch.
Cha Wiener.
W tlliani l slhcr,
Pil nan.
JoW Warren.
fbtcr coantr. s:
in lt-C.
Ci E .McKcebr.
J I) Hubble.
E K Highland.
J L Miller.
E L Smith.
t: It Fulton.
Tho J Mo-bcr.
A Mo-hart.
1) 0 Metcalf.
A I-auterbach.
A A iraiv.
Tao Stale of NcbraOca.
c"n this lali day of Fcbrnarr. 1n5. Itfore tse.
Uc O Vcler. ntary public, dalv coninlionc'i
and qnallcd for. aui rotdlnc in wid county,
lvrvtnally spi-t-atvi CIia.4 Bavrbtnr. I) il'llAJt,
A A Pup. Jo W Warrra. it I) Jones. Kotert V
Miircy. Jarno. McNet.y. CJeo 11 Holland. K I.
Tlaker. J ATnUevv ;m.1 Wanvo. A J Welch,
Cha. icnor. WlLuun Duiliwaiic. Wuj Caiher.
J P Kaiha. Uvi Mcxne. aJ-5 (.arbor. O c lasc.
. i . . - -. ... .. -- -. - . - .
ie ?cnp;urc5 ; i. t.McKecoy.j iiK&ii. kf Htstuani. j i. nr n.-.i,p smouitt offered will bo
the fourth I M'er K li 5,mi:h 1: B Fniuw. Tbos j i!o4er. J ' ancf o: in a" 'VU;. " f, . " " ;
ui.huuk on all , bach, to nic well kcown to l the idritlc I !-r-'-,.,? 'mo frnn rif :hruritv for de-
MiAno.iTieHiinJeceutetl la; tort XiZ la- , , ..., Tt KM wr.nttt.1 Ka
Mnunetit. xad tiu-r .wcraiiy 3ckr.o:M:d the j ierred payment, lne ruti ?nouiu oe
execution or :L -sune to te ihclr volnniary j.ct cnelo-etl in sealetl envelopes And de
"waSetiayb.mtd nound m at IW Hjereil to W M5nAnlon j nnjn
Lsi Clo,;d. m aaid ccunty or Wefcer, tbis -.,tb 5 of the committee, tach bu! should be
day of Ftbniiry. !- .. . . &ccomnanivHl bv a certificate of depos-
Notice o Application for Licecso
.. i
Nunc. ;s iit;ii Give: that il"
Feirbt b fiKd itb ih clerk of tte board
or trustee
tna slcacd
to v-ll sclrftiiotu.
vijase of ttt coed. The tnssne-j axt sed
i.r Hr ll ntr? nr rtl.'!.-!! s-i'r
ituiac ija liceix All mTe aad cijsH
Dtt&: b ClM aritii i v-Dajre clerk a ar kHeir
ortbe-.titaiwof Ked CJocd. bL r-1 1 Ail to ccnmiv wim tne terras wnenrcu
by vtr liitrrr trecboMer.. nrarlnc . t.. -ntV " TIM ?! K. Aruni t
rJ oltrustet.i grant him aikvE. i j--h-- 'y" -" , X. WV"" . ,
tImm and noli iicm m uf I lachantson s oaice, nea viocu. ai two
V. rv vis r"rr I. .rt W-
ittnt.LHMMi.Oraa. tlt..lfarCakti,
frcnmi.P4MlBK. ., 4rljruly nad nl
aratljaalbefrttlt Trots jhl.b UcyaraMatlt.
Sriof H.ik nv
Powder Co.,
St. Louis, Mo.
- -- ---3
Cl'.lCWC3i III.
Cr. Prist's Crtam Baking Powder
Dr. Price's Lupniin Trust Gems,
Xfeal Dry ! Tat.
zrcat I3AZ.2S s-ir o3toccDL
W2 MAX& BUT o:.X Ut'lUTT.
TXr best dry hop yaaat in thajcorid.
rit d by this yeast Is H;ht, whl'.d tad wholt-
like ur anrulmolher's ddiclom bwit
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Ifc&Tiscf W. niccl srecul r..v:n:i Enra:Q,
Chlcaso, liu 8t. Louia, Mo
or TiiEcovMrioN or tub
Red Cloud National Bank
AT P. Ill) CI.Ol'l),
In tbe State of Nebraska, at t.'o clte of Dusi
lucss. .Maich. to, is;.
fjcinn arid diH"ncsuti ?
I'. S. tond. to secure tlrcnlatlor
fltliiT "tocks. bfiirl,aiid niortictss
line from aprroved rvierre :ijrnl
Mnr from Oliver Mtii-iiiil taii.!
Urn frn Mat'-banlr-r'til J-aaXer.
iteal .tale, fnrni'.iav.'.ml ftAture
("nrrent expense: and tais j;tld .
I'reiii'.'im- l a''!
( heck., aiei c.tiicr a-'.i lb'iis
Spi'rie .
I.j:al tender :iolt
ltedeinptiou fund with t. S. treiisurvr
(.'iper cent, of circulation)
of.t l
27 Kl
Sfr.-i; V
'&JHKI 11
-I.'. K
1, .!.'. C.
'.'I !.
V.1M u)
vz (C
Totrd ,,s:k
Capital .to.k ild In
5 ;.y fO
lt'Ut oo
riM'.;cl'l prcKi
N'.i'ionai iin'iiioio' oiit-t.-imlln... .
InUvidn:tl dejK'sit.- .iilt-ct I c!nclj 5.0.1I77.V, y
l)'i.':iHil,Ttitl'-atcd-poslt ",OR 13 j
Hue In other National I!;inks
l'uiJto'.tatehanU.'-aiid h.-nfcer
Note.- unci hill re-discounted
m:, it
Total S1.19.M3 32
Statof N-hm-ka. Countvof Vl4t.T.:
I. V. SlilP'V Caohl.Tiif tin-alien nnincMl
hank, dosol-ninlv s.vrar that lh al"it state
inriil istnie to the h.-st of n-y l:nm Ictlrc ainl
belief. Hour. V. Shih-y. Caihicr.
Siil'crllicd and sworn to before no thH Hth
day f M::rch, UK. Fii.v.vk U Hi Mr.
No:jtv I'Hbllc.
Correct -Attest It. I..Ionfs.
Siih ;.,i:K!t. . Directors.
I.SVI M)om:.J
Not'.co of Application for License
voncr. is inur-'iiv
1 llntliriK!; has ft! t
v. .h tin viUajrc elor
hU petition sirncd lr u-tr th'.rcy fr-ehonler
pnixini: the board of tniM of Hie ill:ii ..f
1'cd Clond tocr!it him : i:n- to II .-.i.Irir-uon.1.
vinou. and malt '.'-tr-or In sufd ll!:u:e
The bond hit- ?.. 1 l'.!dav. April .1. !:.. :
o'clock p. m.. as tin tim lor hcarint: nil protect
orobJcfiloiiH ;ii:n)iil ivsulnj: nu-li ll.iim. All
protet.s aul objection. v.ul be ..ii with the
villas cleik on or before. hai d;t
km; a. J. K.ney. lilac Clerk.
1 .1STKICT COl'Kl'.
I J Nebraska.
Walter 11. I'.urr,
Koa E IJiiir. DcfencJan:,
The defendant. !: V litirr. will t.ike nrtire
that plalnMlT. Walter H. I'.nrr. ba mis day tiled
hi". itilion :.nd eoo.tnencvd iil acnon in the
above turned cittri. the olihft and pnoer
of which U that acilvorec n vineulo matrimonii
mav bcleentd b- t'.M'ti piau.t.rf and !eSend:nt.
IVfendant imiM H'i.:r or jK-id to plaintl.T
Htltion tn orl""iT April ;iith. A I. lN.ortli
allecatlon- mioI jeti:ion ui'.l betaken a true,
and a clecnv rnd"r ! accoriti2.v. Defendant
will a'so take n lice that ilamtiff will uke the
deiMtsition of Hi-iir" Ham on. Fredrick Holey.
( lia. Kes.t'A. 1-rai.k ilurr, ( If man Btirr. :?..o
Mcphcn lUtrr, t te read ia evidence Sa said
cav. Slid depltioii will taSMi at the office
of Andrew W. Unrr. .ltiec of tt Peart, at
Kill tissworth. .Mn;:lec conaty, (Vinnctlcut.
coininencltie at on o'clock . M. April 21. 1 ."
and adjourning from day ui day until said evi
dence is comp'eted.
.March li iri-v
XZAw J no. li. V.'iirox. rialntfir Attonicy.
Valuable real estate adjoining Rod
Cloud, the old fmr sround;. Sealed
bid will be receiver! by the committee
appointed :it the iat meetinj; f the
Welfcter County Society
for jthe purchase of ifct ohl fair
i; rounds, to-wit: For the south-et
forty acres of of the .w 'qr of section
thirty-5 township two, rane eleven
wesL This l.-.nd iu iniiuediately cast of
Kctl Cloud; the title of the society is by
contract of purchase from the ftate. on
J which there is due $151. having nine
teen vears to run at c per cent, inter
est. This contract will be assigned, or
full title given, as tho purchaser may
desire. The bid? should specifv- the
total amount offered, for contract or
deetl. the amount of cash to be pid, the time or limes in which the bal-
- ,B- fw -.n- m,i.:nf.a hid h!l
in cae the person makiDjr a urn .nan
! o'clock p. m , on Thursdv. the 2nd day
I i , itjw --s. -...... wtw. ..
the n:ht to reject any ami all b;d.
f the committee.
mmc - . . 9 I
W-. 5
. $100, which shall be endorsed by the
SOClflv mm uc miviti-v i.v mic ew.v
T !& VH1I.1 .
y. EiCEAZDSoy, Chnfc
Bridges Sweat Everywhere by Ice and
and Floods, but
One Door North of the Argvs office, ordered
his goods shipped in time and has just
receivedtwo more car loads of
This completes his stock, the
Largest and Best
Assorted line of Implements ever brought
to Red Cloud, Farmers come and see
for yourselves.
BrownPianters, Stalk Cutter, Check Rowers,
Steel Beam cultivators.
Of all-kinds. HaTv orth
Rowers, Plows, Harrows, cultivators.
Listers, and in fact everything from a
Sewing Machine Needle to Steam
Sewing Machines, Organs and Buggies a
Specialty. Schuttler, Racine and Cald
well Wagons. Seeds, Oats, Millett,
Japanese, and all kinds of seeds.
Buy of him and, be happy.
This opaco bolona to C. Wlonor, and it
will pay you to watch It for the
next few dayB.
;lACHiNEfiY !
and Standard check
'Honest Tea is
Dry Goods and Notions
Groceries. Gueensware &c.
Froo dollvery to
A New Millinery Store!
Having rocontly purchased tho Millinery EntnbUnhrnni of Mrw. row-
lor, la now rucwly to oxhiblt tho
Latest Styles in Millinery, Hats,
Bonnets, &c.
Sho alo kcopti n variety of
Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Corsets, Neckwear,
And every thing in the millinery line.
Will atso furnish tho Ituitoa with Fancy Work Matorlala for Artiaencia
Chonllloa. Dmmor rodH vVc. Call and no hor
ytore Building and Lot corner Webster and
and Fourth Avenue.
Storo Bulldltifr and Lot on Fourth Avenue.
Houho and throe lottu
Houho and hIx loti on Fourtli Avnuuo.
Hnuno and two lot on Wobntor ntroou
Houho and two lotii on Codar utreot.
Thruo HouMoii and four lotn on Soward Street.
Alao Farm of 230 aoron wood luiprovomentw.
Apply to
s- n ill J HJMjVflir:
' .kbohi?-v'1. r79ai
rf-T ,5S!Z"ME VrV k) .2F
aimgmmma .k& m ?;
. rt-mzi m juiMi & i m - i rr i hi - . - w
?' 3 V
- W k KT tWlj ". ,V ."HMMvt -w w . M I mil r -
2i5U . BUKttaaL
-- ''?M(&wMnPPP
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cake
I ropcifUHy bo
to my
I tako pIoaur
:inltjr to thm lar
per, Window Shades, Sec.,
That fa:
in opBinc- xc
Reasonable Prices !
lok Ammylfm
id Bookseller, Bed Cloud
Red cloud Music House.
'ackard Sc Western Cottage Organs
tway, Weber
k&vo cpcce
Tz9 IsKSi
tmPO9J0OtWmTmt4ioimimm tornU ! 1
jUa-w yai im kkti.tkti mm km m i lfem -
k i
the Best Policy"
nil parti of tho city.
'rl .Mrr. rrrtL
li v iarlr V ii r
h. t ALIri j. hlr.
7r "??v?V J,i" ' h',lr" Autut c!ttv
S Capital $50,000
Socclal Attention Ctvan to
1 Cellnotlona
X'S 'i-eVr f p Vwv
l.'i. K ZUlfj
It V .ISi.rrj,
't nnd cell Kiclmno
!; i "i'M-u.m iil ib a
h if -' UnnViiiK' Hu-ini
Jr f. rl rtil-juud in 1
puopiiiFTon. or
Home Bakery
And RBstaurant
ZQPW whnn In niwd
oftUioc U ttRtka or ih dUwmam ot JU4 Gto4
a4 eompU mtook of
9000m mn mi f at
- - x
Paris Pianos. V
m f- .-- - ...-. r-. t- jjtpr . w
J f s&
& -v.- -.
7 ...I iii .;.- - ,. .! i.n'l" ' "1"' ' ' '" "SaT1. lmmiiii ii unlit n ,.imS,pi